be healthy(oap)

Be Healthy A single platform to get all necssary information about reducing weight and maintaining good health Problem Obese- who needs to get effective ways to reduce obesity Health concious -who needs proper guidence to maintain good health Health product supplier/campaigner -who needs to get a platform for campaigning their products. Solution- Be Healthy ,a website provides and links all necessary information to solve obesity. Users- Save time - Save money Great job Customers- Save time

Upload: nadiya-mahjabin

Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Be Healthy(OAP)

Be Healthy

A single platform to get all necssary information about reducing weight and maintaining good health


Obese-who needs to get effective ways to reduce obesity

Health concious-who needs proper guidence to maintain good health

Health product supplier/campaigner -who needs to get a platform for campaigning their products.

Solution-Be Healthy ,a website provides and links all necessary information to solve obesity.

Users-Save time -Save money Great job


Save time

Page 2: Be Healthy(OAP)

More moneyGrow faster


Covered all necessary topicsProvision for BMI and Food callorie calcualationProvision for getting medical advice,mental motivation Covered unconvensional ways that are not generally integrated in other sites

Business model-How we make money

Users-Free subscription

Customers-Health product supplier/campaigner-Have to pay

Market opportunity-Bangladesh(locally)+globally

users(free subscription)-1.9 billion(overweight)+6 million(obese),60% subscription expected.

Customers-(Bottom up)

Number of gyms+Number of yoga centers+Number of Herbal centers+Number of medicals+number of food companies+number of health magazines -30,000+Advertisement costs in Be Healthy $25 per 100 clicks

Page 3: Be Healthy(OAP)

Competition-Other similar websites+other related products-(All informations are scatterd)

Be Healthy-All ways/Techniques are integrated.

Growth strategy-

Marketing $ Sales-(Acquiring customers)1.Email marketing2.Online marketing3.Advertising in social media

User service-(keeping users)Dedicated user serviceNew services will be added

Product development-(staying competitive)Add websiteAdd android app

Financial-Set up cost -$6000Maintainence cost+advertiement cost-$15000(per year)Salary-$20000 per year (will be varied)Reveneu-0.3 billion dollars(expected)

Funding-Seeking-$6000-$20000so that we can reach 0.3 billion dollars sell,scale customer acquisationscale customer servicescale infrastructure

Team-1.Nadiya Mahjabin 2.Md. Raisul Islam3.Firas Asaad

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