brisbane lions


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� Australian Football League

� Business Objective

� R elationship management� Marketing Strategies

� Segmentation

� Foresightedness� Q&A 

� Conclusion

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Australian Football Leagueo established in 1866 in Victoria

o most popular -54% population supporting footballo Comprises of 16 teams

Brisbane lionso Merger between Fritzroy Lions and Brisbane bears

o Chairman: Tony Kelly

o Captain: Jonathan Brown

o Emerged as winners twice till date

o Created records in all areas

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Business Objective

3% increase in membership for this year� Increase Revenue

� Long term f an base

� Increasing awareness of sport and club

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R easons for growth for

Brisbane Lions

Dedication and hard work

Creating brand awareness+relationships with their publicGood sales process which turnedpublic as their loyal member

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Relationship Management

Lions management started working on this by

following methods:

Promoting AFL Sports� Developing Young Players

� Attracting and retaining fans by managing

their relationships with them� Establishing a support base of fans

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Marketing Strategies:

� Increasing ticket sales

� Increase more supporting public at major

games� Creating Long term f an base : moving

customer through adoption process

Increasing awareness of sport and club� Initiating trial purchase

� Converting casual & first time f ans to


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Behavioral:� AFL Virgins

� First time f ans

� Regular f ans (not members)

� Members� Serious Supporters

Life Cycle Base:� Children

�Parents/f amily

� Older f ans

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FORESIGHTEDNESSPlanned ahead of time: undertook strategic research into the behavior

of their customers.

Result of the study from university:

� Increase band Loyalty

� Fan Motivation

� Need to understand how the game experience influences the long term

loyalty to the team

� Influence long term Loyalty

Avoid matches on same date� Target to build closer relationship with their f ans and potential allies.

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Q uestions & Answers

Answer 1:


� Need to increase brand loyalty

� Factors to motivate fans

� Game influences fans long-term loyalty


� Segmentation and Focus

� Moving customers through the adoption process

� Increasing casual ticket sales and increased attendance

� Increasing motivation of fans

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Answer 2:

� Top determinant as 65% of high school studentsconsider it in their top 3 favorite sports.

� Play short games during the half-time breaks of premiership season games at all grounds

� Parents are involved in across the board in activitiessuch as at skills sessions, as coaches and supervisors

� Enables children from migrant and refugeebackgrounds to experience Australian Football

� Target segment of children, teens and parents tomotivate them to attend the matches.

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Answer 3:

� Eustress

� Self-esteem

� E

scape� Entertainment

� Economic

� Aesthetic

� Group affiliation

� Family

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Answer 4

� Market Penetration:


Turning competitors into collaborators

Increasing fan base and revenue

� Product Development:New game technique and taking

advantage from best coach

� Market Development:Organizing game in different cities like Liverpool,

New castle, Wollongong,

� Diversification: Advertising Leadingplayers as Brand ambassador

� ANSOFF Matrix

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Answer 5:

Stake holders of Merger Brisbane bears and Fitzroy

� businessman George Toms Fitzroy football club

businessman/actor Paul Cronin-Brisbane Bears

� All Club members of Brisbane Bears and Fitzroy lions

� All Fans of Brisbane Bears and Fitzroy lions

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� Relationship management is a key strategy to

capture the market.

� Better on field strategy

� Better Marketing Strategy

� First focus to club members and f ans

Tactful Segmentation

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Thank you