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5 E-Learning Trends in 2016- 3/2/16 E-learning is a a vastly growing and thriving field. With new forms of technology constantly being formed and created, this industry is rapidly and continuously evolving. It is clear that 2016 will be a revolutionary year for e-learning. Overall, we can expect a larger focus on creating a more personalized approach to learning through pace adjusting, customized content presentation, and leveraging student interests. Here are a few trends to look for in 2016: Social Media Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are becoming more and more popular among educators, both in person and online. Social media collaboration allows students to work together outside of the classroom and gives shy students the ability to voice their opinions. In order to eliminate privacy issues, many sites like Facebook have been working on creating versions of their sites specifically made for educators and students. E-Learning Games In today’s busy society, grabbing and maintaining the attention of students has become increasingly difficult. In order to counter this, e-learners are beginning to spend more time exploring the world of learning games by applying game dynamics into non- gaming lessons and contexts. Gamification is creating promising results, motivating students to achieve their goals in a fun manner. Implementing Wearable Technology Wearable tech products like Google Glass, Oculus Rift and smart watches have taken the world by storm. These products provide their wearers with a unique opportunity to interact with new information and content in a dynamic way. In the near future, students may be able to complete lessons, participate in immersive learning games, or even go on field trips across the world. Responsive Learning Management Systems The growth of virtual learning has resulted in an increase in data, information, coursework and communication. Through Learning Management Systems (LMS), districts, e- learning companies, and teachers alike are now able to better administer, track,

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5 E-Learning Trends in 2016- 3/2/16

E-learning is a a vastly growing and thriving field. With new forms of technology constantly being formed and created, this industry is rapidly and continuously evolving. It is clear that 2016 will be a revolutionary year for e-learning. Overall, we can expect a larger focus on creating a more personalized approach to learning through pace adjusting, customized content presentation, and leveraging student interests. Here are a few trends to look for in 2016:

Social Media 

Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are becoming more and more popular among educators, both in person and online. Social media collaboration allows students to work together outside of the classroom and gives shy students the ability to voice their opinions. In order to eliminate privacy issues, many sites like Facebook have been working on creating versions of their sites specifically made for educators and students.

E-Learning Games

In today’s busy society, grabbing and maintaining the attention of students has become increasingly difficult. In order to counter this, e-learners are beginning to spend more time exploring the world of learning games by applying game dynamics into non-gaming lessons and contexts. Gamification is creating promising results, motivating students to achieve their goals in a fun manner.

Implementing Wearable Technology

Wearable tech products like Google Glass, Oculus Rift and smart watches have taken the world by storm. These products provide their wearers with a unique opportunity to interact with new information and content in a dynamic way. In the near future, students may be able to complete lessons, participate in immersive learning games, or even go on field trips across the world.

Responsive Learning Management Systems 

The growth of virtual learning has resulted in an increase in data, information, coursework and communication. Through Learning Management Systems (LMS), districts, e-learning companies, and teachers alike are now able to better administer, track, document and report classroom and online material. Most importantly, a more reactive LMS will allow educators to better tailor their curriculum and lesson plans according to their student’s preferences and needs, creating a more customizable and personalized learning experience.

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New and Improved Blended Learning 

Throughout the year, you may see the definition of blended learning begin to evolve. No longer is blended learning just seen as the combination of brick and mortar classroom methods and online learning, it is now categorized as the combination of different learning strategies, channels like synchronous and asynchronous, multi device learning, and mixing courses with different resources. In 2016, look forward to seeing e-learning merging with multiple technologies and channels, bringing it all together to create a diverse learning experience.

Proximity Learning vs Rosetta Stone – 2/4/16

Today, more and more schools find themselves turning towards virtual and online classes to satisfy their student’s foreign language needs. Virtual staffing provides schools with the flexibility to customize curriculum and keep students curious, educated and most of all, happy. Online courses provide the ability to quickly implement a program for a fraction of the price of finding, training and hiring an in-person educator, and gives these schools the opportunity to expand and diversify their foreign language program. However, online courses and virtual education are commonly facing scrutiny, with parents and administrators asking, “What makes this different from Rosetta Stone?”

There is some logic behind this comparison. On the surface a virtual educator may seem very similar to Rosetta Stone and other boxed, CD-based foreign language programs. They both rely on technology to share information. They are both cost efficient and easy to access. They both include human-to-human interaction (Rosetta Stone to limited extent). However, after these factors, the similarities between the two tend to run dry.

Language exists specifically for human interaction, and unlike Rosetta Stone, virtual learning companies like Proximity Learning understand and remember when learning a new language, the individual on the other side of the screen will be the one thing that makes the largest difference. As stated above, Rosetta Stone does include human interaction to a certain extent. After each major lesson plan in their program, the student or learner must schedule a date to Skype a native speaker to speak and interact for 30 minutes. This method, although interesting in theory, only creates issues with the individual trying to learn. First, scheduling a meeting can be a daunting task, especially in a school where students have a strict deadline to complete their assignments. The idea that a class of 20+ students would be able to schedule and complete their meetings within a 45 minute class period is completely unrealistic and nearly impossible. In addition to this, because these students have only been speaking the language to themselves, essentially acting as their own teacher, pressuring a

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novice to speak in a new dialect to a complete stranger for a relatively long period of time causes unnecessary stress to the student and may cause them to dread their lessons more than they enjoy them.

Alternatively, companies like Proximity Learning bring a live teacher straight to the students. Rather than forcing the class to teach themselves the course material, the educator takes them step by step through the entire process. Not only will students learn conversational vocabulary, detailed information on pronunciation, grammar lessons and sentence formation, the teacher will also take his or her class through the culture, art, architecture and lifestyles of the countries they are studying. These detailed lectures and lessons reduce repetition and boredom, fostering a student connection with their new language and the countries that speak it. With a live teacher, students will be able to interact, practice and ask questions in real time, eliminating the need to look up information online or contact a tutor like Rosetta Stone’s methods. One of the most important factors in the comparison between virtual education and Rosetta Stone is simply the fact that class will always consist of a familiar face. Online teachers will have a similar presence within their classrooms as an in-person instructor, allowing students to build relationships, trust and bonds with their educator, which in turn will help student’s willingness to try as well as prompting them speak up when they are unsure.

When comparing pre-recorded, automated foreign language programs like Rosetta Stone to virtual educators, the most important thing to remember is the purpose of language itself. Language allows you to visit new places. Language helps you find your way if you are lost. Language allows you to make new friends, to create inside jokes, to argue, to learn and to better yourself. Language is interaction with another human being. In the end, why would you choose to learn any other way?

4 Helpful Tips To Prepare You For The ACT/SAT – 2/3/16

The ACT and SAT exams are fast approaching, and they can be daunting to say the least. In a perfect world, you would be able to confidently waltz out of the testing room with the highest score possible, but this can be a difficult feat to achieve. However, don’t worry. With a little hard work, studying and dedication, you can ease your test anxiety and pass your exam with flying colors. Here are 4 proven methods to help you through your exam:

Practice Makes Perfect  

This may seem like the most obvious answer, but properly preparing for the test beforehand is critical to help you score higher on your exam. Invest in a good ACT/SAT test prep book, take advantage of

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tutoring and prep programs like this one, and be sure to take practice tests to see what you should spend more time going over. Remember, when completing your practice exams be sure to take it in a similar environment as the testing room (like a Saturday morning in a quiet, well lit room) and don’t forget your timer.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

On the day before the test, get plenty of rest and don’t stay up late cramming. Be sure to have a healthy, light breakfast before the exam (scrambled eggs, oatmeal, fruit or a smoothie are great options) and keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water. Be sure to cater to your mental health as well by reminding yourself that it is simply just a test, that you are prepared and that you will succeed. You will do better if you are feeling confident.

Keep Your Cool 

First things first, whatever you do, don’t panic! The best way to get a high score is by being prepared and keeping your cool. Taking the time to read, comprehend and answer the test questions is much more difficult to achieve if you are suffering from panic or anxiety. During your exam, remember to take deep breaths and keep a steady pace. Keep your focus on the task at hand and do not let the time limits or a particularly difficult question stress you out.

Use Common Sense 

When you begin your exam, do not be surprised to initially see a couple questions that you are completely clueless over. When facing these questions, rely on logic and common sense. Take an educated guess at the answer to the question by eliminating answer choices that are clearly incorrect and going from there. Don’t overthink it, although the questions can be tricky, one answer was designed to fit like a glove.