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Power of Persuasion The 5 Step Guide to Network Marketing Success 1

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Increase your sales using NLP


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Power of Persuasion The 5 Step Guide to Network Marketing Success


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Power of Persuasion The 5 Step Guide to Network Marketing Success 2

Chapter 3

Using The 5 Step Process for Network Marketing Success

If you are determined to grow your Network Marketing business

you need to learn about the smart ways to apply NLP into your

marketing campaign. Strategic planning, helpful research, expert

advice and even coaching can really boost your NLP and sales


What constitutes effective Network Marketing?

The answer is a three letter word: NLP. Everyone understands the

importance of social interaction and gathering contacts. However,

not everyone knows how to do this effectively in order to turn

prospects into customers.

NLP or Neuro-linguistic Programming ensures all Network

Marketing strategies get positive and productive results. By using

the NLP techniques and tactics in generating leads you can count

on a significant increase in actual sales results. To personally test

this business forecast you may try your own marketing campaign

and incorporate the corresponding NLP techniques.

A True Story of Network Marketing Success

Anyone who has started a business has to expect only one of two

probable outcomes, success or failure. Success is not just

measured by the revenue or income generated but is also based

on how much an individual has profited in terms of knowledge,

skills, connection and opportunities.

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Failure, too, is not measured by the revenue or income generated;

one may have made significant financial profit, but has not grown

in anyway thus giving up too easily. You can decide on whether

you are determined enough to succeed or walk away without

trying, failing in every sense.

Take my example, for many years I had been in MLM and tried

every possible means to get ahead. We had all sorts of marketing

campaigns and ways to get our product out and increase our data

base of distributors. But when I couldn’t attain the success I

wanted I would blame the company, the product or the

compensation plan.

It wasn’t until I started to look within that I saw that the real issue

was me! I had not grown mentally and personally to handle and

acquire the wealth that I desired. And it was with this realisation

that led me to start researching and finding ways that to improve

myself as well as my MLM business.

That is when I came across NLP and began to utilise it not only in

my personal growth but also in my business. I became fluent and

familiar with the 5 step process and began to practice it on my

potential prospects. I began to teach it to my team in conjunction

with the system we were using. And needless to say our business

started booming and we reached the levels we desired.

Today, I have my own team and have developed training systems

for MLM companies, coach clients on how to build a successful

MLM using NLP and run seminars.

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Let us now talk about very important things to consider

before you start your Network Marketing business:

1. Make sure that the company, products and services you

represent are legitimate, legal and have been proven to sell and

make other people profitable. It is indeed a bold move if you

should start something new.

2. Set your expectations properly. Be realistic and fully prepared

for your chosen endeavour. You have to carefully plan your

finances, timelines, personal preparation and agenda for the

months to come. Whatever the outcome is, you must have correct

expectations and a complete strategic plan to make it work. Many

people fail in MLM as they don’t have a business plan. So, get

serious and plan your business.

3. Put on your game face and be emotionally ready. When you

enter into the Multi-Level Marketing business, you need to

understand that people have consumer preferences and so you

must be prepared to answer questions and scrutiny.

People you plan to recruit or sign up will also be asking you a

great deal of questions about your company so make sure you are

ready to answer them, highlighting the best of the company you

represent and the privileges it has to offer.

4. Assess your status and logistics. Aim high, but not too high that

it’s impossible to achieve your goals. Analyze what you can and

cannot do, and focus on the things you can accomplish.

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5. Research, research, research. Get online and find out

everything you can about your company, the trends, the market,

NLP and today’s marketing strategies. Do not rely too much on

your team or the demand of your products. Your success depends

on you so get the knowledge and the skills you need.

How to Incorporate the 5 Step Process into Network


Hopefully, after reading chapter 2, you have a clear idea of how

the five step sales process works. So we’ll take that step further,

focus on the process one step at a time and give tips and

suggestions to make the best use of each.

1. Building Rapport

The first step towards building a relationship is to establish

harmony and connection with the other party. Rapport is often

neglected and others even find it a waste of time. That should not

be the case when you are trying to create a solid network.

How to build rapport:

Have a friendly approach and be courteous at all

times. Be polite, careful in choosing your words and

smile when you greet your prospects.

Make your prospect feel comfortable and at ease.

It’s important to create a friendly and comfortable

atmosphere for you and your prospect so that you

two can communicate effectively. If you are to set

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up the meeting place, choose a convenient and

conducive place for you and your prospect to talk.

Dress professionally, but not too formally, and make

your prospect feel that they have dressed

appropriately for the meeting.

Remember that it is not about you and it’s all about

your prospect. Listen attentively, be empathetic and


When it is your time to speak and share your views,

or casually engage in a conversation, speak

confidently and avoid fidgeting. Practice your

delivery, do not be overly assertive and be sensitive

towards your prospects.

Don’t rush your prospect or oblige them to listen to

you. Instead make your meeting an exchange of

views. Also be mindful of your prospect’s attention

span and time.

Don’t jump the gun when it comes to talking about

business. Getting into the sales pitch mode too soon

could backfire on you.

Matching and Mirroring the actions and body

language of your client can also help you build a

great rapport with them. Take note of the manner

in which they speak, their body language and

general behavior and try to respond to them in the

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same way. For example, if your prospect talks

slowly, keep your pace of speech slow as well.

Similarly if you are interacting with someone who

seems under-confident and avoids maintaining eye

contact, it would be best not to show off your

confidence. A courteous, soft spoken approach

would give you better results.

You can start practicing your rapport-building skills by

applying these simple tips whenever you are meeting with

a prospect. If you are meeting someone for the first time,

let’s say a working mum, and your objective is to sign her

up, start with a friendly and warm greeting.

Remember to personalize your greeting and use the most

appropriate approach according to your prospect’s

background. Ask your prospect, the working mum, how

she is, how her kids are and sincerely tell her you

appreciate her time, thank her for her effort.

Make her feel comfortable by starting a light conversation

she can relate with. Since you’re trying to close a deal

with your prospect, you can insert topics that have a

connection with motherhood or even talk about her work

and how she manages her time.

When it’s time to introduce your company or your

network unit, be sure to say it in a way that she can still

engage in the topic and relate to it with her personal

experiences. Be attentive, make sure you pay attention,

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and do your best not to lose hers. Observe your prospect

and call upon her attention by keeping her interested in

the topic and addressing her by her name.

By establishing a connection with your prospects, you

succeed in executing the first goal of the 5 Step Process

and you gain their trust and confidence. In order to do

this you must be friendly, charismatic, attentive and


2. Asking Questions

The best way to learn is to ask questions. When you

successfully build a connection with your prospects, you

can ask questions about them with the aim to find out

what they need. So be curious and always ask your

potential prospects about anything that will help you in

effectively selling your products or signing them up.

How to inquire effectively and what are the right

questions to ask:

Ask questions relevant to your prospect’s personal

and professional background without sounding too

intrusive. The best way to do this is to link your

questions to a casual observation. So, for instance,

if you want to find out about the personal spending

habits of your prospect, you can make a casual

observation like, “I love how you’ve done up your

home, it’s very classy, looks like you favor those

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…(insert the name of an up market shopping street

or mall here) stores.

Ask the questions that will help you find out what

your prospect needs, what kind of products you can

offer and how you can sell or get your prospect to

sign up. Ask whether they have tried any of your

products or similar items. Find out what they prefer

in your product category and what else they need to

improve on any aspect, personal or professional.

Engage your prospects and be sure to ask questions

that will get them to participate and stay interested

in the conversation. Make it a point to tap into your

prospect’s past experiences, current status, relevant

news or subject matter. And always ask them in a

manner that shows you are interested in what they

have to say.

While in a meeting, you’ll know it’s time to start

asking questions when your prospect begins to

open up and volunteer information. Say you’re

meeting with a bachelor and a professional and you

want to know how you can sell him your product

package and get him to join your network despite

his busy schedule. You can ask subtly about his line

of work, tapping into his workload and his schedule.

You also need to ask questions directly and

indirectly, depending on the level of comfort

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between you and your prospect, about his product

preferences and spending behavior. Finding out

what your prospect can and cannot afford is key to

offering the right type of product or membership. It

is best to research on the background of your

prospects prior to setting up meetings.

You will notice that conversations usually follow a

see-saw pattern where you have to give a little first

to get a little. So, a good way of getting people to

open up is to share a bit of personal information

related to the subject you want them to talk about.

When you have some information it will be useful to ask

further about certain aspects like their job, their marital

status, and casually lead them into talking about their

professional and financial status. You can also try to find out

what products you have or similar items that they may find

useful and affordable.

Identify a Need

Remember that you are in the business of creating a

network, and selling and providing good customer service.

You are therefore a vessel of service, providing solutions to

help your prospects. You can sell or convince anyone to sign

up by appealing to their personal needs and benefits. It is

imperative to ask questions and in the process discover what

your prospect needs in relation to the products and services

you offer.

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How to identify your prospect’s needs:

You don’t need your prospect to spell out all their

needs for you. Paying attention to their environment

and body language can reveal a lot as well. For

instance, if you notice that your prospect is fidgety

and nervous, you can gauge that he/she needs

products that can help them boost their self-

confidence levels. Similarly, a spick and span house

will tell you that your prospect is very particular

about hygiene, cleanliness and organization and will

have a need for products that can help her maintain

or up her standards.

Listen to your prospects while they tell you trivial

stuff and stories, these will give you a clue of the

things they find important. When you succeed in

building a rapport you can get your prospects to

open up to you by telling them some stories of your

own, in turn making them feel comfortable to share

some revealing stories about their personal and

professional life.

Find out what their challenges and problems are.

Subtle questioning techniques and exchanging

stories can reveal a lot.

Keep your ears open and stay alert so that you can

catch on conversational threads and build on them.

For example, let’s say you represent an MLM

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company that’s in the business of selling books and

in the course of your conversation your prospect

reveals how she has a hard time getting any peace

in the house as her children refuse to sit in one

place for long. Now this thread may not be directly

related to your business, but it is definitely a need

that your books can fulfill, provided you build on the

thread smartly and create direct need for books to

help keep her children interested in sitting on one


Give enough time for your prospect to open up and tell you

important information that would be useful for your goal to

sell or sign them up. For instance, in the middle of your

meeting, a stay-at-home mum tells you that she has been

having financial difficulties for some reason like property

acquisition or personal and family expenses.

You have now identified the need for extra income and

additional financial source. You can now formulate how you

can help her and also benefit from signing her up.

Identifying the need is crucial and will lead to the next step.

3. Linking The Need To Your Products

By identifying the needs of your prospects you can easily link

them with the products and services you offer. If they have

financial difficulties you can convince them to sign up with

you and get extra income by networking like the example we

discussed in the previous step.

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How to effectively link your prospect’s need to your

products or Network Company:

Remember that there is a solution to every problem.

It’s important that you are well aware of the all the

benefits and potential of your business, your

network unit or your products.

You can always identify a certain need but

remember that it won’t always be related to your

business. For example, a prospect may not need the

jewelry you are marketing but may reveal during

the course of the conversation that they have just

invested in a new house and are therefore facing a

cash crunch. Now this need may not be connected

to jewelry but definitely points to a need for extra

income that your network marketing opportunity

can provide.

The mark of a good sales person and network

builder is creating a need and a high demand for

each and every product or service. So, if someone

says they don’t need to buy new jewelry, check with

them if they need a jewelry box or maintenance kit.

You can in fact also create the need for gifts by

suggesting how your pieces can be the perfect

solution for their gifting needs.

For example, with the stay-at-home mum, since you have

identified her need for extra income you can offer a solution

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to her problem. Give her the idea to join your network and

establish her own business. Highlight the best reasons for

buying your products or registering, and emphasize how it

will be beneficial for her if she should purchase and resell

your products or sign up with you.

5. Closing

This is the last of the 5 Step Process and is as important as

any of them. In fact in sales or transactions, the Closing is

the stage to determine whether you have succeeded. Never

walk away feeling defeated. Tell yourself that you can’t take

no for an answer. The NLP techniques are best tested in

persuading people, so practice them and make sure you aim

for the majority of your transaction closing to have a positive


How to close like a Pro:

The outcome of every meeting should always be

positive whether you have sold your product in the

same meeting or not. You should gain a business or a

personal friend. Always aim for a Win-Win situation

and closure.

You can be direct in your approach in wrapping up the

transaction. If you use the direct approach, you display

confidence and expertise; you also lead them into

matching your tone and enthusiasm, which makes for

an effective closing tactic.

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You can be subtle but suave by concentrating on

convincing your prospect in your closing approach. If

you instead choose the subtle emotional approach over

the direct approach, you need to observe your

prospect’s behavioral pattern and be able to tell their

soft spot. The most common of all emotional spots in

customers is emphasizing your connection and the

trust they have in you. Make them feel that you’re a

friend, that they can trust you and you are there to


Make your prospects feel that they are triumphant and

have so much to gain from your transaction.

Congratulate them and set their expectations of

gaining more profit by investing in your company.

Promotional tactics like making the customers feel you

have given them so much and that they have all the

advantages, is also another effective closing tactic.

A perfect example is a scenario wherein you are about to

end your meeting with an interested individual but who is

still reluctant because of financial issues. You need to

emphasize that your prospect is making a smart

investment and not spending senselessly. When you

make your prospect feel good about signing up or buying,

you both walk away winners and fulfilled.