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www.earthstarmag.com2 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Contact Christopher for a remote Divine HealingDivine Healing sessionvia Skype.





22 Metabolic Syndromeby Steven V. Joyal, MD

28 The Biology of Beliefby Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

36 The Energy of AbundanceTrust: How the Tangible Creates Itselfby Phyllis King.

42 Permaculture and NaturePermaculture’s Place in Nature, Design and the Spiritualby Craig Gibsone and Jan Martin Bang

51 Voices of the Sacred Feminineby Rev. Dr. Karen Tate

FEATURES12 Down To Earth Astrology

by Tim Gunns

16 What is Angel Healing & Alchemy?by Angela Mcgerr,\

31 Modern Life Depletes Your Gut Microbes in a Number of Different Waysby Dr. Joseph Mercola

48 Emotion and Healing in the Energy Bodyby Robert Henderson

56 Lord Have Murphy3 Ways To Use Your Cellphone To Call Higher Selfby Fran Shaw

57 One Form of CoQ10 Treats Parkinson'sby Case Adams

60 Healthy with Tai ChiYOUR BODY Principleby Sifu Peter Newton

62 Orbs and Beyondby John Pickering and Katie Hall

64 Developing Your Yogic Superpowers to Make the World a Better Placeby James Connor


18 Book Reviews


Page 36

Page 51

Page 28

Cover Art The Music of Silenceby Jean-Paul Avisse

For further information,contact

Prestige Art Galleries, 3909 W. Howard, Skokie,IL 60076. (874) 679-2555,


For a free color brochure,please send a S.A.S.E.

Jean-Paul Avisse


A dvocates of so-called “green”energy sources would like foryou to believe that alternative

methods of producing power have few,if any, drawbacks. This assertion hasproven to be untrue in most cases, andwind turbines are no exception.

Since wind farms were first intro-duced, it has become increasinglyapparent that there are many problemsassociated with their use, and that theyare nowhere near as green as we wereled to believe.

Aside from not being as efficient interms of cost to build vs. what they actu-ally produce in the long run, they havebeen responsible for millions of birddeaths, and the chemicals used in theirmanufacture are far from green.

For years, people who live nearwind turbines have experienced a num-ber of negative physical and psycholog-ical effects, but until recently it wasunclear what was causing them. Amongthe reported effects are sleep distur-bances and “decline in performance.”

But now, it seems at least part of themystery regarding wind turbines andtheir effects on humans has been solved.

It has been theorized that “infra-sound” waves created by wind turbinerotors might be the cause of the negativeeffects on humans, but advocates ofwind energy have claimed that theselow-frequency sounds are below therange of what the human ear can detect,and so the infrasound theories were dis-missed by those involved in the industry.

Recently, however, researchershave proven that humans are capable ofdetecting sound at frequencies as low as8 Hz, and that low-frequency sounds ofthe type emitted by wind turbines

indeed do have ameasurable andobservable effect onthe human brain.

Dr. ChristianKoch of the MaxPlanck Institute forHuman Developmentin Berlin headed upthe research, whichindicated that soundsconsidered too lowfor human ears todetect are still regis-tered by the primary auditory cortex ofthe brain. This part of the brain isresponsible for translating “sounds intomeaning,” to quote The Telegraph.

The researchers also found thatanother part of the brain —an area asso-ciated with emotions —became activewhen volunteers in the experimentswere exposed to sounds in low-frequen-cy ranges which, until now, have beenconsidered “inaudible” to humans.

Dr. Koch said:The observations showed a reaction

in certain parts of the brain which playa role in emotions.

This means that a human being hasa rather diffuse perception, saying thatsomething is there and that this mightinvolve danger.

All persons concerned explicitlystated that they had heard something.

True to form, wind industryspokespersons were quick to dismiss theresults of the research. Gemma Grimes,Director of Onshore Renewables atRenewableUK, was quoted as saying:

The author himself stated that itwould be scaremongering to make any aconnection between wind farms and pub-

lic health issues. There is an existingbody of peer-reviewed scientific research,which clearly shows that living near awind farm has no adverse effect on any-one's health, and to suggest otherwise isinaccurate and irresponsible.

What Dr. Koch actually said wasthis:

Neither scaremongering nor refut-ing everything is of any help in this situ-ation. Instead, we must try to find outmore about how sounds in the limitrange of hearing are perceived, Furtherresearch is urgently needed.

That statement is quite differentthan the interpretation it was given byGrimes. Indeed, Dr. Koch cautionsagainst jumping to conclusions withoutfurther research being conducted, but healso pointed out that “refuting every-thing” leads nowhere, either.

It’s obvious that more research iswarranted, and the wind industry's blan-ket dismissal not only of all the reportsfrom people living next to wind turbinesbut also of this recent study, shows justhow self-serving these green energyadvocates really are.—Natural News


Earth Star Up FrontWind Turbines Emit Brain-Disrupting ‘Ultrasound PollutionUltrasound Pollution’

Americans Are Fleeing US Cities in Record Numbers

O ne of the most significantdemographic trends inAmerican history, was the

growth of our cities during the 20thcentury. The industrial revolution low-ered the labor costs associated withagriculture, while creating more jobs inour urban areas, thus fueling a massmigration into our cities that continuesto this day. However, that trend may be

reversing for the first time. Accordingto a Bloomberg analysis of census databetween 2013 and 2014, millions ofAmericans are fleeing our cities. Butthese cities aren’t shrinking, the localsare being replaced by foreigners.Americans are largely leaving due tosoaring housing costs, and are beingreplaced by two different kinds ofimmigrants. Highly skilled immigrants

working in the tech sector who canafford the rent, and low skilled workerswho are willing to split the rent, andcram as many of their friends and rela-tives into tiny urban apartments. Insteadof the “White Flight” from our urbanareas that was widely documented in thelatter half of the 20th century, we’re nowexperiencing “American Flight.—Rumor Mill News


www.earthstarmag.com6 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERSCase Adams • Jan Martin Bang • James Connor

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Earth Star Up FrontTTeaching Children Gardening Boosts Their Development and Healtheaching Children Gardening Boosts Their Development and Health

A study conducted for Britain’sRoyal Horticultural Society(RHS) has found that encour-

aging children to learn gardening booststheir development by helping thembecome happier, more confident, andmore resilient. In addition, gardeningalso helps teach children patience andthe benefits of a healthy diet andlifestyle. The study was conducted byresearchers at the National Foundationfor Children, who surveyed 1,300 teach-ers and ten schools. Teachers who usedgardening as part of their learning expe-rience reported that it improved chil-

dren's readiness to learn. The teachersalso reported that gardening encouragedpupils to become more active in solvingproblems, as well as boosted literacyand numeracy skills. Now the society isurging that gardening should be incor-porated as a key teaching tool in schoolsregular curriculum instead of being anoptional extra-curricular activity.

The report said: “Fundamental tothe success of school gardens in stimulat-ing a love of learning was their ability totranslate sometimes dry academic sub-jects into practical, real world experi-ences. Children were encouraged to gettheir hands dirty, in every sense.Teachers involved in the research saidthe result was a more active, inquisitiveapproach to learning. The changeablenature of gardening projects—where

anything from the weatherto plant disease can affectthe outcome—forced chil-dren to become more flexi-ble and better able to thinkon their feet and solve prob-lems.” Dr Simon ThorntonWood, director of scienceand learning at the RHS,said: “Schools which inte-grate gardens into the cur-riculum are developingchildren who are muchmore responsive to thechallenges of adult life.”Sadly, gardening hasbecome a lost natural endeavor in muchof today’s urbanized societies. As aresult, modern man is losing out on awealth of natural physical and mentalhealth benefits. Gardening provides aer-obic, isotonic and isometric exercise,which benefits muscles and bones aswell as respiratory and cardiovascularsystems. Such benefits help preventhealth problems such as heart disease,obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis.Strength, endurance and flexibility arealso improved by gardening, whichmakes it one of the best all-roundexercises.

Physical exercise such as one getsfrom gardening releases endorphins,which are natural compounds that alle-viate stress and its many negative healthconsequences. Studies have shown thatsimply being in a garden lowers bloodpressure. Gardening also fosters a goodnight’s sleep and exposes people to ben-eficial soil microorganisms which manybelieve help boost the immune system.

Gardeners are more likely to eat awide range of fruit, vegetables, saladand herbs than non-gardeners, even ifthey don’t cultivate the produce them-selves. Eating a wide variety of fruitsand vegetables is essential to a healthydiet. In addition to the benefits of phys-ical activity, gardening helps peoplereconnect with the natural world fromwhence they sprang. It provides a calmoasis where one is lost in the momentand can be a natural form of meditationthat quiets the conscious mind. It canalso be a form of self-expression;enabling one to develop creativity and

build confidence while allowing ahealthy outlet for emotions.

Furthermore, gardening helpsdevelop a sense of achievement wherewe are able to step back and see the dif-ferences we have made and discover thesmall, important things in life.Gardeners tend to be hopeful and philo-sophical people who look forward tofuture seasons, enjoy the present andrespect the past and be more acceptingwhen things are not perfect. Clearly,teaching our children to garden, both athome and at school, gives them a headstart at living and appreciating a morenatural and healthy life.—The Best Years in Life



Earth Star Up FrontVitamin B17, Known As Laetrile, Kills Cervical And Prostate Cancer

V itamin B17, better known asLaetrile or amygdalin, is apowerful natural cancer treat-

ment that has been proven to kill bothprostate and cervical cancer cells.Laetrile is derived from amygdalin, anatural substance found in raw nuts andthe kernels of fruits such as apricots andpeaches. The healing properties were soeffective that Big Pharma becamealarmed to the point that they eventuallystepped in and pressured the FDA to banits use in the United States. However, itis still available online under the namevitamin B17. Laetrile contains anenzyme known as Emulsin that breaksdown into cyanide when ingested. It isthis chemical reaction that is responsi-ble for Laetrile’s cancer-fighting proper-ties. The most common form of laetrile,or vitamin B17, is derived from apricotseeds as these contain a large amount ofthe active ingredient that kills cancer.

Apricot seeds are available for pur-chase from health food stores andonline; however, as they contain com-pounds that break down into cyanide itis important to only use them medicinal-

ly under the supervision of a trainedhealth practitioner who is familiar withtheir effects.

Raw nuts such as bitter almondsand apricot seeds have been used as anatural medicine for thousands of years.Their use has been documented inTraditional Chinese Medicine, ancientEgyptian medicine and they were evenused by Native American tribes.Amygdalin was first isolated in 1830and was later used as a treatment forcancer in the US and many other coun-tries. Due to the presence of cyanide, asafer, non-toxic version was created in1952 by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr. He dis-covered a new way to isolate amygdalinfrom fruit kernels and created a chemi-cally-modified version of the activeingredient which came to be known asLaetrile.

Laetrile and the pure form amyg-dalin contain a substance that breaksdown into cyanide when it comes intocontact with cells in the human body.Normal, healthy cells have a naturaldefense against this process. Healthycells contain an enzyme known as rho-

danese, which promotes the combiningof cyanide molecules with sulfur. Thiscombination then becomes a cyanate, aharmless substance that is expelled fromthe body through urine. The level ofcyanide produced from taking Laetrileis so low that the body can easily copewith it and render it harmless. Cancercells do not have any defense againstcyanide. They contain an enzyme calledbeta-glucosidase that causes Laetrilemolecules to release both cyanide andbenzaldyhide. This powerful combina-tion completely destroys the cancer cell.Unlike conventional cancer treatments,Laetrile has the ability to destroy cancercells without harming the body’shealthy cells. —JB Bardot

New Airline Seat Arrangement Looks to Increase Passenger Capacity

A fter years of financial strug-gles, the nation's airlines arenow collecting hefty profits

thanks in part to industrywide efforts tosqueeze more seats into the economysection of most planes.

But if you thought airlines werefinished trying to shoehorn more seatsinto each plane, think again.

One of the world’s largest airlineseat makers, Zodiac Seats France, hasapplied for a patent to reconfigure theseats on airplanes so that every otherpassenger in a row is facing toward theback of the plane. That means that in arow of three fliers, the seat by the win-dow and the seat by the aisle facetoward the front of the plane while the

middle seat faces toward the back.To make it easier to exit, the seats

flip up when a passenger stands, likethe seats in many movie theaters.

This seat design—called EconomyClass Cabin Hexagon—can increasethe number of passengers who can fiton a typical Boeing 767 by up to 80fliers, depending on the existing layout.

The nation’s airlines may be run-ning out of ways to align and con-figure seats, said Jason Rabinowitz,data research manager, a website thatcompares airline seats and ameni-ties. Instead, he predicts that theindustry will now focus on shrink-ing onboard bathrooms and galleysto fit more passengers.

As for the “hexagon” idea, hesaid: “It never hurts to have adesign under your belt that you canuse in the future.”—Los Angeles Times



Earth Star Up FrontStem-Cell Dental Implants Grow New Stem-Cell Dental Implants Grow New TTeeth Right In eeth Right In YYour Mouthour Mouth

T he loss of a tooth is a minordeformity and a major pain.Although dental implants are

available, the healing process can takemonths on end, and implants that fail toalign with the ever-growing jawbonetend to fall out. If only adult teeth couldbe regenerated, right?

According to a study published inthe latest Journal of Dental Research, anew tissue regeneration technique mayallow people to simply regrow a new setof pearly whites.

Dr. Jeremy Mao, the Edward V.Zegarelli Professor of Dental Medicineat Columbia University Medical Center,has unveiled a growth factor-infused,three-dimensional scaffold with thepotential to regenerate an anatomicallycorrect tooth in just nine weeks fromimplantation. By using a proceduredeveloped in the university's TissueEngineering and Regenerative MedicineLaboratory, Dr. Mao can direct thebody’s own stem cells toward the scaf-fold, which is made of natural materials.Once the stem cells have colonized the

scaffold, a tooth can grow in the socketand then merge with the surroundingtissue.

Dr. Mao’s technique not only elim-inates the need to grow teeth in a Petridish, but it is the first to achieve regen-eration of anatomically correct teeth byusing the body’s own resources. Factorin the faster recovery time and the com-paratively natural process of regrowth(as opposed to implantation), and you

have a massively appealing dental treat-ment.

Columbia University has alreadyfiled patent applications in regard to thetechnology and is seeking associates toaid in its commercialization. In themeantime, Dr. Mao is considering thebest approach for applying his techniqueto cost-effective clinical therapies.—Popular Science


Y ou may have heard that one ofGoogle’s most recent projectsis developing driverless cars

that are wired to the “Internet ofThings,” so to speak. Well, consider awarning by Audi's chief executive thatGoogle’s self-driving cars will essen-tially spy on occupants.

Increasingly, motor vehicles arebecoming more wired, far beyond sim-ple GPS and GPS-enabled monitoringsystems. At the same time, the quest fordriverless vehicles is ramping up aswell, and the software that will berequired to operate such vehicles safelywill be a key component.

But software-driven vehicles alsoproduce a new range of questions andconcerns about data transfer, collectionand, importantly, use. This has drivencar companies to take clear stances onthe use of data and privacy.

“A car is one's second living roomtoday,” Audi Chief Executive RupertStadler said recently during a businessevent in Berlin attended by GoogleChairman Eric Schmidt.

“That’s private. The only personwho needs access to the data onboard isthe customer,” he said,

Data about a car’s location (and,naturally, the car’s occupant) as well asits speed could prove to be attractive toadvertisers, insurance companies andcommunications firms who might usethe data for their own commercialobjectives.

Already, German automakers arelobbying government regulators tomake sure they take a strict line inestablishing data privacy, an action that

would, they hope, make it more diffi-cult if not impossible for software andtelecom firms to establish a data-drivenbusiness model in the automobileindustry.

Critics of Google and its allegedpursuit of marketing technology toaccompany driverless vehicles includeApple CEO Tim Cook. Recently, helaunched a broadside against Googleand other rivals, accusing them of“gobbling up everything they can learnabout you and trying to monetize it.”

“I'm speaking to you from SiliconValley, where some of the most promi-nent and successful companies havebuilt their businesses by lulling theircustomers into complacency abouttheir personal information,” he said.“They’re gobbling up everything theycan learn about you and trying to mon-etize it. We think that's wrong. And it’snot the kind of company that Applewants to be.”—Natural News



Earth Star Up FrontThree Days to a Whole New Immune SystemNew Immune System, That’s Fast!

A ccording to researchers at theUniversity of SouthernCalifornia, the act of fasting for

as little as three days can regenerate theentire immune system, even in elderlypeople.

The researchers said that fastinghelps the body’s stem cells to begin pro-ducing new white blood cells, whichhelp to fight off infection.

They added that the discoverycould be especially effective for peoplesuffering from damaged immune sys-tems, including chemotherapy patients,who were protected from the toxicimpacts of the treatment during the fast-ing period

As the researchers noted, the act offasting for as little as three days canregenerate the entire immune system,even in elderly people.

“Fasting gives the‘OK’ for stem cells togo ahead and beginproliferating andrebuild the entire sys-tem,” Prof. ValterLongo, Professor ofGerontology and theBiological Sciences atthe University ofSouthern California,told the UK’s TheTelegraph.

He added that the body actuallyremoved parts that were damaged, old orinefficient during the fasting process, cre-ating “literally, a new immune system.”

According to Dr. Longo a person’ssystem recycles unneeded immunecells, especially damaged ones, in orderto create energy while they are fasting.

Over the course of his study’s trials,participants were asked to regularly fastbetween 2-4 days over a 6 month period.

The study was released in June andDr. Longo said that clinical trials muststill be completed, but added that theresearch looks “very promising”.—JB Bardot

A pioneering 3D-printed househas popped up in Xian, China.Chinese company ZhuoDa

recently “built” a two-story villa in lessthan three hours. Made up of six 3D-printed modules, the house was assem-bled like LEGO bricks before a liveaudience who were then invited to

explore the interior. The modular fire-proof home can withstand a magnitude-9 earthquake and is made from a spe-cial construction material the companyis keeping secret. Read more: Chinesecompany ‘builds’ 3D-printed villa inless than 3 hours

The company completed approxi-mately ninety percentof the construction inan off-site factorybefore shipping themodular pieces to theinstallation site. Thisefficient and timesav-ing process dramatical-ly reduces constructioncosts to just 2,500–3,000 yuan ($400–$480) per square meter.According to AnYongliang, the devel-oping engineer atZhuoda, the 3D-printedvilla only takes about10 days to producefrom initial construc-tion to final assembly,while it typically takeshalf a year to build atraditional villa.

The house is capable of withstand-ing high-magnitude earthquakesbecause the modules, each weighingover 100 kilograms per square meter,bear weight independently. The steel-framed structure home can also befilled with heat-insulating materials.The Zhuoda Group has filed over 22patents on their technology and is keep-ing their top-secret material underwraps. However, the company’s vicepresident Tan BuYong has revealed thatthe new material is sourced from indus-trial and agricultural waste, is fireproofand waterproof, and is free from harm-ful substances such as formaldehyde,ammonia, and radon. Related: ChineseCompany Assembles ten 3D-PrintedConcrete Houses in a Day for LessThan $5,000 Each After the structuralframework was 3D-printed, the compa-ny applied decorative sheet textures toeach module before final assembly.Homeowners will be able to choosefrom a variety of decorative textures,such as jade, marble, wood, and granite.Herbs can even be embedded into thewalls of the house for ‘built-in aro-matherapy.’ The buildings can with-stand wear for at least 150 years. —

Chinese Company ‘Builds’Chinese Company ‘Builds’ 3D-Printed V3D-Printed Villa in Less Than 3 Hoursilla in Less Than 3 Hours



Earth Star Up Front

I t may be hard to believe, but it istrue! The blind are seeing againwith this new technology for the

legally blind! Watch their reactionbelow!

This wonderful company has spentyears perfecting their life changing elec-tronic glasses called, eSight SmartSpectacles. The technology consists ofa prescription lens frame and headset(pictured above), which includes a cam-era that beams real time action onto avideo screen. The person wearing theheadset can enhance or enlarge theimages until they are seen clearly.

Each headset costs $15,000 but themanufacturer helps veterans and otherssponsor fund raisers to help them ‘see’again. What a worthy cause! I’m envi-sioning future eSight glasses lookinglike Star Trek’s Geordie La Forge Visorsbut much less expensive due to to mass

production.Mark Cornell is a US Air Force

veteran and has been legally blind fortwenty years. After a rare reaction to anunknown tick bite he began to lose hissight and was left with little more then

extremely blurred vision.Thanks to eSight, he is now able to

see his family and friends for the firsttime in twenty years. —

TThe Blind he Blind ArAre Seeing e Seeing AgAgain ain WWith ith TThis Nehis New w TTecechnolohnologgy!y!

T he ability to travel in theUnited States is about tobecome more restrictive as the

TSA announces it will soon be enforc-ing new identification standards inAmerican airports.

Beginning in 2016, passengersattempting to pass through a federalTSA checkpoint will be subject to therequirements of the REAL ID Act. To

that end, the TSA will put higherscrutiny on travelers’ identities, andwill only accept a federal passport or a“REAL-ID” card, which is issued bythe states to meet federal requirements.Passengers will not be allowed to flythrough an American airport withoutsubmitting to the advanced federalspecifications.

Both federal passports and REAL-

ID cards require a number of uniquepersonal identifiers to be stored togeth-er in government databases, includinghis or her full name, date of birth,Social Security Number, scanned sig-nature, and other identifiers. Both cardsrequire biometric data: a front-facingdigital photograph of the passenger’sface, which is ultimately used with afacial recognition database.

“It is a choice,” flip-pantly explainedDavid Fierro, thePublic InformationOfficer for the NevadaDepartment of MotorVehicles. “If you use apassport when you’retraveling you don’thave any problems. Ifyou use your driver’slicense as identifica-tion, you’ll need toeither apply for theReal ID card or get apassport.” More at:—Investment Watch

TSA To Require Americans To Have A Real ID Card To Fly


/www.earthstarmag.com1 2 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Saturn, planet of discipline andkarma, stations Direct on August1st, at 27°08’ Scorpio. How haveyou responded to the profession-al opportunities or challenges

that have come your way during Saturn’s 4-1/2 months in review mode? Have youbehaved responsibly and fairly with partnersand the significant others in your life? As theringed planet gradually gathers forwardmomentum, tangible progress towards covet-ed career goals may now become perceptible.

Unexpected news could arrive when Mercurytrines Uranus on the 2nd, Your intuitioncould help you to solve a problem now.Engage in stimulating activities with friendsor groups. If you have a natal horoscope,study it for timely insights.

Expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturnsquare off on the 3rd, heightening one’s pre-disposition towards either optimism (Jupiter)or pessimism (Saturn). Expansion and con-traction are conflicting influences at thistime, when measured progress is the order ofthe day. Ambitions are powerfully arousednow. However, be careful not to take on moreprojects or responsibilities than your currentresources can sustain. The wise will keeptheir expectations within realistic bound-aries, and exercise greater self-discipline.

Venus conjuncts Jupiter on August 4th for thesecond of three such close encounters (thenext is on Oct 25). However, the beneficencethat typically accompanies this planetaryalignment is somewhat constrained by aclose square to Saturn, and because Venus isin retrograde, Nonetheless, positive, lovingand lucky vibrations pervade the ethers now.

Mars trines Saturn on the 6th, when stamina,endurance and determination are increased.

Opportunities for growth or advancementmay arise, so be prepared to act on businessor career options that may come your way.

When Mercury conjuncts Venus, later on the6th, attune to the moods of others beforeexpressing your views or opinions. Reconcilewith friends, partners or loved ones withwhom you may have had issues. Expressyourself through art, music, or literature.

Be sure to broaden your mind on the 7th asMercury and Jupiter align in conjunction, in30° Leo, conjunct the royal star, Regulus.Enroll in higher education classes, or acourse of study, to improve your prospectsfor the future. Forge alliances with like-minded individuals and groups.Communicate your thoughts and progressiveideas. Plan or take a trip.

Mercury moves into the familiar realm ofVirgo later on the 7th (till Aug 27), whenlogic and reasoning power is enhanced. Putyour mind to work for you now. Cultivateyour organizational skills. Plan projects.

Mars enters the fiery, yet complementarysign of Leo on the 8th, till Sept 24. Passionsmount and physical energies shift up a gearduring this highly stimulating martian transit,so be sure to get plenty of exercise.

Jupiter enters tropical Virgo on August 11th(till Sept. 9, 2016), greatly enhancing thework ethic theme during its thirteen-monthsojourn in this, the most practical of zodiacalsigns. A desire to be of service to others inuseful ways is one hallmark of this transit,while Virgo’s renowned capability for criti-cism is magnified and would be bestemployed in constructive ways, such as edit-ing creative writing, project planning, and anyendeavor where attention to detail is essential.

A flash of pure genius may facilitate progresstowards a goal or cambition when the suntrines Uranus on the 13th. Look for newways of raising capital or of financing a proj-ect dear to your heart. Delve into astrologicalor metaphysical studies for timely insights.

August’s new moon occurs on the 14th, at21°31’ Leo, inaugurating a new four-weekcycle of personal creativity. A greater level ofself-reliance, self-sufficiency, and independ-ence from traditional constraints may be nec-essary now in order to make progresstowards coveted objectives.

The sun aligns in conjunction with retrogradeVenus on the 15th, in 23° Leo, heighteningthe need for peace and harmony in all rela-tionships. Show appreciation for those youlove. Express yourself creatively. This is gen-erally a "good times" transit, but financialextravagance and self-indulgence could easilydrain precious resources.

Vitality conferred by the Sun is restricted bySaturn when they align in square on the 21st,indicating impatience, and the need to exer-cise self-discipline. This aspect can illumi-nate personality flaws, to show where workneeds to be done. Duties and responsibilitiesmay weigh heavily now; meditate on some-thing cheerful to lift your spirits.

The sun enters Virgo on the 22nd, and for thenext four weeks one’s ability to adapt to nec-essary changes in plans or schedules isenhanced, while being practical and method-ical comes more easily. Do creative workrequiring attention to detail.

The sun aligns in conjunction with Jupiter onthe 26th, in 03°21’Virgo, when an element ofrestlessness pervades the ethers and the needto achieve is rampant! This can also be an



exceptionally lucky day for some.Broadening one’s horizons may be a popularnotion now.

Mercury enters Libra on the 27th (till Nov1), when the study of human behavior pat-terns—especially your own—can provideuseful relationship insights. Consider bothsides of a situation before making decisions.

August’s full moon culminates at 06°06’ ofdreamy Pisces on the 29th, and we arespurred on towards achieving goals andambitions. The focus now is on eliminatingthe unnecessary in pursuit of your objec-tives, especially while emotions and psychicperceptions are heightened. Your faith maybe tested in some way around this juncture.

One’s ability to discern reality from illusionmay be impaired on the 31st, when the sunopposes Neptune. Beware of self-delusion ordeception, as things or people may not be allthey seem or appear to be. Be completelyopen and forthright in all relationships now.

Passions rise and love may bloom when gen-der planets, Venus and Mars, align in con-junction in 15° Leo later on the 31st. Find apractical outlet for these creative energies.Spend wisely, resist the urge to splurge.

The sun trines Pluto on September 5th, whenefforts geared toward self-improvement arefavored. An opportunity may arise to expressyour unique creative abilities through busi-ness or career activities, so be enterprising.Carpé diem!

Venus, planet of love and money, stationsDirect on September 5th, in 14° Capricorn,after a six-week retrograde period in whichfinances, and at least some of the ties thatbind, may have come under much closerscrutiny. Progress can now be made in cre-ative endeavors, affairs of the heart, partner-ships, and money-matters.

The enigmatic red planet, Mars, trinesUranus on the 8th, a highly energetic junc-ture at which progressive career opportuni-ties could appear out of the blue, so be on thelookout for new doors to open. Initiate newand innovative activities or ventures underthis influence. A good physical workout nowwill help to any reduce stress.

Mercury squares Pluto on the 9th, when

sexual tension and passions mount. Avoidattempts at mental or emotional manipula-tion now. Financial security and wealth pro-duction can assume greater importance.

September’s new moon arrives on the 12th,at 20°10’ Virgo. Nurture your special talentsand skills during the next four weeks.Adjustments in the work sector may have tobe made, in which case, use your intuitionand imagination to help determine job,career or business moves. Health awarenessand the healing arts are also in sharp focusnow, when much potential exists for healingdeep wounds from the past...physical,mental or emotional.

A reality-blurring opposition between Pisceanco-rulers, Jupiter and Neptune culminates onthe 16th, when expectations or apprehensionscan distort our perceptions, and the reality ortruth of a situation could be, at best, illusive,and even deliberately distorted.

On September 17th, Mercury stationsRetrograde, at 15°55’ Libra (till Oct 9), there-fore plans or arrangements of any importanceshould be implemented prior to this period.However, while Mercury is retrograde, youmay safely make revisions or otherwise goover previously covered territory for inconsis-tencies or errors. You might even find some-thing that you'd lost.

Later on the 17th, a more significant shift inthe force occurs when Saturn reenters tropi-cal Sagittarius, where it will remain tillDecember 19, 2017. During the ringed plan-et’s transit here we will be presented withnew challenges to overcome, principally inSagittarius-ruled areas such as truth; free-dom; spirituality; higher education; long-dis-tance travel; and communication matters,including control of the press, free speech,and Internet neutrality. People will becomemore committed to their beliefs, and there-fore more willing to fight for what they feelis right. Indeed, the truth can set you free.

Mother Earth reaches the natural midpoint ofher annual cycle when the sun enters tropicalLibra on September 23rd, heralding theautumnal equinox, that pivotal point whenday and night are of equal duration. Asalways, while the sun is in Libra, we would dowell to seek balance and harmony in our ownlives, especially within key relationships.

Later on the 23rd, the sun and Saturn align insextile, when constructive progress can bemade towards professional or educationalgoals. Combining practicality and creativityachieves the best results now. Advice froman authority figure could prove helpful.

Tension and passions can mount on the 24th,when Mercury squares Pluto. Avoid attemptsat emotional manipulation.

Pluto stations Direct later on the 24th, in 13°Capricorn. For several days around this junc-ture all Plutonic themes, such as ‘power’, sex-uality, joint finances, and control issues aregreatly emphasized. Strong seismic activity insusceptible areas is also a possibility.

A shift in the cosmic tide occurs later on the24th when Mars enters Virgo for a six-weeksojourn, in which actions will likely stem frompurely practical considerations. Do workrequiring precision. Reorganize your occupa-tional environment for greater efficiency.

An energy-sapping square between Mars andSaturn perfects later on the 25th, when thecustomary vim and vigor conferred by Marsis inhibited by the constraining influence ofSaturn. Don't push too hard to get things donenow. Be sure to get plenty of rest.

September’s full moon is also a lunareclipse, culminating on the 27th, in 05°Aries, and may herald the ending, or trans-formation, of a professional partnership oralliance, while the potential for new, moreproductive associations is seeded.Relationship issues could vie for time youmight rather devote to personal pursuits.Give others plenty of space!

When the sun conjuncts Mercury on the 30that 07°07’ Libra, important announcements ordecisions could be forthcoming. Thoughtsturn towards ways and means of improvingcommunications, and issues relating to one'spersonal relationships. Let your instinctsguide you in decision-making now. Be alertto educational opportunities, or highly val-ued information.

Following is a general overview of how theplanetary trends for August/September,2015 apply to each sun sign. If you knowyour rising sign (Ascendant), read that, too,for additional insights.

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyy


www.earthstarmag.com1 4 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyAries (March 20—April 19)

Your creative potential is soaring now;seek ways to apply your inspiration

towards attaining a personal goal or career objective.Address any chronic health issues, particularly if theyhave had an impact on your ability to fulfill yourwork commitments. Educate yourself about thethings you can do to maintain peak health and fitnesslevels. Indeed, this would be the ideal time toimplement an improved health, nutritional and fitnessregimen. Pay more attention to those closest to youthat help to keep your world turning and support yourefforts to get ahead.

Taurus (April 19—May 20)

Activities with family and around thehome can take up more of your time andenergy during August, which may prove to

surprisingly enjoyable. Perhaps a little nest-feathering,or simply some summer fun. A creative project couldinspire a new goal or objective, which might alsohave a bearing on your career potential. A patient,steady approach will serve you best. Seek ways toimprove your work efficiency, so that you can bemore productive.

Gemini (May 20—June 21)

You’re keen to put at least one of yourbright ideas into practice, perhaps to helpfurther a professional ambition. While a

little patience wouldn’t go amiss, determination andapplication may be key to your eventual success. Selfbelief will also be a factor, which will need to comeacross in communications with individuals or groupsfrom whom you hope to attract additional resourcesor support. In order to maintain your credibility andgood standing, be sure you don’t promise more thanyou can comfortable deliver.

Cancer (June 21—July22)

Your ability to add to your income isgreatly improved during this forecast

period, when financial gains are distinctly possible.However, you will also need to maintain a tight gripon your purse strings, as it may be all too easy tomake unnecessary or unwise expenditures, eventhough it might seem like a good idea at the time. Be

sure to keep your feet firmly on the ground and intouch with reality, as situations, circumstances, andeven people, may not be all they appear to be.Likewise, avoid making commitments or promisesthat you’re not certain you can keep, as this couldadversely affect your credibility in the long run.Operate only from within your comfort zone; leaverisk-taking for another day.

Leo (July 22—August 23)

A new cycle of personal growth andcreativity is underway, which, coupled

with dynamic Mars in your sign for most of thisforecast period, provides a major boost to yourconfidence level, inspiring bold new objectives, asany preexisting limitations seem to fall away. Yourfinancial position looks set to improve, with luckyJupiter now in your solar second house of personalincome for the next year. However, be realistic andpractical with your use of resources, and avoidunwise speculation. Keep any new bright ideas orbrainstorms to yourself for the time being; instead,work on developing them more fully.

Virgo (August 23—September 23)

Give some time and thought to yourhopes and aspirations during August,when, despite your best efforts, progress

may be more dependant upon others, and perhapstiming, than your own industry. Nonetheless, you’renot short on ideas or inspiration, so be sure to notethe best, to implement when circumstances, or thetiming, is more auspicious. In the meantime,consider ways to reinvent yourself or yourprofessional image. If you don’t already have one,set up a dedicated creative space within your homeenvironment from which you can work on projectsthat might enhance your career prospects.

Libra (September 23—October 23)

Consider your goals and plans for thefuture, and what it would take to makethem a reality. You’re certainly not short

on inspiration, but perhaps you might benefit fromsome support from friends or groups who share yourobjectives and are willing to help. Significant othersin your life can assume greater importance now.


DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyIndeed, their contribution to your sense of self canhave a significant impact on your future plans. Takeyour time over any important decisions you need tomake, as your perception of reality is in the midst ofprofound change.

Scorpio (October 23—November 22)

You’re feeling much more confidentabout your hopes and plans for the future,

and because of this, you are ready to embrace newprofessional challenges and responsibilities, inyour quest to get ahead. When serious Saturnfinally leaves your sign and moves on intoSagittarius in mid September, you will begin to feellike a heavy weight has been lifted from yourshoulders. Consider linking up with groups ororganizations that share your objectives, as youcould benefit from their insights, guidance, andconnections.

Sagittarius (November 21—December 21)

The impulse to broaden your horizons,perhaps through travel, during August, is

tempered by work or professional obligations thatmust be met. There may also be family matters tocontend with, that outweigh the desire to spread yourwings. Nonetheless, you have a strong emotionalyearning to get away for a while, if only for a changeof scenery. Your career prospects, however, lookparticularly good, with lucky Jupiter riding high inyour solar chart for the next year. When Saturnenters your sign in mid September, for the next twoyears, you might feel more inclined to embrace anew professional challenge.

Capricorn (December 21—January 19)

A key motivator during August will be adesire to eliminate nonessential elements

from your life, perhaps in preparation for aprofessional renaissance, or a shift into a new phaseof life. You will most certainly be looking to thefuture with hope and optimism, though you'd be wiseto keep your expectations within the realm of reality;what you think you want may not be truly what youneed, or even practical. You may feel torn between ayearning for a quieter, more peaceful life, and yetyour innate nature may crave a worldly challenge of

some kind. Take the time to carefully weigh all youroptions; don't be swayed by emotional impulse..

Aquarius (January 19—February 18)

Activities with family, partners, andsignificant others in your life will keep

you on the go throughout this forecast period; someof which can be stimulating and enjoyable, whileother things you may feel you've outgrown and nowhave little tolerance for. Nonetheless, like the goodsport you are, you rise to each occasion with equalenthusiasm, keeping your thoughts and opinions toyourself. You are, however, keen to eliminateunnecessary elements from your life, and ready toembrace new notions or philosophies more in linewith your changing outlook.

Pisces (February 18—March 20)

Your self image can fluctuate with thefeedback you receive from others, which

in turn triggers emotional response patterns, someof which you might now have outgrown, and may beready to eliminate. Your work or vocationalactivities can be both enjoyable and financiallyrewarding, encouraging you to consider new plansor goals for the future. A new outlook on life isbeginning to dawn, one which is more in line withyour ideals and belief system. You may enter into anew partnership arrangement, or become alignedwith an important group, organization, or cause.

Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant,conference coordinator and producer,and formerly program director of theLos Angeles Conscious Life Expo, andthe nat ional Whole Life Expos.Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense inter-

pretations of Natal Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast TransitReports ($75 for 1 full year), and Relationship CompatibilityReports ($45). Shipping is free. Send: Name (as you'd like it toappear on the chart), Date of Birth, Time (as close as possible),Place of Birth (city/country, etc.) for each person, and your returnaddress, phone# and check to: Tim Gunns, c/o 110 Hilltop Drive,Waynesville NC 28786. 828-452-7885. Consultations byphone may also be scheduled. Payment can be made via Paypalto [email protected]



Angel Healing & Alchemy is not aboutturning lead into gold! It is about trans-mutation of self (Mind, Body and Spirit)into something finer, more balanced andmore harmonised than before, and this

means in terms of all three aspects of self. What is theuse of being physically fit if your mind or spirit isalways in turmoil, or vice versa? This is a huge subjectwhich begins simply and then, if you choose to knowmore, gradually becomes complex.

But before we start, I would ask you three questions:

• Do you want to experience some AngelAlchemy? Does your heart urge you to change yourselffor the better and by so doing, attain more inner peace?

• Are you prepared to work at this a bit? There areno quick fixes here! If you want more harmony and bal-ance in life, first you need to know what you do and don’t

know about this. Because the spiritual side (and you doknow this) is equally important to the physical side, yetwith the spiritual self you need to be viewing it with theEye of the Heart. How do you do this? The angels willassist and support you, but cannot do it for you!

• If you commit to putting in some effort, youcannot work at everything in life at once, so choose yourpriority. Then you can select which angel specificallyassists with this, and we begin with your GuardianAngels.

Of course you have heard of Guardian Angels, andknow they exist to support mankind with self-healing—a key aspect of our personal, spiritual alchemy—but didyou know that in fact more than one is assigned to us atbirth, with a “brief” to encourage us towards AngelHealing and Alchemy? Or that others come along toguide us at certain times in our lives? There are thou-

By Angela McGerr

What iis AAngel HHealingWhat iis AAngel HHealing& AAlchemy?& AAlchemy?


sands of angels listed in the old wisdom, with a remitfrom the Creator to support mankind (in fact All Life onEarth) with spiritual growth.

To begin, you can learn about Melchisadec and theSacred Seven, focusing first on the latter, because theyare the Rulers of the Weekdays (and planets of thosedays). So the simplest way to begin working with angelsis to focus on the angel of the Sacred Seven who rulesthe day that you were born upon—this is one of your keyGuardian Angels. This Angel may have been waiting foryour call for many lifetimes!

Here is a channelling by Melchisadec (“spiritualfather to his Sacred Seven) explaining what angels bringto mankind:

I welcome you to the world of Angels and dazzlingAngelic Light (the highest vibration in your Reality). Ifyou call on us, we offer to illuminate your Mind, Bodyand Spirit as we connect to you to fast-track your heal-ing and spiritual expansion. How to start your AngelHealing & Alchemy? I rule Seven and am father to theSacred Seven Planetary Angels. I counsel you to prac-tice invoking me and my angels and focus on your selfhealing and spiritual expansion. As you work with me,resolve to learn also about my Seven to heal your lifedaily with the daily support of their unconditional love,focusing on these particular issues:

Monday: Gabriel - Hopes, dreams, aspirations, intu-ition, feminine balanceTuesday: Camael - Courage, confidence, empowerment,forgivenessWednesday: Michael - Strength, protection, personal/absolute TruthThursday: Zadkiel - Abundance, wisdom, kindness,integrity Friday: Haniel - Love, including of self, beauty, com-passion, joySaturday: Cassiel - Overcoming challenge, peace, har-mony, serenitySunday: Raphael - Energy healing, knowledge, deci-sions, masculine balance

Though they can appear in any form, I believe thatangels are “Spiritus Dei”, the breath of the Creator,Essence of Light given form by Love. When we pro-nounce an angel’s name out loud this is a sacred sound,a pure vibration like a mini-prayer. The first connectionyou can make is to invoke the sacred name three times,from the heart with loving intent, as this “calls in” theangelic ray. We can learn to feel this energy on hands,within heart or crown, or simply just enfolding us and

when we’ve learnt this we can move on to more sophis-ticated ways of connecting.

Why three times? Following the Sacred Law ofThree of the angel Hermes Trismegistus maximises theenergy of our invocations. There are many examples ofthe power of three: Religious trinities of Father, Son andHoly Spirit; Isis, Osiris, Horus; the three Magi of theBible. The composition of the world: animal, vegetableand mineral; of man: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen; themeasurement of time: past, present, and future. Moreimportantly, perhaps, as previously mentioned, man’smind, body and spirit; from HermesTrismegistus/Thoth’s Emerald Tablets we learn,amongst other things, in this connection that three arethe Paths of the Soul: Man, Liberty, Light.

When you wish to invoke your Guardian Angel,always make the Invocation from your heart: Hold outyour hands, palms up and relax them. Call on your cho-sen Angel by name three times, and then make yourrequest, e.g. “Raphael, Raphael, Raphael, please be withme, in Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light”(this shows positive and honest intent). Always remem-ber to thank the Angel. Even if you don’t feel anything(and at the beginning, I didn’t), your angel will havecome into your presence—with practice you will feel theenergy, and it gets stronger if you commit to bringingAngel Healing &Alchemy into your life.

From Angel Healing &Alchemy: How To Begin -Melchisadec, Sacred Seven& the Violet Ray. by AngelaMcGerr, published by AxisMundi Books an imprint ofJohn Hunt Publishing,h t tp : / / i smund i



Shamanic ReikiExpanded Ways of Working withUniversal Life Force EnergyBy Llyn Roberts and Robert Levy

Shamanic Reiki introduces techniques that heal-ers and Reiki practitioners can draw on to tapancient healing wisdom. Shamanism and Reikiare, by themselves, powerful ways to heal.Together, their power multiplies, and healingmethods become available that aren’t accessibleif used separately. The purpose of ShamanicReiki is to introduce you to concepts in both andprovide you with detailed proven methods toenhance your own healing practices.

O-Books. Paperback, $19.95.

Nursing by HeartTransformational Self-Care For NursesBy Julie Skinner

Nursing by Heart explores the author’s personaland professional journey discovering truly effec-tive self-care and the profound impact this hashad on her. Each chapter explores a key compo-nent with examples from the author's life, givingactivities and tools for readers to experience coreself-care techniques that are simple, effectiveand transformational. The book draws on ancientwisdom to create new possibilities for all nursescurrently practising and struggling with carerfatigue, and encourages empowerment by

teaching energy management, allowing them to take responsibility fortheir health, as physical, emotional, thinking and spiritual beings.

AYNI Books. Paperback, $14.95.


Summer Reading Summer Reading The Energy of Abundance

Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdomto Achieve Anything You Want in Life

By Phyllis King

The Energy of Abundance is a fresh, insightful,and often humorous view of life, spirituality,and the creative process. It explains in acces-sible language the “energy game,” and howeach of us can play it to invite more happiness,love, and abundance into our lives. Succinctand practical, this book reveals each person’sunique and personal dance between spiritualtruths and human desires. If you have ever wondered why the law ofattraction hasn’t worked for you, The Energy of Abundance will help youfigure it out. It addresses all major aspects of life—from birth to death,marriage to money—and clearly explains how to shift outcomes, usingcaptivating stories, laugh-out-loud humor, and poignant insights.

New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99.

Tai Chi ReflectionsA Set of 48 Self-Empowerment Cards

Based on the Body Language of the Tai Chi Form

Written and Illustrated by Richard Crookes

Tai Chi Reflections is both authored and illustratedby Richard Crookes. In this beautifully illustratedset of 48 cards, the reader will gain access to theinner calm and personal empowerment that isinherent in the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi practicethrough engaging with the body language of eachposture. This deck is not intended to be an instruc-tional system for learning the Tai Chi exercise; rather it is an inspira-tional tool for reflection and empowerment. It will encourage theseeking out of further Tai Chi instruction for inner and outer health.Tthis deck of cards a unique and simple key to the gateway of theancient knowledge of this beautiful and mysterious martial art.

Findhorn Press. Boxed Set, $16.99.

Love EveryoneThe Transcendent Wisdom ofNeem Karoli Baba Told Throughthe Stories of the WesternersWhose Lives He TransformedBy Parvati Markus

A celebration of Neem Karoli Baba, oneof the most influential spiritual leaders ofour time, the divine guru who inspiredand led a generation of seekers—includ-ing Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, andLarry Brilliant—on life-changing journeysthat have ultimately transformed ourworld. The contributors share their rec-ollections of Maharajji and how his wis-dom shaped their lives. All have attempt-ed to follow Maharajji’s basic teaching,his seemingly simple directives: Love

everyone, feed everyone, and remember God. All have found their ownway to be of service in the world and, in so doing, have collectivelytouched the hearts and souls of countless others.

Harper One. Hardcover, $27.99.

Wisdom of the WatchersTeachings of the Rebel Angels

on Earth’s Forgotten PastBy Timothy Wyllie

Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angelGeorgia details the events of Earth’s ancienthistory from 39,000 BC to 16,500 BC. Thebook chronicles the destruction of Lemuria,the Pleiadian evacuation of Earth, and theLemurian diaspora that spread to India, Tibet,China, and South America. Georgia explainsangelic esoteric science, such as the linkbetween spiritual centers on higher planesand ancient monuments on Earth, includingthe Giza pyramids. Interwoven throughout with observations aboutTimothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, such as his long involve-ment with the Process Church and his interactions with rebel angelincarnates like Timothy Leary.

Bear & Company. Paperback, $20.00.



Summer Reading Summer Reading Live in the Moment, IncludingZen and the Art of HealingBy Ross Cribb

With clarity of thought and realism, Rev. RossCribb sets out to provide an alternative vocabularywith which to describe significant events, humannature and spirituality, with the goal to empowerindividuals to have happier and more meaningfullives. His highly readable combination of Zen, phi-losophy, psychology and science makes a com-pelling case for his view of spirituality. Explainingthat we often refer to different parts of ourselves

as independent, he takes this a step further by invoking the New Ageconcept of Energy Bodies (specifically the Physical, Emotional, Mentaland Spiritual Bodies). With these he explains Enlightenment, Being inthe Moment and Energy Healing—an effective method for releasingblockages that take us out of the moment.

O-Books. Paperback, $27.95.

Jacky Newcomb’s Little Angels40 Inspirational Cards

Beautifully illustrated by Jane Delaford Taylor, Jacky

Newcomb’s Little Angels cards contain messagesand guidance for children of 5 to 10 years old.Each child is depicted as a little angel to emphasizethe loving qualities they are all imbued with. Simplyselect a card from the box each time you need a lit-tle wisdom and maybe even share it with yourfriends.

Findhorn Press. Boxed Set, $14.99.

A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Food

By Rachel Patterson

Food is magical, not just because of the amazingtastes, flavors and aromas but also for the magi-cal properties it holds. The magic starts with thechoice of food to use, be added in whilst you arepreparing and cooking then the magic unfolds aspeople enjoy your food. Dishes can be createdfor specific intents, moon phases, and rituals, tocelebrate sabbats or just to bring the magic intoyour family meal. Many food ingredients can alsobe used very successfully in magical workings inthe form of offerings, medicine pouches, witchesbottles and poppets.

Moon Books. Paperback, $16.95.

The Haunted House DiariesThe True Story of a Quiet Connecticut Town

in the Center of a Paranormal MysteryBy William J. Hall

Nestled deep in Litchfield Hills, Connecticut, a 1790farmhouse sits near the epicenter of a paranormalcommotion. The family that resides there regularlyencounters its own ancestors and strangers whoseemingly occupy the same physical space in ourworld while remaining in their own, parallel worlds.When famous ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warreninvestigated, they dubbed it “Ghost Central.” Here’syour chance to unlock and experience the private diary of farmhouse res-ident Donna Fillie. This amazing record spans five decades and recountsa parade of uncanny occurrences. After reading The Haunted House

Diaries, you will undoubtedly wonder: Are our assumptions about theparanormal all wrong?

New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99

Tantra For The WestA Direct Path to Living the Life of Your DreamsBy Marc Allen

What does tantra have to do with your relationships,work, money, creativity, sex, food and drink, beingalone, meditation and yoga, aging and healing, politics,freedom, and enlightenment? Everything! Tantra isusually thought of as sex with some kind of mysticismthrown in. Marc Allen goes back to the original mean-ing of tantra and shows how it can be applied to everymoment of your life. Tantra for the West, now com-

pletely revised, with new material added, is filled with ancient and mod-ern principles and practices that help you use all your experiences as partof your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Within your way of life—whatever it may be—within your everyday thoughts and feelings, withinyour fantasies and dreams are the keys to love, freedom, and fulfillment.As soon as you can see this, you’ll find yourself on a direct path to realiz-ing the life of your dreams.

New World Library. Paperback, $14.95.

Revelations of the Ruby CrystalBy Barbara Hand Clow

In her debut as a novelist, bestselling author andacclaimed spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clowweaves a story of romance, deep earth forces,psychic powers, aristocracy, and Vatican worldcontrol centered on an ancient ruby that inspiresmystical visions. Set in Rome in 2012, the storyfollows Sarah Adamson, a beautiful youngCatholic graduate student from Boston studyingat the Vatican Library for her thesis on the firstChristian heretic, Marcion of Pontus. She is beingcourted by two utterly different men. After a terrible encounter withthe dark side at a castle in Tuscany, Sarah is given a ring set with aruby crystal, a powerful stone that was once the third eye of anancient Buddha statue in Nepal. Revealing the very nature of how evilgets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spiri-tuality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a gold-en new age.

Bear & Company. Hardcover, $26.00.



Ancient Egyptian CelestialHealingThe Source Codes for High FrequencyBy Tracey Ash

Are you interested in how you may redefine thepossibilities of your life? Would you like tochange the world around you? Are you inter-ested in how you can anchor the new, super-energy consciousness that awakens your pos-itive self and the world? This book is for con-scious individuals passionate about the essen-tial ‘how to’ of new transformation and humanpotential frontiers for a magnificent self andworld change. Ancient Egyptian Celestial

Healing shares Tracey's research on new scientific and historical evi-dence on ancient knowledge technologies to accelerate miracles in yourlife and the world. It documents Tracey’s story of discovering The SourceCodes during journeys to Ancient Egyptian sites at the time of the ArabSpring and shares a new frontier of transformation, awakening and con-tribution at critical times of urgent world change. Here is your introduc-tion to The Source Codes—the high-frequency miracle-resource for pow-ering your intelligence and excellence.

Findhorn Press. Paperback, $15.99.

Shapeshifting into HigherConsciousnessHeal and Transform Yourself and Our WorldWith Ancient Shamanic and Modern MethodsBy Llyn Roberts

Combining shamanism, spirituality, ecology andactivism, Llyn Roberts shares her years of experi-ence with indigenous healers who come from cul-tures that know how to shapeshift realities. Shetranslates ancient techniques into easy to under-

stand modern practices that you can use every day to transform your-self and make a positive difference in the world.

O-Books. Paperback, $22.95

IntegrationThe Power of Being Co-Active

in Work and LifeBy Ann Betz and Karen Kimsey-House

We live in a world of both profound separationand deep longing for connection. Betz andKimsey-House explore not only the historical andspiritual history of our disconnection and its costto individual and societal well-being, but alsoprovide a compelling, neuroscience-based argu-ment for how to make the next “great turning” ofhuman development: becoming more integratedhuman beings. They invite you to accompanythem through a road map to integration byexploring the Co-Active model, originally used by coaches, but with prac-tical application to business, parents, teachers, and anyone with a desire tobe more effective, connected, and whole. Richly illustrated with true storiesof integration in action, as well as current research in neuroscience, thisbook provides a guide to reaching our full potential within ourselves, witheach other, in groups and organizations and with society at large.

Change Makers Books. Paperback, $20.95.

Belly Dance for Health,Happiness and Empowerment

By Tina Hobin

The intention of this book is to inspire men &women to enhance their self-awareness, to over-come common health problems and improve theirhealth and general wellbeing through the ancientart of the belly dance. It helps readers to under-stand how the body works, the root causes of ill-ness and how by taking up belly dancing it willhelp to stimulate the body's healing process,restore and enhance their appearance, revitalize,rejuvenate and help to promote a longer life expectancy and inde-pendence in old age.

AYNI Books. Paperback, $27.95.

Bloodline of the GodsUnravel the Mystery of the Human BloodType to Reveal the Aliens Among UsBy Nick Redfern

Are significant numbers of humanity the productof an ancient and advanced alien civilization? Hasour genetic make-up been manipulated by other-worldly beings that view human civilization as onebig lab experiment? The vast majority ofhumankind—85 to 90 percent—is Rh positive,which means a person’s red blood cells containan antigen directly connected to the Rhesus mon-

key. This antigen is known as the Rh factor. Each and every primate onthe planet has this antigen, except for one: the remaining 10 to 15 per-cent of humans. If the theory of evolution is valid, shouldn’t we all beRh positive? Yes, we should. But we’re not. The Negatives are unlikethe rest of us. They are different. They are the unique individualswhose bloodline may have nothing less than extraterrestrial origins.

New Page Books. Paperback, $16.99.

Remapping Your MindThe Neuroscience of Self-

Transformation through StoryBy Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.

With Barbara Mainguy, M.A.

Applying the latest neuroscience researchon memory, brain mapping, and brain plas-ticity to the field of narrative therapy, LewisMehl-Madrona and Barbara Mainguyexplain how the brain is specialized in theart of story-making and story-telling. Theydetail mind-mapping and narrative therapytechniques that use story to changebehavior patterns in ourselves, our rela-tionships, and our communities. Theyexplore studies that reveal how memoryworks through story, how the brain recalls things in narrative ratherthan lists, and how our stories modify our physiology and facilitatehealth or disease. The authors also explore how narrative therapy canhelp replace dysfunctional cultural stories with those that offer tem-plates for healthier relationships with each other and the planet.

Bear & Company. Paperback, $1800.



Not I, Not other than IThe Life and Teachings of Russel WilliamsEdited by Steve Taylor

Russel Williams is one of the most remarkableenlightened spiritual teachers of our time. After anearly life of extreme hardship—leaving school atthe age of 11, and becoming an orphan shortlyafterwards—he underwent a spiritual awakeningat the age of 29. Since the late 1950s, he hasbeen a spiritual teacher, and is still actively teach-ing now, at the age of 94. Previously, Russel hasavoided publicity and never published any writ-ings or transcripts of his talks, preferring to work

quietly with small groups. This is the first time any details of his teachingsor of his life have appeared in print. This book is partly a record of histeachings, and partly also the story of his extraordinary life. Working withwell-known spiritual author Steve Taylor, Russel has created a profoundtext which will surely become known as a classic of spiritual literature.

O-Books. Paperback, $15.95.

Angel Healing & AlchemyHow To BeginBy Angela McGerr

In Angel Healing & Alchemy the reader willlearn the true significance of mightyMelchisadec, Prince of Peace, as well as ofSacred Seven and the Seventh Ray of Violet.This practical handbook teaches firstly how towork with angels and to develop "clair" skills, tofeel and sense the presence of the angels. Andthen how to work with each of the eight mightyangels in turn, using this knowledge to gradu-ally heal self and life. The objective is to connectwith each angel in order to draw angelic rays ofhealing, using these to release blocks, gain a

higher vibration and to thus attain new levels of physical/spiritual harmony.

Axis Mundi Books. Paperback, $14.95.

How the Trees Got Their Voices

By Susan Andra Lion

Susan Andra Lion, award winningauthor and illustrator of How the Trees

Got Their Voices, is helping youngreaders become aware of the deepconnection between all living things inthe connected world of a forestecosystem. Through her visually com-pelling and highly imaginative story ofhow Mother Earth gave the trees theirvoices, children learn that all the Earth’s inhabitants live in relation toeach other, and the value of respect for all forms of life. This uniquebook helps its readers regard their world as a complex tapestry of lifeand living things. How the Trees Got Their Voices helps children growa deep appreciation for the world’s ecology.

Satiama, LLC. Hardcover, $16.95.

Demons and Spirits of the LandAncestral Lore and Practices

By Claude Lecouteux

Our pagan ancestors knew that every forest hasbrownies and fairies, every spring its lady, andevery river malevolent beings in its depths. Theytold tales of giants in the hills, dragons in thelakes, marshes swarming with will-o’-the-wisps,and demons and wild folk in the mountains whoenjoyed causing landslides, avalanches, andfloods. Exploring medieval stories, folk traditions,spiritual place names, and pagan rituals of homebuilding and site selection, Claude Lecouteuxreveals the multitude of spirits and entities that once inhabited the landbefore modern civilization repressed them. Lecouteux reveals how beliefin these spirits carried through to modern times and was a primary influ-ence on architecture, an influence still visible in today’s buildings.

Inner Traditions. Paperback, $18.95.

Adventures For Your Soul21 Ways To Transform Your Habits

And Reach Your Full PotentialBy Shannon Kaiser

Have you ever felt like there’s somethingholding you back? Maybe that something isyou. Sometimes the one thing you need tomake a change is to see things from a freshperspective. Discover twenty-one innovativeemotional explorations to boldly confront thehabits that are holding you back in this break-through guide that provides the tools you needto fearlessly embrace your innermost desires.Drawing from her own transformational experi-ences, Shannon Kaiser’s program utilizes anempowering process that encourages you to go on adventures for yoursoul. By focusing on how your life feels instead of how it looks on the out-side, you can passionately experience your own life adventures. By chang-ing the way you see yourself, you can ultimately live life to the fullest.

Berkley Books. Paperback, $16.00.

Lord Have MurphyWaking Up in the Spiritual MarketplaceBy Fran Shaw

We hear a lot these days about mindfulness.“Weapons of mass instruction are proliferating.”To trust what’s in us, and that we’re finding ourway to it. With unrelenting humor, Murphy givesit a try, only to discover in himself an extraordi-nary truth: that contact with the finer energyanimating us awakens us to a completely differ-ent level of being alive. With over 40 wonderfuldrawings by Bruce M. Sherman, and Murphy’ssatirical comments that make us laugh out loud,the book appeals to both of our natures, the

everyday and the higher. For Murphy the daily ups and downs becomenecessary reminders, a call, and “we don’t have to be a certain way towake up.” We may not be able to think or behave our way into an awak-ened state, yet all we need is in us, just hidden.

Indications Press. Paperback, $19.99.


www.earthstarmag.com2 2 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Dropping dead from a heart attack, beingcrippled by a catastrophic stroke, havinglimbs amputated as a result of peripher-al vascular disease—these are among thefrightening consequences of vascular

disease, the number-one killer of Americans.Metabolic syndrome and its associated condition of

insulin resistance pose a major threat to cardiovascularhealth that most health care practitioners do not evendiscuss with their patients. Remarkably, the publicknows very little about this silent but deadly condition,and many affected individuals are not even aware thatmetabolic syndrome is inflicting severe damage to theirarteries and brain cells.

The news media and health care providers payalmost no attention to the epidemic of insulin resistance,the fundamental cause of metabolic syndrome.

To avoid the potentially disastrous cardiovascularconsequences of metabolic syndrome, you need tounderstand:

• What metabolic syndrome is and how to determinewhether you meet its diagnostic criteria (a tape measure,a blood pressure cuff, and some simple blood tests areall you need).

• How to identify the risk of insulin resistancethrough simple blood tests.

• Why body weight is not very important for meta-bolic health, but body composition is critical.

• How a simple but very effective program—and notthe latest fad diet—can dramatically reduce your risk forinsulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

• Which nutritional supplements can help reduceyour risk of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.(These include two promising supplements derived fromwater-soluble extracts of cinnamon and coffee—one ofwhich targets the same hormone that multibillion-dollarpharmaceutical companies tout as key to the next break-through therapy for metabolic disease.)

MMeettaabbooll iicc SSyynnddrroommee

By Steven V. Joyal, MD


Gauging Your Risk forInsulin Resistance

Metabolic syndrome is characterizedby insulin resistance. Beforeexplaining insulin resistance, weneed to understand what insulin isand how it acts in the body.

A hormone produced in the pan-creas, insulin’s major function is toregulate blood sugar, or glucose, lev-els. Insulin helps to shuttle glucosemolecules from the blood into thecells of the body. When blood sugarlevels increase, insulin outputincreases.

Insulin resistance means that insulin does not workoptimally at its target tissue—such as muscle, fat, orliver tissue—to drive glucose into cells. This has numer-ous adverse consequences, including glucose and insulinlevels that are much higher than normal. As the bodyattempts to overcompensate for poor insulin action bypumping out more insulin from the pancreas, insulin lev-els rise. Eventually, over time, the pancreas can “burnout” and no longer produce enough insulin to controlblood sugar. When insulin levels are not sufficient tobring blood sugar levels down to the normal range, typeII diabetes mellitus can result.

The gold standard for measuring insulin resistanceis a very complex procedure called a “hyperinsulinemiceuglycemic clamp” that is offered at specialized aca-demic medical research centers. In this two-hour proce-dure, insulin is infused intravenously at a constant rateaccording to body weight. At the same time, glucose isinfused intravenously at a variable rate to balance out theinsulin infusion. The rate of glucose infusion into bloodduring the last 30 minutes of the test determines insulinsensitivity.

Fortunately, to help determine your risk of insulinresistance, you do not have to travel to an academicmedical center to have the “hyper-insulinemic euglycemic clamp”performed; instead, you need onlyundergo some simple blood tests.

Certain blood tests such asfasting insulin can serve as surro-gate markers for insulin resist-ance. Excess insulin (fastinghyperinsulinemia) is definedwhen levels equal to or greaterthan 15 µU/mL are found. Thesehigher fasting insulin levels are

associated with insulin resistance.Other blood tests that are very usefulin evaluating the risk of insulinresistance include serum triglyc-erides and high-density lipoprotein(HDL). Triglycerides equal to orgreater than 130 mg/dL and a triglyc-eride:HDL ratio equal to or above 3.0suggest a high risk of insulin resist-ance.1 In fact, the Life ExtensionFoundation has consistently advocat-ed even lower levels of triglycerides(less than 100 mg/dL) as being opti-mal.

Do You Have Metabolic Syndrome?

Afflicting one of every five Americans (with even higherrates in certain ethnic populations), metabolic syndromehas ominous implications for cardiovascular diseaserisk.

More than twenty years ago, scientists identified theconstellation of conditions that characterizes metabolicsyndrome in a group of patients with a drastically ele-vated risk of heart disease and stroke. Initially called“Syndrome X” by scientists, it is now known as meta-bolic syndrome. This dangerous condition is character-ized by insulin resistance, which leads to abnormallyhigh serum lipids and cholesterol, high blood pressure,abnormally high blood sugar, and increased blood-clot-ting tendencies.

Metabolic syndrome dramatically increases cardio-vascular disease risk. Recent trial results in more than1,200 men followed for eleven years found that thosewith metabolic syndrome were up to 360% more likelyto die from coronary heart disease.

The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome candiffer slightly depending on the medical experts consult-ed. A standard, accepted definition was established bythe Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education

Program (NCEP) Expert Panelon Detection, Evaluation, andTreatment of High BloodCholesterol in Adults (AdultTreatment Panel III). Accordingto its definition, you have meta-bolic syndrome if you have threeor more of the following criteria:

• Central obesity as measured bywaist circumference: Men: > 40inches. Women: > 35 inches.



• Fasting blood triglycerides: >150 mg/dL.• Blood HDL: Men: < 40 mg/dL.Women: < 50 mg/dL.• Blood pressure: >= 130/85mmHg.• Fasting glucose: >= 100 mg/dL(recently changed from >= 110mg/dL to reflect the revisedAmerican Diabetes Associationcriterion for impaired fastingglucose.)

A Program for Averting Metabolic Syndrome

The following step-by-step program can help you avertthe potentially deadly consequences of metabolic syn-drome. Taking these simple steps can help you lead along, healthy life and avoid succumbing to a multitudeof life-threatening diseases.

Step 1: Assess Your Body Composition.

The first step involves knowing and understanding yourbody composition and its importance in helping to pre-vent metabolic syndrome. Surprisingly, stepping on ascale and seeing what you weigh does not tell very muchabout your risk of developing metabolic disease.

Body mass index (BMI) is a standard measure ofoverweight and obesity. BMI is obtained by dividingyour body weight in kilograms by your height in meterssquared (kg/m2). However, BMI fails to account forbody composition. Your body composition is a measureof how much lean body mass (muscle) and adipose tis-sue (body fat) you have.

Compare two 40-year-old men, both of whom standsix feet tall and weigh 200 pounds. One man is verymuscular (about 7% body fat) and has a waist circum-ference of 32 inches. By contrast, the other man is out ofshape (about 30% body fat) and has a waist circumfer-ence of 40 inches. The key point is, both men have thesame BMI.

Does this mean that both men have the same risk ofdeveloping insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome?No!

The man who has poor body composition (low levelof lean body mass, high level of fat mass) and carries hisbody fat around his waist (central obesity) is at risk ofdeveloping insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.The physically fit man with a low amount of body fatand a slim waist is at very, very low risk of insulin resist-

ance and metabolic syndrome.Unfortunately, many individu-

als pay more attention to bodyweight than to body composition.Scientists, however, know better.

The easiest surrogate assess-ment of body composition is cen-tral obesity, and the easiest way todetermine central obesity is tomeasure waist circumference—ifyou have a big waist, your risk ofmetabolic disease is increased.

Step 2: Maintain Good Body Composition.

How do you obtain and maintain good body composi-tion? Maintaining lean body mass and decreasing bodyfat is easier than you think.

First, do not fall for the latest fad diet. Maintaininga stable body weight is not magic. Ignore any diet“guru” who promises “magical” weight loss, vilifies“forbidden foods,” and promotes excluding certain food“types” based on the latest round of misunderstood andmisinterpreted science. Do not buy into it!

Instead, simply eat more whole foods and fewerprocessed foods. Prioritize eating high-quality foods likesalmon, vegetables, wild rice, berries, and citrus fruits.De-emphasize eating foods that are highly processed orof low nutritional value, such as cakes, cookies, bagels,fried chicken, and American cheese. In fact, studiesshow that diets that emphasize whole foods, such as theMediterranean diet, help maintain lean body mass whilealso improving metabolic markers like insulin, choles-terol, fibrinogen, and uric acid. Other studies of peopleeating Mediterranean-type diets show a strong reductionin cholesterol levels, increased psychological and phys-ical well-being, and a trend towards weight loss evenwithout trying to diet.

A great-tasting, healthy diet is abundant in wholefoods, much like the traditional diets of Africa, Asia, andthe Mediterranean. This style of eating is rich in wholegrains, whole fruits, and green vegetables, incorporateslow to modest amounts of protein, and is high in “goodfats” from sources such as sesame seeds, walnuts,almonds, and olives. Moderate amounts of high-fibercarbohydrates and “good fats” predominate in tradition-al diets of the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa.

Randomized clinical trials have shown that this typeof diet may be best for people at risk for metabolic dis-ease. For example, a trial in patients with type II dia-betes mellitus showed better blood sugar control andcholesterol levels in people consuming a diet comprising


40% carbohydrates, 45% fat, and15% protein compared to thosewho consumed a diet consistingof 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat,and 15% protein.

In other studies, a diet mod-erate in carbohydrates and rela-tively high in monounsaturatedfat from olive oil and polyunsatu-rated fat from fish—such as theMediterranean diet—actuallydecreased insulin resistance andinflammation. Furthermore, thisdiet is better than the step I National CholesterolEducation Program (NCEP) diet in preventing heart dis-ease and stroke.

Second, if you are not physically active, start mov-ing your body! Simply walking at a brisk pace three tofive days each week for at least 20 minutes will help. Ifand when you get more ambitious, you can engage inmore demanding physical activities at a higher level ofexertion. In addition, consider weight training to buildmore muscle mass and to stimulate your metabolism.

Step 3: Improve Metabolic Function withNutritional Supplements.

Smart supplementation can have a significant impact onmetabolic health. A number of nutritional supplementshold great promise for normalizing blood sugar andmetabolic control.

Chromium. Chromium is a critically essential cofactorfor glucose control. Chromium helps insulin shuttleblood sugar (glucose) into cells. In fact, without chromi-um, insulin cannot work properly.

Unfortunately, most Americans are deficient in thiscritical nutrient. Some experts believe that Americansingest less than half the recom-mended daily amount ofchromium. This may be partly due to the nation’s over-reliance on processed foods, which are generally rich incalories but poor in nutrients.

Another factor contributing to widespread chromi-um deficiency is food grown in soil containing a lowcontent of minerals such as chromium. In fact, the 1992Earth Summit report showed that North American soilshave been depleted of 85% of their mineral content inthe past 100 years—the highest rate of mineral depletionin the world. Thus, it should come as no surprise that thefoods we consume are deficient in trace minerals such aschromium. Some scientists have postulated that risingrates of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in the US may

result in part from declining lev-els of chromium in American soiland diets.

Many clinical studies ofpatients with and without meta-bolic disease have shown meta-bolic benefits—includingimproved blood sugar control,cholesterol, and insulin—withsupplemental chromium dosesfrom 200 to 1000 mcg daily.

Recently, a bioavailable andbiologically safe form of chromi-

um called chromium 454™ has attracted the attention ofnutritional scientists seeking ways to promote metabolichealth. Derived from plant and biological extracts, thisdistinct form of chromium is water soluble, allowing foroutstanding absorption. Insulin-deficient diabetic ratsthat received chromium 454™ for three weeks demon-strated an impressive 38% reduction in blood glucoselevels. These findings led scientists to suggest thatchromium may provide metabolic support for individu-als seeking to optimize their blood glucose levels.

DHEA. In both middle-aged and older men and women,suboptimal hormone profiles are not unusual.Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a critical hormonethat is involved in many metabolic processes, bothdirectly and indirectly (through its conversion to testos-terone and estrogen).

Low levels of DHEA are associated with anincreased risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Forexample, a cross-sectional study of 400 men, aged 40-80, showed that the lower the DHEA level, the greaterthe risk of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

DHEA dosing should be individualized based onblood testing. A simple blood test known as DHEA-sul-fate (DHEA-S) will provide important informationabout your DHEA levels. However, even relatively lowdoses can provide benefit. A study of elderly men andwomen showed that a daily dose of as little as 50 mg ofDHEA for six months was associated with significant fatloss and improvements in insulin sensitivity.

DHA/EPA. The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)have a multitude of health benefits, including increasedfat burning and improved glucose metabolism. In addi-tion, EPA and DHA decrease the expression of genesinvolved in fat storage, down-regulate genes involved ininflammation, and lower levels of C-reactive protein, amarker of inflammation.




Be careful, however, if you consumelarge amounts of fish, as you may beunwittingly ingesting large amountsof mercury, a kidney toxin that isfound in high amounts in fish such asswordfish, shark, and even tuna.Supplementing with a high-qualityomega-3 fatty acid product that hasbeen tested and found to be free ofcontaminants and pollutants is asmart alternative to eating mercury-contaminated fish.

Bioflavonoids. Inflammation is animportant factor in the developmentof insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.Bioflavonoids like quercetin, resveratrol, and olivepolyphenols have natural anti-inflammatory propertiesand may offer protection against metabolic syndrome.

Quercetin, a potent bioflavonoid found in vegeta-bles, inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines (proteinsinvolved in immunity and inflammation). Resveratrol,found in the skin of red fruits like grapes, has beenshown to inhibit the expression of genes involved ininflammation better than the potent prescription corti-costeroid dexamethasone.

In addition to having potent anti-inflammatoryeffects, olive polyphenols have beneficial benefits on thecardiovascular system. Studies show that olive polyphe-nols dramatically increase the resistance of cholesterolto oxidation. This is very important, as oxidized choles-terol serves as a trigger for atherosclerosis (hardening ofthe arteries). Olive polyphenols also benefit the vascularendothelium, the lining of blood vessel walls.Hydroxytyrosol, a principal polyphenol in olives,reduces the “stickiness” of cells in the vascular endothe-lium. Cell “stickiness” may increase the tendency toform blood clots in the arteries.

Carotenoids and retinoids. Carotenoids (found infoods like carrots, squash, and tomatoes) and retinoids,which are beneficial to eye health, also play an impor-tant role in preventing metabolic disease.

Interestingly, experiments in early growth anddevelopment show that low vitamin A intake decreasesinsulin-producing cells, pointing to the importance ofadequate vitamin A intake for development of theinsulin-producing cells of the pancreas.

The National Health and Nutrition ExaminationSurvey found that even after adjusting for confoundingfactors like age, sex, ethnicity, education, smoking sta-tus, and physical activity, people with metabolic syn-

drome had significantly lower con-centrations of carotenoids and retinylesters (a type of vitamin A).

Evidence suggests that theremay be a threshold for vitamin Aconsumption in terms of metabolicbenefit. In one study, daily vitamin Aintake of more than 10,000 IU signif-icantly lowered blood sugar andinsulin levels in healthy human vol-unteers, while daily intake of lessthan 8000 IU was associated withhigher blood sugar levels.

Water-soluble cinnamon extracts.Exciting data show that a special extract from cinnamonholds tremendous promise for normalizing blood sugarlevels naturally.

A 2003 study of patients with type II diabetes exam-ined the effects of cinnamon on blood sugar. Participantsreceived one, three, or six grams per day of cinnamon orplacebo. After forty days, the three groups receiving cin-namon demonstrated significant reductions in bloodsugar of up to 29%, in triglycerides of up to 30%, and incholesterol of up to 26%.

So, all you need to do to prevent metabolic diseaseis consume large amounts of cinnamon, right? Wrong!

Whole cinnamon contains volatile oils, which arewell-known irritants that may trigger allergic reactions.Even more worrisome is that toxicology studies in miceshow that consuming raw cinnamon rich in these oilscan cause tumors, including squamous cell papillomas.Therefore, the best strategy is to avoid the danger of cin-namon’s volatile oils while still obtaining the remark-able benefits of cinnamon.

Fortunately, these oils are not responsible for cinna-mon’s impressive effects in stabilizing blood sugar.Instead, cinnamon’s water- soluble polyphenol poly-mers are the key components responsible for its benefi-cial metabolic effects.

The polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamonup-regulate genes involved in blood sugar control. Othercinnamon polyphenol polymers such as methylhydroxy-chalcone have additional beneficial effects on bloodsugar control. Recent studies consistently show the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon extracts in validated animalmodels of metabolic disease.

Cinnamon extract not only supports healthy bloodsugar levels, but also has excellent antioxidant proper-ties. The natural water-soluble cinnamon extract inhibitsoxidation even better than the powerful synthetic antiox-idant butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT.



Coffee polyphenols. Who wouldhave ever thought that a water-soluble extract of coffee acts toboost the key target hormone thatmulti-billion-dollar pharmaceuti-cal companies are targeting as thenext breakthrough treatment formetabolic disease?

A very large study (14,629men and women) published in theJournal of the American MedicalAssociation in 2004 showed thatthe greater your coffee consumption, the lower your riskof metabolic disease, including type II diabetes mellitus.Another very large study that followed 41,934 menshowed a similarly powerful association betweenincreased coffee intake and decreased risk of type II dia-betes, even after adjusting for age, body mass index, andother risk factors.

Before you decide to drink a pot of coffee a day oropen your own Starbucks, be advised that drinking largeamounts of coffee is not the best strategy for preventingmetabolic disease.

Coffee can cause insomnia and may induce highblood pressure in some people, largely due to its caffeinecontent. Moreover, results of the 2004 ATTICA studyshowed that coffee consumption dramatically increasesmarkers of inflammation like C-reactive protein, inter-leukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

A smart strategy is to identify and isolate the com-ponents of coffee that are responsible for its beneficialeffects on metabolism, including blood sugar control.Scientists have found that water extracts of roasted cof-fee residues, including the primary coffee polyphenolscaffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, are key componentsresponsible for coffee’s beneficial metabolic effects.

Preclinical studies show that chlorogenic acidimproves blood sugar control and decreases cholesteroland triglycerides.

In human studies, chlorogenic acid, a majorpolyphenol in water extracts of coffee, has improved therelease of hormones critical to blood sugar control. Forexample, in healthy human volunteers, consuming cof-fee polyphenols like chlorogenic acid dramaticallyincreased glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion.This finding is remarkable because several GLP-1-relat-ed pharmaceutical agents are targeting this hormone as atreatment for metabolic disease, including the recentlyFDA-approved GLP-1 analog BYETTA™ (exenatide).Chlorogenic acid acts to increase GLP-1.

Coffee extracts offer other benefits as well. Water-soluble coffee polyphenols like chlorogenic acid scav-

enge free radicals and providepowerful protection against lipidperoxidation and oxidative dam-age by proteins.


With so much focus on choles-terol, little attention has been paidto the critical role of insulinresistance in the development ofcardiovascular disease. Insulin

resistance is the root cause of metabolic syndrome, aserious risk factor for heart disease and stroke that hasreceived little attention until recently.

Identifying your risk for metabolic syndromeinvolves only a series of very simple tests. If you arefound to be at risk, decreasing your body fat—particu-larly around your waist—is critically important. Avoidfad diets, eat a whole-food diet like those consumed byMediterranean cultures, and get some physical exer-cise—your body will thank you for it!

Nutritional supplements can help improve bloodsugar control and metabolic health naturally, withoutdanger or stress to your body. Particularly compellingare polyphenol-rich, water-soluble extracts of cinnamonand coffee, along with green tea extract, chromium, andbanaba leaf-derived corosolic acid. Documented evi-dence demonstrates the ability of these agents to helpnormalize blood sugar levels.

Avoiding the perils of metabolic syndrome is sim-ple. First, get tested to see whether you are at risk. If lab-oratory testing and a physical examination reveal thatyou are at risk, immediately take the necessary steps—including exercise, a healthy diet, and targeted nutrition-al strategies—to prevent the dire cardiovascular conse-quences of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Reprinted with permission from Life xtension Magazine,


www.earthstarmag.com2 8 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

On my second day in the Caribbean, as Istood in front of more than a hundredvisibly on-edge medical students, Isuddenly realized that not everyoneviewed the island as a laid-back refuge.

For these nervous students, Montserrat was not a peace-ful escape but a last-ditch chance to realize their dreamsof becoming doctors.

My class was geographically homogeneous, mostlyAmerican students from the East Coast, but there wereall races and ages, including a sixty-seven-year-oldretiree who was anxious to do more with his life. Theirbackgrounds were equally varied—former elementaryschool teachers, accountants, musicians, a nun, and evena drug smuggler.

Despite all the differences, the students shared twocharacteristics: One, they had failed to succeed in thehighly competitive selection process that filled the lim-ited number of positions in American medical schools.Two, they were “strivers” intent on becoming doctors—they were not about to be denied the opportunity toprove their qualifications. Most had spent their life sav-

ings or indentured themselves to cover the tuition andextra costs of living out of the country. Many foundthemselves completely alone for the first time in theirlives, having left their families, friends, and loved onesbehind. They put up with the most intolerable livingconditions on that campus. Yet with all the drawbacksand the odds stacked against them, they were neverdeterred from their quest for a medical degree.

Well, at least that was true up to the time of our firstclass together. Prior to my arrival, the students had hadthree different histology/cell biology professors. Thefirst lecturer left the students in the lurch when heresponded to some personal issue by bolting from theisland three weeks into the semester. In short order, theschool found a suitable replacement who tried to pick upthe pieces; unfortunately he bailed three weeks laterbecause he got sick. For the preceding two weeks, a fac-ulty member, responsible for another field of study, hadbeen reading chapters out of a textbook to the class. Thisobviously bored the students to death, but the schoolwas fulfilling a directive to provide a specified numberof lecture hours for the course. Academic prerequisites

By Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

TThe Biolohe Biologgy ofy of BeliefBelief

The following is an excerpt from The Biology of Belief, 10th Anniversary Edition, by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. It ispublished by Hay House (October 2015) and is available in bookstores and online at


set by American medical examiners have to be met inorder for the school’s graduates to practice in the States.

For the fourth time that semester, the weary studentslistened to a new professor. I briefed them on my back-ground and my expectations for the course. I made itclear that even though we were in a foreign country, Iwas not going to expect any less from them than whatwas expected from my Wisconsin students. Nor shouldthey want me to because to be certified all doctors haveto pass the same Medical Boards, no matter where theygo to medical school. Then I pulled a sheaf of exams outof my briefcase and told the students that I was givingthem a self-assessment quiz. The middle of the semesterhad just passed, and I expected them to be familiar withhalf of the required course material. The test I handedout on that first day of the course consisted of twentyquestions taken directly from the University ofWisconsin histology midterm exam.

The classroom was deadly silent for the first tenminutes of the testing period. Then nervous fidgetingfelled the students one by one, faster than the spread ofthe deadly Ebola virus. By the time the twenty minutesallotted for the quiz were over, wide-eyed panic hadgripped the class. When I said, “Stop,” the pent-up nerv-ous anxiety erupted into the din of a hundred excitedconversations. I quieted the class down and began toread them the answers. The first five or six answers weremet with subdued sighs. After I reached the tenth ques-tion, each subsequent answer was followed by agonizinggroans. The highest score in the class was ten correctanswers, followed by several students who answeredseven correctly; with guesswork, most of the rest scoredat least one or two correct answers.

When I looked up at the class, I was greeted withfrozen, shell-shocked faces. The “strivers” found them-selves behind the big eight ball. With more than half asemester behind them, they had to start the course allover again. A dark gloom overcame the students, most ofwhom were already treading water in their other, very

demanding medical school courses. Within moments,their gloom had turned into quiet despair. In profoundsilence, I looked out over the students and they lookedback at me. I experienced an internal ache—the classcollectively resembled one of those Greenpeace picturesof wide-eyed baby seals just before heartless fur tradersclub them to death.

My heart welled. Perhaps the salt air and sweetscents had already made me more magnanimous. In anycase, unexpectedly, I found myself announcing that Iwould make it my personal commitment to see thatevery student was fully prepared for the final exam, ifthey would commit to providing matching efforts. Whenthey realized I was truly committed to their success, Icould see the lights flash on in their previously panickedeyes.

Feeling like an embattled coach revving up the teamfor the Big Game, I told them I thought they were everybit as intelligent as the students I taught in the States. Itold them I believed their State-side peers were simplymore proficient at rote memorization, the quality thatenabled them to score better in the medical collegeadmissions tests. I also tried very hard to convince themthat histology and cell biology are not intellectually dif-ficult courses. I explained that in all of its elegance,nature employs very simple operating principles. Ratherthan just memorizing facts and figures, I promised theywere going to gain an understanding of cells because Iwould present simple principles on top of simple princi-ples. I offered to provide additional night lectures, whichwould tax their stamina after their already long lecture-and lab-packed days. The students were pumped up aftermy ten-minute pep talk. When the period ended, theybolted from that classroom snorting fire, determinedthey would not be beaten by the system.

After the students left, the enormity of the commit-ment I had made sank in. I started having doubts. I knewthat a significant number of the students were trulyunqualified to be attending medical school. Many otherswere capable students whose backgrounds had not pre-pared them for the challenge. I was afraid that my island


idyll would degenerate into a frenetic, time-consumingacademic scrimmage that would end in failure for mystudents and for me as their teacher. I started thinkingabout my job at Wisconsin, and suddenly it was begin-ning to look easy. At Wisconsin, I gave only eight lec-tures out of the approximately fifty that made up the his-tology/cell biology course. There were five members ofthe anatomy department who shared the lecturing load.Of course I was responsible for the material in all of thelectures because I was involved in their accompanyinglaboratory sessions. I was supposed to be available toanswer all course-related questions asked by the stu-dents. But knowing the material and presenting lectureson the material are not the same thing!

I had a three-day weekend to wrestle with the situa-tion I had created for myself. Had I faced a crisis such asthis back home, my type A personality would have hadme swinging from the proverbial chandeliers.Interestingly, as I sat by the pool, watching the sun setinto the Caribbean, the potential angst simply morphedinto an exciting adventure. I began to get excited aboutthe fact that for the first time in my teaching career, Iwas solely responsible for this major course and freefrom having to conform to the style and content restric-tions of team-taught programs.


$300 Gadget Steals Encryption Keys out of the $300 Gadget Steals Encryption Keys out of the Air!Air!

R esearchers at Tel AvivUniversity and another Israeliresearch center called Technion

have created a terrifying new hackingtool that can steal encryption keys out ofthe air. The device, which is assembledusing about $300 worth of parts that arewidely available, is about the size of apiece of pita bread. Not by coincidence,the team is calling it PITA (PortableInstrument for Trace Acquisition).

Here’s how it works: the PITAconsists of a bunch of off-the-shelfparts and it runs on four AA batteries.Using an antenna that can read electro-magnetic waves emitted by computer

processors from up to 19 inches away,the device can swipe RSA and ElGamaldata and decrypt it. Stolen data is thenstored locally on the device’s microSDcard, or the PITA can transmit data overWi-Fi to the attacker’s computer.

Here’s a deeper dive from theteam’s paper:

We demonstrate the extraction ofsecret decryption keys from laptopcomputers, by nonintrusively measur-ing electromagnetic emanations for afew seconds from a distance of 50 cm.The attack can be executed using cheapand readily-available equipment: a con-sumer-grade radio receiver or aSoftware Defined Radio USB dongle.The setup is compact and can operateuntethered; it can be easily concealed,e.g., inside pita bread. Common lap-tops, and popular implementations ofRSA and ElGamal encryptions, arevulnerable to this attack, includingthose that implement the decryptionusing modern exponentiation algo-rithms such as sliding-window, or even

its side-channel resistant variant, fixed-window (m-ary) exponentiation.

We successfully extracted keysfrom laptops of various models runningGnuPG (popular open source encryp-tion software, implementing theOpenPGP standard), within a few sec-onds. The attack sends a few carefully-crafted ciphertexts, and when these aredecrypted by the target computer, theytrigger the occurrence of specially-structured values inside the decryptionsoftware. These special values causeobservable fluctuations in the electro-magnetic field surrounding the laptop,in a way that depends on the pattern ofkey bits (specifically, the key-bits win-dow in the exponentiation routine). Thesecret key can be deduced from thesefluctuations, through signal processingand cryptanalysis.

So now you’re obviously wonder-ing, "how can I block this crazyattack?" Bad news: You can’t. —Yahoo Tech



Your intestinal microflora—aka yourmicrobiome—is an integral part of yourimmune system, and over the past sev-eral years, research has revealed thatmicrobes of all kinds—bacteria, fungi,

and even viruses—play instrumental roles in the func-tioning of your body.

For example, beneficial bacteria, also known as pro-biotics, have been shown to:

• Counteract inflammation and control the growthof disease-causing bacteria

• Produce vitamins, amino acids (protein precur-sors), absorb minerals, and eliminate toxins

• Control asthma and reduce risk of allergies• Benefit your mood and mental health• Impact your weight, for better or worse

The composition of the microbiome varies from per-son to person based on factors such as diet, health histo-ry, antibiotic exposures, geographic location, and evenancestry, and it’s readily influenced by diet, chemicalexposures, hygiene, and other environmental factors.

In fact, it’s become increasingly clear that destroy-ing your gut flora with antibiotics and pharmaceuticaldrugs, harsh environmental chemicals, and toxic foods isa primary factor in rising disease rates.

For all of these reasons, and more, I recommend adiet rich in whole organic, unprocessed foods along withtraditionally cultured or fermented foods and plenty offiber.

A high-quality probiotic supplement can also be ahelpful ally to restore a healthy balance to your gutflora—especially when taking antibiotics, and/or wheneating processed foods, as both of these tend to decimatethe colonies of beneficial microbes in your gut.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Modern Life Depletes Your Gut MicrobesGut Microbes in a Number

of Different Ways



Modern Lifestyle Depletes Beneficial Microbes

A study comparing the microbiome of the Yanomami—an indigenous tribe living in remote areas of the Amazonjungle—against those of Americans; a group ofVenezuelan Amazonian indigenous people called theGuahibo; and people in Malawi in southern Africa,reveals that the modern lifestyle has dramatically alteredpeople’s microbiome.

For all its conveniences, it takes a considerable tollon the microbes in your gut, which in turn can have far-reaching health consequences. For example, recentresearch suggests that repeated use of antibiotics mayraise your risk for type 2 diabetes by altering the com-position of your gut bacteria.

After analyzing health data from one millionBritons, strong dose-dependent correlations were foundbetween the use of certain antibiotics—penicillins,cephalosporins, quinolones, and/or macrolides specifi-cally—and diabetes incidence. The correlation held evenwhen other contributing factors were taken into account.

• Two to five courses of penicillin increased dia-betes risk by eight percent

• More than five courses of penicillin increasedthe risk by 23 percent

• Two to five courses of quinolones increased thediabetes risk by 15 percent

• More than five courses of quinolones increasedthe risk by 37 percent

Interestingly, even the hunter-gatherer Yanomamitribe—which had never come in contact with outsidersprior to the researchers’ arrival, and have never beenexposed to antibiotics—were found to harbor microbeswith antibiotic-resistant genes.According to The Star:

“This adds persuasive evidence that bacteriaalready have the ability to resist antibiotics, even priorto being attacked by pharmaceutical drugs—a findingthat underscores the urgency of the antibiotic crisis,where pathogenic bacteria are developing strategies fordefeating even the most powerful drugs on the market.”

Americans Have Lost a Wide Variety ofHealth Protective Gut Microbes

In all, the Yanomami had about 50 percent greatermicrobial diversity than American subjects, and 30-40percent more diversity than the Guahibo and theMalawians, the latter two of which have adopted someWestern lifestyle components, such as living indoors andusing antibiotics.

According to one of the authors:“As cultures around the world become more

‘Western,’ they lose bacteria species in their guts... At thesame time, they start having higher incidences of chron-ic illnesses connected to the immune system, such asallergies, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune disorders, andmultiple sclerosis.

So the big question is: Are these two facts related?It’s not clear if more diversity in the microbiome ishealthier. But maybe we have lost species with importantfunctions.”

Sophisticated Sanitation May Be MoreDetrimental to Your Microbiome

Than Previously Thought

While antibiotics are indeed potent adversaries when itcomes to maintaining a healthy diversity of microbes inyour gut, other factors also play a significant role.

Pesticides, processed food, Caesarean sections, andan over-reliance on antimicrobial products have alsocontributed to the dramatic decline in the range ofmicrobes occupying people’s guts.

In fact, another recent study suggests that sophisti-cated sanitation may be a greater factor than antibioticswhen it comes to destroying microbial diversity.

Here, researchers looked at the microbiome of twoindigenous populations in Papua New Guinea who,unlike the Yanomami tribe, regularly use antibiotics, yetstill have significant microbial diversity in their guts.These two groups were found to have about 47 differentspecies that Americans don’t have.

The data collected in this study suggests that lack ofsanitation may be the reason for the Papua NewGuineans’ microbial diversity. NPR reports:

“Sophisticated sanitation and hygiene in Western



society might be limiting the species that end up in ourguts... Bacteria spread more easily from person to per-son in Papua New Guinea because the communitiesdon’t have sewage systems and clean drinking water.‘Clean drinking water is one of the most importantachievements of Western culture,’ [lead author Jens]Walter says. ‘It prevents the spread of infections, but italso prevents the easy exchange of our microbiomes.’”

The Importance of Fiber for a Healthy Microbiome

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve yourgut health is via your diet. Beneficial microbes tend tofeed on foods that are known to benefit health and viceversa. Sugar, for example, is a preferred food source forfungi that produce yeast infections and sinusitis, where-as healthy probiotic-rich foods like fermented vegeta-bles boost populations of health-promoting bacteria,thereby disallowing potentially pathogenic coloniesfrom taking over.

Fiber is also important for a healthy microbiome.Some of the microbes in your gut specialize in ferment-ing soluble fiber found in legumes, fruits, and vegeta-bles, and the byproducts of this fermenting activity helpnourish the cells lining your colon. Some of these fer-mentation byproducts also help calibrate your immunesystem, thereby preventing inflammatory disorders suchas asthma and Crohn’s disease.

As reported by Scientific American, recent researchshows that simply eating more fiber can shift yourmicrobial profile into one that is correlated with lean-ness. Fiber has long been considered a factor that pro-motes weight loss, and its impact on your gut bacteriaappears to be one key mechanism responsible for thiseffect.

Other research has shown that microbes starved offiber can begin feeding on the mucus lining of your gut,thereby triggering inflammation, which may promote orexacerbate any number of diseases, including ulcerativecolitis. The study also found that in order to avoid this,you need to eat fiber every single day.

Research published a couple of years ago alsoshowed that common bacterial metabolites—short-chainfatty acids (SCFAs)—selectively expand regulatory Tcells called Tregs, which are critical for regulating intes-tinal inflammation. According to one of these studies:

“Treg cells suppress the responses of other immunecells, including those that promote inflammation. Thisfinding provides a new link between bacterial productsand a major anti-inflammatory pathway in the gut.”Other research has linked Tregs—which are fed by

dietary fiber—to the prevention and reversal of metabol-ic syndrome, in part by stimulating oxidative metabo-lism in your liver and adipose tissue. So, as you can see,fiber appears to nourish microbes that in turn provide avariety of health benefits via a number of different path-ways.

Probiotics Again Found Beneficial forSymptoms of Depression

Beneficial microbes also play an important role in yourmental health—some researchers have even proposedthat probiotics might serve the same role as antidepres-sants. Most recently, Psychologists Laura Steenbergenand Lorenza Colzato from the Leiden Institute of Brainand Cognition published a paper showing that peoplewho took a multi-strain probiotic for at least four weeksreported a lessening of rumination—recurring, persist-ent thoughts about something distressing that has or mayhappen.

As explained by Dr. Steenbergen:

“Rumination is one of the most predictive vulnera-bility markers of depression. Persistent ruminativethoughts often precede and predict episodes of depres-sion.”

According to Dr. Colzato:

“Even if preliminary, these results provide the firstevidence that the intake of probiotics may help reducenegative thoughts associated with sad mood. As such,our findings shed an interesting new light on the poten-tial of probiotics to serve as adjuvant or preventive ther-apy for depression.”



Beware: Polysorbate 80 and Other Emulsifiers Can Have Adverse Effect on Your Gut Flora

A processed food diet is anathema to gut health for anumber of reasons. First of all, processed foods tend tobe loaded with genetically engineered ingredients ofquestionable safety, including corn-based fructose,which has been repeatedly shown to promote metabolicdysfunction to a greater degree than other sugars.Ingredients may also be contaminated with glyphosate(recently classified as a Class 2 A carcinogen), whichcan decimate gut health in a number of different ways.

Recent research published in the journal Nature alsosuggests that polysorbate 80, an emulsifier found inmany processed foods (as well as vaccines) can alteryour intestinal terrain, thereby promoting obesity andinflammatory health conditions. As reported by PreventDisease:

“The study used mice to test the effect of twocommon emulsifiers—carboxymethylcellulose andpolysorbate-80—on the microbiome make up andmetabolism, finding that relatively low-level concentra-tions of the emulsifiers resulted in distinct alterations tothe gut microbial ecosystem (microbiota) and led to low-grade inflammation and the onset of metabolicsyndrome...

[T]he research team reported that the emulsifier-induced metabolic syndrome was associated with micro-biota encroachment, altered species composition andincreased pro-inflammatory potential. ‘These resultssupport the emerging concept that perturbed host-microbiota interactions resulting in low-grade inflam-mation can promote adiposity and its associated meta-bolic effects,’ wrote the team.

Moreover, they suggest that the broad use of emulsi-fying agents might be contributing to an increased soci-etal incidence of obesity/metabolic syndrome and otherchronic inflammatory diseases.”

Optimizing Your Microbiome May Be One of Your Most Important

Disease Prevention Strategies

Optimizing your gut flora may be one of the mostimportant things you can do for your health, and thegood news is that this isn’t very difficult. However, youdo need to take proactive steps. To optimize your micro-biome both inside and out, consider the followingrecommendations:


Eat plenty of fermented foods. Healthy choicesinclude lassi, fermented grass-fed organic milk such askefir, natto (fermented soy), and fermented vegetables.If you ferment your own, consider using a special starterculture that has been optimized with bacterial strainsthat produce high levels of vitamin K2. This is an inex-pensive way to optimize your K2, which is particularlyimportant if you’re taking a vitamin D3 supplement.

Take a probiotic supplement. Although I’m not amajor proponent of taking many supplements (as Ibelieve the majority of your nutrients need to come fromfood), probiotics is an exception if you don’t eat fer-mented foods on a regular basis

Boost your soluble and insoluble fiber intake, focusingon vegetables, nuts, and seeds, including sprouted seeds.

Get your hands dirty in the garden. Germ-free livingmay not be in your best interest, as the loss of healthybacteria can have wide-ranging influence on your men-tal, emotional, and physical health. According to thehygiene hypothesis, exposure to bacteria and viruses canserve as “natural vaccines” that strengthen your immunesystem and provide long-lasting immunity against dis-ease. Getting your hands dirty in the garden can helpreacquaint your immune system with beneficialmicroorganisms on the plants and in the soil.

Open your windows. For the vast majority of humanhistory the outside was always part of the inside, and atno moment during our day were we ever really separat-ed from nature. Today, we spend 90 percent of our livesindoors. And, although keeping the outside out doeshave its advantages, it has also changed the microbiomeof your home. Research shows that opening a windowand increasing natural airflow can improve the diversityand health of the microbes in your home, which in turnbenefit you.



Wash your dishes by hand instead of in the dish-washer. Recent research has shown that washing yourdishes by hand leaves more bacteria on the dishes thandishwashers do, and that eating off these less-than-ster-ile dishes may actually decrease your risk of allergies bystimulating your immune system.


Antibiotics, unless absolutely necessary (and when youdo, make sure to reseed your gut with fermented foodsand/or a probiotic supplement). And while someresearchers are looking into methods that might help ame-liorate the destruction of beneficial bacteria by antibiotics,your best bet is likely always going to be reseeding yourgut with probiotics from fermented and cultured foodsand/or a high-quality probiotic supplement.

Conventionally-raised meats and other animal prod-ucts, as CAFO animals are routinely fed low-doseantibiotics, plus genetically engineered grains loadedwith glyphosate, which is widely known to kill manybacteria.

Chlorinated and/or fluoridated water.

Processed foods. Excessive sugars, along with other-wise “dead” nutrients, feed pathogenic bacteria. Foodemulsifiers such as polysorbate 80, lecithin, car-rageenan, polyglycerols, and xanthan gum also appearto have an adverse effect on your gut flora.

Unless 100% organic, they may also contain GMOs thattend to be heavily contaminated with pesticides such asglyphosate.

Agricultural chemicals, glyphosate (RoundUp) inparticular.

Antibacterial soap, as they too kill off both good andbad bacteria, and contribute to the development ofantibiotic-resistance.

S weating has long been known asa source of bodily, if not alsospiritual “cleansing.” But until

recently, very little 'scientific' confir-mation existed proving that using heatand/or exercise to facilitate perspira-tion-induced detoxification actuallyworks the way that many natural healthadvocates claim.

With the Rise of Biomedicine andits so-called 'evidence-based' model ofdetermining what is true and therebylegal to practice, this conspicuous lackof clinical proof has resulted in a veri-table inquisition against those who

claim that bodily detoxificationthrough sweating is anything morethan a form of ‘quackery.’

Enter the findings of a ground-breaking 2011 study published in theArchives of Environmental andContamination Toxicology, whichexplored the effects of bioaccumulatedtoxic elements within the human bodyand their method of excretion:

“Toxic elements were found to dif-fering degrees in each of blood, urine,and sweat. Serum levels for most met-als and metalloids were comparablewith those found in other studies in thescientific literature. Many toxic ele-ments appeared to be preferentiallyexcreted through sweat. Presumablystored in tissues, some toxic elementsreadily identified in the perspiration ofsome participants were not found intheir serum. Induced sweating appearsto be a potential method for elimina-tion of many toxic elements from thehuman body.”

The researchers also made theimportant observation that,“Biomonitoring for toxic elementsthrough blood and/or urine testing mayunderestimate the total body burden ofsuch toxicants. Sweat analysis shouldbe considered as an additional methodfor monitoring bioaccumulation oftoxic elements in humans.”

These are truly novel findingsinsofar as sweating, at least from theperspective of evolutionary biology, isconsidered to exist primarily for ther-moregulation (sweat cools the surfaceof the skin and reduces body tempera-ture, functioning as a wholebody cool-ing system). While the sweat glandshave a well-known secondary role forthe excretion of water and electrolytes,this function is not generally under-stood to be a form ‘detoxification.’—GreenMedInfo

Research Confirms Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals, Petrochemicals

Dr. Mercola is the founder of theworld’s most visited naturalhealth web site, Youcan learn the hazardous sideeffects of OTC Remedies by get-ting a FREE copy of his latestspecial report The Dangers ofOver the Counter Remedies bygoing to his Report Page.



By Phyllis King

The The EnergyEnergy ofof


How the Tangible Creates Itself

“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

—Ernest Hemingway

About five years ago, during the worst partof the recession when the real estatemarket was tanking, my income tripled.I began to speak to groups about pros-perity and teach classes on cultivating

abundance. This continues to be a cornerstone of muchof my work because so many people need to understandit more fully. Of course the big question is always: “Howdid you do it?” After I explain the tactics and strategiesI used, which are practices available to anyone, I tellaudiences that the number-one thing I did to create moremoney was to let go of my anger.

This is where things get fun and interesting. When Itell people that letting go of anger increased my incomethey really scratch their heads. Kind of like a dog thatcocks its head sideways. I began to break it down to thesimplest possible level to ensure people understand how

everything is connected, especially in our own personaluniverse and how that relates to income.

First, I have always been a hard worker. I came froman achievement-based family background. Much of myyoung life I defined my value by how much I could do,how good my grades were, and what people thought ofme. I shed that belief as I discovered that value is inher-ent, and nothing ever changes my value. I determine myvalue internally. That’s when my income really shifted. Ifinally understood that working hard doesn’t make me abetter person. It’s the content of my contributions thatcause me to feel my value. That awareness allowed meto shed the “achievement” model and exchange it for an“allowing” model.

The achievement model says “I make it happen,” “Igo get it,” and that means I am qualified, good, andsmart. Achievement-based thinking suggests that outside



accomplishments or stimulations will somehow make usfeel successful, secure, or proud.

The allowing model says I honor the divine truth inme, and I allow it to emerge. As I allow my divine truthto emerge my innate value becomes ever more present.As I honor my innate value I allow abundance to realizeitself in my life.

As I shed the achievement model I still maintaineda good work ethic and time management skills. As aworking mother I had to have these skill sets. The aware-ness of inherent value led me to live a purpose-drivenlife making a living at something I love to do. In the fol-lowing statement are three elements of why I was able totriple my income in a down market.

I have a good work ethic. I am committed. I don’tgive up. I always look for new solutions if the idea I amusing doesn’t bring the result I want. I go back to thedrawing board. I ask myself, “What do I have to givethat I’m not giving?”

I am doing something I love. It is not work to get upto do my job. It is my life. I love it. I feel I have a pur-pose. I contribute to the well-being of others and life. Itgives my life meaning.

I answer to myself. I measure myself only to myself.I may listen to the counsel of a wise friend or confidant,but my opinion is the one I honor. I know that no one butme knows my value or what I am capable of doing orbeing. I honor my divine essence and knowing.

Having these three elements in place put me farahead of the game for the average person. I’m not afraidof hard work. I do what I love. I honor myself.

With these three pieces in place the process becamefine tuning. I approach creation from every aspect weknow of in the human experience. I balance the mental,emotional, physical, and spiritual. Before I tripled myincome I was somewhat frustrated with my outcomes. Iwas doing okay, but didn’t really have enough to enjoyany lifestyle. It was difficult to take a vacation or reallysave any money, or buy myself anything nice. I was pay-ing my bills, barely, and some months I didn’t know if Iwould make it. Month after month I became exhaustedwith the worry and stress of wondering if I would haveenough. There was a short period of time I actuallyneeded food stamps to help feed my kids.

A time came when I remember having a conversa-tion with myself. I said, “Why are all my clients doingso well and I’m struggling?” My answer was, “Whydon’t you take your own advice and find out?” So I did.I looked at my situation, as I would a client. I brokedown my questions and concerns and considered exact-ly what I would say to a client in the same predicament.(I encourage all my clients to do this for themselves.)

What I noticed is that I was running a lot of “notenough” inner dialogue. I was thinking a lot aboutwhether or not I would make my bills each month, and Iwas stressing over it and really worrying about it. Assoon as my rent was paid I was worrying if I wouldmake rent the next month. At the same time, I was goingthrough a divorce. My ex-husband didn’t always paychild support in a timely manner or in the full amount. Ifhe decided not to pay one month or to pay less it wouldcompletely devastate me financially. He would oftensurprise me at the last minute when there was a shortage.I had to scramble. That made me really nervous andstressed out.

I found myself continually being angry and focusedon what a loser he was, and how badly he had screwedup our lives. There is truth in that. He did screw up ourlives. In the Energy Game, it really doesn’t matter if it’strue or not that someone wronged us. We have to look athow we co-created the experience. We have to look atwhat was in it for us, not just what it took from us, andhow we can grow from the experience. We can revel invictimization. It will never take us any place we want togo. We can stay there as long as we like. We get what weget from digesting that energy. I choose my ex-husband.I chose to stay. I chose to participate in the dynamicsthat ultimately resulted in an unpleasant ending.

What matters is the energy we choose to consumeand bathe in on a daily basis. I am certainly entitled tomy anger. I have every right in the free world to beangry. No one would fault me for it. What was it gettingme? I reflected on what I teach others. Anger is a con-tracted life-stunting frequency. I can consume it all Iwant. I can consume it all day long, seven days a week.Again, consuming it will never take me any place I wantto go. Anger, a contracted vibration, was at the founda-


www.earthstarmag.com3 8 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

tion of all my creations. How could I possibly allowabundance in using a contracted frequency? We tend tothink that our money is in one place, our relationshipsare in another, and our careers are in another. They areall in the same place, created from the same frequencies.Sometimes we are naturally higher functioning in onearea more than another, but ultimately how we show upin one area is how we are showing up in other areas.There is a common thread that goes through our entirepersonal universe.

In a moment I had clarity. I suddenly realized I wassabotaging my own expansion and prosperity by holdingonto the anger. When I realized that holding on to angerwas prohibiting my own abundance I let it go. It was likesuddenly realizing I had leeches all over my body. Istarted pulling them off one by one. I let go of sevenyears of anger toward my ex-husband. Anger for him notbeing there in the way I wanted him to be, anger for thefuture I saw for myself before our relationship ended,anger about his instability and lack of dependability, andanger at myself for abandoning myself in the relation-ship. I colluded in my own self abandonment andallowed those diminishing relationship dynamics to takea toll on my heart. In a moment I released it all. I wasand felt free. I didn’t know how at that time but I didknow my life would change because I felt differentinside.

Timing is everything. Was it coincidence? I hadbeen processing the ending of my marriage for a longtime. I had also been listening to some NLP (neuro-lin-guistic programming) CDS by John Assaraf for abun-dance and well-being. As soon as I connected to my ownself-sabotaging methods with clarity I moved away fromthem immediately. I was sick and tired of feeling awful.Sometimes that’s what it takes for any of us to move for-ward. We have to be so sick and tired of the status quo

that we open ourselves to something new.From that place of realization that I was sabotaging

myself I began to look more closely at my inner dia-logue. I learned a method that stopped me from worry-ing about money. Just like anger, worry is a contractedvibration that will never take me anyplace I want to go.I developed a strategy of stopping myself when my mindwas looping on worry, and taking a few moments toreject it. I would take the time to acknowledge that Ialways paid my rent on time, and had never missed apayment. Life was indeed supporting me. I honored that.I began to consciously feel trust that I was being sup-ported by life. I began to choose to replace worry withtrust in all situations in my life. I trained myself to stayin the moment of contemplation until the worry stoppedand trust took over. Every time I stopped the worry loopI was always grateful. Every single time, within a cou-ple of days of whatever caused the concern, it solveditself effortlessly. I was so happy that I didn’t waste two,three, or four days worrying needlessly. I preserved andhonored my life force energy. I didn’t squander it oncontracted frequencies that self-sabotaged.

As I released the anger and began to reject worry asa valid response to life, my creative energy and spacebegan to expand. Suddenly I had ideas about projects Ihad never considered. I began to have a new confidencefor life that I didn’t before. Suddenly my space that hadpreviously been occupied by anger and worry was nowfree to create and bring in new prosperity. I was havingfun immersed in my creativity. I had been full of con-tracted vibrations. I had to empty out those vibrations tomake room for new vibrations.

I created two new programs, plus several workshopsthat were new to my business. I wrote a new book. I cre-ated a DVD entitled Making the Connection to YourAbundance. I joined a new radio network with a broad-er reach than I had before. I booked speaking engage-ments at new higher-profile venues than I had everappeared at before. All the while I was loving every stepof creating products and sharing my message and infor-mation in new ways. It didn’t feel like work; it felt likeI was doing my life’s work. People could not consumemy programs or my products fast enough. I was con-necting with people in a new way because I wasapproaching my life and my work with a new level oflove and abundance in my own energy.

I educate myself on marketing principles and dowhat I can to put my best foot forward at all times. It allreally is an Energy Game. If I had not released the angeror trained myself to reject worry as a valid response, Iwould not have had the room in my awareness or my lifeto create new programs. I would not have had the confi-


dence or energy to put my message out in new ways tobe received. I correlate the release of anger and worrydirectly with my ability to create and bring in newmoney. Without that shift I would have remained stuckin lower-level frequencies experiencing results thatlower-level frequencies provide.

Yes, I employ marketing strategies that are availableto everyone. I work hard. I also make sure I have spacein my life. Space is equally as important as action. Withan equal balance of space and activity I can maintainbalance in all areas of my life. I make sure to get exer-cise to keep my body content and healthy. I eat foodsthat support feeling well. I make time for my relation-ships, my family, and my friends. One area of abundanceis not more important than another area. I want to haveit all. I think having it all is available to everyone.

When I am teaching people how to double or tripletheir income, it isn’t just about marketing or hard work.It is about helping them identify energies they consumeand to observe the content of their internal dialogue.When the internal dialogue is peaceful, abundant, confi-dent, and happy, the outcomes will reflect that. Peoplewill consciously or unconsciously experience those fre-quencies and want to have them in their own life.Expansion to double or triple your income requires thatyou think out of the box. You have go outside of whatyou have been doing to bring something new in.

Mostly what I share with my clients as I explain theEnergy Game is that the creative process is an exchangeprocess, and a collaboration. As we resonate frequenciesinto consciousness, consciousness responds perfectly tous. The more expansive the frequencies in our personaluniverse, the more expansion we are able to receive fromconsciousness. An expanded consciousness is requiredto receive abundance. These are high-level frequencies.If we are not expanded, there is no room for “big” any-thing to come into our experience. We have to create thespace first, and then the universe responds accordingly.Trust is the primary element in this exchange. We devel-op trust with the divine as we would any other relation-ship. Step by step, and over time. When clients are firstbeginning this relationship of trust I give them smallgoals. If someone wants to double their income, I willstart the process by asking them to increase it by fivepercent. Most people don’t really believe they can dou-ble or triple their income. Or they are thinking too muchinside of the box to recognize opportunities.

We have to silence the ego mind to allow them to goafter something they believe they can accomplish. Afterthey apply the principles to expand five percent, the per-son feels confident. “Yes I can do this, I understand.”Then they set a new goal. As the confidence and trust

with the exchange process deepens it begins to have asnowball effect. The person builds momentum and suc-cess happens. When one becomes adept at the exchangeand trust process it adds a new dimension and reliabilityto their creative process.

There are common impediments people experiencein expansion. One is what I refer to as a “set point.”Many of us have financial set points just as we have tem-perature set points in our body, or weight set points. Ifwe have been making $50,000 for 15 years, and webegin a process of trying to double or triple that income,we often have to adjust the financial set point as well.We have been conditioned over time to acknowledgethat number as our top number. I use a variety of visual-ization tools that help clients actively move their setpoint.

One of the easiest tools is to imagine in your mindis a thermometer. The numbers, rather than temperature,are salary numbers. At the bottom is your current num-ber. At the top of the thermometer is the number youwant to reach. In your mind’s eye you watch the mercu-ry rise to see if the mercury will rise to the number youare trying to reach. About 90 percent of the time mostpeople cannot get the mercury to rise all the way to thetop to their number. Or it will rise and fall. They can’tmaintain it. Then we have to go back in and start todeconstruct any limited thinking around abundance andextinguish any ideas of lack that the person may be hold-ing. After that we go back to try the thermometer visu-alization again. When we do this two or three times,most people are able to get their mercury to rise to thenumber.

This illustrates how our conditioning influences ourability to expand. We have to be proactive and engagedwith our process to effect change. Too often people wanta spontaneous result. It isn’t that spontaneous changescan’t occur. “Spontaneous” is not the most common orreliable method. We have to actively move our energyaround to affect a different outcome. If we do so with



consistency, we will absolutely create new rhythms andnew momentums that lead us to our goals and dreams.On my radio show I have had a number of people call insuffering from long-term unemployment and chronicfinancial problems. These two callers represent those sit-uations well.

Mark from Cleveland began calling the show. Hewas a family man, used to being employed most of hisadult life. His children were now in their teens. He washaving difficulty finding work of any type. Even thoughhe had a lot of experience, he wasn’t even able to find acommission sales job.

I began to delve into his situation and the first thingthat became apparent is that he was depressed, for morereasons than being unemployed. We all tend to feel thatlife is a linear experience to a certain degree. We cansimply line up the events we want to occur and put datesby them. For example, when we arrive at certain datesand our outcome hasn’t arrived, or circumstanceshaven’t changed and we become lost about how toregroup and restart our life. Mark was the perfect exam-ple of this.

One of his daughters was now 19 years old. She wasa talented and creative young woman with aspirations tobecome a model and an actress. Her dreams were com-ing true. She had recently left home to go to New Yorkfor modeling work. This left a hole in the family as shewas the consummate good girl, good student, and dideverything right. On the other side, Mark had a son whowas a good person, but who was struggling in his life.He still had several years before he graduated highschool. Mark and his wife were left with a difficult childwhile coping with the loss of the person who alwaysbrought levity and ease to their situation. There was alevel of grieving and frustration that neither Mark norhis wife knew what to do with. Most of us feel it’s wrongto be upset with our child or feel disappointed. Parents

don’t feel they have the right to have any feeling otherthan pride for their kids. Mark was not in touch with allthese dynamics and how they were weighing on himenergetically.

Many of us begin our young lives thinking we willgo to college, or start a career, get married, have a cou-ple kids, and then our life is set. Not enough people planfor the chapters of their life after the kids leave home, orwhen children require extra attention to get them to age18 and become self-sufficient. In the same conversation,it is now typical for people to change jobs six or seventimes or more in a lifetime.

Mark was not prepared to cope with the changingbusiness world or the technological skills that are nowrequired in the marketplace. He felt a level of incompe-tency in his ability to put himself out into the world. Hefound himself applying for lesser and lesser roles to get“something.” He was sending himself a message that hewas incapable and no longer valid in life. Couple thismessage with the grief in his family dynamic and thatenergy combination is about as dense and sad as it gets.There is loss, change, frustration, and an overall feelingof being overwhelmed, outmanned, and under-gunned.Energetically, this is a recipe for stagnation. Nothing canhappen in this energy.

Men, even more than women, tend to want to live intheir heads, be “the analyzer,” and try to make every-thing practical. This is a wonderful skill set. Yet, the skillset we all need to know is how to evolve ourselves in ourown lives when we hit a wall. This requires an ability tobe able to listen to our hearts, and move away from“make-it-happen” energy. With Mark and many peoplewe have to allow the sorrows of our life experience roomto breathe. Most of us are afraid of our sorrows andrefuse to be with them. Sorrow offers an enormousopportunity to expand ourselves. When we aren’t in sor-row we have no motivation to shift, change, or learn any-thing new. When we are in sorrow, the way out of it is toexpand into our greatness by learning more about our-selves. Sorrow is a golden opportunity to emerge intomore of who we are by developing different aspects ofourselves that are dormant or undiscovered. This is howwe learn and grow on the planet. When we are comfort-able we don’t grow.

With Mark I had to teach him to give himself per-mission to own his disappointment, his fear, and his self-doubt. After that point, he was able to see that a wholenew world was waiting for him. Mark made a typicalmistake that a lot of people make: he lumped all of hisfeelings and thoughts into one situation. Rather thanbecome awake to his grief about changes in his life, hisfear about his abilities, or his frustration, he focused all



his attention on “I can’t get a job and I don’t haveenough money.” If we are not awake and responsive toour internal world, it doesn’t deactivate its influence onour creative process. All those frequencies and emotionsare still working to create our experience.

I remember a caller, Jesse, from Los Angeles, whohad a similar problem to Mark. When he called the showhe had been unemployed for about eight months. I couldtell he was discouraged and afraid, and everything feltextremely serious in his energy. I encouraged him tostop his job search temporarily and go to the beach andrelax. I wanted him to have a good time and change howhe was feeling in his life. The beach was some place hereally loved. Essentially I wanted him to insert fun ener-gy into his space to create an opportunity for somethingnew to come in. He was completely contracted. Just likethe fist closed tightly, if you squeeze hard enough noth-ing can get in or out. Our energy field is the same. Whenwe are contracted nothing gets in or out. Given that Jessehad nothing to do anyhow, he wasn’t employed, hedecided to take my advice. He had nothing to lose.

After four days of being at the beach, he returnedhome to find a message waiting for him on his answer-ing device. It was an employer who had his resume fromover six months ago. They had kept his on file as some-one they would be interested in when an opening arose.Was it timing? What is coincidence? I would say yes toboth except I have watched the phenomenon for morethan 30 years. Time and time again I have seen thatwhen we shift internally, our external world shifts. Wehold the key. Perhaps in Jesse’s situation the energy wasaccumulating, and waiting to come in. He had to let it in.Once he relaxed, and inserted fun frequencies into hisworld, his circumstance changed. He allowed his divineopportunity to emerge.

Quantum physics has demonstrated time and againthat what we think about something modifies it. Further,that thought precedes matter. Everything is connected.Those things we call “coincidence” are more demon-strations of energy aligning perfectly based upon inten-tion and divine collaboration. When we become inten-tional with this process, and learn to stay awake in ourpersonal universe we really can play the Energy Gameand influence our outcomes in amazing and powerfulways. There is nothing we cannot create if we are will-ing partners in our own creative process. It is when wedeny and resist our realities that we begin to feel life israndom and that we have no power to effect change inour outcomes. As with both Mark and Jesse, learning toinsert high-level frequencies when we feel contracted isa very valuable practice that works.

In Mark’s case he was lumping all his feelingstogether, which caused him to be overwhelmed. Whenhe was able to separate his feelings and address themone at a time, he finally connected with employment. Hemade space. Before that he was like a tangled ball ofyarn. There was no rhyme or reason to his reality. WithJesse he was so contracted he was impeding any oppor-tunity from entering his realm. As soon as he insertedhigh-level frequencies into his experience and “createdspace” the phone rang.

When we play the Energy Game, when we trust, andwhen we practice collaboration and intentionalexchange with consciousness we will see the results. Wewill have success, and we can build on the relationshipwe now have with the divine in more potent and pro-found ways.

Excerpt From: The Energy of Abundance by Phyllis King, ©2015 Phyllis King.. Excerpt printed with permission of NewPage Books,


www.earthstarmag.com4 2 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

We look for and support the naturalstrength within systems, seeing therelationships between the earth andthe air, the fire and the water.Seeing the whole as one intercon-

necting web of life. Spending time alone in the land-scape, we can observe throughout the year the way thesun shines upon the land, creating the seasons andcycles, and drawing forth abundance.

We observe how the rain falls upon the land, andhow the flow of the water affects soils, creating places offertility and microclimates, and where it can be bestretained and so creating even more diversity. We observealso the wind and its directions, as it sculpts the vegeta-tion, massaging the landscape, creating places of shelterand exposure. As we walk the landscape we sense theearth beneath us, and its places of natural fertility.

There is a great danger in our time of the emergingAnthropocene; that our species could witness its ownself-annihilation along with all of our creativity, knowl-edge and wisdom, consumed by greed and selfishness.

But there is also the possibility that the Anthropocenewill be a time of conscious co-creation, that the fecundi-ty of this planet will continue to amaze and enthrall, thatwe can write our story in the fossils of the future as oneof incredible self awareness.

We need our worldviews to merge, to strengthen andsupport one another and all communities of life:Permaculture and spirituality are totally compatible.Some of us work with the spirit of nature, while otherswork with the nature spirits. Both are coming from thatplace of co-creation, working with nature.

In Findhorn, we work with the principle “co-cre-ation with nature”. Through this partnering with nature,the Earth and all its living creatures, a deepening of theconnection with the whole occurs. Dorothy Maclean,one of the three founders of Findhorn, worked withguidance from the nature spirits (Devas) when it came tointeraction with the Earth and its plants and animals; adirect link with the spirit world. Eileen Caddy workedwith guidance from God, while Peter Caddy carried outthis guidance in faith and love.

By Craig Gibsone and Jan Martin Bang

PPerermaculturmacultureeand NaNaturturee

PPeerrmmaaccuull ttuurree’’ss PPllaaccee iinn NNaattuurree,,DDeessiiggnn aanndd tthhee SSppii rr ii ttuuaall


The Findhorn Foundation community became aphysical manifestation of a pure connection into thespirit world, through love and faith, and through thisselfless connection with the infinite life force a gracefuldance took place between the physical and spiritualrealms. As we begin to explore the relationship betweenthese seemingly different paradigms, we see co-creationarising.

Before the materialist reductionist paradigm itseems that all cultures contained defining spiritualbeliefs. It may be that Permaculture is essentially mate-rialist and scientific, a set of design tools to be used fordesigning “things”. However, it would be limiting toexpect Permaculture to ignore an aspect and a qualitythat has permeated human life since the beginning of ourexistence as a species, and which has been suspendedfor only a few hundred years by a very small segment ofhumanity.

Indeed, the very success of the materialist reduc-tionist paradigm has led us to the brink of environmen-tal, economic and social breakdown. Could a shift toonce again include spirituality in our culture help us toregain our equilibrium? We have already seen that thebreakthroughs in quantum physics echoed some of theinsights of ancient and modern mystics and sages, con-firming that all is one, that matter is an illusion, “asabove, so below”.

Many thinkers and writers are suggesting that themost progressive aspects of science are moving towardsa union with the universal aspects of spiritual belief.David Holmgren, the co-founder of Permaculture asks:

“Can we really imagine a sustainable world without aspiritual life in some form?”


Permaculture moves from observing the world, to find-ing patterns in nature, and using these to design the sus-tainable world of the future. We also use Permaculture todesign our lives, not only the “things” that surround us.Your life would clearly be better if it was integrated intothe already existing life design of the planet.

In this way, you might design your life to go withthe flow of nature, the nature of one’s self, and thenature of life surrounding you. There is a beauty, a joy,and an abundance in nature and we sense its spirit. Itfeeds our body and soul, we are one or even more. Thedance of life continues to become even more beautiful,joyful and abundant.

One of the qualities we perceive in nature is an everascending attempt to increase complexity. More com-

plex ecologies take longer to evolve, but attain a greaterresilience, are more sustainable. Consciousness is thehighest form of complexity and holds integration anddifferentiation together.

Spirituality and Permaculture in Findhorn

The Findhorn Foundation Community is probably oneof the best demonstrations of a full-featuredPermaculture human settlement.

In Findhorn we work closely with the threePermaculture ethics and as a spiritual community manyof our activities such as sacred dance, group sharing andother social activities provide an opportunity for selfexpression and fellowship.

Many programs offer activities such as group dis-covery games, again as an opportunity to express andconnect as a group. Within the daily rhythm of work, ofmorning and afternoon meditations an attunementprocess is adopted within the working departments andprograms as an opportunity to find stillness, groundingand to connect with spirit. In the words of Eileen Caddy:

“both eyes on heaven and both feet on the earth”.

These activities all play an important role within thepeople care ethic. Spirituality also involves some formof self-reflection by observing what is arising withinyou, sensing your place in the vast space of existenceand observing its cycles. Also your response to the pres-sures of life: it could be a difficult person or a weed inyour garden.

First and foremost of the Permaculture ethics isEARTHCARE, co-creating with nature. Here atFindhorn one of our best examples is Trees for Life, aScottish conservation charity dedicated to the regenera-tion and restoration of the Caledonian Forest in the


www.earthstarmag.com4 4 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Highlands of Scotland; a vision of Scotland once againreforested and full of life. Earthcare is about ecologicaland sustainable settlements and gardens, using resourceswisely and valuing the earth, the air, the water and thesun, from which we extract our needs, and thinkingabout future generations and what we bequeath them.

PEOPLECARE is one of the most well-practiced disci-plines for how we govern and dissolve power, using thegroup building techniques from “Process OrientedPsychology” (POP), group discovery activities, Game ofTransformation, deep democracy, through to meditation,incarnational spirituality, appreciative enquiry, non-vio-lent communication, singing and dancing, work depart-ments, sanctuary, festivals, etc. The success of the com-munity can be attributed to the attention given to theindividual and their place in the collective. Group build-ing processes are like compost continually enriching thesoil and feeding one’s whole being

Then there is FAIRSHARE. Within the FindhornFoundation there is a strong sense of service where weshare, share, share and share again. From cooking,cleaning, maintenance, home care, finance, manage-ment, and cleaning after our community meals. Thereare dozens of Community-owned buildings: houses, theCommunity Centre, meditation spaces, workshop ven-ues and large beautiful gardens.

Our carpooling system, the Moray Carshare, cur-rently has over fifty members and we share nine carsamongst us. The cars are placed at three different loca-tions in and around Findhorn and Forres. The carpool isrun in a democratic way, like a community interest com-pany, using a methodology called Sociocracy.

The NFA (New Findhorn Association) is our widercommunity-shared way of living; it is an association ofindividual members and organizations who subscribe to

a set of core values. The main purpose for the NFA is toserve as an umbrella organization and to facilitate andencourage development of the community.

We share our Windfarms to provide our energy; ourlocal hinterland association cares for local dune land-scape and pine plantation, with the wood co-operativeharvesting firewood, and food production from the com-munity owned Cullerne Gardens. The community hasestablished a community bank, called Ekopia ResourceExchange. This permits the community to raise shareissues for specific projects within the community.

We know of no other community that is as large andfull-featured as we are, stretching from the Isle of Erraidto the Highlands of Scotland and the Bioregion ofMoray, whilst embracing the ethics and the principles ofPermaculture and spirituality.

The New Paradigm

Our modern scientific thinking is largely based upon thechange in thinking that occurred around the time ofDescartes, 1596 to 1650. Until then all things had beenconnected in some way, the worldview being based uponthe foundations laid down by the Greek philosopherstwo thousand years earlier.

Descartes separated mind and matter, believing thata complete understanding of the laws of mathematicswould unlock the knowledge of the universe. This createda new way of looking at the world, and a number ofthinkers followed Descartes, building a paradigm of theworld completely different from how the universe wasunderstood earlier.

Francis Bacon, 1561 to 1626, saw the aim of sciencebeing not just an understanding of the universe, but alsoa means of controlling it. Galileo Galilei, 1564 to 1642,maintained that matter had to be studied only by quanti-fying it. If it can’t be measured it has no meaning and byimplication doesn’t exist.

Building upon these philosophers, Isaac Newton,1642 to 1726, showed how the universe worked as agreat mechanism, and formulated some of the laws thatgovern this mechanism such as gravity, mass andmotion.

These must have been exciting times, building a newview of the world. But, as in many breakthroughs in sci-ence and in thinking, it was just another way of lookingat the world, not THE ONLY WAY.

There are two defining features of this worldview,which gives it the name “the Materialist ReductionistParadigm”. It was only concerned with the things thatcan be seen and measured, and it took these apart inorder to study them. It was exactly this last approach that


led to new ways of seeing things a few hundred yearslater. The hard science that started with Descartes andwhich was developed by Newton finally led to amazingdiscoveries as physicists cracked open the atom at thebeginning of the twentieth century.

A number of scientists, including Niels Bohr, AlbertEinstein, Werner Heisenberg,Wolfgang Pauli, MaxPlanck and Erwin Schrödinger worked together toexplore the frontiers of science. What they found was noteasy for them to accept. The new concepts of time, mat-ter, space, cause and effect did not always conform to thescientific world in which they had been brought up.

In Fritjof Capra’s book, The Turning Point he quotesHeisenberg:

“The violent reaction to the recent development ofmodern physics can only be understood when one real-izes that here the foundations of physics have startedmoving.”

The terms that might be applied to this new worldinclude organic, holistic and ecological. These scientistswere looking for a systems view, a general systems the-ory. Through their work they realized that our long tra-dition of mystical thought, begun by Shamans and keptalive by the established world religions, echo the ideasthat were coming to the forefront in the new physics.Cutting edge science was beginning to open a fruitfuldialogue with spirituality and religion.

It’s often the case that with older, spiritual tradi-tions, the way things are formulated may sound quiteoutrageous to us today, especially if we are still deeplyembedded in the old materialist reductionist paradigm.However, communing with the spirit of the mountainmay actually not be so very far away from appreciatingthe energy of the mountain.

Gradually these new ways of looking at the worldseeped through into the western world. Arthur Koestlerwrote in The Yogi and the Commissar, published in1945:

“After all it is only three centuries since Godbecame a mathematician and we have plenty of timebefore us for other transformations. The monopoly ofquantitative measurements is drawing to its close, butalready new principles of explanation begin to emerge.”

Kees Zoeteman writing in Gaia—Sophia commentedthat:

“In nuclear physics, the Cartesian distinctionbetween mind and matter, the observer and the

observed, could no longer be made.”

The qualities of matter composed of atoms dependupon the way we observe this matter, what type ofequipment we use and which of our senses we bring intoplay. Matter doesn’t really exist at all, but shows “ten-dencies to exist”. The clear distinction between observ-er and the observed was no longer seen to be objective,but subjective. Mass and energy became interchange-able. They were manifestations of space and time thatappeared differently according to how they wereobserved.

A serious change occurred here in the history of sci-ence, and in the way we perceive the world around us. Inthe old paradigm all reality was seen to be material orphysical. Rupert Sheldrake in his book The ScienceDelusion described this paradigm:

“There is no reality but material reality. Matter isunconscious. Evolution is purposeless.”

This view of the world permeated every level ofthinking and influenced the way society in the westernworld was structured and came to spread throughout theworld as a consequence of the colonial expansion.

Bede Griffiths writes that:

“Over a period of nearly three centuries in the Westthe philosophy of materialism has come to permeateevery level of society.”

We really enjoy Rudolf Steiner’s wry description ofthe old paradigm that he expressed in 1924:

“Nature is a unity, with forces interacting from allsides. Those whose eyes are open to these forces willunderstand nature. But what does today’s science do? It



takes a little glass plate and puts a carefully preparedsomething or- other on it, gets rid of everything else andpeers at it through something called a microscope. Thatis the very opposite of what we ought to be doing if wewant to comprehend the full dimensions of the world.”

The new physics created a foundation from whichwe could start replacing the mechanical model of theuniverse with an organic model. In this new view weperceive a return to traditional wisdom and spirituality.In the old materialist reductionist worldview, scienceand religion were often seen as competing spheres. Thispolarization is now increasingly felt as hindering ourway forward in discovering what the world is and how itoperates. This is perhaps one of the basic, key qualitiesto the new paradigm, and one that Permaculture needs totake into itself.

John Wilkes comments that:

“As long as we continue to consider nature, organ-isms and life as something merely physical, technologi-cal and chemical we are missing a comprehension of thewhole picture. There are obviously much more subtleaspects which nature is trying to show us, if only we arewilling to see.”

In many ways it’s like the transition from black andwhite to color. Sure, we can get a long way with the oldblack and white drawings and photographs, and in somecircumstances b/w is actually preferable. But try toexplain to someone who has no color vision what colorsare like, and you may find yourself up against an insur-mountable barrier.

How to describe the difference between red andgreen? What could it possibly mean, to see red? Canonly black men sing the blues? To someone incapable ofseeing colors, these kinds of statements may have nomeaning. Sir Arthur Eddington, the British astrophysicist

who lived from1882 to 1944, wrote:

“The stuff of the world is mind-stuff.”

His colleague Sir James Jeans wrote:

“The universe begins to look more like a greatthought than like a great machine. Mind no longerappears as an accidental intruder into the realm of mat-ter; we are beginning to suspect that we ought rather tohail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.”

This does not necessarily mean that the old para-digm was wrong. Clearly it’s a very good way of creat-ing a framework for mechanical engineering, it’s a goodway of doing technical work with water, electricity andother substances. We might see conventional science asthe tip of an iceberg. There is still much to be discov-ered, and different scientific approaches represent dif-ferent, complementary views of the world.

Let us be open-minded and flexible in our seeking aswe dive deeper into the hidden layers of the iceberg. Todeny their existence is profoundly unscientific.

Thoughts become realities when they form the basisfor action. Thoughts, desires and ambitions have shapedthe modern world: the technologies, the social systems,and the economy. If our technologies are polluting, oursocial systems unable to care for everyone, and our eco-nomics fail to distribute food and services to all people,it must be that the thoughts that underpin these systemsare to blame.

We need new thoughts.Looking at how life has evolved it seems that con-

fronted by difficult situations, life has taken unexpecteddirections in order to overcome them. Being forced intoa new way of thinking may be the most important aspectof the crisis that we find ourselves in. The only way outand through is by changing the way we relate to theworld. Today we need this new paradigm more thanever.

Several of the new scientists have described the uni-verse as a “Great Thought”, an image that can be used asa tool for expanding our own thinking. We need to bebrave enough to try thinking thoughts that seem alien tous in order to explore the new paradigm. Today it’s actu-ally a scientific handicap if you are not prepared toentertain new ideas, but prefer to stay stuck in a familiarworld that you feel comfortable with.

In one course that we taught the idea that water mayhave memory was mentioned, and encountered stiffresistance from a couple of the more academically mindedparticipants, despite the fact that the very property of



water being able to hold information is being scientifi-cally researched at the present time. Instead of welcom-ing new unfamiliar ways of thinking as a gateway to newdiscoveries, they retreated into old dogmatic ways ofthinking that dismissed new ideas as rubbish.

When we do this, we close the portal of discovery.In our world today we are experiencing a multiple

existential crisis, with seemingly intractable economic,environmental and social problems of such dimensionsthat solutions are hard to find. What is usually offered asa solution is a series of technological fixes, all based onthe same thinking that pervades the old materialistreductionist paradigm.

Of course, good design and intelligent planning arereally important, but we need something more than that.Even to offer Permaculture solutions based on the old hardtechnical fix will not help. We need a new way of thinking,a new relationship to ourselves and to the planet.

What insights might I get from thinking about theuniverse as a thought? How might I relate to all animals,plants and rocks in the landscape as full of intelligenceand ideas? If those landscape elements and I could forma “task force” together, how might we transform thislandscape into a creative, abundant and fertile ecology?

What is nature trying to say to me? Can we enterinto a dialogue?

David Spangler, spiritual teacher and author, manages

to sum this up eloquently:

“If there’s one leap our consciousness has to make –and it’s a quantum leap—it’s how to be able to function,embody, look at and deal with multiple views of realitysimultaneously and to be comfortable with that and notinsist that reality only follows one particular course.”

Excerpted from Permaculture by Craig Gibsone and JanMartin Bang, with permission from the publisher, FindhornPress,

A new social network, backedby Anonymous, hopes to takeon Facebook and the other

social media giants with a commitmentto privacy, security and transparencyabout how posts are promoted.

The site,, has the samebasic options as any other social net-work: users send updates to their fol-lowers, who can comment or promoteposts that they read. But unlike its com-petitors it doesn’t aim to make moneyfrom gathering data—instead, itencrypts all messages, so that theycan’t be read by advertisers or by gov-ernments.

The app’s other big differentiatingfeature from other networks is that it

rewards people for interacting withposts, by voting, commenting or upload-ing. Users are given points that can thenbe exchanged for views, meaning thatthe posts of active members will bemore promoted by the network.

Facebook signs users up to privacypolicy that allows it to track you every-where on the internet

Facebook is trampling onEuropean privacy laws

Facebook manipulated users'moods in secret experiment

The site describes that mechanismas a "network that rewards you withreach". As such, it is more straightfor-ward than the Facebook algorithm—which the company little discusses and

seems to work on a complicatedmix of engagement, clicks andnow the time spent looking atcertain posts.The site has been officially

launched with desktop and

mobile apps. But the group behind theproject has made it entirely opensource, so that anyone can contribute tothe design and upkeep of the network.

An Anonymous-affiliated pagewith over a million followers, ‘ART ofRevolution’, put out a call to support thesite. “Let us collaborate to help and other open-source,encrypted networks to co-create a topsite of the people, by the people and forthe people”, the message read.

A network that rewards you withreach.

For every mobile vote, comment,remind, swipe & upload you earnpoints which can be exchanged forviews on posts of your choice. It’s anew web paradigm that gives everyonea voice.

Start your own social network or aMinds channel with newsfeeds, blogs,videos, images, groups, wallets andencrypted messenger.



www.earthstarmag.com4 8 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Emotional energy is much more than theexperience of an emotion itself; it is alsothat which fuels and gives rise to the emo-tion. Before the actual experience or out-burst of emotion, the energy that gives it

form builds up in your body, and as it does so it affectsyour body in a wide range of physiological and meta-physical ways. Some emotional energies have a warm-ing, expansive, and strengthening effect on the body;others have an agitating, hardening effect; and still oth-ers have a cooling, contracting, weakening effect. Thesecharacteristics can be found not only in the muscles andconnective tissues in the body, but across all systems ofthe body: respiratory, digestive, nervous, muscular,skeletal, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, urinary, andreproductive.


All emotions have some degree of physiological ormetaphysical effect on the body, but two emotional ener-gies, fear and anger, have the widest range of noticeableeffects. And of all the emotional energies, the physio-

logical effects of the energy of fear can be the most dif-ficult to understand, simply because one of the first reac-tions we have to fear energy being released in thebody—for example, during a yoga practice or massagetreatment—is to try and stop it. It is not unusual duringa massage for a client experiencing the rising signs offear to say, “Stop, this is making me feel uncomfort-able,” or “I don’t like what is happening,” or “I don’twant to go any further.”

Most people ordinarily do not voluntarily investi-gate the energy of fear, and because of this they do notunderstand the adverse effects the hidden or uncon-scious energy of fear has on the body. Notably, some ofthe fear energy stored in your body today can relate toissues and events originating deep in your past, andthese events are probably forgotten or buried. But justbecause you have forgotten the fearful events from yourpast does not mean that the energy relating to thoseevents is no longer stored in your body. The body canhold on to the energy of fear for a long, long time, eventhough the conscious mind may have forgotten orblocked out the event that triggered the original fear.

By Robert Henderson

EmotionEmotion aanndd HealingHealingiinn tthhee Energy BBodyEnergy BBody

EEEEmmmmooootttt iiiioooonnnnaaaallll EEEEnnnneeeerrrrggggyyyy aaaannnndddd FFFFeeeeaaaarrrr



The lack of conscious awareness of theeffects of fear energy can lead to many misun-derstandings and misinterpretations of certainphysical symptoms that may present in thebody, such as chronic, low-level nausea, cold-ness in the abdomen, weakness in the lowerback, tiredness, heaviness, tight hamstrings,closed hips, etc. Misinterpreting the truesource of such physical problems can then leadto inappropriate and/or ineffective courses oftreatment, many of which serve only to furtherbury the hidden emotional energy at the root ofthe problem, or even worse, cause additionaland completely unnecessary harm.

It is not uncommon to experience the energyof fear, although in a milder form, if you arepracticing a series of yoga asanas designed tostimulate the second chakra (e.g., cobra, boat,seated forward bend, supine bound angle, dog,cat, seated angle, balancing bear, and frog), orwhile giving or receiving an intense massagethat inadvertently releases second-chakra ener-gy. You may not feel the emotion of fear as youhave come to know it outright in its more obvi-ous forms, as described in the discussion of thesecond chakra in chapter 2, but you may wellexperience one or more of its less recognizedphysiological and/or metaphysical side effects:

• An overall feeling of coldness or a release of coldnessfrom deep inside a part of your body• Cold sweats• Shivering, low-level internal shaking, chicken skin,goosebumps, or hair standing on end• A change in the rhythm of breathing, from full andrelaxed to shallow and contracted• A sudden feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, or a feelingof having no energy• An overall feeling of heaviness, especially heavinessin the legs• Legs can feel very cold or numb, especially in thebacks of the legs, or can also sometimes feel cold andwobbly, like cold jelly• Dehydration or dry lips• A complete loss of appetite• The inability to talk to anyone; not enough energy forconversation• The inability to look someone else in the eye; insuffi-cient energy to hold the gaze of another person• A dull or intense feeling of nausea, sometimes leadingto vomiting• Diarrhea (too much cold energy in the large intestine)

• A greater-than-normal need to pee (a sign of thekidneys detoxifying)• Extreme sensitivity to touch or being touched• Loss of color in the complexion; going pale or white

When during the course of a massage or yoga practiceany of these experiences of fear energy are triggered, itmay be inconvenient or even uncomfortable, but thiskind of release is normal and natural and should passwithin a short while, or at most within two to three days.If the symptoms persist, however, it may reveal theremaining energetic presence of an event in your life thatonce caused you to be terribly afraid and is still causingyou to feel the energy of fear in the present.

If you are more sensitive to energy, you may addi-tionally experience an abstract feeling of blackness orstickiness within yourself. In your dreams at night youmay see pictures of thick, black motor oil or blackwitches or black, fearful-looking creatures. And if youare able to sense the colors of energy, you will sense thecolor black when you touch the energy of fear in some-one. These physiological and metaphysical experiencesreveal the presence of the energy of fear in your own or


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another person’s body. The level of energy is not yetstrong enough to trigger the actual emotion of fear itself,nor is it strong enough to reveal the event that caused theoriginal fear. Yet it is possible in a strong yoga or mas-sage practice to intentionally raise the level of fear ener-gy in your body such that you can reveal and release itsunderlying origin.

Excerpted from Emotion and Healing in the Energy Body byRobert Henderson © 2015, Healing Arts Press. Printed withpermission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.

Robert Henderson is a Thai Yoga Massage therapist and energyworker. A student of Asokoananda, Chaiyuth Priyasith,Pichest Boonthumme, and Jasmine Vishnu, he is a member ofthe Thai Healing Alliance International. He lives and works inAustria.

GooGoogglele Wants To Line Your City Streets With WWi-Fii-Fi

Y ou’re probably used to gettingWi-Fi in hotels, libraries and athome, but if Google gets its

way, our city streets are going to belined with ubiquitous wireless Internetaccess too. It’s one of the company’svisionary ‘moonshots’—the name givento ambitious projects like its self-drivingcar fleet or delivering Web access viahot air balloon—and it just might work.

The project is all part of the newSidewalk Labs startup Google hasformed to bring the latest technology tothe infrastructure of our cities. In thewords of Google itself, the company hasa mission to “improve life in cities foreveryone through the application of tech-nology to solve urban problems”, withone of those problems being slow andpotentially expensive data connections.

The new venture is calledIntersection and it’s based on SidewalkLabs’ acquisition of LinkNYC, whichhad previously been working to pro-vide Wi-Fi to New York City. Google islooking at using all kinds of existingstreet furniture, from bus stops to payphones, to enable the roll-out of city-wide wireless Internet for anyone totake advantage of.

“The vision really is to make citiesconnected places where you can walkdown any street and have access to freeultra high-speed Wi-Fi,” Sidewalk Labschief Dan Doctoroff said in an inter-view with Wired. “The possibilitiesfrom there are just endless.”

While many take it for granted, 55million people in the US still don’thave access to high-speed broadband.

And that’s whereSidewalk Labs comes in.The startup is ready to pro-vide bespoke systems andlayouts based on the par-ticular setup of each city,where necessary: “Thething about cities is no two

are the same,” explains ColinO’Donnell, founding partner of one ofthe companies acquired by SidewalkLabs. “Maybe we’re replacing a phonebooth in New York, but it might beadding services to a bus shelter inPhiladelphia or a bike share in SanFrancisco.”

It may be some time before citiesoutside of New York get the benefits ofthis type of technology (it is a moon-shot after all), but widespread Internetaccess is in Google’s interest—morepeople online means more people usingits services. So far, the company hasn'trevealed any information about citiesbeyond New York.

It’s also a boon for local authori-ties too, who can use the blanket Wi-Fito track services and people across theurban landscape. For example, beam-ing back live video feeds from dozensof fire trucks is a lot easier when there’sa high-speed Wi-Fi receiver in everylamppost. In a few short years youmight never be without a super-fastInternet connection.—Science Alert


We know our mythology shapes oursociety and culture. If peopleacross the globe revere a male godand sweep the female face of godbeneath the

sands of time, the result is what wehave today—patriarchy, rule of thefathers or a male dominated socie-ty, where divinity is only recog-nized in the male form. That leavesGoddess, women, Mother Earthand every species on the planetsubject to male authority. Thatauthoritarian father archetype andpatriarchy has infiltrated everyfacet of life, with some falselybelieving it has been no other way.The worship of a Divine Motherand Daughter, Persephone andDemeter, for thousands of years, isshrugged off with a wave of the

hand. Amaterasu of the Shinto people in Japan,Guadalupe in Mexico, White Buffalo Woman of theNative Americans, Kwan Yin in Asia, and all the otherfaces of Goddess, some as old as 36,000 years old, older

than any male gods, are ignored ortheir importance goes unknown tocountless humans on the planet andso do their energies, archetypes andideals. Yet Goddess Advocatesbelieve the Divine Feminine is thegreat equalizer, a thealogy of libera-tion and balance that rights thewrongs of patriarchy and tempersthe authoritarian father.

To more fully understand youmust know patriarchy stands onfour legs of a stool: racism, sexism,environmental and culturalexploitation. The result is an imbal-ance everywhere we look that man-ifests as inequality, abuse, poverty,

VVooiicceess of tthe SSaaccrreedd FFeemmiinniinneeSSaaccrreedd FFeemmiinniinnee

By Rev. Dr. Karen Tate


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suffering and exploitation from female genital mutila-tion to income inequality despite women being themajority gender on the planet. In the United States,women are 52% of the population but there is less than20% female leadership in politics, academia, corporateboard rooms and religious institutions, denying societyand culture women’s unique and innate abilities and per-spectives.

Patriarchy is also propped up by religion. AsEgyptian feminist, Nawal El Saadawi rightly said onFree Speech television, “Patriarchy needs god to justifyinjustice.” If god orders it, or by association authoritar-ian male dogma demands it, we can justify anything.Patriarchy dominates our bodies and overwhelms ourpsyches. White male privilege runs amok. Driven bythe need for power over or cheap labor, people stopusing critical thinking, act against their own best inter-ests, seem devoid of empathy and accept this state ofaffairs as normal. It is no wonder the moral imperativeof our time is the empowerment of women! And fortu-nately we have courageous leaders, just one of which isformer President Jimmy Carter who set an example forthis imperative by leaving his church citing as his rea-son, the sin of sexism that robs women of their potential.It is becoming clear to more and more evolved mindsuntil we have equality for all cultures, women and

species across the planet, there will be no sustainabilityand peace.

So how does a society go about changing course ormaking a correction to beliefs that permeate every levelof society from womb to tomb, boardroom to bedroom,from the voting booth to our places of worship?

We start by taking responsibility for our own educa-tions. We find the courage to throw off the shacklesimposed on us by family, political parties or the pulpit.The like-minded must ignore wedge issues that divideus, and women must learn to stand in solidarity for thesake of what’s at stake. We must counteract the greed,oppression and exploitation that comes along with thisimbalance using our wisdom, scholarship, commonsense, intuition, sense of justice and body knowing tofind a new way. We must be courageous, creative, andcaring. We must remember. We must rethink. We mustbe willing to recover that which was swept beneath therug. We must re-vision how society and culture might bere-shaped and only then can we actually manifest it!

In the eight years Voices of the Sacred Feminineradio aired, and continues to be aired, hundreds ofwayshowers and foremothers, men and women, whodedicated their lives to revisioning our world sharedtheir insight and knowledge with listeners. They all havekernels of truth, seeds that can be sown to help societyand culture evolve and grow into a world we and our


children all deserve. This book is just a small cross-sec-tion of those vital voices helping reshape our world, pre-sented as essays that reflect our on-air interview or inactual transcript format. I invite you to avail yourself ofthis wisdom. See if their voices sound like a better way.Tune in to the many other conversations still available inthe internet archives of Voices of the Sacred Feminine onBlog Talk Radio. Some interviews can also be accessedfrom my own website at http://www,

Recognize our inter-dependence. Find your SacredRoar. Become part of the evolution toward a new para-digm shift of caring, sharing, balance, equality and jus-tice. We can each be a beautiful thread in a wondroustapestry that is a healthy, peaceful and loving humanity!

Most of us have come to realize patriarchy—rule bya male-dominated society revering solely a male God—is not working for Mother Earth or most of the people onthe planet. How do we counter beliefs that there is nooption but the authoritarian father? How does society goabout making a course correction? How do ideas thatpermeate every level of society from womb to tomb,boardroom to bedroom, voting booth to the workplaceshift into a more fair, equal, and just world of partner-ship, sharing, caring and peace? Those are exactly thequestions discussed on my long-running radio show,“Voices of the Sacred Feminine”, dedicated to theSacred Feminine as deity, archetype and ideal. Neverbefore has an internet radio show cast such a wide net toinclude so many voices whose ideals are in alignmentwith “sacred feminine liberation thealogy.” If we can

imagine it, vision it, and restore ancient truths sweptbeneath the rug and kicked to the curb by patriarchy,then we can manifest it! Hear solutions from thesevisionaries, scholars, wayshowers, foremothers andactivists—women and men—dedicated to reshaping ourworld... Noam Chomsky, Laura Flanders, Gloria Feldt,Jean Shinoda Bolen, Phyllis Chesler, Barbara G. Walker,Riane Eisler, Matthew Fox, Roy Bourgeois, Starhawk,Charles Eisenstein, Genevieve Vaughan, Carl Ruck,David Hillman, Judy Grahn, Nicki Scully, NormandiEllis, Selena Fox, Patrick McCollum, Jann Aldredge-Clanton, Cristina Biaggi, Charlene Spretnak, ShirleyRanck, Elizabeth Fisher, Amy Peck, Art Noble, JeanetteBlonigen Clancy, Joan Norton, Andrew Gurevich, GusdiZerega, Lydia Ruyle, Vajra Ma, Ava, Donna Henes,Candace Kant, Sandra Spencer, Layne Redmond,Isadora Leidenfrost, ALisa Starkweather, Joan Marler,Tim Ward, James Rietveld and Karen Tate.


Navigating a busy New York sidewalkthese days requires constant vigilancelest we get trampled by people withheads bowed and eyes on their phones.It’s hypnotic, this marvelous content-

provider in our hands, and some of us can’t help but con-stantly check it. The phrase “Put Down The Phone”headlines a recent New York Times article announcing a$200 app that allows you to put away your cell and stillhave peace of mind that you won’t miss anything“important.” But what important things are we missingwhen we are glued to the phone, to the exclusion ofeverything else? As my friend Murphy puts it, “Is thatthe sun blazing gold across the horizon? I hadn’t noticedbecause my world has shrunk to the size of a kumquat.”

Must we give up our cells to wake up and smell theroses? Golden opportunity here! Especially when weconsider that transformation may not be about giving up

anything, but may be about opening to a consciousnessthat embraces all of it, limited by none of it. Doing soallows us to live in both streams simultaneously-theeveryday and the “higher.” “Can I walk and talk andchew gum at the same time?” (Murphy ponders). That’sthe challenge.

To bring higher consciousness to life, Murphy advo-cates “getting on the bus running,” that is, becomingaware of oneself right in the midst of an activity. At anymoment, there’s a choice to be made between two dis-positions of mind:

(1) passivity and identification (mind busy comingup with answers; attention moving around all on its own,and hooked into whatever attracts it) and

(2) awareness and presence (mind quiet; attentionnot moving around, but focused on impressions from thesenses now, and joining with the subtle energy animatingthe body).


Co-authored by Fran Shaw and Murphy

Lord Have MurphyLord Have Murphy

3 WWays 3 WWays TTo UUse YYour CCellphone To CCall HHigher SSelf



When one is “identified,” it’s on automatic-pilotmode: thoughts take over and there is no focusing onpresence. The question is: do we have to stop what we’redoing or behave a different way to wake up? AsMurphy says, “It’s wonderful to sit still for a moment,relaxed and quiet, so subtler impressions impress. Butthis is not getting on the bus running. This is getting onthe bus as it waits for you at the curb. By the monastery.”Indeed to “get on the bus running, nothing about meneeds to change except where the attention is.” In the-ory at least, we should be able to be on the phone-total-ly enjoying it-and be present at the same time. We justneed some practice in “multidimensional living”-andsomething to remind us that we can “vibrate higher.”

Our cellphones... vibrate! And make varioussounds at random moments. We can even download ourspiritual ringtone of choice. What great reminders tomobilize attention! It’s like that fictional gadget in RenéDaumal’s 1952 masterpiece Mount Analogue: theportable phonograph that is rigged to wake you up bycrying out at the most unexpected moments, “Who doyou think you are?” It’s the temple bell that rings on thehour to rouse one from automatism to restore awareness.

We can connect what we do with what we really arebeyond form. All that ringing, pinging, and vibrating canbe used as a call to become present. And the first step,when one is called, is simply to witness. Wordless, neu-tral, me, now. Murphy calls it “Observing Mode”: “It’sall about streaming live video of yourself. It’s reality-show you! Try it. Camera on. Click. Feel that camera onyou? Your body being seen-posture, facial expression-asyou read these words? That’s live video while it’s hap-

pening. I’m actually streaming right now.”

Here are three things we’ve been trying in this mode,just for half an hour each day, after becoming collectedand saying out loud our intention:

Cellphone RINGING? Observe my body now. Asif something sees me here-face, jaw, shoulders, and thearm reaching for the phone....

Cellphone PINGING? See myself here. The pingsays, “Attention! Look now” as the head lowers to readsthe words....

Cellphone VIBRATING? Sense my body. Becauseit’s vibrating too, with subtle life energy, through thewhole of it, from the top of my head, to my seat on thechair, to the soles of my feet. My hand, filled withattention, taking hold of the phone....

Our mindfulness practices-observing the body justas it is, listening with both ears, sensing the body-allneed reminding factors so that many times during theday our field of awareness goes wide again. A Selfphonecan help when we intentionally connect it with wakingup. As with yoga, this “union” takes repetition andpatience. But what a gift-that first time the phone“pings” and we immediately become present. Whatopens for us is the unlimited dimension of attention.

And no judgment allowed. Say I forget for most ofthe appointed half hour. No worries! As Murphy puts

Something Sees Me Here

Looking Every Whch Way


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it, “No need to call it Incapacity. That’s a city for whin-ers.” The attention, when passive, simply gets occupiedelsewhere; it happens; so whatever reminds us to acti-vate attention and come home is awesome. Wheneverwe remember, by means of whatever thought, let it be aneutral bell simply calling us to become aware now.

Going away and coming back. Both part of thesame process of waking up. What is the importantthing being missed when we’re lost in the phone?Presence. Self with a capital S. Real I. By infusingusual habits with conscious attention, we enliven every-day life. We put the I in iPhone. We live in a new way.

Coming Soon: Higher Self Takes a Selfie

(Murphy is the acerbic, witty, spiritual seeker and narrator ofFran’s book Lord Have Murphy. His wry commentaryreminds us that we don’t need a lot of trappings to get con-scious. We just need to marshal our attention!)

Fran Shaw, Ph.D., a longtime practitioner in a spiritual disci-pline, works with writing as a vibrational practice servinghigher energies. She is a university professor teaching writ-ing and the award-winning author of several books includingNotes on The Next Attention, 50 Ways to Help You Write, andWriting My Yoga. Her latest book Lord Have Murphy:Waking Up in the Spiritual Marketplace is a work on attentionin the form of an illustrated book featuring drawings by BruceM. Sherman and Murphy’s unrelenting humor. More informa-tion online at or

This is Murphy

Oregon to Launch Pay-Per-Mile Road Tax Program

I n order to replace revenue beinglost due to more fuel efficient carson American roads, the state of

Oregon is set to launch a pay-per-miletax program that will charge motoristsfor their use of public roads.

Starting on July 1, Oregon allowed5,000 residents to voluntarily sign up tobe taxed per-mile rather then pay thegas tax at the pumps. Volunteers will becharged 1.5 cents every mile traveledon taxpayer-provided roads, reports APNews.

The current program, calledOreGo, will be the largest yet and willbe open to all car types. Of these, nomore than 1,500 participating vehiclescan get less than 17 miles per gallon,

and no more than 1,500 must get atleast 17 miles per gallon and less than22 miles per gallon.

Volunteers will still be paying thefuel tax if they stop for gas. But at theend of the month, depending on thetype of car they drive, they will receiveeither a credit or a bill for the differ-ence in gas taxes paid at the pump.

Private vendors will provide driv-ers with small digital devices to trackmiles; other services will also beoffered. Volunteers can opt out of theprogram at any time, and they’ll get arefund for miles driven on private prop-erty and out of state.

Oregon is one of many states nowconsidering the use of such programs

to make up for lost revenues.California, and Washington state havealso pondered upon the idea of taxingmotorists per-mile.

According to a January 2014report by the nonprofit organizationState Budget Solutions, the State ofOregon is approximately $86.7 billionin debt. The plan to tax drivers by themile can come as no surprise as thestate is wildly out of control withspending.

Privacy concerns have been raisedby the ACLU over the program'srequirement for digital devices to beplaced in vehicles in order to track—Rumor Mill News


Ubiquinol—a form of CoQ10—has beenfound to improve symptoms for someParkinson’s patients, and may well be acandidate for adjunctive treatmentaccording to recent clinical research.

Researchers from Japan’s Juntendo UniversitySchool of Medicine have discovered that one particularform of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) can significantlyreduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

The researchers conducted a study that lasted nearlytwo years. They tested a group of 58 Parkinson’spatients. They divided the patients into two groups,depending upon their condition.

The first group of 26 patients was experiencingParkinson’s disease in a phase that is called the “wear-ing off” phase. This occurs when the levodopa drugsbegin to reduce their effectiveness, and the Parkinson’ssymptoms begin to increase. It is typical for this ‘wear-ing off’ phase to occur after around two years on lev-odopa drugs.

This first ‘wearing off’ group—which continued totake levodopa during the study—was further dividedinto a CoQ10 group and a placebo group. The CoQ10

group of 14 patients was treated with 300 milligrams ofubiquinol-10 CoQ10 for 48 weeks—about 11 months.Meanwhile, 12 of the patients were treated with aplacebo for the 48 weeks—again while continuing theirlevodopa drugs.

The second group was in the early phase ofParkinson’s, and had not begun taking levodopa drugs.This group did not take the levodopa drugs during thetrial.

This second group was also divided into a treatmentand placebo group. The treatment group of 14 patientswere treated with 300 milligrams of ubiquinol-10CoQ10 for a total of 96 weeks—just shy of 22 months,nearly two years. The placebo group of eight earlyParkinson’s patients were given a placebo for the 96week period.

Both groups were measured before and after thestudy period using the Unified Parkinson’s DiseaseRating Scale (UPDRS) index. This index is used to eval-uate and measure the range of symptoms that occur withParkinson’s. Part one of the test includes cognition,behavior and mood. Part two includes a self-assessmentof physical motion and control during daily tasks – such

By Case Adams

One Form of CoQ10CoQ10 TreatsParkinson’Parkinson’ss, Study Finds



as speaking, eating, sleeping, walking and so on. Partthree is the physician’s assessment of these motor skills.Parts four and five of the test include gauging the sever-ity of symptoms and the stage, along with the Activitiesof Daily Living evaluation.

Levodopa drug group responds to CoQ10

The researchers found that the CoQ10-treated patients inthe first group—the group that continued the levodopadrugs but were experiencing a wearing off of their effec-tiveness—had significantly better scores on the UPDRStests. The average difference in scores from the begin-ning to the end of treatment among the CoQ10 groupdecreased by 4.2 points, while the placebo groupsUPDRS scores went up (meaning their condition wors-ened) by 2.9 points, despite the levodopa drugs.

This means the difference in score differences wasactually 7.1.

To give you an idea of how significant this differ-ence is, University of Maryland School of Medicineresearchers tested 653 Parkinson’s patients, and foundthe following “clinically important differences” (CID)between the following scores:

Minimal CID was 2.3 to 2.7 points on the UPDRS motorscore and 4.1 to 4.5 on the UPDRS total score.

Moderate CID was 4.5 to 6.7 points on the UPDRSmotor score and 8.5 to 10.3 on the UPDRS total score.

Large CID was 10.7 to 10.8 points on the UPDRS motorscore and 16.4 to 17.8 on the UPDRS total score.

Thus we find that a 4.2 point reduction is significant,and a difference of 7.1 between the placebo group is sig-nificant in the scope of these CID levels.

CoQ10 reduces progression for earlyParkinson’s patients

Meanwhile, the early Parkinson’s patients—who weretreated for 96 months and were not taking levodopadrugs during that period—also scored lower on theUPDRS test compared with the placebo group. Theirscores were an average of 1.2 points lower than theplacebo group. This was considered by the researchersto be “statistically significant.”

Note that during this period, both of the earlyParkinson’s groups experienced an increase in symp-toms. But the CoQ10 group’s progression of the diseasewas less than the placebo group.

Ubiquinone not so effective for Parkinson’s

The above study comes on the heels of a study publishedlast year that tested the oxidized form of CoQ10,ubiquinone. This study tested about 1,200 patients, ofwhich about half took 1200 milligrams per day ofCoQ10 or 2400 milligrams per day. The other half tooka placebo. All the patients also received 1200 IU per dayof vitamin E.

This study lasted for 16 months but did not show anysignificant benefit of this form and dose of CoQ10.

Yet other research has shown that the body’s naturallevels of CoQ10 are depleted among patients withParkinson’s along with other neurological conditionssuch as depression, chronic fatigue and others.

Oxidized verses reduced CoQ10

The two most common types of supplemented CoQ10are ubiquinone and ubiquinol. There is also semi-quinone or ubisemiquinone but these are not commonin supplements.

Ubiquinone is the oxidized state of the coenzyme,while ubiquinol is the fully reduced form.

The importance of oxidized or reduced relates toCoQ10’s contribution to the electron transport chain—part of the ATP cycle that our cells use to create energy.During the electron transport chain, the oxidized form ofCoQ10 (ubiquinone) gathers electrons in the processand the reduced form of CoQ10 (ubiquinol) provideselectrons.

Outside of the back and forth exchange of electrons,the advantage of ubiquinol over ubiquinone is that it willalso neutralize free radicals, including those of lipidperoxides that can damage cells and tissues. This occursbecause it provides electrons that free radicals aremissing—neutralizing those molecules before they



damage the body’s cells and tissues.Then of course, once the ubiquinol has reduced free

radicals by donating electrons, it is now in the positionof being able to gather electrons as part of the ATPprocess.

This is still only the thesis of many scientists on pre-cisely why ubiquinone doesn’t work as well as ubiquinolfor Parkinson’s disease. Its precise mechanism has yet tobe fully determined, just as the precise cause forParkinson’s has yet to be fully determined. And thisdoesn’t meant that ubiquinol is better than ubiquinone inall cases. It simply depends upon the situation.

There is also research indicating that cholorophyllconsumption may help the mitochondria enhance theconversion of ubiquinone to ubiquinol when exposed tosunlight that was featured in a recent article titled “Amazing Discovery: PlantBlood Enables Your Cells To Capture Sunlight Energy.”

CoQ10 with creatine

Another study with Parkinson’s found that CoQ10 pluscreatine was able to significantly reduce Parkinson’ssymptoms. In this study—from China’s WeihaiMunicipal Hospital and Medical College—75Parkinson’s disease patients were tested for 12 and 18months.

The patients were randomized and given either aplacebo or a combination of 10 grams of creatine mono-hydrate and 300 milligrams of CoQ10 per day.

The combination of creatine and CoQ10 resulted inreduced Parkinson’s cognitive symptoms as assessed bythe Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Thisoccurred at both 12 months and 18 months. Theresearchers also found that the combination therapy alsoresulted in significantly reduced plasma phospholipidlevels within the bloodstream of the Parkinson’s diseasepatients.

Unfortunately, I could not determine whether theCoQ10 used was ubiquinol or ubiquinone from thepaper. But I have contacted the lead researcher and willupdate this article when I find out. However, it is myguess that the reduced form of CoQ10 was used, as thelower phospholipids has been linked with lower levels oflipid peroxidation, and from the study above, ubiquinolhas been shown to be effective in Parkinson’s.

Where does CoQ10 come from?

Besides the chemical constructs and the differencebetween ubiquinol and ubiquinone, CoQ10 is essentiallyproduced within the cells (endogenous), but can also be

obtained from a variety of foods (exogenous). Plant-based food sources include nuts, parsley and broccoli,sesame seeds, soybeans, vegetable oils and many otherfoods in smaller amounts.

The production of bile acids by the liver apparentlyincreases our levels of endogenous CoQ10.

In terms of supplementation, there is a great varietyof CoQ10 supplements, and a 2004 ConsumerLabsstudy found that some CoQ10 supplements actually con-tained very little of the nutrient. This combined with thequestion of whether ubiquinol or ubiquinone was sup-plemented is likely why so many of the studies onCoQ10 have resulted in varying success.

Then there is the question of whether the supple-ment source is bioidentical with our digestive tracts andwill thus be absorbed well. While there are synthesizedforms of CoQ10, some brands offer ubiquinol producedby yeast. This form—produced by living organisms—would likely offer the greatest absorption in my opinion.

Case Adams is a California Naturopath and holds a Ph.D. inNatural Health Sciences. His focus is upon science-basednatural health solutions. He is the author of 25 books on nat-ural health and numerous print and internet articles. His arti-cles and books can be found on Heal Naturally, and many ofhis books are available for immediate download on thehttp://www.GreenMedinfo book library. Contact Case [email protected].


To help people gain an understanding ofthe benefits of becoming posture-con-scious, SI have devised the “Your Body”Principle. This offers a succinct life guideon the essentials to enjoy a healthy

Middle Path life and is central to his work outlined in hisbook, Healthy and Fit with Tai Chi: Perfect YourPosture, Balance and Breathing. Below is an excerpt.

“Y”When people are told they are “old” or “elderly”, orwhen the doctor tells them the reason why they arebecoming stiff is “because of your age”, they believe it.By believing, they are in fact supporting the decline inthe physical dexterity of their own bodies: “They sayI’m old, therefore I must be.” To counter this self-defeat-ing belief, it is essential to disengage from conformingnormality and instead embrace your inner child spirit.This reintroduces the spirit of vitality to cells in the bodyand brain that thought they had gone into retirement.“Y”, therefore, represents a “Youthful Mind andOutlook”.

“O”In order for a misaligned posture to be corrected by self-directed conscious action, it must first be physicallyconditioned to be able to achieve what you are asking ofit. The physical structural body is made up in a subtlebalance of hard (skeletal frame) and soft (muscles, ten-dons, ligaments) tissues. Unless homeostasis existsbetween the hard and the soft, it is impossible to tune into the invisible force of nature. A force, which naturallyself-levels and self-adjusts, creating structural balance.A tense body manifests through its soft tissues; tensionoriginates in a stressed mind and therefore it is here thatthe road to a relaxed, self-adjusting body must start.“O”, therefore, represents “Openness” between “Mindand Body”.

“U”When a hosepipe develops a kink and the flow of waterbecomes impaired, the only way to rectify the blockageis to straighten and stretch out the hose. In the humanbody exactly the same principle applies: for example,when you lie on your arm overnight and wake with pins

www.earthstarmag.com6 0 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015


HealthyHealthy and and FitFitwith TTaaii CChhii

By Sifu Peter Newton


and needles. The human form, due to evolution,demands to be held in an upright position while sitting,standing and walking and to deny the body this is tointroduce blockages. Additionally, when any structure,including a body, is vertically upright it becomes struc-turally sound and able to move safely, reducing thepotential for falling. “U”, therefore, represents the“Upright” frame that is essential for good health andefficient body mechanics.

“R”Although the body is now structurally centered, uprightand relaxed, the picture is still not complete. There mustbe an additional dimension in order to achieve postureperfection: this is tension-free, structurally sound, com-prehensive joint movement. Even if the hard frame isgravitationally aligned, if full joint stimulation isignored the Qi will remain sluggish and locked in themuscles, tendons, ligaments and the joints. “R”, there-fore, represents the “Range” of joint movement thatmust be regularly explored.

“B”When everything that gives the body shape is centeredand settled in the optimum position for the mechanics ofsupport and healthy motion to occur, other essentialfunctions, such as circulation and respiration, are givena boost. The body is now free from internal conflict, giv-ing the Dao unmitigated access to operate. This means,in Daoist medical terms, that the body can not onlybreathe with natural depth into the lungs, but alsoachieve the desired state of being known as “GrandCirculation” (whole body breathing). “B”, therefore,represents “Breathing” to the maximum potential.

“O”Regulated breathing is just one of the many vital bodyfunctions needed to sustain good health. All the organsof the body have their role, their function in the deeplysophisticated body mechanism. The lungs, diaphragmand chest cavity are only able to perform correctly ifthey are located and motorized where (and in the way)the Dao wants them to be. That obviously makes sense,but what is often overlooked is that exactly the sameprinciples apply to all of the body’s other organs. Thebladder, sexual reproduction organs, small intestine,large intestine, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pan-creas, stomach, heart and lungs have to be maintained intheir home locations in order for them to mutually com-municate and individually function. “O”, therefore, rep-resents the “Organs” being retained in their place,whether the body is in motion or at rest.

“D”A body that is upright, open, breathing and in tune withgravity releases its inbuilt self leveling potential. A bodythat is directed by the Dao and free from stress and ten-sion becomes self-regulating in respect of physicalstructure, internal circuitry and emotions. “D”, there-fore, represents the free and equal “Distribution” ofweight across the whole structure that allows it to find itsCentral Equilibrium.

“Y”According to the ancient Chinese, a body that is operat-ing outside of the Middle Path is a body that has lefthome. By returning to the Dao both physically and emo-tionally, you have once again become a real person andonly real people reside at home. “Y”, therefore, repre-sents “Yourself ”, for this is what you find when youreturn home to the Dao.

Excerpted with permission from Healthy with Tai Chi, byPeter Newton, Findhorn Press,

Sifu Peter Newton is an Honorary Vice-President of the TaiChi Union For Great Britain. Peter’s extensive research andtraining in the medical applications of Tai Chi and Qigong ledhim to specialize in remedialtherapy. His skills have attractedthe attention of internationalsoccer players, the medical careprofession and the businessworld. Peter is a practicingtherapist with Parkinson’s UK,Kick-Start CardiacRehabilitation, MacmillanCancer Support and LeonardCheshire Acquired Brain InjuryUnit.



In our latest book, Orbs and Beyond, we haveincluded many images never before publishedand have tried to convey both the mystery andthe wonder of our experiences, which still con-tinue to unfold.

Over the years we have had to question many things: notleast the nature of what exactly it is we were photo-graphing and how it was possible for us to photographparanormal phenomena in the first place. Our personalexperiences with unusual phenomenon began manyyears ago, when we were both only children. Our questinto the paranormal for both of us is essentially a per-sonal one: to try to gain more understanding; to discov-er the truth – whatever that may turn out to be.

All the extraordinary events leading up to this pres-ent moment have been like the focussing of a lens inwhich things which were once hazy, have come intosharper focus. In retrospect it seems rather synchronisticthat at the very same time we ourselves were question-ing the phenomenon manifesting in and around ourhome in the United Kingdom, across the other side ofthe Atlantic in the USA, similar photographs of orbswere being taken and similar questions asked by otherresearchers. The Orb Project, by Mi?eal Ledwith andKlaus Heinemann was published the year after our ownbook Beyond Photography. More recently, and in myopinion the best book so far on orbs to come from theUSA in the past few years is the great book by SandraUnderwood, Orbs, Lightwaves, and Cosmic

OOOOrrrrbbbbssss and and BeyondBeyond

By John Pickering and Katie Hall



Consciousness, which we thoroughly recommend.From both sides of the Atlantic, orbs have now

entered the public perception. All over the world todayawareness of paranormal phenomena is increasing. Thishas both positive and negative aspects for the search fortruth, because popularising anything can easily blur thedistinctions between fact and fiction; opportunism andmarketing forces are, as we have all seen in the whole2012 debacle, as alive and well in religion and the NewAge as in mainstream business.

This is why we have been careful in our presenta-tions and in our book to place clearly our views, insightsand opinions within the context of our own subjectiveexperiences, both as intuitive individuals and as ration-ally inquiring human beings. We claim no supernaturalassistance; neither do we know all the answers. Ourquest is the human quest; it has both a rational and aspiritual dimension, and that is true for every one of us;we are each on our own individual journey through themystery and wonder of Life.

Over the past seven years we have photographed anunfolding phenomenon which although it began withorbs has included, Luminosities, moving columns orRods of Light, swirling, dynamic Light-Forms, andLight Beings; but throughout it all, orbs have been theone consistent factor.

Our book is not only an account of our personalexperiences and speculations, it is also intended to be aninformative guide to the whole phenomenon of orbs. Sobefore we proceed further here is a quick summary ofSeven Common Aspects of the Orb Phenomenon, as wesee it:

1. The most notable aspect of orbs is the consistent ubiq-uity of the phenomenon. Thousands of individuals allover the world are photographing the same phenomenon

with different cameras in widely different conditions.2. The vast majority of orbs cannot be adequatelyexplained in prosaic terms, i.e. they are not dust, mois-ture, digital errors or the planet Venus etc.3. There is reported evidence of a definite interactiveaspect to orbs and luminosities, often relating to peopleas specific individuals.4. In psychological terms the circular image of the orbrecalls the archetypical symbol of Unity and Oneness.Coincidentally this symbolism is appearing at a timewhen the concept of Oneness is critically meaningful tous in planetary terms, and is also particularly significantin light of the new perspective of a connective realityunderpinning our physical universe.5. Orbs cross faith and cultural boundaries. All acrossthe planet interest in orbs is increasing by people of allbeliefs – or none at all.6. Incidents of synchronicity are regularly reported asbeing experienced by many who photograph orbs andluminosities.7. Many individuals from a variety of professional back-grounds report both purpose and intentionality associat-ed with the visual phenomena.

Excerpted with permission from Orbs and Beyond -Communications and Revelations from another Reality,published by O Books,

This, the second book in the Beyond Trilogy, expands on Johnand Katie’s experiences and photographs of the orb phenom-ena covered in their first book. It reveals astounding new pho-tographs and opens up exciting new questions about the wholenature of paranormal phenomena in general. This inevitablyleads to a spiritual perspective that crosses all religious andcultural boundaries, helping us to see that this one blue orb ofEarth on which we all live, is greater than all that divides us.


www.earthstarmag.com6 4 EARTH STAR AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2015

Anyone who casually skims the verses ofThe Yoga Sutra, the third century roottext available in nearly every yoga stu-dio, bumps into a most perplexing fact.The third chapter on Mystical Powers

describes specific causes for supernormal abilities likemind reading, invisibility, and flying.

So what exactly are the causes for superpowers?And how can we develop them within ourselves to makethe world a better place?

Fortunately, superpowers don’t come from radioactivespider bites or laboratory mishaps. Instead, MasterPatanjali tells us in The Yoga Sutra that “The powers arefound in love and the rest.” He’s referring to the FourImmeasurables: Immeasurable Equanimity, ImmeasurableCompassion, Immeasurable Love, and Immeasurable Joy.These attitudes are immeasurable because they are aimedat every living being and because the merit they generateis immeasurable. Indeed, as Patanjali tells us, the meritfrom these attitudes of heart are so powerful they lead tomiraculous abilities.

The Buddha first taught the Four Immeasurablesaround 500 B.C.E. These attitudes were so well knownin ancient India during Patanjali’s time that he couldsimply say “the powers are found in love and the rest”and everyone who was supposed to know, would under-stand the code.

So how can you can you develop these attitudes inyour own heart? One of the most effective ways is to fol-low the Buddhist heart-opening practice of ExchangingSelf and Others. This essential practice was taught bythe eighth century master Shantideva. After giving thisteaching, a hall full of monks reported Shantideva flewout of the temple into the sky. This practice has four sim-ple steps that you can put into practice immediately inyour daily life.

1. Recognize that everyone wants to be happy. We areall bliss seekers and pain avoiders. Give anyone even thesimplest of choices and people will always choose whatthat they believe will lead to happiness. Even when peo-ple act out or act badly it’s because they are trying to get

Developing YourYYogic Superpowersogic Superpowers

To Make the World A Better Place

By James Connor


something that they believe will make them happy.When we can recognize that we are all the same in thisway, we can begin to wish happiness for everyone.

2. Recognize a tendency of mind to think more aboutyourself. Here’s the thing: villains are always trying toget stuff for themselves at the expense of others. Heroesare always willing to sacrifice themselves to protecteven total strangers. As you go about your day, do youwant to be a hero or a villain?

Just watch your mind. Do you spend more time wor-rying about your own problems and challenges or wor-rying about someone else’s?

Think about these two choices like black and whiterocks on an ancient scale. Every time you worry aboutyourself, stack a black rock on one tray. And every timeyou think about making someone else happy, stack awhite rock. At the end of the day, which way does thebalance tip?

3. Watch for what other people want. Now whereveryou go, use your eyes, ears, and mind to pay attention towhat other people want. Try to stand in their shoes andsee how they see the world. Maybe someone just wantstheir talents recognized with a little praise. Or maybesomeone is having a hard time on a project and coulduse an extra hand. Or maybe someone wants a friend totreat them to a nice dinner and listen to their stories.

Stay on the look out for a chance to help like a hero,without wanting anything in return.

4. Make the exchange. When you see some way to helpsomeone, act. Decide that you will make efforts usingwhatever skills and abilities you have to help that personget what they want to feel happier (as long as it’s nothurting someone else, of course). When you are totallyfocused on ensuring another person’s happiness, you aretransforming a habitual, human tendency to be self-cen-tered—that villain energy—into gaining a supernormalhabit to serve other people’s happiness first.

Just start small and build up. Anything can becomea habit of mind if you keep at it. And we are talkingabout going from a normal person to a superyogi.

A most curious thing happens if you keep this practiceup. Watch as you become happier and the people in yourworld become happier. As Master Shantideva explains inone of the most important teachings ever given:

The total amount of happinessThat exists in the world has come fromWanting to make others happy.The total amount of suffering

That exists in the world has come fromWanting to make yourself happy.

So there is a reason that villains never get happyendings. They are only thinking about themselves.

If you keep this practice of Exchanging Self andOthers going for a while, another curious thing can hap-pen. You’ll get so good at getting your small self out ofthe way—and serving others as if they were you—thataccording to ancient Buddhist and Yoga texts, you canbegin to be able to read minds. As Master Patanjaliexplains in The Yoga Sutra, “With the necessary cause,one can read the minds of others.”

One fortunate thing about yogic superpowers is thatthey usually only come to people who can get their smallself out of the way and care for everyone. This is whymiracles in history are usually performed by saints whoare focused on alleviating the suffering of others.

True, an occasional villain slips in because powerscan be gained and then corrupted, but generally supernor-mal abilities belong to saints who want to serve others.

Let’s just hope you will use your yogic supernormalpowers for good.

James Connor recently completed an isolated three-year med-itation retreat. He is the author of The Superyogi Scenario, apage-turning thriller that allows readers to experienceauthentic wisdom that creates superheroes. He is also thefounder of, a non-profit that teaches peoplehow to meditate from authentic scriptural sources in theBuddhist and Yoga lineages. For more visit: