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    Cast a vote thatdoes count!

    Te Annual General Meeting o

    the Blue Mountains Dog raining

    Club Inc. will be held on Tursday

    5 September, 2013 at the Bullaburra

    Progress Hall, Noble Street, Bullaburra

    commencing at 7.30 pm, ollowed by a

    General Meeting.

    All members are encouraged to

    attend and support your Club.

    For those members unable to attend

    the AGM, application or a postal vote

    was included in June/Julys newsletter.

    I you need a copy please contact the


    MountainTailshe O ic ia l Newslet te r o the Blue Mountains Dog ra ining Club Inc.

    August 2013

    Contact UsPO Box 445Katoomba NSW 780

    Find Us On Facebook

    Aliated with Dogs NSW


    Connie [email protected]

    Editor:Lisa [email protected]

    Chief Instructor:Ena Cooperph: 4784 39


    AGMpostal votesby23AugustLifemember votesby30 AugustAnnual GeneralMeeting5September


    This month:Upcoming Events ... 3

    Farewell, Editor ..... 3

    Letters to Editor ..... 4

    Awards & Results .. 5

    Graduations ........... 6

    New Members ....... 6

    Meeting Minutes ..... 7

    Training Times ... ... .. 8

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    p2 August 2013

    BMDTC OfficersPresident

    Pam Simcoe ph: 4373 53 ater 7.00 pm

    Vice President

    Raoul OBrien ph:4759 3694 e:[email protected]


    Connie Exner ph:4757 3778 e: [email protected]


    Ray Thiele ph: 6355 059 e: [email protected]


    Ron Simcoe, Sharelyn Stankov, Sharron Carter

    Public OfcerConnie Exner

    Chie Instructor

    Ena Cooper ph: 4784 39


    Lawson Robyn DeJonge Blackheath Paul Elliot


    Sharelyn Stankov ph: 4757 476 e: [email protected]


    Lisa Donohoe ph: 4784 37 e: [email protected]

    Ground Manager

    Lawson Raoul OBrien Blackheath Paul Elliott


    Lawson Vacant Blackheath Ray ThieleTable Manager

    Lawson Raoul OBrien Blackheath Daphne Paag


    Lawson Vacant Blackheath Laurie Noyes

    Equipment Ofcer

    Lawson Dori Leadle Blackheath Judy Keller


    Lawson Vacant Blackheath Louise Noyes


    Lawson Various Members Blackheath Various Members

    Social Committee



    Blackheath Bruce Phegan

    Club Clothing

    Lawson Dori Leadle Blackheath Ann Norman

    1st Aid Ofcers

    Lawson Vacant Blackheath Paul Elliot

    Trophy Ofcers

    Raoul OBrien

    Trial ManagerJe Griths ph: 4753 6637 e: [email protected]

    Trial Secretary


    Trial Committee

    Robyn DeJonge & Susan Dellas

    Trial Catering


    Club Auditor

    Peter Shoemark

    Hon. Solicitor

    Andrew White

    Hon Vets

    Lawson John Alexander Blackheath James Hayward

    Current Instructors Roster: March 2013

    Instructors Blackheath

    Ena Cooper (CI), Paul Elliot (Assistant CI) , Connie Exner, Shelley Gri-

    ths, Ann Norman, Laurie Noyes, Louise Noyes, Bruce Phegan, Joy

    Watson, Daphne Paag, Susan Wallace, Sonya Foulds

    Instructors Lawson

    Robyn de Jonge(Assistant CI) Jenny Coleman, Susan Dellas, Je

    Griths, Bill Higgins, Pat Leverton,Anne Salisbury, Bill Sweeney, Dori

    Leadle, Lyn Cessna

    Lie Members

    Linda Appleby, John & Luci Ellem, Margaret Ferris, Jan Franks, Jim Morris, Bob Sylvester, Beryl Fletcher, Bill Buchan, Isobel Lancashire, GlenIbbett, Ann Salisbury, Pat Leverton, Colin & Joy Ibbotson, Dot Luker, Ena Cooper, Angela Kracht, Cheryl Simpson, Heather James, Pam Simcoe,

    Celeste Paxon, Je Griths, Carol Abrahams, Bruce Phegan, Ron Simcoe.

    In Memory o

    Glad Sheeld, Bob Green, Henny Buxton, Barbara Milord, Walter Macada, Linda Edmonds.

    MEETINGSBullaburra Progress Hall, Corner Noble Street & GWH, Bullaburra Time: 7:30 pm

    General Meetings

    st Thursday o odd months:

    March, May, July, September & November.

    All club members are invited to attend General Meetings.

    Committee Meetings

    st Thursday o even months:

    February, April, June, August, October & December

    I you have any issues or concerns you want to raise to the

    committee please see a committee member.

    Annual General Meeting

    st Thursday in September.All members are most welcome

    to attend. A light supper is provided ater the meeting.

    Instructors Meetings

    Thursday August, St Albans Church Hall, Megalong Street,

    Leura. 7 pm.

    Boddington Nursing Home Visit

    Boddington Drive, Wentworth Falls, o Tablelands Road

    Every Friday at 0:45 am.

    For more inormation please call Ena Cooper. ph: 4784-39

    Triallers Group

    There is a Tuesday morning training session at Pitt Park or

    members going to trial their dogs or the rst time. Must be

    members o DOGS NSW, must currently be in white class.

    For more inormation contact Anne Salisbury, on 4757 97

    Council has given permission or dogs to train down at the Lawson Oval on Wednesday and Thursday, 8 am - pm.

    Only dogs training or trials will be permitted to use the Oval.

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    Mountain Tails p3

    Upcoming EventsAUGUSTCommittee Meeting Thursday August, 7.30I you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please

    see a committee member or email the secretary or inclusion

    on the agenda.

    Instructors meeting August nd

    SEPTEMBERAnnual General Meeting Thursday 5 September, 7.30 pmAll Club members are invited to attend.

    Lawson Oval Closed in September

    OCTOBERCommittee Meeting Thursday August, 7.30

    NOVEMBERRhododendrum Festival and Grand Parade ( November)

    Love Lawson Festival 6 NovemberBMDTC Trial at Blacktown 6 pm, 30 November

    DECEMBERChristmas Dinner 4 December , Wentworth Falls Gol Club

    RSPCA Million Paws Walk

    RSPCA MillionPaws WalkKatoomba

    Tis event was held on Sunday

    May 19th. Te weather was perect,

    cool, sunny and no wind.

    Prior to the start o the walk,

    teen o our members took part

    in a Demonstration o Obedience

    raining. Te dogs were o various

    breeds, ranging rom King Charles

    Spaniel to Great Dane. Tey also

    varied greatly in experience romBrown class to rialling.

    Our excellent demonstration was

    very well received and appreciated

    by the RSPCA sta and other


    Many more o our members then

    joined or the walk.

    Congratulations and many

    thanks to everyone who took part in

    the demonstration and/or the walk.EM Cooper, CI

    Sharelyn retires her red penDear Members,

    It certainly has been my pleasure to bring you the BMDC newsletter

    every month, or the last 3 years Little Penelope was just a wee pup,working hard in green class. Her legs still havent grown, but she is now a

    wise lass o 5, my how time ies.

    My 1st issue was Sept 2010, and in looking through some o the issues o

    Mountain ails, I had a look at some o the articles I wrote Starting with

    Do Dogs Dream , then getting more serious with ravelling with Dogs

    in Vehicles Easter Saety Keeping Dogs Cool in Summer, Human

    Foods/Dog Poisons and my avourite Famous Dogs o Film. I enjoyed at

    the clubs 30th Anniversary, re-visiting the 1st newsletter, when the club was

    only 5 years old, re-printing some o the old photos rom the archives, and

    seeing how much the club has played a large part in many peoples lives overtime, and how many o those members are still going strong!

    I want to thank you all or your eedback, suggestions, letters, pictures,

    jokes and trial results over the years. o the hard working committee that

    has been my pleasure to be a part o- Pam, Raoul, Ray, Sharron, Ron

    and Connie So many late night cakes! A special thank you to Dori or

    keeping me in the loop with pictures o club events, pictures o members

    and sending them to me or publishing. People love pictures! Especially

    o their dogs. Tank you to Anne S, or spending time with Penny and I,

    especially at the beginning, and or your endless history o the club and or

    your amazing dogs Wow! Lastly, to Connie or your advise, sensiblereasoning under pressure, hard work, dedication, cakes, (did I mention

    cakes) and riendship.

    Please dont be shy with your new editor

    Lisa has a lot o great ideas, and as you can see

    the newsletter already looks better! One thing

    that makes this newsletter great is member

    contributions so keep them coming. Oh yeah,

    thank you to Lisa or taking over the editorship

    so I can keep some o my hair!

    See you around the dog parks or at training,Sharelyn

    Penny looking resplendent! Toni Hutchison Photography

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    p4 August 2013


    Dear Ofcials and Members,

    I eel like a bit o a traitor leaving a club that has given me so much,but now I have moved to Kurrajong I nd it just too much o an eort to

    drive up to Blackheath on a weekly basis. Sounds weak doesnt it when

    others possibly drive urther at times, I have no excuse other than it s a big

    eort. So, I have joined two clubs down here to make up or the huge hole

    in my and Chaos & Mayhems lives. Both clubs are small, one has only

    two separate groups during its daytime training classes, and the other on

    Monday night has our separate groups. But one meets three times a week

    so perhaps its evening classes have more people.

    Anyway I want to thank BMDC or helping me to get through possibly

    the hardest three/our years o my lie even i you didnt know it. I want tothank all the members and instructors or being so welcoming and sociable, I

    cant name everyone, otherwise this letter will take up the whole news letter,

    so I have to just single out a ew. First naturally, is Ena or keeping us all

    on our toes and organised so that club days ran like an oiled machine and

    or her insistance on correctness in training. Next is Connie or her calm,

    no uss attitude to training much like Bruces. I also have to think Anne

    Salisbury or her eagle eyed ability to pick up on the tiniest mistakes that

    make the dierence between dog trainers and dog trainers. Every instructor

    brought their own individuality to each class and rom each o you I learned

    something new.O everyone though, I have to thank Shelley Grifths or her consistent

    patience with my illness generated clumsiness and her skilled ability to

    help me overcome it, so much so that my everyday lie is easier not just

    in training. So it is Shelley I have to thank most. You made a tangible

    dierence to my lie.

    So dear BMDC, I hope I can visit occasionally, you collectively hold a

    special place in my heart.

    Felicity Bennett-Bremner

    Letters to the Editor Mock trial dayA mock trial day was held at

    Blackheath in April to assist a

    trainee judge Mr O'Connor, whoneeded some practice at judging.

    A group rom Blackheath kindly


    I'm sure those who entered

    gained an experience o what

    trialling is all about and we hope

    some o those participants will go

    on to obedience trialling.

    A big thankyou to all the


    minute sit stay

    The gure o 8

    David and Toby show a heeling pattern

    Preparing or the -minute down stay.


    Mobile: 0431-238-087Shop 2/134 Station Street,

    Blackheath, 2785

    Tuesday - Friday 9am to 5pm

    Saturday 9am to 2pm!Full Grooming!Tidy Up!Washing Pets!Polar Fleece dog jackets

    ContributionsThe editor welcomes suggestions,

    comments, articles, book and

    dvd reviews, photos and artwork,

    and discussions anything dog-

    related. Ideally, copy should be 0

    words with some pictures!

    As space allows, it will be includedin the next months newsletter.

    Please send by 0th o the month


    [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    Mountain Tails p5

    Awards and ResultsDate Member Dog Location Judge Ring Place Points

    9/5/3 Anne Salisbury Crispin Berrima Ms P Lyons Open RATG 3rd 90

    9/5/3 Dori Leadle Tayler Berrima Ms P Lyons Novice RATG 80

    /6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Newcastle Club D Anderson UDX 9

    /6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Newcastle Club G Bartolo UD 90

    3/6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Blacktown DTC G Bartolo UDX 94

    3/6/3 Dori Leadle Tayler Blacktown DTC Ms J Duncan nd 87

    8/6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Blacktown DTC D Turley UD 89

    9/6/3 Dori Leadle Tayler Macarthur DTC M S Turne st 8

    30/6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Deer Bush Club l Dibbin UDX 89

    30/6/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Deer Bush Club M Foorde UD 98

    7/7/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Illawarra Club P Hosie UDX 9

    7/7/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Illawarra Club D Anderson UD 95

    7/7/3 Bill Sweeney Marla Illawarra Club P Hosie 93

    3/7/3 Mary-Anne Sands Cassie Springwood DTC Ms P Ohm CCD 3rd 9

    Happy trials!Cassie and I entered our rst

    trial on Sat 13 July 2013, at the

    Springwood District Dog raining

    Club Obedience trial, held at

    Erskine Park. We entered in theCCD ring, under judge Ms P Ohm

    (NSW). We qualied with 92 points,

    and that gave us third place - which

    was really exiting!

    Te next day we were in the

    CCD ring at the Penrith Kennel &

    Obedience Club trial, also at Erskine

    Park. Te judge was Ms H Martyn

    (NSW), and unortunately we ailed

    the stand or exam and thereore we no qualied.Anyway I cannot wait or our next attempt which will be at the Golden Retriever specialty show in September.

    Both o the judges last weekend were very kind, reassuring, and helpul.

    Mary-Anne Sands

    Mary-Anne Sands and Cassie at Penrith Kennel & Obedience Club Trial

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    p6 August 2013

    A warm welcome to new membersand their dogsMember Dog Breed

    Robin Pether Daisy Mini Schnauzer

    Anne Moran Marnie Cocker Spaniel

    Kathy & Holly Vosper Lottie Terrier Cross

    Jean Hampton Flint Dandie Dinmont Terrier

    Sandra Kemp Mac Maltese/Jack Russell

    Deborah Ranse Elly Masti Cross

    Anna & Brian Marshall Perry Pyrenean Mountain Dog

    Kimberley Brown Stanley Mini Foxie/Jack Russell

    Sarah Stocks Jed Miniature Poodle

    Janet Thomas Molly Sot Coated Wheeten Terrier

    John Sibley Oscar Maremma

    Julie Howard Edward Whippet

    Simone Ford Moose Kelpie cross

    Monica Raccani Bella Staordshire Bull Terrier

    Kaye Borg Mishka German Shepherd

    Sarah-Jane & Debbie Martin Maloo Cattle x corgi

    Jess Beilensohn Charge Germqan Shepherd cross

    Elspeth Hull Grion Jack Russell x Cattle Dog.

    Nelda King Susie Long Haired Chihuahua

    Meredith Porter Molly Labrador x Golden Retriever


    Sheridan Gillham with Banjo (Blue Heeler) Brown to GreenLouise Noyes with Rubie (Golden Retriever) Brown to Green


    Adwina Tan and Poppy Brown to Green



  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    Mountain Tails p7

    MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 4 JUL, 2013Meeting Opened 7. 35p.m.

    Present: : Pam & Ron Simcoe , Connie Exner, Raoul OBrien, Ray Thiele, Sharelyn Stankov, Sharron Carter, Lisa Donohoe.

    Apologies: Nil

    Moved Ray Thiele, seconded Raoul OBrien

    The Committee welcomed Lisa Donohoe as the Clubs new editor or the newsletter.

    Vice President, Raoul OBrien chaired the meeting.

    Minutes o General Meeting dated nd May , 03 were read and accepted as an accurate record.

    Moved- Ron Simcoe, seconded Ray Thiele

    Business arising rom those minutes: Nil

    Correspondence In:

    . Sonya Foulds not renewing membership

    . Receipt rom Scout Association or 60.00 being back payment or 3 months on Blackheath Shed.

    3. Dogs NSW Application or renewal o aliation $ 356.00

    4. Certicate o Currency Public Liability Insurance rom Dogs NSW.

    5. Aliates Annual Report 0/03 rom Dogs NSW.

    6. Email rom David Mulligan requesting Assistance Dog Renewal letter (over a period o three months.)

    Correspondence Out:

    . Letter to Susan Wallace re dog training on Anzac Day.

    Sharron Carter moved that the correspondence be accepted as read and as a true record. Seconded, Sharelyn Stankov.

    Matters Arising rom Correspondence:

    Discussion was held in regard to David Mulligan becoming a member and training with his dog.

    Treasurers Report:

    Reconcilation Report and Bank Balance as at 3st May, $5,08.04, Plus CBA Term Deposit o $7,000.00 and a Term Deposit o $5,000.00 a

    total o $7,08.04.A Prot and Loss report rom July 0 through May 03 showed a net prot o $857.85.

    Moved by Ray Thiele, that the reports be accepted, seconded Sharelyn Stankov.

    Payment o Accounts:

    . Dogs NSW Aliation Renewal $356.50

    . Petty Cash Raoul OBrien Lawson - $7.35

    3. Membership reimbursement - Sheridan Gillham - $4.00

    4. Dogs NSW Membership Ray Thiele - $87.00

    5. Eight Treat Bags. Reimbursement to Ray Thiele - $64.00

    6. Cost o May and June postage $89.00, less $50.00 return o foat rom Sharelyn Stankov. Cheque or $39.00 issued to Sharelyn Stankov.

    7. Committee approved a foat o $50.00 issued to new editor, Lisa Donohoe o $50.00 or postage, envelopes and labels.

    Moved by Sharron Carter and seconded by Sharelyn Stankov that all accounts be passed or payment.

    Instructors Report: June report submitted.

    Publicity Report:: Nil

    Trial Managers Report: Nil

    New Members:Twenty new members were read and approved.

    General Business:

    . The three git cards valued at $30.00 each which were purchased last December, will be given to Susan Dellas as prizes or the clubs trial.

    . Discussion was held in regard to the Hennie Buxton Scholarship. Sharelyn Stankov moved that she organise Scholarship Certicates to be

    issued to the RSPCA and inorm them o the o the terms o the Scholarship.

    3. Seconded: Connie Exner.4. Lisa Donohoe contacted Bennetts Printing who quoted supplying and printing, one colour, ,000 envelopes or $45.00.

    5. Sharelyn moved that Lisa Donohoe engage Bennetts Printing or the supply and printing o the envelopes. Seconded Ron Simcoe.

    Meeting Closed at 9.5 p.m.

  • 7/30/2019 Bmdtc Mt 0813 Web


    p8 August 2013

    Advertising ratesNon-members

    12 months Monthly/Ad hoc

    1/2 page $3 1/ 2 page $3.0

    1/4 page $66 1/ 4 page $6.60

    1/8 page $33 1/ 8 page $3.30


    12 months Monthly/Ad hoc

    1/2 page $0 1/ 2 page $1/4 page $60 1/ 4 page $6

    1/8 page $30 1/ 8 page $3

    Please contact:

    [email protected]

    or 4784 37

    Training equipment and Club clothing

    Training equipment and club

    clothing are available to members

    at Training Venues. Please enquire

    to the equipment manager or table


    Club Clothing

    Poly/cotton summer polo shirts $3

    Summer Caps & Polyleece winter caps $0

    Polyleece winter scarves $9

    3/4 winter coats $60

    Vests $40Trialers Coats $58

    (Plain with separate badge or competition trialing)

    All items require payment at the time o ordering or purchase.

    All items are embroidered with our Club Logo and are unisex ttings.

    Club Equipment

    Collars rom $9-$ Martingales rom $6-$7.50

    Muzzles rom $0 Check Chains rom $6-$3

    Leads rom $8-$3 Halties rom $.50-$0

    Dumbbells rom $4-$ Halti Connector $0

    Training collars rom $-$6

    BMDTC Training VenuesTraining enquiries to Ena on 4784-39

    Download membership orms at


    Lawson Oval

    Ferris Lane, Lawson

    Tuesdays Evenings 7-9 pm


    Blackheath Oval

    Prince Edward St, Blackheath

    Thursday Mornings 0 am - pm

    New Members join the frst week each month rom February to December bringing your dogs current vaccination certifcate.

    Tea is provided ater the 1st session, all are invited to stay and socialize.

    FOR updated inormation about the possible closure o Lawson oval due to wet weather, telephone the BMCC oval hotline on

    4780-5617. A recorded message will inorm you i the oval is OPEN or CLOSED on that day. I the message says the oval is

    OPEN, then training will automatically be held on that day. Blackheath classes will always take place - i the oval is closed we

    have an area adjacent to the oval where classes are held.


    Each month it would be great to hear rom

    members i theyve read a book or seen a video

    that theyd recommend (dog related, o course!).

    Tis month Ill recommend Canine Body

    Language by Brenda Alo. A ascinating book

    or a dog-novice and old hand alike, Brenda

    explains the nuances o the language our dogs

    use to speak to us and their canine kin.

    I was able to order this in locally, but it is

    also available rom Amazon and large book


    AustraliasBiggestMorning TeaCongratulations to everyone thathelped raise $718.60!