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Budget 2016 Wednesday, 14 th October 2015 Fiona Murphy Taxation Director Russell Brennan Keane 1

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Budget 2016

Wednesday, 14th October 2015

Fiona MurphyTaxation DirectorRussell Brennan Keane


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Budget 2016 –Focus on GrowthFocus on Growth

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Economic & Tax Context

Current Landscape:Current Landscape:

Irish Economy  Unemployment currently y• Fastest growing  

economy 2015• 4.3% growth 2016

at 9.5% and falling (2012 – 15%)

Latest Exchequer returns • Substantially ahead of 


Risk• Small / open economy• Recovery is fragileg

• Broad and growing tax base

y g

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Ireland’s Personal Tax Regime – Pre Budgetg g

The Different Tax Doors into the Tax SystemThe Different Tax Doors into the Tax System (Single Person)

Enter Income Enter PRSI at 

Enter USC 

Enter Income Tax at €16,501


at €12,013

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Ireland’s Personal Tax Regime – Pre Budgetg g

Marginal Tax – The CalculationMarginal Tax  The CalculationIf you pay the marginal rate of tax, this is the breakdown;

Tax Breakdown – the different elements

PAYE Person< €70,000

PAYE Person> €70,000

Self‐ Employed Person

Income Tax 40% 40% 40%

USC + 7% + 8% + 11%

PRSI + 4% + 4% + 4%

Total Marginal Rate = 51% = 52% = 55%No Income Tax

Total Marginal Rate = 51% = 52% = 55%

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Business Wish List

Reduced USC rates

Income tax bands

Share option schemes

Travel & subsistence expenses

Self‐employed v employed


Knowledge Development Box

Inheritance tax / family home Entrepreneurs; 

> Reduced CGT

Inheritance tax / family home

> Rollover relief

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Personal Tax

What Happened?


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Income Tax Changesg

Marginal Tax Rate 40% No change

Standard Rate Tax Band €33 800 No changeBand €33,800 g

Thresholds up ratesUSC Thresholds up, rates down

No Income TaxTax Credits Home Carers, Earned 

Income Credit

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Ireland’s Personal Tax Regime – After Budgetg g

Marginal Tax – The CalculationMarginal Tax  The CalculationIf you pay the marginal rate of tax, this is the breakdown;

Tax Breakdown – the different elements

PAYE Person< €70,000

PAYE Person> €70,000

Self‐ Employed Person

Income Tax 40% 40% 40%

USC + 5.5% + 8% + 11%

PRSI + 4% + 4% + 4%

Total Marginal Rate = 49 5% = 52% = 55%No Income Tax

Total Marginal Rate = 49.5% = 52% = 55%

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< €13,000 exempt

Reduced rates introduced

Exemptions for over > 70 and medical card remain

Income in excess of €70 045 – no change Income in excess of €70,045  no change

No Income Tax

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USC Rates & Bands

Income Range Current Rate

Income Range (Incomes of €13,000 or less are exempt, otherwise)

New Rate

€0 ‐ €12,012 1.5% €0 ‐ €12,012 1%

€12,013 ‐ €17,576  3.5% €12,013 ‐ €18,668 3%

€17,577 ‐ €70,044 7% €18,669 ‐ €70,044 5.5%

No Income Tax

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USC Rates & Bands

Income Range Current Rate New RateIncome Range Current Rate New Rate‐ No Change

€70 045 ‐ €100 000 8% 8%€70,045 ‐ €100,000 8% 8%

PAYE income over €100,000 8% 8%

Self‐employed income over €100,000 11% 11%

No Income Tax

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USC – “The Cap Effect” 2016p

The Cap Effect

€902 €902 €902 €902 €902 €902€900









Tax Savi


No Income Tax

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Tax Credits

E d I C ditEarned Income Credit

> “PAYE Credit” for self employed 

> 2016 ‐ €550 per annum

Home Carers CreditHome Carers Credit

> Increased from €810 to €1,000

I i f €7 200 (2015 €5 080)> Income not in excess of €7,200 (2015‐ €5,080)

Home Renovation IncentiveNo 

Income Tax

> Extended to 31st December 2016

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Other Measures

Mi i WMinimum Wage

> Increased to €9.15 per hour

PRSI ‐ Employee

> Low income earnersLow income earners

> Tapering relief max. tax credit of €624 p.a.

PRSI ‐ Employer

> Income above €376 per week at 10.75%No 

Income Tax

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Business Tax

What Happened?


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Corporate Tax Ratesp

12.5% ‐ here to stay12.5%  here to stay

Start‐up exemption

K l d D l t B Knowledge Development Box

No Income Tax

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Start-Up Companies Reliefp p

Extended to new start‐ups in 2016, 2017 or 2018

Relief from Corporation Tax for the first 3 years

‘New Business’ – qualifying trades

Full relief profits < €320k Full relief profits < €320k

Marginal Relief 

Linked to Employers PRSI

No Income Tax

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Knowledge Development Boxg p

Announced in last year’s budget

Consultation Process followed

What we know;> 6.25% Corporation Tax Ratep

> Applies to income from ‘certain patents’ and copyrighted software

> Linked to R&D activity in Ireland

Further detail in Finance Bill

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Knowledge Development Boxg p

Enhance our existing regime

Capital Allowances

Who will benefit;> Multinational companies

> Irish headquartered companies and

12.5%Knowledge> SME’s R&D Tax 


Knowledge Development 


No Income Tax

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Employment & Investment Incentive Schemep y

Budget 2015 changes – now EU approved;

Effective from Midnight

Budget 2015 changes  now EU approved;

Effective from Midnight

Annual funding cap ‐ €5m

Lifetime maximum €15m

Qualifying activities of companies include;> Operation and management of nursing 

No Income Tax


> SME – all locations

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Self Employed

What Happened?


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Agri Taxation Review

Extension of stock relief Extension of stock relief

> Young trained farmers

> R i t d f t hi> Registered farm partnerships

> General

f Extension of Stamp Duty exemption to 2018

No Income Tax

> Young trained farmers

New succession transfer proposal

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Farm Succession Partnership Modelp

Encouraging farm transfers

Establish farming partnerships

Tax credit of €5k for 5 years

Split in accordance profit sharing Split in accordance profit sharing ratio

F th d t il i Fi Bill Further detail in Finance Bill

No Income Tax

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Propertyp y

No incentives introduced

No reduction in VAT rate

LPT l i d LPT revaluation date 

postponed to 2019

No Income Tax

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New Entrepreneur CGT Reliefp

Disposal of Business – Lifetime limit €1m

CGT at 20%

Effective from 1 January 2016y

Relief simplified


> Replace existing relief introduced last year?

No Income Tax

> First €1m @ 20% ‐ balance @ 33%?

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The Self Employed Story - Recapp y y p

Difference No. 1

USC S h f 3% €100 000USC Surcharge of 3% over €100,000

Difference No. 2Difference No. 2

The PAYE tax credit

Difference No. 3No 

Income Tax

PRSI differential

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Other Measures

What Happened?


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Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT)p q ( )

Group A tax free threshold increased:Group A tax free threshold increased:

Before  From 14th October 2015

Group A €225,000 €280,000

Increase of €55,000

Saving €18,150

Focus on family home (parent / child) not far enough?No Income Tax

Focus on family home (parent / child) – not far enough?

No change in underlying CAT rate

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No changes

9% rate to be retained for now

N h i VAT No change to construction VAT 


No Income Tax

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Excise Duties

Cigarettes – 50 cent increase

Motor Tax for commercial vehicles capped at €900 per Motor Tax for commercial vehicles – capped at €900 per 


No Income Tax

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Bank Levyy

Extended to 2021

New methodology to calculate rate

€750m raising measure

No Income Tax

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Supporting Retailerspp g

Interchange Fees

> Reduction in fee for debit cards

> To be passed on to consumerTo be passed on to consumer

Contactless payments cards limit increased

Reduction in Stamp Duty on debit cards

No Income Tax

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Social Welfare Measures

Free GP care for under 12’s

Early childhood scheme extended

I i S i l W lf Increases in Social Welfare rates

NAMA consultation on housingg

No Income Tax

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€750m – Where is it coming from?g

One income raising measure – cigarettes


€75m expected from increased;p ;

> Revenue audit / investigations

> Debt collection

No Income Tax

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Election Tax Promises

Abolish USC

f Reduce marginal rate of Income 

Tax to 50% for all

Complete Tax Equalisation for 

self employed

Other measures to support job pp j

creators – CGT?

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USC – Savings equate to a “weeks wages” USC – Savings equate to a  weeks wages

Divide between self‐employed / employee reduced

Knowledge Development Box


× Income Tax rate 55% No Income Tax

× Income Tax rate 55%

× Entrepreneurial relief – is it enough?

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“ i b h f“Certainty about the future.  

No booms no busts”No booms, no busts .

No Income Tax

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Thank You

Fiona MurphyTaxation DirectorRussell Brennan KeaneT: +353 9064 80600E: fmurphy@rbk ieE:   [email protected]: www.rbk.ie

No Income Tax


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information within this publication is correct at the time of going to print, Russell Brennan Keane do not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or misinformation whatsoever in this publication and shall have no liability whatsoever. The information contained in this publication is not 

40Budget 2016

intended to be an advice on any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of any matter contained in this publication without appropriate professional advice.