bertelsen's cash store...'thursday torrance herald april 22. 1926 for pleasure and service...

'THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD APRIL 22. 1926 FOR PLEASURE AND SERVICE Ask Your A jax Dealer TF you have a tire or JL tube problem, ask your Aiax dealer. He is in your community not alone to sell tires. True, he does sell tires A jax tires. But the reason he sells Ajax tires is because he is equipped to serve you. You who drive should know him. . He Is, TORRANCE AUTO SERVICE Mullin & Son, Props. Border and Western Ava. BALLOONS TheTreadThatResistsWear Motor Coach Company « TIMETABLE Leave Torrance for Wilmington and Long Bsaoh 7:00 A. M. 8:15 * 9:15 10:20 11:20 12:20 P.M. 1:20 2:20 3:15 4:20 5:20 6:25 7:20 9:20 8-11:25 ave Long B«aeh Tor Torrance D-6:45 A. M. 7:40 10:00 10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M. 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:45 5:40 6:45 S-7.-45 8:45 10:50 O Daily except Sundays and Holidays. 8 Sunday only. Connect* for Catalina Island. New Store For Men Will Open Here on Friday W. W. Scott and W. M Wood Have Shop on Carson St. gcli'K, recognizing the future pi hillties of Torrance, have movcc hop at 1917 Carson street. W. W. Scott and W. M. We tho Bhop, which will do business u the firm name of Sc9tt & Wood Extensive alterations have no made in the store building and fresli new stock of summer goods has been received for tin- opening day, Friday, April 23. The firm will feature a lino of ir sliirtH at $1.115 and will can- coin plete stock ef gents' furnish ings as well sport, wear. Scott & Wood announce they will bo open every evening until 8:30. SCHOOL NEWS HIGH SCHOOL The first frames Of interc isketball were played Thursday April 15. The gamu between th lophomores and the frosh was ran by the sophs, 14-3. The jun- iors and the seniors were to pli i, but the seniors did not she up, so the valiant sophs furnish ipposltlon for the Juniors. The sophs were again victorious, \ ning 18-12. Celebrating their success, the cast and stage crew of "Am I In- iding" had a stage party a the play Friday night. Dancing refreshments were features c the evening. Faculty and students rejoice I he good reports thar are coming rom Lillian Fordice, who was eriously Injured recently. 6% Preferred Stock at $99 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. Use Our Want Ads for Results!! At last the Junior pins have ar- rived. The juniors axe proud of n and think them better look- Ing than the senior pins. The sen- iors, of course, have the pretties pin. As an appreciation of thel sented Mrs. Boynton with a pir The chemistry class was afforded a great treat when they were in- vited to visit the Institute of Technology. This invitation waa extended to juniors and seniors by Mr. Mowry. On arriving at the institute the class was provided with a student guide,. Things of Interest were the -electrical experi- ments, which proved very noisy and created fear ki- some hearts. The liquid air experiment'was per- formed also. Meat, flowers, and i piece of rubber were dipped in th liquid, which was clear like watei They were taken out and hit with a hammer, which made them fly all over the room. The mathematics department and physics laboratory were also visited. A synthetic punch manufactured by the stu- dents attracted a large crowd. George Watson, a former graduate of Torrance, who is now enrolled in the college, was glad to see Tor- rance students. Everyone arrived home safe and sound and tired, but felt that their t|me had been well spent. Use Our Want Ads for Results!! Irs. M. Sonerud, Mrs. H. E. Hespe, MM. R. S. Frownfelter, Mrs. inor Maxfield, Mrs. Carl Ross and Mrs. C. F. Mathers, all mem- i of the Friday Club, were [ luncheon guests Friday of Mrs. Julius Qertzen. SHOES BELOW COST! 3 Days Only Friday, Saturday and Monday We MUST RAISE SOME MONEY No matter what the cost! PACKARD ' OXFORDS Sofd everywhere at $10 $3.95 Pair Tan and black calf. Just 24 pair, large »JZM, 8|/ 2 and up. MEN, we'll give you a pair FREE, if you can beat this price on PACKARDS. Men's Work Shoes With competition loins. Sturdy sh**« that alwayi eall at $3.60 pair, FOR THREE DAYS ONLY $1.95 Pair BUSTER BROWNS $1.00 Pair Beat Buy in Town High ihoaa, tan, grey, or com- bination colon. Button or lace styles. Sold everywhere at $2.96. Choice $1 Pair LITTLE MARY JANE PUMPS and PATENT OXFORDS All sizes, 2 to 71/2 Regular $2.95 value* at $1.69 8ELZ Shoes for Boy* in and Black Oxford*, known erywhere for their quality. Size* B*/2 to 11 $2.96 to $3.45 value* Choice $1.95 Women's $1.69 ODDS AND ENDS WOMEN'S SATIN PUMPS and Strap Slippers Also Nubuck in brown and black. Some Sport Strap Slippen. All sizes in the lot. Values to $4.95. About 60 pairs to close out $1.69 Pair BOYS' TENNIS SHOES With crepe soles. Men's sizi 2</2 to 6. Sold everywhere $1.96. For 3 Days Only $1.25 Pair Hoffman's Shoe Store Sartori Ave., Opposite Masonic Temple Torrance These prices for CASH ONLY. No charges. 25c EXTRA DISCOUNT Will be given to a people bringing this a to our store. Trustees Reject Talks Over First Telephone All But 3 Bids On Fire Station New Board Must^ Decide Question of Erecting Structure ns.-ioo ny, *18, J17.985 Prior to the swiMirlntr In of new members of the lioarrl Trustees Monday night the lioard opened bids for the '] posed new fire station and ol building. Fifteen bids worn celvort, an follows: Ritchie and Alex Charles W. Petti fer 980; Q. B. Ohristi r,. I,. Howard, $18,900: Harry J Rinncrt. $17,700; Moore Construe lion Company. $20,725; Bell an. Justice, $20,300; Oene B. Fostei 318,381: Mortlnnd Constructs Company, $19,350; Mead Construe tlon Company, $19,483: W. I Reeve, $20,104; T. O. Clark, $24,963 Charles E. Rowe, $21,227; Jules \V Markol and Son, $17,608; H. I Kachus. $18,684. certified checks that accompanipi the bids the board adopted the rec ommendation of Engineer J. J Jcssup and rejected all but the three lowest bids, those being tlv bids of Markel and Son, Harry J Rinnert, and G. B. fchrtstianson Klusman Speaks W-lllam T. Klusman arose from the audience and urged the t to reject all outside bids and a the contract to a local contractor made a bid was W. L. Reeve. City Attorney Briney explained that th law required the board to adver tise and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder; th: In order to award the contract to Mr. Reeve It would be necessary for the board to pass a resolutlo declaring: all contractors who bi lower, than Mr. Reeve irresponsible The city attorney said any such action would probably lead the city Into law suits started by* respon- sible contractors whose reputa- tions might be injured if the Tor- rance trustees declared them He explained that the only way the trustees could guarantee tha local labor could be employed and local materials used would be to contract the building by day labor Up to New Board i response to a question thj city attorney said it would bi gal to write into the contract the stipulation that local labor would employed in all cases possible but that such a clause would no 1 the contractor to employ al local labor. The matter will be considered by le new board at the next reguli eeting. The contract can 1 -varded or .the board can rejecl 1 bids, and build tho structur by day labor or not build it at all he old board planned to pay fo building out of the genera fund. Some sort of building i; bination ladder and chemical fire ;k which has been ordered. Public School Night Program For ^April 30th Masonic Lodge Invites Pub- lic to High School Auditorium Friday night, April 30, is Publl School Night. To observe the ame an interesting and entertain- ng program has been arranged by hf Torrance Masonic lodge com- nittee. The program will take ilaee at the high school audl- orlum. The program will be participated n by the high school orchestra nd Boy Scouts, and will Include overal good vocal numbers. There till be three short talks on In- crestinf,' subjects by won known. Th< this tertain- ent Is to bring together the ople and tlin educators who are iiclng the problems to be handled bile While the nature of tile meeting .serious it is non-political and im-fraternal, and there will be n Ions, dry or tiresome speeches, vcryone is invited and welcome, he complete program will be an- nunced next week. Salvation Army May Build Here The Board of Trustees Monday light decided that there would be 10 objection to the erection of a nick building on Marcellna avenue iy tin? Salvation Army. The Array ('quested a decision from the eoard. It Is planned to erect tile build- tig on the northwest side of the horoughfnru near the alley east I Sartor! avenue. Mrs. G. L,. Houghton and family ire at their home on Acacia street Mr. HoURhton returned to their hlckc.'ii ranch at I'almdale after u ew days' stay here. Mrs. Klla Orr, secretary to Alberl 10. Berry, president of the Chesa- pcako & I'otomac Telephone Com- pany at Washington, Is shown talk- In^ over the first telephone madt by Alexander Graham Boll. It was used to rolebrato the fiftieth anni- versary of thn telephone recently. Here's Schedule Of Grunion Runs At the Beaches Those who ie at the be ilng report ! lucky enough to last Friday eve- like a fish story, but Sounds party of ? r U) f i c r Beach claim they just grabbed 'em ith their bare hands. Of course if you've never seen a grunion you ildn't know what to grab for. _ wever, we advise you to try your luck on the following dates, when Mr. and Mrs. Grunion an- nounce that they will be at home their friends. Anyway, we think ...2 grunion Is just an excuse for folks to get out at night and play the beach, but If you should catch some don't feel badly about the little things 'cause they die anyway just as soon as they ipawn. But here's the schedule: April Thurs., 29, 9:46 p.m.; Fri., 20, 10:27 p.m. May -at, 1, 11:08 p.m.; Thurs., 13, 11 p.m.; Fri., 14, 10:33 p.m.; Sat, 15. 11:07 p.m.; Sat., 29, 10:16 p.m.; Sun., 30, 11 p.m.; Mon., 31, 11:68 p.m. , June at., 12, 10:09 p.m.; Sun., 13, 10:41 p.m.; Mon., 14, 11:16 p.l Mon., 28, 10:68 p.m.; Tues., 11:63 p.m.; Wed., 30, 12:58 a.m. July ' Mon.. ^12, 10.24 p.m.; Tues, 10:66 p.m.; Wed., 14, 11:30 p.l Tues., 27, 10:56 p.m.; Wed., 11:46 p.m.; Thurs, 29, 12:48 a August Tue.s., 10, 10:09 p.m.; Wed., 10:39 p.m.; Thurs, 12, 11:11 p.i Wed., 2B, 10:47 p.m.; Thurs, 11:39 p.m.; Fri., 27, 12:38 a.m. September Thurs., 9, 10:26 p.m.; Fri., 10:59 p.m.; Sat, 11, 11:38 P.I Thurs., 23, 10:41 p.m.; Fri., 11:32 p.m.; Sat, 26, 12:32 a Good Response in Torrance to New Air Mail Service Postmaster Alfred Gourdiei- testi- fies that inauguration of the now air mail route from Los Angeles east was welcomed by the people of Torrance. iJlst Friday night 27 air-mail letters for Saturday morn- ing's first eastward flight from l.os Angeles wero posted in Torrance. C. A. Thompson 1 management of a W' street restaurant, recet Mrs. Thompson reran charge of the court boulevard. acquired, here In Redohdo Tho food .inli> hold Siitiinln Hi.' Trio liobckiihx netted I hi Kimlxntlun about $20. Dinner Rilcsts Thursday (if Mr. nml Mis. I.. C. T,uck of I'alln Htrii-t were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hi I-/.OK of Gnrdena and Charles Houpko and daughter Mlldrpd ol I .ox Angeles. Mix. Miiry Ann Phillips attended birthday luncheon Monday at tha onn- ol Mrs. Maud of Sui < entertained id Mrs. CharlM In order to become better acquainted wth the people of Torrance and vicinity Bertelsen's Cash Store will offer Specially Reduced Prices For One Week < Beginning April 26th to May 1st Ladies' Hats New, Very New. flM AC Regular Price $3.95. Now....................~........$l«tW Ladies' Dresses Lovely Crepes, Smart Novelty Ray- ons, Printed English Broadcloth and tissue ging- hams in delightful styles. ^JO 'If lei JtO Special Prices ranging from.. We nd the orki he style xcelled manship Regular $1.50 and charmin0 $1.00 $1.25 Ho iery in Sassy Jan w Shades. to Ladies' House Dresse $1.75. Special at.. Children's Wash Dresses Specially Priced .......... Ladies' Scarfs Special ......~... v .. ........... We have a ' full line of guara Ipswich Brands, all the MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men's Up-to-Date Cloth Hats. Special .................................. ................ Men's High Grade Collar Attached (M Dress Shirts Special ................... $1 Fancy Novelty Silk Shirts Special ........................... ................ Some Real Specials in Men's Fancy Hosiery, all colors... ....'............. .. SHOP MEN AND OIL WORKERS For the Shop Men and Oil Workers Work Shirts, in Khaki Pants, Caps, and Gloves, the kind a special low price. Courtesy is our by-word Bertelsen's Cash Store 1322 Sartori Ave., Torrance Opposite Masonic Temple ffO OC <T7 QC ^O-tLMi to $1 .«W - to and Gloves, the kind you wear, at Howdy, Men LOOK WHO'S COME TO TORRANCE Two young fellows, Bill Scott and Joe Wood aud we've opened up a nifty Men's Wear Shop at 1917 Carson street in the Vonderahe building. We've been busy the past month picking the Cream of the New Summer Stocks from Grayco and other well known manufacturers and we are all i>epped up over the opening array of Fresh New Men's Wear which will be ready for you on the OPENING DAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd Ties Shirts Hose Underwear Monarch Shirts $1.95 Attached or Detachable Collars Newest Summer Patterns Sport Wear Knickers Golf Socks Sweaters [Open Every Evening 'til 8 o'clock] 1917 Carson St. Men's Wear Torrance

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Page 1: Bertelsen's Cash Store...'THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD APRIL 22. 1926 FOR PLEASURE AND SERVICE Ask Your A jax Dealer TF you have a tire or JL tube problem, ask your Aiax dealer



Ask Your A jax DealerTF you have a tire or JL tube problem, ask your Aiax dealer.He is in your community not alone to sell tires. True, he does sell tires A jax tires.

But the reason he sells Ajax tires is because he is equipped to serve you.You who drive should know him.


AUTO SERVICEMullin & Son, Props.

Border and Western Ava.


Motor Coach Company « TIMETABLE

Leave Torrance for Wilmington

and Long Bsaoh

7:00 A. M.8:15

* 9:1510:2011:2012:20 P.M.1:202:203:154:205:206:257:209:20


ave Long B«aehTor


D-6:45 A. M.7:40

10:00 10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M.1:402:403:404:455:406:45



O Daily except Sundays and Holidays.8 Sunday only. Connect* for Catalina Island.

New Store For Men Will Open

Here on FridayW. W. Scott and W. M

Wood Have Shop onCarson St.

gcli'K, recognizing the future pi hillties of Torrance, have movcc

hop at 1917 Carson street. W. W. Scott and W. M. We

thoBhop, which will do business u the firm name of Sc9tt & Wood

Extensive alterations have no made in the store building and fresli new stock of summer goods has been received for tin- opening day, Friday, April 23. The firm will feature a lino of ir sliirtH at $1.115 and will can- coin plete stock ef gents' furnish ings as well a« sport, wear.

Scott & Wood announce they will bo open every evening until 8:30.


The first frames Of interc isketball were played Thursday

April 15. The gamu between th lophomores and the frosh was ran by the sophs, 14-3. The jun­

iors and the seniors were to pli i, but the seniors did not she

up, so the valiant sophs furnish ipposltlon for the Juniors. The

sophs were again victorious, \ ning 18-12.

Celebrating their success, the cast and stage crew of "Am I In-

iding" had a stage party a the play Friday night. Dancing

refreshments were features c the evening.

Faculty and students rejoice I he good reports thar are coming rom Lillian Fordice, who was eriously Injured recently.

6% Preferred Stock at $99SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO.

Use Our Want Ads for Results!!

At last the Junior pins have ar­ rived. The juniors axe proud of

n and think them better look- Ing than the senior pins. The sen­ iors, of course, have the pretties pin. As an appreciation of thel

sented Mrs. Boynton with a pir

The chemistry class was afforded a great treat when they were in­ vited to visit the Institute of Technology. This invitation waa extended to juniors and seniors by Mr. Mowry. On arriving at the institute the class was provided with a student guide,. Things of Interest were the -electrical experi­ ments, which proved very noisy and created fear ki- some hearts. The liquid air experiment'was per­ formed also. Meat, flowers, and i piece of rubber were dipped in th liquid, which was clear like watei They were taken out and hit with a hammer, which made them fly all over the room. The mathematics department and physics laboratory were also visited. A synthetic punch manufactured by the stu­ dents attracted a large crowd. George Watson, a former graduate of Torrance, who is now enrolled in the college, was glad to see Tor­ rance students. Everyone arrived home safe and sound and tired, but felt that their t|me had been well spent.

Use Our Want Ads for Results!!

Irs. M. Sonerud, Mrs. H. E. Hespe, MM. R. S. Frownfelter, Mrs.

inor Maxfield, Mrs. Carl Ross and Mrs. C. F. Mathers, all mem-

i of the Friday Club, were [ luncheon guests Friday of Mrs. Julius Qertzen.

SHOES BELOW COST!3 Days Only Friday, Saturday and Monday

We MUST RAISE SOME MONEY No matter what the cost!


Sofd everywhere at $10

$3.95 PairTan and black calf. Just 24 pair,

large »JZM, 8|/2 and up.

MEN, we'll give you a pair FREE,if you can beat this price on


Men's Work ShoesWith competition loins. Sturdysh**« that alwayi eall at $3.60 pair,


$1.95 Pair



Beat Buy in Town High ihoaa, tan, grey, or com­ bination colon. Button or lace styles. Sold everywhere at $2.96.


and PATENT OXFORDSAll sizes, 2 to 71/2

Regular $2.95 value* at $1.69

8ELZ Shoes for Boy* in and Black Oxford*, known erywhere for their quality.

Size* B*/2 to 11 $2.96 to $3.45 value*

Choice $1.95




SATIN PUMPSand Strap Slippers

Also Nubuck in brown and black. Some Sport Strap Slippen. All sizes in the lot. Values to $4.95. About 60

pairs to close out

$1.69 Pair


TENNIS SHOESWith crepe soles. Men's sizi2</2 to 6. Sold everywhere

$1.96. For 3 Days Only

$1.25 Pair

Hoffman's Shoe StoreSartori Ave., Opposite Masonic Temple

TorranceThese prices for CASH ONLY. No charges.


Will be given to apeople bringing this a

to our store.

Trustees Reject Talks Over First Telephone All But 3 Bids

On Fire StationNew Board Must^ Decide

Question of ErectingStructure

ns.-ioony, *18, J17.985

Prior to the swiMirlntr In of new members of the lioarrl Trustees Monday night the lioard opened bids for the '] posed new fire station and ol building. Fifteen bids worn celvort, an follows:

Ritchie and Alex Charles W. Petti fer 980; Q. B. Ohristi r,. I,. Howard, $18,900: Harry J Rinncrt. $17,700; Moore Construe lion Company. $20,725; Bell an. Justice, $20,300; Oene B. Fostei 318,381: Mortlnnd Constructs Company, $19,350; Mead Construe tlon Company, $19,483: W. I Reeve, $20,104; T. O. Clark, $24,963 Charles E. Rowe, $21,227; Jules \V Markol and Son, $17,608; H. I Kachus. $18,684.

certified checks that accompanipi the bids the board adopted the rec ommendation of Engineer J. J Jcssup and rejected all but the three lowest bids, those being tlv bids of Markel and Son, Harry J Rinnert, and G. B. fchrtstianson

Klusman SpeaksW-lllam T. Klusman arose from

the audience and urged the tto reject all outside bids and athe contract to a local contractor

made a bid was W. L. Reeve. City Attorney Briney explained that th law required the board to adver tise and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder; th: In order to award the contract to Mr. Reeve It would be necessary for the board to pass a resolutlo declaring: all contractors who bi lower, than Mr. Reeve irresponsible The city attorney said any such action would probably lead the city Into law suits started by* respon­ sible contractors whose reputa­ tions might be injured if the Tor­ rance trustees declared them

He explained that the only way the trustees could guarantee tha local labor could be employed and local materials used would be to contract the building by day labor

Up to New Board i response to a question thj

city attorney said it would bi gal to write into the contract the

stipulation that local labor would employed in all cases possible

but that such a clause would no 1 the contractor to employ al

local labor.The matter will be considered by le new board at the next reguli eeting. The contract can 1-varded or .the board can rejecl 1 bids, and build tho structur

by day labor or not build it at all he old board planned to pay fo

building out of the genera fund. Some sort of building i;

bination ladder and chemical fire ;k which has been ordered.

Public School Night Program

For ̂ April 30thMasonic Lodge Invites Pub­

lic to High School Auditorium

Friday night, April 30, is Publl School Night. To observe the ame an interesting and entertain- ng program has been arranged by hf Torrance Masonic lodge com- nittee. The program will take ilaee at the high school audl- orlum.The program will be participated

n by the high school orchestra nd Boy Scouts, and will Include overal good vocal numbers. There till be three short talks on In- crestinf,' subjects by won known.

Th< this tertain-ent Is to bring together the ople and tlin educators who are

iiclng the problems to be handledbile

While the nature of tile meeting .serious it is non-political and

im-fraternal, and there will be n Ions, dry or tiresome speeches, vcryone is invited and welcome, he complete program will be an- nunced next week.

Salvation ArmyMay Build Here

The Board of Trustees Monday light decided that there would be 10 objection to the erection of a nick building on Marcellna avenue iy tin? Salvation Army. The Array ('quested a decision from the eoard.

It Is planned to erect tile build- tig on the northwest side of the horoughfnru near the alley east I Sartor! avenue.

Mrs. G. L,. Houghton and family ire at their home on Acacia street Mr. HoURhton returned to their

hlckc.'ii ranch at I'almdale after u ew days' stay here.

Mrs. Klla Orr, secretary to Alberl 10. Berry, president of the Chesa- pcako & I'otomac Telephone Com­ pany at Washington, Is shown talk- In^ over the first telephone madt

by Alexander Graham Boll. It was used to rolebrato the fiftieth anni­ versary of thn telephone recently.

Here's Schedule Of Grunion Runs

At the BeachesThose who

ie at the be ilng report

! lucky enough to last Friday eve-

like a fish story, butSounds

party of

? r U) f i c r

Beach claim they just grabbed 'em ith their bare hands. Of course

if you've never seen a grunion you ildn't know what to grab for.

_ wever, we advise you to try your luck on the following dates, when Mr. and Mrs. Grunion an­ nounce that they will be at home

their friends. Anyway, we think ...2 grunion Is just an excuse for folks to get out at night and play

the beach, but If you should catch some don't feel badly about the little things 'cause they die anyway just as soon as they ipawn.

But here's the schedule:April

Thurs., 29, 9:46 p.m.; Fri., 20, 10:27 p.m.

May-at, 1, 11:08 p.m.; Thurs., 13, 11

p.m.; Fri., 14, 10:33 p.m.; Sat, 15. 11:07 p.m.; Sat., 29, 10:16 p.m.; Sun., 30, 11 p.m.; Mon., 31, 11:68 p.m. ,

June at., 12, 10:09 p.m.; Sun., 13,

10:41 p.m.; Mon., 14, 11:16 p.l Mon., 28, 10:68 p.m.; Tues., 11:63 p.m.; Wed., 30, 12:58 a.m.

July 'Mon.. ^12, 10.24 p.m.; Tues,

10:66 p.m.; Wed., 14, 11:30 p.lTues., 27, 10:56 p.m.; Wed.,11:46 p.m.; Thurs, 29, 12:48 a

AugustTue.s., 10, 10:09 p.m.; Wed.,

10:39 p.m.; Thurs, 12, 11:11 p.i Wed., 2B, 10:47 p.m.; Thurs, 11:39 p.m.; Fri., 27, 12:38 a.m.

SeptemberThurs., 9, 10:26 p.m.; Fri.,

10:59 p.m.; Sat, 11, 11:38 P.I Thurs., 23, 10:41 p.m.; Fri., 11:32 p.m.; Sat, 26, 12:32 a

Good Response in Torrance to New

Air Mail ServicePostmaster Alfred Gourdiei- testi­

fies that inauguration of the now air mail route from Los Angeles east was welcomed by the people of Torrance. iJlst Friday night 27 air-mail letters for Saturday morn­ ing's first eastward flight from l.os Angeles wero posted in Torrance.

C. A. Thompson 1 management of a W' street restaurant, recet Mrs. Thompson reran charge of the court boulevard.

acquired, here In Redohdo

Tho food .inli> hold Siitiinln Hi.' Trio liobckiihx netted I hi Kimlxntlun about $20.

Dinner Rilcsts Thursday (if Mr. nml Mis. I.. C. T,uck of I'alln Htrii-t were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hi I-/.OK of Gnrdena and Charles Houpko and daughter Mlldrpd ol I .ox Angeles.

Mix. Miiry Ann Phillips attended birthday luncheon Monday at tha

onn- ol Mrs. Maud of Sui

< entertained id Mrs. CharlM

In order to become better acquainted wth the people of Torrance and vicinity Bertelsen's Cash Store will offer

Specially Reduced PricesFor One Week <

Beginning April 26th to May 1st

Ladies' Hats New, Very New. flM AC Regular Price $3.95. Now....................~........$l«tW

Ladies' Dresses Lovely Crepes, Smart Novelty Ray­ ons, Printed English Broadcloth and tissue ging­ hams in delightful styles. ^JO 'If

lei JtOSpecial Prices ranging from..We

nd the orkihe style xcelledmanship

Regular $1.50 and


$1.00 $1.25

Ho iery in Sassy Jan w Shades.


Ladies' House Dresse$1.75. Special at..

Children's Wash DressesSpecially Priced ..........

Ladies' Scarfs Special ......~... v .. ...........

We have a ' full line of guaraIpswich Brands, all the

MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men's Up-to-Date Cloth Hats.

Special .................................. ................Men's High Grade Collar Attached (M

Dress Shirts Special ................... $1Fancy Novelty Silk Shirts

Special ........................... ................Some Real Specials in Men's Fancy

Hosiery, all colors... ....'............. ..SHOP MEN AND OIL WORKERS

For the Shop Men and Oil Workers Work Shirts, in Khaki Pants, Caps, and Gloves, the kind a special low price.

Courtesy is our by-word

Bertelsen's Cash Store1322 Sartori Ave., Torrance

Opposite Masonic Temple

ffO OC <T7 QC^O-tLMi to $1 .«W

- to

and Gloves, the kind you wear, at

Howdy, MenLOOK WHO'S COME TO TORRANCE Two young fellows, Bill Scott and Joe Wood aud we've opened up a nifty Men's Wear Shop at 1917 Carson street in the Vonderahe building.

We've been busy the past month picking the Cream of the New Summer Stocks from Grayco and other well known manufacturers and we are all i>epped up over the opening array of Fresh New Men's Wear which will be ready for you on the




Monarch Shirts $1.95Attached or Detachable

Collars Newest Summer Patterns

Sport Wear Knickers

Golf Socks Sweaters

[Open Every Evening 'til 8 o'clock]

1917 Carson St.Men's Wear
