box folder 36 5 northeast conference [swampscott, mass...

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 3: Conferences and Committees, 1947-1978. Box Folder 36 5 Northeast Conference [Swampscott, Mass.]. 1960-1961. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

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3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000

MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995.

Subseries 3: Conferences and Committees, 1947-1978.

Box Folder 36 5 Northeast Conference [Swampscott, Mass.]. 1960-1961.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

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"'01'_ ..... .i(a,_ 1 ,l1\Js _ 12t11. 1\161 .

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'the ,..., Bnaland. COIlt.renee

Datel March 10, 11, 12 , 1961

Are. tlWol •• dt Maine, Mev Hampshire, Vel'1DOC'\t.Ha ... chusetta, Connecticut, Rbode taland, Mortbern. New York .

Criteria for Invitation Li.t: Per.on mu t be either. ler,. liver or a key worker in his caamunlty to be invited. Wive. will be lnvl~d 10 •• to lend a .are relaxed and elr to the weekend ..


It haa lonl been the opl01,ln of botb lUA .nd the local C~-It 1 •• that eaJllP&lp'a are belna rouUnely approached year .fur yurt that leadership baa not been ftl'l1'Wl,oratedi that tM c~let. pros ..... of OJA and ua beneficiary aaancl •• are not c~l.tely understood . At the Central Stata. Conference In ~rcb of 1960 .. ny people e~ted after tM _Illn, .... lon ... otad. to JOe that they una .... re of eM prosr ... of ,JOe and that this atory should be unfolded to the contributors of tke country . These ob.en_tiona ~ frOll people de.oted to the DJA Doth tbrouah &1"lna and \fork In., Thu. one of Itey objectl ... of the conference t. to make cartain tbat leadershi? from all cOMIUIllt1e. are t.horouah1y lnfonaed on the need. of the UJA and It. beneficiary a.encle. and to rei.pre •• 1.aderabJp vitb the importance of the role it 1. expected to play In the CODBUn­it Ie. ,

Another axperlence dallOnsUated by the c onference of 1960 Ie the. laportant role .uch a conference ean play 1n .. curina key ,lftl In advance of the C8I8po81an. 1'he conference "Ul ha.e a ru.aber of the ouue..ocUna .,Jewish penonallU.a of the country. ~ae are tba people that tbe c~1U •• con.u.n.tly I'~ue.t fram WA for local ~ilf\ aeet1na. . Owiouly tbe .. people an fev in nUlllbe.r .nd thua can only be _de .... llabl. for a fev of tu .. nque.ata. Slnca tbey .UI be preaant. for t." anUre vee!(end and alnce c~ ... It.lee viii .1ao be there they .re •• allable. Thua If c~lt.y ·A~ baa ite c-"1ran a.n4 a fev key Shere preMnt. tbe cbal~n can bold a cocktail party to whleb the rlaht leader.blp vlll be .. de avaiLable and In tbis relaxed at.oaphare key alfta can be •• cured.


- 2-

There art Mny ex.arplea to ahov how well thla works. IMnver at the ~ •• t Coaat Conference in February 1960 aolved Ita kay pace­eetter alft probl ... and in so doing .et up ita entire hiS altt proar... Coll.:ab". at the Centrel States Conference in February of 1960 did likewise. There were at l ... t , or 6 communities at .. ok conference In 1960 that bald Ila Cift. prising ... tlna. of tbi. nature and .11 were succe •• ful. In addltlon, dur1na the conference specified 1arae contributors were approached and their alfts Hcured.

There is atlll another facet of the conference pertalnina to IJvlna that mun be .. ntioned. The conference prowld •• a backaround for the CJA FIeld S~ff In conjunction witb co.munlt, lay and prof ••• lon­.1 l .. der,bip to arrange the Ila Cifta meet1n&1 of tb. com.unltlea lawolved to place t.med1ately .fter the conference . This serv •• .... r.l purpo ... : (1) It mak •• a •• ilable key leadership to tan out tro. the conference and cover meetln,. in communities . (2) it pro. Yides war.ed up contributors for these meetlna-. (3) \n moat ease. it vUl alao prawlde Meas .. ry prillied litU.

tn summation the purposes of the cGnference are chiefly to ~cti~ .ate leaderah lp by informing thea completely and to accelerate campa lana by Neurin, key ,lfts prleed lor early Be c~lty ... tina· .

'rlday ... Marcb 10

6;00 P.H. 7:00 P. II.


Sabbath Serwlce. Dlnner and Meetlna (flote: In 1960 this __ t1na, upon c~l.tlon of

dinner devoted Ita coaplet« proaram to the JOe and the principal. were Edward Warburs. " OMS ~vttt and Charl« • .Jordan.)

Saturday - March 11

9:30 A. I'I. 10:30 A.II . 11:00 A. ll.

12:15 P. M. 12:15 P . M. 12: 15 P.M.

Sabba tll Service. campalgn rl1Jllo Major S •• alon (Note: In 1960 Uerbert Frledalan pre .. nted. 1960

lOA needa at tbt ..... lon.) ~en·. Luncheon (no proar .. ) Woaen t • Luncheon and se.lnar Resolutlon~ C~itt.e Luncheon


Sa<lmIay, March U (Cont'd)

1:30 P.M. Madl. and: S-ll CQltlnWW,itt .. 1:30 P.M. Lal'ae CGaII_tU ..

(llote' Tb4 __ U .... on eel by 1.30 P.M.)

6130 P.M. Dlnnel' ~etJas (!tote: This 1. the b1a alAllOur ... t1na. In

1HO Ambo.OIUIor aa.-. .... key speaker.)

11100 P.". Cabaret aft Danclq

Sunday, Horch 12

9.30 A.H. _fan and e1oat,.. _U .... ("OblS PruenUtlon of a..olutlOlU, detailed dlac:u •• low.,&n4 .do tlan. of tbe 1961 WA needa •• _t forth by tbe Oeoe.ber at lOMl CoafU'81\ce.)

Conte ... ",",dude. by 12.30 P.II. -Tben. are 64 CCIIIIIWliU •• that ralae abOYe $50 .. 000 and. .pprox1_tely 127 ~tl.r c~unltte. eMbraced by th'. coolerence. It 1. planned to fore a representative c0UI81ttIHt frOll tha .. c~unlU... It Is desirable that moat of tM '64 1. rae ~urtttl •• !\ave npl'8Mntatiot'l on ~h c~tt.ce. and then be ac.e repreaaotaUoa fra. the ",Uer' ~Otmnmtt1.s. '11:!.e. 0Q0.!8I1ttee'. tunCtlon wlll be to aecuft t-be nece ... .,. attendance and al88 to J.1Ip1emetlt proar .... and taka part; III tbe fUfteUanlll1 of tbe conference auch •• _klna up panel. fOX' the _inar., prealdtna. _tUna up key fund.ratalna c.ockull paru ... etc.

The major c unity 1:nvol..ed in thh conference 1. 'Ioatoft. ~1. bet", 10. Cbatxaan of tblt ccmfe.renee sboulcl be an out.t.anciina l .. der frOll t.hh e mit.7. the Cbalr.n ta tl1e key to t.he aucC4ss of the. conference. lte must be a penon of sucb autum that an lnwltatlon frc:. him to • peraon. tn ICev Enaland •• klna bu. eitber to ao'l'ft on the cC8llittet or to atc.nd tbe conten:nce will earxy a &nat deel of _tab<. He .... t be upable of chotrtna the .. jar ooeetlap .nd of 81vlna hi. chairmanship the weight of hie own personality.

Aldl", the chalrran v111 be • mober of .1Ct1-cbi.1.:rutea.. 1'be .. • hould also be aaen of .tatun who -can be of help co the chairman in .. kina ~erc.ln of the aucce •• of the seetlftl_

Tbere will be only aae ..-Una of the c~let.e coqalttee. nu. b planned to Uke plaee durtna the weekend. or the l'atlonal WA Confere.ce on December 9, 10, 11 in New York City_ It viII probably be beld on S&t;urda,. DecetnMr 10 at breakf.,t. The rea.on. for bold Ina thie _etlna at tJal. tl_ la that 1D08t of the co.alttee ' ar. wtll attead tbi. confereaoe and It ts .dYl .. ltl. to .. t taen rather than ll1pO" on tbe oc-lttee by calUna a apecUl ~tl .. 1O; Jhe chatl'lUn.. at hts clhcrettcm., may call & ape.olel __ Una of &la .loe-obal ..... If neoe ... ry.

Attaahrecl are • In piee .. of _ill", _tarial to furtbar complete the plct1U'e •

IIq 2. 1960

lIel.nn ~. Ooldot.e1n

• Ple ... note that tbe K.., En&l .... ~._ 'irUl be held at tbe .., Ocean BOUI! 1ft 5w j ree"" r··· •• K8I'Oh Ie) to 12 .. 1961.

' . •

111'. 0..,. D. ItoM ,,~U ... S_ I_tea. .....

-0.., •

eel PC SQ Ief

""'. 1960

4111j:' ...... !l : 01. iNP- _ eace _w .. e ill __ ,ltt·ba "' .. _ .. _1 __ all .... I ~ ...... _ -.... ooot __ 1, "'1.:?3~ .., - ce - I _aw .. fecU co 1 ... "" nth n .. doe ........ 01. _ ~l _ ...... , ..... fa oo .. t .... to ........... ~ • .... _.ef . "'.'' sets" .... p _1_ - ... - e:t __ ....... - 0I.1..vy _11 - - I • .... Itl_ $ ... .. ... I ... J I. .... 2 ) In. Ceatal ... Yon State •• 1_I_t .... ~ .... we 1 ' m a1nM.7.14. _ .U11 to --.

_ )OUr oil •• :u;:..:J~Ul- ta • , - _ oil _. _ boU _ .-. _ .... Soutll ~.. I. "leal _ a _ ... a- ........ Ceafww to ...... p at tba _ or... _ I. 7 2 PI tt:....... .6obI81lJ' .. 1 _ wriU.,. _ "t" 1 ___ u to ... lUta:. *, .. 'a rl t f • ...... 1_ce ... 12

We aU _It to .. _1 ..... ' __ .. COel= • ew. --- .. -­'- _tboo -.11, )'Ur. IMpe7 __

I will aa11 ,00.

-I 'a-

"1 '.1 .. It: .... l.~ _ ... It...., to _ It: 1' .... __ .. _1_ ..... _ .. ' :

_rtalalJ _1. _ to ...... ,.. .... _ til,. ..... We __ c.u ... , __ ,_.,. tile _ .. _I, ... __ "1ph1 ill ... _'" .....

t .. ~ ._ ,... s .... _ ,.. .. ,. - oa. If ....

lIr. 8jeteq_ stop ...... m -D" ftrMt .Boatcm. Len 7 Lt ..

Dear l!r. 1aIIb,

hrtIIer to ...... Wle~ _Uoa 7~ repft1JIC t.I>t _ 's,l'" Conte: that w:Ul be bel.d .. Iueh lOth, nth &DIl l2Ul, 1961. I as 0Ml0llt.c .. wUII .. ,.e\t.iJIg o.t _t ... ha" 111 IIiJd for tIIU 0Grlf_. All at as ...... feel tllat n -tel .... ~ belpNl. 1f 7"" _lIld _ to act. u IIIIIo1rIoM. I joo1Ild. tbofttore. _late it. YV7 _ 1f 7fJIfI voult\ iIrJ.l _ at ~ _., • _. if YK t!Wak there 1a a p. 'hlli t;r that 7fJIfI >d.ll .... ut. \0' ; L t.I>t ~. I would ..-..- to _ 1d.tII 7fJIfI \0 &0 111\0 tilt. .tter 111 cr-ter cr.t.all •

I Wlderstaad. of _. that. all at this 1a depea4."t _ tha pUu 701l are _"',,' tor _ trip d cd _ I 60 hope .. err _ that YK 1d.ll .... able to aCllep1; tIMI oII&1JwuM1p.


Jlel:r:\JI S. 0Gldata1Jl

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S ID"'E '" R. R ... . . c ... , .... ~. 0,. noc .0..-0

July 18, 1960

Mr. Melvin S. Goldstein Admlnistrotive Vice-chairman United Jewish Appeal 165 W .. t 46th Street New Yorlc 36, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Goldstein:

:1.:1 D .TIlE ET • .O.TO", 10. _ ..... C.M U.C TTS

R JUL201960

Your letter of the 15th has been received. f rood it to Mr. Rabb over the phone, since he is away from the office until next week.

He asked me to explain to you that tne reason he hasn't answered until now is that as yet he hasn't flnolized hIs plans for his trip to the Orient next March. It seems now that he is likely to leave around March 20, and he that spendIng two or three days away just prior to this trip might not worlc out too well for him. And, he thinks it will be at least a couple of weeks before he wIll know definitely about the plans for his trip.

Therefore, if you must have on immediate answer he wi II have to say that he doesn't feel that he can o.airmon the New England Regional Conference on March 10, 11 and 12. If the matter can wait a few weeks, he will try to work it out, but he does not want you to delay with your plans because of him - nor does he wont to keep you from inviting someone else as o.oirman.

Mr. Rabb sends his wannest regards, and he will be in touch with you when he returns,

(7~YO~~ ~/e -r ,

Secretary to Sidney R. Rabb

II1n Col. __

stap "SbIIp. Inc. m D. ftnet. .80.- 10, 1Iaioa.

ne ... m.. ....... n.m: 1"" ..., _ tar 7- lAter of -1IlT~ ... I Wftl4 ""pruo1ate it U _ .-Jd _ ...... tor lib ...,.P " 1'OIP17.

Vo\ll!7"" et.. __ .,... &80 Zh to tell .... IIIIb tIIat I 4P: .. bt.e !lall,r ...., be _ "'" ... .au _ """ \lid IJ1.a ~. _, , 1M _. be will t1Ball7 ~ tor lib tr1!> to tN on..\. badJ,y .... I'M LIp. '- UIa\ all of ...... 8\ __ LUA WRlol _ pnt. to W8l\ a ..... tar lib • ... ..... \0 Ilia \0 .. ~ ~1U1> of tIoo ... "'p cd a.alOAOl Coat. s _ ~ 10U1. llt.ll .-I UtIa. fa UIa Io>pe that. be will i1ltono lIS lie 1Iil1 ... t .. CMI •

Vovld 70G wo be iOod I g P ,. cas e; to". labb _ fIT "cbal t ... 011 "bebalt of .11 or DO 8\ tM h1t.e.S 18lliall dtoPea1 our "' .... at pencul _de .


1Cr. •• l!ilIb topa~, ....

m "Il" tnet "tan, ",. ' oetta

... {' Ci

I _ '1ne _ tllb .~ b.1I rlawW _ ..a- 1"" 1d.lljl toe to lean 1IIat vU.l toe tile UDi.W tat... eat ~ to • at v.JA _u.p bot will detlJd. tl.r attend... 11 F -u. _ Inc' p'" Ceilfa,w,wc lD f!" 1 ,to. do feel Uaat lib .. I on IIUl _ • ~ deal 10 tbot cleft _t. ot t.h1I JSew CaarWi I*" •

Helna lI. Coldne1a :.

Sidney R. Rabb STOP &, SHOP 393 D Street Boston 10. l>!ass.

August 2), 1960

l-1r. ~l vin S. Goldstein ITnited Jewish Appeal 165 West 46th Street New "{ork 36, New York

Dear J e-l:

I was delith.ted to ra,c ive your letter t~Uit'!.b me that Abba Eban would be here for that ,onferenee i~ Swam scott.

t~ow as fo'!" myself. T have just If!arned that t: ,;;iate of our leaying 'Boston will be tu'larch 22t 196-1.

I want to be this fr.ank al'\fi cl~ar. I always want to be helpful on any of the basiro activities that have to 0 with Israel and the Coabined Appeal. Therefore. if have your promise that all of the legwork in regard to this is going to be done at your office a'!'ld ~ responsibilityu merely to t.e briefed by you and to Chairman the Session (which I assume 13 the Opening Remarks to just set the tone, and oth~r times for the aonduct of specific meetings, luncheons and dinners), I will accept the Chai~nship of this Conference .

Therefore, as soon as you bave it l~ned up, will you please send me your planned pl'ograr.l:. Then I I woulc11ike us to have on~ina1 understanding •.•. everyt~ '.Q.&1. gOds out over my signature, I would like to fi~st read and OK~ It any emergency presents itself, -you coulri call me on the phone, but I really don I t wa,nt any releases togo out Oller J!1iY signature Without 1I!iY having OK'd t.hem. I will be looking fonrard to hearing fror:t you.

T la.rrr regards.


(.gd.l Sidney

Sidney R. Rabb


Dr. Bltnj .- B.' £ eb-ra CaHl_ J~ Ali 103 of I!oe\<a, laD, 72. "nMUn SUeet I!oetoR 10, ....

Dear ....

t _ 7'JIl vUl be 'fV7 hapw to larIl tbat S1dDq lIabl> has aaJ."Md to &01. .. aba1nIaB ot tM I .. Xng' eat ocmtersce we aN

ecbediil'", tor S Plrc'Lt OIlllaPob 10. 11 and 12..

Beat ~ •


• Dear Ds I.

Tou. vUl II Jl UIa\ _ u.. _ 1 ...... "UIo 7f11& _t ""'f1II& 51dDeJ BIIbb tlld ohe' • fit ... ... ., ... a.r.eoce .. aft ecIIecIul.1Dc tor 5 £ t\ tor """* J... 11 _ 12.

1 _ r 11" '"1'7 bOpw to be able to tell 1"" tbat S1dDq IIabb baa aooeptal the ..... ' .. 'p.

Beat raprda •

• 11.]:0111 S. 0aldat..1D


•• " 2 I ....... ......... -.. "'.. . " -.-' .

• u-.. .-o • .- ............. _c -.--


;==·:1:5~'~"~~'::T~, tala - ...... . ;diU $ ,.t_ O a Ok'W_ c..r'O. .... SOls. ........ _. _I SO 0 "'" .w. ... .- eo.­_1IU1-. o f

Ad ". aart .. ... es ... ::::. =;=Vr ",:' ':,C.O ~.:-. Lr • ua. 11IU1"" ...... ",.,.. ..... a ... s ,. __ .. • ___ • p _p s » ...... aU ..

.. He, '1 __ 11' I'll ... 1III .. 1s .• . .,.,.... ... ~ .. 0 eo I I,

P 5


1Ir. V. Lo_ Po_oeot s .. Co. 119 L1Dcoln st. BoatOD, Xu ••

Dear Phil:

eC1 Fred Forman Joe Hazer Jacob Barowsky Charles Frost Milton Kahn Irving Levick Harry Levine Joe Linsey Phil Lown Aarcn Naboichek Irving lorry Josepb Talamo Are Goodman

love_ 7. 1960

A littlo whil. aco I W...-d 7011 of tile earl .. of reglon"l caut .... eacea the OJ'" ... pl.Juminc tor 1961. n_ reg101U1l cGllf'erelloe.o vlll follow t.h. S1lcc ••• rul paUem .. tablished at our lIldn.t ns\1tut. in B1cJ11&nd Put leat yau and l.JI Pala Spriop ter the en Coast rOc1aI. 'rb. PlIrpOA. ur cour ..... is to brlua: to t_ re&1on. the UJ111to17 aD!. c".,alp liDe tor 1961. to prae ad ...... ,ll'to and. perbopa IlIOn bIportact. to 101_1_ 1 a! • and p....,..... for the f""dralolug _tlugs to be held in SQlTQund'n& C Jitie. '.,cUatel,y tollovlng our regional ccnterellCesoi

0.. IIarch 111. 11 &all U. 1961. the o_t Loaderwbip InBtit .. te will be he1d at th. Oaaaa -.. __ ott. 1Iua. 51dB.,. Rabb 10 the Gen.a! Chai-rua for th10 c_ lerence and Hr. Abba 11> .... now .1D1ater ot Ed ... at1 ... in the GOVllrDOnt '" Iaraal _ be the aa1u _a. I ,..,.,. that the dote tor tbi. cauter_ ~ appear to be a lonll vaT ott. All ur \l8 her •• _or. oone1der it 80 1IIportact 1n tho chal.D of ... paign ... nte eobedulad for 1961. tlwt.t I should lik. to arge 70" """ to _ ~ .. nta to attend. TJ.. tact i. that in order to inoure the ... ces. ot the 10rt_1o Leaderohip IUUtllte we .boply ... 10 It_. th--U.,. porticl~t1oh """ support of the ottice .... """ "abinat _ra in tile _. I voold. tlle,..,f .... , appreciate it .ery .. eh U Toa would let rae know .. 800n as yo .. can that 70"- will def1D1tely attend the s.a..>acott _ting.

liith Idndeat J"Irsonal rep<d ••

Sincerely 7Oura,

!!elvin S. Goldstein Ado1D1atratiYe Hce-Chal.-

DI!Wl!Y D. STONE 53 A.a.t.mGTON Snmrr

BaocrroN 8, MAs .. HIiSBIl i ...-----~-... REcr" 'ED

FEB 24 1961 ebruary 2 3. ]951 . tt():~;) . V 'i~fER TO

Mr. Melvin G~ldstein, United Jewish Ap~ea1 , 165 West 4hth Street , New York , N. Y.

Deo::tr loiel :



I suppose 1 t would be de sirable . 1.1 for Anne and I to plan to stay at Swamnsco t t ~~T during the Conference o~ ~arch 10th , 11th , and 12th .

Will yOll please , there.:fore , reserve a s i ta for us .

I ,loula l ike t o have a schedule of

I the oro~ram as soon as it is available so that I ~ay be able ~o ~ide myself accordingly .

Cordially yours ,

dds : r c ~~e

Hr. De ... ;, p. lJt.oM 53 Arl1.llgton St ...... t Brockton, Massaohusetts

Fobruary 21. 1961

I all Slad lal1 aDd .I.une are pl&Jlll1n& to at.q at 5wlIIIpSeott daring lb. Conference 0t1 tJa March lOth "".k_net. e have reeerve<l a .uJ,te to:' ;rou.

r"",lol<ll1 1... ow of tho _ •• nr tcaa,.. Po • .,ou will ..... it'. not ",""net.. out it vUl ci .... '1'>u an W .. u! wilat will he taking 'place. I will be .... "d1l1& you • pro, .... in due coune.

Kinde.t regarde •

Sinc .... l¥.

Belvin S. Goldstein


COat.r ....

• n .... ,ly ...... 11_' ot .. s.,..._, ] •• liD 1"l1li7 Babb, who wu_ 1~"4 h the 111 fa ... Iv_peo" .oate,.. .... H that a}Jpl"Oprla\tl liti'ara b .... 1".& to 'Mil..


eol MP


510NI:Y I'I . RASB c .. .., .... " .. O~ T> .. : .0 .. "'1)

, MAR 201961 March 16, 1961

( I

Nv. tltelvin S. Goldstein United Jewish Appeal 165 West 46th Street New Yori< 36, New Yori<

Dear w.e=I;.' __ ---___

NOTEO 8Y ,.,m , I ,


»",~,ms to me that the judgment t 'has used in calling the Swampscott Conference off was xcellent all around. Fran I particular area con run one 0 t se as successfully as you have been able to do in other areas. We are kind of close to New York, and there are an awful lot of meetings going on all the time. Maybe that is so everywhere, but it seems as thoug, around here it is never ending .

I hope that Abba is feeling better now. I was sorry to hear that he was i ndi sposed for a few days .

I am leaving for Europe and will not be bock until the middle of /lAay. If after that there is something you want me for, do not hesitate to call.

Wannest regardS .



!lEPER TO , ('An


f'C~ '-!-- -'

MAllCH 10.12. 1961



PkESIDINCI Sidney R. Rabb, Boaton Chall'1Dan, Le"der.hlp Institute

I... PIn. Iarul D. Fink, Klnne.poU. Chatrman, United Jewleh Appul Jtatlonal oments Division.

2. Rabbi Herbert ~. Prledman. ~ York Exec::utiye. Vtc ... C~lnaan. ~lt.d J..,hb J\ppeal


9:00 A.H. - BUAlIFAST SKSSIOlt to

lli30 A.H. PRESIDIJC: Inh", s. orry. Ioch •• t.u

l. Joint Distrlbution Coamtttee - Global Review RabaT. Mshtant Director-General, Amedean ..r.vhh .Taint 01etrlbt.ttlon CaaDlt.t ..

2. Report on Coal.- and Quot ....

~orrl. w. a.rinsteln, Monorary Cbal~. United Jew1ah Appeal

12 :00 No"",, - INSTITIlTI! UJR:ru:CIl to

2e30 or paESIDDtC: Seasel Gingold, Mev Haven 3:00 ?~. He~er,. Unltecl Jevlah Appeal National Calipal&n Cablnet

Edward M. M. Warbu:ta

QUitSTIONS AND ANSWERS: Panel: Herbert A. Friedman

SaIIllel H&ber Morris W. Berlnatetn Devey D, Stone.

PRoc:kiIH • NO&THi:A.<1' LE.'nF."Hl~ UlSTITutE • page 2


to 5tOO P.K. 1. In the r..rge and MedlUlB eor-mltlea

PK1SIDlNC: Josepb W. R •••• Provideru:.

pa~ENTATIOIU N. Aaron NabOlcbeok, Hartford

PAII1lL: A. Levine., Boston J. Lins.y, BoatOftI C. Sbapi"ro, Boaton


2. In the Small CotmrIUntt lea

I.Scblne, Ixldgaport S. Sootup, WA S: Sug~n, Lynn Worce.ter

PllESml/lG. Jacob B.row."", Holyoke


PANELI Robert S. Green,Brockton Arftold. J. Cohen. M.encbeate.T, N.H. J ... C. Nab.nun, Spring( ield


S :30 P.M •• coc:n.uL PARTIES to

7:30 P.M.

8:00 P. • - Il'lSTITora BANQIla

PRBSlDING: Dewey D. Stone. Brockton Nat tonal Chatraan. United Jewish Appeal

WF.l.Ca'IING ADDRESS: lod s",lth. Boston

2. The Honorable Abba Iban

11:00 P.M. - DANCIIiG

11:00 ~ .... - CocKTAIL PARTY II< ii. A. FRImW<'S 6~"1TE


1. WA Caapa18;n Pila: WfMemo To Itlchmann" 2. RePOTt on S~ina:r.: A. N.bolc!-toeclC, Hartford 3. Resolution; Kilton lahn, Boaton

ABend •• North$a~t te.Aer.bip Institute • page 3

2. In the S-U c-ttiu

PRESIDIIIG. J~b BorftSi<y, Bol}'O~

PRESIlIITArtONI PbUlp!l. St .... k. Scbenaced}'

and D.

Abrah&lllSlavltt. Norwalk

PANaL, Robert S.. Green, Brockton

patstDIMG ••••••••••••••

PltESlmATIOIf ........ ..

PAHIL ••••••••

A· ~. Cohen, ~ncbester, N. B.

B. Phlillpo, Alba.}'

(NOtes for presentationa .uat be prepared la.ediately)

5130 P.~ •• cocn'AlL PA~. flu ~t • • ) to . 7.lO P.II.

8.00 P.M •• DlSTITUT&: )AN!llJ£t

PRESIDING. Dewey D. St~. Brecktoo. ~.tlonal Cbal~, United lewtah Appeal

AOO'BSSIS: 1. Joseph Hayarboff. General Cbalru.nt United .l .. ish Appeal

2. The Honorabl. Abba Khan

(Introductions Are nece&sa::,. for ~r. r-teye;rhoff 8I!d Mr. £ban)

11.00 P.M •• Il&NCIIG (1)

,.00 P.!! •• cocnAIL PAB!Y IN H.A.FBIEIltIAII'S SUITE (Prella:tnary Uat ·~t. C) (Special Gzoup)



PUSIl>lIIG. SI_, 1\. II&bb. aooton

1. WA Cuop.tan Plloo: "Kcoo To ilc_an"

2. Report on A~ Naboicheck~ lartford.