being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · ibm, compaq, dell and japanese –videogame consoles:...

A History of Silicon Valley The Greatest Creation of Wealth in History (An immoral tale) being a presentation by piero scaruffi adapted from the book “A History of Silicon Valley”

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Page 1: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips

A History of Silicon Valley The Greatest Creation of Wealth in History

(An immoral tale)

being a presentation by piero scaruffi

adapted from the book “A History of Silicon Valley”

Page 2: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 2

Piero Scaruffi

• Cultural Historian

• Cognitive Scientist

• Blogger

• Poet


Page 3: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 3

This is Part 5

• See for the index of this Powerpoint presentation and links to the other parts

– 1900-1960

– The 1960s

– The 1970s

– The 1980s

– The 1990s

– The 2000s

Page 4: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 4

What the book is about…

• The book is a history of the high-tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area (of which Silicon Valley is currently the most famous component)

Page 5: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 5

The Internet Age

• 1991: Tim Berners-Lee invents the World-wide Web

• 1991: The US government enacts the “High-Performance Computing and Communication Act”

• 1993: Mosaic (funded by the “High-Performance Computing and Communication Act”), later renamed Netscape in Silicon Valley

• 1994: WebCrawler (search engine)

• 1995: The US government blesses the commercial use of the Internet

Page 6: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 6

The Dot Coms

• The importance of Netscape’s browser:

– Free for ordinary users

– Illiterate computer uses can browse the Web the same way that a pro does

– The non-intuitive cluster of digital information that has accrued on the Internet becomes intelligible to ordinary people

– More and more people are motivated to add content to the Web

Page 7: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 7

The Dot Coms

• The importance of Netscape’s browser:

– The personal computer boom of the 1980s has placed a computer in millions of households and the browser turns them into the audience of the Web

– The computer monopolies are forced to adopt open standards for the Web

Page 8: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 8

The Dot Coms

• Netscape IPO (1995) • Yahoo (1995) • Excite. AltaVista (1995), Hotbot (1996), Google

(1998) • Java (1995) • WebLogic (1995), Apache (1996) • Craigslist (1995) • HotMail (1996) • GeoCities (1995) • eBay (1995) • Netflix (1997)

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Hotmail’s Lesson

• Founded by hardware engineers: a user’s idea, not a technological idea; a sturdy no-nonsense "product“

• Advertising as a source of revenues

• Internet startups offer free services because their real product is the user base

• The boom of the Web is not a consequence of the Internet but of the boom in advertising: cable television revenues stage an 82% growth rate in 1994-95 just when the Web is maturing

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Connecting the World

• Beneficiaries of the age of networking: Cisco, 3Com and Bay Networks

• Fiber-optic boom • Overcapacity dramatically lowers the cost of

broadcasting information, thereby increasing the motivation to broadcast information

• The fiber-optic rush creates on the Internet the equivalent of the freeway system created by the US government in the 1950s

• The vast fiber-optic infrastructure connects the USA to India too, thus accelerating the process of outsourcing IT jobs to India

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The Mobile World

• General Magic (1990) to put the power of a real computer into the hands of a casual mobile user connected to a “cloud” of services

• Apple Newton (1993): a pen-based tablet computer with software for handwritten recognition

• Apple QuickTake 100 (1994): the first camera that can download images into a personal computer

• SoftBook Press ebook reader (1996) • Palm Pilot (1996)

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• CommerceNet

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Meanwhile elsewhere…

• Finland implements a GSM network for mobile computers (1991)

• Nokia introduces SMS (1993) • Linux (1991) • Nokia's 9000 Communicator (1996), the smartphone • The "Telecommunications Act" allows cable television

providers to offer Internet services (1996) • MapQuest’s mapping software (1996) • SixDegrees’ social networking software (1997) • The Y2K Bug (1999) • Napster (1999)

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Meanwhile elsewhere…

• Human Genome Project (1992)

Page 15: being a presentation by piero scaruffi  · IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese –Videogame consoles: Japan rules –Semiconductors: The Far East rules –Mobile phones: Europe rules –Chips 15

The Nasdaq Crash

• Between 1998 and 1999 venture-capital investments in Silicon Valley firms increases more than 90%

• The Internet and Y2K booms generate a bubble that bursts in 2000

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The Nasdaq Crash

• Silicon Valley before the bust: – Personal computers: HP and Apple dwarfed by

IBM, Compaq, Dell and Japanese

– Videogame consoles: Japan rules

– Semiconductors: The Far East rules

– Mobile phones: Europe rules

– Chips for mobile devices: ARM rules

– Software: Microsoft and SAP dwarf Oracle

– Dotcoms: No profits

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• See for the index of this Powerpoint presentation and links to the other parts