beowulf 1-228

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  • 8/3/2019 Beowulf 1-228


    [1] Hwt! We Gardenain geardagum,

    [2] eodcyninga, rym


    [3] hu a elingas

    ellen fremedon.[4] Oft Scyld Scefing

    sceaena reatum,[5] monegum mgum,

    meodosetla ofteah,

    [6] egsode eorlas.Syan rest wear

    [7] feasceaft funden, he

    s frofre gebad,

    [8] weox underwolcnum,

    weormyndum ah,[9] t him ghwylc

    ara ymbsittendra[10] ofer hronrade hyran


    [11] gomban gyldan.t ws god cyning!

    [12] m eafera ws

    fter cenned,

    [13] geong in geardum,one god sende

    [14] folce to frofre;fyrenearfe ongeat[15] e hie r drugon


    [16] lange hwile. Hims liffrea

    [17] wuldres wealdend,

    woroldare forgeaf;

    [18] Beowulf wsbreme (bld wide


    [19] Scyldes eaferaScedelandum in.[20] Swa sceal geong

    guma gode gewyrcean,

    [21] fromum feohgiftumon fder bearme,

    [22] t hine on ylde eft


    ll. 1-46: Mary Ellen, translator; ______, presenter

    1 Yo! We have heard tell of the majesty of the Speardanes, of theFolk-kings, how the princes did valorous deeds.

    4 Often, Scyld the Son of Sheaf took away the meadbenches, terrifiedthe lords, with bands of raiders. After he was first found destitute, he

    took comfort for it, grew under the clouds, throve in honor, until eachof those around him over the whale-road had to obey him, yield tribute

    to him.

    That was a good king!

    A son was soon brought forth to him ( Scyld Scefing, the good king,

    still) young in this land, whom God sent to the people for relief;(Beowulf) perceived the dire distress

    15 that they before suffered a long while without a king; The Lord,

    Lord of Life of Heaven, had granted him (Beowulf) worldly honor,Beowulf, son of Scyld, was renowned-- (his) glory widely spread in


    land of the Danes.

    20 Thus shall the young man, (while) in his father's lap, goodness


    out, and often give out splendid costly gifts, that dear companions in

    old age, when war comes, serve the person; lofty deeds

    25 for the tribe shall on every occasion (cause) one to prosper.

    Scyld went, he who was very strong, to the fated hour in to the Lord's

    keeping;28-31 As long as words came to him, Scyld, friend of the Danes, dear

    prince of the land, bade that they bear him away on the current of the

    waters (just as) one's own companion.

    32-> At the harbor stood a ring-prowed ship, vessel of a prince,

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    [23] wilgesias, onne

    wig cume,

    [24] leode gelsten;lofddum sceal

    [25] in mga gehwre

    man geeon.[26] Him a Scyldgewat to gescphwile

    [27] felahror feran on

    frean wre.[28] Hi hyne a

    tbron to brimes


    [29] swse gesias, swahe selfa bd,

    [30] enden wordum

    weold wine Scyldinga;[31] leof landfruma

    lange ahte.

    [32] r t hye stod

    hringedstefna,[33] isig ond utfus,

    elinges fr.

    [34] Aledon a leofneeoden,

    [35] beaga bryttan, on

    bearm scipes,

    [36] mrne be mste.r ws madma fela

    [37] of feorwegum,

    frtwa, gelded;[38] ne hyrde ic

    cymlicor ceol gegyrwan

    [39] hildewpnum ondheaowdum,

    [40] billum ond

    byrnum; him on bearme


    [41] madma mnigo, ahim mid scoldon

    [42] on flodes ht feorgewitan.

    [43] Nals hi hine

    lssan lacum teodan,

    [44] eodgestreonum,on a dydon


    with ice and ready to set out, the dear beloved king,

    35 dispenser of the circlet, laid down in the lap of the ship, whose

    mast was glorious. The ship made ready to burn, there were many

    precious valuables of decorated armor brought from distant lands, Iknow

    no guardian so nobly kept with weopons, armor,

    40 and sword; He in the lap lay on the multitudinous precious treasure,that with him should far in the floods (be his) possession. They

    furnished no less their little gift, people's treasure,

    45 than did they in the beginning when he was sent forth alone as a


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    [45] e hine t

    frumsceafte for

    onsendon[46] nne ofer ye


    x[47] a gyt hie him

    asetton segen geldenne[48] heah ofer heafod,

    leton holm beran,

    [49] geafon on garsecg;him ws geomor sefa,

    [50] murnende mod.

    Men ne cunnon

    [51] secgan to soe,selerdende,

    [52] hle underheofenum, hwa mhlste onfeng.

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    t him his winemagas

    [66] georne hyrdon, ot seo geogo geweox,

    [67] magodriht micel.

    Him on mod bearn

    [68] t healreced hatanwolde,

    [69] medorn micel,

    men gewyrcean[70] onne yldo bearn

    fre gefrunon,

    [71] ond r on innaneall gedlan

    [72] geongum ond

    ealdum, swylc him god


    [73] buton folcscare ondfeorum gumena.

    [74] a ic wide gefrgn

    weorc gebannan[75] manigre mge

    geond isne

    middangeard,[76] folcstede frtwan.

    Him on fyrste gelomp,

    [77] dre mid yldum,

    t hit wear ealgearo,

    [78] healrna mst;scop him Heort naman

    [79] se e his wordesgeweald wide hfde.

    [80] He beot ne aleh,

    beagas dlde,[81] sinc t symle. Sele


    [82] heah ond horngeap,heaowylma bad,

    [83] laan liges; ne ws

    hit lenge a gen[84] t se ecgheteaumsweorum

    [85] fter wlnie

    wcnan scolde.

    of hateful fires; nor was it long then (yet),

    that the sword-hate (between) father-in-law and son-in-lawshould arise after deadly hate.

    [86] a se ellengst


    [87] rage geolode, se

    ll. 86-120a: Erin, translator; ______, presenter

    Then the powerful demon, he who dwelled in darkness, suffered

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    e in ystrum bad,

    [88] t he dogoragehwam dream gehyrde

    [89] hludne in healle;

    r ws hearpan sweg,

    [90] swutol sang scopes.Sgde se e cue

    [91] frumsceaft fira

    feorran reccan,[92] cw t se

    lmihtiga eoran

    worhte,[93] wlitebeorhtne

    wang, swa wter


    [94] gesette sigehreig

    sunnan ond monan[95] leoman to leohte


    [96] ond gefrtwadefoldan sceatas

    [97] leomum ond

    leafum, lif eac gesceop[98] cynna gehwylcum

    ara e cwice hwyrfa.

    [99] Swa a drihtguman

    dreamum lifdon

    [100] eadiglice, otan ongan

    [101] fyrene fremmanfeond on helle.

    [102] se grimma gst

    Grendel haten,[103] mre mearcstapa,

    se e moras heold,

    [104] fen ond fsten;fifelcynnes eard

    [105] wonsli wer

    weardode hwile,[106] sian himscyppend forscrifen


    [107] in Caines cynne.

    one cwealm gewrc[108] ece drihten, s

    e he Abel slog;


    each of the days he heard the loud joy in the hall; there was the soundof

    the harp, the clear song of the bard. He (the bard) sang plainly the

    creation of mankind far quoted [well known far and wide], said that

    theAlmighty created the earth, the beautiful field, which the water

    surrounds, set triumphant the sun and moon, luminary to light the

    land-dweller and adorned the regions of the earth with light andleaf,

    and created life for each living thing that moves. So the warriors

    mirthfully lived, happily, until that one, a fiend from hell, approacheddoing wicked deeds; he was the grim ghost called Grendel, famous

    wanderer in

    the waste borderland, he who held the moors, fen and fast ;

    unhappy man occupied for a time the home of a race of monsters,since the

    Creator had condemned him with Cain's kin -- the killing

    misery the eternal Lord, because he slew Able; he

    had no joy

    there from the feud, but God banished him far from mankind for hiscrime.

    Then the evil brood all awoke, giants and elves and monsters (orcs!!),

    also giants. Then they strove against God a long time; he

    repays(them) that reward. He departs to go see, when night

    comes, theexalted houses, how the High Danes had stayed


    beer drinking. He then discovers there inside the prince'sretainers asleep after the banquet; the men knew not sadness misery.

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    [109] ne gefeah he re

    fhe, ac he hine feorforwrc,

    [110] metod for y

    mane, mancynne fram.

    [111] anon untydrasealle onwocon,

    [112] eotenas ond ylfe

    ond orcneas,[113] swylce gigantas,

    a wi gode wunnon

    [114] lange rage; hehim s lean forgeald.

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    unblie st,

    [131] olode ryswy,egnsorge dreah,

    [132] syan hie s

    laan last sceawedon,

    [133] wergan gastes;ws t gewin to


    [134] la ond longsum.Ns hit lengra fyrst,

    [135] ac ymb ane niht

    eft gefremede[136] morbeala mare

    ond no mearn fore,

    [137] ond fyrene; ws

    to fst on am.

    [138] a ws eafyndee him elles hwr

    [139] gerumlicor rste

    sohte,[140] bed fter burum,

    a him gebeacnod ws,

    [141] gesgd solicesweotolan tacne

    [142] healegnes hete;

    heold hyne syan

    [143] fyr ond fstor se

    m feonde twand.[144] Swa rixode ond

    wi rihte wan,[145] ana wi eallum,

    ot idel stod

    [146] husa selest. Wsseo hwil micel;

    [147] twelf wintra tid

    torn geolode[148] wine Scyldinga,

    weana gehwelcne,

    [149] sidra sorga.Foram secgum wear,[150] ylda bearnum,

    undyrne cu,

    [151] gyddum geomore,

    tte Grendel wan[152] hwile wi

    Hrogar, hetenias

    slaughter seeking out a dwelling (pl. wica but sing. meaning).

    (Ln.#126)Then, in that obscurity just before dawn, even withdaybreak, the

    war-craft of Grendel was known to men; then, after feast, lament and


    morning-cry was upraised. The mighty chief, noble king old-good, satunhappy, endured thane-sorrow, and suffered severely after they

    scanned the

    foe's footprints, those of the cursed demon. That strife was toostrong--loathed and lengthy! Nor was it a long time, after but one

    night, he

    again caused more murder-death and mourned not for it, hostile deedand

    wicked act; he was so fixed upon them. (Ln.#138)Then that was easily


    bed among bowers, to him that sought rest eslewhere, further off [from

    thehall, that is], when the hate of hall-thanes was shown to him, truely


    with clear token; he held himself afterwards further back and safer, hewho

    escaped the foe. (Ln.#144)Thus he ruled, one against all, and fought

    againstwhat is right until the finest hall stool idle. The space of time was


    the time of twelve winters the friend of Scyldings suffered trouble, all

    miseries, spacious sorrows; and thus to men, to human sons, [it]

    becameclearly known [and] sadly by means of songs that Grendel fought--

    wagedenmity--a while against Hrothgar with wicked act and hostile deed for


    seasons, continual attack; (Ln.#154b)he would not with any men in thearmy

    of the danes desist deadly-evil, with fees settle peace, nor then any

    wisemen needed to hope for bright bounty at the hands of the slayer.

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    [153] fyrene ond fhefela missera,

    [154] singale sce,

    sibbe ne wolde

    [155] wi manna hwonemgenes Deniga,

    [156] feorhbealo

    feorran, fea ingian,[157] ne r nnig

    witena wenan orfte

    [158] beorhtre bote tobanan folmum,

    [159] ac se glcaehtende ws,

    [160] deorc deascua,dugue ond geogoe,[161] seomade ond

    syrede, sinnihte heold

    [162] mistige moras;

    men ne cunnon[163] hwyder helrunan

    hwyrftum scria.

    [164] Swa fela fyrenafeond mancynnes,

    [165] atol angengea, oft

    gefremede,[166] heardra hyna.Heorot eardode,

    [167] sincfage sel

    sweartum nihtum;[168] no he one gifstol

    gretan moste,

    [169] maum formetode, ne his myne


    [170] t ws wrc

    micel wine Scyldinga,[171] modes breca.

    Monig oft gest

    [172] rice to rune; rdeahtedon

    [173] hwt

    swiferhum selest


    ll. 159-193: Eddie, translator; ______, presenter

    but the monster, dark death-shadow, was pursuing,[it] lay in wait and ambushed proven retainers and young warriors;perpetual night held the misty moors; men do not know

    whither such demons in motion go.

    Thus many wicked deeds of the enemy of mankind,[the] terrible solitary one often accomplished,

    severe injury; [he/Grendel] inhabited Heorot,

    richly decorated hall, with dark night;-

    never may he approach the throne,treasure for God, nor know His kind thoughts.-

    That was great misery to the friend of the Scyldings,

    [a] breaking of [their] spirits. Many often sat down,mighty in council, campaign considered,

    what might be best for the strong-minded

    to do against awful horrorMeanwhile they vowed at heathen temples,

    sacrificing to idols, with words entreated

    soul-slayer to provide them with help

    against the distress of the people. Such was their custom,heathens' hope, they bore hell in spirit, they knew not God,

    the judge of deeds, they wished not God,

    Nor indeed did they know how to praise Heaven's Protector,

    Ruler of Glory. Woe be to them that through sever affliction thrust[their] soul into the fire's embrace, not to think of solace,

    in any way change! Well be them that may on account of death-day,

    seek theLord

    and ask for protection from the embrace of the Father.

    Thus in the care of the times the son of Healfdenealways brooded; the wise hero might not turn aside misery;

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    [174] wi frgryrum to

    gefremmanne.[175] Hwilum hie

    geheton t hrgtrafum

    [176] wigweorunga,

    wordum bdon[177] t him gastbona

    geoce gefremede

    [178] wi eodreaum.Swylc ws eaw hyra,

    [179] henra hyht;

    helle gemundon[180] in modsefan,

    metod hie ne cuon,

    [181] dda demend, ne

    wiston hie drihten god,

    [182] ne hie huruheofena helm herian ne


    [183] wuldres waldend.Wa bi m e sceal

    [184] urh sline ni

    sawle bescufan[185] in fyres fm,

    frofre ne wenan,

    [186] wihte gewendan;

    wel bi m e mot

    [187] fter deadgedrihten secean

    [188] ond to fderfmum freoo


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    [194] t fram ham

    gefrgn Higelacesegn,

    [195] god mid Geatum,

    Grendles dda;

    [196] se wsmoncynnes mgenes


    [197] on m dgeysses lifes,

    [198] ele ond eacen.

    Het him ylidan[199] godne gegyrwan,

    cw, he gucyning

    [200] ofer swanrade

    secean wolde,

    [201] mrne eoden, ahim ws manna earf.

    [202] one sift him

    snotere ceorlas[203] lythwon logon,

    eah he him leof wre;

    [204] hwettonhigerofne, hl


    [205] Hfde se goda

    Geata leoda

    [206] cempan gecoroneara e he cenoste

    [207] findan mihte;fiftyna sum

    [208] sundwudu sohte;

    secg wisade,[209] lagucrftig mon,


    [210] Fyrst for gewat.Flota ws on yum,

    [211] bat under beorge.

    Beornas gearwe[212] on stefn stigon;streamas wundon,

    [213] sund wi sande;

    secgas bron

    [214] on bearm nacanbeorhte frtwe,

    [215] gusearo geatolic;

    ll. 194-228: Matt, translator; ______, presenter

    So that from the home of the Gaets, Hyglac's thane, learned by inquiry

    (withgood) of Gendel's deeds. On that day of his life of mankind, he was

    strongest of might, noble and great. He called (that) a good wave-

    traverser(be) prepared said, he wished to visit the war-king over the swan-road,


    famous chief since, he was in need of men, (Done?) the wise men

    blame himvery little for the expedition, he was beloved to them; they urged the

    valient, behold the omen. The good, from the tribe of the Gaets, had

    chosenbrave warriors who he might find, one of fifteen, the men sought the


    he showed the way of the shore to the sea-skilled men, time wentforth; the

    ship was on the waves, the boat under the cliffs. The warriors went

    entirely to the prow, the sea (became?), water with sand; Men bore

    brightweapons on the bosom of the boat, adorned armor; Men shoved the


    bundenne), men on a wished journey. Then over the billowy sea,

    impelled bywind like a bird, the foamy-necked ship (?), until the near of the other


    the curved prow had come, the seaferers saw the sea cliffs shine, thesteep

    cliffs, the large headlands; Then was the sea crossed, sea voyage at

    theend, Thence upwards quickly, the people of the Gaets, stepped onto

    the land;

    moored the ship; shirts of mail rattled, wardress; They thanked God


    the way across the waves became easy to them.

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    guman ut scufon,

    [216] weras on wilsi,wudu bundenne.

    [217] Gewat a ofer

    wgholm, winde

    gefysed,[218] flota famiheals

    fugle gelicost,

    [219]t ymb antid oresdogores

    [220] wundenstefna

    gewaden hfde[221] t a liende

    land gesawon,

    [222] brimclifu blican,

    beorgas steape,

    [223] side snssas; aws sund liden,

    [224] eoletes t ende.

    anon up hrae[225] Wedera leode on

    wang stigon,

    [226] swudu sldon(syrcan hrysedon,

    [227] gugewdo),

    gode ancedon

    [228] s e him

    ylade eae wurdon.