
Black Belt Interviewing an essay by retired aerospace global staffing specialist Charles Collins with 23 years experience illustrating what works effectively during the structured or behavioral interview. Reference to martial arts is a metaphor to show a level of competence. Introduction Black Belt Interviewing is an essay based on my experience intended to help prepare for structured or behavioral interviews. Internalizing this essay like Kata, a detailed choreographed pattern of movements practiced either solo or in pairs is a systematic approach of self-defense, will inspire confidence to ace the interview. Candidate will be disciplined, methodical and precise anticipating each step of the process. Interview Most interviews are poorly executed and organized on the latest how to fads. These faddish techniques range from teams and panels to telephone and teleconference styles. Interviewers are reading a script and busy rating a scoring matrix 1 emphasizing their process rather than focusing on the self-esteem and integrity of a prospective million dollar decision. If you sense this then candidates must be prepared to take control. Be aware of three dumb questions which are: tell us about yourself, what are strengths or weakness and do you have any questions for us? You can redirect the questions by shifting your response to your other attributes. Sample - Interview Scoring Matrix using 0 to 5 rating scale; 5 is highest Company Competency Candidate Situation Candidate Action Candidate Outcome Candidate Score Surface Technology University Robotics Class Algorithm Innovation Patent Pending 2014 4.80 Organizing, Time Management Master Thesis Research Collect data from 1,000 people Dashboard instruments safe 5.0 Team Building ASB President Implemented rape prevention university cell phone application. Decreased sexual assaults by 40% in 2014 4.90 Total Work System, ISO/TQM Reengineered undergraduate engineering application process Compared and contrasted grades, courses and professors to student attitudes Determined interviewing for attitude and values as a professional engineer is first priority 4.75 Black Belt Career Acceleration , Collins, Charles H., MEd. 1 1 Interviewer Scoring Matrix evaluating and summarizing candidates using structured/behavioral interview.

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Black Belt Interviewing an essay by retired aerospace global staffing specialist Charles Collins with 23 years experience illustrating what works effectively during the structured or behavioral interview. Reference to martial arts is a metaphor to show a level of competence.

IntroductionBlack Belt Interviewing is an essay based on my experience intended to help prepare for structured or behavioral interviews. Internalizing this essay like Kata, a detailed choreographed pattern of movements practiced either solo or in pairs is a systematic approach of self-defense, will inspire confidence to ace the interview. Candidate will be disciplined, methodical and precise anticipating each step of the process.

InterviewMost interviews are poorly executed and organized on the latest how to fads. These faddish techniques range from teams and panels to telephone and teleconference styles. Interviewers are reading a script and busy rating a scoring matrix1 emphasizing their process rather than focusing on the self-esteem and integrity of a prospective million dollar decision. If you sense this then candidates must be prepared to take control. Be aware of three dumb questions which are: tell us about yourself, what are strengths or weakness and do you have any questions for us? You can redirect the questions by shifting your response to your other attributes.

Sample - Interview Scoring Matrix using 0 to 5 rating scale; 5 is highest

Company Competency

Candidate Situation

Candidate Action

Candidate Outcome


Surface Technology University Robotics Class

Algorithm Innovation

Patent Pending 2014


Organizing, Time Management

Master Thesis Research

Collect data from 1,000 people

Dashboard instruments safe


Team Building ASB President Implemented rape prevention university cell phone application.

Decreased sexual assaults by 40% in 2014


Total Work System, ISO/TQM

Reengineered undergraduate engineering application process

Compared and contrasted grades, courses and professors to student attitudes

Determined interviewing for attitude and values as a professional engineer is first priority


Black Belt Career Acceleration , Collins, Charles H., MEd.


1 Interviewer Scoring Matrix evaluating and summarizing candidates using structured/behavioral interview.

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Kata InterviewThree distinct phases comprise the interview – the opening, body and close. You will know when the shifts occur by the nature of the questions. Bring a folder with a notepad of paper, a completed matrix of anticipated questions with skills listed vertically and situation, action and results listed horizontally. Just the act of preparing this matrix will help embed your answers in your mind and remind yourself of your qualifications.

Sample - Competency Based Interview Matrix

Competency Situation Action Result

Project Management Deploy Executive Development Education

Six Sigma Team, Leader


Strategic Planning Diversity Global Hiring Senior Managers Quarterly Review

1250 New Graduates

Conflict Management Passive Aggressive Behavior

Counsel/EAP Employee Termination

Customer Focus Employee Health Insurance Cost

Increase Employee Wellness Participation

33% in 2012 30% in 2013

Sample - Question, Response Style and ContentQuestion: Tell us about a time when you were leading a team project and two members were disrupting the meeting arguing, constantly interrupting other members and when they talked appeared rude and confrontational. Please describe the situation, action you took and what were the outcome from your leadership to manage conflict.

Sample Response to Competency Question: I recall a situation when I was leading a quality improvement team to standardize course content consisting of subject matter experts with strong opinions about the content. After the first morning of brain storming solutions one member was relentless in domination during discussions. Another personally attacked their character; the action I took were to intervene immediately to insure the dignity, respect and self- esteem of all were protected by directing my communications to the attacker saying we may not all agree with Chantal; however I would like to remind us all to attack the problem and not the person please. I would like to meet briefly with Chantal and Thomas privately before lunch.

The outcome was a corrective action meeting lasting ten minutes asking each’s comments on how to effectively work together for the next two days. Each agreed to disagree on some content and list big issues on chart paper so all could be heard and respected.

Managing Ineffective Questions Less than effective interviews are felt by all and often are regarded as a waste of time laced with anger and frustration by the candidate toward the interview team and company. It is a losing situation. The perception by candidate – interviewer unprepared, rambles or asks dumb questions, interview team has not seen resume and they appear disinterested, too many interviewers, too busy keeping score or argue with candidate. The outcome is unprofessional.

When you detect disinterested people conducting the interview – stop, think and take over the process as best as you can re-asking assertive questions describing your attributes. For example, if asked: “tell us about yourself.” Respond promptly with – “Well, I would like to isolate my answer with a question.

Black Belt Career Acceleration , Collins, Charles H., MEd.


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Would it be helpful to hear about my leadership skills serving as the senior leader of the company’s management association for four years or would you like to know more about my international experience working in Saudi Arabia translating technical manuals from English to Arabic?” Which would be more helpful for you to know in view of this position? It is up to you to anticipate, prepare for this question and provide a professional response. Otherwise, most candidates also ramble and bore already unprepared interviewers!

A second equally dumb question which people do not like and fail to answer effectively is – “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” ineffective interviewers will often use. This is how you manage this question. “Work characteristics which I am particularly effective are: team building, conflict management, systems integration thinking and strategic planning. I received one comment from my manager last year during performance review and she said: ‘I noticed that you are shy and reticent during executive briefings.’ So, I took that to heart, talked to some of my mentors and decided to join the company Toastmaster Club. I have become an active and weekly member, compete in speeches and have improved exponentially in my interaction with executives.”

The final question you will always be asked and most people completely miss is: “Do you have any questions for us?” They don’t really mean this. This question is typically designed to let you know they are done and want you excused. It is interview exit strategy; but it does not have to be and while you are center stage ask questions which again increase your stock. Questions which prompt additional interest in you are essential as you are still selling them on you. Ask the following question: Saying, “First let me tell you how much I have enjoyed meeting each of you and this position interests me greatly. After I have been in this position for four months, what is one thing I would have done to have been successful to assist you in meeting your 2015 performance targets or financial goals?” Each person will pause, eyes will roll and move to the left while turning their heads or crossing their arms to think of a valid response all the while visualizing you in that job.

Ask to take notes capturing essentials of each response, nodding and slightly smiling with a demure sense of confidence. After the last person’s response and starting with last person, look at each person offering a brief summary nodding all the while securing non-verbal agreement, and after your last summary put your pen down, look them all in the eye and say: “I can do that work for you.” This is powerful closing assertion that you want the job! When people know you are interested in their problems and their interests they see you as a problem-solver less concerned about yourself.

The interview leader will regain control of the interview usually with a polite comment or summary preparing for your exit from the room. If there is a pause or an opportunity for another comment you might ask: “Would you like to see my references now or later?” They will respond according to company policy – some do and some do not. Your exit needs to be polite, swift and hand shake if possible. This is a very strong close followed with considerable discussion by interview team who like your confidence or maybe decry your arrogance. Either way your competence prevails.

The same day of the interview the leader should be sent an e-mail expressing your continued interest in the position and note something that was said you remembered to reinforce their interest in you. Do not sit around and wait to be called. Be thinking and planning for the next interview possibility.

Job search strategy is always about volume and avoid becoming discouraged because that one position was the only one I wanted. Effective job search is full time work including weekends. It can be a series of endings as well as beginnings. It is, however, always a full court press, because if you are not continuously seeking new and greater challenges every day, volunteering as a team leader, continuing professional education or practicing continuous quality improvement like LEAN one risks becoming obsolete. Metaphorically these are some leadership attributes ascribed to Black Belts. Real leaders are simply ordinary people with extraordinary determination.

Black Belt Career Acceleration , Collins, Charles H., MEd.


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Positive Mental AttitudeStory of the Two WolvesOne evening an older Native American told his grandson about the battle that goes on inside of people. He said: “My child there is a battle that goes on between the two wolves within us. One is evil, anger, greed, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, self-pity, guilt, lies, false pride, resentment, superiority and ego. The other is good, joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, faith, generosity and compassion. The child thought about it for a minute and asked his Grandfather which wolf wins? The old man replied the ‘one you feed’.”

ConclusionAn unknown writer once said: “You do not have to go where the path may lead but go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” asserting the importance to pioneer your career path like Michelangelo, Beethoven and Shakespeare who discovered their genius - you, too, are challenged with a similar responsibility of uncovering your genius. We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.

Black Belt Career Acceleration , Collins, Charles H., MEd.