boisdale consolidated school

Dear Families, New Building Update Much to our excitement, the process for our next new building has been fast tracked! The concrete slab was poured today and the foongs were also drilled. The building itself is set to arrive either next Tuesday or Wednesday! Im sure there will be lots of excited faces as some trucks and a crane brings it into the school. Once it is here there will be an approximate four week wait before we can move into it, but with all going to plan, our 1/2 classrooms should be moved in before the start of Term 2! Unfortunately, to make space for the new building, we had to say goodbye to our remaining rebound wall and the gymnasc bars. Both pieces of equipment were popular with students and so we will be working with them to get their input on whether they would like to see them rebuilt in another area of the school, or we whether we look into other alternave playground opons to replace them. Special Thanks to Ronnie and Julie Orchard of RP & JM Orchard Backhoe Services We would like to acknowledge and thank Ronnie and Julie Orchard of RP & JM Orchard Backhoe Services for donang their me and services with the removal of the rebound wall. Thank you for bringing in your machinery and demolishing and removing the rebound wall and cement in preparaon for the new building, saving the school considerable expense, which can now be put towards other school improvements. Geng to Know You Interviews A note was also sent home last week informing families of our upcoming Geng to Know You interviews for students in Year 1-6 and for families of students who were part of the First Steps program in 2019. The interviews will take place on Tuesday the 3 rd and Thursday the 5 th of March from 3:30pm-7pm. These interviews are designed to provide parents and teachers with an opportunity to get to know one another whilst discussing any social or emoonal needs that your child has as well as any other issues relevant to your child that you wish to discuss with their teacher. Specialist teachers and I will also be available to meet with you should you wish. Appointments can be made for these interviews by going to and entering the code 3jaht. Maffra Makers Market The Maffra Makers Market is the schools biggest fundraiser for the year and has been a highly successful event over the past couple of years, with its success due to the hard work of our dedicated commiee members in the lead up to the event. The market will return once again in 2020 and we are in search of some new commiee members to assist with organising and running this event. On Wednesday the 4 th of March at 6pm we will be holding an informal informaon session upstairs at the Maffra Sports Club. If you are interested in learning more about what being a commiee member would involve and how you might be able to help please come and join us for dinner and a social catch up. We have also created a Facebook event using our school s Facebook page, if you could please RSVP through this event, that would be most certainly appreciated and we hope to see many of you there! Boisdale Consolidated School Phone: 03 5145 4391 Newry Rd, Boisdale, 3860 [email protected] News From The Principal NEWSLETTER 27TH FEBRUARY 2020 ISSUE 5 Show Respect, Bounce Back, Be Your Best, Work as a Team, Be a Mate, Think Proud, Act Proud Be Proud School Council Members: Trevor Barton, Nat Bedggood, Dean Rowley, Melissa Glover, Ben Howard, Lionie Armitage, Daniel Clark, Kellie Willis, Anthony Kovco and Mick Daly School Council President: Kate Mirams Parents & Friends President: Vanessa Robinson Key Dates School Assembly Monday @ 9am All parents/guardians are welcome Friday 28th February HDSSA swimming Sale Monday 2nd March 1-2 Swimming Program starts Tuesday 3rd March P & F Meeng @ 9:15am Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm - 7pm Wednesday 4th March Maffra Makers Market info night @ Maffra Sports Club 6pm Thursday 5th march Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm - 7pm School Friday 6th March Student Free Day Monday 9th March Labour Day Public Holiday Friday 13th March Hot Cross Bun order forms due back Monday 23rd March School Photos Thursday 26th March Hot Dog Day

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Dear Families,

New Building Update Much to our excitement, the process for our next new building has been fast tracked! The concrete slab was poured today and the footings were also drilled. The building itself is set to arrive either next Tuesday or Wednesday! I’m sure there will be lots of excited faces as some trucks and a crane brings it into the school. Once it is here there will be an approximate four week wait before we can move into it, but with all going to plan, our 1/2 classrooms should be moved in before the start of Term 2!

Unfortunately, to make space for the new building, we had to say goodbye to our remaining rebound wall and the gymnastic bars. Both pieces of equipment were popular with students and so we will be working with them to get their input on whether they would like to see them rebuilt in another area of the school, or we whether we look into other alternative playground options to replace them. Special Thanks to Ronnie and Julie Orchard of RP & JM Orchard Backhoe Services We would like to acknowledge and thank Ronnie and Julie Orchard of RP & JM Orchard Backhoe Services for donating their time and services with the removal of the rebound wall. Thank you for bringing in your machinery and demolishing and removing the rebound wall and cement in preparation for the new building, saving the school considerable expense, which can now be put towards other school improvements. Getting to Know You Interviews A note was also sent home last week informing families of our upcoming Getting to Know You interviews for students in Year 1-6 and for families of students who were part of the First Steps program in 2019. The interviews will take place on Tuesday the 3rd and Thursday the 5th of March from 3:30pm-7pm. These interviews are designed to provide parents and teachers with an opportunity to get to know one another whilst discussing any social or emotional needs that your child has as well as any other issues relevant to your child that you wish to discuss with their teacher. Specialist teachers and I will also be available to meet with you should you wish.

Appointments can be made for these interviews by going to and entering the code 3jaht. Maffra Makers Market The Maffra Makers Market is the school’s biggest fundraiser for the year and has been a highly successful event over the past couple of years, with its success due to the hard work of our dedicated committee members in the lead up to the event. The market will return once again in 2020 and we are in search of some new committee members to assist with organising and running this event.

On Wednesday the 4th of March at 6pm we will be holding an informal information session upstairs at the Maffra Sports Club. If you are interested in learning more about what being a committee member would involve and how you might be able to help please come and join us for dinner and a social catch up. We have also created a Facebook event using our school’s Facebook page, if you could please RSVP through this event, that would be most certainly appreciated and we hope to see many of you there!

Boisdale Consolidated School

Phone: 03 5145 4391 Newry Rd, Boisdale, 3860 [email protected]

News From The Principal

NEWSLETTER 2 7 T H F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 I S S U E 5

“Show Respect, Bounce Back, Be Your Best, Work as a Team, Be a Mate, Think Proud, Act Proud Be Proud”

School Council Members: Trevor Barton, Nat Bedggood, Dean Rowley, Melissa Glover, Ben Howard, Lionie Armitage, Daniel Clark, Kellie Willis, Anthony Kovco and Mick Daly School Council President: Kate Mirams Parents & Friends President: Vanessa Robinson

Key Dates

School Assembly Monday @ 9am

All parents/guardians are welcome

Friday 28th February HDSSA swimming Sale Monday 2nd March 1-2 Swimming Program starts Tuesday 3rd March

P & F Meeting @ 9:15am

Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm - 7pm

Wednesday 4th March Maffra Makers Market info night @ Maffra Sports Club 6pm Thursday 5th march Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm - 7pm School Friday 6th March Student Free Day Monday 9th March Labour Day Public Holiday Friday 13th March Hot Cross Bun order forms due back Monday 23rd March School Photos Thursday 26th March Hot Dog Day

P A G E 2

School Council Notice of Ballot A note went home yesterday informing families that the following parents have been nominated to take up a term of office on our School Council from 2020.

Trevor Barton

Leesa Brideson

Mick Daly

Christey Johnson

Jessica Knight

Dean Rowley

Kellie Willis

As we have 7 candidates to fulfil the 5 vacancies on School Council, families have now been invited to vote in the ballot. Each parent in the school has the opportunity to vote and families with multiple parents, all have the right to cast a vote in the ballot. Ballot papers have been sent home as well as an example which demonstrates how to vote. As there are 5 vacancies, parents are welcome to make a ‘mark’ next to 5 of the candidates. Once ballot papers have been filled out, please place them into the previously sent home blank envelope. Please then place this envelope into the large envelope provided that has your name and address listed on the back. Please then return to the school office by the close of the ballot, at 4pm on Thursday 5th of March. If you have any questions or you require further ballot papers for multiple parents to vote in the ballot, please contact the office to obtain any extra required ballot papers. Welcome Karen Langdon Karen Langdon is an Education Improvement Leader from the Department of Education who will be working with the school each Friday and will work very closely with Lionie Armitage in her Literacy Learning Specialist role. Karen is sharing her passion and years of experience in literacy with Boisdale to support the school in meeting our goals of consistency, and always improving to support our students in their reading and writing work. Karen will work with teachers in the classroom and will also work with many of our students as well. She has provided us with a little insert to help us get to know her a little better. Hello everyone! Thank you so much for a very warm welcome to Boisdale CS. A bit about me… I am American born (although last year officially became an Australian citizen so now am proudly a dual citizen!) I began my teaching career in Michigan, and was immersed in the Reader’s Workshop model from the very start. I taught Kindergarten (Foundation) there, while simultaneously learning/dabbling/attending training/developing the writing and reading workshop culture in our district. After eight years, adventure called, and my husband Matt (born in Geelong) and I decided to bring our daughter, Vienna (then four, now ten) to Australia. It was time she got to know her cousins, start developing an Aussie accent, and learn what netball is! We call Yarram home, and I taught Prep/1 and 3/4 at Yarram Primary School before stepping into a literacy consulting role. The workshop model that I have always been so passionate about became the area reading strategy, and I have had the wonderful privilege to support schools on the path of implementing the strategy. This year as an EIL (Education Improvement Leader) I am working with four schools in the region to support them in embedding these strategies. I love traveling more than just about anything, I am super into strategic board games, and I am a big Survivor fan! I am very much looking forward to learning from you and with you at Boisdale CS. Karen

Kind Regards,

Daniel Clark

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their achievements, behaviour and attitude over the last week.

Well Done Awards

Principals Award: Jyie Hoyle FSS Kolt Richardson for the persistence he showed when writing his name and forming all of the letters within his name. A huge achievement. Well done, Kolt!

FAR Ava Lopardi for bouncing back quickly when getting upset. James Atkinson for being your best by Having a go at reading even when it was tricky.

FM Harriet Lukjanov for always putting in a 100% effort so that she is PROUD of her learning. Harrison Wilton for being your best with the amazing effort that he put into his maths! Keep it up Harrison!

12M Flynn Preston for being enthusiastic about writing and always trying his best! Well done Flynn! Zoe Brideson for being positive about learning and using clues from the text to draw what she was visualising. Well done Zoe!

12R Jesse Durrant for editing and improving your writing. Errol Anderson for trying your best and supporting others during number talks.

12E Harv Wain for being enthusiastic about his reading and eager to share with others. Well Done! Krystal Ward for always being ready to learn and doing her best in all her learning. Well done!

34W Lou Watts for showing great resilience during maths. Blake Wilton for showing perseverance when challenged in maths.

34G Zak Amott for working well in a team and challenging himself in maths Indie Hibbins for believing in herself and swimming exceptionally well in the 50m races during the swimming sports.

56PR Will Johns for having a Positive attitude and having a go in all the swimming races because he’s never going to be in Year 6 again! Zara Lincoln for showing respect by taking care of school resources and putting them away without being asked.

56R Kalani Little for a great piece of upleveling a story about a crocodile Luke Rickard for improved effort in all areas of his learning

Student Awards

P A G E 3

Congratulations to our School values poster winners:

P A G E 4

Swimming Sports It was great to see all the 3-6 students compete so well at the house swimming sports. They all showed great resilience and amazing sportsmanship towards each other. I was amazed at how well each and every student swam in the cold conditions. I would like to thank the parent helpers, without your help and support events like this couldn’t happen. I would also like to thank all the staff and students for your help during the event. Our grade 6 champions this year for swimming were Summer Harbour and Daniel Neaves. The house results were close this year. In 3rd place was Gold house, in 2nd place was Red house and equal first was Green and Blue house!! This Friday we have 20 students competing in Sale at the HDSSA district swimming carnival. I wish them all the very best.

Message from the office: Lost/not returned Permission Notes Lots of Permission Notes have needing to be reprinted due to students loosing the originals. Please have a chat to your child/children about making sure they hand notes in. Without signed and returned permission notes students are not able to attend activities such as swimming sports and class excursions. Due to department regulations verbal consent can not be accepted.

I’m a little teapot..

P A G E 5

Classroom Spotlight - 12M - Miss Mackay

In 1/2M, we have been learning about visualisation. We have been using clues from the text to create a picture in our mind. We drew what we were visualising the Green Giant to look like.

Classroom Spotlight - 34W - Miss Williams

Narratives in 3/4 W In 3/4 W we have been learning about narrative texts and how it’s important to have a ‘sizzling start’ to engage the reader. As a whole class we have been discussing the use of descriptive WOW words to help create an interesting beginning to our class story. This has been particularly fun for students as we have started writing about twenty-eight brave explorers and a novice lead ranger in the jungle. Students will be working to plan, draft, edit and publish their own narratives. Here are some extra

hot ‘SIZZLING START’ examples.

SIZZLE, SMASH, BANG! “Get them boys”.

On a stormy night at the Boisdale school sleepover,

everyone was fast asleep.

“ARRRGH!!” A black scream came from the hall, “It’s


“Sizzling Starts make the reader want to keep reading”

“I’ve used WOW words in my sizzling start to set the scene”

“Sizzling starts make stories more interesting”

P A G E 6

Thank you to our School Sponsors:

MacAlister Valley-Newry Lions Club Inc.

Notices sent home


School Council Ballot Papers

Hot Cross buns note - Yummy

HDSSA note - selected


Bulb Drive


Thank you Amanda Elliot for helping in the Canteen last week. Also, Thank you to everyone that has jumped to action when help was called for to fill our Canteen Roster for terms 1&2, we appreciate you!

Please remind your students to collect their frozen items

from the Canteen after the second bell ....if not collected they stay on my board until we hunt the student down! If items aren’t collected after an extended period, a cash refund will be popped into the student’s lunch wallet.

Enjoy! Miriam

Boisdale Consolidated School complies with Ministerial Order No. 870 Child Safe Standards and is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. Boisdale Consolidated School has a zero tolerance approach to child abuse. Our Child Safety officer is the principal, if you ever have any concerns regarding the safety of students enrolled at Boisdale Consolidated school please contact Daniel Clark or see the following website regarding further information pertaining to Child Safe Standards.

Lost Property We once again have a large quantity of un-named and non school item lost property. If these look like your child's they can be collected from lost property next to the office. Any uncollected items will be donated to charity.