bima hot 100 for 2013


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BIMA's Hot 100 list of the UK digital industry's movers and shakers in the past 18 months.



BIMA Hot 100, 2013UltraFast

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THIS IS THe BIMA 2013 HoT100


Matt PilgrimChair of Events BIMA

Immerse yourself in digital long enough and you’ll walk into any industry event and recognise a fair proportion of the people there, which can lead to feeling like you know everyone there is to know.

But one of the fantastic things about our industry is that this can’t ever be possible. Rapid change defines us and exciting, talented people populate every corner of the sector.

The desire behind the BIMA Hot 100 was to uncover some of these stories and profile and celebrate the people leading from the front. In putting out the call for nominations, we asked you to tell us about people who are having an impact on UK digital right now.

You responded enthusiastically and the resulting BIMA Hot 100 is an inspiring showcase of the energy and breadth of our industry. This very dynamism, depth of talent and diversity means UK digital could easily support a ‘Hot 1000’ – so we trust that omissions will be seen in the spirit the project is intended and inclusion as a well-deserved pat on the back from one’s peers.

And what a pat on the back it is. Thanks to support from Exponential, Pulsant, Millennial Media, Six Degrees Group, Ve Interactive and our media partner The Guardian, the HOT 100 and Digital Hall of Fame celebration takes place at BAFTA – putting UK digital literally on the same stage as the established glitterati of the film industry.

Which is fitting, when one glances through the profiles in this book and sees the contribution the BIMA Hot 100 are making to the economic and cultural life of the country. Not least among them,

I’d like to give special mention to Tim Parfitt, MD of Netcel, and to Geoff Gower, Managing Partner (Creative) of aisLondon – who respectively represent the winning agency in the BIMA Digital Day challenge and the reigning BIMA Awards Agency of the Year.

Now without further ado, allow me on behalf of BIMA to thank once again our sponsors for making this project possible, along with everyone who contributed to its success by submitting nominations.



BIMA Hot 100, 2013

Adam Graham 6Adam Stewart 6Alastair Duncan 7Alex Balfour 7Alex Miller 8Alex Wright 8Alexa Haynes 9Alicia Navarro 9Alistair Campbell 10Andrew Henning 10Andy Bell 11Andy Taylor 11Anil Pillai 12Ann Cook 12Anthony Ganjou 13Be Kaler 13Benjamin Southworth 14Bindi Karia 14BonAmy Grimes 15Bridey Lipscombe 15

Bruce Daisley 16Carlos Espinal 16Chris Maples 18Chris Thompson 18Chris Whitelaw 19Craig Le Grice 19Danny Bluestone 20Dave Brown 20David Coplin 21David Rowan 21Derren Lawford 22Eileen Burbidge 22Emma Mulqueeny 23Emma Whitehead 23Fiona Proudler 24Geoff Gower 24Gordon Young 25Gray Sycamore 25Guy Phillipson 26Hamish Nicklin 26


Hamish Priest 27Iain Tait 27Ian MacArthur 28Ian Wharton 28Jaime Keenan 29Jamal Edwards 29James Hart 30Jamie Le Grice 30Jemima Kiss 31Jeremy Waite 31John Horsley 32Jon Williams 32Julie York 33Kate Ross 33Kathryn Parsons 34Katie Bell 34Katy Howell 35Kay Hammond 35Kevin Farnham 36Kirsty Hunter 36

Laura Jordan Bambach 37Liz Sivell 37Maani Safa 39Malcolm Poynton 39Martin Newman 40Michael Docherty 40Michael Nutley 41Mike Butcher 41Milo Yiannopoulos 42Natalie Gross 42Natalie Massenet 43Nick Clement 43Nick D’Aloisio 44Nick Farnhill 44Nick Leonard 45Nick Underhill 45Nicola Mendelsohn 46Oli Barrett 46Paul Bainsford 47Paul Hoskins 47

Richard Fearn 48Richard Tyrie 48Robbie Dale 49Robin Charney 49Robin Grant 50Ross Laurie 50Sam Barnett 51Sav Evangelou 51Sebastian Weller 52Selma Turajlic 52Simon Haynes 53Spencer Gallagher 53Steve Boulton 54Stuart Arthur 54Suzanne Linton 55Tamara Gillan 55Tarek Nseir 56Tim Parfitt 56Tim Rodgers 57Trevor Hope 57


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I love BIMA because... for me, the real benefit of BIMA is two-fold. Firstly, the discussion and celebration of the most innovative digital work in the UK, which I believe raises standards and inspires companies to constantly challenge themselves; and secondly, BIMA’s investment in the next generation, our future digital talent.

I think the next big movement in digital is... wearable computing and haptic interfaces. Soon, it will go way beyond the clunk of Google Glass and will fit around us in a seamless and invisible way.



Marketing DirectorRakuten’s

Adam Stewart has been Marketing Director at Rakuten’s since March 2011. Prior to this, he worked in senior management positions in RBS group and Marks & Spencer, and started his own online marketing agency in Australia.

His focus is on the implementation of data-driven marketing strategies, and using innovative tools and technology to deliver tangible results and company growth.

In the rare times he’s not working, Adam likes watching live sport and buying new blazers at Ted Baker.

ADAM GrAHAMBack in ’98, Adam founded, the first “full service, music-on-demand” internet radio station – an early version of Spotify and And the first company to stream live content from the Glastonbury festival, in 2002.

Adam then set up 3wMedia, a boutique digital agency focusing on youth marketing and the music in-dustry. In 2007 he co-founded Saint, the digital heart of RKCR/Y&R. He managed the company’s growth from idea to “agency of the year” wins from both the leading digital publications, NMA and Revolution, in 2011.

Late 2011, he left Saint to become CEO of Weapon7, an innovative digital creative agency that creates ‘ideas with little beating hearts’. He is a member of the BIMA Executive and believes passionately about the power of the internet. Unless you’re still using dial-up.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


My favourite quote/expression is... ”The best way to predict the future is to create it!” - Abraham Lincoln

If I could learn one skill it would be... time travel.

Digital Leader Alex Balfour Consulting

Managing DirectorConnect Advertising & Marketing LLP

ALeX BALfourAlex Balfour was appointed Head of New Media for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2006.

He built a team from scratch that delivered 77 digital channels to a worldwide audience. During the Games London 2012 channels recorded 431m visits, 112m unique users, 15m app downloads, and 4.7m social followers.

Alex’s career in digital media began in 1994. He edited the UK’s first General Election Website, helped produce the Guardian newspaper’s first website and co-founded CricInfo, in its day the world’s largest single-sport website, before it was sold to ESPN in 2005.

ALASTAIr DuNcANAlastair Duncan leads Connect in London, the results-driven creative and technology agency. He is one of the UK’s most experienced digital leaders, originally creating interactive TV with the BBC.

He founded Zentropy Partners, (Digital Agency of the Year three times), IPG’s global digital agency MRM Worldwide, Jaguar’s in-house global agency and the crowdsourcing collective Alternative Genius.

He’s advised Unilever, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Intel, HP and Fidelity Investments as well as a number of automotive and luxury brands.

He is excited at the continued ‘crossing over’ between creativity and technology in every sector and tweets @AlastairDuncan.


I am most influenced by... banner ads. Honest.

I got into the digital sector because... I wanted to be part of something revolutionary. (And no-one else was hiring).

CEOWe Are Friday

CEOJam @ Engine

ALeX wrIGHTAlex eats, sleeps and breathes digital.

He built his first website in 1992. He spent almost 10 years at in a wide range of roles including Executive Creative Director, Head of Client Services and Managing Director. He’s been a passionate career-long advocate for the transformative power of interactivity.

He co-founded and is CEO of the agency Friday – offering “digital business strategy, service design and engineering, for marketers”. He is very hands-on, and runs the agency’s relationship with HSBC and several other clients.

ALeX MILLerAlex Miller founded Jam as a social media unit within i-level. After i-level’s bankruptcy, Alex moved his entire team of 20, and 8 clients, into Engine and started building a new digital creative offering. In the past 18 months, Alex has grown his team to more than 100 staff while adding impressive international clients to the roster, including Xbox, Unilever, Boots, Samsung Cameras and Home Appliances and MSN.

All the hard work has paid off – Jam was shortlisted for Digital Agency of the Year by Campaign and Marketing and now accounts for 10% of Engine revenues.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into the digital sector because of... Matthew Broderick in Project X (he made computers look cool).

I love BIMA because... people think digital means person-less but I love BIMA because it has provided me the platform to forge new and interesting connections not to mention characters.

CEO & FounderSkimlinks

Senior Experience Designer Nile | Experience & Service Design

ALIcIA NAvArroDr ALeXA HAyNeSAlicia Navarro is Co-founder and CEO of Skimlinks, the leading content monetisation service for online publishers.

Having worked for Vodafone and IBM, she created her own technology company in 2008 – and Skimlinks was born.

Alicia is very proud of what Skimlinks has accomplished, which over the past year included doubling the team and revenues, as well as taking the entire company to Ljubljana, Slovenia for a team-building trip.

This year, Skimlinks is working to de-clutter the web through its seamless monetisation solutions, and is equipping publishers with tools to help them be rewarded for their role in creating purchase intent.

Alexa Haynes is Senior Experience Designer at Nile.

After finishing her PhD looking at the use of Avatars and their role in self-service in the Financial Sector Alexa moved into consultancy.

She has undertaken extensive work on mobile devices and tools including launching the first banking app for the iPad, iPhone, Android and Blackberry in the UK.

She was part of the team to win a 2012 BIMA Premium Award alongside Sapient and Monitise as well as a very prestigious Cannes Lion Award in 2013. In addition Alexa has helped set-up and sustain the BIMA Thirstdays in Edinburgh, attracting 50-100 people each month.

Alexa’s goal is to make incremental improvements to the digital systems and services we use everyday in order to make life that little bit easier for people.


I think the next big movement in digital.. will probably be overhyped and involve cats.

The craziest thing I have done was... Get Stan Winston (SFX creator of Terminator and Alien) to build a 40ft high baby doll for a BT ad.


Executive Creative DirectorAgency Republic

Andrew is the founder and CEO of Redweb, having established the digital agency in 1997. He gained his degree at Manchester in the late 80s and has been in the design industry ever since. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers.

Outside of Redweb, Andrew is an Executive on the BIMA board and the driving force behind BIMA Digital Day (D-Day for short) which raises aware-ness of digital careers in schools.

Last year over 1,800 young people partnered with 70 agencies on D-Day. The 2013 initiative is currently shaping up to be one of the largest digital events of the year.

ANDrew HeNNINGAlistair is the ECD at Agency Republic.

His career started above the line at St Luke’s, where he spent 10 years, before stints as Head of Copy at Republic and Digital Creative Director at WCRS – returning to Agency Republic in 2011 to run the creative department.

Since then he has driven the quality of the agency’s entire creative output as well as helping to develop key pieces of standout work like JD Roots and NIVEA’s A Date To Remember.

He would like to become more entrepreneurial. The key to the future is being able to make things happen.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into the digital sector because... it was much more exciting than being a lawyer.

I love my job because... there’s always a new discovery about the possibilities of digital technology just round the corner.

Co Founder and CEO Little Dot Studios

Founder / Chief Creative Officer Mint Digital

ANDy TAyLorAndy Taylor qualified as a lawyer.  He became Managing Director of new media agency Victoria Real in 2000, a year in which Victoria Real was the fastest-growing company in the UK and Endemol acquired a 50% stake. Victoria Real was pivotal in launching Big Brother online from 2000-2003. 

In May 2003, Andy moved to Channel 4 where he was Managing Director, New Media - responsible for developing Channel 4’s brand on new platforms, including innovative services such as 4oD. 

He joined ALL3MEDIA in September 2007 and was appointed Commercial Director in November 2011.

Andy is Co-Founder and CEO of Little Dot Studios, a producer and broadcaster of online video content launched in March 2013. 

ANDy BeLLAndy is co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Mint Digital. Mint is a product development studio, with an unrelenting focus on making things that people want. Recent new clients include Tesco and vInspired.

Successful projects include the BIMA-winning, Grand Prix-nominated Sexperience 1000 for Channel 4 and Benetton’s blockbuster web competition IT’S MY TIME, which received 500,000 photo uploads in its 36-day run.

In the last 12 months, Mint has also spun out two digital businesses: StickyGram (sold to PhotoBox) and Picklive (sold to Soccer Millions).


If I had a million pounds, I would...take my team on a luxurious holiday, buy more shoes and, to borrow from George Best, the rest I’d squander and have fun doing it!

I love my job because of... the fact that I can talk about unicorns without embarrassment.

Director of Interactive and Managing Director of ITLITV


Ann Cook is ITV’s Director of Interactive and Managing Director of ITL.

In the last 18 months Ann and her team have put the Interactive business firmly on the map at ITV. She has grown revenue at the same time as markedly improving the quality of the user experience.

She is currently looking at new, relevant and engaging ways to interact with ITV’s viewers across multiple platforms.

ANN cookAnil is UK CEO at global marketing and technology agency LBi, which was recently named Digital Agency of the Year by Marketing. As well as ensuring that quality remains paramount across all areas of the business, Anil also specialises in helping LBi’s biggest clients realise their digital ambitions.

He has shaped transformational marketing strategies for brands including Lloyds TSB, E.ON, Honda and Virgin Atlantic.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I think the next big movement in digital is... wearable technology that doesn’t make you look like a d***.

The craziest thing I have done was... fly five planes over the Ryder Cup to sky-write tweets. They helped Europe complete the greatest golf comeback in history, and my Dad (a huge golf fan) was standing next to me as Olazabal (the European cup captain) burst into tears when he looked up and saw our “Do it for Seve” skytweet. I’d asked our lead pilot to skywrite seconds earlier.

DirectorFutureheads Recruitment


Be kALerBe is Founder-Director of Future-heads Recruitment and worked with key industry leaders to start UCD-UK, an annual international conference on user-centred design.

Futureheads, a group of now 23 smart, passionate people who build the best digital teams for clients and cover tech, social, content and interface design, always with an eye to building the most knowledgeable experts they can muster.

Be has also worked as a director of BIMA to build the team, run the awards and increase BIMA’s credibility as the lead association for digital talent.

The UK digital industry delivers the best in the world – and Be is out there flying the flag.

ANTHoNy GANjouAnthony Ganjou is an award-winning creative entrepreneur and founder of CURB.

The agency, whose founding client was the President of the United States, has spent the last four years helping the world biggest brands and agencies create extraordinary offline experiences.

Some of their most famous activations include growing a billboard out of bacteria for Warner Brothers and Contagion and creating one of the most successful ambush marketing activations in history where they flew five planes over the Ryder cup, skywriting tweets to put off the US team and help the Europeans in their famous comeback.


I got into the digital sector because... the geeks shall inherit the earth.

I love my job because... it’s not work, it’s my life. 24/7. Work is what you do for money, life is what you do for love.

Vice PresidentAccelerator at Silicon Valley Bank

Deputy CEOTech City

BINDI kArIABindi has devoted much of her career in and around the startup ecosystem. She currently leads Silicon Valley Bank’s early stage efforts in Europe as “Vice President – Accelerator”.

Prior to this, Bindi managed the Microsoft UK BizSpark Programme as the Venture Capital/Emerging Lead, where she focused on how Microsoft could drive success for early-stage technology companies.

Bindi has been on the Wired UK Top 100 Digital Power Broker list from 2010 - 2012, on the 2012 Girls in Tech Euro 100 Women’s list, named as one of the Six Most Connected Women in the UK by the IoD (2011) and short-listed as a finalist for Asian Business Woman of the Year AWA Awards (2010). She is a regular speaker and judge at large scale European technology events and has appeared in TV, Print and Radio regularly, championing the entrepreneurship cause.

BeNjAMIN SouTHworTHBenjamin is Deputy Chief Executive of Tech City Investment Organisation, a Government department responsible for championing, celebrating and catalysing London’s rapidly expand-ing digital and creative sector, as best exemplified by East London’s vibrant startup community.

He’s done every possible job in a startup from Coding to Recruitment, and he’s also known as one of the founders of 3 Beards, London’s premier events company for the startup community.

Benjamin cites his biggest achievement to date as changing the perception of his department through relaxed, transparent and consistent engagement. He looks forward to attempting to improve the opportunities for startups across London through education, corporate partnerships and by encouraging HM Government to do even more to celebrate the creative and digital economies.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I could learn one skill it would be... to look 10 years ahead and 10,000 miles away.

What gets me up in the morning is... an alarm clock that has more computing power than the Mars Curiosity Rover (you can also make phone calls on it).

Co-FounderNative LDN

Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founderSkyscanner

BrIDey LIPScoMBeIn November 2013 Bridey co-founded Native LDN, a social brand communications agency, with Cat Turner. In six months they have secured 15 retained clients in London, New York, Berlin and Singapore.

Their clients in the fashion sector include the UK’s largest handbag producer Fiorelli and most recently Digital Fashion Week Singapore.

Their work to-date includes launch-ing the first live cooking channel on Google+ with their supermarket client Booths.

Before Native, Bridey co-founded one of the first social media agen-cies and led on campaigns that won eight industry awards, including the CIPR Award for best use of social media, including last year’s social media campaign for Secret Cinema’s Prometheus.

BoNAMy GrIMeSBonamy Grimes is co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Skyscanner. A shared frustration with finding cheap flights led him to partner with two colleagues and create version one of Skyscanner in 2001; a simple excel spreadsheet that collated flight prices. Skyscanner works with many of the world’s leading airlines and travel agents to deliver flight search to over 25 million mobile users around the world. Skyscanner’s rapid growth is presenting many opportunities for talented individuals across all disciplines in the digital space, including being involved in the setup of a Miami office to cover expansion in the Americas.


I am most influenced by... the founders of startups I work with. They are resourceful, innovative, dedicated, and passionate about what they are working on.

I am most influenced by... brilliant lunatics. Felix Dennis. Tim Bleakley. I love.


Managing DirectorTwitter UK

cArLoS eSPINALCarlos Eduardo Espinal is a Partner at Seedcamp. Prior to joining Seedcamp, Carlos was part of Doughty Hanson’s Technology Ventures investment team as well as having worked at the NYSE’s technology group and Irish startup, Baltimore Technologies.

Seedcamp has invested in over 90 companies in early stage start-ups across the world, and has led industry-wide initiatives such as the creation of the Seedsummit legal investment documents to help develop the UK and larger European startup ecosystems.

This year, Seedcamp hopes to invest in 20 additional innovative founders leading the way in creating technological and social change as well as helping bring together key people to support new founders and further develop local startup ecosystems.

Bruce DAISLeyBruce Daisley joined Twitter in 2012 as UK Director – he is responsible for generating advertising revenue for Twitter in the UK market.

He previously ran Google’s display business with responsibility for YouTube and the Google Display Network. He has also worked at Emap/Bauer and Capital Radio.

In 2010 New Media Age recognised Bruce as having made the Greatest Individual Contribution to new media in the UK.

Bruce divides his time between pop music and laughing. He writes about things for the Huffington Post and tweets about them as @brucedaisley.

Technical innovation + Creative imagination =Digital Hall of Fame Performance.

Moving businesstowardsthe Cloud

Congratulations to all BIMA Digital Hall of Fame inductees for 2013. It’s your restless energy and creative dynamism that makes the UK an exciting and world-class digital place.

Six Degrees Group believes that technology and creativity connect to make digital. We have a truly symbiotic relationship – one cannot exist without the other – and we are proud to support the Digital Hall of Fame.

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The craziest thing I have done was... travel across India for 3 months with just £500.

My favourite quote/expression is... the past is a foreign country….they do things differently there…

Partnerships DirectorConnected Digital Economy Catapult

VPEurope at Spotify

cHrIS THoMPSoNChris Thompson is Partnerships Director at the Connected Digital Economy Catapult (CDEC).

Having been Director of Education & Professional Development at D&AD and then Director of Enterprise and Innovation at Ravensbourne, Chris set up Gray Digital Limited in 2011 through which he helped to build a new innovation cluster of tech, media and design businesses at the Greenwich Digital Peninsula.

For CDEC Chris is focused on exploding the emerging data value chain for UK innovators, particularly in the fields of creative media and content and digital health, through building new platforms, capabilities and showcase opportunities.

cHrIS MAPLeSPrior to Spotify, Chris has spent 20+ years in the media and advertising industry in various roles working across television, Radio, Outdoor. He was most recently commercial director of Microsoft’s Consumer and Online business, where he led a team of over 200.

Chris was awarded the “greatest individual contribution to new media” at the NewMedia age awards in 2012 and led the Spotify team to winning “Media brand of the year at the Media Week awards in the same year, with the most recent award being Digital Media brand of the year at the Rev Awards this year.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I love BIMA because... it connects every component of the digital landscape in the UK – from talent to technology – and that’s incredibly special.

My favourite quote/expression is... ”Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

Chief Innovation OfficerBlue Rubicon

CEOiProspect UK

Craig Le Grice is Chief Innovation Officer at Blue Rubicon, the multi award-winning strategic consultancy.

Previously Global Technology Performance Director at Aegis and Global Digital Lead at WPP, Craig’s career has spanned the full breadth of the digital industry – from advertising to management consultancy.

Commercial, a futurist and a passionate believer in the importance of blending technology, business and consumer strategy, he’s worked with global brands, all around the world.

‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2011 and member of BIMA’s Executive Committee, he is focused on talent, diversity and flying the flag for digital and technology in the UK.

crAIG Le GrIceChris Whitelaw is CEO of iProspect UK; prior to its acquisition by Aegis Media in 2012, Chris was the founder of I Spy Marketing, one of Europe’s fastest-growing agencies. Chris is very proud to have taken over at the helm of iProspect UK in May 2012 and to be leading the UK’s largest performance-marketing agency.

This past year has seen the agency that Chris founded integrated into iProspect to form a team of over 250 talented digital experts managing award winning campaigns for national and global brands.

Chris will be working with his team to firmly establish iProspect as the leader in digital performance.



My favourite quote/expression is... “Inspire and be inspired” – I like that quote so much I have it tattooed on my body!

I got into digital because... my first word was ‘button’ with my curiosity of ‘clicking’ taking me to arcade machines at the age of 3 and subsequently to computers to hack leader boards.

Founder & Managing Director Apposing

Founder & Managing Director Cyber-Duck

A future-thinking, digital-native with an extensive and award-winning creative background, Dave Brown is the founder and managing director of Apposing; the Liverpool-based ideas-led mobile app design and development studio with a client list including Nando’s, Carphone Warehouse, CSL Sofas, Unilever, BBC and Jaguar Land Rover.

With over ten years experience in digital, Dave founded Apposing in 2009 after becoming committed to creating an agency which concen-trates on generating innovative mobile ideas, focussed on engaging the customer.

Dave is helping shape the next digital generation, as governor of a new multi million pound digital studio school.

DAve BrowNDANNy BLueSToNeDanny is a self-taught designer and created Cyber-Duck in 2005 out of his love for his favourite rubber duck and passion to fuse design, usability and technology into a superior user experience.

Prior to Cyber-Duck, Danny worked at brands and agencies like Line, Ogilvy and Isobar. Today, he works internationally with tech start-ups like ANYVAN and corporations like Aston Martin, GSK, and Imperial Tobacco.

This year, Danny helped Cyber-Duck to be recognized as a Deloitte top 500 growing company, while achieving ISO9001 and ISO9241 for Cyber-Duck’s design process.

Cyber-Duck is currently working with universities on initiatives to develop products and training.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into digital because... if you’re a restless, curious, ADHD-addled journalist, why wouldn’t you move to the exciting new land where everything is being reinvented?

I am most influenced by... the sum total of the knowledge and insight of everyone around me. (Alternatively known as “Twitter”).

Editor WIRED magazine (UK)

Chief Envisioning OfficerMicrosoft UK

David Rowan is an award-winning editor of WIRED magazine’s UK edition, Conde Nast’s multi-award-winning technology-and-innovations magazine that stays ahead of the trends transforming businesses.

He travels extensively to investigate the companies and entrepreneurs who are changing our world, and his recent WIRED cover stories include long features on Google, LinkedIn, MIT Media Lab and Facebook.

As a speaker, he has keynoted on technology, trends and innovation themes from Melbourne to Monaco, and has chaired and moderated high-profile conferences for the UK and French governments, for Google Zeitgeist and TED Global, and for international banks and Fortune 100 businesses.

DAvID rowANSince joining Microsoft in 2005, Dave Coplin has worked across a wide range of industries and customers, providing strategic advice and guidance around the impact of technology on a modern society. 

As an established thought leader in the UK providing leadership and guidance around key technology issues like Privacy, Big and Open Data, Social Media, Open Govern-ment, Advertising and the “consumerisation” of IT.

Dave is currently working as the Chief Envisioning Officer for Microsoft UK, helping organisations and individuals envision the full potential that technology offers a modern, digital society.

He has also recently authored “Business Reimagined” a book about the future of work.



I love BIMA because... it’s been representing British digital media since 1985, well before digital and interactive media became a sexy sector.

My favourite quote/expression is... if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Co-founderWhite Bear Yard

Head of Content Livity

eILeeN BurBIDGeEileen Burbidge (@eileentso) is Partner at Passion Capital, the London-based venture capital firm she established with Stefan Glaenzer and Robert Dighero. 

She brings extensive operational experience to her investment activities, gleaned from business and product development roles at Yahoo!, Skype, PalmSource, Openwave, Sun and Apple. 

Eileen was ranked #18 in the WIRED100 list (2012) and serves on the advisory board for Tech City (chaired by the Prime Minister’s Office at No 10 Downing Street). She is also a frequent guest commentator on Bloomberg TV and BBC News.

Eileen holds a Computer Science degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

DerreN LAwforDDerren Lawford is Head of Content for Livity, a multi-award winning company that mentors young people to co-create content, campaigns, and learning experiences for brands, broadcasters charities and govern-ment departments. Derren is also an advisor to YouTube entrepreneur Jamal “SB.TV” Edwards.

Derren joins Livity from BBC Worldwide where he was Head of Programming and Scheduling for Global BBC iPlayer.

Prior to that he spent over a decade at the BBC launching innovative editorial services for BBC One, BBC Three, Radio 1, 1Xtra and BBC Online. Over the next year Derren is focused on growing Livity’s content division, as well as guiding Livity’s owned youth platforms through a digital evolution.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I had a million pounds, I would... give it to someone who deserves it far more than I do.

If I could learn one skill it would be... how to make Baked Alaska.

Head of Digital AgencyGuardian News & Media

CEORewired State and Young Rewired State

eMMA wHITeHeAD Emma Whitehead has worked with the Guardian Digital Agency since 2007, taking over as the Head of the Agency in 2011.

The Agency makes the digital design and storytelling skills showcased on The Guardian available to commercial clients.

The last few years has seen a major expansion in the range of clients and types of projects and Emma has worked with colleagues to establish the Agency as one of the world’s leading exponents of data visualisation and data storytelling.

eMMA MuLqueeNyEmma Mulqueeny is the Founder and CEO of Rewired State and Young Rewired State. She spent much of her working life in media and central government including The Guardian, Cabinet Office, the Home Office, the Foreign Office and Parliament.

Since 2009 she has been dedicated to bringing geeks together with clients for hacks and modding days, taking innovation through a new path of development from idea to product using the hacker ethos.

The philanthropic arm of her business, Young Rewired State, is dedicated to finding and fostering every child teaching themselves to code – and creating a worldwide, independent network of young people learning and working together to change the world through code.


If I had a million pounds, I would... buy an enormous quantity of smart phones and use them to make an invisible car.

The craziest thing I have done was... aged 14, sneaked through the staff entrance at a prestigious city centre hotel and blagging my way to the VIP bar to meet Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Managing Partner, Creativeais London

Digital DirectorRealise Ltd

Geoff GowerGeoff Gower is the Managing Partner – Creative of ais London.

He’s previously run his own digital agency, worked on Film Four and Game at Digital Outlook and on Orange at Fullsix.

At ais London, he heads a department responsible for producing ‘creative innovation that people value’. Current clients include ŠKODA, Sony, CoppaFeel!, Mitchells & Butlers and Betfair.

In the past 18 months, his biggest achievements have included winning the Vodafone account and helping the agency become BIMA’s Agency of the Year.

His aims for the future? “The aim is always the same. Make things that people want.”

fIoNA ProuDLerFiona Proudler is Digital Director of Realise. Fiona joined from TMP Worldwide ( but had little experience in digital. All that has changed in her 9 years leading the agency from a team of 5 to almost 100.

In this period growth has been consistently beyond expectations thanks to the fierce determination to succeed amongst the senior team she leads. Game changing wins have included Spurs, Channel 4, AXA, and recently, Google.

This year Realise celebrated its first Webby for a Beam Me Up Star Trek digital experience and hopes are high for further expansion in the Farringdon office.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into the digital sector because of... Scientology wouldn’t take me.

The craziest thing I have done was... identifying Lord Marnoch as the worst judge in Scotland - he sent me the last typewritten letter I ever received (full of holes where the punctuation should have been, so I reckon he was angry).


FounderThe Drum and Carnyx Group

Gray Sycamore is founder and CTO of Mobileize. Since starting his digital career in 1996 in Joberg, Gray has worked on many clients and across many sectors.

Recognising a strong client desire to link advertising to the wider customer journey and fast consumer adoption of mobile led to the development of Mobileize, a cloud based drive-to-purchase platform for mobile devices. It is now possible to make virtually any advertisement geo-aware, linking consumers directly to purchase.

Mobileize is working with several clients, including Fullers to drive increased ROI from their current marketing to all 410 pubs in their estate.

GrAy SycAMoreGorDoN youNGGordon Young is founder and editor of The Drum, recently named magazine of the year by the PPA.

Over the years he has also helped found a series of events including the DADI Awards, Social Buzz and the Online Media Awards, as well as businesses such as the Recommended Agency Register and the Marketing Industry Network.

Under his editorship The Drum has emerged as the largest media and marketing website to serve the UK, and one of the few remaining printed publications to serve the digital sector. 


I got into digital because... it was new and shiny and everything seemed sci-fi fantastic (it was a while ago).

The craziest thing I have done was... create a stand–up comedy drag act called Gooseberry Tart (pre-Internet, thank God!).

Head of YouTube and Creative Agency SalesGoogle

CEOInternet Advertising Bureau

HAMISH NIckLINHamish leads the YouTube and Creative Agency sales team at Google. This team works closely with the media and creative agencies to amplify their ideas using YouTube in the most innovative and effective ways possible.

During his seven years at Google, Hamish has also led their Public Sector Team, working closely with the COI and government departments, and before that the Financial Services team, supporting the UK’s banks, building societies and insurance companies in the development and execution of their digital strategies.

Before Google, Hamish spent ten years working in a number of diverse roles in the Financial Services sector for Morgan Stanley, Coutts & Co and Lloyds TSB.

Guy PHILLIPSoNAs Chief Executive of the Internet Advertising Bureau, Guy has been running what has become the largest UK Media trade body – with 900 member companies – since 2005.

The IAB not only promotes Online and Mobile Advertising, it plays a major part in self-regulation. IAB UK led the government and EU backed initiative, providing transparency and control over behavioural advertising for consumers across Europe, in response to the ePrivacy (“Cookie”) Directive.

Guy’s mission at the IAB is to help define the future of advertising, as digital formats represent the majority of client spend. Guy was previously Head of Advertising at Vodafone.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


What gets me up in the morning is... the thought that today is going to be better than yesterday, and tomorrow might marginally improve on today.

I love my job because... we’re in the business of telling stories in new and interesting ways through the lens of great brands, and we work with great people.

Executive Creative Director Google Creative Lab

Global Media - Dove Brand, Social MediaUnilever

Iain is an ECD at Google Creative Lab in New York. Before that he was Global Interactive ECD at Wieden and Kennedy in Portland (where he was lucky enough to work on Old Spice amongst other things). And back in the UK he was one of the founders of Poke.

Since joining Google he’s helped to launch Chromebooks. Made a couple of Chrome Experiments that push the mobile browser (Racer and Roll It). And told stories about the amazing things people do with Google products.

Iain hopes to continue doing things that help people do more with technology.

IAIN TAITHamish manages Global Media for Unilever’s Dove brand. Previously he led digital planning at OgilvyOne for American Express Intl. He also used to run a social networking website for gay teens, which he started in 2004 (at 16) with a reach of 3m a year at its height. Recently Hamish was involved in the Dove Beauty Sketches campaign, which has received 50M+ views globally and received many accolades at the recent Cannes Lions festival including a media gold and Titanium Grand Prix. Hamish was also recently recognised by Forbes magazine in the 30 Under 30 listing.



My favourite quote/expression is... “For the love of God son, whatever you do, don’t be a lawyer” – Alan Wharton, retired lawyer.

My favourite expression/quote is... ”ABC – Always Be Closing” – Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross (played by Alec Baldwin)

Creative Director / PartnerZolmo

FounderOnce We Were

Ian has led the creative at mobile publishing company Zolmo since joining as partner in 2009. In 2012 their app Jamie Oliver’s Recipes reached 8 million downloads and Ian is the only creative director in the UK to win the Apple Design Award.

Ian previously worked at The Mill, designing commercials for Audi, Sony and EA after earning the Royal Television Society Award for his short animated film Solar.

Ian spends a lot of his time with young UK creative talent, including serving as digital jury foreman for the D&AD Student Awards and mentoring at the School of Communication Arts.

IAN wHArToNIan is Founder and Director at new agency Once We Were. He spends his time helping global clients like Bausch & Lomb and Pernod Ricard find new ways to solve emerging challenges.

One of his achievements in the last 18 months has been to reimagine the RSPCA’s 175-year-old membership model, harnessing digital to help prevent cruelty to animals in the UK.

Ian is also Partner at Wishgenie where he is shaping new technologies to gather funding and amplify volunteer recruitment in the social space.

Future aims are to remain agile, evolve ahead of consumer behaviour and keep clients happy.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I love my job because of... the immediate connection I have with the world around me.

I am most influenced by... everyone. I am constantly looking at how others approach and do things good and bad, and relaying that to my own skills and weaknesses to see where I can improve or what things I do well and should continue to focus on.


Relationship Marketing ManagerMicrosoft

The new face of UK entrepreneurial-ism, Jamal Edwards has grown his youth broadcasting channel, SB.TV, into a global brand.

Documenting the rise in new video stars, SB.TV has over 150 million YouTube views since 2006. Jamal has also fronted his own Google Chrome advert.

In 2011/12 Jamal launched his own record label, recorded Channel 4 series ‘Inside SB.TV’ and became a Virgin Media Pioneer.

In 2013 he expanded the SB.TV  empire, adding comedy, sports, fashion, business, culture and US channels.

Jamal has made the Times Young Power and Rich Lists, and is a key player in the success of Ed Sheeran. It is hard to believe Jamal is still found shooting tomorrow’s next big thing in a tower block near you..

jAMAL eDwArDSjAIMe keeNANJaime is the Audience Marketing Manager at Microsoft, working within Microsoft’s App Platform Team. Most recently, she was behind Modern Jago, a pop-up space in Shoreditch, London to inspire creative and technical communities, as well as Soft Array, a digital art installation created by design studio Arcade for Microsoft.

Soft Array beautifully demonstrates how digital experiences can leak out into the physical world. Jaime was on showcase this year at Cannes Lions with work from six participating agencies, following a recent tour at SXSW.

Her aims for the future are to con-tinue to meet interesting people in digital, make them think differently every now and again, connect good ideas and people and be part of the team that ensures Microsoft has the best apps on its app store.


I am most influenced by... 50% BuzzFeed and 50% the Guardian. Go figure…

My favourite quote/expression is... by Mike Tyson, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”


jAMIe Le GrIceJamie Le Grice is Global Community Manager at MOO.COM – a revolutionary online printing business.

Founded in London, with customers all round the world, the company was one of the first to call Silicon Roundabout home.

Jamie’s role is entirely focused on building, serving and engaging the brand’s six-figure strong active community of creative, innovative and passionate brand advocates.

A seasoned digital content professional, Jamie is excited by people, technology and brand – especially how all three subjects work together in a digital business.

One day he wants to send something (anything!) in to space… You’ll see the Vine video on Twitter.

James Hart started his career in 1996 and joined ASOS as its first employee in 1999.

Over the last 14 years James has always remained focused on the Digital Experience, from creating and evolving the original website to, more recently, extending the experience to Mobile and broadening the product range via its fledgling Marketplace.

Today James heads up the Product & Strategy, Experience Design and Customer Intelligence teams whose remit is to build a seamless, personal and inspiring experience for the world’s fashion-loving 20-somethings. 

James also runs ASOS Marketplace.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I didn’t have this job I would be... a giraffe keeper – I tried it one summer when I was taking time out from my agency and it was probably the most fun job I’ve ever had (and the lowest paid).

I love my job because... it’s a privilege to work here, like being at university but without the idiots. I learn, meet amazing people and get challenged every day.

Head of Social StrategyAdobe EMEA

Digital media correspondentGuardian

jereMy wAITeJeremy Waite is the Head of Social Strategy at Adobe EMEA, where he talks to anyone who will listen about Social ROI and NPS. 

Jeremy is quite opinionated about digital marketing and writes daily on his blog at

He is also writing a book called “Follow Me, I’m Right Behind You”, listing the top 100 people in social media.

You can follow him on twitter @JeremyWaite where you can ask him if he really used to be a giraffe keeper!

Jemima Kiss joined the Guardian in 2006 and covers big tech businesses, startups and technology trends.She is a permanent fixture on the Tech Weekly podcast and sits on the British Journalism Review  editorial board. 

A proud graduate of Dartington College of Arts, Jemima has covered technology and media online since 2002.

So if the internet dies, everything she has ever done goes up in smoke.



I am most influenced by... my kids – to whom I am ‘just a boring businessman’ – which helps to keep me grounded.

I am most influenced by... the unknown entrepreneur who has the guts and determination to develop a new marketplace or create new, more effective ways of doing things.

Executive Creative Director & Chief Digital OfficerGrey EMEA

Chairman, CommunitizeDigital Doughnut

Jon Williams is the Executive Creative Director and Chief Digital Officer for Grey EMEA.

Prior to that he was Chief Creative Of-ficer of Grey London – the only digital native to have held such a position.

He is busy digitizing not only what Grey do, but also how they do it. Transforming a network of 47 agencies with ‘Grey’ above the door, into one business in 47 locations.

Many changes are coming, but the most significant is the deployment of a pan-regional, crowd sourced, co-creation platform, matching talent to briefs, improving creative product, and driving efficiency for clients regardless of geography.

joN wILLIAMSjoHN HorSLeyJohn Horsley is Chairman of Communitize Ltd the company behind, is a member of the BIMA executive board and is the founder of the Digital Marketing group on LinkedIn, the 11th biggest LinkedIn group.

In 2009 FastCompany ranked John in the top 50 most influential people on the web. 

Digital Doughnut brings together the global digital community over information, training and events in the UK, US and Netherlands. It provides the opportunity to network with peers, share experiences and access training, resources and the latest thinking on best practice digital marketing, trends and innovation. 

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I love BIMA because... it’s a fantastic space to meet people much further along the journey than me – and absorb their hard learnt lessons like a sponge!

The craziest thing I have done was... dress as a peanut to promote the launch of Dry Roasted Peanuts here in the UK!

Managing Directoreight&four

PR & Marketing SpecialistDigital Media Industry

Kate Ross is co-founder and Managing Director of eight&four. She co-founded the agency with Amy McCulloch in November 2008, with a laptop and mobile phone from a dining room in Balham! Kate is very proud to be running a Soho agency in her 20s – and was recently named a Top Woman Under 30 in Digital by The Drum. She has a great team of young digital talent working with her too.

This year, she’s worked on the Nine Elms website redevelopment project, Cosmopolitan digital marketing campaign, and the now famous BrightMove Media social campaign in association with e-harmony.

Kate & Amy are looking to continue their annual triple digit growth, and double the agency team to 20!

kATe roSSjuLIe yorkJulie York is one of the industry’s unsung heroes, diligently working away in the wings to inspire interest and support growth of some of the leading digital businesses.

After hanging up her IPC Media Comms Director crown ten years ago, Julie has found her traditional media roots invaluable for strategically helping to build new digital media companies, channels and opportunities.

Specifically, she’s been instrumental in shaping the UK’s performance marketing scene, helping it achieve wider marketing industry acceptance, as well as showcasing its professionalism and deliverability through helping to mastermind the launch of its very own conference and award series.


I think the next big movement in digital is... the democratisation of digital knowledge and skills and the move from dark arts to empowerment and enlightenment.

I think the next big movement in digital is... the open data movement, it will create more innovation, more opportunities and lead us to solve some of the worlds biggest challenges…together.

Global - Director Business DevelopmentStardoll


In 2008 Katie joined the founding Stardoll team and established the UK office. Since joining, membership has gone from 12 to 245 million. Stardoll is the largest online community for girls who love fashion, music and expressing themselves through creativity. 

Katie has been on a mission to inspire the next generation of women to get into the tech industry, through the promotion of coding in a way that dispels many scary myths.

Partnering this year with Mozilla Foundation they have launched the Digital Designer Project and are on target to engage their 15 million UK strong community by Sept 15th. 

Katie’s aim is to create fun digital learning tools, allowing the next generation to disrupt the future in a positive way. 

kATIe BeLLKathryn co-founded Decoded, teaching people Code in a Day and pioneering a global zeitgeist around code education.

Decoded is transforming digital literacy and skills from board level to new joiner across all industries and sectors.  Grown entirely through the evangelism of their alumni, today Decoded have taught over 3,000 professionals.  

Recently launching in New York, new products include Data Visualisation in a Day and CodeEd, teaching teachers across all subjects.

Kathryn is a passionate ambassador for women, entrepreneurship and technology skills.  

Winner of theVeuve Clicquot New Generation Award. Red Magazine’s double award winner for Digital Entrepreneur and Start-Up Business of the Year. Business Insider’s 30 most important women in tech 30 and under.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I am most influenced by... the crowd (can I say that?): I listen to the online buzz, talk to people every day and pick-up on the zeitgeist to uncover what tomorrow is likely to bring.

If I didn’t have this job I would be... in another entrepreneurial role; I’ve always fancied buying a football club bizarrely.


CEO and social business strategistimmediate future

Kay Hammond is founder and CEO of TAMBA, the multi-award-winning social media and digital agency. The agency was setup in 1994 when Kay was just 17 and is highly regarded for its brave, playful digital campaigns. Kay is a well-known voice in the social media world, and in the last year has been delighted to work with a sizeable number of global brands on their social media strategies.

Having won Sun Life Direct in 2012, she has led their social media strategy from having no social media presence to 2nd largest in their space in a matter of a few months with ambitious plans to lead the space. This year, Kay is looking forward to continued agency growth both in the UK and internationally.

kAy HAMMoNDKaty Howell, CEO of social media consultancy, immediate future, helps brands succeed in social media and deliver value to the business.

With nine years’ social media experience and 25 marketing, she is a recognised authority in social media: speaking passionately at events and training for the IDM, CiPR and Econsultancy. Katy’s social expertise spans many industries, with clients including Indesit Company, Post Office, Selfridges, Staples Europe, BlackBerry, Diageo, HSBC, JD Williams, Sony Music, Ubisoft, bmibaby, and IBM Tealeaf. Katy is currently determinedly sharing best practice on social strategies, measurement, community management, analytics and social media and the law.

kATy HoweLL


If I could learn one skill it would be... mind-reading.

If I could learn one skill it would be… the art of being patient.

Managing Director (UK)The Project Factory


Kirsty Hunter is one of the UK’s leading digital media executives and an Emmy award winning producer working across television and digital. 

She set up the UK arm of digital production company The Project Factory two years ago, and has since overseen: Downton Abbey (ITV), BAFTA/Emmy nominated The Great British Property Scandal (C4), Ken Loach’s The Spirit of ’45 (Film4), GTST (RTL4), Africa (BBC), The British (Sky).

Kirsty is an authority on transmedia and digital having spoken at MIPTV, World Congress of Science & Factual Producers, and X-Media. She has mentored for Women in Film & TV, DocCampus and Docfest.

kIrSTy HuNTerKevin Farnham is Chief Executive Officer of Method Inc, where he is responsible for company strategy, global recruiting and business development.

His passion is for helping companies create truly great brands, products and services through design. 

Over the course of the past two decades, he has worked directly with business leaders from companies such as Apple, BBC, Microsoft, MoMA, Nike, Google and TED Conferences. 

Kevin is particularly interested in the design of experiences as a tool to build a successful business. His book  ‘Experience Design’ will be published by Wiley this summer.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


My favourite quote/expression is... “Only boring people get bored”. It was said to me by my high school English Master, Mr Sophocles; and has stuck with me all my life.

I think the next big movement in digital is... smell.

Creative Consultant - InnovationStart JudgeGill

Creative Director at Dare, Co-Founder at SheSaysDare & SheSays

Liz Sivell is Creative Consultant of Innovation at StartJG. Having worked internationally for ISOBAR, Profero, R/GA; across projects for adidas, Nike, Nokia, Unilever and MINI.

In 2011 she decided to set up an Interactive Department at Brand and Environment agency StartJG, with Change at the heart.

Recently Liz worked with adidas Global developing the award winning Virtual Footwear Wall, a unique intelligent approach to the way people shop.

Liz is currently hosting a series of talks & initiatives with remarkable people within different industries to help develop innovative approaches to creating engaging sensorial experiences.

LIz SIveLLLaura Jordan-Bambach, Creative Director of Dare and Vice President of D&AD, brings an experimental outlook on tech together with a deep understanding of storytelling to create ideas that change behavior and ultimately, entertain. 

She has consistently won awards for her commercial work, and has been honoured with personal recognition over 20 years in the industry, including being voted one of the 30 under 30 leaders in IT by industry leaders as part of the Fairfax Group awards. Laura believes strongly in the power of great ideas, grown through focused collaboration to create amazing work. She’s also a trained taxidermist.




BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I had a million pounds, I would...set up an incubator and think tank to nurture new digital ideas. Oh, and buy a hoverboard (the one from Back to the Future)

I got into the digital sector because of... witnessing my 5 year old daughter who didn’t know a world pre internet, Google or smart phone.

Chief Creative Officer Europe SapientNitro

Global Innovation DirectorSomo Ltd

Under Malcolm’s leadership, SapientNitro has won more than 50 international awards from Gold Cyber and Mobile Lions to SXSW’s Innovation Award.

Credited with award-winning firsts such as Unilever’s smile activated ice cream vending machine and Foot Locker’s Sneakerpedia, Malcolm is a recognized industry influencer and speaker, member of IADAS and former Cannes Jury President.

Before joining SapientNitro, Malcolm was Executive Creative Director of Ogilvy where he led teams creating Dove’s legendary ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’ and CRUK’s internationally recognized work.

M&C Saatchi, Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy and SapientNitro have all won Agency of the Year titles during his creative leadership.

MALcoLM PoyNToNAs Somo’s Global Innovation Director, Maani is credited with helping global clients reinvent consumer engagement and interaction, working with the likes of Audi, Shop Direct and Red Bull to devise and deliver award winning, industry leading mobile solutions.

Prior to Somo, Maani led the Telegraph Media Group’s mobile division, where he was responsible for launching the mobile version of The Telegraph, the hugely successful iPhone application, The Telegraph Kindle edition, and the first ever news app for the Android Market. 

Follow him @safatopia and @somoglobal. 



If I could learn one skill it would be... to speak Chinese (Mandarin), as China will be the largest eCommerce market in the world by the end of 2014 and the opportunities there are quite literally endless.

I think the next big movement in digital is… delivering value through absolute focus on the user, creating outstanding content for them & reducing our need to control & ‘own’ things.

Head of DigitalCancer Research UK

Founder and CEOPracticology

Michael Docherty is Cancer Research UK’s Head of Digital and has been with the charity since late 2007. He is responsible for keeping the charity’s presence amongst the top health & information digital destinations in the UK, and generating income from digital to support the charity’s life saving work.

Michael has recently delivered the first phase of the charity’s ambitious new digital strategy through – the device-neutral, user-focused support experience, and the first stage of CRUK’s new digital presence.

Prior to CRUK Michael was a Group Marketing Manager at Telstra, Australia’s leading communications company, and has held various product and brand marketing roles at Yahoo!, Hutchison Telecoms & Fairfax Digital.

MIcHAeL DocHerTyMartin Newman is founder and CEO of Practicology. Having headed up eCommerce for several companies including Harrods, Ted Baker and Burberry, he set up his own digital agency and consulting practice in 2008.

Martin is very proud to be a part of British Digital, working with a plethora of brands including House Of Fraser, Wilkinson and Richemont adding value to various aspects of their online and multi channel businesses.

Over the past 18 months he’s grown Practicology from 2 people to more than 20, opening an office in Australia with more to come in Switzerland and Brazil.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into the digital sector because of... Mike Butcher; he left NMA and I got his old job (I’m not sure I’ve ever properly thanked him).

The craziest thing I have done was... climb out of a 6th floor hotel window because I thought I was locked out on the balcony - and try to break through the Russian PM’s personal security to get an interview.

Editor At LargeTechCrunch

Interactive media consultantFreelance consultancy and journalism

Mike Butcher is Editor At Large of TechCrunch, the biggest break-ing news site about the world’s hottest tech companies.

Mike has been named one of the most influential people in technology in surveys by The Daily Telegraph, GfK NOP, The Independent, Wired and The Evening Standard.

He is a regular commentator on tech business, appearing on the BBC, Sky News, and Channel 4, among others. Mike is also co-founder of TechHub, the co-working network for startups, and founder of the Coalition for a Digital Economy. He is on the Mayor of London’s ‘Smart London’ Board.

MIke BuTcHerMichael Nutley is a freelance writer and consultant specialising in interactive media and marketing. 

He is head of content for digital marketing community website Digital Doughnut, and is a visiting lecturer in Futures & Innovations at the London College of Communications. He also writes regularly about digital marketing for Marketing Week and

He was editor of New Media Age, the UK’s leading news publication for interactive business, from 2000 to 2007, and its editor-in-chief from 2007 to 2011. 



If I didn’t have this job I would be... I can’t imagine doing anything else.

I love BIMA because... it is a safe haven for like-minded people who are both inspired and absolutely exhausted!


Editorial DirectorBERLIN42

As CEO of global digital marketing and technology agency Amaze, Natalie defines and drives the strategic and commercial direction of the business.

Clients include ASICS, Lexus, Toyota, Unilever and Coats Plc. Natalie drives the Amaze brand purpose – to inspire original thinking through a deeper understanding of technology and human behaviour.

She provides regular commentary on the future role of the digital agency, the industry’s challenge for skills and talent and delivering digital solutions globally. Natalie sits on the Executive team for BIMA and is on the Board of Trustees for the World Wildlife Fund.

NATALIe GroSSMilo Yiannopoulos is founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Kernel, an online magazine that focuses on European startup technology. 

He was named one of the 100 most influential people in Britain’s digital economy by Wired UK in 2011 and again in 2012.

He has been called a “rising star of the Right” by the Spectator, the “pit bull of tech media” by the Observer, “digital media’s Citizen Kane” by Forbes magazine and a “cynical, ignorant fucker” by Stephen Fry.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


What gets me up in the morning is... when you know you want to spend the rest of your life doing something you want the rest of your life to begin as soon as possible (that’s paraphrased from When Harry Met Sally).

I love BIMA because... we need a supporting body like this spreading the word worldwide. We’ve a lot of heritage and sometimes we don’t shout hard enough, BIMA acts as the loudspeaker.

Creative Director at MadeStudio Ltd. & Founder at GlugMadeStudio Ltd. & Glug

Founder &

Nick has spent 15 years combining the practices of design, strategy, technology, branding and art direction to create modern brand experiences, made with love, care and a little Welsh lushness.

Before starting MadeStudio, Nick helped to set up and run digital departments at Cheil Worldwide, Profero and Saint@RKCR/Y&R as Head of Art where the agency went on to win the 2011 NMA Awards ‘Creative Agency of the Year’ and Revolution Awards ‘Agency of the Year.’

Nick is also co-founder of Glug: a series of creative events for professionals and students, with over 7,000 members worldwide. The showcase event is held in London with 700 regulars, alongside a further 6 international events.

His plans for the future are to grow his design studio to one that can really affect change and to create things that make people’s lives better.

NIck cLeMeNTNatalie Massenet is Founder and Executive Chairman of THE NET-A-PORTER GROUP LIMITED whose brands include NET-A-PORTER, the world’s premier online luxury fashion retailer for women, THE OUTNET, the most fashionable fashion outlet and MR PORTER, the first global online menswear destination. As a former fashion editor for high profile international publications, Massenet’s idea for NET-A-PORTER was to create an online magazine that would allow women to buy the latest designer clothes straight from the page.

Today, all 3 businesses successfully blend content and commerce and between them sell more than 500 leading designer brands to customers in 170 countries. 



What gets me up in the morning is... curiosity for learning.

The craziest thing I have done was... riding a 1972 Ural motorbike with sidecar across Siberia, in -40°C, to Salekhard, the only city in the world located on the Arctic Circle.

Founder and Managing Partner POKE


Nick is founding partner of POKE, a creative ‘practice’ focused on delivering original and effective interactive communication solutions. Clients include EE, Sky Bet, Skype, Ted Baker, RNLI, Mulberry and BBC.

In 2007, he helped successfully launch POKE New York with three new partners.

In 2010, Nick and the Poke partners launched The Lovie Awards and Internet Week Europe – a week-long festival celebrating the wonderful and inspiring things connected by the web’s many tentacles. He Co-Chairs the festival.

Nick is also founder of charitable initiative The 100 Project and advises Space Studios, England’s largest provider of studios for visual artists.

NIck fArNHILLNick D’Aloisio is the founder of Summly, an AI company that developed an algorithm for automatic summarization with SRI International.

It was announced in March 2013 that Summly had been acquired by Yahoo! inc. Summly was awarded Best Apps of 2012 for “Intuitive Touch” by Apple.

D’Aloisio is the youngest person in the world to have raised VC funding at 15 from investors such as Sir Li Ka-Shing, Rupert Murdoch, Ashton Kutcher, Stephen Fry and Yoko Ono, with whom he also worked on the Serpentine Gallery Exhibition of June 2012 entitled To the Light.

D’Aloisio participated in a UN forum with Ban Ki-Moon in April 2012, won the British Inspiration Award in May 2013 for his work with Summly and was placed in Forbes’ 30 under 30, #1 for the Evening Standard’s Top 25 under 25, and is ranked amongst London’s Top 1000 most influential people. D’Aloisio now works at Yahoo!


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I think the next big movement in digital is... mobile phones evolving into intelligent payment devices - being used to pay for your morning coffee, pay for the tube or bus, your evening meal - who needs cash or cards?

My favourite quote/expression is...”We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” - Albert Einstein (old ones are the best)

Head of Digital KEO films

Head of Digital The Co-operative Bank

Nick is the Head of Digital at KEO Films, a fast-growing film, TV and digital production company.  Recently he led the multi award winning multi-platform team at Keo that delivered the hugely successful Hugh’s Fish Fight online campaign. Keo’s digital work spans web, social networking, second screen and mobile for numerous broadcasters and brands. Previously, Nick spent four years as the Senior Policy Executive for Digital at Pact where he led the creation of cross industry commissioning frameworks with the BBC online and MSN video. Previously he was Director of Wired Sussex the digital cluster of over 1000 companies in Brighton.

NIck uNDerHILLNick has over 15 years experience in the digital sector in both agency and client side roles including at Cambridge Technology Partners, pioneering internet bank egg and high street bank NatWest /RBS. Nick has just joined the Co-operative where he is taking up the newly formed role of Head of digital channels. 

Nick’s recent achievements include the very successful launches of a suite of digital tools & services with NatWest to help customers manage their money on the move – including their incredibly popular mobile banking app.

Nick is very proud that this work was awarded ‘Best innovation in digital’ at the 2012 BIMA awards and a 2013 gold Cannes Lions award for mobile. 

NIck LeoNArD


I think the next big movement in digital is... the merger of health care monitoring & technology – it’s going to be huge!

If I had a million pounds, I would...consider hiring someone to help me answer difficult questions.


VP EMEA Facebook

Oli is a Director of Cospa, working with brands and charities to create projects which make money and make a difference.  A good example of this is helping young people to fix their own youth clubs with Wickes, the DIY chain. He leads regular trade missions to the US, India and Brazil, for high-growth British tech companies and is a co-founder of StartUp Britain. Oli also founded Tenner, the national schools enterprise challenge and was awarded the MBE for services to business and entrepreneurship in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Nicola Mendelsohn is Vice President of Facebook EMEA.

Previously she was Executive Chairman at Karmarama, Deputy Chairman of Grey London and a Board Director at BBH. Nicola was the first woman President for the IPA in its 96 year history and is the industry chair of creative industries council.

Nicola has featured in Management Today’s ‘Top 35 Women Under 35’ and was named an ‘International Woman to Watch’ by Advertising Age.

Her greatest joy in life comes from her husband Jon and her four children.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I got into the digital sector because of... Nicholas Negroponte said: “Like air and drinking water, being digital will be noticed only by its absence, not its presence.”

The craziest thing I have done was... start a digital agency!

Founder and ChairmanPrecedent

Director GeneralInstitute of Practitioners in Advertising

PAuL HoSkINSAs the Founder and Chairman of Precedent, Paul has been involved in a huge number of major branding and digital communications projects during the last 25 years. He has experience across a range of sectors, including education, professional services, and the public sector. However his passion is for Higher Education brands and he has led projects as Executive Creative Director for the University of Southampton, Salford University and Middlesex University amongst many others.

More recently Paul has focused on developing Precedent’s international offering both in Australia and Asia, developing delivery capacity in these exciting markets.

Paul Bainsfair is the Director General of the IPA. His career in advertising spans over 30 years. He has run some of London’s biggest ad agencies including Saatchis and TBWA. He also successfully set up Bainsfair Sharkey Trott, one of the most successful agencies in the 90s, which was sold to Omnicom in 1999.

Paul’s digital education began in earnest at Lean Mean Fighting Machine where he was Chairman.

Paul is also non exec Chairman of iris worldwide.



If I didn’t have this job I would... smile less on the morning commute.

My favourite quote/expression is... there might be a gap in the market, but is there a market in the gap?


DirectorThe Friday Club London

Richard Tyrie is founder and CEO of GoodPeople, a social enterprise focused on creating #techforgood.

GoodPeople’s ‘Peer2Peer’ platforms are now powering various programmes that seek to re-invent social action in the UK.

Richard is an advisor to a Cabinet Office review on the future of charities, and the role digital will play moving forward.

He is also a Trustee of Unltd, the world’s largest funder of Social Entrepreneurs who have recently launched an incubator for tech-focussed social enterprises in partnership with Wayra / 02 and the Cabinet Office.

This year, GoodPeople are launching a £2m programme funded by the Big Lottery to teach digital skills to over 2000 young unemployed people.

rIcHArD TyrIerIcHArD feArNRichard Fearn is the Director of ‘The Friday Club London,’ a ‘not-for-profit’ aimed at bringing digital marketers closer to the tech Startup community for the mutual benefit of both.

As an ex ad-man and now one of London’s most prolific Startup investors, it was clear that there was unmet need someone could help facilitate.

Since launching the FCL in 2012, industry mentors have given up over 300 hours of their time in support of Startups entirely for free. In exchange they’ve had access to London’s brightest founders, their ideas and services, and left inspired for their day jobs.

This year the FCL launches the ‘Friday Journey’ programme, giving mentors the opportunity to further their relationship with their favourite Startups.

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I could learn one skill it would be... the proudest day of my mother’s life.

I love BIMA because... they are a passionate group of people genuinely interested in helping the industry move forward.

Business Director DigitalAAR

Creative Director1000heads

Robin Charney leads AAR’s digital consultancy and has extensive experience in, and enthusiasm for, the digital communications, software and technology space.

Previously EMEA Head of Platform Marketing at Adobe, Robin has in-depth knowledge of the digital agency community and their clients from her work at Adobe, as a European Advisor to the Society of Digital Agencies and, more recently, her digital consultancy practice and being the co-founder of Collision – an event series that brings the advertising and startup/entrepreneur communities together.

roBIN cHArNeyRobbie is Creative Director of 1000heads, the Word of Mouth agency helping Nokia, Skype and others reach consumers in new and engaging ways.

A writer by background, he joined 1000heads in 2008 from Blue Compass where he was responsible for running bespoke social networks for arts professionals.

In 2012 Robbie was selected as a scholar of the prestigious Marketing Academy – the only scholar from a creative background. He was also invited onto the advisory panel of 3space, the innovative charity turning empty spaces into opportunities.

This year Robbie plans to do many more things his mum can easily understand.



My favourite quote/expression is... bring me solutions, not problems.

I got into the digital sector because of... I love technology in business and saw an opportunity to do something with endless possibilities.

MDLine Digital LTD

Global Managing DirectorWe Are Social

Ross is Managing Director of Line Digital. Having worked in finance and retail, before launching several online businesses during the dotcom boom, he set up Line Digital in April 2003 and has spent the last year growing its footprint and reputation within its chosen specialist sectors of Financial Services, Tourism and Entertainment. Ross continues to invest in technology and startups, is an advisor on local University Liaison Boards, and is an ambassador for Micro-Tyco – an enterprise challenge which pits school-kids with and against leading corporations to see how much money they can make from a £1 investment over a 4-week period.

roSS LAurIeRobin is co-founder and global managing director of global social media agency, We Are Social.

He’s an 18-year veteran of digital marketing, a member of the IAB’s social media council and is a regular conference speaker on social media.

We Are Social is a new kind of agency that combines an understanding of social media with digital, PR and marketing skills. With eight offices worldwide including London, New York, Paris and Singapore and with an international team of over 320, they work with clients worldwide including adidas, Heinz, Unilever, Heineken, eBay and Jaguar on local, regional and global projects.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


My favourite quote/expression is... DINDIP: Do it now & Do it properly!

I got into the digital sector because of... the whole idea of being part of a movement that allowed people to choose what to say and consume, instantly and globally was, and still is, irresistible.

Executive Creative DirectorDigitas l DNA


Sav Evangelou, as Executive Creative Director of Digitas and DNA is particularly proud of the innovative work produced for Nissan, Puma and the British Olympic Association.

The common thread is that Sav and his colleagues worked hard to identify a deep seated psychological, behavioural or attitudinal insight to provide the basis for contagious self-propelling ideas.

The resulting work reached millions, proving that brands can be built through digital if they somehow enhance, validate and improve people’s views of themselves.

He looks forward to pursuing the thought that ‘digital’ doesn’t mean ‘channel’.

SAv evANGeLouSam Barnett founded ad personalisation firm Struq in the midst of the 2008 recession with just £2,000 cash and a borrowed internet connection. Since then, the company has gone from strength to strength, and currently works with 350 clients across 19 territories.

Household names from Topshop to to Debenhams rely on Struq to deliver beautiful, relevant ads to their users.

Barnett trained as a lawyer but always wanted to be an entrepreneur. He has worked at digital advertising pioneers eSpotting, Miva and Adjug and is committed to technological innovation and honing the customer experience across the industry.



I love my job because... I get to work with two of my key passions, music and digital. I’m lucky to get the privilege of working with so many amazing music artists and also technology companies...

If I could learn one skill it would be... how to code 

Co-founder/COOLittle Dot Studios

Digital Strategy & Marketing Director Sony Music UK

Selma Turajlic is Co-Founder and COO at Little Dot Studios, producer and broadcaster of online video content founded in March 2013.

Prior to Little Dot Studios, Selma was Head of Interactive Media for All3Media International where she was responsible for the exploitation of the entire All3Media portfolio of TV shows across interactive media and consumer products.

Selma’s previous roles include Director, Interactive Media at Caldor International (2004), where she managed international digital licensing for formats like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, Dragons’ Den, Business Development Consultant at Shazam Entertainment (2002), where she worked on technology licensing and distribution strategies and (1999).

SeLMA TurAjLIcAfter 12 years at Sony Music, Seb has worked in a number of digital roles. His most recent and current role as Digital Strategy & Marketing Director sees Seb overseeing digital marketing for Sony’s artists, including the likes of One Direction, Daft Punk, Olly Murs, Justin Timberlake, Paloma Faith and Tom Odell. Seb has also helped set up the digital business, including mobile and fixed-line activity. Seb and his team are now focused on delivering the best digital marketing activity, based on insight and strategic planning.

Seb has picked up 7 Digital Music Awards and was also featured as the youngest entry in Marketing Magazine’s Next Generation Power 100. He’s previously been a BIMA judge and shortlisted for a Revolution award.


BIMA Hot 100, 2013


My favourite quote/expression is... ”I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan

I love BIMA because... I’m a fan of nurturing talent and inspiring tomorrow’s generation to get involved in the digital sector. The work behind D-Day that BIMA created was inspired.

Co-Founder and Joint

Managing DirectorDigilant

Spencer founded Bluhalo in 1999, and after growing it to one of the UK’s largest digital agencies outside of London he successfully sold the business in 2008.

Recognising how hard his journey was and the difficult challenges that Digital Agency Owners face growing their businesses and wanting to support the UK’s growth economy he formed, a consulting practice to help “fast growth & ambitious” digital agencies located all over the UK successfully accelerate their businesses.

His clients’ agencies have a combined turnover of over £20m and employ over 250 people with an average growth rate of over 75% per annum per agency.

SPeNcer GALLAGHerSimon Haynes started in media 15 years ago as a graduate at ‘The Daily Telegraph’. He transitioned to digital during his time at ‘VNU Business Publications’ and gained experience of every platform in his first leadership role at the Branded Sales House ‘AD2ONE’.

During his time at AD2ONE he represented brands including Disney, eBay, NME and Lonely Planet. Having launched in territories such as Australia, Ireland and Singapore, Simon then became Managing Director at Gorilla Nation.

He now works within the Real Time Advertising Industry at the technology company Digilant. As Managing Director he leads the solution which provides the opportunity to Plan, Customise and Effect Digital Marketing Strategies within the Real Time Advertising Space.



I think the next big movement in digital is... when it’s no longer referred to as digital. That’s when we’ll know it’s doing really well.

What gets me up in the morning is... I’m passionate about getting things done and making great stuff happen – and because my to-do list seems to be never-ending!

Head of OperationsBox UK

Creative Director deltatre media

Head of Operations at software consultancy Box UK, Stuart is a leading figure in the digital community and co-chair of the Welsh Government’s ICT steering group.

Committed to promoting the digital sector, he has made significant strides towards helping secure its on-going growth by strengthening industry and education links to nurture emerging talent. Stuart is also passionate about leveraging Agile principles to improve organisation and delivery process, and has a wealth of experience working with senior decision makers at organisations including Telnames, World Vision and Investec Asset Management to develop and execute innovative business change programmes that encourage continuous improvement to drive optimum business value.

STuArT ArTHurSteve Boulton is Creative Director at deltatre and he recently won the coveted 2013 BAFTA for Digital Creativity for his role as Executive Editor for Channel 4’s digital Paralympic Games coverage.

While working at the BBC, Steve led BBC Sport’s Innovation strand of their multiplatform strategy within the corporation’s ‘Creative Future’ initiative. He spent five years as Series Editor of BBC1’s Football Focus show, as well as producing acclaimed BBC1 documentaries and he has led numerous editorial teams at World Cups and Olympic Games.

Steve also has a passion for comedy and entertainment and has produced and directed TV and digital content with a range of stars including Ricky Gervais, Ewan McGregor and Karl Pilkington.

STeve BouLToN

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


I love BIMA because... I get to spend evenings with Andrew Henning, Adam Graham and Justin Cooke.

If I didn’t have this job I would be... a writer.  I’d love to write a humorous book about the realities of agency life.

Founder and CEOCherry London

Managing DirectorFreestyle Interactive Ltd

Tamara Gillan is the Founder and CEO of Cherry London: an award-winning marketer whose expertise in profitable, unique and digitally focused partnerships has attracted clients such as The Co-operative Group, O2, Johnston Press, Aviva, Unilever, Western Union, Visa and Pernod Ricard. Having started her career at London agencies ID Media and Fullsix, Tamara successfully set-up and led the e-Marketing team at Orange.

In 2009, Cherry London was born and is one of Europe’s fastest growing partnership marketing agencies, whose highlights include designing the strategy for the launch and roll-out of Priority Moments in 2011, currently the UK’s fastest growing mobile loyalty program.

TAMArA GILLANSuzanne Linton is MD and Founder of Freestyle Interactive, having been at the helm since the Agency’s launch in 1996!

Suzanne is passionate about nurturing digital talent with a particular interest in encouraging more women into the industry.

Freestyle has engaged with local schools and universities to showcase the vast range of skills and roles that digital provides, through work experience, internships, placements and whole classes spending a day in the agency.

Driving BIMA engagement in the Midlands as regional ambassador, Suzanne also represents the digital sector within the 2 Per Cent Club, an organisation set up to promote women at a senior level within their sector.



The craziest thing I have done was... cycle across Kenya.

I got into the digital sector because of... my passion for marketing and technology – digital is a perfect fusion of the two disciplines.

Managing DirectorNetcel


Tim Parfitt is Founder and CEO of Netcel. He has grown Netcel into a niche digital agency that develops corporate websites using EPiServer CMS for the likes of Kenwood, Braun Household, CIMA, Age UK and UNICEF UK.

Tim is passionate about encouraging more young people into the digital sector and was delighted when Netcel and Dr Challoner’s Grammar School won the Grand Prix award in the BIMA D-Day 2012 competition. He is committed to helping Britain retain its status as a leading global centre of excellence in all things digital.

TIM PArfITTTarek Nseir is founder and CEO of TH_NK. Tarek founded TH_NK in 2004 whilst still studying at University in Newcastle, employing just 3 members of staff. The company has grown from strength to strength now employing over 100 across TH_NK’s Newcastle and London offices.

Over the past 18 months, Tarek has continued to drive TH_NK’s continuous success in the digital sector and has been the driving force behind securing an impressive client list which includes Pottermore, Warner Bros, Nando’s, Fletcher Buildings and Blackberry.

TArek NSeIr

BIMA Hot 100, 2013


If I had a million pounds, I would... start a whisky distillery.

If I didn’t have this job I would be... an astronaut, or more likely still reading the rejection letters explaining why it wasn’t a good idea that I became an astronaut.

Chief Investment OfficerBeringea LLP

Creative PartnerRehab Studio & Robot Corp

As CIO of transatlantic investment firm Beringea, Trevor directs the firm’s investment strategy into companies driving the digital agenda.

Investments and Board directorships include digital agencies Gyro, Steak and Think, big data software company Celebrus, online video platform Saffron Digital and cloud BPM software company Matssoft.

A busy 18 months included the completion of investments in ‘Skills Matter’ the advanced software devel-oper community and the creative ad format and online publisher network company ‘Inskin Media’.

He also completed the sale of digital design company ‘Fjord’ to Accenture after assisting its growth to 9 international offices and over 200 design professionals.

Trevor HoPeTim is co-founder and creative partner of rehabstudio – a creative technology company with studios in Belfast, London & New York. Voted one of the top five emerging talent as part of the Hospital Club 100 in London, Tim has created interactive campaigns and experimental digital projects for global brands like Google, Red Bull, YouTube, Citibank, Kraft and ASOS, among others.

Additionally, he’s been the recipient of several prestigious awards from Gold Cannes Cyber Lions to D&AD, FWA’s and the Deloitte Technology Fast 50.

In 2012, Tim co-founded Robot Corp, a product design company created to engineer and grow smart, digital products & businesses.