bana balang april 2011

Distribution: North West and Northern Cape Province Distribution: North West and Northern Cape Province Issue 3/2011 - 10th year running • Grade 1 -12 FUNDED BY

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Yout magazine in mother Tongue distributed to 100 000 learners within the North West province.


Page 1: Bana Balang April 2011

Distribution: North West and Northern Cape ProvinceDistribution: North West and Northern Cape Province

Issue 3/2011 - 10th year running • Grade 1 -12


Page 2: Bana Balang April 2011

2 Bana Balang

p 3 - Dream it - Achieve it! p 4 - Music, Winter Fashionp 5 - Dr Eve Stop Smokingp 6 - Water in your body

We would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Write to us with any new ideas you might have.BANA BALANG TEAM, PO Box 2011, Potchefstroom, 2520 or you could fax us on 0866 126 988 or e-mail us on [email protected]

Manager: Hubertus Mostert Editor: Sonja Vermaak - [email protected] Translation: Translations team - [email protected] Peter T. Mokgwe - [email protected] & Sales: Letitia Mostert - [email protected] Miles Mokwena - [email protected] Thabo Mpolokeng - [email protected]: Evelyn Piek - [email protected]

Publisher’s Details

p 14 - Importance of computers p 15 - Rebecca Malope The woman behind the voice - Killer Sudokup 16 - Bursary ful� l your dreams



Distribution: 100 000 copies distributed twice per quarter to schools in urban and rural areas of North West and Northern Cape.

Speak your mind

Bana Balang is published by the Ithuteng Dipuo Foundation as a service to the youth of the North West and parts of Northern Cape Provinces and teachers and parents.PO BOX 2011, Potchefstroom, 2520Tel: 018 297 1097 Fax: 0866 989 227 E-mail: [email protected]

Bana Balang Project is supported by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund

The NLDTF relies on funds generated by the National Lottery. The Lotteries Act identi� es the manner in which NLDTF funding may be allocated. The Minister of Trade & Industry, on the recommendation of the industry experts in the relevant Distributing Agency, makes the policy that guides the allocation of funds to bene� ciaries. It is the aim of the NLDTF that the grants made will make a difference to the lives of all South Africans, especially those more vulnerable. The NLDTF is dedicated to improving sustainability of the bene� ciary organisations it funds.

The NLDTF currently has in the region of R2 billion a year to distribute to registered non-pro� t or-ganisations in the � elds of charities; arts, culture and national heritage; and sport and recreation that meet the qualifying criteria.

The NLDTF places emphasis on areas of greatest need and greatest potential, so that all South Africans can gain from, and contribute to, South Africa’s development.

Ster Kinekor Tickets to be wonJust answer the easy question

Closing date: 10 June 2011

page7 to 10

This issue of Bana Balang is packed with information regarding, fashion, music, health issues, road safety, competitions and information regarding bursaries for further education.Our learning pages offer help to learners of various grades and we feature a woman whose talents, skills and perseverance have taken her very far. We also have a survey about the importance of computers in schools and some fun stuff to do too.Keep your eyes wide open for our Public Safety Roadshow

Public Safety Roadshow

eyatla gaotshwane mo sekolong sa lona

Gona le dimpho tse ngata tse dintle!!

that will be coming to schools soon. This roadshow promises great fun with fantastic giveaways.If you are an NGO, CBO or NPO you could attend the Ithuteng Dipuo Foundation’s Waste Management Workshop.For more information please call 0861 111 927 or email us at [email protected].

I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to read and learn something new every day!

From the editor

Page 3: Bana Balang April 2011

3Bana Balang

Desteny Child is the clothing brand of Ms. Seipati Mphatsoe. Her excellent handwork in primary school resulted in her getting a sponsorship from the Foschini group.

We interviewed Ms. Mphatsoe. Here is a little bit of insight into her life. In grade 4 my teachers acknowledged the fact that I was doing very well in my school work. I worked very hard and they saw my talent in needlework so they applied for a sponsorship for me for school clothing, as my family could not afford it.

How did you get the sponsorship from the Foschini group for your school?



I must say - receiving the opportunity to go to India and being able to interact with Government Officials, and to witness how they keep the economical development so high. And then also being able to learn about skills development and business while I was in India.

What have you achieved that you are most proud of?



Yes, Just focus on the talent or talents you have, make the best of your circumstances and never focus on getting rich quick.

Do you have a message for young people?


No matter where you come from, no matter what your circumstances are....


When did you win your Special Sewing Award?

I was a teacher that specialised in needlework. I won the award between 1984-1988. It was awarded to me by the Free State Department of Education.

Motsadi mongwe le mongwe o a tle a iphitlhele a sa itse gore a ke a otlhaye kgotsa a kgaleme ngwana, mme ka maswabi batsadi ba dira diphoso letsatsi le letsatsi, e bile ba dira diphoso tse di masisi fa ba gale� le. Seno ke sone se se dirang pharologano fa gare ga go otlhaya le go kgalema. Go na le pharologano e e seng kana ka sepe fa gare ga go otlhaya ngwana ka kgalefo le go mo kgalema ka lerato...Gantsi batsadi ba ba otlhaya ba gale� le fa ba tsenwe ke letsapa, mme jaaka motsadi, go botlhokwa gore o laole maikutlo a gago fa go tlhokega mme o iphe nako le bana ba gago fa ba go tlhoka thata. Gakologelwa gore bana ba bona ka bonako ka fa o ikutlwang ka gone mme seno se ka nna sa se ka sa tshwara ngwaga wa gago sentle.Fa o dirisana le bone o gale� le mme e seng ka lerato, o tshwanetse go leka go bona gore ke eng se se bakang gore o dire jalo, go botlhokwa go batla gore ke eng se se bakang letlhoo le kgalefo le maikutlo ape a mangwe a a sa siamang ka gonne o ka tloga wa a ntshetsa mo ngwaneng wa gago ka tsela e e tla mo gobatsang fela thata mme o ka nna wa feleletsa o mo gobaditse mo mmeleng kgotsa o mmolaile.

Maele mangwe ke ano a go go thusa go lwantsha letlhoo le o nang le lone:• Batlisisa gore bothata kgotsa letlhoo la gago le

bakwa ke eng. Iphe nako ya go alafa maikutlo a gago, o se ka wa a tlogela fela. Leka go nnela kgakala le se se bakang letlhoo le o nang le lone.

• Batla thuso kgotsa o ye go newa kgakololo. (Go botlhokwa go gakologelwa gore seno ga se supe gore o bokoa, se bontsha gore o motho yo o nono� leng thata go ka lebana le mathata.)

• Leka go itshwarela batho ba o tlhokang go ba itshwarela ka go dira gore o ye go newa kgakololo.

• Ntsha se se mo mafatlheng a gago ka gonne ga se a siamela botsogo jwa gago jwa mmele le tlhaloganyo. Bua le mongwe yo o mo ikanyang.

• Tlhokomologa dilo tse di sa go itumediseng mme o tlhokomele fela tse di go itumedisang mme o tshele letsatsi lengwe le lengwe jaaka e kete ke la bofelo. Tshela botshelo jwa gago ka botlalo le go rata batho fela thata.

• Rata bana ba gago, ke mpho e bile ke isagwe ya gago.

Fa o tlhoka thuso epe FAMSA e naya batho kgakololo mahala.Re kopa gore o leletse:

FAMSA counselling – 011 975 7106/7Family Life Centre – 011 788 4784/5

The Parent Centre – 021 762 0116

Page 4: Bana Balang April 2011

4 Bana Balang

When Blu, a domesticated macaw from small-town Minnesota, meets the � ercely independent Jewel, he takes off on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro with this bird of his dreams. But he stumbles across quite a few obstacles as he embarks on his journey. Rio is the latest animated family � lm with side-splitting humour and a beautiful story line. Watch it in any Ster Kinekor cinema, country wide. It truly is a treat and a must see movie.

Join Blu in his Journey in Rio.

Doubleticketsto be WON!

SMS the word ‘ticket’ followed by your answer to 34110.

SMS costs R2.00 per entry - Free SMS’s do not applyClosing date: 10 June 2011

1. Leather Jackets2. Skinny Jeans3. Tight Sweaters4. Stockings5. Flat Shoes6. Scarfs7. Hoodies8. Animal Print9. Pencil Skirts

Girls: Boys:1. Leather Jackets2. Doc Martin boots3. Skinny jeans4. Cardigans5. Lots of v-neck shirts6. Check shirts7. Scarfs8. Hoodies

Remember you can have style while dressing warmly and making sure that you don’t get sick.

This season is all about ROCKABILLY very 50’s – 60’s style. Very very rock ‘n roll!! Grunge but not garbage style.

Fashion does not have to cost you a fortune just know where to shop for bargains!

Enjoy living in style…

Music AlbumsFor all you music lovers out there we’ve selected a few excellent albums & artists. These artists have poured their heart and soul into these musical creations.

This top 4 has something for everyone, there are mellow vibes, dance & trance, something for the broken hearted & last but not least the heavier personas.



Top 4




Katy Perry - ‘Teenage Dream’

Rihanna - ‘Loud’

Ke$ha - ‘Cannibal’

Far*East Movement - ‘Free Wired’

Question: Who is on a journey in Rio?



- Win




Stationery Pack:Nasi Mkatu fromPotch Boys High,

Lesego Tshitlho from Pudumong High School

and Mercy Sechogela from Sol Plaatjie Secondary

Fluffy puppy winner:Pabalelo Mabika fromMafeng Secondary

Keaorata Shashape fromJerry Mahura Secondary

Ster Kinekor tickets:Soil 4 life package:Macdonald fromLetsatsing Science school

S’thandiwe Ntlathi Thea-Memote Primary School

Cell phone winner thanks to Cell-C:

Prizes will be presented on delivery of Bana Balang

Page 5: Bana Balang April 2011

5 Bana Balang5 Bana Balang

Dear Dr EveI am a young man who would really like to quit smoking. I feel that it is time to overcome this addiction, but it is so very dif� cult to stop. Please can you help me.Martin

Dear MartinFor smokers, to stop smoking is really a tough action to take. The majority of smokers want to quit smoking, but � nd it dif� cult to do so, as nicotine is very addictive and hard to get rid of. Remember when it comes to smoking, being a quitter is the best you can be!

There are a few steps which anyone can take to try to kick this habit, and live a normal and healthy life like any non-smoker.

Step 1: Think About Quitting

If you’re thinking about quitting or have stopped smoking but failed to quit, don’t lose hope because smokers often try to quit more than once before they actually succeed.

Step 2: Effects of Smoking

Tobacco causes people to become sick, disabled or die. Adult smokers reduce their lifespan by an average of 13 to 14 years.

Step 3: Preparing To Quit Smoking

The � rst key to quitting smoking successfully is planning and preparation. You need to prepare your body and mind before actually quitting. Determine your personal goals, discover your reasons for quitting and get rid of temptations that may become a hindrance to your ‘stop smoking’ program. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit.

Step 4: Stop Smoking Tips

Even if you have no idea where to start and what to do, you can quit smoking as long as you have the mindset and commitment to do so.

Step 5: Stay a Quitter

After some time, some quitters get back to their smoking habit due to temptation and persistent nicotine craving. Some may slip and puff “just one cigarette”, while others experience total relapse. Smokers who quit are at greater risk of relapsing in the � rst three months of becoming smoke-free, so keep on quitting.

It is important to apply other methods of prevention with prophylactic (preventative) medication.

• Wear clothing with long sleeves and cover your ankles – especially at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.

• Use long-lasting insecticide sprays inside homes and buildings.

• Place wire or gauze screens on all doors and windows.

• Keep a fan on in the room during the night – the current seems to put off the mosquitoes.

• Apply mosquito repellents directly to the skin. • Use mosquito netting over the beds – these can be

soaked in certain types of insecticide.

MalariaMalaria is a parasitic disease that involves highfevers, shaking chills, � u-like symptoms, andanaemia.

• Malaria kills a child somewhere in the world every 30 seconds.

• Every year more than 500 million people become severely ill with malaria.

• 40% of the world’s population, mostly those living in the world’s poorest countries, are at risk of malaria.

• Malaria accounts for one-in-� ve of all childhood deaths in Africa.

• Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.

• In some areas of the world, mosquitoes that carry malaria have developed resistance to insecticides, while the parasites have developed resistance to antibiotics – making it increasingly dif� cult to control the rate of infection and spread of the disease.

SMS costs R2.00 per entryFree SMS’s do not apply

SMSthe word ‘doctor’ followed by you

question to 34110

Page 6: Bana Balang April 2011

You can hand in competitions at your school’s You can hand in competitions at your school’s of� ce where a special Bana Balang envelope will be of� ce where a special Bana Balang envelope will be available. The school with the most entries stands a available. The school with the most entries stands a

chance to win exciting prizes.chance to win exciting prizes.


Page 7: Bana Balang April 2011

7Bana Balang

10th year running • Grade 8 - 12

Biodiversity is being reduced

Natural Sciences - Grade 9 Useful words

habitatThe area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs

populationa group of individuals of the same species inhabiting a given area

extinct(of an animal or plant species) having no living representative; having died out

alien speciesliving outside its native distributional range, which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental. Some introduced species are damaging to the ecosystem

predatorsdescribes a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked)

biodegradedCapable of being decomposed by biological agents

resourcesAn available supply that can be drawn on when needed.

Biodiversity is very important in an ecosystem. Without biodiversity the balance in an ecosystem is upset. There are many things that can upset the balance by reducing biodiversity. Some of these can be natural, like � oods and � res, but most are because of what humans are doing.

The following is an example of things that humans have done, and are still doing, which cause the biodiversity within ecosystems to be reduced.

POLLUTIONAlthough you will see a great deal of pollution on land, pollution of rivers, lakes and the sea is just as big a problem. When a tree or any other plant or animal dies, it is biodegraded (broken down) so that it becomes soil again. Plastic objects, such as shopping bags, are not biodegraded and stay around for a long time. Animals eat them and choke to death; they clog up rivers and lakes, killing � sh and other animals in the water.Other forms of pollution that are not so obvious, but are just as dangerous, are the chemicals such as oil and pesticides that seep into the rivers, lakes and the sea. They are often poisonous to the organisms in these water habitats and kill off vital links in food chains. One oil spill from a ship can kill thousands of sea birds.

How can you help maintain biodiversity?There are many ways in which ordinary people like you and I can help protect biodiversity. One of the main ways is through sustainable living. This is when you only use the resources that you need and you make sure there are enough left for future generations. It can also mean that you help replace resources that have been used up, or prevent resources form being destroyed.

Look at the following pictures which show examples of pollution and sustainable living - mark each accordingly.

Give some more examples of how we could all live sustainable lives

Page 8: Bana Balang April 2011

8 Bana Balang

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9Bana Balang

REAKSIE OP TEKSAfrikaans - Graad 8

Carmen elke dag oefen by die skool hokkie.

Oom John gebore. sestig jaar gelede is in Gauteng

Jy nou gaan. na die hoof se kantoor moet na skool

Simpiwe bad. sy hond vanmiddag gaan

2.1 Lucas het vir hom ’n (dier/duur/deur) huis in die stad gekoop.

2.2 Maak asseblief die (dier/deur/duur) agter jou toe as jy uitgaan.

2.3 Die olifant is ’n groot (dier/deur/duur).

2.4 Skryf met jou (uie/eie/uier) potlood en hou op om myne te leen.

2.5 Ma gooi (uie/eie/uier) in die kos.

2.6 Die vet koei het ’n groot (uie/eie/uier).

2.7 Mpo sal my vanmiddag na skool (optel/oplaai) huis toe.

2.8 Jy moet die papiere wat so rondlê (optel/oplaai).

2.9 Mnr. Mkule is baie (kwaai/kwaad). Ons vat nie kanse in sy klasse nie.

2.10 Dit maak my (kwaai/kwaad) as die kinders so in die klas raas.

Woorde kan soms baie dieselfde klink en ’n mens lekker deurmekaar maak.Kies nou die korrekte woord tussen hakies en onderstreep.�

� Skryf die volgende sinne in die regte woordorde neer.

Page 10: Bana Balang April 2011

10 Bana Balang10 Bana Balang

Page 11: Bana Balang April 2011

11Bana Balang 11Bana Balang

Kgwedi e ke batla go le kwalela lekwalo jaaka Paulo a kwaletse diphutego lekwalo. Madume ka lebitso la Jesu Keresete. Tshegofatso ya Modimo a e nne mo go lona ka lo setse le setse le utlwile evangedi ya Jesu Keresete.Modimo o mpaya selo se se bokete ka mo pelong. O a itse gore ke kgale ke go boleletse gore ke tshwengwa ke lebaka la gore bareri ga ba rere ka boaka le ka thobalano e e sa siamang. E rile fa ke seka-seka ditemana tse di rutang ka ga go akafala ke ile ka lemoga gore bontsi ba tsone di bolela gore go akafala go tlisa loso. E rile ke ruta se maloba monna yo mongwe le mosadi yo mongwe ba ile ba mpotsa ba re: “ A wena jaanong o re raya gore re se tlhole re jola? Re se itshidile mebele jaanong? “ Karabo ya me mo go ene e ne e le go re: “O ka itlhopela. Nna ke ruta se Beibele e mpolelelang sona. Fa o sa bolaiwe ke AIDS o tlabo o le letlhogonolo thata mme se o tla se amogelang ke loso le lengwe. Ke loso la bosakhutleng. Go akafala ke sebe mme tuelo ya dibe ke loso” Satane o tla go raela mme a ka kwa bojalweng gore o se kgone go itshwarela diteko. Bala temana e e latelang ya Jakobo le nna: 14Mme mongwe le mongwe o a raelwa, fa a gogwa gongwe a okwa ke keletso ya gagwe. 15Morago e re keletso e sena go nemera, e tsale boleo; boleo jone e re bo sena go tlala, bo tsale loso. Jakobo 1:14Loso le malatsi a ke HIV le AIDS mme o amogela le loso le lengwe la go ka latlhegelwa ke bophelo bo bo sa khutleng. Fa motho yo mongwe a ka mpolelela gape gore ke setso sa batho ba bantsho go robala le basadi ba bantsi ke ka mo phamola ke mo tsikinya gore a thanye mo borokong bo bo mo isang kwa go Satane a butse matlho. Kgale ke boditse bagologolo gore a thobalano e ya segompieno e ne e diriwa pele mme ba ganela. Ke setso sa ga Satane! Ke setse ke akanya gore batho ba bantsi ba neetswe dikeletso tsa bone mme gape Satane o dirisa le bojalwa gore batho ba akafale go feta jaaka Baroma 1:26 e bua fa e re:“Ka ntlha ya moo Modimo o ba neeletse mo dikeletsong tse di tlhabisang ditlhong”Se se dirang gore ke tshoge ke go utlwa gore bareri ba bangwe ga ba rere sebe sa thobalano e e kwa ntle ga lenyalo le boaka ka gore batho ba mpolelela gore le bone ba na le dinyatsi tsa bone. Mo Beibeleng go na le mo go buiwang ka ga baruti ba boikepo le maaka. (Juta 1:8) Baruti ba ba ne ba rera fela se batho ba neng ba batla go se utlwa le go se rere boaka. Ba tshaba gore ba ka koba batho mo kerekeng mme ba senyegelwa ke madi. Ke kopa gore go kopiwe boitshwarelo mo Modimong mme go se tswelelwe ka sebe se. Se nne o tswelela ka se mme sokologang! Ga go thuse o ya kerekeng Sontaga e nngwe le e nngwe mme o tswelela ka sebe se sa mmele. 1 Bakorinthe 6:18 ya re: “Tshabang boaka! Maleo otlhe a motho o a dirang a kwa ntle ga mmele; mme yo o akafalang o leofela mmele wa gagwe. 19A kampo ga lo itse gore mebele ya lona ke Tempele ya Mowa o o Boitshepo o o mo teng ga lona, o lo o amogetseng mo Modimong, e bile ga lo ba lona? 20Lo rekilwe ka tlhwatlhwa e kgolo; galaletsang he Modimo ka mebele ya lona e e leng ya Modimo! Basadi ba tsietsa banna ba bone, basadi ba tsietsa banna ba bone ka mo lenyalong. Bana ba tsenela thobalano pele ba nyala. Jaanong ba re ke go itshidila mebele le go jola fela. A o e bitsa eng kapa eng, thobalano e e ka kwa ntle ga lenyalo le go akafala ke go akafala. Temana e ke batlang go feleletsa ka yone ke ya buka ya Tshenolo 2:19-23. E bale o iketlile mme o e bale gape. ...O leseletsa mosadi yole, e bong Isebele yo o ipitsang moporofeti, a ruta, a timetsa batlhanka ba me gore ba akafale le gore ba je tse di tlhabetsweng medimo ya diseto. 21Ke mo neile sebaka gore a fetoge pelo, mme ga a rate go bakela boaka jwa gagwe. 22Bona, ke mo latlhela mo bolaong jwa bolwetse; ba ba dirang boaka nae ke tla ba latlhela mo pitlaganong e kgolo, fa ba sa tlhabologe, ba tlogela ditiro tsa gagwe. 23Bana ba gagwe ke tla ba bolaya ka loso; diphuthego tsotlhe di tla itse gore ke nna yo o tlhotlhomisang diphilo le dipelo; mongwe le mongwe wa lona ke tla mo naya ka fa ditirong tsa gagwe.Modimo o go fa le wena sebaka gore o fetoge. Itlhopele gore o batla go dira

eng? O ka tlhopha go phela bophelo bo Beibele e go kopang jone kapa o ka itlhopela go nna o ntse o arabela dikeletso tsa gago tse di go isang losong la gompieno la AIDS mme morago e go ise le kwa losong la bosakhutleng. Luka 8:8 ya re: Ya re a sena go bua dilo tse, a tlhatlosa lentswe a re: “Yoo nang le ditsebe go utlwa, a a utlwe!”

ThapeloModimo, ka lebitso la Jesu Keresete, re kopela batho ba ba akafetseng boitshwarelo. Ba thuse gore ba boele mo tseleng e e siameng ya badumedi, ba tswe mo tseleng e e amogedisang loso la AIDS mme thata le loso la bosakhutleng. Bofa Satane ka diketane gore a se raele batho gore ba se kgone go tshegetsa dikeletso tsa bone tsa thobalano. Thusa le batho ba ba setseng ba le mo bolaong jwa bolwetsi mme ba go amogele o le Mmoloki wa bone mme ba amogele bophelo bo bo sa khutleng. AMEN.

Page 12: Bana Balang April 2011
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Page 14: Bana Balang April 2011

14 Bana Balang14 Bana Balang

Do you have a computer lab at school?

How can/do computers help you with your schoolwork?

Do you think computers are important even if you do not have it as a subject in school?

How important do you think computers are in our lives?

How often do you use a computer?

Do you think young people misuse their given resources like the internet at school?

Are the learners in your school computer literate?

If not at school, where do you get access to a computer?

Name: ________________________________

School: _______________________________

Grade:__________ Cell: __________________

Hand your completed survey in at your school’s of� ce to be placed in the Bana Balang envelope, or post it to

PO Box 2011, Potchefstroom, 2520

Always stop and look before you cross• Look right, left and right again for oncoming traf� c.• Cross only when the road is clear, looking in both directions and

listening for oncoming traf� c while crossing• When you cross, walk briskly but don’t run

Crossing at a bus / taxi stopWhen you intend crossing the street at a bus/ taxi stop, make sure that the straight section of the road you choose is clear of packed or stationary vehicles (which block your view). They will block your view of fast moving traf� c that might not see you approaching on time.

Crossing at traf� c lightsControlled crossings can also be at intersections with traf� c lights or “robots”.

• Keep between the solid white lines and watch for moving vehicles• Cross briskly to avoid being run over by impatient motorists• Beware of drivers turning where they are crossing• Beware of drivers and cross carefully when the light is green• Do not cross when is red. Only cross when the green man shows

and when it is safe to do so.• When the red man appears while you are in the middle of the

road /street, continue crossing; but when you are still on the pavement, do not cross at all.

We would like to know your thoughts on this subject...

RUSTENBURG - 014 537 3484 - Contact: Leftu

KLERKSDORP - 018 464 1425 - Contact: Shaun

POTCHEFSTROOM - RIVERWALK - 018 297 1827Contact: Jolandi

POTCHEFSTROOM - MOOIRIVIER MALL 018 293 1502 Contact: Danni

Page 15: Bana Balang April 2011

15Bana Balang 15Bana Balang

Rebecca Malope is an exquisite South African gospel artist who has made it into a very dif� cult market but a question on everyone’s lips is “Where did she come from?”

We have the story for you...Rebecca was born on the 30th of June 1968, she grew up on the streets of Lekazi township in Mpumalanga. Her birth names are Batsugile Lovederia Malope she changed her name when she became a singer.

Rebecca was extremely poor growing up and was a very sickly child. She could not run around like her friends and other children, she even found it dif� cult to walk around without any help and had little feeling in her legs. Rebecca was miraculously healed on her 7th birthday. No one could explain why. When Rebecca was 8 her mom and herself had to move out of the house because Rebecca’s father had taken another wife and started abusing Rebecca’s mother. There were days that she went to bed without any food. She also started to work at a very early age to support her family.

At the age of 14 Rebecca went to a Brenda Fassie concert. At the end of the show Breda wanted someone to sing “Weekend

Special” with her, Rebecca took the opportunity and jumped on stage. Brenda was amazed at her vocal talent. She gave Rebecca R10 and that started her music career.

It has been a long and winding road for Rebecca but she has made it through all her trails and tribulations.Rebecca was the poorest of the poor, she was sickly and had no education but by the grace of God she has succeeded.

So never give up hope.

The woman behind the voice of

Rebecca Malope

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16 Bana Balang16 Bana Balang

The shortage of skills in professions that require for example; mathematics, science and accounting, as a core subject is a countrywide problem. As leaders in industry companies like AngloGold Ashanti, Lonmin, Apex, Sanlam, to name a few, are constantly faced with the challenge of � nding suitable candidates for positions in their companies. Positions such as electrical, mechanical, chemical-, civil- and mining engineers, draughtsmen, statisticians, accountants, quantity surveying, building/construction management, chemistry &

medicine.Bana Balang in co-operation with a number of roleplayers would like to encourage you to look for bursaries and learnership opportunities and to submit your application form in time.If you do Accounting, or Mathematics and Science you can take a look at the following companies to � nd bursary information on their websites.

Old Mutual

Anglo American

Murray & Roberts


South African Medical Association

Hand completed form to the school offi ce, where there is a special Bana Balang envelopeor post in to PO Box 2011, Potchefstroom, 2520.

Bursary Questionnaire


School: Grade: Symbol for Maths: Symbol for Science:

What type of career are you interested in?



Bana Balang Project is supported by the National LotteryDistribution Trust Fund