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©2013 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. [Client - Project Name] Functional & Non-Functional Requirements [version] [Author]

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Functional and Non functional Requirement Template


Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

[Client - Project Name]Functional & Non-Functional Requirements[version]


Purpose1Introduction1About [Project Name]1Project Objectives1High Level Functional Description1Initial Delivery Scope2Client Endpoint Requirements2Apigee Clients2Connectivity2Security Requirements2Transport Security2Application and User Identification and Authorization2User Identity Validation2IP Control2Target Endpoint Requirements3Apigee Targets3Connectivity3Load Balancing3Security Requirements3Transport Security3Apigee Identification and Authorization3User Identity Forwarding3IP Control3Data Security3PCI Requirement4Operational Requirements4Datacenter/Region Requirements4Failover Requirements4Client-Side Load Balancing Requirements4Availability Expectations4Apigee Organizations and Environments4Apigee Platform User Management4API Development and Deployment Process5Development5Deployment5Source Code Management5Performance5Performance Expectations5Target Response Times5Target Throughput5Apigee Response Times5Apigee Throughput5Solution Requirements6Edge / API Requirements6Traffic Management6Security6Mediation6Analytics7Custom Reports7Custom Statistics Collection7Data Retention and Archival Strategy7API BaaS7Organizational Structure7Data Import Requirements7Data Export Requirements7Security7Collections7Entities8Developer Portal8Branding8Security8API Console8API Documentation8Developer and Application Statistics8Browser Support8Onboarding8Application Onboarding8Developer Onboarding8Support10Operational Monitoring Requirements10Apigee Only Health check10Target Only Health check10Complete API Health check10Maintenance Expectations10Testing Considerations11Functional Testing11Testing Approach11Test Cases11Performance Testing11Testing Approach11Test Cases11Software Maintenance Considerations12System Maintenance12Training12

2013 Apigee. All Rights Reserved.


This document is to capture the comprehensive set of functional and non-functional requirements. The requirements are specific to the Apigee implementation and cover all aspects: design, architecture, infrastructure (on-prem), and interactions of Apigee with other components. The details captured will be further refined into user stories and this document will be archived as the team executes to the prioritized user stories.

Functional requirements should detail specific behaviors or functions for the solution (e.g. REST to SOAP mediation, business rules, Oauth 2.0 Authorization). Non-functional requirements specify the criteria that can be used to measure the operation of the system (e.g PCI Compliant, Supports Failover, Disaster Recovery, Performance).Introduction

This section introduces the solution and outlines the goals for this project.

About [Project Name]

[Briefly explain what this clients project/API Program is about, value provided by clients APIs, what business problem do they solve, what data/processes are they exposing]

[What type of API clients will communicate with Apigee, e.g. mobile, web, B2B/C]

Project Objectives

[Explain primary objectives for the Apigee integration objectives of the Apigee project. What are the success criteria?]

High Level Functional Description

[Explain the key functionality to be used in this solution and why its important to the client also mention any custom pieces to be developed as part of this solution which dont exist in the core product]


FeatureWhy its important


FeatureWhy its important

Developer Portal

FeatureWhy its important


FeatureWhy its important

Initial Delivery Scope

This section outlines the initial scope for delivery following Blueprint.

ItemDescriptionScope of Work

[API Name] Item 1 Item 2

[API Name] Item 1 Item 2

Client Endpoint Requirements

This chapter captures requirements relating to the interface between API client and Apigee.

Apigee Clients

[What are the client systems/applications? Types of client systems; browser, mobile apps, B2B, ESB, internal systems, external systems, etc.]


[Explain the protocol and means by which API clients will connect to Apigee, e.g. HTTP, HTTPS (one-way or mutual), message queuing, CDN, VPN, dedicated network, internal network etc.]

Security Requirements

Transport Security

[How will the transport be secured? If SSL, explain who has ownership of generating and maintaining the certificates]

Application and User Identification and Authorization

[Is API client application required to be identified analytics, visibility, etc. If so how, e.g. application key, client SSL, etc.)]

[If client SSL will be used for identification, explain who has ownership of generating, maintaining and distributing the certificates. Ask either customer requires the use of Two-way SSL or One-way, where customer requires SSL termination on (Apigees components or Clients components). How will customer transfer the certificates to Apigee, FTP (customers or Apigees), encrypted ZIP in an email and password out-of-band, encrypted email mention the encryption protocol to be used, Bitmessage, OpenPGP, etc.]

[Is API client application required to be authenticated, where are credentials stored (Apigee KMS, AppServices or customer side), how will the credentials presented be validated]

[If OAuth will be used explain the grant types to be supported, 3-Leg vs. 2-Leg, credentials types, access/refresh token intervals, scopes, and other characteristics]

User Identity Validation

[Explain how user credentials presented will be validated, where are credentials stored]

IP Control

[Explain whether clients will be IP whitelisted, IP Blacklisted, Dedicated IPs. If they will be, explain customers expectations on how IP list will be maintained. If list is cacheable, TTL of this cache]

Target Endpoint Requirements

This chapter captures requirements relating to the communication between Apigee and target systems.

Apigee Targets

[What are the target systems/applications? Type of target systems; B2B, internal systems, external systems, message queues, SMTP, etc.]


[Explain the protocol and means by which Apigee will connect to target systems, e.g. HTTP, HTTPS (one-way or mutual), message queuing, CDN, VPN, dedicated network, internal network etc.]

Load Balancing

[Does target systems have load-balancing capability or Apigee target load balancing should be used. If load balancing will be used, explain algorithm to use (round robin, weighted, least connections), any fallback servers, retry configuration, target node health monitoring configuration, max failures, session stickiness, etc.]

Security Requirements

Transport Security

[How will the transport be secured?]

[If SSL, explain who has ownership of generating and maintaining the certificates. If Apigee is generating self-signed, would customer willing to sign the certificates]

Apigee Identification and Authorization

[Is Apigee required identify itself. If so how, e.g. shared secret, client credentials, mutual SSL, etc.) Ask either customer requires the use of Two-way SSL or One-way, where customer requires SSL termination on (Apigees components or Clients components). If mutual SSL will be used for identification, explain who has ownership of generating and maintaining the certificates. If client credentials will be used, explain who has the ownership of generating, revoking and maintaining the credentials.]

[Is Apigee required to present client credentials to gain access to target systems, where are credentials stored, how will the credentials be presented and validated]

User Identity Forwarding

[Does target systems need to knowledge of the identity of the end user? If so, how will Apigee pass this information.]

IP Control

[Explain if Apigee IP addresses will need to be whitelisted, blacklisted by the target. If so, document IP addresses here]

Data Security

[Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to APIs? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to Analytics data? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to the data in Logs? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to Reduction of payload data based on application type, user role, etc? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to Reduction of payload data from responses? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to Data storage (location, context)? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to personal sensitive data? Does Customer require any special data privacy consideration with regards to CC Data?]

PCI Requirement [Does Customer expect that its APIs will be subject to regulations around the storing and management of sensitive data? Investigate if PCI is required for this solution. Note that northbound open HTTP connections are not allowed by default in PCI organizations.]

Operational Requirements

[Explain whether the solution will be deployed on-premise or Apigee Cloud. Explain the reasons why customer wants to go this way.]

Datacenter/Region Requirements

[Document the number of datacenters to be used and locations of those datacenters.]

[If there are more than 1 DC, active/active or active/passive.]

[Investigate data confidentiality/protection requirements, e.g. data must not go outside EU, etc.]

[Understand the connectivity between datacenters if this is on-premise, speed, pipe type, etc.]

[Does all APIs required to pass through those datacenters, e.g. there might be specific APIs that must only be deployed to EU due to data confidentiality laws, etc.]

[Data caching requirements for multi-datacenter note the geolocation and data protection limitations.]

Failover Requirements

[Explain cross-region failover requirements (Apigee Cloud), on-premise datacenter failover requirements (on-premise).]

Client-Side Load Balancing Requirements

[Understand client-side how load balancing requirements, e.g. Dynect, on-premise load balancer, geo-IP, etc.]

Availability Expectations

[Explain customers availability expectations in terms of percentage availability. Make sure that datacenter or region considerations above matches this expectation.]Apigee Organizations and Environments


EnvironmentNorthbound DomainSouthbound Domain

Apigee Platform User Management

[Define any custom Role Based Access Control (RBAC) requirements.]

API Development and Deployment Process


[Is the UI going to be used for developer or offline mode?]


[Explain the progression of a specific version of API bundle through various environments, e.g. DEV -> QA -> UAT -> PROD][If self-service, explain tools to be used to deploy APIs to Apigee environments, e.g. Apigee Enterprise UI, bash scripting, maven, custom, etc.][If self-service, explain any continuous integration and deployment tool to be used, e.g. TeamCity, Jenkins, etc.]

Source Code Management

[Git, Subversion, etc.?][Will Apigee's git be used, or will there be any special SCM strategies used by the Apigee development team?]


This chapter captures clients traffic volume, performance and throughput expectations.

Performance Expectations

Target Response Times

[Document clients expectations in terms of expected API response time and/or latency range that target system(s) are expected to have. If client has expectations/measurements for each individual API, include those here. If client has no expectations or measurements planned in a future date, include that here as well.]

Target Throughput

[Express clients expectations in terms of API throughout per second/minute for target system(s). If client has expectations for each individual API, include those here. If client has no expectations, include that here as well.]

Apigee Response Times

[Express clients expectations in terms of expected API response time and/or latency range that Apigee is expected to contribute to overall response time. If client has expectations for each individual API, include those here. If client has no expectations, include that here as well.]

Apigee Throughput

[Express clients expectations in terms of API throughout per second/minute. If client has expectations for each individual API, include those here. If client has no expectations, include that here as well.]

Solution Requirements

Edge / API Requirements

[List the Apigee Edge / API requirements and explain in detail, e.g.]


API Design[Who is responsible for the design of the API]

API Implementation[Who is responsible for the implementation in Apigee layer]

Rate Limiting[Rates applied globally or based on request variable (like IP). How does customer want to maintain the rate setting]

Quotas[Quotas applied globally or based on request variable (like IP). How does customer want to maintain the quota allowance]

Caching[Which resources, approximate size, TTL, globally distributed, etc.]

Internationalization/Localization[Especially around data encoding (UTF-8) and languages to be supported for Apigee responses (traffic management, security, etc.)]

Traffic Management


Rate Limiting[Rates applied globally or based on request variable (like IP). How does customer want to maintain the rate setting]

Quotas[Quotas applied globally or based on request variable (like IP). How does customer want to maintain the quota allowance? Does customer want the ability to reset quota as an administrative function? Does customer want to expose quota used value in the response?]

Caching[Which resources, approximate size, TTL, globally distributed, etc. Full response or partial?]



Threat Protection

Regular Expression Protection


API Keys

Access Control[E.g. IP based, etc.]

SAML Assertion

Attack Notification Protection

Reaction Against Attackers

Data Security





XSL Transform

SOAP Message Validation

Key Value Map

Service Callouts


[List API analytics requirements and explain in detail.]

Custom Reports

[List custom reports and their specifications that will be created during implementation to fulfill analytics requirements.]

Custom Statistics Collection

[List custom variables that will be pushed from Apigee Edge to Analytics to fulfill analytics requirements.]

Data Retention and Archival Strategy

[Describe how long analytics data will be retained any specific data detention requirements for some APIs?][Are we required to archive old data? Explain procedures, archive interval, archive type (incremental, full)][Describe how will old/unwanted data be purged. Define old in terms of age of the data. Does customer interested in a backup of data store before purging?]


Organizational Structure

Data Import Requirements

[Document frequency of imports, e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, etc., number of entities to be imported per request.]

Data Export Requirements

[Document frequency of exports, e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, etc., number of entities to be exported per request.]


[What are the client systems?]



Users[Document users that will need to be setup for each environment.]


Client Identification and Authentication[Explain if client identification or authentication is required. If so how will clients present their credentials to AppServices? Where will the credentials stored? How will they get revoked if required?]

User Identification and Authentication[Explain if user identification or authentication is required. If so how will users present their credentials to AppServices? Where will the credentials stored? How will they get revoked if required?]

Collections[List the collections that are required for this solution.]


Entities[List the entities that are required for this solution.]


Developer Portal


[Describe the branding requirements for the portal, e.g. color scheme, logo, images, font styles, header look & feel, special formatting for certain elements like tables, any hyperlinks pointing to customer sites.]


[Describe what portions of the portal are secure and unsecure. What type of security mechanism should be implemented, e.g. forms authentication, IP whitelisting, etc.]

API Console

[Describe who is responsible for setting up, maintaining API Console. Describe WADL generation process and how to update API Console with WADL.]

API Documentation

[Describe how API documentation will be created and uploaded into the portal. Explain whether customer requires more than one portal deployed, i.e. staging and production. Explain the process of pushing content from staging instance to production instance.]

Developer and Application Statistics

[Explain developer and application level statistics that are displayed within the portal.]

Browser Support

[Describe which browsers should be supported for this solution in minimum.]


Application Onboarding

[Describe the process of application onboarding for this solution, specifically: Application registration process Registration approval process Application definition Any legal points, e.g. payment]

Developer Onboarding

[Describe the process of developer onboarding this solution, specifically: Developer registration process Developer registration approval process Developer definition Any legal points, e.g. payment]


Operational Monitoring Requirements

Apigee Only Health check

[Describe the approach to monitor Apigee in isolation, e.g. /ping resource deployed in Apigee that doesnt hit the target but responds with a 200 pong response.]

Target Only Health check

[Describe the approach to monitor target system(s) in isolation, e.g. /hello resource deployed in Apigee that calls /hello resource exposed in the target that returns hello back.]

Complete API Health check

[Describe the approach and document resources to be used to monitor API - passing through Apigee, hitting target backend and returning back. This is preferably a real API resource that is not very demanding on the resources.]

Maintenance Expectations[Include information about how and when system maintenance windows will be made available to support Apigee fix or scheduled maintenance deployment.]

Testing Considerations

This chapter captures approach, expectations and considerations for functional and performance testing of the overall implementation.

Functional Testing

Testing Approach

[What portions of functional testing will be implemented and executed by Apigee. What is the process of approval/acceptance of functional tests implemented by Apigee?][What portions of functional testing will be implemented and executed by customer?][Which tools are used to do functional testing?]

Test Cases

[Document test cases and scenarios in scope for Apigee.]

Performance Testing

Testing Approach

[What portions of performance testing will be implemented and executed by Apigee. What is the process of approval/acceptance of performance tests implemented by Apigee?][What portions of performance testing will be implemented and executed by customer?][Which tools will be used to execute performance tests?][What are the success criteria of performance tests?]

Test Cases

[Document test cases and scenarios in scope for Apigee.]

Software Maintenance Considerations

System Maintenance

[Explain how will patches, upgrades be applied/deployed to Apigee products that are used in this solution. If this is on-premise, briefly explain the process of getting approval and obtaining access to the system to perform such upgrades and maintenance.]


[Discuss any specific customer requirements/needs for training for Apigee products to be used in this solution.]