buckeye key winter 2012

1] Winter 2012 AN EDITOR MESSAGE :) I hope you all have had a wonderful start to your school year (and survived exams)! As the new year approcahes i hope all of you can resolve to do more Key Club service. Hopefully this bulletin can help with service ideas, and be sure not to forget the CONTEST hidden somewhere in this bulletin! -Grace B Don’t let the cold stop your service ! BUCKEYE KEY

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Ohio Key Club statewide newsletter. Includes serivce ideas, a $10 giftcard contest, project eliminate updates, DCON news, and much much more.


Page 1: Buckeye Key Winter 2012


Winter 2012

AN EDITOR MESSAGE :)I hope you all have had a wonderful start to your school year (and survived exams)!

As the new year approcahes i hope all of you can resolve to do more Key Club service. Hopefully this bulletin can help with service

ideas, and be sure not to forget the CONTEST hidden somewhere in this bulletin!

-Grace B

Don’t let the cold stop your service !




Page 2: Buckeye Key Winter 2012


My contact info:

Call/text: 813-928-5208

Email: [email protected]

Yours in friendship and service,Cecelia Ferguson

INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE’S MESSAGEHere’s her great advice on a great Key Club New Years resolution !

New Year’s Resolution:

Unite your Club!

By: Cecelia Ferguson, International Trustee

Have you ever wanted to call on a member in your club at a meeting but you just can’t remember their name? If so, this means your club is in need of being united! Imagine how much stronger your club could be just by building a relationship in between the hours of service! A closer club could have higher attendance at events or make club meetings more enjoyable and personal. Either way you could create an everlasting bond in your club.

Summer may be LONG gone but the warm weather may not be! Of course at any Key Club event, fun is always included, but why not add a little bit more? Having a park barbeque then setting up a park cleanup right after is a great way to incorporate a social and service project at the same time. Also a simple last minute change to an event that could unite your members could be to add a

theme! Dressing up for Halloween never gets old so next time add some fun and shake a hand with someone new that wouldn’t care to dress as a Salt and Pepper shaker with you at the next service project. Since Halloween is over, you could substitute it for having someone dress up as Santa at your next club meeting and they could pass out treats to outstanding members, members who answer trivia questions correctly, etc.

Whether you have a club meeting weekly or monthly it is still very important that each member feels welcomed at each one. What’s the easiest way to do that? Icebreakers! Either we love them or we hate them, but I’m sure most can agree that they are an easy way to remember names, express people’s personality, encourage teamwork, and break the ice!

Key Club brings many great memories to Key Clubber’s lives. And great memories should always include great friends, so take the time to unite your club!

Stay United! Form close bonds, and

make your fellow Key Clubbers some of your best friends

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DISTRICT GOVERNOR'S MESSAGEAdvice for the start of this new year in service !!

Hello Key Clubbers,

It has already been 2 months since Fall Rally. I am so proud of the outcome of Fall Rally. I hope that you enjoyed it if you went or plan on coming next year! At Fall Rally, we had a basket raffle in which we raised $617.12 for eliMiNaTe which saved 340 mothers and their future children. I am so impressed that we raised that much money in 6 hours and saved 340 mothers and their future children. That is outstanding. We are Key Clubbers to be of service to others and we did exactly that at Fall Rally. If you missed Fall Rally, don’t worry District Convention is just around the corner. One thing that I am personally looking forward to is our keynote speaker. Our keynote speaker is a Past Key Club Governor of the Cali-Nev-Ha District. So he knows what we do, how we do it, and more importantly why we do it. Also at District Convention, elections for next years executive board are conducted. So if you are interested in being the bulletin editor, treasurer, secretary, or governor, check out the

ohiokeyclub.org website and review the duties and time commitment. If you are interested in becoming a Lt. Governor, talk to your Lt. Governor about election dates and duties. If you are in division 1, 4E, 4W, 12E, 19, 20, or 25, contact me and I would love to talk to you about your options. For my fellow seniors, I know college applications can be stressful and time consuming. What do you consider when applying to a college? After Key Club is over, Circle K is the college version of Key Club. But if your college doesn’t have a Circle K, you can just jump to Kiwanis. When considering college, be sure to consider your options in the K-Family. Lets make the most of the rest of our Key Club year.

Yours in Service and Friendship,

Moriah SaerODKCI Governor 12-13

Fall Rally Baskets raised $617.12 for project eliMiNaTe

CONTEST!!Would you like a $10 target giftcard? If free money isn't your thing, I understand, but if you could use some just email [email protected] the answer to this question:

What gender wasn’t allowed in Key Club when it was first begun ?

Page 4: Buckeye Key Winter 2012

Running for higher office !!Key club is an international

organization. This was a fact

I was not aware of when I first

joined key club. You can

be a member, a club present, or if

you want you can go further and

explore the higher offices of this

wonderful organization. The great thing

about key club is there is

always a place for you, somewhere

for your talents. That may be running a

craft project for hospitalized kids,

balancing the checkbook as treasurer ,

or being the international trustee for

thousands of key clubbers. Its all out

there, here’s a little intro to some higher

office offerings.

Lieutenant Governor - Lieutenant

Governors are responsible for

overseeing the clubs in their divisions,

coordinating division wide projects and

serving as voting members of the

District Board. This is a great way to get

to know the clubs in your area!

Governor-The Governor is in charge

of overseeing the district and directing

and leading the district board. It is a

very difficult and consuming job, but

also incredibly rewarding, with

opportunities to travel around the state

and country, and deepen your key

club connections.

International Trustee- They serve on

the international board, committees

and network with their districts (3

usually) this is also a large commitment ,

but is a wonderful opportunity.

I encourage you all to look into

these positions.


Higher office ?!


Make your club the star of the show by being featured in the 2013 Hollywood Ohio District Convention slideshow! Please send a picture of your club in action to Historian Leslie Flynn at [email protected] by Sunday, February 17.

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The Ohio district board would

like to invite every one of you to the

2013 Ohio district convention, make

service the star of the show. Didn’t

get enough of Key Club at last

year’s convention? Well have no

fear because this year convention

is THREE days and TWO nights!!! You

have many things to look forward

to at this year’s convention, with an

amazing key note speaker at our

kick off session, a spirit rally better

than your school spirit rallies, TWO

dances (yes, two!), FOURTEEN

forums, a walk to Eliminate, raffle

baskets to win, contests galore and

of course house of delegates to

elect your 2013-1014 district

executive officers.

At our kick off session we will be

welcoming our key note speaker,

Patrick Maurer; past governor of

the Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club district.

Patrick Maurer’s speeches and

workshops have entertained,

educated, and motivated many

Key Clubbers over the years. Not

only will he be our Key Note

speaker but also will be conducting

a forum on Saturday of convention.

TWO dances?! What will I wear

for these dances?! You can have

fun and be creative at the dance

on Friday night for it is a costume

dance; dress as your favorite

celebrity! At the end of the night

we will have a best dressed winner

of an awesome prize! Also,

throughout the night go to the

photo-shoot with your friends to

have your pictures taken by the

paparazzi! The second dance is the

governor’s ball as usual, dress to

dance the night away!


can’t attend them all…. We do

apologize but convention would

have to be a few more days to fit

that in. What you can go to though

is four of them if you aren’t a

delegate and three if you are a

delegate. These forums include the

following topics; Eliminate, ice

breakers, Key Leader, Zumba,

running for district office, K family,

key note speaker, first lady’s

project, service ideas, hands on,

Key Club 101 game show,

fundraisers, club officers and

benefits of a division. Take

advantage of these beneficial

forums and pick ones that will help

YOU in Key Club.

The Ohio District Key Club

convention will be held at the Hyatt

Regency in Columbus, Ohio on

April 12th- 14th, 2013. Advisors and

officers should keep an eye out for

registration packets to be mailed

out in December. Help us “Make

Service the Star of the Show” and

join the rest of your Ohio Key

Clubbers at the 2013 Ohio District

Convention; see you there!!!

SEE YOU THERE!!Get ready for some

awesome times and bring

your hollywood sprit!!



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Say cheese!

We Mustache you a question

Page 7: Buckeye Key Winter 2012


The K Family

Ali McCathern

The Kiwanis family is made up of so much more than just Kiwanis and Key Club—there are so many great people encompassed in our family of service. The K family includes people from elementary school and beyond, working to instill good habits of service and leadership in all of us.

The first level of the K family is K-Kids. K-Kids is the elementary school version of Key Club. Granted, they aren’t as involved with their community as high schoolers can be, but they still put their heart into every project they have. If there’s a K-Kids club near your school, invite them to your meetings or Kiwanis meetings to get them excited about what they can do as they grow older. Popular K-Kids projects include being a “little brother or little sister” to a Key Clubber and assisting with arts and crafts projects used to beautify the school.

As K-Kids grow up, they graduate on to Builder’s Club. This is essentially the Key Club for middle schoolers. Members of Builder’s Club are very energetic and passionate about projects that they do or are invited to. Invite your local Builder’s Club to a park clean up or to visit a local nursing home. Make sure you get your Builder’s Club excited about Key Club, because they are likely the next generation of service!

After Key Club comes Circle K, the college level of the Kiwanis Family. Circle K functions very much like Key Club and Kiwanis, working to serve their university’s community. Circle K’s love to interact with Key Clubbers; contact a nearby college to see if their Circle K would like your club’s assistance! It’s also highly encouraged to join Circle K or start your own when you go to college, rather than skipping to Kiwanis Club after graduating high school.

An unknown division of the K family is Aktion Club. Aktion Club is a Kiwanis-sponsored club for disabled adults. Aktion Clubs typically meet once a month and are entirely independently run. They form their own service projects, such as organizing a special Olympics, and work hard to see their efforts pay off. If you ever have the opportunity, visit with a local Aktion Club and lend them your services to form a special bond with the K family.

As a Key Clubber, take the time to reach out to the rest of the K family and form unforgettable bonds with those who share the same passion for service as you do.

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Putting the “Fun” in Fundraising

By: Cecelia Ferguson, Key Club International Trustee

The holiday season is the perfect time to serve and give back to the community! My favorite way to serve and give back to all that I am thankful for is through fundraising! So keep reading if you need tips on making your next fundraiser a big bang!

Any seasoned Key Clubber knows that fundraising is an essential part of clubs activities. Unfortunately, selling 50 boxes of chocolates between classes or hot chocolate in July can be a bit of a drag. Here are some tips to help your club make the most of club’s projects:

Evaluate your assets: Is there an artist in your club? Do a lot of your members have a connection with a local sports team or music venue? Advantages like these can seriously increase your inputs. Considering the interests and talents of your club members can boost participation and make members feel like they’re really contributing to the cause.

Keep it simple: Even though a massive production might sound like a rewarding and good idea, keep in mind that your goal needs to be attainable. Keep your capital investment to a minimal so you don’t have to worry about breaking even and make sure every participant have a clear idea of their role in the project.

Stay away from salesmanship: One of the reasons why some Key Clubbers object to fundraisers is that they don’t like to sell things. Instead of selling products, consider hosting events like talent

shows, block parties, and pre-game tailgates.

Be original: While tried-and-true classics like bake sales and car washes are pretty easy to pull off, it can be hard to get both your club and its supporters excited about the same old thing. Originality also decreases competition between other on campus clubs and other Key Clubs- it’s hard to make money when every other area club is doing a car wash on the same day.

Keep it festive: It’s the holiday season and now is the time to fundraise for something your club is passionate about and incorporate it into the holiday spirit. Just like Trick or Treat for UNICEF is hooked with Halloween and the tradition of trick-or treating, you can easily do the same with any fundraiser. For example, for Valentine’s Day your club could sell roses for March of Dimes or any organization that your little heart desires!

If you keep these tips in mind, your club is sure to have a successful fundraiser!


DISTRICT SERVICE PROJECTYou can use these tips to also help you gather items for our dsp (hope in the hospital). Whether that be gathering books or recruiting member to read them to children in the hospital. There are so many ways to help!

Helpful tips from our International



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By: Cecelia Ferguson, International TrusteeThe Eliminate Subcommittee is a sub group within Kiwanis Eliminate Committee that represents the Service Leadership Programs (which includes Circle K, Key Club, Builders, K-Kids, and Aktion Club). Their job is to create programs, initiatives, goals, resources, and all sorts of cool stuff to help clubs raise awareness and funds for the Eliminate Project. The role of the Subcommittee is to provide guidance on ways to tailor the campaign plan as appropriate for each SLP group and help coordinate fundraising/awareness efforts. The Eliminate Sub-Committee elected their two Key Club International Representatives for this year in October: Erika, from the New York District and Sean, from the Florida District. The committee structure includes one adult representative from K-Kids, Builders Club and Aktion Club and two student representatives from Circle K International and Key Club International.

The tangible results that you, a Key Clubber, can see as a result of the work and accomplishments of the committee are the following:

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program (remember all the $ now goes to The Eliminate Project). Last year the program raised $600,000. This year the committee made boxes more accessible because they were put in the Kiwanis Family Store and clubs that previously participated in the initiative received 50 boxes. So far the program has raised over $100,000!

SLP recognition program. Mothers and babies all over the world are benefiting from your work to raise funds for The Eliminate Project. It’s time to be recognized for your efforts. New this year Key Club members and clubs are eligible for special recognition when their contributions reach a certain level.

Visit the New Resources page on The Eliminate Project website and download the Kiwanis Family Recognition brochure to find out more about these awards.

Communication and outreach via social media. For social media updates check out the following:


Facebook.com/ TheEliminateProject


Official site: www.TheEliminateProject.com

Contact Information for your Key Club Representatives

Sean Valdivieso

Region: Florida

E-Mail: [email protected]

Erika Lim

Region: New York

E-Mail: [email protected]

Phone: 646-610-9296

Elimiate is Kiwanis’s Global inititave to stop maternal and neonatal tetanus. Three things that help make eliminate great

1. The vaccinations - Just $1.80 for a woman and her future children. They stop the tragedy NOW.

2. The Education - Unicef helps to train healthcare workers, and village doctors on safe birthing practices, this ensures heath in the FUTURE.

3. No Waste - the money you donate goes straight to the cause and will not be used for brochures or any other administrative cost.


$1.80 will protect a

mother and all of her future



Page 10: Buckeye Key Winter 2012

Time for our winter service ideas!Here are a few New service project ideas to get started

with this winter!

Bell ringers-This holiday season, sign up to help your local

Salvation Army as they serve the underprivileged members

of your community. Contact a volunteer specialist at your

local branch and pledge to spend a few hours out in

the cold. After all, it could greatly change a life.

Care cards-Fashion handmade holiday, birthday

or sympathy cards for members of your community or

donate them to your local Children’s Miracle Network

hospital. Write encouraging or inspiring messages inside

each card and deliver them. Remember to sign each card as

“From the members of our local Key Club.”

Coats for kids-Keeping warm in the winter months is

something most of us take for granted, but many children—some,

probably, even in your neighborhood—have a hard time staying

warm. Before the coldness sets in, collect new or old coats the

members of your community are willing to donate. Then, contact

your local Angel Tree coordinator or social service office to ensure

they go to children in need.

Serving up the grub-Donate your club’s labor for an

afternoon or evening stocking shelves at your local food pantry, or

serving dinner to the less fortunate at a nearby soup kitchen. This is

one of the fastest and best ways to see the difference in

the faces of each and every life you’ll touch. Winning

tips: Host a food drive for these organizations and bring

everything you’ve collected with you. Feeding

America is available to help with food drives across

the United States, log on to www.feedingamerica.org.

Homeless shelter birthday parties-Host monthly

birthday parties for kids at your local homeless shelter or

community center. Bring games, gifts, cake and refreshments, and the spirit of fun to these less fortunate children

and leave a lasting impact on the community. Winning tips: Get gifts, party supplies and food donated, if possible. Show up early to

decorate, and be sure to go all out to make the event extra special.

Hopefully these great projects should help get you excited for service even in the chilly weather !

it’s coldddd outside!It’s that time of year again, it’s chilly outside. Now while we all may want to stay snuggled up under our winter blankets keeping warm, there’s service to be done!! These tips and ideas should help you get back into the swing of things!

Switch it up, new projects are

always fun


Page 11: Buckeye Key Winter 2012

Children’s Miracle Network is a

nonprofit organization that raises

money to benefit hospitalized kids while

increasing awareness of its member

hospitals. All CMN Hospitals

contributions directly benefit hospitals,

helping to purchase up-

to-date equipment, train

staff, conduct life-saving

research, implement

outreach programs and

provide health care for

children whose parents can’t

afford to pay.

More than 170 children's hospitals

are affiliated with Children's

Miracle Network Hospitals. Find a

Children's Miracle Network Hospital

near you and learn about the work

they are doing in your community.

How Key Club helps

In 2009-10 Key Club and the Kiwanis

family raised almost $1.8 million for

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. For

more than a decade, Key Club

International has been supporting CMN

Hospitals by sponsoring fundraisers and

participating in service projects

involving CMN Hospitals.

Project Ideas for Key Clubs

Key Club members can participate

in service projects at their local

children's hospital in the following ways:

Stalling for Spare Change: The more

money the school raises, the longer

class is stalled for that day. So classes

will be delayed 1 second for every $.50

raised. If the school raises $1,000, that is

2,000 seconds (33 minutes and 33


SERVICE PARTNERChildren’s Miracle Network. What it is and

how you can help

Well that’s itI hope you enjoyed this edition

of the buckeye Key. Don’t

forget to enter the contest and

get pumped for DCON.

As always , contact me with any questions, ideas, comments, or contest entries at

[email protected]


Ohio District Key Club

Help make miracles!



want to hear about your great

service projects. Without your

submissions we cannot have a

club spotlight section.

Put your club center stage