between time and friendship

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  • 8/6/2019 Between Time and Friendship




    JUN 2010 Intake


    Between Time and Friendship

    RRINNGG...!!! The school bell rang. Time to go to the class. Sarah and

    Felicia locked their lockers and walked to their class. As soon as they entered the

    class, Felix and Mark were smiling and waving at them. Sarah, Felicia, Felix, and

    Mark were best friends since childhood. They sat together in class. Five minuteslater, their English teacher, Mrs. Sharma entered and greeted her students, Good

    morning class. Okay now, have you ever read Lifes Brief Candle a poem written by

    William Shakespeare? Her students nodded slowly. So tell me what you think

    about life? she asked. Mark put up his hand. Go ahead, Mark, she said. Mark

    started, Life is wonderful. Life is all about love, friendship and dreams. But maybe

    some people dont realise that. We always th ink that we have more time to enjoy this

    life and take it for granted. We always delay what we are supposed to do today to

    another day. Thats because we always think that there is tomorrow to do all that.

    But the truth is, tomorrow may never come. Silence... Mrs. Sharma clapped her

    hands. She was touched. She can feel that Mark was telling that entire straight from

    the bottom of his heart. The other students clapped their hands too. Very good,

    Mark. Very good! Mrs. Sharma praised him. The last bell of t he day rang.

    RRINNGG...!!! All the students were rushing home.

    Two weeks gone by. It was that time for a long holiday. The four best friends

    spent some time in the park near their neighbourhood. They sat on the soft and

    green grass and relaxed. The air was refreshing, the sky was blue and the scenery

    was an eye-catcher. Life is wonderful, isnt it? Mark broke the silence. Ive never

    realised it before. I was very busy and I didnt give myself a chance to enjoy it. Im

    very happy to be given the chance to see and feel it. Especially to have you three as

    my best friends, he continued as he looked at the sky, then facing his best friends.You know what, Mark? For the last four months, you really enjoyed yourself. Ive

    never seen you are so happy before. You enjoy life to the fullest. It seems as if

    theres no tomorrow for you, Felicia said honestly. Shes right, Mark. Your thoughts

    about what life means to you puzzled me of whom you are right now, Sarah

    supported. Yeah, Mark. You werent like this befo re. Tell us, what made you

    changed? Felix asked. Mark smiled and said, Nothing. Nothing?? Felix, Sarah

    and Felicia said at the same time. Listen guys. Live, be happy, smile. Who knows?

    Tomorrow may not be... Mark answered calmly. Felicia and Sarah cheered. Sarah

    said, Mark, Id say that you have the talent to be a poet. Hehehe... Felicia

    continued, But dont worry Mark, theres always a tomorrow for you. Mark looked at

    the sky and whispered to himself, I wish you are right, Felicia. I wish... I t was

    getting dark, so they decided to go home.

    That night, Mark was in his bedroom. He was lying on his bed, thinking about

    his life, his dreams but mostly his best friends. Tears of hope fell without his

    willingness. Suddenly someone knocked on his door . Mark, honey. Are you in

    there? his mums voice was heard. Immediately, he wiped away his tears and

  • 8/6/2019 Between Time and Friendship




    JUN 2010 Intake


    pretended to read, Yes, mum . Come in. His mum, Mrs. Varma entered. Mark

    smiled to her and put the book beside him. Hi, mum! he greeted . Mrs. Varma sat on

    his bed and asked, How are you feeling, son? Great! Mark answered shortly and

    convincingly. Arent you afraid? Mrs. Varma asked again, this time with tears in her

    eyes. Her voice was soft and motherly. Seeing this, Mark held her hand and

    answered, Im not afraid, mum. Im not... But I am! Mrs. Varma said and lookeddeep into Marks blue eyes. Mark hugged her and said, Trust me, mum.

    Everythings going to be okay.

    The following night, the four best friends gathered around a campfire in the

    park. They were all wearing long-sleeved shirt with thick fur sweater and shawls

    wrapping around their necks. Burr... its cold out here, Sarah complained. Relax,

    Sarah. I think its refreshing. Just feel the wind blowing, Mark told her. Sarah, Felicia

    and Felix changed looks. Mark, are you okay? Normally, it was you who was always

    complaining about this kind of weather. Felix reminded him. Thats because Ive

    never bothered to appreciate it. But now, I do, Mark answered him. Hearing this,

    Felicia put her hand on Marks forehead and asked, Mark, are you okay? Did you

    just knock your head on something or what? Im okay. And stop looking at me like

    that! Mark demanded when he realised they were giving him the YOU -ARE-

    TOTALLY-WEIRD looks. The three of them stopped. Suddenly, something white and

    fluffy fell from the sky. Hey, its snowing! They shouted together and cheered

    happily. Lets get inside. I think its going to snow heavily tonight, Mark suggested.

    And as what Mark had predicted, it did snow heavily that night.

    The next morning, the four best friends played in the snow. They built

    snowmen, Snow Angels and a big Snow Castle. They had a wonderful time together.

    Happiness was in the air. Was sadness following not far behind? No one everwondered. Time flew so fast and now it was December. The four best friends went to

    the mall to do some Christmas shopping. They spent hours and hours trying new

    fashions and trends of the season. They bought some for themselves. They also

    bought Christmas gifts for each other.

    One morning in the third week of February, Felix, Sarah and Felicia went to

    Marks house. They wanted to take him to see a movie. They had already bought the

    tickets. DING DONG!!! Felix pushed the doorbell switch. Mrs. Varma opened the

    door. Oh, its you kids. Come in, she invited them. Let me get you drinks, Mrs.

    Varma said. Dont bother, auntie. We had our breakfast ten minutes ago. We are

    here to see Mark. Where is he? Felix asked. Oh, Mark went to the hos.. I mean the

    mall. I asked him to buy something for me. Hell be back at 10 a.m. Why dont you

    kids wait for him in his bedroom? Mrs. Varma suggested. They agreed and thanked


    In the next five minutes, they were upstairs, in the Marks bedroom. Sarah

    was sitting in front of the computer table while Felicia was looking through the books

    in the shelf. Felix was lying on Marks bed when he saw a big, white envelope on

  • 8/6/2019 Between Time and Friendship




    JUN 2010 Intake


    Marks study table. He went there and his eyes caught the three words typed neatly

    in bold on the envelope: PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL. Hey, guys! Check this out,

    he called the girls. Private & Confidential? Felix, dont ever think about it! Felicia

    started to feel uneasy. Why not? Whats the big deal? Im sure Mark wont get

    angry, Felix defended himself. Whatever you say, Mr. Clever Boy! Sarah teased

    him. Felix opened the envelope and took out a white paper from it. As they readthrough, the looks on their faces changed. Sarah took out another paper, which is an

    x-ray paper. They studied the picture on it carefully. Everything that Mark had said

    and done before flashed back and played in their minds. No one talked for several

    minutes. They were shocked and clueless. At last, Sarah managed to say something

    and broke the silence, So this is what its all abo ut.

    A few minutes later, Mark opened his bedrooms door and greeted his best

    friends cheerfully, Hi, guys! My mum said you were looking for me. So, whats up?

    Instead of answering his question, Felix asked him, How are you feeling, Mark?

    Mark was startled but he managed to answer, Mines fantastic! I see...

    Unfortunately, ours bad, very bad... Sarah said slowly. Why? Is there anything

    wrong? Mark asked suspiciously. This time, it was Felicias turn to answer, Hey,

    Felix. Why dont you tell him what was wrong? Felix stepped forward and began his

    story, You see, Mark. We have a friend. A very, very, very good friend and we love

    him. We promised each other not to keep secrets from one another. But he broke the

    promise he made. He keeps a secret from us... a very dark secret. Felixs eyes

    turned red and watery. He struggled hard to continue, He... hes suffering from a

    brain tumour, and that he wont survive... because it is at the critical level. Hes

    dying, Mark! Hes dying... But until now, he didnt even tell us. His happiness, the

    quote and the poem, they are coming clear enough now. He knows hes going to

    die... anytime. Sarah and Felicia hugged him. The envelope fell from Felixs hand.Mark saw it and knew at once that they found his medical check-up results. Tears

    filled his eyes, he said, I... Im sorry, guys. Its just that... I... I dont want to bother

    my best friends in the whole wide world of my little problem. Felix, Sarah and Felicia

    hugged him. Sarah said, Little you called it? Dont ever do that again, Mark,

    Felicia reminded him and gave him a soft punch on his stomach. They laughed.

    Why are you being so nice to us? Youre the best pal! Remember that, Felix told

    him. I know, Mark said. Youre a genius! Felix said. Since birth! Mark joked. A

    good actor! Felix added. Hello? Who doesnt know that? Mark pretended to be

    angry and made a serious face. Now stop that! Felix said. Marks bedroom was

    filled with laughter.

    From that day onwards they spent a lot of time with Mark. They wanted him to

    be happy on his last weeks with them. In the third week of March, he was admitted to

    the hospital. All the people he loved were there with him. At the last minute of his life,

    he smiled and said, Im going... take care. They w ished him goodnight. Mrs. Varma

    whispered something to him, Go to the light, son. And Mark did.