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  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information



    Desde el espacio los astronautas pueden distinguir dos puntos de referencia enla tierra, la Gran Muralla China y Blgica! "a red ilu#inada de las autopistas$elgas % un entrecru&a#iento de hilos lu#inosos % es conocido en la N'('co#o )la *entana $elga)!

    Blgica, con su capital Bruselas, cu$re una super+cie de -!./0 1#2 y est3situada al noroeste de 4uropa! Co#parte fronteras con los 5a6ses Ba7os,'le#ania, el Gran Ducado de "u8e#$urgo y 9rancia!

    Blgica posee :-!:;/!--- ha$itantes , lo ?ue signi+ca una densidadde#ogr3+ca de : ha$itantes por 1il@#etro cuadrado!

    4l pa6s tiene un total de :!A: 1# de autopista, es decir, .: 1# de autopistapor :!--- 1#2! Blgica ta#$in posee la red #3s densa de ferrocarriles delcontinente, con un total de !=A 1#! Cuenta con la presencia de tresi#portantes puertos #ar6ti#os '#$eres, Gante y ee$ru7as, y de dos puertos

    Eu*iales Bruselas y "ie7a! (us *6as na*ega$les cu$ren un total de :!.-- 1# yest3n conectadas a tra*s de *arios canales con Rotterda# y el Rin!

    Blgica tiene tres idio#as o+ciales el holands, el francs y el ale#3n !

    5ara #uchos e8tran7eros, Blgica de$e su fa#a a su capital, Bruselas, y aalgunos de sus productos nacionales t6picos co#o los chocolates, el enca7e, lasendi$ias y la cer*e&a!

    (er6a err@neo creer ?ue la i#agen #uy positi*a de la cual go&a Blgica en ele8terior, radica nica#ente en estos pocos criterios!

    Blgica es #ucho #3s! 4s sede de la Organi&acion del Tratado del 'tl3ntico

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information



    Blgica es un pa6s independiente desde :0-, cuando se separ@ de los 5a6sesBa7os!

    4l pri#er Rey de los $elgas, "eopoldo I, prest@ 7ura#ento el /: de 7ulio de

    :0:! 4l D6a de la 9iesta Nacional se cele$ra en con#e#oraci@n de su 7ura#ento!

    4s una #onar?u6a constitucional y hereditaria! 4l Rey es el Lefe de 4stado!Confor#e a la Constituci@n, la persona del Rey tiene in#unidad y los #inistrosasu#en la responsa$ilidad pol6tica ante el 5arla#ento! Todos los actose7ecuti*os del Rey para ?ue puedan tener efecto de$en ser refrendados por unMinistro! 4sta disposici@n pone al Rey por enci#a tanto de religiones eideolog6as, co#o de creencias pol6ticas e intereses econ@#icos!

    4l Rey, de hecho, es el s6#$olo de la unidad y de la per#anencia de la Naci@n!

    4l : de 7ulio de :;; (!M! el Rey Balduino I falleci@ despues de ha$er reinadodurante / aFos!

    (u her#ano 'l$erto prest@ 7ura#ento constitucional ascendiendo al trono deBlgica el ; de agosto de :;;, con*irtindose en el se8to Rey de los Belgas!

    (!M! el Rey 'l$erto II est3 casado con la Reina 5aola desde el / de 7ulio de:;.;!

    4l Rey y la Reina tienen tres hi7os el 5r6ncipe 9elipe, nacido el :. de a$ril de:;A-, la 5rincesa 'strid, nacida el . de 7unio de :;A/ y el 5r6ncipe "aurent,nacido el :; de dicie#$re de :;A!

    "a 5rincesa 'strid est3 casada con el 'rchidu?ue "oren& de 'ustria%4ste, ytienen cuatro hi7os el 5r6ncipe '#edeo , la5rincesa Maria "aura , el 5r6ncipe Loa?u6n, y la 5rincesa "uisa Maria !

    "uego de una reciente refor#a constitucional, podr3n acceder al trono los#ie#$ros de la 9a#ilia Real tanto #asculinos co#o fe#eninos!

    UN 4(T'DO 94D4R'"

    Blgica accedi@ a la independencia en :0-!

    "as cuatro refor#as constitucionales de los aFos :;=-, :;0-, :;00%0; y :;;han sido testigo del progresi*o desarrollo del pa6s de un estado unitario haciaun estado federal!

    De #odo ?ue el pri#er art6culo ?ue encontra#os en la Constituci@n $elgae8pone ?ue ) Blgica es un 4stado federal ?ue consta de co#unidades yregiones)!

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    4l poder de decisi@n ya no se encuentra e8clusi*a#ente en #anos delGo$ierno 9ederal y del 5arla#ento 9ederal! "a direcci@n del pa6s est3asegurada ahora por distintas instancias ?uienes e7ercen sus poderes de una#anera aut@no#a en las #aterias ?ue son de su co#petencia!

    "a nue*a distri$uci@n de co#petencias a lo largo de las refor#as sucesi*as del

    4stado se ha desarrollado en $ase a dos e7es principales!

    4l pri#ero est3 *inculado con el idio#a y, de una #anera #3s general, con lacultura! 4sta e*oluci@n ha dado lugar a la creaci@n de las Co#unidades! 4lconcepto de Co#unidad se re+ere a las personas ?ue la constituyen y a losla&os ?ue las unen, es decir el idio#a y la cultura! "as Co#unidades son tres la Co#unidad 9la#enca, la Co#unidad 9rancesa y la Co#unidad Ger#an@fona!

    "as tres Co#unidades go&an de autono#6a principal#ente en #ateria decultura, educaci@n, radio y tele*isi@n, #edicina, $ienestar para el indi*iduo, ein*estigaci@n cienti+ca!

    "as Co#unidades son ta#$in co#petentes para esta$lecer relaciones ydesarrollar la&os internacionales en las 3reas #encionadas!

    4l segundo e7e de la refor#a del 4stado se $asa en la historia y, #3sespec6+ca#ente en las aspiraciones de algunos en o$tener una #ayorautono#6a econ@#ica! 4llo ha dado co#o resultado la creacion de tresRegiones la Regi@n 9la#enca, la Regi@n de Bruselas%Capital y la Regi@nJalona!

    as Regiones son entidades con intereses econ@#icos deter#inados por &onasgeogr3+cas especi+cas!

    "as Regiones son ta#$in co#petentes para esta$lecer relaciones y desarrollarla&os internacionales en esta 3rea!

    4l 4stado 9ederal ha conser*ado todas las co#petencias referentes al intersnacional, co#o +nan&as, defensa, 7usticia, pol6tica e8terior , seguridad social!

    9inal#ente, ca$e destacar ?ue Blgica ta#$ien est3 su$di*idida en :-pro*incias y .0; #unicipios!

    "as :- pro*incias son instituciones aut@no#as, su$ordinadas al 4stado 9ederal,a las Co#unidades y, so$re todo, a las Regiones!

    4l #unicipio es el @rgano #3s cercano a la po$laci@n! 48ist6an /!=; #unicipioscuando se cre@ el 4stado $elga! "a fusi@n de los #unicipios en :;=. redu7oesta cantidad a .0;!

    C'R'CT4R(TIC'( D4 "' 4CONOM' B4"G'

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    5roducto Interior Bruto

    4l 5IB de Blgica en :;;= fue de 0!A=. #il #illones de francos $elgas !

    Represent@ el :,: del 5BI de la &ona OCD4, y el del 5BI de la Uni@n4uropea!

     (ectores de 'cti*idades

    Hasta #ediados del siglo diecinue*e, la econo#6a $elga, co#o el resto de lasecono#6as europeas, estu*o $asada principal#ente en la agricutura!

    'un?ue Blgica fue uno de los pri#eros pa6ses en ha$er conocido laindustriali&aci@n! "a construcci@n de una red ferro*iaria contri$uy@a#plia#ente a esta e*oluci@n, as6 co#o la presencia del car$@n fa*oreci@ eldesarrollo de la industria pesada!

    (in e#$argo, desde hace unos *einte aFos, el sector industrial ha sidosuperado por el sector de ser*icios, ?ue representa #3s del .. del productointerior $ruto! 4n :;=, la parte del 5IB correspondiente al sector ser*icios nollega$a a representar el /! 4l sector industrial al contrario sufri@ unadis#inuci@n en su participaci@n en el 5IB ?ue pas@ del : en :;= al /; en:;;!

    "a #is#a e*oluci@n se produ7o con respecto al #ercado del e#pleo! 4n :;=-,los sectores industrial y de ser*icios ofrecieron casi el #is#o n#ero de

    e#pleos! 4n :;;, el sector de ser*icios e#ple@ a #3s del do$le de personas?ue el sector industrial!

    "a industria no o$stante sigue teniendo actual#ente un rol estratgico yconstituye toda*6a una fuente de creci#iento de la cual deri*an #uchosser*icios! 'de#3s, la #ayor parte de la producci@n industrial es e8portada!

    "a econo#6a $elga, pues, se ha con*ertido decidida#ente en una econo#6a deser*icios, siendo ste el sector de acti*idad #3s a#plia#ente representado!

    "os ser*icios co#erciales representan el .A,. del *alor agregado totalgenerado por las acti*idades de producci@n, la industria el :;, los ser*iciosno co#erciales el :,., y el resto procede de la construcci@n, la energ6a y la



    "a econo#6a $elga puede ser con 7usticia considerada co#o una de las #3sinternacionali&adas del #undo! (e trata de una econo#6a #uy a$ierta ?ue

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information




    48cepci@n hecha de los per6odos afectados por las dos cr6sis petroleras, Blgicaes un pa6s de inEaci@n #oderada, siendo ade#3s uno de los pa6ses ?ue#antiene el ni*el de inEaci@n #3s $a7o, inferior al de la OCD4 y la Uni@n4uropea! Durante los tres lti#os aFos, la su$a de los precios al consu#idor seha li#itado a un pro#edio del :,. anual!

    "a #oderaci@n de los precios es consecuencia principal#ente de la pol6ticaadoptada por el go$ierno $elga a partir del aFo :;;-, consistente en anclar elfranco $elga al #arco ale#3n, la #oneda #3s esta$le de la Uni@n 4uropea!

    BK"GIC' % CU"TUR'

    :! Introducci@n

    4#inente depositaria del patri#onio art6stico europeo, Blgica ocupa un lugarpri*ilegiado en la cultura europea! M3s ?ue cual?uier otro pa6s de 4uropa,Blgica lle*a i#presas las #arcas de constantes interacciones entre lasculturas ger#3nica y latina! "a e*oluci@n cultural de Blgica no puede ser

    disociada del papel crucial ?ue dese#peF@ a tra*s de los siglos en el ta$leropol6tico y cultural europeo! No o$stante, la cultura $elga sie#pre ha preser*adosus caracter6sticas espec6+cicas!

    /! "a 5intura

    Blgica posee una *asta tradici@n pict@rica ?ue se re#onta al realis#otrascendente de los )5ri#iti*os) Ea#encos del siglo :. las pinturas de Lan *an4y1, Puinten Matsys, Hans Me#ling, Rogier *an der Qeyden y Dir1 Bouts se

    cuentan entre las #3s afa#adas o$ras de los #useos del #undo entero! 4lrealis#o ha asi#is#o caracteri&ado la o$ra de 5ieter Brueghel en el siglo :A,#ientras ?ue el siglo := conoci@ el auge del genio $arroco en la persona de5ierre%5aul Ru$ens y de sus conte#por3neos 'ntoine Jan Dyc1 y Laco$


  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    'si#is#o el pa6s est3 representado en los #useos #3s grandes del #undo porpintores conte#por3neos, tales co#o los surrealistas Ren Magritte y 5aulDel*au8, Lean%Michel 9olon, 5ol Mara, 9ernand nopS, Henri 4*enepoel, La#es4nsor, Ri1 Qouters, Constant 5er#e1e y la escuela de "ate#, Octa*e "anduyt,9licien Rops y el #o*i#iento Co$ra con 5ierre 'lechins1y, ChristianDotre#ont, por citar algunas de las +guras #3s destacadas!

      ! "a literatura

    Blgica posee una rica tradici@n literaria! ' principios de siglo se le otorg@ aMaurice Maeterlinc1 el pre#io No$el, y ?uin no escuch@ ha$lar de la in#ortal

    creaci@n de Georges (i#enon, el Inspector Maigret Otros no#$res cle$ressont los de 4#ile Jerhaeren, Charles de Coster, Henri Michau8, Hendri1Conscience, Guido Ge&elle, Hugo Claus, "ouis%5aul Boon, 9ernandCro##elync1, 5ierre Mertens, Michel de Ghelderode, Lohn 9landers, 9ranoiseMallet%Loris, "ouis (cutenaire, Lohan Daisne, Gerard Qalschap, 5aul JanOstai7en, Conrad Detre&, Los Jandeloo, Charles 5lisnier,!!!

      ! 'r?uitectura

    4n los siglos :: y :/, el ad*eni#iento de la ar?uitectura ro#ana estu*oestrecha#ente ligado al creci#iento de las ciudades y de los claustros!Durante ese per6odo se desarroll@ una cultura ar?uitect@nica principal#ente enlas cuencas del Mosa y del 4scalda!

    4n el siglo :., per6odo en el cual la ar?uitectura ci*il y religiosa se difundea#plia#ente, los ar?uitectos $elgas con+eren una nota personal al g@ticofrancs!

    4n el transcurso del siglo :A, la inEuencia del renaci#iento italiano se#ani+esta principal#ente en la ar?uitectura $urguesa!

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    4n los siglos := y :0, el $arroco estu*o ante todo al ser*icio de lacontrarrefor#a de la ar?uitectura religiosa! (e ?uer6a poner en e*idencia elfer*or religioso recon?uistado por la ar?uitectura!

     Tanto en la pintura co#o en la escultura, el estilo cl3sico do#in@ laar?uitectura del siglo :0, pero sin lograr #ayor trascendencia!

    4n el siglo :;, se desarroll@ nue*a#ente una di*ersidad de estilosar?uitect@nicos, del neocl3sico al neog@tico! ' principios del siglo /-, Blgicaes uno de los pri#eros pa6ses en el cual Eorece el )art nou*eau)! Henri Jan deJelde y Jictor Horta son los destacados ar?uitectos de este per6odo! 4l sentidode lo #oderno y de lo e8peri#ental le ha *alido a los ar?uitectos $elgas unaconsideraci@n internacional hasta hoy d6a!

    .! "a Msica

    De los polifonistas del siglo : a los cantantes pop de hoy d6a, nu#erosos#sicos $elgas ad?uirieron fa#a #undial! 4l pianista, organista y co#positorCesar 9ran1 es cle$re, lo #is#o ?ue la escuela de *iol6n $elga del siglo :; con4ugVne Isaye, Henri Jieu8te#ps y Charles de Briot! 'dolphe (a8 di@ al #undouno de los #3s populares instru#entos de *iento el sa8of@n! 4ntre los

     7a&en $elgas cite#os a Toots Thiele#ans, Ren Tho#as, Lac?ues 5el&er y5hilippe Catherine! 5or otra parte Blgica ha sido in#ortali&ada por el cantante%

    co#positor Lac?ues Brel, ?ue naci@ en Bruselas!

    4n cuanto a la #sica cl3sica, el $aritono Los Jan Da# ha logrado prestigiointernacional!

    "os )(al&$urger 9estspiele) son dirig6dos por un $elga, Gerard Mortier! 4lconcurso de la Reina 4li&a$eth sigue siendo uno de los concursos #usicales#3s i#portantes del #undo!

    A! 'rtes del espect3culo

    4n :=--, Bruselas asiste a la construcci@n del )ThWtre de la Monnaie), elpri#er gran teatro de @pera! 4n el se presentan principal#ene @peras italianas!

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    4n los aFos X0-, la Monnnaie se for7a, $a7o la direcci@n de Gerard Mortier, dereputaci@n #undial!

    4l $allet y la @pera estu*ieron por #ucho tie#po ligados! Recin en los aFos

    XA- el )Ballet *an Jlaanderen) co$ra independencia $a7o la direcci@n de LeanneBra$ants! Otro tanto ocurre con 4l )Ballet de Qallonie) $a7o la direcci@n deHanna Jooss! "a dan&a conte#por3nea $elga go&a de un reno#$reinternacional! Maurice B7art y su )Ballet du JingtiV#e (iVcle) inspiraronfuerte#ente la dan&a #oderna! 'nne Teresa de eers#ae1er di@, en lo ?ue aella respecta, un nue*o i#pulso a la dan&a conte#por3nea con su co#paF6a)Rosas)!

    "a dan&a en Blgica, representada anterior#ente por )"e Ballet du /-V#esiVcle) dirigido por Maurice B7art, est3 hoy en d6a conducida por las #anos

    #aestras de core@grafos tales co#o 'nne%Teresa de eers#ae1er , por Qi# Jande1ey$us y Marc Janrun8t, ?uienes o$tu*ieron un rotundo8ito en los escenarios internacionales desde Nue*a Yor1 a 5aris!

    =! 4l cine

    4l cine $elga est3 representado por la escuela docu#ental *anguardista deCharles De1eu1eleire y Henri (torc1! "a o$ra de 'ndr Del*au8, RolandJerha*ert y Harry Z#el di@ lugar poco a poco a una tradici@n en la cual se

    inspiraron sucesi*as generaciones de cineastas Beno[t "a#y, Lean%Lac?ues'ndrien, Laco Jan Dor#ael y su pel6cula tan a #enudo i#itada )Toto, le Hros),Chantal '1er#an y Marion H\nsel! Reciente#ente , las pel6culas )"e Ma[tre de#usi?ue) y )9arinelli) de Grard Cor$iau, y )Daens) de (ti7n Conin18, fueronno#inadas para los Oscars! Nu#erosos di$u7os ani#ados $elgas sonigual#ente de una calidad e8cepcional! 5icha y Raoul (er*ais sonindiscuti$le#ente #aestros del gnero y en :;0= se le otorg@ a Nicole JanGoethe#a un Oscar por el di$u7o ani#ado )4en Grie1se Tragdie) ! Y no ol*ide#os el gran 8ito ?ue tu*o en Holyood el actor$elga Lean%Claude Jan Da##e!

    0! "as historietas

    "os no#$res de los hroes de las historietas ha$lan por s6 #is#os Tintin, Bo$y Bo$ette, (pirou y 9antasio, Bla1e y Morti#er, Neron, "uc1y "u1e y los 5itufos!

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    4stos persona7es fueron creados por los artistas Herg, Qilly Jandersteen,'ndr 9ran?uin, 4dgar 5! Laco$s, Marc (leen, Morris y 5eyo! 4stos lti#os, y#uchos otros, contri$uyeron a sentar las $ases de la cultura europea de lashistorietas y constituyeron una fuente de inspiraci@n para artistas #3s 7@*enesco#o 4*er Meulen y 9ranois (chuiten!

    ;! Moda y design

    "a in*enti*a y la audacia de los #odelos y #ateriales son la #arca de f3$ricade los 7@*enes #odistos $elgas tal co#o Dries Jan Noten, Martin Margiela, Dir1Bi11e#$ergs, Qalter Jan Beirendonc1, Grard Qathelet y 'nnDe#eule#eester, cuya presencia se destaca en los principales des+les de#oda! 4l*is 5o#pilio logr@ un 8ito iniguala$le co#o #odisto! "os orfe$resco#o Qouters y Hendric18 y Nadine Qi7nants se gran7earon una reputaci@n

    #undial, co#o as6 ta#$in el centro dia#antista en '#$eres!

    :-! Gastrono#6a

    "os $elgas se han for7ado un reno#$re en #ateria de gastrono#6a! 4n losantiguos li$ros de cocina se hace referencia a #enudo a las especialidades$elgas! 4n cuanto a la )haute cuisine) #oderna, Blgica ocupa uno de lospri#eros lugares! 5osee, por ha$itante, tantas estrellas Michelin co#o 9rancia!

    Blgica cuenta con unas 0- *ariedades de ?ueso, superando, en proporci@n, a9rancia, Holanda y (ui&a 7untas! Hay #3s de -- *ariedades de $o#$ones y unin+nito surtido de #asas, pasteles, tortas, pan?ue?ues y $ar?uillos! 'de#3scada regi@n posee una preparaci@n tradicional de carne o pescado!

    "a cer*e&a representa para Blgica lo ?ue el *ino para 9rancia! De la si#ple)pils) a la )trappiste), la cer*e&a es la $e$ida nacional! Ningn otro pa6s del#undo ofrece una tal *ariedad! Nu#erosas cer*ecer6as producen centenaresde clases de cer*e&a apreciadas por consu#idores $elgas y e8tran7eros dando

    a Blgica un lugar preferencial en la lista #undial de los productores yconsu#idores de cer*e&a! Jarios #onasterios, co#o los de Or*al y Qest#alle,fa$rican sus cle$res )trappistes)!


  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    Ciudades de arte

    Bru7as, "ie7a, Gante, '#$eres, Na#ur, "o*aina, Tournai!!!ciudades de arte$elgas ?ue reEe7an la ri?ue&a de un pasado inco#para$le, esculpido en sus

    iglesias y ayunta#ientos g@ticos y $arrocos!"os edi+cios, casas seculares, #useos, #onu#entos y par?ues ?uecaracteri&an a estas ciudades, tienen todos una at#@sfera ?ue le es propia yparticular, real&ada por un sin+n de tiendas, restaurantes y terra&as!

    5ropio a Bru7as y Gante son los canales antes necesarios para el tr3+coco#ercial y ahora ro#3nticas rutas d@nde los $arcos tur6sticos na*egan entrelos cisnes!

    "a costa $elga

    "a costa $elga se e8tiende por A= 1#, a lo largo del Mar del Norte!

    "a particularidad de la costa $elga reside tanto en sus playas anchas , sin gui7arros ni piedras, co#o en sus dunas de arena +na ypare7a!

    No es de e8traFar, pues, ?ue la costa $elga sea un terreno predilecto para loschicos!

     Ta#poco pueden de7ar de ser *isitados las elegantes ciudades costeras co#ono11e%oute, Oostende y De Haan!

     Bruselas, Ciudad 4uropea Cultural en el aFo /---

    Bruselas, capital pol6tica de la 4uropa del siglo ]]I ! 9altan pala$ras paradescri$ir la personalidad de esta ciudad centenaria, polifactica y llena de*italidad! ^Pu tienen en co#n el chocolate y las historietas, el 'rt nou*eau yla cer*e&a geu&e )Mort su$ite) Nada!!! e8cepto Bruselas y sus ha$itantes!

    4n el aFo /---, aFo si#$@lico por e8celencia, Bruselas co#partir3 el t6tulo de)Ciudad 4uropea Cultural) con otras ciudades europeas Bergen, Helsin1i,Rei1ia*i1, Craco*ia, 5raga, '*ignon, Bolonia y (antiago de Co#postela

  • 8/18/2019 Belgium information


    (ituation of the country

     The )peaceful anarchis#) of Brussels architecture #ay ell $e the feature that$est characteri&es Belgiu# as a hole! During its history of o*er /--- years,

    the region has al#ost continuously $een occupied $y foreign poers fro# theRo#ans to the (panish, the 'ustrians, the 9rench, the Dutch and the Ger#ans! This has #ade the Belgians critical of any for# of authority, and las, rules andregulations are not ta1en *ery seriously ! This indi*idualistic, anti%authoritarian attitude is perhaps $este8e#pli+ed $y the fa#ous literary +gure of Thyl Uilenspiegel, ho #oc1ed the(panish authorities during the :Ath century occupation!

     The go*erning of the country is *ery #uch co#plicated $y the particularstructure ith three language co##unities , and the#ultilingual, #ulticultural and #ultinational status of Brussels! The language in

    Qallonia is 9rench ! The language in 9landers is 9le#ish, hich is o_cially thesa#e language as the Dutch hich is spo1en in Holland! In practice, thediSerences $eteen 9le#ish and Dutch are co#para$le to the diSerences $eteen British and'#erican 4nglish, and are 7ust $ig enough so that Dutch TJ so#eti#es addsu$titles to 9le#ish spo1en #o*ies! 'lthough Brussels is surrounded $y 9le#ishterritory, the #a7ority there spea1s 9rench! 9landers co#prises a$out .. ofthe :- #illion of Belgian inha$itants, Brussels :- and Qallonia the re#aining.!

     There ha*e $een a lot of political conEicts $eteen the to #ain linguisticco##unities, $ut the language pro$le#, hich is the issue that has recei*ed#ost pu$licity outside Belgiu#, is #uch less i#portantthan it see#s! (ince the federali&ation of the state the linguistic conEicts see#to ha*e *ery #uch di#inished, no that politicians are no longer capa$le to$la#e di_culties on the )other side)! There ha*e ne*er $een any real conEicts$eteen Belgian people, as opposed to conEicts$eteen Belgian politicians! The $est illustration of that is that e*en during the#ost heated episodes, no one has e*er $een 1illed or seriously in7ured inclashes connected ith the linguistic conEict! It su_ces to consider si#ilar

    situations in other countries here conEicts e8ist $eteen cultural or linguisticco##unities to conclude that suchpeacefulness is not the co##on rule!

    Belgiu# has, since the Middle 'ges, alays $een one of the richest and #ostde*eloped regions in the orld! Lust loo1 at the historic churches, ton halls,and pieces of art, in cities such as Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, and 'nterp to get

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    that the country is not $ig or poerful enough to start an a#$itious pro7ect, orto do so#ething $etter than the others! Belgians #ay $e one of the fenationals ho ill critici&e their country, rather than #a1e pu$licity for it,a#ong people fro# other countries!

     This self%criticis# leads often to distorted pictures of the country a$road! (ince

    Belgiu# is not su_ciently i#portant for #ost foreign #edia to send 7ournaliststhere on a long ter# $asis, and since the Belgian reality is anyay *eryco#ple8 and counter%intuiti*e for people li*ing in diSerent types of culture, the#edia tend to rely on reports $y Belgians for their nes a$out the country!(ince these )self%reports) tend to focus on e*erything that goes rong, fro#hich the #edia, as they alays do, select the #ost spectacular aspects, thei#age you get of Belgiu# in foreign nespapers is often one of a country onthe $rin1 of social and econo#ic collapse! This i#age is held up in particular $ythose ho disli1e the process of 4uropean integration, and ho see Belgiu#,ho#e of the 4uropean )go*ern#ent) , as an e8e#plar ofe*erything that is rong ith the 4uropean Union!

     This i#age is co#pletely oS the #ar1, though! Belgiu# is not only one of therichest countries in the orld, $ut as shon $y statistics fro# the Qorld Ban1,a*eraged o*er a :- year period its econo#y has $een groing fasterthan any of the other rich countries, ith the e8ception of those in 4ast 'sia!Qhile the 'sian econo#ies ha*e collapsed in the #eanti#e, the Belgianecono#y continues to gro at a healthy rate! 'lso the diSerent political andsocial pro$le#s are easily put into perspecti*e hate*er the disagree#ents onthe political le*el, there has not $een any *iolence in the streets! No one hasdied $ecause of political conEicts! 4*en the fe large protest de#onstrations

    that Belgiu# has 1non ere re#ar1a$ly digni+ed and peaceful! There ha*e $een nolarge, national stri1es for the past /- years or so, and the Belgian politicalsyste# is ?uite sta$le, ith only s#all changes no and then in the rulingcoalition!

     The only )danger) for the foreseea$le future is that the to languageco##unities ould gro further apart, $eco#ing largely autono#ous, so thatthe Belgian state ould only re#ain as a #inor ad#inistrati*e le*el $eteenthe regional le*el and the 4uropean Union le*el! The pro$a$ility that 9landers

    and Qallonia ould separate co#pletely , #a1ing Belgiu# disappear, is ?uite s#all, though! Thereason is that none of the to co##unities is prepared to gi*e up Brussels,hich $ecause of its #ultilingual status cannot $e cut up into a 9le#ish andQalloon part!

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     The Belgian`s lac1 of pride also leads to the lac1 of a clear i#age for thecountry a$road! Other co#para$le s#all countries ha*e easily recogni&a$lei#ages for e8a#ple, (it&erland is i##ediately associated ith $an1ing,cloc1s and #ountains, Holland ith tulips, cheese and ind%#ills! 9or Belgiu#,on the other hand, no clear associations spring to #ind! This is due partly tothe lac1 of i#age%$uilding and #ar1eting, partly to the fact that the Belgianculture and landscape is e8tre#ely *aried, and cannot $e su##ari&ed in a fesy#$ols!

     To #y opinion, it is not due to the lac1 of a national identity, though! Thatnational character is rather su$tle, and not easy to for#ulate in a fe ords!

     Though 9le#ish and Qalloon cultures diSer in se*eral respects

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    troops, here thousands of li*es ere sacri+ced in order to gain a fe #etersof terrain! This attitude #ay e8plain hy the losses in hu#an li*es ere #uchs#aller a#ong the Belgians than a#ong other nations, e*en though a largepart of the $attles too1 place on Belgian territory !

    'nother character trait noted $y Hill is a )de#ocratic) attitude, in the sensethat Belgians #a1e *ery little distinction $eteen classes or social strata! It isnot $ecause you are a professor, a no$le #an or a rich $an1er that you ill $etreated ith special respect or pri*ileges! 4*ery$ody has the right to $e ta1enserious, and to get a good education and a decent ay of li*ing! On theecono#ic plane, this egalitarian philosophy is illustrated $y the fact thatBelgiu# has the loest percentage of poor people in the orld!

    Puality of life

     The s1epticis# toards go*ern#ent, the lac1 of pride a$out one`s onachie*e#ents, and the general )anarchistic) ay of doing things #ay createthe false i#pression that life in Belgiu# is not ell%organi&ed! Though Belgiansdisli1e discipline i#posed upon the# $y superiors, $ureaucracy, ideology orreligion, they co#pensate $y hard or1 and self%discipline! In spite of regularchanges of go*ern#ent, Belgians trains do run on ti#e, and the ad#inistrati*eser*ices do help people generally in a fast and eSecti*e ay!

    Belgian or1ers are the #ost producti*e in the orld! 'ccording to Ger#anstatistics , industrial producti*ity in Belgiu# is so#e /- higher than in the ne8t #ost producti*e country, theneigh$ouring Holland, and ell a$o*e that of the industrial giants Lapan,Ger#any and U('! This high producti*ity is not li#ited to industrial or1!'lthough in o*erall GN5 per capita, Belgiu# only ran1s ithin the :- or sorichest countries, in GN5 produced per hour or1ed, it is +rst! This producti*ityis due to a generally high le*el of education resulting in highly s1illed la$or,e8tended auto#ati&ation, shift or1 that #ini#i&es idle ti#e, and loa$senteeis#! 'lthough e#ployees ha*e relati*ely #uch *acation and free ti#e,and can easily ta1e ti#e oS for illness ithout ris1ing to lose their 7o$s, feor1ing days are actually lost! This is also due to the e8cellent syste# of locost #edicine and the tradition of sol*ing industrial conEicts $y negotiations!(o#ehat surprisingly, gi*en the ell pu$lici&ed stri1es, industrial unrest o*erthe last :. years in Belgiu# is one of the loest in the 4uropean Union!

     Than1s to the open #ar1et, the good distri$ution channels and the strongconsu#er re?uire#ents, one can +nd the #ost di*erse and high ?uality goodsin the shops at relati*ely lo prices! The high production and consu#ption

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    standards ha*e led to the pu$licity slogan )This is Belgian) $eing used as a?uality la$el ha*e #ade inroads in top ten fashion design, a do#ain hich asal#ost e8clusi*ely under the control of 9rench, Italian and Lapanese designers!

    'lthough a fe spectacular #urders and ro$$eries ha*e gra$$ed the pu$licattention and cri#e rates ha*e $een increasing, the cri#e rate in Belgiu# isstill ?uite lo! The British #inistery of 9oreign 'Sairs calculated that Brussels isthe safest capital in the orld ith respect to the ris1 for #urder! Qith a ratio of -! per :--,--- inha$itants Brussels is situated infront of Ro#e and "ondon , and far $efore Mosco andQashington ! ' :;;- UN cri#e sur*ey found that Belgian cities scored

    a#ong the $est for ris1s of assault and frightening threats!

    'll this, together ith the generally peaceful at#osphere, and the eSort putinto de*eloping the $asic things in life ould put Belgiu# *ery high on a )?uality of life)ordering of countries! In international polls, Belgians alays tend to co#e outa#ong those #ost satis+ed ith their life and least inclined to e#igrate toanother country! This is in sharp contrast, $ut not in contradiction, ith the *erycritical attitude hich Belgians e8hi$it toards their country and go*ern#ent!


     The things that are especially noticed $y foreign *isitors are the e8cellent food,and the *ery dense concentration of restaurants and pu$s, e*eryhere in thecountry! Not 7ust the ?uantity $ut the ?uality of restaurants is e8ceptionalBelgiu# is the country ith the highest nu#$er of Michelin stars per head of thepopulation! Gi*en this o*erhel#ing co#petition, it is not surprising thatBelgiu# is the only country in the orld here the fast%food giant McDonald`s

    has $een consistently losing #oney! Belgian cuisine, hich is related to the9rench one, $ut ith so#e *ery distincti*e touches, oSers #any dishes orthtrying! ' ell%1non speciality are the Belgian chocolates hich are sold allo*er the orld! 'nd then there is the national dish, )9rench) 9ries ,hich, according to legend, ere in*ented in Belgiu#, not 9rance, and hichare supposed to $e $etter here than in any other place in orld!

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    4specially the $eer is a national speciality thereare hundreds of diSerent types ith distincti*e tastes, hich are all ser*ed intheir on specially #ade glasses! Beer, for Belgians, is a$out as i#portant asine is for the 9rench! It is a pity that the international #ar1eting is not $etterde*eloped, $ecause e*ery$ody drin1s Dutch, Danish or Ger#an $eers, hereasthe Belgian ones are 1non only$y the real $eer lo*ers! Recently, though, Belgian speciality $eers are getting#ore and #ore popular, not only in the neigh$ouring 9rance, Holland and U,$ut e*en in the U('!

    5ro$le#s, 5ro$le#s!!!

    In order to relati*i&e this ?uite rosy picture of Belgiu#, let #e also #ention the#ost serious pro$le#s that are to $e sol*ed! The $udget de+cit has, after #any

    econo#ies, +nally gotten under control! Hoe*er, it has led to a go*ern#entde$t, hich, as a percentage of GN5, is the highest one in the industriali&edorld ! The Belgian state as a hole has no e8ternal de$t,though

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    ho# are loly s1illed and ha*e poor 1noledge of the language and culture,to +nd good 7o$s! This has led to a fe riots in ?uarters ith predo#inantlyi##igrant populations, and to pro$le#s of drug use and petty cri#e a#ongune#ployed young #en! This, #ore frighteningly, has reinforced the popularityof e8tre#e right parties ith an anti%i##igrant agenda ! 'lthough econo#ic i##igrationhas $asically $een halted, Belgiu#, li1e other 4uropean countries, e8periencesa pro$le# of groing nu#$ers of Third Qorld and 4astern 4ureopean peoplethat are either de#anding asylu# or entering the country illegally! This putsthe authorities in a di_cult situation, here they ha*e to choose $eteenforcefully repatriating people to go $ac1 to a #isera$le life or ris1ing a risingEo of poor i##igrants!

     The #ost tal1ed a$out pro$le# of the last fe years is the urgently neededreorgani&ation of the police and 7ustice syste#! ' nu#$er of high pro+le cases

    ith police $ungling ha*e #ade it clear that the traditional syste#s ere notprepared to the fast paced orld of the end of the tentieth century!5arlia#ent has recently passed so#e las hich propose far reaching changes,especially for the police! Hoe*er, according to insiders, the $iggest pro$le#sreside not in the police, hich had already $een ?uietly #oderni&ing o*er thelast fe years, $ut in the courts and 7ustice syste#, hich still use :;th centurytools and #ethods to tac1le /:st century pro$le#s! It is to $e hoped that therefor#s of 7ustice ill $e profound enough to eradicate this pro$le#!

     The Belgian ay of pro$le#%sol*ing

    In cy$ernetical ter#s, the Belgian syste# #ight $e descri$ed as highly self%organi&ing! The political syste# is $ased on discussion and co#pro#ise$eteen diSerent groups of interest, ithout a clear central control ! 9or e8a#ple, socio%econo#icalpro$le#s are #ostly a*oided $y preparing )collecti*e la$or agree#ents),here trade unions and e#ployers reach a co#pro#ise on age increases inthe co#ing period! Only hen unions and e#ployers cannot reach consensus,the go*erne#ent ill inter*ene $y proposing a co#pro#ise!

    ' special e8pression, )a Belgian co#pro#ise), has $een in*ented to design thetypical solutions deri*ed in this ay co#ple8 issues are settled $y concedingso#ething to e*ery party concerned, through an agree#ent that is usually soco#plicated that no$ody co#pletely understands all its i#plications! In spite of the apparent ine_ciency of these settle#ents, the co#pro#ises do or1 inpractice, $ecause they stop the e8isting conEicts, and thus allo life to go onithout +ghts or o$structions! The practical a#$iguities and confusions that

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    arise out of the co#pro#ise are usually sol*ed on the spot $y the Belgians`talent for i#pro*isation!

     The e8perience gained in negotiating these intricate #ultiparty, #ultilingual

    and #ulticultural pro$le#s has led to an unli1ely ne e8port product Belgianpolitical e8pertise! 't a certain #o#ent, the presidents of the four largestpolitical groups in the 4uropean 5arlia#ent, socialists, christian de#ocrats,li$erals and rain$o, ere all Belgian, as as the president of the 4uropeanfederation of trade unions! The Belgian pri#e #inister, Lean%"uc Dehaene,de#onstrated the e8pertise he gathered in this 1ind of pro$le#%sol*ing henhe succeeded in untying the Gordian 1not of assigning so#e do&en diSerent4uropean institutions to the diSerent #e#$er states of the 4uropean Union $y on the spot creating a ne institution, so that e*erycountry could carry so#ething ho#e! This #ade hi# the front%runner in the

    race for $eco#ing the ne president of the 4uropean Co##ission ! The only reason he did not get the postas $ecause of a *eto $y the British Conser*ati*es, ho apparently ere afraidthat he #ight $e too successful in the on%going dri*e to 4uropean integration!

    'nother e8a#ple of this peculiar ay of pro$le#%sol*ing, hich reached theinternational nespapers, as the royal ?uestion! 'll las accepted $y Belgianparlia#ent #ust $e signed $y the 1ing $efore they can $e applied! Nor#allythis is an auto#atic procedure, $ut in the case of the la legali&ing a$ortion,the for#er 1ing Baudoin, on religious grounds, concluded that his conscience

    did not allo hi# to appro*e the la! The go*ern#ent disco*ered a s#allparagraph in the constitution stating that appro*al of the 1ing is not needed insituations here the 1ing is incapa$le to go*ern, a pro*ision for e8ceptionalcircu#stances such as #ental illness of the ruler! The co#pro#ise reached$eteen go*ern#ent and 1ing, as that the 1ing as declared incapa$le torule for 7ust one day, enough to pass the la ithout his signatureb

     Though people ho highly respect for#al rules #ight $e shoc1ed $y such aprag#atic treat#ent of a sensiti*e issue, the pro$le# as sol*ed in a fore*ery$ody accepta$le ay the 1ing`s conscience as 1ept intact, and the

    de#ocratic decision as i#ple#ented ith a #ini#u# of delay! ' change ofthe constitution is planned in order to a*oid si#ilar pro$le#s in the future!

    'rt $eteen the real and the surreal

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    "i1e the other do#ains of culture and society, Belgian art #o*es $eteen theto poles of practical #aterialis# and open%#inded re$elliousness! Thecorresponding artistic styles that are #ost typically Belgian are realis# ornaturalis#, hich tries to depict life as it is in all its *i*id, don%to%earthdetails, and surrealis# or sy#$olis#, hich e8plores other orlds, here thenor#al rules do not apply! Qhat $oth poles ha*e in co##on is their re7ection of for#alis# or ideology, and a desire to ?uestion accepted isdo#, often in ahu#orous ay! Belgians instincti*ely distrust any syste# that tells the# hothey should thin1, $eha*e or produce art! They are also not fond ofsenti#entality or Ro#antic ideali&ation, here the concrete details that #a1elife so co#ple8 are ignored in order to pro#ote herois# or gracefulness! Thelac1 of sy#pathy for a$stract syste#s #ay e8plain hy Belgians ha*e #aderelati*ely little contri$utions to #usic, the #ost for#al of all arts, and ha*einstead focused on the *isual arts and literature, hich allo you to directlydepict reality!

     These characteristics already co#e to the fore in the century, hen the

    )9le#ish pri#iti*es) re*olutioni&ed painting! In contrast to the Italian school,hose paintings are characteri&ed $y an ideali&ed elegance, 9le#ish #asterssuch as Jan 4yc1 surprise $y their e8tre#ely ela$orate, life%li1e pictures, suchas the 'rnol+ni edding,here e*ery detail is here it should $e, including thecurls of hair of the little dog and the reEection of the painter in the #irror thathangs $ehind the couple $eing portrayed! (till, the #edie*al landscapes in the$ac1ground and the spiritual, sy#$olic intent of #any paintings gi*e the# adrea#y, al#ost #ythical character!

     This +rst generation sets the tone for the artists that follo! (o#e toering

    +gures of the folloing generation are Bruegel, hose ell%1non i#ages ofdancing and eating far#ers illustrate the Belgian`s don%to%earth en7oy#ent oflife, and Bosch, hose apocalyptic $ut hu#orous pictures e8e#plify surrealis#and its ?uestioning of e*erything, including the las of nature the#sel*es! Thefact that these to poles of the don%to%earth and the surreal are not that farapart is shon $y so#e paintings of Bruegel that ere o$*iously inspired $yBosch`s night#arish *isions! The :=th century is do#inated $y Ru$ens, hoadded sensuality to the range of pleasures of the Eesh that had $een depictedin painting!

     The Ro#antic :;th century in Belgiu# is do#inated $y sy#$olis# or idealis#,genres that try to transcend e*eryday reality! (o#e typical e8ponents are9ernand nopS, hose or1 is e8e#pli+ed $y a painting of an elegant,languorous panther ith the head of a o#an, and 9licien Rops, ith hissatanic%erotic illustrations! On the opposite side of this #ore decadent, surrealstrand are naturalists, such as Constantin Meunier, ho critici&e society $ydepicting the gri# reality of or1ing class life! The real and the surreal #eet inthe or1 of La#es 4nsor, ith his sensual depictions of e*ery%day o$7ects and

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    sinister caricatures of $ourgeois society, the )(chool of "ate#), ith theirethereal landscapes, and 5er#e1e, ith his poerful, e8pressionist pictures offar#ers and la$orers!

    (urrealis# proper starts in the :;/-`s! Its #ost fa#ous Belgian e8ponents areRen Magritte, ho is perhaps the #ost reproduced artist of the /-th century,and 5aul Del*au8! Magritte`s creati*e genius is re*ealed $y his i#possi$le, $uthaunting co#$inations of ordinary, *ery realistically depicted pheno#ena, suchas a loco#oti*e stea#ing out of a chi#ney piece, or a castle $uilt on top of aroc1 that ho*ers a$o*e a stor#y sea! Del*au8`s sense of $eauty is so#ehat#ore traditional, ith his drea#%li1e landscapes of Gree1 te#ples and old%fashioned train stations, populated $y s1eletons, statues?ue o#en,in*estigati*e scientists, and the little #an%in%the%street ith his $olar hat thatis also a fa*orite character of Magritte!

    "iterature the independent in*estigator

    Representing and ?uestioning e*eryday reality is also the underlying the#e in#uch of Belgian literature! Qe already +nd it in the Middle 'ges ith the fa$leof the sly fo8 )Reynard), ho po1ed fun at the esta$lish#ent represented $yself%i#portant $ut not so s#art +gures li1e No$el, the lion%1ing, Bruyn the $ear

    and Isengri# the olf! In the :;th century, this the#e is re*i*ed in a #orerealistic setting $y Charles De Coster, ith his $oth dra#atic and co#ic no*ela$out Thyl Uylenspiegel, ho re$elled against the (panish oppressors $y#oc1ing the#, helped $y his friend "a##e Goed&a1, a Bruegel%li1e characterhose highest pleasures consist in eating and sleeping!

     The sy#$olist #o*e#ent +nds its e8pression in poets such as 4#ile Jerhaerenand the No$el laureate Maurice Maeterlinc1! Naturalis# and its criticis# ofsociety $y the depiction of the so#eti#es dra#atic, so#eti#es endearing, lifeof ordinary fol1 is represented $y 9le#ish authors such as (treu*els,

     Ti##er#ans, 4lsschot and later Boon and Claus! (urrealis# is a #a7orinspiration for the poet Henry Michau8, and for the no*elists Lohan Daisne andHu$ert "a#po, ho e8e#plify the typically Belgian school of )#agical realis#)!"i1e the paintings of Del*au8 and Magritte, their no*els start ith thedescription of ordinary fol1s in ordinary situations, hich, hoe*er, aregradually in*aded $y #ystery, $y eird coincidences and i#possi$lehappenings that see# to point to so#e parallel orld or reality $eyondordinary appearances!

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    Qhat distinguishes these Belgian literary styles fro# their counterparts in othercountries, such as ola`s naturalis#, or the )#agical realis#) of af1a and the"atin%'#erican authors, such as Mar?ue&, is their a$sence of fatalis#! 'lthoughreality #ay $e *ery hard to li*e ith, and surreality i#possi$le to co#prehend,the indi*iduals in Belgian no*els can #a1e a diSerence! They are not #ere toysof fate, or cogs in a #achine they cannot control! 'lthough they ill ne*er $ea$le to grasp e*erything, they do #anage to reach $etter understandingthrough e8ploration and o$ser*ation!

    (i#ilar the#es run through the #ore popular literature, and e*en throughco#ic strips, the #erging of literary and *isual art at hich Belgians e8cel!Georges (i#enon, ith his fa#ous character, inspector Maigret, represents thenaturalistic pole! Both his detecti*e and his #ore literary no*els enthrall $ytheir accurate, though sy#pathetic o$ser*ation of people and capti*atingrendering of the at#osphere, rather than $y a sophisticated plot! On the

    fantastic end of the scale, authors li1e Tho#as Oen and especially Lean Ray turn their detecti*e stories into gothic no*els, here thein*estigation of a #ystery unco*ers untold horrors!

     The detecti*e, researcher or reporter ho in*estigates a #ysterious situation isperhaps the prototypical hero in Belgian story%telling! That hero has neithersuperhu#an poers nor passionate Ro#antic ideals! It is rather an ordinaryperson, perhaps e*en a child , ho is 7ust a littles#arter and #ore curious than the others, and therefore #anages to +nd outthings that re#ain hidden for those that don`t loo1 $eyond appearances! In

    co#ic strips, so#e of the #ore ell%1non heroes of this 1ind are the orldfa#ous Tintin, Bla1e and Morti#er, (us1e and Qis1e, and (pirou! It is perhapsalso not a coincidence that the British riter 'gatha Christie`s #ost fa#ouscharacter, the detecti*e Hercule 5oirot, is supposed to $e Belgian!

    Belgiu# society, character and culture

    'uthor 9! Heylighen, Dec /, :;;0

    Belgiu# #ay not $e *ery high in touris#, $ut is a ell%1non country! It is1non for their Belgian aes and chocolates! The Belgian people are highin culture and are *ery proud of their country!

    Belgiu# is located on the continent of 4urope! Its o_cial na#e is theingdo# of Belgiu# and its capital is Brussels! Its population is ninehundred se*enty%si8 thousand, +*e hundred thirty%si8 people! Belgiu#$orders the Netherlands, Ger#any, 9rance, and the North (ea!

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    Belgiu# is rich in culture! 5eople in Belgiu# ha*e freedo# of religion andNinety%eight percent of the people are Catholic! One hundred, +fty thousandpeople are 5rotestant, and forty thousand people are Leish! Belgian peopleare $ig #eat eaters and huge $eer drin1ers! In fact, Belgian people drin1#ore $eer than any other national group e8cept Ger#any! Their fa*orite

    dishes are car$onades, hich is $eef steed in $eer and ater&ooi, hich ischic1en or +sh choder! Belgian people spea1 either Dutch, 9rench, orGer#an!

     There are #any festi*als in Belgiu#! One of the #ost popular festi*als isthe March of the Gilles! During the March of the Gilles $oys and #en dressup in $rightly colored suits and they ear hats +lled ith ostrich feathers! They thro oranges at people in the crod and $oys that aren`t dressed up$lo up sheep $ladders and hit anyone not earing a fancy hat! The Gillessupposedly represent the Inca Indians ho ere defeated and the orangesrepresent gold ta1en $y the (panish! 'lso, the tons people lea*e their

    doors open so so#e guests can call into the house and ha*e a glass ofcha#pagne! 'nother popular festi*al is the Cat 9esti*al, hich is held eachMay in Ypres! During the Cat 9esti*al people thro toy cats oS of the ClothHall, hich is a tall $uilding!