bioethics 2 historical dev't

Historical Development of Historical Development of Bioethics Bioethics  Bioethics  Bioethics   R. Van Potter Oncologist R. Van Potter Oncologist  Article:  Article: The Science of S urvival The Science of Survival 1970 1970

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Historical Development ofHistorical Development of


 Bioethics Bioethics   R. Van Potter Oncologist R. Van Potter Oncologist 

 Article: Article: The Science of SurvivalThe Science of Survival19701970

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R. Van Potter (1971)R. Van Potter (1971)

Bioethics: Bridge to the FutureBioethics: Bridge to the Future

BioethicsBioethics asas aa sciencescience must must bebe thethe bridgebridgetoto thethe growinggrowing separationseparation betweenbetweenscientificscientific culture,culture, oror biologicalbiological facts,facts, andandthethe humanist humanist / / ethicalethical cultureculture..

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2020thth Century Invasion of MedicalCentury Invasion of Medical


What What cancan bebe donedone technicallytechnically shouldshould it it bebedonedone ethically?ethically?

Protect Protect thethe patient patient / / humanhuman personperson

EmergenceEmergence of of bioethicalbioethical principleprinciple:: freefreeandand informedinformed consent consent 

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Highlights in the Development Highlights in the Development 

19711971 KennedyKennedy InstituteInstitute of of EthicsEthics  foundedfounded byby gynecologist gynecologist--geneticist geneticist  Andre AndreHellegeyrsHellegeyrs withwith protestant protestant theologiantheologian PaulPaulRamseRamse whowho publishedpublished TheThe Patient Patient asasPersonPerson ((19701970))

PublicationPublication:: KennedyKennedy InstituteInstitute of of EthicsEthics

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More HighlightsMore Highlights

19691969 HastingsHastings CenterCenter inin NewNew York York bybyphilosopherphilosopher DanielDaniel CallahanCallahan andandpsychiatrist psychiatrist WillardWillard GaylinGaylin

PublicationPublication:: HastingsHastings CenterCenter Report Report 

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19781978 EncyclopediaEncyclopedia of of BioethicsBioethics editededited bybyWarrenWarren TT.. ReichReich

19791979 PrinciplesPrinciples of of BiomedicalBiomedical EthicsEthics bybyTomTom LL.. BeauchampBeauchamp andand JamesJames FF.. ChildressChildress

ThisThis isis thethe magnamagna cartacarta of of  principlismprinciplism  

ethicsethics of of virtuesvirtues   ethicsethics of of caringcaring..

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Bioethics in USABioethics in USA

19821982 NationalNational CommissionCommission onon BioethicsBioethicsandand thenthen thethe InternatlInternatl Association  Association of of 


TwoTwo essentialessential bodiesbodies developeddeveloped:: HospitalHospitalBioethicsBioethics CommitteesCommittees andand researchresearch

BioethicsBioethics CommitteesCommittees

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Bioethics in the PhilippinesBioethics in the Philippines

19881988 SouthSouth East East Asian Asian CenterCenter forfor BioethicsBioethics(SEACB)(SEACB)   InternatlInternatl FederationFederation of of CatholicCatholic

UniversitiesUniversities andand thethe USTUST..

19941994--20042004 Department Department of of BioethicsBioethicspublishedpublished ForumForum inin BioethicsBioethics andand inin 20052005

BioethicsBioethics NewsletterNewsletter becamebecame BioethicsBioethicsNotesNotes andand NewsNews

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II. Ethical NormsII. Ethical Norms

1. Christian Principle of Ethics1. Christian Principle of Ethics

1. Inviolability and Sacredness of Life1

. Inviolability and Sacredness of Life

2. Stewardship2. Stewardship

3. Totality3. Totality

4. Double Effect and Cooperation4. Double Effect and Cooperation

5. Proportionality5. Proportionality 2. Bioethical Principles2. Bioethical Principles

1. Beneficence1. Beneficence

2. Non2. Non--MaleficenceMaleficence

33.. RespectRespect forfor PersonPerson (Human(Human DignityDignity andand Autonomy Autonomy

4. Free and Informed Consent4. Free and Informed Consent

5. Justice5. Justice

3. Virtue of the Healthcare Professional3. Virtue of the Healthcare Professional

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Principle of LifePrinciple of Life

LifeLife isis seamlessseamless garment garment and,and, therefore,therefore, must must bebe respectedrespected andand protectedprotected fromfrom thethe moment moment of of conceptionconception toto itsits naturalnatural deathdeath.. Respect Respect 

comescomes fromfrom thethe LatinLatin wordword  respicererespicere (to(to looklookagain)again).. It It evokesevokes reverence,reverence, esteemesteem andandrecognitionrecognition.. WeWe respect respect thethe person,person, asas SenecaSenecastatedstated  homohomo sacrasacra resres hominehomine (Epistuale,(Epistuale,19851985)).. TheThe psalmist psalmist exclaimed,exclaimed, You You havehave mademadememe littlelittle LessLess ThanThan aa GodGod..

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Principle of StewardshipPrinciple of Stewardship

GodGod isis thethe authorauthor of of lifelife;; manman isis thethe

custodiancustodian.. DominionDominion overover CreationCreationandand not not dominationdomination

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Principle of TotalityPrinciple of Totality

TheThe part part isis subordinatedsubordinated toto thethe

whole,whole, therefore,therefore, thethe wholewhole isis greatergreaterthanthan thethe sumsum of of itsits partsparts (numerical(numericalandand not not ontologicalontological parts)parts)..

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Principle of Double Effect Principle of Double Effect 

An  An actionaction inin whichwhich twotwo inevitableinevitable evilevileffectseffects willwill comecome out out..

TheThe object object (act (act itself)itself) must must bebe goodgood..

TheThe evilevil effect effect must must bebe secondarysecondary ororsimultaneoussimultaneous withwith thethe goodgood effect effect..

TheThe evilevil effect effect must must not not overweighoverweigh thetheconsequencesconsequences of of thethe goodgood effect effect..

ThereThere isis aa gravegrave reasonreason forfor actingacting..

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Principle of CooperationPrinciple of Cooperation

FormalFormal CooperationCooperationTheThe mastermindmastermind of of thethe act act (morally(morally bad)bad)..

ImmediateImmediate materialmaterial CooperationCooperation

WithWith Knowledge,Knowledge, contributedcontributed toto thetheperformanceperformance of of thethe act act (morally(morally bad)bad)..

MediateMediate MaterialMaterial CooperationCooperation

anan accompliceaccomplice but but indeliberatelyindeliberately,,indifferent indifferent asas toto thethe knowledgeknowledge of of thethecrimecrime (can(can bebe nonnon--immoralimmoral orlessorlessculpable)culpable)..

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TheThe authorityauthority shouldshould taketake anyany actionaction

that that exceedsexceeds whichwhich isis necessarynecessary totoachieveachieve thethe goalgoal

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Bioethical PrincipleBioethical Principle

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Principle of BeneficencePrinciple of Beneficence

DoDo goodgood always,always, at at allall timestimes andand


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PrinciplePrinciple of Nonof Non--MaleficenceMaleficence

If If youyou cannot cannot dodo good,good, then,then, dodo

not not dodo harmharm ((primumnocereprimumnocere))..

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Respect for PersonRespect for Person

PersonPerson must must bebe respectedrespected byby

whowho hehe isis andand not not what what hehe hashas.. It It takestakes prioritypriority of of thethe havehave;; of of beingbeing overover havinghaving..

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Principle of AutonomyPrinciple of Autonomy

EveryEvery personperson hashas thethe right right toto self self 

privacyprivacy:: an an asylumasylum of of thethe soulsoul(St (St.. JohnJohn of of thethe Cross,Cross, 19941994))..

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Principle of JusticePrinciple of Justice

EqualEqual treatment treatment forfor equalequalcasescases..

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Principle of Informed Consent Principle of Informed Consent 

InformInform thethe patient patient about about theirtheir statestateof of health,health, illness,illness, prognosisprognosis andandalternativealternative treatment treatment withwith itsitscorrespondingcorresponding consequenceconsequence includingincludingexpensesexpenses soso that that theythey maymay givegive freefreeassent assent toto aa particularparticular medicalmedicaltreatment treatment oror procedureprocedure..

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Principle of SolidarityPrinciple of Solidarity

LoveLove allall personperson   membersmembers of of thethe humanhuman family,family, principallyprincipally thethemost most needyneedy AND AND poorpoor sectorssectors of of ouroursocietysociety..

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Principle of SubsidiarityPrinciple of Subsidiarity

LargerLarger bodiesbodies (state)(state) shouldshould not not interfereinterfere withwith what  what smallersmaller cancan do,do, unlessunless neededneeded..