bethel united methodist church - · ushers at 9:00— greg porter, fred huggins,...

June 16, 2019—Trinity Sunday 57 Pitt Street The Reverend Susan Leonard, Senior Pastor Charleston, South Carolina 29401 The Reverend John Hipp, Pastor Emeritus 843.723.4587 Since 1797, a Methodist Witness in the Heart of Charleston A National Historic Landmark BETHEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH

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Post on 24-Aug-2019




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June 16, 2019—Trinity Sunday 57 Pitt Street

The Reverend Susan Leonard, Senior Pastor Charleston, South Carolina 29401

The Reverend John Hipp, Pastor Emeritus 843.723.4587

Since 1797, a Methodist Witness in the Heart of Charleston

A National Historic Landmark


We are invited to stand for the reading of

John 16: 12-15

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you

into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the

things that are to come. He will glorify Me, because he will take what is Mine and declare it to you. All that the Father

has is Mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is Mine and declare it to you.

From the Pastor

This Sunday, having celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Church last week, the Church now

pauses to gather together the Three in One – God who creates, Christ who redeems and the Spirit who empowers. Today

is called Trinity Sunday for just that reason. As we gather around the Gospel lesson today, we will discover the radical

relatedness of the Triune God, pointing us towards remembering the relational way we, made in God’s image, are de-

signed to live as well.

~ ~ ~


We hope you feel at home.

Thank you for joining us at Bethel, Charleston today. We’re so glad you are here.

We invite you to share a record of your time with us today by completing a visitor card (pew rack)

then dropping it into the offering plate. You are also invited to sign our Guest Registry in the vestibule.

If you live in Charleston we invite you to make Bethel your church home.

Open hearts, open minds, open doors. The people of the United Methodist Church welcome you.


In memory of our Father and Mother: Mr. Donald J. Easterlin, Jr and Mrs. Beulah Easterlin Wilks by their children:

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Easterlin, III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith (Joanne)

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Easterlin

It’s Father’s Day!

Please pause on the front portico to collect a red or white carnation to wear that honors the father in your life today.



9:00 AND 11:15 A.M. WORSHIP

The music in preparation for worship is intended to draw the people from the outside world

into the presence of God. This invitation to silence helps our pew neighbors and us prepare for worship.

GATHERING MUSIC Invocation to the Trinity Robert Heresch, American, 20th Century

WORDS OF WELCOME The Rev. Susan Leonard

PRELUDE Adagio in B-flat Major (abridged) Tomaso Albinoni, Italian, 1671-1756

INTROIT (11:15)

Come, O come, in celebration, household of the one true God.

In commitment and rejoicing let us go where Christ has trod.

As we act in faith and reverence, let us, Lord, the future see;

Place us in the Church triumphant, now and for eternity.

Text: Mary Jackson Cathey, American, 1990; Music: Croatian Folk Song; arr. F. J. Haydn, Austrian, 1797

*PROCESSIONAL HYMN We Believe in One True God Hymnal, Page 85

(Sung to the tune of For the Beauty of the Earth)


*THE GLORIA PATRI Hymnal, Page 70

ANTHEM Unto Thee, O Lord

Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul, O my God, I trust in Thee.

Show me Thy ways, lead me in Thy truth. Teach me Thy paths for Thou art the God of my salvation.

Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in Thee.

Text: Psalm 25; Music: Virgil Ford, American, 1963


(Children ages 3 years—2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Church)


Creating God, your fingers trace the bold designs of farthest space;

Let sun and moon and stars and light and what lies hidden praise Your might.

Text: Jeffrey Rowthorn, American, 1979; Music: H. Percy Smith, American, 1874


To hold in prayer: Briggs Family, Mimi Cannon, Anne Chapple, Bob Giesy, Pat Morgan, Keith Purdy, Iona Sanders, Diane

Saylors, Virginia Varn, our Ecuador Team, and our Youth traveling to Tennessee on their mission trip.


Indwelling God, Your gospel claims one family with a billion names;

Let every life be touched by grace until we praise You face to face.

Text: Jeffrey Rowthorn, American, 1979; Music: H. Percy Smith, American, 1874


OFFERTORY (9:00) The Prayer

We pray You’ll be our eyes, and watch us where we go, and teach us to be wise in times when we don’t know.

Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way. Lead us to a place, guide us with Your grace,

To a place where we’ll be safe. We’ll pray we’ll find Your light, and hold it in our hearts

As darkness falls each night, remind us where You are. Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day.

Lead us to a place, guide us with Your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe.

Lead us Lord, lead us in Your righteousness; make Your way plain for us to see.

We pray we’ll find Your light, and hold it in our hearts, as darkness falls each night,

Remind us where You are. Let this be our prayer, just like every child,

Needs to find a place, guide us with Your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe. ...

Text & Music: Carol Bayer Sager & David Foster, Americans, 1998; Choral Setting: Tom Fettke, American, 2008

ANTHEM (11:15) Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Gloria in excelsis Deo! (Glory to God in the highest.)

Peace on earth, good will to all people. Peace on earth. To God be glory forever. Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Almighty God, we worship You, we give You thanks for your glory. We offer praise, blessing and honor.

Gloria in excelsis Deo! … Text (based on Luke 2:14; Music: Allen Pote, American, 2004

*DOXOLOGY Hymnal, page 95

*HYMN Holy Spirit, Come , Confirm Us Printed Below

Verse 1: Holy Spirit, come, confirm us in the truth that Christ makes known;

We have faith and understanding through Your helping gifts alone.

Holy Spirit, come console us, come as advocate to plead;

Loving Spirit from the Father, grant in Christ the help we need.

Verse 2: Holy Spirit, come, renew us, come Yourself to make us live;

Holy through Your loving presence, Holy through the gifts You give.

Holy Spirit, come, possess us, You the love of Three in One,

Holy Spirit of the Father, Holy Spirit of the Son.

*GOSPEL READING John 16: 12-15 Gary Gilkeson, Mandi Bryson

SERMON The Divine Dance The Rev. Susan Leonard

*CLOSING HYMN Holy, Holy, Holy Hymnal, page 64


The pastor’s family: Rebecca Ray, Jonathan Ray, and Elizabeth Ray by letter of Transfer from Clemson UMC.



Choir: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Congregation: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Music: Gregory Murray, American, 1958

*POSTLUDE Voluntary in C Major John Travers, English, 18th Century

*Congregation is invited to stand as able

Please see ushers for hearing devices

When greeting church friends and new faces after worship,

please remember that we are invited to enjoy coffee and pastries in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. and lemonade in the

Courtyard at 12:15—

Today’s hosts—The Chapel Class (and there are some cheese straws on the table today . . . Thank you, Ellen Shultz!)

The flowers that Grace the Altar this morning are given to the Glory of God

in honor of the marriage of William and Amanda Edwards,

united in marriage at Bethel last evening.

The White Rose that graces the altar this morning is placed in honor of the birth of

Luka Loyal Ritchie, son of Ross and Tiffany Ritchie, born on May 6th.


Ushers at 9:00— Greg Porter, Fred Huggins, Robert Gurley, Dan Altman, Joe DaPore, Nick Saltmarsh

Musicians at 9:00—New Century Choir

Ushers at 11: 15—Max Mahaffee, John Conyers, Bob Wood, Charles Edmonds, Michael Richardson

Musicians at 11:15—The Bethel Chancel Choir

Next Sunday’s Lay Readers: John Ollis, Shaffer Ripley

Happy Birthday this week to:

Caroline Tanis, JD Davis, Madison Halverstadt, Brian Nutter, Lara Harp, Nova Duncan . . . June 17

Pearl Jackson, Alicia Ward, . . . June 18

Dixie Bullock, Robinson Cantrell, Allison Thomson . . . June 19

Beth Gray, Jason Hightower, Lindy Hoel . . . June 20

Sandeep Dhand, Ginny Ford, Keaton Connolly. . . June 21

Mollie Alexander, David Ploth, Lawson Hardee, Summer Gerth, Donna Kortvelesy . . . June 22

If we failed to list your birthday, please call the office, or drop an email [email protected]

YOUNG ADULTS & NEW COLLEGE GRADS—Please join us for Dinner & Devotional with Rev. Leonard

2nd Thursdays at 6:30 at 931 Paul Revere Drive, James Island (Bryan and Kari Cribb) and

4th Thursdays at 6:30 at 10 Isle of Hope, Mt Pleasant (Gary and Paulette Headden) text: Kari (843) 270 -3710

THANKS to all who cheerfully volunteered in the heat on Saturday for another successful Fresh Xpress on the 8th. We

gave out watermelons, zucchini, potatoes, onions, and oranges to 132 households with 337 family members within those

households. Thank you, Bethel, for your continued support! And, please keep dropping off your used grocery bags.

HALOS sent a letter of thanks to the people of Bethel for the donations to send 10+ children to camp this summer!

Salkehatchie participants. We have 3 participants for Salkehatchie Summer Service to date: Jade Bullock (McCormick

camp), Logan Williams (Laurens Camp), and Ed Roper (McCormick Camp). We have administered 2 scholarships to

date. If anyone else wants a scholarship for any of the other camps which will continue throughout the summer, please

let me know or contact me at [email protected]. Thanks! - - Jill and Walter Carmichael 843-224-9908


Vacation Bible School Kick-off Celebration

For the whole church! Sunday, June 23rd at 5:30 Jump Castle, water slide, ice cream, hot dogs

VBS continues each night through Thursday at 5:30—June 24, 25, 26, 27


Will be held on Sunday, June 30th all morning. What will you bake and bring? What will you buy and eat?

Proceeds will pay our way in October to the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky.


Ecuador, South American June 2019

Mountain T O P (Youth) June 2019

Chicago , ILL (Youth) July 2019

Sierra Leone, Africa July 2019

Redbird, KY October 2019

“I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that in whatever part of it I am, I judge it meet, right, and my bounden

duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.” – John Wesley, Journal, June 11, 1739.

280 years ago - - this week

Bethel is seeking to hire a Church Sexton: Full Time (35 hrs, including Sundays), vaca-

FATHER’S DAY IS TODAY—Happy Father’s Day to all our Bethel Dads!

The national day honoring dads was started by a woman who was raised by a widower. Sonora Smart Dodd’s

father, William Jackson Smart, raised her and five brothers after their mother died during childbirth. While listening to a

Mother’s Day sermon with her father at a Methodist Church in 1909, Dodd was bothered that there wasn’t a day to hon-

or her father who raised her and five younger brothers alone. The YMCA of Spokane, Washington, and the Ministerial

Alliance endorsed Dodd’s idea of Father’s Day and held a celebration in 1910. Dodd wanted the celebration to be held on

June 5, her father’s birthday, but planning difficulties pushed the first Father’s Day celebration to Sunday, June 19, 1910.

As Dodd’s idea gained momentum across the country, two National Father’s Day committees were formed, one in Vir-

ginia in 1921 and one in New York City in 1936. President Woodrow Wilson sanctioned the idea of celebrating Father’s

Day in 1913 and visited Spokane to join the celebration in 1916. President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924, as

well. In 1957, U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith from Maine introduced a bill to create a federally proclaimed day writ-

ing: President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day in

1966. President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of the day in 1972. Sonora Smart Dodd, the

mother of Father’s Day was a scribe and sculptor who wrote and illustrated a series of children’s books. She also became

a well-known regional poet and her poem for peace was read at the United Nations. On the portico, are red carnations

to honor fathers still living, and white for those in heaven. - - - Family Ministries


"In 1756, a ten year-old girl was kidnapped in Sierra Leone. As cargo on an American slave ship, she endured a treacher-

ous, 10 week voyage across the Atlantic to Charleston. Elias Ball, the owner of Comingtee Plantation, purchased the

child. She worked the rice fields at Comingtee for the next 55 years. This brave little girl was given an English name-

Priscilla. Today, Thomalind Martin Polite- Priscilla's 7th generation granddaughter-is ready to tell her story. Priscilla

has changed her life. Thomalind has journeyed to her ancestral homeland where she was welcomed and thanked for

bringing the spirit of the lost child home. She and her family are Priscilla's Legacy."

We are all invited to view the documentary "Priscilla's Legacy" on Sunday, August 25th at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship

Hall. The documentary will be shown with time for a Q&A with Ms. Polite, the presenter for the event.

What is Bethel's connection? We are a partner church with Helping Children Worldwide who are in mission in Sierra Leo-

ne, West Africa; Bethel will be sending a team in July. Sierra Leone is where we built two wells in honor of the ministry

of The Rev. Dr. Scott Wachter in 2015. - - Mary Ann Gilkeson

June Mission of the Month: Helping Children Worldwide Bethel Mission Team

Destination: Bo, Sierra Leone Dates: July 13th to July 27th, 2019

Participants: Beth Gray, Misti Leyva, Gary and Mary Ann Gilkeson

Goals for the Bethel Team: Provide medical equipment and medical, nursing and nutritional support to Mercy

Hospital and their patients; continuing education for Sierra Leonean teachers; support of children and staff of the Child

Rescue Center. Because we are limited on the weight and number of suitcases/trunks that we can take we are requesting

monetary donations to purchase the needed items listed below. Checks can be made out to Bethel UMC with designa-

tion “Sierra Leone Mission Trip.”

Requests: Money gifts to buy the consumable items needed for the medical equipment donated by MUSC

(ultrasound gel tubes, batteries, monitor pads, temperature probe covers, microscope slides, power adapters for equip-

ment, etc.). Money to buy diabetic education material and to purchase trunks to carry equipment in.—Mary Ann Gilkeson

Received so far: $675.00



SUN JUN 16 Worship at 9 & 11:15 Trinity Sunday Father’s Day

MON JUN 17 TUE JUN 18 Ch Council at 6 Stewardship 7:15


THUR JUN 20 Palmetto Vocal

FRI JUN 21 Parent’s Night

SAT JUN 22 Flower Guild

SUN JUN 23 Worship at 9 & 11:15 VBS Kick-off supper 5:30

MON JUN 24 VBS at 5:30

TUE JUN 25 VBS at 5:30

WED JUN 26 VBS at 5:30 Coffee with the Pastor at 6:30

THUR JUN 27 VBS at 5:30 Palmetto Vocal

FRI JUN 28 Flower Guild

SAT JUN 29 Flower Guild

SUN JUN 30 Worship at 9 & 11:15 RED BIRD BAKE SALE






SAT JUL 6 Flower Guild

SUN JUL 7 Worship at 9 & 11:15


TUE JUL 9 Missions 5:30

WED JUL 10 Bible Study

THUR JUL 11 Palmetto Vocal

FRI JUL 12 Flower Guild

SAT JUL 13 Flower Guild Fresh Xpress 10

SUN JUL 14 Worship at 9 & 11:15 Baptism at 9:00


TUE JUL 16 WED JUL 17 Bible Study

THUR JUL 18 Palmetto Vocal

FRI JUL 19 Flower Guild Parent’s Night Out 5:30

SAT JUL 20 Flower Guild

SUN JUL 21 Worship at 9 & 11:15 Covered dish luncheon 12:30



WED JUL 24 Bible Study

THUR JUL 25 Palmetto Vocal

FRI JUL 26 Flower Guild

SAT JUL 27 Flower Guild

SUN JUL 28 Worship at 9 & 11:15



WED JUL 31 Bible Study

THUR AUG 1 Palmetto Vocal

FRI AUG 2 Flower Guild

SAT AUG 3 Flower Guild

. . . Church Office is Closed . . .

Vacation Bible School June 23-27 (Sun-Thur) 5:30 p.m. (1) REGISTER YOUR CHILD: Name ____________________________ Nursery, 2yr, 3yr, K-4, K-5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

T-shirt size: ______ Your email: ______________________________________

Your name: ____________________________ Your ph# ___________________________ (2) VOLUNTEER TO HELP: ___ Leader (moves small groups to and from activities) ___ Help Decorate ___ Assistant to Teacher ___ Science Leaders ___ $ Donate Funds ___ Help with Crafts ___ As a photographer ___ Help with Music (3)DONATE VBS SUPPLIES: __ Please drop this form into the offering plate today


For the whole family! Everyone at Bethel is invited to come for supper and a celebration of summer 2019! Water slides, jump castles, hot dogs, ice cream bar, and all the fixin’s!

__ I’m coming Sunday night Name: ______________________________ total _____

(5) WEDNESDAY NIGHT—Coffee with the Pastor—Those new to Bethel, those with questions, those thinking about Membership, those wanting to meet other Bethelites: Come for Coffee, 6:30-7:30, upstairs in the Chip Center (Jun 26)

__ I’m coming Wednesday night Name: ______________________________ total _____

. . . Church Office Closed . . .

Most Committees have cancelled their JULY meetings. Please check with your chair for sure. : )

Aug 25 10 Priscilla


The Rev. Susan Leonard, Senior Pastor:

The Rev. John Wesley Hipp, Pastor of Congregational Care:

Gregory H. Jones, Director of Music:

Garrison Pollock, Youth Director:

Nova Duncan, Director of Family Ministries:

Lindy Hoel, Nursery Coordinator:

Sue Bennett, Church Administrator:

John Williams, Custodian

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Bethel’s services are lived streamed on Sundays at 9:00 and 11:15. The balcony and the back few pews are not caught on camera.

RECORD OF THE FAITHFUL 293 Attended Worship 117 at 9:00 166 at 11:15

JUN 9, 2019 Sunday School attendance = 108 10 on Flight to Ecuador

Gifts and Contributions to the General Fund last Sunday . . . . . Year-To-Date Actual

. . . . .Contributions $21,231.99 $350,810.67

. . . . .Plate Offerings 294.00 7,800.00

. . . . .Memorials/Honorariums 00.00 + Initial, Interest, Misc./Wed Income 5,294.31

. . . . .Parking Lease Income 00.00 21,416.50

Total Income Received $21,525.99 $385,321.48

Budgeted Income Needed Weekly $16,026.00 Needed Year to Date Week 23: $368,598.00

Shortage/Overage to Budget $16,723.48


Memorials/Honor. Year to Date $2,695.00

CATCH THE VISION—Chip Center Restoration/Renovation Loan Progress

Gifts to Building Fund on Sunday: $145.00 $351,095.50

Mem/Hon to Building: 00.00 17,863.34

June 9th Sunday total: $145.00 Ongoing total: $368,958.84

Chip Center* Line of Credit Beginning Balance: $750,000.00

* Space for YOUTH!, admin. offices, Principal Paid 2018: 173,100.00

Food Pantry ministry, & meeting rooms Principal Paid 2019: 184,550.00

Current Balance: ($392,350.00)

From the Photo Album sent from Ecuador this week. Our team is helping with construction of the church building’s 2nd floor.