blue ribbon recipes

BLUE RIBBON RECIPES BISCUITS Almond melt aways (Makes ± 50 biscuits) 400 g butter or margarine 200 ml icing sugar (¾ cup) 10 ml almond essence (2 tsp) 750 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (3 cups) ± 25 red or green glace cherries, halved 1. Cream butter and icing sugar together until light and fluffy. Add essence. 2. Sift flour and add to butter mixture. 3. Spoon mixture into a piping bag, fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe shapes onto a greased baking trays. Place half cherries on top. 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for about 10 -12 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool. Variations Chocolate: Melt 50 g chocolate and dip biscuit on one side. Leave to set. Chocolate chunk biscuits (Makes about 60) 200 g butter or margarine 125 ml sugar (½ cup) 80 ml light brown sugar (1/3 cup) 2 extra large eggs 5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp) 375 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (1½ cups) 150 g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped 1. Cream the butter and both sugars together. Add eggs and essence and beat well until light and fluffy. 2. Sift flour and add, mixing well. Stir in chocolate chunks. 3. Drop teaspoonfuls onto a greased baking tray and bake in preheated oven at 180 °C for 10 -12 minutes. 4. Remove biscuits and place on a wire rack to cool.

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Page 1: Blue Ribbon Recipes



Almond melt aways

(Makes ± 50 biscuits)

400 g butter or margarine200 ml icing sugar (¾ cup)10 ml almond essence (2 tsp)750 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (3 cups)± 25 red or green glace cherries, halved

1. Cream butter and icing sugar together until light and fluffy. Add essence.2. Sift flour and add to butter mixture.3. Spoon mixture into a piping bag, fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe shapes onto a greased baking trays. Place half cherries on top.4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for about 10 -12 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool.

VariationsChocolate: Melt 50 g chocolate and dip biscuit on one side. Leave to set.

Chocolate chunk biscuits (Makes about 60)

200 g butter or margarine125 ml sugar (½ cup) 80 ml light brown sugar (1/3 cup) 2 extra large eggs5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp) 375 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (1½ cups) 150 g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped

1. Cream the butter and both sugars together. Add eggs and essence and beat well until light and fluffy.2. Sift flour and add, mixing well. Stir in chocolate chunks.3. Drop teaspoonfuls onto a greased baking tray and bake in preheated oven at 180 °C for 10 -12 minutes.4. Remove biscuits and place on a wire rack to cool.

Page 2: Blue Ribbon Recipes

Fruit crunchies(Makes ± 32 squares)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)5 ml bicarbonate of soda (1 tsp)3 ml salt (½ tsp)500 ml rolled oats (2 cups)500 ml desiccated coconut (2 cups)375 ml sugar (1½ cups)250 ml seedless raisins (1 cup)250 g butter or margarine30 ml golden syrup (2 Tbsp) 1 extra large egg, beaten5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp)2 ml almond essence (¼ tsp)

1. Sift flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt together. Add other dry ingredients.2. Melt butter and golden syrup and add to dry ingredients. 3. Add beaten egg, and both essences. Mix well and press mixture into a large baking tray of about 23 cm x 32 cm. 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 160 °C and bake further for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Leave to cool in pan before cutting into squares.

TipThese crunchies are suitable for freezing.

Honey muesli squares

(Makes ± 28 squares)

125 g butter or margarine125 ml sugar (½ cup)15 ml honey (1 Tbsp)2 extra large eggs125 ml desiccated coconut (½ cup)500 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (2 cups)310 ml milk (1¼ cups)

Topping60 g butter or margarine15 ml honey (1 Tbsp)375 ml icing sugar (1½ cups) ± 15 ml hot water (1 Tbsp)125 ml muesli (½ cup)

1. Beat butter, sugar and honey in a mixing bowl. Add eggs and beat until light and fluffy. Add coconut.2. Sift flour and add alternately with milk to egg mixture. Mix well and spoon into a greased 23 cm x 32 cm Swiss roll pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 15 minutes. Leave to cool.4. Topping: Beat butter and honey in a bowl. Add icing sugar and water until a smooth mixture. Top cake with icing and sprinkle muesli over. Cut into squares.

Page 3: Blue Ribbon Recipes

Semolina coconut biscuits(Makes ± 50)

180 g butter or margarine200 ml sugar (¾ cup)2 extra large egg whites310 ml desiccated coconut (1¼ cups)80 ml chopped pecan nuts (1/3 cup)2 ml grated lemon rind (¼ tsp)375 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1½ cups)200 ml Blue Ribbon semolina (¾ cup)80 ml milk (1/3 cup)

1. Cream butter and sugar together.2. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold in coconut, nuts and lemon rind. Fold egg white mixture into sugar mixture.3. Sift flour and mix thoroughly into creamed ingredients. Shape into balls and place on a greased baking tray. Press down with a fork. 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 12 -15 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.



Apple and honey cake(Serves 4 - 6)

125 g butter or margarine125 ml sugar (½ cup)1 extra large egg250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)10 ml baking powder (2 tsp)1 ml salt125 ml milk (½ cup)385 g can pie apple slices or 4 apples, chopped and slightly cooked

Topping30 ml butter or margarine (2 Tbsp)30 ml honey (2 Tbsp)

1. Cream butter and sugar together. Add egg and beat until light and fluffy. 2. Sift dry ingredients together and add, alternately with milk, to the butter mixture. 3. Spoon half of the batter in a greased baking dish. Cover with apple slices and spoon the remaining batter over. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 40 minutes or until done.4. Topping: Melt butter and honey together and pour over the cake when taken from oven. Serve warm.

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Golden madeira coconut loaf

(Makes 1 loaf)

125 g butter or margarine 100 ml castor sugar 3 extra large egg yolks5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp)250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)10 ml baking powder (2 tsp)1 ml saltabout 100 ml milk

Topping3 extra large egg whites100 ml castor sugar 250 ml desiccated coconut (1 cup)

1. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition, until light and fluffy. Add essence.2. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and add, alternately with milk, to butter mixture.3. Spoon into a greased 23 cm loaf tin.4. Topping: Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar and beat well. Add coconut and mix. Spoon on top of cake mixture.5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ºC for 30 minutes. Reduce temperature to 160 ºC and bake for another 15 - 20 minutes. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

Bakewell tarts(Makes 1 large or 10 small tarts)

Pastry base250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)2 ml salt (¼ tsp) 60 ml castor sugar (¼ cup)60 g butter2 extra large egg yolks2 ml vanilla essence (¼ tsp)

Filling60 ml smooth apricot jam (¼ cup)60 g butter or margarine80 ml sugar (1/3 cup)2 extra large eggs80 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (1/3 cup)8 ml almond essence (1½ tsp)180 ml ground almonds (75 g)

1. Pastry: Sift flour and salt together. Add sugar and rub in butter with fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.2. Add egg yolks and essence and work into firm dough. Knead pastry well until smooth.3. Roll out pastry on a floured surface to a thickness of about 3 mm. Line base and sides of a greased a 24 cm loose-bottomed flan tin or individual one.4. Filling: Spread the apricot jam over the base.5. Beat butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time and beat until light and creamy. Sift flour and add, with almond essence and ground almonds. Turn out onto the pastry bases. 6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 180 °C and bake further for about 10 minutes or until the filling is firm and set.7. Allow the tart to cool slightly, then remove from the tin and place on serving plate. Dust the edges with icing sugar and serve warm or cold.

Page 5: Blue Ribbon Recipes

Vanilla cake(Makes 1 large cake)

4 extra large eggs250 ml sugar (1 cup)500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)15 ml baking powder (1 Tbsp)1 ml salt125 ml warm milk (½ cup)125 ml cooking oil (½ cup)

Icing100 g soft butter or margarine500 ml icing sugar (2 cups)10 ml vanilla essence (2 tsp) about 25 ml milk

1. Whisk eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy.2. Sift the dry ingredients. Combine warm milk and oil in a jug.3. Gently fold in the sifted dry ingredients and liquid mixture, using a large metal spoon.4. Turn out into two 20 cm greased, sandwich tins and bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 35 minutes. Turn out onto wire rack and cool. 5. Icing: Cream butter, icing sugar and essence. Add enough milk to make mixture light and creamy, and of a spreadable consistency.6. Sandwich the layers of cake together with icing, then ice the top of the cake.

VariationsFor a different flavor omit vanilla essence and add grated citrus rind, fresh citrus juice, smooth cottage cheese, cocoa powder or coffee powder.Granadilla cake: Add 30 ml granadilla pulp to cake mix and another 30 ml to the icing.Orange cake: Substitute milk and water with orange juice. Omit the vanilla essence and add 5 ml grated orange rind.Nut cake: Stir 75 g chopped walnuts or any other nuts into the batter.Spice cake: Sift 5 ml ground cinnamon, 5 ml ground ginger and 2 ml ground cloves together with the dry ingredients. Omit the vanilla essence.

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Semolina orange cake

(Makes 1 large cake)

180 g butter or margarine160 ml sugar (2/3 cup)4 extra large eggs, separated10 ml grated orange rind (2 tsp)375 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1½ cups)125 ml Blue Ribbon semolina (½ cup)15 ml baking powder (1 Tbsp)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)200 ml orange juice (¾ cup)

Syrup60 ml sugar (¼ cup)60 ml water (¼ cup)

1. Beat butter and 100 ml sugar together. Add egg yolks and beat well after each addition until light and fluffy. Add orange rind.2. Beat egg whites until foamy. Add remaining sugar gradually; beating until egg whites are stiff, but not dry.3. Sift dry ingredients together and stir, with orange juice, into the creamed mixture. Fold in beaten egg whites. 4. Turn into a greased 23 cm loose-bottomed cake tin. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 30 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.5. Syrup: Dissolve sugar in water, bring to the boil and pour over lukewarm cake. Cool completely before cutting.

Milk tart(Makes 2 tarts)

Base250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)5 ml baking powder2 ml salt80 ml sugar (1/3 cup)100 g butter or margarine1 extra large egg, beaten

Filling750 ml milk (3 cups)80 g butter or margarine80 ml cake flour (1/3 cup)4 extra large eggs, separated100 ml sugar ground cinnamon for sprinkling

1. Base: Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add sugar and rub in butter. Add beaten egg and mix well to a soft dough.2. Press dough into two greased 23 cm pie plates.3. Filling: Heat milk in a heavy-based saucepan. Add butter, melt and remove from heat.4. Sift flour and salt, add egg yolks with sugar and beat well.5. Add some of the heated milk to egg mixture stir well and pour back into saucepan. Boil for a few minutes until thick, stirring constantly, and remove from heat.6. Beat egg whites until soft peak stage and fold lightly into cooked mixture. Pour filling into the two bases.7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes, sprinkle ground cinnamon over the top and bake for another 10 minutes.

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Chocolate caramel shortbread

(Makes ± 24 )

Shortbread 125 g butter of margarine 80 ml sugar (1/3 cup) 375 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (1½ cups) 2 ml salt (¼ tsp)

Caramel filling 125 g butter of margarine30 ml golden syrup (2 Tbsp)397 g can condensed milk 125 ml sugar (½ cup)

Chocolate topping 125 g dark chocolate 15 ml butter or margarine (1 Tbsp)

1. Shortbread: Beat butter and sugar together until light and creamy. 2. Sift flour and salt, add to butter mixture and knead to stiff dough. 3. Press in a greased Swiss roll pan of about 23 cm x 32 cm. Prick base with a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for 15 – 20 minutes.4. Filling: Boil all ingredients together in a heavy-based saucepan for about 5 minutes until starting to thicken. Stir constantly to avoid burning. Spoon over shortbread base and leave to set. 5. Topping: Melt the chocolate and butter in microwave or top of a double boiler. Spread over caramel layer and cut into squares or slices.

Page 8: Blue Ribbon Recipes


Coconut pudding

(Serves 4 - 6)

60 g butter or margarine250 ml sugar (1 cup)3 extra large eggs5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp)200 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (¾ cup)125 ml Blue Ribbon semolina (½ cup)3 ml baking powder (½ tsp)1 ml salt250 ml milk (1 cup)250 ml desiccated coconut (1 cup)

1. Beat butter and sugar together. Add eggs and vanilla essence and beat well.2. Sift dry ingredients and add, with milk and coconut and mix well. 3. Pour into greased ovenproof dish and bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 45 minutes until golden brown. Serve with custard or cream.

Chocolate pudding

(Serves 4 - 6)

100 g butter or margarine250 ml castor sugar (1 cup)2 extra large eggs5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp)375 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1½ cups)45 ml cocoa powder (3 Tbsp)10 ml baking powder (2 tsp)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)250 ml milk (1 cup)

Sauce200 ml water (¾ cup)80 ml sugar (1/3 cup)5 ml vanilla essence (1 tsp)

1. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and essence and beat until light and fluffy.2. Sift dry ingredients and add, alternately with milk, to butter mixture. Spoon mixture into a large ovenproof dish.3. Syrup: Mix all ingredients except essence in a saucepan, heat and stir until sugar has dissolved and mixture starts to boil. Add essence.4. Pour syrup over batter and bake in a preheated oven at 180 *C for about 1 hour. Serve with custard or fresh cream.

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Toffee steamed pudding

(Serves 4 - 6)

Toffee sauce250 ml light brown sugar (1 cup)60 ml white sugar (¼ cup)60 g butter or margarine 200 ml fresh cream (¾ cup)

Pudding125 g butter or margarine125 ml castor sugar (½ cup)2 extra large eggs3 ml vanilla essence (½ tsp)310 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (1¼ cups) 2 ml salt (¼ tsp)80 ml milk (1/3 cup)

1. Grease a 2-litre metal pudding bowl. 2. Sauce: Pour all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil while stirring. Boil for 4 – 5 minutes, then remove from the heat. Pour half into base of pudding bowl and set remaining aside.3. Pudding: Cream the butter and sugar together. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well until light and fluffy. Add essence.4. Sift flour and salt and fold in. Add milk and mix well.5. Spoon mixture into the pudding bowl and level it with a spoon. Cover the pudding with a double layer of foil or greaseproof paper and secure with string or a metal lid.6. Half-fill a heavy-based saucepan with boiling water. Place the pudding bowl into the pan, cover and simmer for 1¼ hours, checking the water regularly to make sure the pan doesn’t boil dry. Uncover the pudding and turn out onto a serving plate. Serve hot with remaining warm toffee sauce.

Chewy chocolate brownies

(Makes ± 24 squares)

150 g dark chocolate 200 g butter or margarine3 extra large eggs 310 ml sugar (1¼ cups) 5 ml vanilla or caramel essence (1 tsp) 160 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2/3 cup)250 ml walnuts or pecan nuts, optional (1 cup)

1. Melt chocolate and butter in microwave oven. Leave to cool slightly. 2. Whisk eggs and sugar until light and creamy. Add essence. Fold chocolate into egg mixture and mix well. Sift flour and fold in until smooth. 3. Spoon mixture in a greased oven pan of about 20 cm x 24 cm and bake in preheated oven at 180 °C for about 35 minutes. Leave to cool in pan and cut into squares.

Page 10: Blue Ribbon Recipes

Festive Mince Pies

(Makes about 16)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (280 g) 2 ml salt125 g butter, chilled and cut into small cubes 1 medium egg, lightly beaten5 ml finely grated orange rind about 30 ml orange juice 225 g mincemeat (½ jar)1 medium egg, beaten with a little cold water for glazing

1. Sift flour and salt in a bowl. Rub in butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. 2. Add the egg, orange rind and juice to mix into a ball. Alternatively, use a food processor to make the pastry. Wrap in cling wrap and chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes.3. Roll half of the pastry out on a lightly floured surface to 3 mm thick. Use a 6 cm round cookie cutter to make 16 rounds. Place in bottom of greased bun tin. Top each base with the mincemeat.4. Use a star-shaped cutter to cut the remaining pastry. Place on top of the mincemeat.5. Brush each pie with a little of the egg glaze and bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 10 – 12 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool for 4 – 5 minutes and sprinkle lightly with castor sugar.

VariationsReplace the stars with grated pastry for topping to make crumble.To freeze, complete mince pies and store without egg glaze. Bake off from frozen, after glazing.

Page 11: Blue Ribbon Recipes


Carrot cinnamon muffins

(Makes 12)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)3 ml baking powder (½ tsp) 5 ml bicarbonate of soda (1 tsp)2 ml salt ( ¼ tsp)7 ml ground cinnamon (1½ tsp)250 ml sugar (1 cup)250 ml peeled and grated carrots (about 3 medium)125 ml seedless raisins (½ cup)250 ml milk (1 cup)180 g butter or margarine, melted

1. Sift dry ingredients together. Add sugar, carrots and raisins. 2. Beat milk and butter together. Add wet mixture to the dry mixture and mix until flour is moistened; batter should still be lumpy.3. Spoon into greased muffin tins, filling each to two-thirds full. 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool

VariationsSubstitute raisins with chopped nuts, such as walnuts or pecan nuts.

Cheesy herb muffins(Makes 12)

500 ml Blue Ribbon self-raising flour (2 cups)5 ml dry mustard (1 tsp) 3 ml cayenne pepper (½ tsp) 375 ml grated Cheddar cheese (1½ cups) 30 ml chopped fresh chives (2 Tbsp) or 10 ml dried (2 tsp)2 extra large eggs250 ml milk (1 cup)100 ml cooking oil

1. Sift dry ingredients. Add cheese and chives. 2. Whisk liquid ingredients together and add to flour mixture, mix until just combined. Do not over mix; batter should still be lumpy.3. Spoon into greased muffin tins, filling each two-thirds full. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 15 minutes until golden brown. Serve hot with butter, if preferred.

VariationsSubstitute the chives with any other herbs of choice. Add 125 g chopped streaky bacon, ham or viennas to mixture.

Page 12: Blue Ribbon Recipes

Crunchy muesli and honey muffins

(Makes 12)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)15 ml baking powder (1 Tbsp)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)60 ml soft brown sugar (¼ cup) 200 ml muesli (¾ cup)60 ml seedless raisins (¼ cup)2 extra large eggs200 ml milk (¾ cup)100 ml cooking oil60 ml honey (¼ cup)

1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add sugar, muesli and raisins. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, milk, oil and honey.3. Pour egg mixture into dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Do not over mix; batter should still be lumpy.4. Spoon into greased muffin tins, filling each to two-thirds full. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15 – 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool for a few minutes on a wire rack, then serve warm with butter.

Zesty lemon poppyseed muffins

(Makes 12)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)5 ml baking powder (1 tsp) 3 ml bicarbonate of soda (½ tsp) 1 ml salt125 ml sugar (½ cup)30 ml poppyseeds (2 Tbsp)125 ml cooking oil (½ cup)125 ml milk (½ cup) 2 extra large eggs15 ml grated lemon rind (1 Tbsp)100 ml lemon juice

1. Sift dry ingredients. Add sugar and poppyseeds.2. In another bowl, whisk the liquid ingredients together. Add to flour mixture and mix until just combined. Do not over mix; batter should still be lumpy.3. Spoon mixture into greased muffin tins, filling each two-thirds full. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 20 minutes.

TipA medium-sized lemon yields about 45 ml juice. To extract maximum juice, warm a whole lemon in a preheated moderate oven for 2 minutes.

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Cream cheese pastry

250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)100 g cold butter125 g smooth cottage cheese

1. Sift flour and salt together. Rub in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.2. Add cottage cheese and mix to a soft dough.3. Place in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours. On a floured surface, roll out dough to a thickness of 3 mm.4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 25 - 30 minutes.

TipsUsed for savoury dishes, small pastries and tartlets. To make the pastry easier to work with, be sure to have the butter and cottage cheese cold. It is a soft pastry and is important to chill before using. If pastry has been left overnight in the refrigerator, allow to stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour before rolling out.

Flaky pastry

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)150 g butter125 ml iced water (½ cup)5 ml lemon juice (1 tsp)

1. Sift flour and salt together. Cut butter into pea-sized pieces, add half to flour and rub in until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.2. Mix iced water with lemon juice and cut in with a knife. Mix until smooth, forming a stiff dough.3. Flour surface and roll pastry to a thickness of 5 mm and keep rectangular.Cover two-thirds of pastry with half of remaining butter.4. Fold the third of pastry without butter to middle to meet the other end piece. Fold in thirds again. Keep covered and chill for a while.5. Roll out and place remaining butter on two-thirds of pastry, then fold, turn and roll out. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden brown.

TipsIdeal to use for pie toppings.This pastry is flaky and rises high, yet not as delicate as puff pastry. It is easier to make than puffy pastry.

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Shortcrust pastry

(Makes 2 flan cases)

500 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2 cups)2 ml salt (¼ tsp) 125 g cold butter125 ml iced water (½ cup)5 ml lemon juice or brandy (1 tsp)

1. Sift flour and salt together. Cut butter into small pieces and rub into flour with fingertips until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.2. Mix water and lemon juice into dry ingredients to make a stiff dough. Knead well.3. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll out dough on floured surface to a thickness of 3 mm.4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden brown.

TipsIdeal to use for savoury dishes, especially for pies. Avoid using too much liquid, which will make the pastry sticky, resulting in a dry crust. The pastry should just be moistened.

Sweet flan pastry(Makes one flan case or 12 medium tartlets)

250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)2 ml salt (¼ tsp) 60 ml castor sugar (¼ cup)60 g butter2 egg yolks2 ml vanilla essence (¼ tsp)

1. Sift flour and salt together. Add sugar and rub in butter with fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.2. Add egg yolks and essence and work into firm dough. Knead pastry well until smooth.3. On a floured surface, roll out dough to a thickness of 3 mm. Line a greased 24 cm loose-bottomed flan tin.4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. Prick base and bake blind in a preheated oven at 190 °C for 10 minutes. Remove paper and beans, then bake a further 5 minutes until pastry is golden brown.5. Allow to cool in pan before turning out onto wire rack to cool completely.

TipsMainly used in sweet tarts. The food processor is ideal for making this pastry, as it needs to be mixed well, resulting into a fine and crisp pastry.

Page 15: Blue Ribbon Recipes


Chicken curry pie

(Serves 4 - 6)

15 ml cooking oil (1 Tbsp)3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, chopped (about 400 g)1 medium onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, crushed30 ml chopped gingerroot (2 Tbsp)15 ml medium curry powder (1 Tbsp)2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped125 ml chicken stock (½ cup)125 ml coconut milk (½ cup)1 potato, peeled and cut into small cubes10 ml sugar (2 tsp)salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste15 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 Tbsp)

Crust310 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1¼ cups)2 ml salt (¼ tsp)100 g butter or margarine1 extra large egg yolk30 ml iced water (2 Tbsp)5 ml lemon juice (1 tsp)

1. Heat oil and fry chicken pieces until light brown.2. Add onion, garlic, ginger and curry powder and sauté lightly for 1 minute.3. Add tomatoes, stock, milk, potato, sugar and seasoning. Thicken with flour, dissolved in little water if necessary.4. Crust: Sift flour and salt. Cut butter into small pieces and rub into flour until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Beat remaining ingredients together and add to flour mixture. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 3 mm.5. Place pastry over chicken filling. Cut a few holes and decorate with pastry off-cuts. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 20 – 30 minutes until golden-brown.

TipsMaking coconut milk: For 125 ml coconut milk (½ cup), boil 200 ml milk and 60 ml desiccated coconut for about 5 minutes. Strain through cloth or sieve and use milk.

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(Serves 4 - 6)

Base625 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (2½ cups) 3 ml salt (½ tsp)3 ml sugar (½ tsp)10 g sachet instant dry yeast 15 ml olive oil (1 Tbsp)± 240 ml lukewarm water

Topping 400 g can tomatoes, chopped50 g tomato paste 500 ml grated Cheddar cheese (2 cups)1 onion, peeled and sliced, optional 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped, optional 4 strips back bacon, quartered 2 bananas, peeled and sliced 30 ml chopped fresh origanum (2 Tbsp) or 10 ml dried (2 tsp)salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. Base: Sift flour and salt in a bowl. Add sugar and yeast. 2. Mix oil and water and add to flour, mix to a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead lightly until smooth, for about 4 – 5 minutes. 3. Place dough in a greased mixing bowl, cover and leave to rise in a warm place to double the size. 4. Preheat oven to 200 °C. Knead dough down and divide in 4. Press flat and place on a greased oven tray. 5. Topping: Mix tomatoes and paste and spread over dough. Sprinkle cheese, onion and garlic over. Layer bacon and banana on. 6. Bake in a preheated oven at 15 – 20 minute, depending on thickness. Sprinkle with herbs and seasoning.

VariationsSubstitute bacon and bananas with any other vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes, peppers or pineapple.

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(Makes about 24)

Dough750 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (3 cups)5 ml salt (1 tsp)± 250 ml cold water (1 cup)5 ml lemon juice (1 tsp)

Mince filling30 ml cooking oil (2 Tbsp)500 g lean beef mince2 onions, peeled and chopped2 cloves garlic, crushed1 green chilli, seeded and finely chopped10 ml finely chopped coriander leaves (2 tsp)salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste10 ml strong curry powder (2 tsp)3 ml garam masala (½ tsp)1 ml ground turmericcooking oil for frying

1. Dough: Sift flour and salt Add water and lemon juice and mix to a stiff dough.2. Divide dough into 12 portions and roll each between hand palms. Roll into 12 discs.3. Place 6 discs on top of each other, brushing with oil on both sides and sprinkling a little flour on. Leave bottom and top of discs ungreased. Roll pile of discs into a large circle of about 30 cm.4. Place dough on a greased baking tray and bake in preheated oven at 200 °C for 3 - 5 minutes to separate layers. Trim edges. Repeat with remaining dough.5. Cut into strips of 6 cm wide x 20 cm long. Separate layers carefully. Fill on edge with filling and fold in triangle. Moisten edge with water and fold to complete samoosas.6. Filling: Heat oil in a heavy-based saucepan and brown mince. Add onions and garlic and sauté until soft. Add remaining ingredients and fry for about 2 minutes. Set aside to cool.7. Fill samoosas and chill in refrigerator for about 30 minutes before frying. Fry in hot oil, turning until golden brown. Drain on paper towel.

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Vegetable quiche

(Serves 4 - 6)

Pastry250 ml Blue Ribbon cake flour (1 cup)250 ml grated Cheddar cheese (1 cup)125 g butter or margarine

Filling 45 ml butter or margarine (3 Tbsp)1 small onion, quartered200 g butternut, cut into bite-size pieces3 baby marrows, sliced1 clove garlic, crushed125 ml sour cream (½ cup)125 ml milk or cream (½ cup)2 extra large eggs30 ml chopped fresh mixed herbs (2 Tbsp) or 10 ml dried (2 tsp)salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste30 ml grated Parmesan cheese, optional (2 Tbsp)

1. Pastry: Mix all ingredients to a soft dough in a food processor or by hand. Press into base and sides of a greased 24 cm quiche dish.2. Filling: Heat butter and sauté onion, butternut, baby marrows and garlic until slightly soft. Spoon all vegetables onto the pastry base.3. Whisk sour cream, milk, eggs, herbs and seasoning. Pour over vegetables. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over and bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for 30 – 40 minutes.