buckets for jesus newsletter edition 13 january misson

Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson Special Edition 60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia +61 8 61621939 0438 885 748 www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected] Dear Friends and Loved ones, Buckets for Jesus’ bi- yearly apostolic mission and works of mercy has been going on for 7 years now and getting bigger each year. Every mission trip has a 6 month lead and preparation and the amount of love, prayers and support that makes it a success is a miracle by itself! An extraordinary phenomenon only possible by Divine orchestration from above. It starts right here in Perth where people from all walks of life respond to our appeal for support and donations in kind starts to get dropped off at our doorsteps almost on a day to day basis. Containers for Jesus CFJ21 started to get filled alst October but various types of donations flowed in as early as July 2015. Donations for Schoolbags for Jesus dominated the lot and in no time filled up thousands of bags. We give thanks to God for all donors and volunteers alike too many to count, rest assured, every single bad has been personally delivered! One again, thank you for your love, prayers and support to help the poorest of the poor, we could not have done it without all of you behind BFJ! Glory to God! Many thanks & God bless, Mike,Ruby & BFJ Team

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Page 1: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson Special Edition

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

Dear Friends and Loved ones, Buckets for Jesus’ bi- yearly apostolic mission and works of mercy has been going on for 7 years now and getting bigger each year. Every mission trip has a 6 month lead and preparation and the amount of love, prayers and support that makes it a success is a miracle by itself! An extraordinary phenomenon only possible by Divine orchestration from above. It starts right here in Perth where people from all walks of life respond to our appeal for support and donations in kind starts to get dropped off at our doorsteps almost on a day to day basis. Containers for Jesus CFJ21 started to get filled alst October but various types of donations flowed in as early as July 2015.

Donations for Schoolbags for Jesus dominated the lot and in no time filled up thousands of bags. We give thanks to God for all donors and volunteers alike too many to count, rest assured, every single bad has been personally delivered! One again, thank you for your love, prayers and support to help the poorest of the poor, we could not have done it without all of you behind BFJ! Glory to God! Many thanks & God bless,Mike,Ruby & BFJ Team

Page 2: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

Preparation For MissionsIt was apparent from the start that God’s Hand was on the SFJs as they kept multiplying right before our eyes! From the first target of 2,000, it doubled to 4,000 in no time.

We give thanks to God for JBento and Tema Interna-tional who co-sponsored part the SFJ drawstring bags. With thousands of destitute kids waiting to be blessed by SFJ, the weekly packing, purchasing of school sup-plies quickly became a challenge.

Thanks to generous volunteers like Sherita, Raewyn, Ida, Marise, Geri, Sheila, Nicholas and family, Antho-ny and Cheryl Barich and family and many more, we were able to overcome the issues which seemed to have caused a shortage of school supplies in Perth!

Generous donations also started to come through and we give thanks to God for donations from Josephine, Lucy, Constance, Florence, Choon Hong, Anita and many more who helped to encourage BFJ to keep going despite the odds against timing.

Page 3: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

After months of packing and preparations, the schoolbags started reach the hands of children who need them most!

We saw the blue SFJ bags fly high in Cebu with close to 750 indigent chil-dren blessed with SFJs! What a day, started with a visit at Mother Teresa’s ministry and followed by 4 outreaches with YWAM Cebu in several indi-gent areas in Sambag, Mananga, Ywam Base and finally FMC ministry.

Thank you to All who lovingly donated towards this cause specially Marjan Hutton, Josephine Choo, Constance Ann, Anita Kwan,Lucy Tang Elsie Sese Wong and Spore team and many more, too many to mention here.

Also God bless Jane Borg with Liwarra, Angela Watts with Bullcreek PS, Silvana Sciorilli of Gosnells parish, Holy Spirit, St Bernadette’s and many much more, because of you, hundreds of poor children are equipped with SFJs to go to school, get educated and one day get out of poverty.

Day 2 of missions in Cebu and close to 500 street children were blessed by BFJ’s Schoolbags for Jesus today in several rural areas of Cebu. Wished you were here to see the joy and happiest of faces! Because of your love and support, thousands of kids will be able to attend school this year! Simply priceless to behold, money cannot buy!

Words cannot express our gratitude to God for making all these possible with all your help from Perth and Singapore.

Cebu Mission and Outreaches

Page 4: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

BFJ Broke 3 Records in Dumaguete!

Firstly, we had a Record number of 7 rural outreaches which reached out to a total 850 children from moun-tains, farms, seaside to plains.

We also had a record number of missionaries! A total of 20 adults and 5 children! All serving God and loving it!

Finally, a record number of none denominational church-es and Catholic Churches with hundreds of children reached out to all in one day! This life changing cause has so far touched a total of 2,050 indigent children with SFJs handed to needy children!

Know that with your prayers, donations and generosi-ty, thousands of kids in these rural areas will have more chances to go to school with Schoolbags for Jesus, build their future and one day get out of poverty!

Hallelujah! We serve a living God!

Dumaguete Mission and Outreaches

Page 5: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

We praise God and give thanks to the lovely people at Dulangan, Capiz for your hospitality and letting us share God’s joy and love with 1000 children with Schoolbags for Jesus and Kids’ Bibles, 700 mothers with Rosaries and 24 teachers with Bibles! You certainly set a record being the biggest outreach of Buckets for Jesus to date! And you deserved all the blessing after suffering for 2 years now after HAIYAN & received very little help to date! God bless you much more!

We also experienced that the poor are so generous, sharing a meal with Leo’s family in Capiz, who’s home was devastated by typhoon, was one of the highlights of this sector. This place continue to suffer today with little help or assistance. Yet they accept their fate and still manage to smile. Their faith sustains them...

THE SAD THING ABOUT CAPIZ...devastation still apparent after two years of Haiyan.

It’s too far to reach and remote, the media hardly covered them and help never reached them. Today, while the world has moved on & has forgotten the sufferings here, the people are still praying for help...perhaps we were sent here to show the world the real situation and maybe some will be touched enough to extend a hand to our suffering brethren in Capiz.

Capiz Mission and Massive Outreach

Page 6: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]


The Ursuline Missionaries, working with big smiles daily! they look after single mothers and their children.

They provide employment for the mothers and educate and feed destitute kids! Simply inspirational to BFJ! Manila mis-sions will not be complete without a visit to their centre!

Thanks a million Sr Marianita Cenia and All at Ursulines Manila.

Manila Missions and Outreaches - Ursuline Sisters

Aged between 3 to 17, they’ve lived all their lives in this orphanage, which have very little chance for adoption due to the stringent and expensive legal system which makes it nearly impossible for the kids to be adopted. The BoysTown Orphanage looks after over 200 orphans boys and 120 girls. We’ve reached out to them for 5 years now and not many kids get adopted.

But what great joy to share God’s love and mercy with these little ones as God blessed them with Schoolbags for Jesus and please say a prayer for them... that one day, they will find a place they can call home as their adopted family.

Pray for the plight of 320 Orphans in Manila

Page 7: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

Inspired! Now on fire again! Recharged! Ready to do more!

An amazing day of outreach, overwhelmed by the response of nearly 400 destitute children from He Cares Foundation, feeding program, education and spiritual nurture.

Truly an Inspirational story of tenacity and determination to help orphans and street children founded by Joe Deans and his wife. After feeding the children, each of them were blessed with Schoolbags for Jesus by the team and what joy was there!

BFJ is blessed to be one of the mission partners of this amaz-ing organisation, only possible through sheer determination to change the lives of the least fortunate. God bless all at He Cares, you are simply inspirational!

Mission At He Cares Ministry

Malabon, Caloocan Outreach- A Fitting Grand Finale!The best was saved for last! What an amazing day it was, reaching out to poor dwellers in this area which took us nearly 3 hours to reach even on Sunday!

But it was all worth it, the joy, smiles and friendliness of the people in the slums, we will cherish and behold. We thank you Fr Jojo Aguas and all parishioners for having us and giving us the opportunity to share God’s love! The highlight was the Street Mass for Señor Gabay communi-ty, Longos Chapter.

Then Buckets for Jesus team came over to distribute 200 school bags for Jesus with school supplies and Bibles (in time for National Bible Week). Then our founder, Mike Soh donated P10,000 to replace the roofing of their make shift chapel! Within 3 days the chapel roof was completed!

Page 8: Buckets For Jesus Newsletter Edition 13 January Misson

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

Visit to Missionaries Of Charity, Cebu

Visit to Missionaries Of The Poor

The highlight of the Cebu mission was definitely the blessing of 1200 Street Children with Schoolbags for Jesus!

Any Cebu visit would not be com-plete until we spend time with our little friends at Missionaries of Charity.

Mother Teresa’s Charity looks after 15-30 orphans and abandoned small children and our visit would give the cooks and caregivers some respite as we take over the cooking, feeding and looking after the children that day. Great fun and very blessed out-reach but saying goodbye to the little ones was not easy!

Every mission, BFJ makes it a point to also visit our older friends at Missionaries of the Poor in Talisay, Cebu. Some 68 aged men and women are being looked after by the centre and the team served afternoon tea and gave them clothes and other basic necessities.

Another centre in Pasil, Cebu looks after 40 mentally chal-lenged and physically deformed children. Like the MOC, the MOP missionaries are a great inspiration to BFJ.

May we learn to serve the forgotten, the unloved and u wanted like they serve the poor! God bless these missionaries who serve them daily 365 days a year! What an inspiration!

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• Pray that we will be empowered to help the needy in the Year of Mercy. Proverbs 3:5 • Please pray for support for Adopt an Orphanage- in Cebu, badly needing Building extension to accommodate 100 children orphaned by disasters. Proverbs 3:27 • Please pray for Adopt A Chapel- several chapels destroyed, needing restoration and renovations from disasters, please pray for much needed funds for this. James 28:27 • Please pray for Adopt A Scholar- for poor but deserving students who cannot afford to pay their school fees Pray for our daily empowerment to be true disciples to proclaim the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19 • Praise point for the success and safe return of BFJ’s mission last week, we give thanks for a blessed apostolic mission, for protec-tion and provisions. Proverbs 19:17 • Please pray for ADOPT A FAMILY Appeal in Cebu and Capiz-Phase 2 and be one of God’s champions of His homeless victims of disasters. We have raised 20 homes to date, 80 more to go! Proverbs 3:27 • Pray for BFJ Bibles Drive- we are raising another 10,000 copies for our coming missions this year. For only $2 a copy in Tagalog or Cebuano, you can give a radical gift that will last a lifetime for the poor who can’t afford them. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 • Praise point for Schoolbags for Jesus (formerly Shoeboxes) – this year’s doubled from last year’s SFJs to 3.8K and blessed multitude of orphans and destitute children who can’t afford to buy school supplies, to empower them to attend schools. 2 Corinthians 9:7 • Praise point for safe arrival of Containers for Jesus CFJ21 (Cebu) shipped out and filled with 3.8k Schoolbags for Jesus filled with school supplies and blessed thousands of kids in the rural areas. 2 Corinthians 9:13 • Pray to container CFJ19 (for Kenya) praise God we have recov-ered CFJ19 after a few months and still need more donations to fill it up. We need school supplies, kid clothes, books and toys, blankets and household things. Matthew 10:8 • Praise point for healing and complete restoration of our sick friends and loved ones including Peter, Annette, Eming, Amor, Wilson, Jacqui and also for their protection & the many who are sick in our parish. Acts 4:9-10 • Pray for Retired Volunteers: Enterprise for Jesus (EFJ) need your expertise to teach the poor to fish, instead of giving them the fish & send more expert workers in the field to uphold our livelihood programs. Proverbs 21:13 • Praise point for Holy Rosary mothers who lovingly made close to 2000 Rosaries for our distribution last mission which was grately appreciated by the poorest of the poor. • Please continue to pray for the faithful servants of God who serve Him day in & day out in the mission fields whom we have worked with like the Missionaries of God’s Love, The Ursuline Sisters, the Missionaries of the Poor, the Missionaries of Charity, the Holy Family Centre, Spanola Sisters, YWAM Cebu & around the world, The Little Sisters of the Poor in Perth, BFJ team in Perth and Philippines. www.bucketsforjesus.com • Most of all, “Pray for the peace in Jerusalem.” Psalm 122:6 Please send your help to: http://holyassist.blogspot.com www.terrasantanews.org. “Salvation is from the Jews.” John 4:22

Thank You Frasers Manila! Prayer Requests and Praise Points

Housing For Jesus Phase 2

60 Lindsay Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia+61 8 61621939 0438 885 748

www.bucketsforjesus.org [email protected]

Adopt a Family Phase 2 are appealing for more kid hearted people to help us raise funds to build more Housing for Jesus for our homeless broth-ers still homeless after nearly 2 years of disasters still living in temporary shelters.

Please contact us if you are compelled to adopt a home-less family for just $3000, you can give the gift that will last a lifetime.

Adopt An OrphanageLocated in Cebu City, with approx. 75 orphans currently. As a result of disaster, more children were orphaned by Haiyan and other ty-phoons that more than 100 children have no room to stay and are sleep-ing on the floor.

They need to extend the current building to accommodate these chil-dren which will cost US$250k. We have raised funds to buy 100 beds but they sleep in a temporary shelter.

A benevolent donor is happy to match dollar to dollar every donation received to build the extension. This is our biggest challenge this year. Please pray for this…

Words can’t express our gratitude to God for hosting every-one of our missions including this month for the last 7 years now!

May God continue to shower you with abundant blessings and look forward to see you next mission. Thank you to the amazing GM Jobel Ramos and CEO Peng Sum Choe & FRASERS Manila team!