bpr design & phases

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  • 7/29/2019 BPR Design & Phases


    Business Process Redesign Phases & Activities

    Phase ActivitiesPlanning & Start Up Identify key business drivers for change & assess consequences fornotchanging.

    Identify critical processes for reengineering. Identify executive sponsors & create steering committee of key stakeholders

    Gain executive support for the project.

    Prepare PMP: define scope; establish measurable objectives; select methodologies; andestablish a high level schedule.

    Obtain agreement with executive/senior managers on objectives & scope for the project.

    Select the team.

    Select consultants or outside experts, where applicable.

    Hold kick-off meeting.

    Brief functional managers about the goals of the project; begin communications to theorganization.

    Train the team. (BPR; Benchmarking; Best Practices etc.)

    Begin change management activities and prepared a communication plan.

    Research & Discovery Conduct benchmarking studies on the processes of other companies. (Includes best practices

    and Financial comparisons)

    Conduct interviews; surveys; focus groups to identify current & future needs.

    Interview employees and managers to understand issues and to brainstorm ideas for change.

    Conduct literature and periodical research to understand industry trends and to find best


    Document As Is processes at a high level, collect performance data, identify gaps.

    Review technology changes & options.

    Interview stakeholders & key senior managers.

    Attend workshops or seminars. (eg. Benchmarking; Risk Assessment)

    Gather data from external experts & consultants.

    Design Brainstorm new and innovative ideas; used creative thinking exercises to think outside thebox.

    Conduct what-if scenarios and applied success templates used by other companies.

    Generate 3-5 models by using functional experts; develop hybrid model by taking the best ofeach.

    Create vision of ideal process.

    Identify approach to process (Extension; Augmentation; Conversion; Innovation)

    Define new process models & flow chart processes.

    Design organizational model to align to new process.

    Define technology requirements; select platform to enable new processes.

    Separate short and long term improvements. (Emulate processes that cannot be technologyenabled immediately; allow flexibility for process change/enhancements.)

    Approval Prepare cost and benefit analysis; determine return on investment

    Assess impact on customers; employees; on competitive position.

    Prepare formal business case for senior managers/executives.

    Hold review meeting ot present finds to steering committee & senior management for approval.

    Implementation Complete detailed design of processes and organizational models; define new job roles.

    Develop supporting systems.

    Conduct pilot solutions and test on a small scale.

    Communicate new solution to employees; develop and implement change management plan.

    Develop phased implementation plan and implement solution.

    Develop training plan and train employees on new processes and/or systems.

    Next Steps Define key measures to evaluate periodically; measure the results of the new process;implement continuous improvement program for the new process.

    Issue final report to steering committee & senior managers.