bmer mental health partnership summit -quiz mental health in camden what do you know?

BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit - QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

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Page 1: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ

Mental Health In CamdenWhat do you know?

Page 2: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q1. Mental Illness and Life Expectancy

People with serious mental illness have a reduced life expectancy compared to the general population. They can expect to live:• A. 1 – 2 years less than someone without a

diagnosis of serious mental illness• B. 3 – 5 years less than someone without a

diagnosis of serious mental illness• C. 5 – 10 years less than someone without a

diagnosis of serious mental illness

Page 3: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q2. High Risk Groups for Mental Illness• Certain groups within the population are more

likely to suffer from mental illness. Which of the following groups do you think are at increased risk of mental illness?

• People from a low socio economic status• People living in Hampstead, Highgate and

Primrose Hill• Women• People in secure full time employment• BME groups

Page 4: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

• People with long term conditions or disabilities• Looked After Children• Home owners• Carers• Homeless people• Bankers and business leaders• Offenders• LGBT people• Car owners

Page 5: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q3. Early Mental Health Problems

• Early mental health problems are an important risk factor for adult mental illness: half of all lifetime mental health problems have already developed by age 14*.

• What percentage of children aged 5 – 10 in Camden have a mental disorder? Is it:

• A. 4.5% • B. 5.5%• C 7.7%• D 9.5%

Page 6: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q4. Adolescent Mental Health

Recent figures suggest that local services have made good progress in reaching a significant number (up to 80%) of Camden’s estimated population of children with mental health needs.What percentage of Camden’s 11 – 16 year olds have a mental health problem?Is it: A. 5.5% B. 6.9% C. 10.6% D. 11.5%

Page 7: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q5. Mental Health, Gender & SuicideMore men than women experience serious mental illness. New diagnosis of serious mental illness are almost twice as common in men as in women. Rates of common mental illness are higher in women, although there is commonly recognised under-diagnosis of anxiety and particularly depression in men.Late diagnosis of mental illness can have implications for treatment and recovery. Untreated serious mental illness can lead to suicide. How much more likely to complete suicide are men compared to women?a. 1.5 times more likely b. Twice as likelyc. Three times as likely d. Four times as likely

Page 8: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q6.Common Mental Health Problems in Camden

Approximately what percentage of the adult population of Camden have at one time been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or both.Is it:

A. 5 – 6%B. 7 – 8%C. 9 - 10 %D. 11 – 12%E. 14%F. 18%

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Q7. Serious Mental IllnessPoor physical health is common for people with a serious mental illness (SMI). People living with a serious mental illness have a significantly higher prevalence of all long term physical conditions than Camden’s general population (aged 18 and over).

What % of Camden’s population is currently living with Serious Mental Illness (SMI)?

Serious mental Illness (%)


London 1.0% 8.1%England 0.8% 11.7%

Serious mental Illness (%)


Camden 1.3% 9.6%

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Q8. Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are mental health conditions that affect how people manage their feelings and how they relate to other people. Mild personality disorders that do not seriously interfere with a person's ability to function socially are common. Severe disorders are rare and affect less than 2% of the population.How many people in Camden are estimated to be living with a severe personality disorder?Is it: A. 755 B. 968 C. 1,230 D. 1,820

Page 11: BMER Mental Health Partnership Summit -QUIZ Mental Health In Camden What do you know?

Q9.Ethnicity and Mental Illness Nationally, women from black and Asian ethnic groups have high rates of common mental illness, and rates are particularly high amongst South Asian women (up to 35%). This situation is replicated locally, but both Asian women and Asian men are under-represented locally in diagnosis and treatment.Black and Asian residents also show a lower diagnosed prevalence of anxiety disorders.Which ethnic group is over represented in our local suicide figures?

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Q10. Admissions to Hospital for Mental Illness

• Locally, men from Black communities have the highest rates of diagnosed serious mental illness, (SMI).

• The admission rate locally for white ethnic groups in Camden is 1.4 times higher than the England average for all ethnic groups.

What is the hospital admission rate in Camden for black ethnic groups compared to the England average?Is it: a. The same as for white ethnic groups?

b. 2.8 times higher?c. 4.9 times higher?d. 5.5 times higher?

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Q11. Older People and Mental Health• Forecast population growth will lead to

proportional increased need in all types of mental health conditions for children and adults. The biggest change will be as a result of an ageing population and the increased demand on dementia services.

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• Population predictions to 2021 suggest an accelerated growth in the number of older people: a 21% increase in adults aged over 65 years (+ 4,500 people) and a 32% increase in adults aged over 85 (+1000 people), of whom 1 in 14 over 65 and 1 in 6 over 85 can be expected to have a form of dementia.

It is estimated that overall numbers of people with dementia living in the borough by 2021 will increase by what percentage? A. 10% B. 15 % C. 20% D. 25%

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Q12. Influences on Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing are influenced by which of the following?• Housing• Education• Health• Employment• Social Inclusion• Community Safety• Racism• Harassment