bbt and hignfy

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  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    How are TBBT and HIGNFYdiferent?

    • AIM

    •  To consider the diferences between The Big Bang Theory and Have I gotNews or you

    •  To have a set o revision notes

     To test how quickly you can absorbknowledge

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    Easter evision andHo!ework

    • "ork though this #ower#oint $ rewriting with directe%a!&les' This !eans watching the shows and doingresearch'

    evision o AA section A o the e%a!  ( )sing handbook

      ( Handouts

      ( Te%t book

    The best thing is to practice the questions using realexamples Youtube! T"! Net#ix! $%& mo'ies! (nline search )*ction ad'enture+, I- &ou are unsure i- it isan ** .lm use &our codes and con'entions%nowledge////

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    0escribe the shows

    •  The Big Bang Theory isan *merican111111,,  set in a******++ that

    ollows the**********++ The co!edy co!es!ostly ro!


    • ,o!&lete'

    • Ha'e I Got News For You is a games showwhere two regular&anellists and two guest

    co!&ete to answerquestions about events inthe news+ Their ai! is tobe as unny as &ossiblewhile doing so+ The two

    regular &anellists areco!edian #aul Mertonand the satirical -ournalistIan Hislo&+

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    Two diferent sorts o- comed&?

    The Big Bang Theor& • .ituation ,o!edy

    •  The Big Bang Theory is adra!a+ The actors &lay

    characters delivering ascri&t+

    •  The Big Bang Theory has anarrative that is resolved inso!e way at the end o thee&isode+

    •  The hu!our in The Big Bang Theory co!es ro! everydaysituations

    • "hat else/

    HIGNFY • ,o!edy #anel ga!e

    • HI0N12

    is a &eror!ance+

     The &anellists &laythe!selves and it issu&&osed to be unscri&ted+

    • HI0N12 has a loosenarrative in which &layers

    co!&ete or &oints and thetea!s win or lose at theend3 but this is ar lessi!&ortant than the laughsgenerated along the way+

    • the hu!our in HI0N12co!es3 or e%a!&le3 ro!attacking the stu&idity o&eo&le and events in the

    news+ "hat else/



  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    How are the& aimed at diferentaudiences?

    The Big Bang Theor&

     Y oung adult audience

    It has a ast &acee%a!&le/

    •  2oung adult !aincharacters e%a!&le/

    • 4ten incor&orates rock3

    &o& and indie !usice%a!&le/

    • .i!ilar visual style toother sitco!s ai!ed atyoung audiences3 such as

    Everybody Hates ,hris


    • 4lder audiencee%a!&le/

    • Ai!ed at thoseinterested in the news $as it oten asksquestions about &oliticalevents e%a!&le/

    • Thereore it addressesan audience who wouldbe !ore likely to readnews&a&ers

    H(2 *34 TH4I3*50I4N64$ T*3G4T40?

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    Two diferent sorts o-channels?

    • a niche audience channelthat ai!s to a&&eal to theyoung audience that is veryattractive to advertisers

    • E5 is &art o a &ublic institution

    ( ,hannel 5 is owned by theBritish &ublic and is notdesigned to !ake a &ro6t+

    • However3 E5 is a co!!ercialchannel and a non(#.B digitalchannel+

    •  This !eans that E5 can showany &rogra!!es that it thinkswill attract an audience3 in anyorder+

    • mass audience channelthat ai!s to attract the ullrange o the British

    audience+•  The BB, is not -unded b&

    ad'ertising but by thelicence ee+

    •  Thereore it is a #.B and

    has a dut& to educate!in-orm and entertainthe whole British public,2hat else?

    •  This !eans BB,7

    programmes ha'e to bepopular! but have to havean e%tra quality ( being'er& well made! ha'ingeducational 'alue or

    re&resenting all thediferent &arts o Britain3

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    Two diferent sorts o-channels?

    • E5 can i!&ort lots o chea&A!erican &rogra!!es like

    .crubs and BBT+

    • E5 can show the sa!e&rogra!!e twice in a

    stripped schedule 8e+g+ at79+7: &! and 79+5: &!every day;+

    • E5 are co!&eting with lots

    o diferent digital channels3

    so it needs to have aschedule that is easy or thecasual viewer to understand( so it stri&s &rogra!!esacross the week+

    #.B channels have to showa lot o original !aterial

    •  #.B channels have tohave a !i%ed schedulewith diferent genres o&rogra!!es

    2hat other scheduling tric%s

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    0o the shows meet thechannels remit?

    • E5 is a young channel that3like ,hannel 53 ai!s to be!ore daring and e%citingthan its co!&etitors+

    • It needs a &rogra!!e thatis &o&ular3 entertaining3 butnot too !ainstrea! to 6tthis brand i!age+

    •  The big bang theory attractsthe right target audience

    and is resh and diferentenough to 6t E5

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY



    2hat about supporting cast?

    4xample? 8leasures?

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY



  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    0iferent audiencepleasures?

    •  The situation co!edyofers narrati'epleasures

    •we can ollow a story asit unolds throughout ane&isode and3 in the caseo BBT3 ro! one e&isodeto the ne%t+ E%a!&le/

    • 2e identi-& with oneor more o- thecharacters ( we eel orthe! and want the best

    or the!  E%a!&le/

    • 2e are rewarded aslo&al 'iewers byunderstanding events

    that are only e%&lainedby what ha&&ened in&revious e&isodes+E%a!&le/


  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    0iferent audiencepleasures?

    • "e get thepleasure o-narrati'eresolution+ Asitco! will haveone or a ewstorylines that

    co!e to so!e

    • BBT ofers a !i% oserious and co!icstorylines+

    • "e !ights&mpathise withcharacters as

    well as laugh atthem,

    • 4xample?

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    0iferent audiencepleasures?

    • Have I 0ot News1or 2ou also has anarrative3 but who

    wins the ga!e is!uch lessi!&ortant to theaudience than the

    laughs they get

    • 4ne &leasure that Have I 0ot News1or 2ou ofers that BBT doesn

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    T" $cheduling $trategies 3esearch/

    .chedulers need to attract an audience at the beginning o the day3 andkee& then watching right u& to the end+ This is achieved through a variety

    o diferent techniques+•airing trailers and teasers or shows later in the day3 creatingantici&ation+•6ounter programming > deliberately scheduling a diferent ty&e oshow to co!&eting channels e+g &rogra!!ing s&ort against a cookeryshow on a rival network+•

    8re>echo > &utting a new3 or less &o&ular show on beore a &o&ular onein order to catch the viewers that !ay tune in early+•Hammoc%ing> &utting a new3 or less &o&ular show on between two&o&ular shows so that viewers do not bother to turn of or over and watchthe new show+•Inheritance > &utting a new3 or less &o&ular show on ater a &o&ular

    show3 in the ho&e that viewers will re!ain trans6%ed by their T? set+•Hotswitching> going straight ro! the end o one show into thebeginning o another3 without giving the viewer the o&&ortunity to changethe channel+•$tripping> airing e&isodes o the sa!e show at the sa!e ti!e each day+ This !eans that the viewer knows when the show is on without having to

    look at a T? guide+ This is co!!on &ractice with news and talk shows+ It

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY




    • .crubs is scheduled**++Find out?

    • The a-ternoon slots are part o- therolling programme o- repeats withwhich 4 .lls its da&time schedules

    • BBT is scheduled beore the

    watershed! so has to be a &rogra!!ethat is suitable or children+ It 6ts thisrequire!ent because3 though it doescontain so!e se%ual content3 it is notse%ually e%&licit3 or violent3 and it doesnot contain e%cessive bad language+ Itis3 however3 a slick and reasonably adultco!edy that would a&&eal to a teenageaudience+

    •2hat is the watershed?

    e s o s e ore a'e oNews For You -rom pm to@ pm on BB6A are .lled with'er& 1111111111111!such as 111111111at pm! and the slot a-ter Ha'e

    I Got News For You is .lledwith a comed& 4xample? >ma%ing the @ till AC slot onFrida& nights a regularcomed& slot, This suggeststhat Ha'e I Got News For

     You is being aimed at alarge! mainstream audiencethat li%es to wind down tocomed& at the end o- thewee%,

    • Have I 0ot News 1or 2ou is

    scheduled -ust ater thewatershed,  This !eans it isallowed to eature adultcontent3 which is i!&ortant ora to&ical news show+

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    $imilar audiencepleasures?

    Both&rogra!!esuse verbal


    Both &rogra!!es have

    regular characters thatbeco!e a!iliar

    to regular viewers+


    deal with real(

    lie issues+

  • 8/9/2019 BBT and HIGNFY


    Easter evision andHo!ework

    • "ork though this #ower#oint $ rewriting with directe%a!&les' This !eans watching the shows and doingresearch'

    evision o AA section A o the e%a!  ( )sing handbook

      ( Handouts

      ( Te%t book

    The best thing is to practice the questions using realexamples Youtube! T"! Net#ix! $%& mo'ies! (nline search )*ction ad'enture+, I- &ou are unsure i- it isan ** .lm use &our codes and con'entions%nowledge////