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Укоопосвіта Білгород -Дністровський економіко-правовий коледж КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ З дисципліни: англійська мова ВИРОБНИЦТВО ХАРЧОВОЇ ПРОДУКЦІЇ Склав: Викладач Гаврилюк Я.О Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії загальноосвітніх дисциплін Протокол №_____ Від «___» ___________2012_р. Голова циклової комісії ______________________

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УкоопосвітаБілгород -Дністровський економіко-правовий коледж


З дисципліни: англійська мова


Склав:Викладач Гаврилюк Я.О

Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії

загальноосвітніх дисциплін Протокол №_____

Від «___» ___________2012_р. Голова циклової комісії ______________________

2012 р

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Пояснювальна запискаКонтрольна робота виконується студентом-заочником після самостійного вивчення курсу

“Іноземна мова”. Дані контрольні завдання розроблені для вивчення курсу “Іноземна мова” (англійська) з урахуванням відсоткового показника вивчення саме даної мови. Контрольні завдання для інших іноземних мов складаються подібно до вказаних завдань і методичних вказівок.

Студенту необхідно підібрати з переліку рекомендованої літератури підручник англійської мови. Можна використовувати інші підручники англійської мови для заочних вузів немовних спеціальностей, а також додаткову літературу для більш повного вивчення дисципліни.

Контрольні завдання розроблені відповідно до навчальної програми “Іноземна мова” (за професійним спрямуванням), затвердженої Укоопспілкою”

Метою даної дисципліни є досягнення студентами практичного володіння мовою, що передбачає формування вміння самостійно читати літературу за фахом з метою отримання ін-формації з іншомовних джерел, забезпечення розвитку навичок аналітичного читання, розуміння та перекладу професійно орієнтованих джерел, написання рефератів, анотацій та інших документів іноземною мовою, набуття необхідного рівня іншомовної комунікативної компетенції, що уможливить участь тих, хто вивчає іноземну мову, в діалозі культур.

У результаті вивчення дисципліни студенти повинні:знати професійно орієнтований лексико-граматичний матеріал, професійні терміни та

поняття; основні розділи курсу; способи словотворення; службові слова та частини мови (артикль; іменник, прикметник, займенник, прийменник);

вміти використовувати лексико-граматичний мінімум у псиній галузі та іншомовні джерела в умовах письмових ділових контактів, робити записи, повідомлення, складати план тексту, проводити анотування, фіксувати інформацію, отриману під час читання тексту, здійснювати ознайомче, пошукове, вивчаюче читання; розрізняти активну і пасивну форми дієслова, модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти; правильно використовувати видо- часові форми дієслова в реченні, правильно будувати стверджувальні та питальні речення.

Контрольні завдання включають загальні та професійно орієнтовані тексти, лексико-граматичні вправи до текстів, граматичні завдання та ситуації.

Варіант контрольної роботи вибирається з допомогою таблиці, наведеної в контрольних завданнях, і залежить від номера особової справи студента. Клітинка з номером варіанта знаходиться на перетині вертикальної (передостання цифра номера особової справи) та горизонтальної ліній (остання цифра номера особової справи).

Робота, виконана не за своїм варіантом, не перевіряється і не зараховується.

Контрольну роботу слід виконувати у такій послідовності:

1.прочитати пояснювальну записку, ознайомитися з тематичним планом і визначити питання своєї контрольної роботи за таблицею варіантів;2.знайти й уважно ознайомитися зі змістом конкретного завдання;3.при виконанні завдання використовувати як реко- мендовану літературу, так і допоміжну;4.при написанні анотації до тексту та ситуації необхідно творчо підходити до виконання даних видів роботи;5.викопуючи ситуаційні завдання, слід використати найбільш уживані розмовні формули та штампи, професійно орієнтовану лексику.

Загальний зразок виконання завдань Завдання І, вир. З

Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі конкретного тексту):Two / of management / styles / there / are.There are two styles of management.

Завдання II, впр. 1Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до підкреслених слів.People's deputies were discussing the new law for 2 hours. (Pasf Continuous, Active Voice, to discuss)How long were people's deputies discussing the new law?

Завдання II, вир. 2Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.She is printing a letter to_________________partner in Odessa.

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а) our; b) he; c) us; d) itsShe is printing a letter to our partner in Odessa.

Виконуючи контрольні завдання, студент повинен дотримуватися основних вимог до оформлення роботи:1.Правильно і розбірливо заповнити титульну сторінку (рідною мовою), вказавши назву дисципліни, прізвище, ім’я та по батькові, групу, курс, навчальний заклад, номер особової справи;2.Сторінки роботи мають бути пронумеровані;3.Правильно вказати номер варіанта;4.Необхідно чітко вказати номери і назви завдань, підкресливши їх або виділивши в інший спосіб;5.У кінці роботи навести список використаної літератури; вказати дату виконання роботи і поставити власний підпис;6.Робота може бути виконана в зошиті (до 25 сторінок) або на комп’ютері (до 12 сторінок) і роздрукована у форматі А 4.

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Варіанти контрольної роботиСпеціальності: Товарознавство та комерційна діяльність

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Загальні тексти

Текст 1I. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

Careers in BusinessBusiness is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. Consequently, the opportunities for a business career have grown in variety and number. There are now five broad fields of areas of business that offer exciting careers: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and data processing. Within each of these fields are specific jobs in which you can specialize. For example, within the field of marketing you can specialize in market research, advertising, buying, selling, or distribution. The figure below gives an idea of the general career opportunities that are available in the various fields of business.In choosing a business career, there are several questions you may want to ask. For instance, does the work interest you? Are there any areas of business for which you have an aptitude or special capability? What are the opportunities involved, such as demand (or need) for job, salary, and chance for advancement? Answers to these kinds of questions and careful planning will help in choosing a suitable and successful career in business.

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською

Текст 2І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

Management and ManagerManagement means the members of administration of a business or an organization. They may be

or may be not the owners of the business. But they are always selected by the owners to be responsible for different functions of the organization.

A typical organization has three layers of management: the senior management, the middle management and the junior management.

A good definition of a manager is given by W. Brown and E. Jaques. A manager is “an individual who is accountable for more work than he/she can do himself and who gets some of it done through other people”. This definition is related to managers who function at all levels.

The main functions of a manager are:1. to forecast and plan ( seeing into the future and drawing up plans of action);2. to organize (to put plans into operation);3. to command (to get the best performance from the staff);4. to co-ordinate (to make it sure that each department’s efforts harmonize with those of other departments);5. to control (to see that everything works according to plan).Traditionally, there are the two styles of management - autocratic and democratic. Let us consider

them.Autocratic managers set objective for the group demonstrating their power and authority. They give

orders and expect group members to obey them without any question. It is clear that in such situations group members do not make their own decisions.

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Democratic managers, on the contrary, let group members set their own objectives. If they give orders, they explain why and give reasons for their orders. Group members take part in decision making; they express different points of view. What is more, democratic managers take into consideration all their opinions before making a final decision. They also demonstrate the fact that the opinions of group members influence a final decision.

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст ЗІ. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

State Organs of the United Kingdom include the monarchy, legislative, executive and judicial organs of Government.

Britain’s hereditary monarchy is the oldest institution of government, dating back to at least the 9- century. The present Queen-Elisabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952. Although she has a largely ceremonial and politically impartial role as head of state, she serves as a personal symbol of national unity. The Queen is also head of the Commonwealth and presides over the Church of England.

Britain is the parliamentary democracy, with a constitutional monarch. The House of Commons and the House of Lords with the monarch make up Parliament. Parliament is the legislature and the supreme authority. Parliament passes laws, approves taxation and debates the major issues of the day.

The executive consists of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Prime Minister heads the Government and appoints ministers, about 20 of whom are in the policy-making Cabinet.

The administration of justice in Britain is independent of both Parliament and the Government.The judiciary determines common law and interprets statute. Every citizen has the right to equal

treatment before the law, people accused of more serious crimes are tried in open court by a judge and jury in High Court, Crown Court and Court of Appeal. The House of Lords is the final court of appeal. Less serious cases are tried by lay magistrates in magistrates courts and county’s courts. A person who needs legal advice or representation in court may get help with the costs out of public funds. There are two main political parties in Great Britain the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.

2. Напишить анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 4Ї. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

ComputersToday economy increasingly works with computers. Computers also facilitate our everyday work

and study.Modem companies analyze sales of products as well as potential sales of products, programme their

whole production by electronic data processing equipment.Banks work with computers too. In some cases, they consult computer centres specializing in

financial data concerning corporations, sales, cash flow, prices, etc.Stock exchanges have installed electronic data systems that answer all the brokers' questions.Computers are widely used in agriculture. Say, analyzing of essential animal characteristics with the

help of a computer is important for cattle breeding.In industry cars, devices, tools and instruments are often designed by computers.The computer has entered education, hi management young specialists are trained in special

courses. All statistical information is put and kept in computer’s memory.In short, computers arc everywhere in our modem life.Computer hardware consists of a monitor, a keyboard, a printer and their connections.Computer software has various programmes, hi everyday business they use such common

programmes:• word processing;• database management;• accounting;• auditing;• communications;• process control, etc.

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The advantages of computers are evident. They solve problems very rapidly. Now the computer is being more and more involved in making decisions at the senior management level.

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 51. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

Job AdvertisementsThe situation of job finding makes people consider job offers in mass media.Today jobs are being advertised through radio broadcasts television, newspapers and magazines.In small business, as a rale, they prepare their own copies ащ| give them to different newspapers.

They may also prepare forn, letters or circular-letters and distribute them by themselves. Big business uses various advertising mass media means to attract many candidates for a vacancy and to choose the best to be employed.

Reading newspapers and magazines one has a chance to choose the position to apply for. A job advertisement in most cases is, supposed to include a description of the job, the company, the requirements, the location, the salary, benefits, and the promotion prospects.

The language of advertisement is a specific one, so is the language of job advertisements. The typical phrases used in them are:

the start you need... here is your chance... we expect you to be... show a capacity for... aged between.. .and...

2. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 6І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

CompanyCompany is made of a number of people united in an industrial or commercial enterprise.Each company works out its own policy. It is a selected, planned line of conduct in the light of

which decisions are made and co-ordination of work achieved.Limited Liability Company. A joint-stock company is a company where the financial liability of its

members is limited by law.Private Limited Company. A limited company must not invite the public to subscribe for its shares

or debentures, and does not allow its members to transfer their shares without the agreement of the other shareholders. It must have at least two but usually not more than fifty members.

Public Limited Company. A limited company which can offer its shares and debentures to the public; there is normally no limit to the right of its members to transfer their shares to other persons. There is no limit to the total number of members except that there must be at least seven. Abbr: P.l.c.; pic; PLC. In Britain, such a company must include the words “public limited company” or the abbreviation as part of its name. In France the equivalent is Society (S.A); in Germany, Aktiengesellshaft (AG); in Holland, Naamlose Vennootschap (N. V.); in Italy, Societa per Azioni (S.p.A.).

Subsidiary Company. A company where more than half of the share-capital is owned by another company is called either a holding company or a parent company. The subsidiaries of the same parent or holding company are said to be affiliates.

Holding Company. In Britain, a company that has been formed for (he special purpose of holding all, or more than half, the share-capital of one or more other companies is called subsidiary' company. In the USA, this is called a pure holding company, while an operating holding company is a company which operates a business, i. e. trading, and also holds more than half the capital of one or more other companies.

Joint Stock Company. In Britain it is a form of business organisation, called a corporation in the US, which has its capital divided into many small units of stock or into shares of low face value so that (hey may be bought by small and large investors.

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a) Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською

Текст 7I. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

Organisation of BusinessEconomies may differ in the amount of freedom they allow business decision-makers. In market economies, most firms are private. Therefore, most businesses may set their own price, output level and production techniques.

The owners are the individuals who risk their wealth in the name of the success of the business. If a company (firm) is successful, it makes profit and financial gains received by the owners. If, on the contrary, things go badly the company has losses and the owners suffer bad consequences.

So, how do owners share risks and liabilities of the company (firm)?How do they carry out or participate in the decision-making?Business may be organised according to three main legal structures. They are:

sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations.

Sole ProprietorshipsA sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by an individual. It is he or she who is liable for all

the debts of the firm. The proprietor himself/ herself often works directly for the firm. He/she provides both managerial and labour services. Most small businesses surrounding us in a market economy, such as grocery stores, barbershops, repair shops, farms, etc. are business proprietorships.

Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 8a) Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

MarketingMarketing is a type of human activity, directed at determination of customers' requirements, or their

creation and research of new methods to meet man’s requirements by means of exchange.The origin of the word “marketing” is the Latin word “mercury” meaning, “to track and barter”.

Marketing, therefore, is made up, on the one hand, of such physical activity as transporting, storing and selling goods, and, on the other hand, of series of decisions that must be reached by any organization in the process of moving goods from the producer to the consumer. And it is also necessary to make the “hot line” for consumerrequirements and complaints to facilitate feedback from the market to the producer. So, marketing is such an activity in the result of which enterprises get answer to the questions: what to produce (to sell), where and when to sell, who buys goods and why.

Wholesaling is the part of the marketing system. It is a system of channels of distribution to supply market with goods. Retailing is selling of goods and services to the ultimate customer. It performs many important functions. First, retail sellers create outlets comfortable for buyers. Second, retail sellers often give guarantees and provide further services. Third, they help to promote and advertise goods. Finally, retail sellers can partly finance the buyers through the system of extending credits and discounts. There are different types of retailing shops: outlets, department stores, discount houses, cooperatives,single line retailers.

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Текст 9a) Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

LondonLondon, the capital of Great Britain, is also the centre of the United Kingdom. It is one of the

largest cities not only in Europe but also in the world.It is situated in the South East of England on the river Thames. It is divided into two parts by the

river, of which the most important part issituated on the north bank.

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The area of London is 1 800 square km. Its population is about 9 million people. Also it is said to be one of the most variable in the world. Not only the English but Italians, German, Swiss, French, Ukrainians, Russians and so on live there.

London is divided into three main parts: the City, the West End and the East End.The City is the oldest part of London. It covers an area of 677 acres and is the financial and

business centre of both London and Great Britain. There are a lot of international banks and insurance companies there. It plays a great role in the economic life of the country. In 1666 London was ravaged by the Great Fire. Ch. Wren erected the Monument commemorating the Great Fire in the City.

The West End has a lot of beautiful palaces, parks, shops, elegant stores, hotels, museums.There is the Buckingham Palace, which is the royal residence. In Trafalgar Square there is the

Nelson monument. The Palace of Westminster is today the seat of the Parliament. It is in the West End that the University of London is situated as well as the National Gallery and the British Museum.

The East End was traditionally a working-class district. Families of dockers live here for the Port of London is situated here. The mouth of the Thames is very wide and a lot of large ships go along it from the sea to London. All kinds of ships both small and large go into London docks. London bridges connect the two parts of the capital.

In the East End one can find enterprises dealing with shipbuilding, metal processing, machine building and metallurgy.

2.Напишіть анотацію до даного тесту англійською мовою.

Текст 10І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

AdvertisingIn business, they spend billions on advertising. Products and services are advertised through mass

media including radio broadcasts television, newspapers and magazines. They are also advertised through billboards, handbills, circulars, skywriting, through space advertising, booklets and giveaways and so on.

In small business, they prepare their own copy and give it to newspapers, as a rule, or they mail circulars or form letters all by themselves.

In big business, however, they employ the whole army of specialists in the field of advertising. They work out advertising programmes, provide means for advertising purposes, discuss and solve many advertising problems with the owner or management of a company. As a rule, they advertise to sell their products and services through various advertising mass media.

Today there are many types of advertising. We can classify the most popular of them:1. television advertising;2. radio advertising;3. space advertising (newspapers, periodicals, house walls);4. stores advertising (including special departments);5. mail advertising (letters, calendars, catalogues, circulars, booklets, giveaways);6. position advertising (street-car, train, bus, window cards, billboards).

What is an effective advertisement? It is one that attracts your attention. It is such an advertisement, which keeps honest information about a product or a service. It often has a clever and interesting picture or drawing, skilful use of colours. It is also put in the right place.

Apart from attracting your attention, a good advertisement must hold your interest. What is more, a really effective advertisement induces action. You simply go and buy this very product. In a word, a good advertisement sells the product or theservice.

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Текст 11І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

The British ParliamentThere are four countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Laws in Great Britain are made by Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The House of Commons is more important as it governs the country. The members of the House of Commons are elected by secret ballot. They belong to different political parties. The main parties are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The chief executive is the Prime Minister. He heads the Government but is not the Head of State.

Great Britain is a monarchy and the Head of State is a monarch whose power is limited by Parliament. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Party that has a majority in the House of Commons. Each new Prime Minister can make changes in his cabinet, appoint new' ministers and make other changes.

The Prime Minister takes policy decisions with the agreement of his ministers. He often holds Cabinet Meetings at his official residence at No 10 Downing Street, which is very near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. The power of the Cabinet is controlled by Parliament.

There are two chambers in the British Parliament and they are called Houses - the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

In the House of Lords, one can see the throne on which the Queen sits when she opens Parliament. One can also see the woolsack on which the Lord Chancellor sits. The fact is that for hundred of year’s wool had been known as one of the most important exports of Great Britain.

The House of Commons does not look as splendid as the House of Lords with its beautiful red benches.Each Chamber has galleries. Seats in the galleries are reserved for the use of the public. In the language of

the Parliament, they are called “strangers”.The Stranger’s Gallery is in the House of Commons.The Speaker sits on the green chair given to the Commons by Australia. On the Speaker’s chair, a switch

puts on the light in the Clock Tower above “Big Ben” to tell Londoners that Parliament is in session. The Prime Minister’s seat is on the Government front bench, which is on the Speaker’s right. On the Speaker’s left, one can see the Opposition front bench.

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 12І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

International BusinessThe international corporation or global company has its origin. Usually, il is the outgrowth of the

great trading companies of the 17th and 18lh centuries. In 1811, a New York statute said corporations could be created by the filling of documents. After that, it became a matter of bureaucratic operations to become a corporation. By 1850, it was a very common thing in the United States and was under general statute in European countries as well. Since that time, the corporate movement began. As the jet plane, satellite communications and computers began; it became possible for a company to control business in the entire world.

The growth of international corporate operations is faster than the economic growth of the industrialised nations. There are some projects, which predict that within a generation; almost a half of the free world’s production will be internationalised.

This trend for internationalism presupposes some benefits such as new jobs, higher living standards and the closing of the gaps between people - economic, educational and technological. At the same time, serious questions can be asked. Is it the most efficient way of use world resources? Can the international corporation be the best force for a better world? Is it politically stronger than government? Can it take care of the self-interest and competitiveness on behalf of the greatest good? And in what way can the global company work toward easing the world’s crises - monetary, political, energy and food?

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 13І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

hi 1969 the USE Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency needed a system for computers '‘to talk” to each other via the telephone. They created a network of computers called ARPANET. In 1984, the US National Science Foundation started the NSNET network, a system of five supercomputer centres.

More and more people and agencies wanted to join the network. NSNET became known as the In ter-Net-Net work. People started calling it the Internet.

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Today, there are millions of computers all over the world, which are connected to the Internet.The World Wide Web is the most popular area of the Internet. The Web is a huge collection of

documents, from all over the world. It contains a mixture of text, images and sounds and is very user-friendly.

The Internet is a source of information that is accessible through a computer. It consists of millions of pages of data about very possible subject. Twenty five million people surf the Internet every day. The Internet is already the biggest source of information of the planet. It will soon be the main source of material for students and teachers of many different subjects.

To access the Internet, you need a service provider, a company, which can bring the Internet to your telephone line. Then you can access the information via your telephone line.

If you have the web site address of a company or service that you want, you simply type it and you arrive automatically at the page you want. If you haven’t got a particular web site address, there are several directories or search engines which can help you, such as Alta Vista, Yahoo! or Infoseek. There are then two ways to find information-directories and key-word searches.

II. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 14І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

SOLSOL is a company in which people work when they like, and flexibility is being strongly tested.SOL’s owner, Liisa Joronen says that she has thrown out traditional management styles and

hierarchies in favour of people motivation and the strict auditing of targets.The company’s name is from the Spanish for sun, and its sun logo has a curved line turning it into a

smile.The key words around SOL are freedom, trust, goals, responsibility and creativity, joy of working

and lifelong learning. People's creativeness is restricted by routine and traditional office hours.To help staffs towards independence of mind Liisa has abolished territorial space, such as individual

offices and desks, and organised a communal area similar to a social club. It has a colourful playground, a nursery, a billiard table, sofas, modern art and kitchen comers.

Staffs sit anywhere. There is not a secretary in sight. Headquarters can be empty in the day and busy in the evenings and weekends.

Liisa tells 3.500 staff at 25 branches to kill routine before it kills them...

I. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською мовою.

Текст 15І. Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово текст.

Letters of ApplicationSpecial attention is paid to writing a letter of application for a job.Suppose there are a lot of applicants for a particular job. Consequently, there are a lot of CVs and letters of

application. A good CV and a letter may get you an interview, whereas a bad CV and a letter may be ignored.There is one common mistake many applicants make. That is, they phrase their letter of application in an

unusual way. Remember a straightforward letter gives more favourable impression.A letter of application must be hand written. Do not use coloured ink. Black or dark blue is best.In many countries, it is the custom to enclose a recent photograph with an application. Sometimes a photo is

included in CV.Generally, there are two types of letters of application:

1. in answer to an advertisement in a newspaper, a magazine, a circular letter, etc;2. a speculative letter.

I. Напишіть анотацію до даного тексту англійською

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Спеціальності: 5.091711 Технологія харчування

Текст 61I, Прочитайте текст.

Number of Meals per DayA meal can be defined as the amount of food eaten at one period of time, and which provides 200

kilocalories or more. This definition covers much more than the popular meaning of the word, which is that of hot, cooked food eaten while sitting down. People may eat from two to six or more suchjneals a day. The arrangement of a meal can be determined by custom, life style and by working conditions.

Although the amounts of nutrients in different meals may be different, the total intake of each nutrient should meet an individual’s needs. And if the food eaten is to be absolutely adequate for health, an individual’s needs in total nutrient intake should be covered every day and over a period of a week.

It is evident that the number of meals taken in a day (and the amount of food eaten at one time) influences the amount of nutrients utilized by the body.

People who eat sweets or chocolates between meals or eat a large number of snacks will have a reduced appetite for vegetables, cereals or meat at the next main meal. This is bad practice. Firstly, the intake of nutrient from the main meal will be reduced, and, secondly, excessive consumption of sweets can result in severe dental decay. Also it can result in an increase in weight if the total daily energy intake exceeds the energy used up.I. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. A meal can be defined as...2. The arrangement of a meal can be determined by...3. People who eat sweets or chocolates...4. People may eat from...5. This definition covers...6. It is evident that...7. Also it can result in...

II. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. bad / is / practice / this.2. can / it / result / an increase / in / weight / in.3. eat / may / people / two / to / six / from.4. the amounts / of / nutrients / meals / in / different / be / may / different.5. eat / people / sweets / chocolates / or / meals / between.

Текст 62I. Прочитайте текст.

Flavour and AppetiteFood can be defined as any solid or liquid which, when swallowed, provides body with energy, material

for growth, repair and for regulating body processes. But food cannot really be said to have entered the body until it has been:1. Digested - physically and chemically broken down into simple components which can be.2. Absorbed - passed through the wall of the digestive tract into the blood.

For food to be eaten, we must be hungry, or food must be appetizing. Hunger and appetite are the factors, which determine when and how much we eat.

The sensation of hunger occurs when energy stores in the body are reduced and the stomach is empty. But usually people, especially obese ones, do not eat only when they are hungry. They stop only when they do not feel hungry.

Appetite is a sensation, which relates to the smell and laste of particular foods and their ingredients, and is influenced by surroundings, habits and emotional state of the individual.Thus, where there is freedom of choice, more attractive food is more likely to be eaten, and it can be seen that good

cooking and pleasant surroundings are important in nutrition. It should be noted that some appetizing foods such as confectionery products can be relatively low in many nutrients, and that unappetizing foods can provide nourishment if they are eaten - as when an unconscious, person is fed through a stomach tube.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. For food to be eaten, we must be...

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2. Food can be defined as...3. Appetite is...4. Hunger and appetite are...5. It should be noted that...6. Appetite is influenced by...7. But food cannot really be said to have entered the body until it has been...III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. stop / they / only / they / when / not / do / feel / hungry.2. to be / eaten / food / for / be / must / we / hungry.3. food / attractive / more / is / more / to be / likely /eaten.4. nutrition / in / important / are / surroundings / pleasant / and / cooking / good / that / seen / be / can / it.5. choice / is / there / a freedom / of.

Текст 63I. Прочитайте текст.

The Diet as a WholeThe nutritional value of a person’s diet depends on the mixture of foods eaten during the course of weeks,

months and years. Also it depends upon the needs of the person eating these foods. There is no food that can be “good” or “bad” in isolation. Thus it is consistent overeating that results in obesity. At the same time, it is a consistent reduction in energy intake or increase in energy expenditure that affects permanent weight loss. Similarly, scurvy will not result from a diet containing little or no vitamin С for a few days, unless such practices are repeated for long periods.

It is very difficult to predict the exact effects of any particular diet on health, because there is a great variation in individual needs for energy and for other nutrient. But still it is a good nutritional practice to develop basic eating patterns that is the way to good health. That is why any person should eat one or more balanced meals per day. The variety of foods must be chosen from among the cereals, vegetables, fruit, meat or fish, and dairy products. The diet is much more likely to contain enough vitamin C, for example, if fruit, fruit juices or vegetables are eaten every day than if they are eaten only at irregular intervals. Such guidelines are especially important for people whose needs are high and whose appetites may be small, such as young children.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення,1. The nutritional value of a person’s diet depends on...2. The variety of foods must be...3. The diet is much more likely to contain...4. It is very difficult to predict of any particular diet on...5. There is no food that can be...6. Similarly, scurvy will not result from...7. Such guidelines are especially important...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. foods / of / the variety / among / from / must / be / chosen / vegetables / the cereals / fruit / meat / or / fish / and / products / dairy.2. it / very difficult / is / of / to predict / effects / exact / any / diet / particular / because / on / health.3. the / value / nutritional / depends / of / on / diet / person’s / during / the mixture / foods / the course / eaten / months / and / years.4. the / likely / more / enough / is / to / contain / vitamin С / diet / much.

Текст 64I. Прочитайте текст.

Cereals 'Cereal grains are a major component of man’s diet throughout the world. In this country, wheat in the form of

bread, flour, cakes, biscuits together with other cereals provides more than a quarter of the total energy, protein, carbohydrate and iron in the average diet. Cereals also make a substantial contribution to the intake of many other nutrients, particularly calcium, niacin, thiamine and dietary fibre.

The distribution of nutrients within the wheat grain is not uniform. The concentration of protein, minerals and vitamins is higher in the germ and outer layers of grain. Thus, when wheat is milled to produce white flour, a

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proportion of the nutrients and dietary fibre is discarded with the bran and germ. Similar losses of minerals and vitamins occur in the milling of rice.

As a rule we use whole meal, brown and white flours. The flour and cereal are vitamins, particularly of the В-group. But it has little calcium. Wholemeal flour also contains more dietary fibre and physic acid, than brown or white flour. However, apart from the fibre content, nutritional differences between whole meal and the brown and white flours are not of great significance in a mixed diet. To make a large loaf of good quality, flours should contain sufficient gluten.II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. Cereals make a substantial contribution to...2. The distribution of nutrients...3. As a rule we use...4. Wholemeal flour contains...5. Nutritional differences between...6. When wheat is milled...7. Similar losses of minerals...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. flour / more / wholemeal / fibre / contains / dietary.2. wholemeal І between / and / differences / the brown and white / significant / in / are not / flours / a mixed diet.3. contain / flours / gluten / should / sufficient.4. major / diet / cereal grains / a / component / are / of /man’s.5. a quarter / bread / more / provides / total / than / of / the /energy.

Текст 65I. Прочитайте текст.

Candy and Cake through the AgesIn the ancient world, candies were made of honey and sweet fruits. Sugar cane was unknown until Alexander

the Great conquered India and discovered the “Sweet Sticks of the East”.During the centuries of the Middle Ages, the only sweets were honey cakes and sugar-coated pills called

“sugar plums”. By the end of the Middle Ages the demand for “sugar plums” became so great that they were sold in bakeshops instead of pharmacies. Sugar making again became popular.

It was just about this time that the Spanish conquerors discovered South Africa, and “Chocolate”. Chocolate was a bitter beverage made out of cocoa beans. The Spaniards decided to add some sugar to sweeten it and two hundred years later came upon the idea of serving it in solid form. Solid chocolate, however, was a delicacy only the rich could afford.

Even today the candy-eating customs differ greatly in various countries. The Ukrainian child is happy eating his candy with milk; ihe Mexican child prefers candy in the shape of human skulls. The German child’s first day at school is sweetened with a hugecardboard filled with candy, and in Turkey one day a year is called Candy Day, and throughout the day children get candies from every adult they meet.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. Sugar cane was unknown...2. During the centuries of the Middle Ages...3. It was just about this time that...4. The Spaniards decided...5. The Ukrainian child is happy...6. The Mexican child prefers...7. In Turkey one day a year...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. honey / fruits / made / candies / were / of / and / sweet.2. unknown / sugar cane / Alexander / the Great / India / was / until / conquered.3. beverage / made out / cocoa bean / of / chocolate / was / a bitter.4. a delicacy / solid / was / chocolate.5. differ / countries / candy-eating / greatly / customs / in / various.

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Tекст 66I. Прочитайте текст.

EggsEggs make a useful contribution to the daily intake of vitamin D, retinol, riboflavin, iodine, iron and

protein in the diet. For the elderly they can be an important source of protein, iron, vitamin В and vitamin D.The shell colour is related to the breed of hen rather than to nutrient content and in this respect, it is

unimportant. Similarly, a deep yellow yolk does not necessarily indicate high vitamin A content.When eggs are boiled or fried the proteins coagulate first in the white at about 60°C, then in the yolk. This

property ofcoagulation make eggs suitable for binding dry ingredients together in cooking, and for thickening sauces and soup. The black discoloration which is sometimes present around the yolk of hard- boiled eggs is iron sulphide. This blackening can be reduced by cooling the eggs in water, immediately, after cooking.

When egg whites are beaten, the proteins will hold air and form a stable foam, which coagulates or sets at a very low temperature. Eggs are also used as raising agents, for example, in sponge cakes. In mayonnaise eggs are used to promote the emulsification.

During heating some of the heat-sensitive В-vitamins are lost. For example, the average loss of thiamine and riboflavin, which results from boiling, frying scrambling is between 5 and 15 per cent.

II. Виберіть у тексті по грібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. During heating...2. The average loss of...3. When egg whites are beaten...4. The black discoloration...5. A deep yellow yolk...6. The shell colour is related...7. Eggs make a useful...III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. an important / eggs / can / protein / of / iron / be / vitamin В /source /.2. eggs / the proteins / are boiled / when / fried / or /coagulate /.

3. eggs / cooking / suitable /' makes / in / coagulation /.

4. agent / also / as / eggs / are / raising / used /.5. emulsification / used. / in / to promote / the / eggs / are / mayonnaise /.

Текст 67I. Прочитайте текст.

English CookeryEnglish dishes differ from Ukrainian ones. There exists a certain difference in dishes, especially in the first

courses.Ukrainian soups are almost thick with a lot of vegetables and meat in them, as borshch, for example. Besides,

they like to put a spoonful of sour cream into borshch, which is very tasty but quite unknown in England. Englishmen prefer thin*soups.

The menu. Appetizers are small, piquant dishes. There are cold and hot appetizers.Examples: fruit cocktail; smoked salmon, sardines with toast, pineapple juice, grape fruits.Soups. If there is no appetizer the meal is usually begun with soup. There are clear soups and thick soups.

Exotic soups are mostly clear soups. Thick soups are rich and heavy.Vegetables. Many English people like vegetables and salads. Salad dressing (a mixture of oil, vinegar or

lemon juice, salt, pepper) is poured over the salad to season it.Dessert is the last course of a good dinner. It may consist of hot sweets, cold sweets or cake with a cup of

coffee, fruit, ice-cream or cheese. Pies and puddings are very popular in England, but ice cream is perhaps the favourite dish.

How to make good tea? Always warm the pot. Fill the kettle with fresh water and bring just to the boil before pouring over the tea. Allow it to infuse for three to four minutes before pouring. Quantities of tea will vary according to personal taste, but the old ruling, one teaspoonful for each cup and one for a teapot is a good average amount.II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. There exists a certain difference...

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2. Quantities of tea...3. . Fill the kettle with...4. Pies and puddings are...5. If there is no appetizer...6. Ukrainian soups are...7. Dessert may consist of...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. Ukrainian / English / from / dishes / ones / differ.2. soups / Englishmen / thin / prefer.3. vegetables / people / many / like / and / salads / English.4. soups / thick / clear / there are / and / soups.5. good / dessert / last course / the / a good dinner / is / of.

Текст 68I. Прочитайте текст.

English Meals and MealtimesThere is not much variety in English cuisine, though it is not bad at all. Meat and fish are excellent, but

English soups, vegetables and sweet dishes are much worse than those on the Continent are.The usual English meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner; or in some families breakfast, dinner, tea and

supper. The English are very particular about their meals and strictly keep to their meal times.The traditional English breakfast is a substantial meal. It does not just consist of a cup of coffee with milk

and sugar, and of bread or toast with butter and jam. As a rule, it begins with porridge (oatmeal boiled in water or milk). It can be also corn flakes with milk instead of porridge. Then come ham and eggs or eggs and bacon, marmalade (usually made of oranges) with buttered toast, and tea or coffee. But many English workers have neither time nor money to enjoy this traditional English breakfast every day. They have it only on Sundays or when they are on holiday. And very often they have just a cup of tea and a slice of bread or toast.

Lunch is about one o’clock. It is a simple meal. Many people go to a cafe or a restaurant, where they can find fish, steak and chips or cold meat, boiled or fried potatoes. Many people like some mixed pickles or piece of cheese with it.

Dinner is a principal meal in England. A menu usually consists of an appetizer course (hors-d’oeuvre), a soup, an entree, the main dish and a dessert. A small dinner consists of an appetizer or soup, a main dish and dessert. Those who take an “early” dinner (at noon) have supper in the evening. So supper isn’t an obligatory meal in England.

Supper is a cold meal. It consists of all kinds of sausages, cold meat, tinned fish, cheese, mixed pickles and some bread and butter.

At five o’clock Englishmen have tea. But it is not a substantial meal, it is simply tea when they chat over a cup of tea with one’s friends or family. As a rule Englishmen like strong tea with two or three lumps of sugar, with milk or cream. Some prefer “Russian tea” with a slice of lemon. Usually they have their tea with buttered rolls, pastries, cream or sponge cakes.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. English breakfast consists of...2. Many English workers...3. Very often English workers have just...4. Many people go...5. Dinner menu usually consists of...6. Supper isn't...7. As a rule Englishmen like strong...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. cuisine / at all / English / is not / bad.2. particular / English / very / the / about / meals / are / their.3. substantial / traditional / English / the / breakfast / is / a /meal.

4. englishmen / tea / at five / have / o’clock.5. a principal / dinner / in / meal / is / England.

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Текст 69I. Прочитайте текст.

CookingBefore foods can be eaten they have to be prepared. For some foods the process may be simple, as in the

peeling of an orange. For others it may be complicated: for example, wheat grain must be separated from inedible parts and milled into flour. Only then it can be baked into bread. At each stage some of the nutrients will be destroyed, whether the process takes place in a factory or in the home. If the food is stored for long periods, the nutrients may also be reduced particularly if conditions are not ideal. Although these losses are not of great importance if a good mixed diet is eaten, it is nevertheless desirable that the losses are kept to a minimum.

For cooking heat is usually applied. It occurs in one of threeways:a) Directly, with or without fat - in roasting, grilling and baking (120-250°C), and microwave cooking.b) With water - in boiling, stewing and braising (100 C).c) With fat - frying (155-225°C).

Heat causes chemical and physical changes in food. It makes the flavour, palatability and digestibility of the raw product more acceptable and may improve its keeping quality. But cooking more usually results in the loss of nutrients, this being the greatest at high temperature with long cooking times, or if an excessive amount of liquid is used.

The losses of soluble vitamins and minerals are reduced if meat juices and water are used in gravies, for example. The effects of microwaves and infra-red cooking on nutrients are similar to the effects of the more traditional methods they replace. When used for re heating, they cause additional destruction of nutrients.II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. For some foods the process...2. If the food is stored...3. В efore foods can...4. Heat makes...5. The losses of soluble...6. The effects of microwaves...7. At each stage some...

ІП. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. heat / cooking / applied / is / usually / for.2. one / of / heat / in / occurs / three ways.3. food / heat / chemical / changes / and / causes / physical / in.4. nutrients / usually / in / results / cooking / the loss / of.5. used / cause / microwave / cause / of / destruction / when / for / re-heating / additional / nutrients.

Текст 70І. Прочитайте текст.

BeveragesIn alcoholic drinks, the alcohol is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and utilized as a source of energy.

One gram of alcohol provides 7 kilocalories. Carbohydrate may be presented in different proportions of alcohol and this provides additional energy. Chronic alcoholics may obtain a large proportion of their energy intake from alcohol and eat very little food. Spirits contain no vitamins and displacement of food by alcoholic drinks leads to a marked reduction in the intake of protein, vitamins and many other nutrients.

Whisky, gin, beer are considered as alcoholic drinks. Whisky originated in Ireland and then spread to Scotland. There are two sorts of whisky - malt whisky, made from malted barley only, and the lighter grain whisky, produced from non-malted barley with an added mixture of maize or rye. Whisky does not change in any way once it has been bottled. The most famous whiskies are Scotch, Irish, Canadian and Bourbon. You may drink whisky either neat or diluted with water or any other soft drink.

Beer has long remained the most popular “long drink” with British people. Its different varieties - pale ale or stout, mild or bitter are offered to the consumer. Ale means any beer which is not stout. Stout is a beer brewed from highly dried malts with a proportion of roast barley. Stout ranks among the strong beers.

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П. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. In alcoholic drinks the alcohol is...2. Carbohydrate may be presented in...3. Displacement of food by alcohol drinks leads to...4. Whisky originated in...5. Whisky doesn’t change...6. Ale means any beer...7. Stout is a beer...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. alcohol / gram / 7 kilocalories / provides / one / of.2. vitamins / contain / no / spirits.3. drinks / beer / as / considered / alcoholic / whisky / are / and.4. sorts / two / of / there are / whisky.5. people / beer / the most / remained / drink / popular / with / has long / British.

Текст 71I. Прочитайте текст.

Milk ProductsCream. Cream is derived from fresh milk either by skimming off the fatty layer, which rises to the surface or

in a mechanical separator. In a mechanical separator the cream of any desired fat content may be obtained. The constituents of cream are the same as those of milk, but in a different proportion. Minimum fat contents for different types of cream can be specified:

half cream, 12 per cent by weight as milk fat; single cream, 18 per cent; whipping cream, 35 per cent; double cream. 48 per cent;

o clotted cream, 55 per cent.These compare with 3.9 per cent fat in milk.Yogurt. The nutritional value of yogurt is the same as that of the milk. Minor ingredients are used in its

preparation. Most commercial yogurts are based either on whole milk or on skimmed milk. Dried skimmed milk may be added to produce a firmer consistency. Flavourings, fruit juices, fruit, nuts and sugar are often incorporated to give a varied product. Some varieties of yogurt are fortified with vitamins A and D.

Ice-cream. The nutrient composition of dairy ice-cream varies with the amounts of sugar, milk, dried milk; butterfat and cream which it contains. It can make a useful contribution to the daily intake of energy and calcium, particularly for people who have small appetites or who do not drink milk. However, most ice-cream is based on skimmed milk with non-dairy fats instead of milk fat.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. The constituents of cream...2. The nutritional value of yogurt...3. The nutrient composition of...4. In a mechanical separator the cream...5. Dried skimmed milk may be added...6. Flavourings, nuts, sugars are...7. Some varieties of yogurt...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1 . milk / from / cream / derived і fresh і is / skimming off /by.2 . cream / milk / in / separator / derived / from / a mechanical / is.3 . skimmed / most / yogurts / based / commercial / are / on /milk4 . useful / ice cream / can / contribution / a / daily / energy / of / make / to / the / intake.5 . milk / based / most / skimmed / is / ice-cream / on.

Текст 72I. Прочитайте текст.


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The best change for any meal of the day is fish. It is a valuable sourceof protein, which is of a similar quality to that of meat and milk. The amount of fat in different kinds of fish

varies greatly. The flesh of white fish, such as cod, haddock and whiting contains only 1-2 per cent fat. However, its amount in fatty fish (herring, mackerel, trout and salmon) varies from 10 per cent to more than 20 per cent. The vitamin content of white fish is similar to that of lean meat. The fat-soluble vitamins A and D are present in the llesh of fatty fish in the livers of fish, such as cold. Fish flesh also contains a certain amount of minerals including iodine. If the bones are eaten, as for example in sardines and canned salmon, these are good sources of calcium, phosphorus and fluoride.

The changes that occur when fish is cooked are similar to those in meat but the shrinkage is not so great. Losses of mineral salts are proportional to the loss of water. The vitamins A and D in fatty fish are both heat-stable. When fish is canned or cured by smoking there is some loss of thiamine, but generally these processes have little effect on the nutrients in fish. Modern methods of freezing do not affect the nutritive value. For estimating the cooked weight of fish, a loss of about 15 per cent may be assumed on gentle cooking. However, fish fried in butter and fried fish products usually gain fat on cooking.II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. The best change for...2. The vitamin content in white fish...3. The changes that occur...4. Losses of mineral salts...5. When fish is canned...6. Modem methods of freezing...7. Fish fried in butter...III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. source / fish / protein / is / a valuable / of.2. fish / greatly / fat / varies / the amount / of / different / in / kinds / of.3. a certain / contains / of / fish / amount / minerals.4. calcium / fish / good / phosphorus / sources / are / bones / of / and / fluoride.5. fat / products / usually / fried / gain / on cooking / fish.

Текст 73I. Прочитайте текст.

Fruit and VegetablesFruit and vegetables are nutritionally very important, because they are a major source of vitamin С in the

diet. However, its amount in different fruit and vegetables varies greatly and will always be lower after cooking.Vegetables take the larger part in the average diet not only for their nutritional value but for their

influence on the whole process of digestion. Vegetables are recognized practically by the cuisine of every country. They are eaten not only as garnishes to meat and fish but as separate dishes too.

Potato is a starchy food. Carrot is rich in vitamin A, cabbage in vitamin C. Onion and garlic enhance the flavour of a dish and are known for their antibiotic properties. Radish, beetroot, horse-radish, lettuce intensify activity of pancreas.

Fruit and berries make not only a good dessert but an accompaniment course too. They are used for making cakes, jams, jellies, ice-creams, etc. Blackcurrants are exceptionally rich in vitamin C. They are followed by strawberries and other soft fruits, oranges, grapefruit and many fruit juices. Apples, bananas, cherries are examples of fruits which contain much less of the vitamin С and in this respcct they are not compared with green vegetables. To some fruit products, such as apple juice for example, vitamin С may be added. Most fruits also contain sugars and small amounts of other minerals. Fruit juices are made from concentrated juice and theyretain their vitamin С well during prolonged storage. But once package is opened it will slowly be lost through oxidation.

Dried fruits do not contain vitamin C. Prunes and dried apricots are also useful sources of B-carotene. Nuts and nut products are rich in fat and protein and are a concentrated source of energy. They are a good source of the B-vitamins, but contain no vitamins A or C.

II. Виберіть у тексті потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.1. Vegetables are recognized...2. They are eaten...3. Fruit and barriers are used...

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4. Apples, cherries are examples of...5. Most fruit contain...6. Fruit juices are made from...7. Nuts and nut products...

III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. source / vegetables / vitamin С / of / are / fruit / and / a major.2. digestion / the whole / vegetables / on / process / of / influence.3. food / is / potato / a starchy.4. vitamin A / is / carrot / rich / in.5. dessert / make / berries / a good / fruit / and.

Текст 74I. Прочитайте текст.

Meat and Its Importance in the DietBesides dairy-produced stock-breeding provides us with meat, which plays an important role in our daily

diet. It is a good source of protein, of iron and zink. Pork, bacon, ham are rich in thiamine. Liver and kidneys are vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin and В vitamins. Sweetbreads and tripe are useful and easily digestible sources of animal protein. Tripe also contains more calcium than other meats. This is derived from the time, which it is treated during preparation.

Chicken, turkey, liver and kidney contain less fat than most carcass meat and their energy is therefore lower. Much of the fat can nevertheless be trimmed from beef, lamb and pork before or after cooking. Due to the growth of the broiler industry, consumption of poultry meat is much greater nowadays. Small differences in the nutrient composition of broiler chickens and free-range chickens are of no significance in a mixed diet.

The eating quality of meat is greatly determined by the proportion of connective tissue and muscle fibres in a particular cut and the amount of fat that is present within the lean.

H. Виберіть потрібну інформацію та закінчіть речення.I. Liver and kidneys are rich in...2. Sweetbreads and tripe are...3. Chicken and turkey contain...4. Much of the fat can be trimmed...5. Small differences in...6. The eating quality of meat is...7. Stock-breading provides us...III. Утворіть речення з даних слів (на основі тексту).1. diet / meat / an important / in / plays / daily / our / role.2. protein / is / meat / source / quality / a good / of high.3. thiamine / pork / are / in / ham / and / rich.4. meats / contains / more / tripe / than / other / calcium.5. nowadays / poultry / much / consumption / of / meat / is /greater.

Граматичні завдання

Варіант 76І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них діеслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. People from many parts of the world come to Oxford University.2. Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts.3. People’s deputies were discussing the new law for 2 hours.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. It’s necessary to fill in...declaration when you're abroad.

a) a: b)-; c) the; d)an

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2. He knows ...did it.a) who; b) which; c) what; d) that.

3.This dessert is ... the one you made last night.a) sweeter than; b) sweetest; c) sweet as; d) more sweeter than.

4.Our telephone is out of order. Something is wrong...the line.a)


b) of; c) out; d)on.

5. May I take this magazine? No, you....1. may not;2. can’t;3. mustn’t;4. have to.

6. This time last year she ... for her F.C.E. exam.`1. prepared;2. was preparing;3. has prepared;4. is preparing.

7. The secretary said that all the necessary information ... sent to the firm.1. was;2. had been;3. is;4. has been.

Варіант 77І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них діеслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. Health is better than wealth.2. The Cabinet of Ministers carries out domestic and foreign policy of the State.3. During the 19 th century London spread rapidly into thesuburbs.

ІІ Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. ...British firm Bent and Co. wanted to buy a few computers.

a) a;b) the;c) cd) these

2. It must have been he ... we saw at the cinema.a) whom;b) that;c) who;d) which.

3.There aren’t... conveniences in the house.

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a) some;b) no;c) any; /

d) much.4.When he heard the telephone ringing, he took ... the receiver.

a) . on;b) down;c) .up;d) d. from.

3. It was a very difficult text. I... look up many words in the dictionary. a). must; b). have to; c.) had to; d) must to.

6. …a decision yet.a. haven’t made;b. made;

c. am making;d. will make.

7. any manufactured goods been exported lately?a. has;b. are;c.have;d.were.

Варіант 78І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів

1. We deliver equipment at lower prices.2. The documents were not sent by fax.3. Each country has its own basic monetary unit.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in ... North America.a)a) the;b) a;c) an.

2. All of ... have brown eyes.a) they;b) their;c) them;d) us.

3. The London underground is the ... in the world.a) old;b) oldest;c) older;d) new.

4. I would like to ask ... an appointment.a) from;b) for;c) to;

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d) behind.

5. Ann ... finish this work yesterday.a) cannot;c) won’t be able;d) must.

6. Radio sets ... at our plant.

a) are made;b) are being made;c) made;d) are being.

7. We ... you 5% discount.

a) has give;b) will give;c) shall give;d) are given.b) couldn’t;

Варіант 79І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-нрисудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. Your price corresponds to world prices.2. She sent the letter by fax.3. The economic independence of the country will be illustrated by many factors.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. ... Grants are the couple with whom we are negotiating.a)b) The;c) This;d) A.

2. We decorated this room ...a) ourself;b) yourself;c) ourselves;d) yourselves.

3. St. Petersburg is one of the ... cities in the world.a) beautiful;b) more beautiful;

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c) most beautiful;d) beautifulest.

4. Were you interviewed ... Mr. Cooper?a) by;b) in;c) for;d) at.

5. You ... take this book if necessary.a) can;b) may;a) large;b) largest;c) larger;d) small.

1. Please, fill... this application form.a) on;b) at;c) in;d) to.

2. You ... worry about it.a) not must;b) don’t must;c) must not;d) need not.

3. We ... more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions of our country.a) has;b) have to;c) has not;d) have.4. The article ... into English.a) was translating;b) was translated;c) translated;d) were translated.

Варіант 80І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-нрисудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. Your price corresponds to world prices.5. She sent the letter by fax.6. The economic independence of the country will be illustrated by many factors.

III. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.6. ... Grants are the couple with whom we are negotiating.a)e) The;f) This;g) A.

7. We decorated this room ...e) ourself;f) yourself;g) ourselves;h) yourselves.

8. St. Petersburg is one of the ... cities in the world.

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e) beautiful;f) more beautiful;g) most beautiful;h) beautifulest.

9. Were you interviewed ... Mr. Cooper?e) by;f) in;g) for;h) at.

10. You ... take this book if necessary.c) can;d) may;e) large;f) largest;g) larger;h) small.

5. Please, fill... this application form.e) on;f) at;g) in;h) to.

6. You ... worry about it.e) not must;f) don’t must;g) must not;h) need not.

7. We ... more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions of our country.e) has;f) have to;g) has not;h) have.8. The article ... into English.d) was translating;e) was translated;f) translated;d) were translated.

Варіант 81І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених дієслів,1. In Britain people had begun to use copper coins before the arrival of the Romans.2. We can start our talks on prices.3. The Internet was designed to survive in a nuclear war.II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. May is ... fifth month of the year.a) the;b) a;c) an;2. -.... is no need to advertise the house in the newspaper.a) There;b) It;c) This;d) That.

3. We should eat... food.

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a) healthy;b) healthier;c) the healthiest;d) health.

4. I am engaged now. Will you call me ... an hour?a) at;b) from;c) in;d) by.

5. The meeting ... begin at 5 o'clock.a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) can.

6. I didn't... he was at office.a) to think;b) think;c) thinking;d) thought.

7. The shop ... at 8 o'clock.a) will be closed;b) will close;c) will have been closed;d) closed

Варіант 82I. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. The Constitution of Ukraine establishes the political system of the country.5. London has a well-developed transport system.6. America was discovered by Columbus.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I do not like milk in ... coffee.a)b) the;

a) a;b) an.

2. We have reserved a room for ... at the Grand Hotel.a) our;b) he;c) you;d) your.

3. It isn't as ... today as it was yesterday.a) warmer;b) the warmest;c) warm;d) colder.

4. I like travelling ... a boat.a) on;b) with;c) for;

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d) to.

5. You ... go there by train,1. can; My composition is not so ... as yours.a) long;b) longer;c) the longest;d) tall.

4.1 prefer to go ... sea.a) by;b) in;c) with;d) on. --

5. She ... translate the text into Ukrainian.a) can;b) can to;

c)c) may.

6. In the afternoon we ... shopping.a) were doing;b) was doing;c) is doing;d) am doing.

7. The fire... out with water.a) put;b) was put;c) has put;d) can put.

Варіант 83I. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову

форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.2. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.3. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemsa) An;b) The;c) These;d) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.a) He;b) They;c) I;d) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.a) wide;b) the widest;c) wider;d) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.a) by;b) with;

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c) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.a) am to;b) is to;c) are to;d) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.a) had read;b) has read;c) were reading;d) is reading.

7. The box ... to the station.a) must be;b) must be taken;c) must take;d) take.

Варіант 84І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. The operator puts data into the computer and gives instructions.2. They insisted on receiving payment by the 31st of January.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожногоречення та заповніть пропуски.

1. I bought... English books and an umbrella.а) any;Ь) some;с) somebody;d) something.

2. Today is ... first of January.

а) a;Ь) an;с) the;d) that.

3. Which is ... , the United States or Canada?

а) large;Ь) the largest;с) more large;d) iarger.

3. Prices also can be set by the government.

4. London is the capital ... Great Britain.а) of;Ь) from;с) for;d) to.

5. I hope the firm ... reduce its prices.

а) will be able;Ь) will be able to;с) shall be able to;d) have to.

6. This tie ... the suit.

а) is matching;

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Ь) matches;с) shall match;d) not matches.

7. I... often ... about it.

а) has been ... asked;Ь) has ... been asked;с) have been ... asked;d) is... asked.

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Варіант 85І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. Our bank is becoming more popular with the citizens of llie town.2. Prices are related to each other in different ways.3. A computer solves mathematical problems very rapidly.II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожногоречення та заповніть пропуски.1. ... computers cost about $ 600.a) А;b) An;c) The;d)

2. I tried on a pair ... Italian shoes.a) of;b) to;c)c) for.

3. The ... trees in the world grow in California.a) tall;b) tallest;c) taller;d) -.

4. They have decided to buy ... fur coat.a) this;b) these;c) those;d) anything.

5. Smoking ... here.a) are not allowed;b) are allowed;c) is not allowed;d) is not allowed to.

6. Most of the people ... from one department to another.a) were wandering;b) was wandering;c) were wandered;d) was wandered.

7. This shop ... 2 years ago.a) were established;b) was established;c) is established;d) is establishing

Варіант 86

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.2. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.3. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.

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a) the;b) a;c) an;

2. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.

d) -.7. They... tomorrow.

a) will come;b) come;c) has come;d) have come.

Варіант 87

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.5. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.6. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.2. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.e) the;f) a;g) an;

3. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;

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b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.


7. They... tomorrow.a) will come;b) come;c) has come;d) have come.

Варіант 88

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.2. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.3. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.a) the;b) a;c) an;

4. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

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5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.

h) -.7. They... tomorrow.

a) will come;b) come;c) has come;d) have come.

Варіант 89І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. The conference will be attended by the lawyers from Ukraine.2. Ukraine is a Unitarian state with single citizenship.3. A pound sterling consists of 100 pence.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1.Every day my ... brother gets up at 6 o’clock.

a) -;b) the;c) a;d) an.

2.There is not... time to waste.a) some;b) for;c) any;d) anything.

3.The rivers in America are much ... than those in England.a) big;b) bigger;c) biggest; td)-.

4.Please, hold ... and I will find your number.a) of;b) on;c)at;d)it.

5. You ... solve this problem without my help.a) can;b) is able to;c) am able to;d) might.

6. What...?a) does she want;b) does she wants;c) she wants;d) she want.

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7. The picture .. .to me later.a) will be showed;b) will be shown;c) will show;d) shall be shown.

Варіант 90І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. Your prices are at the level of world prices.2. The Board of Directors had to discuss this question at the last meeting.3. Most imported goods must be paid for in the currency of the selling country.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I spent... very interesting holiday in England.

a) the;b) these;c) a;d) -•

2. I have not given ... permission to borrow my calculator.a) anyone;b) somebody;c) this;d) no one.

3. This was the ... test I’ve ever done.a) easiest;b) easy;c) easier;d) most easiest.

4. Did you put your signature ... this application form? a) in; b) on; c) at; d) for.

5. You ... work hard at your English.a) am able to;b) has toc) should;d) may.

6. We cannot go out now. It... hard.

a) rains;b) rain;c) rained;d) is raining.

7. It... to us how the accident had happened.

a) is explaining;b) was explained;c) was explaining;d) had explained.

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Варіант 911.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.2. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.3. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemsa) An;b) The;c) These;d) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.a) He;b) They;c) I;d) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.e) wide;f) the widest;g) wider;h) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.a) by;b) with;c) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.a) am to;b) is to;c) are to;d) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.a) had read;b) has read;c) were reading;d) is reading.

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7. The box ... to the station.a) must be;b) must be taken;c) must take;d) take.

Варіант 92І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. The operator puts data into the computer and gives instructions.2. They insisted on receiving payment by the 31st of January.

II. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожногоречення та заповніть пропуски.

1. I bought... English books and an umbrella.а) any;Ь) some;с) somebody;d) something.

2. Today is ... first of January.

а) a;Ь) an;с) the;d) that.

3. Which is ... , the United States or Canada?

а) large;Ь) the largest;с) more large;d) larger.

3. Prices also can be set by the government.

4. London is the capital ... Great Britain.а) of;Ь) from;с) for;d) to.

5. I hope the firm ... reduce its prices.

а) will be able;Ь) will be able to;с) shall be able to;d) have to.

6. This tie ... the suit.

а) is matching;Ь) matches;с) shall match;d) not matches.

7. I... often ... about it.

а) has been ... asked;Ь) has ... been asked;с) have been ... asked;d) is... asked.

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Варіант 93І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.1. Our bank is becoming more popular with the citizens of llie town.2. Prices are related to each other in different ways.3. A computer solves mathematical problems very rapidly.III. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожногоречення та заповніть пропуски.1.... computers cost about $ 600.d) А;e) An;f) The;d)

2. I tried on a pair ... Italian shoes.d) of;e) to;c)f) for.

3.The ... trees in the world grow in California.e) tall;f) tallest;g) taller;h) -.

4.They have decided to buy ... fur coat.e) this;f) these;g) those;h) anything.

5. Smoking ... here.e) are not allowed;f) are allowed;g) is not allowed;h) is not allowed to.

6. Most of the people ... from one department to another.e) were wandering;f) was wandering;g) were wandered;h) was wandered.

7. This shop ... 2 years ago.d) were established;e) was established;f) is established;d) is establishing

Варіант 94

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.7. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.8. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.9. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.3. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.

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i) the;j) a;k) an;

5. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.

l) -.7. They... tomorrow.

e) will come;f) come;g) has come;h) have come.

Варіант 95

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.10. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.11. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.12. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.4. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.m) the;n) a;o) an;

6. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;

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b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.


7. They... tomorrow.e) will come;f) come;g) has come;h) have come.

Варіант 96

І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. London was founded more than 2.000 years ago.5. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine.6. The British Parliament exists since 1265.

Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. William Shakespeare ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564.d) the;e) a;f) an;

7. Ann and Peter phone ... every day.a) them;b) themself;c) themselves;d) each other.

3. It is ... if you take the train.

a) quicker;b) the quicker;c) quickest;d) the quickest.

4. Can you finish the job ... Friday?

a) till;b) until;c) by;d) for.

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5. She ... return tomorrow.

a) are to;b) is to;c) have to;d) am to .6. We ... an interesting lecture yesterday.

a) are read;b) were read;c) will be read;d) will read.

p) -.7. They... tomorrow.

e) will come;f) come;g) has come;h) have come.

Варіант 97І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його

видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. The conference will be attended by the lawyers from Ukraine.5. Ukraine is a Unitarian state with single citizenship.6. A pound sterling consists of 100 pence.

III. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1.Every day my ... brother gets up at 6 o’clock.

e) -;f) the;g) a;h) an.

2.There is not... time to waste.e) some;f) for;g) any;h) anything.

3.The rivers in America are much ... than those in England.e) big;f) bigger;g) biggest; th)-.

4.Please, hold ... and I will find your number.e) of;f) on;g)at;h)it.

5. You ... solve this problem without my help.e) can;f) is able to;g) am able to;h) might.

6. What...?e) does she want;f) does she wants;g) she wants;h) she want.

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7. The picture .. .to me later.e) will be showed;f) will be shown;g) will show;h) shall be shown.

Варіант 98І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. Your prices are at the level of world prices.5. The Board of Directors had to discuss this question at the last meeting.6. Most imported goods must be paid for in the currency of the selling country.

III. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I spent... very interesting holiday in England.

e) the;f) these;g) a;h) -•

2. I have not given ... permission to borrow my calculator.e) anyone;f) somebody;g) this;h) no one.

3. This was the ... test I’ve ever done.e) easiest;f) easy;g) easier;h) most easiest.

4. Did you put your signature ... this application form? a) in; b) on; c) at; d) for.

5. You ... work hard at your English.c) am able to;c) should;d) may.

6. We cannot go out now. It... hard.

a) rains;b) rain;c) rained;d) is raining.

7. It... to us how the accident had happened.

a) is explaining;b) was explained;c) was explaining;d) had explained.

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Варіант 991.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.4. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.5. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.6. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemse) An;f) The;g) These;h) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.e) He;f) They;g) I;h) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.i) wide;j) the widest;k) wider;l) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.d) by;e) with;f) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.e) am to;f) is to;g) are to;h) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.e) had read;f) has read;g) were reading;h) is reading.

7. The box ... to the station.

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e) must be;f) must be taken;g) must take;h) take.

Варіант 1001.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.7. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.8. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.9. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemsi) An;j) The;k) These;l) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.i) He;j) They;k) I;l) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.m) wide;n) the widest;o) wider;p) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.g) by;h) with;i) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.i) am to;j) is to;k) are to;l) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.i) had read;j) has read;k) were reading;l) is reading.

7. The box ... to the station.i) must be;j) must be taken;k) must take;l) take.

Варіант 1011.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.10. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.11. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.

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12. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemsm) An;n) The;o) These;p) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.m) He;n) They;o) I;p) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.q) wide;r) the widest;s) wider;t) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.j) by;k) with;l) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.m) am to;n) is to;o) are to;p) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.m) had read;n) has read;o) were reading;p) is reading.

7. The box ... to the station.m) must be;n) must be taken;o) must take;p) take.

Варіант 1021.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дієслово-присудок і визначте його видо-чаеову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.13. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.14. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget.15. The House of Commons of the British Parliament is elected by the people.2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення га заповніть пропуски. 1. ... executive is successfully solving many problemsq) An;r) The;s) These;t) Those.

2. ... shall buy some jewellery for my girl-friend.q) He;r) They;

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s) I;t) me.

3.The English Channel is ... than (he Straits of Gibraltar.u) wide;v) the widest;w) wider;x) more wide.

4. The book was read ... teacher yesterday.m) by;n) with;o) to;5. from. He ... take part in the scientific conference.q) am to;r) is to;s) are to;t) be to.

6. I ... all the correspondence between your company and our Director.q) had read;r) has read;s) were reading;t) is reading.

7. The box ... to the station.q) must be;r) must be taken;s) must take;t) take.

Варіант 103І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.7. Your prices are at the level of world prices.8. The Board of Directors had to discuss this question at the last meeting.9. Most imported goods must be paid for in the currency of the selling country.

IV. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I spent... very interesting holiday in England.

i) the;j) these;k) a;l) -•

2. I have not given ... permission to borrow my calculator.i) anyone;j) somebody;k) this;l) no one.

3. This was the ... test I’ve ever done.i) easiest;j) easy;k) easier;l) most easiest.

4. Did you put your signature ... this application form? a) in; b) on; c) at;

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d) for.

5. You ... work hard at your English.d) am able to;c) should;d) may.

6. We cannot go out now. It... hard.

a) rains;b) rain;c) rained;d) is raining.

7. It... to us how the accident had happened.

a) is explaining;b) was explained;c) was explaining;d) had explained.

Варіант 104І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.10. Your prices are at the level of world prices.11. The Board of Directors had to discuss this question at the last meeting.12. Most imported goods must be paid for in the currency of the selling country.

V. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I spent... very interesting holiday in England.

m) the;n) these;o) a;p) -•

2. I have not given ... permission to borrow my calculator.m) anyone;n) somebody;o) this;p) no one.

3. This was the ... test I’ve ever done.m) easiest;n) easy;o) easier;

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p) most easiest.4. Did you put your signature ... this application form? a) in; b) on; c) at; d) for.

5. You ... work hard at your English.e) am able to;c) should;d) may.

6. We cannot go out now. It... hard.

a) rains;b) rain;c) rained;d) is raining.

7. It... to us how the accident had happened.

a) is explaining;b) was explained;c) was explaining;d) had explained.

Варіант 105І. Перепишіть речення, підкресліть у кожному з них дісслово-присудок і визначте його видо-

часову форму, стан та інфінітив. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.13. Your prices are at the level of world prices.14. The Board of Directors had to discuss this question at the last meeting.15. Most imported goods must be paid for in the currency of the selling country.

VI. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді до кожного речення та заповніть пропуски.1. I spent... very interesting holiday in England.

q) the;r) these;s) a;t) -•

2. I have not given ... permission to borrow my calculator.q) anyone;r) somebody;s) this;t) no one.

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3. This was the ... test I’ve ever done.q) easiest;r) easy;s) easier;t) most easiest.

4. Did you put your signature ... this application form? a) in; b) on; c) at; d) for.

5. You ... work hard at your English.f) am able to;c) should;d) may.

6. We cannot go out now. It... hard.

a) rains;b) rain;c) rained;d) is raining.

7. It... to us how the accident had happened.

a) is explaining;b) was explained;c) was explaining;d) had explained.


106. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.You have received some hard-earned vacation time. You saved enough money to take a one-week vacation

anywhere in the world you would like to go. Where will you go? Explain why you would visit this location. What will you see when you are there?

107. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Do you think that money can buy happiness? When has money made your life easier?

108. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Your partner from the UK decides to visit you in Ukraine. What Ukrainian dishes will you make to give

your friend a taste of Ukrainian food?

109. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.What role does technology play in our society? How has technology improved our lives? How has

technology made our lives worse?

110. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.The invention of the Internet has made it possible to communicate with people around the world instantly

and to gather information on any topic. Is the Internet a good or bad tool for people to use? Why?

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111. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today’s society? Describe where you see it. Explain why

you consider it to be so bad. How does it affect society as a whole and the individuals?

112. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Your pen pal from the USA asks you how things have changed in Ukraine since its independence. What, in

general, will you tell him/her? What are the most positive/negative changes that have happened since then?

113. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.You are going to start a new business. You have money, you have space, and you have workers. What

product/service will you sell? How will you advertise this product? Give a sample advertisement motto.

114. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.What stereotypes do you think foreigners have about Ukraine? Do you feel these stereotypes are correct?

What can you do to change these stereotypes?

115. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Advertise the hotel you are living in. What do you like there?

116. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.You are planning a visit to London. What would you like to see in London?

117. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.You are the President of a company. How many departments are there at the company? How many

managers work at the company? What is in your opinion the most important department?

118. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Write a letter to the sellers and state that you have read their advertisement of the new model and you have

got interested in it. You would like them to send you all the particulars concerning the delivery dates and the discount.

119. Прокоментуйте ситуацію письмово.Invite the business partners to visit your company, which is the largest supplier of this type of equipment

Page 50:  · Web viewThe origin of the word “marketing” is the Latin word “mercury” meaning, ... a magazine, a circular letter

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Page 51:  · Web viewThe origin of the word “marketing” is the Latin word “mercury” meaning, ... a magazine, a circular letter