brainsurge - the instructions and the ten point puzzle game

All right, Let’s Meet the Stars of the Show. I call them the Brainiacs! NEW EPISODE

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In the November 17, 2010 episode of "BrainSurge", Claudia Winkleman told the Instructions to The Contestants to Play Three Levels while The Ten Point Puzzle is Played in the Show, it's called The BrainSurge Spelling Bee!


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All right, Let’s Meet the Stars of the Show. I call them the



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(Children Cheering)

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Mike is an energetic, cheeky yet bountiful young knight-in-training, driven by his passion to help others

and, along the way, be the best knight he can be.


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Evie is Mike's younger sister and a wizard-in-training. She sees magic as the solution to almost all problems, including Mike's! When her brother sets off on a knightly mission, Evie is convinced that it could be concluded

much more quickly and satisfactorily with one of her spells. Accompanied by her pet frog, Mr. Cuddles, Evie always tries to join in on Mike's missions.


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As Mike's inseparable companion and best friend, Galahad is always there for Mike. Although he has his own opinions about the various tasks he is called to help out with, Galahad faithfully follows through and helps out

regardless of whether he thinks Mike is on the right track.


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Queen Martha divides her duties between being the reigning monarch of Glendragon and being mother to Mike and Evie. She is warm, wise, and caring and always wants the best for her children and loyal subjects. She has two corgis--Yip and Yap!--who happily bark around the castle but tend unknowingly to get into fun doggie



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Sparkie the fire-breathing dragon loves life and everything it has to offer and is perhaps the most charming and laid-back dragon you could hope to meet! Sparkie is loyal, optimistic, sensitive, and kind. He is very good friends with Squirt, a much smaller dragon, and the two of them always have a great laugh together--whether

it's playing big eyes statues or helping Mike practice his knightly skills.


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Squirt is physically much smaller than Sparkie, and unlike him, cannot breathe fire. However, Squirt can breathe something very unusual: water! Squirt tends to want to stay close to his two best friends, Mike and

Sparkie, even though he has the ability to see the world from far and wide since he can fly. However, it's little steps for Squirt as he grows in confidence with each new adventure.


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Can they win big cash and for the Sliming, Let’s Find Out!

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All right, What are you, Children are going to take home today’s BrainSurge Champion and With that


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You’re going to play a Thousands of Points in Prizes plus a Green Sliming. It will

cover yourself from your body. From Head to Toe.

You’re now competing in Three Levels of BrainSurge Brain


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This First Level is Full of Audio Visual Puzzles, their going to test your abilities to see things quickly.

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1 2 34 5 6



You got to Use that game pod, you got it in front of you to lock in your answers. To earn points for every correct answers.

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The first five question was increased in value by 10 points.

So The Puzzles are worth 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 points.

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You have 10 seconds when the clock was beeping to lock in your answers correctly.

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At the End of this Level, The Four of You with the Most

Points are moving on to the next level.

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But the Other Two, Well! It’s There’s only one way out of here…………….

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And It is Down………………………..

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All: The Brain Drain!!

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Remember, You see here in the Audience it’s Craig Charles, The

Host of Sale of the Century. Knows all about it, In Behind

the Scences yesterday.

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Hola, Ninos!

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(Children says “Hi, Craig!”)

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Are you guys ready to rock!

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(Children says “Yes!”)

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All right, I’m going to Head on Over the BrainSurge Brain

Center, so we can get this party started. Let’s


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(Children Cheering)

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Well I guess so, I just having to plea to Host BrainSurge. I’m sorry, Guys! If Because I met you all of the Audience.

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(Children says “AWW!”)

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All Right, Let’s Kick It Off With A Ten Point Puzzle and Remember Pay Attention to these Instructions!(Children Cheering)Contestants: OKAY!

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Spelling Bee

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Spelling Bee

(Beatdown Music)We’re at the BrainSurge spelling bee!

It’s My Mom’s turn to spell the correct answer.

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Spelling Bee

Pay close attention to the spelling of My Mom’s Word!

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Spelling Bee

Your word is Indianapolis.Spell Indianapolis!

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Spelling Bee



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Spelling Bee


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1. Indianapolis2. Tropolis3. Apolis4. Tripolis

Which was the Correct Spelling of My Mom’s Word?

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(Electronic Beeping)

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1. Indianapolis2. Tropolis3. Apolis4. Tripolis

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Sparkie, Are you performed at the BrainSurge Spelling Bee?

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I just performed at the BrainSurge spelling

Bee and Just Beginning the Letters

of My Word.

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It Just Breathing Fire, Good!Sparkie: Yes!

All Right, Let’s find out what the Correct Answer is! Take a Look at the Replay!

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1. Indianapolis2. Tropolis3. Apolis4. Tripolis

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1. Indianapolis2. Tropolis3. Apolis4. Tripolis

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Spelling Bee




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Spelling Bee


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1. Indianapolis2. Tropolis3. Apolis4. Tripolis

It was Number One: Indianapolis!(Children Cheering)

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Let’s see who’s getting it Right for 10 points!

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1 1 1

2 1 2

Mike, Evie, Sparkie and Galahad got ten points! Well done!

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1 1 1

2 1 2

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10 10 10

0 10 0

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