blyth academy newsletter...maram alkhateeb high school – university of toronto and georgetown...

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Page 1: Blyth Academy Newsletter...Maram Alkhateeb HIGH SCHOOL – University of Toronto and Georgetown Universities will visit Blyth Academy on Oct 29th in the morning. There will be a University

BAQ Newsletter – October 4th, 2018 Page 1

Blyth Academy Newsletter

Oct 4th, 2018

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A lively and interesting discussion was held during our first SAC meeting in spite of meager

attendance. Next meeting Oct. 8 @ 6:15 pm


Student’s who teachers feel are not performing to their potential will send a ‘At Risk Form’

home today. Please ask your child if they received on.

Tanzania Service Trip

Dates: Feb. 1- 9


Congratulations to the following students who will represent Blyth Academy at this years MUN

at Georgetown University

1. Natali Fanik

2. Zain Fanik

3. Chloe George

4. Sara Nashbat

5. Elias Al-tabarani

6. Maram Alkhateeb


University of Toronto and Georgetown Universities will visit Blyth Academy on Oct 29th

in the morning.

There will be a University Night at BA this month (TBD) for Sr. high students and

parents to set the light on important information regarding university applications’

process and deadlines.

More than 50 universities’ representatives will attend University Expo Qatar on

November 28-29. Expo Timings are: 8:00am-1pm/5pm-8pm.

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Grade 12 students were guided today through the process of OUAC registration and university


Province of Alberta Apply Alberta Undergraduate Students Link:

Province of Ontario A guide to Ontario Universities (Search by Program or University – Admission requirements…

o Apply To your Undergraduate Program (Domestic Applicant vs

International Applicant):

o Your OUAC Reference Number: You receive your individualized OUAC Reference Number when you submit your online application. You must refer to your OUAC Reference Number whenever you contact the OUAC or Ontario universities.

Please see/contact our Sr. Guidance Mr. Bouakir for any inquiries at

[email protected]

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The senior school students have had the pleasure to learn from an alumnus of QCS Bataul

Alkhateeb who had been running various workshops to help students learn the skills of note-

taking, time management and understanding how to avoid plagiarism. The workshops have been

very informative and well received.


The grade 11’s are learning about dynamics and forces in physics.

In ELA, they are reading the novel, “Lord of the flies”, and analyzing certain themes, such as

allegorical relationships, social conventions, and morality. They are also writing an essay to

compare and contrast certain topics.


In social studies, the grade 10’s are learning about current events.

In science, they are learning about different types of chemical reactions.

In ELA, they are writing speeches, focusing on a habit, a school subject, a sport, or a TV

program. They’ll deliver their speech to an audience, i.e. classmates or other classes in the



In science, the grade 8’s are learning about body systems. GRADE 7

In social studies, the grade 7’s are doing a project about first nations.

In science, they are learning about ecological footprint.

In math, they are learning about the order of operations.

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In science, the grade 6’s conducted an experiment where they placed a lit candle in a plate of

water, and then covered the candle with a cup. Because the candle is covered, it uses up all of

the oxygen and burns out. After that, the water starts to rise. Why does the water rise? Here is

the explanation:

The candle heats the air and expands it. This cancels the depletion of the oxygen temporarily and

the water level stays down. When the oxygen is depleted, the candle goes out and the air cools.

The volume of the air decreases, making the air pressure less inside the glass than it is outside

the glass. This creates a vacuum effect, and the water temporarily rises.

Leading up to the Canadian Thanksgiving, students took some time to think about and reflect on

what they are thankful for in their lives. Grade 6 students are seen here after they put up their leaf

stating what they are most thankful for.

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GRADE 4 – Ms. Antle

The students in Grade Four are working very hard on their first Process Piece of Writing

this year in Language Arts. They began with pre-writing,first copy, editing and revising

to produce a final copy of work. They then enjoyed typing up their paragraphs on

laptops. The students will illustrate each of their final copies and prepare and practice

for oral presentations!


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Learning Origami

In ELA, the senior kindergarteners are learning about the letter B. They are also writing journal


In science, they are learning about bubbles.

They are also learning about sharing and cooperation.


The junior kindergarteners are currently practicing how to read. They are also practicing how to

write their names.

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Sign Up Details

Blyth Academy Tanzania - 2019

Expedition Details

Total Cost: USD 3069.18

Expedition Dates:

01/02/2019 to the 08/02/2019


8 Day community service expedition, Tanzania

Included: Excluded:

International flights Visa Comprehensive travel insurance Vaccinations

UK Expedition Leader Spending money

Fully staffed camps and local guides Additional food and drinks Entrance fees for all sights listed in the itinerary Personal

equipment All transfers listed in the itinerary in private vehicles

Accommodation All meals

Unlimited drinking water Project costs and management

24 hours support throughout expedition

How much is my deposit? Payment Dates

Payment 1: USD 613.84 Date Due Percent of Total Amount Due

07/05/2018 20.00% USD 613.84 30/09/2018 40.00% 1,227.67

06/12/2018 40.00% 1,227.67

Our website is packed full of information about this trip so check it all out at

For the latest news and competitions, check out our facebook page


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The Language & Arts division are preparing for the Celebration of Peace and Celebration of the


There will be an Art Competition starting this month that includes JK-12 students.

More details later.

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Use Positive Reinforcement


Reward proper behavior

Using positive reinforcement to encourage and reward

proper behavior is the fifth element of the Twelve Disciplinary Elements. Here

are a couple of universal statements: Everybody wants approval for who he is

and for what he does. And, everybody wants to please, especially children, and

especially your child who wants to please you. Can that really be? Then why do

children misbehave? We'll tackle that big question later but until then, take it

from me and the experts, kids just wanna be good.

How can you “let” your kids be good, increase positive

behavior, and decrease and prevent misbehavior quickly and painlessly? Here's

a start: by accentuating the positive. (Remember that old song by Harold Arlan

and Johnny Mercer? “You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the

negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don't mess with Mr. In-Between.”) One

terrific way to accentuate behavior you like to see (and take the emphasis off

negative behavior) is by using positive reinforcement.

It Works Like This

Positive reinforcement is a simple, reality-based

technique that can help turn your child's behavior around—often very quickly.

Here's the recipe:

Your child wants your approval very badly.

You notice and comment on specific positive behavior

and provide natural and logical rewards.

Your child feels noticed, validated, and approved of, the

good behavior increases, and misbehavior is prevented or decreases.

Words to Parent By

Positive reinforcement reinforces what the child is doing

right rather than concentrating on what the child is doing wrong. It increases

the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. It supports your child's positive

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deeds and qualities through enthusiasm, descriptive encouragement, and

natural, logical rewards.

Your child also begins to recognize the value of his own

positive qualities and actions.

Positive reinforcement is at play every time your child

brings home his report card, or every time you get a bonus at work. But positive

reinforcement works best when it isn't a once-in-a-while thing; the more it

happens, the more effective it is. That means daily.

For instance, comment when your child for once does something without being

told. Focus on positive behavior (“John, I noticed you remembered to take your

clothes off the floor. Now the puppy won't be able to chew them.”). Don't focus

on the negative (“You hung up your jacket, for once!”), and don't link it to a

judgment on the child's personality (“What a good child you are for hanging up

your jacket!”).