bhagavad gita according to gandhi chapter 10

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  1. 1. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI T K G NAMBOODHIRI THIRUVALLA, KERALA Presentation adapted from The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi, Orient Paperbacks,2011 T K G Namboodhiri
  3. 3. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI INTRODUCTION Chapter 10, Vibhuti Yoga, describes the Powers or the Lordship & the Pervasiveness or Immanence of the Self. Krishna indicates Himself as the most prominent & chief factor in all classes of beings, & as the Supreme Factor without which specimens of each class cannot maintain themselves as existent beings. Arjuna asks the Lord how one can constantly keep in touch with the Eternal, & requests Him to describe in detail the Lords yoga-power & immanent glory. In reply, Sri Krishna describes exhaustively the exact identity of the Self in individual beings & things. T K G Namboodhiri
  4. 4. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.1 to 10.3 Yet once more, O Mahabahu, hear My supreme word, which I will utter to thee, gratified one, for thy benefit. Neither the gods nor the great seers know My origin; for I am, every way, the origin of them both. He who knows Me, the great Lord of the worlds, as birthless & without beginning, he among mortals, undeluded, is released from sins. Those who know Me as the unborn, the Beginning- less & the Supreme Lord of all creatures, do not sink into the darkness of ignorance-tells Sri Krishna. The Jnani becomes free from all sins. T K G Namboodhiri
  5. 5. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.4 &10.5 Discernment, knowledge, freedom from delusion, long suffering, truth, self-restraint, inward calm, pleasure, pain, birth, death, fear & fearlessness. Non-violence, even-mindedness, contentment, austerity, beneficence, good & ill fame--- all these various attributes of creatures proceed verily from Me. All the qualities mentioned in these verses exist in all creatures & the Supreme Lord is the cause of each one of them. The creator of all beings is also the cause of all the good & evil which we see in these beings. T K G Namboodhiri
  6. 6. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.6 &10.7 The seven great seers, the ancient four, & the Manus too were born of Me & of My mind, & of them were born all the creatures in the world. He who knows in truth this My immanence & My yoga becomes gifted with unshakable yoga; of this there is no doubt. Everything which exists is created by the Lord. He who believes, not merely with his reason but also with his heart, that no creature can live or act without His permission, yokes himself to Him in single-minded devotion. There is no doubt at all that one who believes in God from the depth of his heart & obeys the Lord who dwells in him, attains a state of serenity which is never perturbed. T K G Namboodhiri
  7. 7. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.8 to10.11 I am the source of all, all proceeds from Me; knowing this, the wise worship ME with hearts full of devotion. With Me in their thoughts their whole soul devoted to Me, teaching one another, with Me ever on their lips, they live in contentment & joy. To these, ever in tune with Me, worshipping Me with affectionate devotion, I give the power of selfless action, whereby they come to Me. Out of very compassion for them, I who dwell in their hearts, destroy the darkness, born of ignorance, with the refulgent Lamp of Knowledge. He who lovingly cultivates devotion for the Lord & constantly thinks of Him, gets knowledge without making any special efforts towards that end. Knowledge comes spontaneously to a Bhakta. He does not have to wade through big volumes. T K G Namboodhiri
  8. 8. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.12 to10.15 Desiring to know more Arjuna spoke thus: Lord! You are the supreme Brahman, the supreme Abode, the supreme Purifier! Everlasting Celestial Being, the Primal God, Unborn; All-pervading. Thus have all the seers- the divine seers Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasa declared Thee; and Thou Thyself dost tell me so. All that Thou tellest me is true, I know, O Kesava, verily, Lord, neither the gods nor the demons know Thy manifestation. Thyself alone Thou knowest by Thyself, O Purushothama, O Source & Lord of all beings, God of gods, O Ruler of the universe! T K G Namboodhiri
  9. 9. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.16 to10.18 Arjuna continued: Indeed Thou ought to tell me of all Thy manifestations, without a remainder, whereby Thou dost pervade these worlds O Yogi! Constantly meditating on Thee, how am I to know Thee? In what various aspects am I to think of Thee, O Lord? Recount to me yet again, in full detail, Thy unique power & Thy immanence, O Janardana! For my ears cannot be sated with listening to Thy life-giving words. Arjuna, who loves repeating Krishnas name in devotion, requests Him again & again to describe His powers till the latter can say no more. T K G Namboodhiri
  10. 10. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.19 to10.22 In response, Sri Krishna reveals more about His divine transcendental opulence, in the next 24 Verses of this chapter: Yes, I will unfold to thee, O Kurushreshta, My divine manifestation- the chiefest only; for there is no limit to their extent. I am the Atman, O Gudakesha, seated in the heart of every being; I am the beginning, the middle & the end of all beings. Of the Adityas I am Vishnu; of the luminaries the radiant Sun; of Maruts I am Marichi; of constellations, the moon. Of the Vedas I am Sama Veda; of the gods, Indra; of the senses I am the mind; of beings I am the consciousness. T K G Namboodhiri
  11. 11. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.23 to10.26 The Lord continued: Of Rudras I am shankara; of Yakshas & Rakshasas Kubera; of Vasus I am the Fire; of mountains Meru. Of priests, O Partha, know Me to be chief Brihaspati; of army captains I am Kartikeya; & of waters, the ocean. Of the great seers I am Bhrigu; of words I am the one syllable AUM; of sacrifices I am the Japa sacrifice; of things immovable, the Himalayas. Of all trees I am Ashvastha; of the divine seers, Narada; of the heavenly choir I am Chitraratha; of the perfected I am Kapila the ascetic. T K G Namboodhiri
  12. 12. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.27 to10.30 The Lord continued: Of horses, know Me to be Uchchaihshravas born with Amrita; of mighty elephants I am Airavata; of men, the monarch. Of weapons I am Vajra; of cows, Kamadhenu; I am Kandarpa, the god of generation; of serpants I am Vasuki. Of cobras I am Ananta; of water-dwellers I am Varuna; of the manes I am Aryman; & of chastisers, Yama. Of demons I am Prahlada; of reckoners, the Time; of beasts I am the lion; & of birds, Garuda. T K G Namboodhiri
  13. 13. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.31 to10.34 Sri Krishna continued: Of cleansing agents I am the wind; of wielders of weapons, Rama; of fishes I am the crocodile; of rivers, the Ganges. Of creations I am the beginning, end & middle, O Arjuna; of sciences, the science of spiritual knowledge; of debaters, the right argument. Of letters the letter A; of compounds I am the dvanda; I am the imperishable Time; I am the creator to be seen everywhere. All-seizing Death am I, as also the source of things to be; in feminine virtues I am Kirti (glory), Shri(beauty), Vak (speech), Smriti (memory), Medha (intelligence), Dhriti (constancy) & Kshama (forgiveness). T K G Namboodhiri
  14. 14. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.35 &10.36 The Lord continued: Of Saman hymns I am Brihat Saman; of metres, Gayatri; of months I am Margashirsha; of seasons, the spring. Of deceivers I am the dice-play; of the splendid, the splendour; I am the victory, I am resolution, I am the goodness of the good. The authors intention in enumerating these various entities is only to assert that God is omnipotent. Gods creation contains both good & evil. Sri Krishna here gives us the freedom to choose between the two. He gives us the freedom to shake off our bonds. Lord assures us that we can be what we wish to be. T K G Namboodhiri
  15. 15. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.37 to 10.40 The Lord continued to give more illustrations: Of Vrishnis I am Vaasudeva; of Pandavas Dhananjaya; of ascetics I am Vyasa; and of seers, Ushanas. I am the rod of those that punish; the strategy of those seeking victory; of secret things I am silence, & the knowledge of those that know. Whatever is the seed of every being, O Arjuna, that am I; there is nothing, whether moving or fixed, that can be without Me There is no end to My divine manifestations; what extent of them I have told thee now is only by way of illustration. T K G Namboodhiri
  16. 16. THE BHAGAVD GITA ACCORDING TO GANDHI Verses 10.41 & 10.42 Whatever is glorious, beautiful & mighty, know then that all such has issued from a fragment of my splendour. But why needst thou to learn this at great length, O Arjuna? With but a part of Myself I stand upholding this universe. With these Verses, the Lord concludes this Chapter of His Divine Glories. If we have an idea of the infinite powers of the Lord, we shall become humble. We will not feel proud of the powers we possess; even being proud is His privilege. We should learn to be the humblest of the humble. We should submit to violence if anyone attacks us, without offering violence in return. If we resist with violence, God will humble our pride. T K G Namboodhiri