blogwell chicago social media case study: reebok, presented by tyler bahl and angela scibelli

37 Video Case Studies Tyler Bahl & Angela Scibelli Consolidation is Key for Social Media Fitness This video is from BlogWell San Francisco June 20, 2011 Case Studies This presentation is from BlogWell Chicago July 18, 2012

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In their BlogWell Chicago presentation, Reebok's Brand Engagement & Media Manager, Tyler Bahl, and Brand Engagement Coordinator, Angela Scibelli, share how they consolidated their platforms and got fit for social. Tyler and Angela talk about all that they did to round up over 350 social media accounts related to their brand and restructure them to be managed globally and supported locally. Watch the video of the presentation here:


Page 1: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

SocialMedia.orgVideo Case Studies

Tyler Bahl & Angela Scibelli

Consolidation is Key for Social Media Fitness

This video is from

BlogWellSan FranciscoJune 20, 2011

SocialMedia.orgCase Studies

This presentation is from


July 18,

Page 2: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 3: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Learn howconsolidated their platforms and got fit for social.

Page 4: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 5: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

“In truth, this was probably an experiment from Reebok’s marketing firm that will disappear in a few months.” -, 2007

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Page 7: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 8: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Our social identity was fragmented.

Page 9: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli


Capture as much information as possible.

Do the heavy lifting yourself.

Audit not only your brand,but your competitors.

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Page 13: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Have a singular, consistent brand voice.

Page 14: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Globally owned and locally supported.

Page 15: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Don’t just listen, be part of the conversation.

Page 16: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Increase social CRM and engagement organically.

Page 17: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Provide access to social media management tool.

Roll-up current local pages into three consumer-led brand pages.

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Page 19: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 20: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 21: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Consolidate views by having global campaign videos.

Create one global channel for all videos to live.

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Page 23: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Request markets refrain from media spend due to lack of geo-targeting.

Focus on two global accounts.

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Page 25: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 26: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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youtubefacebookzigtechvideoclassicsswizzflexkidslewisjwallevaWednesday, March 30, 2011

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The right tool for the job.

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Our fans, followers, and view counts increased.

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Page 31: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

We can now have centralized reporting.

Page 32: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

We are able to see which markets have the resources for social, and which need a hand.

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The process takes time.

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Some pages are best left on their own.

Page 35: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 36: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli
Page 37: BlogWell Chicago Social Media Case Study: Reebok, presented by Tyler Bahl and Angela Scibelli

Learn more about past and upcoming BlogWells

This video is from

BlogWellSan FranciscoJune 20, 2011

SocialMedia.orgCase Studies

This presentation is from


July 18,