behavior management plan overview

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN OVERVIEW NAME: Maria Reyes DEVELOPMENT OF CLASS RULES: I will have a class meeting at the beginning of the school  year where I will present the students with my 5 classroom rules. After going over the classroom rules I will ask my students their opinions on the classroom rules and modify them if needed with the students help. RECORD KEEPING: The record keeping for the rewards will be the star system; this will also be used for the classroom rewards. The star chart will be posted in the front of the class for everyone to see. As for the groups I will have a personal log where I will keep track of their behavior. I will also keep a personal log of the student’s misbehaviors and the consequences for each offense and I will go over it each day. TEACHING CLASS RULES: I will teach the classroom rules at the beginning of the school year. I will do this by giving example of each class rule (modeling) and then have the student’s role play the classroom rules in small groups. VIOLENCE/BULLYING: I will try to prevent violence and bullying at least in my classroom by creating a strong sense of community. I will have my students constantly working together and I believe this will create a bond with my students and will eliminate violence and bullying because they will care for each other. I will also ha ve class mee ting where we will discuss violence and bullying; give examples of what it is and ways to prevent it. REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES I will have a reward system for individuals, groups and classroom. *Individuals- chart in the front of the class with student names where they will receive a star for doing their homework and class work. They will be able to redeem their stars for something from the treasure chest or computer time.  *Group- Point system, when they are on task and working quietly the group will receive a point. When a group reaches 15 points they will have 15 minute free time. *Classroom- when we have a good day with no one misbehaving we will receive a star in our board. When we reach 15 stars we will have a special activity for an hour. Consequence s- for misbehaving and breaking a classroom rules. 1 st offence-warning 2 nd offence-private talk with student to discuss their behavior 3 rd offence- a note will be sent home. 4 th offence- lunch detention. PARENT/GUARDIAN COMMUNICATION: At the beginning of the school year I will send out a letter to all parents addressing the classroom rules, rewards and consequences, and routines and procedures. I will also have a bi- weekly letter sent to the parents. In this letter I will talk about what has been going on in class and their Child’s progress in the classroom.

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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8/3/2019 Behavior Management Plan Overview 1/2

8/3/2019 Behavior Management Plan Overview 2/2