belief essay

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  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    Ultimate NihilismPeer pressure, no matter what we like to think, exists for the sole purpose of maintaining a status quoand deliberately detrimental and confusing expectations. It is ubiquitous in society and we are all

    subject to it. This pressure forces us to act irrationally and act in alignment with the status quo upon

    fear of being ostracized by society or death. Unfortunately, this conformity comes at a high cost to

    the individual because he must give up his individual identity and values. At the same time, themasses continue to be unaware that they have helped perpetuate the corrupt status quo that runs and

    enslaves our society.As a student, this status quo is imposed on me everyday as I am expected to fulfill the standards ofmy teachers and peers. If there is a test, I must work to get an Aon it because that is what isexpected of a student. If there is a homework assignment, I am expected to finish it. If there is an

    essay, I am expected to write it by a certain date and in a certain way. There is almost nothing thatsays that I must learn the material that is taught in class. In fact, I doubt very many departments, save

    for the English one, will be able to tell if a student has taught him or herself to a test instead of

    understood the material. Personally, I doubt that students actually care to learn the material for the

    sake of learning. In fact, I believe that most of the students care more for the grade.I must admit that I am one of those students who will prefer the grade over the material. I am not

    above the standards that are expected of me by my parents or teachers. I prefer to cheat the system

    rather than succeed in it. This cannot be helped because I am only human and I like to form my ownopinion through critical thinking. Yet the system is what judges me and I forces me to abandon my

    preferences in exchange for survival. To talk about a specific time when I have betrayed this would

    be trying to find a hay in a needle stack. But for the sake of assignment, I will not turn this essay intoa philosophy oriented one.The Delusions of BeliefAcademia is so deluded to the point where we do not recognize the real world. We believe the entire

    world to be whatever the teacher tells us it is because that is all we know. As students, we only

    recognize success by the letter that is written at the top of our papers and on the report cards. In fact,this view is imposed upon us because parents and teachers continually push for students to earn more

    and more As without caring whether or not the student has learned anything from the class. As a

    result, humanity fails to recognize the real world, what happens in it, and therefore, is ignorant to howthe actions of the real world affect it. Humanity continues to become dumber and dumber for they

    become unable to critically think about the world. Critical thinking is not required to get an Ainany particular class (if anyone can point out specifically to what percent of a classs grade iscomposed of critical thinking, I will take this essay and tear it up) and as a result, we students reject

    the skill. We become ignorant as a result of our desire to survive in a corrupt world that values a letterover knowledge.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    In an attempt to compromise for the people who are unable to understand the reality or simply cannot

    understand what is happening in the real world, I will attempt to the best of my knowledge to make

    this paragraph relevant to the sensationalist garbage people see on television. If you did a poll of your

    class, you would find that more people watch The Jersey Shore on MTV than any program on anygiven news network. Simply put, more people would rather watch teens with large silicone breasts

    yell at men on steroids rather than educate themselves of the dilapidating political system. The only

    reason Fox is the most watched news network is because they do not have objective news. They spintheir information with a conservative bias and the people accept whatever they see and hear on that

    network at face value. In other words, Fox is thinking for these people and the people trick

    themselves into thinking that whatever opinion is on Fox is their own. In reality, the opinion isimposed upon them because the population refuses to critically think about the world as a result of

    our misplaced values of education and knowledge.In other words, what core beliefs do we truly have? What makes the population think that the

    opinions and values they hold dear are their own?Because of our refusal to think, we also cannot form outside beliefs other than the ones we hear abouton TV or our peers. A massive majority believes that human life is sacred, religion should be a guide

    for life, capitalism is the best system ever, and the political system in which we live is really

    bipartisan. But what makes these people think this way?

    If life was so sacred, why were the Christians killing people left and right during the Inquisition andthe Crusades, especially considering that they are the group who emphasize the fifth commandment?

    If religion is truly a guide for life, why do we have so many different religions and why does America

    tend to discriminate against one Catholicism while accepting Protestantism? If capitalism is the bestsystem, why is the wealth gap between the rich and poor growing greater and greater in this country

    and other countries such as Brazil? If the political system is truly bipartisan, why does Goldman

    Sachs contribute to the Democrats and Republicans campaigns? All this information is cannot befound in widely watched shows likeHouse, Two and a Half Men, orThe Jersey Shore. This is all

    information that can be found if one reads books, watches the news, or does independent research

    about the world. People do not and therefore, they believe whatever the person next to him says istrue. People believe in all of these values because someone else said so without knowing why the

    values are worthy, blindly accepting the truth because of it's sweet sound and popularity.Imposed BeliefsNow to the point of the essay: if all our views are imposed upon and installed in us, why would we

    betray them? Why do we not take comfort in the idea that our ideologies are given to us on a silverplatter? Why do we not simply let the flow of society take us wherever? Why must we think about

    the big questions in life?The short answer: because certain beliefs validate our existence and we will accept whatever sounds

    good to us. But your beliefs are limited because of a refusal to think outside the box.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    To begin, let us examine at why we betray beliefs. Beliefs are used to determine an identity of a

    person. Why does someone believe in a certain belief or value? It is because it validates their

    existence. To prove this point, let us think in reverse: why does someone reject a certain belief or

    value? Because it invalidates their existence. If someone believes in a belief, it validates theirexistence. If a belief does not validate their existence, they do not believe in it (contrapositive). An example of this is the corporations that run our lives. Since most of us believe in capitalism, it issuitable that I write a paragraph attacking this value. If a company were to suddenly adopt the idea of

    care and sympathy, the capitalist system would collapse. This is because capitalism is driven bycompetition and the profit motive, two principles that are completely contradictory to moral

    consideration. The only reason that we do business or work for society is because of money.

    Corporations, because they are subjected to this system, inherently adopt this view of money'simportance as well. They will only perform an action because of a desire and opportunity for money.

    If they decided that they should suddenly care about the wellbeing of the consumer, we would not see

    corporations as so malicious. However, in exchange for that, corporations would be bankrupt.For example, if a corporation decided to say I have a decent car for sale but the person next doorsells a better car that is fuel efficient, safer, and cheaper, they would not stay in business for too

    long. Competition and the capitalistic system would force that honest corporation out of business

    because they couldnt earn money. People want the best and it is natural for people to go follow theobject or idea that benefits themselves the most. Therefore, corporations cannot afford to be honest

    without going bankrupt and therefore, they will disappear. They will not adopt a policy of honesty

    unless there is a law that will penalize the companies for not being honest (consumer protection isdesigned to protect people from dishonest businesses) because honesty would kill the corporation.If that does not make sense, let us try something a little more relevant to home. If a corporation

    decided to dump toxic waste into the environment to save money, we view that as a violation of

    morals because it is being irresponsible. However, if a corporation such as Walmart decides to dobusiness in a small town and drives other smaller shops out of business, do we see that as

    irresponsible? If your job is replaced by a machine, do you call a corporation irresponsible? You

    usually do not and simply accept the reality that a machine is replacing your job without a secondthought. But the belief and motive is the same: profit. A company will dump in the environment to

    save money. A corporation will drive others out of business for the same reason. A corporation will

    replace your job with a machine to reduce costs by downsizing and therefore you will loose your job.

    This reality is just being viewed from different angles. The belief is the same and it is adoptedbecause it ensures the corporations survival.If a corporation was honest and cared for others, it would not perform any of these abnormal or

    inconsiderate actions. As said before, honesty would kill a corporation and therefore, even though

    honesty is a moral belief, it is not adopted.Breaking Beliefs

    Doesn't the fight for survival also justify swindle and theft? In self defense, anything goes.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    So what would possibly drive someone to betray a belief? For the same reason that someone would

    adopt an idea to begin with: it validates their existence. This includes, but is not limited to, lying,

    cheating, and any other form of hypocrisy that comes to the human mind. People lie all the time for

    gain and often feel no moral or ethical guilt unless they are caught in the act and found guilty bypublic opinion.

    I urge those who are about to condemn my last paragraph to not expect the normal behavior ofsomeone under the stress of guilt to be melodramatic: almost nobody will break down nervously or

    randomly after an undetermined amount of time unless they are caught. If people really did feel guiltfor betraying principles, Bernie Madoff would have plead guilty long before his trial, cheating on

    marital fidelity would not be so commonplace, and capitalism would not be attacked on ethical

    ground so profoundly.As long as someone has something to gain, abandoning a value, even if it is hypocritical, is a likely

    possibility. George Carlin, one of the greatest comedians of all time, mentioned that many Americans

    are full of shit.A euphemistic substitute for full of shitwould be something along the lines of aneurotic tendency to lie.

    And the sad part is, most people seem indoctrinated to believe that bullshit only comes from certain

    places, certain sources: Advertising, politics, salesmen. Not true! Bullshit is everywhere. Bullshit is

    ramping. Parents are full of shit, teachers are full of shit, clergymen are full of shit, and law-

    enforcement people are full of shit.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    Yet these parents believe that what theyre doing is for the children. It is not: they are doing this for

    themselves. They feel that they themselves are inadequate so they must masturbate to the idea that

    their success lies in the success of their children. That is why parents hang bumper stickers of We

    are the proud parents of an honor student at _____and often brag about the achievements of theirchildren to their friends at parties. I speak from personal experience when I say that when parents get

    together, they spend at least half the time talking about what their children are doing in school and

    how excellent they are. To the parents reading this: when was the last time when you asked yourchild what he wants to do with his life? When was the last time when you asked your child to make

    his own choice instead of select a choice from a pool that you have created? Parents delude

    themselves into believing that what theyre doing is benevolent when, in reality, they are only actingon their subconscious self-servant belief for an odd sense of gain.Im Just Like You: Accept My Existence!

    "You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated


    Abbie Hoffman

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    People choose beliefs that are accepted as politically correct and announce them to the world because

    nobody wants to look bad. Once again, nobody wants to critically think: they want beliefs handed to

    them on a silver platter. This is a hard concept to understand but there is another way to think about

    it: rarely does anybody believe in a belief that the masses do not. In fact, people often reject beliefsthat society says are evil or politically incorrect. When was the last time someone acknowledge that

    Communism has its merits? When was the last time someone in class spoke out against the faulty

    actions of a teacher? Probably never because everyone is afraid of how society judges them. Theymay believe in different beliefs than what they say they believe in, but it is this hypocrisy that only

    furthers the point of betraying a belief for gain. What is the point of having a belief if one does not

    act upon it?Such an obsession with self righteousness, self protection, and gain will ultimately lead to thebetrayal ofbeliefs in order to reaffirm a person's existence. Beliefs loose all meaning once someone

    refuses to act upon them, for it moots its message and nobody will take it seriously. Since beliefs

    validate existences, it is necessary for it to shape the person's experience to stay alive and vice versa.

    So the final and logical question to ask is: what do we do with the people who have radically differentideas and announce it to the world? What if it challenges our existence? We call them a Communist,

    Socialist, Nazi, and every other word the Teabaggers have thrown at Obama. Im serious. But let us

    not look at simply what is done by the people whose existences are challenged. Rather, let us look atpeople who present these ideas to gain a better understanding of how people treat them and the

    consequences.People really do fear public scrutiny and this fear is a prevalent factor in why society is paralyzed and

    thus humanity itself is too. People are subject to peer pressure, for it is a fear of letting theexpectations of the masses down that drives people to conform with them, even if it betrays their own

    belief. This once again plays to the idea of gain, for if one conforms to society, they gain social

    acceptance. A good example of this is everyday life at the school or in the workplace: people aremore willing to suck up to teachers or bosses to earn their favor instead of telling them they are not

    teaching or are a responsible manager because they will be looked down upon by the higher-ups who

    determine the status quo that the lower people must follow. A teacher decides the grades of a studentand as a human being, is more likely to be lenient towards someone who feeds him or her a sweet lie

    instead of a bitter truth. This is the same with bosses in the workforce: he or she will give a pay raise

    to someone who always sucks up to them compared to someone who always criticizes their job. It is

    this need to survive through social acceptance that paralyzes growth itself for the need to change theflaws in a social system or structure is continuously hindered by the ignorance and lies given to

    survive. A person may believe that a social system is faulty but is forced to participate in it because it

    is the one that controls their lives and determines their survival. Those who are challenged by theindividual do not act honestly or are gracious for the criticism but rather, act spitefully towards the

    person, even though one can learn more through criticism than a lie. Thus, the need to conform

    enslaves everyone and kills their ability to transform the system by destroying their right to speak outagainst it.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    Religion is a perfect example for it is the apex of ignorance in human society. Religion is simply a

    perpetuated power structure based on outdated beliefs. It rejects science to explain the existence of all

    things in the universe and gives the claim of creation to a being they cannot meet until they die. To

    the population, we believe that DNA is the very code for the individuals existence, replicating andcreating our cells and biological necessities. We believe in the big bang theory and teach it over the

    idea of intelligent design,a thinly veiled form of religion. We believe in a heliocentric universerather than a geocentric universe that religion has perpetuated. As a result of this challenge to anoutdated belief system, religion has imprisoned and oppressed many people who come up with new

    ideas. Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms was an attempt at stopping Luthers radical protestant

    ideas of salvation through faith as it would reject the role of the pope and a church, two things thatcould perpetuate the Catholic Churchs control. The Catholic Church even put Galileo Galilei under

    house arrest for publishing his findings on a heliocentric universe because God was not even given

    credit in the book, which would result in weakening the power of religion. This continual rejection

    and punishment of those who create new ideas that challenge the existence of people and institutionsis a constant in our society. Even though America adopts Protestantism over Catholicism and believes

    in the heliocentric universe today, the ideas were rejected back then instead of examined. Therefore,

    we can say that ideas will continually progress and people will continually try to stop the ideasthrough whatever means necessary to preserve their own existence. Yet, religion is perpetuated because it plays to humanitys fear of loss. Logic and new information

    are rejected in the name of salvation. Religion convinces people that they will lose everything and

    burn in a fiery pit of death forever and that a certain religion is the only path to escaping from it.Religion thus perpetuates faith,an assumption of the facts without a logical examination. This iswhy it can survive, even though religion itself makes no sense: because the masses are scared into

    believing it. Fear mongering is religions greatest weapon and its credibility through constantperpetuation keeps it alive. We trust religion because it has existed for thousands of years and take

    solace in the idea of living in a heavenly afterlife. But this is only because nobody has been able to

    organizes the masses into destroying it and thus, the masses who do believe in religion, perpetuate it.People join because of this idea of a fire pit of death and are scared into believing it for their own

    survival. When one person is deluded, we call it insanity. When the masses are deluded, we call it

    religion.Social conformity is the norm and it dictates our beliefs. We may call it euphemistically peerpressure, but it is nothing more than humans imposing beliefs. Our refusal to think fuels this status

    quo. We can only choose from a handful of beliefs because of our fear of ostracization and our refusal

    to think.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    VerdictSo what have we come to? We are now people who attack and refute beliefs and the individuals who

    create them instead of examining them for validity. We erroneously associate being wrong or being

    different with failure because failure means that our existence has diminished. Whenever there is anew belief or idea that challenges our own, especially when it threatens our existence, we are quick to

    reject it instead of considering it. A radical idea that seeks to break the boundaries of the humanimagination is often met with insult and ignorance for it often challenges the existence of current

    ideas. We insult those who create these beliefs instead of thanking them for having a creative mind.Instead, we should be honoring failure as a way of bringing an individual to a whole new level of

    understanding and strengthening their view of the world. New ideas will continually replace old ones.

    Greater understanding of the world we live in will always replace the archaic assumptions of ancientpeople. We have gone from religion to science, from alchemy to chemistry, from the agricultural

    revolution to the industrial revolution, from spears and swords to guns, and from mail to the Internet.

    It is inevitable that ideas will be replaced by new ones as the need arises so does it make sense that

    we should welcome ideas instead of shun them?Yet, we are unable to because we have become self appointed guardians of the status quo. We

    ostracize whoever is different and it is this fear of being cast out from the group that makes the

    individual no longer an individual. A person becomes a copy of what they see in mainstream society

    upon fear of being cast out for being different. We become sheep that no longer need a dog to tell uswhere to stand or what not to do for the group automatically rejects anyone who is different. This can

    be seen in racism, discrimination, and the exile of radical thinkers. This bigoted train of thought

    cannot be removed unless we are able to change ourselves first, challenge the status quo, andovercome the fear of being ostracized.

    There is no point to a belief if one does not act upon it. People can have an opinion but it is

    meaningless in the face of establishment because whatever the establishment says is the truth

    becomes the truth. As a result, betrayal of beliefs is always a constant for humans must constantlyupdate their beliefs to conform to the status quo and not to what he or she individually believes. This

    conformity will only perpetuate the lies that people are cohered into.

    Peoples ideas are never their own unless they have experienced them first hand and not through what

    the television tells them. People betray the beliefs they believe in for gain. People reject ideas thatdestroy their existence. There is no consistency to humanity when it comes to beliefs.

    The very idea of a belief is to validate a persons existence and it thus creates a barrier that imprisons

    ones self from progress. It serves as a barrier to progress itself for ideas are only accepted by aperson when they benefit him or her.

  • 8/9/2019 Belief Essay


    For example, our belief in money serves as a barrier to progress. When politicians talk about

    legislation, they do not consider the environmental damage first nor do they consider human life: they

    focus on how much it will cost. They focus on money and create the fear of debt to block legislation

    (a familiar health care reform bill tune by the Republicans.) People, when they consider doing favors,think win-win, which is really a euphemism for what do I get out of this? What's in it for me?

    This is especially true in business as well. But if we took a step back, we would realize that money

    run on faith, we realize that if we did not believe in a simple piece of paper to dictate our lives, wecould accomplish much more. Corporations would have no grounds to block environmental

    legislation and people would not becomes slaves to debt. In fact, if the world stopped believing in

    money, we could fix the debt that we fear by making it not exist.Therefore, considering all these factors, there is no such thing as a belief: just a delusion for ideas areconstantly changing. There is no real thing as a belief system. There is no such thing as God. It is

    only a matter of time before ideas become updated and more and more of the truths of the world that

    the establishment tries to hide and suppress in order to maintain its agenda of self preservation cometo light. There is no such thing as a smart human being: just a person who can think different than

    others. Unfortunately, the idea of intelligence has become so distorted by the desire to maintain the

    status quo that intelligence is only considered when it benefits the individual or the system and neverthe collective.Although it seems ideal to say that if everyone believed in the same thing that everything would be

    fine, that is an ignorant view for it imprisons all of humanity in a bubble. This is the view of people

    who only want to believe that everyone should believe in the same things as him or her. Beliefsfundamentally serve to validate an existence and to spread that would be selfish and self-servant for it

    forces its views onto other people.Everyones beliefs are meaningless when it comes to the necessities of life. The planet cannot run on

    money but it can run on the light and heat it gets from the Sun. Us humans, regardless of race orreligion, are born naked, drink water, and eat food. We realize what connects all of us is this idea that

    all of us are really a part of nature: we are sub-servant to it, not ourselves nor anyone else nor a

    system. When we believe in nothing, we find the answer to everything. John Salk, the man whocreated the vaccine for polio, could have become a billionaire many times over with his vaccine. But

    he didn't believe in privatizing a life saving vaccine and therefore, he didn't patent it. He lived a good

    life with his salary as a university professor. If it wasn't for a man like Salk, a lot of us would be

    dead, regardless of religion, race, or social status.Its time we looked at the world from it's perspective and not from our own. Beliefs are nothing but

    tools for selfish survival. We do not own anything. We are not the single greatest entity on the planet.

    The planet is it's own entity and we are not it's masters: it owns us. We cannot survive without it and no

    matter what we believe in, the belief is simply moot in the grand scheme of things. But if we do not tryto eliminate our beliefs and the bigotry that arises from it, we are doomed to endless wars and the

    destruction of the world and each other.