baltimore friday....

; DUCK, SAIL? Duty2H prct.axivl. j Russia lone : Havens bolt (l ! Diapers a Russia sheetings,br. ?? , a 1 Osnaburgs .....yd. 7 *i ? ll 1 Cotton, Hallo, yd. Oil., No. Ito 10.. 3l White H ill and Wooilbcrry, Ito It) 32 a I'atterfon . (''s, 1 to H - J " " ?' Raltimore ? 1( . Cotton Raven#,l lo 6 2l 1 White Hall and i Wiioilherrv.l lo 12. Ho? 9 i DYE WOODS ?Duty Sjier cent. Fustic, Cuba... ? ton '2O to " ? .Maraeaibo~ Logwood, Cam .... 25 a ?!'' 1 ?. Honduras - <* i Sl.Domin 15 a rl2 ATIIE Its? vul. ( American, Geese lb. ?9511 3D risn? _ jnitv on Foreign-caugnt, -(I per cent. ? and when home-caught are exported, a drawback equal in amount to the duty paid on the foreign salt with which they were cured, shall be allowed. Cod Ash, per 100 lbs loose and pack'd.. 2 75 a 3 st Ilake 2 a 225 | Shad, No. I, trim. . 6 a I Herrings Sus. & Po. s?<i Mackerel,brl.No. I - a H ? new ." 3 5 25 a 5 50 FLOUR AND MESAL. I Howard st. sup. bri 575 a 6 City .Mills, do. do. 6 a Family, do. 7 50 a 8 Susquehanna... .do ??o Rye do. 4 25 a 4 37 \u25a0 j Corn Meal, do. 3 12jO 323 ! Brandy w... - fl i Corn Meal . ...hhd. 15 50 a Chopped Rye,lOOlh. 150 a 175 Ship stuff.."...bush. 2B a 3O 3O Brown do do. IS a 2O 2O Shorts -12 a lt lt FRUIT- ? n Dutv, Almonds, Currants, I igs, Prunes and Raisins, 40 percent.; Filberts and other Nuts, :<0 per cent-; Oranges and Lemons, 20 per cent. Almonds, 501t... lb. l5 a lO lO hard 6 a o \u25a0?? shelled... - a 25 1 Currants,Z.inle ... I" a 11 j Dates Gxi < ( Figs, Turkev 3rx _9 ! Lemons,Sicily,box. ?? xi 2 oil 1 Oranges, Sicily,... ?a Raisins, Mala, .cask | I "5 a 8100m5.... 8100m5.... (iL \.SS?( Window) Uixiv 20 per cent, nd vnl. j Bait.Sx9&less,looft. 3xx 550 I I'lxl l/x 12x17 -J ?xx S - West, cinn.7x9,l si sxltl & 10x1*2 297 ixx 3 *25 New Geneva, 9xl" "2 *>7 ,u GRAIN ?Duty *2O per cent, ad val. Wheal,white, bu... 1 25 u 1 35 ditto red, gd. & pri. 1 17 xx 1 '22 ! dit to inf. to fair 1 tl I]s I llye.ord. 10 good.. ?7oxx 75 Barley xx | Corn, white ?GSa 7O yellow, (itj a 7O 7O Oats 37 Jn 4O Beans, white Peas, black eye... 1 50 n I 62, GIISPO XV DEH?Duty 20 per ct. fZV"" ' l -\u25a0 -i' l - u 8 Brandy wine, Dup.. '2O xi 1 Orange,(N.Y.)llog- 20 a- - Baltimore, Realty.. ? 13 a -J j Battle Mills l4 a i . Jamison ll a 1 Howe.. l6 a HEMP- xr . l)utv, Russia, 30 per cent.; M.miln, Jua, Si\al, Coir, ami other vegetable sub- stances unmanufactured, 25 per cent. Russia, Clean, ton a Manila 'G. l2 a l4 l4 I Amer. water rotted xx dew do ° 7 i HIDES-Duty 5 perct. ad val. ! RioGr. & l"2ixx 12 . ! LagniraSt P.Cabello ?? xx 10 2 j Ura/.il, salted xx | West India 9xx | Slaughtered -4a- 4, Horse Hides,each.. I <?> a llair llair lb. - 19 xi IION'EY? Duty 30 percent ad. val. ! i Cuba gal- 6*2 a? o3 I HOPS? First sort, 1845. . lb. 9 a - l<) j IIORNS ?Duty .3 percent ad val. i Ox ....... per 100 ??a j Cow do. a? I N DI GO - Duty 10 per cent. Caraccas Ib. 75 a 95 Manila 9O a I 10 Bengal I 10 a I 23 IRON Duty, bars, blooms, sheet, rods, castings of, old or scrap, 30 per cent. Pig, Elk R. No. J,tn. 30 do. forpuddliug 30 a Locust (drove,. 30 a 33 AnthraV. No. 1, 2 a 29 Charcoal No ],. 20 a 31 Bar, American 80 a 90 Araericanshect... *4O aloQ Boiler plates.... Ib. 4lq 6l Hoop, Amer.. ..ton 110 u \2b English .... 110 a 120 Nails&Sp rods Am. 90 aIOO llollow ware 60 a Scrap, wrought ton 30 a 33 ditto cast 18 a 22 Blooms rd. 5c 11... 60 a 75 LEA D AND SHOT-Duty2oprct. Lead,pig. ..100 lbs. 4 a bar Ib. s|a 5l sheet 55 a s^ s^ Shot dropp'd, all si. b\a 6 buck 6 a 6] Balls, musket and rifle LEATHER?Duty 20 percent. 2O a 2l 2l ditto ditto heavy... l9 a 2O 2O ditto country tan... lB a 2O 2O Span, sole ?l7 ?l9 ditto ditto daui lla l5 Rough Skirting.... lBJ,a 2O Finished ditto 2O a 22 Upper rough, hide 3 a 3 50 Calf Skins, fin. doz. 12 a 17 ditto rough, do. 10 a 13 LII.II HER? Scasonr.d-- Yardf J rirc* ! Boards,pinecleariiift 37 50 a 40 ' -cul liny.*,select 20 a 2-5 Shingles,bestJiin.iu 18 2O 2d quul 12 a 15 Cypress sap.. 9 all I best heart do. 12 u II do. do. bunch 5 n 6 Staves,W. O. Hhd. 30 a 33 ! R. O. d 0.... 15 ?al7 j VY T . O. Bid... 16 ?n22 -- R. O. do 10 a 12 Hoop Poles,!!lid. 100 3 a 360 Bbl. .. I a 37£ 1 50 .11A HOG A NY? rl. 8ay..... .per sq It. 7 a ?l 6 St. Domingo,eatm i> l2 a l9 l9 crotche 3O a 4O 4O jIIOL AS.SE.S Duty 30 per cent. Cardenas..gall. l9 a 23 Matanzai l9 a 23 Porto Rico 33 a 35 New Orleans 35 a 3S Sugar House 23 a 37 Baltimore. a 6O 6O 1 sESSSffaESSi aa4(l Ihs. A I? CM -Duty i" per <*? ai > * al j_ ; Haiti more, lb. ? a a >< AMERICAN DllV GOODS-i Shirtings,bru.3-4yd. 'f Suirliiigs,bm.7-8.. ° _ ? SUnctiugs.bni.ll.. - / u _ \u25a0 Sheetings,brn.s-. ? '4 U 4 Shirting.*, blh'd 3- ? '' '' ,J. Shirtings. blli'ui-S. ' ' ji Shee i.r-s.blliMl- t. 7 ~ ; luocliii^.blb'il3-4. -J" Z i Shirting*, 8. i. do.. ' i Drillings,blh'dJUtn. - ?' Drillings,blue 3b in. \u25a0>. 1' Drillings,brn.3Uiu. * j Calicoes, blue 1 a j.,' Pufc! a .T y :::: - mS- n mi'ipes.fastcolors.. Btf M 2 h .r k V,'' 4 -30 a I - S.ittmuts 17 ? _ IS ! Cut. Varn,nal-.. 1b. D ' _ Cot. Varu, 15a20... - A SHE 3 -0" 1)' -0 P er ct ' ail val ' Puts, Ist sort, is lb. Pearls, Ist sort,lß4b BARIC? , _ ? 35 _ I Quercitron. ....lon 30 J Hemlock cord j Oak, ChesnWt 0 - J _ | Spanish *- Black T~ ah _ j BUItEbSA.NO 1 ..'sdurHonr,.; - g _ Casks, lor Flaxseed 1? " 1 - J , n EIOSIVA X?Duty2o pcrct.nd val. While 1 ' BOTTLES-Duty 30 per ct. ad val. German, porters, S r 5O a 10 Wines 8 OtherWineStPorter boO a 9- | Pints 5 7o u b j BREAD? per 100 g 5() Crackers -- Pilot Biscuit a Navy " * 10 j B the kiln,p M Osoa 7 Har.l,or arch <oO a So Red, or paving...- 8? a J | p?!. 1 :::::'.".*.'.::: so-.m- j Long arch & cornice 50 - a 60 Patent Fire 30 a -j j BRISTLES? Duty operct. ad val. , Russia lb- - bO a - ~ American - 50 a - .-> CANDLES? Duly 20 per ct. ad val. Dipped lb- - 0 0 - ~ ! Mould - !? - ' Adamantine, -o Sperm a ' Wax a ~~ COALi? Duly 30 per ct. ad val. Anthracite, v! 000 lbs. 5 > y u 0 Cumberland 4 " 3ir \ Richmond ... hush l2 a lb COCOA-Duty 10 perct. ad val. Trinidad lb. a ! Para Guayaquil a place of growth, olher- wise, except in vessels lor by treaty, 20 per cent., ad val. Havana lb. -a , Java - 9 *a - ,1, Mocha a ~ -? ! Laguayra &P. Rico 7o O - \ a ~ ' ? St. Domingo b 2 u b 4 ile, 43 do. long, weigliiue 14 I" 34 ox. per square foot, free; oilier sixes and shapes, in plates or sheets calU-d |lra/.isus; sjnSu.-, | Shell"h,lbto3bor.l'b 23,u -- | Braziers Bull rods " _ 3 ., Raised Bottoms.... ~ _ 3 o Fiats is £<?; - 30- 35 flail* __ 17U - 10 Old copper - CO |m" mVredTr uutarred, 25 percL_ Of Russia Hemp lb. <* Russia mauufact red ® __ Mmila [? ' American CORKS-Duty 3'l percent ad val. velvet S_vo. -34a -36 Corkwood.'.'.'.". ? lb- 3 1 /' ~ 5 COTTON -Free. _ North Carolina, .lb. South Carolina j-s _ Florida 'j'" _ Jsj tjb i tat 4. Texas Mississippi ? ? ? IT 5 7Z b Vimat to 3O a d Antimony, crude.. a lO lO d regulus of - *2O d Aquafortis la f/Arrowr Root, lO a 3O 3O c/BaUam Copaiva... 22 a r/Bark, Calasaya, .. 1 10 a c Loxa, .... 6Bleacbi'g Powders 5 a b\ cßorax, crude cßrimtftone,. ...ton 25 a d r011,....1b. 2 \a eCamphor,refined.. 3l a 32 t/Caulharidcs (/Chamomile fio'crs 2O a 25 /(Cochineal 1 65 a (/Copperas, Bait.... lja 1? (/Cream Tartar Ha 2O ClJragon's 8100 d... BO a fivssence Bergamot. a 3 75 f. Lemon ... aGalls, Aleppo .... a? 27 (/Gamboge a 1 (/Ginseng, crude.... u \u25a0\u25a0? refined .. (/Glue 9 a IS 6Gum Arabic 45 a 7O 7O d Assafoetida... l5 a 2O 2O ff Myrrh 25 a 5O 5O d Shellac,orange? 12 a l6 l6 d liver.. lO a b Senegal 3O a d Opium, Turkey a 425 b Tragacanth... 25 a ?SO (/Ipecacuanha root.. 6O a (/Juniper berried... ?? a 3 c/Liuuorice (/ ball l6 a 22 a Madder, Dutch... lOJa ?II d Manna 3O a 1 c/Oil,Anise 2 25 a d Castor. .? .gal. 1 a I 05 (/Otto of Rose.. .oz. 5 a 6 Pink root Ib. Ha 22 (/Prussian Blue 7O a I (/Quicksilver 1 20 a I 30 (/Rhubarb 5O a 75 (/Saffron 6 a Salierntus 6 a (/Sal Ammoniac.refi. l4 a cSal Soda 2|a c/Saits Epson®, Bait. 2 (/Salts, Glauber,... a 1 p Roclicile ... ?26 a aSaltpetre, crude. . 6|a 6jj b ? refined S a - (/Sarsaparilla . 2O a 25 c/Seed, Anise l2 a Caraway Senna leaves ?ls a 2S Snake root, Seneca. ? Virg'a . l2 a 6Soda Ash Spermaceti - . ?* a Sugar of Lead l2 a ?? f/Sulph. Quinine oz 260 a 270 aSumac, Sicily, .ton 60 a 35 a 4O 4O (/Verdigris 27 a JVitrioT, blue 9 > oil 0f...* 2ja Only, (*, 5 per cent .;f>, 10 per cent.; r, !5 per rent.;*/,2oper centre, 30 per cent. BAI4TIJHORJQ stock board. Par value of Stocks?and prices asked and offered. PUCFAUED FOK LYPORD's PRICE CURRENT. PAR. HID. ASK'D. PUBLIC LOANS. United States 6 per cents 100 101] 101] ! United States 5 pep cents 100 ~ Maryland 6 per cents 100 ©9 90 Maryland 5 per cents .. . 100 7*_ Sterling 5 per cents 100 75 77 Sterling 3 per cents \ 100 45 48 Peuiv-y Ivania 6 per cents 100 Pennsylvania 5 per cents ' 100 Virginia (i per cents 1 1 00 ~~ " Baltimore ft per cents, ISOOj 100 | ,f * Baltimore ft per cents, 1860 100 'J! 1 :* Baltimore 5 per cents, 1946 100 yV B. &O. 11. R. ft per ct. bonds. 100 9o J °s Susquehanna Canal Preferred 6 per cent. bond*. 100 70 ta BANK STOCKS. Bank of Baltimore 100 SS s 90 Merchnnts' 100 9 1 91 Union Bank of Maryland. ... 75 61 Farmers and Merchants' 40 31] , Com. & Far. [full paid.] 33 > 3d* | do. do. [short do.] 20 20 Marine 30 fi 2oJ Farmers and Planters' 2a *\u25a0? " * | Chc.npcakc 25 f f : We,torn 20 <|i ' Mechanics' 15 Li, Franklin 12; Farmers' Bank of Md 50 4 J Patansco Bank of Md 25 19] 2o United States Bank 100 4 INSURANCE. American Mutual 75 Baltimore Life 50 51 53^ Merchants' Fire 50 , l2? Firemen's Wl 10 j 17] 17£ Baltimore Fire ft* 7 8 RAIL ROADS. Bait and Ohio Rail Road .... 100 47] 47£ Bait, and Washington |OO ' 82] 95 Bait, and Susquehanna 50 7| 10 TURNPIKE. Baltimore and Ilarford 50 Reisterslown 20 6] 6j York 20 3] 4 Frederick .... 20 3] MISCELLANEOUS. Baltimore Gas Company .... 100 99* Baltimore Water Go 50 83 Union IManufacturing Co .... 50 23£ 26 Susquehnniia Canal 50 | 15 17 PRICES OF STOCKS, ; REPORTED FOR LYFORD'S PRICE CURRENT. SALES AT THE BALTIMORE STOCK BOARD. August Ift. 5 shares B mk of Baltimore 89] 5 shares Farmer* & Planters' Bank 23] 25 shares Mechanic*' Bank !3j{ 25 " do do 1 August IS. pi2oo Maryland 6's 89] i J&250 Maryland Sterling s's 7Gp 600 Baltimore 6's. 1890. (cash) 101] j 10 shares Siskowit Mining Co ft August 19. 500 Baltimore 6's, I*9o 101 ft shares Merchants' Bank 91 25 shares Bait. & Ohio R R. (on time) 47£ | 35 shares lieisterstowu Road, ft] 5 shares Frederick Road August 20. . pi 000 U.S. Trea's. Notes, b's, (on time) 1031 150) Maryland 6's 89? 2200 Baltimore b's, 1890 1011 ! EXCHANGE AT NEW YORK? Aug. 18. Billsou London, 60days sight,jCster'g, ft n ft] p.c.p. France of 33a I Holland 39 it 39g I Antwerp 39]a 3'j Hamburg, Marc Banco 34*a 35] j Bremen, rix dollar 77]a 78 Boston, at sight para ] dis. Rldhnlohrf, cnecKs 1 a Uts. NorthCarolina I a I] dis. Charleston %a 1 dis. j Savannah ]a 1 dis. 1 Augusta ? a 1] dis. j Nashville ? a I] dis. ' Mobile, Bank Notes jfti I dis. <lo. specie checks ?a ] dis. I New Orleans, par a i pre. j Louisville... 1 a 1 dis. j St Louis, specie Checks... !,a I dis. ; Cincinnati I a IJ dis. 1 Amcricangold,old ft a pre. American gold,new coin para ] pre. ; Half dollars par a -J pre. i Portuguese gold ...... par a ] pre. 1 Spanish dollars (unblemished) .... 3 a 5 pre. Spanish Quarter-dollars para \ dis. Carolusdollars 3 a 6 pre. Mexican dollars par a ] pre. ! Mexican Quarter-dollars par a 1 dis. Five franc piece 93 93| cts. i Doubloons, Spanish sl6. ?a $16.50 ' Doubloons, Patriot +++ 15.60a $ 15.75 Sovereign* $ 4.82a $4.87 . Heavy guineas,...*,, S's. ? a ?. ? U . J*. -r. fa,? ry Notes 3]03 J pro. (try-A heavy s.,vcreien weighs.B lwu.2J grs. BA LTIMORH A M) SUSQUEHANNA KAIL ROAD. THE PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Baltimore at 9 A.M. and 1 P. M. Arrive at ....9 A. M. and P. M. Leave York at 5 A. M. and 3" P. M. Arrive at 12] P. M. and 8 P. INI ' Leave York for Columbia at 1] P. M. and 8 A. M. Leave Columbia for York at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. The 9 A. M. Train runs daily. The 4 P. M. Train daily exc pt Sunday. FARE. Fare to York #1.50 Wrighlsville $2.00 Columbia $2.12£ Way points in proportion. PITTSBURGH, GETTYSBURG ANI) HARRIBBURG. Through tickets to PiUburgh via Stage to llarriburg $9 Or via Lancaster by Railroad ....10 Through ticket* to Harrisbtirg or Gettysburg. .3 In connection with the afternoon train at o'clock, a Horse Car is run to Green Spring& Owings' Mill, arriving at the Mill* at 5] P. M. Returning, leaves Owing*' Mills at 7 A. M. D. C. 11. BORDLEY, Superintendent. oCJ"Ticket Office, 63 North street. je 12 tf BALTIMORE COMPANY. BAKE-HOUSE, O'DONNELL'S WHARF. Sales Rooms, No 40} Pratt street, near Frederick-st. Manufactures for exportation and consumption: PILOT AND NAVY BREAD, SODA, LEMON AND WINE BISCUIT, SUGAR AND WATER CRACKERS, ALSO HAND MADE WATER CRACKERS. Cry-VESSELS SUPPLIED WITH STORES. By giving early orders, Bread will be prepared and packed to stand the longest voyage*, jy 10 W. H. BEATTY. skuak warehouse- NO. 37 CHEAPSIDE. .1. I>. ARMSTRONG THORNTON, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of pur- chasers in general to give them a call and ex- amine their stock ofSKGARS and TOBACCO before they purchase, a* they are determined to sell on the best of terms, viz: "#*** ****** SEOARS,i? boxes of 50, 100,200 ami 260 600 boxes Tobacco, in boxes of 16, 25, 50 and I Oft lb*. 100.000 low priced SEGARS 90,000 Principe do 70,000 Canone* do 70,900 La Norma do 60,000 Bides do 50,000 London Rrgaliado 40,000 Whole Reguliado 30,000 Cazadorc do 20,000 Castello do Including Pipe, Smoking Tobacco, Gurrctt'i Siinir, in bottle., loose and bladder.. June 5 tf ROBERT HOOPER, BISCUIT AND CRACKER BAKER, .Vo. 10S Pratt itrret, near South, jy 24 tf BALTIMORE. N AlL.S?Duty 30 per cent, ad val. Cut, til & upwda lb. 4ja 4, Cut, 3d bja Si Cut,2d _ , a 7, Wrought, lOd &6d? 10 a E Spikes, .ship 6 a 7 Sheathing, comp... *2O Sprigs per M. 'l u I N VVAL STORKS- . Turpentine, 4l a 4.> ; Varnish - 21 a - 22 | i Kosiu, (Soap), .bbl. ?7oa BO | ! (ship; 259 a 3 | Pilch \ ,2 ' 'Fur 250 a 2 hjj f I Olive in casks, tl nks or bottles, 30 percent.;, llmnnseed, Itape- seed; Sperm, Whale ami other Fish Oils of Foreign fisheries; Neats foot, 20 per cent, nil val. Florence, box, 3D ll Bord'x, has. 12 hot. 6 - a , co 4 25 a 4 50 iMarseilies 4 25 a 4 50 Olive -gal. ?OS a I Linseed ?7l a 73 Whale 3B a 4O 4O Sperm, fall winter..... Lard - 50 a PAINTS? , , Dutv, White and Red Lead, dry or gro d in* oil, Litharge, Chrome Yellow, P. Blue. p. White, Vermilion, Vcrdigns and Whiting, 20 per cent ; Sp. Hro. Yellow and other Ochres, 3D per cent. Ochre,yel.dry, 1 001b. 2 a 3 ground in oil . 7 a 8 Lead, red lb. o 4 > 6 Do. white, No. I, ) g Q 9 extra and pure, $ Do. do. dr} 7 ! ,a - 8 Venitian Red . ... 3 4 'a 4 Span. Brown,dry.. 1 <1 3 Litharge s;a 0 Whiting... 100 lb. ?62 .a ?75 Paris While 2 a 2 50 Lampblack lb. 4 a 5 Black Paint 6 a 7 Chrome yellow .... 25 a 2B 2B ? green 35 a 4O 4O P L AST E R P ARlS?Crude?Free- Cargo, pr. ton, cash 3 a Giouud... ? per bbl. 1 a 1 '25 POTATOES ?Duty 30 percent. Eastern bushel PROVISIONS? Duty, Beef, Pork, Butter, Bacon ami , Lard, 20 per cent.; Cheese, 30 per ct. Beet, .Mess bri. 14 50 a 15 do. No. 1 12 a 12 50 do. prime.... 10 alo 50 Pork, Mesa, 15 50 a 16 50 Bacon, Bait. asst. lb. Hams,do.cured ll a l2 l2 j ' ??Sides, do. do. Should Western, ass'td Hams.... 0 a II j Sides.... - 9a- 9? j 7 .3a 8 Lard, West.&Bait. 9*a II j Butter, do. No. 1.. l2 a l3 l3 ! ?Glades,!.. a . do. 2 . <1 Cheese, 7.? a 9 RlCE?Duty?2oper ct. ad val. Rice,per 1001b5... 525 a 5 57 5 1 S ALT?Duty 20 per cent. Turks Island, .bush. St.Übes Cadiz Liverpool,ground.. English, fine, sack. 1 50 a 1 6*2s ground, do.. 1 25 a 1 30 Table in bgs of 28 lbs. a 22 Salina, brl.of 280 lbs. 1 a 1 12 SEEDS ?Store price. Clover bush. 425 a 175 1 *\u25a0*<"?"* SKINS ? un tanned? Duty?2s percent, ad val. Deer, shaved, 1b... in hair ' -i a '' I Goat, Mexican ?6O a 65 SO VP?Duty 39 percent. Bait. wh. & Castile lO a 1- 1 browu yel.. SPICES?Duty per lb. a* under: I Cassia (40 |.rct.)lb. l7 tiiiSr.race(4o,ct.) 7,u ' j Cluves (10 purer.) - 2tt o - 27 Mace (40 per ct.) ?. 1 10 a 1 In Nutmeg, (10 prcl ) 12" a 130 Pepper (30 per ct.) G,' < Pimento (40 pcrct.) l3 a ll ll SPIRITS ? Duty, Brandy and all Spirits distilled from grain or other materials, I'JD per cent. Brandy ,Ourd,Du- ) % 25 a 3 50 pay & C0...ga1. S _ ... Pinet&Co. 2 2o a 3 o0 Hennessy . 2 25 a 3 50 JohnDurand ) . o.j a & Co. ... S ? p.-llevoisin J 90 ' 9. Gin, Holland, Grape 1 15 a 1 25 Pine Apple .. Maltese Cross. Baltimore Rum, N. England... 3O a 3l 3l Whiskey, Irish.... 2 a 2 25 Am. Ist p.bbl. 2? >a 2B do. hbds. 26 a 26^ ST A RCII Duty 20 per cent. Baltimore lb. 7 a Philadelphia New York in box.. Poland l Aa 8 STEEE- Duty, on cast, shear or German, and in bars, 15 per cent. Sanderson's best, lb. l6 a Hoop L blistered... l2la ?.. Crowly l3"a Americanblis'd.... SUC* A RS?Duty 30 per cent. Havana wh. 100 lbs. 8 25 a 8 20 brown 7 a 7 25 Porto Rico 6 50 a 7 50 New Orleans ..... 5 90 a b 75 St. Croix Brazil, white 7 25 a Loaf, sing. ref. lb. - doub. do. ... ?lO a lo£ lo£ Crushed Lump 9ja 9J Pulverized TALLO W A SO A P ST UVF- liuty 10 pei ceut* ad val. Tallow, 7a J Rendered.. Ha SoapStulF TEAS- Duiy, free in Amer. vessels, or vessels exempt by treaty. Canton Y. Hyson lb. 2l n 25 ? Gunpowder. 32 a 35 Country V.llysoti.. 4O a 9O 9O Gunpowder- 47 a I 15 Poiicbong 3O a 65 Souchong 25 a 35 TIN- I Duty, pig*, bars or blocks, 5 perct.; and plates 15 perct. ad val. ' In plates, 1-3x. .box 9 a 9 25 Spelter lb. b\a 6 Block, Spanish - Eng. & India 27 a 3O 3O j TOBACCO? Duttr,leaf3o|>rct. a<l Cominou .... 100lbs. 1 75 a 2 Ord. brown and red 2 £0 a 3 50 Mid. good br. leafy 4 a 550 Piucbrownaudcol'd 6 50 a 8 50 Ord. to good brown. 6 a 8 ! Fine red 650 a 10 ?- Ord. to Fine yeiloiv. 8 a 15 VVrappery for segurs 8 a 12 Ohio. . 2 50 a 10 - Kentucky 4 a 12 Virginia St. Domingo 15 a 20 Cuba 22 - a 28 - WINES?Duty 411 per cent, ad val* I Malaga,dry... .gal. 5O a 55 sweet 6O a 5B 5B Claret, in cases,do/.. 3 a 8? | TenerilFe,cargo,gal. 45 a 6O 6O Champagne,.. .uoz. 8 al2 I Sicily .Madeira, gal. 6O a BO l Cctte d0...... 45 (i 5O Marseilles do 45 a 55 Lisbon.... do 65 a 65 Port ?6O a 1 75 | Cette Port. ?soa 55 I Rouissillou 6O a? WOOL?Duly 30 percent. ' Saxony, ?3T a - 40 Merino, lull bid... ? ?3oa 44 native & } do. 22 a 23]bid l5 a l7 l7 Merino lB a 22 Wash, pulled, Skin lO a 2l 2l S. Ainer. Washed.. II a llj S. Am. do.& Picked a S.Amcr. Unwashed VKLLOW M ETAL? Sheathing. Taunton mauuf.. .11). 2O a ZlNC?Duty 5 percent, ad val. Rolled lb. 8 a B] B] FREIGHTS? To HOLLAND? ! Tobacco..hhd. 275. Gd a ?s. ?d To BREMEN? Tobacco.. hhd. 20s. ?da ?s. ?d To ANTWERP ? Tobacco.. hhd. 255. ?d a ? s. ? d To ENGLAND, &C.? Flour .... brl. 3s. 6d a 4s. ?d Grain bu. ?s. lOd a ?s. 12d COASTWISE To Huston, &c. ? Iron ton 2 a Coal 2 25 Flour brl. 2O a ?- Corn bu. tf 0 New York Iron ton 1 50 a Coal 1 75 a Flour brl. lsca IS Grain .bu. 4 a sc sc SE A MEN's WAG ES, withs malt stores To Europe,per month slB a W.liul.orCoastwise 18 a South America .... 18 a? WESTERN TRANSPORTATION. On Halt. 4* Susquehanna 11. Hoad? From Baltimore to Pittsburgh Dry Goods,&c. lUOlbs.? a 65 Hals, Shoes, &c a 65 Hardware Qucensware | Muslin in bales i Drugs, Fruits, &c... ! Coffee a 4O 4O i Teas and Spices 1 Shad & Mackerel,brl. a 1 25 ! Herrings 2 3 ' On Baltimore and Ohio 11. Hoad From Cumberland to Wheeling? \ Mdze.allkiuds, lOOIbB. a 62 J ditto to Pittsburgh *' IIOME, OR FAMILY MARKET. BEEVES, 100 lbs. 5 a 6 25 HOGS, do. 650 a 7 BUTCHER'S MEAT, fcc. ? | Beef, cho. pieces lb 3a lO coarse do. 6 a 7 corned do. 8 a 9 dried do. 9 a lO lO tongues smuk'd Pork, fresh lb. - 8a 9 . corned do. 8 a 9 hams, smok'd II a l2j l2j joles do. 6 a 7 other parts,do. 8 a 9 Mutton do. 6 a 8 Lard do. a I2J I2J Butter.roll do. l6 a 2O 2O FUEL? I Wood,hickory,cord 4no a 5 j oak 3 75 a 4 I pine ?. 275 a 3 , Coal, anth.ton 2,240 ??a j deliver'dbrok. 5 75 a 6 II AY? Timothy,ton 16 als - BANK NOTE TABLE, Corrected for the BALTIMORE PRICE CURREVT, Every Friday, By S. II arris St Son Xo 21G Baltimore street. U.S. Bank and Branches 10 a? dis. Banks inBaltimore \>jr. 11age r- tow j?*; Frederick,.*.*.', t dis! Williamsport £a 'Jis. Annapolis para? Jis. Eastern..... £a? lis. Cumberland Mineral Bank -m? c j s> Washington, <jin. Georgetown, (g8"g 8" i Pennsylvania Hanks as follow Philadelphia para ] lis. Cliambcrsburg a? lis, Gettysburg j] s , Easton £a ? lis. Lancaster ]a ? (lis. York ja? dis. Carlisle fa ? lis. Pittsburgh Ja? dis. Brownsville 1 }a ? dis. Pottsville la ? jj 3. VVaynesburg l^a ? dis. H irrisburg £a ? dis. Hollidaysburg £a ? dis Eric.. I\a dis. Washington l]a ? dis. Delaware Banks para 1 dis. New Jersey Banks la dis. New York City para ] dis Now York State 1 a ? dis. Michigan sa dis. Canada Batiks 5 a? dis. All New England Banks.. J a? dis. Norfolk.. la ? dis. Alexandria, £a ? dis. Portsmouth ia? dis. Richmond La ? dis Petersburg ?a dis. Winchester dis. Fredericksburg i<i? dig. Bank of the Valley 'a? dis. Winchester & Charleitown la ? dis. All other Virginia >a dis. All Wheeling ?a dis. Ohio Banks I Icrl 4 dis. Indiana Banks l]a!J dis. Illinois Banks uiO dis. Missouri Banks l]al dis. Kentucky Banks dis. Tennessee Banks 2*a2J dis. SoiithCaroliua Banks .... I al 1 dis. North Carolina Banks.... 1 n\\ dis. Georgia Banks ?ol{ dis. Alabama Banks ? a 4 dis. Mississippi Banks ?a? dis. j Louisiana Banks la? dis. BALTIMORE BANKS. Open at 9<j'c!ock, A. M. and close at 3 P* M. "The discount days are: Union Bkof.Yfarylatid?Mond.&Thurs. Bank fßaltimore?Tuesday& Friday. Farmcrs'&Planters'?Mond. & Thuri Franklin Bank Monday. Merchants'?Tuesday and Friday . Marine?Friday. Mechanics'?Wednesday & Saturday- Farmers'& Merchants'?Mon. &Thurs. Western?Tuesday and Friday. Commercia]& Farmers'? Tues. ScFri. Chesapeake?Tuesday. Baltimore Savings every day . F. P. Savings Institution?Tues.&Fr LYFORD'S BALTIMORE PRICES CURRENT, (Wholesaled carefully corrected every Friday. FLOUR AND MEAL INSPECTIONS? This week?this year?and to same period last year. ~~~~ . . 7 j i This This To same Descriptions Inspected. week year Hme Flour llowurdstreet,fcrls. 5,320 4-41,(62 337,606 hf.brls.\ 2,063 2,640 City Rlills Ms. 5,944 106,025 100,609 ___ ... hf. brls. 635 13,161 16,316 Family brls. 639 10,794 15,174 - hf. brls. -I"; 166 Susquehanna,.. .brls. 239 42,051 31,860 live Flour brls 111 4,290 4,792 Corn Muni hints. 23 1,4 17 [ 670 brls. 596 87,870 22,464 Flour EXPORTED, brls 8,923 425,141 299,032 TOBACCO INSI'ECTION- Tliis week this year?anil to same period last year. _ _ ... , , , This This To same Descriptions Inspected. wnk j yea) . fimc M 6 Maryland hhds 1,350 17,299 23,975 Ohio, 666 6,436 18,596 Virginia, 3 1 50 79 Kentucky, 2| 304 464 j Missouri, 25 83 Stems, j Total,, .hhds 2,221 21,114 43,170 Tobacco EXPORTED". 2,222| 27,360| 25,723 Stems or Scrap* ditto 189 1/231)! 1,359 SPECIFIC IMPORTATIONS? This week this year?and to same period last year ... T , j This Thin To some Descriptions Imported )(W . yea} . ( ?, u , MG . Coffee bans ! 91,586 132,018 Sugar hhds. 403 14,740, 5,822 ?? Ires. 14-i 3 brls. 12! 2,999! 1,311 bags ; 1 7,650; bxs. j 7,6641 2,707 Molasses.. hhds.. 7,626 6,411 trcs.\ 157; 472 brU.\ 2 165| 756 Hides,(ox & cow) Numb.\ j 136,532! 82,703 Green Suit* d do. \ I ®2| - PRICES OP F LOU It AND CORN* At the last date, say from 1 to 10 days, according to distunce from Baltimore, previous to the date of this "Circular." WHERE AT. | Flour per brl. \ Corn per hn ._ Boston t> 25 a b 50 - 75 a? 85 New York, 5 25 a 6 50 - 63 a- 70 Philadelphia, 5 87§u 6 j?7o a 71 Alexandria, 381 [a-. j 75 a? 90 Richmond, ?~ Norfolk, 625n 675 ?65 a ? ?- Charleston, S. C 450a6 60 , 65 a ? <0 Savannah, 6 50 a .55 a- 65 I Mobile, 5?a525 j? 62 a 65 New Orleans, 4 62* a 4 75 - 60 a- bo St. Louis I 4 50 a 4 75 32 a? 33 Louisville, K n ? 3 1 a ~' I Cincinnati I I 25 a 1 30 3O a? 31 Pitt-Phi 1 > FREIGHTS it SOUTHERN EXCHANGES. Sew York, Aug. IS. To Giver pool ?Cotton,.. . lh. sterl 3-|6d u 5-16 d Seeds, trc. a Beef, (301 lbs.) a Beef and Pork,.. .brl. 3s.Od a 4 s.? Flour, 2s. a 2s. 6d Leather lb. a gd Heavy Goods.. . ton. To London ?Tobacco hhd - Flour, brl. 3s.? a 3s. 6d Beef, lbs.). a 7s.? Beef and Pork, .bri. 4s.? a 'To Havre Cotton lb. Jc a lc Measurm't Goods.ton. #8 as 10 Freights Charleston, Aug. 11. 'To Liverpool ?Cotton lb. 7-16 ii ?id To Havre. Cotton do. lc i IJ To ?7, ! a == Rice trc. 1 60 a Exchange?Sterling _ 5Ja prem " Francs, 5f.40a Checks on New York, pur? a J prem. " Baltimore a J do. Freights? Savnmiali, Aug. 13. 'To Liverpool ?Cotton lb. ?£d a Jd 'To Havre Cotton do. ToiVito 10/7c--Cotton do. Rice trc. a I 50 Exchange?Sterling s \a piem. " Francs, 5f.40 a 61*37.} Sight Checks on New Y0rk,.... " Baltimore a ?prem. Freights ? Mobile, Aug. 11. To Liverpool ?Cotton lb - 16d To Havre Cotton do. To Wew York? Cotton do. J a Exchange? Sterling 4 a 5 prem. " Francs, Bills,sight, New York, Jfl ? J dis. (i 41 Baltimore j>a dis Specie, American Gold \a ?1 prein. Freights? New Orleans, Aug. 7. To Liverpool? Cotton lb.? a |d |d Tobacco hhd. 'To Havre Cotton lb. IJ Tobacco hhd. 12 a 13 To London ?Tobacco do. 635. a To Bremen,Bfc. -Tobacco do. - asos. COASTWISE: ? f Tobacco hhd. $5 ? a 7 I Cotton lh. *c To ports North I Stigai'&Molnss.hhd, ?a?- of Cape Pork brl. B7ia I teras ? I Flour do. 6oa i Lead ton. 2 50a 3 I Hemp do 8 -fllO - Exchange?Sterling 4 n 5 prem " Francs, 5f.37 |,a5f.41 * " New York,short sicht i dis. BALTIMORE LIFE INSURANCE CO Jlasrcmoved to No. 15 South street. JOHN I. DONALDSON, President. rjXIIISCOM PAN Y niakesfnnuranceson Lives R. for one or more years, or for life, at the follow- ing rates for every hundred dollars. Age. One year. Seven years. Life. 25 1.00 1.12 2.03 35 1.36 1.53 2.76 45 1.91 1.96 3.7t 69 4.35 4.91 7.00 Grants Annuities. Ratcsforone hundreddollars 60 years of age, 10.551 65 " 12.27 > perannum. 70 " 14.19) Rays Annuities. Sells Endowments for children. Receives Money on dcpositc. Executes 'JVusts. Makes contracts inwhich life or the interest o money is involved, june sly RICHARD B. HORSEY, Secretary. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1 8 4 7 IUELY St PENDLETON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FAItKICS, No. 277 BALTIMORESTREET, BALTI MOIt E, ARE now receiving per Steamer, anil Packet,, from Europe, anil from various factories in the United Slates, their FALL ASSORTMENT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, embracing every nrticle for the Country and City trade. Merchants visiting the city, we respectfully request to cull and examine our styles and prices, previous to purchasing elsewhere. Orders solicited and executed at our lowest prices, with promptness and despatch. KIELY & PENDLETON. jy 3 tf \VI LLIAM SPEAR, No. 40 COMMERCIAL ROW, LOMBARD STREET, HAS FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: SHEATHING COPPER, from 14 to 34 ox. YELLOW SHEATHING METAL, do. BRAZIERS' COPPER, COPPER NAILS. COPPER BOLT RODS, COMPOSITION NAILS and SPIKES, BLOCK TIN, SPELTERS, TIN PLATE, tic., kc., &c. fry-Old Cupper purchased. June 5 tf. From Hie New Orleans Price Current. IMPORTS FROM SEPTEMBER I, 1846 AND 1845?T0 AUGUST 7 1847 1846 Bacon. assorted, hhds. Sf csks. 28,459 19,565 Bacon, Ham? hhds. Sf Ires. 14,320 11,403 Bacon in bulk . Ibe. 420,163 492,700 Beeswax Ibe. 3,100 4,920 Hecf brie. 32,684 35,940 I Beef hhde. and tree. 21,230 26,214 j Beef, dried lbs. 48,000 90,200 Corn Meal bile 82,758 3,723 Corn, shelled sacks, 2,369,440 1,154.219 (lotion bales. 817,885 1,052,737 Floor brie. 1,602,863 821,608 Hemp bills. 58,592 30,156 Lard Ires, and brls. 116,224 105,643 Lard kegs, 271,135 322,326 Lead -.pigs, 610,320 735,930 Molasse brls. 91,412 131,637 Oil, Castor brls. 1,339 2.379 Oil,Lard brls 2,399 2,390 Pork brls.\ 300,997 367,396 j Pork hints, i 9,452 9,988 | Pork in hulk lbs. 18,450,700 9,740,752 j Potatoes 6r/,| 128,778 100,224 | Sugar hhds] 81,460 92,154 j Tobacco, Leaf hhds] 52,522 71,255 | Wheat brls. §\u25a0 sacks] 833,354. 402,240 j Whiskey brls. 124,229 113,149 Coffee, Cuba,&c bags, 43,429 10,899 | Coffee, Rio bags, 205,111 215,031 Salt, Liverpool, sacks, 344,352 269,481 Salt, Turks Island.&c bush. 190,930 110,849 JVew Orleans EXPORTS? Foreign and Coastwise. Flour brls. 1,301,7591 539,855 Pork brls. 229,821 266,353 Bacon hhds. 24,271| 17,669 Cotton bales 650,4378 ,<133,931 Lard kegs 899,572 | 767,623 Beef 6>7. 51,683 67,355 Lead PBt* 574,536 681,523 i C0rn,...,* sacks 2,478,855 892,873 I Tobacco hhds 41,051 62,422 'Sugar... hhds] 49,913 81,706 Suar brls] 5,251 10,472 Molasses hhds., 3,603] 4,605 ! Molasse* brls. I 41,80S j 63/260 COMPARATIVE NUMBER <>F VESSELS IN PORT. Ships Barks??Brigs Schrs?Total. |S47 40 10 *23 50 U23 ISIG 21 10 17 13 66 'MANUFACTURED AND DEAF TO- -15 VCCO. SEGA US, FCC. CHARLES 1). DEFOIID CO. I TOBACCO COMMISSION MKUCHA NTS, No. 64 South Gay street, m a AVE on hand and olTvr for sale, on the most B M liberal terms, the following: i>l ANV FACT t TREl> TO B A CCO?- <G /4 /J Sd L PACKAGES, comprising a lull as- sort me lit of all grades and sizes gnat variety of popular and well established brands, all mamifuctuicd expressly for this market, and receiv- ed direct from the most celebrated manufacturers in Virginia: constantly receiving additions to the above stock. LEAF TOBACCO. 700 Bales, consisting of Havana, Yarn,St Jago.St. Domingo, Ignani, Myotic, Porto Rico, and Ken- tucky, of first quality and flavor, selected with great care. Also, Spanish Seed ill cases? Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia, in hhds.?a full sup- ply always on hand, suitable for Segar manufacturers or export. SEGARS. 500 000 HAVANA and PRINCIPE, presenting an excellent stock of choice and medium SEGARS, of the mo-t favorite brands. 2ll(l,tl0l) AMERICAN SEGARS, Half Spanish, part packed, 3 M cases, an article for South Ameri- can trade. Also, SNUFFS, Smoking and New York Fine Cm TOBACCO, Havana and Principe pa- per. Havana Bass, Virginia Tobacco Stems, Tobacco Knives, Calabria Liquorice, Negro Pipes, &c., &c. June 5 CHEAP PLAIN ANI) FANCY OFFICE No. l l'LBALTIMORE STREET, 4 doors E. of Calvert. f||n[E subscriber is in every way prepared to ex- common" papers lor ftiil-Heads, Circulars, Bills of Lading, Hank Checks, &c. ?He has considerably re- ducetl the scale of prices on BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, CARDS, HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS. FREIGHT BILLS, LABELS for Shopkeepers, Manufacturers, Druggists, fyc. , \\ here large quantities are required his prices are i ver\ low, as he runs them ofl' by means of a Napier Cy finder Press. The orders of lii.s friends arc particularly solicited, who will please give hitn a call and judge for them- Ile has also on hand BLANK BOOKSof his own manufacture; and will make to order at the shortest notice?which he warrants equal to the best in the city - together with a full supply of STATION- | AR V, &c. JOS. ROBINSON, Printer, june 5 Bookseller & Stationer, 112 Baltimore st. ELDER, GELSTON <FC CO. C O MM I SS I O N M E RCIIA NTS, COR. COMMERCE AND PRATT BTR EETS, BALTIMORE. BY their long experience inthe sales of Western Produce, and their very advantageous location in the centre of the shipping business, they hope to afford satisfaction to their Western customers, in a ready and profitable disposition of Merchandise con- j signed to their agency. Reasonable advances made when desired. j FORWARDING AGENTS. i Goods forwarded to all parts of the West per Rail Road Cars loaded daily at our doors. Through to j the Ohio River in 3 days per Greene & Co's Express, in days per Day mid Night Wagon Line, or in 7to 10 days per transient wagons from Cumberland. ill ISfesc Goods destined to any part of the United States, or to foreign ports, if addressed to our care, will meet with prompt despatch. ELDER, GELSTON & CO. I june 5 Cor.of Commerce and Pratt streets. VAN BRUNT .FC ADAMS. j Lexington street, opposite the Market House, B A L T LMOBG, KEEP constantly on hand, and for Sale, at the lowest market prices, a general assortment of | superior P ROVISIONS: such as Mess, No. I, and Prime BEEF ami PORK: extra MESS BEEF, in half barrels for family use; BACON?Hams, Sides, Shoulders and Jules, CK3-" A constant supply of their much admired SUGAR-CURED IIAMS?LARD in barrels and kegs; SMOKED BEEF; SMOKED and PICKLED TONGUES, and BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, je 6 J. M'CULLOGH. J. M'KREHAN. C. D. CULBERTSOM. JOIIN M'CULLOGH CO. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS. No. 93 Bowles Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. REFER ENCES Messrs. Reynolds & Smith, ) Ballimore< Mcl 11 Wilson & Hopkins, 5 " Fit-mining & Buzby, Philadelphia, Pa. *c°' e- Messrs. Myers & Co. J " M. Rbonds & Son, Bridgeport , O. " Jus. Forsyth & Co., Wheeling, Va. Mr. T. J- Maxwell, > . ... n Mr. Henry Lewi., J Cxncinatti, O. Messrs. B. O. Davis, ) r ... __ A. & R. Buchanan, $ Louisville, Ay ?? W. W. Thompson & Co. > r . ?? Finney. Long & Co. \ St Lou "> M°- " W. A. Violett, 1 " Ki.kman & Dy.., \ * ew OrUans. June 5 I yr TIIF. SUBSCRIBER having taken the Bakery on McElderry' wharf, and Store No. 108 Pratt Ktreet, recently occupied by Mr. Peter Kernan, intend, manufacturing PILOT and NAVY BREAK, SUGAR, SODA and WATER CRACK- ERS, &c., and hope, that by .trict attention to bui- ncss to merit a share of public patronage. ROBERT HOOPER. fN RETIRING from the above business I would respectfully ask for Mr. Hooper the pa- tronage of my friends and the public, generally. PETER KERNAN. Baltimore, July 19, 1847. jy31 46

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; DUCK, SAIL? Duty2H prct.axivl.j Russia lone

: Havens bolt (l

! Diapers aRussia sheetings,br. ??

, a

1 Osnaburgs .....yd. 7 *i ? ll1 Cotton, Hallo, yd.

Oil., No. Ito 10.. 3lWhite H illandWooilbcrry, Ito It) 32 a

I'atterfon .(''s, 1 to H - J " " ?'Raltimore ?

1( .Cotton Raven#,l lo 6 2l

1 White Hall andi Wiioilherrv.l lo 12. Ho? 9

i DYE WOODS ?Duty Sjier cent.Fustic, Cuba... ? ton '2O to "

? .Maraeaibo~Logwood, Cam .... 25 a ?!''

1 ?. Honduras - <*

i Sl.Domin 15 a

rl2 ATIIEIts? vul.

( American, Geese lb. ?9511 3D


jnitv on Foreign-caugnt, -(I per cent. ?

and when home-caught are exported,a drawback equal in amount to the

duty paid on the foreign salt with which

they were cured, shall be allowed.Cod Ash, per 100 lbs

loose and pack'd.. 2 75 a 3 stIlake 2 a 225

| Shad, No. I, trim. . 6 a

I Herrings Sus. & Po. s?<i

Mackerel,brl.No. I - a H

? new ." 3 5 25 a 5 50

FLOUR AND MESAL.I Howard st. sup. bri 575 a 6

City .Mills, do. do. 6 aFamily, do. 7 50 a 8Susquehanna... .do ??oRye do. 4 25 a 4 37 \u25a0j Corn Meal, do. 3 12jO 323

! Brandy w... - fl

i Corn Meal . ...hhd. 15 50 aChopped Rye,lOOlh. 150 a 175Ship stuff.."...bush. 2B a 3O 3OBrown do do. IS a 2O 2OShorts -12 a lt lt

FRUIT- ? nDutv, Almonds, Currants, I igs, Prunes

and Raisins, 40 percent.; Filberts and

other Nuts, :<0 per cent-; Oranges andLemons, 20 per cent.

Almonds, 501t... lb. l5 a lO lOhard 6 a o

\u25a0?? shelled... - a 25

1 Currants,Z.inle ... I" a 11j Dates Gxi <

( Figs, Turkev 3rx _9! Lemons,Sicily,box. ?? xi 2 oil

1 Oranges, Sicily,... ?aRaisins, Mala, .cask

| I "5 a 8100m5....8100m5....

(iL \.SS?( Window)Uixiv20 per cent, nd vnl.

j Bait.Sx9&less,looft. 3xx 550

I I'lxl l/x 12x17 -J ?xx S-

West, cinn.7x9,l si

sxltl & 10x1*2 297 ixx 3 *25New Geneva, 9xl" "2 *>7 ,u

GRAIN?Duty *2O per cent, ad val.Wheal,white, bu... 1 25 u 1 35ditto red, gd. & pri. 1 17 xx 1 '22

! dit to inf. to fair 1 tl I]sI llye.ord. 10 good.. ?7oxx 75

Barley xx| Corn, white ?GSa 7O

yellow, (itj a 7O 7OOats 37 Jn 4OBeans, whitePeas, black eye... 1 50 n I 62,

GIISPO XV DEH?Duty 20 per ct.

fZV"" ' l-\u25a0 -i'l -u 8

Brandy wine, Dup.. '2O xi

1 Orange,(N.Y.)llog- 20 a- -

Baltimore, Realty.. ? 13 a -J

j Battle Mills l4 ai . Jamison ll a

1 Howe.. l6 a

HEMP- xr .l)utv, Russia, 30 per cent.; M.miln, Jua,

Si\al, Coir, ami other vegetable sub-

stances unmanufactured, 25 per cent.

Russia, Clean, ton a

Manila 'G. l2 a l4 l4I Amer. water rotted xx

dew do ° 7

i HIDES-Duty 5 perct. ad val.! RioGr. & l"2ixx 12 .! LagniraSt P.Cabello ?? xx 10 2

j Ura/.il, salted xx| West India 9xx| Slaughtered -4a- 4,

Horse Hides,each.. I <?> a llairllair lb. - 19 xi

IION'EY? Duty 30 percent ad. val.! i Cuba gal- 6*2 a? o3

I HOPS?First sort, 1845. . lb. 9 a - l<)

j IIORNS ?Duty .3 percent ad val.i Ox ....... per 100 ??a

j Cow do. a?

I N DI GO -Duty 10 per cent.Caraccas Ib. 75 a 95Manila 9O a I 10Bengal I 10 a I 23

IRONDuty, bars, blooms, sheet, rods, castingsof, old or scrap, 30 per cent.Pig,Elk R. No. J,tn. 30

do. forpuddliug 30 aLocust (drove,. 30 a 33AnthraV. No. 1, 2 a 29Charcoal No ],. 20 a 31

Bar, American 80 a 90Araericanshect... *4O aloQBoiler plates.... Ib. 4lq 6lHoop, Amer.. ..ton 110 u \2b

English .... 110 a 120Nails&Sp rods Am. 90 aIOOllollow ware 60 aScrap, wrought ton 30 a33ditto cast 18 a 22Blooms rd. 5c 11... 60 a 75

LEA D AND SHOT-Duty2oprct.Lead,pig. ..100 lbs. 4 a

bar Ib. s|a 5lsheet 55 a s^ s^Shot dropp'd, all si. b\a 6

buck 6 a 6]Balls, musket and rifle

LEATHER?Duty 20 2O a 2l 2lditto ditto heavy... l9 a 2O 2Oditto country tan... lB a 2O 2OSpan, sole ?l7 ?l9ditto ditto daui lla l5Rough Skirting.... lBJ,a 2OFinished ditto 2O a 22Upper rough, hide 3 a 3 50Calf Skins, fin. doz. 12 a 17

ditto rough, do. 10 a 13LII.II HER? Scasonr.d-- Yardf Jrirc* !

Boards,pinecleariiift 37 50 a 40 '

-cul liny.*,select 20 a 2-5

Shingles,bestJiin.iu 18 2O2d quul 12 a 15Cypress sap.. 9 all

I best heart do. 12 u II

do. do. bunch 5 n 6Staves,W. O. Hhd. 30 a 33

! R. O. d0.... 15 ?al7j VYT . O. Bid... 16 ?n22 --

R. O. do 10 a 12Hoop Poles,!!lid. 100 3 a 360

Bbl. .. I a 37£ 1 50.11A HOG A NY? rl.

8ay..... .per sq It. 7 a ?l 6St. Domingo,eatm i> l2 a l9 l9crotche 3O a 4O 4O

jIIOLAS.SE.S Duty 30 per cent.Cardenas..gall. l9 a 23Matanzai l9 a 23Porto Rico 33 a 35New Orleans 35 a 3SSugar House 23 a 37

Baltimore. a 6O 6O 1

sESSSffaESSiaa4(l Ihs.

A I? CM-Duty i" per <*? ai > *al j_ ;Haiti more, lb. ? a a ><

AMERICAN DllV GOODS-iShirtings,bru.3-4yd. 'fSuirliiigs,bm.7-8.. °


SUnctiugs.bni.ll.. -

/ u_ \u25a0Sheetings,brn.s-. ? '4 U 4

Shirting.*,blh'd 3- ? '' '' ,J.Shirtings. blli'ui-S. ' ' ji

Shee i.r-s.blliMl-t. 7 ~ ;

luocliii^.blb'il3-4. -J" Z iShirting*, 8. i. do.. ' iDrillings,blh'dJUtn. - ?'

Drillings,blue 3b in. \u25a0>. 1'

Drillings,brn.3Uiu. * jCalicoes, blue 1 a j.,'

Pufc! a .Ty:::: - mS- n

mi'ipes.fastcolors.. Btf M2 h

.rk V,''4

-30 a I -S.ittmuts 17 ? _ IS !Cut. Varn,nal-.. 1b. D '


Cot. Varu, 15a20... -

A SHE 3 -0"1)' -0 Per ct ' ail val'Puts, Ist sort, is lb.Pearls, Ist sort,lß4b

BARIC? ,_ ? 35 _ I

Quercitron. ....lon 30 JHemlock cord jOak, ChesnWt 0 - J _ |

Spanish *-

Black T~ ah _ jBUItEbSA.NO 1

..'sdurHonr,.; - g_

Casks, lor Flaxseed 1? " 1 - J ,

n EIOSIVAX?Duty2o pcrct.nd val.

While 1'

BOTTLES-Duty 30 per ct. ad val.

German, porters, Sr 5O a 10

Wines 8

OtherWineStPorter boO a 9- |Pints 5 7o u b j

BREAD? per 100 g 5()Crackers --

Pilot Biscuit aNavy " * 10 j

Bthe kiln,p M Osoa 7

Har.l,or arch <oO a So

Red, or paving...- 8? a J |

p?!. 1:::::'.".*.'.::: so-.m- jLong arch & cornice 50 - a 60

Patent Fire 30 a -j j

BRISTLES? Duty operct. ad val. ,Russia lb- - bO a -


American -50 a - .->

CANDLES? Duly 20 per ct. ad val.

Dipped lb- - 0 0 -~

!Mould - !? - 'Adamantine, -oSperm a 'Wax a ~~

COALi? Duly 30 per ct. ad val.Anthracite, v!000 lbs. 5 > y u 0

Cumberland 4 " 3ir \Richmond ... hush l2 a lb

COCOA-Duty 10 perct. ad val.

Trinidad lb. a !ParaGuayaquil a

place of growth, olher-wise, except in vessels lor by

treaty, 20 per cent., ad val.

Havana lb. -a ,Java

- 9 *a - ,1,Mocha a ~

-? !Laguayra &P. Rico 7o O

- \ a ~

' ?

St. Domingo b 2u b4

ile, 43 do.

long, weigliiue 14 I" 34 ox. per squarefoot, free; oilier sixes and shapes, in

plates or sheets calU-d |lra/.isus; sjnSu.-, |Shell"h,lbto3bor.l'b 23,u -- |BraziersBullrods "

_ 3.,

Raised Bottoms....~

_ 3 oFiats is£<?; -30- 35flail*

__ 17U - 10Old copper -

CO |m" mVredTr uutarred, 25 percL_Of Russia Hemp lb. <*

Russia mauufact red ®__

Mmila [? 'American

CORKS-Duty 3'l percent ad val.

velvet S_vo. -34a -36

Corkwood.'.'.'.". ? lb- 3 1/' ~ 5

COTTON -Free._

North Carolina, .lb.

South Carolina j-s _

Florida 'j'"_

Jsjtjb itat 4.TexasMississippi ? ? ? IT 5 7Zb Vimat to 3O ad Antimony, crude.. a lO lOd regulus of - *2Od Aquafortis laf/Arrowr Root, lO a 3O 3Oc/BaUam Copaiva... 22 ar/Bark, Calasaya, .. 1 10 ac Loxa, ....

6Bleacbi'g Powders 5 a b\cßorax, crudecßrimtftone,. ...ton 25 ad r011,....1b. 2 \aeCamphor,refined.. 3l a 32t/Caulharidcs(/Chamomile fio'crs 2O a 25/(Cochineal 1 65 a(/Copperas, Bait.... lja 1?(/Cream Tartar Ha 2OClJragon's 8100 d... BO afivssence Bergamot. a 3 75f. Lemon ...

aGalls, Aleppo .... a? 27(/Gamboge a 1(/Ginseng, crude....u \u25a0\u25a0? refined ..(/Glue 9 a IS6Gum Arabic 45 a 7O 7Od Assafoetida... l5 a 2O 2Off Myrrh 25 a 5O 5Od Shellac,orange? 12 a l6 l6d liver.. lO ab Senegal 3O ad Opium, Turkey a 425b Tragacanth... 25 a ?SO(/Ipecacuanha root.. 6O a(/Juniper berried... ?? a 3c/Liuuorice(/ ball l6 a 22a Madder, Dutch... lOJa ?IId Manna 3O a 1c/Oil,Anise 2 25 ad Castor. .? .gal. 1 a I 05(/Otto of Rose.. .oz. 5 a 6Pink root Ib. Ha 22(/Prussian Blue 7O a I(/Quicksilver 1 20 a I 30(/Rhubarb 5O a 75(/Saffron 6 a

Salierntus 6 a(/Sal Ammoniac.refi. l4 acSal Soda 2|ac/Saits Epson®, Bait. 2(/Salts, Glauber,... a 1p Roclicile ... ?26 aaSaltpetre, crude. .

6|a 6jjb ? refined S a -

(/Sarsaparilla . 2O a 25c/Seed, Anise l2 a

CarawaySenna leaves ?ls a 2SSnake root, Seneca.

? Virg'a . l2 a6Soda AshSpermaceti -. ?* aSugar of Lead l2 a ??

f/Sulph. Quinine oz 260 a 270aSumac, Sicily, .ton 60 a 35 a 4O 4O(/Verdigris 27 aJVitrioT, blue 9> oil 0f...* 2ja

Only, (*, 5 per cent .;f>, 10 per cent.; r, !5per rent.;*/,2oper centre, 30 per cent.

BAI4TIJHORJQ stock board.

Par value of Stocks?and prices asked and offered.PUCFAUED FOK LYPORD's PRICE CURRENT.


United States 6 per cents 100 101] 101]! United States 5 pep cents 100 ~

Maryland 6 per cents 100 ©9 90

Maryland 5 per cents.. . 100 7*_

Sterling 5 per cents 100 75 77Sterling 3 per cents \ 100 45 48

Peuiv-y Ivania 6 per cents 100Pennsylvania 5 per cents ' 100Virginia (i per cents 1 100 ~~

"Baltimore ft per cents, ISOOj 100 | ,f *

Baltimore ft per cents, 1860 100 'J! 1:*Baltimore 5 per cents, 1946 100 yVB. &O. 11. R. ft per ct. bonds. 100 9o J °sSusquehanna Canal

Preferred 6 per cent. bond*. 100 70 ta

BANK STOCKS.Bank of Baltimore 100 SS s 90

Merchnnts' 100 9 1 91

Union Bank of Maryland. ... 75 61

Farmers and Merchants' 40 31], Com. & Far. [full paid.] 33 > 3d*

| do. do. [short do.] 20 20Marine 30 fi 2oJFarmers and Planters' 2a *\u25a0? "


| Chc.npcakc 25 f f :We,torn 20 <|i 'Mechanics' 15 Li,

Franklin 12;

Farmers' Bank of Md 50 4 J

Patansco Bank of Md 25 19] 2o

United States Bank 100 4

INSURANCE.American Mutual 75Baltimore Life 50 51 53^Merchants' Fire 50 , l2?Firemen's Wl 10 j 17] 17£Baltimore Fire ft* 7 8

RAIL ROADS.Bait and Ohio Rail Road .... 100 47] 47£Bait, and Washington |OO ' 82] 95Bait, and Susquehanna 50 7| 10

TURNPIKE.Baltimore and Ilarford 50Reisterslown 20 6] 6jYork 20 3] 4

Frederick .... 20 3£ 3]

MISCELLANEOUS.Baltimore Gas Company ....

100 99*Baltimore Water Go 50 83Union IManufacturing Co .... 50 23£ 26Susquehnniia Canal 50 | 15 17



5 shares B mk of Baltimore 89]5 shares Farmer* & Planters' Bank 23]

25 shares Mechanic*' Bank !3j{25 " do do 1

August IS.pi2oo Maryland 6's 89]

i J&250 Maryland Sterling s's 7Gp600 Baltimore 6's. 1890. (cash) 101]

j 10 shares Siskowit Mining Co ftAugust 19.

500 Baltimore 6's, I*9o 101ft shares Merchants' Bank 91

25 shares Bait. & Ohio R R. (on time)47£| 35 shares lieisterstowu Road, ft]

5 shares Frederick Road 3£August 20.

. pi 000 U.S. Trea's. Notes, b's, (on time) 1031150) Maryland 6's 89?2200 Baltimore b's, 1890 1011

! EXCHANGE AT NEW YORK? Aug. 18.Billsou London, 60days sight,jCster'g, ft n ft] p.c.p.

France of 33aI Holland 39 it 39gI Antwerp 39]a 3'j

Hamburg, Marc Banco 34*a 35]j Bremen, rix dollar 77]a 78

Boston, at sight para ] dis.Rldhnlohrf, cnecKs 1 a Uts.NorthCarolina I a I] dis.Charleston %a 1 dis.

j Savannah ]a 1 dis.1 Augusta ? a 1] dis.j Nashville ? a I] dis.

' Mobile, Bank Notes jfti I dis.<lo. specie checks ?a ] dis.

I New Orleans, par a i pre.j Louisville... 1 a 1 dis.j St Louis, specie Checks... !,a I dis.; Cincinnati I a IJ dis.

1 Amcricangold,old ft a pre.American gold,new coin para ] pre.

; Half dollars par a -J pre.

i Portuguese gold ...... par a ] pre.

1 Spanish dollars (unblemished) .... 3 a 5 pre.Spanish Quarter-dollars para \ dis.Carolusdollars 3 a 6 pre.Mexican dollars par a ] pre.

! Mexican Quarter-dollars par a 1 dis.Five franc piece 93 93| cts.

i Doubloons, Spanish sl6. ?a $16.50' Doubloons, Patriot +++ 15.60a $ 15.75

Sovereign* $ 4.82a $4.87. Heavy guineas,...*,, S's. ? a?. ?

U . J*. -r.fa,? ryNotes 3]03 J pro.(try-A heavy s.,vcreien weighs.B lwu.2J grs.


THE PASSENGER TRAINSLeave Baltimore at 9 A.M. and 1 P. M.Arrive at ....9 A. M. and 6£ P. M.Leave York at 5 A. M. and 3" P. M.Arrive at 12] P. M. and 8 P. INI

' Leave York for Columbia at 1] P. M. and 8 A. M.Leave Columbia for York at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.The 9 A. M. Train runs daily.The 4 P. M. Train daily exc pt Sunday.

FARE.Fare to York #1.50Wrighlsville $2.00Columbia $2.12£


Through tickets to PiUburgh via Stage tollarriburg $9

Or via Lancaster by Railroad ....10Through ticket* to Harrisbtirg or Gettysburg. .3In connection with the afternoon train at o'clock,

a Horse Car is run to Green Spring& Owings' Mill,arriving at the Mill*at 5] P. M.

Returning, leaves Owing*' Mills at 7 A. M.D. C. 11. BORDLEY, Superintendent.

oCJ"Ticket Office, 63 North street. je 12 tf


Sales Rooms, No 40} Pratt street, near Frederick-st.Manufactures for exportation and consumption:



Cry-VESSELS SUPPLIED WITH STORES.By giving early orders, Bread will be prepared

and packed to stand the longest voyage*,jy 10 W. H. BEATTY.

skuak warehouse-NO. 37 CHEAPSIDE.


RESPECTFULLY call the attention of pur-chasers in general to give them a call and ex-

amine their stock ofSKGARS and TOBACCObefore they purchase, a* they are determined to sellon the best of terms, viz:"#*********SEOARS,i? boxes of

50, 100,200 ami 260600 boxes Tobacco, in boxes of 16, 25, 50

and I Oft lb*.100.000 low priced SEGARS90,000 Principe do70,000 Canone* do70,900 La Norma do60,000 Bides do50,000 London Rrgaliado40,000 Whole Reguliado30,000 Cazadorc do20,000 Castello do

Including Pipe, Smoking Tobacco, Gurrctt'i Siinir,in bottle., loose and bladder.. June 5 tf


.Vo. 10S Pratt itrret, near South,jy 24 tf BALTIMORE.

N AlL.S?Duty 30 per cent, ad val.Cut, til& upwda lb. 4ja 4,Cut, 3d bja Si

Cut,2d _ , a 7,Wrought, lOd &6d? 10 a E

Spikes, .ship 6 a 7Sheathing, comp... *2OSprigs per M. 'l u I


Turpentine, 4l a 4.> ;Varnish - 21 a - 22 |

i Kosiu, (Soap), .bbl. ?7oa BO |! (ship; 259 a 3 |

Pilch \ ,2 ''Fur 250 a 2 hjj f

I Olive in casks, tl nks or bottles, 30

percent.;, llmnnseed, Itape-seed; Sperm, Whale ami other Fish

Oils of Foreign fisheries; Neats foot, 20

per cent, nil val.Florence, box, 3D llBord'x, has. 12 hot. 6 - a

, co 4 25 a 4 50iMarseilies 4 25 a 4 50Olive -gal. ?OS a ILinseed ?7l a 73Whale 3B a 4O 4OSperm, fall

winter.....Lard - 50 a

PAINTS? , ,Dutv, White and Red Lead, dry or gro d

in* oil, Litharge, Chrome Yellow, P.

Blue. p. White, Vermilion, Vcrdignsand Whiting, 20 per cent ; Sp. Hro.

Yellow and other Ochres, 3D per cent.

Ochre,yel.dry, 1001b. 2 a 3ground in oil . 7 a 8

Lead, red lb. o4> 6

Do. white, No. I, ) g Q 9extra and pure, $

Do. do. dr} 7 !,a - 8

Venitian Red . ... 3 4 'a 4Span. Brown,dry.. 1 <1 3Litharge s;a 0Whiting... 100 lb. ?62 .a ?75Paris While 2 a 2 50Lampblack lb. 4 a 5Black Paint 6 a 7Chrome yellow .... 25 a 2B 2B

? green 35 a 4O 4OP L AST E R P ARlS?Crude?Free-

Cargo, pr. ton, cash 3 aGiouud... ? per bbl. 1 a 1 '25

POTATOES ?Duty 30 percent.Eastern bushel

PROVISIONS?Duty, Beef, Pork, Butter, Bacon ami ,

Lard, 20 per cent.; Cheese, 30 per ct.

Beet, .Mess bri. 14 50 a 15do. No. 1 12 a 12 50do. prime.... 10 alo 50

Pork, Mesa, 15 50 a 16 50

Bacon, Bait. asst. lb.Hams,do.cured ll a l2 l2 j '

??Sides, do. do.Should, ass'td

Hams.... 0 a II jSides.... - 9a- 9? j

7 .3a 8Lard, West.&Bait. 9*a II jButter, do. No. 1.. l2 a l3 l3 !

?Glades,!.. a. do. 2 . <1Cheese, 7.? a 9

RlCE?Duty?2oper ct. ad val.Rice,per 1001b5... 525 a 5 57 5 1

S ALT?Duty 20 per cent.Turks Island, .bush.St.ÜbesCadizLiverpool,ground..English, fine, sack. 1 50 a 1 6*2s

ground, do.. 1 25 a 1 30Table in bgs of 28 lbs. a 22Salina, brl.of 280 lbs. 1 a 1 12

SEEDS ?Store price.Clover bush. 425 a 175

1 *\u25a0*<"?"*

SKINS ? un tanned?Duty?2s percent, ad val.

Deer, shaved, hair ' -ia ''

I Goat, Mexican ?6O a 65

SO VP?Duty 39 percent.Bait. wh. & Castile lO a 1- 1

browu yel..

SPICES?Duty per lb. a* under: ICassia (40 |.rct.)lb. l7tiiiSr.race(4o,ct.) 7,u ' jCluves (10 purer.) - 2tt o - 27Mace (40 per ct.) ?. 1 10 a 1 In

Nutmeg, (10 prcl ) 12" a 130

Pepper (30 per ct.) G,' <Pimento (40 pcrct.) l3 a ll ll


Duty, Brandy and all Spirits distilled fromgrain or other materials, I'JD per cent.

Brandy ,Ourd,Du- ) % 25 a 3 50pay & C0...ga1. S _ ...

Pinet&Co. 2 2o a 3 o0Hennessy . 2 25 a 3 50

JohnDurand ) . o.j a& Co. ... S

? p.-llevoisin J 90 ' 9.

Gin, Holland, Grape 1 15 a 1 25Pine Apple ..

Maltese Cross.Baltimore

Rum, N. England... 3O a 3l 3lWhiskey, Irish.... 2 a 2 25

Am. Ist p.bbl. 2? >a 2Bdo. hbds. 26 a 26^

ST A RCII Duty 20 per cent.

Baltimore lb. 7 aPhiladelphiaNew York in box..Poland lA a 8

STEEE-Duty, on cast, shear or German, and in

bars, 15 per cent.Sanderson's best, lb. l6 aHoop L blistered... l2la ?..

Crowly l3"aAmericanblis'd....

SUC* ARS?Duty 30 per cent.Havana wh. 100 lbs. 8 25 a 8 20

brown 7 a 7 25Porto Rico 6 50 a 7 50New Orleans

..... 5 90 a b 75St. CroixBrazil, white 7 25 aLoaf, sing. ref. lb.-doub. do. ... ?lO a lo£ lo£Crushed

Lump 9ja 9J


TALLO W A SO A P ST UVF-liuty 10 pei ceut* ad val.

Tallow, 7aJ Rendered.. Ha


TEAS-Duiy, free in Amer. vessels, or vessels

exempt by treaty.Canton Y. Hyson lb. 2l n 25

? Gunpowder. 32 a 35Country V.llysoti.. 4O a 9O 9O

Gunpowder- 47 a I 15Poiicbong 3O a 65Souchong 25 a 35

TIN- IDuty, pig*, bars or blocks, 5 perct.; and

plates 15 perct. ad val. 'In plates, 1-3x. .box 9 a 9 25Spelter lb. b\a 6Block,Spanish

- Eng. & India 27 a 3O 3O

jTOBACCO? Duttr,leaf3o|>rct. a<lCominou .... 100lbs. 1 75 a 2Ord. brown and red 2 £0 a 3 50Mid. good br. leafy 4 a 550Piucbrownaudcol'd 6 50 a 8 50Ord. to good brown. 6 a 8

! Fine red 650 a 10 ?-

Ord. to Fine yeiloiv. 8 a 15VVrappery for segurs 8 a 12Ohio. . 2 50 a 10 -

Kentucky 4 a 12VirginiaSt. Domingo 15 a 20Cuba 22 - a 28 -

WINES?Duty 411 per cent, ad val* IMalaga,dry... .gal. 5O a 55

sweet 6O a 5B 5BClaret, incases,do/.. 3 a 8? |TenerilFe,cargo,gal. 45 a 6O 6OChampagne,.. .uoz. 8 al2 ISicily .Madeira, gal. 6O a BO lCctte d0...... 45 (i 5OMarseilles do 45 a 55Lisbon.... do 65 a 65Port ?6O a 1 75

| Cette Port. ?soa 55I Rouissillou 6O a?

WOOL?Duly 30 percent.' Saxony, ?3T a - 40

Merino, lull bid... ? ?3oa 44

native & } do. 22 a]bid l5 a l7 l7

Merino lB a 22Wash, pulled, Skin lO a 2l 2lS. Ainer. Washed.. II a lljS. Am. do.& Picked aS.Amcr. Unwashed

VKLLOW M ETAL? Sheathing.Taunton mauuf.. .11). 2O a

ZlNC?Duty 5 percent, ad val.Rolled lb. 8 a B] B]


Tobacco..hhd. 275. Gd a ?s. ?dTo BREMEN?

Tobacco.. hhd. 20s. ?da ?s. ?dTo ANTWERP ?

Tobacco.. hhd. 255. ?d a ? s. ? dTo ENGLAND, &C.?

Flour .... brl. 3s. 6d a 4s. ?dGrain bu. ?s. lOd a ?s. 12d

COASTWISETo Huston, &c. ?

Iron ton 2 aCoal 2 25Flour brl. 2O a ?-

Corn bu. tf 0

New YorkIron ton 1 50 aCoal 1 75 aFlour brl. lsca ISGrain .bu. 4 a sc sc

SE AMEN's WAG ES, withs malt storesTo Europe,per month slB a

W.liul.orCoastwise 18 aSouth America .... 18 a?

WESTERN TRANSPORTATION.On Halt. 4* Susquehanna 11. Hoad?

From Baltimore to PittsburghDry Goods,&c. lUOlbs.? a 65Hals, Shoes, &c a 65HardwareQucensware

| Muslin in balesi Drugs, Fruits, &c...! Coffee a 4O 4Oi Teas and Spices

1 Shad & Mackerel,brl. a 1 25! Herrings 2 3

' On Baltimore and Ohio 11. Hoad

From Cumberland to Wheeling? \Mdze.allkiuds, lOOIbB. a 62 Jditto to Pittsburgh *'


BEEVES, 100 lbs. 5 a 6 25HOGS, do. 650 a 7


| Beef, cho. pieces lb 3a lOcoarse do. 6 a 7corned do. 8 a 9dried do. 9 a lO lOtongues smuk'd

Pork, fresh lb. - 8a 9. corned do. 8 a 9

hams, smok'd II a l2j l2jjoles do. 6 a 7other parts,do. 8 a 9

Mutton do. 6 a 8Lard do. a I2J I2JButter.roll do. l6 a 2O 2O

FUEL?I Wood,hickory,cord 4no a 5j oak 3 75 a 4

I pine ?. 275 a 3, Coal, anth.ton 2,240 ??aj deliver'dbrok. 5 75 a 6

II AY? Timothy,ton 16 als-


Corrected for the


Every Friday,By S. IIarris St Son

Xo 21G Baltimore street.U.S. Bank and Branches 10 a? dis.Banks inBaltimore \>jr.

11age r- tow j?*;Frederick,.*.*.', t dis!Williamsport £a 'Jis.Annapolis para? Jis.Eastern..... £a? lis.CumberlandMineral Bank -m? c js>Washington, <jin.Georgetown, (g8" g 8"

i Pennsylvania Hanks as followPhiladelphia para ] lis.Cliambcrsburg a? lis,Gettysburg j]s,Easton £a ? lis.Lancaster ]a ? (lis.York ja? dis.Carlisle fa ? lis.Pittsburgh Ja? dis.Brownsville 1 }a? dis.Pottsville la ? jj3.VVaynesburg l^a? dis.H irrisburg £a ? dis.Hollidaysburg £a ? disEric.. I\a dis.Washington l]a ? dis.Delaware Banks para 1 dis.New Jersey Banks la dis.New York City para ] disNow YorkState 1 a ? dis.Michigan sa dis.Canada Batiks 5 a? dis.All New England Banks.. J a? dis.Norfolk.. la? dis.Alexandria, £a? dis.Portsmouth ia? dis.Richmond La? disPetersburg ?a dis.Winchester dis.Fredericksburg i<i? dig.Bank of the Valley 'a? dis.Winchester & Charleitown la ? dis.All other Virginia >a dis.All Wheeling ?a dis.Ohio Banks IIcrl 4 dis.Indiana Banks l]a!J dis.Illinois Banks uiO dis.Missouri Banks l]al dis.Kentucky Banks dis.Tennessee Banks 2*a2J dis.SoiithCaroliua Banks .... I al 1 dis.North Carolina Banks.... 1 n\\ dis.Georgia Banks ?ol{ dis.Alabama Banks ? a 4 dis.Mississippi Banks ?a? dis. jLouisiana Banks la? dis.


Open at 9<j'c!ock, A. M. and close at 3P* M. "The discount days are:

Union Bkof.Yfarylatid?Mond.&Thurs.Bank fßaltimore?Tuesday& Friday.Farmcrs'&Planters'?Mond. & ThuriFranklin Bank Monday.Merchants'?Tuesday and Friday .Marine?Friday.

Mechanics'?Wednesday & Saturday-Farmers'& Merchants'?Mon. &Thurs.Western?Tuesday and Friday.Commercia]& Farmers'? Tues. ScFri.Chesapeake?Tuesday.Baltimore Savings every day .F. P. Savings Institution?Tues.&Fr

LYFORD'S BALTIMORE PRICES CURRENT, (Wholesaled carefully corrected every Friday.

FLOUR AND MEALINSPECTIONS?This week?this year?and to same period last year.~~~~

. . 7 j i This This To sameDescriptions Inspected. week year Hme

Flour llowurdstreet,fcrls. 5,320 4-41,(62 337,606hf.brls.\ 2,063 2,640

City Rlills Ms. 5,944 106,025 100,609___ ... hf. brls. 635 13,161 16,316

Family brls. 639 10,794 15,174- hf. brls. -I"; 166

Susquehanna,.. .brls. 239 42,051 31,860liveFlour brls 111 4,290 4,792Corn Muni hints. 23 1,4 17 [ 670

brls. 596 87,870 22,464

Flour EXPORTED, brls 8,923 425,141 299,032

TOBACCO INSI'ECTION-Tliis week this year?anil tosame period last year._

_... , , , This This To sameDescriptions Inspected. wnk j yea) . fimc M 6

Maryland hhds 1,350 17,299 23,975Ohio, 666 6,436 18,596Virginia, 3 1 50 79Kentucky, 2| 304 464 jMissouri, 25 83Stems, j

Total,, .hhds 2,221 21,114 43,170

Tobacco EXPORTED". 2,222| 27,360| 25,723Stems or Scrap* ditto 189 1/231)! 1,359

SPECIFIC IMPORTATIONS?This week this year?and to same period last year

... T , j This Thin To someDescriptions Imported )(W . yea} . ( ?, u , MG .

Coffee bans ! 91,586 132,018Sugar hhds. 403 14,740, 5,822?? Ires. 14-i 3

brls. 12! 2,999! 1,311bags ; 1 7,650;bxs. j 7,6641 2,707

Molasses.. hhds.. 7,626 6,411

trcs.\ 157; 472

brU.\ 2 165| 756Hides,(ox & cow) Numb.\ j 136,532! 82,703

Green Suit*d do. \ I ®2| -

PRICES OP F LOU It AND CORN*At the last date, say from 1 to 10 days, according to

distunce from Baltimore, previous to the date of this"Circular."

WHERE AT. | Flour per brl. \ Corn per hn._

Boston t> 25 a b 50 - 75 a? 85New York, 5 25 a 6 50 - 63 a- 70Philadelphia, 5 87§u 6 j?7o a 71Alexandria, 381 [a-. j 75 a? 90

Richmond, ?~

Norfolk, 625n 675 ?65 a ? ?-

Charleston, S. C 450a6 60 , 65 a ? <0Savannah, 6 50 a .55 a- 65

IMobile, 5?a525 j? 62 a 65

New Orleans, 4 62* a 4 75 - 60 a- boSt. Louis I 4 50 a 4 75 32 a? 33Louisville, K n ? 3 1 a ~'

ICincinnati I I 25 a 1 30 3O a? 31Pitt-Phi 1 >


To Giver pool?Cotton,.. . lh. sterl 3-|6d u 5-16 dSeeds, trc. aBeef, (301 lbs.) aBeef and Pork,.. .brl. 3s.Od a 4 s.?

Flour, 2s. a 2s. 6dLeather lb. a gdHeavy Goods.. . ton.

To London ?Tobacco hhd -

Flour, brl. 3s.? a 3s. 6dBeef, lbs.). a 7s.?Beef and Pork, .bri. 4s.? a

'To Havre Cotton lb. Jc a lc

Measurm't Goods.ton. #8 as 10

Freights Charleston, Aug. 11.'To Liverpool?Cotton lb. 7-16 ii ?idTo Havre. Cotton do. lc i IJTo ?7, ! a = =

Rice trc. 1 60 aExchange?Sterling

_5Ja prem

" Francs, 5f.40aChecks on New York, pur? a J prem.

" Baltimore a J do.

Freights? Savnmiali, Aug. 13.'To Liverpool ?Cotton lb. ?£d a Jd'To Havre Cotton do.ToiVito 10/7c--Cotton do.

Rice trc. a I 50Exchange?Sterling s \a piem.

" Francs, 5f.40 a 61*37.}Sight Checks on New Y0rk,....

" Baltimore a ?prem.

Freights ? Mobile, Aug. 11.

To Liverpool?Cotton lb - 16dTo Havre Cotton do.To Wew York? Cotton do. J a

Exchange? Sterling 4 a 5 prem." Francs,

Bills,sight, New York, Jfl? J dis.(i 41 Baltimore j>a dis

Specie, American Gold \a?1 prein.

Freights? New Orleans, Aug. 7.To Liverpool? Cotton lb.? a |d |d

Tobacco hhd.'To Havre Cotton lb. IJ

Tobacco hhd. 12 a 13To London ?Tobacco do. 635. aTo Bremen,Bfc. -Tobacco do. - asos.


f Tobacco hhd. $5 ? a 7I Cotton lh. *c

To ports North I Stigai'&Molnss.hhd, ?a?-

of Cape Pork brl. B7ia Iteras ? I Flour do. 6oa

i Lead ton. 2 50a 3

I Hemp do 8 -fllO -

Exchange?Sterling 4 n 5 prem" Francs, 5f.37 |,a5f.41 *" New York,short sicht i dis.

BALTIMORE LIFE INSURANCE COJlasrcmoved to No. 15 South street.


rjXIIISCOM PAN Y niakesfnnuranceson LivesR. for one or more years, or for life, at the follow-

ing rates for every hundred dollars.Age. One year. Seven years. Life.

25 1.00 1.12 2.0335 1.36 1.53 2.7645 1.91 1.96 3.7t69 4.35 4.91 7.00

Grants Annuities. Ratcsforone hundreddollars60 years of age, 10.55165 " 12.27 > perannum.70 " 14.19)

Rays Annuities.Sells Endowments for children.Receives Money on dcpositc.Executes 'JVusts.Makes contracts inwhich life or the interest o

money is involved,june sly RICHARD B. HORSEY, Secretary.





ARE now receiving per Steamer, anil Packet,,from Europe, anil from various factories in the

United Slates, their FALL ASSORTMENT OFFOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS,embracing every nrticle for the Country and Citytrade. Merchants visiting the city, we respectfullyrequest to cull and examine our styles and prices,previous to purchasing elsewhere. Orders solicitedand executed at our lowest prices, with promptnessand despatch. KIELY & PENDLETON.

jy3 tf




SPELTERS,TIN PLATE, tic., kc., &c.

fry-Old Cupper purchased. June 5 tf.

From Hie New Orleans Price Current.


FROM SEPTEMBER I, 1846 AND 1845?T0AUGUST 7 1847 1846

Bacon. assorted, hhds. Sf csks. 28,459 19,565Bacon, Ham? hhds. Sf Ires. 14,320 11,403Bacon in bulk . Ibe. 420,163 492,700Beeswax Ibe. 3,100 4,920Hecf brie. 32,684 35,940

I Beef hhde. and tree. 21,230 26,214j Beef, dried lbs. 48,000 90,200

Corn Meal bile 82,758 3,723Corn, shelled sacks, 2,369,440 1,154.219(lotion bales. 817,885 1,052,737Floor brie. 1,602,863 821,608Hemp bills. 58,592 30,156Lard Ires, and brls. 116,224 105,643Lard kegs, 271,135 322,326Lead -.pigs, 610,320 735,930Molasse brls. 91,412 131,637Oil,Castor brls. 1,339 2.379Oil,Lard brls 2,399 2,390Pork brls.\ 300,997 367,396

j Pork hints, i 9,452 9,988| Pork in hulk lbs. 18,450,700 9,740,752

j Potatoes 6r/,| 128,778 100,224| Sugar hhds] 81,460 92,154

j Tobacco, Leaf hhds] 52,522 71,255| Wheat brls. §\u25a0 sacks] 833,354. 402,240

j Whiskey brls. 124,229 113,149Coffee, Cuba,&c bags, 43,429 10,899

| Coffee, Rio bags, 205,111 215,031Salt, Liverpool, sacks, 344,352 269,481Salt, Turks Island.&c bush. 190,930 110,849

JVew Orleans EXPORTS? Foreign and Coastwise.Flour brls. 1,301,7591 539,855Pork brls. 229,821 266,353Bacon hhds. 24,271| 17,669Cotton bales 650,4378 ,<133,931Lard kegs 899,572 | 767,623Beef 6>7. 51,683 67,355Lead PBt* 574,536 681,523

i C0rn,...,* sacks 2,478,855 892,873I Tobacco hhds 41,051 62,422'Sugar... hhds] 49,913 81,706Suar brls] 5,251 10,472Molasses hhds., 3,603] 4,605

! Molasse* brls. I 41,80S j 63/260COMPARATIVE NUMBER <>F VESSELS IN PORT.

Ships Barks??Brigs Schrs?Total.|S47 40 10 *23 50 U23ISIG 21 10 17 13 66



No. 64 South Gay street,

m a AVE on hand and olTvr for sale, on the most

B M liberal terms, the following:i>l A N V FACT t TREl> TO B A CCO?-

<G /4 /J Sd L PACKAGES, comprising a lull as-sort melit of all grades and sizes gnat

variety of popular and well established brands, allmamifuctuicd expressly for this market, and receiv-ed direct from the most celebrated manufacturers inVirginia: constantly receiving additions to the abovestock.

LEAF TOBACCO.700 Bales, consisting of Havana, Yarn,St Jago.St.Domingo, Ignani, Myotic, Porto Rico, and Ken-tucky, of first quality and flavor, selected with great

care. Also, Spanish Seed ill cases? Kentucky,Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia, in hhds.?a full sup-ply always on hand, suitable for Segar manufacturersor export.

SEGARS.500 000 HAVANA and PRINCIPE, presentingan excellent stock of choice and medium SEGARS,of the mo-t favorite brands.

2ll(l,tl0l) AMERICAN SEGARS, Half Spanish,part packed, 3 M cases, an article for South Ameri-can trade. Also, SNUFFS, Smoking and NewYork Fine Cm TOBACCO, Havana and Principe pa-per. Havana Bass, VirginiaTobacco Stems, TobaccoKnives, Calabria Liquorice, Negro Pipes, &c., &c.

June 5


OFFICE No. l l'LBALTIMORE STREET,4 doors E. of Calvert.

f||n[E subscriber is in every way prepared to ex-

common" papers lor ftiil-Heads, Circulars, Bills ofLading, Hank Checks, &c. ?He has considerably re-ducetl the scale of prices on


Druggists, fyc., \\ here large quantities are required his prices are

i ver\ low, as he runs them ofl' by means of a NapierCy finder Press.

The orders of lii.s friends arc particularly solicited,who willplease give hitn a call and judge for them-

Ile has also on hand BLANK BOOKSof his ownmanufacture; and will make to order at the shortestnotice?which he warrants equal to the best in thecity - together with a full supply of STATION-

| ARV, &c. JOS. ROBINSON, Printer,june 5 Bookseller & Stationer, 112 Baltimore st.



BY their long experience inthe sales of WesternProduce, and their very advantageous location

in the centre of the shipping business, they hope toafford satisfaction to their Western customers, in aready and profitable disposition of Merchandise con-

j signed to their agency. Reasonable advances madewhen desired.


i Goods forwarded toall parts of the West per RailRoad Cars loaded daily at our doors. Through to

j the Ohio River in 3 days per Greene & Co's Express,in days per Day mid Night Wagon Line, or in 7to10 days per transient wagons from Cumberland.

ill ISfescGoods destined to any part of the United States,

or to foreign ports, if addressed to our care, willmeet with prompt despatch.


I june 5 Cor.of Commerce and Pratt streets.

VAN BRUNT .FC ADAMS.j Lexington street, opposite the Market House,


KEEP constantly on hand, and for Sale, at thelowest market prices, a general assortment of

| superior P ROVISIONS: such as Mess, No. I,andPrime BEEF ami PORK: extra MESS BEEF, inhalf barrels for family use; BACON?Hams, Sides,Shoulders and Jules,

CK3-" A constant supply of their much admiredSUGAR-CURED IIAMS?LARD in barrels andkegs; SMOKED BEEF; SMOKED and PICKLEDTONGUES, and BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, je 6



No. 93 Bowles Wharf,BALTIMORE, MD.

REFER ENCESMessrs. Reynolds & Smith, )

Ballimore< Mcl11 Wilson & Hopkins, 5" Fit-mining & Buzby, Philadelphia, Pa.

*c°' e-Messrs. Myers & Co. J

" M. Rbonds & Son, Bridgeport , O." Jus. Forsyth & Co., Wheeling, Va.

Mr. T. J- Maxwell, > . ... nMr. Henry Lewi., J Cxncinatti, O.

Messrs. B. O. Davis, ) r ... __

A. & R. Buchanan, $ Louisville, Ay?? W. W. Thompson & Co. >

r .?? Finney. Long & Co. \St Lou ">M°-

" W. A. Violett, 1" Ki.kman & Dy.., \ *ew OrUans.

June 5 I yr

TIIF. SUBSCRIBER having taken theBakery on McElderry' wharf, and Store No.108 Pratt Ktreet, recently occupied by Mr. Peter

Kernan, intend, manufacturing PILOT and NAVYBREAK, SUGAR, SODA and WATER CRACK-ERS, &c., and hope, that by .trict attention to bui-ncss to merit a share of public patronage.


fN RETIRING from the above business Iwould respectfully ask for Mr. Hooper the pa-

tronage of my friends and the public, generally.PETER KERNAN.

Baltimore, July 19, 1847. jy31