board members comments on verna ruffin evaluation, 2015-16

PART 1: 1. Keeps all board members informed on issues, needs, and operation of the school system. (1-A lvey) Board information is often shared last minute with no chance to st udy , wro ng on missi ng information. Have been in board meetings and have been handed information and asked to make decisions (Transportation Studies, Capital plans, budgets, Vision 2020 timelines) (5-Hampton) Recei ves cons tant emails (4- Head) Emails are timely. I re ceive pl enty of phone up dates. 2. Support board policy and actions to the public and staff. (5-Hamp ton) Makes ev eryone aware. 3. Has a harmonious relationship with the board. (4- Head) Appears to get along with the majori ty of the bo ar d. 4. Upon request, provides clear explanations of alternatives for recommendations. (1-A lvey) Doe s not share her recommend ations upfront to the board wi th any ra tionale. I think Verna confuses activities with results. Although she has tried many things, they do not connect together, have not driven academic improvement for students. Vision 2020 constant changes, data m oving around. There is still no clear understanding or reconciliation of s avings. (1-Bra tcher ) Seems to be dismissi ve of feed back and direction. 5. Works toward creating and maintaining a high degree of understanding and respect between staff and the board. (1-Alv ey) Over manag es board/s taff r elatio nship s. Her staff is scared to interact wi th b oard members due to fear of reprisal from Verna. 6. Advises the board on need for new or revised policies. (5-Hampton) Recei ves email concern ing updated policies. 7. Refrain from criticizing members of the board. (5-Campbell) Very professional in potentially con tentious situations. (5-Clif ft) I h ave n ever hear d the Supe rinte nden t cri ticize indiv idual boar d me mber s, n or t he b oard as a whole . (5-Head) I've never hear d Vern a sp eak cri tica lly about a board member. Jackson-Madison County Schools Director of Schools Evaluation 2015-2016 Comments Summary I. Board Relationships Page 1 of 11

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1. Keeps all board members informed on issues, needs, and operation of the school system.

(1-Alvey) Board information is often shared last minute with no chance to study, wrong on missing

information. Have been in board meetings and have been handed information and asked to make

decisions (Transportation Studies, Capital plans, budgets, Vision 2020 timelines)

(5-Hampton) Receives constant emails

(4-Head) Emails are timely. I receive plenty of phone updates.

2. Support board policy and actions to the public and staff.

(5-Hampton) Makes everyone aware.3. Has a harmonious relationship with the board.

(4-Head) Appears to get along with the majority of the board.

4. Upon request, provides clear explanations of alternatives for recommendations.

(1-Alvey) Does not share her recommendations upfront to the board with any rationale. I think Verna

confuses activities with results. Although she has tried many things, they do not connect together,

have not driven academic improvement for students. Vision 2020 constant changes, data moving

around. There is still no clear understanding or reconciliation of savings.

(1-Bratcher) Seems to be dismissive of feedback and direction.

5. Works toward creating and maintaining a high degree of understanding and respect between staff and the board.

(1-Alvey) Over manages board/staff relationships. Her staff is scared to interact with board members due to

fear of reprisal from Verna.

6. Advises the board on need for new or revised policies.

(5-Hampton) Receives email concerning updated policies.

7. Refrain from criticizing members of the board.

(5-Campbell) Very professional in potentially contentious situations.

(5-Clifft) I have never heard the Superintendent criticize individual board members, nor the board as a whole.

(5-Head) I've never heard Verna speak critically about a board member.

Jackson-Madison County Schools

Director of Schools Evaluation 2015-2016

Comments Summary

I. Board Relationships

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(Board Relationship cont.)

8. Exercises good judgment and objectivity in making recommendations to the board.

(1-Alvey) Vision 2020 data was incomplete, rushed board to make decision. Disparity in how Pope is being

treated compared to other K-8 schools, Verna has not really addressed this issue and brought any

real recommendations.

9. Offers professional advice to the board on items requiring board action with appropriate recommendations

based on thorough study and analysis.

(1-Alvey) Do not get data ahead of time to evaluate on her proposals. Often is not even on board docs until

date of the meeting.

(2-Head) I feel some decisions are rushed without gathering all the facts.

10. Understands and executes the intent of board policy.

(1-Alvey) Middle school athletics, Verna just shared plan to combine schools and cut programs without

sharing this intent with the board. She tried to just slip it in with little explanation to the board. Felt

that the data was share with the board was misleading (was told by her staff that schools don't cut

players, when they do). Eventually was overturned by board. I had to get data on my own becauseI did not trust the data Verna and her staff provided. Teachers having to move their own materials is

embarrassing to me as a board member, this should have been provided to teachers rather than

putting the burden on them.

(5-Hampton) Uses policy as a guide when needed.

11. Seeks and accepts constructive criticism of her/his work.

(1-Alvey) Very defensive. Did not want to meet last year after her evaluation, told me there was no value in

having a discussion after I scheduled time with her.

(1-Bratcher) Many pieces of information have been offered, yet seem to have been ignored.

(5-Head) Verna has always been receptive of my criticism.12. Keeps board informed of matters of employment, promotion and dismissal of personnel.

1. Is an effective spokesman for the school system.

(5-Campbell) Excellent spokesperson.

(5-Hampton) Constantly speaks to the media.

(5-Head) Verna speak very well of the system.

II. Community Relationships

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(Community Relationships cont.)

(5-Mays) Does not refuse an opportunity to speak publicly in support of our school system.

2. Is respected and supported by the community in conducting the operations of the schools.

(2-Alvey) Many parents have told me meeting with Verna is difficult and she is not responsive to them.

(2-Clifft) Community support was very strong at the beginning of her tenure, but appears to have

diminished over the past two years.(4-Head) Community members continue to speak highly of Verna. Except those affected by Vision 2020.

3. Builds public support for the school system.

(5-Hampton) Very passionate about JMCSS.

(2-Head) We have no P.R. (internal or external)

4. Defends the principals in the face of pressure or partisan.

(1-Alvey) Principals do not feel supported, and are afraid to share info with Verna. Many good principals have

left the district. Several have told me that they would be happy to come back when a new

Superintendent comes in.

5. Develops cooperative relationships with the news media.

(2-Alvey) WNWS treated as a second class citizen because Verna does not like them. Several press members

and different outlets have called me to say they are not getting rapid response on information


(2-Clifft) At least one media outlet has had trouble obtaining information and/or explanations in some


(3-Head) This has improved but not the level needed.

(5-Mays) Does not refuse an opportunity to speak publicly in support of our school system.

(5-Neely) Works well with the printed media.

6. Participates actively in community life and affairs.

(5-Campbell) Extremely active and effective in our community.

(5-Clifft) To the best of my knowledge, the Superintendent is active and visible in the community.

(5-Head) Verna is involved in many aspects of the community.

7. Achieves status as a community leader in public educations.

(5-Hampton) Advocate throughout TN for our district.

(5-Neely) Considered as a leader of public education.

8. Establishes strong relationships with public and private agencies.

(5-Head) There has been significant improvement with building these relationships.

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1. Develops good staff morale and loyalty to the organization.

(1-Alvey) Many staff have left, teacher and admin staff morale is the lowest I have seen in the district.

(1-Clifft) Based on comments and information I receive, employee morale is low and employees don’t

appreciate the Superintendent's management and leadership style.(2-Head) Seems to be a struggle here.

2. Treats all personnel fairly, without favoritism or discrimination, while insisting on performance of duties.

(1-Alvey) June Murry debacle, and how Liberty staff were treated as though it was on inquisition. People

were hired into the district without an understanding of the impact of Vision 2020.

3. Delegates authority to staff members appropriate to the position each holds.

(5-Hampton) Does not micro-manage.

4. Recruits and assigns the best available personnel.

(2-Clifft) Based on certain hiring and assignments I have lost confidence in the Superintendent's

personnel decisions.(5-Hampton) Utilizes strong personnel recruiting.

(3-Head) Finance/Technology/Transportation - YES; Operation/Personnel - NO

5. Represents the best interest of the board in working with teachers and their organizations.

(4-Head) Per Earline Price's statements there has been improvement here.

6. Solicits input from staff in planning activities.

7. Maintains up-to-date job descriptions for all personnel.

8. Ensures that adequate planning and evaluation of curriculum and instruction occur.

(1-Alvey) Little discussion of academic improvements, delayed implementation of year round implementation

because she underestimated how people would react to it (parents and teachers), and lack of a goodimplementation plan.

9. Develops and empowers staff, resulting in an effective racially diverse educational team.

(1-Alvey) She is very controlling with staff. I do not feel we have a well cohesive team at the Central Office.

There are many people who fear Verna and how unpredictable she is. There are large disconnects

that school staffs feel with Central Office and Human Capital department in particular.

10. Has a vision and communicates a mission for the school system.

(5-Hampton) Shares new ideas and suggestions.

III. Staff and Personnel Relationships

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(Business and Finance cont.)

(1-Alvey) Vision 2020 budget and savings have been a source of confusion. No clarity on real savings and real

costs. Capital came back at more than twice original estimate even with a reduced scope. Capital

funds concern from County Commission over allocated funds being diverted.

3. Develops a responsible, timely and detailed budget that reflects the needs of the school system.

(1-Alvey) Scope creep on various elements of Vision 2020, ECH, etc.(3-Clifft) Overall yes, but in some cases budgeted items were not carried out.

(3-Head) Long range capital budget is good, still having trouble showing V2020 savings.

4. Administers and adheres to the adopted budget.

(4-Head) Not re-building the stadiums was a gutsy move. It was the right move.

5. Provides regular financial reporting that is well prepared and punctual.

(2-Alvey) Vision 2020 confusion over what real savings are.

(4-Head) Financial reporting is limited to the dysfunctional county system.

6. Oversees operation and control of facilities and equipment, ensures that they are safely maintained, and

recommends needed improvements.

(1-Alvey) Several OSHA issues, maintenance people are not being trained properly, people being asked to do

what they had not been trained to do, maintenance people have left over previous maintenance

coordinator mismanaged staff.

7. Demonstrated awareness of local, state, and national economic developments and their impact on the school


8. Administers financial affairs of the school system consistent with state law and board policy.

1. Works effectively with board, staff, and community to develop both short-and long-range strategic plans.

(2-Alvey) Not getting plans ahead of time to evaluate them. Changes from meeting to meeting. Little progress

on low student achievement, delays on enhanced calendar implementation.

(3-Head) Verna navigated V2020 well.

2. Keeps board and community informed on progress toward short-and long-range plans.

(2-Alvey) Vision 2020 planning was very seat of the pants with no real plan, constant changes, little time for

board input and understanding of issues. Athletics, moving expenses, transportation issues all were

surprises that were not adequately presented to the board.

VI. Strategic Planning Skills

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(Strategic Planning Skills cont.)

(2-Head) We must have a public relations department that can communicate with the community.

3. Develops and annually evaluates the Five-Year plan which includes strategies, goals, and projected student


1. Develops, implements, promotes and monitors continuous improvement in student achievement.

(1-Alvey) Little discussion on how to improve key benchmarks on learning. Assessments have been delayed.

High number of classrooms did not have subs, board had to ask for data with no real plan to address

this outage that directly impacted student learning.

2. Applies effective methods of providing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting student achievement.

(1-Alvey) Reading scores have not improved.

(2-Head) Reports must be vetted before they are provided to the board - i.e. READ 180 data was not

formatted consistently from report to report.3. Promotes academic rigor and excellence for students so they are college and career ready.

4. Maintains a current knowledge of development in curriculum and instruction and ensures that the instructional

program is rigorous and relevant.

5. Reviews, reports and reacts appropriately to state accountability measures.

(3-Head) You should always have a plan when the State drops the ball like they did with testing this year.


Personal characteristics: High standards are expected of all Jackson-Madison County School System administrative

and supervisory personnel. The following list of important personal characteristics includes those items which are

not reflected in the job description but which are innate and yet vitally important for successful job performance.

1. Defends principles and conviction in the face of pressure.

(5-Hampton) Very strong in her belief.

(5-Neely) Holds her position when confronted.

2. Maintains high standards of ethics in all matters.

I. Personal Characteristics

VII. Student Achievement

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(Personal Characteristics cont.)

(1-Alvey) Verna has misled the board, Bemis purchase orders, Madison art sale being reviewed with attorney,

Liberty investigation, Vision 2020 financials.

(5-Campbell) Unequivocal regarding values.

3. Earns respect of professional colleagues.

(1-Alvey) Dr. Ruffin manages through intimidation of staff in may instances. Many staff members feeldevalued by her, and there has been continual drain of staff leaving the district due to how people

feel. The staff survey that was done last year indicated morale was at the lowest level recorded for

the district.

(5-Head) This is evident in the Higher Ed. Community.

4. Devotes time and energy effectively to the job.

(5-Clifft) I have no doubt about the Superintendent's devotion to the job. She attends numerous meetings,

works long hours and seems to take very little time for herself.

(5-Hampton) Works very hard - works late.

(5-Head) Works constantly.(5-Mays) Goes far beyond the call of duty.

5. Works well with individuals and groups.

(1-Alvey) Dr. Ruffin interface issues with Bemis parents over teaching assistants issues. They did not feel

listened to, and felt that data was misrepresented from the TN state DOE.

(5-Head) Verna is very engaged with the community.

6. Exercises good judgment in arriving at decisions.

(1-Alvey) Discipline decisions that have been overturned, June Murry situation, Vision 2020 planning, moving

cost and other costs that were not properly budgeted. Teaching assistants issue at Bemis and other

schools, lack of follow up and effective planning. Parents had to self fund.7. Possesses and maintains health and energy necessary to meet responsibilities of the position.

(5-Clifft) The Superintendent appears very healthy and exhibits the necessary energy.

(5-Hampton) Has done quite well even in diversity.

(5-Head) Seems to have limitless energy.

8. Maintains poise and emotional stability.

(5-Head) Verna always seems to keeps things together emotionally.

9. Is suitably attired and well groomed.

(5-Campbell) Always appropriately attired.

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(Personal Characteristics cont.)

(5-Clifft) The Superintendent is always well groomed and has an extensive professional wardrobe.

(5-Hampton) Professionally dressed with appropriate attire.

(5-Head) Always professionally dressed.

10. Uses languages effectively in dealing with staff, board, and public.

(5-Head) Speaks well.11. Write clearly and concisely.

(5-Hampton) Easily to understand (whenever needed)

(5-Head) Communication is clear and to the point.

12. Speaks well in front of groups.

(5-Campbell) Excellent public speaking skills.

(5-Clifft) The Superintendent is always poised and confident when speaking to groups.

(5-Hampton) Good spokesperson

(5-Head) Verna engages well with any audience.

(5-Mays) Very articulate. Expresses herself very effectively.13. Thinks well on his/her feet.

(5-Hampton) Ready to give an answer always.

14. Maintains professional development.

(5-Hampton) Strives to build up district and employees with expertise and good staff.

(5-Head) Seems to be engaged in P.D.


I. General

A. Teacher/Leader Effectiveness

1. Develop Human Capital processes to improve human capital function in order to recruit, attract, develop,

and retain high effective teaches and leaders.

(2-Head) Talent discovery days - great idea. HC fails to engage personnel. HC must be part of the budget


2. Significantly reduce the number of effective teacher/leaders leaving the district for reason other than

promotion or relocation.

Board Goals

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(Board Goals cont.)

(1-Alvey) Attrition is at the highest rate in the history of our district, and much of it is related to Verna's

leadership failings and erratic style in dealing with people. No response to the survey that was done

last year, sent message that she was not interested in responding to the feedback.

3. Recognize and reward high-performing teachers and leaders.

B. Vision 2020

1. Develop a milestone schedule for the Vision 2020 process that will support the Dec. 2015 deadline to finalize

decisions on Vision 2020, and insure that all milestones schedules in the current year are met.

(5-Hampton) Successful in the outcome.

(5-Mays) Did an excellent job of meeting 2020 deadline.

II. Academic Excellence

A. Continue focus on reading literacy

1. Increase percentage of students improving in reading as measured by TCAP data.

(1-Alvey) This did not happen, and was not even mentioned in her self evaluation.(5-Hampton) Have implemented new reading materials.

2. Capture and evaluate quantitative and qualitative data on implementation of Reading Mastery and READ 180.

(2-Head) I'm not sure the data is clear.

B. Increased number of schools meeting AMOs as determined by local and state objectives.

(1-Alvey) This did not happened, and was not even addressed in her self evaluation.

C. Complete preparation to open Early College High School by Fall of 2015.

(5-Hampton) Successful in the outcome process

(4-Head) Rough start with ECH budget. I've heard nothing but positive feedback in the community.

III. Finance

A. Insure the 2014-2015 budget can support Dec. 2015 deadline for decision for Vision 2020.

B. Develop tools and processes to improve JMCSS financial forecasting.

(3-Head) Keep it simple going forward.

IV. Safety

A. Implement system-wide training on mental health and emotional health, bullying and employee

compliance with laws and policies relative to employees in the workplace.

B. Evaluate school-wide discipline

C. Capture and evaluate quantitative date on individuals school s implementation of PBS.

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(Safety cont.)

D. Establish standard/consistent operating procedures for security and implement throughout district.

E. Update all emergency plans and evaluate for consistency.

(3-Head) These plans must always be evaluated with the help of all emergency department in the county.

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