building better relationships: it's all about that base

Building Better Relationships: It’s all about that base

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Post on 06-Aug-2015



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Building Better Relationships: It’s all about that base

DATAentry is a foundational

building block to learning more about the people that support your organisation

Photo Credit: Steven Depolo

However having

BADDATAin your database

is costly.

Bad data can lead to: inaccurate datamisinformation

incorrect assumptionspoor first impressions damaged relationships

Photo credit: Tom Woodward

How do you STOPBad Data?

Photo Credit: Kenny Louie

Step 1 - Create Data Standards

photo credit: tec_estromberg

Creating data standards sets clear rules on how data needs to be formatted when entered into your database.Standard processes allows everyone in your organisation to be on the same page.

To find your data standards START asking questions! What is important for my organisation to report on? What should I know about our supporters?What are items I’ll want to segment by?

Remember, if you need to report on it – it has to go in the database.

Gender Age RelationshipsDemographics

SubscriptionsCampaigns or AppealsGift Amount Interests

Examples of data to include in your database:

 Photo credit: Got Credit

Step 2 – Educate your organisation on your data standards

Creating data standards and processes will only work within your organisation if you educate your staff on

why it’s important to import data correctly and in the right place within your database.

Rubbish In – Rubbish OutINPUT: FIRST NAME[Blank]





Dear JOHN,

Dear E John,

Dear Dr Smith,

How you input data into your database is how your database

provides information back.

Train your staff.Provide your staff with the tools and understanding of why data entry is important to your cause and how it will help you achieve your mission.

Make good data entry mandatory.

Create step bystep manuals and checklists to assist staffin their data entry.

Photo credit:

Step 3 - Schedule Database Check Ups

Having scheduled check ups for your database ensures data is being entered correctly. This allows you to give credit and positive feedback to your staff while identifying those who may need additional training.

A check up can be as easy as pulling a weekly query of all data added in that week to check for obvious errors.

Photo credit: r2hox

So how DOES

data affect relationships?

Photo credit: Sam Caplat

Your data provides you value,

knowledge,ability to act,connections & conversations

with your supporters and future donors.

“The most extraordinary professional relationships are built by ordinary actions like

these.”- Jeff Haden in 9 Habits of People Who Build Extraordinary Relationships

Photo Credit: Raúl Hernández González

Set up your data to help you build

better relationships &

accomplish your mission

Photo Credit: Jer Thorp

1. Data entry is a foundational building block to learning more about the people that support your organisation. 2. Make sure your data is accurate. Incorrect data is costly. 3. Identify your data standards and train your staff with the ability and understanding on why this is important. 4. Make good data entry mandatory. 5. Good data paves the way to building relationships with your supporters.

In summary – It’s all about that base…