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  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original



    Llb. 6.


    Boril.o Croae



    Tbc Placca, llcrplce, boly Eoueee, Gaatlce,

    eld llvLelblc llouatel.ns of the Brethroa dl-

    ecovcrcd eed couualcetcd to the Iorld, for

    the full aatlefactlon of Phlloeophere, Alchy-

    rJ'etsl AetruaDtere, Geouancers, Pbyslcals

    ald AstDoDoDerB.

    llereuato 1e eddcd,

    A Bar to etop TEOI,IAS TREET ron hl's lnpud-

    clt Attcupte, a.nd nad clanber{.Eg up to Aatro-

    Dory; to rbl'ch 1s deuoastrated, that bl,e TAB-ULA COK)LIXA s all falee, aad that be belyee

    b .s lutbors, be lae aJ'ae Jrcers

    etudhg ble ora 1dn{ s{ Erper:lence.

    By roEf,EErDor Enr. OdO?WJr a ser-va.nt of god, and a Sccretary of Xature.


    H.ated by T. 1. 1662.

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original





    A ccrpleat PhysicLan t"."nirg the knowledge of aIIthings, tait, Present and yet to Cone, Diz, ofPleaeure, Long f,dfe, Eealth, Youth, Blessedness,Wisdqn and Virtue, andl to Cure, Change and Rernedyall Dieeases in both Yorng and Old.


    By John Heydon, Gent., 6tAoyor.ot, a sernrantof God, and a Secretary of Nature.

    nael dninb o[ i t" . EX.o. 32, V. 20.



    Printed by T.l . and are to be sold try ffroas Whittleseyat the Globe in Cannon Street near london-Stone, and atall Booksellers and Shops. 1682.

    'And he tosb th,e go2aen cal{ wLtch theg had, mad.e,and bunned tt in tfre F-tste, and, giand tt tq- powd,et, ahd

    ttnewed -Lt upon the 0laten, and nade t[lu- Chttdnen og lt-

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original



    Llb. 5.

    fo ry rucD' hoaourcd trtlcnds, trOltAS IEMPLE

    ol DIIRTOX ulnn thc letcr lD the Couatry

    of GIOCESTER aqul'rc, Pege to Prhcc RIIPERf,

    r.ld Gcntlcnrn of tbc Eln6a Prlvte Cbalber.

    A d


    CLfFFDRDS-If,f,, oae of tbe lttouraeye of

    tbe Klage BencL.

    AII Cclcatlal ald terrcstrlal Eapplneee

    be rlabcd.


    Ae toylab Ayres please trlvlal Ears, eo tbey tbe feacy aad

    bctray tt; but behold rtthout flattery or crpectatloa of ga1n, f glve

    you e.B urbeard of p1.cce of ROSfE CRUCfflf PEIIOSOPEI aad PtrTSICK, I dolot cry Eal'l flret, aad after cruclfleg f preeeat lt to you, becauee

    IOU ARE IUO OUARDS F SAFEN; eDd 1f tou crcept 1t aot, I ahall not

    tbercfore be ea6ry, but queetlon le relf for tbJ.e preeuuptloa, to coue

    eo plala Deforc fISDOll and VfRIIE; you taye le tD,e llret aDcoutageleat,

    ead ly PEIIOSOPEI returne to tou for Patronage; f koor your IBILITIES

    to dlscernr rad f,NOWLEDGEo defend; you beve ARt ald ClXmUR, let tbeOfE JUDGE, et thc OTEERD(CUSE.

    Juae 9. Iour rost hunble Scrvaat


    John Eeydoa.

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    nLlb. 6.

    ll llrolotuo lor el Ep11o6uc.

    I aball here tcll you rhrt ROSIE CRUCIAIS erc, end tbrt I4oSES aa

    tlcl'r Fethcr, ead be rae e6'y 11a.5 soDc e1y tbey rcre of the order of

    E[,IAS, aole ley tb Dd.aclples of EEKfEt; otheDs deilac tbeu to be

    Vrip'yp1fi *vnyip,tro, &fty pxydll p,utq bgtlpos- r t f_tr i rfY 47a, 4eopocnj zrevtu 2t cirurca5 I Le,,1.o Tbe Ofttcora of tbe GEilERAIJSSIINO f tbe rorld, that ere ae tbe

    cJre6 aad ears of the 6reat Elag, aeelag ead beer{.trg el1 tblnge; they ar

    Serapblcally 1llual-aated, re IOSES rae, asssid{r8 to thl.e order of tbc

    EIEMEI|TS, Earth rellned to laterr later to l1r1 l1r to Elre; ao of a rl

    to be one of the EEROES, of e EEROES DAElOt, or tood OEI|IUS, of a

    OEIfIUSa partakcr of Dlvlne thlager ald a GoDprn{en of the holy coEpar:r

    of uabodlqd. Souls a.ud lnnortlal Angele, ead rccdrdlag to thelr vehlcles,

    e veraatlle llfe, turnlng tbenselvee, PROTEUS- Lke, nto any ebape.But tLere 1a yet Ar6uneate to procure Hr. IILFORD, aad T. trILLfA {S

    Rosl'e Cruclale by e1ectloa, and thEt le tbc r5.reclea that rere done by

    theu, l.n ly etght; for 1t should eeen ROSfE CRUCfAI|S ere not oaly ln-

    l'tt'atcd lato tbe l{oeelcal lfbcoryr but Leve errlvcd deo to tbe lnrer o

    rorklng draclce, ea I{OSES, ELIAIi, EZEKIAI, rad tbe eucceedlag Prophete

    ttd, ea bclag traaaportedrbere they pleaeer

    aa EABIIGIIKras fron JEWRto BABIITil, or rB PEILIP, efter bo had babtlled, tbe EUITfCE, o AZOTUS

    a^ad one of theee rent fron re to a frlcnd of ulnc ta DEVOI{SEIRE, nd

    care end brou6ht ae e lrsrer to IOnDOll the eale da3r, rhl.cb 1e four

    daye Journey; tbey taugbt re ctcel'lcnt predictloas of Aatrology, aad

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    to4L1b. 5.

    Dertbquekca; thcy rhck tbc Ple8uc 1D C1t1ce; tbct .llcDcc thc vlolcat

    ft.lde ead tclpcata; thcy cdr tbc regc of tbc Sce rad Rlvms; thcy ralk

    ln tbc l1r, tbcy fruatrate tbc lelrcloue repcctg ol lltchcg; thcy cureell Dleceroa; I destrcd one of tbeee to tcII re rbctber y Couplerlon

    rerc cepable of the aoctety of ly tood CElffUS? Uhea I aec you agala,

    aal.d bel f l1.ll tell you, rhl.cb 1ar (rbcn bc plcaece to cole to lc, lor

    I haor lot rbere to 6o to h1l) Iben f arr Dlr, tben be rald, Ic abould

    pray to God; for a good ald boly Ea cen offer ao greater lor Dore IGG-

    cptable Sacrlflce to God, tben tbe oblatlon of blnse1f, bls soul.

    Ee eald aleo, tbat the 6ood GEI{II ue rE the bea5.tDo oyes of Godt

    ruadag to aad fro 1a the rorld, rlth love and plty beboldln6 tbe laao-

    ccnt eadcavoura of haruleas and alngle-hearted rcn; eyer rcady to do

    then good, and to belp then; aad at his 6olng arey be bld re berare of

    ry secnlng frlende, rbo rould do le all the hurt tbey couldr ead, cauge

    the OoverDore of tbe llatlone to be Jr6ry rltb re, e.ud aet bouads to uy

    llberty: rbl-cb truly lappened to lel ee tb,ey dJ'd lndeed: llaDy tLtags

    lore be told ne before re parted, but f ehall lot nar tbea ber6.

    For ttts ROSfE CRIICIAI(Pbyetck or l{cdlclnee, I bapply ead ulexpcct-

    cdly l1.6lt spon 1n ABABIA, rhlch rlll prove a restoratloa of bealtb to

    all that are effllcted rltb tbat glckaeas, rhlcb re ordl'narlly call

    aetural, and alL othcr Dlaeascol la tbe Goutl Dropslc, Leprosle and

    Falllag-elcklees; erd tbeee len leJr be gal'd to bave ao elall taslgbt

    1tr tbe body, aa'd tbat III,FDRD, ffLLfAilS, ead othere of tbc trlaternlty

    aor llrl-ng, lay bear up ta the aane llkely Equlprger rItL thoee aoble

    Dlrtae SplrLte thelr Predecceaora; thougb the ursk5.llfirllaeas ln reu

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    njLlb. 5.

    coEoDlJr rckEollcd6c rorc of rutruDatrurl rlrlgtucr 1E hot uascttlcd

    felcyar ud pcrllercd rthDchol:/, tLca tn tbc ceh ead dlttlnct uee ot

    tcesoD; yct lor rlae otD ltutr but aot rttbont eubal'saloa to bctterJud6clcutar I look uPoD tbeee ROSfE CRUCIAISebove all rea truly lasplrc

    eld rorc then rny that profeaeed or preteuded tbeueelves ao, thlr etr-

    tcea huadrcd' yearEr aad I el ravl.aberl rtth 1dr{jgtton of thclr nlreclee

    ud, traaeccndent tecbrnlcel lnvcntloue, for thc aolvla8 tbc pEBIOUnVIA

    ln tbe rorld; I lay rlthout offence therefore coDpare tbcn rtth BEZAIF

    IEL ead AEOLfABT hoee eklllful aad cuu1a6 rorkers of the Tabernacle,lbo, ae I'OSES catlfieer tcre fllled rltb the Splrlt of God, aad there-

    fore lere of aa crcellcnt undcretaadlug to flad out all laaaer of cur-toue tolh.

    llor ls aly lore ergrueatr that theee ROSfE CRUCIAJ|S re not lnsplred

    becauee they do lot say they ere; tben tbat otbers are 1aeptred, becaue

    they eay tbey are; rblch to le ls no arguneatat aII; but the euppte6g-

    1oa of rbat eo bappened, rould artue uuch rore aobrtety and rodesty;

    rbea aa the procesed,oa of lt rltb eobcr leDr tould be suspected of soneptece of relaacholy and dletractlon, cepeclally lu thcee tb1agsl rbere

    tb'e grand plcaeure 1e tbe crldeDce ud crerctee of reasoa, not e bare

    bcl:lef, or rD lneffabl.c Benae of llfe, .n resBect rbcreof tbere te ao

    tnrc Cbrlatlaa but be te lneplred; but lf rly rore zealous pretender toprudence ud rlgbteousesa, raatlag eltber lcleure or eblltty to cranlne

    tlcse BOSIE CRUCIII lledlclaea to the bottor, sDell notrlthetaadlng elthe

    coldana tben or ldr{re thet, be hatb uabccoaiagly ead ladeecreetly veu-

    tured out of hle ora epbere, ead f caaaot acqult Dl'a of 1'aJuettce or

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    n6t lb ' 6.

    folrt: for er r r tosrE cRocrlf,r ror do r rpcrk of rDtto, or hopG ot6e1 r or for rly t|rch iattcr; tbcrs le lo clule, God raora, r cnrLc Do

    ll 1 bc Lc rbet hc rllr bc, r el no PbyeLcrB, Dcvcr rl , lor DGvr reato be: rbet r ar lt relrce lo retter la to ry profcealon.

    hatlyr tbegc holy ead Sood ren rould bavc le haor, thrt the 6rcat-cet lrcct rad pcrfectloa of e vcrtuoue loul', l.e tbe hladly eccorprteb-rclt of hcr ora aature, 1a tnre rladol ald dlrtnc love; rld tbcae ulr-eculoug thhge thlt are doae by tber, lre, thet tDet rortb aad klorled-ge

    tbat 1e ln tbel nay be takea aotlce of, aad tbat God tbereby uaybe 6lorltlcd, rhoee rltacseee they ue; but lo otber happlness accrueato tbeu frou thre, but thrt bcreby tbey lay be la a bcttcr eapeclty ofrddlg otbere bapDy.

    SpLttle-f1elde tble

    fOth. of Hay, 1662.

    iloDa Ecydoa.

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    ,o?LLb. 6.


    Doelc Croaa


    Ihe Slrtb 3ook.

    Oodr bccauac hc raa toodr dtd aot 6r1cve to bave otbcre caJoy hla

    coodaeeer (tlat 1t, to be ead to be rell) neanlag to nake a forld, firll

    of ell klnds of everlaatln6 ead cbrr'8eablc thln6e; Elrat nade ell, ead

    blcaded thel 1n one rbole coafireed rasa aad hup togetber, bora up by

    hla ora relght, bcadlag round upo lt ae1f.

    Than seelag lt lay ettll, ead tlat nougbt could bcget aad rork upo

    lt eelf; he eortod out, end erudred a tay round about, a flae rlvely

    Plcce (rhlcb tbcy call EEAVEI|) for the IiALElOVm aad tORKfItG; Iearlag

    atlll tD,3 rcst aa 6roas aad deadly, rhlch loyes 'n oplnaltlon to LfGET,ud 1a called DIRKIESS, tbe rerard of tbe rlcked; aad belor t11's lles

    tbc EEltAIf, to recelve tbe rorklag eld faaDlonlag, rLlcb re terl the

    four bcgj.aalnte (or Elsleuts) EAnfB, IATER, AfR ald FIRE; lad thereof

    aprtaga tbe Ipve lhlcb te lce get bctreea then, and the great dcstre

    to bc Johed agala tad couplcd together.

    Ihenr tlat thesc dght be no lfiuber of Coafugtoa la rtolag cauaes,but all to f;Ior tron one Lead, ae be la Oae, Le drer all force of rork-

    lng ead vlrtue of be6etthg lnto oDc natrot ead rouad colpaaa, rhlcb

    re call SOL; frou thelce bc aent out, apreed eld beatorcd eIl about

    tLc rorldr Dotb ebove aad, belor, rhicb atah leetlag togctber, uade one

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    50ELlb. 6.

    t.Dcnl LfgE:[, EEI,T, IATIIRE, IIFE rDd lnUL of tbc lorldr thc ceuas of

    AI,L lEItrOS.

    lad bcceusc lt bccorcth tLc lll0Ef, ffSDOl,t eld PLEISIIRE ot God tordre rad rslc thc latLnl'te varl,cty of chelgcg bcre belor, aad not ryeF-

    tote oae ttrlag: f,e collalded that (oae LIGET l'n lAay) to ru

    hl'a ctcraal ald restleae Rece to ead, fro, thls ray and tlet rsyr that

    by thelr var{.eble prEence, lbaeace aad rcetl-ag they nlght fttly rork

    the coathual chalge of fl1ttla6 Creature. So WRGIL rtnge: Tbus traae

    Iatsd by EUGEIVIUSEDODfDACTUS.Ald fl'ret tbe Eeavens, Earth, aad llqul.d


    fhe lboue br{gDt Olobe, ead Stars lDl,ta-


    A Spl'rtt fed rlthla, spread ttrough tbe


    ADd rlth thc huge heap ntrt 1nfueed a


    f,eace l.larr ud Beaats, aad Btrds derlve

    tbelr etraln,

    .lnd ltolstcrs f,Ioatlng 1a the rarbled


    Tbeee geede bave flery v16orr eld e birtb

    Of Beavcaly race, but clogged rftb heavle


  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original



    Ll,b. 6.

    for tlcrc uc r hlnd of rclr rB tbcy thcrgclvca rcDort, lrnrd ROSIE

    CRUCIAXS, dlvlDc Frrtcrdty tbrt labebltc the Suburba of Ecevoa, ead

    tLcss uo thc Otflccre of the OEIERILISSIIO of tle forld, thrt er 16

    tbe cyce ead cara of the 6rcat f,1agr ecelag aad heerlag ell tblage:

    tbey eey tbcse ROSIE CRUCflIfS ere eerepbJ.cel'ly tf]nn{1atcd, ea IOSES

    raa, lccordlag to thla ordcr of tbe Elercata, EutI rctlned to letcr,

    latcr to Alr, l1r to Elre. So of a Dln to be onc of tbc EEBOES, f r

    EEROES DAEl()f,, or tood GEilIUST of e GETIUS e partdrer of Dlvlac th{ng

    ead a Coupan{on ol tbe holy Conpaay of unbodled Soule e.ud lnnortal lag-ela, ald accordlng to tbelr Vehlclee, l vcreatlle llfe; turnlng theu-

    eelveer PROTEITS-11ko, nto el5r ahape.

    But tbe rlcbcat happhees they ceteen ls tbe glft of healtng and

    acdlclne; lt ras a long tlue, great labour aad travel before tbey could

    arrLye to thle Bllae above aet; they rcro at flret poor Oeltleuen tbat

    gtudledGod aad Xature, ea they thenselvee coafess;


    the only rl'ee end lerclful God tn theee lettcr days hatb tpured out eo

    rlcbly bl.e rercy erd 6oodncae to, rhereby re do ettaln rore ald

    lore to the perfcct kaorledge of hl'a Son Jeaua CLrlat eld lature; that

    tuatly ta ralr boeet of the hrppy tlne, rhereln tLere te not only dl'e-

    covered uato ue tbe helf pert of tbe lorld, rhJ'cb rae heretofore u k or

    ead blddca; but be betb eleo rade ladfest ulto u8 rany londcrfirl ead

    Dcysr bcretofors aooD rorke ead Crcatures of f,aturc, ead loreoyor hath

    ralscd lcD, ladued rlth great rlador, rblch rJ.6ht pertly rclet ead re-

    duce all Arta (1n tLlc our Ager slnttcd eld tlperfcct) to perfectton.

    Eo ElaaIIy ra.n dtht tbereby uaderetand hle orn I()BLEIESS ald UORI

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    troLlb. 6.

    ead tby he 1a callcd IIICROCOSUUS, ad Lor frr knorlcige rrtcBdcth la


    tltbou6h tbe rude lorld hcrerlth rllf bc but lttt1c plce,aed, butrether er1le ead ecoffe tbcreat; elso tbc prtdo ald covcteousncee of

    tbe Lcarncd 1s ao gteatr 1t rlll aot auffcr tbcn to egree together; but

    lre tLey ualtedr tbey rlght out of ell thoee tDlnga, rLlcb 1n thls our

    egc God dotl ao r{.cDly beetor upon ua, collcct tLe H)OK OF ttlTltRE, or a

    perfect aethod of all otber Arts, rbereof thls 1s the chlef; aad there-

    fore called R.C. AXIOMATA, ut euch 1s thelr oppoeltlon thrt they attllh,eep; eld are loath to leave tbe old course eateenlng PORPBORY, RIS-

    fi)TLE aad GALEf,T ea aad that rbtcb bath but e leer ehcr of lcarnlug,

    lole thcl tbe clear safl rar{ fest llgbt aad truth; rbo lf they rere Dorr

    llTlngr rttb uucb Joy rould leave tbelr erroEeoua doctriaes. But bere

    1e too great reakaeee for auch a gteat lorh.

    lad although ta TEDOIfGfE, PEISICK,AttD TEE IIAI'EEI{ATfCKS, h,e truth

    dotb oPPose t 1t eelf; leverthelees tbe Old e e y by h1s eubtllty aad

    craft doth eher hlneelf ln hlader{.ng eyerv tood purpo:e by hls lagtnr-

    reats aad coltentloas (raverlag people.) To eucb an lntent of a general

    refornatloar tbe rost godly and eerapblcally tflur{astcd Fatber, out

    Brother, C.R. a GERI{AII, hc chlef aad Orlgtaal of otir Fratenlty, hath

    ruch ald loag tlae raboured, rho by reason of bts lnverty (although a

    OentLclaa borl, aad deacended of lfoble perenta) 1a the ftftb lroar of bls

    Age ras placed ta a Cloleter, rhere he bad loaned lndlfferently thc

    Greck ead Latla tonguesr (rho upon hls earaeet deed,rc ald rcqueet) belag

    yet 1a Dls trorllg Jrearor rag aesoclrted to a Brothet P.l.L. rho bad

    d,etenfued to go to APAI'IIA.

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    l l t

    Llb. 6.

    llttougb llr brotbcr {ycd 1a CI?RUS, eld o Dcvcr clre to APA.}SA,

    yct olr brothcr C.R. ild aot rcturu but ahlpDcd hl'uclf ovcrr tnd rcat

    to DI {ASCO, rladlng lrol tbcace to to to lPll[A but by rcaeoa ot tbcfccblcacea of hl'e body bc relalacd 4t111 there, e.nd by hl'a ak1ll la

    PEISfCK, Lc obta1aed rucb fevour rltb tbc ISEI{ALfTS. In the neaa tllc

    be bccue Dy cbeacc rcqua1atcd rlth tLc rlae rca of Dll{CAn ta AMBfA,

    eld bcbcld rLet greet rondcra tbcy rrougbtl ead bor f,eture rae dlacov-

    crcd uato thclr bcrcby rae that hlgh aad aoblc aptrtt of brother C.R.

    ao etlmcd up tbat APAIfIArae aot ao ruch nor 1a hle liud ee DAMCAR;also be could lot brldle hte deelree uy 1on6er, but lade e bargaln

    rttb tbe ARAEIANS bat tbey ehould carry bh for a certah au of loaey

    to DAlfC.[R; bla tee 1a tbe l6tb. Jreer of bl.e Age, rhen tbe rlee recelved

    hl.u (as be b:lneclf rttneeeeth) not as a Stranger, but aa one rhou they

    bad long expccted; tbcy called hl.n by hle aale, aad abered blu otber

    aecrete out of hJ'e Cloyeter, rhereat be could not but dgbtly londer.

    Ee lcarncd tbere better tbe ARABIAITongue: eo that tbe year follor-

    1ng be lralslated the Eook l{ l'nto 6ood Latln, eld f bave put lt lnto

    EI|OLISE, rear{.lg tbe tLtle of IBE IISEUAI|S CROft; rbcreunto 1e addcd,

    A trET I.IETEOD F ROSIE CRUCIAI PEYSICK. llLta la tbe place rhere he dld

    letra Lla Phyetck ead Phlloeophle hor to ral'ee the dead; for exalple,

    la r Silfi(E cut 1a plcces eld rottcd l,n duatr rtll everJr plcce prove a

    rbolc SnAtrE atalDr & ctc. ead tbca thcy bcgaa to practlae furtLcr lattere

    rld to kl'll blrde tDrt ere brcd by force of aeed ead conJurctlon of

    l{fLE eld, EE]iALE; e.od to Dura tbel bcfore tbey ere cold la a 6laee, aad

    eo rottcdr ead thea lacloecd 1l e shell, to hatcb 1t uadcr e Een; and

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    , r2Ll,b. 6.

    toltorc tbe ruc; lld otbcr ttrugc p ofs thcy trd of Do6r, Eogs,

    ol Eorscar eld by tbc l:ll,c khdly cornrptlo to nl. r ttcl up t6alD,

    ud tucr tbcr: lrld rt leet tbst could rcatorc, by thc luc coutso,

    .verJr tsotbcr thet dl'cd to l:lfc eld ao contlnuc raly A6eei tbe

    nrJ'ca tou illd la tLc fourtb Dook.

    Lct rc tpeek e rord (altbough I en rc ROSIE CRUCIAil) of tLla letter

    ead, raucr of rcator{.ag of e tu; Lct US CALL fT BEIORE REASOII, etld

    colatder rbet tlat SEED 1e thet lakee ral, aad the place rhere bc ls

    rade: rbat 1e eII tbc rork, 1e lt aay thl,ng else but a part of uan (er-cept ll e rlnd) rooted 1l a COfTffUlL, glfEf,, cEtrTLE, tOfST, aad TATIIRAL

    EEAS? Ie 1t lot ILke that thc rbole bodvr rottcd l.n llke ttDler, aad 1a

    e roub agrecebler ehall arln out, at last qul'ckca, aad ar:lee tbc aale

    thlag? ae I{EDEA ouad true uDo TIASOXSatber, a^ad nade bl'n IOIIlfc AGAII

    es TIIf,,LI ealtbr RECOQUEf,DO. ADd BERMES aa after tDls laDter rateed

    froa dcatb to Llfe; ao taa ItfRGfL the Poet: but tbe SFATISE Earl falled,througb tb'e tgroragce of ble H.cad tbe artlet that rlctook tbe beat,

    roleturer aad teaper of tbe rork, ea lrou heard ln the third booh.


    IS DEEPr eld ronderful la Lcr deeds, lf tDey bc aearcbcd to the bottou,

    ead, ra5r gulfer tDler but aot RELIOfOil. Eut to our R.C. rbo learned hls

    HATEEUATICKSere, rbereof tlc rcrld battr tuet cruae to reJoyce, lf

    thcre rero Dore loye, errd lcee cDylr llter three lrcare he returaed

    egeln 6ood coa"eentr ahlpped hl.leelf oyer SIIIUS ARABICUS'nto EGYpt;

    rberc Le relalncd aot longr but only took Detter aotlce there, of tbe

    Plalte ead Creatutee, of ld,neral l{edlclreB, the falous AIIRUMFOTABLE,

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    ,r,IJ.b. 6.

    tlet curcr ell eteclrce ln body eld d.Ddr eld of thc O1l of 6old.

    ltca Lc rel'lcd ovcr tbc rholc l{cdltcrm ,ru Sce, lor to colc uato

    FEZO rbcro thc lRlBfAf Lrd dlrectcd h1r. lad 1t l.e e great ahane ulto

    ue thet rtec roDl o tar relotc tbc oae fnon tbc othcre abould aot only

    bc ol oae op 'n .on, batllg r11 coatcntlous rrtttate; but eleo be eo rlll-

    lag eld rced5r, ulder the Scal sf Sccrecy to lqlart thclr accrets to oth

    EverT yelr thr IRABfAIS eld AFRfCAXSdo aend oae to enotbcrr lnqul'r-

    1ag oae of aaothcr out of thetr .Crte, IF EAPPILI TEEI EAVE OUNDOUT

    SOT{E ETTER EIIIGS; OR TF EXPERIEI|CE AD TEAfiEITED EEIR REASONS, YeaTIYtbere crre eonet 1ag to l16bt, rbereby tbe HAIf,EMATICA, CBfSfR and ll,AG

    (tor 1n tboee are tbey of EEZ noat aklllful) rere aneaded; aa therc l'e

    nor edaSre La CEm{Aff no raat of learned uea, CABAIfSTS, PEISICAtrS, ASTR

    IOGERSTGDOUAI|CERS,ad PEIIOSOPEERS, ere tbere but love aad nore klnd

    lcas ruolg tbenl or that tbe nost prt of tbeu rould not keep thelr

    eecreta: ea tegERltAl{S

    lkerlee dght 6ather to6ether DeBy tLlnge, lfthere rere the llke ualty: aad deelre of eearchlag out of aecrete anong


    After tlo yearst Brother C.C. departcd the C1ty FEZ, end galled rtth

    leDy coetlJr thlngs lato SPAII|, hoplng rell; bc eo rell aad eo profltably

    apent hls tlne 1l Travel, tbat the learned la EUROPE ould h16hly re-

    Jolce rttb lrlar eld be6aa to RuIe, ud order ell tbelr Studlee, accord-

    1Dg to tDoec eould ald sure fouadatlons: Be tlerefore coaferred rl,tb

    tbe lcaroed 1l I'IADRID, ebcniag then the frore ol SODOI{ nd GOI,DRRAB,

    eld Lor tl.e faulta of the Church by EPISCOPACI, and the rbole PEIIOSOPE

    IA IORALIS ras to be a.uended.

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    IJ.b. 6.

    Brt bcceu tbclr rcccptucc btppclsd to b1n contrary to htg rrlrGct

    rtloDr bc1n6 thea rtady boultlfully to tlpart all ll.s Arte ead Secrete

    to tbc Lcarnedr tf tbey rould bave but uadertalcl to rrltc If,E IRUEilfD IilFALLIEE fl(rOldATA, rblcl be krer rould dLrcct thcu, llke a GIOBE

    or CfRCLE, to tLe only dddle Dotat end centrru, aad (es lt 1e usual

    rloDg tbc ARABIAXS)1t abould ooly aerye to the rlse aad Learncd for a

    Buler that also there nlgbt bc a eoclety 1n C.Cf,l.0lI Ltch ebould have

    Coldr Sllver, end precloue Stonee, suftlclent for to bcstor tbeu ou

    Elags for tbelr DecessarJr uae, and larful purpoEes: rlth rblcb euch aebe Ooveraoure rl.gbt be brougbt up to learu all that rhl,ch God bath auff-

    ered, raa to ktot.

    Brother C.R. after a:Dy Travele, ead hls fruitless true lnetructloas,

    returaed agaln lnto GERI.|A$I, ead tbere bullded a neat aad flttln6 bablt-

    atlonr upon a LfTILE EILI or l0Ulff, aad oa the E.111 tbere reated alrays

    a cloud; ead be dld tl,cre render DJ.ueelf rlstble or lnvlelble, at his

    ora d.ll aad dlecretlon. Ia tbl's houae be epeat a great tlne ln tbe

    tlATtrEl,tATfCKSr nd uade laDJr flne Iaetr rents, Ef OUilfHtS EIUUS ARTfS


    lfter flve yearg clte llto hle d.nd the rlabed return of the cbLld-

    tca of ISRAET out of DGI[{I, bor God rould brlng tbcn out of bondage rltb

    tb,e Iaatruleat I|OSES. Thea he rent to hI.s Cloyeterl to rhl'ch be bare

    affectlour aad dealrcd three of hls Dretbren to go rtth hln to llOSES,

    tEE CEOSEN ERVAI{T F COD Brotber G.V. Brother I.A. ead Brother I.O.

    rho beeldea, tbet they bad lore knorledge ln tbe arte, tbea at tbat

    tlre laly othere bad, be dJ.d blnd tboee three unto hheelf, to be

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    ,r ,Llb. 6.

    fdtltttr dlIlgcntr eld sccret; rB rlao to corult carcfirlly to rrlttat

    IEAT IOSES DID; e^ud elro eIl tbet Le rrbonld dl'rcct ead laatruct

    ttrcu 1q to thc cad that thoee rblcb tcre to cole, eld through eepec-1al Revelatloa abould be recclved lato tbJ's FRATERI{III, nlgbt aot be

    decelved of tbe leaet ayllable ead lord.

    lftcr thle lalDct be6aa the fateralty of thc ROSIE CROSS, lret

    by four Psrlolar rho dlcd aad roae egeln ulttl Chrlat, ud tLon tbsy

    caDe tq ;speh{p aa the Star gr[ded theu to BEIELE{ of .IIIDErA, here lay

    our SAWOIIR IY EfS f,rTEmS AR}IS; aad then tbey opeaed thelr Treasureend prceented uato Dlr GIIIS, GOLD, FRAI|KII|SEIISE, ad I|ARBTEE, end by

    tbe Gonnaadnent of God rent boue to thelr habltatloa.

    llhese four ra:dng youDg agalu succeselvely Daly buadrede of yeare,

    nade a I{AGICALLAIfGttAGEad WRfTItrG, rltb a large DICTIORARY, blch re

    tet lrrlJr uge to Gods pralse and tlory; and do flnd 6reat rl'ed,oa tberela;

    they lade also the flrst part of tbe book H. rLlcbI

    rlll ehortly publle

    by tbe Tltle of IEE TfSEDIAXSCROUtr.

    trol rhllest Brotber C.R. rae 'n a proper ronD quLckcala6, t .cy coa-

    clsd,ed to drar ald recelve yet ot ,ers lore l'ato thelr Fraternlty: To tbl

    cad ras chosea Brother R.(I. b1e deccased FATEERS ROTEERS Olf; Bnother

    B.8 elr|llful Palnter, G. thelr Secretary, aad P.D. aaotber Bnother

    clceted by coneent; aad E,F. all GERIiAIIS,ercept I.A. go l.a all they

    lcre dae 1a nurberr all BATCEEIORS nd of UOTEDVfRGfMTY; by thoee

    ras collected a volula of all tbat rblcb Ea , ea deeil.rel rlah or bope


    after euch a rost laudable eort they dl'd spend tbelr ltvea; ald

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    'r6L1b. 6.

    eltbough tbey rcre frcc lrol ell 4lecl c8 ud pdnr fot utrtttbetqld{rt

    tbcy coul.d not llve ud lnee tbclr tlnc eplntatcd of 0o0: So thcy ell

    dlcd,r et tLc dcath of our lprd ead Sarlour rtcaus Clrlatr rDd thelr Sp-lrI.te attsadcd bl.l l.nto glory. Xor tbc eccond ror of tLcse len by laDt

    rore called tbe Tlse lea of the Eeet; eld clgbty oDc ycare the Sccrets

    of thla llatcralty rere colccelcd.

    Ior tbe tnrc ead fuadmcatal Rclatt'oa ol ttadlng the rcrorlr of tbe

    llaterll'ty of tbe ROSfE CROSS e thLe. A learaed raa la GERI{,A$I,eut

    to flnd out tbe rlse uen of tbe East lnto lary Couatrlee, but coul.dDever hear of aalr of tben: So bellg provldcd of GoId aad Sllver, l.lc4lc-

    1nee, tlnctures ead Teleelee, be cboae r llaeter of f,ruberg A. to be L1s

    Conpadon: aad flad1lt r old rtrange habitrtloa, thcl tbey eet tbeneel-

    ves to alter tlle bulldlng, ta rhlcb renerJ,ng, be llgbted ulnn the aen-

    or{.al Teble, rLlcb ras caat la Brase, end coata1aed all tbe aalcs of the

    Bretbren, rJ'tb roDe teu other thlngs; thls De traleterrcd to aaother

    Dore fl.ttt'ag Vault great Joy; for Le Lad aever heard of thte lra-

    tertltyr bcla6 all dcad elghty oae ysere before hl's tlne. fn thts lable

    stuck a great nallr aorerbat etrong, ao that rhea 1t rae rltb force

    drara outr l't took rl'tb lt a atone end a plece of thl.n rall, or plaeter- of tbe Dlddea door, ead eo, udoohcd for, ulcovcDcd the door; rhere-

    fore rc dl'd rlth Joy aad 1on61ag tDlor dora the rest of the ralll aad

    clcared tbe doorr trpol rLJ.cb rae rrltten J'n 6rcat Lcttere, POST 81.

    Af,l3OS llErc, rltb tbc year of our loDd rnder 1t.

    lberefore r 6ave God thraka, aad let tbc rest tbrt eale dg[t; la

    tLe follorlag rc opcDed tbe door, ead tbere tppared to our

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    , r?l,l,b. 6.

    r16Dt r Yeult of Gte eldea rld corotr , cvcay 1d6 flvc foot broad,

    eld ths bclgbt ol dlc foot. llthoutb thr Sua Doycr ehl'acd ln thlg

    Yeultr aevcrthcleas 1t rae oallghtcncd rltb raothcr Sun rhlch had leara-

    cd tLta of tbe 8ua1 eld ras altuated l.n the uppcr part la tbe ceuter

    of the cclllnt; la the ddat, 1natcad of e Iolb-atoae, rla I round Al-

    terr covered ovtt rltb e Plete of Braeg, end thcreon ras tbl.s cntreyrL.

    t. c. R. c. Eoc uf,rvERsl ooltPEIfDIItu mus tI8I


    Round ebout tbc flrat clrcle or brln atood.

    .t,Esus MIBI OtfirA.

    Ia tbe nlddle rere four Elguree, lnclosed l.a four Clrcles, rboeeclrcuuecr.l,ptloa rae.


    2. LEGrg JUOltU.



    lthl'e all clear ead br"J.6ht, ee rlso the aeventb alde, aad the 2.

    EEPTA@f,I: do tc knceled al'l dora together, ald tavc thenke to tbe aole

    llaer eolc l{lghtyr aad eole Eteraal God, rbo hath taugbt trs lore then

    aII leae rit could Deve found out, eld pralsed be h1e holy lfane: llhle

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    t tE

    Lf.b. 6.

    YAITLT c tlutcd llto thrcc Inrttr tbc uppcr Drat or cclllatr tht trll

    oD il,dc, tbc 6rould or floor.

    Of thc uppcr put you ahelI uadcrgtald Do rorG of 1t et tlle t1ue,but that 1t raa dlv1dcd eccordlng to the EcveB aldce la thc Trlaagle,

    rhlcb raa la the brLgbt Ccater: but rbat thcreh 1a contalacd, you sball,

    god rlUlagr (that ere dcslDoua of our Soctety) bchold tbe sane rltb

    lrour orD rea; but cyorlr alde or rell le parted tato tea aquares, eycry

    oae rltb tbelr eeveral El6uree ead Seateacee, es tbey are truly sberedt

    ald set forth Conceatratun bere ln tble Book.Tbe botton agaln ts parted la tle trlangle, but because tbereln ls

    dcecrlbeil the porer ald rule of the lnferlour Goveraours, re leave to

    mn{ f6s the eale, for fear of tbe abuee by the evL1 ald unto&Iy rorld.

    But thoee tbat are provtded aad atored tbe beaveDly Aatldote, tb.ey

    do rltbout fear or burt tread on the bead, ot O/ rcUe$ tbe old, aad

    evtl Serpent, rh1ch thle our Age ts reLl fltted, for. EYery atde orrall bad a door for a Gheat, rherela there lay dlvere thiage, especlally

    all tbe lorhe of C.R. hor e e.d hls Eretbren ra1eed cach other to Llfe

    rgala: la tbose Books tete rrltten of thelr 6otEg to BEIELEEAI'Io uor-

    ship our Savlour rfceue Cbrlatr rld of the ITI,IERARIUM, rrd tlfllfi,t of C.R.

    ln elotDer Cheet tcre looktag-glaeeee of dlvere vlrtues; as aleo .n otbe

    placcs tore ltttle Bcllar aad R1n6e, rhlch lf a.ay raa put upon hls fln-

    gcrr be geencd lor 11 6reen, tbcn la rhtte end blue, red ald bloon, aad

    ell naaaer of colours; tbue r11l hte Oarneata shanto lnto a pure colour

    sverJr nonent: tbere rere burnlng Lalpe, e.ud tonderful artlflcal Sougs,

    rhlcb tbcy barl kept oyer alnce Ood apake to IIOSES 1l tbe l{ouat: tfbey

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    5t9Ll,b. 6.

    hopt tbc old Tcatucnt carcfully, eld GrDrctcd CERIST to be borl; rDd

    cbolc forty tlvc rcrc to bcer rltncee to thc lncredulous lorld end sulrc

    rtltloua Scctar tbet CD'rlet ls the Son of Ood, rad rrs cruclfilcd atTIERUSALEM;Dd lctt tbese Brctbreu eLl the ronderful Uorks of G,odr ead

    tbe lcte of TSSES ud tbe Prophete, to tbe end, that lf lt ebould heppc

    eftcr laay buadrede of ycaral tbe Order or Frrternlty abould cone to

    rothllg; e.ld lf Tyraate ehould burn thc old Teatareat, rhlcb tbey bear

    rltlees to be tLc lord of God, tbet tber they ntght by tbla oDly Vault

    be reatorcd agalu.lad tbere la eaother Yrult or Eabltatloa of the Bretbren ln tbe

    leet of ENGL/If,D,aad, tbere la recorded all the lfer Teeta^uent, aad cvert

    Ghepter crplal'ucd.

    lor ee yet re had not aeeD tbe dead body of our carefirl and rlse

    Fetber la tbe GERllLF-EfLL; re therefore reuoved tbe Altar aslde, there

    rc llfted up a strongPlate

    ofBnaes, a^nd ouad a falr aad rortby body

    rbole aad uacoleuned, ee tbe seoe l's here, Ilvely counterfelted rlth alt

    tLe Orlrueate ead Attlree; tn bl'e bald be held a Parchneat book dlvlderl

    llto tro lnrter tbe flrat rae the old Testanent, ead cvery Cbapter tatcr-

    pretatedr aad the otber 1e the Book I1 rblcl uert tato tbe Bdble 1g our

    8reatest trcaeurcr rhlcb ougbt to be dellvered to tbe ceaeurc of the

    rorld. lt tbe cad of thle Book etaadetb thle follortn6 EIOGfUM.

    C.R. of C. Et Ioblll atque epleadlda Gcruaaae R.C. Fardlta ortua-

    dnsr v1r sul eecull Dlvl.ds revelatloulbue, Subttllaedde Iuagtaatlon-

    lbuel fadcfeeele Laborl,bue ad, Goelestla atque bune.a lgreterla, arca.Dave

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    ,aLlb. 6.

    rdi.ltNrtr Dostqur lurl (qurn fnfBICO & fl:Rlcfm, IIfERIBUS @I.LEGERA

    plulquer rcCa rtqua lapcretorLen Gecrr luo rcculo aoadul Coavsalctcl

    Doltcrltatc cnrcndar cudodl.yleeet, & tar autrur Artlur, ut & nonlaLetldca lc contulctlsehoe Ecredea lastlgulaaet, ruadun ltLautut oualbus

    llctlbul lletao 1111 rcapoadentcr Febrl,caaect, hocquc taaden Praeterlt-

    lrutr Preeacntlua & futurerua reruD Conpcadlo, Ceutcaerlo llalor, loD

    rorbo (quon lpae luDqua Corpore erpertua crat, anr.uquaat elloe lnfeet-

    are ghebat) ullo pclleate, aed Splrl.tu Del evocaate, lllurlnatan all-

    ral (lnter Fratuun elplenrs & u].tlna Oecula) Eldellselno Greator{. Deoreddldleeetr Petcr dllectlesluue, Fra. suan{ eelauer Preceptor Eldellee-

    buer adcue lategenlnus, ar rula ad l4OO. .0anoe hlc ebecondltue est.

    Uaderaeatb they had subscrlbed theuselvee.

    l.fra. r. a. Fra. c. E. Fre. r. E. Electloac flaternltatls


    2. I}a. G. Y. l{. P. C. S.

    5. Ila. R. C. Jrulor baeree S. SptrJ.tue.

    4. Fra. B. ll. P. l. Plctor & Arclut ectus.

    ,- l.ra- G. G. F. E. M. P. r. c. A. ll. cabbarLeta F. u. f, .

    Q. A. Z. B. X. O. tr. P. E. D. L. E. K. H. Z. A. S. C. R.

    Secuadl Clrcull.

    l. ta. T. E. Succceeor, Era. p, A. Hatheuatlcua.

    ?. Fe. f. O. Succcesor, Era. A. D.

    ,. Fa. P. R. succeasor Patrla c. R. c. cu cbr-r,eto Tr{.rup-


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    )2rLlb. 6.

    l't thc old trs rrlttca.

    Er Doo araclrur, ta Jcau l{ortrur, Der SDlrltur Selctun rGvly-


    At tLle day tbe ROSIE CRUCIAIISbat Lrve bcea atace Cbr.Let, EaVr

    tbetr llatcrdty labablte the IEST OF htlaDd; ead thcy tave llkerlse

    Dorer to rener tbcraelvea, ead rar tour6 rgalne ea thogc dl'd before

    the blrtb ol Jeeue Cbrtat, ra tou ray read J'a raay Booke.

    Aad Dr. F. saltb, aonerbere tbere 1s a Caetle ln tbe lest of EI|GLAX1l tbe carthr ald not on the earth, aad tbere tbe ROSIE CRUCIAIIS rell,

    guerded rltbout ralla, aad lnescselug aothJ'ag, tbey enJoy ell thlnta;

    la thle Castle ls great Rlchee, tbe Eallc falr and rl'cb to behold, end

    tbe Cbalbere are nade and coaposed ol rhlte l{arble; et the cad of tbe

    Eall tbcre ls a Cblueyr rbereof tbe tro Plllare that auateln the l{antlc

    treer are of flaeJaaperr ead tbe l{ant1e 1e of rlch Calcedoay, aad the

    Llatcl ls rade of flne EueralCr trelled rlth e rlng of ftne GoId, ead

    the grapee of flae Sllverr ead all tbe Plllarg la tbe EalI ere of red

    Calcedonle, ead thc pavelent le of tlne lrber.

    Tbe Cbarbere arc banged rlth rlch clothee, aad tbc belcbea and bed-

    ateede ere all of rblte Ivory, rlehly 6aralahed rlth prccloua atoaee;

    tbe Beds tere rlcbly covered; tbcre ere fyory Preaeea, rhercon uc all

    lalDer of Bil.rde cunalagly rroughtr aad 1a tbeee Presece erc Gorae and

    Bobee of roet flnc Goldr and roet rlcb llaatles, I\ured rlth SaDlee, rad

    all ranaer of tlch Oarneatg.

    lad tbere 1a a Vaultr but 1t ls b16ger tben that ln OERI{,AIfY,hlcb

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    )zzLl,b. 6.

    tg ee clcu, r thoutD thc Sua 1a tbc diet of tLc drt brd catcrcd 1n

    et tol rlndorc, yct 1t 1r rcvcatcorc etcpe uldcrtroutd: |ld thcrc lre

    tcl Scrvr.Dts of tLc ROSIE CRUCflfS, fel'r yoult ren: lld C. B. rcports

    thls; rbea I flret crle to tbe Socicty (ealtb be) f uy e great Oveu

    rlth tro loutbe, rllch dld cast out great-clearaeaEr by rhlcb four youl

    rcn lade Paatc for Bncad, ead tro dellvcrcd thc Ipevee to other tro,

    rad tbcy rlt thsa dora upon e rlch cloth of elll,; thcn tbs otber tro

    nsl took the loaves, aad d.ellvered tbea uato oDe lan by tlo Loaves at

    oDce, ald be dl.d eet then lnto tbe Ovca to bakc, ead at tbe other loutbof the Oyea, there rae a laa thrt drer out the rhlte Ioavee aad Peetst

    ald bcfore hl'n ras elothcr young raD, tbrt recelved thelr end put tbel

    lato baeheta, rLlch tere rlchly patatcd.

    C. B. rent lato aaother Cbanber cltbty one Cublte frou tbls, and

    thc ROSfE CRUCIAI|S elcoaed Lln; for be fouad a Table ready eet, aad

    the c loth 1a1d,, aad tbere etood Pote of SJ,lver, e.o,dVeesele of Gold,bordered rtth preclous Stoaee aad Pcarl, aad Baeone and Elers of GoId

    to raeh thelr baad,s; tbcn rc reat to dJ.aler; of all Dalrer of Eleah,

    Forlr aDd Eleb, of ell e Dt of llcet la tbe rorld, tbcre they had plea

    eld Pota of Gold.6aralabed ulth precloue Stonee full of tlne: Thl.e Chal-

    ber rae rade of Chryetal, aad palated rlcbly rltb Gold aad Arure, and

    npoD the rallr rre rrltten ead eagravcn dI tblnge paet, preseat, aad

    to coucr and all ranrre of toldea l{edlctaee for the diaeaeed, rs Jrou

    rcad J'a the Prcface3 upoa thc Pavenert ra6 BpDeed broad Roeee, Elorers,

    aaO Eerbe ereet-enelllag ebove all eavours l'n thc rorld; aad ln thl.s

    CLauber rre dlvers Bil.rds flylag about, aad s1ngl'nt larvellous ereetly.

  • 8/13/2019 Book VI Original


    ,2tlJ.b. 5.

    fa tll,r Dhcc bevc f e dcsl to 111c, 1f 1t rcre for no otber ta-

    eonr but rhat tbc Soptrlet ronctllcg eppltcd to the llouatrlna, EOS PRII{


    EfBElfTEll. But of thl.s placc f dll aot epeek ely rorc lceat the Rea-

    dcra ahoultl rlatakc rer 8o la to caterteln e lreplclou that I el of

    thl.e Order.

    0BIAS IILLIA|IS, ilOAE UALFDRD, a. 8. f. V. C. B. I. rnd thesc

    ln all ere tblrty slr, that bear rltaees of Ghrlat.

    lad Fa. N. cboee C. B. for b1s Suceasorr saylngl I have long ex-pccted yout con1n6; 1a tLte place you aball llve, aad re rlII teacb you

    all th1a6e1 eld you ahalL learn our AI(IOIIATA.

    Elratr you ruetr aa le do, profess lfedlclue, aad cute tbe elck, aad

    tbat GRATfS.

    ?. Iou aball not be conetralaed to rear oae certatn klnd of Eablt,

    but lay tbereln follor tbe custon of the Couatry.5. Every yGat upoa tbe day C. you aha1l reet us Ln tbl'a Eouse, 5.

    SPIRIIUST or rt{.te the cruee of your ebsencc, ead rben I aa dead lay ue

    1a a glase, rad rsaet t accordtag to lfatnre to llve irtaln, a6 Jrou are

    taugbt by ue.

    4. lad tou luat look ebout for a rortbrJr poraot, rho efter your

    d,ecsase ust aucceed you.

    5. lbe rord R. Co lrgt be your llark, Scal, eld CLaracter.

    6. Our Feternity ehall be coaceelcd royen J/Grra, ead Do lore.

    Ald tbl.rty of tLe Brctbren dcparted; only four aad the Brcatbren T. U.

    ald Il. f,. rerelned rltb the Fetbct Era. R. C. I. l. rDd thelr eeryrnts

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    Llb. 6.

    e rbolc Vour rld f 1.1 dlcd,, ead Frtbcr f . A. put Llr la e 6hes,

    ud burlod blr for rcncrlas ble Llfc.

    lftcr fcr yeara thcrc r11I bc e 8cEcral Rcfornettol botb of Dtvlneead Bureac tllnger rccordlag to our dealrcr aad the expcctetlon of otber

    For lta tlttlngr tbat before tbe RlalB6 of the Suae tbere ehould eppear

    end breek forth AIIRORA,or Dlv1nc Ll6bt la tbc dry, end so 1D tbe neaa

    tlae rote fcrr sbrll 61ve thclr Dereo, ray Jol.u togetb,er, tbere-

    by to clcrrae tbe au.aber rad reepect of our Frateralty, aad ldre a

    happy aad, rlehcd for be65,nnlag of our Phllosophlcal Caaons preecrlbedto us by our brothcr R. C. aad De ynrtakcre rltb ue of our treaeuree,

    (rbtcb Dovcr caa fal'l or be raated) la aIl buulllty and love to be eaeed

    of tbl's rorlde labour, ead not ralk eo bltndly ln the klortedge of the

    ronderfirl rorka of God.

    But that eleo Gvry Chrlatlan ray klov of rhat Re1161on and bell,ef

    te arer f,e coafese to have tbe kaorledge of JESUS CERIST, alon6 Lts

    Dl.ectp1esl rnd be le tbe SON OF GOD, ald ras cruclfled lor l{ankind at

    JERUSALEI|, hlr dJ'd our EIES aee and rorehlp, belag gulded by a STAR.

    Ald EPfS@PACI le tbe beet loru of Cburch Governnent, bclat uoet clear

    ead purely profceeed, aad cleansed fror FACIrOUS PRESBYTERIAI{S, ROM-


    AIeo te uae tro Secra.lents ee they ere lnstltuted rlth all FORMS

    atrd CEREI.OIIIES f the fLrst renered Cburcb tr Ef,GLAlfD, e acknorledge

    CIROLUS iACXUS SECUilDIIS, or our CffiISTfAIf EEAD: ard ta POLfTIA, re

    tckaorlcd8c the PROTESIAtrI EN{PfRE ad QUARTIil '0I|ARCEIAM or our GOVRI{

    I'IENT; albelt re kaou rhat Alteratloas be et haad, 1665t 16641 156j,

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    lJ.b. 6.

    f666r 166?t l66Er 1669r rDd lould tel'l lrpert tDr rrrc rlth rLI our

    bcertr to othcr Oodly Lceracd tcnr

    lotrttbataadlag out trltlnte rhtcb 1g 1n our lrads o na (crceptGod eloae) crn rake lt Connon, Bor rDJr uarortby Pcreon 1a eble to be-

    rcrve na of lt; but re sball belp rttb accret rl'd, th1e ao 6ooi e cauae

    ra Ood lDell pcnl'tl or hl'ader ua: lor our God 1e aot bl1ad rs tbe Bee-

    thcaa trl0RIUXA, but l.e tbe Churcbea Orueleutr rDd the honour ol tbe Tel-

    ple: Our PEIITSOPEI of nunbere eleo 1s Dot I Der laveatloa, but as ADA

    efter Dle FaIl hath recelved 1t, and ae IIOSES ald SOIOlilAl{ ur l,lea uged1t; also ebe ought aot ruch to bc doubted of, or contra4lcted by other

    oplaloasr or reanlDts; but the Trutb te pcaccablel brl.ef and

    ehagre llke her self la all th1a6s, aad especlally accordlngly rlth

    JESUS l{ OUilf PIRTE aad all uelbers: Aad. es be le tbe fna6e of the Fath

    ao 1e sbe lle flage;lt eball aot be eal'd thls 1s true accordJ'ag to

    Phlloeophyr but true eccordl'ag to TEIDIOGIE; ead rberelu PLA$O, ARISTO

    PYIBA@RASr end othcre 41d hlt tbe lark, ead rherela EltOCH, ABM^H.A.I' ,

    IOSEST our Hear ald SOIOHAI| l.d crcell; but eepeclally frereritb tbat

    roaderfiil EOOE Le Bi.ble agreetbr ell tbat aate coacrurGtb togetber,

    ead taketb a SPbcrc or Globe, rboee total parta ere cquJ-dlata.nt fron

    tbe Ceaterr aB hercof lore at lar6e, a^ld lore plaln ehall bc spoken la

    Chr1ettrnr y CoafcrDGo

    But aor coacer.nlng (aad chl.efly la thla our a6e) the ulgodly, ald

    lccursed Cotd lahlngr rhlch hath tottea go lucb tbe upper held, rbereby

    uadcr colour of lt, reDy Bcna8adee ald RogUlsL Pcople do uge grcat Vil-

    lenleer eld cozca and ebuee tbe credlt rb 'ch la 6 'vcl tbcn, lrea Dot

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    Llb. 6.

    rdrys rc of elecrctlon Co Lold tbs treatrutrttoD of Hetde to bc the

    hlgbcat Polat eld Fertlglru 1a PEIIOSOPEI, thla 1a ell thclr lateat

    eld dealrc; end tbat Ood rould be aoet ceteened by thcrr ead honoured,rblch could rake greet atorc of GoId, ead ln ebuadaacer tbc rb1cb rltb

    uapreuedltated Praycra, they hope to obtala of tbc lll-klorlng 0odt

    rnd searcber of ell bcarta; rc therefore do by theee preaeate publlcy

    tcet1f;Ls, Ibet tbo tnrc PEIIOSOPEERS re far of eaotbcr rlndr cetcedng

    llttle tbe raklBg of Oold, rhJ.cb ts but a Parergon; for bealdee tbat

    tbey have a tboueard better th1a6e. Aad re eay rltb our Fore-fatherel PEI. l'ltRItU, I|IHI QIIAITUMAURITU; or uato tb,en tbe rbole lfature

    le detccted; be doth not rcJolcer that he caa rake 6oldr a.nd that as

    ealth Chr{,et, tbc Af,GELS ld Dgt/ILS tre obedlent uato hlr, but 1s glad

    tbat he eecth tbe EeaveDs open, ead the Aagels of God ascending and

    dcscendlag, aad bls la.ue rrittea ln tL,e Book of Llfe.

    Aleo re do testltle that under tbe ae^le of CEYI{IA naay Booke and

    Plcturee ere set fortb l-n C0ilTUI,IELIAUIORfAE DEI, aa te rtll nare ln

    tbet-r due eeaeon, ead r11I glve to the Pure bearted a Cataloge or Reg-

    leter of thel; re pray all leaned ren to take heed of THE AURUT'I

    CEy}lrCttl.tBRITAffCUH, publtabed by ELIAS AIiEI,OLEEequlre, ead eucb klnd

    of Booke aa tbeee; for thc hery Deyer reeteth, but aoteth Lte reeds

    tl'll. a atrongcr oDe doth root lt out.

    To coacluder the ROSIE CRUCIAtrS ayr PEARLDelpeth aroonlnta, ead

    rltbetelda the Plague of Poleont ead tbat SI{ARAGE nd JACfITB belpe the

    Plaguet ead heele the rouads of venenous et1n6e.

    Se IATR OF XILE uakee the rouan of EGIPI qulck of concelte ead

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    ,z?tr'f,b. 6.

    trultftlr rad tolotlDee thcy bear asvca chlldrea at r Bi.rtb, ead thlc

    le Srlt-pctor-tatcr: fherc 18 r rouderful vtrtue lD tbc O1l of Tobecco:

    ln tbe tlacture of Saffroa, 1n thc florer of Enlaatonc, ln Qutck-sllver,1n Connoa Saltr end Copperaer nolten aad lade a later, Ellla the poleou

    of tbe Toad-atool; ead Julce of Poppy, Lubcr, rLtcb la

    a bard clauy .fulce, sallcd 8il.tunen, eaectb the Iabour



    atone, but

    ronea, and

    the falllng elckaeee tn chlldren.

    f,or for l{etale, J't 1t be true, rhlcb eII nea graat, that precloue

    etoncs 1n tbat bard aad ungentle fashlon, cher aucb vtrtue and porerof beallngr rhat eball the nl-rturea of all these Metale under a fortun-

    ate Constellatloa lade ia the Gonverelon of thelr ora PLANEDS o, rhicb

    tbey call EIECTRIIMT fGIL, or TELESHE, aayln6, lt 1111 cure the Cranp,

    Beaunning Palele, Falllng-sLckaess, Gout, Leproslel Dropsle, lf lt be

    torB ou the bcart-fLDget; otbers tbey rdre to cauee beeuty la Ladlee,

    & ctc.

    The thlrd perfir.ue of R. C. le coupounded of tbe Saplulrlck eartb, and

    tbe AEEBERTf lt be brougbt to lts full eraltatlonl lt 1111 shlae ltke

    the llay-atar 1a ber freah Daetern 61or{.ca; lt batb e faectnatlng attract-

    1vc facurty; for lf you erpoae lt to tbe opcn llr, lt rrrl drar to it

    Btrds aad Baaster eld drlve aray evtl Splrlts. fSmUlt SOLfS, or tbe

    R. C. ltlacral Sua 1e colporuded of tbe AEIEER, eld a bloodyr flery-splr-

    ltcd eartb; lt appeara ln a Ourany Conalsteucy, but rlth e tlery, hot, couplerloa, l't le gubetaatlally a certaLa purple, rnt6st6d,

    DlvLae Salt, aad cureth aII lanner of VeaereaL dletcnpera, Coaeunptloas,

    ead dleeaaea of tbe lllad.

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    lJ.b. 6.

    lc 61vc rDotbcr llcdiclnc, rDich le ea &urc, or Sky-colourcd ratcr,

    the trlncture ol 1t le ttght ead brtgDt, lt rcllcctr r rolt beeutlful

    Balabor; ead tlo drope of thla reter kccpe l re bceltLy; ln thle ratcr

    llce e blood rcd cartb of 6rcat vlrtue.

    Ihe other llcCtcJ'ae la thc EcavoLly UnfA ead IOOX of thc lllne, a

    vcrJr atrelge etuplfyla6 euDstalcc: tt la aot etrplc but rlrt: Tbc AEIE

    eld a eubtle rtr1tc Eartb ere lte Coaponcnta: ead tbla lekce tt groaeer,

    tben the AlltEB t't self ; l't appeare t'n tb.e forn of en crceedl'u6 rhlte

    o1l, but ln vry truth a certala vegetant, flor1ng, suootb, aoft salt,aad tLLa reneretb youth, and causeth uledou ead rtrtue.

    'Ite Pa.ntarya of ROSIE CRIICIAI|S e a laterr eld ao atone;lt efter-

    dgbt dlecovere e Clre as brlght es day; aad 1f you look on lt la tbe

    day tlne, Lt dazzlee th.e eye rlth certaln gleaae or Conuscattoae; for

    l'a 1t le a SptrJ,t sf idn{rgble porer to 1ou6 Llfe, Uladou, aad Virtue:

    tror I r[Il aber rbo taught thcse Secrets, ead ehered ue tbeee thlngs.f,grk{19 upoD tbe plaln ol BULVEnfi)lfEfLL to atudy l{unbere aad tbe

    nature of tbJ.aga, oae evcnllg, I could see bctreo re aad tbe Xlght, a

    roet erqulette beauty; ber fraae lelther loag aor ahort, but a

    rer deacent gtature; attlrcd sbc res la thl'a looee Sllka, but eo 6reeB

    thet I aever aar th,c Ilhe, for the colour raa aot earthly, la eone plac

    1t rae fancled, rltbtold

    & gllver Rlbbandar rhJ'cb looked llke tbe Sua

    ud Lllll'ee 1a tbc tlcld of treae; Ler lead tas oyercaet rltb a thla

    floatt'ng Tlffany; rblch ahe held up, rlth one of hcr haade, tad looked

    aa 1t rerG fron uaAei tt; ber eyes rere qulck, treab, eld Celestlal,

    but bad eonetblng of a Startl ae lf ebe had been puzzled rlth a euddea


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    wLlb. 6.

    llol hcr vell dld hcr looka Drce out, llkc Sru bcera trol r l6st,

    tbcy lra dleD.velcd to ber bceat, ud tlca rcturncd to lcr cbcckt 1a

    curlce eld r1'l6s of SoId; bcr balr bcLlnd bcr ree rollcd to e curlous

    Olober rltl r elall ehort rplre florered rltb purple rad ty colour

    Ilots; bcr Blnta terc Dute rntlrc Ecraldep tor ghe valued lo Hctal,

    ud bcr peldDte of bnrnlng Carbuaclee. Il br{.ef bcr rbolc heblt raayouthfirl rad floreryr 1t euelt llke thc Eest rad raa througblt alred

    rltb rlch ARABIAI|DIAPASIIS; thle ead no otber ras her rDpearetce at

    tbat t1ue.

    &rt rLllet I adn{rcd ber perfectloaa, ead prepared to rake y add-

    rceae r lDe prevente le rlth a voluntary approecb; Lcrc lndeed f cxpect-

    cd rone d{scouree fron her, but gbe looked vcrJr eerlouely rDd e1lently

    ln ry face, takee ae by the Dand ead aoftly rhlspera, 15r love r freelyt ,

    6tve your aad rltb lt these tokeas, ry f,et ald slgnet, tbe oac opeDa,

    the other shute, be eure to uae botb rlth ilecretlon; ra for the lyet-crlea of tbe ROSIE CROSST ou hrve ly Llbcrty to poruae thcu ell; tbare

    1e lot rlly thrnt bcre, but r rllr 8rrdry reveel lt to you, r rlrt teachyou the tLrtuc of Ifiubere of f,area, of |lgcls rDd Oeail of rca; f haveole prcccpt to colaarld to you, rad thle 1t la, you ruat be allent; 5loucbtU not 1D tour rrlthge crtead ry alloratce; relerber tbat I aD your

    loYe, endtou 1111 aot rake De l Proetltutc. hrt becauee f rlah you

    lervl'ceable to tboee of your ora dlepoal.tloa, I bere tlve you an hble-

    lattcal TyPc of ry Salctueryl vlZ. Tbc arroHATA of thc R. C. Tbe cecrets

    ol f,uubcre, rltb a lurr prlvlredgc to pubrleh tt. lhla te ell, aad

    nor I al 6otag to tbe lavlslble Regtoa, elolt8t the lDgbcrlal Goddeeses,

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    ,ro[.1b. 5.

    lct aot tbc Prov.rb trl,c phcc rltb your Onrt of dghtl ort of rlnd;

    rcrclber rc ead bc hrppy.

    f,or I eahed Ler 1t rhe rould fevour re rlth ber lere; to thle ahe

    rcplyed vrJr farl'llerlyr es lf ahe had kaora re long betore, l{y dcar

    tH,cnd E. I trrve ralJr lhlce, but ry bcet bcloved 1g EUTERPE.

    Obacrve la yonr R. C. AXIOII|'TA bet tbc OEIWfI|E lue of llpreselon

    of Claractcrs, Xelcs, lagela, f,urbcrs, eld Gcnll of rtt, 18, rben tD,e

    prlnclplB are SPERIIADE nd CAIIAIO; but belng oace coagulated to a

    perfect body; tbe tlue of etelllflcatlon le past. f,or the R. C. ln

    old tlre used straage Aetrologlcal Ianpsl fuagesl R1n6e, and Plates, rtt

    tbe nulbere eld Ea.Eca a 6raven, rtulcb et certaln houre rould produce

    lncredlble ertraordlaary effecte. |[he connon Astrologer be tdses a

    plece of Hetale, eaotber rhlallg Aaeoclate be belps h1n rlth a Chrystal

    Stoner and tbcee tbey f16ure rltb rldlculoue Cbaractersr a.ud then erlroB

    tbeu to the Plaacte, not ln an.lLI(El{USf, but ae they Drean they kaornot rbatl rbea thle ls doaer all 1e to ao pual,oee; Dut tbough tbey fall

    ln thelr practleer Vot they bel:lcve they uad,erstaDd the AICIOIIATAf

    lluuberg rell enou6b. f,or ry beloved J. E. thst you ray kaor rbat to

    dor I rlll teacb you bJr Elralple; Tdce e 6rala of Corn tbat 1e bard

    and dry, GrIroBe t to tbe Sun bcale 1n a 6lass or aDy otber yeaael, aad

    l-t 1111 be a dry graln for Gyer; but lf you do bury lt ln the Eartb,thrt the Xltroue Saltleh rolgture of the Eleaent ray dleeolve lt, tD,ea

    the Sul rl11 rork ulnn 1tr eld reke lt rprlag e.u,d aprout to a aer body;

    1t 1a Juet tbne r1tb tbe Conaon letrolotcr; he exlneeth to the Planets

    e perfect Corpacted bo(y, ead by tLte reara thlnke to perforu tbe ROSI

    CnUCIAtr OAI'IAEII,ead larry the IaferLour aad Superlour rorlds.

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    ,rrL|'b. 5.

    It ruat bc r body reduccd lato SPERtt, tbrt thc Ecevrdy Fcalnlne

    lotttutor rhlcb rccclvce eld retalaa the flprcea of tbc letrll l6cnt,

    ray bo rt llberty, and tuedtetcly cxpoacd to the Heacullae flre of

    Ifature. lLte ls the 6rouad of tbe Bor1l; but you nust reaeuber, tbat

    nothlag caa bc steIllfled rlthout tbe Jolat l{egaetleu of three Eeavene;

    rbet tbey uo you knor alrcedy. lhea ebe had tbue aatd, abe took out

    of her boaon tro rlreculous Hcdels rltb lluobers and ltauea oD tben, tbey

    tore aot Hetalliner but euch ae f had never EeeD; neltber dld I coucelve

    there ras ln Nature eucb pure ead glorloue eubetaaces; Ia ny Judgeuent,tbey tere tro l{aglcal TELES}IS; but ghe called tbeu Saphrlcks of the

    Sul ead flooD. Tbeae ulreclee EUTERPE ouaend,ed o ry perusal, aad etopt

    la a rute Cernony; for I rae to be left alooe; ehe looked upon ne ln

    sllent rnllar drt rith a pretty klnd of sadness, for re rere unvl]llag

    to part; but ber bour of Tranelatloa ra6 cone, aad tdrlag as f tbougbt

    our Last leaye, sbe paseed before Ey elres tato the AEIEER0F NATURE;crcuelag ber eelf es betag sleepy, otherrlee ebe had expouaded heu to

    te; I lookedt ad.ulredr and rearted ly self ln tbat Coatenplatlon; their

    couplcd.oB ta6 Eo beeyGnllr, thelr contlauanc ao uyeterlous, I dtd not

    tell knor rbet to lake of thea, I tnrned aelde to ece, lf sbe ras etlll

    relcep; but ebe ras toDer aad thla dld lot a llttle trouble re. I er -

    pected ber returnr t111 tbe day rae qulte epeat, but ahe dld not appear:

    at laetr ttrlng ry GyB oa that place, rbere ehe eonetlnee reeted, I

    dlecovcred certaln pleces of Goldr fuIl of lfirnbere ald Xales, rhtcb

    sbe bad left behlad herr ead herd by a Paper folded llke a Letter.

    'llbaee I took up, aad lor the algbt epproachlng, the cvealBt Star tlnaed

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    ,r2Ll,b. 6.

    1a thc lcst; lba trkh6 ry hlt luryay of ber f,Lorery plIlor I parted

    lrol 1t ta theec yrEe8o

    Prctty Oreca Baak, farcrcll & aayat thou rear

    Sru-bcena, aad Roael ead Lltllce ell tD,e lrear;

    SLc elcpt on tbee, but aeeded lot to shed

    Xcr GoId, ftlas prJr cDougb to bc ber bcd:

    Sy Elorcre ate Favonrttee; for thJ-e lovrd day

    They tet ny RJ.vals, aad dth her dtd play;lhey fouad thclr heavta et bead, and la her eyee

    EJoyf d a CoDy of tbelr abeeat Bkles.

    fhel'r reakcr palat dld rltb true Glorlea Trade,

    la{ n{rt1ed vltb ber cheeks, one poste lade;

    lDd dtd aot her soft akln conflue tbelr prlde,

    Aa'd rltb a EcDeea of Sllk her florera dlvlde;.|Ihey bad auckrd ltfe fron thence, aad fron ber


    Bororrd a eoul to aake tbeu eelvee conpleat.

    O Dappy Plllort thou6b tbou ert la1d eyeD

    UI'th dust, ahe nad,e thee up alnost a heavea;

    Ecr breatb ral'ntd Splcee, a.nd eacb Atber R1n6

    Of hcr brlgbt Iocka, strertd Bracelets are thy


    llat Earthe lot poor, dl'd such a Treaeure hold,,

    Drt thrlce carlchtd rltb Luber, Splce aad Gold.

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    IJ.b. 6.

    lhue rucb et thls tlre, ead Do rorc el I rllorcd by rt lllatrcaa

    EUIERPE o publleb: Bo tbcrefore, tcltle Rcedcr edmdebcd tbat rlth

    rc tou do earaeatly pray to 0,0d, that lt plcaas hl'n to opea the beartsead eare of all tll-hearlag peopler ead to 6raat uato thca hla bleeslD8

    tbat they uay be able to kaor hl'n la hl's Onalpotcacy, rlth lenril4g ss

    telplatloa ol lfaturer to LLe Lonour rad Pralee, rad to the love, Eelp,

    Corlort aad atreagtbenlng of our aelgbboure; eld to the reatorlng of

    aII the dleeaeed, by the lledlclaee above taugbt.

    f had 61ven you a lore large accouat of tbe MSteter{.ee of lfature, atle ROSIE CROSS: ut rhllest f etudled ltettclnee to cure othere, ny

    dear Steter Allf,E EEfDOil dled, and f leyr beard ebe rae (for abe

    ras IOO rdles frou le) rh1ch puts a.n eud to uy rrJ. tlagsr rld tbus I ta

    ly leave of the rorldr I ehall rrlte Do ore, you kaor ny Books by llau

    and thls I nlte (tDat non nay abuae re) by priattng books ln ny f,ane

    as @LE doee CIILPEPPERS. But retura to ny llret bappy Solltudes.


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    ,r4Llb. 6.

    fhe Rosle Cruclel Preycr

    to 0od.

    Jcaue l,llhl- Orata.

    Oh TEOUeveryrbere aad tood of lLLr rhateocver I do, renenbcr, f

    beeecch TEEEr that I a.u but DUS[, but ea r VAPOUR prutrt fron EAR1I,

    rhlch eveD thy BREATE aa ecatter; TBou haet gtvea e a sr,

    aad LIITS to 8overo tt; let that ESERI{AL ULE, rhlch tbou dldst flrst

    rplnlat to eray llaN, order re; reke le cerefur to p,oht at tby Grony

    1a all lJr tryai ead rhcre I cannot rlgDtly kaot TEEE, tbat not oaly ly

    uadst'6tard{D8, but ly l8aoralce Day hoaour thee, Thou art AII tbat caa

    be perfect; llby Rcvelatlon hath nade re happy; be not a 6ryr o Dtrtae

    oner o God the lost bleb creator, lf lt pleaee tbee, suFFm TEESE RE-

    vEalED sEcREtts, Thy Glfts alone, not tor ry pralee, Dut to tby Glory,to nar'{ feat tbeugelves. r beeeecb thee loet gracloue God, they nay

    not falI lnto tbe Daads of l6aorant cnrLous lroraona, tbat cloud tbeee

    tnrtbs to thy ilagracer say1-ag, they are not rarfur to be pubrlebed,

    because rbat God rcveaLe, ls to be kept secrct. But RosrE cRUcrAIf pll'lo-

    aopbers lay up thls Secret lato tbe boeone of Godl rhlcb f lave preauned

    to ladfeet clearly aad plalnly. f beacecb tle H.atty, lt lay be prlnt-ed aa I have rrltten 1tr tbat the Truth ray o lore be darkened rlth

    rnbl5uon5 lenguage. Good God, beald,es tbee nothb8 1a. ob etrean t\r

    SeIf lato ly Soulr ead flor lt rtth thy Orace, thy fllurlaatlone, aad

    thy Revealatlon. l,hke re to d.epend on Tbee: Tbou dcllghteet tbat l{aa

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    ,, ,

    Llb. 6.

    .hould rccorut Thcc rt hl-. El-atr e.nd lot hldc rht Boncy of ltaorlcdtc

    bc letb rcvcelcd. I ctlt ry ecll ra rD honourcr of lhoc rt thy fcct.

    O eetebllab lt coatldcacc 1a lhce, for tlou ert tbc fouateln of ell

    bouatyr ead caaet aot but be lerclful, Dor caaet tbou dccelve tb,e hrur

    bled Soul tbat tnrata Thec: lld Decauac I ca.uot bc dcteadcd by thee,

    unleee I }lve aftcr thy larer hecp rcl O ry SOIILS SOYERAIGII, 'n the

    obedl'eace of thy ll1lr ead thlt I rould aot ry Gonscleace rltb y1ce,

    and hldl,Dg t\y Glfts aad Graces bestored upou re; lor thl.e I kaor rtll

    destroy ue rltbl'nl aad lake thy Illunhatlng Sptrtt leave le: f an afral

    I Dave already llfl'altely rrerved frou tbe Rcvealatlone of that Dlvlne

    Oulder thlch tbou haet coananded to dlrect re to tbe Trutb; and for thls

    f al a ead Proetrate aad Penltent et the foot of thy Throne; f appeal

    only to tbe abundance of thy Reul.sstoDe. O llr God, I kaor 1t le a ny-

    eterLe beyond the vaet Soule appreheneloa, al'd tberefore deep enough

    for I'taa to reet tn eafety 14. O thou Betng of aII Bel.nge, cauae ue torork ty self to tbee, end lato the rece1rlng ltla of thy pateraal Mer-

    cles tDru ry eelf. For outrerd thlnge I tbed< tbee, ald eucb as f have

    f 61ve uato otherer ln the Datre of the TRfmTY freeLy aad faltbfu1ly,

    rltbout Lldl-ng any thta6 of rbat taB reyealed to ne, ead erperlenced to

    be ao DLabollcal Deluelon or Drean, but tD,e ADIECTAI.{Eil|TAf tby rlcher


    and d,cprlvatloaare both ta thy baads. In rhat thou

    laet gl.vea re I ar colteat. Good God ray tby aelf llto lV Soulr glve

    re but a heart to plcaee tbeer f beg Do rore thcn tbou baet gtvea, aad

    tbat to coatlDu re, uacoatennedly aad, uaplttledly Loaest. Save ae

    frou thc Derll, Luate, eld l,teat aad for tboee fond dota6ee of l{orta}ltyr

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    ,16ll.b. 6.

    thlcL rculd tcl6h dora ry Soro to Ipraesa rld Debeucblcat; lct tt be

    ry 6lory (pleatlng ry .olf ln e lfob1c hclght tboyo thoa) to coatela

    thcr. Trkc lc frou ly relfr eld tLll re rltb tbee. Sun up thy bleeela6e

    ln tloee tro, tret r ray be rl6htly good rad rLse; lad theee for thy

    cternel 'lfnrtbe aeke graat eld rakc gretctll.