bt syllabus - 2009


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(Common for All Branches)

Hours / week MarksCode Subject L T P/D Inte-




EN09 101 Engineering Mathematics I 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN09 102 Engineering Mathematics II 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN09 103 Engineering Physics 2 - - 30 70 3 3

EN09 103(P) Physics Lab - - 1 50 50 3 1

EN09 104 Engineering Chemistry 2 - - 30 70 3 3

EN09 104(P) Chemistry Lab - - 1 50 50 3 1

EN09 105 Engineering Mechanics 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN09 106 Basics of Civil and MechanicalEngg. 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN09 107Basics of Electrical,Electronics & CommunicationEngg.

2 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN09 108 Engineering Graphics 0 - 3 30 70 3 3

EN09 109(P) Computer Programming in C 1 - 1 50 50 3 3

EN09 110(P) Mechanical Workshops - - 2 50 50 3 2

EN09 111(P) Electrical and Civil Workshops - - 2 50 50 3 2

Total 15 5 10 38

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Hours / week Marks

Code SubjectL T P/D Inter-






EN 09 301 Engineering Mathematics III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN 09 302Humanities &Communication

skills2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 303 Fluid flow operations 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 304 Microbiology 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 305 Biochemistry I 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 306 Bioprocess calculations 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 307 (P) Microbiology Lab 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 308 (P) Biochemistry Lab 3 50 50 3 2

Total 18 6 6 28


Hours/week MarksCode Subject L T P/D Inter-




duration hoursCredits

EN 09 401 Engineering Mathematics IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

EN 09 402 Environmental Science 2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 403 Chemical Reaction Engg. 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 404 Biochemistry II 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 405 Cell Biology 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 406 Mechanical Operations 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 407 (P)Fluid Flow and Mechanical

Operations lab- - 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 408 (P) Bioanalytical techniques Lab 3 50 50 3 2

Total 18 6 6 28

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Hours/week MarksCode Subject

L T P/D Inter-nal




duration hoursCredits

BT 09 601 Genetic Engineering 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 602 Bioprocess Engineering. 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 603

Financial Management &

Cost Estimation of Process


3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 604 Process dynamics & control 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 605 Food Biotechnology 2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 LXX Elective I 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 607 (P)Molecular Biology & Genetic

Engg. Lab- - 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 608 (P) Bioinformatics Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

Total 18 6 6 28

Elective I1 BT 09 L 01 Plant Biotechnology2 BT 09 L 02 Animal Biotechnology3 BT 09 L03 Protein Engineering4 BT 09 L 04 Metabolic Engineering5 BT 09 L 05 Genomics & Proteomics

Hours/week MarksCode Subject

L T P/D Inter-nal




duration hoursCredits

BT 09 501 Mass Transfer Operations 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 502 Molecular Biology 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 503 Enzyme Science and Engg 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 504Thermodynamics & Heat

Transfer Operations3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 505 Bioinformatics 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 506 Process Instrumentation 2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 507 (P) Heat and Mass Transfer Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 508 (P) Bioprocess Engg. Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

Total 18 6 6 28

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Hours / week Marks

Code SubjectL T P/D Inter-




duration hoursCredits

BT 09 701 Bioprocess Plant Design 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 702 Downstream Processing 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 703 Environmental Engineering 2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 704Immunology & Immuno-

technology2 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09LXX Elective II 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 LXX Elective III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 707 (P) Downstream processing lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 708 (P)Reaction Engg. & Process

Control Lab- - 3 50 50 3 2

BT 09 709 (P) Project - - 1 50 1

Total 17 6 7 28


Hours/week MarksCode Subject

L T P/D Inter-nal




duration hoursCredits

BT 09 801 Plant operations, safety and safety 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

BT 09 802Industrial Biotechnology and

Biopharmaceuticals3 1 - 30 70 3 3

BT 09 LXX Elective IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 LXX Elective V 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

BT 09 805(P) Seminar - - 3 100 3 2

BT 09 806(P) Project - - 11 100 - - 7

BT 09 807 Viva-voce - - - - 100 - 3

Total 12 4 14 28

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1 BT 09 L06 Gene and stem cell therapy

2 BT 09 L07 Molecular diagnostics

3 BT 09 L08 Molecular pathogenesis

4 BT 09 L09 Membrane separation technology

5 BT 09 L10 Recombinant DNA technology

6 BT 09 L11 DNA microarray technology

7 BT 09 L12 Cancer biology

8 BT 09 L13 Structural biology

9 BT 09 L14 Molecular modelling and drug design

10 BT 09 L15 Biosensors and bioinstrumentation

11 BT 09 L16 Molecualar medicine

12 BT 09 L17 Hazardous waste management

13 BT 09 L18 Analytical techniques in biotechnology

14 BT 09 L19 Energy Engineering

15 BT 09 L20 Transport phenomena in bioprocess systems

16 BT 09 L21 Design and analysis of bioreactors

17 BT 09 L22 Modelling and simulation of process plants

18 BT 09 L23 Nanobiotechnology

19 BT 09 L24 Bioethics & Intellectual Property Rights

20 BT 09 L25 Biomaterials

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1 ME 09 L 24 Industrial safety Engineering

2 ME 09 L 25 Energy engineering and management

3 PE 09 L23 Total quality management

4 PE 09 L 24 Industrial psychology

5 PE 09 L25 Entrepreneurship

6 CS 09 L23 Simulation and modeling

7 CS 09 L24 Computer based numerical methods

8 CH 09 L23 Nano materials and nanotechnology

9 CH 09 L25 Project engineering

10 IT 09 L24 Management information systems

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B.Tech. Degree Programme Syllabi - Combined First & Second Semesters

EN09 101: Engineering Mathematics I(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

ObjectivesThis course is addressed to those who intend to apply the subject at the proper place and

time, while keeping him/her aware to the needs of the society where he/she can lend his/her expertservice, and also to those who can be useful to the community without even going through theformal process of drilling through rigorous treatment of mathematics.

Module I: Differential Calculus (15 hours)Indeterminate forms – L’Hopitals rule – Radius of curvature (Only Cartesian form)– Center ofcurvature - Evolute – Functions of more than one variables - Idea of Partial Differentiation –Euler’s theorem for Homogeneous functions – Chain rule of Partial differentiation – Application inerrors and Approximations – Change of variables – Jacobians – Maxima and Minima of functionsof two variables – Method of Legrange multipliers.

Module II: Infinite Series (15 hours)Definition of Convergence and Divergence of Infinite series – Ratio test – Comparison test –Raabe’s test – Root test – Series of positive and negative terms – Absolute convergence – Test forAlternating series – Power series – Interval of Convergence – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s seriesexpansion of functions – Leibnitz formula for the nth derivative of product of two functions – Itsuse in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions.

Module III: Matrices (15 hours)Rank of a matrix – Reduction of a matrix to Normal and Echelon forms – System of Linearequations – Consistency of System of Linear Equations – Gauss elimination method – System ofHomogeneous Linear equations – Solution of System of Homogeneous Linear equations by Gausselimination method – Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors – Cayley-Hamilton Theorem –Diagonalisation of a matrix using Eigen vectors – Quadratic forms – Definite, Semi-definite andIndefinite forms – Matrix associated with a quadratic form – Reduction to Canonical form byorthogonal transformation.

Module IV: Fourier Series and Harmonic Analysis (15 hours)Periodic functions – Trigonometric series – Fourier series – Euler Formulae – Even and Oddfunctions – Fourier series of Even and Odd functions – Functions having arbitrary period – Fourierseries of Functions having arbitrary period – Half-range expansions – Numerical method fordetermining Fourier coefficients – Harmonic Analysis.

Reference books1. Michael D Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd Edition), Pearson

Education Asia.2. Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrent, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.3. Kreyzig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley eastern.4. Piskunov N., Differential and Integral calculus, MIR Publishers.5. Ayres F., Matrices, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill.6. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.7. Glyn James., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3/e, Pearson Education Asia.8. Dr.ChandraMohan,Dr.Varegheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics I,II,III & IV ,

Sanguine Technical Publishers.9. Peter V O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson India Edition.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.

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910% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

EN09 102: Engineering Mathematics II(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

ObjectivesMathematics is a necessary avenue to scientific knowledge which opens new vistas of

mental activity. A sound knowledge of engineering mathematics is a ‘sine qua non’ for the modernengineer to attain new heights in all aspects of engineering practice. This course provides thestudent with plentiful opportunities to work with and apply the concepts, and to build skills andexperience in mathematical reasoning and engineering problem solving.

Module I: Ordinary Differential Equations (15 hours)Equations of first order – Separable, Homogeneous and Linear – Exact Equations – Orthogonaltrajectories – Linear second order equations – Homogeneous Linear equation of second order withconstant coefficients – fundamental system of solutions – Solutions of the general Linear equationsof second order with constant coefficients – method of variation of parameters – Cauchy’sequation.

Module II: Laplace transforms (15 hours)Gamma and Beta functions – Definitions and simple properties – Laplace transform – InverseLaplace transform – shifting theorems – Transforms of derivatives and integrals – Differentiationand integration of transforms – Convolution theorem (No proof) – Transform of Unit step function– Transform of Impulse function – transforms of periodic functions – Solution of ordinaryDifferential equations using Laplace transform.

Module III: Vector Differential Calculus (15 hours)Vector function of a Single Variable – Differentiation of vector functions – Scalar and Vectorfields – Gradient of Scalar fields – Divergence and Curl of Vector Fields – Physical meanings –Relations between the vector differential operators.

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11University of Calicut

Module IV: Vector Integral Calculus (15 hours)Double and Triple integrals – Their evaluation: Line, Surface and Volume integrals – Green’sTheorem – Gauss Divergence Theorem – Stoke’s Theorem (Proofs of these theorems areexcluded) – Line integrals independent of the Path.

Reference books1. Michael D Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd Edition), Pearson

Education Asia.2. Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrent, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.3. Kreyzig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley eastern.4. Piskunov N., Differential and Integral calculus, MIR Publishers.5. Ayres F., Matrices, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill.6. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.7. Glyn James., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3/e, Pearson Education Asia.8. Dr.ChandraMohan,Dr.Varegheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics I,II,III & IV ,

Sanguine Technical Publishers.9. Peter V O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson India Edition.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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EN09 103: Engineering Physics(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lecture per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts and ideas in physics To develop scientific attitudes and enable the students to correlate the concepts of

physics with the core programmes

Module 1(15 hours)Interfernce of light-superposition of waves-conditions for interference-spatial coherence-temporalcoherence-interference in thin films-Plane parallel films- -Colours of thin films in reflected andtransmitted light- interference in wedge shaped films- Testing of optical flatness-Newtons Rings-theory and expression for the radius in reflected light.-Measurement of wavelength and refractiveindex.

Diffraction of light-Fresnel and Fraunhoffer class of Diffraction-Fresnels halfperiod zone-Fraunhofer Diffraction at a single slit-(Qualitative Analysis) -Diffraction Grating- simple theoryof diffraction transmission grating- Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light usinggrating. Rayleighs criteria for resolution of spectral lines-Resolving power and dispersive powerof grating- mathematical expressions.

Crystal structure—space lattice-basis- translation vector- primitive lattice cell-unit cell-No.oflattice points per unit cell-simple cubic-bcc-fcc-latticeplanes and miller indices--spacing beweenthree dimensional lattice planes-cubic crystals-structure of sodium chloride –Distance betweenadjacent atoms for NaCl crystal- Reciprocal lattice-X-ray diffraction and Braggs law –use incrystal studies.

Module II (15 hours)Polarisation of light-Plane polarised light-Production of polarised light- Double refraction-Opticaxis and principle plane-Huyghens Explanation of double refraction in uniaxial crystals-positiveand negative crystals--Nicol prism - construction and working -Quarter wave and half wave plate-Theory of elliptically and circularly polarised light-Analytical analysis-production and detectionof plane polarised,elliptically polarised and circularly polarised light-polaroids-Optical activity-Laws of optical rotation-specific rotation-Laurents half shade polarimeter-Determination ofconcentration of sugar solution-Applications of polarised light.

Laser-introduction--spontaneous and stimulated emission-principle of laser- properties of laser-Einstein coefficients and the analysis of lasing conditions- Basic components of a laser-Differenttypes of lasers- construction,working and applications of Ruby laser-Neodymium YAG laser- He- Ne

laser- semiconductor laser-Applications of laser in medicine,industry,science andcommunication. Holography-basic principle-Comparison with ordinary photography-Recordingand reconstruction of holograms-applications .

Optical fibre--Basic structure of an optical fibre - step-index fibre and graded index fibre-propagation of light in an optical fibre-acceptance angle and acceptance cone- Numerical apertureof a step-index fibre-Numerical aperture of a graded index fibre-modes of propagation-step indexmonomode fibre-Multimode stepindex fibre- Graded multimode fibre-Attenuation in optic fibres-fibre losses-material loss,scattering loss,absorption loss,leaky modes- dispersion in optical fibres-Applications .

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Module III (15 hours)Semi-conductor physics-energy bands in solids-classification of solids on the basis of energy bandgap-Fermi level-intrinsic semi conductors- carrier (electron and hole concentration) in instrinsicsemiconductors-Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductors-law of mass action- Electricalconductivity- Extrinsic semiconductors- N-type and P-type-Donor and acceptor states-Fermi levelin extrinsic semiconductors.

Semi-conductor devices-PN junction diode-Voltage-current characteristics of a PN junction-Staticand Dynamic resistance of a diode-Zener diode-Avalanche breakdown and zener breakdown-zener characteristics-voltage regulation using zener diode-construction,working and uses oftunnel diode , Light emitting diode – varacter diode-Solar cell- liquid crystal display-applications-Bipolar junction transistor-Action of a transistor as an amplifier-characteristics of a npn transistorin CE Configuration-input resistance-output resistance- current amplification factor.

Superconductivity-Introduction--transition temperature-Meissner effect-properties of superconductors.Types of superconductors-type 1 and type 2- AC Josephsons effect- DC Jospehsonseffect- Flux quantisation-Squid-High temperature superconductors-Applications of superconductivity.

Module IV (15 hours)Quantum mechanics-Introduction-origin of quantum theory-black body radiation and photoelectric effect (brief ideas only)-matter waves- wave packet-uncertainty principle-(two forms)Timedependent Shrodinger equation for a free particle-Particle in force field and time dependentSchrodinger equation-Time independent schrodinger equation-Physical intrepretation of wavefunction-application -Particle in a Box (one dimensional) –Energy eigen values and wavefunctions

Ultrasonics-piezo electric effect-Magnetostriction effect-production of ultrasonics-properties ofultrasonics- ultrasonic diffractometer and determination of velocity of ultrasonics in a liquid-Application of ultrasonics in non destructive testing - Accoustics of building-reverberation-Absorption Coefficient- Sabines formula for reverberation time(Derivation)-Accoustic intensity-loudness-decibel-phon-conditions for good acoustics(Qualitative study).

Nanoscience-basic ideas of Nanoscience and nano technology-Nano clusters-carbon nanotubes-properties and applications-Future prospects and applications of Nanotechnology (Qualitativeideas)

Text Books1. Physics for Engineers-M.R.Seenivasan-New Age Publishers 1996 Edition.2. A Text book of Engineering Physics-A.S.Vasudeva S.Chand publishers 2008 Edition3. A Text book of Electronics-S.L.Kakani and K.C. Bhandari-New Age International(p)

publishers 2000 Edition4. Nanoscience and Technology-VS Muralidharan& A.Subramania-Ane Books Pvt.Ltd.2009


Reference books.1. Fundamentals Optics- Jenkins F.A. and White H.E. Mc Graw Hill Publication2. Optics-Ajoy Ghatak- Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing companyLtd3. Introduction to solid state physics- Charles Kittel-Wiley Eastern4. Concepts of Modern Physics –Arthur Beiser- Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd5. Lasers and non linear optics-B.B.Laud-Wiley Eastern6. Introduction to Semi conductor materials and Devices-Tyagi M.S. Jhon wiley and Sons.7. Nano:The essentials-T.Pradeep-Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.8. Optical Fibres and Fibre Optic Communication Systems-Subir Kumar Sarkar-S.Chand

Publishers9. Engineering Physics-G.S.Raghuvanshi-Printice Hall of India10. Text book of Optics-Brijlal and Subramanyam-S.Chand publishers11. Modern Physics- Murukesan R-S.Chand and Co.12. A Text book of Sound-N. Subramaniam &Brij Lal-Vikas publishing house Ltd.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

EN09 103(P) : Physics Lab(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credit: 11 hour practical per week


To develop scientific and experimental skills of the students To correlate the theoretical principles with application based studies.

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151. Characteristics of Zener diode.2. Determination of band gap energy in a semi-conductor using a reverse biased p-n junction3. Voltage regulation using Zener diode.4. Static characteristics of a transistor in common emitter configuration5. Characteristics of photo diode6. Characteristics of a LED and wavelength of emitted radiation.7. Draw the characteristics of a solar cell.8. Wavelength of mercury spectral lines using diffraction grating and spectrometer.9. Determination of angle of a Quartz /calcite prism and hence determine the refractive indices

of ordinary and extra ordinary rays in calcite or quartz prism10. Diameter of a thin wire or thickness of a thin paper by Air-wedge method.11. Wavelength of sodium light by Newtons Ring method. Radius of curvature of the lens by

Boys method12. Specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter.13. To investigate the relationship between optical activity and wavelength.14. Wavelength of laser using Grating. Standardise the Grating using sodium light.15. To study the relation between the sine of the angle of diffraction and the wavelength of light.16. Resolving and dispersive power of Grating.17. To determine the angular divergence of a laser beam using He-Ne laser or diode laser.18. To measure the numerical aperture of an optical fibre.19. Wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves using ultrasonic diffractometer.20. Frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork (transverse and longitudinal modes)

(Minimum 12 experiments should be completed)

Reference books.1.Practical physics with viva voice-Dr.S.L.Gupta and Dr.V.Kumar-pragati Prakashan Publishers2.Experiments in Engineering Physics-M.N.Avadhanulu,A.A.Dani and

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)

50% - Laboratory practical and record40% - Test10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-50)

70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference20% - Viva voce10% - Fair record

EN09 104: Engineering Chemistry(Common for all branches))

Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lecture per week

Objectives To familiarise the students on application oriented themes like the chemistry of materials

used in engineering discipline To focus the students on the chemistry of compounds resulting from pollution, waste

generation and environmental degradation and to apply the knowledge in solving thesecurrent environmental problems effectively.

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Module I (18 hours)Semi conductors – Band theory – intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors – conductivity insemiconductors – Effect of temperature on conductivity - semi conductivity in non-elementalmaterials – stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric semiconducting compounds – ultrapure siliconproduction – zone refiningIntroduction to Nanoscience – carbon nanotubes and nanowires – applicationsLiquid crystals – classification – Molecular ordering – identification – polymeric liquid crystals –application of liquid crystals – displays and thermographyWater – specification for various purposes- (industrial, domestic, drinking) Analysis of water –Hardness, alkalinity Disadvantages of hard water – determination of hardness- EDTA method –softening – lime soda, Ion exchange methods – purification of water for domestic use – Estimationof dissolved oxygen

Module II (18 hours)Polymers – classification – Types of polymerization – addition, condensation, co-polymerisation,co-ordination polymerization – Mechanism – cationic, anionic, free radicalPolymerisation techniques – Bulk, solution, suspension and emulsionStructure relation to propertiesThemoplastics – PE, PVC, PS, PVA - Thermosetting – Bakelite, UF, Silicones - Fibres – Nylon 6,Nylon 66, Dacron - Natural rubber – Vulcanisation - Synthetic rubber – Buna S, Buna N, - Siliconrubber – compounding – Applications of polymers in Electrical and Electronic industryLubricants – Theories of friction – Mechanism of lubrication Thick film, thin film, extremepressure. Classification – solid, liquid, semisolid – properties – viscosity, flash point, fire point,cloud and pour point, Aniline point, corrosion stability.

Module III (12 hours)Electrochemistry – single electrode potential – Helmholtz double layer – Nernst equation –derivation – types of electrodes (M/M+, M/MA/A-, M/A+, A2+, Pt/H2,H

+, glass electrode)Electrochemical cells, concentration cells - salt bridge –emf measurement – Poggendorf’scompensation method – Electrochemical series – applications – storage cells – Lead acidaccumulator – alkaline cells – Nickel cadmium – fuel cells – H2/O2 fuel cell – solar cells –Chemical sensors.Acids and basis – Lowry Bronsted and Lewis concepts. Concept of pH – pH measurement usingglass electrode – Dissociation constants – Buffer solution – Henderson equation for calculation ofpH

Module IV (12 hours)Corrosion and its control – theories of corrosion – dry corrosion and wet corrosion – galvanicseries - corrosion of iron in acidic, neutral and basic conditions – Differential aeration corrosion,stress corrosion – galvanic corrosion – Factors influencing corrosion.Corrosion protection – self protecting corrosion products – Pilling Bed worth rule- Coatings –Organic (Paints and polymers) Inorganic – Metallic (galvanizing, tinning, electroplating,cementation) Nonmetallic (phosphate, chromate, anodising, chemical oxide). Passivation of metalsby chemical treatment – protection by sacrificial anode – Impressed current.Pollution – Definitions – classification of pollutants – Effect on environment – Air pollution –Photochemical Smog – Ozone depletion – Chapman cycle of Ozone formation – CFC dissociationand its reaction with Ozone – Alternate refrigerants – Thermal pollution – Methods of control ofair pollution - water pollution – BOD, COD determination.

Text Books1. Jain and Jain (2007) “Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.2. Shashi Chawla (2006) “A text Book of Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpat Rai publishing

Co.3. Dr. Kochubaby Manjooran – Modern Engineering Chemistry – Kannantheri Publication,


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17Reference Books

1. B.R. Gowarikar et. al “Polymer Science” New Age International.2. S. Deswal and A. Deswal “A basic course in Environmental Studies” Dhanpat Rai

publishing Co.3. A.K. De “Environmental Chemistry” New Age International.4. B.K. Sharma “Electrochemistry” Goel Publishing House.5. V. Raghavan “Material Science and Engineering – A First Course” Prentice Hall of India

Pvt. Ltd.6. V.S. Muraleedharan and A. Subramania – Nano Science and Technology, Ane Books Pvt.

Ltd., New Delhi.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

EN09 104(P): Chemistry Lab(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credit: 11 hour practical per week


To equip the students with the working knowledge of chemical principles, nature andtransformation of materials and their applications.

To develop analytical capabilities of students so that they can understand the role ofchemistry in the field of Engineering and Environmental Sciences

1. Estimation of ion in Mohr’s salt using standard K2Cr2O7

2. Estimation of iron in a sample of iron ore3. Estimation of copper in a given sample of brass

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184. Estimation of total hardness in a given sample of water using EDTA.5. Estimation of chloride ions in domestic water6. Determination of dissolved oxygen present in a given sample of water (Winkler’s Method)7. Determination of available chlorine in a sample of bleaching powder8. Determination of flash point and fire point of an oil using Pensky Martens flash point

apparatus9. Determination of EMF of a cell by Poggendorf’s compensation method10. Preparation of buffers and standardization of pH meter11. Estimation of iron, chromium, lead and Cadmium in water – Colourimetrically12. Preparation of urea –formaldehyde and phenol formaldehyde resin

(Minimum 8 experiments should be completed)

Reference BooksA.I. Vogel – A text book of Quantitative Analysis – ELBS, London.Dr. Sunita Rattan – Experiments in Applied Chemistry – S.K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)

50% - Laboratory practical and record40% - Test10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-50)

70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference20% - Viva voce10% - Fair record

EN09 105: Engineering Mechanics(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To acquaint with general method of solving engineering problems. To illustrate the application of the methods learned in Mechanics in practical

engineering problems.

Units: System International

Module I (16 hours)Introduction to engineering mechanics - units - dimensions - vector and scalar quantities - laws ofmechanics - elements of vector algebra - important vector quantities - equivalent force systems -

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19translation of a force to a parallel position - resultant of a force system - simplest resultant ofspecial force systems - distributed force systems - equations of equilibrium - free body diagrams -free bodies involving interior sections - general equations of equilibrium - problems of equilibrium- static indeterminacy. (Both vector and scalar formulations are to be introduced to solveproblems.)

Module II (16 hours)Friction – laws of friction – simple contact friction problems.

Introduction to structural mechanics - trusses - analysis of simple trusses - method of sections –method of joints.

Properties of simple and composite plane areas and curves – first moment and centroid– theoremsof Pappus-Guldinus - second moment of plane and composite areas – parallel and perpendicularaxis theorems – polar moment of inertia of area – product of inertia and principal axis (conceptuallevel treatment only).Moment of inertia of a rigid body and lamina (derivation of MI for cylinder, rod and sphere).

Module III (14 hours)Kinematics of particles - rectilinear motion - curvilinear motion – motion of a projectile -tangential and normal accelerationKinetics of particles - rectilinear motion – curvilinear motion - Newton’s second law–D’Alembert’s principle – motion on horizontal and inclined surfaces – motion of connectedbodies.Work, power and energy –work-energy equation – transformation and conservation of energy –impulse and momentum.

Module IV (14 hours)Kinematics rigid bodies - rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis - plane motion of a rigid body -instantaneous center

Kinetics rigid bodies - equations of motion of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis - rotationunder the action of a constant moment - D’Alembert’s principle – equations of motion for generalplane motion - principle of work and energy.

Text Books1. Shames I.H, Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics, 4th ed.,Prentice-Hall of India, New

Delhi, 20012. Hibbeler R. C. , Engineering Mechanics, Vol.I statics, Vol II Dynamics, 2nd ed., Pearson

Education, Delhi, 2004.3. Timoshenko S. and Young D. H., Engineering Mechanics, 4th ed., McGraw Hill International

Edition, Singapore, 1956.

Reference Books1. Beer F.P and Johnston E.R., Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Vol.1 Statics and Vol.2

Dynamics, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.2. Meriam J.L and Kraige L.G., Engineering Mechanics - Vol.1 Statics and Vol.2 Dynamics, 5th

ed., Wiley Student Edition, Kundli, 20043. Rajasekharan S. and Sankarasubramanian G., Engineering Mechanics –Statics and Dynamics,

3rd ed., Vikas Publishing House, Delhi, 2005

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

EN 09 106: Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engg.(Common for all branches))

Credits: 4

Teaching scheme1 hour lecture per week

Section1: Basicsof CivilEngineering

ObjectiveTo give a basic knowledge of the topics in Civil Engineering.

(In- depth treatment is not required)

Module I (15 hours)Scope of Civil Engineering- Role of Civil Engineers in nation building.Brief description of Engineering properties and applications of the following constructionmaterials (i) Lateritic stone (ii) brick (iii) cement (iv) sand (v) Rubble & Crushed stone (vi) Timber(vii) Iron & steel. (Study on laboratory tests not expected, detailed manufacturing processes ofmaterials not expected).Stone and brick masonry construction- bonds used in general constructions- Cement mortar andCement Concrete - Properties and applications- Reinforced Cement Concrete Fundamentals -points to be observed during masonry construction and concreting.(Only brief description is expected).

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Module II (15 hours)Introduction to Surveying- brief description of the following instruments (i) chain and accessories

(ii) Dumpy level (iii) Theodolite. Use of levelling instrument for determining reduced levels ofvarious stations- Simple problems on Levelling - use of theodolite for measuring horizontal angles– Simple problems on horizontal distance and plane area. (Only brief description is expected).Building drawing- plan, section and elevation of a single room building with RCC roof(sketching in the paper/note book only is expected).Type and functions of the following structural components of buildings(i) Foundation (ii) Wall (iii) Column (iv) Beam (v) Slab (vi) Arch & Lintels (vii) Plane Trusses.Geometric, structural, and functional features of Roads, Bridges and Dams.

Text Books1. L.S.Jayagopal and R. Rudramoorthy-“Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering”-

Vikas Publishing house Pvt Ltd, New Delhi New-110014.

Reference Books1. Rangwala. S. “ Engineering Materials”, Charator book stall, Anand2. Arora. K.R. Surveying Vol I and Vol II, Standard Book house,3. Punmia. B.C- Building Construction, Laxmi Publications4. Rajput. R.K.—“Engineering Materials”, S. Chand and Company5. Balagopal. T.S. Prabhu “ Building Drawing and Detailing, Spades.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern – for Section 1Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

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Section2: BasicsofMechanical Engineering

Teaching scheme1 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To impart the basics of thermodynamics, heat engines, thermal power plants, hydraulic

machines and power plants, renewable energy power plants etc To impart the basics of Power transmission elements and basic manufacturing

processes. Only preliminary understanding of the subject is to be imparted, as this is a basic


Module I (Basic Thermodynamics and applications) (16 hours)Basic Thermodynamics- Concept of temperature, Zeroth law, heat and work, First law, Internal

Energy concept, Second law (Statement and explanation only) –Heat engine, refrigerator and heatpump _ Concepts of entropy - Thermodynamic cycles -Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle,Brayton cycle.Internal Combustion Engines – Classification - SI and CI engines, Two stroke and Four strokeengines, Carburetted and MPFI engines, CRDI engines. Working principles only.Power plants –layout and working of Gas turbine Power plants, Steam power plants, Diesel powerplants and Nuclear power plants.Vapour compression and Air refrigeration systems – Concept of Ton of Refrigeration andCOP, simple cycle and schematic diagram only. Brayton cycle- derivation of efficiency of thecycle – simple problemsRenewable and non –renewable sources of energy – Fuels and their properties – coal, LSHS,FO, LNG , HSD, Biodiesel and biogas – layout and working principles of solar, wind, tidal,OTEC, Geothermal, power plants.

Module II (Hydraulic machines and Manufacturing systems) (14 hours)Hydel power plants and pumps.- Hydraulic Turbines - Classification, construction, working andapplications. Hydraulic pumps - Classification, Reciprocating and centrifugal pumps, Priming,multistage pumps, pumps like vane, gear and jet pumps (working principle and applications only).Basic Power transmission systems- Belt and chain drives, expressions for power transmitted, belttension, & coefficient of friction relationships- gears and gear trains - Rack & pinion, Slidercrank mechanism, eccentric mechanism (basics only)Basic manufacturing processes- Casting (Sand and die casting processes), Forging (open andclosed die forging & net shape forging), Rolling (2 and 3 roll process), Extrusion (Direct, indirectand hydrostatic extrusion), Welding (SMAW & Oxy fuel welding)

Reference Books1. A textbook on Internal Combustion Engines – Mathur and Sharma, Dhanpat Rai & Sons2. Elements of Mechanical Engineering – Roy and Choudhary3. Power plant engineering – P.K. Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill4. Basic Mechanical Engineering – Benjamin

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern – for Section 2Note: (Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books)

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 35

EN09 107: Basics of Electrical, Electronics & CommunicationEngineering

(Common for all branches)

Teaching Scheme Credits: 42 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


To provide the basic concepts and an overview of Electrical Engineering.

Module I (15 hours)Kirchoff’s laws – solution of series-parallel circuits with DC excitation. (2Hrs) Magnetic circuits –MMF, flux, reluctance – comparison of magnetic and electric circuits. (3 Hrs) Faraday’s laws –Lenz’s law – statically and dynamically induced EMF – self and mutual inductance – coefficientof coupling. (3 Hrs)Single phase AC circuits – generation of sinusoidal EMF – cycle, frequency, time period – averageand RMS values – form factor and peak factor of sine wave only – analysis of simple R,L,Ccircuits – reactance and impedance – active, reactive and apparent power – power factor. (5Hrs)3-phase circuits – generation of 3-phase AC voltage – Star and Delta connection – voltage &current relationships in star and delta (balanced only). (2 Hrs)

Module II (15 Hours) (Basic Concepts only)Single phase transformer – construction – principle of operation – EMF equation – transformationratio – ideal transformer only. (3 Hrs)DC motor and generator – constructional details – EMF equation of dc generator - shunt, seriesand compound (schematics only) – applications of dc motors. (3 Hrs)

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243-phase induction motor – squirrel cage and wound rotor type – constructional details – rotatingmagnetic field (concepts only) - principle of operation – slip – applications. (3 Hrs)3-phase synchronous generators – constructional details – salient-pole and cylindrical rotor type -principle of operation. (3 Hrs)Basic structure of ac power system (1Hr)Electrical estimation of small residential building (quantity of materials only) (2Hrs)

Text Books1. Edward Hughes, Electrical Technology, Pearson Education2. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals , Pearson Education

Reference Books1. Kothari & Nagrath, Theory & problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill2. Ashfaq Husain, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Co.3. J.B. Gupta, A course in electrical installation, estimation & costing, S.K. Kataria & Sons

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern – for Section 1Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 35

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B.Tech. Degree Programme Syllabi - Combined First & Second Semesters

Section2: BasicsofElectronicsandCommunicationEngineering

Objectives To impart knowledge about basic electronic and digital systems To give basic ideas about various communication systems

(Only system level block diagram approach, no analysis required) Module

I (14 hours)

Amplifiers: Principle of electronic amplifiers – Block diagram representation – Classification –Significance of input impedance, output impedance, output power, power gain, voltage gain andfrequency response – noise in amplifiers – cascaded amplifiers – concept of differential amplifiersand operational amplifiers – open loop and closed loop systems – effect of negative feedback –concept of oscillators.(7 Hours)Digital Systems : Logic gates – logic states – Boolean algebra – algebraic logic minimisation –generating logic diagram from Boolean expression – introduction to TTL and CMOS logic –programmable logic devices . (4 Hours)Measurements and Data Acquisition Systems : Working and block diagram of CRO – sensors –actuators – principle of digital voltmeter – concept of multiplexing – principle of ADC and DAC ..(3 Hours)

Module II (16 hours)

Radio Communication : Modulation - Principle Of AM & FM – block diagrams of transmitters –wave forms – band width – principle of AM & FM demodulation - comparison of AM &FM –principle of super heterodyne receiver – block diagram. (4 Hours)

Radar and Navigation : principle of Radar – Radar equation [ Derivation not required ] – blockschematics of pulsed Radar and continuous wave Radar – applications of Radar – introduction tonavigational aids. (4 Hours)

Communicational Systems : principle of microwave communication – frequency band –repeaters – block diagrams – principle of satellite communication systems – transponder – blockdiagram of optical communicational systems – principle of light transmission through fibre –advantages of optical communication – basic principles of cellular communications – concepts ofcells – frequency reuse – handoff – roaming – principle of GSM , CDMA, GPRS technologies . (8Hours)

Text Books1. Neil Storey, ‘Electronics; A Systems Approach’ Pearson Education, 2nd Ed., New Delhi2. Santhiram Kal.’Basic Electronics-Devices, Circuits & IT fundamentals’, PHI, New

Delhi3. Louis E Frenzel,’Principles of Electronic Communication systems’, Tata McGraw Hill,

New Delhi4. William Stallimgs.’Wireless Communications & Networks’, Pearson Education, New

Delhi5. David A Bell.’Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements’, PHI, New Delhi

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern – for Section 2Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 35

EN09 108: Engineering Graphics(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 33 hours drawing per week

ObjectivesBy going through the contents student will be able to:

Understand systems of drawing. Produce orthographic drawing of points, lines and solids. Produce isometric views of any object. Develop skill to produce perspective views of any object. Develop skill to convert the pictorial views of simple engineering objects into

orthographic views.

Module – I (9 Hours; 1 Drawing Exercise)Drawing instruments and their use - Different types of lines - Lettering and dimensioning – Scales- Familiarization with current Indian Standard Code of practice for general engineering drawing -Construction of Conic sections - Construction of Cycloid, Involutes and Helix(For internal work assessment only, not for University Examination)

Module-II (24 Hours; 4 Drawing exercises)a) Introduction to projections - Systems of projections - Vertical, Horizontal and Profile

planes - Principles of first and third angle projections - Projections of points in differentquadrants - Orthographic projections of straight lines parallel to both reference planes -Perpendicular to one of the reference planes - Inclined to one and parallel to otherreference plane - Inclined to both the reference planes and occupied in one quadrant -Traces of lines - True length and inclination of a line with reference planes - Line occupied

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27in more than one quadrant - Line inclined to the two reference planes but parallel to theprofile plane.

b) Projections of plane lamina of geometrical shapes - Plane lamina parallel to one of thereference planes - Inclined to one and perpendicular to the other reference plane - Inclinedto both the reference planes - Inclined to the two reference planes but perpendicular to theprofile plane.

Module- III (18 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

a) Projections of Polyhedra, Solids of revolution and Frustums - Projections of solids withaxis parallel to one and inclined to the other reference plane - Axis inclined to both thereference planes - Projections of solids on auxiliary planes (Solids to be drawn: Cube,Prisms, Pyramids, Tetrahedron, Cone and Cylinder)

b) Sections of solids - Sections by cutting planes parallel to the reference planes - Cuttingplane inclined to one and perpendicular to other reference plane - True shape of the sectionby projecting on auxiliary plane (Solids to be drawn: Cube, Prisms, Pyramids,Tetrahedron, Cone and Cylinder)

Module- IV (15 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

a) Intersection of surfaces - Methods of determining the curve of intersection - Line method -Cutting plane method - Axes of the solids perpendicular to each other and one of them isperpendicular to vertical plane and other is perpendicular to horizontal plane - Intersectionof two prisms - Intersection of two cylinders – Intersection of cylinder and cone.

b) Development of surfaces of solids - Method of parallel line and radial line developments -Development of Polyhedra, Cylinder, Cone and sectioned solids - Development of solidshaving hole or cut - Development of Elbow and T-joint.

Module- V (15 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

a) Introduction to isometric projection - Isometric scale - Isometric views - Isometricprojections of Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder, Cone, Spheres, sectioned solids andcombination of them.

b) Introduction to perspective projections - Classification of perspective views - Visual rayand vanishing point method of drawing perspective projection - Perspective views of planefigures such as polygons and circles - Perspective views of solids like Prisms, Pyramidsand Cube.

c) Introduction to multiview projection of objects - The principle of the six orthographicviews -Conversion of pictorial views of simple engineering objects into orthographic views.

Module- VI (9 Hours; 2 Drawing exercises)

a) Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) - Preparation of engineering drawings byusing any software capable of drafting and modeling - Creation of simple figures likepolygon and general multiline figures - Drawing of front view and top view of solid likePrism, Pyramid and Cylinder and dimensioning - Drawing of front view and top view ofobjects from pictorial view.

b) Conventional representation of threaded fasteners - Drawing of nuts, bolts, washers andscrews - Locking arrangements of nuts - Bolted and screwed joints - Foundation bolts.

(For internal work assessment only, not for University Examination)

NOTE: All drawing exercises mentioned above are for class work. Additional exercises whereever necessary may be given as home assignments

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Text Books1. John.K.C, Engineering graphics, Jet Publications, Thrissur2. P.I.Varghese, Engineering Graphics, VIP Publications, Thrissur

. 3. Bhatt.N.D, Elementary Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, Delhi4. K.N.Anilkumar, Engineering Graphics, Adhuth Narayanan Publishers, Kottayam

Reference Books.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Drawing exercises (Best 12 sheets)30% - Tests (minimum 2)10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

No question from modules I and VI Answer THREE questions from Part A and any TWO questions from Part B. All

questions carry equal marks

PART A Q 1 Two questions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from module 3 x 14 marks=II, one from module II (a) and one from module II(b), with 42 markschoice to answer any one.

Q II Two questions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from moduleIII, one from module III(a) and one from module III(b),with choice to answer any one.

Q III Two questions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from moduleIV, one from module IV(a) and one from module IV(b),with choice to answer any one.

PART B Q IV 3 Questions (a), (b) and (c) of 14 marks each from module 2 x 14 marks =V, one from module V(a), one from module V(b) and one 28 marksfrom module V(c), with choice to answer any two.

Maximum TotalMarks=70

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EN09 109(P): Computer Programming in C(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 31 hour lecture and 1 hour practical per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of computer and information technology To develop skill in problem solving concepts through learning C programming in practical


Module I (7 hours)Introduction to Computers: CPU, Memory, input-output devices, secondary storage devices,Processor Concepts - Evolution and comparative study of processors. Machine language, assemblylanguage, and high level language. Inside a PC, Latest trends and technologies of storage, memory,processor, printing etc. Concept of Program and data, System software - BIOS, Operating System-Definition-Functions-Windows, and Linux. Compilers and assemblers. Application software.Definition and scope of IT, Computer networks, LAN, WiFi, Internet Services.

Module II (6 hours)Basic elements of C: Flow chart and algorithm – Development of algorithms for simple problems.Structure of C program – Operators and expressions – Procedure and order of evaluation – Input andOutput functions. While, do-while and for statements, if, if-else, switch, break, continue, goto,and labels. Programming examples.

Module III (7 hours)Functions and Program structures: Functions – declaring, defining, and accessing functions– parameter passing methods – Recursion – Storage classes – Extern, auto, register and static.Library functions. Header files – C pre-processor. Example programs.Arrays: Defining and processing arrays – passing arrays to functions – two dimensional andmultidimensional arrays – application of arrays. Example programs.

Module IV (10 hours)Pointer: Concepts, declaration, initialization of pointer variables – Pointers and functions – pointers andarrays – Pointers and structures – Command line arguments – Dynamic memory allocations. Exampleprograms.Structures, unions, and file handling: Structures – declaration, definition and initialization of

structures – Nested structures – Arrays of structures – Structures and function. Union – typedef.Concept of a file – File pointer – File operations. Basic concepts of linked lists. Example programs.

Lab Exercises

1. Lab Practice – Familiarization of OS- DOS, Windows and Linux – Simple OS commands– Creation of folders/directories, copying and deleting files etc. Simple shell programming

(3 Hrs)2. Lab praise- identifying the hardware components inside a computer (2 hrs)3. Lab Practice/Demo - Editor, compiler, linker, loader (with a simple C program) (3 Hrs)4. Lab Practice- Common application softwares – DTP & Office suite, Presentation slides,

pdf and ps reader (5 Hrs)

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5. Usage of INTERNET for academic purposes, ftp, torrent – demo (2 hours)6. Programming exercises in C covering the following topics (15 hours)

(a) Functions (b) Arrays (c) Pointers(d) Structures and unions(e) File handling

Text Books1. B.Gottfried, Programming with C, 2nd ed, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 20062. P. Norton, Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers, 6th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

2004.3. B. W. Kernighan, and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India,

New Delhi, 19884. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004

Reference Books1. K. N. King. C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 20082. P. Norton, Peter Norton’s Computing Fundamentals, 6th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

2004.3. S .Kochan , Programming in C, CBS publishers & distributors4. M. Meyer, R. Baber, B. Pfaffenberger. Computers in Your Future, 3rd ed., Pearson Education


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks – 50)

40% - Laboratory practical and record20% - Test(s)30% - Assignments such as home work, term-project, programming exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination Pattern (Maximum Marks – 50)The examination shall be conducted in two sections, theory section of 1 hour duration and practicalsection of 2 hours duration.

Section – 1 (Theory) – This will be a common test; question paper shall be set jointly byexternal and internal examiners.PART A: Short answer questions 5 x 1 marks=5 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module.

PART B: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Section – 2 (Practical) (Total Marks: 25)B. 70% - Algorithm/Procedure, Writing and executing C-program, Results/Inference

20% - Viva voce10% - Record

Total Marks: 25

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EN09 110(P): Mechanical Workshops(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 22 hours practical per week

Objectives To inculcate engineering aptitude, confidence and experience towards technical skills To train the students mentally and physically for industries To impart knowledge and technical skills on basic manufacturing methods

A) Carpentry: study of tools and joints – plaining, chiselling, marking and sawing practice,Different joints

B) Fitting: study of tools, chipping, filing, cutting, drilling, tapping, male and female joints,stepped joints

C) Smithy: study of tools, forging of square prism, hexagonal boltD) Foundry: study of tools, sand preparation, moulding practiceE) Sheet Metal work: study of tools, selection of different gauge sheets, types of joints, trays

and containersF) Plumbing Practice: study of tools, study of pipe fittings, pipe joints, cutting, threading and

laying practice.

Note : For end-semester examination, the student shall be examined in any one of the firstfive trades (A-E)

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)

50% - Laboratory practical and record40% - Test10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-50)

70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference20% - Viva voce10% - Fair record

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EN09 111(P) Electrical and Civil Work shops(Common for all branches)

Teaching Scheme Credits: 22 hours practical per week


Objective To impart a basic knowledge of electrical circuits, machines and power systems.

1. Familiarization of various types of Service mains – Wiring installations – Accessories andhouse hold electrical appliances.

2. Methods of earthling- Measurement of earth resistance- Testing of electrical installations-Precautions against and cure from electric shock

3. Practice of making different joints( Britannia, Married and T- Joints) on copper/aluminium bare conductors.

4. Wiring practice of a circuit to control two lamps by two SPST switches.5. Wiring practice of a circuit to control one lamp by two SPDT switches.6. Wiring practice of a circuit to control one fluorescent lamp and one three pin plug socket.7. Wiring practice of a main switch board consisting of ICDP switch, DB, MCB’s and

ELCB’s.8. Familiarization of various parts of electrical motors and wiring of three phase and single

phase motor with starter.9. Familiarization of energy meter and measurement of energy consumption by a single

phase load.10. Familiarization of various electrical and electronic components such as transformers,

resistors, AF and RF chokes, capacitors, transistors, diodes, IC’s and PCB.11. Assembling and soldering practice of single phase full wave bridge rectifier circuit with i)

capacitor circuit ii) regulator IC

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-25)

50% - Laboratory practical and record40% - Test10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-25)

70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference20% - Viva voce10% - Fair record

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33Section2: CivilEngineeringWorkshop

Objectives To provide experience on plotting, measuring/determining horizontal distances, level

differences between stations and horizontal angles. To provide experience on setting out for small buildings, masonry construction,

plumbing work and model making.

1. Chain Surveying - Study of chain and accessories, Plotting one side of a building/ Five or six pointsin the field using chain and cross-staff

2. Compass surveying (Study of compass, Plotting one side of a building/Five or six points in thefield using compass

3. Levelling - Study of levelling instruments, Determination of reduced levels of five or six pointsin the field.

4. Theodolite - Study of Theodolite, Measuring horizontal angles5. Setting out practice6. Brick Masonry7. Plumbing - Demonstration of plumbing fixtures-Exercise in joints8. Model making of simple solids

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-25)

50% - Laboratory practical and record40% - Test10% - Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-25)

70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference20% - Viva voce10% - Fair record

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Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

ObjectiveThis course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis

that may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fouriertransform which are wealth of ideas and results with wide area of application.

Module I: Functions of a Complex Variable (13 hours)Functions of a Complex Variable – Limit – Continuity – Derivative of a Complex function –Analytic functions – Cauchy-Riemann Equations – Laplace equation – Harmonic Functions –Conformal Mapping – Examples: Zn, sinz, cosz, sinhz, coshz, (z+1/Z )– Mobius Transformation.

Module II: Functions of a Complex Variable (14 hours)

Definition of Line integral in the complex plane – Cauchy’s integral theorem (Proof of existenceof indefinite integral to be omitted) – Independence of path – Cauchy’s integral formula –Derivatives of analytic functions (Proof not required) – Taylor series – Laurent series –Singularities and Zeros – Residues – Residue Integration method – Residues and Residuetheorem – Evaluation of real integrals.

Module III: Linear Algebra (13 hours) - Proofs not requiredVector spaces – Definition, Examples – Subspaces – Linear Span – Linear Independence –Linear Dependence – Basis – Dimension – Ordered Basis – Coordinate Vectors – TransitionMatrix – Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets – Orthogonal and Orthonormal Basis – Gram-Schmidt orthogonolisation process – Inner product spaces –Examples.

Module IV: Fourier Transforms (14 hours)Fourier Integral theorem (Proof not required) – Fourier Sine and Cosine integral representations –Fourier Transforms – Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms – Properties of Fourier Transforms.

Text Books

Module I:Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Sections: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.9Module II:Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Sections: 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4Module III:Bernaed Kolman, David R Hill, Introductory Linear Algebra, An Applied First Course, PearsonEducation.Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, Appendix.B.1Module IV:Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.Sections: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Reeference books1. H S Kasana, Complex Variables, Theory and Applications, 2e, Prentice Hall of India.2. John M Howie, Complex Analysis, Springer International Edition.3. Shahnaz bathul, Text book of Engineering Mathematics, Special functions and Complex

Variables, Prentice Hall of India.4. Gerald Dennis Mahan, Applied mathematics, Springer International Edition.5. David Towers, Guide to Linear Algebra, MacMillan Mathematical Guides.6. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, 9e, John Wiley

and Sons.7. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson

Education.8. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books

India.9. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill.10. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press.11. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India.12. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes.13. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine

Technical Publishers.14. N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e,

Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media.15. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II., Ane Books India.16. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.17. Lary C Andrews, Bhimsen K Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice Hall of

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70


Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


To identify the most critical issues that confronted particular periods and locations in history To identify stages in the development of science and technology To understand the purpose and process of communication To produce documents reflecting different types of communication such as technical

descriptions, proposals ,and reports To develop a positive attitude and self-confidence in the workplace and To develop appropriate social and business ethics.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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Module I (14 hours)Humanities, Science and Technology: Importance of humanities to technology, education andsociety- Impact of science and technology on the development of modern civilization.Contributions of ancient civilization: Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek.Cultural, Industrial, Transportation and Communication revolutions.Advances in modern India: Achievements in information, communication and space technologies.

Module II (16 hours)Concept of communication: The speaker/writer and the listener/reader, medium ofcommunication, barriers to communication, accuracy, brevity, clarity and appropriatenessReading comprehension: Reading at various speeds, different kinds of text for different purposes, readingbetween lines.Listening comprehension: Comprehending material delivered at fast speed and spoken material,intelligent listening in interviewsSpeaking: Achieving desired clarity and fluency, manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking, taskoriented, interpersonal, informal and semi formal speaking, making a short classroompresentation.Group discussion: Use of persuasive strategies, being polite and firm, handling questions and takingin criticisms on self, turn-taking strategies and effective intervention, use of bodylanguage.

Module III (16 hours)Written Communication : Note making and taking, summarizing, notes and memos, developing notesinto text, organization of ideas, cohesion and coherence, paragraph writing, ordering informationin space and time, description and argument, comparison and contrast, narrating eventschronologically. Writing a rough draft, editing, proof reading, final draft and styling text. Technical reportwriting: Synopsis writing, formats for reports. Introductory report, Progress report, Incident report,Feasibility report, Marketing report, Field report and Laboratory test reportProject report: Reference work, General objective, specific objective, introduction, body,illustrations using graphs, tables, charts, diagrams and flow charts. Conclusion and referencesPreparation of leaflets, brochure and C.V.

Module IV (14 hours)Human relations and Professional ethics: Art of dealing with people, empathy and sympathy,hearing and listening. Tension and stress, Methods to handle stressResponsibilities and rights of engineers- collegiality and loyalty – Respect for authority –Confidentiality – conflicts of interest – Professional rights, Rights of information, Socialresponsibility.Senses of ethics – variety of moral issues – Moral dilemma – Moral autonomy – Attributes of anethical personality – right action – self interest

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PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Reference Books1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication- Principles and

Practice Oxford University press, 20062. Jayashree Suresh and B S Raghavan, Professional Ethics, S Chand and Company Ltd, 20053. Subrayappa, History of Science in India, National Academy of Science, India4. R C Bhatia, Business Communication, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 20095. Sunita Mishra and C Muralikrishna, Communicatin Skils for Engineers, Pearson Education,

2007.6. Jovan van Emden and Lucinda Becker, Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities

Students, Palgrave macmillam, 20097. W C Dampier, History of Science, Cambridge University Press8. Vesilind, Engineering, Ethics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press9. Larson E, History of Inventions, Thompson Press India Ltd.10. Bernal J.D, Science in History, Penguin Books Ltd11. Encyclopedia Britannica, History of Science, History of Technology12. Brownoski J, Science and Human Values, Harper and Row

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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BT09 303 FLUID FLOW OPERATIONSTeaching Scheme:4 hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of fluid statics and dynamics

To study the basic equations of flow

To study about the metering and pumping of fluids

To study about the flow of fluids through packed beds and fluidized beds

Module – 1Introduction to fluid mechanics. Definition of fluid. Physical properties of fluids – density,specific weight, specific gravity, compressibility, surface tension, vapour pressure and viscosity. .Absolute and kinematic viscosity. . Units and dimensions of the properties. Variation ofproperties with temperature and pressure. Rheology of fluids. Classification of fluids.Fluid statics and applications – Pascal’s law. Hydrostatic equilibrium in gravity and centrifugalfields. Barometric equation. Principle of manometers. Different types of manometers.Principles of continuous gravity and centrifugal decanters. Introduction to fluid flowphenomenon. Reynolds experiment. Reynolds number. Classification of flow.

Module – IIBasic equation of fluid flow. Equation of continuity. Equation of motion. Euler equation.Bernoulli equation. Momentum equation. Kinetic energy and fluid friction correction factors.Laminar flow of incompressible fluids in pipes and conduits. Shear stress and velocitydistribution in circular channels.The friction factor, Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Darcy and Weisbach equation. Concept ofequivalent diameter. Friction factor chart, Friction losses from change in velocity and directionand loss due to pipe fittings. Turbulent flow, universal velocity distribution equations, frictionfactor- Reynolds number relationship, Nikuradse- Carman Equation, average velocity, Blassiusequation ( derivation not required), Prandtl law.

Module- IIITransportation and metering of fluids. Pipes and pipe standards, tubings, pipe joints, flange,expansion joints, valves, automatic control valves. Different types of pumps. Description andcomparison. Detailed study of centrifugal pumps.Velocity diagrams, Developed head. Volumetric flow rate relation. Various losses. characteristiccurves, NPSH. Cavitation, pump priming. Description of rotary pumps, reciprocating pumps,jet pumps, air lift, and diaphragm pumps. Comparison and application of venturimeter,orifice meter, pitot tube, rotameter, weirs and notches.

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Module – IVFlow past immersed bodies: Drag coefficient, flow through packed bed. Ergun equation.

Kozney- Carman equation. Blake Plummer equation. Design of packed beds. Motion ofparticles through fluids. Motion from gravitational and centrifugal fields. Terminal settlingvelocity. Stokes’ law. Intermediate law-Newton law. Free and hindered settling Fluidization.The phenomenon of Fluidization, Minimum fluidizing velocity, Advantages and disadvantages offluidized beds. Industrial applications.

Text /References:

1. Mccabe and Smith :” Unit operations in chemical Engg” McGraw - Hill.

2. Christie J Geankoplis “Transport process and Unit Operations” – Prentice Hall of India.

3. Streeter “Fluid Mechanics”. McGraw Hill


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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Teaching Scheme:


3 hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To develop knowledge of the nature and characteristics of microorganisms

To evaluate the role of microbes in public health and various industries

Module – 1History and development of microbiology. Microbial diversity. Principles of microbial

taxonomy. Morphology ultra – structure and reproduction of bacteria, actinomycetes, blue –green algae, yeasts, fungi, algae and viruses. Microscopy-Bright field microscopy – fluorescencemicroscopy, phase contrast microscopy. Electron microscopy. Theory of stainingmicroorganisms. Simple staining. Differential staining- Gram staining, Acid fast staining, sporestaining. Special staining techniques- Flagella staining. negative staining. Sterilization-Control ofmicroorganisms by physical and chemical agents.

Module – IINutritional requirements of microorganisms, Nutritional types of bacteria - Formulation

of growth medium and different types of media- Synthetic media, complex media Selectivemedia, differential media, enrichment media, enriched media. Pure culture techniques- Spreadplate, Pour plate and streak plate, preservation and maintenance of cultures.

Module – IIIMicrobial growth – growth curve, generation time. Batch culture, Fed batch culture and

continuous culture, Synchronous culture- techniques adopted to generate synchronous culture,Measurement of microbial growth, Enumeration techniques- cell numbers and cell mass.Influence of environmental factors on growth

Module – IVMicrobiological analysis of water- Test for coliforms, Microbial flora of soil. Interactions

among soil microorganisms - Mutualism, commensalisms, predation, parasitism, amensalism,competition, symbiosis, Use of micro organisms as biofertilizer and bioinsecticide

Microbial spoilage of foods and preservation of foods-Physical and chemical methods,Food borne diseases and intoxications

Text/Reference Books1. M.J.Pelczar Et Al:Microbiology, Tata Mcgraw Hill2. Prescott Et Al:Microbiology, Mcgraw Hill, USA3. Tauro, Kapoor &Yadav; An introduction to microbiology, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching Scheme:


3 Hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial Credits: 4

To understand the fundamental aspects of life

To attain knowledge of the elemental composition of biomolecules

Module – 1Introduction to biochemistry. A historical perspective. General features of biomolecules.Carbohydrates: structure and properties of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides andpolysaccharides, Ring structure and mutarotation. Homo and heteropolysaccharides.Mucopolysaccharides. Sialic acids. Bacterial cell wall polysaccharides. Glycoproteins,membrane glycoproteins and their biological functions. Blood group substances.

Module – IIAminoacids and proteins: structure, nomenclature and properties of aminoacids. Generalreactions of aminoacids. Peptide bond. Classification of proteins, Basic understanding of primary,secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins. Denaturation and renaturation.Enzymes: Nomenclature and classification of enzymes. Activation energy and transition stateenzyme activity, active sites, theories of enzyme specificity. Role of effectors and cofactors.

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Module – IIILipids - classification and structure,essential fatty acids- glycerides,hydrolysis offats,structure and properties of phospholipids and glycolipids. Prostaglandins- structure,biological properties. Cholesterol- structure and biological importance.Module – IVNucleic acids: structure and properties of Purine and pyrimidine bases. Nucleosides andnucleotides. Structure of nucleic acids. Base pairing role. Structure and functions of DNA andRNA Double helical model of DNA structure. A, B and Z DNA.Vitamins: Chemistry andbiological functions of fat soluble Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin E. Watersoluble Vitamins: B complex and Vitamin c. Biological functions.

Text books / References:1. A.L. Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry CBS publications.2. E.L.Smith, R.L.Hill et al: Principles of Biochemistry, Vol I, MC Graw Hill Book Company.3. Lubert Stryer: Biochemistry, W.H.Frceman co4. Donald Voet, Judith.G.Voet: Biochemistry, Wiley and sons.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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BT 09 306 BIOPROCESS CALCULATIONS.Teaching Scheme:3 Hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 4

To study the laws regarding gas ,liquid and vapour

To develop understanding about material balance and energy balances

To study the stoichiometry and thermodynamics of microbial growth and product


Module – 1Overview of process industry and bioprocess industry. Definition of unit operations and

unit processes. Units and dimensions. SI Units. Fundamental concepts of stoichiometry likemole concept, mass fraction, mole fraction, volume – fraction, average molecular weight.Concentration of liquids and solutions.

Fundamental laws for gas, vapour, and liquid , vapour pressure of pure liquids, effect oftemperature on vapour pressure, Classius Claperon equation, Antoine equation.Ideal gas law, Dalton's law, Amagat’s law. Real gas properties, Van der Waals equation, critical

state, reduced variables, compressibility factor, vapour liquid equilibria, Raoult’s law, andHenry’s law. Humidity and saturation. Wet bulb and dry bulb temp. humidity chart

Module -IIMaterial balances. Law of conservation of mass. Material balance without chemical

reactions. Total and component balances, concept of steady state, batch and continuous process.Tie element basis for calculations. Recycling and bypassing operations. Material balance withchemical reactions. Concept of excess reactant, limiting reactant, conversion, yield, degree ofcompletion.

Module-IIIEnergy balance. Law of conservation of energy. Components of energy balance equation.

Heat and work. Internal energy. Concept of Enthalpy and heat capacity. Enthalpy changes. Heateffects accompanying chemical reactions. Standard heats of reaction, combustion and formation.Hess’s law. Effect of temperature on standard heats of reaction. Steady state energy balancecalculations. Steam tables.

Module -IVStoichiometry of microbial growth and product formation. Stoichiometric calculations –

elemental balances, degree of reduction. Yield coefficients. Biomass yield. Productstoichiometry. Theoretical oxygen demand. Maximum possible yield.

Thermodynamics of microbial growth. Heat of reaction with oxygen as electron acceptorand with oxygen not the electron acceptor. Energy balance equation for cell culture.Fermentation energy balance equation.

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References:1. David M Himmelblau– Basic principles and calculations in Chemical Engg – Prentice Hall

India.2. V.Venkatarmani & N.N.Ananthraman – Process calculation – Prentice Hall India.3. B I Bhatt & S.M Vora – Stoichiometry – Tata McGraw Hill.4. Michael L Shuler & Fikret Kargi – Bioprocess Engg. Basic Concepts – Prentice - Hall

India.5. Pauline M Doran – Bioprocess Engineering Principles – Academic Press.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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BT 09 307 (P) MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORYTeaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week Credit: 2Objectives

To attain knowledge about the morphology and in vitro cultivation of


To study about the microbial analysis of food water and soil

1. Sterilization techniques; Wet heat, dry heat, filtration, disinfection2. Preparation of culture media, cotton plugging and sterilization3. Culturing of microorganisms: broth, agar, pure culture, streak

Plate, pourplate,Spread plate isolation and preservation of bacterial culture.4. Identification of microorganisms: Staining techniques, Simple staining,Gram

staining,spore, capsule, fungal staining, andbiochemical test- CarbohydrateFermentation,IMViC, TSI, Urease Test.

5. Quantification of microorganisms: counting microscopy, nephelometry /turbidometry,total N or dry weight.

6. Growth curve of bacteria7. Microbiological analysis of water,8. Food microbiology: milk, fermented food. Salmonella in poultry9. Factors affecting the bacterial growth: effect of temperature and pH10. Clinical microbiology: Normal mouth flora,Antibiotic Assay11. Microbial population in soil12. Isolation of nitrogen fixing organisms.

Sessional work assessments

Lab Practical and Record = 60%Two tests (2 x 10) = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester end examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

BT 09 308 (P) BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORYTeaching Scheme:3 hours per week Credits: 2Objective:

To study about the qualitative and quantitative analysis of biomolecules

1. Units, Volume and weight measurements, concentration units, pH measurement,preparation of buffers.

2. Qualitative tests for carbohydrates and amino acids3. Estimation of reducing sugars by the Benedicts’ method.4. Quantitative estimation for amino acids-Ninhydrin method.5. Protein estimation by Biuret/Folins’/Bradford method.6. Acid hydrolysis of proteins and estimation of amino acids by ninhydrin, OPA and PTH.7. Extraction of lipids8. Saponification of fats9. Estimation of cholesterol10. Estimation of nucleic acids: Precipitation by sodium sulphate, test for ribose and

deoxyribose11. Hydrolysis of ester using papain12. Trypsin digestion of proteins

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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FOURTH SEMESTEREN09 401A: Engineering Mathematics IV

(Common for ME, CE, PE, CH, BT, PT, AM, and AN)

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

ObjectiveThe use of probability models and statistical methods for analyzing data has become

common practice in virtually all scientific disciplines. Two modules of this course attempt toprovide a comprehensive introduction to those models and methods most likely to be encounteredand used by students in their careers in engineering. A broad introduction to some importantpartial differential equations is also included to make the student get acquainted with the basicsof PDE.

Module I: Probability Distributions (13 hours)Random variables – Mean and Variance of probability distributions – Binomial Distribution –Poisson Distribution – Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution – Hyper GeometricDistribution – Geometric Distribution – Probability densities – Normal Distribution – UniformDistribution – Gamma Distribution.

Module II: Theory of Inference (14 hours)Population and Samples – Sampling Distribution – Sampling distribution of Mean (σ known) –Sampling distribution of Mean (σ unknown) – Sampling distribution of Variance – IntervalEstimation – Confidence interval for Mean – Null Hypothesis and Tests of Hypotheses –Hypotheses concerning one mean – Hypotheses concerning two means – Estimation of Variances– Hypotheses concerning one variance – Hypotheses concerning two variances – Test ofGoodness of fit.

Module III: Series Solutions of Differential Equations (14 hours)Power series method for solving ordinary differential equations – Legendre’s equation – Legendrepolynomials – Rodrigue’s formula – Generating functions – Relation between Legendrepolynomials – Orthogonality property of Legendre polynomials (Proof not required) – Frobeniusmethod for solving ordinary differential equations – Bessel’s equation – Bessel functions –Generating functions – Relation between Bessel functions – Orthogonality property of Besselfunctions (Proof not required).

Module IV: Partial Differential Equations (13 hours)Introduction – Formation of PDE – Complete Solution – Equations solvable by direct integration– Linear PDE of First order, Legrange’s Equation: Pp + Qq = R – Non-Linear PDE of First Order,F(p,q) =0 , Clairaut’s Form: z = px + qv + F(p,q) , F(z,p,q) =0 , F1(x,q) = F2(y,q) – Classificationof Linear PDE’s – Derivation of one dimensional wave equation and one dimensional heatequation – Solution of these equation by the method of separation of variables – D’Alembert’ssolution of one dimensional wave equation.

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Text books

Module I:Richard A Johnson, CB Gupta, Miller and Freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers, 7e,Pearson Education- Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.7

Module II:Richard A Johnson, CB Gupta, Miller and Freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers, 7e,Pearson Education- Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.5

Module III:Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.-Sections: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

Module IV:N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e,Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media- Sections: 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.7, 16.8,16.9Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Sections: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 9.8 Ex.3, 11.5

Reference books18. William Hines, Douglas Montgomery, avid Goldman, Connie Borror, Probability and Statistics

in Engineering, 4e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.19. Sheldon M Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3e,

Elsevier, Academic Press.20. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson

Education.21. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books

India.22. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill.23. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press.24. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India.25. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes.26. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine

Technical Publishers.27. Wylie C.R and L.C. Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.28. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, Ane Books India.29. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II, Prentice Hall of India.30. Michael D Greenberg Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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50University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

EN09 402: Environmental Science(Common for all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To understand the problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal,

degradation of environment, loss of biodiversity and other environmental issues andcreate awareness among the students to address these issues and conserve theenvironment in a better way.

Module I (8 hours)The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, Definition-scope and importance-need forpublic awareness. Natural resources, Renewable and non-renewable resources:Natural resources and associated problems-forest resources: Use and over exploitation,deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their defects on forests and tribalpeople.- water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water, floods,drought ,conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.- Mineral resources: Use andexploitation,environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.- Foodresources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture over grazing, effects of modernagriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging,salinity,case studies.-Energy resources:Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy resources, use of alternate energyresources, Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced land slides, soilerosion and desertification.

Module II (8 hours)Ecosystems-Concept of an ecosystem-structure and function of an ecosystem – producers,consumers, decomposers-energy flow in the ecosystem-Ecological succession- Food chains, foodwebs and Ecological pyramids-Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function

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of the following ecosystem-Forest ecosystem- Grassland ecosystem –Desert ecosystem-Aquaticecosystem(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans , estuaries)Biodiversity and its considerationIntroduction- Definition: genetic , species and ecosystem diversity-Biogeographical;classification of India –value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social ethical ,aesthetic and option values Biodiversity at Global, national , and local level-India at mega –diversity nation- Hot spot of biodiversity-Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man , wild life conflicts –Endangered and endemic species of India-Conservation ofbiodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Module III (10 hours)Environmental pollutionDefinition-Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution-m Water pollution –soilpollution-Marine pollution-Noise pollution-Thermal pollution-Nuclear hazards-Solid wastemanagement: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes-Role of anindividual in prevention of pollution-pollution case studies-Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides-Environmental impact assessment

Module IV (10 hours)Environment and sustainable development-Sustainable use of natural resources-Conversion ofrenewable energy resources into other forms-case studies-Problems related to energy and Energyauditing-Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management-case studies-Climatechange, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust-Wasteland reclamation-Consumerism and waste products-Reduce, reuse and recycling of products-Value education.

Text Books1. Clark, R.S.Marine pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford.2. Mhaskar A. K. Matter Hazrdous, Techno-science Publications.3. Miller T. G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co.4. Townsend C., Harper J, Michael Begon, Essential of Ecology, Blackwell Science5. Trivedi R. K., Goel P. K., Introduction to Air Pollution, Techno-Science Publications.

Reference Books.1. Raghavan Nambiar,K Text book of Environmental Studies,Nalpat Publishers Kochi2. Bharucha Erach, Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad – 380 013,

Email: [email protected]. Cunningham, W.P., Cooper, T.H., Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001Environmental

encyclopedia Jaico publ. House Mumbai 1196p4. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment5. Hawkins, R.E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,

Bombay6. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M. 1996. Environmental Science system & Solutions, Web

enhanced edition, 639p.7. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B.Saunders Co. USA, 574p8. Rao, M.N. & Datta, A.K 1987. Waste Water treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd.,

345p9. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu Magazine10. Wagner.K.D. 1998. Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA


Page 52: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not more thantwo questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question from eachmodule and not more than two questions from anymodule.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 403 CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERINGTeaching Scheme:4 Hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of reaction kinetics

To develop knowledge for design of ideal reactors

To study about non-isothermal reactor design

To study about the fundamentals of non-ideal reactors and heterogeneous

catalytic reactors.

Page 53: BT Syllabus - 2009


Module – I

Introduction to chemical reaction engineering. Classification of chemical reactions andreactors. Variables affecting the rate of reaction. Definition of reaction rate. Kinetics ofhomogeneous reaction. Concentration dependent term and temperature dependent term.Interpretation of batch reactor data. Constant volume batch reactor. Varying volume batchreactor.

Module - IIIntroduction to reactor design. Ideal reactors for a single reaction. Design for single

reaction and multiple reactions. Multiple reactor systems. Size comparison of reactors. Recyclereactor. Autocatalytic reactor.

Module – IIIHeat effects in reactors. Non isothermal reactor design. General graphical design

procedure. Energy balance for batch, mixed flow and plug flow reactor – isothermal, adiabaticand nonadiabtic operation. Optimum temperature progression. Multiple steady states, criteria forstability of reactors.Basics of non-ideal flow. Residence time distribution. Measurement of the RTD. Pulse and step

input . C,E,F curves. Calculation of mean residence time. RTD in ideal reactors.RTD in laminarflow reactor. Segregation model and conversion in non-ideal reactors ( Dispersion and tanks-in-series models are not included).

Module – IVHeterogeneous catalytic processes. Classification of catalysts, promoters, inhibitors,

catalyst poisons, Adsorption. Rates of adsorption, desorption, and surface reaction. Rateequations for fluid-solid catalytic reactions.. Mass Transfer between fluid and catalyst surface.Internal transport effects. Effectiveness factor for a straight cylindrical catalyst pore for a firstorder reaction. Commercially significant types of heterogeneous catalytic reactors (descriptiononly) like fixed bed reactor, trickle bed reactor, moving bed reactor, fluidized bed reactor, slurryreactor.

Text book/References1. Octave Levenspiel “Chemical Reaction Engg” Wiley student Education.2. H.Scott Fogler “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engg”. – Pearson – Prentice Hall.3. J.M.Smith “Chemical Engineering Kinetics” – McGraw Hill International.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 54: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3 hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart complete understanding of biochemical processes associated with theliving cell

To enable the students to see how metabolic pathways communicate with each

otherModule – IBioenergetics: Redox potential, biological oxidation, respiratory control. Hub of metabolism:glycolysis: reactions, energetics and regulation.TCA Cycle: reactions, energetics and regulation.Gluconeogenesis pathway: Significance, reactions and regulation. Glycogen metabolism.Maintenance of blood glucose levels.Oxidative phosphorylation: Electron transport chain – mitochondria and components of electrontransport system (Role of complexes I-IV, FIFO ATPase) Chemiosmotic coupling, uncouplers andinhibition of oxidative phosphorylation. Pentose phosphate pathway: significance, reactions andregulation.

Module – IIMetabolism of amino acids: Essential and non-essential amino acids, overview of degradationand biosynthesis of amino acids. Transamination reactions,biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids

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and biosynthesis of cysteine, histidine and serine. Urea cycle: reactions, regulation and itslinkage with the citric acid cycle.

Module – IIIMetabolism of lipids: fatty acid oxidation, ketone bodies, ketosis, biosynthesis of fatty acids andtriglycerides. Biosynthesis of phospholipids. Biosynthesis of Cholesterol and significance.

Module – IVMetabolism of nucleic acid: Denovo biosynthesis of Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides,regulation of Purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis. Salvage pathways of Purine andpyrimidines. Formation of deoxyribonucleotides. Catabolism of purines and pyrimidines.

Tex books/References1. Lehninger Principles of biochemistry, David L.Nelson and Michal M Gox, W.H.Freeman

and co.2. Donald Voet, Judit G Voet, Charlotte W Pratt Fundamentals of biochemistry.3. Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry. W.H.Freeman & Co.4. Robert K.Murray, Daryl K.Grammer.Harper’’s Illustrated Biochemistry. McGraw Hill

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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Teaching Scheme:


3 hrs lecture and one hr tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge of the components of cells and how cells work

To study the cells : their physiological properties, their structure, the organelles

they contain, life cycle interaction, division and death at microscopic and

molecular level

Module – IDiscovery of cells. Basic properties of cells. Cell theory. Cell complexity. Different classes ofcells. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic system Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cells. Importance of carbonand water. Plasma membrane – structure and function. Cytoplasm and cytoskeleton,Microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments .

Module – IIStructure and functions of Nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosomes,Peroxisomes, Chloroplast & Mitochondria. Photosynthesis- introduction to photosystems , lightreaction and dark reaction. Protein glycosylation, sorting and transport.

Module – IIIOverview of the cell cycle, Interphase. Mitosis, Meiosis and cytokinesis. Animal cell

and yeast cell division. Cell cycle control and check points. General characteristics of celldifferentiation. Historical events in cell differentiation Cytoplasmic determinants.Nucleoplasmic interactions. Stem cell differentiation and its biological importance.

Module – IVPassive and active transport, Permeases, Na+/K+ pump, ATP ase pumps, Lysosomal & vacuolarmembrane, ATP dependent proton pumps. Co-Transport Symport. Antiport. Transport intoprokaryotic cells. Endocytosis and Exocytosis.Receptors: Cytosolic, Nuclear & Membrane bound receptors. Examples and types of receptors.Concept of secondary messengers, cAMP, cGMP

Text/References books1. Geoffrey M cooper and Robert E Hansman the cell – A molecular approach. ASM press.2. De Robertis and De Robertis. Cell and Molecular Biology – Waverly Pvt Ltd.3. Gerald Karp – Cell and Molecular Biology – Wiley publishers.4. Kimball.T.W Cell Biology Wesley publisher.5. Becker, Kleinsmith, Harden – The world of Cell. Pearson Publishers.

Page 57: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 58: BT Syllabus - 2009


B T 09 406 MECHANICAL OPERATIONSTeaching Scheme:3 hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of size reduction and the knowledge about the size

reduction equipments

To study about the various mechanical separation operations

Module – ICharacterization of solid particles. Sieve analysis, particle size distribution , cumulative

and differential methods of analysis,mean diameter, specific surface area Microscopic counting,pipette analysis. hydrometer analysis. Size reduction, equipment used for primary and secondarystage size reduction. jaw crusher, hammer mill, ball mill, rod mill, disk attrition mill, fluid energymill. Laws of size reduction. Selection of equipments. Industrial screen, effectiveness ofscreens, capacity of screens. Closed and open circuit grinding. Wet and dry grinding.

Module – IIFiltration. Constant rate filtration and constant pressure filtration. Batch and continuous

filtration. Sand filter, plate and frame filter press, leaf filter, rotary vaccum filter, incompressiblecake, cake porosity, filter aids, methods of application, optimum time cycle.Principle of centrifugal filtration. Suspended batch centrifuge. Automatic batch centrifuges.

Module – IIISedimentation. Settling theory. Equipment for sedimentation thickeners. Clarifier and

thickener design. Kynch theory. Determination of thickener area. Sedimentation principles. .Equilibrium sedimentation. Sedimentation coefficient. Equivalent time. Production centrifuges –tubular bowl centrifuges. Ultra centrifugation. Flocculation and sedimentation.

Disk – stack bowl centrifuge – centrifugation theory. Cell recovery in a disk-stackcentrifuge.

Module – IVCross flow filtration (CFF) Micro filtration and ultra filtration. Applications of CFF.

Types of membranes permeate flux for ultra filtration, concentration polarization in ultrafiltration, Micro filtration. Filter media in cross flow filtration. Equipments in cross flowfiltration. Membrane fouling. Scale up and design of cross flow filtration. Batch andcontinuous ultra filtration system.


McCab&Smith: “Unit operations in Chemical Engg” McGraw HillChriste J Geankoplis “Transport Process and Unit Operations”. Prentice Hall of India.Badger and Benjaro, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering “, Mc Graw Hill

Page 59: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week Credits 2Objective:

To study about various fluid flow experiments, particle analysis and mechanical

separation experiments

1. Characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump and determination of maximumefficiency.

2. Determination of coefficient of discharge of orifice meter and venturi meter.3. Drag coefficient of a falling sphere in fluid.4. Pressure drop of liquid passing through a packed bed.5. Pressure drop characteristics of a fluidized bed.6. Losses in pipe fittings, expansion and contraction.7. Ball mill – verification of the laws of crushing.

Page 60: BT Syllabus - 2009


8. Sieve analysis-determination of particle size.9. Effectiveness of a screen10. Pipette analysis11. Determination of the mean specific cake resistance and compressibility factor using a

batch leaf filter.12. Batch sedimentation in a slurry13. Flocculation screening14. Cross flow filtration.15. Study of Jaw crusher16. Study of rotary vaccum filter.

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

BT 08 408(P) BIOANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES LABTeaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week credits 2Objective:

To provide experience in various bioanalytical techniques in biotechnology

1. Precision, accuracy and validity of an experiment. Analysis and presentation of data.2. Colorimetry and spectrophotometry3. Verification of Beer-Lambert’s law-using UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

a. Change in absorbance with concentration of potassium permanganate.b. Absorption maxima– change in absorbance in potassium permanganate with


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c. Concentration of two components in a binary mixture. Absorption of light bypotassium dichromate and potassium permanganate.

d. Change in absorbance of albumin and DNA solution with wave length.4. Absorption spectra of nucleotides5. Separation of amino acids by paper chromatography Determination of Rf value.6. Extraction of lipids and separation using thin layer chromatography7. Column chromatography8. Determination of molecular weight of an enzyme by gel filtration.9. Separation of protein by SDS page.10. Separation of nucleic acids by agarose gel electrophoresis11. Biotin labeling of cellular constituents.

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

Page 62: BT Syllabus - 2009



BT09 501 MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONSTeaching Scheme:4 hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of mass transfer

To develop an understanding of different separation processes like

distillation,extraction,drying and crystallisation

Module-IClassification of mass transfer operations Diffusional mass transfer Fick’s law. One componenttransferring to non-diffusing component and equimolar counter diffusion diffusivity estimation.The mass transfer coefficient. Dimensionless groups in mass transfer. Theories of mass transfer.Film theory, Penetration theory, surface – renewal theory, the boundary layer theory. Momentum,heat and mass transfer analogies. Interphase mass transfer. The two-film theory, the overall masstransfer coefficient. General features of equipment for mass transfer – Tray tower, packed tower,bubble column, wetted wall tower, and spray tower.

Module – IIBasic concepts of distillation – vapor – liquid equilibrium, the Raoult’s law, Relative volatility,Deviations from ideality. Flash vapourisation of a binary mixture, simple distillation, steamdistillation, continuous fractionation, McCabe-Thiele method, Ponchon, - Savarit method,minimum reflux ratio. Total reflux, optimum reflux ratio.

Module – IIILiquid – liquid extraction applications, Liquid – liquid equilibrium. Solvent selection, Designcalculations for stage wise extraction, single stage and multi stage operation, crosscurrent andcountercurrent operations, liquid – liquid extraction equipment. Solid – liquid extraction,(leaching). Contacting equipments. Solid – liquid extraction equilibrium. Batch contact. Cross-current and countercurrent extraction calculations. Super critical fluid extraction.

Module-IVDrying of wet solids. Classification of drying equipment. Drying equipment. Dryingcalculations – cross circulation drying and through circulation drying. Material and energybalance in a continuous dryer. Freeze drying. Drying time in a continuous counter current dryer.Crystallization. Principles of crystallization. Solid-liquid phase equilibrium, Nucleation andcrystal growth. Effect of impurities on crystal formation Fractional crystallization, caking ofcrystals. Crystallization equipment. Adsorption: Adsorption Isotherm, Freudlich, Langmuir andBET equation. Application to single stage and multistage operation.

Page 63: BT Syllabus - 2009


Text book/References1. Treybal “Mass Transfer operations” McGraw Hill International2. McCabe-Smith “Unit operations of Chemical Engg” McGraw Hill International3. Binay K Dutta “Mass Transfer and Separation processes”.4. Badger and Benjaro,” Introduction to Chemical Engineering”, Mc- Graw Hill

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 64: BT Syllabus - 2009


Teaching Scheme:


3 Hrs Lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credit: 5Objectives:

To get a proper understanding about the central dogma of the molecular


To study the analytical techniques used in molecular biology

Module – IIntroduction to genetics: Mendelian inheritance. Segregation at one locus. Segregation at twoloci – genetic mapping.Structure of DNA. Nucleosome. Chromatin organization. Chromosome structure. Plasmidstypes of plasmid. Structural differences between DNA and RNA.DNA replication: Enzymes involved. Mechanism of replication. Regulation damage and repair,rolling circle replication. Plasmid replication Telomerase.

Module – IIConcept of the gene: Gene structure and architecture. Central dogma.Genetic code: An overview of genetic code Fidelity of translation, Wobble hypothesis.Ambiguity of genetic code. Deviation from standard.Genomes and mapping :Genomes, ploidy and chromosome number. Physico-chemical propertyof the genome. Genome organization, gene mapping. Physical mapping. Comparative genomics.

Module – IIIGene transfer in bacteria: conjugation, transformation, transduction. Gene expression.

Role of RNAs, enzymes and other factors. Mechanism of transcription and translation inprokaryotes and eukaryotes. Post- translational modifications.Regulation of gene expression regulation of transcription. Different mechanisms Regulatoryproteins. Induction and repression. Concept of operon. . Examples (Lac and Trp operon) Positiveand negative regulations. Post-transcriptional regulation.

Module – IVMutation: Mutagenesis. Types of mutation. Classes of mutagens Replica plating. Mutation ingenetic analysis. Site directed mutagenesis Molecular biology Techniques – Electrophoresis(Agarose gel and PAGE). Blotting techniques (Southern, Northern, Western) PCR and variants.

Text Books/References1. Freifelder “Molecular Biology” James and Bartletyt Publishers. Ire2. Banjamin Levin: “Genes VI, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.3. Bruce Albert and James, D Watson: “Molecular Biology of the cell”. Garland publishing.

Page 65: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3 Hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credit: 4Objective:

To impart the basic concepts of enzymes and the reactors involved in free and

immobilized enzyme system

To understand the kinetics and physicochemical characteristics of enzymes

Module – I

Classification of enzymes, commercial application of enzymes in food, pharmaceuticaland other industries. Enzymes for analytical and diagnostic applications. Production andpurification of crude enzymes. Extracts from plant, animal and microbial sources. Methods of

Page 66: BT Syllabus - 2009


characterization of enzymes. Development of enzymatic assays. Hydrolysis of starch andcellulose using enzymes.

Module-IIMechanism of Enzyme action, Concept of active site, enzyme-substrate complex and

enzyme action, Simple enzyme kinetics with one and two substrates. Michaelis-Mentenkinetics. Evaluation of parameters in the Michaelis-Menten kinetics Equation. Types ofinhibition. Influences of pH, temperature, fluid forces, chemical agents and irradiation on enzymeactivity, deactivation kinetics.

Module – IIIEnzyme immobilization. Physical and chemical techniques for enzyme immobilization

adsorption, matrix entrapment, encapsulation, cross – linking, covalent binding. Advantages anddisadvantages of different immobilization techniques. Over view of application of immobilizedenzyme systems.

Mass transfer effects in immobilized enzyme systems. Analysis of film and porediffusion effects on kinetics of immobilized enzyme reactions. Effectiveness factors.

Module – IVBatch Operation of a stirred reactor Time course for batch enzyme reaction. Continuous

operation in a stirred tank reactor.Immobilized enzyme reaction in a CSTR and plug flow reactor. Design of immobilized

enzyme reactors – packed bed, fluidized bed and membrane reactors. Enzyme biosensors,application of enzymes in analysis, design of enzyme electrodes and their application in industry,health care and environment.

Text books/References1. Zubay G, Biochemistry, Maxwell Macmillon International Education2. Gerharts, W, Enzymes in industry – Production and application.3. Tailer, R.F. “Protein Immobilization – Fundamentals and applications”.4. Pauline M Doran “Biopriocess Engg. Principles” – Academic press5. James E Bailey & David F Ollis “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals” Mc Graw Hill

Book Company.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 67: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3 Hrs lecture and 1 hr tutorial per week Credit: 4Objective:

To impart the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer

To study the design of various types of heat exchangers

Module – IIntroduction and fundamental concepts of thermodynamic terms. First law of

thermodynamics. Work equivalent of heat. Classification of energy, thermodynamic statefunction and path function. Enthalpy and specific heat. Application of first law to steady stateflow processes and reversible process.

Limitations of first law. Statement of second law. Entropy. Heat reservoirs, heat enginesand heat pumps. Applications of the laws of thermodynamics to refrigeration, liquefactionprocess.

Module – IIModes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. Heat transfer by conduction.Fourier’s law. Thermal conductivity Steady state conduction through a composite solid. Steadystate conduction through cylinder and spheres

Heat transfer coefficient: Convective heat transfer and the concept of heat transfercoefficient. Overall heat transfer without heat transfer between fluids separated by a plane wall.Heat transfer between fluids separated by a cylindrical wall.

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Module – III

Forced convection. Flow over a flat plate. Thermal boundary layer. Dimensionlessgroups in heat transfer. Correlations for the heat transfer coefficient. Laminar flow through acircular pipe. Turbulent flow through a circular pipe. Flow through a non-circular duct. Heattransfer with cocurrent and counter current operations. LMTD. Momentum and heat transferanalogy.

Radiation heat transfer – basic concepts. Blackbody radiation. Planck’s, Wien’s, Stefan– Boltzmann and Kirchoff’s Laws. Grey body. Boiling liquids and condensing vapours – basicideas.

Module –IV Heat exchangers. Construction of a shell and tube heat exchanger. Fouling of aheat exchanger–the fouling factor. Design of a double pipe heat exchanger. Design of shell–and-tube heat exchanger. Cleaning of heat exchangers. Compact heat exchanges–plate heatexchangers, and spiral heat exchangers. Thermal design of an agitated vessel. Design of coolingcoils. Steam jacketing and heat transfer fluids.

Text book/References1. Binoy K Duttaa – Heat Transfer – Principles and applications – Prentice - Hall of India.2. McCabe and Smith – Unit operations of Chemical Engg – McGraw Hill International

editions.3. Badger and Banchero – Introduction to Chemical Engg. McGraw Hill International Edition.4. Kern D Q, Process Heat Transfer, Mc Graw Hill5. Smith J M Van Ness H V, Introduction to Chemical Engg Thermodynamics, Mc Graw Hill6. J P Holman, Heat Transfer ,9th edn , Tata Mc Graw Hill Edn

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 69: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objective:

To understand the fundamental principles of bioinformatics and using the

knowledge to tackle various research problems in molecular biology

Module – IScope of Bioinformatics – Internet basics, www, protocols – FTP – Telnet – HTTP, Elementarycommands in UNIX, Introduction to PERL (Basic commands, pattern and string matching),BIOPERL (Programme, to transcribe and translate nucleotide sequences). Installation of bioperland its applications.

Module – IIIntroduction of databases, Biological databases and their ruse, Databanks – nucleotide databanks– Genbank, NCBI, EMBI, DDBJ –Protein databanks – sequence databanks – PIR, SWISSPROT, TrEMBL – structural databases –PDB, SCOP, CATH, SSEP, CADB, Pfam and GDB. Data base search, sequence submission,Sequin, Bankit, Sakura, Database search – FASTA-BLAST.

Page 70: BT Syllabus - 2009


Module – IIISequence alignment, Pairwise alignment Dynamic programming, Multiple sequence alignment.Methods of MSA, Clustal W, Phylogenetic analysis. Tree building methods – Distance,Parsimony, Maximum likelihood, Phylogenetic Software, Phylip. Scoring Matrix – PAM,BLOSUM.

Module IVSpecial topics in bioinformaticsMethods for prediction of secondary and tertiary structures of proteins knowledge based structureprediction: fold recognition, ab initio methods for structure prediction, Comparative proteinmodeling, Gene predictions, Genscan, Precustes, Grail, DNA Mapping and sequencing. Mapalignment – Shotgun DNA sequencing – Sequence assembly. Protein structure visualization.

Reference:1. Andreas D.Baxevanis, B.F.Francis Oouellette, Bioinformatics, Wiley.2. Dam Gusfield. Algorithms on Strings Trees and Sequences, Cambridge University Press.3. D.Mount, Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 71: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 506 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATIONTeaching Scheme:2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 3Objectives:

To impart the basic ideas about instruments

To evaluate the operating principles of different instruments

To study the instrumentation and control of bioprocesses

Module – IIntroduction Definition of instrumentation Concept of an instrument. Functional elements andfunctions of an instrument Classification of instruments. Static and dynamic characteristics ofmeasuring instrument. Accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity, static error, dead zone, dynamicerror, fidelity, lag, speed of response.Sensing elements - various types, sensors for temperature, pressure and fluid flow, transducers,their principles and working, transmission methods, indicating and recording means.

Temperature measurements, temperature scales, basic principles and working ofthermometers-mercury-in-glass thermometers, resistance thermometers, thermocouples, opticalpyrometers, radiant pyrometers, ranges of different types of temperature measuring instruments.Sources of errors and precautions to be taken in temperature measurements.

Module – IIPressure measurement. Principles of working of manometers. Various types of

manometers. McLeod gauge, Knudsen gauge, bourdon gauge, bellow, diaphragm. Transducersof electrical and mechanical types. Piezo-electric manometers, thermal conductivity gauges,ironisation gauge, high pressure measuring instrument.

Density measurement using constant volume hydrometer and air pressure balance methodGas density detector and gas specific gravity measuring system. viscosity measurement.Measurement of pH, Liquid level measurements.

Module – IIIFlow measurement using head type flow meters based on differential pressure

measurement. Orifice meter, venturimeter, flow nozzle and pitot tube. Electromagnetic flowmeters. Variable area meters like rotameter. Mechanical flowmeters of positive displacementtype like rotating disk and turbine type and anemometers.

Moisture content determination by thermal drying. Instruments for measuring humiditylike hygrometer, psychrometer, and dew-point apparatus. Composition analysis usingspectroscopic methods like absorption, emission and mass spectrometers. Gas analysis bythermal conductivity, polarography and chromatography.

Module – IVInstrumentation for bioprocesses. Physical and chemical sensors for the medium and

gases. Medium chemical sensors. Gas analysis. On line-sensors for cell properties. Offline

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analytical methods. Measurement of medium properties. Analysis of cell populationcomposition. Flow cytometry. Data analysis, data smoothing and interpolation. State andparameter estimation. Development of P&I diagrams for flow systems, level, PH control.Temperature control, heat exchangers, distillation columns and reaction systems.

Text Books/References1. D.P.Eckman. Industrial instrumentation, Wiley Eastern2. Fribance, Industrial Instrumentation fundamentals, TMH Edition3. R.K.Jain. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers.4. Bailey & Ollis. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals McGraw Hill Book Company5. Beckworth and Buck: Measurement Systems

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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BT 09 507(P) HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER LABTeaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week Credits: 2Objective:

To study about the experiments in heat and mass transfer

1. Conduction -Determination of thermal conductivity2. Heat transfer through composite wall3. Heat transfer in natural conviction.4. Heat transfer in forced convection5. Double pipe heat exchanger6. Shell and tube heat exchanger7. Simple distillation8. Steam distillation9. Sieve place distillation column10.Solid -liquid extraction – Bonnotto type11.Solid-liquid extraction- packed bed type12.Ternary liquid equilibrium13. Leaching – simple leaching, cross current and counter current leaching.14. Rotary dryer15. Adsorption isotherms16. Batch crystallizer

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End ExaminationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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BT 09 508 (P) BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING LABTeaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week Credits: 2Objectives:

To do experiments based on enzymes and microbial cells

To study about bioreactors and mass transfer effects

1. Enzyme isolation and assay of enzymatic activity.2. Estimation of Michaelis – Menten parameter –effect of pH and temperature on enzyme

activity.3. Techniques of enzyme immobilization4. Bio-conversion studies with immobilized enzyme reactors.5. Culturing of different types of micro organisms (Bacteria, Yeast, fungi) used in the

production of commercially imported products.6. Formulation of simple and complex culture media7. Estimation of biomass, substrate and product analysis8. Study of growth, substrate utilization and product formation kinetics in shake flask cultures9. Growth of micro organisms-estimation of Monod parameters10. Production of secondary metabolite in synthetic and complex industrial media.11. Mass transfer rate determination in bio reactors – dynamic gassing out method.12. Oxygen transfer rate in diffused air system (aeration unit)13. Aerobic bioreactor14. Anaerobic bioreactor15. Screening of process variable-Single dimensions research, Plackett –Burman design16. Study of rheology of fermentation broth and power determination

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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Teaching Scheme:


4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of genetic engineering

To impart the knowledge of various techniques involved in genetic engineering

Module- IIntroduction to genetic engineering. Tools of genetic engineering. Restriction enzymes.

DNA modifying enzymes. Principles of molecular cloning. Sources of DNA for cloning.Isolation of DNA. Mechanism of DNA cleavage, and end modifications. Mechanism of DNAjoining. CDNA cloning. Screening strategies.

Module - IISalient features of vectors. Plasmids (plasmid biology, purification of plasmid DNA,

Desirable properties of plasmid closing vehicles)Bacteriophages (Bateriophage) – others (cosmids BACS, PACS, YACS)Eucaryotic vectors. Expression vectors. Shuttle vectors. Ti plasmid of agrobacteria. DNAtransfer to host: Chemical transfection, lipofection, electroporation, microinjection, gene gun,uses of viruses.

Module - IIIExpression of closed genes: Rationale for expression. Stability of expression vector.

Functionability of expression system. Expression signals. Expression strategies. Native andfusion proteins.Construction of libraries: c DNA library, c DNA synthesis, proportion, construction uses. CDNAlibrary Vs genomic DNA library. Sequencing; Maxim– Gilbert sequencing, Sanger sequencing,Shortgun approach.

Module - IVApplication of r DNA technologies: Nucleic acid sequences as diagnostic tools.

Applications in SAGE, EST, FISH, Micro array, Restriction mapping, blot analysis – southern,Northern and western blot. PCR and its applications. Molecular markers: RFLP, RAPD, AFLP,gene cloning in medicine (insulin Blood clotting factor VIII) High level.

Text Books/ReferencesOld RW, Primose SB “Principles of gene manipulation-An introduction to genetic

engineering”. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993.T.A.Brown. “gene cloning”.B.R.Glick & Jack J Pasternak “Molecular Biotechnology”.

Page 76: BT Syllabus - 2009

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge on the design analysis, monitoring, modelling and

simulation aspects of a bioreactor

To strengthen the knowledge of the design, operation and stability analysis of a


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Module - IIntroduction to fermentation process. Batch growth. Quantifying cell concentration Kinetics inbatch culture. Environmental conditions on growth. Monod model. Growth kinetic withplasmid instability. Product formation kinetics. Structured and unstructured models. Thermaldeath kinetics of cell and Spores. Continuous culture. Monod chemostat model.

Module - IIMedia design for fermentation Medium requirements and formulation. Antifoams.

Medium optimization. Medium sterilization – batch and continuous sterilization. Spiral heatexchanger. Sterilization of air. Inoculum preparation for industrial fermentation – operation ofa typical aseptic aerobic fermentation process.

Module - IIIThe oxygen requirements of industrial fermentation. Oxygen supply. The determination

of KLa values . The sulphite oxidation method. Gassing out method. Factors affecting oxygentransfer rate in fermenters like bubble size, gas hold-up, gas velocity, temperature, pressure etc.

Power required for sparged and agitated vessels. The relationship between powerconsumption and operating variables. Role of shear in stirred fermenters. The structuralcomponents of the fermenter involved in aeration and agitation.

Module - IVBasic functions of a fermenter. Bioreactor configurations. Design of stirred batch

fermenter, chemostat, chemostat with cell recycle, fed batch fermenter. Plug flow reactor, packedbed, bubble column, fluidized bed bioreactor, trickle bed reactor, Immobilized cell bio-reactor.Air lift formenter. Reactors for animal cell and plant cell. Scale up of fermentors. Solid statefermentation

Text Books/References1. P.F Stanbury, A. Whitaker And S.J Hall. “Principles of Fermentation Technology” Aditya

Books (P) Ltd, New Delhi.2. James E Bailey & David F Ollis “Bio chemical Engineering Fundamentals Second Edition.

McGraw Hill Book Company.3. Pauline M Doran “Bio process Engineering Principles” Academic Press4. Michael L Shuler & Fikret Kargi. “Bio process Engineering – Basic concepts”. Prentice –

Hall of India Pvt Ltd.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and one hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To impart the basic concepts of financial management of process industries

To impart knowledge on the cost estimation based on plant and products

Module - IOverview of financial management. Financial decisions. Capital budgeting decision.

Financing decision. Dividend decision. Current asset management.Time value of money and equivalence. Compounding and discounting. Current worth

and future worth of cash flows. Interest: simple interest. Compound interest. Continuousinterest. Nominal and effective interest rates cost of capital.

Depreciation and taxes. Nature of depreciation. Method of determining depreciation.Straight line method. Sinking fund method. Declining balance method. Double decliningbalance method. Sum of digits method. Units of production method. Comparison ofdepreciation methods. Taxes. Effect of taxes on depreciation methods. Taxes. Effect of taxes on

Page 79: BT Syllabus - 2009


depreciation method. Present worth after taxes. Capital recovery factor capitalized cost.Inflation. Cost comparison under inflation.

Module - IICapital budgeting appraisal methods. Investment evaluation. Mathematical methods for

profitability evaluation. Pay back period. Accounting rate of return. Discounted cash flowmethods. Net present value. Internal rate of return. Payback reciprocal and rate of return.Profitability index. Comparison between NPV and IRR methods. Ranking mutually exclusiveprojects, Capital rationing.

Financing decision. Financial leverage. Effect of financial leverage on share holdersearnings. Earnings per share. Return on equity. EBIT – EPS analysis Graphic representation.Risk and financial leverage. Measures of financial leverages.

Module - IIICapital requirements and cost of production of process plants. Fixed capital and working

capital. Estimation of capital investment. Direct costs and indirect costs. Types of capital costestimated cost indices. Nelson refinery construction index. Material cost indices. Processequipment cost index. Labour cost index. Equipment costs. William’s six-tenth factor.

Cost components in capital investment. Purchased equipment. InstallationInstrumentation and controls. Piping. Electrical items. Buildings. Yard improvements. Servicefacilities. Health safety and environment functions land and development. Engineering andsupervision. Legal expenses. Construction expenses. Contractor’s fee. Contingencies. Methodsof estimating capital investment.

Estimation of revenue. Estimation of total product cost. Manufacturing costs Generalexpenses. Direct production costs. Administrative expenses. Distribution and marketing costs.Research and development costs.

Module - IVProfitability. Breakeven and minimum cost analysis. Types of costs. Variables and fixed

costs. Economic production charts. Differential analysis of economic production charts.Critique in the use of break-even and minimum cost analysis.

Financial statements. Balance sheet. Profit and loss account. Ratios used for analyzingbalance sheet and profit and loss account.

Text Books/Reference books.1. Petere & Timmerhaus “ Plant Design and Economics for chemical Engineers” 5th

edition, McGraw Hill2. I.M Pandey “Financial Management” . Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.3. F.C Jellen “Cost and Optimization Engineering”.4. Schweyer Process Engineering Economics5. Vilbrandt & Dryden “Chemical Engg Plant Design”.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 80: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 604 PROCESS DYNAMICS AND CONTROLTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the basic ideas of chemical process control

To study the methods of analysis of process systems

Module – IGeneral introduction of a process control system. Classification of variables in a

chemical process. Design elements of a control system. Control aspects of a complete chemicalplant. Introduction to mathematical Modelling. Basics and examples of mathematical modelling.Linearization of non-linear system (both single variable and many variables). Deviationvariables.Laplace transforms - transforms – definitions. Lalace transforms of derivatives and integrals.Problems. Solution of linear differential equations using Laplace transforms. Inversion ofLaplace transforms. Transfer functions. Poles and zero of a transfer function.

Qualitative analysis of the response of a system. Dynamic behaviour of first order systems.Study of different first order systems. Problems. Dynamic behaviour of higher order systems.Different examples

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Module IIConcept of feedback control. Types of feedback controllers.Block diagrams. Effect of proportional integral, derivative and composite control.

Control actions on the dynamic response of a system. Notion of stability. Characteristicequation. Routh Hurwitz criterion for stability. Problems. Root Locus analysis.Module III

Design of feedback controllers. Brief outline. Simple performance criteria Time-integral performance criteria, selection of the type of feedback controller.

Controller turning – ZN tuning. Cohen Coon Tuning. Problems. Frequency responseanalysis of linear process. Bode diagram, Nyquist plots. Bode stability criteria. Nyquist stabilitycriterion. Problems.

Module IVA general introduction to advanced control systems. Dead time compensation, inverse

response, cascade control, selective control systems, split-range control, feed forward control,ratio control, adaptive control, inferential control. Introduction to direct digital control systems.Supervisory control. Distributed control system.

Process control in bioprocess systems. Direct regulatory control. Cascade control ofmetabolism. Advanced control strategies. Programmed batch bioreactor. Design and operatingstrategies for batch plants and continuous process control.

Text Books/ReferencesStephanopoulos “Introduction to Chemical process Control”.Coughanower & Koppel “Process Systems analysis and Control”.James E Bailley & David F.Ollis, “Biochemical Engg. Fundamentals” Mc Graw Hill.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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Teaching Scheme:


2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits-3Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of food biotechnology

To impart knowledge on food processing and preservation techniques and

packaging techniques

Module - 1Role of micro organisms in manufacture and spoilage of fermented products, Cereals, Pulses,Nuts and Oil seeds, Fruits and Fruit products, Vegetables and Vegetable Products, Fish and Meatproducts. Adulteration in foods – milk, pulses and others, Rules and regulations

Module - IIMicrobiological role in food process operation and production: new protein foods: SCP;

mushroom; food yeasts, algal proteins. Fermentation as a, method of preparing and preservingfoods. Food additives like colouring, flavors and vitamins. Organisms and their use in pickling,alcoholic beverages and other products.

Module - IIIMechanism of enzyme functions and reactions in process techniques: starch and sugar

conversion process or baking by amylases; de-oxygenation and desugaring by glucose oxidase;beer mashing and chill- proofing or cheese making by proteases and various other enzymes,catalytic actions in food processing. Process wastes: whey; molasses; starch substances and otherfood wastes for bioconversion to useful products.

Module - IVIntroduction to Food Packaging, interaction of food material with packaging material,

preservation of food products. Genetically modified and transgenic food developmentprocessing- nutritional and economic aspects.

Reference Books1. Roger A., Gordon B., and John T., Food Biotechnology2. Lindsay, Willis, Biotechnology, Challenges for the flavour and food industries, Elsvier

Applied Science.3. W.C. Frazier: Food Microbiology (II edition or later) Mcgraw Hill Book Company, New

York (1968)4. Gustavo F Gutierrez-Lepez, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas Food Science and Food

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L01 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To understand the important aspects of biotechnology and plant science

To make the students understand the concepts of transgenic plants and the

application of gene based techniquesModule - I

An outline of molecular biology: DNA Replication, Transcription and fundamentals ofrecombinant DNA technology, Gene regulation.

Agrobacterium and plant genetic engineering: Agrobactrium medicated gene transfer

and cloning. Types of plant vectors and their use in gene manipulation

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Module - IAn outline of molecular biology: DNA Replication, Transcription and fundamentals of

recombinant DNA technology, Gene regulation.Agrobacterium and plant genetic engineering: Agrobactrium medicated gene transfer

and cloning. Types of plant vectors and their use in gene manipulation

Module - IIPlant viruses: Classification diagnosis – remedy- viruses as a tool to deliver foreign

DNA.Developmental aspects of rhizobium: Legume Symbiosis, Symbiotic: Nitrogen fixation.

Regulation of nif and mod gene.

Module - IIIMolecular aspects of diseases susceptibility and resistance: Transposable elements,

factors influencing disease resistances and susceptibility RFLP.Transgenics, herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, viral resistance stress tolerance

development of diseases resistance plants by introducing Bacillus thuringiensis genes.

Module IVFundamentals of plants tissues culture, plant regeneration organogenesis. Role of tissue

culture in rapid clonal production, production of pathogen free plants and synthetic seeds.Protoplast technology: isolation: culture and plant regeneration, protoplast fusion, identificationand characterization of somatic hybrids, application of protoplast technology. Hairy root culture.

ReferencesDodd’s J.H Plant Genetic Engineering, Cambridge University PressMental S.H, Mathews J.A, Mickee R.A Principles of Plant Biotechnology an Introduction to

Genetic Engineering in Plants. Blackwell Scientic Publications.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 85: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L02 ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture 1 hour tutorial per week: Credits: 4Objectives:

To understand the important aspects of biotechnology used in animal science

To understand about the production of animal cell based vaccines and the

concept of transgenic animals

Module - IAnimal Biotechnology and its scope. History and development of cell culture.

Manipulation of reproduction in animals and improvements of livestock – Artificial insemination.In vitro fertilization technology.

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Module - IIPhysical requirements for growing animal cell culture. Culture media for animals cell

culture –BSS, Serum containing and Serum free media- advantages and disadvantages, growthfactors, Initiation of cell culture. Isolation and desegregation of explants. Development ofprimary culture. Growth curve of animal cell in culture. Commonly used cell lines. Preservation andcharacterization of animal cells. Cytotoxicity and viability assays.

Module - IIIOrgan culture – techniques, advantages and applications. Methods for Transfection of

animal’s cells. Transplantation of cultures cells. Methods for cell fusion. Transgenic animals-general methods for production, advantages and ethical issues. Selectable markers, HATselection and antibiotic resistances. Hybridoma technology of production of monoclonalantibodies. Introduction to cloning and gene technology.

Module- IVProduction of vaccines and special secondary metabolic (insulin, growth hormones and

interferons, T- plasminogen activator, blood factor VIII). Scaling up of animal cell cultures.Bioreactors for animal cell culture and its optimization.

Reference BooksBernur R Pasternak J.J., Molecular Biology, principles and Applications in recombinant DNA,

Panimia Publishing Cooperation.M.M Ranga, Animal Biotechnology, second Edition, Agrobios IndiaM.M. Ranga, Tansgenic animals, Agrobios India.P.R Yadav, rajiv Tyagi, Biotechnology of Animals tissues, Discovery Publishing HouseR.C Dubey, A Text Book of Biotechnology, S Chand & Company.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 87: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L 03 PROTEIN ENGINEERING3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorials per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart advance knowledge on how to engineer proteins through a detailed

study of protein structure, its characteristic properties and its significance in

biological systems

Module - IProtein – Bond interactions in protein structure; primary structure and its determination;secondary structure and its prediction methods; tertiary structure and domain in proteins;proteins folding pathways; quaternary structures; methods to determine 3Dstructures; X-ray crystallography and NMR method; post translational modifications.

Module - IIDNA binding proteins; Prokaryotic transcription factors, Helix-turn-Helix motif in DNAbinding, Eucaryotic transcription factors, zinc fingers; Membrane proteins; GeneralCharacteristics, Transmembrane segments, Bacteriorhodopsin and photosynthetic reactioncentres.

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Module - IIIEpidermal growth factor. Insulin and PDGF receptors and their interactions with effectors:Protein phosphorylation; immunoglobulins; classes and its biological functions; Enzymes serineproteases, Ribonuclease, Lyzozyme.

Module - IVProtein design principles and examples; Methods in Proteins engineering; Immunotoxins;mechanism and its applications; Drug designing; structure based approach, receptor basedapproach.

References:1. Moody PCE and AJ Wilkinson Protein Engineering IRL Press oxford2. Cerighton TE Proteins, Freeman WH.3. Branden C Toozer R “Introduction of Protein structure”. Garland 1993.4. Voet D., Voet G., “Bio chemistry” , III Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 20015. Walsh, “Protein Biotechnology and biochemistry”, 2nd ed., Wiley Publications.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 89: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 L 04 METABOLIC ENGINEERINGTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorials per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To understand how to regulate the metabolic pathways of bioconversion

To understand the catabolite regulation pathways and also the primary

metabolite synthesis pathways

Module - IReview of cellular metabolism (Transport processes, fuelling reactions, biosynthesis,

growth energetic) Review of cellular stoichiometry.Regulation of metabolic pathways: Levels of regulation of enzymatic activity (overview

of kinetics, reversible and irreversible inhibitions, allosteric enzymes and cooperativity) –regulation of enzymes concentration (Control of transcription and translation – example withrespect of lacoperon and catabolite repression)- Global control- regulation of metabolic networks(Branch point classification, coupled reactions and global currency metabolities and energyregulation)

Module - IIMetabolic engineering in practice: Concept of directed cellular energy utilization –

analytical and synthetic elements of metabolic engineering – targets of metabolic engineering.Metabolic Pathway analysis (Typical case study: Lysine Biosynthesis)

Strategies for redirecting branched and linear pathways: (Alteration of feed backregulation; limiting accumulation of end product feed back resistant mutants, alteration ofpermeability).

Module - IIIMetabolic Flux Analysis: Concept and utility of MFA – Theory – case studies – over

determined systems – experimental determination of MFA by isotope labeling – applications ofMFA: Case studies- concept & fundamentals of metabolic control analysis (Basic concept only).

Module - IVApplication of pathway manipulations: Strategies for overproduction of primary

metabolites. Strategies for overproduction of secondary metabolites (precursor effects,prophophase idiophase relationship, enzyme induction, feed back regulation.)Bioconversions: (ME concepts applied in process decisions for enhanced bioconversion).

Examples of pathway manipulations: Enhancement of product yield (alcohol, aminoacids)– extension of substrate ranges (lignocelluloses utilization) – extension of productspectrum (antibiotic, biopolymers) - improvement of cellular properties (alteration ofmetabolism, enhanced efficiency and yield, genetic stability).

Page 90: BT Syllabus - 2009


Text Books/References

1 G Stephanopoulos et al; Metabolic Engineering principles & Methodologies2. T. Scheper R Faurie, J. ThommelAdvance in Biochemical engineering Biotechnology:

Microbila production of L – Aminoacid3 Jens Hoiriis Nielsen, Sabine Arnold: Biotechnology for the future.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question from eachmodule and not more than two questions from anymodule.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 91: BT Syllabus - 2009



Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To provide an advanced knowledge of gene expression and gene therapy

To understand the various technologies of gene mapping, proteomic techniques

and new target identification for drug discovery

Module IPrinciples of gene expression- Genome Mapping – Human Genome Project – Genomes

of other organisms – Role of genomics in drug discovery and development – peptide nucleicacid technology.

Module - IIGenomics in Biopharmaceutical Industry – Functional Genomes – PharmacogeneticsGenomics in relation to molecular diagnosis

Module - IIIMolecular therapeutic technologiesGene Therapy – new targets for drug discovery

Module - IVProteomics: Proteomic Techniques – Pharmaceutical Applications – Proteomics indrug discovery – in human.

Role of animal models in identification of genes for disorders knockout mice.

ReferencesS. Sahai, Genomics and Proteomics, Functional and Computational Aspects,Plenum


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,

quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question from eachmodule and not more than two questions from anymodule.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3 hours practical per week Credits: 2Objectives:

To do experiments for study of DNA structures and RNA structures

1. Isolation of genomic DNA from eukaryotic cells.2. Isolation of RNA from eukaryotic cells3. Isolation of proteins from eukaryotic cells4. Isolation of genomic DNA from prokaryotic cells5. Isolation of plasmid DNA from prokaryotic cells6. Restriction mapping of plasmid DNA7. Gel electrophoretic separation of DNA and molecular weight determination8. Gel electrophoretic separation of RNA9. Gel electrophoretic separation of proteins10. Transblot analysis of DNA11. Gel extraction of DNA12. PCR amplification of DNA

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13. Conjugation in E.coli14. Transformation in E.coli (Preparation of competent cells)15. Induction of lac operon (expression of beta –galactosidase and assay)16. Cloning of DNA into plasmid vector.17. Electroporation of DNA18. ELISA

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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BT 09 608 (P) BIOINFORMATICS LABTeaching Scheme:Three hours practical per week Credits: 2Objectives:

To understand the fundamental principles of bioinformatics and using the

knowledge to tackle various research problems

1. Unix commands2. PERL programming3. Biological databases i. Nucleotide sequence databases ii. Protein sequence

databases iii. Protein structure databases.4. Sequence Analysis – blastn, blastp, blast2, fasta5. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic interpretation – Clustal, Phylip,

Phylodraw.6. Gene prediction-Genscan, ORF finder, Genmark7. Protein prediction-Conserved domain databases, Protparam, Signalp, Motif8. Molecular visualization – Rasmol, Cn3D, Swiss PDB Viewer9. Structure prediction – GOR, nnpredict, Swissmodel server10. Structure alignment and docking – Calpha match, VAST, SAT, Hex11. Primer design-Primer3.

Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Ttest/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End Examination patternFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50

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Teaching Scheme:4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of mechanical and process design of process plants

To impart design principles for bioreactor design

Module - IIntroduction. General design information for chemical process plants and bioprocesses.

Development of flow sheet. Piping and instrumentation diagram and its description.Mechanical design of process equipment. Introduction to the design of cylindrical and

spherical vessels for internal and external pressures. Design of heads, closures and supports.Design of tall vessels. Pipe line design. Materials of construction for process and bioprocessplants.

Module - IIDetailed process design of double pipe heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchangers,

distillation columns, rotary and tray dryers.

Module IIIDesign principles (no detailed design; design approach only) for the following: Stirred

tank bioreactor, bubble column fermenter, airlift fermenter, fluidized bed bioreactor, photobioreactor, packed column bioreactor, plug flow reactor. Fermenter – power input calculations,sparger designDesign of sterilizers – batch and continuous(Use of chemical Engineers Handbook (both 7th and 8th edition) by Perry& Chilton and relevantattested copies of datas are permitted in the examination hall.)

Text Books1. Perry & Chilton (Ed) Chemical Engineers Handbook (7th and 8th edn.)2. Peters and Timmerhaus: Plant design and Economics for Chemical Engineers3. Joshi, M.V Process Equipment design.4. S.B Thakore, B.I Bhatt, “Introduction to Process Engineering and Design”, The McGraw

Hill Companies.5. Michael L Schuler & Fikret Kargi “Bioprocess Engineering” Prentice Hall of India Pvt

Ltd.6. Pauline M Doran “Bioprocess Engineering Principles” Academic Press.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 702 DOWNSTREAM PROCESSINGTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credit: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge of downstream processing operations

To attain knowledge of the applications of the above operations in the bioprocess


Module – IRole of downstream processing in biotechnology – Role and importance of downstream

processing in biotechnological processes – Problems and requirements of bioproduct purification.

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Economics of downstream processing in Biotechnology – cost cutting strategies –characteristics of biotechnological mixtures – process design criteria for various classes ofbioproducts (high volume , low value products and low volume, high value products)-physicochemical basis of bio separation processes.

Module - IIPrimary separation and recovery process:Cell disruption methods for intracellular products-(sonication, beadmills, homogenizers etc) removal of insolubles – biomass ( and particulatedebris) separation techniques- flocculation and sedimentation – centrifugation and filtrationmethods. Chemical and enzymatic lysis.

Module - IIIEnrichment operations: Membrane based separations – micro and ultra filtration theory- designand configuration of membrane separation equipment – applications .Reverse osmosis –Precipitation methods (with salts, organic solvents and polymers, extractive separations, aqueoustwo – phase extraction, supercritical extraction – In situ product removal – integratedbioprocessing.

Module - IVProduct Resolution /Fractionations :Chromatographics techniques: Principles of Adsorptionchromatography. Affinity chromatographic separation process, GC, HPLC, FPLC, Processconfigurations (packed bed, simulated moving beds) Hybrid separation technologies (membranechromatography, electro chromatography etc)Product polishing: Gel Permeation chromatography, dialysis, crystallization, pervaporationCase studies for downstream processing of Industrial Bioproducts – High Volume/Low ValueProducts (Citric acid/Penicillin) and Low Volume/High value Products (Recombinant proteins.)

Text books1. Product recovery in Bioprocess Technology, BIOTOL, Series VCH, 1990.2. P.A Belter E.L Cussler and Wei-Shou Hu, Bioseperations – Downstream Processing for

Biotechnology, Wiley – Interscience Publication, 1988.3. R.K Scopes, Berlin, protein Purification: Principles and Practices, Springer, 1982.

References:1. Wankat P.C, rate controlled separations, Elsevier, 1990.2. Asenjo J.M Seperation processes in Biotechnology, 1993, Marcel Dekkere Inc3. Bioseperations by Siva Shankar PHI Publications.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT09 703 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGTeaching Scheme:2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial Credits: 3Objectives:

To impart basic concepts of air pollution, water pollution and pollution due to

solid waste

To impart knowledge about the design of equipment for controlling air and water

pollution and pollution due to solid waste

To study the waste treatment of major industries

Module - I

Sources and classification of waste water. Physical, chemical and biologicalcharacteristics of waste water. Waste water sampling and analysis. Waste water microbiology

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Air pollution. Sampling and analysis of air pollutants. Air pollution control methodsand equipment. Setting chambers, cyclone separators, fabric filters, electrostaticprecipitator, wet scrubber. Control ofgaseous emission – absorption and adsorption. Noise

pollution – monitoring and control methods.

Module - IIWastewater treatment methods. Preliminary treatment, primary treatment.

Secondary treatment. Design of activated sludge process. Aeration of activated sludge.Tricking filter, biotower, rotating biological contactor. Aerobic fluidized bed bioreactor.

Chemical precipitation, coagulation, sedimentation. Design of clarifier. Disinfection. –chlorination and ozonation, ultra violet light, activated carbon adsorption, Membrane methodof wastewater treatment. Sewage treatment and disposal.

Module - IIIAnaerobic digestion. Slow rate and high rate biomethanation. Anaerobic

filter. Anaerobic contact process. Anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactor. Design of upflowAnaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) process. Sludge treatment and disposal

Solid waste treatment – composting (aerobic, anaerobic and vermi). Sanitarylandfill. Incineration. Design of an incinerator. Recovery and recycling. Soil bioremediation.

Module IVWastewater treatment for industrial waste. Treatment methods for effluents from pulp

and paper mill, dairy, distillery, tannery, food and allied industries, Edible oil refinery, soapanddetergent industry, textile mill, cane sugar industry, rubber industry, drugs and pharmaceuticalindustry. slaughter house and meat processing industry. Common Effluent treatmentPlants. Biomedical waste management. Hazardous waste management.

Text Books/References1. Met calf & Eddy “Waste water Engg, disposal & Reuse” McGraw Hill2. Peavy “Environmental Engg” McGraw Hill3. Rao M.N “Air Pollution” Tata McGraw Hill4. S.P Mahajan “Pollution control in Process Industries” Tata MGgraw HillPublishing Company.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question from eachmodule and not more than two questions from anymodule.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 704 IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOTECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week credits: 3Objectives:

To impart knowledge on the immune system

To impart knowledge on immunity to infection and molecular immunology

Module - IThe Immune System: Introduction – hematopoiesis and blood cell formation – cells of theimmune system – lymphocytes – their origin and differentiation – antigens – their structures andclassification- complement and their biological functions.

Module - IIHumoral immunity: Structure and function of immunoglobulin – Immunoglobulin classes andsubclasses- genetic control of antibody production. B-Iymphocytes, their generation, activationand differentiation. Cellular immunology –Major histocompatibility complex, Antigen processingand presentation-Tcell receptor-Tcell maturation, activation and differentiation, cytokines and the rolein immune response.

Module - IIIImmunity to infection: Hypersensitivity reactions – Gell and Coombs classification –IgEmediated hypersensitivity- antibody meditated hypersensitivity- immune complex meditated

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hypersensitivity –delayed type hypersensitivity.Transplantation: Graft rejection – evidence and mechanisms of graft rejection –immunosuppressive drugs – HLA and diseaseAuto immunity: Auto antibodies in humans-pathogenic mechanisms-experimental models ofautoimmune diseases-treatment of autoimmune disorder.

Module - IVMolecular Immunology: Preparation of vaccines – application of recombinant DNA technologyfor the study of the immune systems-catalytic antibodies-immunotherapy with geneticallyengineered antibodies.Current topics in Immunology: Hybridoma technique and monoclonal antibody production –Diagnotics methods: Immunodiffussion, immunoelectrophoresis. Radioimmunoassay ELISA,Western blot.

Reference Books1. Janis Kuby, Immunology, W.H Freeman & Company.2. Roitt I.M., Brostoff J and Male D.K Immunology Mosby Publication3. Ivan I., Immunological Methods manual, academic Press.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question from eachmodule and not more than two questions from anymodule.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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Teaching Scheme:

3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Any one from BT 09 L06 to BT09 L25 or Global Electives listed at the last with maximum

of one global elective for one semester


Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Any one from BT 09 L06 to BT09 L25 or Global Electives listed at the last with maximum

of one global elective for one semester

BT 09 707 (P) DOWNSTREAM PROCESSING LABTeaching Scheme:3hours practical per week Credits: 2Objectives:

To conduct experiments in downstream processing operations

1. Cell disruption techniques2. Filtration3. Centrifugation4. Sedimentation5. Leaching6. Membrane based filtration – Ultra Filtration and Micro Filtration7. Protein precipitation methods and its recovery8. Two-phase aqueous extraction9. Liquid chromatographic techniques10. Electrophoretic separation techniques11. Dialysis12. Crystallisation13. Drying

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Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

Total marks = 50


Teaching Scheme:

3 Hrs practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives: To conduct experiments in reaction engineering and process control

1. Kinetics of hydrolysis of esters2. Determination of activation energy3. Batch reactor4. Stirred tank reactor5. Plug flow reactor6. Fixed bed reactor7. Fluidized bed reactor8. Recycle bed reactor9. UV photo reactor10. RTD in CSTR11. Time constant of manometer12. Calibration of thermo couple13. Dynamics of liquid level systems-interacting and non-interacting14. Measurement of level by capacitance method15. Characteristics of P.I.D controller16. Control valve characteristics

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Sessional work assessmentsLab Practical and Record = 60%

Test/s = 30%Regularity = 10%Total marks = 50

Semester End examinationFair record = 10%Viva voce = 20%Procedure and tabulation form,Conducting experiments and results = 70 %

BT 09 709 (P) PROJECT

1 hour practical per week Credit:1Objectives

To judge the capacity of the students in converting the theoretical knowledge intopractical systems/investigative analysis.

Project work is for duration of two semesters and is expected to be completed in theeighth semester. Each student group consisting of not more than five members is expected todesign and develop a complete system or make an investigative analysis of a technical problem in therelevant area. Project evaluation committee consisting of the guide and three/four facultymembers will perform the screening and evaluation of the projects.

Each project group should submit project synopsis within three weeks from the start ofthe seventh semester. Project evaluation committee shall study the feasibility of each project workbefore giving consent. Literature survey is to be completed in the seventh semester

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Students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute. However,external projects can be taken up in reputed industries, if that work solves a technical problem ofthe external firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the head of the department beforetaking up external project work and there must be an internal guide for such projects.

The objective of the project is to test the ability of the student to coordinate the entire knowledgeof biotechnology engineering and to judge the student’s capacity in the design of plant/ processsystem. The project can be experimental or design based.

The students are required to prepare the project report on a complete process showing theselection of alternatives, preparation of flow sheet, bioprocess calculations and detailed designcalculations of the major items of equipments. The project should include mechanical design,capital cost; product cost estimation, profitability, breakeven analysis, plant location and lay out.The project selected should be an industrial problem. Any laboratory experimental data generatedmay be used for the design of the industrial plant. The assessment shall be based on individualand group performance.

Each student has to submit an interim report of the project at the end of the 7th semester.Members of the group will present the project details and progress of the project before thecommittee at the end of the 7th semester. 50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50%by the evaluation committee.

InternalContinuous Assessment20%- Technical relevance of the project40%- Literature survey and data collection20%- Progress of the project and presentation10%- Report

10%- Regularity in the class

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BT 09 801 PLANT OPERATIONS, SAFETY AND BIOSAFETYTeaching Scheme:4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial Credits: 5Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of safety procedures carried out in chemical process plants

and bioprocess plants

To impart knowledge on safety and biosafety guidelines

Module - I

Operational Parameters in a process plant, duties and responsibilities of operator,supervisor and process engineer and manager in a process plant.

Raw materials scheduling, start-up, shut down. Common operational problems in processplants,Trouble shooting methods. The role of preventive maintenance and break-downmaintenance. Plant utilities –water, power, steam, air and fuels.

Elementary aspects of quality management systems, Environment managementsystems-benefits of EMS certification, Requirements of EMS-Environmental policy, planning,implementation and operation, checking and corrective action management review. OccupationalHealth and safety Management Systems:- BS 8800, OHSAS 18001 & 18002, ISO 9000. GoodManufacturing Practice in industry.

Module - II

Chemical hazards, Toxic chemicals-dusts, gases, fumes, mists, vapours and smoke.Exposure evaluation. The concept of threshold limit, chronic and acute exposure effects. Safety

equipments in chemical plants – working principles. Safety in chemical reactions andstorage and explosive or flammable dust, gases, vapours etc.

Identification of hazards. Chemistry of fire, composition of combustion – flame, heat, fire,gases, smoke, ignition temperature, LFL – UFL-Flash point, Fire point. Spontaneouscombustion. Classification of fires, flammability principles. Fire prevention, Fire protection inprocess plants. Fire and Explosion rating of process plants- Introduction to the modeling of fireexplosion and toxic gas dispersion, pool fire, torch, BLEVE, HAZOP and HAZAN. Eventprobability and failure frequency analysis (Fault and Event Tree analysis). Designing for safety,emergency planning and disaster management.

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Module - III

Biosafety guidelines and regulations, FAO, USDA & DBT guidelines on biosafety.Containment of equipment and apparatus in biotechnology industry and research, Goodlaboratory Practices.

Biosafety levels- Containment in BSL-1, BSL -2, BSL-3, BSL-4 levels, designrequirements and standard microbiological laboratory practices in each level. Design for GoodLaboratory Practices, Waste disposal, shipping transportation and treatment of bio-hazardousmaterials and waste products. Decontamination of industrial and laboratory wastes:- agents,selection and methods for decontamination.

Module –IVHazards of genetic engineering, bio-safety for human health and environment, social and

ethical issues pertaining to genetic engineering, bio-safety in relation to transgenic research, r-DNA guidelines and applications.

Bio-safety and cartagene protocol, Environmental monitoring of GM crops andorganisms. Risk assessment of GM organisms and crops released into the environment.

References:1. F.P Lease: Loss prevention in Process plants worth, London2. G.L Wells: Safety in Process Plant Design, IChem E/ Godwin3. Comprehensive Bio technology Vol IV, Murray Moov –Young.4. D.A Shapton and R.G Board: Safety in microbiology, Academic Press London.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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Teaching Scheme:2 Hrs lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 3Objectives:

To describe the various technologies involved in manufacture of industrial

products in biotechnology

To give knowledge about the manufacture of major biopharmaceuticals

Module IA review of industrial fermentation and enzymatic processes and products. Role of a

bioprocess engineer in bioprocess industry. Outline of the various unit operations involved in theupstream and downstream operation of a bioprocess plant. Process flow sheeting.

A survey of organisms. Isolation and improvement of microbial strains, mutation andmutant selection. Recombination protoplast fusion, recombinant DNA technology foroverproduction of primary metabolites and secondary metabolites, general fermentation processeconomics and costing of products. Good manufacturing practice.

Module - IIProduction of citric acid, gluconic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, acetone/butanol,

glutamic acid, lysine, pencillins, cephalosporin, tetracyclins, griseofulvin, baker’s yeast, alcoholicbeverages, high-fructose corn syrup.

Module - IIIVitamins B12, riboflavin, protease, amylase, glucoamylase, glucose isomerase, rennet,

catalase, lipase, xanthan gum, dextran, PHA, PHB, aspartame, nisin, SCP.

Module - IVInsulin, Interferon, erythropoietin, streptokinase, lymphokinase, interleukin, blood factor

VIII, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines.

Text Books/references1. Gary Walsh “Biopharmaceuticals: Biochemistry and biotechnology” John Willey & Sons

Ltd2. L.E Casida “Industrial Microbiology” New Age International Publishers3. S.N Jogdand “Bio pharmaceuticals” Himalaya Publishing House.4. Mooray Muyoung “Comprehensive Bio technology” Pergames press.5. Prescott and Dunn: “Industrial Microbiology” CBS Publishers.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,

quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be atleast one question from each module and notmore than two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out ofsix. There should be at least one question fromeach module and not more than two questions fromany module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:

3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Any one from BT 09 L06 to BT09 L25 or Global Electives listed at the last with maximum

of one global elective for one semester

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Teaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Any one from BT 09 L06 to BT09 L25 or Global Electives listed at the last with maximum

of one global elective for one semester

BT 09 805 (P) SEMINAR

Teaching scheme:

3 hours per week Credits: 2

Objective : To assess the ability of the student to study and present a seminar on a

topic of current relevance in biotechnology engineering and allied areas.

It enables the students to gain knowledge in any of the technically relevant current topicsand acquire the confidence in presenting the topic. The student will undertake a detailed study onthe chosen topic under the supervision of a faculty member, by referring papers published inreputed journals and conferences. Each student has to submit a seminar report, based on thesepapers; the report must not be reproduction of any original paper. A committee consisting ofthree/four faculty members will evaluate the seminar.

Internal continuous assessment20% - Relevance of the topic and literature survey50% - Presentation and discussion20% - Report10% - Regularity in the class and participation in the seminar

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BT 09 806 (P) PROJECT

Teaching scheme Total Credits: 711 hours practical per week Credits for interim evaluation: 2

Credits for final evaluation: 5

This project work is the continuation of the project initiated in seventh semester. The performanceof the students in the project work shall be assessed on a continuous basis by the projectevaluation committee through progress seminars and demonstrations conducted during thesemester. Each project group should maintain a log book of activities of the project. It shouldhave entries related to the work done, problems faced, solution evolved etc.

There shall be at least an interim evaluation and a final evaluation of the project in the 8th

semester. Each project group has to submit an interim report in the prescribed format for theinterim evaluation.

Each project group should complete the project work in the 8th semester. Each student isexpected to prepare a report in the prescribed format, based on the project work. Members of thegroup will present the relevance, design, implementation, and results of the project before theproject evaluation committee comprising of the guide, and three/four faculty members specialisedin biotechnology engineering and allied areas.

50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50% by the evaluation committee.

Internal continuous assessment40% -Design and development30% -Presentation and demonstration of results20 % -Report10 %- Regularity in the class

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BT 09 807 (P) VIVA – VOCECredits: 4

Objective :

To examine the knowledge acquired by the student during the B.Tech. course,through an oral examination

The students shall prepare for the oral examination based on the theory and laboratorysubjects studied in the B.Tech. Course, , seminar, and project. There is only universityexamination for viva-voce. University will appoint two external examiners and an internalexaminer for viva-voce. These examiners shall be senior faculty members having minimum fiveyears teaching experience at engineering degree level. For final viva-voce, candidates shouldproduce certified reports of, seminar, and project (two interim reports and main report). If he/shehas undergone industrial training/industrial visit/educational tour or presented a paper in anyconference, the certified report/technical paper shall also be brought for the viva-voce.

Allotment of marks for viva-voce shall be as given below.

Assessment in viva-voce40 %- Subject30% - Project20%- Seminar10%- Industrial training/ Industrial visit/ Papers presented at national levelMaximum marks : 100

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ELECTIVESFor Elective – II, III, IV and V in the seventh and eighth semesters.

BT 09 L06 GENE AND STEM CELL THERAPYTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To impart knowledge on the transfer and expression of genetic materials

To obtain a basic knowledge of the treatment of diseases using gene and stem cell


Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IStem cell :Introduction – stem-cells-properties and importance of stem cells – sources of stemcells- adult, embryonic, cord blood stem cells-classification of stem cells-multi-potent, pluri-potent, toti-potent, uni-potent stem cells, clinical application of stem cells.

Module - IIStem cell therapy :Overview of stem cell therapy -harvesting of stem-embryonic, fetal and adultstemcell therapy- therapeutic cloning-current and potential stem cell treatments.

Module - IIIGene therapy:Understanding gene therapy –types of gene therapy –germ line gene therapy andsomatic gene therapy-vectors in gene therapy-viral and non viral methods-using stem cells forgene therapy-developments in gene therapy-clinical applications.

Module - IVEthics of gene and stem cell therapy : Stem cell research-stem cell problems-concerns aboutstem cells-immunological challenges for stem-controversy and safety of stem cells-problems andethics of gene therapy.

Reference Books1. Stem cell biology and gene therapy: Edited by Peter J. Quesenberry, Gary S. Stein,

Bernard Forget.2. Stem cells by ariff bongso, Eng Hin Lee, Sydney (FRW) Brenner3. Embryonic stem cells by Kursad Turksen4. Cell therapy by George Morstyn, William Sheridan.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L07 MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICSTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objective:

To obtain a clear concept of molecular diagnostic procedures for diagnosing

illnesses in sick people

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module - IHost pathogen interactions in disease process; Protective immune response in Bacterial,

Viral and Parasitic diseases; Cancer; Inappropriate immune response; Disease pathology andclinical spectrum; Clinical diagnosis of diseases; Molecular Genetics of the host and the pathogen

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Module – IIBiochemical disorders; Immune, Genetic and Neurological disorders; Molecular

techniques for analysis of these disorders; Assays for the Diagnosis of inherited diseases;Bioinformatics tools for molecular diagnosis.

Antibody based diagnosis; Monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic reagents; Production ofmonoclonal antibodies with potential for diagnosis; Diagnosis of bacterial, viral and parasiticdiseases by using ELISA and Western blot.

Module – IIIIsolation of DNA; purification and analysis; DNA sequencing and diagnosis; PCR and

Array based techniques in diagnosis; single nucleotide polymorphism and disease association;Two dimensional gene scanning.

Module – IVIsolation of proteins and other molecules associated with disease; Process and their

profiling for diagnosis; 2Danalysis of such proteins by sequencing individual spots by Massspectrometry; Protein Micro array; Present methods for diagnosis of Specific diseases likeTuberculosis, Malaria and AIDS; Ethics in Molecular Diagnosis.

Texts/References:Campbell, M.A and Heyer L.J., Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 2nd

Edition, CSHL Press, Pearson/Benzamin Cummings San Francisco, USA, 2007.Andrew Read and Dian Donnai, New clinical Genetics, Scion Publishing Ltd, Oxfordshire, UK,

2007.James W Goding, Monoclonal antibodies: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Academic Press,


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 116: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L08 MOLECULAR PATHOGENESISTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the basic ideas of molecular methods used in pathology for noting the

causes of diseases

To understand the paradigms and future challenges in molecular pathogenesis

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IIntroduction to pathogenesis, attributes of microbial pathogenicity, components of

microbial pathogenicity. Population genetics of Microbial pathogenesis, methods to detectgenetic diversity and structure in nature population, epidemiology, cryptic diseases.

Module – IIHost defences against pathogens, clinical importance of understanding of host defences,

components of the host surface defences systems like mucosa and the defences systems of theeye, mouth, respiratory tract etc., components of the systemic defence like the tissue and blood.

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Module – IIIVirulence and virulence factors, colonizing virulence factors, virulence factors damaging the hosttissues, virulence genes and regulation of the virulence genes.

Experimental methods to study host pathogen interaction, selecting the pathogen model,measurement of virulence, identification of potential virulence factors, modulation of immuneresponse by vaccines, properties of vaccines, other immuno modulators.

Module -IVParadigms of Pathogenesis:Diphteria disease by colonization Disease without colonization,

C.Botulinum and Staph aureus Cholera Intestinal infections, Shigella and E.coli infectionsSalmonella infections Fungal infections.Future Challenges:

a. Gastric and duodenal ulcers-are they due to infections? Lyme disease and Syphills –unsolved mystery. Legionnaires disease-aftermath of comforts

b. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infection-re-emerging with vengeance. Rheumatie feverand glomerulo nephrits still a question to be solved.

References1. Iglewski B.H and Clark V.L “Molecular basis of Bacterial Pathogenesis”.2. Talaro K and Talaro A. “Foundation in Microbiology”. W.C Brown Publishers, 1993.3. Roitt K. and Talaro A. “Foundations in Microbiology”. W.C Brown Publishers, 1993.4. Roitt 1, “Essentials of Immunology, 8th edition”. Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1994.5. Austyn.J.M and wood K.J” Principles of Cellular and Molecular immunology”. Oxford University Press 1993

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 118: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 L09 MEMBRANE SEPARATION TECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge on the uses of different membranes for separation


To study membrane separation techniques

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IIntroduction: Separation process, introduction to membrane processes definition of a

membrane, classifications membrane processes. Preparation of synthetic membranes: Types ofmembrane materials, preparation of synthetic membrane, phase inversion membranes, preparationtechnique for immersion precipitation, and preparation technique for composite membranes.

Module – IICharacterization of membranes: introduction, membrane characterization.

Characterization of porous membranes, characterization of non-porous membranes. Transport inmembranes: introduction, driving forces, non equilibrium thermodynamics, transport throughporous, non-porous and ion exchange membranes.

Module-IIIMembrane Processes: Introduction, osmosis, pressure driven membrane processes. ,

Micro filtration, membranes for micro filtration, industrial applications, Ultra filtration,membranes for ultra filtration, industrial applications, Reverse osmosis and Nano filtration:membranes for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, industrial applications, Electrically Drivenprocesses. Introduction, electro dialysis, process parameters, membranes for electro dialysis,applications, Membrane electrolysis, Biopolar membranes, Fuel Cells. Concentration drivenmembrane processes: gas separation in porous and non porous membranes, membranes for gasseparation, applications, pervaporation, membranes for pervaporation, applications, dialysis,membranes for dialysis applications, liquid membranes: aspects, liquid membrane development,choice of the organic solvent and carrier, applications, introduction to membrane reactors.

Module – IVPolarization phenomenon and fouling: introduction to concentration polarization,

turbulence promoters, pressure drop, gel layer model, osmotic pressure model, boundary layerresistance model, concentration polarization in diffusive membrane separators and electrodialysis, membrane fouling, method to reduce fouling, compaction. Module and process design:Introduction, plate and frame module spiral wound module, tabular module, capillary module,hollow fiber module, comparison of module configurations.


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1. S.P.Nunes , K.V, Peinemann, Membrane Technology in the chemical industry Wiley-VCH2. Rautanbach and R.Abrecht, membrane Process, John Wiley & Sons.3. J.G.Crespo, K.W.Bodekes, Membrane Processes in separation and Purification, Kuwer

Academic Publications.4. Transport processes and Unit Operations by C.J.Geankoplis.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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BT 09 L10 RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of recombinant DNA technology

To study the application of recombinant DNA technology

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IIntroduction of recombinant DNA into a host (Bacteria, plants & animals by various

methods) Transformation – in vitro packaging into phages – transfection – reporter genes andgene targeting.

Recombinant selection and Screening – use of probes – RNA, DNA and DNA – nucleicacid hybridization – southern, northern blotting – colony and plaque hybridization – Screening byimmunochemical methods.

Module – IISalient features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems – fusion proteins –

secreted proteins – in vitro gene expression. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – basic reactions –inverse PCR – RT PCR-RACE applications of PCR. Mutagenesis – deletion mutagenesis –oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis – PCR based mutagenesis – Site directed mutagenesis andits applications.

Module – IIIChemical method of Maxam & Gilbert – enzymatic (dideoxy chain termination) method

of Sanger – automated sequencing. Restriction mapping – DNA fingerprinting – chromosomewalking – chromosome jumping.

Module – IVSafety aspects of recombinant DNA technology. Diagnostics – pathogenesis – genetic

diversity – RELP analysis and DNA finger printing. Therapeutic proteins, novel proteins,vaccine, antibodies, herbicide resistance, insecticides. CaPO4 coprecipitation – electroporation –lipofection – microinjection. Transgenic mouse – transgenic fish – Antisense technology andapplications.

References1. Watson.J.D GTliman, N, Recombinant DNA. Scientific American Books, W.H.Freeman and

Co.New York.2. Bemur, R.Pastmek.J.J, Molecular Biology Principles and Applications in Recombinant

DNA, Panima Publishing Cooperation, New Delhi.

Page 121: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc10% - Regularity In the Class.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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BT 09 L11 MICRO ARRAY TECHNOLOGYTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart a basic knowledge on gene chips

To give ideas on the use of gene chips to diagnose diseases

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module-1Introduction to Genetics and Molecular Biology. Microarray Technologies, cDNA,


Module – IIData Acquisition, Normalization and Outlier Detection; dChip, Affymetrix Microarray

Suite, RNA Significance testing and Gene filtering. Threshold methods, t-test, fold change SAM,false positive rate, false discovery rate.

Module – IIICluster Analysis and Graphical tools: hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering, PAM.

Prediction methods: class prediction, k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis, genevoting, random forest.

Module – IVMultivariate statistical techniques: Principal components, multidimensional scaling.

Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis and Systems Biology.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 123: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To study the principles of carcinogenesis

To study the various treatments of cancer

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IFundamentals of Cancer Biology:Regulation of Cell cycle, mutations that cause changes in signalmolecules, effects on receptor, signal switches, tumour suppressor genes, modulation of cell cyclein cancer. Different forms of cancers, Diet and cancer.

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Module – IIPrinciples of Carcinogenesis:Chemical Carcinogenesis, Metabolism of Carcinogenesis, Principlesof Physical Carcinogenesis, X-Ray radiation – mechanisms of radiation Carcinogenesis.

Module – IIIPrinciples of Molecular Cell Biology of Cancer : Oncogenes, Identification of Oncogenes,Retroviruses and Oncogenes, detection of Oncogenes. Oncogenes/Proto Oncogene activity.Growth factors related to transformation. Clinical significances of invasion, heterogeneity ofmetastatic phenotype. Metastatic cascade. Basement Membrane disruption. Three step theory ofInvasion, Proteinases and tumour cell invasion.

Module - IVNew Molecules for Cancer Therapy: Different forms of therapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation.Therapy, Detection of Cancers, Prediction of aggressiveness of cancer, advances in cancerdetection.

References1. Maly B.W.J “Virology a practical approach”. IRL Press. Oxford, 1987.2. Dunmock N.J.and Primrose S.B., “Introduction to Modern Virology”. Blackwell Scientific

Publications, Oxford, 1988.3. “An Introduction top Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer”, Oxford Medical

Publications., 1991.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

niversity Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 125: BT Syllabus - 2009


Teaching Scheme:


3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To study the structures of biomolecules and their interactions

To impart knowledge on the study of biomolecular structures and their functions

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module -IIntroduction : Levels of structures in Biological macromolecules, the chirality’s ofbiomolecules, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids, cofactors, vitamins andhormones.Conformational Analysis :Forces that determine protein and Nucleic acid structure, basicproblems. Polypeptide chains; geometric, potential energy calculations, observed values forrotation angles, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions and water structures; ionicinteractions, disulphide bonds.

Module – IIProtein folding :Types of proteins and interactions that govern protein folding, protein structure.The protein globule and hydrophic interaction, organized folds, folding mechanisms, membraneproteins, helix-coil transitions.Bimolecular interactions: Molecular recognition, supramolecular interactions, Functionalimportance of Protein –protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. Specific and nonspecificDNA protein complexes.

Module – IIIStructural Analysis of Macromolecules : Prediction of protein structure; Sequence structurerelationships, Nucleic acids; general characteristics of nucleic acid structure, geometric, glycosidebond rotational isomers backbone rotational isomers and ribose puckering forces stabilizingordered forms, base pairing, base stacking; tertiary structure of nucleic acids.

Kinetics of Ligand interactions:Biochemical Kinetics studies, uni-molecular reactions, simplebimolecular multiple intermediates, steady state kinetics, catalytic efficiency relaxationspectrometry, ribonuclease as an example.

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Module – IVTechniques for the Study of Biological Structure & Function 1: Size and shape of micromolecules photons, chromophore, transition dipole moments, absorbance, and concentration.Circular dichroism ,molecular chirality and structural transitions of macromolecules, methods ofdirect visualization – macromolecules as hydrodynamic particles – macromolecular diffusionultra centrifugation viscometry.Techniques for the Study of Biological Structure & Function II :X-ray crystallography:determination of molecular structures, X-ray fiber diffraction electron microscopy: neutronscattering – light scattering, NMR spectroscopy.

Text Book

1. Tinoco, I,Jr, Sauer.K.Wang, J.C & Puglisi, J.D (2001) Physical Chemistry Principles andApplications in Biological sciences, 4th ed. Prentice Hall.

References:1. Introduction to Protein Architecture, by A.M.Leak2. Introduction to Protein Structure, by Banden and Tooze.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 127: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 L14 MOLECULAR MODELLING & DRUG DESIGNTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge on various molecular modeling structures

To impart knowledge on analog and structure based drug design

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module –IIntroduction to Molecular Modelling:Introduction to molecular modelling. Use of models. Areasof application – Single molecule calculation, assemblies of molecules. Reaction of the molecules.Drawbacks of mechanical models as compared to graphical models. Co ordinate systems two-matrix, potential energy surface.Quantum Mechanics:Postulates of quantum mechanics, electric structure calculations, abinitio,semi-empirical and density functional theory calculations, molecular size versus accuracy.Approximate molecular orbital theories.

Module – IIEmpirical Force Field Models: Molecular Mechanisms, energy calculations, Bond stretch, angle

bending, tensional term Electrostatic interaction – Van der Waals interactions. Miscellaneousinteraction.Molecular Dynamics: Introduction, molecular Dynamics using simple models. Dynamics withcontinuous potentials. Constant temperature and constant dynamics. Conformation searching.Systematic search applications to protein folding.

Module – IIIComparative protein modeling :Modelling by Homology the alignment, construction of framework, selecting variable regions, side chain placement and refinement, validation of proteinmodels – Ramchandran plot, threading and ab initio modelling.Analog based drug design:Introduction to QSAR, lead module linear and nonlinear modelledequations, biological activities, physicochemical parameter and molecular descriptions, molecularmodeling in drug discovery.

Module – IV

Structure based drug design : 3D pharmacophores, molecular docking, De NovoLigand design, free energies and solvation, electrostatic and non electrostaticcontribution to free energies.

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Further applications on the design of new molecules: 3D data base searching and virtualscreening. Source of data, molecular similarity and similarity searching, combinatorial libraries –generation and utility.

Text Books1. Principles and applications of modeling by Leach2. Molecular modeling by the Hans Peter Heltie & Gerd Falkens, VCH.

References1. Chemical Applications of Molecular Modelling by Jonathan Goodman.2. Computational Chemistry by Guy H, Grant & W Graham Richards, Oxford University.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 129: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 L15 BIOSENSORS AND BIOINSTRUMENTATIONTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objective s:

To study the basic types of different instruments used for monitoring and

controlling parameters in bioreactors

To explain the working of the above instruments

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IBasic concept of biosensors, biomolecules used as sensors, devices used in biosensors,

methods of preparation of biosensors, principles of bioelectronics involved in bioinstrumentation.

Module – IIUnmediated and mediated enzyme electrodes; basic techniques-Enzyme immobilization,

protective membranes, instrumentation, ferrocene based glucose sensor, ferrocene basedcholesterol biosensor. Applications of enzyme biosensors.

Module – IIIPrinciples, construction of microbial biosensors, Immobilization of microbes,

electrochemical devices; application of microbial sensors. Immunoelectrodes; basic concept.Alkaline phosphates labeled immunoassays, glucose oxidase in electrochemical immunoassays.Immunoassays using enzymatic amplification electrodes. Coupling of immunoassays withenzymatic recycling electrodes.

Module – IVTransducers: Optical transducers, fluorescence transducers, Acoustic transducer ,Acoustic wavedevice, Acoustic wave device sensors for studying bimolecular interactions.Consuctimetric andimedimetric devices. Polarizable and nonpolarizable electrodes,acoustic, plasmon resonance,holographic and micro engineered sensors for monitoring low molecular weight analytes,proteins, DNA and whole cells.

Text Book1. Scragg.A.H-Bioreactors in Biotechnology Edited .by Ellis Horwood Ltd. England 1991.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L16 MOLECULAR MEDICINETeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart knowledge on molecular medicine

To know the techniques used for treatment of diseases

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module –IBasic biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics relevant to Molecular Medicine.

Human genome: implications and applications. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism.

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Module – II

Gene therapy as a potential tool to cure human diseases Recombinant molecules inmedicine. Transgenic and knock out animal models.

Module – IIIStem cell research and its application in human health. Intellectual property right issues

and ELSI (Evaluation of the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications program).

Module – IVPersonalised medicine. Introduction to system biology, system medicine and translational


References:1. Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine. Ganten,

Dettv; Ruckpaul, Klaus2. Travelling Around the Human Genome: An in Situ investigation, Bertarand Jordan.3. Principles of Molecular Medicine, J.Larry Jameson4. Molecular Medicine: An Introductory Text, R.J.Trent5. Molecular Medicine, Alan David Blair Malcolm6. Molecular Medicine: Insight into the Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease Published by

johns Hopkins University Press.7. Introduction to Molecular Medicine, Dennis W.Ross Pounds.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 132: BT Syllabus - 2009


BT 09 L17 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENTTeaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To study the different types of hazardous wastes found in industries and other

types of environment

To gain knowledge of the methods used for hazardous waste treatment

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IClassification of hazardous waste-Hazardous waste designation system-Hazardous Waste

(Management and Handling) Rules-European and US and Indian Acts.Preparation of a waste inventory-procedure and considerations-specific and non specific sources– hazardous waste numbers and codes.

Module – IIGenerator requirement-transporter requirements-treatment, storage and disposal

requirements-ground water monitoringThe hazard ranking system-prioritization of actions-contingency plans-liabilities

Module – IIIHazardous waste minimization-benefits-elements of effective waste minimization programme-waste audit-waste exchange-recycling

Module – IV

Treatment technologies-Physical, Chemical and Biological Treatment-Managementof specific recyclable hazardous waste like precious metals, lead acid batteries.Land disposal-land treatment-deep well injection-the secure land fill-construction.

Reference1. Davis, M.L and Cornwell, D.A. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGrawHill.2. Liu I (Ed), Environmental Engineers’ Handbook, Lewis publishers.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,

quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 133: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To study the various analytical techniques used in biotechnology

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IPhotometry and spectrophotometry: The Beer-Lambert Law, percentage transmittance andabsorbance, photoelectric colorimeters; spectrophotometers-types, UV visible, IR, atomicabsorption, NMR and mass spectrophotometers.

Module – IIChromatography: Partition chromatography-mobile and stationary phases-paper

chromatography-solvent systems-development of Rf value-ascending and descending techniques-two dimensional chromatography-thin layer chromatography. Column chromatography-preparation of columns-gradient elution-analysis of fraction and elution profiles-ionexchange chromatography-preparation and activation of ion exchange materials-affinitychromatography- separation of macromolecules-gas chromatography and high performanceliquid chromatograph (HPLC).

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Module – IIIElectrophoresis-paper and gel electrophoresis-immuno electrophoresis-enzyme linked

immuno absorbent assay (ELISA)-isoelectric focusing-two dimensional electrophoresis-capillaryelectrophoresis. Dialysis-separating membranes-factors affecting dialysis-gelfiltration-ultriafiltration-application of filtration techniques. Differential centrifugation-preparation ofcellular organelle and other materials: disintegration of cells, density gradient centrifugation;analytical ultracentrifuge-determination of molecular weight.

Module – IVRadio isotope techniques-radioactive disintegration-radioactive isotopes used in biology-

detection of radioactivity-Geiger counters- -labelling of biological material with radioactiveisotope-scintillation counting-liquid scintillation counters-autoradiography.

Text Books/Reference1. T.G.Cooper:Tools of Biochemistry, : Analytical Biochemistry, Longman2. D.Holme and H Peck-Analatical Biochemistry, Longman3. Willard Merrit and Deana Settle: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CBS Publishers &Distributors.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 135: BT Syllabus - 2009


Teaching Scheme:


3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the knowledge of energy sources and their harnessing technologies.

To understand about energy audit and conservation in industries

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IEnergy-units of energy-conservation factors-general classification of energy-world

energy resources and energy consumption-Indian energy resources and energy consumption-energy crisis-energy alternatives-electrical energy from conventional energy resources-internalcombustion engines-steam turbines-gas turbines-hydro turbines (thermodynamic cycles notincluded)-nuclear reactors-thermal, hydel and nuclear power plants(process outlines only)-efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants, combined cycle power plants-fluidizedbed combustion-small hydropower.

Module – IISolar energy-solar thermal systems-flat plate collectors-focussing collectors-solar water heating-solar cooling-solar distillation-solar refrigeration-solar dryers-solar pond-solar thermal powergeneration-solar photovoltaic systems-solar cells-solar photovoltaic power generation-solarenergy application in India-energy plantations. Wind energy-types of wind mills-types of windrotors-darrieus rotor and gravian rotor-wind electric power generation-wind power in India-economics of wind farm-ocean wave energy conversion-ocean thermal energy conversion-tidalenergy conversion-geothermal energy conversion.

Module – III

Biomass energy resources-thermochemical and biochemical methods ofbiomass conversion,combustion-gasification-pyrolysis-biogas production-ethanol-fuel cell-alkaline fuel cell-phosphoric acid fuel cell-molten carbonate fuel cell-solid oxide fuelcell-solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell-magneto hydro dynamics-open cycle and closedcycle systems-magneto dynamic power generation-energy storage routes like thermalenergy storage, chemical, mechanical, electrical storage.

Module-IVEnergy conservation in chemical process plants.- energy audit- energy saving in heatexchangers, distillation columns, dryers, ovens, furnaces and boilers- steam economy inchemical plants- energy conservation in petroleum, fertilizer and steel industries-cogeneration, pinch technology- recycling for energy saving- electrical energyconservation in chemical plants,energy conservation in bioprocess plants- environmental aspects of energy use.

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Reference Books1. Bansal N.K., Kleeman M.and Meliss M., Renewable energy sources and conversion tech.,

Tata McHraw H.2. Pandey G.N.A Text book on energy systems and engineering, Vikas publishing house.3. Rao, S, & Parulekar B.B, Energy Technology, Khanna publishers4. Rai G.D., Non-conventional energy sources, Khanna publishers5. Nagpal G.R., Power plant Engineering, Khanna publishers

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 137: BT Syllabus - 2009



Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits :4Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of transport phenomena in process systems

To develop a better understanding about momentum transfer, heat transfer and

mass transfer

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IMomentum transfer: Momentum transfer in bioprocess, comparison with other transportprocesses, effect of flow properties in momentum transfer and oxygen mass transfer.Oxygen transport: Oxygen transport to microbial cultures-Gas liquid mass transfer fundamentals,oxygen requirement of microbial cultures. Oxygen requirements of microbial cultures oxygenmass transfer fundamentals. Oxygen transfer and oxygen demand.

Module-IIOxygen transport: Oxygen transfer by aeration and agitation Determination of oxygen masstransfer coefficient by various methods including dynamic gassing out and oxygen balancemethods.Momentum transport by agitation: Power requirements and mixing characteristics of ungassedand gassed systems. Concept of power number, use of monographs. Defining impeller Reynoldsnumber for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Concept of aeration rate to calculate impellerpower requirement of gassed systems.

Module – IIIMixing: Mixing and bioreaction interactions-flow regimes with and without baffles, various typesof impellers and mixing equipment.

Scale up: Scale up criteria for mixing equipment. Application of mixing in bioprocessing.

Module _IVHeat transfer I: Various modes of heat transfer. viz conduction, convection andradiation. Mechanism of heat transfer by conduction. Fourier’s law .conductive heattransfer through aseries of resistances.Heat transfer II: Analogy between heat, mass and momentum transfer. Application of

heat transfer in bioprocesses.

Page 138: BT Syllabus - 2009


Text BooksIntroduction to Biochemical Engineering, D.G.Rao. Tata Mc Hill (2005)Bioprocess Engineering Principles Paul M.Doran. Academic press (1995)

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

BT 09 L 21 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF BIOREACTORSTeaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the basic concepts of different type of bioreactors used in bioprocesses

To gain knowledge about the design of such bioreactors

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

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Module – IIdeal bioreactors – Fed-batch reactor, Enzyme catalyzed reactions in CSTR, CSTR

reactors with recycle and wall growth, ideal plug flow tubular reactor.

Module – IIReactors with non-ideal mixing. Mixing times in agitated tanks. Residence time

distributions models for non ideal reactor. Mixing-bioreaction interactions.

Module – IIIMultiphase bioreactors. Conversion of heterogeneous substrates. Packed bed, bubble-

column, fluidized bed and trickle bed reactors.

Module – IVAnimal and plant cell reactor technology. Environmental requirements for animal cell

cultivation. Reactors for large-scale production using animal cells. Plant cell cultivation.

References1. Bailley & Ollis “Biochemical Engg. Fundamentals” McGraw Hill2. Pauline M Doran “Bioprocess Engineering Principles” Academic Press.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)

30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.

10% - Regularity in the class.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 140: BT Syllabus - 2009



Teaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To impart the basic ideas on the modelling and simulation of process plans

To represent processes in the form of mathematical models to simplify their


Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IBasic modelling principles-uses of mathematical modelling-classification of modelling

techniques-fundamental laws-energy equations-continuity equation-equations of motion-transportequations-equations of state-equilibrium states and chemical kinetics-examples.

Module – IIMathematical models for chemical engineering systems-continuous flow tanks-enclosed-

enclosed vessel-mixing vessel-mixing vessel mixing with reaction-reversible reaction-steamjacketed vessel-boiling of single component liquid-open and closed vessel-continuous boilingsystem-batch distillation.

Module – IIIGas flow systems-hydraulic transients between two reservoirs-reaction kinetics-general

modelling scheme-liquid phase CSTR-batch reactor-ideal binary distillation column-distributedsystems-jacketed tubular reactor-laminar flow in a pipe-counter current heat exchanger.

Module – IV

Digital simulation-numerical integration-Euler and fourth order Runge Kuttamethods- simulation of gravity flow tank – CSTR in series-non isothermal CSTR-binary distillation column-batch reactor

References1. Luben W.L., Process Modelling Simulation and Control for Chemical EngineersMcGraw

Hill2. Franks RGE Mathematical Modelling in chemical engg John Wiley3. Biquette WB Process Dynamics- Modelling analysis with simulation

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Teaching Scheme:


3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To impart basic ideas on nanoparticles

To impart knowledge on the use of bionanoparticles and their applications in


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Prerequisite: No prerequisiteModule – I

Introduction to Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine, Visualization and manipulationon nanoscale. Atomic Force Microscopy, Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy, ScanningProbe Microscopy, Nanoscale Scanning Electron Microscopy, Optical Imaging with a SilverSuperlens.

Module – IIQuantumDots, Gold Nanoparticles, Lipoparticies, Assembly of Nanoparticles into

Micelles, Biomedical applications of self-assembly of nanoparticles, Paramagnetic andsuperparamagnetic nanoparticles, Fluorescent nanoparticles.

Module – IIIBacterial structure relevant to nanobiotechnology, Cubosomes, Dendrimers, DNA-

Nanoparticle Conjugates, DNA Octahedron, Fullerenes, Nanoshells, Carbon Nanotubes,Nanopores, Nano structured Sillicon.

Module – IVMolecular motors, Nanoparticles for molecular diagnostics, Nanobiosensors,

Nanopharmaceuticals, Nanoparticle – Based Drug Delivery, Nanostructures for TissueEngineering/Regenerative. Medicine, Ethical safety, and regulatory issues of nanomedicine.

References1. Nanobiotechnology: Bioinspired Devices and Materials of the Future: Oded Shoseyov and llan

Levy.2. Nanomaterials and Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications: M.Reza Mozafari.3. The Handbook of Nanomedicine, Kewal K.Jain4. Bio Nanotechnology, Elisabeth S.Pappazoglou, Aravind Parthasarathy5. Biomedical Nanostructures, Kenneth E.Goonsalves, Craig R.Halberstadt, Cate T. Laurecin,

Lakshmi S.Nair.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To impart knowledge on bioethics and intellectual property rights

To study the various ethical issues occurring in biotechnology

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module – IBiotechnology and Bioethics. Ethical biotechnology? (Rights, Confidentiality, Animal

Rights, Environmental Ethics, Decision Making) – Ethical Aspects of Designer Babies, geneticscreening and prenatal testing – issues of ethics in biomedicine. Transgenic plants. The debatesof GM foods. Terminator technology, Ethical, issues of the Human Genome Project. Ethicalissues in pharmaceutical drug research. Orphan drugs.

Module – IIIntellectual Property Rights – Development and need for IPR in knowledge based

industries. Various types of intellectual Property Rights with examples (Trademarks, Copyrights,Industrial Designs, Patents, Geographical Indicators etc) – Objectives of the patent system –Basic principles and general requirements of Patents (Novelty, Utility Non obviousness. Etc) andtenets of patent law – Product and Process Patents)

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Module – IIIThe patenting process in India – Exercising and enforcing of Intellectual Property Rights. Rightsof IPR owner Brief overview of patent filing in India. Criteria for patent infringement – VariousAmendments to Patent Law in India. Comparison of Patent Law in India and the US.International conventions and treaties: TRIPS. Evolution and present status. WIPO and itsfunctioning. CBD Treaty. Paris and Berne Conventions Enforcement and Dispute Settlement inWTO – Patent Cooperation Treaty IPR and WTO regime.Module – IV

Biotechnological inventions and patent law – patentable subjects and protection inbiotechnology. The patentability of microorganisms – Diamond vs. Chakrabarty Case –Bioprospecting & Biopiracy (Case studies of Neem / Turmeric / Arogyapacha of Kani Tribals inKerala/Rosy Periwinkle of Madagascar)-Traditional knowledge Systems (TKS) – Options forprotection of Traditional Knowledge Systems. Need for Sui Generics Systems. TKS and theNational and International Arena. Biodiversity and Farmers rights – IPR and Plant GeneticResources – Plant Breeder Rights .UPOV Treaty.

Text Books1. Ethical Issues in Biotechnology. Edited by Richard Sherlock and John D.Morrey. 2002

Publishers Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield.2. J.Rehm and G.Reed, Biotechnology, Second Edition, Multi Volume Treatise, Volume 12

Legal Economic and Ethical Dimensions, VCHPublishers.3. Prabuddha Ganguli Intellectual Property Rights-Unleashing the Knowledge Economy. Tata

McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.4. Beier, F.K, Crespi, R.S and Straus, T.Biotechnology and Patent protection – Oxford and

IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.5. Sasson A, Biotechnologies and Development, UNESCO Publications.6. Jeffrey M.Gimble, Academia to Biotechnology, Elsevier, Academic Press.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 145: BT Syllabus - 2009



Teaching Scheme:3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4Objectives:

To study the structure and characteristics of different types of biomaterials of

natural and synthetic origin

To give an idea on the effective uses of these materials

Prerequisite: No prerequisite

Module IStructure of solids. Review of basic concepts. Biomaterials, definition, classification. Polymers, metals,alloys, ceramics and composites, physical, chemical and mechanical aspects of bulk and surface properties ofmetallic ,polymer and ceramic biomaterials (in vivo and in vitro ) Corrosion studies. Structure propertyrelation. Characterisation of biomaterials. Bulk analysis-XRD, FTIR, SEM, TGA etc. Surface analysis-XPS,SIMS, AES, STM etc.

Module IIHard tissue replacement implant: orthopaedic implants (hip, knee), dental implants, adhesives and sealants.Soft tissue replacement implant. Skin implant, burn (wound), dressings/ synthetic skin, dialysismembranes, scaffolds, vascular implants, heart valve implants. Artificial kidneys and livers. Sutures,biomaterials for gene delivery. Hydrogel as stimuli- sensitive biomaterials, ophthalmologic implants,biomaterials for drug delivery

Module IIIBlood and tissue compatibility of biomaterials and their in vitro and in vivo assessment. Tissue response tobiomaterials. Importance of interfacial tissue reaction ( eg. Ceramic bone tissue reaction ). Qualification ofimplant ( in vivo and in vitro ) Blood materials interaction. Mineralization and encrustation, microbial-biofilm formation, bacterial adhesion toxicology, degradation of biomaterials in biological environments.toxicity of biomaterials, acute and chronic toxicity studies. Implant associated infection

Module IVBiopolymers, definition, plant and animal biopolymers- polynucleotide, polyamides, polysaccharides,polyisoprene, lignin, polyphosphate and poly hydroxyl alkanoates.Application and chemical synthesis of super absorbent polmers, polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol,poly tetra methylene glycol, polyglycerine. Bioplastics and environment, commercial bioplastics. Naturalfibers like silk, wool, flax, jute, linen, cotton, sisal, bamboo. Biocomposite- properties and applications

Text books/ references1 Ratner, Hoffman, Schoen Biomaterial science- an introduction to materials in medicineAcademic press2 Park .J.B. Biomaterials- science and engineering, Plenum press3 Sharma C.P., Szycher.M Blood compatible materials and devices Technomic publishing company4. R. M. Johnson, R. M. Mwaikambo, Tucker Biopolymers Rapra technology.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each module andnot more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


1. ME 09 L23 Industrial Safety Engineering

2. ME 09 L25 Energy Engineering and Management

3. PE 09 L23 Total Quality Management

4. PE 09 L24 Industrial Psychology

5. PE 09 L25 Entrepreneurship

6. CS 09 L23 Simulation and Modeling

7. CS 09 L24 Computer based Numerical Methods8 CH 09 L23 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

9. CH 09 L25 Project Engineering

10. IT 09 L24 Management Information Systems

Page 147: BT Syllabus - 2009


ME09 L23: Industrial Safety Engineering

Teaching schemeCredits: 43 hours lecture and I hour tutorial per week

Objectives To provide on concept of safety in industry, principle of accident prevention,

major hazards, consequences and concept of reliability.

Pre-requisites: Nil

Module I (14 Hours)Introduction to the concept of safety-Need-safety provisions in the factory Act-Laws related tothe industrial safety-Measurement of safety performance, Safety Audit, Work permit system,injury and accidents-Definitions-Unsafe act –unsafe condition- causes, investigations andprevention of accidents, hazards, type of industrial hazards-nature, causes and control measures,hazard identifications and control techniques-HAZOP, FMEA,FMECA etc.

Module II (14 Hours)Concept of Industrial hygiene, programmes-Recognition –Evaluation- Control, Noise- source –effects and noise control, exposure limits –standards, Hearing conservation programmes, Fire –fire load-control and industrial fire protection systems, Fire Hydrant and extinguishers, ElectricalHazards, protection and interlock-Discharge rod and earthling device, safety in the use of portabletools.

Module III (13 Hours)Logics of consequence analysis-Estimation-Toxic release and toxic effects-Threshold limitvalues, Emergency planning and preparedness, Air pollution-classification- Dispersion modeling-pollution source and effects- -control method and equipments-Gravitational settling chambers-cyclone separators-Fabric filter systems-scrubbers etc.

Module IV (13 Hours)Concept of reliability-Definition-Failure rate and Hazard function, System reliability models-series, parallel systems, reliability hazard function for distribution functions-exponential-normal –lognormal-weibull and gamma distribution.

Text books1. Thomas J. Anton, Occupational Safety and Health Management, McGraw Hill

2. Ian T.Cameron & Raghu Raman, Process Systems Risk Management, ELSEVIER Academicpress.

3. C.S.Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International Limited 4. L. S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering, East west Press, New Delhi

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Reference books1. Frank E. McErloy,P.E; C.S.P, Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations,NSC

Chicago.2. Lees F.P, Loss Prevention in Process Industries, Butterworths, New Delhi.

3. BHEL,Occupational Safety Manual, Tiruchirappalli.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

Page 149: BT Syllabus - 2009


ME09 L25: Energy Engineering and Management

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To provide knowledge on energy conservation and management. To impart the basics of renewable energy technology

Pre-requsites: Nil

Module I (13 hours)Energy and environment: Introduction – fossil fuel reserves – world energy consumption –green house effect – global warming – renewable energy sources – environmental aspectsutilization – energy prices – energy policies

Module II (14 hours)Energy conservation: Industrial energy use – energy surveying and auditing – energy index –energy cost – energy conservation in engineering and process industry, in thermal systems, inbuildings and non conventional energy resources schemes.

Module III (14 hours)Energy technologies: Fluidized bed combustion – fluidized bed boilers – waste heat recoverysystems – heat pump and refrigerators – wind energy collectors and storage systems – insulatedpipe work systems.

Module IV (13 hours)Energy management: Energy management principles – energy resources management – energymanagement information systems – computerized energy management. Costing techniques – costoptimization – optimal target investment schedule – financial appraisal and profitability.

Text Books1. W. R. Murphy, G. Mc Kay, Energy Management, Butterworths, London

Reference Books1. O. Callaghn, Design and Management for energy conservation, Pergamon Press, Oxford2. D. Merick, Energy - Present and Future Options, vol 1 and 2, John Wiley and Sons3. N. A. Chaigier, Energy Consumption and Environment, McGraw Hill

Page 150: BT Syllabus - 2009


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

PE09 L23: Total Quality Management

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To impart knowledge on the concept of quality tools for analysing quality statistical tools

in quality acceptance sampling life tests

Module I (14 hours)Definition of quality-internal and external customers- vision statement – mission statements –objectives – goals – targets- evolution of TQM – Defining TQM – stages in TQ Mimplementation-TQM models

Module II (14 hours)SWOT analysis-strategic planning-customer focus-quality function deployment-customersatisfaction measurement-seven new management tools-Deming wheel-zero defect concept-benchmarking-six sigma concepts-failure mode and effect analysis-poke yoke

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Module III (13 hours)Five S for quality assurance-quality circle philosophy-failure rate analysis-mean failure rate-meantime to failure (MTTF)-Mean time between failure (MTBF)-hazard models-system reliability-availability- maintenance

Module IV (13 hours)Quality and cost-characteristics of quality cost-micro analysis of quality cost-measurement ofquality-TQM road map- ISO 9000 series certification-ISO 9001:2000 certification-ISO 14000certification-QS 9000 auditing-Quality auditing- quality awards

Text Books1. L Suganthi, Anand A Samuel, Total Quality Management, PHI2. Lt.Gen. Lal H, Total Quality Management, Wiley Eastern Limited

Reference Books1. Greg Bounds, Beyond Total Quality Management, McGraw Hill Publishers2. Menon H G, TQM in New Product Manufacturing, McGraw Hill Publishers

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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PE09 L24: Industrial PsychologyTeaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To give awareness on the Human and Industrial Psychology

Module I (14 hours)Introduction- psychology as a science- area of applications – study of individual- individualdifferences- study of behaviour- stimulus- response behaviour- heredity and environment- humanmind- cognition- character- thinking- attention- memory- emotion- traits- attitude- personality

Module II (14 hours)Organizational behaviour- definition –development- fundamental concept- nature of people-nature of organization – an organizational behaviour system- models- autocratic model- hybridmodel- understanding a social-system social culture- managing communication- downward,upward and other forms of communication

Module III 13 hours)Motivation- motivation driver- human needs- behavior modification- goal setting- expectancymodel- comparison models- interpreting motivational models- leadership- path goal model- style– contingency approach

Module IV (13 hours)Special topics in industrial psychology- managing group in organization- group and intergroup dynamics- managing change and organizational development- nature planned change-resistance- characteristic of OD-OD process

Text Books1. Davis K. & Newstrom J.W., Human Behaviour at work, Mcgraw Hill International

Reference Books1. Schermerhorn J.R.Jr., Hunt J.G &Osborn R.N., Managing Organizational Behaviour, John Wiley2. Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, McGraw Hill, International3. Morgan C.t.,King R.A.,John Rweisz &John Schoples, Introduction to Psychology, McHraw Hill4. Blum M.L. Naylor J.C., Harper & Row, Industrial Psychology, CBS Publisher

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Page 153: BT Syllabus - 2009


University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

PE09 L25: Entrepreneurship

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To give an idea on entrepreneurial perspectives

Module I (14 hours)Entrepreneurial perspectives- understanding of entrepreneurship process- entrepreneurial decisionprocess- entrepreneurship and economic development- characteristics of entrepreneur-entrepreneurial competencies- managerial functions for enterprise.

Module II (14 hours)Process of business opportunity identification and evaluation- industrial policy- environment-market survey and market assessment- project report preparation-study of feasibility and viabilityof a project-assessment of risk in the industry

Module III (13 hours)Process and strategies for starting venture- stages of small business growth- entrepreneurship ininternational environment- entrepreneurship- achievement motivation- time managementcreativity and innovation structure of the enterprise- planning, implementation and growth

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Module IV (13 hours)Technology acquisition for small units- formalities to be completed for setting up a small scaleunit- forms of organizations for small scale units-financing of project and working capital-venturecapital and other equity assistance available- break even analysis and economic ratios technologytransfer and business incubation

Text Books1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw hill International2 Hirich R.D. &Peters Irwin M.P., Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill3. Rao T.V., Deshpande M.V., Prayag Mehta &Manohar S. Nadakarni, Developing

Entrepreneurship a Hand Book, Learning systems4. Donald Kurado & Hodgelts R.M., Entrepreneurship A contemporary Approach, The

Dryden Press5. Dr. Patel V.G., Seven Business Crisis, Tata McGraw hill

Timmons J.A., New venture Creation- Entrepreneurship for 21st century, McGrawHill International

6. Patel J.B., Noid S.S., A manual on Business Oppurnity Identification, selections, EDII7. Rao C.R., Finance for small scale Industries8. Pandey G.W., A complete Guide to successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas Publishing

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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CS09 L23 : Simulation and Modelling

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


To teach the students how to reproduce real-world events or process undercontrolled laboratory conditions, using mainly mathematical models.

Module I (10 hours)Introduction - systems and models - computer simulation and its applications -continuoussystem simulation - modeling continuous systems - simulation of continuous systems -discrete system simulation - methodology – event scheduling and process interactionapproaches - random number generation -testing of randomness - generation of stochasticvariates - random samples from continuous distributions - uniform distribution -exponential distribution m-Erlang distribution - gamma distribution - normal distribution- beta distribution - random samples from discrete distributions - Bernoulli - discreteuniform -binomial - geometric and poisson

ModuleII(12 hours)Evaluation of simulation experiments - verification and validation of simulationexperiments - statistical reliability in evaluating simulation experiments -confidenceintervals for terminating simulation runs - simulation languages -programmingconsiderations - general features of GPSS - SIM SCRIPT and SIMULA.

ModuleIII(15 hours)Simulation of queueing systems - parameters of queue - formulation of queueingproblems - generation of arrival pattern - generation of service patterns -Simulation ofsingle server queues - simulation of multi-server queues -simulation of tandom queues.

Module IV (15 hours)Simulation of stochastic network - simulation of PERT network - definition of networkdiagrams - forward pass computation - simulation of forward pass -backward passcomputations - simulation of backward pass - determination of float and slack timesdetermination of critical path - simulation of complete network - merits of simulation ofstochastic networks.

Reference Books1. C. Deo N., System Simulation And Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of India.2. Gordan G., System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India.3. Law A.M. & Ketton W.D., Simulation Modelling and Analysis, McGraw Hill.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

Note: One of the assignments shall be computer based simulation of continuous systems usingany technical computing software

One of the tests must be computer based (practical).

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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CS09 L24 : Computer Based Numerical Methods

Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


To impart the basic concepts of mathematical modelling of problems in science and engineeringand to know procedures for solving different kinds of problems.

To understand the various numerical techniques which provide solutions to non linearequations, partial differential equations etc that describe the mathematical models ofproblems.

Module I (13 hours)Errors in numerical computation - mathematical preliminaries - errors and their analysis - machinecomputations - computer software. Algebraic and Transcendental Equations - bisection method - iterationmethod - method of false position - rate of convergence - method for complex root - Muller’s method -quotient difference method - Newton-Raphson method.

ModuleII(13 hours)Interpolation – introduction - errors in polynomial interpolation - finite differences - decision of errors -Newton’s formula for interpolation. Gauss, Sterling, Bessel’s, Everett’s Formula - interpolation by unevenlyspaced points - Lagrange interpolation formula - divided difference - Newton’s general interpolationformula.

ModuleIII(13 hours)Numerical Integration and Differentiation – introduction - numerical differentiation - numerical integration- trapezoidal rule - Simpson 1/3 rule - Simpson 3/8 rule - Boole’s and Weddle’s rules - Euler-Maclariaunformula - Gaussian formula - numerical evaluation of singular integrals.

Module IV (13 hours)Statistical Computations - frequency Chart - method of least square curve fitting procedures - fitting astraight line - curve fitting by sum of exponential - data fitting with cubic splines - approximation offunctions. Regression Analysis - linear and nonlinear regression - multiple regression - statistical qualitycontrol methods.

Text Books1. E. Balagurusamy, Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi, 1999.2. C.F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, 6th Ed., Pearson Education Asia,

New Delhi, 2002.

Reference Books1. P. Kandasamy, K. Thilagavathy and K. Gunavathy, Numerical Methods, S.Chand Co. Ltd., New

Delhi, 2003.2. R.L. Burden and T.D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, 7th Ed., Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore,

2002.3. Shastri, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, Prentice Hall International.4. V. Rajaraman, Introduction to Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksCandidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marksTwo questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

Maximum Total Marks: 70


Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture & 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of nanotechnology To develop understanding about application of nanomaterials.

No Pre-requisites

Module 1 (13 Hours)Introduction to nanotechnology, nanoscale, electromagnetic spectrum, top down and bottom upapproach, particle size, chemistry and physics of nanomaterials, electronic phenomenon innanostructures, optical absorption in solids, quantum effects.

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Module 2 (13 Hours)Nanomaterials, preparation of nanomaterials like gold, silver, different types of nano-oxides,Al2O3, TiO2, ZnO etc. Sol-gel methods, chemical vapour deposition, ball milling etc. Carbonnanotubes, preparation properties and applications like field emission displays. Different types ofcharacterization techniques like SEM, AFM, TEM & STM.

Module 3 (13 Hours)Nanocomposites, nanofillers, high performance materials, polymer nanocomposites, nanoclays,nanowires, nanotubes, nanoclusters etc. Smart materials, self assembly of materials, safety issueswith nanoscale powders.

Module 4 (13 Hours)Nanomanipulation, Micro and nanofabrication techniques, Photolithography, E-beam, FIB etc.Nanolithography., softlithography, photoresist materials. Introduction to MEMS, NEMS andnanoelectronics. Introduction to bionanotechnology and nanomedicines.

References:1. Nanocomposite science and technology, Pulikel M. Ajayan, Wiley-VCH 20052. Nanolithography and patterning techniques in microelectronics, David G. Bucknall, Wood

head publishing 20053. Transport in Nanostructures, D.K. Ferry and S.M. Goodmick, Cambridge university press

1997.4. Optical properties of solids, F. Wooten, Academic press 19725. Micro and Nanofabrication, Zheng Cui, Springer 20056. Nanostructured materials, Jackie Y. Ying, Academic press 20017. Nanotechnology and nanoelectronics, W.R, Fahrner, Springer 20058. Nanoengineering of structural, functional and smart materials, Mark J. Schulz, Taylor &

Francis 2006.9. Hand book of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, William A. Goddard, CRC press

2003.10. Nanoelectronics and Information Technology, Rainer Waser, Wiley-VCH 2003.11. The MEMS Handbook Frank Kreith, CRC press 2002.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

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University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer


Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture & 1 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of project management

No Pre-requisites

Module 1 (13 hours)Scope of project engineering - the role of project engineer - R & D - TEFR - plant location andsite selection - preliminary data for construction projects - process engineering - flow diagrams -plot plans - engineering design and drafting

Module 2 (13 hours)Planning and scheduling of projects - bar chart and network techniques - procurement operations- office procedures - contracts and contractors - project financing - statutory sanctions

Module 3 (13 hours)Details of engineering design and equipment selection I - design calculations excluded - vessels -heat exchangers - process pumps - compressors and vacuum pumps - motors and turbines - otherprocess equipment

Module 4 (13 hours)Details of engineering design and equipment selection II - design calculations excluded - pipingdesign - thermal insulation and buildings - safety in plant design - plant constructions, start upand commissioning

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References:1. Rase & Barrow, Project Engineering of Process Plants, John Wiley2. Peter S. Max & Timmerhaus, Plant design and economics for chemical engineers.3. Mc Graw Hill (2002).4. Srinath L. S., “PERT AND CPM.” affiliated east press pvt. Ltd., new york (1973)5. Perry J. H.,”Chemical engineering handbook” 7TH ed. Mc Graw Hill ( 1997).6. JELLEN F. C., “Cost and optimization in engineering”. Mc Graw Hill (1983).7. Frederick B. Plummer, Project Engineering, BH8. Ernest E. Ludwig, Applied project engineering and management, Gulf Pub. Co., (1988)

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer

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IT09 L24: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSTeaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


This course will introduce the methods and the influence of the information systems inmanagement milieu and use MIS as an effective tool in management and decisionmaking.

Module - I: (12 hours)Information systems - functions of management - levels of management - framework forinformation systems - systems approach - systems concepts - systems and their environment -effects of system approach in information systems design - using systems approach in problemsolving - strategic uses of information technology

Module - II: (10 hours)An overview of computer hardware and software components - file and database managementsystems - introduction to network components - topologies and types - remote access - thereasons for managers to implement networks - distributed systems - the internet and officecommunications

Module - III: (14 hours)Application of information systems to functional - tactical and strategic areas of management,decision support systems and expert systems

Module - IV: (16 hours)Information systems planning - critical success factor - business system planning - ends/meansanalysis - organizing the information systems plan - systems analysis and design - alternativeapplication development approaches - organization of data processing - security and ethical issuesof information systems

Text Books1. Robert Schultheis & Mary Sumner, Management Information Systems-The Manager's View,

Tata McGraw Hill.

Reference Books

1. Laudon K.C. & Laudon J.P, Management Information Systems - Organization andTechnology, Prentice Hall of India

2. Sadagopan S, Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India3. Basandra S.K, Management Information Systems, Wheeler Publishing.4. Alter S, Information Systems: A Management Perspective, Addison Wesley.5. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Thomson, Vikas Publishing House.

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Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each moduleand not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each modu le with choice to answer