baltimore daily commercial (baltimore, md.) 1866-02-19 [p...

DAILY COMMERCIAL i,iLiijlOßE, MD. WON DAY MORNING, FEB. I!>, IHC.B. To Correspondents. V, r " n token "f anon;imuus cumnnini'-utions. lihateyer is intended for insertion must be authen- ticated by the name and address of the writer?not necessarily for Tniblieation, but us a Guaranty for his aood faith. ITe are not to be considered reeponsi- Jtf'ue opinions expressed by correspondents. NOME IMPROVEMENT IN THE PROS- PECT AT WASHINGTON. 'lhe symptoms are unmistakable that the troubles upon the country caused by the un- settled condition of its national legislation, have pretty nearly reached their climax : and that the men who have so determinate!;/ (Want- ed themselves in the way of an early adjust- ment of our difficulties until their own narrow aims were to be accomplished, will be com- pelled to get out of the way. Wearied of strife and of watching public affairs, the people have thus far been unusually tolerant with them, so that whilst every great interest is and has been suffering, little has been heard in the shape of remonstrance, few demonstra- tions of righteous iudignation at the ueglect experienced. Other reasons, too, exist why this is so ; and one of the principal of these is found, in the fact?that thus far in the com- paratively silent struggle that ha- been going on between Congress and the President, the latter has not only held its own, but lias steadily been gaining ground. And whilst he has constantly resisted the pressure brought to bear upon him, it will be noted that to the extent he was able, be has done what he well might do to avoid coming to any thing like a decided rupture with those who, affecting to be in affiliation with him in a general way, have done what they could to disconcert and embarrass him. We have said that the symptoms are plain that point to tho approaching termination oi the troubles growing out of the obstinacy ex- hibited in Congress, and the country must hail with delight tho fact of its being so. To the defeat sustained on one or two iate occasions by the most ultra of that body, we may now add that which occurred recently on the qitt-s lion of admitting the loyal member from Arkansas?Co!. Johnson?who, sent thither bv loyal voters, would have been?beyond doubt ?admitted, had several members who were absent been present to vote. As it was. the vote was seventy-eight to seventy; showing conclusively that the point formerly insisted upon of keeping out all who come up from the South?loyal us well as disloyal?is no longer insisted upon; and that ere long, Ten- nessee, especially, will find herself fully rep- resented in a body where long since her voice should have been heard. And however certain men there are wedded to the theory and practice of considering the States lately in -rebellion as ''territorie-." it is clear that they must soon recede from a posi- tion so unwisely taken. Both Air. Lincoln and the present Executive having been place ! in their eminent positions on grounds ?<> en- tirely opposite lo territorial'' theory, the former having, in his first memorable "Inau- gural," laid down the proposition that no State could by any act of its own withdraw itself from the Union, what greater absurdity could be insisted upon now. than to accept men holding these views as leaders, whilst going against them in a manner which changes the relationship in the most vital manner pos- sible ? It is hardly needful at thU lata day to seri ously argue the unsoundness of a theory which, admitted, gives in to the validity of a "Secession ordinance:" and yet to consum- mate party euda, that is precisely what these ultras seek to do. Going against a position unswervingly held by the late lamented Exe- cutive throughout his term of office, ignoring and scouting a position which was made the chief basis of the most gigantic war ever waged, the men who would do this may rest assured that sooner or later thev must aban- don doctrines so broadly erroneous; they must recognize in the people those who are en pa! of judging for themsuives the rights of ti. : matter. Let all be patient a httla longer, then, in view of what is happening at Washington. With the work began which shows that at last they feel their ultimate dependence upon the people; with the fact made more clear even' day which points to the support of the President, as against these persistent opposers of everything which promises peace ami a solution of our difficulties, no fear but that one or two more trials will show that extreme views are surrendered, and that quitting profit- less debate, and heedless agitation, they will be constrained to attend to the real interests of the country. In this view of the ca;e, the formation of a great National Union party looks more promising every hour; and in this hope, let the people continue to sustain and encourage the President in his endeavor to give us reconstruction and peace. MARRIED. STEWART ?SOLOMON.?On tho 12th it; ft., by Rev. Dr. J, J. Bullock, Sej>. H. Stewart to Carrie, daughter of Isaac Solomon, Esq., all of this city TI'RNER?AMES. ?On the 12th instant, by Rev.* J as. S. Ross, Joshua Turner to Annie Ames, both of this city. TYLER?LOGUE.?On the 15th inst., by Rev. G. ? Nice, John A. Tyler to Miss Kate Logue, daughter of Louis Logue, Esq., all of this city. WATTS?-HENDERSON.?On the 13th inst., by Rev. Joseph Franer, William Watts, Jr., of Annap- olis, Md., to Hannah Amanda, eldest daughter of Rev. Dr. Henderson, of this city. DIED. ALNIJTT.?On Saturday, 17th instant, in tho 66th year of her age. Sallic Smith Alnutt, late of Calvert county, Md. Her funeral will take place thi3 afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. CULLISON.?On the 13th inst.. Willie Allen, in- fant son of George W. and Amanda L. Cuilison, aged 9 months. OSTENDORF.?On the 16th inst., Alexander, the youngest sou of Anton and Margaret Ostendorf, aged HO years. 9 months and 21 days. TORPIIY.?On the 15th instant, Thomas Torphy, aged 55 years, a native of Ireland, but lor the last 26 years a resident of Baltimore. HOW ARD.?On the 16th instant, Deborah Ridgciv .Howard. j "I am in no danger from accident.'' is tho very common remark of persons, when the subject of in- surance against loss by accidents is mentioned to them. Because they have lived so long without meeting with an accident, they imagine there is no danger whatever of a mishap to themselves. But ex cmption from accident intho past is no guaranty of Immunity therefrom in the future. Every person in fact ij continually liable to accident. - Therefore get a policy of insurance against accidents at 63 Second street, from TV. B. LOUXSBCRY, agent of tho Travelers' Insurance Company of ilartloru. It Dalley s Magical I'ain Extractor is a cer- tain euro for Burns, Piles, Corns, Bunions, Rheuma- tism, Frost Bites, and Skin Diseases. Try it. Only 25 cts. Sold by druggists. 16-1 m-in.w&fr Uißdllug Wood. Wood of all Sizes, Oakand Pine Wood, Delivered free of charge. Office City Steam Fire Wood Mills, Over 99 West Batlimoro stroct, d27-6m2p JAB. H. JOHXSON & Co., proprietors. \u25a0WWe call our readers attention to SMITH, BROS. A Co'a Now stock of Spring Clothing just opened at SMITH, BBOS. A Co.'s popular Clothing House, No. 40 West Baltimore street. Our new stock of Gents Furnishing Goods just opened at 38 West Baltimore street, next to Marble Hall. Call and see our new styles of Gents Furnishing Goods at 38 West Baltimore street, next to Marble Hall. All tho latest novelties in Collars, Ties, Scarfe, Ac., at West Baltimore street, next to Marble Hal!. T'ne popular Clothing House, No. 40 West Bal;i- --mo*e sfreet. next to the great Furnishing House. SPECIAL NOTICES. i'OERSI", or THREE LECTURES will be delivered in the Metho- dist Protestant Church, corner of Fayette and Ais- ouith streets, by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Nichols, as follows: Ist?"Social Desliny of Young Men," Monday eve- ning, 19th inst., at 7 A o'clock. 2d?"Position and Influence of Y'oung Ladies " Thursday evening, 22d inst.. at I'A o'clock. lid?"Courtship and Marriago." Monday evening, 26th inst. Tickets for the Course, 50 eta. fel&M,ThAu-3t* p-;;.MAHYI.A.\II ACIRHT LTIRAI f Ur-y COLLEGE, Feb. 10.1866. j An adjourned meeting of tho Stockholders of this Institution will bo held at tho Office of the State Su- perintendent of Public Instruction, on TUESDAY", 20th inst.. at 12 o clock M. fel2-eotF2o J. O. WHARTON. Register. n-UjW FEIi Hl' PRATER FOlt COLEEUES Iky AND YOUTHS-The Presbyterian Churches will observe the Vi eek of Prayer for the Y'oung by a Daily Prayer feting in the Central Church (Dr. Smith's) EVERY AHERNOON THI3 WEEK at 4M P- M. On THURSDAY the Day of Prayer for Colleges, Seminaries and Schools; a general meet- ing will be held in the name Church at 7VS o'clock P. ft. fl7-s,si,th-t i'Ty® BALTIMORE, FEBRUARY 8, 1806. -dy The attention of the citizens of Baltimore is respectfully invit d to the formation o: the UNITED ?;TATES FIRE AJil) MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTlMOßE. recent]v authorized by the General Assembly of Maryland, and is in- tended to accommodate the people of the eastern -eetion of the city It-- capital . tock i.-, at i' cotn-'iti.uOO, and may he increased t05500,000. 'I ho charter provides that S:'"> per -hare be paid upon tive thousand shares, making the capital paid in -125,01 -1, to be paid by installments of five dollars per .-hare, viz: Five dollars at the time of subscription. Five dollars on the 5tU dav of "larch, ldfiti. Tth " May, .. ? July, " " " :kl " Sept. " and the remaining '-At per share to be paid by iustell- rnents of at such periods as the President and Directors may determine upon, sixty days notice being required for each installment of $5. Books for subscription to the stock will be opened at the Second National Rank, Broadway, on TUES- DAY, February lA, and as soon as 1,000 shares aro subscribed the Company will be organized bv the Corporators named in the charter, v,-ho will act as Directors until the third .Monday in July next, when Directors will be elected by the Stockholder-. Corporators. R.K.HAXVT.EY, \VM. 11. CATHCART, -I AS. \u25a0. RANDOLPH, : GEO. A. COLEMAN, ?I As. U. RAMSAY, j'i'llOS. 800/. ' HAS. 1. MORRIS. CALEB B. HYNES, JNC. S. GILLM.XN. JNO. V,'. RANDOLPH, JNO. J. ABRAHAMS, | l'e!9-eo4tm,w,sat,tu rrS*MAR¥I,A3SJ> INSTITUTE.?The eom- -W> mitten take idea UP- in announcing that an EXTRA LECTURE .WITHOUT CHARGE to all who nrc entitled to attend tho regular course) will bo delivered on TO-MORROIV (Tuesday) NIGHT, bv Rev. N. H. SOHKXCK. SUBJECT ?"New America." This lecture has been successfully given in Brooklyn and New Y'ork, and will be repeated here at the request of many citizens. Single tickets (at the door) f>o cents. THE TENTH (reguIarTLECTURE of the course will be delivered (at, tho same time, in tho Chemical Room), by Dr. AIKEN. Subject?"Carbonic Acid." Among other illustrations will be exhibited the so- lidification (requiring a pressure of <50,000 or 70.000 lbs.) of this gas, and also the combustion of a dia- mond to prove that this gem of gems is nothing more than pure charcoal. Single tickets (at the door) 25 cents. fel'9-at COMMITTEE ON LECTURES. ,|-3iTKEASrBEB*B is EPAKT Si'est" NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO.. CALVERT STATION. BAI.TIMORK, January 25, DIVIDEND NO. B.?The President and Directors of this Company have declared n Quarterly Dividend of i'WO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and Start faxes, payable on 2')T![ OF FEBRUARY NEXT :? Stockholders residing in Philadelphia at the Office of GEORGE TABEK,Transfer Agent, No. _3l S. Third -trcet, and to all other Stockholders, aa heretofore at. this Office. The Transfer Books will be close.! from Bth to 22d of February inclusive. , By order, J. S. LEIB. ,ia-"-2awtfob'ii) Treasurer. -5p SOTMIE?CORKBR OF CAI.VEKT Lsy AND WATER STREETS.-Wc have for re- : airing of V, atclies the best. European and American watch makers: also, jewelers, engravers and watch case makers on iho promises. Apply to GABRIEL !-. CLARK, corner of Water and Calvert streets, a-ent for William Dixon's London Watch and Jules J urgenson'? Copenhagen atch. fel'3-llmo ; TO SIIIPIEKS.-~Tho steam- ship '"ISABELLA,"Captain WAMBFRSIB, is rritiidra-wn from rlio Charleston nnd Havana Line. liEMll' M. WAItFIELD, Agent. FOR HIJBSCSIPTIONS TO CAPITAL vi the "Bx\LTE MDRB LEVLK BEATER PRESS COMPANY." wid be opened the cotintinar room of I*. Ob MT'P- n'KiV-'IV.C' Pi. street, on tho THlß- LAY OF FJ'iBRL ARY, 18(56, and rein tin open lor ten By order of tho t 1 ;t COMMISSIONERS. Orrit'ii OF THL SIARILAK!) * ?' INEBB I ATE ASYTJ'M, BAI.TIMOEPI, Autru-t . 1865.?1b th Public: WM. <'? ILTON. Bf . ? r ?pointe.l the A:er.t of the ''AP YLAE i- for the par nose of Boae-Cn: ASCRIPTIONS on aoopnt of '?:<> bniidingc ? e<?-e?sary to VvMent* rrho *.Te c n \u25a0 tly apulyin- f>r n,-. i.?..i.-.n. He cr,-nrsip. ?rcomnendf 1 tr> our feHrw ciiiz-u-, Ly who-tc liuc. \u25a0 i .'.irrivut-.onß ivo hope tc Lo ?. -o to:*occmmod? Iq a i 'l-ists for the reformat! w su', -.utzecs the ! r- - yHagpeotfnifr, t .M.ROBBRTS. ST. O- iTtwideut Maryland fjipbrvvtn Am '-; m. auti-tfl j 'T-.-THK BAITISttKE ASSOCIATION for ' 'he IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONDI if , "1- THE POOR. A stated meeting of the board of Managers w;ll beheld in the Central oifi.v, ? Btree 'i '" n -- c Holliday, on M'-N- D.W h v I.M.Vg next, Feb. IV. at 7 li o'clock. Tin v ard.-i will pica.-e coinpletctlieircollectionsend make a full report the name evening. fe!6-3t Z. D. It HASH EARS. See'y. "3Y <? AVER'S ( UIIKiiY i' G-& flic rapid euro of Cough.-, Colds. InllucD !'o:ii.:or,crs, Croup, Bronehiti.-, Incipient G'onsump- -1,011. mid for tue relief of Con?unt|.fivo "aticufs in ?nlvanecd stages of the disease. So wide i.-; the flei-l 'is usefuiness and so nuiuerous are th c. cases of :ui c^ f that almost wary section of country about;-!.- in persona publicly known, who have been re ored . oiii alarming and even dcspcra.e of lungs bj it.= jjg,.. When once tried, its auperioi j \u25a0 \u25a0 cr every other expectorant is too apparent, to (s oiipe observation, fml where its virtue? are known, tho public no longer hesitate what antidote to c i- p!oy for tho distressing ami dangerous affectim- u" (sc pulmonary organs that are incident to our )?- ernto. ;V hiio many inferior remedies thrust unon *ho ? mmunity have failed and been discarded, thin in? -fined friends by every trial, conferred beneliu on ?no afflicted they can never forgot, and irodue"d ? urea too numerous and too remarkable to bo for- gotten. Wo can only assure the public, that quality i? carefully kept u] to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for tiicir relief all that it has ever done. (treat numbers of Clergymen, Physicians. State.- man nod eminent personages, have lout their nam ;> certify the unparalleled usefulness of our rome- es. iiut, -;:2C0 here will not permit the insertion ' Mem. The Agents below named furnish prratis our miriean At, iHtriac, in which they are rrivc-u: wi.h °o full ucscriptions of tha cowpiaims tilcy cure, those who require alterative n,rtli<-ivc to purlfr o 'nlooil, will liud Aycr's Compound llxtracL S..r i i mlla the remedy to uso. Try it once, and you win snow its vaiue. Prepared by J. C. AYEH It CO., Lowell, Mass.. . ad sold by V,. 11. BROWi re BRO? Baltimore, and oyall deal era. jahh eohmdtw BAlt ViSMSW OF sbtts ( PiiEP u 1' DH.STRICKLAND'S PILiSRHMIIi)Y.- vr. Glac.", ci Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for tht j'onefit of all t.Lo Buffer with the Piles, that ho h troubled for eight ye&ra with an aggravate.'. oust- of Piles, and his brother VZJ (iischarood from the armyaa incurable, (ho being quito paralysed with l .0 Piles.) Roth these distressing cases were enreo with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remed 1 ho recommendation of these gentlemen, beside P : iily testimonials received by br. Strickland* ought to convince those su boring thut the most aggravate, 'ironic casos of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickla" Pile Remedy. It is sold by Seth 8. Dance, ICS Isah<- Aiorestie**. £iii bv ProgsbiLs everywhere. Wholesale Agent., TROMSKN a BLOCK a. k 00; BETH o. jUajnOE, jy3-ly Agent. r. MAJMTS IASTITIHR, f,b,' °*rciaes_ will be resumed on MONO A 7 -LAT, September 4th, at 8 o'ciook A. M,, on which mynew scholars will bo admitted. Three higher classes exclusively intended for yean? \u25a0idles, were farmed but January, ana are in siicoiv, all operation at present. Parents sending boarders, are requested to provide :cr their punctual arrival. c.u3l-tfi p KNAPP. jl'S" A SUPERIOR REMEDY.-wTcauefm- -Wy scicutioueiy recommend to thoso suffering frorr a distressing cough, Dr. .Strickland's Meliiflucu. -.ough Balsam. It gives relief almost instantaneon.- ;:ud is withal not disagreeable to ibet i-te. There i.-* no doubt that the Mellifluous Cough Bab > n is one e< tho beet preparations in use, and is all that it: pro- prietor claims for it. We have tried it during the pest week and found relief from a most distressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland, No. isf Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale'.v Druggists. Wholesale agents Toumeu k Biook, ar-'- o. vngeier ACo. iy3-1v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. jB PIJBIIC SAI.E OF VAI.IAHI.J; IfiiiL ? REAL ESTATE IN B A L T 1 MO It E COU N T Y By virtue of adecroeof tho Circuit Court of Bal- timore city, datod tho fifth day of February, iu tho year 1866, and passed in a cause in S3id court, where- in Jus. E. Meeds and others were complainants and John E. Willis and other? were defendents, the' un- dersigned, as trustees, will expose at public salo, to the highest bidder, on FRIDAY, the second day of .March next, at one o'clock P. M? at the Exchange Salesrooms, in tho city of Baltimore, the following described property, that is to say: ALL THAT litAC l OR PARCEL OK LAND, lying and heirs in Baltimore county aforesaid, situ-' etedon the Baltimore and Philadelphia Turnpike road, near tho fourth railo stone on said road, and about two uiilos from the city limits, containing twenty-one acres and one-ouarter of an aero and thirty-three square perches of land, and which is d escribed in a deed from John E. Willis to Edward - chw.irtye, bearing date the Srst day of July, inthe yoarlfoy. and recorded among tho Lund Record? o' Baltimore County in Liber G H. C.. No 26 folio 200. Ac. Tho above described property is in fee, and i Gtu- sted on the Herring Run, opposite Herring Run H-u-c ? ourse. It was formerly known as Kingsbury Mill the walls or which are rtill standing, and i? one oi the best mill sites in tho vicinity of the cily. The improvements consist of a FRAME DWELL- ING and a large stone STABLE, curable of holding twelve or fourteen horses. The terms of sale, ar. prescribed bv the decree are- One-third in cash on tiie day of sale, one-third in lour months, and one-third in eight mouths, the credit payments to be secured by the notes of the purchaser with security, to be approved by the trustees, and to bear interest from the day of sale; or all cash at the option of the purchaser or. tho day of sale, or the final ratification thereof. SAMUEL U. TAGART, WILLIAM 3. WATERS, Trustees. F. W. BENNETT & CO., GGN=| SAFES. P. IRAN LILLIE'S CHILLED IRON SCLFL FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFS WITH COMBINATION LOCKS, A. PROSEUS, General Southern Agent, 57 WEST LOMBARD STREET, fc9-t.f Opposite Postoffloo. FREE ECl*t it EVERY JIOKNIKU, (ex- cept Sunday. Also, Boarding and Lodging, at moderate rates, at 71 S. CHARLES ST., near Pratt ®L. red sign. Nl-Vi PAG VTtJ. L-c folhiv" SU6ABS AND rnr JSL SI RA_" JSC , AT REDUCED PRICES. Choice English Island SUGAII, 14 and 15 cts.; Nice do do 13 cts.; M'h te Sugar .17 and 18 cts. Patapsco Family FLOUR. sls; Extra do., $13.25 per bbl.; Lingainore Family (a superior FLOUR) sl3 per bbl.; Good Extra FLOUR, sll. For sale by .... . D. SDLLIVAN, leio-tml Corner Lexington and Pipe atg. V OTICE. Water Rent and Tax for the year 1866, I aid during tho present mouth (l'ebruary) will be uS, r? a i-?fF oant °f l ft per cent, off iw.JjinS!" dlnacce , requires the water to be shut ".s'been bl pL 8 id f ° r Wter BeDt f° r the pre^nrmonth? 1 be aftet lhe 28111 of Those interested will regardithis as sufficient notice, najtt GEORGE MERRYMAN, i Registrar. CO-PARTNERSHIPS. THE XTISTID ERSI O-IhTEiD Have this day formed a copartnerahip under the name and style of a. ZVIBSLXLIFIXIZiD Oi CO., For the purposo of conducting a WHO EES AEE AND RETAIE COAL BUSINESS. E. MERRIFIELD, 0. F. MANNING. Ealtimore, Jan. 17.1866. We aro permitted to refer a* follows, Tin Messrs. Johnston Brothers k Co., Hayward, Bartlett Co.. I " Horace Abbott k Son, " E. L. Parker & Co., " Cushings k Bailey, Hugh Sisson, Esq. We rre prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds and sizes of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, including Pitts ton. Baltimore Company's, George's Creek, Cumberland, Lorbcrry, Ac., Ac., screened in the best manner, and guaranteed 2240 lbs. per ton. To largo consumers or others, purchasing by the cargo or car load, wo offer most liberal inducements. Best quality Oak ancl Pine Wood, Sawed and Split by machinery, sold at lowest rates. Office at Hutchinson Bros, No. 14 Light street. Js2o-lm E. MERRIFIELD & CO. PUKE Sflf.K! PUKE MILK !! PUltli MILK!!! PURE MILK!! ft , THE BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM- PANY beg leave to Jay before the public the follow- ing document. for which they ask a general and im- partial perusal. Prof. AIKEN, one of the most emi- ent Chemists and Piiarm. coutists of the country, at ihe solicitation of several citizens, has made a thorough analysis of the MILK. which the Company prepay. a and now furnishes to thousands inour city, nd his professional opinions and conclusions hai o been kindly furnished ns for publication. The eub- ; -iced is the dooument: . I'siTF.nsiTY in- MARYLAND, JARUA-.V 22d, ISC. To TUR CITIZENS OR BALTIMOBR: In accordance with the request of several families who are now using Condensed Milk, and others who desire to adopt it, if found pure, I have visited the Works of me BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM- PANY, near York, Pa., aud now give the results of my observations there, confimod by subsequent x- -aminations of the Milk in my Laboratory. The Milk received at the Factory door was carefully rx- s mined, all not absolutely fresh was rejected, and the -reel pure Milk was put m clean brass kettles, stand- ing in a vat of hot wator. There it remained a brief time, sufficient to accomplish the coagulation of the casein. It was then passed through a metal filter into n iarce copper kettle, when it was again moder- tciy heated by steam, and thon transferred h>-ex- haustion to the vacuum pan for final concentration. This concentration was carried on in anartial vacuum at a temperature not cxceodi.ig 190° Far. thermome- ter. From the vacuum pan it was discharged intocans, "hich were rapidly cooled by immersing them in a rat of ice water, and the Milk was then ready for distribution. By this simple process, in a few hours, while I siood watching each successive step, omc 500 gallons of sweet, pure country Milk, fresh troni the cow. without dilution or adulteration, was reduced to e.bout 125 gallons of the condensed article. The Condensed Milk thus produced containing of'siiy everything originally present except the very sum!! per rentage of casein left adhering to the !aside of the brass kettles after the preliminary heat- ing and the seventy five per cent, of wator expelled in the vacuum pan. This almost self-evident truth was confirmed by subsequent chemical examination. One of tho articles removed, the casein, is the ono constituent of Milkmost prone tochange, most, readily decomposed, aud when undergoing change it always acts like a ferment, ana brings about, that chemical \u25a0uattro in the sugar by which lactic acid is produced. 'I his partial removal of tho casein from the Con- densed Milk must then diminish its tendency to be- < una sour, and at the sntne tinio must prevent that bje. iiottablo constipating action that so often f'ol- ' the habitual use of coagulated casein as an ar- ticle of food, whether taboo inthe form of cheese or in ordinary boiled Milk. The Condensed Miikis not only chemically pure, hut in another and an equally : nportant sense it is absolutely pure iu being abso- lutely clean. No one can visit tho factory without being struck with the extreme care taken and the efficiency of the means employed to insure the most \u25a0 -rfect clear,linens. Every utensil, from the smallest cup to the vacuum pan, shone like a mirror, while boiling water and high steam was lavishly used to remove front tho promises every tiling that might act in the slightest causa of contamination. From the moment the Milkis received at the door of the fac- tory until it is pavped out agaiit to the consumer, it is never touched by the human band. It is not ?nly clean, but it is also undiluted, and in this respect differs widely from our City Milksupply. J .'uring numerous examinations of Milk'from various sources I have never met with any containing less than one-fourth end sometimes found one-third water. This affects the question of cost. Twelve cents for a quart of Milk containing half anint cf water makes the Milk cost 10 cents a quart. But ono . inrt of Condensed Milk nl 4Scents, with four quarts coid water, will givo live quarts of Milk bettor than any ordinary Milk that I can find, and will cost less tUr.u 10 cents a quart; with three quarts of water to one quart Ot Condensed Milk the cost, becomes 12 cents a quart, and the product tastes like cream. Even v.e-c the cost greater, it would he worth some- thing to be free from all risk of swallowing stale Milk kept until on the very verge, of decomposition, or ; wiil Milk from stall fed and diseased cows. It would ho worth something to get rid of the annoyance of discovering a deposit of mud in the bottom of the Milk vessel from which, pcrchuuco.wohnve just boon helped. And lastly, it -is worth something' to have responsible parties standing between us ana the farm yard pump to guarantee that we shall never be called on to buy pump water at the rate of good Milk. I need hardly add that all that IlVive said in relation"! to tho Condensed M{'k <M>)ie* Tith equal foroe to no preserved Milk, as thai is manufactured in pre- cisely the same way, and differs only incontaining a a large percentage of granulated while sugar. Respectfully, Ac., WtLLIAiiK. A. Anns. U. D., Prof. Client, aud Phutm. Univ. Md. V) o need only add, in full corroboration of tho s core, that ail physicians who have given the Con- densed Milk a fair trial and examination, fully con- car in tho opinion of Prof. Aikin. Persons desirous of trying this Milk can leave their order? at the depot, or send their address through the Post office boxes established at the street corners. For turthor information apply to NUALEN, CARROLL A CO., Gen. Agents. ? JAME.f BURNS, Manager, fe 7-t.f Office, No. 18 Light street. pKOKPECfFS THE BKNTLEY SPRINGS COMPANY, ? A first-class establishment, to which the citirens of Baltimore could retreat in the heat of summer, WILS sought mr in vain during the pant season. To supply t.iat want and to present at t.besamo time a nrofit- ?t'de investment to subscribers, attention Is eaUe< to this Prospectus. lientlcy Springs is situated at the distance of about \u25a0 miles from the city, (600 feet above tide-water,) on Lie Northern Ocniraiivauway, which, with its double track ana present facilities, rendors access to tho Springs easy and frequent. Tho location is one of tho most heaithy in the United States, and the scenery is toarcoly surpassed anywhere inbeauty and romance ox character. Magnificent trees, an abundance of the purest water, beautiful ravines, clear mountain streams and lofty hills contributo to make this spot attractive, and to point it out as admirably adapted for a large Summer Hotel. The surrounding neigh- borhood abounds inpleasant walks, shady drives and delightful prospects. It is proposed to profit by thcsenatural advantages >y the erection on one of tho mas: eligible sues, and within viow eft be a first-class Hotel, under the direction of the Bentley Springs Company, of Baltimore Conntv. The amount of Canitai is fixe.' -it One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Shares of One Hundred Dollars cash, and tho undersigned are the Officers and Director?. It is believed that, in asking the citizens of Balti- more to subscribe to this project, we are advancing ?.heir individual interests as well as that of the city itself. Our citizens will be waited or. by tho Directors of the Company for the purpose of soliciting Euhtarip- tions to the stock. Application may also be made to the Secretary, at the office of tho Company. No. 21 S. Charles street. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: E. A. A3BOTT, Prcs't. John 8. Gilmc.n, W. T. Markland, Usyward M. Hutchinson, Oliver A. Parker, A. L. Knight, Isaac Ccale, Jr., G. W. Burton, liaao S. George, Hugh Sisson, Dr. C. B. Coater, woodward Abraham}. C. YY. Bentley, 8. W. Robinson, . j Char. YVobb, Treasurer. T. H. TTri*nt. flAorAt.arv na24-t?" OFFICE OF THE q ATLANTICMUTUAL INSURANCE CO., r ? . Nr.w YoEK, January 27.1866. ) ine rrjstees. m eonformity to the Charter of tho ( ouipany, tubinit the following statement of iu af- tairs on tho 31 st December. 1865: Premiums received on Marino Risks, from Ist January, 1565, to 31st Dcccin- bor. 1865 $6,933,146.80 Premiums on Policies not marked off Ist January, 186-5 12,019,324.73 Total amount of Marine Premiums $8,952,471.53 No Policies have been issued upon Life Risk's, nor npon lire Risks disconnected with Marine Risks. Premiums marked off from l3t January, 1865, to 31st December, 1865 $6 764 146 38 Losses paid during the same period 3,659 17545 Returns of Premiums and Expenses 992,341.44 The Company has the following assets, via: United States and State cf Now York , Block, City, Bank and other Stocks. $4 628 555 00 Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise.. 3!330,350!00 Real Estato and Bonds and Mortgages... 221,280.00 Dividends on fctooKs. Interest oil Bond 3 and Mortgages and other Loans, sun- dry notes, re-insurance and other due the Company, estimated at 144,964.43 Premium Notes and Bills Receivable 3,283,801.96 Cash in liank - ~Coin KII Cash in Bank?U. S. Treasury Note Ciir- ' rency 310.551.78 Total amount of Assets 5f2199 975 17 Six per cent, interest on the outstanding certificates of profi.s will be paid to tho holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on or after Tuesday, the 6th of reDruary next. \u25a0 I " ifty 7( u r pen; t. of the outstanding certificates of the i.-sue of ISt4 will be redeemed and paid to the holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, the6th of February next, from which date interest on the amount so redeemablo will cease. Tho certificates to bo produced to tho time of payment and cancelled to the extent paid. A dividend of thirty-five per cent, is declared on tho net earnod premiums of the Company for the year cn.hngMst December. 1865 for wfiich certificates next lidU 00 an r Tu6sdtty ' tlle Mof April By order of the Board. J. H. CHAPMAN Secretary. T , _ _ TBUBTKKg. John D. Jones, Wlll. Sturgis, Charles Dcnms Henry K. iiogert, ff. H. H. Moore. Joshua J. Henry. Henry Colt, Dennis Perkins, W m. L. Pickersgill, Joseph Gaillarti. Jr Lewis Curtis, J. Henry Burgy Charles H. Russell. Cornelius Grtnnell, Lowell Holbrook. C. A. Hand, R. Warren Weston, B.J. Howland, KqyalPheJps, Benj. Babcock, 9 a! ®b s?, rs !ow . Fletcher YVestray, A; £ A c Robert B. Minturn. Jr., rt m ' S°5 ge ' Gordon YY. Burnham, Ge°. G. ilobaon, irederick Chaunoey, David Lane, James Low. James Bryce Geo. S. Stephenson, Leroy M. Wiley, YVm. H. Webb, Daniel S. Miller, JOHN D. JONES, President CHAS. DENNIS. Vice-President. W. H. H. MOORE, 2d Vice-ffident J. D. HEWLETT,. 3d. Viee-PrSdtS.' Applications on all descriptions of M4.RINE RISKS received and forwarded to the above well- known Company by JAS. CAREY COALE, ja3l-tf Exchange Place. TRUST FINDS TO IJJXD.-SIOOO for three years, secured by mortgage on city property. Being orphans' funds, desire early application. Alto, $14,000 In one sum, $3,000 in another, to lend for fire years; to b# amply scoured by mortgage on city or Baltimore county property. JOHN L. HAMMOND, fl'tf 3d Saratoga street. MISCELLA JVEOUS. 1 UIfTEEN SI I NDUED SACKS AS ay Liverpool Salt, landing and for sale by r-n.... HULL, MOTT& Du BUISSON, ______ -10 and 42 S. Frederick street. Y . K . r w S -~? 5 b l )!s ' doubie Eagle extra choice Bay Estate, Maryland and New Y'ork golden: also, low grade-, For sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co.. "-IV-" Calvert and Lombard streets. f|SO <'AFITAI,I.ST'S. The Subscriber offers for sale aa interest in a large body of valuable COAL and TIMBERLANDS, with a view to then- development. Ttieir location affords great inducements, as they aro situated directly on tne line o, the Philadelphia and Erio Railroad. An organized Company is now boariug for Oil on adjoining Lands with every prospect of success d,"® COAL is Bituminous, the Timber mostly Pine and Oak. Some Baltimore City property would be taken in part pnyment. I or lurther information, address , to D. C. CARY, No. 55 W. Pratt street, Bait.? I]" NET ED STATES FIREISD KM RINE > INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. INCORPORATED 1865. OFFICE NO. 173 BROADWAY, in the building s?' n °ecuiiied by the Second National Bank. This Company will commence business on the 19th February, and is now prepared to insure against loss or.damage by Fire and to take Marine and Inland Risks. Application for Insurance to he made to JAMBS T. RANDOLPH, Vice President. _ r , DIRgCTORS. K. K. Ilawley. [John J. Abrnhain?, James T. Randolph, I Wm. 11. Cathcart, J amea G.Ramsay, I George A. Coleman, Charles T. Morris, I Thomas Booz, John S. Gil man, >C tleb B. Hynes. fir-lit JOHN W. RANDOLPH, President. Ke 8. HOLMES A SONS. HARDWARE, iXD ENGINEER AND MACHINIST SUPPLIES. CORXEP. o? PRATT AXD FEEDKRICK STRKBTS. Vessels' and Steamers' Signal Lanterns, Gum, Hemp and Lubricating Packing. Hose, Gum and Leather Belting, Side and String Lacintr, Files. En- gine Oiler.-, Wrenches, Steam Whistles, Gongs, Screw Bolts, Nutd and Washers, etc.: and a full afsortment of Buiiuers' Hardware and Tools?nil of which wo oder at factoTy prices. Orders for Brass Work at- tended to promptly. fol6-6mo ffHK ASIKKICAX till PAINT CO., AND WHITE LEAD WORKS. forVuc manufacture of BUTCHER'S PATENT LtlH A U ! BOE It PAIN T. PAINTS OF EVERY COLOR, From the Finest XVhito to the Dcorest Black, ground in puro Linseed Oil, an'l DISSOLVED RUBBER. Macufaatary, 9. E. *nr. Twentieth and Filbert sts., Philadelphia. 6USTIN & FLEMING, 16 S. Gay street, Baltimore, General Ageutfl. Circulars and references sent upon receipt of a pottage stamp. fe!6-lw HOUSE, SIGN, SHIP AXD STEAMBOAT PAINTING.?IMITATIONS OF ALLKINDS OF WOOD MACHiNJfi GRAINING, at 26 per cent, below old prices. Raving sober and competent workmen inhis employ, the Fuhscribcr is prepared to have ail work commit- ted to his charge executed with promptness and des- patch, at reasonable rates. Materials furnished at market prices. Ail ordor3 through tho Post will re- ceive prompt attention. JOBN WELCLI, lalOflm ISO Thames street. STEIN WAY & SON'S PIANO FORTES, SSASOJS & BfASSXIS'S Cabinet Organs. PIANOS FOB BENT. PIANOS REMOVED. tHAtI. 8. RENTERS. dUt.ffir. SOW.FJ-elt,A 10 N. Ckarles. A FV 1.1 GATION will be made to the City Coun- XB_ei. at the present session, for Dorinissioi) to eroct a steam eugmo at No. 8 N. Liberty street. fo!7 lot* AXOXNfCiMIKV NOTlCE.?Consignees or own- ers of 4 boxes and 1 trunk, marked Newton. U. b. A.; also 2 Gunks marked A. M. N.; also 1 trunk marked J. N., per_ steamship Cumberland, front Onarleston, b. C., will please call and receive the same, as thoy BTO stored at their expanse and risk PENDERGAST, FEN WICK k CO.. tel7-4t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. AMUSEMENTS. | | 01.I,I1>AY STREET lUKAIBE THIS (Monday) EVENING, Feb. 19. First time here of a new Drama, in five acts, of ab- sorbing and thrilling interest, entitled. EOST IN I.ONDON! Produced with new scenery, costumes and ap- pointments, and a strong cast, embracing the leading members of the talented STOCK COMPANY. ; INSTITUTE. fcTHIRD~YVEEK OF THE GREAT ORIGINAL MILTONIANTABLEAUX REPRESENTING HEAVEN. HELL, CHAOS and PARADISE. And completely illustrating Milton's immortal poem of "PARADISE LOST." Exhibition every nigbt this week, except to-mor- row (Tuesday) night. MATINEE Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, Admission only 25 cts. NO HALF PRICE AT NIGHT. Children to Matinee J5 cts. A M TWIPT ixr I, V v w - WERT, Proprietor. A. M. DORT.AND, Business Manager felt! M,w,T,pAs-5t F. C. GARDNfeIt. Agent. 05 FIRST GRAND BAIL OF THE C MSSt F o h i A J C .!'lJ}A y CLlrl!- a' the NEW tFli >"'?, on TUF.-DAY EVE- EIA (j&NING, March bth,1866. "B.SE J hey pledge themselves thnt no pains or ex- pense shall be snared to make it the Ball of the season. _ COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: Thos. H. Shanks. !Thos. M. Dukehart. < apt. David Crouch, John Alterdice John A. Davidson, i Walter Moxley, Jr.. John F itzpatnck, Uas. A. Pas=eay Wm. M. Jenkins. iLloyd H. Coberth. David Duncan. IE. 11. Price T , RECEPTION COMMITTEE: John Lloyd. IP. I>. Reilly. Jas. D. Lowry ! Wesley V. Woodward, Col. Gregory Barrett. | Alfred Saulsbury. John W. Davis. . Byron Frost. XV m. 11. Uebden. I Charles Swearer. FLOOR MANAGERS ? Jas. Pritehett, I Jas. McFarland, iho.-. b. Chappell. |jos. T. Johnson, XVm. Tate, lAlex. Rutherford MASTER OF CEP.EMONIES?SAMUEL KEENE. HisExcel'n'y Gov. Swaiiii,|Col. V E. R. Petherbridgo, lion. Jno. L.Thomas, Jr.,| " XVm. IJ. XViegel, .. Chas. E. Phelps, " G. XV. P. Smith, John Leo Chapman, I " G. W. Bradley, Edwin u. XX ebstcr. E. F. M. Faehtz, Jno. M grazier, Capt. Thos. C. James. Maj. Gen. John R. Kenly, " John Beard, Brig.Gen.R.N.BowermanlLieut. Alex. Owens. " n Jo , hl' XVoolley, |Hon. XVm. P. Eaton. Henry G. Hazen, Esq., Thos. 11. Carmichael, Esq. John B. Askew, SAlford Mace. Sam'l M.Evans, " i Thos. H. Mules, John Barron, " VVm. Thomson, " Valentine Foreman, " I John T. Ford. " JohnT. Fardy; " (Thos. Booz, " Geo. T. Wilkins. " I Matthew Fardy, iii-1' r.3i C u s- ,. " I sterling Thomas. Jr., " Philip S. Chappell, Jacob Rice, " John XX ills, " James T. Allison, James Young, " Frcd'k Zimmers " Andrew J. Burke, " lOtto Benuer, " Harry C. Bregee, " lienry C. Jones. It.Stockett.Matthows " |Geo. Neodbam " James Brown, " XVm. J. Lloyd, " Henry S. Langford, " John C. XViiliams " Kill'd Gardner. " I John F. Ellinger. Geo. Follzs, " Stephen XVhalen, Thos. B. Burch, ' j Oliver Hack, Thos. Sewell, " Archib'd Stirling, Jr., " ChriftopEhr Shaw, Samuel T. Hatch, " Fred'k Laib, " Milton XX'hitney, " 'lr°. n P v* " i F. Honneberry, " Nicholas \ aliaiu. Robt. A. .McAllister. " Dr. Gerard L. Morgan, I Dr. Wm. 11. Baltzell, " BRISCOK S CKLEBBATED BAND is engaged for tho occasion. Supper and Refreshments by an experi- enced caterer. Tickets 81, admitting a Gentleman and Ladies. .N. B.? Positively no hats, cap 3, or over- coats allowed in tho ball-room. It# BANKING. ~ OHARI.ES0 HARI.ES B. WATERS -RASTER. BANKERS ANI> BROKERS, N. XV. CORNER BALTO. AND CRAULES STS. GO VERNMENT SECURITIES. EXCHANGE. BONDS. STOCKS. GOLD AND SriYBR. BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL -MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19 1866. bbls. Prime ROSIN, from Charles- \u25a0 ton, fe. C., per steamships Cumberland, JEHio llnight and Sea Lull, now landed and for sale by ? PEN D LRU.A ST, FEN WICK & CO., ' e ' 7-t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. A GREAT SPECULATION i s REAL. ESTATE. L6OO ACRES Of VALI-ABLG TIMBER LAND large dwelling and a valuable The Caeapon River runs through this Property, making it vory convenient to get the Timber to Market We are authorised to sell this property at the low price of FIVE DOLLARS per acre. Title indis- putable and guaranteed. Apply to SUTTON & GEMMELL, relG-lw 56 Exchango Place, Bait. ~AC C IDE NTS7 ~ NATIONAL LIFE AND TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COM- OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL $500,009. BALTIMORE OFFICE. 56 EXCHANGE PLACE. hiuea General Accident Ticket) from One to Twenty Daye. These Tickets insure against Accidents of every de- scription for $5,000 in ease of death, or $25 per week compensation for disabling accident. TARIFF OF RATES. 1 day .25 cental ft days 51 2ft 2 days ftOcents; 8 days 2 00 3 days 75 contsjl2 days 3 00 . J2O days 4 00 Insurance on above tickets commence at 6 o'clock A. M? 12 o clock M? 6 o'clock P. M. Remember that 25 cents per day insures for $5,000. i)vnw of the Company. No. fto EXCHANGE PLACE. PHILIP D. SUTTON, General Agent. SUTTON & GEMMELL, -air- l; Aesociato Agents. EJECTION. OFFICE NORTHERN CENTRAL 1 RAILWAY COMPANY. - Daltimosz, Feb. S, 1866.) Agoner&l meeting of the Stockholders of this Com- pany will bo held at Calvert Station on THURSDAY, the22d instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, for the purpose of electing TWELVE DIRECTORS for the ensuing year. Tho transfer books will be eloscd on tho Sth instant until alter the election, By order, ROBERT S. EOLLINS. foS-th, Secretary. THE PROGRESSIVE EVEXI.TOSCHOOL at Professor KNAPP'S Institute, Nos. 29, 31 and 33 Holliday street, opens each evening at T o'clock. Pupils will please bo punctual at tho hour. Cireu- lars can be obtained at the Institute. fe6-tf "SEWING MACHINES: \u25a0A. PRESENT ~W orth Having, Of course any present, however trivial, is worth ac- ceptance, as its value is not intrinsic, but is to be measured by the unseen jewels of sentiment that imagination invests it with. Still, ono does not ob- I met to a present having a high intrinsic value iVhere a woman knows ho can afford, she will not think tlio less of a prcsont from her husband for its having cost from forty to two hundred dollars. Not a bit of it. Now, wo have ia our mind's eye, just sucn a present as a true wife would like to receive from her worser half. Such of our own readers as would see it inits substantial form, may do so by stepping into the salesroom of Messrs. Grover <fc Ba- ker. In one of their sewing machines, so perfect in their construction, and so easily adapted to every kind of work, we think that a genuine husband who loves his wite, and would, therefore, lighten her heart by lightening her household cares, willfind just such a present as he ought to feel bound to give her at this Season of festivity and gratefulness. The prices of the machines, which are marvelously simple and re- quire no mechanical skill to manage, are from fifty- five dollars upward. Let every sensible father of a I family buy one, and in six months it will save its cost in weariness and vexation of spirit" alone. GROVER <fc BiKER'g FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines. Wherever known the GROVBR k BAKEB'S Sewing Machine is acknowledged to be superior to all others. lhey require no re-winding of thread: are more siin- ple and more easily managed than any other; always ready for work, and do varieties of work which no other machine protends to do. kw- f om pperience when wo say that, after tried all the principal sewing machines, we mu>it accordto that of Grover & saker tho pre- -080 features of sowing?- and elasticity?all of which are J? * outin this incomparable invention, make it the firs - sewing machine in the country.? Naio York LmHtan Advocate and Journal OAIR SALESROOMS. aelo dAwtf 18i BALTIMORE STRRBT. kSOT. ESTABLISHED ISO7 - r r. SHANKSsJ, machisibt, HEWING HAPHUTK DEALER AND REPAIRER. SOUTHWEST COKNEK LOMBARD AND SHARP STREETS, OPPOSITE ROUND CHURCH. experience, and eight years on SEWING MACHINES. All kinds of Machines for SALE and EXCHANGE, with the privilege of re- turning FREE OF CHARGE and selecting any other within aixty days inthe city and ninety days in the eountrv. 0025-tf "KTOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN, That appli- ji*. cation will be made to the City Council of Baltimore, at Its present session, for permission to Jffeet COAL OIL WORKS with steam maohlnery on the east side of Riuselt street, south of Stockholm street, and on the west side of Russell, north of j Stockholm street. fll-lOt' j Bought and sold. Orders from Banks and Brokers willreceive prompt attention and at as favorable rates as offered else- where. Depo.-its received and money advanced on collateral. . Purchase and sell Stocks for oasb. or on margins, in this and tGer iuarket9, exclusively on commission. Collections promptly made on all parts of the coun- try, through reliable correspondents. fel4-6m IBXCHAXQE OS fi&JT nUKCHOO, Also, on LONDON and DUBLIN, insums to suit C".rf, 1;? a , or ;V? For. sale by PENDKRGAST. FEN- -77 Smith's wharf. Agents for WELLS. V ARliil .k CO.. Nftw York. de3o-tf FIT RNITU RE. ? ~ HENRT 8. BHRYOCK. WM. 3KNRY SHBYi>CK H. S. SHRYOCK & SON, Cabinet, Chair and Sofa MA SCFACI fitEBS, Nc. 6 SOUTH CALVERT STREET, Three doors south of Baltimore street, Baltimore. ? a ,arie assortment of CABINET JEP§&WArE, CURLED HAIR,RUSK AND SP<- JS'G MATTRAS3ES, Sc., always on hand and mado to order. Ships' Cabins and Steamboats furnished on the best terms. 002-tf ~ FURNITURE, * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 8. S. STEVENS & SON, .EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS or CABINET FUBNTTUHE. WAREHOUSE NO. S SOUTH. CALVEET BTRE3£T, (East side, second door below Baltimore street.) FACTORY. ISO. 8 MW STREET, Je2o-tf (Opposite Front Street Theatre.) ffli nmmu-niunriiut, m FURNITURE. jfl&l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE r ~,r WAREROOMS, No. 27 Hanover Street, between Lombard and Ger- man sts., iactory Nos. 13 and 15 Granby sts., Bait. V/e have now in Store and keeD constantly on hand m a i ? ?? v T- nut L/ !f ORNAMENTAL, PLAIN and Black Walnut COTTAGE SETS. liALL. PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE ifevery description. All made of tho most fashionable patterns, and thoroughly seasoned wood. Doing in the lumber trade, and having a large Steam Factory, wo are the. possessed of every facili- ty to sou for cosh, at cheaper prices than any other house of the kind in the city. We invite the atten- tion of housekeepers, and ask an examination before purchasing elsewhere. We respectfully poiiclt the patronage of the trade. A. ALLEN£ CO., oc2-tf Lumbar Yard, 56 XVest Falls avenue. TV. E. ANDERSON, Furniture Wareroonis, Not. IS and 12 SECOND STREET, One Block East of the Post OQoe. Splendid Parlor and Chamber sets. On oand one oi the largest stocks of . . FURNITURE tn the city. All persons wanting Furniture vibj, lease Read's Cough Syrup. J* | V FOB £ % Coughs and Colds. A SIMPLE COUGH, which Is a mere nothing in its incipient form, will soon terminate in an incurable consumption, and this is the sad experience of thou- sands. For the relief and cure of all affections of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, wo know of no preparation ever offered to the public so effectual as BEAD'S COCGH MYKU'til LIVERWORT, We give a few certificates, and could give hundreds, bat doom it unnecessary: FROM REV. JAS. n. BROWN. Of East Baltimore Conference. I have used W. H. Read's Cough Syrup withhappy effects, and from my knowledge of its remedial ingre- dients reoommend it as a most valu&blo medicine. JAB. A. BKOWX. FROM REV. A. A. REESE, D. D. Chaplain at Fort McHenry. To my friends suffering with Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness, I recommend W. H. Read's Syrup of Liverwort as a valuable remedy. A. A. Rnsaa. FROM REV. ANDREW MANSHIP. Of Philadelphia Conference. W. H. RKAD?Dear Sir: I used your Syrup of Liv- erwort, and take pleasure in saying it was of great service to my Throat, and recommend it to clergy- men and public speakers. A. MASSHIP FROM REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON. Having suffered from a severe Cold, and used W H. Read's Cough Syrup of Liverwort, I found from its use speedy relief. Tv v ... SkMpgL A. WILSOX. We have certificates from: Rev. J&5. S. McMurray, Rev. Wm. R. Mill, Rev. Wm. A. Snively, Rev. Wm. W. Hicxs. Rev. Geo. Hildt, Rev. E. J. Way. All from experience recommending it to their friends and the public in the highest terms, as one of the most valuable and speedy Cough Syrups ever brought before their notioe. Sold by ail the druggists, at 60 oents. READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER. READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER. READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER, is one of tho most effectual remedies for Sore Throats and Cold in the Head we have ever known. Try it onoe, and you will never be without a box in your IWmlly. i.IS HAIKBYKIA6! HAIB DYEING!! Mr. OLDHAM'S celebrated Instantaneous Hair Dye, wholesale and retail. OLDHAM'S HAIR DYEING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. On the Bridge, No. 96 North Gay street, Long and favorably known as a first-class Saloon Private apartments for dyeing gentlemen's Hair and Whiskors. HOT. COLD AND SHOWER BATHS. fie2V-l T* AKMEHNANTS OTHERS desiring to VffT piov COLORED LABORERS and HOUSE SER- VANTS, oan prooure the same by applying either in person or by letter to Capt. W. F. SPURGIN Local Superintendent Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, &c. Distnot of Columbia, corner of Fourteenth and if st., WMuington, D, C. iaßl-lm BOOKS, PAPER, ETC. P O A > . * * V 4- GIFT * BOOK STORE, 73 BALTIMORE ST. THIS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST LIBER- ALLY CONDUCTED ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS KIND EVER OPENED IN BALTIMORE. The Stock consists of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPHIC BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS. POETS AND PROSE WRITERS, DICTIONARIES. And all the POPULAR and STAXDAED WORKS of the day, including a large assortment Juvenile Books. BOOKS AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES; And each person purchasing a book will receive a present valued at 50 cents to §SO. The proscnts consist of SILVER PLATED PITCHERS, CASTORS, CAKE BASKETS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOBLETS, SPOONS, FORKS, CUPS, NAPKIN RINGS, LADIES' SETTS JEWELRY. BRACELETS, RINGS, BREAST PINS, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, PICTURE FRAMES, CLOCKS, And a large variety of other useful and valuable articles. SEO. U RATION, ja3-tf Proprietor. CUSHINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERY, ISIASIET £>OOK MANN IAETNRERS, 262 BALTIMORE-ST., OPPOSITE HANOVER STREET. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, CLASSICAL BOOKS. MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, THEOLOGICAL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, STATIONERY, TAG LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOOK TO BE POUND INTHE OITT. PAGED ACCOUNT BOOKS, Made of Superior LINEN PAFKR, at short notice ruled and hound to order in any style. BASKS. IKSUEANOI COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS AND MERCHANTS, furnished at, reasonable prices. eo2-tn PAPER WAREHOUSS. NO. 31 HANOVER STREET. ? The undersigned offer for saie a full assortment of STRAW and BINDERS' BOARDS, suitable for all branches of Paper Box Making and Book Binding. Also. Printing. Manilla, Straw and other Wrapping Papers. ? RUDOLPH b JENNESS. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Rags and waste paper. noB-ly PAPER WARE HOUSE. Ho. ISNoath ('hnrlesNlreel, BALTIMORE, ME. SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale a large and PL genera! assortment of WRITING and WRAP- PING PAPERS, viz: Flat Caps, Demys, Folio Post, Mediums, plain and ruled; Letter and Notes. Also, Manilla and all other WRAPPING PAPERS, all siies; Binders'and Box Boards, Printers' Cards and Card Boards, Envelopes, Grocers' Paper BASS, JCO., to which we call th.o attention of cash dealers. tt n r- , ? WILLIS & ADAMS. N. B.? Cash jiatd for RAGS and O:J> PAPXBS . FACTORIEjS, ETC. WASHING VA.JSi Ha- SbJ ..-IA,. SS READ TH SSI-TRY ITi One Customer says: "My trade is now altogether in your Soaps. The Washerwomen won't have any other kind." Another: "My Cook has gone frantic about your Excelsior Soap." Another?"THE EXCELSIOR makes a Beautiful Lather; does not injure the Clothes, and now I am never troubled on Mon- days for five cents' worth of soda to wash with." rBCJWTW ISS.TBT'o SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Remember, every bar of our SOAP is stamped '?aXO3 A. 3 I G 8,. If your Grocer has not got it, caii at|the SSzsclsior Soap Works, No. 4 LOVELY LANE, no2B-tf Near t'alvfrt, App . > O , ,1 Ff; * V W Commerce St. BALTIMORE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AXD DKALIRS IX Cider Vinegar, Dried Fruit, Beans, &c Portable Steam Engines. arP °intWl MBntf °r th? CELEBRATED PORTABLE STEAM EN- GINES, From four to thirty-five hone-rower each. Iheso Js.nfiino are well adapted to out door work, inch as threshing, sawing wood, driving mills and Full particulars as to their efficiency, etc., mar be had on application at No. 57 SOUTH GAY iSIR&JST, where a six home-power engine oan be soon. nMS..,. "HAH T, OrTOH.SI.rTVH £<TEAM MAKBiLE WOKKV ~" CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT ST3., MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, JUNI'BLS. lABLL JOl'S. TILES for floors. JEWELRY, &c. 1866 WATOH E S. IRG6 LARMOm fc to., LIGHT STRET.I', Have just opened their splendid stock of HOLIDAY PRESENTS. consisting of Enameled and Diamond WATCHES, Patent J4-seconds Timing Watches, Diamond, Pearl End Mosaic JEWELRY, Opera Glasses. Table Cutlery, Gold Pens and Pencils, Solid Silver WAJIE Triple Plated Albata WARE, CLOCK*. FANCY GOODS, ETC., All Net s awl Beautiful Pattern A. #3~We would especially invite persons wishing to purchase HOLIDAY PRBSEV'S. to call and esr.mine our stock, ".'hoy will find Bar- gains. delS-tf 382 WEST BALTiJIOKC STREET, 2*2 Opposite Sharp Str-: et. ,7 \ W .F. BIWIRG, fc v, 3Dcr.!cr in AMERICAN, ENGLISHI"V3 and GENEVA WATCHES, JEWEL-NSaX RY7OPERA GLASSES. Ac., Ac. novll-Sm CanSeltl Bro. & Co., EALTISfOSE ST., COR. F CHARLES, Hare a Fine Stock of tlold aitsl Silve*" Watches, Diamonds, Efch Jewelry. FANCY SIL YEP. GOODS FOB PRESENTS. Silver Plated Forks, Spoons, Castors, Waitors, Tea Sets, Table and Pocket Cutlery: Fine Fancy Goods, Clocks, Bronzes and Military Cirootlss, FOR ARMY AND NAVY. oelT-tf ft A. 13. MILLER. KU SUCCESSOR TO Ls?S- Jolin. H. Ham. 161 'WEST BALTIMORE STREET, Has just received a fine lot of PLATED WARE. consisting of? ICE PITCHERS, I fcASTORS, , , TEA SETTS, Ac., Ac., of the finest style and (Irish. Also on hand, WATCHES JEWELRY ANDSILVER WARE, of overy grade aud style, to which ho invites attention. mylS-ly New and Eleli Jewelry, SILVER WARE. Silver Plated Ware, &c. A. S. WARNER, GOLH AHSI SMITH, No. 10 N. GAY STREET, la aiding daily to his varied assortment of now styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, Bnitable for presents; Diamond Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Pearl do.. Enamelled do.. Coral do., Gurnet and Plain Gold do., Jot Crops do.. LadiSs' Gold Chains, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, Cuff But- tons and Studs, Scarf Pius, Signet and Plain Gold and Set Kings. Ac., Ae. Also, a variety of SILVER PLATED WARE. Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Butter Stands, Fruit do. Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Ac., all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. de6-tf SIZ.VSB. IVORS, ALBATA PLATED WARES, In great variety, on hand and for sale to order at GABRIEL D. CLARK'S, 1726-tf comer ef Caivort and Water sta. MERCHANDISE. In store and for sale, .500 bbla. Shore Split Herring. BIGELOW ASARGENT, fol2-tf cor. Smith's wharf and Pratt St. STARCH. I,oooboxes Fox's Refined Pearl Starch, for salo by SOKUIS OWENS A CO., fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street. 5,000 I*?J^.£r", 1 *? J^.£r", 7 NORMS OWENS A CO.. fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street. rv EAT 1L 50 half chests fine Oolong Ton. for sale by NOKRIS OWENS A CO.. fl-tf 373 W. Baltimore street. WESTERS WHISKY. HIGH AND LOW PROOF WHISKY in prime packages. For sale by JOHN HENDERSON & CO., ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce sts. TTVI.TSCR. J? CHOICE BRANDS FAMILY and EXTRA FLOUR. For Bale by JNO. HENDERSON A CO., ja3!-tf Pratt and Commerce sts. BUTTER. 50 Packages Prime NEW YORK STATE DAIRIES. Packed for family use. For tale by JOHN HENDERSON A CO., iaol-tf Pratt and Commerce pts. FUSS.? -1,000 drums and 20 cases, in cartoons and bags, for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., Ja27-tf _ No. 15 Bowly'a wharf. OKANUE&. ?200 boxes, landing and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., ja27-tf __ No. 15 Bowly'a wharf. PEANUTS.? 200 bags Wilmington and Virginia, in store and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., ( Ja2T-tf _ No. 15 Bowly's whorl. KiiUS, EXC7~ IS CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, ROSENDALE CEMENT AND CALCINED PLASTER, Constantly for sale in quantities to suit, by J. HENRY GIESE, ja22-3m-2n 21'Spearis wharf. FCLYBRI'S- iCx CHOICE, PRIME, GOOD, and common, for sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO., jalS tf Calvert and Lombard sts. LJIGAR- CHOICE, PRISIE AND GOOD, for sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO., jalfi tf Calvert and Lombard .-Is. CUH'I'EE. J 200 bags good low priced COFFEE, for sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO., Jall-tf Calvert and Lombard sts. JAVA COFFEE.?IOOBag.', Prime Government Java. Also, Java inflag mats. Imitation Java, Ceylon, Ac. F'or sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co., ja.ll-tf Calvert and Lombard. £t!UAKS, FISnER BROTHERS A CO.. IMPORTERS. No. 52 SOUTH GAY STREET, Offer for sale a largo assortment of CHOICE HAVANA BRANOS, and made to order in Cuba. ja4-ly DKHIMOH N&TWINK BOX iit-sT HtKRN, SCHNAPPS. FLASKS. Ace. For sale by SEIM AEMORY, de23tf 29 Hanover street. Pitt ME BUCKWHEAT AND COBS MEAL.?AIso, choice brands Family and Ex- tra Flour. For sale by A. L. BOOMS, Jr. & CO., 14] North Howard street. nov2M-tf MORITZ JPKUKTGSJJEIM.?Superior bottled iVJ. LAGER and WHITEBEER, ALE and POR- TER, likewise "RUSSIAN CAVIAR,"for Family use and Shippine. To be had at the Erewery. N- lfi S. VP UTS t'VJO.K STREET TAKCH, ~ SUGAR. COFFEE. GROCERIES. a,oin> boxen OUF "^A'S STARCH. 100 BARKERS STKIIP. 50 BARRELS HOMINY "ORrTS," PRIME RIO AND JAVA COFFEE. Choice I'. P.. and ENGLISH ISLAND SUGAR forsalc by ROLLINS A BURNETT, jan23-tf Alt West Prntt. ?' rrvp*. 1 _ trUiA CASKS C'ANNEiV I'EAAMJEA. ? x/Arv" 100 cases Green CORN. 400 cases TOMATOES. 100 do. STRAWBERRIES. PX) do. COVE OYSTERS. 100 do. DRAKE'S BITTERS. 100 do. WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS. 360 do. CATAWBA BRANDY. FINE OLD HENNESSY BRANDY. " BOURBON WHISKY. ." SCOTCH " JAMAICARUM. In wood and glass. For sale by GREEN & YOB. BS West Baltimore street, nSR-lf bet wen Gay and Hollidav. VVINES, 111 qU <) RS, E fc. jpDKHIM), Sl'SB V A A O'S. CALIFORNIA WINES. The increasing popularity o our brands of there fine Wines has induced their extensive imitation.? All desiring genuine and pure Wines should see that our copy-righted label, bearing our name, |>ln"O of business, and the State Seal of California, is upon each bottle. The following Wines are now offered by us, with our guarantee of their entire purity. WHITE, OR HOCK WINE, Of a light straw color, very delicate, fine flavored, and superior as a dinner Wine to Hock or Rhino. ANGELICA. A rich and naturally sweet Wine, much admired by ladies, and valuable in the sick chamber, as it makes fine wheys and jellies. It is a fine dessert Wine, and well adapted for Communion purpose., MUSCATEL, This superb Wine is made from selected grapes. It Is very delicate, and will rank with the very bighe-t sweet Wines of Europe. PORT. This a deep red color, of good body and fine flavor. It is becoming very popular where a slightly astring- ent and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirely a natural Wine, it will agree with the most delicate organization. WINE BITTERS. Thcfe are made in our own cellars, from our own Wmes, and will be found agreeable and pleasant . GRAPE BRANDY. Distilled from the second pressing of the grape, and is a pure and desirable article. J. K. BARNES, the Surgeon General of the United States, assisted by Assistant Surgeon WOODWARD, after a searching and careful analysis of our Wines' pronounces them .all pure, and admirably adapted for the use of the sick and debilitatod Dr. JACKSON, the well-known Chemist of Boston, coincides with this opinion. The Boston Journal, Transcript, Traveller, Satur* day Evening Gazette, New York Evening Post, Tri- bune, and a large portion of the press throughout the country, have, in leading articles upon American Wines, extolled tho superior merits of Wines. Tho Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio, whore our Wines came in competition with all the leading brands of Western Wines, awarded five premiums out ofsix to our Wines. , . The Indiana State Fair, endorsing tne opinion ex- pressed at Cleveland, awarded us a Diploma and Sil- ver Medal. G. W. PIER A CO., No. 47 South Charles street, Baltimore. Let Americans support American industry. oeS-tfr ( VI TALIZING BT THE BAI.TIMOKR i WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TCBB CO. 1 A fKfS'"l WANTS. 4 GF.SITI.EMAIVdesires boarding in a private -r® taiuily where there are few or no other boarder-, tor himself, wife and two children, and servant; wili require two furnished communicating rooms. For first-class accommodations, a liberal price will be naid. Address ROBERT. Commercial office. It* W*? ,RO BKMT.-A COTTAGE in the ; Country, with a few aorta of land attached: must, bo in good order, and not more than a half nour a drive from the Postoff-ea. Anyone liavin? ISfvoo? w fm A good tenant by uddres ing t>o\ OA4, Baltimore, Md. fel6-4t* W n uTw * RE ?r --A COMFORT ABLE 1,1 r with modern improvements, suitaole for a small family, inthe northwestern - ?.ion of the city. Address MORGAN. Commercial " ffice -- - fel6-6t* WAW'IKTT.--DWELLING HOUSES :o the Rr- JI Nortn arid Northwest fin- urehaaers and ten- Jtlifidiants. Also?Business Property ou Baltimore, lianorcrand North Charles streets AIso?GROUND RENTS and MORTGAGES. GEO. W. TINGES A SON; f<- IS 3 St. Paul street. T -VATI".I>?A YOUNG MAN acquainted with vr the Wholesalo and Retail Grocery trade of this city and State. Address P.O. Box 3933, New York, giving age. references, and name of last employer. fell fit S "'4 fcif jj}PER YEAH!? We want agents fjiy- everywhere to sell our iMn;ovtD £iiU Sewing: Machines. Throe new kinds. Under and upper I'ccd. Warranted five years. Above salary or largo commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold in United States for less than which arc fullylircneed by Howe, Wheeler W WiUon. (trover it- Baker f Singer <f* Co., nad Bachelder. A Mother cheap machines aro ih/rinyement*. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Snaw &i lark, Biddeford. Ma me. d!2-o4mtW TO IO PER DAT: *11? * J* orgotic AGENTS everywhere (men or women) to whom we offer extraordinary inducements to en- gage in a light, genteel and profitable business. Sam- ple will be forwarded upon application with stamp to nay return postage. Address BRADLEY, OilAI)- VrICK & CO., libBroadway, New York. feSd&w-lm RTET<M>e>. WOOD. WODD.?W * STKH?- v ? Everybody to know that wo arc still selling WOOD cheaper than any other place in the city, at the corner of Centre and Central avenues, near the Philadelphia depot. iVMtn* LOST. fOST.? At, Holliday street Theatre, on Friday ?I night last, a Siberian Squirrel 'JTPPET. The finder will borowardcdbyleavingitat2 South street, or 23 MoCollogh street. felti-2t* FOR SALE. fNARM FOB SAI.E.?2IO acres?!.' wou.t laiui. 15 best bottom land?situated ill Albemarle coun- ty, Vn., 2 miles from Greenwood Don ;t. on Virginia Central Railroad. Improvements, llama dwelling of six rooms, cellar, and all necessary out bulldiiigsj in good repair; water excellent, and neighborhood one ef the best m Virginia: churches and schools conve- nient. This i one of the best grass l'arir,.- in Vir- ginia. and the health is perfect. Price, stu per acre, ii'2,ooo cash, balance in six equal iriitallments, para- ble each in one, two, three, and six rears Also, lot of four (4) acres, in village of Hillsbnro' same county. 3 miles from Greenwood Depot on Vir- ginia Central Railroad, with frame dwelling of sir rooms and excellent out bouses; tine orchard of e oung select trees, peaches, pears, apples, Ae. Vrie-' 53.000?}1,500 cash, balance on long time to suit pur- chaser. Either of these places is an excellent position fo- a Physician; the uractico is large and lucrniivc. tho people having never suffered from the war. The pres- ent ownr iaa physician, and will retire. Iron ill health, in favor of any competent Doct r ourchiising. Can control tho larger portion if nut all the practice of the neighborhood. A nnlv to JOHN L. HAMMOND. folS'-tf 36 Saratoga street. fUSftl *"B SAM-:.?A fine frtsl-anillnw ! SCHOONER, (5) five years old, built of the best material; carries about seventy-five 75) tons, or say twenty-six (2.600) hundred bushels; light draft aud in complete order. Apply to K. M. HEPLFM, fel'.'-ti N. W. corner I'rsl- and Gay sts. @ VAI.IAIILK BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. Baltimore streot near Charles?Price $75,000. Saiuth Gay street and North Gay street. North end South llo'vard street ?Warehouses. West Falls avenue?FACTORY PROPERTY. Hillen street, and F'ulls. Broadway?Store and Warehouse PROPERTY. Pell's Point?Two large WHARVES, with Stores aud Warehouses, apple to GEO. W. TINGES & SON ja22-eotf 3 St. Paul street. FOR SALE OK LEASE. 432x126 on St. Paul street. 226x154 " Calvert do 220x130 " Eutaw square. 71x150 " Cathedral street. 50x125 " Madison avenue. 50x150 " Garden street. 46x130 " McCulloh do .50x1,50 " W, Fayette do. ALSO, lots on Ross, N. Charles. Saratoga, Repub- iican, ijort Avcauo, <fcc., xc. Apply to . W. TINGES & SON., Ja?-coif _N".3 St. Paul ?trcnt. JBf; HO(NI:K SOatNAIaK?- JULM 11 Charles St. Paul, Read, Franklin, R&aabaVlnaigon,McCulloh,Garden,Townsend Monu- ment, Calvert, Ross, Lombard, Howard, Sharp Fay- ©fto. i-aflt Baltimore, Spring, Exeter, Columbia. Camden. Strieker, Eden, and Carolino Ftreet* t from $1.2?4) to $70,000, by GEO. W. TINGES ' ja22-eotf No. 3 St. Paul street. , hr.-t-ch,s= dwelling-house. -Hat No. 103 Park street, near Monument, the late residence ot l)r. Charles I'rick, deceased, lot 25x150 feet, will bo sold in fee and immediate possession given. Xbis is one of the most desirable houses in the city in point of location, and admirably suited to a physician. Apply to j22-eotf GEO. W. TINGES, 3 St. Paul st. fpa SOU MLE-FRANKLIN 801 'Alt K iili DAY E1,1,1 NO.?One of the host dwelling: in the square, brown stone front' finished in every in- spect. For parlieulars apply to .itU-eotf GEO. YV. TINGES, No. 3 St. Paul st. tTAKTIS.? Two hundred and fifty Maryland and \ inrinia farms for sale by GEO. YY. lINGKS, _ ja22-ootf No. 3 St Paul street, tfejt IS.ttl. t'MASN I'AIfUN. 143 Acres neur Masrnolia Station. 110 ,VJ " ]]2 " Cockcysvilio. 106 " " Poplar Springs, 100 ' Mt AiryStation. 132 " " Chase's do. Apply to STANSBUB.Y ja26-tf 61 South Broadway F corvrvT ? A ~ tt ¥ s ' ; - 1'iS J), two in Anna Arundel, and a seat within six miles of the city, and several small houses in different parts of the city, can ho bluet t a groat bargain if applied fur immediately ai No l'> Law Buildings, to Ji<-tf _ NATHAN HARRISON. IiYOH ISALE-TWENTY-EIeHT REAMS 0? PRINTING PAPER of acood ouality and iwMj{KRCIAL W - AH ' ly th ° 0,1h9 - yoB SAIIE,? The BUM J. E. SHAW, tons resist or, or about 150 tons burthen, he sold low. Apply at once to R. M. HESLEN, Northwest corner Pratt and Gay streets. nov2s-tf JL I'D 1 8 AI-ii.-Avery superior l'RO- hit . 1 JuLLLR of 150 lons old measure- ?jSsS~ifceS.ment built in the strongest and most . substantial manner and of the best and most durable \ materials and of very light draught of water, the I null and maetnucry is nearly as good as now, having been in actual service not mora than six months, She has just been put in complete order and is now ready tor service, for lurther particulars enquire at tho S.'.ti. s ? .i f',v M w sr?- JOHN X. FARDY A BRO., llnnin. no2°-tf COAL. (lOAM! V COAT. 1! , At the Lowest Market price, hohada t\he \u25a0 iffi ee lift he ' aUd bQ' ain *' to YVYOMING MUTU AL COAL COMPANY, No. 13 South Calvert street, # , ? ? comer Lovely Lane. fel-3m2dr E. LARRABCB. President. SB.OO " 18.00 PURPOSES, sB.U'l. , A? mrsale?Baltimore Company, Sunbury, and the Trevorton R. A. SOFT COAL, Nus. 1,2 and 3 The best CUMBERLAND COAL, all at lowest market prices. For salo by J. HENRY GIESE, Gffice No. it South street. t iaros: Spear's wharf and on North street -The SAW ED and SPLIT WOOD fi.r safe aa f* 1, fe7-lm2o CIOAS., ' ? ' COAL, _ COAS.. TUE HAMPSHIRE AND BALTIMORE COAL CO. Are now rreparcd to receive orders for their superior semi-bitumiuous Coal, cither by scow load or cargo. Shippers, manufacturers, and the various steamship lines, are invited to give this their special attention. SUTTON & GEMMELL, . Shipping and Sales Agents, fcs~lf 56 Exchange Place. ii t V<> *if ' 11 11 N O L'S COMPA >T WHITE ASll?all sixes. PITThTON (very supenor) Do Do '-ORBLKRY (Freehuraim.) RED ASH Do GEORGE'S CREEK BITUMINOUS COAL, from the irankhn, George's Creek Mining Company and iiaimml Mines. , 0,, + , . JAMES BOYCE. ja2b-tf No. 30 Second street. COAL AT COS T T BALTIMORE AND LOSBEKKT MITI AL COAL COMPANY. 2,240 lbs. 3?er Ten, Delivered TO SUBSCRIBERS TO ROB-SUBSCRIBERS This Company will furnish to its SUBSCRIBERS for the prcsCnt. COAL a! 8K.50 per ton, and to NON'l SUBSCRIBERS at Si 1.50 per ton. The Lorherrv Coal sells for one dollar per ton over all other Anthra- cites inthe Eastern markets, and has the advantage of transportatiou beta by railroad and canal. Stock- holders are entitled to one ton of Coal, per annum at cost, for each share of stock. Price of shares $lO ' Subscription Books now opon at the office of Company, No. A* SECOND STREET, Baltimore no3o-3m P. H. SULLIVAIf. Cridl®; i 1 BALTIMORE COMPANY, GRAY'S LFFN -..a DIAMOND WHITE ASH, LYKENS' VAT t E" 4 LORBERKY. and SUN'BL RY RED AKII n' 1 GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBERLAND t' Co^er^'lr^in^WTr^ l^^^ 'Hvharf Corner York and Wilham ats. Pier No. 4-L-east A OKAY, K-5 Dealert in the beet Varieties of ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL. WILKEBB UKF. PITTSTON, And other White Ash Coals. L YKEN'S VALLEY, SUNBVfty And other Red Ash Coals and * GEORGE'S CREEK. CUMBERLAND cOAL which we are prepared to deliver to ,ri lowest oash prices, ? tae wrry itrww.

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Page 1: Baltimore daily commercial (Baltimore, Md.) 1866-02-19 [p ] · 2014-04-21 · have pretty nearly reached their climax: and



To Correspondents.

V, r "n token "f anon;imuus cumnnini'-utions.lihateyer is intended for insertion must be authen-ticated by the name and address of the writer?notnecessarily for Tniblieation, but us a Guaranty for hisaood faith. ITe are not to be considered reeponsi-Jtf'ue opinions expressed by correspondents.


'lhe symptoms are unmistakable that thetroubles upon the country caused by the un-settled condition of its national legislation,have pretty nearly reached their climax : andthat the men who have so determinate!;/ (Want-ed themselves in the way of an early adjust-ment of our difficulties until their own narrowaims were to be accomplished, will be com-pelled to get out of the way. Wearied ofstrife and of watching public affairs, the peoplehave thus far been unusually tolerant withthem, so that whilst every great interest is andhas been suffering, little has been heard inthe shape of remonstrance, few demonstra-tions of righteous iudignation at the ueglectexperienced. Other reasons, too, exist whythis is so ; and one of the principal of theseis found, in the fact?that thus far in the com-paratively silent struggle that ha- been goingon between Congress and the President, thelatter has not only held its own, but liassteadily been gaining ground. And whilst hehas constantly resisted the pressure broughtto bear upon him, it will be noted that to theextent he was able, be has done what he wellmight do to avoid coming to any thing like a

decided rupture with those who, affecting to

be in affiliation with him in a general way,have done what they could to disconcert andembarrass him.

We have said that the symptoms are plainthat point to tho approaching termination oithe troubles growing out of the obstinacy ex-

hibited in Congress, and the country must hailwith delight tho fact of its being so. To thedefeat sustained on one or two iate occasionsby the most ultra of that body, we may nowadd that which occurred recently on the qitt-slion of admitting the loyal member fromArkansas?Co!. Johnson?who, sent thither bvloyalvoters, would have been?beyond doubt?admitted, had several members who wereabsent been present to vote. As it was. thevote was seventy-eight to seventy; showingconclusively that the point formerly insistedupon of keeping out all who come up fromthe South?loyal us well as disloyal?is nolonger insisted upon; and that ere long, Ten-nessee, especially, will find herself fully rep-resented in a body where long since her voiceshould have been heard.

And however certain men there are weddedto the theory and practice of considering theStates lately in -rebellion as ''territorie-." it isclear that they must soon recede from a posi-tion so unwisely taken. Both Air. Lincolnand the present Executive having been place !in their eminent positions on grounds ?<> en-tirely opposite lo territorial'' theory, theformer having, in his first memorable "Inau-gural," laid down the proposition that noState could by any act of its own withdrawitself from the Union, what greater absurditycould be insisted upon now. than to acceptmen holding these views as leaders, whilstgoing against them in a manner which changesthe relationship in the most vital manner pos-

sible ?

It is hardly needful at thU lata day to seriously argue the unsoundness of a theorywhich, admitted, gives in to the validity of a

"Secession ordinance:" and yet to consum-

mate party euda, that is precisely what theseultras seek to do. Going against a positionunswervingly held by the late lamented Exe-cutive throughout his term of office, ignoringand scouting a position which was made thechief basis of the most gigantic war everwaged, the men who would do this may rest

assured that sooner or later thev must aban-don doctrines so broadly erroneous; they mustrecognize in the people those who are en pa!of judging for themsuives the rights of ti. :matter.

Let all be patient a httla longer, then, inview of what is happening at Washington.With the work began which shows that atlast they feel their ultimate dependence uponthe people; with the fact made more cleareven' day which points to the support of thePresident, as against these persistent opposersof everything which promises peace ami asolution of our difficulties, no fear but thatone or two more trials will show that extremeviews are surrendered, and that quitting profit-less debate, and heedless agitation, they willbe constrained to attend to the real interestsof the country. In this view of the ca;e, theformation of a great National Union party

looks more promising every hour; and in thishope, let the people continue to sustain andencourage the President in his endeavor togive us reconstruction and peace.

MARRIED.STEWART?SOLOMON.?On tho 12th it;ft., by

Rev. Dr. J, J. Bullock, Sej>. H. Stewart to Carrie,daughter of Isaac Solomon, Esq., all of this city

TI'RNER?AMES. ?On the 12th instant, by Rev.*J as. S. Ross, Joshua Turner to Annie Ames, both ofthis city.

TYLER?LOGUE.?On the 15th inst., by Rev. G.? Nice, John A. Tyler to Miss Kate Logue, daughterof Louis Logue, Esq., all of this city.

WATTS?-HENDERSON.?On the 13th inst., byRev. Joseph Franer, William Watts, Jr., of Annap-olis, Md., to Hannah Amanda, eldest daughter ofRev. Dr. Henderson, of this city.

DIED.ALNIJTT.?On Saturday, 17th instant, in tho 66th

year of her age. Sallic Smith Alnutt, late of Calvertcounty, Md.Her funeral will take place thi3 afternoon, at 2o'clock, from her late residence.

CULLISON.?On the 13th inst.. Willie Allen, in-fant son of George W. and Amanda L. Cuilison, aged9 months.

OSTENDORF.?On the 16th inst., Alexander, theyoungest sou of Anton and Margaret Ostendorf, agedHO years. 9 months and 21 days.

TORPIIY.?On the 15th instant, Thomas Torphy,aged 55 years, a native of Ireland, but lor the last 26years a resident of Baltimore.

HOW ARD.?On the 16th instant, Deborah Ridgciv.Howard. j

"Iam in no danger from accident.'' is tho very

common remark of persons, when the subject of in-surance against loss by accidents is mentioned to

them. Because they have lived so long withoutmeeting with an accident, they imagine there is nodanger whatever of a mishap to themselves. But excmption from accident intho past is no guaranty ofImmunity therefrom in the future. Every person infact ij continually liable to accident. -

Therefore get a policy of insurance against accidentsat 63 Second street, from TV. B. LOUXSBCRY, agent

of tho Travelers' Insurance Company of ilartloru. It

Dalley s Magical I'ain Extractor is a cer-tain euro for Burns, Piles, Corns, Bunions, Rheuma-tism, Frost Bites, and Skin Diseases. Try it. Only25 cts. Sold by druggists. 16-1 m-in.w&fr

Uißdllug Wood.Wood of all Sizes, Oakand Pine Wood,

Delivered free of charge.Office City Steam Fire Wood Mills,

Over 99 West Batlimoro stroct,d27-6m2p JAB. H. JOHXSON & Co., proprietors.

\u25a0WWe call our readers attention to SMITH, BROS.A Co'a Now stock of Spring Clothing just opened

at SMITH, BBOS. A Co.'s popular Clothing House, No.40 West Baltimore street.

Our new stock of Gents Furnishing Goods justopened at 38 West Baltimore street, next to MarbleHall.

Call and see our new styles of Gents FurnishingGoods at 38 West Baltimore street, next to MarbleHall.

Alltho latest novelties in Collars, Ties, Scarfe, Ac.,at West Baltimore street, next to Marble Hal!.

T'ne popular Clothing House, No. 40 West Bal;i---mo*e sfreet. next to the great Furnishing House.


i'OERSI", or THREELECTURES willbe delivered in the Metho-dist Protestant Church, corner of Fayette and Ais-ouith streets, by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Nichols, as

follows:Ist?"Social Desliny of Young Men," Monday eve-

ning, 19th inst., at 7 Ao'clock.2d?"Position and Influence of Y'oung Ladies "

Thursday evening, 22d inst.. at I'A o'clock.lid?"Courtship and Marriago." Monday evening,26th inst.

Tickets for the Course, 50 eta. fel&M,ThAu-3t*p-;;.MAHYI.A.\IIACIRHT LTIRAI fUr-y COLLEGE, Feb. 10.1866. j

An adjourned meeting of tho Stockholders of thisInstitution willbo held at tho Office of the State Su-perintendent of Public Instruction, on TUESDAY",20th inst.. at 12 o clock M.

fel2-eotF2o J. O. WHARTON. Register.

n-UjW FEIi Hl'PRATER FOlt COLEEUESIky AND YOUTHS-The Presbyterian Churcheswill observe the Vi eek of Prayer for the Y'oung by aDaily Prayer feting in the Central Church (Dr.Smith's) EVERY AHERNOON THI3 WEEK at4M P- M. On THURSDAY the Day of Prayer forColleges, Seminaries and Schools; a general meet-ing will be held in the name Church at 7VS o'clock P.ft. fl7-s,si,th-t

i'Ty® BALTIMORE, FEBRUARY 8, 1806.-dy The attention of the citizens of Baltimore is

respectfully invit d to the formation o: the UNITED?;TATES FIRE AJil) MARINE INSURANCECOMPANY OF BALTlMOßE.recent]v authorizedby the General Assembly of Maryland, and is in-tended to accommodate the people of the eastern-eetion of the city It-- capital . tock i.-, at i''iti.uOO, and may he increased t05500,000.'I ho charter provides that S:'"> per -hare be paid upontive thousand shares, making the capital paid in-125,01 -1, to be paid by installments of five dollars per.-hare, viz:

Five dollars at the time of subscription.Five dollars on the 5tU dav of "larch, ldfiti.

Tth" May,

..? July, "

"" :kl


Sept. "

and the remaining '-At per share to be paid by iustell-rnents of at such periods as the President andDirectors may determine upon, sixty days noticebeing required for each installment of $5.

Books for subscription to the stock will be openedat the Second National Rank, Broadway, on TUES-DAY, February lA, and as soon as 1,000 shares arosubscribed the Company willbe organized bv theCorporators named in the charter, v,-ho willact asDirectors untilthe third .Monday in July next, whenDirectors will be elected by the Stockholder-.

Corporators.R.K.HAXVT.EY, \VM. 11. CATHCART,-I AS. \u25a0. RANDOLPH, : GEO. A. COLEMAN,?I As. U. RAMSAY, j'i'llOS. 800/.' HAS. 1. MORRIS. CALEB B. HYNES,JNC. S. GILLM.XN. JNO. V,'. RANDOLPH,JNO. J. ABRAHAMS, | l'e!9-eo4tm,w,sat,tu

rrS*MAR¥I,A3SJ> INSTITUTE.?The eom--W> mitten take idea UP- in announcing that anEXTRA LECTURE .WITHOUT CHARGE to allwho nrc entitled toattend tho regular course) willbodelivered on TO-MORROIV (Tuesday) NIGHT, bvRev. N. H. SOHKXCK.

SUBJECT ?"New America." This lecture has beensuccessfully given in Brooklyn and New Y'ork, andwillbe repeated here at the request of many citizens.Single tickets (at the door) f>o cents.

THE TENTH (reguIarTLECTURE of the coursewillbe delivered (at, tho same time, in tho ChemicalRoom), by Dr. AIKEN. Subject?"Carbonic Acid."Among other illustrations will be exhibited the so-lidification (requiring a pressure of <50,000 or 70.000lbs.) of this gas, and also the combustion of a dia-mond to prove that this gem of gems is nothing morethan pure charcoal.

Single tickets (at the door) 25 cents.fel'9-at COMMITTEE ON LECTURES.


BAI.TIMORK, January 25,DIVIDEND NO. B.?The President and Directorsof this Company have declared n Quarterly Dividendof i'WO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and Start

faxes, payable on 2')T![ OF FEBRUARY NEXT :?

Stockholders residing in Philadelphia at the Office ofGEORGE TABEK,Transfer Agent, No. _3l S. Third-trcet, and to all other Stockholders, aa heretoforeat. this Office.The Transfer Books willbe close.! from Bth to 22dof February inclusive.

, By order, J. S. LEIB.,ia-"-2awtfob'ii) Treasurer.-5p SOTMIE?CORKBR OF CAI.VEKTLsy AND WATER STREETS.-Wc have for re-

: airing of V, atclies the best. European and Americanwatch makers: also, jewelers, engravers and watchcase makers on iho promises. Apply to GABRIEL!-. CLARK, corner of Water and Calvert streets,a-ent for William Dixon's London Watch and Jules

J urgenson'? Copenhagen atch. fel'3-llmo

; TO SIIIPIEKS.-~Tho steam-ship '"ISABELLA,"Captain WAMBFRSIB, isrritiidra-wn from rlio Charleston nnd Havana Line.liEMll' M. WAItFIELD, Agent.


MDRB LEVLK BEATER PRESS COMPANY."wid be opened the cotintinar room of I*. Ob MT'P-n'KiV-'IV.C' Pi. street, on tho THlß LAY OF FJ'iBRL ARY, 18(56, and rein tinopen lor ten By order of tho


* ?' INEBB IATE ASYTJ'M, BAI.TIMOEPI, Autru-t. 1865.?1b th Public: WM. <'? ILTON. Bf .

? r ?pointe.l the A:er.t of the ''AP YLAE i-for the par nose of Boae-Cn:

ASCRIPTIONS on aoopnt of '?:<> bniidingc? e<?-e?sary to VvMent* rrho *.Te c n

\u25a0 tly apulyin- f>r n,-. i.?..i.-.n. He cr,-nrsip.?rcomnendf 1 tr> our feHrw ciiiz-u-, Ly who-tc liuc. \u25a0i .'.irrivut-.onß ivo hope tc Lo ?. -o to:*occmmod? Iq ai 'l-ists for the reformat! w su', -.utzecs the !r- -

yHagpeotfnifr, t .M.ROBBRTS. ST. O-iTtwideut Maryland fjipbrvvtn Am '-; m. auti-tfl


if , "1- THE POOR. A stated meeting of theboard of Managers w;ll beheld in the Central oifi.v,? Btree 'i '"n -- c Holliday, on M'-N-D.W h v I.M.Vg next, Feb. IV. at 7 li o'clock. Tinv ard.-i will pica.-e coinpletctlieircollectionsend makea full report the name evening.

fe!6-3t Z. D. ItHASH EARS. See'y.

"3Y <? AVER'S ( UIIKiiYi'ECTORAI.-l-.irG-& flic rapid euro of Cough.-, Colds. InllucD!'o:ii.:or,crs, Croup, Bronehiti.-, Incipient G'onsump--1,011. mid for tue relief of Con?unt|.fivo "aticufs in?nlvanecd stages of the disease. So wide i.-; the flei-l

'is usefuiness and so nuiuerous are th c. cases of:ui c^f that almost wary section of country about;-!.-inpersona publicly known, who have been re ored. oiii alarming and even dcspcra.e of i.hrlungs bj it.= jjg,.. When once tried, its auperioi j

\u25a0 \u25a0 cr every other expectorant is too apparent, to (soiipe observation, fml where its virtue? are known,tho public no longer hesitate what antidote to c i-p!oy for tho distressing ami dangerous affectim- u"(sc pulmonary organs that are incident to our )?-ernto. ;V hiio many inferior remedies thrust unon *ho

? mmunity have failed and been discarded, thin in?-fined friends by every trial, conferred beneliu on?no afflicted they can never forgot, and irodue"d

? urea too numerous and too remarkable to bo for-gotten.Wo can only assure the public, that quality i?

carefully kept u] to the best it ever has been, andthat it may be relied on to do for tiicir relief all thatit has ever done.

(treat numbers of Clergymen, Physicians. State.-man nod eminent personages, have lout their nam;> certify the unparalleled usefulness of our rome-es. iiut, -;:2C0 here will not permit the insertion 'Mem. The Agents below named furnish prratis our

miriean At,iHtriac, in which they are rrivc-u: wi.h°ofull ucscriptions of tha cowpiaims tilcy cure,those who require alterative n,rtli<-ivc to purlfro 'nlooil, willliud Aycr's Compound llxtracL S..r i

i mlla the remedy to uso. Try it once, and you winsnow its vaiue.Prepared by J. C. AYEH It CO., Lowell, Mass..

. ad sold by V,. 11. BROWi re BRO? Baltimore, andoyall dealera. jahh eohmdtwBAlt ViSMSW OF sbtts ( PiiEP

u 1' DH.STRICKLAND'S PILiSRHMIIi)Y.-vr. Glac.", ci Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for thtj'onefit of all t.Lo Buffer with the Piles, that ho h

troubled for eight ye&ra with an aggravate.'. oust-of Piles, and his brother VZJ (iischarood from thearmyaa incurable, (ho being quito paralysed withl .0 Piles.) Roth these distressing cases were enreowith one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remed1 ho recommendation of these gentlemen, beside P :iilytestimonials received by br. Strickland* ought

to convince those su boring thut the most aggravate,'ironic casos of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickla"

Pile Remedy. It is sold by Seth 8. Dance, ICS Isah<-Aiorestie**. £iiibv ProgsbiLs everywhere.Wholesale Agent., TROMSKN a BLOCK

a. k 00;BETH o. jUajnOE,

jy3-ly Agent.


f,b,' °*rciaes_ will be resumed on MONOA7-LAT, September 4th, at 8 o'ciook A. M,, on whichmynew scholars will bo admitted.Three higher classes exclusively intended for yean?

\u25a0idles, were farmed but January, ana are in siicoiv,all operation at present.Parents sending boarders, are requested to provide

:cr their punctual arrival.c.u3l-tfi p KNAPP.

jl'S" A SUPERIOR REMEDY.-wTcauefm--Wy scicutioueiy recommend to thoso suffering frorr

a distressing cough, Dr. .Strickland's Meliiflucu.-.ough Balsam. It gives relief almost instantaneon.-;:ud is withal not disagreeable to ibet i-te. There i.-*

no doubt that the Mellifluous Cough Bab > n is one e<tho beet preparations in use, and is all that it: pro-prietor claims for it. We have tried it during thepest week and found relief from a most distressingcough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland, No. isfSycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale'.vDruggists. Wholesale agents Toumeu k Biook, ar-'-o. vngeier ACo. iy3-1v


? REAL ESTATE INB A L T 1 MO It E COU N T YBy virtue of adecroeof tho Circuit Court of Bal-timore city, datod tho fifth day of February, iu thoyear 1866, and passed in a cause in S3id court, where-in Jus. E. Meeds and others were complainants andJohn E. Willis and other? were defendents, the' un-dersigned, as trustees, will expose at public salo, tothe highest bidder, on FRIDAY, the second day of.March next, at one o'clock P. M? at the ExchangeSalesrooms, in tho city of Baltimore, the followingdescribed property, that is to say:

ALLTHAT litAC l OR PARCEL OK LAND,lying and heirs in Baltimore county aforesaid, situ-'etedon the Baltimore and Philadelphia Turnpikeroad, near tho fourth railo stone on said road, andabout two uiilos from the city limits, containingtwenty-one acres and one-ouarter of an aero andthirty-three square perches of land, and which isd escribed ina deed from John E. Willis to Edward- chw.irtye, bearing date the Srst day of July, intheyoarlfoy. and recorded among tho Lund Record? o'Baltimore County in Liber G H. C.. No 26 folio200. Ac.

Tho above described property is in fee, and iGtu-sted on the Herring Run, opposite Herring Run H-u-c? ourse. It was formerly known as Kingsbury Millthe walls or which are rtill standing, and i? one oithe best millsites in tho vicinity of the cily.

The improvements consist of a FRAME DWELL-ING and a large stone STABLE, curable of holdingtwelve or fourteen horses.

The terms of sale, ar. prescribed bv the decree are-One-third in cash on tiie day of sale, one-third inlour months, and one-third in eight mouths, the creditpayments to be secured by the notes of the purchaserwith security, to be approved by the trustees, and tobear interest from the day of sale; or all cash at theoption of the purchaser or. tho day of sale, or the finalratification thereof.


Trustees.F. W. BENNETT & CO.,




A. PROSEUS,General Southern Agent,

57 WEST LOMBARD STREET,fc9-t.f Opposite Postoffloo.

FREE ECl*t it EVERY JIOKNIKU, (ex-cept Sunday. Also, Boarding and Lodging, at

moderate rates, at 71 S. CHARLES ST., near Pratt®L. red sign. Nl-Vi PAG VTtJ. L-c folhiv"



Choice English Island SUGAII, 14 and 15 cts.;

Nice do do 13 cts.;

M'h te Sugar .17 and 18 cts.

Patapsco Family FLOUR. sls; Extra do., $13.25 per

bbl.; Lingainore Family (a superior FLOUR) sl3 per

bbl.; Good Extra FLOUR, sll.For sale by


D. SDLLIVAN,leio-tml Corner Lexington and Pipe atg.

VOTICE.Water Rent and Tax for the year 1866,

Iaid during tho present mouth (l'ebruary) will beuS, r? ai-?fF oant °flft per cent,

offiw.JjinS!" dlnacce , requires the water to be shut".s'been blpL8idf° r Wter BeDt f° r

the pre^nrmonth? 1 be aftet lhe 28111 ofThose interested willregardithis as sufficient notice,najtt GEORGE MERRYMAN,

i Registrar.


Have this day formed a copartnerahip under thename and style of


For the purposo of conducting a



Ealtimore, Jan. 17.1866.We aro permitted to refer a* follows, Tin

Messrs. Johnston Brothers k Co.,Hayward, Bartlett Co..

I " Horace Abbott k Son," E. L. Parker & Co.," Cushings k Bailey,

Hugh Sisson, Esq.

We rre prepared to fill orders promptly for allkinds and sizes of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal,including Pitts ton. Baltimore Company's, George's

Creek, Cumberland, Lorbcrry, Ac., Ac., screened inthe best manner, and guaranteed 2240 lbs. per ton.

To largo consumers or others, purchasing by thecargo or car load, wo offer most liberal inducements.Best quality

Oak ancl Pine Wood, Sawed and Split

by machinery, sold at lowest rates.

Office at Hutchinson Bros, No. 14 Light street.


PUKE Sflf.K!



THE BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM-PANY beg leave to Jay before the public the follow-ing document. for which they ask a general and im-partial perusal. Prof. AIKEN, one of the most emi-

ent Chemists and Piiarm. coutists of the country, atihe solicitation of several citizens, has made athorough analysis of the MILK. which the Companyprepay. a and now furnishes to thousands inour city,nd his professional opinions and conclusions hai o

been kindly furnished ns for publication. The eub-; -iced is the dooument: .I'siTF.nsiTY in- MARYLAND, JARUA-.V 22d, ISC.To TUR CITIZENS OR BALTIMOBR: In accordancewith the request of several families who are nowusing Condensed Milk, and others who desire toadopt it, if found pure, I have visited the Works ofme BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM-PANY, near York, Pa., aud now give the results ofmy observations there, confimod by subsequent x--aminations of the Milk in my Laboratory. TheMilk received at the Factory door was carefully rx-s mined, all not absolutely fresh was rejected, and the-reel pure Milk was put m clean brass kettles, stand-ing in a vat of hot wator. There it remained a brieftime, sufficient to accomplish the coagulation of thecasein. It was then passed through a metal filterinto n iarce copper kettle, when it was again moder-tciy heated by steam, and thon transferred h>-ex-

haustion to the vacuum pan for final concentration.This concentration was carried on inanartial vacuumat a temperature not cxceodi.ig 190° Far. thermome-ter. From the vacuum pan it was discharged intocans,"hich were rapidly cooled by immersing them in a

rat of ice water, and the Milk was then ready fordistribution. By this simple process, in a fewhours, while Isiood watching each successive step,omc 500 gallons of sweet, pure country Milk, freshtroni the cow. without dilution or adulteration, wasreduced to e.bout 125 gallons of the condensed article.The Condensed Milk thus produced containing'siiy everything originally present except thevery sum!! per rentage of casein left adhering to the!aside of the brass kettles after the preliminary heat-ing and the seventy five per cent, of wator expelledin the vacuum pan. This almost self-evident truthwas confirmed by subsequent chemical examination.One of tho articles removed, the casein, is the onoconstituent of Milkmost prone tochange, most, readilydecomposed, aud when undergoing change it alwaysacts like a ferment, ana brings about, that chemical\u25a0uattro in the sugar by which lactic acid is produced.

'I his partial removal of tho casein from the Con-densed Milk must then diminish its tendency to be-< una sour, and at the sntne tinio must prevent thatbje. iiottablo constipating action that so often f'ol-' the habitual use of coagulated casein as an ar-ticle of food, whether taboo inthe form of cheese orin ordinary boiled Milk. The Condensed Miikis notonly chemically pure, hut in another and an equally: nportant sense it is absolutely pure iu being abso-lutelyclean. No one can visit tho factory withoutbeing struck with the extreme care taken and theefficiency of the means employed to insure the most\u25a0 -rfect clear,linens. Every utensil, from the smallestcup to the vacuum pan, shone like a mirror, whileboiling water and high steam was lavishly used toremove front tho promises every tiling that might actinthe slightest causa of contamination. From themoment the Milkis received at the door of the fac-tory until it is pavped out agaiit to the consumer, itis never touched by the human band. It is not?nly clean, but it is also undiluted, and inthis respect differs widelyfrom our City Milksupply.J .'uring numerous examinations of Milk'fromvarioussources I have never met with any containing lessthan one-fourth end sometimes found one-thirdwater. This affects the question of cost. Twelvecents for a quart of Milk containing half anint cfwater makes the Milk cost 10 cents a quart. But ono. inrt of Condensed Milk nl 4Scents, with four quarts

coid water, will givo live quarts of Milk bettorthan any ordinary Milkthat I can find, and willcostless tUr.u 10 cents a quart; withthree quarts of waterto one quart Ot Condensed Milk the cost, becomes 12cents a quart, and the product tastes like cream.Even v.e-c the cost greater, it would he worth some-thing to be free from all risk of swallowing stale Milkkept until on the very verge, of decomposition, or; wiilMilk from stall fed and diseased cows. Itwouldho worth something to get rid of the annoyance ofdiscovering a deposit of mud in the bottom of theMilk vessel from which, pcrchuuco.wohnve just boonhelped. And lastly, it -is worth something' to haveresponsible parties standing between us ana the farmyard pump to guarantee that we shall never be calledon to buy pump water at the rate of good Milk. Ineed hardly add that all that IlVive said in relation"!to tho Condensed M{'k <M>)ie* Tith equal foroe to

no preserved Milk, as thai is manufactured in pre-cisely the same way, and differs only incontaining aa large percentage of granulated while sugar.

Respectfully, Ac.,WtLLIAiiK. A. Anns. U.D.,

Prof. Client, aud Phutm. Univ.Md.V) o need only add, in full corroboration of thos core, that ail physicians who have given the Con-

densed Milk a fair trial and examination, fully con-car in tho opinion of Prof. Aikin.

Persons desirous of trying this Milk can leave theirorder? at the depot, or send their address through thePost office boxes established at the street corners.For turthor information apply toNUALEN, CARROLL A CO., Gen. Agents.

?JAME.f BURNS, Manager,

fe 7-t.f Office, No. 18 Light street.



A first-class establishment, to which the citirens ofBaltimore could retreat in the heat of summer, WILSsought mr in vain during the pant season. To supplyt.iat want and to present at t.besamo time a nrofit-?t'de investment to subscribers, attention Is eaUe< tothis Prospectus.

lientlcy Springs is situated at the distance of about\u25a0 miles from the city, (600 feet above tide-water,) onLie Northern Ocniraiivauway, which, with its doubletrack ana present facilities, rendors access to thoSprings easy and frequent. Tho location is one of thomost heaithy inthe United States, and the scenery istoarcoly surpassed anywhere inbeauty and romanceox character. Magnificent trees, an abundance of thepurest water, beautiful ravines, clear mountainstreams and lofty hills contributo to make this spotattractive, and to point itout as admirably adaptedfor a large Summer Hotel. The surrounding neigh-borhood abounds inpleasant walks, shady drives anddelightful prospects.It is proposed to profit by thcsenatural advantages

>y the erection on one of tho mas: eligible sues, andwithin viow eft be a first-class Hotel, underthe direction of the Bentley Springs Company, ofBaltimore Conntv. The amount of Canitai is fixe.'-it One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Shares of OneHundred Dollars cash, and tho undersigned are theOfficers and Director?.Itis believed that, in asking the citizens of Balti-more to subscribe to this project, we are advancing

?.heir individual interests as well as that of the cityitself.

Our citizens willbe waited or. by tho Directors ofthe Company for the purpose of soliciting Euhtarip-tions to the stock.

Application may also be made to the Secretary,at the office of tho Company. No. 21 S. Charles street.


John 8. Gilmc.n, W. T. Markland,Usyward M. Hutchinson, Oliver A.Parker,A. L. Knight, Isaac Ccale, Jr.,G. W. Burton, liaao S. George,Hugh Sisson, Dr. C. B. Coater,woodward Abraham}. C. YY. Bentley,8. W. Robinson,


j Char. YVobb, Treasurer.T. H.TTri*nt. flAorAt.arv na24-t?"


? . Nr.w YoEK, January 27.1866. )ine rrjstees. m eonformity to the Charter of tho

( ouipany, tubinit the following statement of iu af-tairs on tho 31 st December. 1865:Premiums received on Marino Risks,

from Ist January, 1565, to 31st Dcccin-bor. 1865 $6,933,146.80Premiums on Policies not marked off IstJanuary, 186-5 12,019,324.73

Total amount of Marine Premiums $8,952,471.53No Policies have been issued upon Life Risk's, nornpon lire Risks disconnected with Marine Risks.Premiums marked off from l3t January,1865, to 31st December, 1865 $6 764 146 38Losses paid during the same period 3,659 17545Returns of Premiums and Expenses 992,341.44The Company has the following assets,

via:United States and State cf Now York, Block, City, Bank and other Stocks. $4 628 555 00Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise.. 3!330,350!00Real Estato and Bonds and Mortgages... 221,280.00Dividends on fctooKs. Interest oil Bond 3

and Mortgages and other Loans, sun-dry notes, re-insurance and otherdue the Company, estimated at 144,964.43Premium Notes and Bills Receivable 3,283,801.96Cash in liank-~Coin KIICash in Bank?U. S. Treasury Note Ciir- '

rency 310.551.78Total amount of Assets 5f2199 975 17Six per cent, interest on the outstanding certificatesof profi.s willbe paid to tho holders thereof, or theirlegal representatives, on or after Tuesday, the 6th ofreDruary next.

\u25a0 I" ifty7( ur pen; t. of the outstanding certificates of thei.-sue of ISt4 willbe redeemed and paid to the holdersthereof, or their legal representatives, on and afterTuesday, the6th of February next, from which dateinterest on the amount so redeemablo willcease. Thocertificates to bo produced to tho time of paymentand cancelled to the extent paid.

A dividend of thirty-five per cent, is declared ontho net earnod premiums of the Company for the yearcn.hngMst December. 1865 for wfiich certificatesnext

lidU 00 an r Tu6sdtty ' tlle Mof AprilBy order of the Board. J. H. CHAPMAN

Secretary.T , _ _ TBUBTKKg.John D. Jones, Wlll. Sturgis,Charles Dcnms Henry K. iiogert,ff.H. H. Moore. Joshua J. Henry.HenryColt, Dennis Perkins,W m. L. Pickersgill, Joseph Gaillarti. JrLewis Curtis, J. Henry BurgyCharles H. Russell. Cornelius Grtnnell,Lowell Holbrook. C. A. Hand,R. Warren Weston, B.J. Howland,KqyalPheJps, Benj. Babcock,9 a! ®b s?, rs !ow. Fletcher YVestray,A; £ A c Robert B. Minturn. Jr.,rt

m ' S°5 ge ' Gordon YY. Burnham,Ge°. G. ilobaon, irederick Chaunoey,David Lane, James Low.James Bryce Geo. S. Stephenson,Leroy M. Wiley, YVm. H. Webb,Daniel S. Miller,

JOHN D. JONES, PresidentCHAS. DENNIS. Vice-President.W. H. H. MOORE, 2d Vice-ffidentJ. D. HEWLETT,. 3d. Viee-PrSdtS.'Applications on all descriptions of M4.RINERISKS received and forwarded to the above well-

known Company by JAS. CAREY COALE,ja3l-tf Exchange Place.

TRUST FINDS TO IJJXD.-SIOOO for threeyears, secured by mortgage on city property.Being orphans' funds, desire early application. Alto,$14,000 In one sum, $3,000 in another, to lend for fireyears; to b# amply scoured by mortgage on city orBaltimore county property.

JOHN L. HAMMOND,fl'tf 3d Saratoga street.


AS ay Liverpool Salt, landing and for sale byr-n....


-10 and 42 S. Frederick street.Y



r wS -~? 5 bl)!s ' doubie Eagle extra choice BayEstate, Maryland and New Y'ork golden: also, lowgrade-, For sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co.."-IV-" Calvert and Lombard streets.


The Subscriber offers for sale aa interest in a largebody of valuable COAL and TIMBERLANDS, witha view to then- development. Ttieir location affordsgreat inducements, as they aro situated directly ontne line o, the Philadelphia and Erio Railroad.An organized Company is now boariug for Oil onadjoining Lands with every prospect of success

d,"® COAL is Bituminous, the Timber mostly Pineand Oak.Some Baltimore City property would be taken inpart pnyment.I or lurther information, address, to D. C. CARY,

No. 55 W. Pratt street, Bait.?


OFFICE NO. 173 BROADWAY,in the buildings?' n °ecuiiied by the Second National Bank.This Company willcommence business on the 19thFebruary, and is now prepared to insure against lossor.damage by Fire and to take Marine and InlandRisks.Application for Insurance to he made to JAMBST. RANDOLPH, Vice President.


DIRgCTORS.K. K. Ilawley. [John J. Abrnhain?,James T. Randolph, IWm. 11. Cathcart,Jamea G.Ramsay, IGeorge A. Coleman,Charles T. Morris, IThomas Booz,John S. Gilman, >C tleb B. Hynes.

fir-lit JOHN W. RANDOLPH, President.




Vessels' and Steamers' Signal Lanterns, Gum,Hemp and Lubricating Packing. Hose, Gum andLeather Belting, Side and String Lacintr, Files. En-gine Oiler.-, Wrenches, Steam Whistles, Gongs, ScrewBolts, Nutd and Washers, etc.: and a full afsortmentof Buiiuers' Hardware and Tools?nil of which wooder at factoTy prices. Orders for Brass Work at-tended to promptly. fol6-6mo


WHITE LEAD WORKS.forVuc manufacture of


PAINTS OF EVERY COLOR,From the Finest XVhito to the Dcorest Black, ground

in puro Linseed Oil,an'l

DISSOLVED RUBBER.Macufaatary, 9. E. *nr. Twentieth and Filbert sts.,

Philadelphia.6USTIN & FLEMING,

16 S. Gay street, Baltimore,General Ageutfl.

Circulars and references sent upon receipt of apottage stamp. fe!6-lw


OF WOOD MACHiNJfi GRAINING, at 26 per cent,below old prices.Raving sober and competent workmen inhis employ,

the Fuhscribcr is prepared to have ail work commit-ted to his charge executed with promptness and des-patch, at reasonable rates. Materials furnished atmarket prices. Ailordor3 through tho Post willre-ceive prompt attention. JOBN WELCLI,

lalOflm ISO Thames street.



Cabinet Organs.



dUt.ffir. SOW.FJ-elt,A 10 N. Ckarles.A FV 1.1 GATION willbe made to the City Coun-XB_ei. at the present session, for Dorinissioi) to erocta steam eugmo at No. 8 N. Liberty street. fo!7 lot*

AXOXNfCiMIKVNOTlCE.?Consignees or own-ers of 4 boxes and 1 trunk, marked Newton. U.b. A.; also 2 Gunks marked A. M. N.; also 1 trunkmarked J. N., per_ steamship Cumberland, frontOnarleston, b. C., will please call and receive thesame, as thoy BTO stored at their expanse and riskPENDERGAST, FEN WICK k CO..tel7-4t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs.


THIS (Monday) EVENING, Feb. 19.First time here of a new Drama, in five acts, of ab-sorbing and thrilling interest,

entitled.EOST IN I.ONDON!

Produced with new scenery, costumes and ap-pointments, and a strong cast, embracing

the leading members of thetalented




REPRESENTINGHEAVEN. HELL, CHAOS and PARADISE.And completely illustrating Milton's immortalpoem of

"PARADISE LOST."Exhibition every nigbt this week, except to-mor-

row (Tuesday) night.MATINEE Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons,Admission only 25 cts.

NO HALF PRICE AT NIGHT.Children to Matinee J5 cts.A M TWIPT ixr I,

Vv w - WERT, Proprietor.A. M. DORT.AND, Business Managerfelt! M,w,T,pAs-5t F. C. GARDNfeIt. Agent.


ohiAJ C .!'lJ}Ay CLlrl!- a' the NEWtFli >"'?, on TUF.-DAY EVE-

EIA (j&NING, March bth,1866."B.SE J hey pledge themselves thnt no pains or ex-pense shall be snared to make itthe Ball of the season._

COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS:Thos. H. Shanks. !Thos. M. Dukehart.< apt. David Crouch, John AlterdiceJohn A.Davidson, i Walter Moxley, Jr..John F itzpatnck, Uas. A. Pas=eayWm. M. Jenkins. iLloyd H. Coberth.David Duncan. IE. 11. PriceT

, RECEPTION COMMITTEE:John Lloyd. IP. I>. Reilly.Jas. D. Lowry ! Wesley V. Woodward,Col. Gregory Barrett. | Alfred Saulsbury.John W. Davis. . Byron Frost.XV m. 11. Uebden. ICharles Swearer.

FLOOR MANAGERS ?Jas. Pritehett, I Jas. McFarland,iho.-. b. Chappell. |jos. T. Johnson,XVm. Tate, lAlex. RutherfordMASTER OF CEP.EMONIES?SAMUEL KEENE.HisExcel'n'y Gov. Swaiiii,|Col.


E. R. Petherbridgo,lion. Jno. L.Thomas, Jr.,| "

XVm. IJ. XViegel,..

Chas. E. Phelps, " G. XV. P. Smith,John Leo Chapman, I " G. W. Bradley,Edwin u. XX ebstcr. E. F. M.Faehtz,Jno. M grazier, Capt. Thos. C. James.Maj.Gen. John R. Kenly, "

John Beard,Brig.Gen.R.N.BowermanlLieut. Alex. Owens."

n Jo , hl' XVoolley, |Hon. XVm. P. Eaton.Henry G. Hazen, Esq., Thos. 11. Carmichael, Esq.John B. Askew, SAlford Mace.Sam'l M.Evans, " i Thos. H. Mules,John Barron, "

VVm. Thomson, "

Valentine Foreman, " I John T. Ford. "

JohnT. Fardy; " (Thos. Booz, "

Geo. T. Wilkins. " IMatthew Fardy,iii-1' r.3i Cu s-


" I sterling Thomas. Jr., "

Philip S. Chappell, Jacob Rice, "

John XX ills, " James T. Allison,James Young, "

Frcd'k Zimmers "

Andrew J. Burke, " lOtto Benuer, "

Harry C. Bregee, " lienry C. Jones.It.Stockett.Matthows "

|Geo. Neodbam "

James Brown, " XVm. J. Lloyd, "

Henry S. Langford, " John C. XViiliams "

Kill'd Gardner. " I John F. Ellinger.Geo. Follzs, " Stephen XVhalen,Thos. B. Burch, ' j Oliver Hack,Thos. Sewell, "

Archib'd Stirling, Jr., "

ChriftopEhr Shaw, Samuel T. Hatch, "

Fred'k Laib,"

Milton XX'hitney, "

'lr°.nP v*" i F. Honneberry,


Nicholas \ aliaiu. Robt. A. .McAllister. "

Dr. Gerard L. Morgan, IDr. Wm. 11. Baltzell, "

BRISCOK S CKLEBBATED BAND is engaged for thooccasion. Supper and Refreshments by an experi-enced caterer. Tickets 81, admitting a Gentlemanand Ladies. .N. B.? Positively no hats, cap 3, or over-coats allowed intho ball-room. It#







bbls. Prime ROSIN, from Charles-\u25a0 ton, fe. C., per steamships Cumberland, JEHiollnight and Sea Lull, now landed and for sale by

? PEN D LRU.A ST, FEN WICK & CO.,' e ' 7-t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs.





large dwelling and a valuable

The Caeapon River runs through this Property,making it vory convenient to get the Timber to


We are authorised to sell this property at the low

price of FIVE DOLLARS per acre. Title indis-

putable and guaranteed. Apply toSUTTON & GEMMELL,

relG-lw 56 Exchango Place, Bait.




BALTIMORE OFFICE.56 EXCHANGE PLACE.hiuea General Accident Ticket) from One to Twenty

Daye.These Tickets insure against Accidents of every de-

scription for $5,000 in ease of death, or $25 per weekcompensation for disabling accident.

TARIFF OF RATES.1 day .25 cental ft days 51 2ft2 days ftOcents; 8 days 2 003 days 75 contsjl2 days 3 00. J2O days 4 00

Insurance on above tickets commence at 6 o'clockA. M? 12o clock M? 6 o'clock P. M.

Remember that 25 cents per day insures for $5,000.i)vnw of the Company. No.fto EXCHANGE PLACE.

PHILIP D. SUTTON,General Agent.

SUTTON & GEMMELL,-air- l; Aesociato Agents.


Daltimosz, Feb. S, 1866.)Agoner&l meeting of the Stockholders of this Com-

pany willbo held at Calvert Station on THURSDAY,the22d instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock,for the purpose of electing TWELVE DIRECTORSfor the ensuing year.

Tho transfer books willbe eloscd on tho Sth instantuntil alter the election,By order, ROBERT S. EOLLINS.

foS-th, Secretary.

THE PROGRESSIVE EVEXI.TOSCHOOLat Professor KNAPP'S Institute, Nos. 29, 31 and

33 Holliday street, opens each evening at T o'clock.Pupils willplease bo punctual at tho hour. Cireu-lars can be obtained at the Institute. fe6-tf


~W orth Having,Of course any present, however trivial, is worth ac-ceptance, as its value is not intrinsic, but is to be

measured by the unseen jewels of sentiment thatimagination invests itwith. Still, ono does not ob-

I met to a present having a high intrinsic valueiVhere a woman knows ho can afford, she will notthink tlio less of a prcsont from her husband for itshaving cost from forty to two hundred dollars. Nota bit of it. Now, wo have ia our mind's eye, justsucn a present as a true wife would like to receive

from her worser half. Such of our own readers aswould see it inits substantial form, may do so bystepping into the salesroom of Messrs. Grover <fc Ba-ker. Inone of their sewing machines, so perfect intheir construction, and so easily adapted to everykind of work, we think that a genuine husband wholoves his wite, and would, therefore, lighten her heartby lightening her household cares, willfind just sucha present as he ought to feel bound to give her at thisSeason of festivity and gratefulness. The prices ofthe machines, which are marvelously simple and re-quire no mechanical skill to manage, are from fifty-five dollars upward. Let every sensible father of a

I family buy one, and in six months it will save itscost in weariness and vexation of spirit" alone.



Wherever known the GROVBR k BAKEB'S SewingMachine is acknowledged to be superior to all others.lhey require no re-winding of thread: are more siin-ple and more easily managed than any other; alwaysready for work, and do varieties of work which noother machine protends to pperience when wo say that, tried all the principal sewing machines, wemu>it accordto that of Grover & saker tho pre-

-080 features of sowing?-and elasticity?all of which are

J? *

outin this incomparable invention, make itthe firs - sewing machine in the country.? Naio YorkLmHtan Advocate and JournalOAIR SALESROOMS.aelo dAwtf 18i BALTIMORE STRRBT.



rr. SHANKSsJ,machisibt,



experience, and eight yearson SEWING MACHINES. All kinds of Machinesfor SALE and EXCHANGE, with the privilege of re-turning FREE OF CHARGE and selecting any otherwithin aixty days inthe city and ninety days in theeountrv. 0025-tf

"KTOTICE INHEREBY GIVEN,That appli-ji*.cation will be made to the City Council ofBaltimore, at Its present session, for permission toJffeet COAL OIL WORKS with steam maohlnery onthe east side of Riuselt street, south of Stockholmstreet, and on the west side of Russell, north of jStockholm street. fll-lOt' j

Bought and sold.Orders from Banks and Brokers willreceive prompt

attention and at as favorable rates as offered else-where. Depo.-its received and money advanced oncollateral.. Purchase and sell Stocks for oasb. or on margins,in this and tGer iuarket9, exclusively on commission.Collections promptly made on all parts of the coun-try, through reliable correspondents. fel4-6mIBXCHAXQEOS fi&JT nUKCHOO,

Also, on LONDON and DUBLIN, insums to suitC".rf, 1;?a ,or ;V? For. sale by PENDKRGAST. FEN--77 Smith's wharf. Agents for WELLS.V ARliil.k CO.. Nftw York. de3o-tf




H. S. SHRYOCK & SON,Cabinet, Chair and Sofa


Three doors south of Baltimore street,Baltimore.

?a ,arie assortment of CABINETJEP§&WArE, CURLED HAIR,RUSK ANDSP<- JS'G MATTRAS3ES, Sc., alwayson hand and mado to order.

Ships' Cabins and Steamboats furnished on thebest terms. 002-tf~






NO. S SOUTH. CALVEETBTRE3£T,(East side, second door below Baltimore street.)


Je2o-tf (Opposite Front Street Theatre.)

ffli nmmu-niunriiut,m FURNITURE. jfl&l


WAREROOMS,No. 27 Hanover Street, between Lombard and Ger-man sts., iactory Nos. 13 and 15Granby sts., Bait.V/e have now in Store and keeD constantly on handm

ai? ?? vT-nutL/!f ORNAMENTAL, PLAIN andBlack Walnut COTTAGE SETS. liALL.PARLORand CHAMBER FURNITURE ifevery description.

All made of tho most fashionable patterns, andthoroughly seasoned wood.Doing in the lumber trade, and having a large

Steam Factory, wo are the. possessed of every facili-ty to sou for cosh, at cheaper prices than any otherhouse of the kind in the city. We invite the atten-tion of housekeepers, and ask an examination beforepurchasing elsewhere. We respectfully poiiclt thepatronage of the trade. A. ALLEN£ CO.,

oc2-tf Lumbar Yard, 56 XVest Falls avenue.TV. E. ANDERSON,

Furniture Wareroonis,Not. IS and 12 SECOND STREET,

One Block East of the Post OQoe.Splendid Parlor and Chamber sets. On oand one

oi the largest stocks of. . FURNITUREtn the city. All persons wanting Furniture vibj, lease

Read's Cough Syrup.


£ %

Coughs and Colds.A SIMPLE COUGH, which Is a mere nothing in

its incipient form, willsoon terminate inan incurableconsumption, and this is the sad experience of thou-sands. For the relief and cure of all affections of theThroat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Croup, Asthma,Hoarseness, Bronchitis, wo know of no preparationever offered to the public so effectual asBEAD'S COCGH MYKU'tilLIVERWORT,

We give a few certificates, and could give hundreds,bat doom it unnecessary:

FROM REV. JAS. n. BROWN.Of East Baltimore Conference.Ihave used W. H. Read's Cough Syrup withhappy

effects, and from my knowledge of its remedial ingre-dients reoommend itas a most valu&blo medicine.


Chaplain at Fort McHenry.To my friends suffering with Coughs, Colds and

Hoarseness, I recommend W. H. Read's Syrup ofLiverwort as a valuable remedy.


Of Philadelphia Conference.W. H. RKAD?Dear Sir: I used your Syrup of Liv-

erwort, and take pleasure in saying it was of greatservice to my Throat, and recommend it to clergy-men and public speakers. A. MASSHIP

FROM REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON.Having suffered from a severe Cold, and used WH. Read's Cough Syrup of Liverwort, I found fromits use speedy relief.

Tv v ... SkMpgL A. WILSOX.We have certificates from:Rev. J&5. S. McMurray, Rev. Wm. R. Mill,Rev. Wm. A. Snively, Rev. Wm. W. Hicxs.Rev. Geo. Hildt, Rev. E. J. Way.All from experience recommending it to their

friends and the public in the highest terms, as one ofthe most valuable and speedy Cough Syrups everbrought before their notioe.

Sold by ail the druggists, at 60 oents.


is one of tho most effectual remedies for Sore Throatsand Cold in the Head we have ever known. Try itonoe, and you will never be without a box in yourIWmlly. i.IS

HAIKBYKIA6! HAIBDYEING!!Mr.OLDHAM'S celebrated Instantaneous HairDye, wholesale and retail.


SALOON.On the Bridge, No. 96 North Gay street,

Long and favorably known as a first-class SaloonPrivate apartments for dyeing gentlemen's Hairand Whiskors.HOT. COLD AND SHOWER BATHS.

fie2V-l T*

AKMEHNANTS OTHERS desiring to VffTpiov COLORED LABORERS and HOUSE SER-VANTS, oan prooure the same by applying either in

person or by letter to Capt. W. F. SPURGIN LocalSuperintendent Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, &c.Distnot of Columbia, corner of Fourteenth and ifst., WMuington, D, C. iaßl-lm


*®P O A >


* *


4- GIFT*





The Stock consists ofPHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.




day, including a large assortment Juvenile Books.

BOOKS AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES;And each person purchasing a book will receive a

present valued at 50 cents to §SO.

The proscnts consist ofSILVER PLATED PITCHERS,






CLOCKS,And a large variety of other useful and valuable

articles.SEO. URATION,

ja3-tf Proprietor.


















Made of Superior LINEN PAFKR, at short notice

ruled and hound to order in any style.


MERCHANTS, furnished at, reasonable prices.eo2-tn


?The undersigned offer for saie a full assortment of

STRAW and BINDERS' BOARDS, suitable for allbranches of Paper Box Making and Book Binding.Also. Printing. Manilla, Straw and other WrappingPapers.


Highest Cash Prices Paid for Rags and wastepaper. noB-ly

PAPER WARE HOUSE.Ho. ISNoath ('hnrlesNlreel,

BALTIMORE, ME.SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale a large andPL genera! assortment of WRITING and WRAP-PING PAPERS, viz: Flat Caps, Demys, Folio Post,

Mediums, plain and ruled; Letter and Notes. Also,Manilla and all other WRAPPING PAPERS, allsiies; Binders'and Box Boards, Printers' Cards andCard Boards, Envelopes, Grocers' Paper BASS, JCO., towhich we call th.o attention of cash dealers.

tt n r- , ?WILLIS & ADAMS.N. B.? Cash jiatd for RAGS and O:J> PAPXBS .



VA.JSi Ha- SbJ ..-IA,. SS W®


One Customer says:"My trade is now altogether in your Soaps. The

Washerwomen won't have any other kind."


"MyCook has gone frantic about your Excelsior


Another?"THE EXCELSIOR makes a BeautifulLather; does not injure the Clothes, and

now Iam never troubled on Mon-days for five cents' worth of

soda to wash with."



Remember, every bar of our SOAP is stamped

'?aXO3 A. 3 IG 8,.

Ifyour Grocer has not got it, caii at|the

SSzsclsior Soap Works,


no2B-tf Near t'alvfrt,

App .


O, ,1 Ff;

*V 2°

W Commerce St.



Cider Vinegar, Dried Fruit, Beans, &c

Portable Steam Engines.


GINES,From four to thirty-five hone-rower each.

Iheso Js.nfiino are well adapted to out door work,inch as threshing, sawing wood, driving mills and

Full particulars as to their efficiency, etc., mar behad on application at No. 57 SOUTH GAY iSIR&JST,where a six home-power engine oan be soon.nMS..,. "HAH T, OrTOH.SI.rTVH





Have just opened their splendid stock ofHOLIDAY PRESENTS.

consisting of Enameled and Diamond WATCHES,Patent J4-seconds Timing Watches, Diamond,

Pearl End Mosaic JEWELRY, OperaGlasses. Table Cutlery, Gold Pens

and Pencils, Solid SilverWAJIE

Triple Plated Albata WARE, CLOCK*.

FANCY GOODS, ETC.,All Nets awl Beautiful Pattern A.

#3~We would especially invite persons wishing topurchase

HOLIDAY PRBSEV' call and esr.mine our stock, ".'hoy will find Bar-gains. delS-tf

382 WEST BALTiJIOKCSTREET, 2*2Opposite Sharp Str-: et.,7\ W .F. BIWIRG,

fcv,3Dcr.!cr in AMERICAN, ENGLISHI"V3


CanSeltl Bro. & Co.,S© EALTISfOSE ST., COR. F CHARLES,

Hare a Fine Stock of

tlold aitsl Silve*" Watches, Diamonds, EfchJewelry.

FANCY SIL YEP. GOODS FOB PRESENTS.Silver Plated Forks, Spoons, Castors, Waitors,

Tea Sets, Table and Pocket Cutlery: FineFancy Goods, Clocks, Bronzes and

Military Cirootlss,FOR ARMY AND NAVY. oelT-tf



Has just received a fine lot of PLATED WARE.consisting of?ICE PITCHERS, I

fcASTORS,, , TEA SETTS, Ac., Ac.,

of the finest style and (Irish. Also on hand,WATCHES JEWELRY ANDSILVER WARE, ofovery grade aud style, to which ho invites attention.mylS-ly

New and Eleli Jewelry,SILVER WARE.

Silver Plated Ware, &c.


No. 10 N. GAY STREET,la aiding daily to his varied assortment of nowstyles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, Bnitable

for presents; Diamond Pins, Ear Rings, FingerRings, Pearl do.. Enamelled do.. Coral do., Gurnetand Plain Gold do., Jot Crops do.. LadiSs' GoldChains, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, Cuff But-tons and Studs, Scarf Pius, Signet and Plain Goldand Set Kings. Ac., Ae.

Also, a variety of SILVER PLATED WARE.Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Butter Stands, Fruit do.Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Ac., all of which will be soldon the most accommodating terms. de6-tf


In great variety, on hand and for sale to order atGABRIEL D. CLARK'S,

1726-tf comer ef Caivort and Water sta.

MERCHANDISE.In store and for sale, .500 bbla. Shore


fol2-tf cor. Smith's wharf and Pratt St.

STARCH.I,oooboxes Fox's Refined Pearl Starch, for saloby SOKUIS OWENS A CO.,

fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street.

5,000 I*?J^.£r", 1*? J^.£r",7 NORMS OWENS A CO..

fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street.

rvEAT1L 50 half chests fine Oolong Ton. for sale by

NOKRIS OWENS A CO..fl-tf 373 W. Baltimore street.


prime packages. For sale byJOHN HENDERSON & CO.,

ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce sts.


JNO. HENDERSON A CO.,ja3!-tf Pratt and Commerce sts.

BUTTER.50 Packages Prime NEW YORK STATEDAIRIES. Packed for family use. For tale by

JOHN HENDERSON A CO.,iaol-tf Pratt and Commerce pts.

FUSS.? -1,000 drums and 20 cases, in cartoons andbags, for sale by



No. 15 Bowly'a wharf.

OKANUE&.?200 boxes, landing and for sale byEDWARD L. PALMER A CO.,


No. 15 Bowly'a wharf.

PEANUTS.? 200 bags Wilmington and Virginia,in store and for sale by



No. 15 Bowly's whorl.



Constantly for sale in quantities to suit, byJ. HENRY GIESE,

ja22-3m-2n 21'Spearis wharf.

FCLYBRI'S-iCx CHOICE, PRIME, GOOD, and common, forsale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO.,

jalS tf Calvert and Lombard sts.


J. A. RICHARDSON A CO.,jalfitf Calvert and Lombard .-Is.

CUH'I'EE.J 200 bags good low priced COFFEE, for sale byJ. A. RICHARDSON A CO.,

Jall-tf Calvert and Lombard sts.

JAVA COFFEE.?IOOBag.', Prime GovernmentJava. Also, Java inflag mats. Imitation Java,

Ceylon, Ac. F'or sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co.,ja.ll-tf Calvert and Lombard.



Offer for sale a largo assortment ofCHOICE HAVANA BRANOS,

and made to order in Cuba. ja4-ly



de23tf 29 Hanover street.

Pitt ME BUCKWHEAT AND COBSMEAL.?AIso, choice brands Family and Ex-

tra Flour. For sale by A. L. BOOMS, Jr. & CO., 14]North Howard street. nov2M-tf

MORITZ JPKUKTGSJJEIM.?Superior bottlediVJ. LAGER and WHITEBEER, ALE and POR-TER, likewise "RUSSIAN CAVIAR,"for Familyuse and Shippine. To be had at the Erewery. N-lfi S. VP UTS t'VJO.K STREET






jan23-tf Alt West Prntt. ?' rrvp*.


trUiA CASKS C'ANNEiV I'EAAMJEA.? x/Arv" 100 cases Green CORN.

400 cases TOMATOES.100 do. STRAWBERRIES.



In wood and glass. For sale byGREEN & YOB.BS West Baltimore street,

nSR-lf bet wen Gay and Hollidav.

VVINES, 111 qU<) RS, Efc.jpDKHIM),Sl'SB V A AO'S.


The increasing popularity o our brands of therefine Wines has induced their extensive imitation.?Alldesiring genuine and pure Wines should see thatour copy-righted label, bearing our name, |>ln"O ofbusiness, and the State Seal of California, is uponeach bottle.

The following Wines are now offered by us, withour guarantee of their entire purity.WHITE, OR HOCK WINE,

Of a light straw color, very delicate, fine flavored,and superior as a dinner Wine to Hock or Rhino.

ANGELICA.A rich and naturally sweet Wine, much admiredby ladies, and valuable in the sick chamber, as itmakes fine wheys and jellies. It is a fine dessertWine, and well adapted for Communion purpose.,

MUSCATEL,This superb Wine is made from selected grapes. It

Is very delicate, and will rank with the very bighe-tsweet Wines of Europe.

PORT.This a deep red color, of good body and fine flavor.It is becoming very popular where a slightly astring-ent and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirelya natural Wine, itwill agree with the most delicateorganization.

WINE BITTERS.Thcfe are made in our own cellars, from our ownWmes, and willbe found agreeable and pleasant

. GRAPE BRANDY.Distilled from the second pressing of the grape, andis a pure and desirable article.

J. K. BARNES, the Surgeon General of the UnitedStates, assisted by Assistant Surgeon WOODWARD,after a searching and careful analysis of our Wines'pronounces them .all pure, and admirably adaptedfor the use of the sick and debilitatod

Dr. JACKSON, the well-known Chemist ofBoston,coincides with this opinion.

The Boston Journal, Transcript, Traveller, Satur*day Evening Gazette, New York Evening Post, Tri-bune, and a large portion of the press throughout thecountry, have, in leading articles upon AmericanWines, extolled tho superior merits of Wines.

Tho Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio,whore our Wines came in competition with all theleading brands of Western Wines, awarded fivepremiums out ofsix to our Wines. , .

The Indiana State Fair, endorsing tne opinion ex-pressed at Cleveland, awarded us a Diploma and Sil-ver Medal.

G. W. PIER A CO.,No. 47 South Charles street,

Baltimore.Let Americans support American industry.

oeS-tfr (



WANTS.4 GF.SITI.EMAIVdesires boarding in a private

-r® taiuily where there are few or no other boarder-,tor himself, wife and two children, and servant; wilirequire two furnished communicating rooms. Forfirst-class accommodations, a liberal price will benaid. Address ROBERT. Commercial office. It*

W*? ,RO BKMT.-A COTTAGE in the; Country, with a few aorta of land attached:must, bo in good order, and not more than a halfnour a drive from the Postoff-ea. Anyone liavin?ISfvoo? w fmA good tenant by uddres ingt>o\ OA4, Baltimore, Md. fel6-4t*

Wn uTw * RE ?r --A COMFORT ABLE1,1 r with modern improvements,

suitaole for a small family, inthe northwestern -?.ion of the city. Address MORGAN. Commercial"ffice-- - fel6-6t*

WAW'IKTT.--DWELLING HOUSES :o theRr- JI Nortn arid Northwest fin- urehaaers and ten-Jtlifidiants. Also?Business Property ou Baltimore,lianorcrand North Charles streets


f<- IS 3 St. Paul street.T -VATI".I>?A YOUNG MAN acquainted with

vr the Wholesalo and Retail Grocery trade ofthis city and State. Address P.O. Box 3933, NewYork, giving age. references, and name of lastemployer. fell fit

S "'4 fcif jj}PER YEAH!? We want agentsfjiy- everywhere to sell our iMn;ovtD £iiUSewing: Machines. Throe new kinds. Under andupper I'ccd. Warranted five years. Above salary orlargo commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold inUnited States for less than which arc fullylircneedby Howe, Wheeler W WiUon. (trover it- Baker f

Singer<f* Co., nad Bachelder. A Mother cheap machines aroih/rinyement*. Circulars free. Address, or call uponSnaw &i lark, Biddeford. Ma me. d!2-o4mtW

TO IO PER DAT:*11? *J* orgotic AGENTS everywhere (men or women)to whom we offer extraordinary inducements to en-gage in a light, genteel and profitable business. Sam-ple willbe forwarded upon application with stamp tonay return postage. Address BRADLEY, OilAI)-VrICK & CO., libBroadway, New York. feSd&w-lmRTET<M>e>. WOOD. WODD.?W *STKH?-v ? Everybody to know that wo arc still selling

WOOD cheaper than any other place in the city, atthe corner of Centre and Central avenues, near thePhiladelphia depot. iVMtn*


fOST.? At, Holliday street Theatre, on Friday?I night last, a Siberian Squirrel 'JTPPET. Thefinder willborowardcdbyleavingitat2 South street,

or 23 MoCollogh street. felti-2t*


fNARM FOB SAI.E.?2IO acres?!.' wou.t laiui.15 best bottom land?situated illAlbemarle coun-

ty,Vn., 2 miles from Greenwood Don ;t. on VirginiaCentral Railroad. Improvements, llama dwelling ofsix rooms, cellar, and all necessary out bulldiiigsj ingood repair; water excellent, and neighborhood oneef the best m Virginia:churches and schools conve-nient. This i one of the best grass l'arir,.- in Vir-ginia. and the health is perfect. Price, stu per acre,ii'2,ooo cash, balance in six equal iriitallments, para-ble each in one, two, three, and six rears

Also, lot of four (4) acres, in village of Hillsbnro'same county. 3 miles from Greenwood Depot on Vir-ginia Central Railroad, with frame dwelling of sirrooms and excellent out bouses; tine orchard of e oungselect trees, peaches, pears, apples, Ae. Vrie-'53.000?}1,500 cash, balance on long time to suit pur-chaser.

Either of these places is an excellent position fo- aPhysician; the uractico is large and lucrniivc. thopeople having never suffered from the war. The pres-ent ownr iaa physician, and will retire. Iron illhealth, in favor of any competent Doct r ourchiising.Can control tho larger portion if nut all the practiceof the neighborhood. A nnlv to

JOHN L. HAMMOND.folS'-tf 36 Saratoga street.

fUSftl *"B SAM-:.?A fine frtsl-anillnw! SCHOONER, (5) five years old, built of thebest material; carries about seventy-five 75)tons, or say twenty-six (2.600) hundred bushels; lightdraft aud in complete order. Apply to

K. M. HEPLFM,fel'.'-ti N. W. corner I'rsl- and Gay sts.


BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE.Baltimore streot near Charles?Price $75,000.Saiuth Gay street and North Gay street.North end South llo'vard street ?Warehouses.West Falls avenue?FACTORY PROPERTY.Hillen street, and F'ulls.Broadway?Store and Warehouse PROPERTY.Pell's Point?Two large WHARVES, with Storesaud Warehouses, apple to

GEO. W. TINGES & SONja22-eotf 3 St. Paul street.


432x126 on St. Paul street.226x154 " Calvert do220x130 " Eutaw square.71x150 " Cathedral street.50x125 " Madison avenue.50x150 " Garden street.46x130 " McCulloh do.50x1,50 " W, Fayette do.ALSO, lots on Ross, N. Charles. Saratoga, Repub-iican, ijort Avcauo, <fcc., xc. Apply to

. W. TINGES & SON.,Ja?-coif _N".3 St. Paul ?trcnt.

JBf; HO(NI:K SOatNAIaK?-JULM11 Charles St. Paul, Read, Franklin,R&aabaVlnaigon,McCulloh,Garden,Townsend Monu-ment, Calvert, Ross, Lombard, Howard, Sharp Fay-©fto. i-aflt Baltimore, Spring, Exeter, Columbia.Camden. Strieker, Eden, and Carolino Ftreet* tfrom $1.2?4) to $70,000, by GEO. W. TINGES '

ja22-eotf No. 3 St. Paul street.

, hr.-t-ch,s= dwelling-house.-Hat No. 103 Park street, near Monument, the lateresidence ot l)r. Charles I'rick, deceased, lot 25x150feet, will bo sold in fee and immediate possessiongiven. Xbis is one of the most desirable houses inthe city in point of location, and admirably suited toa physician. Apply to

j22-eotf GEO. W. TINGES, 3 St. Paul st.fpa SOU MLE-FRANKLIN 801 'AltKiili DAY E1,1,1 NO.?One of the host dwelling: inthe square, brown stone front' finished in every in-spect. For parlieulars apply to

.itU-eotf GEO. YV. TINGES, No. 3 St. Paul st.

tTAKTIS.? Two hundred and fifty Maryland and\ inrinia farms for sale by GEO. YY. lINGKS,


ja22-ootf No. 3 St Paul street,tfejt IS.ttl. t'MASN I'AIfUN.

143 Acres neur Masrnolia Station.110,VJ "

]]2 " Cockcysvilio.106 " " Poplar Springs,100 ' Mt AiryStation.132 " " Chase's do.Apply to STANSBUB.Yja26-tf 61 South Broadway

F corvrvT ?A~

tt¥ s ' ;-'iS J), two in Anna Arundel, and a within six miles of the city, and several smallhouses in different parts of the city, can ho bluet t agroat bargain if applied fur immediately ai No l'>Law Buildings, toJi<-tf




iwMj{KRCIALW- AH'ly th° 0,1h9


yoB SAIIE,? The BUM J. E. SHAW,tons resist or, or about 150 tons burthen,he sold low. Apply at once to R. M.HESLEN, Northwest corner Pratt and Gay streets.

nov2s-tfJL I'D 1 8AI-ii.-Avery superior l'RO-

hit . 1 JuLLLR of 150 lons old measure-?jSsS~ifceS.ment built in the strongest and most. substantial manner and of the best and most durable\ materials and of very light draught of water, the

I null and maetnucry is nearly as good as now, havingbeen in actual service not mora than six months, Shehas just been put in complete order and is now readytor service, for lurther particulars enquire at thoS.'.ti. s ?

.i f',v M w sr?- JOHN X. FARDY A BRO.,llnnin. no2°-tf



At the Lowest Market price,

hohada t\he \u25a0 iffiee lifthe ' aUd bQ ' ain *' to

YVYOMING MUTUAL COAL COMPANY,No. 13 South Calvert street,



comer Lovely Lane.fel-3m2dr E. LARRABCB. President.


18.00PURPOSES, sB.U'l.

,A? mrsale?Baltimore Company, Sunbury, andthe Trevorton R. A. SOFT COAL, Nus. 1,2 and 3 Thebest CUMBERLAND COAL,all at lowest marketprices. For salo by

J. HENRY GIESE,Gffice No. itSouth street.

t iaros:Spear's wharf and on North street

-The SAW ED and SPLIT WOOD fi.r safe aaf*1, fe7-lm2oCIOAS., ' ?' COAL,



TUE HAMPSHIRE AND BALTIMORE COAL CO.Are now rreparcd to receive orders for their superiorsemi-bitumiuous Coal, cither by scow load or cargo.Shippers, manufacturers, and the various steamshiplines, are invited to give this their special attention.

SUTTON & GEMMELL, .Shipping and Sales Agents,

fcs~lf 56 Exchange Place.iit V<> *if' 11 11 N O L'S

COMPA >TWHITE ASll?all sixes.PITThTON (very supenor) Do Do'-ORBLKRY (Freehuraim.) RED ASH DoGEORGE'S CREEK BITUMINOUS COAL, fromthe irankhn, George's Creek Mining Company andiiaimml Mines.

, 0,, + , . JAMES BOYCE.ja2b-tf No. 30 Second street.


COAL COMPANY.2,240 lbs. 3?er Ten, Delivered


This Company will furnish to its SUBSCRIBERSfor the prcsCnt. COAL a! 8K.50 per ton, and to NON'lSUBSCRIBERS at Si 1.50 per ton. The LorherrvCoal sells for one dollar per ton over all other Anthra-cites inthe Eastern markets, and has the advantageof transportatiou beta by railroad and canal. Stock-holders are entitled to one ton of Coal, per annum atcost, for each share of stock. Price of shares $lO '

Subscription Books now opon at the office ofCompany, No. A* SECOND STREET, Baltimoreno3o-3m P. H. SULLIVAIf.Cridl®;u° i1




Co^er^'lr^in^WTr^ l^^ '̂HvharfCorner York and Wilham ats. Pier No. 4-L-east


And other White Ash Coals.L YKEN'S VALLEY, SUNBVfty

And other Red Ash Coals and *

GEORGE'S CREEK. CUMBERLAND cOALwhich we are prepared to deliver to ,rilowest oash prices, ? tae
