book report in reading

Book Report in Reading Submitted to: T. Mark Daniel Salvador

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Page 1: Book Report in Reading

Book Report in Reading

Submitted to: T. Mark Daniel Salvador

Submitted by: Timothy Andrew Bautista

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I. Title and Author

- The title of this book is Bridge to Terabithia and the author of it is Katherine Paterson.

II. Type of Literature

- This book is fiction.

III. Characterization


1. Jesse Oliver Aarons Jr. –he is the main character of the story. He is always lonely, until he met Leslie. He has 4 sisters and has a crush on Ms. Edmunds.

2. Leslie Burke –she and Jess are best friends. She showed Jesse how to be imaginative, strong and courageous. She is such a boyish girl.

3. May Belle Aarons –Jess’s little sister. She is the closest of her 3 sisters to Jesse. She is was always teased by Janice.


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1. Janice Avery –she is the bully of Jess’s entire school. She always bullies little kids like May Belle. Leslie called her the threat of Terabithia.

IV. Setting

- It happened at Terabithia, Jess’s house, and his school

V. Title Analysis

- It was called Bridge to Terabithia, because all of it was just in one rope. The bridge to Terabithia is just the rope.

VI. Plot

VII. Introduction

- Jesse Aaron is an eleven-year-old boy who loves to run. He always win in their game, King of the Mountain, which they needed to run fast to a little stump of soil and when you reached there, you needed to defend your “mountain”. One day, somebody moved on their neighborhood, until she met Leslie Burke. They made such a great friendship. Well, when Jesse always win the game, Leslie always joins and replace the victory of Jesse. Starting from that time, Leslie always joins the boys, until she and Jesse created the imaginary kingdom called Terabithia which the two of them ruled together as king and queen.

VII. Conflict

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- This book is man vs. man, because Jesse and Leslie want to have revenge to Janice and because Leslie called her the threat to Terabithia.

VIII. Climax

- One terrible morning, Jesse found out what happened to Leslie. The rope broke while Leslie was swinging then fell into the deep creek. He had gone through the stages of grief and anger and fear and also sorrow. He just can’t believe what happened to his best friend.

IX. Ending of the story

- Jesse can’t rule Terabithia just all by himself, because he needed a queen to replace Leslie. So, he decided to bring her little sister, May Belle, and kept the promise not to tell anyone about Terabithia. When they reached the kingdom, creatures of it was looking at May Belle, and Jesse said that she could be the queen the creatures were waiting.

X. Message of the story

- The message of this story to me is, never lose strength and courage whatever tragedy happens in your life. Because in every bad news, there is always a good news.

XI. Moral Lesson of the story

- Never lose strength and courage to anyone you trust.

XII. Vocabularies

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1. Gully- is a landform created by running water, eroding sharply into soil, typically on a hillside.

Ex. Leslie fell on the deep gully.

2. Leaned- be in or sloping positional

Ex. May Belle leaned on the door.

3. Intoxicated – to lose control of faculties or behavior

Ex. Joy was intoxicated by James.

4. Yanked – pull with a jerk

Ex. Her hair was yanked and she screamed

5. Snuggled –settle or move into warm and cozy place

Ex. The hamster snuggled in its nest.

6. Tiptoed –walk quietly and carefully

Ex. She tiptoed to the house.

7. Rattly- likely to rattle

Ex. The snake is so rattly.

8. Moan- a long, low sound made by a person

Ex. He moaned so loud!

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9. Despised- feel contempt

Ex. He feel despised of his fault.

10. Trot- run with a sound pattern

Ex. She trotted across the field.

11. Scrapheap – a pile of junk

Ex. My dad gathered some materials at the scrapheap.

12. Droopy –lacking strength or spirit

Ex. He droopily sat down.

13. Grit – in psychology, it’s positive

Ex. How to be grit?

14. Ruts- a long deep track

Ex. He drove over the rut.

15. Shebang- a gang of strong women

Ex. We have to make a shebang if we have to!

16. Slouching –stand or move lazily

Ex. Slouching is what May is doing right now.

17. Cuds -a portion of food that returns from a ruminant's stomach to the mouth to be chewed for the second time.

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Ex. Doing cud is quite disgusting.

18. Bragger –someone who boasts

Ex. Janice is a serious bragger.

19. Hauling- pull or drag with effort or force

Ex. Hauling is always what he do.

20. Puny- small and weak

Ex. Jesse has a puny chest.

21. Knock-Kneed- is an abnormal curvature of the lower legs

Ex. I think Gary is a knock-kneed.

22. Damp- slightly wet

Ex. My pants was damp.

23. Delicately- exquisitely fine

Ex. This cuisine is absolutely delicate.

24. Scorching- hot or flaming

Ex. My foot is scorching!

25. Pricked –Hurt by a sharp object

Ex. The dog was pricked by a cactus.

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26. Ought- used to indicate duty

Ex. He ought to be a business manager

27. Tap- an object that water comes from

Ex. My sister turned on the tap.

28. Squawked- make a loud, harsh noise

Ex. The eagle squawked.

29. Primly- precise and proper

Ex. She was very prim.

30. Jabbed –roughly or quickly.

Ex. Jabbed is his specialty.

31. Whine –cry loudly

Ex. The baby whined.

32. Squinted -look at someone or something with one or both eyes

Ex. The bird squinted through the window.

33. Shrugged –dismiss something as unimportant

Ex. He shrugged the task.

34. Peculiar –odd or something strange

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Ex. That car is quite peculiar.

35. Scalding –is a form of thermal burn

Ex. My foot was scalded!

36. Nauseatingly- dizzy

Ex. He nauseatingly pushed the box.

37. Pudgy –slightly fat.

Ex. To be honest, you’re getting a little bit pudgy.

38. Shuddered- result of fear

Ex. He was shuddered a lot!

39. Strive –make great efforts

Ex. She was a strive girl.

40. Muddled – in a state of confusion

Ex. He was muddled by the tragedy.

41. Scribbling –write or draw

Ex. He was good scribbling.

42. Screech – a loud, harsh, piercing cry.

Ex. The baby do screech a lot.

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43. Giggled – laughed quietly

Ex. Green just giggled.

44. Swishy –making a swishing sound or movement.

Ex. That rabbit is a swishy one.

45. Shoved- gathered something

Ex. They shoved the grass.

46. Outlaw –a person who has broken the law

Ex. There are a lot of outlaws in New York.

47. Hippie – is a member of a subculture that was originally a youth movement.

Ex. My friend saw a hippie in the street.

48. Autoharp -a kind of zither with a mechanical device that allows the playing of a chord by damping all the other strings.

Ex. My teacher has an autoharp.

49. Thumping- pounding or throbbing

Ex. The drums are thumping.

50. Pandemonium -wild uproar or unrestrained disorder

Ex. Did they really experienced a pandemonium?

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51. Suckered –Eat or entered

Ex. Ian suckered the burger.

52. Unjust -not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

Ex. It’s not just unjust!

53. Hypocritical -behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

Ex. We don't go to church and we thought it would be hypocritical to have him christened.

54. Suede -leather with the flesh side rubbed to make a velvety nap.Ex. I think Jesse has a suede.

55. Proverbial -well known, especially so as to be stereotypical

Ex. My teacher is proverbial to the school.

56. Quilt –a woven cloth top

Ex. The religious people often like to make a quilt.

57. Stool –a seat without back or arms.

Ex. Did we just bought a stool?

58. Eased- make something less serious.

Ex. May Belle is trying to ease Jesse.

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59. Dimmers – a device for varying the brightness.

Ex. There are dimmers in a stage.

60. Fidgeting –is an act of moving about restlessly

Ex. Fidgeting may be a result of nervousness.

61. Bitched –express displeasure

Ex. She bitched the little kid out of the class.

62. Sunup -the time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives

Ex. They worked from sunup to sundown.

63. Huffily –angry or irritable

Ex. They huffily closed the door.

64. Unlatch –unfasten the latch of a door

Ex. My mom suddenly unlatch the door.

65. Propped –position something underneath

Ex. The little kid propped under the bed.

66. Thrashed – beat something or someone

Ex. Janice Avery thrashed May Belle in the school.

67. Jagged –having rough or sharp points

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Ex. Are you drawing jagged lines?

68. Corduroys-a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs.

Ex. He wore corduroys last week.

69. Inherited –receive something

Ex. The mayor inherited the hero.

70. Arithmetic –is the oldest branch of mathematics

Ex. Did we seriously going to study Arithmetic?

71. Roused –bring out of sleep

Ex. The baby roused his parents.

72. Smirked –smiling like irritated

Ex. Joan smirked at Simon.

73. Scribbled –write or draw

Ex. He scribbled the elephant drinking at the falls.

74. Quivered –tremble or shake

Ex. The whole house quivered!

75. Shirttails -the lower, typically curved, part of a shirt that comes below the waist

Ex. All of my shirts have shirttails.

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76. Sarcasm -the use of irony to mock or convey contempt

Ex. Janice is such a sarcasm.

77. Conceited –proud of oneself

Ex. The boys are conceited of what they had done.

78. Hopscotch –a children’s game

Ex. The girls most likely to play hopscotch.

79. Tingly –swirly or most likely to curve

Ex. My snake is so tingly.

80. Zing –felt dazed when it look into something or someone

Ex. He zinged for the first time.

81. Thrumming -make a continuous rhythmic humming sound

Ex. The drums are thrumming.

82. Fiddled –touch or fidget in a nervous way

Ex. My grandpa fiddled me in the arm.

83. Prissily –in exact terms

Ex. He prissily gave the answer.

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84. Delight- a type of relief

Ex. This food is a delight one!

85. Suburban –dull and ordinary

Ex. They lived in a suburban house.

86. Tyrants-is an absolute ruler

Ex. These authors might become tyrants.

87. Muffled- muted

Ex. May Belle should be muffled!

88. Unbelief- absence of faith

Ex. Don’t be unbelief.

89. Liable –someone who can trust

Ex. Leslie is your liable friend.

90. Contempt –with disgust

Ex. Please don’t be contempt of my way.

91. Upheaval –a sudden change

Ex. They put an upheaval on the schedule.

92. Ominously-threatening

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Ex. I think Michael is ominous.

93. Dittoed-a duplicate

Ex. Is this a ditto?

94. Abruptly-quickly and without warning

Ex. Please be abruptly!

95. Pervert-a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable

Ex. Someone here is a pervert!

96. Scowl –frown in an angry way

Ex. Peter scowled to the teacher.

97. Hooted –a sound likely made by an owl

Ex. The girl hooted at the bully.

98. Shrilled- make a shrill noise

Ex. She shrilled through the window.

99. Sigh –breathe loudly to show irritation or disappointment

Ex. Stella sighed.

100. Vigorously –forcefully

Ex. My friend vigorously pushed the car.

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