blogging and social media 2009

Blogging & Social Media

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Looking to drive more traffic to your staffing and recruiting website? Interested in staying top of mind with clients, prospects and candidates? Realize you NEED to be active on social networks but don\'t have time? Download our introduction to blogging and social media and then call Haley Marketing Group at 888-696-2900 to get started!


  • 1. Blogging &Social Media

2. TodaysAGENDA

  • Blogging Overview
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits
  • Social Media - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn
  • Analytics/Proving ROI

3. BLOGS:A Powerful SEO and Content Management Tool 4. What is aBLOG?

  • A type or part of a website usually maintained by an individual that shares regular news, commentary or updates.

5. Why should youBLOG?

  • Direct communication
  • Brand building
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Exploit a niche/Become an expert
  • Media/Public Relations
  • Relatively low cost marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization

6. Content Better content=higher rankings!

  • Start with a strong headline
  • Include keywords throughout
  • Be conversational(write for humans, tweak for search engines)
  • Avoid duplication
  • Create links with anchor text
  • Make frequent updates
  • Content includes video and audio as well

7. Blogs & SEO

  • Page Title (Blue bar in Internet browser)
  • URL / Website Address
  • Blog Title and Content

Blogs provide the ability to control key elements that have a dramatic effect on your search engine rankings and drive more targeted traffic to your website: 8. SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter, Facebook, & LinkedIn 9. Twitter

  • Micro blogging website (each post limited to 140 characters.)
  • 17 million US visitors in April 09*
  • Largest audience segment age 45-54*
  • *April 2009 U.S. comScore Media Metrix data

10. Facebook

  • Social Networking website
  • Average monthly audience over 12 million
  • Fastest growing segment ages 35-49*
  • *Neilson Social Networking Report, March 2009

11. LinkedIn

  • Professional Networking website
  • Over 40 million professionals
  • 80% of members are college grads*
  • 49% are decision makers*
  • *@Plan, Summer 2008 Report

12. Web Analytics:How do I know if this works and what is the ROI? 13. Google Analytics

  • A wealth of stats, including:
  • How people find your website
  • How long people stay
  • New vs. return visitors
  • What keywords people used
  • What sites are referring traffic
  • Where traffic drops off
  • Key spikes in traffic

14. Blogs work.Want proof?

  • Google Analytics Daily Web Traffic Overview
  • Corporate blog was formally introduced and integrated with email marketing efforts on May 29, 2009 resulting in a huge spike in traffic.

15. Social networking at work.

  • August, 2009
  • Just wanted to bring to your attention that our website is now at 10,700 plus for the visitors in the past 30 days. We were at 8,200 last month. New visits are above 68%.
  • Our efforts are really paying off, and our site is gaining strength month after month. I think we are kicking ass right now.
  • Chris Garner
  • President
  • Berks & Beyond Employment Services, Inc.
  • Over 30% increase in website traffic in 1 month.

16. Looking to take advantage ofBlogs and Social Media?

  • Contact Haley Marketing Group today:
  • Brad Smith
  • Director of SEO and Social Media
  • 888-696-2900
  • [email_address]