bsp hse contractor emergency preparedness interface

7/21/2019 BSP HSE Contractor Emergency Preparedness Interface 1/35  (Hardcopy documents are not controlled, Last printed 03/04/2003 07:44) Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad BSP-02-Procedure-0412 BSP - CONTRACTOR EMERGENCY P REPAREDNESS INTERFACE  T HIS DOCUMENT DESCRIBES THE E MERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REQUIREMENTS AND INTERFACES BETWEEN BSP AND CONTRACTOR IN AN EMERGENCY . Revision 4.0 Owner: Lee Wai Chee (HSE)

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Emergency Preparedness Interface


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Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad


B S P - C O N T R A C T O R



I N T E R F A C E  





A N E M E R G E N C Y .


Owner: Lee Wai Chee (HSE)

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Revision Record


3.0 Oct 1995

4.0 Revised and update to include changes in BSP after the re-organisation Sept 2002

4.0 Issue 1 incorporating feedbacks from review panel, restructuring of format Jan 2003

 This document has a maximum validity of five years from the last revision date. Within this periodit must be assessed for relevance and re-validated in accordance with: Document Control (BSP-02-Procedure-001)

Suggestions for further improvement in this document should be sent to the Document Owner.


 The document owner is responsible for distribution control. The original electronic version isstored in LiveLink and accessible via BSP OnLine web site. Paper copies are not controlleddocuments.

Notice and Warning

Copyright© 2003, Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad

 This document is the property of Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (BSP), SeriaKB3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Circulation is restricted to BSP and its designated associates,contractors and consultants. It must not be copied or used for any other purpose other than whichit is supplied, without the expressed written authority of BSP.

Except where provided for purposes of contractual requirements, BSP disclaims any responsibilityor liability for any use or misuse of the document by any person and makes no warranty as to theaccuracy or suitability of the information to any third party. Any misuse of the document isredressable by BSP.

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C O N T E N T S  

1  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4 

1.1  Introdction 4 

1.2  Purpose 4 

1.3  Scope 4 

1.4  Terminology 4 

BSP EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANISATION.......................................................... 6 

2.1  Emergency Co-ordinator (EC) 6 

2.2  BSP/Contractor Emergency Response Ogranisation Interface 6 

2.3  Emergency Preparedness in Contracts 7 

2.4  Emergency Procedures Maintenance 7 

2.5  Contractor emergency response capability 7 

2.6  Contract Holder Responsibility. 7 

2.7  Subcontractors 8 

2.8  Contracting Models 8 

3  MODE 2 CONTRACTOR.................................................................................................. 9 

3.1  Classification of Mode –2 Contractor 9 

3.2  Emergency Response Requirements 9 

3.3  Emergency Response Procedures 9 


Initial alerting procedures 12 

3.5  Supply Contractor and Manufacturer Emergency Requirements 14 

3.6  Initial alerting procedures 14 

4  MODE 1 CONTRACTOR – HIGH EXPOSURE............................................................... 15 

4.1  Classification of Mode-1 Contractors with High Exposure 15 

4.2  Emergency Response Requirements 15 

4.3  Emergency Response Procedures 15 

4.4  Initial Alert 18 

5  MODE-1 CONTRACTOR- LOW EXPOSURE................................................................. 20 

5.1  Classification of Mode 1 Contractors with Low Exposure 20 

5.2  Emergency Response Requirements 20 

5.3  Emergency Response Procedures 20 


Initial Alert 22 

6  CONCURRENT OPERATIONS ......................................................................................23 

6.1  Description 23 

6.2  Emergency Response Arrangements 23 

6.3  Temporary Changes 23 

6.4  Role of On Scene Commander and On Scene Representative 23 

7 RESPONSE GUIDELINES................................................................................................... 24 

7.1  General 24 

7.2  Process / Hydrocarbon Related Fire 24 

7.3  Process Gas Leak - Suspected 25 

7.4  Process Gas Leak - Confirmed 26 

7.5  Serious Illness, Injury Or Fatality 27 


Medevac Procedures 29 

7.7  Crime 30 

7.8  Terrorist / Pirate Activity 31 

7.9  Bomb Threat 32 

7.10  Guidance on Third Party Emergencies 33 

7.11  Oil or Chemical Spill 35 

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1 I N T R O D U C T I O N  

1.1 Introdction

BSP has in place a complete HSE Management System with the objective of preventing accidentsfrom occurring. For this reason all activities conducted in BSP must be carried out in such a waythat all impact to People, Environment, A sset and R eputation are assessed, managed and broughtto ALARP.

 This is expected of all Contractors, our main contributor to the Company activities exposure, whoare engaged under conditions of same responsibilities. Specifics of these are laid down in the various contracts.

In the event that the safety (HSE) net is unable to prevent such happening, BSP has instituted alevel of preparedness as described in the Emergency Response Management System.

In line with their engagement, Contractors are required to have a commensurate level ofEmergency preparedness and details of which are covered in this document.

1.2 Purpose

 This document describes the level of emergency preparedness expected of a contractor and therelationship required between the emergency response arrangements of the Contractor and BSP.

1.3 Scope

 This document provides guidelines on the emergency response arrangement of other companiescontractually engaged and retained by BSP.

Minimum requirements for emergency response arrangements are described for contractororganisations within different contractual categories.

 Agreement of BSP as to the acceptability or otherwise of contractor emergency responsearrangements will be taken as part of the Managing HSE in Contracts process and review.

1.4 Terminology

 Abbreviations, terms and references used frequently in this and other management system

documentation are defined in the:

Management System Glossary (BSP-02-Guideline-003)

 Terminology specific to this document is given in the table below:



 ALARP As Low As Reasonable Practical

BSP Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd

BLO Boat Landing Officer

CH Contract Holder

 The CONTRACT HOLDER shall have the authority to supervise the management andexecution of the CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR, to supervise the CONTRACTOR on

 WORKSITE, to issue instructions, drawings, variations to contract and certificates within theterms of the CONTRACT, to appoint a COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE and/or COMPANYSITE REPRESENTATIVE(S) and to generally represents the COMPANY in respect of theCONTRACT.

 All such instructions, decisions, and other communications given by the CONTRACT HOLDERshall be binding to the COMPANY.

CSR Company Site Representative

 The person appointed by the Contract Holder to represent the Company contractually at thecontractor work location (e.g. on a drilling rig, the Company Site Representative is the BSPDrilling Supervisor – DSV).

Note: For the level of authority of the CSR, Section 3 – General Conditions of Contract shall bereferred to.

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CMT Crisis Management Team

CPEMA Concurrent Production and Engineering Maintenance Activities

CPPA Concurrent Production and Painting Activities

CPRA Concurrent Production and Rig Operations

DSV Drilling Supervisor

EC Emergency CoordinatorECC Emergency Co-ordination Centre

ECT Emergency Co-ordination Team

ECV Emergency Command Vehicle

ERMS Emergency Response Management System

ESD Emergency Shut Down

ESR Emergency Support Room

ETC Emergency Team Coordinator

GPA General Public Announcement

HEMP Hazards and Effects Management Process

HLO Helicopter Landing Officer

HSE Health Safety and Environment

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

Medevac A Medevac is an “Unscheduled flight or marine operation for the emergency evacuation of a sickor injured person(s)”, or, where appropriate, mobilisation of other equipment or facilities for thesame purposes, where person(s) require urgent medical attention at a hospital.

May Acceptable, and should be considered

Must, shall, will Mandatory - such actions must be followed

Mode-1 Company fully manages supplied people, tools, equipment & activities

Mode-2 CONTRACTOR fully manages all aspects of HSE with verification by the COMPANY

NOK Next Of Kin

NSARCC National Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre

OA Operations Advisor

OCC Operations Control Centre

OSC On Scene Commander

 The person who assumes overall command in the event of an emergency. Normally, but not

necessarily, the most senior BSP person present. Where the emergency is on or at a contractoroperated facility (e.g. seismic vessel, drilling rig, warehouse etc) the On Scene Commander isnormally the most senior contractor representative present (e.g vessel master, toolpusher, sitemanager etc), and the senior BSP representative is known as the On Scene Representative.

OSR On Scene Representative

 The most senior BSP person present on site during an emergency on or at contractor operatedfacilities, when the role of On Scene Commander is assumed by a contractor employee (e.g.

 vessel master, toolpusher, site manager etc).

POB Personnel On Board

RO Radio Operator

SMR BSP Marine Department

SIEP Shell International Exploration and Production

Senior Supervisor Within this document (only) the expression Senior Supervisor is used to refer to the person withdelegated authority and responsibility for the activity referred to. This may include:

 The senior Contractor representative on site e.g. a toolpusher on a drilling rig

 The senior BSP representative on a contractor operated site / facility site e.g.: Company SiteRepresentative (CSR)

 The BSP Senior Supervisor for the facility or area referred to

Marine Offshore Supervisor (Berthing Master)

Should Strongly recommended

 TSW BSP Drilling Department

 VSL BSP Switchboard / Radio Call Sign

 WSDE Well Site Drilling Supervisor

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2 B S P E M E R G E N C Y R E S P O N S E O R G A N I S A T I O N  

2.1 Emergency Co-ordinator (EC)

Brunei Shell Petroleum has available at all times an Emergency Co-ordinator (EC) and a team ofexperienced senior staff to mobilise the resources of the Company to assist with any emergency. The Emergency Co-ordination Team (ECT) co-ordinates the company response from a dedicatedsuite of rooms in the BSP Head Office - the Emergency Co-ordination Centre (ECC).

 The EC is the initial point of contact. He is a senior member of BSP management / Senior Head ofOperations and, like the remainder of the Emergency Co-ordination Team, he is available 24 hoursa day through a weekly Emergency Duty Roster system. BSP Emergency Co-ordination Duty Roster 

 The EC MUST be notified of any incident or situation that MAY significantly impact on personnel,the environment, assets, production or Company reputation, or MAY require resources additionalto those immediately available to the line department or Contractor.

 The EC is contacted by calling BSP’s switchboard/radio room (VSL) and instructing the operatorto “Page the Emergency Coordinator”.

 VSL (37) 2999, (Back-up 03-229999) Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile

(EMM) Channel 1

 The EC will respond, discuss and assess the potential of the situation and decide the appropriateCompany response. This may involve:

• Leaving the line department or Contractor to manage the situation, with updates /reassessment as appropriate

•  Authorising and co-ordinating assistance to be given to the line or contractor

•  Assuming overall co-ordination of the company support, with activation of the ECT

Emergency Co-ordination Procedures, BSP-02-Procedure-0359 

2.2 BSP/Contractor Emergency Response Ogranisation Interface

Fig 1

BSP Emergency Coordination Centre


Contractor Rep  OA

On Scene Representative


On Scene Commander





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If the emergency involves contractor facilities, the Emergency Coordinator shall require aContractor Representative to attend the ECC, who shall liaise with the OSC, the Contractor facilitySenior Supervisor. The senior BSP representative at the facility will then assume the role as the OnScene Representative (OSR)

In cases such as Seismic and Marine Operations, the most appropriate OA in the ECC shall be theContract Holder representative.

2.3 Emergency Preparedness in Contracts

Matters related to Health, Safety, and Environment are regarded by BSP as critical activities.Evaluation of the Contractor’s ability to work to acceptable standards in these areas is an essentialcomponent of the pre-award technical assessment of all bids. Emergency preparedness will be partof HSE evaluation

Managing HSE in Contract BSP-13.01-Procedure-0980 

2.4 Emergency Procedures Maintenance

Contractors are responsible for ensuring that their emergency response procedures are maintained

up to date, valid and implemented at the appropriate level. The emergency response arrangementsshould be reviewed annually, and revised as necessary to reflect changes in organisation, experienceand improvement gained from exercises.

Contractors are also responsible for ensuring their procedures remain compatible with the BSPCorporate Emergency Response Management System. That will be achieved by ensuring that therequirements of this document are incorporated into contractor arrangements and procedures.

Contractors should liase with their respective Contract Holder / Company Representative /Company Site Representative of the contracts to ensure consistency and compatibility with BSPrequirements. 

2.5 Contractor emergency response capability

 All contractors must have in place emergency response arrangements and capabilities that are ‘fit

for purpose’ in respect of the activities that they undertake on behalf of BSP. However the diversenature of the tasks undertaken by contractors, the number and location of people employed and thepotential risks associated with the different contracted activities dictate that emergency responsearrangements will necessarily differ from contract to contract.

Guidance on the minimum requirements for Contractor emergency response arrangement andcapability is listed in this document for the two contracting mode. This is dependent on thecontracting activities. This process is followed in order that:

• Contractors undertaking similar activities have similar emergency response arrangements

• Contractor emergency response arrangements integrate with the BSP ERMS

• Contract Holders and contractors to have a common awareness of the standards required byBSP for the various types of activities

 Any variation from these standards to a lower level of emergency response arrangements orcapability must be agreed in writing by the Contract Holder.

2.6 Contract Holder Responsibility.

It is the responsibility of the BSP Contract Holder to advise the Contractor on what level ofemergency response arrangements are appropriate for the proposed contract, and to keep theContractor updated regarding any changes in requirements.

Contract holders are required to make sure that their Contractors are briefed on BSP ERMS.

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It is also the Contract Holder responsibility to liaise with HSE/1 to run exercise with theContractor to test the Emergency response interface with BSP ERMS. This is encouraged for allnew contracts and a requirement for Mode 2 Contractors.

2.7 Subcontractors

Contractors shall ensure that subcontractors establish and maintain appropriate emergencyresponse procedures or that the sub-contractor emergency response is fully integrated into that of

the Contractor. The procedure to be established by the subcontractor shall be determined byreference to the requirements for the specific mode of operations.

2.8 Contracting Models

Fig 2

Mode 1: Company fully manages all aspect of HSE for Supplier People, equipmentand activities.

Mode 2: Contractor fully manages all aspect of HSE with verification by theCompany














workplace hazardmanagement

HSE CasesProcedures

Location / contract

specific HSE Plans

Brunei Shell JV


mode - 11mode - 22

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3 M O D E 2 C O N T R A C T O R  

3.1 Classification of Mode –2 Contractor

• Offshore: 

- Contractor personnel and mobile facility, normally alongside a BSP asset with CSR on site(e.g. work boats, work barges, drilling facilities etc).

- Contractor personnel and mobile facility, not normally alongside a BSP asset (e.g. Seismicand Survey Vessels, exploration drilling rigs etc) with CSR on site.

- Contractor owned supply boats, crew boats with no Company Site Rep onboard.

• Onshore: 

- Contractor personnel and mobile facility, working at a BSP asset or on BSP land, or withinthe BSP Concession Area with CSR on site. (e.g. drilling rig, seismic survey etc).

Note: Contractor described above include all major mobile facility based contractoroperations, which are contracted in by BSP on a ‘self contained’ and ‘stand alone’ basis.

• Including:

-  Supply contractor whose base facility does not form an intrinsic part of the contract, and/or does not contain high value or high risk materials which are BSP assets.

- All contractors who do not work on BSP assets or under BSP supervision, and where thenature of the contract is principally manufacture, warehouse and/or supply within BruneiDarussalam.

3.2 Emergency Response Requirements

• Comprehensive ‘stand alone’ emergency response procedures, covering all aspects of thecontracted operations.

• Full on site command and control capability and supporting equipment and communications.

• Off site management support available, with 24 hours a day contact availability.

•BSP CSR ‘on site’ at all times with the exception of SMR vessels and certain cases underconcurrent operations see Section 5.

Note: Exceptions are Manufacture, warehouse, and Supply Contractors, where they need tohave a ‘fit for purpose’ emergence response arrangements meeting relevant ‘best practice’standards and in compliant with Brunei Government legal requirements. Emergencyresponse details are covered under section 3.5 and 3.6

3.3 Emergency Response Procedures

 The contractor shall have in place a fully documented and comprehensive ‘stand alone’ emergencyresponse organisation and procedure, covering all aspects of the contracted operations. Althoughcapable of ‘stand alone’ operation, the contractor procedure must interface with the BSPEmergency Response Management System, and shall therefore be consistent with the requirementsof the BSP Contractor Emergency Preparedness Interface Procedures (this document). For certain

contractors of lower exposure this may not be necessary, as determined by the Contract Holder.

 Where there may be a need to interface with a specific BSP location, it will be necessary to verifyinterfaces, at a practical and operational level with the emergency response procedures of thespecific BSP locations prior to start of activities.

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 The contractor document should be approved by the contractor Operations Manager (or equal) andbe controlled within a formal Document Management system. The document should address, as aminimum:

 A Objectives of the contractor emergency response system

Scope of the procedures

Emergency response personnel: Competencies, appointment and responsibilities

Emergency response training: Facility staff and visitors

Emergency exercises and drills: Details and plan

Procedure ownership and maintenance

General alarm and all clear: guide to activation

Role and responsibilities of non-employed personnel and visitors

Personnel mustering and accounting

 Abandonment of the facility: partial and full.

Guidelines on control and recovery arrangements for specific emergencies, including whererelevant:

• Fire and / or explosion – hydrocarbon related

• Fire and / or explosion – non hydrocarbon related

• Oil or gas leak

• Helicopter emergency

•  Vehicle accident or Missing

• Marine vessel incident, Collision, Fire, loss of propulsion, Sinking

• Man overboard, Person lost in the jungle for seismic survey

• Serious illness, injury or fatality

• Serious crime, terrorism or piracy

• Bomb threat or any credible threat of harm

• Civil Disturbance, demonstration or protest in BSP installation or facility

• Severe weather

• Chemical leak or spill

• Diving emergency

•  Third party emergency

• Risks specific to the location or operation

B Interface with the BSP Emergency Response Management System

Role of BSP On Scene Representative (see sec 6.4  Role of On Scene Commander and

On Scene Representative )

Emergency communications details

Reporting an emergency and requesting BSP assistance

Contractor 24 hour emergency contact information

Note: It is anticipated that items marked A  would normally be included in the Contractors baseEmergency Response procedures, and that those items marked B  would normally be includedeither in a project specific Emergency Response Bridging Document, or as a supplement to theContractors main Emergency Response procedures.

3.3.2 Personnel

On site: Sufficient fully trained and competent personnel to enable full on site command andcontrol capability.

Off site: Sufficient fully trained and competent personnel to enable adequate support to theemergency location, and provide attendance at the BSP Emergency Coordination Centre.

3.3.3 Facilities and Equipment

 Adequate suitable equipment to enable an effective on site control and recovery operation,including full main and backup communication systems.

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3.3.4 Personnel On Board Accounting System (POB System)

 A documented, auditable, personnel accounting system, for maintaining a real time listing for allpersonnel on board or at the location (POB). The database may be maintained in whatever formatis appropriate, but must always be current and available for reference in an emergency. Copies ofthe location POB list should be maintained at the contractor main office, and updated at least onceper day.

 The system should contain the following (minimum) information:• Name

• Secondary means of ID (Passport number, IC Number, BSP staff No. etc)

• Name of employer

•  Time of arrival

•  Time of departure

• Muster station

3.3.5 Personnel Data Base

 An auditable list of all personnel employed containing, as a minimum:• Name

• Date of birth

• Nationality

• Passport number•  Any relevant medical and identification details

•  Address in Brunei (and telephone number if available)

• Next of kin name

• Next of kin address (and telephone number if available)

 The personnel list should be maintained as staff join and leave employment, be kept in a safe placeand available at all times for reference at the contractor main office.

Sub-contractors are also required to maintain a listing of personnel employed by the maincontractor. The sub-contractor list may be maintained by the main contractor, or may bemaintained by the sub-contractor but subject to audit by the main contractor.

3.3.6 Duty Roster and Emergency Contact Arrangements

 The contractor must establish and maintain a Contractor Duty Roster, and advise the ContractHolder and / or Contract Representative of the Duty Person emergency contact arrangements. TheDuty Person should be available for emergency contact at all times during the duty period, andchanges to the contractor Duty Roster should be advised to the Contract Representative.

Note that it is not necessary to specify the name of the Duty Person, provided that the contactinformation remains valid.

During the duty period the Duty Person must ensure that they:

•  Are contactable at all times by the means noted in the Duty Roster

•  Are in a fit state of body and mind to perform emergency response duties.

• Remain within a 30 minute travel time from BSP headquarters in Panaga (unless agreedotherwise in advance with the Contract Representative)

•Have ready access to transport 

Contractor must arrange for copies of the Contractor Duty Roster to be passed to the ContractHolder / Contract Representative whenever it is updated.

 The Contractor must arrange with Contract Holder / Contract Representative to receive copies ofthe BSP Duty Roster, published weekly, and ensure timely distribution within the contractororganisation.

Contractors shall ensure that sub-contractors also establish and maintain a Duty Roster, and thatthe main contractor is kept appraised of the sub-contractor Duty Person contact arrangements.

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3.3.7 Attendance at the ECC

During an emergency, and if requested by the BSP Emergency Coordination Team (ECT), theContractor Duty Person, or other Contractor senior management nominee, must attend at the BSPEmergency Coordination Centre (ECC). The Contractor Duty Person is called the ContractorRepresentative when in the ECC and he will:

•  Assume the role of single point of contact with the senior contractor representative [OSC] atthe contractor facility.

• Provide specialist technical advice to the BSP ECT

• Update the BSP EC on information received from the Contractor OSC.

• Mobilise contractor office personnel to man telephones and receive calls from relatives orNOK of contractor or sub contractor personnel, or contractor related media calls.

• Notify contractor head office management of the emergency, and have them stand-by toprovide any technical support or advice that may be required.

• In liaison with the BSP Human Resources Representative, coordinate the release of anycontractor or sub contractor personnel injury or fatality data with the NOK, public or media.

Note: In certain instances, such as in the case of offshore seismic activities, it may beoperationally and logistically appropriate for the BSP Contract Holders representative,rather than the Contractor representative, to attend at the ECC.

3.3.8 Facility Information

Contractors shall maintain sets of drawings, photographs etc of the facility referred to in theprocedures. The information available should include, as appropriate:

• Full technical specification

•  As built drawings

• Operating procedures

• Copies of certification documents

• QRA data and HSE Case

• List of vehicles operated, including make, model, colour, registration

•  Any other contractually specified information

Facility information to be provided to the Contract Holder for keeping in the BSP EmergencyCoordination Centre to be readily available for reference in an emergency.

3.4 Initial alerting procedures

If the situation can be dealt with by the resources available at the facility the incident should beresolved, monitored closely and reported.

If there is any doubt about whether the situation can be dealt with by the resourcesavailable at the facility, and / or there is potential for significant impact on life,environment, major asset/production or BSP reputation, BSP Departmental Duty Staff orEC must be notified immediately.

3.4.1 Communication•  Advise the Company Site Representative

• Call BSP Switchboard (VSL) and instruct them to page EC and request that he call the site .IMPORTANT: Remember to give the facility name / location and your name / position / contactnumber/nature of incident and the assistance required.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

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• Even where the full ECT may not be required, the EC must be informed of any situation that has (orcould possibly escalate into one that could cause) any significant impact or threat to life, environment,major asset/production, or BSP reputation.

• If the contractor Senior Supervisor or BSP On Scene Representative considers the Emergency Co-ordination Team (ECT) is required, he should himself instruct VSL to mobilise the ECT immediately(i.e. without waiting for EC instruction).

• Contact details for all BSP Duty Persons are in the BSP Emergency Coordination Duty Roster,published weekly.

BSP Emergency Co-ordination Duty Roster 

• If in any doubt about how to contact any BSP unit for emergency support, route all initial calls through VSL.

3.4.2 Process

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

• Contact the BSP EC or Area Supervisor at the facility controlling the process or in whose area thecontractor is operating. Pass details of the problem, your name, contact number, location andrequirements.Note: Requests for OCC intervention should always be made through the BSP Area Supervisor -it is not anticipated that contractor staff would contact the OCC directly.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

3.4.3 Logistics

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Alert the STL/1 Duty Monitoring Clerk (directly, or via VSL) and advise the location and situation andyour immediate requirements. Request STL to ascertain immediate availability of Marine, Aviation orMedical support, as appropriate.

STL (37) 2216, 2219

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

3.4.4 Medical

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Alert Panaga Hospital (HML) via VSL and advise the Duty Doctor of the situation and your immediaterequirements. He will then ensure appropriate medical support.

• If the contractor facility has a Medic it may be more appropriate for the Medic to pass the details ofcasualties to the Doctor.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

3.4.5 Fire and Ambulance

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Alert the BSP Fire Brigade via VSL, and advise the situation and your immediate requirements.Note that ambulances will first go to Panaga Hospital to collect a Medic before proceeding to

the emergency location. VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1 

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3.5 Supply Contractor and Manufacturer Emergency Requirements

• Contractor emergency response arrangements and procedures apply.

• Contractor staff aware of / trained in site emergency procedures and able to respond toinstructions from Contractor supervisor / emergency response team member.

• BSP assistance may be available on request via Contract Holder 

3.5.1 Emergency Response Procedures

Contractor is responsible for defining the type and extent of emergency response arrangementsappropriate for the risk. Guidance may be available from the BSP Contract Holder.

3.5.2 Personnel

 Trained and competent personnel, aware of relevant BSP and Contractor location emergencyprocedures, and able respond to instructions from Contractor supervisor / emergency responseteam member.

3.5.3 Facility Equipment and Information

 As specified by the Contract.

 The personnel list should be maintained as staff join and leave employment, be kept in a safe place

and available at all times for reference at the contractor main office. The Contractor shouldmaintain such drawings, information and other details of the facilities as may be required byindustry good practice legislation and the emergency services.

3.5.4 Responsible Person

 The contractor should at all times have available a responsible person(s), able to initiate anemergency alarm and manage an initial emergency response.

3.6 Initial alerting procedures

3.6.1 Communication

• Raise the alarm

• Follow contractor site emergency procedures

3.6.2 Police, Fire and Ambulance

• Raise the alarm. Advise the Contractor Supervisor of the situation•  Alert the Government emergency services immediately, and advise the situation and your

immediate requirements. 

National emergency number for Ambulance 991, Police 993, Fire 995

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4 M O D E 1 C O N T R A C T O R  – H I G H E X P O S U R E  

4.1 Classification of Mode-1 Contractors with High Exposure

• Offshore:

- Contractor personnel only; no contractor owned or operated mobile facility. Maintenance,engineering and production services personnel. (e.g. scaffolders, Riggers Painters,

 wireliners, mechanical, electrical, instrument, Technicians etc) working at a BSP asset.

• Onshore: 

- Contractor survey, maintenance, engineering or production services personnel, andassociated equipment, (e.g. well maintenance hoist) working at a BSP asset or on BSP land.

- Contractor personnel and / or base facility,  where the base facility forms an intrinsic part of the contract, and which contains high value or high risk materials which are BSPassets e.g. third party storage warehouse, contractor maintenance yard.

Note: Above description include all contractors which do not have their own mobile facility(vessel, self contained drilling rig, barge etc) but which nevertheless operate autonomouslyon manned or unmanned BSP facilities.

4.2 Emergency Response Requirements• Initial response, control and evacuation procedures.

• Competent On Site supervision and initial response capability, after which BSP EmergencyResponse procedures apply.

• Off site management support available, with guaranteed contact availability whilst personnelunder the contract are ‘at work’. (Refer to Section 6 for exceptions)

4.3 Emergency Response Procedures

 The contractor shall have in place documented arrangements for initial response, control andevacuation. It is anticipated that after the initial on site response (to ensure the safety of allpersonnel and initial control of the event) that the appropriate BSP emergency response

arrangements world apply. The contractor procedure must be capable of interfacing with the BSPEmergency Response Management System, and shall therefore be consistent with the requirementsof the BSP Contractor Emergency Interface Procedures (this document).

 Where there may be a need to interface with a specific BSP location in the event of an emergency it will also be necessary to verify interfaces, at a practical and operational level, with the emergencyresponse procedures of specific BSP locations prior to start of activities.

 The contractor document shall be approved by the contractor Operations Manager (or equivalent). The document should address, as appropriate:

 A • Objectives of the contractor emergency response system

• Scope of the procedures

• Emergency response personnel: Training, appointment and responsibilities

• Emergency response training: Facility staff and visitors

• Emergency exercises and drills: Details and plan

• Procedure ownership and maintenance

• General alarm and all clear: guide to activation

• Role and responsibilities of non employed personnel and visitors

• Personnel mustering and accounting

•  Abandonment of the facility: partial and full

Guidelines on initial control (and, where appropriate and / or agreed with the Contract Holder,recovery) arrangements for specific emergencies, including where relevant:

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• Fire and / or explosion – hydrocarbon related

• Fire and / or explosion – non hydrocarbon related

• Oil or gas leak

•  Vehicle accident

• Serious illness, injury or fatality

• Chemical leak or spill

• Diving emergency

B • Interface with the BSP Emergency Response Management System

• Role of BSP On Scene Representative

• Emergency communications details

• Reporting an emergency and requesting assistance

• Contractor emergency contact information

Guidelines on initial control (and, where appropriate and / or agreed with the Contract Holder,recovery) arrangements for specific emergencies, including where relevant:

• Risks specific to the location or operation

Note: It is anticipated that items marked A  would normally be included in the Contractors baseEmergency Response procedures, and that those items marked B  would normally be included

either in a project specific Emergency Response Bridging Document, or as a supplement to theContractors main Emergency Response procedures.

4.3.1 Resources (Personnel, Facilities and Equipment)

On site: Sufficient fully trained and competent personnel to enable initial response, control andevacuation of all personnel.

Off site: Sufficient fully trained and competent personnel to enable adequate support to theemergency location, and provide attendance at the BSP Emergency Coordination Centre.

 Adequate suitable equipment to enable an effective on site initial control, includingcommunications system.

4.3.2 Personnel On Board Accounting System (POB System)

Information regarding the work location of all contractor staff shall be maintained by use of eitheror both of the following systems, as appropriate to the work location: Contractor staff working at a ‘ring fenced’ facility under effective control of thecontractor:

 A documented, auditable, personnel accounting system, for maintaining a real time listing for allpersonnel on board or at the location (POB). The database may be maintained in whatever formatis appropriate, but must always be current and available for reference in an emergency. Copies ofthe location POB list should be maintained at the contractor main office, and updated at least onceper day.

 The system should contain the following (minimum) information:• Name

Secondary means of ID (Passport number, IC Number, BSP staff No. etc)• Name of employer

•  Time of arrival

•  Time of departure

• Muster station Contractor staff working at (multiple) facilities not under effective control of thecontractor:

Contractor staff shall use the POB arrangements of the location (where these are in place), and inaddition contractor shall maintain a documented, auditable, system for maintaining a listing of the

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 work location of all contractor staff. It is recognised that for mobile staff this information will onlyreflect the job instructions issued to the staff. The database may be maintained in whatever formatis appropriate, but must always be current and available for reference in an emergency.

4.3.3 Personnel Data Base

 An auditable list of all personnel employed containing, as a minimum:• Name

• Date of birth• Nationality

• Passport number

•  Any relevant medical and identification details

•  Address in Brunei (and telephone number if available)

• Next of kin name

• Next of kin address (and telephone number if available)

 The personnel list should be maintained as staff join and leave employment, be kept in a safe placeand available at all times for reference at the contractor main office.

 The requirements for maintenance of a listing of personnel also extends to sub-contractorsemployed by the main contractor. The sub-contractor list may be maintained by the maincontractor, or may be maintained by the sub-contractor but subject to audit by the main contractor.

4.3.4 Duty Roster and Emergency Contact Arrangements 

 The contractor must establish and maintain a Contractor Duty Roster, and advise the ContractHolder and / or Contract Representative of the Duty Person emergency contact arrangements. TheDuty Person should be available for emergency contact at all times whilst contractor or sub-contractor staff are ‘at work’ for BSP. Changes to the contractor Duty Roster should be advised tothe Contract Representative. Note that it is not necessary to specify the name of the Duty Person,provided that the contact information remains valid.

During the duty period the Duty Person must ensure that they:

•  Are contactable at all times by the means noted in the duty roster

•  Are in a fit state of body and mind to perform emergency response duties.

• Remain within a 30 minute travel time from BSP headquarters in Panaga (unless agreedotherwise in advance with the Contract Representative)

• Have ready access to transport

Contractor must arrange for copies of the Contractor Duty Roster to be passed to the ContractHolder / Contract Representative whenever it is updated.

 The contractor may arrange with Contract Holder / Contract Representative to receive copies ofthe BSP Duty Roster, published weekly, and ensure timely distribution within the contractororganisation.

Contractors shall ensure that sub-contractors also establish and maintain a Duty Roster, and thatthe main contractor is kept appraised of the sub-contractor Duty Person contact arrangements.

4.3.5Attendance at the ECC

During an emergency, and if requested by the BSP Emergency Coordination Team (ECT), theContractor Duty Person, or other contractor senior management nominee, must attend at the BSPEmergency Coordination Centre (ECC). The Contractor Duty Person is called the ContractorRepresentative the ECC and he will, as appropriate

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 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

4.4.4 Medical

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

• Contact the BSP Supervisor for the area. Pass details of the situation and your site requirements.

• BSP Supervisor, will alert Panaga Hospital (HML) via VSL and advise

the Duty Doctor of the situation and your immediate requirements. He will then ensure appropriatemedical support.

• If the contractor facility has a Medic it may be more appropriate for the Medic to pass the details ofcasualties to the Doctor.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

4.4.5 Fire and Ambulance

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Alert the BSP Fire Brigade (directly or via VSL) and advise the situation and your immediaterequirements.

• Note that before the Ambulance proceeds to the emergency location, ambulance will first go to PanagaHospital to collect a Medic.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

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5 M O D E - 1 C O N T R A C T O R - L O W E X P O S U R E  

5.1 Classification of Mode 1 Contractors with Low Exposure

• Offshore and Onshore:

- Contractors for survey, maintenance, engineering or production services or support ( personnel, and associated contractor owned and / or operated equipment [hoist],

 working at a BSP asset or on BSP land under general BSP supervision

- Manpower provision only, working under general BSP direction (e.g visitors, externalconsultants).  Any contractor base facility does not form an intrinsic part of thecontract, and / or does not contain high value or high risk materials which are BSP assets 

- Service contracts only, working under general BSP supervision. Any contractor base facilitydoes not form an intrinsic part of the contract, and / or does not contain high value orhigh risk materials which are BSP assets.

-  All other persons, whether contracted to BSP or not, who may be temporarily present at aBSP facility  

Note: The above descriptions include contractors who may or may not provide their ownequipment, and who operate under the general day to day control and guidance of BSP


5.2 Emergency Response Requirements

• BSP, or contractor emergency response arrangements and procedures approved by BSP, apply.

• Contractor staff aware of / trained in site emergency procedures and able respond to instructions fromBSP Supervisor / emergency response team member.

•  A contractor representative should be available for emergency contact at all times during normal workinghours.

5.3 Emergency Response Procedures

BSP Emergency Response procedures apply, and no formalised documented contractor emergencyresponse procedures are required. Contractor must be aware of the requirements of the BSPEmergency Response Management System, and have in place arrangements consistent with therequirements of the BSP Contractor Emergency Interface Procedures (this document).

3.5.3 Personnel

On site: Trained and competent personnel, aware of location emergency procedures, and ablerespond to instructions from BSP Supervisor / emergency response team member.

Off site: Competent person/s to enable adequate support to contractor staff, and provided liaison with BSP in the event of an emergency involving contractor staff, as appropriate.

3.5.4 Facilities and Equipment

 As specified by the Contract.

3.5.5 Personnel On board Accounting System (POB System)

Contractor staff shall use the POB arrangements of the location, and in addition contractor shallmaintain a documented, auditable, system for maintaining a listing of the work location of allcontractor staff. It is recognised that for mobile staff this information will only reflect the jobinstructions issued to the staff. The database may be maintained in whatever format is appropriate,but must always be current and available for reference in an emergency.

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3.5.6 Personnel Data Base

 An auditable list of all personnel employed containing, as a minimum:• Name

• Date of birth

• Nationality

• Passport number

 Any relevant medical and identification details•  Address in Brunei (and telephone number if available)

• Next of kin name

• Next of kin address (and telephone number if available)

 The personnel list should be maintained as staff join and leave employment, be kept in a safe placeand available at all times for reference at the contractor main office.

 The requirements for maintenance of a listing of personnel also extends to sub-contractorsemployed by the main contractor. The sub-contractor list may be maintained by the maincontractor, or may be maintained by the sub-contractor but subject to audit by the main contractor.

3.5.7 Duty Roster and Emergency Contact Arrangements

If required by the Contract Holder, the contractor must advise the Contract Holder and / or

Contract Representative of the emergency contact arrangements for the contractor Duty Person. The Duty Person should be available for emergency contact by the means stated at all times whilstcontractor or sub-contractor staff are ‘at work’ for BSP. Changes to the contractor emergencycontact arrangements should be advised to the Contract Representative. Note that it is notnecessary to specify the name of the Duty Person, provided that the contact information remains valid.

During the duty period the Duty Person must ensure that they:•  Are contactable at all times by the means noted in the duty roster

•  Are in a fit state of body and mind to perform emergency response duties.

 The contractor may arrange with Contract Holder / Contract Representative to receive copies ofthe BSP Duty Roster available in the duty roster web site. (BSP-on-line>Organisation General>Duty Roster)

Contractors shall ensure that sub-contractors also establish and maintain a Duty Roster, and thatthe main contractor is kept appraised of the sub-contractor emergency contact arrangements.

3.5.8 Facility Information

 Where mobile or fixed equipment is provided by the Contractor in accordance with therequirements of the contract, Contractor shall maintain sets of drawings, photographs etc of thefacilities provided. The information available may include, as appropriate:• Full technical specification

•  As built drawings

• Operating procedures

• Copies of certification documents

• List of vehicles operated, including make, model, colour, registration

•  Any other contractually specified information.

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5.3 Initial Alert

5.3.1 Communication

• Raise the alarm

• Follow site emergency Procedures

5.3.2 Process

• Raise the alarm. Advise the BSP Area Supervisor of the situation

• Contact the BSP Operations Supervisor at the facility controlling the process. Pass details of the problemand your site requirements.

5.3.3 Logistics

• Raise the alarm. Advise the BSP Area Supervisor of the situation

• Contact the BSP Supervisor for the area. Pass details of the situation and your site requirements.

STL/1 (37) 2216

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

5.3.4 Medical

• Raise the alarm. Advise the BSP Area Supervisor of the situation• Contact the BSP Supervisor for the area. Pass details of the situation and your site requirements.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

5.3.5 Fire and Ambulance

• Raise the alarm. Advise the BSP Supervisor of the situation

•  Alert the BSP Fire Brigade via VSL, and advise the situation and your immediate requirements.

 VSL (37) 2999, Back up (03-229999), Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM)Channel 1

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6 C O N C U R R E N T O P E R A T I O N S  

6.1 Description

Certain painting, maintenance and drilling, seismic and other activities are carried out concurrently with oil and gas production operations. These concurrent activities only occur when previouslyapproved in advance by the appropriate BSP Asset Holder, and when carried out in accordance with appropriate procedures and plans:

Concurrent Production and Engineering Maintenance Activities (CPEMA and CPPA) TMS-0577)

Concurrent Production and Rig Activities (CPRA) BSP-09-Standard -001)

Other project specific procedures

6.2 Emergency Response Arrangements

During concurrent activities, responsibilities for emergency response may be different to thosenormally in place. The relative roles, responsibilities and authorities of BSP and Contractors andtheir On Scene Representatives will be decided and documented prior of each specific activity.Each concurrent activity is planned separately including emergency response arrangements. Prior tothe commencement of concurrent activities, the BSP Department involved will pass copies of allrelevant information to the BSP Emergency Co-ordination Team(s) with copies available in theEmergency Co-ordination Centre (ECC).

6.3 Temporary Changes

During certain activities that would not normally be considered to be concurrent with productionoperations there may be certain specific tasks or periods during which development and agreementof multi party control and emergency response arrangements will be necessary. (e.g: onshoreseismic). The requirement for these specific arrangements must be identified by the ContractHolder, and developed in agreement with the BSP Asset Holder’s representative.

6.4 Role of On Scene Commander and On Scene Representative


During concurrent maintenance and painting activities, the BSP Senior Operations Supervisor (orhis alternate) will normally be the BSP ‘On Scene Commander’ for any emergency on, or associated with, BSP assets in his Area (including all vessels within a 500 metre radius).

6.4.2 CPRA

For concurrent drilling activities custodianship of a platform (and any linked platforms) will be‘handed over’ to TSW. Emergency responsibilities change and the TSW Company SiteRepresentative (CSR) (normally the Company Man / Drilling Supervisor) is responsible for co-ordinating the BSP emergency response.

On the drilling facility the designated Contractor representative (normally the Toolpusher) hasultimate responsibility and authority for the safety of his vessel / rig, and all personnel on board. Inan emergency he will direct their actions as OSC to ensure their safety, and the safety of the vessel

/rig. In lesser situations, this may be under the direction or request of the Company SiteRepresentative. But if the vessel/rig and personnel on board are under serious threat, when thesituation is beyond the capability of the Contractor OSC, the Company Site Representative willassume the position of ‘On Scene Commander’ and take overall ‘command’ of the response onbehalf of the vessel. 

In such cases, to avoid confusion about who is in command at the site, the BSP person co-ordinating the company response and support at the site is referred to as BSP ‘On SceneRepresentative’ rather than ‘On Scene Commander’.

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7 R E S P O N S E G U I D E L I N E S  

7.1 General

 This guidance to contractors is offered, based on the procedures which form part of the BSPEmergency Response Management System. It is the responsibility of each contractor to applythe Hazards and Effects Management process to their activities and develop emergency response

procedures that are appropriate to the risks.

7.2 Process / Hydrocarbon Related Fire

7.2.1 Process Fire - Actions

 The Senior BSP Supervisor must:

• Implement immediate shut down of the facility and / or linked facilities.Note: Even with an automatic shutdown, depressurisation is not always automatic.

• Initiate General Alarm

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

• Make appropriate PA Announcement

•  Assume the role of, or appoint, an On Scene Commander (OSC)

•  Advise the EC

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

 The On Scene Commander (OSC) must assess situation and decide on:

• Partial de-manning of the facility (i.e. evacuate non essential personnel)

•  Abandonment or emergency withdrawal of the facility

• External assistance required

• Use of fire teams to assist or initiate: • rescue personnel and prevent escalation 

• manual isolations

• disperse leaks

 The On Scene Representative (OSR) will:• Inform the nearest Operations Supervisor and implement further isolations / shutdowns / blowdowns

•  Advise the EC

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

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7.3 Process Gas Leak - Suspected

7.3.1 Detection

 A gas alert may be activated by:

• Manual detection

• Manual observation

•  Automatic detection

7.3.2 Suspected Gas Leak - Actions 

 The Senior Supervisor must: 

• Cease all hot work on the facility immediately

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Announce over the Public Address System that:“There is a suspected gas leak on the (XXXXXX)  location”

• Instruct all personnel on the facility to go to their Muster Station and await further instructions

• Send an operator with a gas detector and an intrinsically safe radio towards the source of thesuspected leak to confirm the leak.

• Maintain continuous radio contact with the Operator

• Instruct Operator to return IMMEDIATELY on any positive indication of gas as heapproaches the affected station.

• Once the real possibility of a gas leak is verified, response must be as 7.4 CONFIRMEDGAS LEAK  

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7.4 Process Gas Leak - Confirmed

7.4.1 Process Gas Leak Actions

 The Senior Supervisor must:

• Implement IMMEDIATE shutdown of the DP and / or linked platforms.

Note: Even with an automatic shutdown, depressurisation is not always automatic.

• Initiate General Alarm (GPA)

•  Advise the Company Site Representative

•  Advise the EC

• Cease all hot work on the drilling facility and/or platform immediately.

• Make PA Announcement: There is a suspected gas leak on the (XXXXXX) Platform

• Instruct all personnel on the facility to go to their Muster Station and await further instructions

• Decide whether further immediate depressurisation is required.

•  Assume the role of, or appoint, an On Scene Commander

 The On Scene Commander (OSC) must assess and decide:•  Threat of fire/explosion to the facility

• Partial de-manning of the facility (i.e. evacuation of non essential personnel)

•  Abandonment or emergency withdrawal of the facility

• External assistance required

• Consider deploying gas detectors at appropriate locations to alert personnel to increasing gas levels

• Use of fire teams to assist or initiate 

• rescue personnel and prevent escalation 

• manual isolations

• disperse leaks

• If the OSC decides to mobilise the Fire Team, he MUST:

• Fully brief the Fire Team Leader on the details of the situation

• Instruct the Fire Team Leader to proceed only WHERE THEY DEEM IT REASONABLY SAFE TO DO SO.

• Maintain continuous radio contact with the Fire Team Leader

• Instruct the Fire Team to withdraw IMMEDIATELY on any indication of risk of fire or potentialexplosion.

 The On Scene Representative (OSR) will:• Inform the nearest Operations Supervisor and implement further isolations / shutdowns / blowdowns

•  Advise the EC

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

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7.5 Serious Illness, Injury Or Fatality

7.5.1 Medical Support

 The Duty Doctor is on call 24 hours/day to assist a Senior Supervisor and Medic to decideappropriate medical and logistic responses.

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile

(EMM) Channel 1 The Senior Supervisor must establish contact with the Duty Doctor (or another Doctor at PanagaHospital) via VSL and confirm or review:

• Urgency of the case(s) including whether an aerial, marine or land Medevac is required

• Extent of medical support needed, including whether doctors are needed

• Ongoing on-site treatment capability

•  Whether medic or first aider should accompany patient(s). If a Medic is available he shouldgenerally only leave the facility for serious cases. This must be decided by the Senior Supervisor.

• Update the CSR / BSP Supervisor regularly on progress and any changes in medical / transportneeds.

7.5.2 Medical Evacuation

 The Senior Supervisor is responsible for the necessary response actions at the worksite. He mustauthorise any mobilisation or diversion of helicopters or boats or aerial Medevacs. He will, asappropriate:

• Decide the appropriate medical and transport needs including the urgency.

•  Assess, with advice from Medic and the Duty Doctor, how many people are or may be hurtand the potential type and scale of their illness/injuries. Response may involve:

• Immediate aerial or land Medevac(s) - where urgent medical attention is required

• Diversion or re-assignment of an in-flight helicopter or in-field boat

• Person(s) being sent ashore on next routine helicopter flight or crew boat

• Ensure the STL/1 Monitoring Clerk is alerted to the emergency and instructed on immediateland, aviation or marine support.

• Relay ongoing instructions to STL/1 Monitoring Clerk and receive from him information onavailability and timing of ambulances, helicopters, boats and medical teams 

 The Senior Supervisor must ensure it is understood by Panaga Hospital and STL (or VSL) howmany people are affected and whether the Aerosled*, additional stretchers, nurses and/or doctorsare needed.

[* An Aerosled is a special type of stretcher, incorporating life support facilities, for transport ofcasualties by air]

Note: Sick/Injured persons may normally only sit in seats if they can sit in the seat with life jacketand seat belts on and can release themselves and escape from the helicopter in the event ofditching.

7.5.3 Accidental or Suspicious Injury or Death

For an accidental or suspicious serious injury or suspected fatality:

• Ensure that the scene of the incident is left undisturbed, as far as possible

• Consider the need for the Police to visit the site 

• Notify the EC via VSL 

• Fax details immediately to Panaga Hospital and to VSL (for forwarding to EC) including:

• Name(s) of casualties

• Date(s) of Birth, if available

• Categorisation of Injury e.g. Severe but not life threatening; Life threatening

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

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7.5.4 Suspect Fatality

For a ‘suspected’ fatality, the Senior Supervisor must:

• Contact the Duty Doctor immediately.

• Only a medical doctor can confirm a fatality and every attempt must be made to continueresuscitation until the doctor takes medical charge of the patient.

• Fax details immediately to Panaga Hospital and to VSL (for forwarding to Duty EC) including:

• Name(s) of (presumed) deceased

• Name of employer

• Date(s) of Birth, if available

• If available, confirmation of death by Doctor (including identity of Doctor)

7.5.5 Guidance on Fatalities - Natural Causes, Accident or Foul Play

Confirmation of death will require the presence of a doctor. For an offshore or remote onshorelocation, this may warrant a Medevac

“Births and Registration Act”, (Cap 79), section 15-1.7

 The EC must be advised, as he has a duty to inform the Police who must be notified of allfatalities and serious injuries as soon as possible. Where feasible, the Police will be giventhe opportunity to join any transport to the location of the deceased.

Confirmed fatalities may be removed to hospital without specific authorisation by thePolice if they are clearly by natural causes. However, for other causes (see below)everything should be left as it was and the body should not be removed until the Policeauthorise it.

 Where death was or may have been by any of the following other causes:

• Suicide

•  Animal

•  Accident

•  Another person

• Machinery

•  Associated with an offence by another person (e.g. foul play, negligence)

the Police may:•  Visit the scene to investigate and draw up a police report. Alternatively a Magistrate may direct

a fit and proper person (an ‘authorised officer’) to carry out the investigation, draw up thereport, and send it to Officer in Charge of Police Department (OCPD).

• Direct the body to be taken to the “nearest Government Hospital or other convenient place”, where a post-mortem may be held

•  Arrange for the registration of the death and the release of the body “Criminal Procedures Code”, (Cap 7) Part IV, section 303

Deceased BSP Employees (and others registered with Panaga Hospital) will be taken to the PanagaHospital where BSP will take responsibility for care of the body and any procedures that the Policemay instigate to confirm or investigate the cause of death. The casualty and their families are knownto the Panaga Hospital doctors/staff and the doctors are empowered to issue Death Certificates. The Police may, however, still require transfer of the body of the deceased to the GovernmentHospital.


Non-Brunei Shell Employees (who are not patients of Panaga Hospital) will be taken to theGovernment Hospital where a Government Doctor should issue the death certificate and takeresponsibility for the care of the body, and any medical or judicial procedures to confirm orinvestigate the cause of death (including Police involvement and investigation).

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7.6 Medevac Procedures

7.6.1 Authorisation

Medevacs can be authorised by any one of the following person:• Senior BSP Representative at the accident site.

• Duty Medical Officer

Company Site Representative (CSR) of offshore facilities• Senior Type A (Mode-2) Contractor Representative

•  Asset and Services Manager (DM, EM, WM, PM, TS, SM)

• EC

 Aviation Department Emergency Procedure, BSP-02-Procedure-0392

STL/1 Emergency Procedures, BSP-02-procedure-0394

 Any questions about authorisation must not delay the mobilisation of air crews, support personneland medical teams. In cases of doubt, the EC must be notified.

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

7.6.2 Single or Multiple Casualties

 A Medevac may be part of a wider emergency response, and under the direction of the On SceneCommander on site and, perhaps, the EC / Emergency Coordination Team onshore. In suchsituations, and where the number and extent of injuries is not known, the term “Multiple Medevac”should be used instead.

Unless otherwise instructed by the responsible parties, Aerial Medevacs will generally only cater fora single stretcher case and involve:

•  Assignment of a helicopter to originate at Anduki Heliport

• Installation of the Aerosled Life Support Machine at Anduki Heliport

• Medical team from Panaga Hospital joining the flight at Anduki Heliport, except wherepatient(s) are being flown from Panaga Hospital to RIPAS Hospital or Brunei International Airport, in which case the team joins the flight at Panaga

Patients being landed at Panaga or RIPAS Hospital or Brunei International Airport unlessdeemed unsafe to do so by SAV or unnecessary by the Duty Doctor.

 Where more than one person is (or may be) injured, all concerned must ensure that all others aremade aware of :

• Number (or estimate) of people that need (or may need) transporting

• Scale and Type of their injuries

•  Any possibility of more than one stretcher case so that appropriate assistance is mobilised.

 A “Multiple Medevac” may involve:

• Removal of extra seats to accommodate multiple stretchers

• Doctor(s) to be a part of the medical team

• More than one helicopter

• Marine support

7.6.3 Interfaces

 A successful Medevac requires close liaison and understanding of required immediate actions by allthose involved - Contractor, BSP and Third Parties. Also essential are speedy decisions by corepersons responsible for confirming and approving the continuing response.

7.6.4 Cancellation

If the Authorised Person decides that the Medevac is no longer required, he must instruct theSenior Supervisor or EC, who will advise all other parties.

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7.7 Crime

7.7.1 Investigation of Crime / Complaint

If a criminal action has been observed or a complaint received, the Senior ContractorRepresentative must:

• Notify Contractor Manager and BSP Senior Supervisor

• Respond to contain the consequences of the crime, particularly in relation to the safety of thefacility and/or personnel on it

• If appropriate, rope off the crime scene and arrange for a 24 hour watch to be kept. Takephotographs if possible with approval from Site Supervisor. Do not move anything until thepolice arrive or give notification otherwise.

• Privately interview complainant to obtain all relevant information

• Obtain names of suspects and any other witnesses

• Contact BSP Head of Security, provide all available information and request assistance

• Notify the Police via the Head of Security  

7.7.2 Control of Suspect

 Where a suspect has been identified, the Senior Contractor Representative is empowered to take

 whatever steps are necessary to safeguard the installation and the people on it. He will, asappropriate:

• Restrain the person. This may be physical bodily restraints or by locking in a room.

• Be responsible for the well being and safety of any person under restraint or protective custody. A watch must therefore be maintained until he is put ashore or the police/security personnelarrive.

•  Alert the BSP Head of Security (FSE) for advice and the coordination of actions.

• Notify the Police. This should be done via BSP Head of Security.

• Depending on the severity of the offence, the Police may require to send an officer toaccompany the suspect. Consideration should be given to restraints required, particularly ifhelicopter transportation is to be used.

•  Any person behaving abnormally or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs

should be examined by a BSP Doctor or Medic. Do not assume the cause, it may be due to anaccident, illness, emotional upset etc.

• Make ready a stretcher or other suitable restraint if necessary

Police 993, FSE (37) 4292, 03-223379 (24-hour)

7.7.3 Police Involvement

 The police are responsible for subsequent action on any crime. This action could involve forexample:

• Police coming to site to conduct investigations or to escort person(s) ashore.

• Police receiving a restrained person sent ashore.

• Police cautioning/searching a suspect on his arrival onshore.

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7.8 Terrorist / Pirate Activity

7.8.1 Unauthorised Vessels

 While unlikely in Brunei, the possibility of a hostile boarding of a vessel, or threats by unauthorisedpersons, does exist. All occurrences of unauthorised vessels approaching the facility should bereported to the STL/1 Monitoring Clerks with information on:

•  Vessel Details - Type, Size, Name•  Apparent Manning - Number of persons, demeanour, apparent activity

• Communications - Language, Messages, Requests

• Current Strategy - As decided by the Senior Supervisor and BSP CSR

7.8.2 Actual Boarding or Threats

In the unlikely event of a boarding or the threat of a boarding by unauthorised persons such asterrorists, hijackers, pirates or other hostile parties:

If possible, AND SAFE TO DO SO, broadcast a distress message including as much as possible ofthe following information:

• How many

• Description

• Sex• How armed

• Language/nationality

• Communications

• Competence and state of mind

• Deployment

Keep calm and advise all personnel to do likewise, and take appropriate measures to limit thedangers to personnel and the installation.

Re-assure the aggressors about required operational procedures and that no subterfuge is beinghidden. They will probably not understand the operations on a hydrocarbon or drilling facility andmay be suspicious. Offer responsible co-operation. Tension can best be lowered by personnel

acting normally. Do not return abusive treatment or aggression. Assume the incident will beprolonged:

 Attempt to establish: 

•  Who the aggressors are and/or what group they belong to

•  What their demands are

•  When they expect the demands to be met

•  Any deadlines that have been set

Personnel will feel isolated during an incident, as they will not be aware of the steps being taken tosecure their release. This may lead to antagonism against their own authorities and sympathy forthe terrorists.

Establish, if possible, a reasonable rapport between the hostages and captors. It may reduce the

chances of violence against those being held. Assist in the establishment of a negotiating channel between the aggressors and the authorities. It isan important step towards a successful conclusion of the incident.

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7.9 Bomb Threat

In the event of a bomb threat or discovery of a bomb or suspected bomb, the Senior Supervisormust:

•  Advise the BSP Company Site Representative or BSP Area Supervisor•  Assess the potential for any threat to be genuine 

If the threat is considered genuine or a suspected bomb is found:• Initiate radio silence as bombs may be triggered by radio signals. Use telephones only

• Stop all electrical welding

• Inform all vehicles, vessels and helicopters to stay outside a 200m radius.

• Make PA Announcement for Radio Silence (perhaps with an excuse to avoid panic e.g.perforating, radiography)

• Request shut down of any ‘active’ cathodic protection via BSP Site Supervisor

•  Telephone and advise:- BSP EC (via VSL).- BSP Switchboard / Radio Room (VSL)- Request VSL to relay STL, SAV and SMR the need for radios silence to all helicopters and

boats in the area 

• Initiate general alarm and muster personnel, keep them informed of the situation.

• Implement any production and well head shut downs via the BSP Company SiteRepresentative.

• Initiate evacuation of non-essential personnel.• Consider evacuating all personnel until the search team arrive

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

 A specialist military search team may be brought in to conduct the search  but they willrequire the assistance of personnel familiar with the facility. On arrival of this team, the ONSCENE COMMANDER will:

• Make available diagrams of the facility

• Brief the military team on the layout of the facility and the main hydrocarbon risk areas.

Help to formulate an appropriate search plan.•  Assist the search team from a safe distance e.g. by guiding military in their search, explainingthe plans, and explaining hydrocarbon risks. No untrained personnel are to be involved in anysearch. 

If the search does not reveal any devices:

• Consult with EC / Line Department Duty Representative to ascertain further action. This mayinvolve waiting until after any deadline, together with a safety margin, before returning thelocation to Normal Status.

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7.10 Guidance on Third Party Emergencies

For an emergency involving third party vehicles/vessels/aircraft Brunei Shell will make itsresources available to preserve human life.

 While overall rescue efforts may be co-ordinated by the Brunei National Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre (NSARCC), it is highly probable that activities and co-ordination in the Westernarea of Brunei Darussalam would be conducted by Brunei Shell.

More than one vehicle/vessel/facility may be a part of the response, the On-Scene Commander will generally be the most senior of the Contractor or Brunei Shell team on the vehicle / facility / vessel closest to the incident. Alternatively the Duty EC/Emergency Co-ordinator may designate analternative OSC (e.g. an SMR Captain).

7.10.1 Refugees / Boat People

 Where an emergency or potential emergency appears to involve unauthorised entry into Brunei,BSP has to be very careful about allowing personnel onto its, or its contractors’ facilities.

 Assistance will always be given to persons genuinely in distress, eg sick even when they appear to beentering Brunei without prior authorisation. However, providing assistance may constitute a threatto BSP personnel or BSP assets and the risks of that must be considered. The following guidelines

may assist the Contractor Senior Supervisor / On Scene Representative in deciding how best tohandle the situation:

•  Where possible, necessary humanitarian assistance should be granted without allowingunauthorised personnel onto Contractor or BSP facilities

• Fuel, food and water may be provided to enable such persons to continue their journey

•  The responsible Government Agencies (Police, Marine Police, Immigration) must be alertedimmediately, via the On Scene Representative/ EC

•  The EC should be notified. He may delegate the Duty Human Resources (HR) Rep andExternal Affairs (CEA) Rep to co-ordinate the Company response if it is solely a human /public affairs situation

• Contractor or BSP personnel should not board a third party unauthorised vessel if it can beavoided

• Simple medical assistance may be provided but with great caution

• Consideration should be given to whether the situation could become violent e.g. byconsidering the demeanour of the boat people, and whether any distress situation is accidentalor self inflicted.

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7.10.2 Third Party Aircraft or Vessel Emergencies

On being alerted to a third party emergency the Senior Supervisor must:

•  Advise the BSP Company Site Representative or EC

• Obtain all available details of the collision/sinking/ditching, from a direct "Mayday" call fromthe vessel or aircraft involved.

• Obtain and record the following information:- Call sign and type of vessel or aircraft, name, registration, port of embarkation and destination- Position of crash/ditching/sinking relative to the nearest installation or in Latitude and

Longitude.- Number of personnel requiring assistance.- Time of incident- Present status of the vessel/aircraft if known?

• Contact VSL immediately and state:-  Your name and location-  That there has been an aircraft crash/ditching or vessel collided or sinking offshore-  That you believe it is a 3rd. Party vessel/aircraft- Contents of the Mayday message-  That the EC is to be contacted 

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM) Channel1

• Maintain a continuous watch on VHF Channels 15 and 16, Note that Channel 16 is theinternational distress Channel and is monitored by others

•  Ascertain information on the location and availability of BSP vessels in the area.

• Co-ordinate with the vessel master that arrived on site, initially to conduct the rescue or search.Note: Best equipped vessel master in close proximity to take the lead role as On SceneCommander until relieved by a Competent Authority e.g Navy

• Establish contact, either directly or via VSL with the BSP aviation and marine Departments, who will take a lead role in co-ordinating the search and rescue effort: 

 Aviation Dept. Control Tower (37) 2100, or SAV; SAV/2; SAV/4;

Marine Department – Duty Marine Captain 08 730154, Pager 7-862

 VSL (37) 2999, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile (EMM) Channel 1

Contact and direct all, or selected, BSP aircraft and vessels to the incident site to assist in search andrescue activities as required.

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7.11 Oil or Chemical Spill

 Any spill > 1 cubic metre into the sea even if the incident has been readily contained, must bereported immediately by fax to:

•  Area Operations Superintendent

• Environmental Advisors (HSE/5)

• EC 

 VSL (37) 2999, Backup number 03-229999, Fax (37) 3383, VHF Channels 15, 16, 19, Extended Marine Mobile(EMM) Channel 1

 The response to a spill will be dependent on the cause, the volume spilt, the direction it is headedand the damage it might cause.

 The Senior Supervisor will:

• Collate available information on:-  Type of leakage / Location and Source of Spill / Whether it is continuing- Severity of the leakage (give estimate of volume / rate if possible)- Shut down the flow of oil to the environment. If necessary implement IMMEDIATE

facility shutdown.

- Assess threat of fire/explosion to personnel and the facility

- Implement a General Alarm (GPA) and Muster if any risk to personnel (unlikely) 

 The BSP On Scene Representative will:

• Contact the nearest SOS and decide additional shutdowns.

•  Alert standby boat to:-  Attend scene of spill (but await instructions before any action undertaken)- Install dispersant arms if carried, and if likely to use dispersant

•  Await instructions from EC before applying dispersants. He will, in consultation with HSE/5,decide on whether dispersant may be applied.

• Request assistance of the Marine Department, initially the Armada Cinta, via Duty MarineCaptain 

Marine Department – Duty Marine Captain 08 730154, Pager 7862

If the spill cannot be readily contained/cleaned up or a significant volume of oil or gas is involvedthen instruct the BSP Switchboard/Radio Room (VSL) to get the EC and Line Department DutyRepresentative to call the facility.

7.11.1 Guidance on Oil or Chemical Spills

 Assessment of Risks

 The Senior Supervisor must assess the scale and the potential for escalation. In particular he has toassess the likelihood of an explosion and the risk to the facility and the people. Considerationsinclude:

• Severity of leak.

• Source of the leak. Has/can the leak be stopped

• How much has spilt/How much could spill?

• Could the spill ignite? Would it threaten the facility/people?

• Have remote isolations taken place?

•  Are shutdowns/isolations successful?

Oil Spill Emergency Procedures, BSP-02-Guidance-0660