blackout (sneak preview)

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  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    philosophy were what captivated her attention. Though they shared many of the same

    honors classes, Kamiyah averaged straight $#1s% while +arah was content with $*s% and

    $C*s%. They*d been best friends since the age of 2, and as far as friendships went, no two

    people in the school were closer.

    $Kamiyah3 I wont keep running my mouth if you*re not going to pay attention%,

    +arah complained as she feigned hurt feeling. $I*m sorry +arah. I didn*t mean to 4one out

    on you. I*m so looking forward to tonight, and my mind has been on autopilot. The

    5oraine meteor shower starts around 6 and I*m so excited to get to see it with my


    $Kam, what am I gonna do with you7 8ou*ve got to be the only "2 year old girl

    on the planet who gets more excited about astronomy than she does about boys%.

    $I can*t help it if the 0niverse turns me on%, Kamiyah oked. $It*s such an

    ama4ing place, and before I die I want to learn as much about it as possible%.

    The final bell rang, freeing the teenagers from their scholastic captivity. #s they

    strolled to the bus, Kamiyah verified their plans for the evening. $8ou arestill coming

    with me to see the meteor shower, aren'tyou%7

    $Coming with you7 I thought we could see it from anywhere along the coast%7

    $8es. That*s true. ut some areas will have better visibility than others. My mom said I

    can use the car and I want to go on top of Mount Trashmore to view it. I figure we*ll be

    able to see two or three times the amount of meteors from up there%.

    $!orks for me%, +arah conceded. $#re we allowed to bring guests, or is this a

    *girl1s night out* type of thing%7

    $9oodness +arah. -o you ever stop thinking about boys%7 $I don*t know Kam.

    -o you ever stop thinking about astronomy%7 #fter an awkward pause, the two girls

    laughed hardily. +econds later their world was shattered by horrific screams.

    More screams erupted as students altered their course and ran to the athletic fields

    in the back of the school. +arah and Kamiyah assumed that a fight had broken out and

    everyone was running to check out the action. !ith their curiosity peaked, they followed

    the crowd to the source of the commotion. The moment they turned the corner both girls

    immediately fro4e. :othing on earth could have prepared them for what they were now


  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    Chi/ago! 0llinois 1-#2 p&'& CT

    ;ichard -ean ;othschild III, known to a select few as $;ich%, was a man who

    loved life. +.M.=?, the second largest advertising agency in the 0nited +tates.

    !hen people asked him what he did for a living, he*d okingly reply that his ob was to

    $get lacks to spend their *stacks*%. -uring his career, ;ichard oversaw successful

    marketing campaigns by :ike, Cadillac, Mc-onald*s, MT@, even Alanned Aarenthood, all

    of which had $#frican#mericans% as the target demographic. #s far as ;ichard was

    concerned, the psyche of the lack people was a simple pu44le to solve. To him,

    marketing products to lacks was as easy as selling chocolate to fat kids.

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    It wasn*t until the advent of the youth oriented

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    $8es, Mr. ;othschild%7

    $!ill you please contact -eshawn +mith, Michael ames* agent, and ask him what the

    hold up is%.

    $8es, Mr. ;othschild%.

  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    seen it all.

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    short period of time%. $Maybe it*s not that we*re falling Aastor. Maybe it*s ust that we*re

    finally starting to wake up%. !ith that being said, +ister ackie stood up, kissed the

    Aastor on the cheek, and walked out the church. Aastor =reeman prostrated himself on

    the floor and tears streamed down his faced as he yelled out the name of esus. $My

    9od, my 9od3 !hy have you forsaken me7 5ord, I*ve tried to be a good +hepard to

    your flock, but now I fear I have failed you. 5ord, if there is something I am missing

    please give me a sign%. #t that very moment, Aastor =reeman*s greatgrandson Hliah

    walked into the church. $Aa Aa, come outside and look%. $!hat is it baby%7 $#ngels%,

    Hliah replied. !ith confusion in his mind, he grabbed his grandson*s hand and went to

    investigate. The moment he stepped outside, he glanced up to see a huge obect filling up

    the entire sky. $Fh my 9od%3

    Chapter B

    Norfol! "irginia -#2. p&' T

    Hvery television station was reporting on the $Invasion% as they were now

    referencing it. Kamiyah stared at the T@ wondering why the media was calling it an

    $invasion% if no one had been attacked. ust showing up at someone*s front door doesn*t

    mean you want to pick a fight. $:o one knows whether these beings are benign or

    malevolent. Aropaganda at its best%, she stated aloud. $#t BGB& p.m. a fleet of massive

    pyramid shaped obects appeared over populated areas all over the planet%, stated a

    clearly shaken C:: reporter. $+cientist did not detect any of the obects entering the

    Harth*s atmosphere. !itnesses state that the obects ust suddenly materiali4ed in the

    sky%. The news feed cut to a clip of a frightened teenage boy giving his testimony. $Fnemoment there was clear blue sky, then the next there was a huge black pyramid blocking

    out the +un%, the young man stated. $+cientists estimate the diameter of these obects at

    & miles across. #nd while the exact total is unknown, so far over '(( of these obects

    have been reported to the 0.:. by various governments throughout the world. Most of

    them are concentrated over the nations of #frica, +outh #merica, and the eastern and

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    southeastern portions of the 0nited +tates. y no means are these the only places where

    the obects are positioned, ust the areas where the most reports have surfaced. The

    pentagon has stated that since the occupants have not revealed their intent they will be

    viewed as hostile. The nation is on its highest security alert until further notice%.

    Kamiyah exuded wonder and excitement upon hearing every new $fact% or

    $theory% spouted by the clueless news organi4ations. +trangely, she knew in her heart

    that there was nothing to fear. In fact, she sensed that things were about to get better.

    +he didn*t know whyshe felt this, but she did. +he knew that soon enough all of their

    /uestions would be answered. 5ess than an hour had passed since the people of the

    world were rudely awakened to the fact that they were not alone in the 0niverse and

    Kamiyah couldn*t have been happier. #s a child she1d been a fan of sciencefiction. +he

    loved to watch reruns of old shows like tar rek he Ne"t #eneration, Dr. $ho% &

    Files% andtargate. =or a while she even had a crush on 5t. 9eordie 5a=orge. It was

    either him or 5t. !arf because they were the only black guys on tar rek .N.#.

    +ince she wasn*t found of guys with foreheads shaped like mountain ranges, $9eo% >her

    pet name for the ship*s main engineer? became the obvious choice.

    The existence of 0=Fs and #lien life was an absolute truth as far as Kamiyah was

    concerned, and she was an avid researcher of all things paranormal and metaphysical.

    Hvery day she*d listen to reruns of (oast to (oast ).*. with #eorge Noory on her

    computer. +he*d read numerous books and watched thousands of hours worth of lectures

    on the topics. +ome of her favorite researches were -r. -elbert lair, -r. ewel

    Aookrum, -r. Ahil @alentine, -avid !ilcock, #lim ey, im Marrs, #shra Kwesi,

    Michael Cremo, 5inda Molten

  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    room and her mother stood there holding her father*s gun and crying hysterically as

    Caleb, her younger brother, sat at her feet. The television was turned to =ox :ews as

    they interviewed a retired Marine Corps 9eneral about why he felt we should $attack

    now and ask /uestions later%. ;ebecca mumbled incoherently as live footage of the

    obect hovering above :orfolk appeared on screen. +arah was now upset that they had

    not gotten rid of her father*s gun after his passing, but it was her mother*s desire to keep

    the family safe which overrode all other opinions. +arah*s father died in #fghanistan in

    B("' when an IH- exploded next to his convoy. #fter his death, her mother, the $ible

    thumping% Christian, started suffering from depression and became a staunch atheist.

    +he attempted to gather herself, but after a few failed relationships, including the one that

    gave her Caleb, her mother resorted to heavy drinking and prescription drugs. !hen

    +arah wasn*t at school or out with her friends, she was home playing nurse and counselor

    to her addict mother.

    $Mom, what are you doing7 !hy do you have -ad*s gun%7

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    ;ichard sat at the bar in the Aaradise ;estaurant located on the firth floor of the

    +.M.= Towers. oshua +teinberg walked over to see what his old friend and coworker

    was up to. $;ich.

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    bodies to make his way to the podium.

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    continued with his message. $=ear of the unknown is the leading cause of insanity on

    this planet. Aeople fear things they can*t see....fear things they can*t control....fear things

    they don*t understand....ut why73...!hy do we fear7...!hat is it about fear that makes it

    such a dominant force in our world. I*ll tell you%.

    Hvery face intently focused on the old Areacher as he brought forth his dynamic

    message. $!hat*s the most powerful force in the 0niverse7...Come on7....+omebody talk

    to me3....I*m not up here for my health. I*m not asking a rhetorical /uestion. +omebody

    tell me. !hat*s the most powerful force in the 0niverse%7 $5ove3% shouted the pastor*s

    greatgrandson Hliah. Aastor =reeman looked at him and smiled. $=rom the mouths of

    babes.....Aeople it says to approach the Kingdom of 9od with a childlike mind. It*s easier

    for children to understand the 0niversal message than it is for us older folk, because we

    think we got it all figured out. Can*t nobody tell us nothing3%. $#men AaAa3% shouted

    Hliah as the crowd burst into laughter. $+ee there people7 +ee how words from the

    mouth of a babe can bring a sense of comfort and love into a place where ust a few

    minutes ago,fearwas the dominant force%7 Crowd members slowly shook their heads

    up and down in agreement.

    $5adies and gentleman, little Hliah is right. 5ove isthe most powerful force in

    the 0niverse. #nd guess what the opposite of love is7 8ou got it. =ear3 =ear is the

    opposite of love. Aeople, we live in a world of polarities. !e are taught to view things as

    being either4or. It*s eitherup or down....either left or right, light ordark, hot or cold,

    short or tall, fat or skinny, good or evil. -o we ever think about the area that lies

    between any two extremes7 !hat if it*s neither black nor white7 !hat if it*s gray7 8es3

    !hat about the gray areas in life7 Is the gray area good orbad...or is it neutral7 Is the

    gray area hot orcold...oris it warm%7

    The crowd was captivated by the elderly Aastor*s insight. $:ow think about love

    and fear. 5ove and fear are the two most extreme polarities that exist. 5ove draws us

    together while fear pushes us apart. +ome of you have made the mistake of thinking that

    the opposite of love is hate. !rong3 8ou can hate somebody and still be in their


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    polarities of love and fear.

    #gain, shouts of $#men% and $Areach, Areacher% erupted from the crowd. $=or

    too long the rulers of this planet have used fear as their main weapon for controlling the

    masses. =ear has been used to divide and con/uer the races of the world. =ear has been

    used to ustify the slaughter of hundreds of millions of men, women, and children through

    the centuries. :o longer can we allow fear to dictate our collective ourney through life.

    It*s now time for a change in the way we think. !e must switch off the fear button and

    turn on the love. 5ove is the key. 5ove is the answer we*ve been searching for. The

    answer is so simple yet so difficult for us to process%. In a nasally tone he mimicked

    $8ou mean to tell me Aastor that love is the answer to everything%7 #fter a long pause

    and stern look into the depths of the eyes and souls of the people who now stood before

    him, he proudly proclaimed, $8H+3 #ll along we*ve been searching for complex answers

    to resolve complex problems, yet complex problems can be resolved using simple

    formulas. Hinstein spent his whole life trying to solve difficult problems, yet his greatest

    work, his*agnum +pus, can be summed up in one simple e/uation. Hnergy e/uals mass

    times the speed of light s/uared in a vacuum, or HOmcB. Three letters, a symbol, and a

    number sum up the answer to a problem so complex, so greatthat most don*t even care to

    contemplate such concepts anymore. Think about this....your life is the greatest problem

    in the 0niverse. #nd when I sayproblem, I am not speaking of it as something negative.

    I speak of it as a pu44le to be solved. Hvery one of us is a problem so complex that it

    would take an infinite number of years to find the solution. The $Most

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    in the grass with his puppy +cooby as his weary greatgrandfather watched over them.

    The church garden was Aastor =reeman*s place of refugeN a place where he could come

    and forget about the problems of the world.

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    figure came strolling into the garden. It was ackie. $

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    gothought Aastor =reeman as the sharpness of the image increased. !hen it finally came

    into focus, a face was revealed.

    The entity*s skin was a pastel shade of greenish blue and it possessed an elongated

    skull, twice the length of a normal human skull. The being resembled a human teenager

    of no more than "' or "2 and had no visible ears or hair making it very difficult to tell its

    gender. The androgynous being could have been a boy or a girl, but Aastor =reeman

    sensed that it was female.

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    wouldn*t start for another hour, so Kamiyah focused the telescope on the pyramid

    hovering ten miles off in the distance. Though it could be easily seen with the naked eye

    due to its massive si4e, Kamiyah wanted to see if there was anything additional she could

    examine about the obect using the different light settings her telescope provided. !ith a

    hint of excitement in her voice she stated, $:o telling what we might see by looking at

    this thing in the infrared%.

    Trying her best to hide her melancholic mood from her friend, +arah forced a

    smile. +he didn*t know what it was, but +arah sensed that she was about to go through a

    pain that she wasn*t /uite ready to handle. +he wondered if she was experiencing shock

    of some kind, then she reali4ed that compared to most people, she was holding up pretty

    well considering the circumstances.

    Kamiyah adusted the telescope so that the obect filled the screen of her laptop.

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    interesting%, +arah /uipped. $Hxactly3%

    Knowing that it was time to drop the small talk, Kamiyah turned and looked her

    friend straight in the eyes. $+arah%7 $8es Kam%7

    Kamiyah hesitated, not fully understanding whyshe was about to say it, yet she

    hadto say it. $I have to leave%. # pu44led look crossed +arah*s face then /uickly faded

    as she comprehended what Kamiyah meant by her statement. $!hen are you leaving%7

    $Arobably sooner than I think%. +uddenly, the base of the pyramid started glowing bright

    red. $It*s almost time%.

    $-o you know where you*re going%7 $I don*t know exactly where, but I

    feel....make that I knowthat I*m going home%. +arah grasped her friend*s hand as tears

    streamed down both of their cheeks. It was a strange mix of tears of sadness combined

    with tears of oy. The next half mile of the pyramids height started glowing orange. $ I

    don*t know how long I*ve been away. I ust know I*ve been waiting an incredibly long

    time to return, and now that moment has come%. The next half mile of the pyramid*s

    height glowed yellow. $#re you ever coming back7%, +arah asked. $:o. #ll that we

    came to do has been achieved. 8ou can only stay in school but for so long. Hventually

    it*s time to graduate. This planet has been our education center for many eons. !e*ve

    learned much during our time here. It*s your turn to learn from the lessons we provided.

    :ow those of you who remain must decide your own destiny. !e*ve done our best to

    assist you. :ow our karmic ties must be severed%. Kamiyah didn*t know where the

    words were coming from, but she knew they were the right words. +he almost felt

    possessed, as if she had no control over what she was saying. Then a $knowing% came to

    her, informing Kamiyah that her $

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    starting to remember that which I have forgotten%.

    The next color the obect emitted was indigo. # bright flash came from

    Kamiyah*s forehead. # symbol about B inches long appeared between her eyebrows.

    +arah recogni4ed the image as the taiitu, known to most as the 8in8ang symbol. #fter a

    few seconds, the image dissipated. $Thank you +arah. Thank you for your love, your

    friendship, your time, and all that you have taught me. I was favored to have had

    someone like you by my side during the last portion of my Harthly walk. Fur bond was,

    and isone of a kind. I*ve learned so much from you, and I will never forget you for the

    rest of my existence%.

    +arah was crying so hard she could barely speak. $8ou*ve taught me more in one

    short lifetime than I could have learned in a thousand without you. 8ou were the center

    of my world Kam, and I don*t know what I*m going to do not having you around%. +arah

    embraced her friend so tight that she thought she might smother her. $+ure you*ll know

    what to do%, Kamiyah whimpered. $ust remember all of our experiences together.

    :ever forget them....because I never will. ;emember our people. ;emember our time

    here on this planet%.

    The next moment the obect emitted a bright shade of violet, which if +arah

    remembered correctly, symboli4ed the $Crown% chakra. Kamiyah*s body began glowing

    as she was still in +arah embrace. #s they hugged, a oy came over +arah unlike

    anything she*d ever felt before. It was a perfectoy, so powerful and loving that +arah

    nearly passed out. +he felt as if she where standing in the presence of 9od, and she

    didn1t want to let go. The bliss she felt eventually reached a point where it became

    unbearable. +arah broke her embrace with Kamiyah before the feeling completely

    overwhelmed her. # $knowing% came to her mind, telling her that what she had ust felt

    was the unconditional love her friend had for her. It was incomprehensible to think that

    someone could love another person in such a way, and yet Kamiyah did. +arah reali4ed

    that the reason she had to break their embrace was because she felt unworthy of such a

    perfect love.

    Though it was one of the saddest days of her life, +arah could feel nothing but

    elation. +he knew she1d have time to mourn the loss of her best friend, but for now she

    would be celebrating her $graduation%. +uddenly, there was a loud, high pitched sound,

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    then the cap of the pyramid emitted a blinding white light. $It1s time%, Kamiyah

    solemnly stated. +arah was lost for words because the person she had been closest to her

    whole life was about to be gone forever. Kamiyah walked over to +arah and kissed her

    on the cheek. $9oodbye +arah. I love you%. +arah1s lips trembled as she struggled to

    say the words. $9oodLgoodbye Kam. I love you%. Kamiyah1s eyes turned the color of

    B&kt gold as she stared compassionately at her friend. +econds later, she blinked out of

    existence. # streak of light crossed the sky followed by another, then another. The

    meteor shower had begun and streams of light littered the sky like glowing tear drops.

    +arah smiled, because even the 0niverse wasn1t going to send her friend off without a

    celebration of some kind. $Congratulations Kam. 8ou deserve it%.

    ;ichard oked and slurred his words as he flirted with the young brunette from


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    mayhem taking place all over the world. The four television sets surrounding the main

    bar were each turned to a different news network. Fne of the #frican#merican reporters

    on C:: was in the middle of his commentary when he disappeared right before the

    camera. #t first ;ichard thought he was going cra4y until someone behind him let out a

    loud shriek. It came from the table where a young interracial couple had been having

    dinner. Though the woman was there, the man was no where in sight. +he kept

    screaming $

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    0niverse has caused mass panic in the population. +ince we do not know the full scope

    of what we are dealing with, we are approaching the situation with calculated caution.

    !ith that said, I must state that due to the events of the past two hours in which millions

    of #merican civilians have vanished without a trace, and with the full recommendation of

    both the Congress and the oint Chiefs of +taff, the 0nited +tates =ederal government is

    making a formal $-eclaration of !ar% against the #lien horde which has invaded our air

    space. The #rmed =orces of the 0nited +tates of #merica will be launching an all out

    assault in order to neutrali4e the #lien threat before any more human casualties can

    result. Fur position is that ofproactiityinstead of reactiity. Fur original plan of $wait

    and see% has resulted in the disappearance of tens of millions of #merican lives, and

    presumably hundreds of millions worldwide. +ince we do not know the full strength and

    capability of our enemy, we ask that all 0nited +tates Citi4ens head for the safest

    locations possible. Alease evacuate all locations where the #lien vessels are located. #ny

    and all defensive options are on the table, up to, and not excluding, the use of thermo

    nuclear devices. !e are facing the biggest threat humanity has ever known and the

    survival of the species is paramount. Fnce again, I call for the evacuation of all areas in

    which the alien forces are located. Fur retaliation will be swift and deadly, and anyone

    who does not reach a safe location in a reasonable amount of time will be considered a

    casualty of war. Thank you for your cooperation and your patriotism. Fnce the threat

    has been neutrali4ed, I will address the nation with further instructions%.

    The Aresident stepped away from the podium and the few people left in the bar

    were overcome with fear. Most rushed to leave as the impending attack approached. The

    fact that the Aresident didn1t say whenthe assault would take place left ;ichard to believe

    that it was probably imminent. he 4resident said the right things to coer his asshe


    $!ell, if the world is about to end I might as well get a front row seat to the

    action%, ;ichard oked aloud.

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    ourneyed back to his office. =ollowing a brief sensation of weightlessness, the elevator

    door dinged opened and ;ichard staggered towards his office while fumbling in his

    pockets for his keys.

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    its bright display. The proectiles traveled towards the obect at incredible speeds and

    ;ichard braced for their explosive impact. They collided with the side of the pyramid

    and were completely absorbed as if they had slammed into a lake full of tar. The wall of

    infinite blackness engulfed the missiles and left no trace of their presence. ;ichard

    paused for a few seconds in anticipation of an explosion, but it never came. !ith their

    initial attack thwarted, the ;aptors broke formation and returned to base. The B

    maintained its silent approach, and as it did so, a reali4ation came to ;ichard. he /3 is

    a bomber% and there2s only one type of bomb they would be attempting to throw at this

    thing 7 a nuke3 The bay doors opened and the guided bomb dropped from its perch.

    #fter descending a few hundred feet, the bomb1s engine engaged and it cruised towards

    its designated target. !ith its payload released, the B fired its afterburners and was

    almost out of sight by the time the nuke reached the obect. Instead of detonating upon

    impact, the nuke exploded midair, approximately '(( yards from the pyramid.

    !hat happened next was impossible by all standards, and if ;ichard hadn1t seen it

    with his own eyes there1s no way he would have believed it. There was a blinding white

    flash and within picoseconds after the nuke1s explosion the blast was encapsulated within

    what appeared to be a giant glass bubble. The bubble was at least a /uarter mile in

    diameter and maintained its integrity as it contained the full concussive force of the

    nuclear explosion. It appeared as if a mini sun had been set in the night sky. ;ichard1s

    aw dropped as he watched the bubble of fire floats towards the pyramid. It touched the

    obect1s side and was completely absorbed ust as the missiles had been. #fter

    consuming the tamed nuclear blast, the pyramid instantaneously resumed its colorful light

    display and the rotation speed it achieved before being interrupted by the 0.+. military.

    =rom the missiles to the nuke, the entire attack lasted no more than 6( seconds, and the

    obect brushed it off without missing a beat.

    #nother minute passed and the pyramid was now rotating at an impossible speed.

    ;ichard had never seen such an immense obect moving so fast, and watching such a

    display was beyond breathtaking. The obect and the immediate space around it pulsated

    like a heartbeat. It transitioned through the various colors of the light spectrum, holding

    each color for no more than a second before moving on to the next one. #s ;ichard

    stared blindly into the heavenly display, he took notice of human faces hidden within the

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    light. #nd they weren1t ust any faces. Though a small portion appeared to be of :ative

    #merican and Indian descent, as far as ;ichard could tell, the bulk of the faces appeared

    #frican#merican or outright #frican. The images were cycling so fast that he shouldn1t

    have been able to see them. It was like looking at a photo montage that was moving

    faster than the speed of light. :ot only did he see their faces, but for a brief moment he

    became one with, and fully comprehended what it meant to $e% each individualN all their

    innermost thoughts, the things they love, hate, and all their oys and fears.

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    It took a minute for Kamiyah to orient herself from the intense vertigo. !hen the

    feeling of uncontrolled spinning finally subsided, her heart nearly umped out of her


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    billions. The goosebumps prickled her flesh as Kamiyah thought of all the possibilities

    of what may lie on its surface.

    Kamiyah1s attention shifted towards the closest star in her field of vision. The

    light it emitted was bluish white. hat hasto be the star this planet is orbiting she

    thought. Though the star was hundreds of millions of miles away, the shear si4e of the

    obect didn1t escape the notice of the trained eye. It2s a supergiant. *ake that a super

    supergiant. *y #od! hat thing has to be at least a million times larger than 5arth2s

    home star ol. $#ctually, it has a volume B,D(',JJJ,J2( times that of +ol, and a mass

    roughly e/ual to &, 2"B,BD&,(2J +ols%.

    The voice frightened Kamiyah because she couldn1t tell where it had come from.

    $It will take some time for you to adust but don1t worry. It will all come back to you

    very /uickly%. The voice came from inside Kamiyah1s own head. $!ho are you7% asked

    Kamiyah with her thoughts. $!e are you% the disembodied voice stated. $

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    !ithout warning, the platform they were standing on demateriali4ed and everyone

    dropped into an immense lake of black li/uid. Millions of screams were heard then

    /uickly muffled as everyone sank into the sea of darkness. Kamiyah fought hard, but

    there was nothing for her to grab on to. It was like trying to swim in thick tar.

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    improved. #s Kamiyah glanced around at the millions of people sporting their new

    $speedskater% apparel, she noticed that $everyone1s% muscle tone had improved. The

    people who were overweight before falling into the plasma now had the bodies of fitness

    trainers. Aeople who were morbidly obese ust ' minutes prior could now pose as

    swimsuit models. Hven more shocking was the fact that no one appeared to be over the

    age of "2. Those who were children before the plasma dip still had the same overall look

    as before, but those who1d been ravaged by age and disease were repressed back to the

    appearance of their youth with the exception of a few upgrades. his is beyond

    incredible!Kamiyah thought. +he felt like she could run a marathon and not break a

    sweat. +he had the urge to run, flip, ump, and ust use her body like never before. +he

    had never felt so alive in her life. # sudden reali4ation came to her.

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    was able to see how truly unfulfilling his life had been up to that point. The ' days since

    the mass disappearance were spent analy4ing every aspect of his life.

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    without a trace. !hile it1s unknown whether or not these people are dead or alive, the

    powers that be are operating under the assumption that they will not be returning. 5adies

    and gents, overnight we have lost more than a /uarter of the population of the planet. I

    guess the good news in all of this is that the bulk of the people who disappeared are

    black. =eel free to wear your best ewelry out in town, leave your doors unlocked, and

    show off your white woman in public%.

    ohnathan1s racist humor garnered a few laughs from amongst the $suck ups%.

    $!hile lacks make up the maority of those who have disappeared, a few other

    populations seem to be amongst the missing also. !e1ll leave it up to the governments of

    the world to figure out the exact specifics. Fne thing is for certain, +huester is going to

    have to adust its business model moving forward. Many of our largest corporate

    partners have been devastated by the disappearances. =or example, the :=5 has suffered

    the loss of more than D() of its employees while the :# has sustained a loss of more

    than (). ;elatively speaking, this means that the two largest sports entertainment

    organi4ations in the world are now closed for business. College football has lost 2() of

    its athletes and college basketball D'). Arofessional soccer, which is the most popular

    sport in the world outside of the 0.+., has lost half its workforce. :o more lack people

    damn near means the end of sports as we know it. It1s not like we can replace the missing

    athletes and years of experience with a bunch of white guys%.

    =rom the back of the room, a confident yet cocky voice presented a /uestion in a

    thick 9erman accent. $+ir, can1t we simply replace the athletes or work a strong

    campaign to bring another sport such as ice hockey, rugby, or MM# to world

    dominance%7 ohnathan paused and glanced at the cocky executive. $-o you know how

    stupid that /uestion was7 !ho1s going to watch a football game with bunch of white

    guys playing all the skill positions7% ohnathan exclaimed. $:ame two white guys who

    can compete with a !alter Aayton or 5awrence Taylor7 !e1re mainly good for R and

    lineman. oe Montana was great, but he was nothing without erry ;ice and ;oger Craig.

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    sports affected. MM# may be big, but boxing is still $King% as far as many are

    concerned. #nd there1s already talk about either canceling or not televising next year1s

    Flympic games. !ho ever heard of an Flympics without track and field7 Track and

    field is the biggest draw of the Flympics, and without lack athletes to run, ump, and

    pass the baton at inhuman speeds it*s damn near unwatchable. 5et1s ust say that it will

    be a long time before we see any world records broken. Alease give me a call when you

    cross paths with the !hite version of 0sain olt. #ll these sports were highlighted by

    the inhuman athleticism of these people. Though they were human, they had the reflexes

    and speed of a cat. They packed the strength of a bull in a body of normal human si4e.

    #nd possibly their greatest attribute which made us watch them unapologetically was

    their undeniable sex appeal. !hite men wanted to be them, and white women wanted to

    be with them%.

    Fnce again, Mr. Cocky 9erman spoke up to voice his opinion. $+ir, both direct

    and indirect sports marketing account for only J() of +huester1s total advertising

    contracts. Though the loss of revenue will be substantial, it shouldn1t be catastrophic%.

    $Fnly3% exclaimed the old executive with a look of bewilderment. $+on, I see

    you still have a lot to learn. -o you think $sports% was the only thing affected7 9uess

    again3 -oes anyone here know how Mc-onalds faired this past week%7 +ilence filled

    the room, for no one had the answer Mr. !estinghouse was seeking. $+ince no one

    knows I1ll go ahead and tell you. Mc-onald1s revenue decreased by ''), urger King

    &(), most other fast food restaurants had a decrease between J(J'). They weren1t ust

    the ones serving it, but they were the main ones eating this crap. !ho do you think made

    these places so profitable7 8ou don1t make a 66 cent menu to appeal to people with

    moneyN you make it to appeal to people without it.

    # sobering feeling hit the room as the executives grasped the magnitude of their

    current dilemma. $5adies and gents, please don1t think that sports and fast food were the

    only industries affected by the loss of our colored friends. =endi, Arada, 9ucci, and

    5ouis @uitton all suffered revenue losses ranging between B' and &(). :ike, our largest

    apparel contract, suffered a D() revenue loss. D()3 !ho1s going buy all the sweat suits

    and sneakers now7 #nd let1s not forget about the celebrity endorsers of these products7

    To this day, the reason :ike dominates the sneaker market is because of Michael ordan.

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    -o you think Moet and Cristal would have been so successful in the 6(s and early B(((s

    if iggie, ay, and every other no name rapper weren1t touting them in their songs7

    Fnce again, Mr. Cocky 9erman voiced his unre/uested opinion. $The popularity

    of these products were due to exceptional marketing campaigns%. # look of disgust

    crowed ohnathan !estinghouse1s face as he replied. $Marketing is one thing.

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    spewed his breakfast onto the table top. The rancid mixture splashed violently in all

    directions, some even splattered on ohnathan1s suit. Those near by umped away from

    the table while those far enough to avoid the splatter stared with mouths agape. ;ichard

    pulled the handkerchief from his left breast pocket and gently wiped the vomit from his


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    probably being exposed to all the unimaginable wonders of the 0niverse. In a way I

    can1t help but envy you. It1s funny, because until they actually showed up, I never fully

    believed that intelligent life existed anywhere besides earth. 8ou on the other hand, never

    had any doubt about it. I sometimes find myself thinking about when we were little and

    you use to spend the night over my house. I1d want to watch shows like $The ;eal

  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    into this new era of self sufficiency. I sense a wonderful, yet difficult time ahead. 0nlike

    many of my people, I do not fear the future. In fact, I have a sense of unbound

    excitement concerning the times ahead. I sense that in some strange way, I will play a

    role in helping to uplift my people, and I gladly welcome that challenge.

    +ince you1ve been gone, much has taken place on the planetN some good and

    some bad. The people of Harth have been acting very bipolar as of late. Aanic has swept

    the nations of the world ever since +cotty beamed you all up and blinked you out of

    existence. The Aresident and other high ranking officials have addressed the nations

    daily. Hvery kind of e"pertand analyst imaginable are giving their bullshit opinions

    about the ramifications of another $alien invasion% and what the impact will be of not

    having $lack% people on the planet. The media even coined the term $lackout% when

    referring to the event. I laugh when I hear things like this. There isone thing that I

    actually found interesting about their analysis though. Fne of the first things the

    governments did after the $lackout% was attempt to take a census of all those who have

    disappeared. It turns out that many people, not ust those typically labeled as $lack%

    have disappeared. It was /uickly discovered that all the :ative #mericans are gone, as

    well as the #boriginal people of #ustralia. In fact, $#55% of the indigenous tribes of the

    planet are gone. The Mayans, #4tecs,

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    another. China, ;ussia and various #rab nations are on one side of the argument while

    the 0.+., Israel, and the nations of Hurope are on the other. I cringe when I think of how

    badly this thing could end up, yet I will try to remain optimistic through it all. I have no

    choice but to be.

    5ately, people have been expressing every kind of emotion and response

    imaginable. The first couple of days, the entire planet was in a state of mourning, but that

    /uickly faded. +ince there are not as many $minorities% to be protective of now, the

    emphasis on political correctness has greatly decreased. ;acial okes have slipped their

    way into everything imaginable. # prominent cable news anchor slipped up and used the

    word nigger live on air and no one called in to complain. There1s no :##CA or #l

    +harpton around to make a fuss, so many other anchors and their guests have become

    more liberal with their language. Fne network even invited members of the Ku Klux

    Klan and +kinheads to be interviewed. The Klan members stated that the taking away of

    lack people was the udgment of 9od upon them, and that any day esus would return to

    usher in a $thousand years of peace% as $

  • 8/12/2019 Blackout (sneak preview)


    pilgrimages to the graves sights of many famous lack people. The graves of Michael

    ackson, ames rown, #aliyah, ob Marley, Tupac and iggie have received ten of

    thousands of visitors in the past two weeks. ;etail outlets are reporting that they have

    sold out all music, posters, images and artwork created by or pertaining to lack people.

    #nything related to #frican or

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    strikingly similar to Harth. Charles wondered if they were in some kind of strange

    parallel 0niverse. Though the planet below looked like Harth, there was something very

    wrong with the picture.

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    erupted from his being. Hvery pain and ache he felt immediately dissapated as his body

    pulsated with seemingly unlimited evergy. Charles hadn*t felt this good since he was a

    teenager. In fact, he had VneverV felt this good period3 VThis is what an unborn baby in

    the womb must feel likeV he thought. # ticklish sensation filled his belly as an unseen

    force lifted him out of the li/uid. #fter gathering his footing, a blinding light filled his


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    before her was a young man so beautiful that Kamiyah nearly lost her composure.

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    take us to reach it7V Kamiyah asked. VI don*t knowV Ty stated with a sly smile, Vbut I*ll

    race you to itV.

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    abilities, they wanted to ensure no one died the first day on their new planet. # group of

    two men and two women ran along the shore in each direction to see if there was as easy

    way across. #fter "' minutes they returned, unable to locate an alternative route. V5ooks

    like we*re going swimmingV Ty stated. VFkay everyone. !e want to go about this safely,

    so if anyone has trouble swimming, please make yourself known so we*ll know who to

    assistV. #s Ty took on the role of safety coordinator, Kamiyah*s eyes were glued to the

    other side of the river. +he noticed a russling amongst the bushes and then a small figure

    stepped out the open. The being had greenish skin, and udging by the shape of its body,

    Kamiyah could see that it was female. +he wore a skintight outfit, similar to the one the

    new settlers were wearing, except that hers was a two piece. The top portion, similar to a

    sports bra, stopped a few inches below under her breasts, and it was short enough to

    reveal a flat, chisled stomach. The outfit was indigo with gold stripes running up its side.

    It looked like something =lo o would have wore in the * Flympics Kamiyah thought.

    # few seconds after the female*s appearance, another being emerged from the bushes, this

    one male. More and more beings emerged from the bushes until eventually there were

    ust as many people on the other side of the river as there were gathered on Kamiyah*s


    VI guess the welcoming party is hereV Kamiyah stated as she smiled at Ty. VThat*s

    greatV he replied. V:ow all we have to do is find a way to get to them. 8ou never get a

    second chance to make a first impression.

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    stated with feigned grief.

    Kamiyah reali4ed that the river wasn*t exactly fro4en because it wasn*t cold to the

    touch. It was more like the top layer had been turned into glass. Aossibly ust the top

    inch or two. +he could see a bevy of strange a/uatic creatures swimming below the

    surface. The being had created a bridge made of solid water that was at least a /uarter

    mile wide. Kamiyah, Ty and the rest of the settlers began making their way across. They

    were surprised when instead of waiting for them to cross, the locals began making their

    way towards them with the intent of meeting them midway. This symbolic gesture said

    so much about the locals, and Kamiyah wondered if anyone esle grasped the significance

    of their actions. VThey are true friends. CorrectionN they are family3V stated Ty.

    Vecause they are making the ourney to meet usV. Kamiyah*s heart fluttered at his

    words. /efore% I didn't beliee in loe at first sight. /ut as of today% I am a definitely

    belieer, Kamiyah thought.

    Chi/ago 7 $$ days A&+&6

    VTheir story is one of the greatest that the 0niverse has ever known. The Hbony

    9ods will forever have a seat of honor at the table of lifeV. ;ichard*s words echoed over

    the crowd of thousands who had come to hear him speak. eth stood on stage with him,

    giving /uiet support and encouragement to her husband. In only a month he had

    captivated her heart, as well as the hearts and minds of many others. It all started in the

    days after they /uit their obs at +huester. ;ichard kept talking, and in some ways

    VpreachedV to her about the greatness of lack people. #t first, eth was somewhat

    skeptical about what she was being told, but once ;ichard poured out his entire life story

    to her, she became receptive to his mesage. # bond developed between them which grew

    stronger by the day. Fne morning they decided to go for a stroll in the park. #s they

    were walking, they came upon a :eo :a4i having an argument with a local ;abbi, who

    the :a4i kept referring to as a Vnigger loverV. Instead of walking past the two, they stood

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    there for B( minutes listening to the debate. #n oppurtunity presented itself when the two

    men turned to ;ichard and asked his opinion on the matter. Instead of taking anyone*s

    side, he presented an elo/uent, philosophical analysis of the ourney lack people

    endured during their time on Harth.

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    out with Captain Kirk and 5uke +kywalker7 Tell 8oda I said $