boat program briefing

DHS Boat DHS Boat Commodities Commodities Council Council Briefing Briefing November 2, November 2, 2010 2010 Tampa, FL Tampa, FL

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DHS Boat DHS Boat Commodities Council Commodities Council BriefingBriefingNovember 2, 2010November 2, 2010Tampa, FLTampa, FL

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An overview of the BOAT ProgramWhat it isHow it was establishedWhy it was createdWhat was accomplished in year oneProjections for year two, and beyond.

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•Celebrating its 50th anniversary, The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) is a national nonprofit organization that works to develop public policy for recreational boating safety. •NASBLA represents the recreational boating authorities of all 50 states and the U.S. territories. •NASBLA offers a variety of resources, including training, model legislation, education standards and publications.

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Identifying, and closing a gapNASBLA recognizes that the Coast Guard and

DHS cannot perform the maritime homeland security mission alone.

It also sees a significant gap in training standards for the port security mission.

And chooses to address the issue through the formation of a “Council of Partners” in 2009.

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The Mission: Create a Force-MultiplierThrough unity of effort, utilizing the skills, knowledge and expertise within our community, the Council of Partners will develop a maritime homeland security solution that will leverage partnerships and resources to build a sustainable standard of training, credentialing, and typing through the Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) program that will continuously enhance the safety and security on the waterways of the United States.

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October 2009, BOAT Program is Established•A national training system intended to develop and compliment the capabilities of maritime law enforcement officers and emergency responders at all levels of government – federal, state and local.

Establishes a national standard for the training, qualification, credentialing and typing of maritime law enforcement and rescue personnel.

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The BOAT Program ElementsConsultation to agencies and departments

developing maritime training programsQualification standards for Crew Members,

Boat Operators and Tactical OperatorsTraining Courses for those qualificationsCredentialing of members who receive that

trainingA national database of credentialed membersAccreditation of those agencies that adopt and

implement the national standards

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First Launch: Tactical Operator Course In 7 months, have delivered

18 courses throughout the country (Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, California and Hawaii)

Trained 350 personnel, will train over 400 by year end.

Average incoming knowledge test: 33%

Average outgoing knowledge test: 91%

Anticipate 25 course deliveries in 2011

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What the students say 94% say the course related to their

needs 71% STRONGLY AGREE that the

instructor knew the subject thoroughly (96% Agree or Strongly Agree)

75% STRONGLY AGREE that the instructors encouraged participation (97% Agree or Strongly Agree)

62% STRONGLY AGREE that the instructors clarified what was expected of the students (96% Agree or Strongly Agree)

68% STRONGLY AGREE that the instructors answered their questions thoroughly (95% Agree or Strongly Agree)

63% STRONGLY AGREE that the instructors used the course materials effectively (94% Agree or Strongly Agree)

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What the students say 75% STRONGLY AGREE that the

instructors supplemented the course materials with personal knowledge (97% Agree or Strongly Agree)

94% say the instructors presented engaging lectures

63% STRONGLY AGREE that the course content was applicable to their job (94% Agree or Strongly Agree)

64% STRONGLY AGREE that the audiovisuals supported the course content (95% Agree or Strongly Agree)

72% STRONGLY AGREE that the activities and exercises supported the course content (98% Agree or Strongly Agree)

91% felt the course was well organized

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What the students say68% STRONGLY

AGREE that they can use what they learned on the job (94% Agree or Strongly Agree)

76% STRONGLY AGREE that the program is worth recommending to others (93% Agree or Strongly Agree)Note: Level III Assessments

currently underway

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The Basic Crew Member CourseDeveloped over the summer of 2010Pilot delivered in October at Newport, RI to

multiple fire departments, commercial salvers, and harbor masters from throughout the state.

Instructor cadre of active duty Coast Guard, reservists, Coast Guard Auxiliary, harbor masters and commercial salvers.

Anticipate 10 BCM courses deliveries in 2011

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BOAT Operator Search and Rescue Course

In development nowPilot will take place in

March of 2011, with same students from BCM course in Newport, RI

Anticipate 15 BOSAR course deliveries in 2011

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National Standard Implementation

Typing: Member of working group with FEMA

Credentialing: Chair FEMA workgroup

Currency Data-Base: Ongoing at NASBLA HQ

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The BOAT Program at work

“A Ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships were built for.”- Shedd

• Submarine escorts in Mayport

• Backfill for Gulf Oil Spill

• Hours of partnership on the water

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The BOAT Program at work

Capt Michael McAllister, Sector Charleston

“We have used OGA's to greatly enhance our performance of Coast Guard missions. In the Charleston-area alone, they contributed more than 1,000 underway hours to security missions - this equates to an annual rate of about 2,400 hours - about 5 boats and roughly 30 FTE if described in terms of CG resource usage.”

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The BOAT Program at workCambridge, Mass., – September

29, 2010 – Today the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, announced the selection of NASBLA’s Boat Operations and Training Program for its newly-created Bright Ideas program. In its inaugural year, Bright Ideas is designed to recognize and share creative government initiatives around the country with interested public sector, nonprofit, and academic communities.

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The Road AheadStrengthening partnershipsContinue to grow instructor cadreFinalize Credentialing Standards in 2011Add PRND as a BOAT Program ModelAdd Intelligence as a BOAT Program ModelDeliver 50 classes in 201198 classes in 2012

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Closing Comments

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Onward and Forward“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination”- John Schaar, American Sociologist