bilingual multicultural education and english learners...

NMPED Data Conference May 2014 “Kids First, New Mexico Wins!” Bilingual Multicultural Education and English Learners: Updates for Data Reporting and Accuracy Icela Pelayo Cervantes, Ph.D., Director Bilingual Multicultural Education Bureau [email protected] 505-827-6667

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NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Bilingual Multicultural Education

and English Learners:

Updates for Data Reporting and Accuracy

Icela Pelayo Cervantes, Ph.D., Director Bilingual Multicultural Education Bureau

[email protected] 505-827-6667

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Presentation Agenda

Importance of Data Accuracy

ELL Review for Data Validation at Every Reporting Period

New Bilingual Education Program (BEP) Instructor Indicator

BEP-related Course Coding Concerns

• 1061, 1062, and 1063

• 8 in the 5th digit

New Instructional Plan Template/Submission Process

Questions & Answers

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Importance of Data Accuracy Requires Understanding Context

Essential Definitions and Background Information for Understanding

the BMEB

Coding Issues for BMEP/BEP

• For ELLs and non-ELLs in BMEP/BEP

Data Accuracy and Validation

• Instructional Plans

• STARS data submission


NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

ELs ≠ All Students in BMEPs






in BMEPs



Figure not to scale

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

English Learners (ELs)

English Language Learners (ELLs):

“a student whose first or heritage language is not English and

who is unable to read, write, speak or understand English at a level

comparable to grade-level English proficient peers and Native

English speakers.”

ELL is a classification for students who are not yet proficient in

English (according to W-APT, home language survey, etc.).

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Procedures for Identification of English Learners (ELs) Home Language Survey,

Teacher Language

Observation Form, Student

Survey (HS Students).

Primary Home Language Other

than English (PHLOTE) Home Language is English.

Do not assess for English Proficiency.

No further action is required.

Administer the W-APT (Language Screener Test)

within the first 20 days of enrollment.

Placement Test shows English Proficiency.

Student is not identified as ELL.

No further action is required.

Student identified as


Student Placement, Annual Assessment with ACCESS

for ELLs

until English Proficiency is reached (Composite Score:


NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Who are ELLs/ELs?

PHLOTE ≠ ELL • PHLOTE= Primary Language Other Than English

• You can be identified as a PHLOTE student and not be EL

Never ELLs = 0

ELLs should be coded as “1” • No longer a Y/N field

• Only one EL status per school year

• Exited Status: Composite Score ≥ 5.0 on ELP assessment

• ELP Results (ACCESS for ELLs) out in May/June; change status for 40th day of next school year

Title III Federal Statute requires district monitoring of Exited ELLs for 2 years

Exited ELL Status (Year 1) = 2

Exited ELL Status (year 2) = 3

Exited ELL Status (Years 3+) = 4

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Reporting ELs/ELLs in Data

0 = Never ELL

1 = Current ELL

2= Exited ELL Status (Year 1)

3 = Exited ELL Status (year 2)

4 = Exited ELL Status (Years 3+)

No longer a Y/N field for ELL

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

BEP Codes

Valid Values for BEP:

1= Dual Language Immersion • ELL/FEP/Exited ELLs

2= Developmental/Maintenance Bilingual • ELL students only

3= Enrichment • No ELLs

4= Transitional • ELL students only

5= Heritage/Indigenous Language • ELL/FEP/Exited ELLs

6= Parent Refusal of Services (No)

Participation Info Code (Program Facts – Field #18), STARS Manual, Vol 2, Pg. 109

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

ESL/Title III Codes

Valid Values for ESL/Title III:

6= Parent Refusal of Services

7= Structured English Immersion

8= Content-Based English as Second Language

9= Pull-out English as Second Language

10=Specially-Designed Academic Instruction in English

11= Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)

12= Other

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”


When ELs are in BMEPs:

BEP code 1-5 (except 4) AND an ESL/Title III code (7-12)


• 2nd hour of Program

• No ELs in 1-hr programs

• Results in ERROR/discrepancies

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”


When ELs are not in BME/BEP (not required):

ESL/Title III Code 6-12

Parents of ELs may refuse services, BUT districts/schools still

required to ensure ELs receive English language support, as per

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) guidelines

• An OCR violation puts ALL federal funding in jeopardy

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

BMEP Instructional Plans

Instructional Plans are Part 2 of BMEP Application

Required at 20th day

Revised Instructional Plans are ONLY required at subsequent

reporting periods IF:

• ± 10% Change in Program

• Changes in Teachers

− Only count teachers that have approved licensure and endorsements

− NO pending applicants may be reported!

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Reconciling Data &Instructional Plans

District responsibility to ensure data is accurate by reconciling the

information BEFORE submitting either instructional plans to BMEB

or data to PED via STARS

Run STARS reports and compare them to instructional plans

BEFORE submitting

• Do the numbers match?

• If so, are these an accurate reflection of program?

• If not, why not?

− Are students properly coded in your database? Is the database up-to-


− Do instructional plans reflect recent changes at school-level? Teacher or

student changes?

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

District Collaboration

Districts/Schools must create internal data checks, protocols and/or

procedures to ensure data accuracy BEFORE submitting to PED

• Make sure Program and Data Teams are connecting and working

together on issues

• Do NOT wait for PED to run YOUR data

• Slows PED response time during brief windows—leaves YOU less time

to make required changes

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Resubmitting Instructional Plans

Instructional Plans must match BOTH the classroom reality and


If numbers on instructional plans are NOT within 10% of STARS

data, either:

• New instructional plans must be submitted to BMEB;

• New data must be submitted to STARS; OR

• Both must be resubmitted

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Summarizing the Contextual Information

• EL ≠ “Bilingual”

− Statewide, only 50% of all ELLs are in Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs

− EL = ELL

− Terms cannot be used interchangeably

• ELL is a classification for students, NOT programs

− ELL Identification Process: Home Language Survey W-APT ELL status

− ELL = English Language Learner = EL (English Learner)

• Federal definition = Limited English Proficient (LEP)

• Bilingual (BMEP or BEP) refers to program, NOT students

− 50% students in BMEPs are ELLs; thus, the other half are NOT

− All participating students must be counted, coded, and reported, not just ELLs in program

− No ELLs in 1-hr programs

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Summarizing the Contextual Information (continued)…

Ensure accurate coding of ELs for BMEP/BEP

Ensure accurate Total District EL counts at every reporting period

• Total ELL Counts not necessarily = EL in BEP

District responsibility to ensure data is accurate by reconciling the

information BEFORE submitting either instructional plans to BMEB or

data to PED via STARS

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

New! EL Review for Data Validation

Institute EL Count Verification for Every Reporting Period

• To improve data accuracy for state and federal reporting requirements

• Ensure ELs are accurately reflected in STARS to generate appropriate

funding levels

• STARS Bilingual Report: “Student Snapshot ELL Query”

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

New Bilingual Education Program Identifier for Teachers

New field (#60) in COURSE INSTRUCTOR template

Field Name: Course Special Program Code

Value: BEP = Bilingual Education Program

Purpose: To identify ALL teachers (and classes) reported to PED as

part of the state’s Bilingual Education Program (BEP) (funded



• Difficult to tie a BEP teacher back to courses and students

• Difficult to verify licensure (requirement to receive funding)

• Data reported in STARS not reflective of BEP app

Note: Not to be confused with 8 in 5th digit of Course Code (taught in bilingual manner)

which always looks for bilingual endorsement

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

New BEP Identifier for Teachers (continued)…

Examples of problems:

App states teaching 2nd graders in Spanish & requires Bilingual

endorsement yet system never looks for Bilingual Endorsement


• Never reported as bilingual teacher AND

• Never reported 8 in 5th digit of course code for 2nd grade course code


App states teaching English as Second Language (or English

component) to 2nd graders yet system never looks for TESOL or

Bilingual endorsement because

• Reported course code 0002 as opposed to 1062 (ESL part of BEP).

New code will capture course 0002 as BEP course.

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

TESOL/ESL Course License Requirement Confusion

Only 3 courses require TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other

Languages) Endorsement

• 1061/1062 ESL (English as a Second Lang) not in BEP program/ in BEP

program, K-12 grade range

− Elementary Teaching requires TESOL or Bilingual Endorsement

− Secondary Teaching requires TESOL – Licensure Discrepancy (statute)

• Cannot substitute Bilingual for TESOL if teaching the ESL/ELD class

− TESOL & Bilingual endorsements are not equivalent

• 1063 English Lang Development (ELD), K-12 grade range

− Elementary: Requires TESOL

− Secondary: TESOL + Lang Arts Endorsement

Don’t confuse grade levels of license with grade levels of students

• Elem K-8 overlaps Sec 7-12, but Sec lic req TESOL even if teaching 7-8th graders

No staff assignments require TESOL endorsement

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

BEP-related Course Coding Concerns

How should I code courses for BEP?

1061/1062 (ESL) or 1063 ELA/ELD) – 2nd Hour

• 1061: ESL Not in BEP

• 1062: ESL in BEP

• 1063: English Language Arts/English Language Development

• General Course Code + 1061,1062 or 1063

8 in the 5th digit – 1st or 3rd Hour

• Indicates a course is taught in a “bilingual manner”

• If 8 in 5th digit, STARS logic looks for Bilingual Endorsement

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Course 1061, 1062 & 1063 Scenarios

1061 ESL

Class NOT part of Bilingual Education Program

Use this course code if new BEP Course Instructor code NOT indicated because

teacher is not funded through BEP

1062 ESL

Class IS part of Bilingual Education Program

Use this course code if new BEP Course Instructor code is indicated

1063 English Language Development (ELD)

May change grade range from K-12 to 9-12 next year to make it secondary only

For elementary classes, best to report 2 course codes (such as 0002 2nd grade

homeroom for regular teacher wNo BEP Instructor code & 1062 ESL with BEP

Instructor code). Teacher may or may not be same.

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

BEP Instructor Reports

Report that lists BEP Instructors and their classes

Identify if properly licensed

• Types of licensure

− Bilingual, TESOL, Modern & Classical Language, Native Language &

Culture, and Content Area

Exception Report:

If BEP instructor of a class then at least one student in class must be

identified as BEP

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Current Instructional Plan - Example

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

New Instructional Plan Template/Submission Process

Potentially a new platform to streamline the submission and

validation of Instructional Plans (Part II of BME Application)

BMEB and IT teams will be working on this in the next couple of

months to design a new tool (using SharePoint)

Goal: New template/submission process completed in time for 20th

Day data submission SY 2014-2015

Guidance will be provided in the late summer and at the next Title

III/BME Directors’ Meeting

• Newbie STARS Conference in the Fall (?)

NMPED Data Conference May 2014

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”

Questions ?

Icela Pelayo, Ph.D., BMEB Director

[email protected]

(505) 827-6667

Sherri T. Green, BMEB Management Analyst

[email protected]

(505) 827-6594

Richard Trujillo, Data Collection & Application Support Manager

[email protected]


Alecia Moll, Applications Developer, Information Systems

[email protected]

(505) 827-6502