bb guns...oh my!! the lamestream media's all out assault on guns!

Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control (which doesn't happen very often I might add), I had the misfortune of watching the local noontime news on WCSH Channel 6 (Maine). The news consisted of one assault after another against guns and gun ownership in the form of reporting EVERY SINGLE news item on gun violence they could find on the AP. On this particular day there were hardly any gun violence stories to report so in their desperation to continue their daily assaults and demonization of guns, they reported the following stories: A high school student who had a BB gun in a locked case in the trunk of his car was suspended for violating school policies. But (as the anchors vehemently stated) due to the existing lax gun control laws, he could not be charged criminally for bringing a gun (albeit a BB gun) onto school property. WHAT?!?! Oh the outrage and poison spewing out of the mouths of those 2 anchors was toxic!! And the next story? A 16 yr old shot a 6 yr old in the arm with a BB gun. The anchors were discussing how violent people have become (especially kids) and guns of every kind must be banned. Then they demonized the teenager and commented on how the kid should be jailed indefinitely for what he did; they intimated that he was a "serial killer" in the making!! NOW, don't get your panties into a twister....I am NOT condoning what this teenager did - it was wrong and he should be punished according to the law. But to say "put him in jail and throw away the key and make public assumptions that he is a future serial killer" is extreme and it would be a violation of his 14th Amendment rights to jail him indefinitely with no evidence. And to use incidents involving BB guns as an assault on guns and gun ownership is pathetic!! We MUST STOP the communists from taking away our 2nd Amendment rights!! Friday, February 7, 2014

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Post on 23-Aug-2014



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News reports focusing mainly on gun violence and when they cannot get enough stories to report, they resort to BB gun violence.


Page 1: BB Guns...Oh my!! The Lamestream Media's All Out Assault on Guns!

Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control (which doesn't happen very often I might add), I had the misfortune of watching the local noontime news on WCSH Channel 6 (Maine). The news consisted of one assault after another against guns and gun ownership in the form of reporting EVERY SINGLE news item on gun violence they could find on the AP. On this particular day there were hardly any gun violence stories to report so in their desperation to continue their daily assaults and demonization of guns, they reported the following stories:

A high school student who had a BB gun in a locked case in the trunk of his car was suspended for violating school policies. But (as the anchors vehemently stated) due to the existing lax gun control laws, he could not be charged criminally for bringing a gun (albeit a BB gun) onto school property. WHAT?!?! Oh the outrage and poison spewing out of the mouths of those 2 anchors was toxic!!

And the next story? A 16 yr old shot a 6 yr old in the arm with a BB gun. The anchors were discussing how violent people have become (especially kids) and guns of every kind must be banned. Then they demonized the teenager and commented on how the kid should be jailed indefinitely for what he did; they intimated that he was a "serial killer" in the making!! NOW, don't get your panties into a twister....I am NOT condoning what this teenager did - it was wrong and he should be punished according to the law. But to say "put him in jail and throw away the key and make public assumptions that he is a future serial killer" is extreme and it would be a violation of his 14th Amendment rights to jail him indefinitely with no evidence.

And to use incidents involving BB guns as an assault on guns and gun ownership is pathetic!! We MUST STOP the communists from taking away our 2nd Amendment rights!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Page 2: BB Guns...Oh my!! The Lamestream Media's All Out Assault on Guns!

God, if we had these NUT JOB COMMUNISTS running everything, when I was a kid, like they do today, we'd all have been jailed because I gotta tell ya: we ALWAYS shot each other with the dang BB guns!! The older cousins would shoot us younger cousins all the time (and vice versa) as we played cowboys and indians out in the back 40!! We would ride the horses bareback with only halters & baling twine and jump out of the apple trees knocking each other off the horses or if that was impossible, we'd just shoot each other off the horses! I smile and let out a little chuckle as I recall my youth on the farm - WE HAD FUN - it was great times!!

Yeah, sure it was hard work and yes we got hurt from time to time - scuffed knees, bleeding, bruises, sprains, scrapes and big ole wood and hay splinters BUT no broken bones - and yes, there was a tear or two or three shed - heck even the boys cried, although they'd never admit it today - but all in all, it was great fun!! Although had my aunt or uncle caught us, we would have had a red and blistered rear-end and then been banished to the cow bow to manually shovel manure!! Thankfully, us kids were pretty savvy and avoided the twitch and the manure pile!! LOL!! Oh, and don't even get me going about all the craziness that occurred in the cow and hay barns!! Oh, the memories....LOL!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Page 3: BB Guns...Oh my!! The Lamestream Media's All Out Assault on Guns!

The problem with today's kids is that they're stuck inside on video games, computers, smart phones or watching mindless TV. Kids today don't go outside and PLAY anymore, it's sad.

I would NOT want to be a kid today. The 60's and early 70's were a great time be a kid!! We were taught good wholesome values, we were expected to work (chores), we sat down to dinner every night as a family (and we ate whatever was put in front of us, there was no fussing allowed), and God and patriotism to our Country were a daily part of our lives. Nope, you couldn't pay me enough to return to my youth in today's climate - too much BS happening every day. I just wished I had lived and died before seeing my beloved Country destroyed by Communists without anyone so much as lifting a finger to stop it.

Friday, February 7, 2014