ba! proposa.j •a..~ >~o it~ra•n w adow...

i I l ' I ' Gm Board Employs Search Firm, Deals \Vitli Member Concerns 'nle ;wt• bl<. ... llble ID 1JoP1 .... ,, ....... fer the pDIIitiall ot.-.A-illlllto 110 .,._ 'loebert Slam of !llaviB. ..... ad A.oooci- .... IDe. llodieated at the .. ..- 12 em b<lattt meet- •- 8111Yill'• ftrm ,..._. hired to ......n and potell- tW the job. 'fte board alliO d:iocuoed the --.---to ..... members prutect their , .... o.ty. -. •ubieuina. I IF :-7 lett..-. ud re- _,. procedu ..... GBI ._- ... e,... ,r Sla- wiL - - AN«la'-' •I ... IWtiC., ..... •iioit• .:; :M ... _.,.n.-rw.l --.w. 'ftia tnL wlueh .... ,_ -- n.,- .._.,. ----·loo dQ--·----- i<o.-- ..... 10- ... _.. ... x ....... ftw) GBJ IJoud: of A1 rn. - .... u..tloo-ft>r th ... :rTh bas bftft flluli:ud ud U... -reb fo. putc-nual caadl- Utn llaJ jDat n-. A to MT• .a .-e> holly it.. i:Diti.At· N a o1 em·• .-ho ......... _,uteH' dla& ... ...,... dilna&loa. TlM ..... -Mn ...... &:&at tbe lroUJ bW po ... ! too rilee to U.. 111ut. o:orlu a aDd l)CM.. NDWS .U.w Ill arut. .... _ ti'JP ;..-., k1 wdl not .,-ow and 1s for na-erous tnrd,- havt to1.ed tlN .ndowj •r.J .1u l! IIODM T'lt>y 1t!'SC!'fbtod t.leo J.1ta. tfon w .m.3&J1U&I"J ..t ..... J'. •b» TraMPlaabn& t.lle .... aD4 lunl deternots ..... .... _.., & .. erar bo&rd ... -. Mt- GBl"s pobc'J' an. w!uca, ea•"l be r--' ..... UiQ aft di-.....cJ Of' ..... -alii- .... •.et oa the ....... .. GBI"s ._ ...,_ to prot«:\. aaldalll.. ... ,._.. t::rees 011 Dlowlor J<>Al> O'Boy.c ...... ., 01": ••• .. - Goo..- c... .._,... ... .... _m ......... ., ..... ......... --,.,,.... - a..t- 14 at 1 p.a. , ........ , ----- ---- .. ----- ..... -- ... ...... -.. loa.., ............. __ .,..,_ ... .__m_ :.• ...... _--:".: .. .... ,. __ _ ......... ___ ._ ..... ---· ............ .._ ............... ...... ,. •... ,. .- ... -- ...... , Uwir., ....... .. .... tamq .. .. ..... .. .-.- .. 1t"1 ,.,.,. of oar ra.lle. ...._ .. JrJTt'StlPted aad h,M ,_.. "'•hat t.M -- t-J'11111petM&ic . • llle pruoio<Pm. !h1r board ..._,.. P'f'Mit.ll :rw tJ'ft' to .. ...... _ t'oJ-annr tna •oolll .-.t prft"f'df'!'l: .. ,.. f..-rl't'd II"'H polioty to U. Ol.nd :aDd •· .•o.:d .. ( }mm:ttft' f• ,.,, .. tV': .ll'r .,. ::o.d Bo.J'd l{.,"""\- :ha: l!1 .. 8 ani •1- a• fi"<HI':• :J t)TO- •Kif- ,a :>me J to Fift l"p4.a1.- Pa;J: 3UtoM:r .. .. aapr. :llf' ftr, . , .. t .......... OD 1 &a a Oft ....... P!aort' H• tUl lMn •ai> olDi:r a of to tJw air bot that nn.ail:r an pft:tOa.a.l propnt:r •u Tlw ..... ,.r. did n..;.r .... ,.. ,..-. h:>nal prope-rty in.a.r..... ar,p ort tile aaJ1- Du.c-tcr "-.f Tffhn .:-aJ !n-ri("M pr .W.f SOIIM Th,pu• ha,•e- t.a 8rf'S .n GBl 111 thf' livlt Jt'an. four of •!'le- .sar.fli PUoMit :;,oe IUUt and !\OM ;;,f tJM 4-M .. «ud had pM- ;wr1y uuara.ate. Xu..row appnet-Ms to pr>-- :t'C't:nc ,...!)eon .... _ ... GHI t-eqlllH Ll [Q t'_.r-ry>. GBI rould .n.surancoe- ,and llrill t!tt' GRl _v:JA m.eom.,." tl> make a detl,jlon t.Jo earry -,:r lloOt eartJ f«K.Dal W'Wie ..,.on-s an .., ........ - ...... 11" ........ ..... 1nGHT1 i .... , ...... tlllt- .-,. tlwJ lD&J not ,., ......... _ anlns .tptcJ6.:ally ad:· H .. .,;- dot!'!"l1ne a-ni. ... br'J' Kat-.,Y Wotbe ia-- ....... U.t tlU.i .shoald at. a ......... .iK1.SlOR aad GIR ....... ..._ '>f' if a ........ M«!f'rtiPd tb crt ('()Y- - AMtlwr b:r Du-H-- Bill Jllwau WD..i to --.olw 1n rath qnat.. t.., tlw witlt IIM1RJ' ..._.k·•P. Otbn 8oanl ......... af'nt10rwd. tM role o4 1 .. au. ID prOwict- iq ...... diPtft"tON a,a.d mf•r- ..tiDe r!wU' JutaHation aall ;IM. It ... d«Mie-d place ...... ... .,.....,..! y l.D.Mlr-DDC"t' .. tM- M a futur• mHUac. tY.bleaes ""'"" 8p-- p.r a -.e•bPr who wl$MI to '1'._,\., n." ., ....... _ faailt" a .:.t.;'<r.l'llL• ....... :r•W.O....._ : · "lft"T lllill MD •ore \0 :.,. t.andally ab!• to taklt .. :tit' fa11.::ly unot. and ar.oth4 tr :TWmber :ren!•n M•d t n:h? !a\·e tht>tr d·•"'-r. paymt>:-.: lAtins ll• ..... r S1nnoe-r pre-!t'"':o>d four dehJICI'W:'::CJ :l'la: ur Mftt to IDemO.r.s who ar"' :n amana 10 GHJ a:!l ••U a.; a dYaft of ,...'rHlOD to tiw -: . .. , ltt:..-r Slveral beard me•beon .tua"tt'd theJ be- 111 to... Jloa.rd --on- Carole Lnin toac:ftit cha' tlw_. an IC'Jil b7 certiaN mail. a-:d board .-mboe-r Du C...U :IUCS'"a.d U.t an itnai- .UIJ.)n -J! eM...- 1M' wat aJotc •ith :he lftte-r. Sinn.r 1Ddiota&elll an Jte.l..lleti lilt ,-cuntoi'r producun aad that GRI fw Ule me•ber to ea1l .nd d ....... :.he_.. ....... l& .. Dtr Wah•r aadl .._. C.0.U.1ttee ..... Internationa[ 3-7ii.a **** I I I I I I ,.._. I • c:M.L I ...,... I ..... ,,_ ..... ,_ Seeb¥•1•• .... -- Dooout-11& <4 M......_. ..,..._...v.--._ "'" ....w.a. in ac"nmialloft to ... ry ....... iatrutU... ,_ for 1tate-wwt. 41Wri- baU..a"" ploati.,..l_ aM pGIIape., .......... to won n til. lftdliaa wnp .... a&. Joatt*u tellt to 1M •o-.t..,- ........ _ AJl ...,bPs an fllnliahed. To woolaatMT ral) n......... _ kan Jatt.itted a :rerisioft of the t.ttrr for conaidrration. OU..r ..... ,.., .... ... I'Weiii .....Utiens Wrft ......... t., .... --...-.-· ......... -..- ...... -... ---tlle-..Jwitl .. of 11M utire raalel .-. - .... f- ....... , ..... ,. ta rna1eo. no -.. COIMeJ"MMd wttA chups to ...... Mn tD_corncL co.- ditiou eo bri:-." Pits 11p to ""t a&aQda.rcb. TH board ini- tJaUJ appf'O'I'IId 1plitliAK ol th• to•U betWMD GHI and the mrabrr to .... ,.ir ..,...btr drliu a& t.k tUM of resale. T1ail proposa.J W aDow fol' !'tody. §tafr wu diNded to pre-pan plau to I'Oitllider .,.yina for t'!M full t'OIIt o1 briacina washer dniua liP &o staodard- at tame of ,_.. aJid an alt.rrn..tin plan to- pa7 for oa17 Jtoalf the- t'oats. Sd 1bould allo C"ODSider hew ,... ... , --- •ieht be , .... biii'Md fer tMw c-Mts- OU.C.. tor Coal, uke-d .it.a'F to t'Sl)a.ft dw paailtilit,- of Httiaa q 11'&n"&A&ee £0 i'- tkt an etrtiAed lrJ' \1M GBI .... Jn m._,;oa. Be olaa ubcltllatllleotd-lo otM:r ('ode riolatJon.a taat an ., .... m.rm. O>MI suppl7 tlM balr- aro witl tM - -tloa to ..... - O'llo71e ...... ,_ _ _..._...,._ ............. _,.._ .,..<_.,..__ ....... -...--- .......... - ........ Tk Cu--911' Year (" ol the Na:.ioaal eo. operative in •ttlt tM National Co-op Mo'ltlt. eo...i&- teo.. ia tuot"'lia.tiftc eeMat .... fw tltt' ye-ar4 1ona erllf'bn.tioll tll.c. U.S. cooppratiY'ft art plaaaiac for ISMN. The ce-lebraUoa U. lrloaor of tlw 156th uni'nrtarJ af lM Rad.daiP p•nllJ rft'OCntzt'd .. thco birtlt,._. ., I80Cien t'OOpeoratiYn. I& wi!' -- phasiu. tbe role of eoopenrtn'e rnterprun 1n II!&HtinC oeeca of Amrricans today 1ftd to:JIOT· ..... PartiripaJu.s au1o7 en. &riea to tJw. JIUO AA- alYeaa.rJ Contat... t:.H. eMI'J doWd iuclu• a of dw theae and the lfhoald bl" draw:a in black or- co:,.- white paper. llaJtipLI' -.d utrie$ an perwuu.d. TlMoy ahl,uld biP ••& to lAta Mach.. Co. operative Buaiftft5 .\f!l.sMiatJon. ltOl New York Av<"1tw.o. 'i.W Swte 1100: \'V uh:nzt•m. D (.' toel06-218<> 1'!w c-ontest dead-lint' 1.,; Oc-tober 29. The wim.t'. "-' d: re· cetY'e a .el«lKin or 2'1ru tkn-1· oped for tb• Co-op Yt-ar w,p;} as national n.•t·ol'rl:Uon, p!1u prizto. of 1500 For mort' contaet Let. Mat'h at lo- operat.tve Bu,o;nw:.'i"' .... -•tlon lly eallm• (202) IL11Wi22:! Biles Fatinl ScbW1I 110ft thn a dot:•n. bluett p.:r. for'IDu:a. akt,.- W'lth artiYitiec. ((l("al nafta. and peat - will hfa"hhcftt do. 1ft Aa· _. tlluel>ird Bluet Fotolnl OR Sundlt7, Se-pt. 19. ,_ 1 to II p.a at Pr1lke Gt>Orl!' ..... ;., Colleae Tllllati'l'elcr K'hNuW u-e hllM!! ......... •• Boobe .. hy Pwbr aJ'Jd rtw BIDII N_..1 .... ,. __ ·---.-1[.-.-r •Dd BlueaitW. with Big -'- Yawn. BiJI 11rCallouch (Windy CitJ' Slia). Eddie Daye aadb m.. 8aall. 81.,., Worll:._ - Mib-_ ::.:m ............. ...,.._........ , . --........... 8.T.a.JI.CIIGUNNOWJGUIDIIO Fcr ...... WIInnlliml. .--.-.: ..,...aac:uar.u..unco,. II po1) 345-7077 m¥--·-'·.,.,. S.T .ll.P .... , ,_ tlw iA(or- ..atima .., .. ,._ry lo _,yea llelp YfHI'" ci&Ud. ---- ... - ..... .... a.-·- __ ..._ .. ..... __ ,_ .. .... · l!:::.oc:=:.c:::=-==-=:=.IIC==ooc:=:.c::=•D . .. 011 ••• 6mnbdt ··lltws bitw •.•• AIId-.. \ woot.-n- ...._ aa 11 uo.-7 ................. -. .......... - .. ftoon.. s.,t. U, s •·•· GBI & Jleedr¥. HamiJt.on PI .. ...... Richard Pi Plunge intc On September 18 the Am- erican Legion aDd the Green- belt City CouDCil wiU houor Rithard R- Pilsti, wllo serv- ed for more than 20 years as a city councilmember and for !!.iX yP&J"S u mayor. Dur- i!llf the two Pilski held office. IIIOtlt develop- ment were made that have guided the growth of Greenbelt. Pil!ld llolda the distinction of fu·st · elected by only onll! vote in a speria.l nmotf rleetion. Sta.rtinl( from thU!. tenuous hold on off'k"'l'. Pilslri eontinDIII!d to 1neru.tP his 111-pJMJrt amoq tM e:eetorate 111Atil he became the top YO\e .,.uer aaoac -·-- ...m.c- ... ... loift ...... - ....... - __ .. __ _ - dt7 - ,_ '-"""· AhoaJ'S aa iMrpeadea.. Pil- *1 ... oftp tbe fonfreat ...... .._, __ ... __ ..... tloe riPt u.u. "' do, ..... if u.. ... , of the -·lt7 ,.., .... , .-.. OriaiaaD7 froa Pl1aki ...... - ....... - P tM N'HJ" OD aa aircnft evrier d1arillc': World: War U. aa ezperieoc:e M ii reluctant to taDt aboat "'f the paia- fo.l --it ...U.. Alta bo- iae _ ....... loo oi>WDed coon.. ....,_ •• um- _.,ill_ 11• Cllten west to warlr: for the - ...... - ... ...-.. .... _.. ........... - •ra reaioa ..... Wlsilo.--- loo flro& - Ilia wlft, CJain, Ia His First Politics Firlll rlert.N to tH G, .... _. City COIIUN'iJ by oal7 Me ...W Ill a "'- eloectioa. Ridlanl .. Pi). aiU Wfttt .. 1e Mn'e fer .we th.aJa Z'l ,.,.._ F• .ix 7ean1 HalaowuGneabftt'• .. J• -1178 pilot., eou.rl:e:8'y lticbard PUKi !laaK-haonk (now Jim Thorpe). Po. SubMcpaeDt.b be ....... .. a -------- Ba!l-- Ia &lolo ,_ ___ _ ---- tllroacboat .... __ lbrried iD lilA. the Piloldo were liviJC ill ell in HysttsYille ..... r-.{-, <iec1ded to bar a "- ill 1&.;." Or: ter Sa.... ,. tiM7 i the only uuoW Wt .n Lahwcod SubdiYiJion. at tiM <!nd ';f Court. wa5 ·'-,e first -ubd ·. of homH built ia Grter. ·, · after the Federal Geowrntrw · ocld it;s land holctiop u-oand On the a..zt Day day, while sitlinc ;n 1toop, CJ.ire --"ted they in•o!Yed in th-e commu::- itJ and Pilski ._pn :o at:er.d eoa.ncil meetlap. The n..- tn Lah- wood. as well M ar:d Woodland ·Hilla,. two r.ew subdi9iaiou diM had beer. co· operativel7 by resi- ct.ta of the .-znmun1:y. pa.J'tJealarlJ' a bout bleb eity U.S. P1lskL re- eallell. GrHnbri!"s ti"< rate was U-12 per b11lldrPd (:ol!ars of u- - -..lao'*'lo .. --" IOdlo ..... .._. ro&e of .... ,,ftti!IP ---- ... ..-1, war 'fttenna wilD were jut ......... tJtejr flee PJLSIU. - i Crossbow Rapist Caught by Elahle Skebllk .... ..... ,. 1.- wuna- Prince Gee>...- County Pollee Chief David B. llltdlell announoed Mouday Dilrht on eb&Jmel 9 following a pre. c:oDferenee tha t"we are all quite eertain that we have the rap&" He GPlained th.t the "nspect - ar- re!rted" trying to telepbODe one ollr'.a vietima. Investipton bad traced a call from a pq pllone in Soutbeut Wuhlng- IDn, D.C. after the vietim bad alerted polke. Tbe pollee then otaked out the pbone and made the arrest following the aecotod to phone the vieliiiL Chief Mitdaell said that 36- and a ba• eontainine chldt tape, :rear--oW Alphoao QaiJm of aecorlllinc to police spokapenn Bowie wu taba. int.G eutocb' CpL Diane Richardton. in the DUtriet of Columbia. )(ito:heU l\.9ted that tM war- At a seeond preu conference bold TueodaJ' aftemooa, llit<bell preuntl'd. items foaad ill Qubm's car. On diaplay wen a CTOUbow. au Alt-47 aaault rifle. a ... k Davis and Auerbach File For Seats on City Council rant. issued charaed Qllliml witl one eOWlt o! first.dep-ee rape. Furth e r dec it ions eoneenaiac eharau from th• iad· drat. - two ill"1 Bowie, ou iD Greeabelt and oae in Gleml Dale -will ...- '"'-' ......... foU.WU. daJ' after he ..u-..1 est;ndit:loD. aeconlinc to l!'llUtJ polite. Qaian ... , lin& 4ooeribod bJ poliN as onem ...... •t later. after tolldng ..W. ..... -.. aDd bociJming the - <4 Ilia .._ peliee believe _. .- aaiac IUs nisn of tnror fet" .-lr piD u a home-.... -it7 CG8111t· aat. He bad had ooe ..dier &r• rest in 19'77 for aNMIII rotlbet7- OltR aa Judith (J) Davia aDd Hopi Auerbach bave Olad their ,...ena to nm for City CouDcil in the November 2 eledioiL Tbe N- Jleoriew ill publishing tbe re8Umea of .ell cudiiWe- .... prepared atod oubmitted by .. __ ..... 11JJJ1111 (J) DA ......... 'Pill JlpGww Jlh7. No. ... _..,._..;,_ ---">"-- ...... _ _, - lo --- Silo ... - .. -, ... ....... _..,... lly ... PriD:e "-- . ., _ o..ia ........ iD I'emoq- aad DeJa..,.. - Ilea - lfuten ..... iD - Soon after -.c iD c-.- belt. J Daio ....... "' ... iavclftd ia tile ;, loeal politb. .... ill the PriKe CoalttJ' l!fteat- oro (J'G{ZA). Silo ..... ·- ..... Boord <4 Di- !leeDAYIB,-12 llikhell eomm_.. die eGD· t7 foree. in , ........ _ De-- - Jeff Re- fw -- in& so bard on tM ,.._ aM t;l.,. enamonitie!l of Gl- Dale ... Gnenbelot for theb· .... ,...u.. Tbo er..sbow ..,._ hod N- - Cll(liiSBOW, - U. <- 5 llehri' on roof ol bo- at 13 Lakeside .... _ tile __.. as plane <rashes Into batk yanl Copyright 1993 by WilliAm Cornett Small Plane Crashes Near House, Leaving Two Dead by Dorothy Sadler A single-engine plane crashed and burned in Greabelt on Friday, September 10. at 5:50 p_m., killina' the two people oa board. No .- oa the around wu injured when the Ceasua ploutrhed iMo w llatk yard of 13 LMeoide Dtive, home of Jooepbiae Blair, c:oming to reet flboat 16 feet from the house. The only one home at the tim& - her grandson Paul Blair, an auto parts - who bad returned home a short time hef ore and wu taking a up, from which he was awakened by the soutod of the c:rah- .. Did Plane Stall? te.r W.-t. 41, of Giron Dale ..S Ilia ....... -r a• Valerie Nelli lfaoldoot. 4!. of Cliaton. !loth wen _.._ of CAP ·T...,._ iD Weot ..... ciNaibe.t aa fl.JiDc en- <llooiaatwloo-t -ofhia _..u-...S-oablo _,. <4 ara.: ldo - ..... pilot'& Ueeu. ln. a fnr daTL A.e- ccordU. to polk!e. both appar- died oa lm- iD tho ,_ _ .......... Jt hl& tile ............ ...... _ otel7 btJnt illt.> na-, bon tried to extioplolo 0. fiN witiJ ____ .... arriftl of - tnodoo ,._G-. belt. "-- Blllo, -- .... , .... llftw7o ilelplo_ Pollee cordoaed olf 0. - to hoW- tho ..-d- quicld7 -- .......... <luldnol wbo hod - .. - den Field. whi<h the -n p1aae had been riRliDc for .... u.. cloae .. the _ ..... lo a--. who ..... - ple:rlnc tamdo, said, ""Be rirded the eoat1;.i. •• we eoald ._ he ... ta troabk ne encinr failed. and then it picked up apin and he 'ftU'elt and tiM plane went I was afraid fte wu com. to hit tile eaarlo -luid, 'Let'•P' oet of ben!' Eicht people we:e on the eourb. .... thera ...,. • Jot .t kids on tta.. atlaletic fiaW. J had tbe feeliJqr be ..W - been ..-.m. tD lood .. - Field. and derided DOt to .... _. of the kidl. Maybe lte ._.. kbMI of a hero." - s•ALL PLA!IJ!. .. I, e. I ... o .. w-- One Gn!enbelt relideDi wile bu soal'e u:perieltoee - obeenbc ah·eraft thoocbt that 10111e at tlle mann9en of the .....U airjCraft which crubed in Green- belt oa $epteJabe:r · 10 wen "•trance·" lle .. id that oltiJooP 1M eould draw DO coaeJ.iou u to tho ...... of tho ...... 0. -rthatbe__._.. plaae to otaiJ, eatar ...... - .,.__ ,. tho ._ .. _of_ ........ c-lio. fliP&- tor ... loea_a .... <dpa- nale--forM ------ ................... _ - .,- .. --. .. ...... _.._.... ,. __ _ _____ ... .,._ ·-- ........ ..... •-'>- - ..._ .... _- ..... _.....,._,. .... .... _NPo._ U..alooat ... -. .... ... ...a ..... ill ........ ..... eli• - f'artJ-ftw ....... I ..... ,,._. __ ... _ doiac· I - of - aerobdic ......... did ... foriM&Idood<d.__ io!IJiatldoodol_ft_ -·---· - & IIOt -d- .. -- ....... &- ohoaft 1M- It- dawiL!'aldtllat---- - ..... ..__., S. ITALLT.- I. eo&.' J J I I

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' I '

Gm Board Employs Search Firm, Deals \Vitli Member Concerns

'nle ~ ;wt• bl<. -.tol~....,.. ... llble ID 1JoP1 ....,, ....... ~ fer the pDIIitiall ot.-.A-illlllto 110 .,._ 'loebert Slam of !llaviB. ..... ad A.oooci­.... IDe. llodieated at the .. ..- 12 em b<lattt meet­•- 8111Yill'• ftrm ,..._. hired to ......n and ocree~~ potell­tW ~d&t"" ~~ the job. 'fte board alliO d:iocuoed the --.---to ..... members prutect their ,....o.ty. -. •ubieuina. I IF :-7 lett..-. ud re­_,. ~ procedu .....

GBI ._-... e,... ,r Sla-

wiL - - AN«la'-' •I ... IWtiC., ..... •iioit• .:; :M

~ ... _.,.n.-rw.l --.w. 'ftia ~ll tnL wlueh .... ,.........ferO.Mal"e'~ ,_ • -- n.,- .._.,. • ----·loo dQ--·----­i<o.-- ..... 10----..........-·~­... _.. ... x ....... ftw) ~ GBJ IJoud: of Ihl'er~an ~at A1 rn. -....u..tloo-ft>r th ... :rTh bas bftft flluli:ud ud U... -reb fo. putc-nual caadl­Utn llaJ jDat ~-

n-. A r~t to MT• .a l~­

.-e> holly it.. ~ i:Diti.At·

N a ~ o1 em· • .-ho Mtr.~llJ:doa't ......... _,uteH' dla& ... itn~ ...,... ~~~p---afuil dilna&loa. TlM .....-Mn ~om­...... &:&at tbe lroUJ bW po ... ! too rilee to U.. 111ut. o:orlu a ~ aDd l)CM.. NDWS .U.w Ill :11~ arut. ...._ ti'JP ;..-., k1 ~~il~.i

wdl not .,-ow and 1s .ltQm~ for na-erous tnrd,- 'll'~<> havt to1.ed

tlN • .ndowj •r.J n:~r .1u l! ~ IIODM T'lt>y 1t!'SC!'fbtod t.leo J.1ta. tfon w .m.3&J1U&I"J ..t ..... J'.

•b» TraMPlaabn& t.lle .... aD4 lunl deternots ..... ...._..,

& .. erar bo&rd ... -. Mt-hll~ GBl"s pobc'J' • an. w!uca, ea•"l be r--' ..... UiQ aft di-.....cJ Of' ..... -alii-.... •.et oa the ....... .. GBI"s ~tnndinc pn~ ._ ...,_ to prot«:\. aaldalll.. ... ,._.. t::rees 011 ~~ ~~

Dlowlor J<>Al> O'Boy.c ......

~-· ., 01": ••• .. - Goo..- c... .._,... ... ...._m ~~~ ......... ., ..... ......... --,.,,.... lloo-~ill-­- a..t- 14 at 1 p.a. ,........, --------- .. -----::.:=.:"'-~':.: ..... --... ...... -.. -~Am... loa.., ............. __ .,..,_ ... .__m_ =.~ :.• ...... _--:".: .. ....,. __ _ ......... ___ ._ ..... ---· ............ .._ ............... ......,. •... ,. ~••re..,..,...

.- ... --...... , Uwir.,....... .. .... tamq .. ~WJUo. .. .....

~- .. .-.- .. 1t"1 ,.,.,. of oar ra.lle. ...._ ..

n..•--~­JrJTt'StlPted aad h,M ,_..

"'•hat t.M ~ -­_-\l!~h t-J'11111petM&ic . • llle pruoio<Pm. !h1r board ..._,.. • P'f'Mit.ll :rw tJ'ft' to .. ......_ t'oJ-annr tna •oolll .-.t • prft"f'df'!'l: n~ C~Card .. ,.. f..-rl't'd GHl"~ II"'H polioty to U. .\.rT~to!'.:"~:Jl'@' Ol.nd !:1'1~1 :aDd •· .•o.:d .. .iton.:l.~ ( }mm:ttft' f• ,.,, ~~-.-. .. ~.:! tV': ~m~ndaUoftl.

•h~!! ;~.-~f' f@'t)(l~~~ .ll'r ~

• .,. ~<'"1 ::o.d p;~r..,;J.,:u· ~l·:aa::vn

...-~n ~ ~.,.v~~ua·..-~ Bo.J'd l{.,"""\­

..,_.~ ("-...·;~!( Ht>~i :.~'!'~ :ha: !~~

l!1 .. 1!f'~ ~ ~PVC":' :le~k. ~) :~f'

8 ani •1- ~oon a• fi"<HI':• :J t)TO­

•Kif- ,a :>me J n~pon~• to ~

Fift l"p4.a1.-

Pa;J: 3UtoM:r ••~:~g ,,~ .. ~a. .. aapr. d•'4.."l':~J :llf' ftr, . , .. t

.......... OD .\.~•t 1 &a a ~1'1Jt Oft ....... P!aort' H• i~cated tUl lMn •ai> olDi:r a saa;~ ~t of ~!J'Un~:-a damaa~t to tJw air bot that nn.ail:r an pft:tOa.a.l propnt:r •u ~:rM. Tlw .....,.r. did n..;.r ....,.. ,..-. h:>nal prope-rty in.a.r..... ~ ~a• ar,p ~o~on1t'nn:r ort tile aaJ1-

Du.c-tcr "-.f Tffhn • .:-aJ !n-ri("M J~)· Fr-w<lm.a~~ pr ~ .W.f SOIIM ~utory Th,pu• ha,•e- ~n t.a 8rf'S .n GBl 111 thf' ;>&~~ livlt Jt'an. four of •!'le- d~ .sar.fli PUoMit :;,oe IUUt and !\OM ;;,f tJM

4-M .. «ud had p~: ~.:.nal pM­;wr1y uuara.ate.

Xu..row appnet-Ms to pr>-­:t'C't:nc ,...!)eon ...._ :h1.~

i:nd.ol~~ ... ~~ GHI ~ou:d t-eqlllH Ll m.-bt'r~ [Q t'_.r-ry>. GBI rould ~,)t,a.n .n.surancoe- ,and llrill t!tt' m~m':lot'"r, ;:~r GRl _v:JA rf'qu.r~·

m.eom.,." tl> make a ~ioas detl,jlon t.Jo earry -,:r lloOt eartJ f«K.Dal ~-

W'Wie ..,.on-s an .., ........

- ...... 11" ........ ,~­..... ~ 1nGHT1 i....,...... • tlllt- .-,. tlwJ lD&J not ,., ........._ anlns .tptcJ6.:ally ad:· H .. ~ .,;- dot!'!"l1ne a-ni. ... br'J' Kat-.,Y Wotbe ia-­....... U.t tlU.i .shoald at. a ......... .iK1.SlOR aad GIR ....... ..._ '>f' rt'~pon..ible if a ........ M«!f'rtiPd tb crt ('()Y--AMtlwr ~tKtn b:r Du-H--l~r Bill Jllwau WD..i to ~~tall --.olw ~ 1n rath qnat.. ~ t.., tlw Wln~ witlt IIM1RJ' ..._.k·•P. Otbn 8oanl ......... af'nt10rwd. tM role o4 1 .. au. ~IIM"Dt ID prOwict­iq ...... diPtft"tON a,a.d mf•r­..tiDe • r!wU' JutaHation aall ;IM. It ... d«Mie-d ~ place ...... ... ~nal .,.....,..! y l.D.Mlr-DDC"t' .. tM­a~---da. M a futur• mHUac.

::;~v-~:ral tY.bleaes ""'"" 8p-­p.r w~. a -.e•bPr who wl$MI to '1'._,\., n." .,......._ faailt" ~ a .:.t.;'<r.l'llL• ....... :r•W.O....._

~"i. : · "lft"T lllill MD •ore t~-. \0 ~ :.,. t.andally ab!• to taklt

·~- .. ~ :tit' fa11.::ly unot. and ar.oth 4

tr :TWmber -..,nv~ :ren!•n M•d a~;.:1oaal t n:h? ~o !a\·e tht>tr d·•"'-r. paymt>:-.:

~J lAtins ll• ..... r S1nnoe-r pre-!t'"':o>d ~·"""

four dehJICI'W:'::CJ !•tt~u :l'la: ur Mftt to IDemO.r.s who ar"' :n amana 10 GHJ a:!l ••U a.; a dYaft of ,...'rHlOD to tiw fou~: -: . ~~or .. , ltt:..-r Slveral beard me•beon .tua"tt'd theJ be­~u-o....,.r 111 to... Jloa.rd --on­Carole Lnin toac:ftit ~ cha' tlw_. an IC'Jil b7 certiaN mail. a-:d board .-mboe-r Du C...U :IUCS'"a.d U.t an itnai­.UIJ.)n -J! eM...- 1M' wat aJotc •ith :he lftte-r. Sinn.r 1Ddiota&elll an Jte.l..lleti ~leT ~ lilt ,-cuntoi'r producun aad that GRI pnferr~ fw Ule me•ber to ea1l .nd d ....... :.he_.. ....... l& .. Dtr Wah•r aadl .._. C.0.U.1ttee .....

~~ Internationa[ 3-7ii.a


**** I I I I I I

,.._. I • c:M.L I ...,... I

..... ,,_.....,_ Seeb¥•1•• .... ...._-Man~---

~~;'~~~ -- ~~- Dooout-11& <4 M......_. ~)tor-.... ..,..._...v.--._ "'" ....w.a. in ac"nmialloft to ... ry ....... iatrutU... ,_ ~ for 1tate-wwt. 41Wri­baU..a"" ploati.,..l_ aM pGIIape., .......... ~ to won n til. lftdliaa wnp .... a&. Joatt*u ~ tellt to 1M •o-.t..,- ........_ AJl ...,bPs an fllnliahed. To woolaatMT ral) n........._ kan Jatt.itted a :rerisioft of the t.ttrr for conaidrration. OU..r .....,.., .... ... I'Weiii.....Utiens Wrft ......... wiJlblt~

t., .... --...-.-· .........-..- ...... -... ..-.~

---tlle-..Jwitl .. ~ of 11M utire raalel ..-.~~e..-~· .-. - .... f- ....... ,.....,. ta rna1eo. no -.. • COIMeJ"MMd wttA chups to ...... Mn tD_corncL ~· co.­ditiou eo bri:-." Pits 11p to eu~ ""t a&aQda.rcb. TH board ini­tJaUJ appf'O'I'IId 1plitliAK ol th• to•U betWMD GHI and the mrabrr to ....,.ir ..,...btr drliu a& t.k tUM of resale.

T1ail proposa.J •a..~ >~o it~ra•n W aDow fol' furth~r !'tody. §tafr wu diNded to pre-pan plau to I'Oitllider .,.yina for t'!M full t'OIIt o1 briacina washer dniua liP &o staodard- at tame of ,_.. aJid an alt.rrn..tin plan to- pa7 for oa17 Jtoalf the- t'oats. Sd 1bould allo C"ODSider hew ,... ... , --- •ieht be ,.... biii'Md fer tMw c-Mts- OU.C.. tor Coal, uke-d .it.a'F to t'Sl)a.ft

dw paailtilit,- of Httiaa q • 11'&n"&A&ee ~- £0 ~ i'- tkt an etrtiAed lrJ' \1M GBI ....Jn m._,;oa. Be olaa ubcltllatllleotd-lo otM:r ('ode riolatJon.a taat an .,....m.rm. O>MI suppl7 tlM balr­aro witl tM - -tloa to ..... - O'llo71e ...... ,_ _ _..._...,._ ............. _,.._ .,..<_.,..__ .......-...--­.......... -........

Tk Cu--911' Year AaD~........, (" ol the Na:.ioaal eo. operative Bu.aiBH<~ ~ialiea (NOBA~. in conja~~~rtir.t •ttlt tM National Co-op Mo'ltlt. eo...i&­teo.. ia tuot"'lia.tiftc • eeMat tofind.a~aed. .... fw tltt' ye-ar4 1ona erllf'bn.tioll tll.c. U.S. cooppratiY'ft art plaaaiac for ISMN.

The ce-lebraUoa ~ U. lrloaor of tlw 156th uni'nrtarJ af lM Rad.daiP ._'ooperatiY~. p•nllJ rft'OCntzt'd .. thco birtlt,._. ., I80Cien t'OOpeoratiYn. I& wi!' -­phasiu. tbe role of eoopenrtn'e rnterprun 1n II!&HtinC oeeca of Amrricans today 1ftd to:JIOT· .....

PartiripaJu.s au1o7 aat:a.i.~ en. &riea to tJw. ~P JIUO AA­alYeaa.rJ Contat... t:.H. eMI'J doWd iuclu• a ata:~:-....& of dw theae and the ~a..., lfhoald bl" draw:a in black or- co:,.- ~Jn white paper. llaJtipLI' -.d t~ata: utrie$ an perwuu.d. TlMoy ahl,uld biP ••& to lAta Mach.. Co. operative Buaiftft5 .\f!l.sMiatJon. ltOl New York Av<"1tw.o. 'i.W Swte 1100: \'V uh:nzt•m. D (.' toel06-218<>

1'!w c-ontest dead-lint' 1.,; Fr~•J, Oc-tober 29. The wim.t'. "-' d: re· cetY'e a .el«lKin or 2'1ru tkn-1· oped for tb• Co-op Yt-ar a~ w,p;}

as national n.•t·ol'rl:Uon, p!1u • prizto. of 1500

For mort' mfornua~oC>'l contaet Let. Mat'h at th~t :-.;'.~t:'l'1.1. lo­operat.tve Bu,o;nw:.'i"' A~~ .... -•tlon lly eallm• (202) IL11Wi22:!

Biles Fatinl ScbW1I 110ft thn a dot:•n. bluett p.:r.

for'IDu:a. akt,.- W'lth r:~·, artiYitiec. ((l("al nafta. and peat - will hfa"hhcftt do. 1ft Aa· _. tlluel>ird Bluet Fotolnl OR

Sundlt7, Se-pt. 19. ,_ 1 to II p.a at Pr1lke Gt>Orl!' ..... C".o.n~un4

;., Colleae Tllllati'l'elcr K'hNuW u-e hllM!!

......... ~ •• Boobe ..

Jlononoadl'he~­hy Pwbr aJ'Jd rtw BIDII N_..1 ....,. __ ·---.-1[.-.-r •Dd • BlueaitW. with Big -'- Yawn. BiJI 11rCallouch (Windy CitJ' Slia). Eddie Daye aadb m.. 8aall. 81.,., Worll:._

- Mib-_

::.:m ............. ...,.._........, . --........... 8.T.a.JI.CIIGUNNOWJGUIDIIO

Fcr ...... WIInnlliml. .--.-.: ..,...aac:uar.u..unco,.

II po1) 345-7077 m¥--·-'·.,.,.

S.T .ll.P • ...., ~ ,_ tlw iA(or­..atima .., .. ,._ry lo _,yea llelp YfHI'" ci&Ud. ---- ... -..... ....a.-·­__ ..._ .. ~ ..... __ ,_ ~ .. --~ .... · ---.:::.~-:::,~":'~ l!:::.oc:=:.c:::=-==-=:=.IIC==ooc:=:.c::=•D

. .. 011 ••• 6mnbdt

··lltws bitw •.•• AIId-.. \ woot.-n- ...._ aa 11

uo.-7 ................. -. .......... -.. ftoon.. s.,t. U, s •·•· GBI

& Jleedr¥. HamiJt.on PI

.. ...... Richard Pi Plunge intc


On September 18 the Am­erican Legion aDd the Green­belt City CouDCil wiU houor Rithard R- Pilsti, wllo serv­ed for more than 20 years as a city councilmember and for !!.iX yP&J"S u mayor. Dur­i!llf the two ~ Pilski held office. IIIOtlt develop­ment d~isions were made that have guided the growth of Greenbelt.

Pil!ld llolda the distinction of fu·st · elected by only onll! vote in a speria.l nmotf rleetion. Sta.rtinl( from thU!. tenuous hold on off'k"'l'. Pilslri eontinDIII!d to 1neru.tP his 111-pJMJrt amoq tM e:eetorate 111Atil he became the top YO\e .,.uer aaoac ~ -·--...m.c- -· ... ... loift ...... - ....... -

__ .. __ _ - dt7 - ,_ '-"""·

AhoaJ'S aa iMrpeadea.. Pil­*1 ... oftp • tbe fonfreat aat:llieftice.ltM~­ ...... .._, __ ... __ ..... tloe riPt u.u. "' do, ..... if u.. ... , of the -·lt7 ~ ,..,...., .-..

OriaiaaD7 froa Ki~ ~ Pl1aki ...... - ....... - P tM N'HJ" OD aa aircnft evrier d1arillc': World: War U. aa ezperieoc:e M ii reluctant to taDt aboat ~ "'f the paia­fo.l --it ...U.. Alta bo­iae _....... loo oi>WDed • coon.. ....,_ •• ~~yrocoae um­_.,ill_

11• Cllten west to warlr: for the -~~for -...... -... ...-.. ...._.. ........... -•ra reaioa ~ ..... -· Wlsilo.--­loo flro& - Ilia wlft, CJain, Ia

~ecalls His First ~nbelt Politics

~ Firlll rlert.N to tH G,...._. City COIIUN'iJ by oal7 Me ...W Ill

a "'- eloectioa. Ridlanl .. Pi). aiU Wfttt .. 1e Mn'e fer .we th.aJa Z'l ,.,.._ F• .ix 7ean1 HalaowuGneabftt'• .. J•

-1178 pilot., eou.rl:e:8'y lticbard PUKi

!laaK-haonk (now Jim Thorpe). Po.

SubMcpaeDt.b be ....... .. a -------­Ba!l-- Ia &lolo ~. ,_ ___ _ ---­tllroacboat .... __

..-~ lbrried iD lilA. the Piloldo

were liviJC ill ell ap1·~'!:'er.t in HysttsYille ..... r-.{-, <iec1ded to bar a "- ill 1&.;." Or: Eas~ ter Sa....,. tiM7 i •ug-~: the only uuoW h~ Wt .n Lahwcod SubdiYiJion. at tiM <!nd ';f -l~ange Court. ~ wa5 ·'-,e first developer~ -ubd ·. ··~:- of homH built ia Grter. ·, · after the Federal Geowrntrw · ocld it;s land holctiop u-oand l~·M On the a..zt I~an: Day ho:~­day, while sitlinc ;n ~he:T

1toop, CJ.ire --"ted tha~ they N~me in•o!Yed in th-e commu::­itJ and Pilski ._pn :o at:er.d eoa.ncil meetlap.

The n..- tn Lah­wood. as well M Lak~~:jt ar:d Woodland ·Hilla,. two othE-~ r.ew subdi9iaiou diM had beer. co· operativel7 ~oped by resi­ct.ta of the .-znmun1:y. w~re pa.J'tJealarlJ' ceD<"ern~td a bout bleb eity U.S. A~ P1lskL re­eallell. GrHnbri!"s ti"< rate was U-12 per b11lldrPd (:ol!ars of u-

- -..lao'*'lo .. --" IOdlo ..... .._. ro&e of

....,,ftti!IP ---­~-·· ... ~ood ~ ..-1, war 'fttenna wilD were jut ......... tJtejr

flee PJLSIU. - i

Crossbow Rapist Caught by Elahle Skebllk .... .....,. 1.- wuna-

Prince Gee>...- County Pollee Chief David B. llltdlell announoed Mouday Dilrht on eb&Jmel 9 following a pre. c:oDferenee tha t"we are all quite eertain that we have the =-~>ow rap&" He GPlained th.t the "nspect - ar­re!rted" trying to telepbODe one ollr'.a vietima. Investipton bad traced a call from a pq pllone in Soutbeut Wuhlng­IDn, D.C. after the vietim bad alerted polke. Tbe pollee then otaked out the pbone and made the arrest following the aecotod attern~>t to phone the vieliiiL

Chief Mitdaell said that 36- and a ba• eontainine chldt tape, :rear--oW Alphoao QaiJm of aecorlllinc to police spokapenn Bowie wu taba. int.G eutocb' CpL Diane Richardton.

in the DUtriet of Columbia. )(ito:heU l\.9ted that tM war-

At a seeond preu conference bold TueodaJ' aftemooa, llit<bell preuntl'd. items foaad ill Qubm's car. On diaplay wen a CTOUbow. au Alt-47 aaault rifle. a ... k

Davis and Auerbach File For Seats on City Council

rant. issued charaed Qllliml witl one eOWlt o! first.dep-ee rape. Furth e r dec it ions eoneenaiac eharau from th• s~puate iad· drat. - two ill"1 Bowie, ou iD Greeabelt and oae in Gleml Dale -will ...- '"'-' ......... foU.WU.

~'::eti~n~:.n c::;~ daJ' after he ..u-..1 est;ndit:loD. aeconlinc to l!'llUtJ polite.

Qaian ... , lin& 4ooeribod bJ poliN as onem ...... •t later. after tolldng ..W. .....-.. aDd bociJming the - <4 Ilia .._ peliee believe _. .- aaiac IUs nisn of tnror fet" .-lr piD u a home-....-it7 CG8111t· aat. He bad had ooe ..dier &r•

rest in 19'77 for aNMIII rotlbet7-

OltR aa Judith (J) Davia aDd Hopi Auerbach bave Olad their ,...ena to nm for City CouDcil in the November 2 eledioiL Tbe N- Jleoriew ill publishing tbe re8Umea of .ell cudiiWe-~ .... prepared atod oubmitted by .. __.....

11JJJ1111 (J) DA ~ ~(J)Dma. .........

'Pill JlpGww Jlh7. No. ... _..,._..;,_ ---">"-­...... ~ _ _, - lo --- Silo ... -.. -, ... ~~ ....... _..,... lly ... PriD:e "-­~-.t-for . ., _ _...~.

o..ia ........ iD I'emoq­

aad DeJa..,.. - Ilea -• lfuten ..... iD -

Soon after -.c iD c-.-belt. J Daio ....... "' ... iavclftd ia tile ~unitJ', ;, loeal politb. .... ill the PriKe ~ CoalttJ' l!fteat­oro ~- (J'G{ZA). Silo

..... ·- ..... Boord <4 Di-!leeDAYIB,-12

llikhell eomm_.. die eGD· t7 po~ foree. in ,........_ De--

- Jeff Re- fw -­in& so bard on tM ,.._ aM t;l.,. enamonitie!l of Gl- Dale ... Gnenbelot for theb· ....,...u..

Tbo er..sbow ..,._ hod N-

- Cll(liiSBOW, - U. <- 5

llehri' on roof ol bo- at 13 Lakeside ...._ tile __.. as plane <rashes Into batk yanl

Copyright 1993 by WilliAm Cornett

Small Plane Crashes Near House, Leaving Two Dead

by Dorothy Sadler A single-engine plane crashed and burned in Greabelt

on Friday, September 10. at 5:50 p_m., killina' the two people oa board. No .- oa the around wu injured when the Ceasua ploutrhed iMo w llatk yard of 13 LMeoide Dtive, home of Jooepbiae Blair, c:oming to reet flboat 16 feet from the house. The only one home at the tim& -her grandson Paul Blair, an auto parts - who bad returned home a short time hef ore and wu taking a up, from which he was awakened by the soutod of the c:rah-

~il~':· .. ~~~~edp! Did Plane Stall? te.r W.-t. 41, of Giron Dale • ..S Ilia .......-r a• Valerie Nelli lfaoldoot. 4!. of Cliaton. !loth wen _.._ of CAP ·T...,._ iD W~n. Weot ..... ciNaibe.t aa • fl.JiDc en­<llooiaatwloo-t -ofhia _..u-...S-oablo _,. <4 ara.: ldo -..... ~-inchor pilot'& Ueeu. ln. a fnr daTL A.e­ccordU. to polk!e. both appar­~ntly died oa lm- iD tho ,_ _ .......... ...,~.....,waa Jt hl& tile ............ ......_ otel7 btJnt illt.> na-, Jf~ bon tried to extioplolo 0. fiN witiJ ____ ....

arriftl of - tnodoo ,._G-. belt. "-- Blllo, --...., .... llftw7o ilelplo_

Pollee cordoaed olf 0. -to hoW- tho ..-d-quicld7 -- .......... -· <luldnol wbo hod - .. -den Field. whi<h the -n p1aae had been riRliDc for .... u.. • cloae .. the _ ..... lo a--. who ..... - ple:rlnc tamdo, said, ""Be rirded the eoat1;.i. •• we eoald ._ he ... ta troabk ne encinr failed. and then it picked up apin and he 'ftU'elt and tiM plane went siftwa~ I was afraid fte wu com. to hit tile eaarlo -luid, 'Let'•P' oet of ben!' Eicht people we:e on the eourb. .... thera ...,. • Jot .t kids on tta.. atlaletic fiaW. J had tbe feeliJqr be ..W -been ..-.m. tD lood .. -Field. and derided DOt to ...._. of the kidl. Maybe lte ._.. kbMI of a hero." - s•ALL PLA!IJ!. .. I, e. I

... o .. w--One Gn!enbelt relideDi wile

bu soal'e u:perieltoee -obeenbc ah·eraft thoocbt that 10111e at tlle mann9en of the .....U airjCraft which crubed in Green­belt oa $epteJabe:r · 10 wen "•trance·" lle .. id that oltiJooP 1M eould draw DO coaeJ.iou u to tho ...... of tho ...... 0. -rthatbe__._..

-17-·--~ plaae to otaiJ, eatar • ...... -~ .,.__ ,. tho ~-._ .. _of_

........ c-lio. fliP&­tor ... loea_a .... <dpa­nale--forM -----­~oo ................... _ - .,- .. --. .. ......_.._....,. __ _ _____ ... .,._ ·-- ........ ..... •-'>- - ..._ ...._­..... _.....,._,. ·.u-~----­

.... .... _NPo._ U..alooat ... -. .... ... ...a ..... ill ........ ..... eli• - f'artJ-ftw ....... I ..... ,,._. __ ... _ doiac· I ~ - of -aerobdic ......... did ... foriM&Idood<d.__ io!IJiatldoodol_ft_ -·---· - & IIOt -d- .. -- ....... &-ohoaft 1M- It-dawiL!'aldtllat---­- ..... ..__.,

S. ITALLT.- I. eo&.'

~ J J


:r. ......... : ~ yoa ~e an u. c.......taek

~D£.1 ....... tJile ftnt -Tt-I!lUo ~ !ir.Jp-olf a ~~"" laat Sa~- TN Aale.r­Jr&a Jlftrue ·~ 0,......... uon ...., TeTY ,__,.

"nn• aer.~-,.la~ gr>iay. O.::JOoPT .. , ..... J ,.. ..

k~und ~::y IJAll. ~ ..... ....._ boo&_, r,.,u.e-Mkl n..~ an all wekome'd. n.... ~ an &Me ~Jd lD t.'~r".!': ..... IN'ft Ia dire r::nmty ~ ,_ ..- ...... por":. m:aa7 ud alrailott dral'l'ft"Oft!'J' ~

u J-:10 .... -- lib fv.. JlitMe-.~ .. a....,. .... woo:G ilb e. ...... il .. ~­nta~ar. ta.. ...._. at -._ 1100- I leek ........ t• ....... .. DY----~ anattM_......,..... P..­.ore_,......_...._ :lal ,... ,.....tall_a&_

TawpL­-....~ ............. -- ..... ~ Tho-r .. ocawa..

'OrillloehoW~:-114oU at -: .,.._ at tit'! Grllelllllt~ A4-t.. tt • F.m·a Cr't« a..-._ P01r ~-Tat __ .-,__......._

..... .. c tlu- O.Or.­__ ....___

C-CI'II~ ,. c:-oty crt a.. will

................... ZIIAW..-1 p._a at t.hie Gree-mbe-K Aquat~ • P&DrN C~-,.t.:y 0....-.r :om ~ ~':on. lind ff' .r..!orm•:..._ ~ ehe ~:cu llrprer:m.nt a& 41......a18..


73C ~ f7UOO 3 Bd. - Cfttral .~1r. c,__ pletely renovate<l

I~F Hill .. de }'H.900 ~ ... k>tcben W D .t A!C

Lot Over '• 0o1:re 6niohed lot in X.tcllellville.

SEW lJSTI..'>;G 57C ~ Si>3 900 l!lltlnded K.itchen .. Bath WID A A/Co.

~T NEWS UVIEW' ............... ...... _lxWWt .,._.._ .... _.,_,.,_ ......._ ____ _ Grw.be11 M..u~ 1~8 C... t'll'III .... [~--.­!)J tiM Hoet>r Laqhl'ia OU... Co.paJ~J' at Nrw~!L Y!= Vir. .,1na Fionta ..._ tM dea.a .ben .... __,...._,_,fl6 th.- A.Jit 0..0 .... Tlw ..... ('barar-t.n:Md b7 a baod of COft... ---atlloo n.. n-. t'OBiplltU F~!a liiM 111

1A7 l th.r- J'U:I' tbal a. fire ,... ~ --.d utiO Gntoabl-lt) ..... 1>4 .,....__E..,... lnG •J"~"Vtt pctdllen to ..... ~: ... :. ............

Tlwribraa&,...., ... ~ lt..d ... ,.. l8 .......... ._..

,,....... al t- ~ntiqo .-.:a .. tit• ................ ..., coafJ't"tt to !t.. b ...... fill ... Grnc O.,n-• ...._ P.,.a. ..::et.1 .. -..1u•ls.l~ ..... ... - ..... flla:y.

1'1te oftC'--.I colon W!ft ._ ..._,__,........,. __ I>W7, - ,.c... LA •. --'"-·lorn& ........ p-8$ ...... ........ ,.... ..... ~ ..... ..tiM. a- ~· ...-"'~"ta ID ·- -.. .... c.iDn. bat w1tll tae ......... rtu aad .-ol:k. 'n,.. .... colon .eft' ......

I."Ot.. bixk. eoM.It w-.. ,... .... wt.iW. 1• J-. tM ~,..,. .. - -·..W -· ._. a.nd pellow

A widlt n.rieq' fill r-... _.. ts • ....,. ... ._ _,.._, __ ,. J'MIC" ... 08 .... ,.._ en... Ml\eT J&7 lla7M'k.


.........,,._....._Dip lwwaol .. .... lUll & CRAB FEAST

SUieAY, Will- 26

Aa.o c.-. .................. & Seola ............. a-v..-a-~' ADVANCED SALE JU .• AT DOOR fl7

Official Notice



ON NCWB- 2. '"' UWJI' will tUe plaee ill the Cowxil Room

in the ~~~ BuiJdiair OD

T\JISDAY, WI •• 21, 1993 atT.W,_..

p,.;.,. 1o the Rewular Coomcll IIHtinl"

The Pllblic ;,. ...,!rome to Atteood.



~ IUC110N -1UE5DAY, ~ 2, 19911

VOTER REGISTRATION ......_ ot G.-belt JIUSf' BE RllCIS'rERED Jl'l'rB ,.RINCE GEORGE"S COUNTY Ia order to - Ia .. N.......,_. Z, 1- eiectiaa. y.., -.;r ~ .......... tioft b,- ..U r- 1>7 ealliD« 12'1-2814. or - - pid!: up a form a1- of the followiJic locMioaa:

G.--.llel& Cit:J' Qalca, Z1i er-t a-1 ~ Lllonry, 11 er-t .....

G.....,. ~ lac., Jlulilllllll 1"-GIID Ooob A..-a, 71011badaa a-1 .

~c-.ltr~7100s-P~ GreeD Rjdp H- ZZ llidp a-1 H....tiD« llidp c-damiJIIIIID A.oc. 8914 a-~ (Ciablleae)

SpriJIIIIWI LAke ......... Lodie 6230 SpriJIIIdD Drhe

W"mdaor G,_ c-.mitr Cader 7CT4 Frallll:teK Drift

All/-- lN.._._ .. lAc c-. B~ ef .._ - ill u.,.,... M..tboro .. ..,_.., OcCoNr '- 'Die nciaterilllr - ia ......,.,..;111 f« ..,.;u,. or cieiiwriJw 1M f....._ Tile c:itr ia llllt ID be iJnoahed witll til'- ,._ due. a-, if- do llllt t-. wileUaer or llllt ,_ are .....-..s. « i1- beft...,. ~ ploue call

- - 47C-31170..

'ntunodaz, 8optember 1&, 1993

Community Events c-munlty Day Ia


~ ~eenng Fair''. •haw.


y--oll-~ ~o...q. .... -.- ..

------ M 7:111- .. ~.Bop-

--.--~­a.--will .... -· _,.­a-... ...... --­......... _. __ ~---­_...__ ....,. .... ___ _ ;o;. Tlcw Cabo, • ----..-----------~L CloJt ._... iaawdlolole1D~bo-

tJuouch llftll pMoa_ Bo7 -­illc •• .....,.~ ......... .......__....,._..,. ,...tllo-'olea­-.ialflfonllto~ in. the 8tll ....... ud. older.

Sltln PoHcy Stays .,._,....,.""' Ittn 1101X7 01t ~ aiorm for

c:-:t,.- -eleclm. m GnealteJt. • Jts

~'-­A__,.., .... -. - "' - - pollcr cit­""" • -""" - - tile --Coomdl--wvdPDtno __ _ --t-..--.­"""""" .. .-,.

oOoaaeil - Radao:r ------­............ -'·c:ltr· ....... --._.Gil. __ _ .....-----­fair." ,. -- - ..... to Raad•& s;,..w211toe __ __ _____ ..,. __ or after 8ept.naber 21 oa a tnt ---buia.t.a .... -for- fl6 tloo dl¥--raacUdate. JIIIIA& aeree 1t0t to .- ... -~ - _.._poollq -~ -·--"'-

At the ..... .., ~-~21.P..I • s...,._. 7 ....... tor - u. .._..,., Se,._,_ Ill Drop.

Ia -,a- 10:111 ...... for­.... U:lla.a. ~ T- Stor7-

•---~--L-. iota ___ ........._

....hltheWoocb lola • Pork ~ aad a.ioJ'

U. _...._ eolen :do• the ~Trail in Gr.ellolt PU!t .. llada7, September It. Kcet al a p.a. at the pam.. I.' for ... tnll-

a.-belt's Eloenor 6 Prallklin - llleaoa<notic Club is .. ~ ....-..........-of ito ftf­teealtll ~ year and tbe · e :utiuo o1 a .-.eet willll a Qll!cia1 eeriee ol procrama. n. poap meeta on the :bird -7 fl6- ... nth. fn>lll Sep­~ tbroacll llq, at 8 p.m. iD tile Ternce Room of the c.-.llriar ~ Building -a-~.

...-..mnc on Friday, Septtm­._. rr. tlae lleaeared speaker wiJJ he ~ C&Ddida~@ .Stat..e s...tur ......,.. Boel-g-erw of Mont-­COIItft'J' Count,. who wiJJ diseuss major - f.acing u.e stat• - ...... r... lwr .;;, <ampa;gn. n...n wUl be time for qvMions

-- rot•~!· .

Tour the New School A~a--ol

llbe G-El~ &llool will te hald ~. ~ z - .... p.m.

----~ ,_ .......... ~u..~-

GNenbrfar Hasb s.m•--wm. A ~e~~~inar wi]J be lto.ted at

<IJe Greonllriar T..._ Boaat .., w~ -m.. s..--

22 at 7:30 p.m. on Ute topir M£.­otate PlaDain,r. WHio, - LiY­inc Willo. • The .,_ _.... will be Doqlas II. Brecman, at-

to?ney, - ---- U..lado Will Preparation and Estate ~ rninioUation o.t ... linn Broc­maa. Berbert aad - bo Be-.. ._.,tlle_fl6 this tapie. G__. boa -. odiDopent!Us-tollbe

pub!;.: ... ~ -· _W_JE._,_-eldlt-~ A-.datiaa. ...,... • DO ......

sian fee. but mt.ernt.d. ft'liii!IDtlen ~the..,_ obould ..­

.,. oolllad.iDc Umla - at 301 461-lOI>e .• The -ion~ the

__ 7 ___ _

-· he ....... Ref---· _,.,.... io- ... - I'OGM Hald Annual

.......... pt.23

CIUIDC tbe work of Goddard's 1POrkl--l'eDG'Wlled enCJ.neen 1ri11 be the f•tand e:vent at' God dud Space Fhght Center. "'Community 0.J" on Su.nda; September 11, from 10 a.m. u; -' Jt.IIL at it& V'ttitor Center .

ll1chU.bta of the "Eqineer. ... Pair" iDchade •paee.:raft fab-­rieatioa. ro~a and a solar­,....,.. ear. "Community O.y" abo •en the pub:i._. an cppor­tlmttr to tab a tour of the NASA. tedHt7. inc:ludinr the llabltle a,..e. Teletc"ope Opera.. do.. Coetrol Center and one af tJae Jarc-t clean room ~a du!lt !':'" ~.roamnt) facilities in

· A luJJ da7 at familr act.lTitiu are plaftDed. The agenda 1nchdes ~it demonJtntiou at 11 a.IIL. and I p.ID.; ftt.nieal enter­tainment at noon; an astronaut pNMDtatioa at 1 p.m.; and model rocht Jaandla &t a p.m.

IA.Il f1l'tlnts an frM of eb&r~ and appropriate for all a,es For more information eal! !301) 28&-8955 (nice and TDD) dn­ing ba.1ineu hours.

Photographk lxhlblt

.----------------~--------~ ...a~~ .......... olllloGnnbolt ...

- 1~1 1rill aold their

=~~-~~ ~ Basic ~Lifeguard Jraining Course


Greenbelt Aquatic & F'llneu Center WHEN:


___ ................. S'J'ABTS: l'ridii.J, SepMollber 24 far 8 .,....






- al doe Kdldpal llldJd. inc----­--- .. --olol&onaad-::.=.-lrill._...

Cluumel B-10 Scbedvle ~. Dai ... ,. ,, ' ..... Zf.IZJ 5:~ ....,.,.AIIIAMI...,forPf~J-~3• "~ CM.lJi9~c-.,.

c • eOiifull ~ ... .,..,..~ Dr~ MflrGI...wr ,.,_, Dl IIJJ JM.r Dtq ,_.

w ... • .,, ,,, -22 "MifN AIIIAMI.,_,for FY9J-13 • ......., .,c..dl.,....,. N211JJ

Ne.YIDIIBII Actle. h1Gua11 talal ... .__a&Wnla-. _. ......... ., ..... ---.... ..-.. __ ,..._

.......... I~ ..... ................. ,.._ _ .......... ....,.

........... a..,_ ... ,.._ .. _.. ... ·- ..... ~ -·-·~-­,_a--, .......... __ _. __


.......... ~~:=:..·c:: rol7 - _.. -lto.t Bia ..... __ ......._. __ , __ ..,.. ~-1c_,.

P.O. .. -___ .,..

-- --

, ....... , ..... ..... ~ ... • ..,..,.. U.t -----­taiiC to * ...- "" bft, .....

.. Je7a *-"'­a.d -- Ia .._._... ... a.l-

--~~ NeW ...... Iliff ...... ill tiM

-of·---~ _.....,.. __ _ u OA.RS--M~ ......... H lila•• ...,..._,_ .....

....... ---­..,..-. ... ..._ ...... -.. _... __ . ______ .,. ______ _

...... _ ........ _ --·~~ .. --... ------ .. ·· -~-·· I .... - Clltl4lft L 1. I. ----'"'' tM- tint.~ -..-.---"-........ ... ----·­-...---__ ,all __

-w..---._... ... tM-~ .. ~-- --­__ ...._._..-.........

T!oo OASIS ~-1 'htDI'MC ,....._ .... .....l­..... by OASJS. a --pi"'Oit or­.. DJa~ wluth C'hell~ aad tiM !JYH of p.f'<)ple aced II aod old« Ia Pnace G.o...­County 1t ~ spouond by Dot­to~ co,)JII•wut-, RMpt.tat rtw o.,:.~~nt of r .. uy Strr.'='?"S and :Ill• R~lt.t C~paay.

Anyorw in:nnwd n jom1n-, :Jo!' •bo 1\a.t. ctHStloas. p~I'&M ~all 0..\SlS - B • ~ ~ y Tn'IMT w1!l c-oa.tart JOQ...

Pnhll ,.,.._,. l"~Cluud (1211 ...... - -) I

S.... !W.. 11. t:.M A II :J.i L• ··v.-bat Do .... a ..... to 1

()jf., ·- I ... 11-B.~-117-

~·-_, ........ ----~. s...-. T. ;, - p._ -

~-·--_____ ..,.._

~: .. • ... NewTM. ..... Mr ~TM.-o.c­__ ,.._ __ far

-~--- ....... -- ..... ----~ ,... ... •.c.t - a.. w OH_,_ __ a.j

--~·-----­o6U..--hyt _ _. ,._, ., •re.n ~------· 1181.lllq -.J to"- lloain .... -- .....-. Caoalo . v.Y-~-­-.,,.__.,.,~-

-~-~ .. lin ..... IS ~~ ~ .... - U..r<l. of Saata Po; a......_ Caroko Vu v.._. ~ a..t. Fr; a lOlL WID:illa ...-a..: __ __ ... lllilltPr J&::.~ of ~ Ywk. - -loildnto- ais ~: .... -----~ llrnl·-~~ ............. --~­.... ia .. ....... t.o.or to

tbo v-,....,.. "-IM C...ta at t.... St"W .airo Stale Pt.­to-.,., </- llill Rmo. !112 Yo>rt Uaton. S.~tl8 Fe, Q 8'1501. Xn Bwbt ~ -... • 'I'Oilmteer M U. Vi:u....-a B..,.taht7 Ce• ...

-~· ..... (Pin& l'WMq .... -

'"' -.> _J,, ...... _,- Grifo


Greenbelt Baptist Church ......... PwAIIA.- l._l -~ ........ _,._> u•~•,,.,. _,__{W_) .... rw • __ _. __

-~-IS .. a.....·--

Beulalt Land Singers Saturday, Seplc::mbw 18, 7:30 p.m.

AMI,_ l.oodr -· 6 p.a. ~

<::>( C dale

c '"' -·-··11 MASS ........... ~ --

~-~ 16. 19!1l\


~ ___ ..__

--.,.., __ _ ~- ... , ... ~~­................ __ .,_ ___ ~:_-.---

sr. IIUGH"S CATHOUC CHUROI 11110..... ..... 1 ,, ... ...... _ .. ~ ...... ,,.,....,2de ......

II .... ...... Dllillr .-...: 1:11 e.IIL • , Ill ..... • a.a Y &r ••zhe _, ._... ............

- - 1'. c:a-loor. -

__ c. ____ _

....... c:on-unllr ChuKh

Berwyn Presbyterian Church U01......., .....

1:30 Lm.

11:00 Lm.

', \ l I I I I I ....... ( Ill 1,1 II

--------- . ----AD:Jia.a.c----·---e --------,------U:Jiaa. __ ._..._ .. ~_ .-...----- ..... -·-~ ...

11, 1993


SEPI'EMBER 21, 1993-7:30 P a


............... .,CIIyc:-.1

T.-clay, Sepe.mber 21, 1993 ........ L oaGAXIZATIOIIf

I- CaD te Onlor

t...U~ .. -.. .... ~oiAihwioaaootodoef'lotr

(. ~ AII<Dda • Aj,pnn) of Std ' ··-(TIIo_t ___ , ___ _

- (') ..---. .... jeet .. --.. - .. - bJ ... c-11 ..- .. _..,..))

L"--1116~ ... -


·---~ , ................ ......,. ____ _ -tloo~c-11------ .......... ----llooo..l)

T.-of .......



m.. ~TJOIIf 10, A - to 11cwiote -. Ca111o ,.,..,._ SerWee

---.. ~-~1'11>---~ ... .,--... ..,._ ~ ................. -~ ..........

H.·A_.__...,..__OiaYaa ..................... , .. -.-~-- .... ~

II '-~• ONiaaace 0. ~ for Fiaa1oriJ1or of Greenbelt eo....!tT Cea&er .nm...._


1.3. c.-.belt ~ Cea&er Site Plan ()ptiaao

14. Letter to Priaee Goorp"a Coaat,- 99ool a-ni on Cot>­~ ol-.-_......,. Scbool

1i c.- LoOk.o Iqao

18. &ev;e. of Slo. P1aa for T- lleilJ~ ... Fried flliot. -Piaa Bat

17. U.S. ~-o6 J- PGiiee Hirkoc ~ ,.._.... 18. PoliN llioJcle Pab'ol

ts. s.-.-"' ~ TieW v-.. 20, Slate ~ Ak .. t I' a ~Oil c-t. ot ~SOadJ

21 ~-y-zo.c-,;.,.~­c..a

112. Adopt;o. o6 ~ s..,..;,;. St.odozda f• Colllo Tole--23 Awani o6 Bid #'1Ji&.Ul--ol--­--~~

:u. ~for..,_- Ctqolto6-- Ploio-... ~--. 26--U.~-~-....c-w 201 • .....--~~

V. IO:I!:TIHGS llfOI'E, ~ lo a ~ __... ..-;eot "' ........

...-~ ........ _ ........ .;.all _____ .. _ lf...W

---··'*-----to-- ....... -_____ ,._ ____ _ Cf4.1&11 (Tn') to ....... - ._ Jo,oo .. .,. doe t1t17 o1 doe -..c. For illfo,..Uo~ ple.a.te eaJ1 CT'-3810.

JloNIIIr ~. CIIC Clllir alllt:


i ~~:'.:'::".::;.::;-!:! en __,.n ia &ZlJ' ~ elec. tioa. The oa.e coucil IIMIIlber nolootod. Dnid Cbmpi<>n. an<l tile. f 0 Dr .... omen, Edp: Smith. Lewh Bernsteio. Hoff aDd Cliff Simonson, ran u a alate oppoeed to new deqJ.,p-

~ ~t&.~re dub~ th~ UW'e wne the " ktliP,ts.'"

Pi1aki remembers. '"Tbey went around with a broom. 'SwMp tllaa out ot off!ce.

-when you 1'0 baek th.:t! far. eiq eleetiona were kind of bru­tal Sometimes I felt that 1\.eo beea a liPtning rod for iuuu ~ all eame out after us .aboDt the pro-developer issue. I taOQI'ht. my vote on Stidham WOIIld ha..-e rotten their 1Upport Tt.t eleetion was tough.

~ _. Claire Plllki alellra&ft tWr fanieUJ ........,. ...,.a.ry ill A....-. Be ...t Iter wltlle a l .. YotiJJg _... - fer the A•eriata T..-a. c-...,..

"'I abo had oppcs~r! the re­-u. for the Lake.side Sorth A.partaanta," be noted. Thi3 de-­dmoa oeeuned. before Pil5kl wa• Appointed to the eoo.neil. .. 'that laad been the ftnt time eountil

-photo by J. G-.

Pilaki Reciilla Pluuge (~f- .... -> f- and ........ -. ..u.s, the___...

- bad oriciDall7 failed te eoDoet- tuda for the <I~ tua aa put of tM JaOrUll,. ~ ~ ... tq. nol-

tro. tbe GHJ homes at t.he top of &he ltU1 aDd from an iude-­qaate st.ram ebaDDel i.a. tile Labwood Put. Pilaki"o l<tm iDTOh-emeDt in these an:! otllier

TOted to sapport apartmenn on t.hil aide of I:I"Di}worth ATenue That wu the breaktbr:tqb. 1 opolta apiDit it. •

o.. vace PIIUJ Two ,_n later, Pihki rba"·

:._.t the IDeambenu. AI lllat time the city c-~rr required that to be elected to c:it)' eoaD·

- - .. paJ - ,.... • -oftauoiDoae:r-r. ia earl7-. W""""" fo­

ed • ..__,_,.. u.oeiatioa.. willa PiiMi u ita lint praidet.. Be ncaJarl:r attended eoancil .-tillp after tbeL Beaicloo lha

- - nffored Idona water runoff problem•

LAWION REAlTY 577-4032 ....... ~ $129,900 ~ in the pri .... back ,.....; o1 t:bio 3 IIBB. TH ..e -.both.

Open Sunday 9rlll 1-4 Pll

eomanmiQ" i.uaa .... lafm wen tm ...... to the .... aalt)".

"We did drift dowa U. lu rate.'" M reealb. ""We bed ao ...,,._, ...... -.utile - -uq. - ..., co .. ·- tbo kcipt .... ..., bad to .... It 0. doe Yoa~ Center." ~A...--

In lha IPrilltr of -_ Tom Camoilltr. who at 11M tl8o bold the reeord for loDCHt tenan em tlle eitJ' C01I.Bril, moved to a .... - Ia Callep Pa?k­''T- Cuaiq •• 1 t ..... Ptlaki ...US. AJtM.p I ~ e r....OwudtriHdboJ&a.­betwe_a Ad-risory Planninc: Board Chair Lewia Bern.s~in and Pilski. Pillki won. At the aame meeting, council was to make ita aeeUion, Pilaki said.. 011 tbe son. iDe of a strip of land owned I>' Alfred Stidham of the Stid­ham Tift and Rubber Co.paa:r . The a.rwt was located betwee" Edmonston Road and Kenil •orth Awaae DOrth of Greenbeit R.>o~d. Stidlaam., who wanted the land zoaed for muufacturinc, plan::;.N to build his compan:r'lf'. ten and a tire retreadinc plad on the •ite.

The eouneil wa.s evenl:;r aplit oa the iuue. Thus when Pilaki took office, M b« tbe . de. cidinc vote. He voted apULtt the zonfnr-. wbicb r@:Sulud ill the land remainmc 'lndenloped for many years. Even~ a bank and two ofrl« hulld1nc• We:re eonatrueti!d upoa t"-e lite.

.. 1 alwap ban bHa l'lad aboll& that vote." Pilski c<tm~M&. -we would have J.d a un n­cyclin&' plant. I be1ped !Jf'Oted that one little t.ri&fl.l'l .... Defeo~ ~ G.- hialota Pil:lti. aod - of lila foar

iJ1C111Dbeatl, were defeated eM

MAY WE HELP YOU s,...,. Y- ....._for l'aft or_..,

.......... y_ ........... l'alnling Gwd .... Homehpain ........ .. Porch & Addition....... ...... ...... Flooring


301~4-'JG CAU. VIIIGINIA Oil .a..!

ell a eudidate bad to reeein at lout 10!' of tM ballot> cut aDd be OM of tlle top £rt'e YOte ptlten.. ft oee or mort ear:u:H­..._ !ailed to reeeive ~ of tiM nte. a nmoff eJectioa had to b. belct wi.~ hrice u many -... 1'1111111116 .. lhort wen aaeleetM QCSDC'in. Ia the .....,.. .--. S'-oao• .... iJI llllll bat fallod .. .....,., 60'S ot u.. -.otea. ... olxtll. 0..--·-­------·..-. ----___ ..,. __ Pilat! .... Jla .... ~ Bar­cu. the election jgclp. tJta openinc tM Ueea.tee ballot. •• nlopa. With one ballot ~ opened, the 't'ote wu tied. Pil· ski was elected by the laat bal. lot read.

llanr storin eireulated abov.t that eleetion. ETmone wbo bad voted for Pillki aDder difteret cirtUmstance• beliend tlaat lle or 1he W'U the ODe WhO pt. Jm. eleeted.

'"The JanoMo talllily ,.. iD Altoone.. Pen~ atteDilinc a tun en!... Pillki nla&a. .. Ja. nosko wanted to atop - &1M way back to ret 10111e~ .. •t bat hia mothn inail&.ed oa ..,. ill«'bt back .0 tbt Jaq could nt..

.. JI"red Birdae71 eaJM oat ot the botpital in a ....... ellair to make hie YOte.

""Reftrend ll1lker teld ... that be thcn~Pt U.t I. tllat -· feJ • n. wu «<tiac to 1o1e, ao ht YOtad for .. beeaae a. t.Jt. lllatinoedatlaDthllelpi - .... --. - lean, Pilot:! ... ........ _ ...... ~ .....

..- fnna Wal&or __., Daaa. "WWIatapJ.Ba_....aollar<l for-· n..,. ahnld -a part f<rr blm after aD .... for ...

ldda." Dean. tM - - "' tllel'artand_...._

0'7 ....... Uol - - for -JQniDtloeBo,aa.., Little Lea..,. and - ,_ atldetir teamL

-claire and I Md JI!"8PPIfttlf ._thine in eue ,.. .,..... ~ Bi ·nmemMn. -we ... DOt: a.

PKtod that ......... --paople ..... to ... - --lila eleetion. But - I - bJ _...,te.tbeerowdwu--.•

{'nlo balanee d the Pilot:! la­t.rriew will be pabllaW Ia a .-.....n 1-.





Kraft Ph1 I 'phia c-a.-·--­s.uw. Cilrw DrWr

ll ....

u ... $1.29 .... $1.59

1.6 ..


Ellio'• 3 slice .... o.v.._ •-. Cheese =••• 591 :...~=:zza=,a:...u,_, •• ---=-,~~­Cafhe..... $199 Minced Fish ~ • 1 Slicb~·~s~-·~=:r.--...-----==...,.:~


~~ 89c ., =·~-= 2fJ9 i.:.1

:.: 79c 21 OL lllin. • 20 OL ........ =- $).39 Dinly ._d4-. _;_tltlll_._a~a Lel __ ___,26ll.,..,

16• ::! 'J-69 r. .. SJ·" ::•.;.;:.a )A9 ........,.... $}49 ~ lc- ·~~~ OliwOill-. = .. .-.. :=o.fl . =-=~.,.;.,

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Y_C....,Your ...... ,_. co.oP.

s,..,a.- .- • AI-.•••..._ Captaen .......,. ..... s • ta II 3A9 Crunch ::.:=-:2-. r- =:!::... Cereal


Mul1i Cit ..... ... ... 79C Orig..a.m-c:.t..... .- - -_ c.-c- PMnut ltC39ftR 15 ...... 10.. ~Solt 12 ,..., w;"''"''""'-+m.~a.....­~Oikk S2·" ~ 9fC Esdodinr Coupon It•- U.itl-C.. ~ ~ Valid 913J • ~/25.

.... 2. 10-.

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Food BUY1 Storage GET 1 ~ FREE 7Spk.

Willa- - +SlO .,;,. ..­........... ~-~!porC.... Valid IIIII • 1/11.


Kesidenta Reepond to Crash ..,. ...... __

fte-~-.,..-­........ ,.._., .... ... _ ... ___ ""'

- !Aioy- ........... ... -.-­-·- .. ---. ~DioltW- ...... ?·

.~ .... --.. ....... -.... .._, - ,.. look .. """ - ...... lt ... ~ .... lib -----ti'OUIIIII.. ...... ,. bCIIW k ._. ia e:re.w. .atl1 • ..,. l)ft ~ .....U .. w ,..DM 'lo.>k Mt!-

c.o&., • a eeMil for :h• R.a~ "" a G.,......, ..,.. aDd C1rls a.. ........ a-s ~· .............. BJ.'OIL wtlto ........ lJ.JilaysMU..t.n. ....... 011 die fteld wttlll Ilia. .uw tiM rem ~' ot dis­WW. M .a& M ... .,.. otMr eo.:._ --...tely tooll off to ................. Ulat tlM ,._ ...... en. .. book~'

1 -. .. boNed! r. %-&7 ........ ~ • blld kftiN I <hoin'~ .... '-"- 1 ... .....uc ........ llt. • anu ------· --.............. CoM7" )I diD .._tM fS7 w!'tat M .... ac ta.t aula --. :tra­tno...t ~ lola loMiHtF to llelp .... _.,.,..~ .. ... .. " ..,..... .... ..,. ... .. ... - "T .. _ .. -· ..,. - ...... - "T• ...,. --- w. .. - faaiiBc. -... ___. ........ . baiq .w. .. ..... • Tllo ..... .... ltlll .. lln-lloom-1. ............... _ ...... -... .. do-- ..­hoen. Tlwy ... .... - ftn& _ ... ,__ __ .......... ~

Aftor !Aioy W\ .. - lie coakk"t ,_. - ... ,

now. ...... -- .. -;o.·~·-------"1 _ ............... ......... --0.-) __ all __ _

·-"1----~te-- ........... . ll-----••17 ___ _ -_Kdll .. ...-. acra..tllest..-t. ... a,.._.._.

""'"' rro. ......... -,.. n...,..._ ..... .,...., oopeMd U. cloor. I Mull tlw C"rui\. AM t:llla 1 c:a.t - to toM I! ~' •u a u-11; or -­!luna Gal Mn. Aall dlal"a ..._ I - :be I:Qnt <:Jf n-.. I reelct ~" 1t n .. b! O""r tM rod tel tlM lloa-H> 'Mbllld •tad dM Jrl8~'~• :rutw·H- R..r ~ X.e.=~. added. .. 1 tMaaM rt ••' t."'u:'ldl"l'.. •

llary Aaa Canter. Df R:::, .~ .. a!•o !Waf'd U. mtpac· 'I U'IOY.I'!'I! :t. wu a e!'a•'l o.;~ or:.;!'oa- lrtll. Jt \OPdt'1 ~' llh•

'111. .. :.rucks. } ll:r:f'• .~ W'11~

• ttad C'r-&-'n r:l'l'l~ •""'Y l WU r.a~:y 1t'OM":t'd. ~'J'JW m"' ton ••'~ Jol,)! )rl ':s.i .,,icl!' ~ 't .:-a:!.d t!\oe pol1et ..

P-. c .. -..-.t • Of!'.cn G e > r r-t .Vat..~ ......

tpoi!HD~:.a~ tH :be GrH!'I:W • P?;•« ~;>a~me":. ,a.~ ... W · ~ ~a:d ~"'a: .aX\l: 30 m • . lltH pr:or ~0 t.'ll! ;l.A1'1t' ~~ .. z do~ tnP ;..ane w-a_, f.y·"'r •'!~..­low. .1k• It W"&-' o~.!'!.l'

~ s,.,.f':-a. :-:ti1f'r~ a.n s'!'-.! Ji

of t.llat. .. Bf' ad~ '"1l: ••~~ .,.,.,. odd Tl\at · ~ ... ~ ::. r:

.... c....~

........ er.. ---._._,.._., ... _

..... - - .. Gn<ebolt

... ...... ..-. G.w.holt - ...... belen ca&ia.c AI

.. -- rn... Goorpo ~-toldluato ...... -.b• W. bo-.e aa Wnl C"ir·

a.. ...... ....n..d.. •••d ~ ..... 11. ... ~

.W. ... li.._.T,...._ ...,. -.. ........ -.o~-.-----'" _..,

. ..,.; luD

~ na.t...... that: t..'M JnSB...-..--­... aDd tt.t any c-ow~ .... tlw HI.... cf ille C'I'Ua

--Be will-• Mort pnlm.iaary ...,...: • PJ'i.. ••. ...,_.,., 11 Be _,... ..... D.& airplaat C',..... Mft

- ,...PW. ,...... Be ..... il ..... 1M .... t tu. __ .. ,.......... ... ,__ ........ tllo tioa­

- ---tiaiJJo--""''" ---·-·-an..-. .... --..... ... __ .,tllo .....

~-.- .... pilot-~-· ... cbo ..cad -.iU. ~ ... ro ... - A_. c-u.~o (Oir - _,_ Tlloft -no ..w,...._ ........... t.Mt Wnt load _, ... - llipab, ezt.Dn 1 • A.MNwa 1'1' 011 the c~ 1'n1fk ""....._.., _,.,.....

::n. ~--~ .,...::-.!..,~ fl ->r.s te ~ t..a- OIM aaot..Mr nd to l'lllllli<l operaton u tJMo .l:l'j)OPt.s.

In -wrtic:n tG a radio. tM p~aftol' .... eq:.11pped .-.till a trau­p ...... d.r. a .. V\C"e which er ll.a.DhS ,. .. •rnraft·~ ndat :~ ui r:a ~s ca-rk1q oftr cr-: b t.~~~,·l!'• Tmnsponder data ia rt­

:or1f'<i tty air t:ra!& eoetrol e~ • tr • a ad .-tll enable ~liP· :, •• 11) Btabh!.h wtth pl'ftisioa :~- p._,•s altitadP. sP"Cl f r ~ paUl. and eDC"t position. T· J" f.-...J im'ntiptoM wil1 ..... ill" ~ t• ....... prft'1:SeiJ' Ute ~..~·.s~.un of tmM tiM platte ...

-~··r.r Grw~~belt aad tAe Dum­..... ~r eirC"1Uts It ..._ a sa> ,.,. ·:- l)n wiUda ,. .. t' :.:~-r·n~ -.illloa-. T't!lrs eQUlp­~ .. ~ 11. ~ rrr an~ of ;,."":·;> air tra• lib tV Wuh-• r· -,, rnf'~l"'J))htall area.

r~.,. pJaee Wut ~ !lyaac -.-3 .. a rrnted lW1'2 Cnana AUG. H- ·.~d ... .,-ned it out f&r WY·

P~s· !lcuroo and teok off fro. P · • · :\a· FM-ld m Friend}J. lh··.-:and in SoutiMra Prillft

'l'hunodaz. September us. 1993

STAW (~---)

........ -----­

..... - '""-"'· OlnliP& - bdOft -....: ·IIi -. "'tbar .............. ..... _ ....... .-,_ .. tluu of _...., - w-.. ..... .,..;pt-­tlaaa • ....... ..... -.....------­tala ~ - aiRnft t.IB

ftall ... - .. - a. .... ,._ ... t_ .. _, __ _.oL ............. ...

..__. .......... ... k ... i&--it .... - ... ~- .. ..w. -......- .. lift .... _

...... II looo- * aiftnft lweiPt)." Ih - - - of .,..,..._ ....... -. -----i&­.................. - "'Olo -.~ ...... tin&," ... oaJd,-i&-liftbofon .... .-.-.-.T-..obiW _._._._ ... ....._. to - _.,., - -· .._.

--~-· ................. _ .. -..-­... -----h • ..,. ............ --·----.. ---- .......... it .... ..&.11,..--taD.e .. - ........... •J:.,.;..- ia'\ ....... -•Jiaaofall-oltM tlq," .. ..w. - ... ,._ _,_ ........ _if

.... -- Ia elf.

--~ _ ........... .._.. ~,,...._ .. ~ fadw ill tM nulL liaet ... .ua.A w ~ • .....-& .... ........... ..-t .... to .....a .m.r.. for-. U.. ... _._ ..... 1UOiibl7 .... ... ,olot .... .._ lidoriaa ......... - Field. no ._ loWs or BAIIC. ·loot said, ......W ba far .,.ot..uJo to ........ --.nail­able 1riWa 1M .__. ... rity. ......... fttW ud tlM u-. al1lmllll *' lab an .at tMi !He." 11e ...._ a. oddocl ... t-.

SM..4UPLANE (~---)

. It ............... ...

........ -~ ... ..m-... -_.,...._ _ ... ___ . c-JWd. • ,.....t tMt _..... oat .. be .tala. ,_.. wen­--~~---..uu., ~- .... ~ .. ... -.en.._ ...... ,_ - .. dowB ... -At tho U.. ol tllo .._., Plot u._,, .. ...._. __ st.aad:iDc att"Oao tJM .trNt .rr­tlM: c-ruh aile. wiUI ort-datJ Pn- Qoo,... l'oliH Capo. ~ Ho.- no ~ -- plano ..- ...-M. .cnrdiq to Ull&ft'. who eDIB-_....., "ltald Ilia, 'It's plu --·--· _ ... _ it noaectrred. 'l'ht,aia lAIC. ... ,.,r .... heard !~ tft­- <ruL n.... .... ,.__ ..._, up.•

Hollaod -telJ e.WOII iD - lua police ............... C'TUil ~ aM r .. n .. tiM ...... lleJlaM tJMa ~lfO"'Id tMnWUDO ....... -. at U Lak•* ucl ao ilt­jarioa to ............. ..-.

- roattn.e6 *" .....n We ._._ .... ....._TIIaG-..,ur._.m-~ ODI7 -ta o.f • .... ... 8Cirillaa!. ocnrncl. 'ftaerulo __ .. _....

.. TVaadintho--' .... ......_ ............ _.... ~ I.Uoaido-

- eo.-u. - of tllo -· .~ ... _. .... a .. u. ....... 0...! of .. J*tana _,. ... w. Olticlo.

- ..... flold. - .. __ _... ...... f"fttl .,,.. diftkaJt.. __ ..... __

...... tlWta w\idl - -.. CMicl: Wka 1M o....,.. tile

~"'-"-*" _ .. .._.Ita .... ,..... - Tllia- u .. ~ it-lift,--­....... it. to ftJIIaia .alriMnll' at alower ....... Be nW: tMt. ...._. ... -..... -. .................... .....-.. of tM ]tlaae at tM uaah Ute~ "(t)ho tlapa atill elida'\ _.,

to ba --

COPIIS e NOrMY e PAX ~2317



151-A Ci I -· ~~- ia 111o-- Plla Bide.)

220-2310 FR& MOVIES

f!el& "I -- - ... laidoaiM ..... _.Mfl~ .. ~.--1"-U.. art.en:1on 'lf :!'It' ~~! .::t~ w" wn-e pab"c!hn• ti-l<! •tr'!'!':, ·

Sot.UJ.• Ute fart r~a~ ~~!!' p'a"'• fell b.-tween two :•J;u ,. , !t: .t

~ ~U'd ana "~ .a·~ -.n & uac-IJ'. tMJt It tOQ:I:f a&'l'•

~a~ dhuter• C:t>-·!i!!'..., COGaty, a.boat 30 •ilea r--------"'f s.--.-- 111M 'SY - tiWJr'\ - ...

1<"'-t ~--,. .. ____ ,... llald .,;~ c.... Be - ... rouowm. _, ._ .....

d\,.,... - ...... -- ... r..w. T~~ea a - .u-.. IJ9W' tllle n... Ali i1. ~ta.rWil to C'Jl•h. ~ .... .-a4 m. :M ...... nat flff Aft!lf' tt: wnt _, .. ~ \M n.... lt ctici • ..,.. di9e. ......... u. ~ u. ~ rsalt.. • 1lqa1 &rn .. ~nqlaill Lake.. a. raa &o a. era!llb SlC.

..w. Colq- othon

. -·--...... -­a.,.!. "'' tel\ ..w.. I -'l - .... ~-lOt--~-- .. ,.. ...

s.rr..,, 1\5 lf:tm~ ... !"'O '1':::<':1! 191'7.

A ....tit lmion fo. IMCf>le w1to ._ Ia

.........,. and/o. work in~-

..........,...,ploy,.,. call 47....,_ fw

---- 011 tile payroll dedU<tfctco ,........... • .,_~to offer your • ......,...

GneabeJt PCt: :dhn eorn~t ~ .,. .. ~-"'~ .., • ...,mp alMI ~

&.a ~ 1BUlT'ed t.o II<Xl ·)i':'" :~., s.;oul c~ Uaiea ~boll. an •cn('J a! ~. t: -3.. Gwwa"-' __ _


... ................. ,__......_P.A.

Deadline September 20 To Yde lor City Couneil

._...._.-... Puoly o....tAO,..W

......, .._ --..as1 ._.._. ... c--• c-1)-...r ., .... t

- - -- -------nl-\L-'''1 \.1~' 1'111! 1\. __ t I 1 ,,,_-\11 1 i-t

-------- -- -

\. . : ., .._ n l' ~...· I t , "' ; 1 '" ~ , 1

1.0118 lftiL BID UIIIT'I M~ ... "*' kollan. Big-yan1 -· ~- 211£'5-- plinL 15110~ .....


"I WIU. a.IDa AU. OI'I'BS" HAS A fiiESH NEW I.OCIIC ...... -carpet A -.large **'!J- _ _., a 2 NC's. r.)J ......... ,..,. a !heel

BID -WIIH A SWBIII YEW -­blra......,_lo!t you-,.,..- "prirate lon!st". -WID a -lllcn S2000dlllnt help.

BID.., SSUIO --near USDA. Modem kitchen I bath wilh lftftY ....._,._ $2500 -.g help.

THE IDWI5T PIIICED ILOCK HOME SSt • ., ~DR. roomy kitchen_, and t>;g MBR Great ,.n1 wilh deck ond hugo lhed.

READY end WAITING $52.-Modem kitchen wllots of cabinets. AIC, WID and yard bad<s to plljlgnlund. $2500 dosing help.

QUET & PIUVATE WOODS $57,100 --cabinets, count"". flooring and a -... Lorge comer ,.n1 bad<s to ......00..

ADOfTION with Coutn"'Y DECOR SSl.IOO Large first floor -ion! Expanded dining area, huge _. llundry roam a t>;g r..may room.

H5T PIIICED IIUCX SA.IOO Sur1ny location I fenced yard. New paint, new carpet I _. cining nn. S3DOO dosing help.

"I~ CON5IDEII HOI.DING fiNANCING • AU. OfRIIS" S54. .. Pmect kitchen has new counters, cabinets. WID, carpet, NC, fan a - ,a. S1500 closing help.

"AU. OFI'BS WELCOME" S54.100 Sunroy ,.n~ wilh-... fence a saeene<~ J>O«h. Laundry-.. m wro. S2000 dosing help.

"IUD ME All Offtll ON 1HIS BID laT" SSJ.AIO Tap anltian. Updlled kitdlerl, -..w..l ball!, - ,.nl a diR ..,u.g_ S2000 closing help.

COLOSSAL lmUCnON • sa. CLOS*G IIIU'I SH. .. lllodt EM>. ~ J'ard, bridt patio, ~ parth, -., 111nJ1-,. onc1 modem mora.


1;;:~~=--=::mse::J ....a' ~'MaY HOME SSUII -ldldlon ~dining- fenced J'ard, !heel-......... S2500 dosing help.

..,.,_ HOME $74.100

....._,..,..flooring in separ3le cining """" .......... ~ -carpet .. fresh paint

A 4iiiEAT DEAL . $56,­fNsNy .,.._a separate llundry nn. SQined gla-a,.._.- S2000 closing holp.

1BIIIftC ...... MOVE-Ill COIIIDII'IOII ssu-t ----of.-.....-~.~....,.,._.. __ Naprd.

lliJ!III &lN ; ttM....,..,iiiiiiiai .. -¥ ._· .. · .,. ,..., ,_~ ........... --..... - ....... -e ....... -. ..... ~y IBJOIIE ILOCK BID WB $81.111 ~-is~decamed. --Jifd'-•lllgsNdlddeckl

IIASSNI.oucnoll -... ltBt ao.- -lllldlen. new bath, new carpet, new poinl. .... ...._big......, - ,...._ --...acBIDWB S1rZ.111 NEW ldldoen a,_~ freshly painted inside I out.-Qlpot Alit...,_ SpeclaaR_


(SAVEUPTO:l OuiW .......

......_ TNIICh C.... 525 225 & • ~........ J95 155 & • .............. 290 125&., 5ldrts 125 65 • .,

c:.n..a...... $10 .......

,_, ~ <:.--::.:::.::::::..-·­('!'loloo .....-" .. - o.tlo& .... -- 104) PASHION c::onc:»I'S to.. ....,

-~-~----.n c-- off -; llall .. riP&- - .n- - IJP&)



~· .

.-r..u ··~ &Ill ~· ~ -·1--- _,.._____......._ , .. L ____ ~~-~= .. ~ ... ., ...._ ..... --·- ___._ ~..:.- ... - =:...- .... c-.-_...,... ___ fi&J I , --_____ ,._, .. --... ~---~--- ............ -. .~--HiliM waau JMt wa ...... ---­--~ ....... --.,- -........... .. .._.._ -4-............

loll!- ,.. .. - -..._ __ ... _ .... _ ... ,.. -- Coli"'-' ~--

c. ...... SqAa. OWO...tWt _...._

JOn TIPS OF THE W&K _,..,,! ~ 111M to ~ a& ...-. 16M .wryt.II.J.q rua ia IIMU'\S-

11 ,_ ... • .._ IIOdel ~ •ocon "&w:le ....,..... W'ltlli

- .--. (nck. , ..... , 1>7....,., ,... <OOald ._,.,.,...

a .._. _. ~ _.,. ooa ..- or • lk>~r Ulat .._ tM

................ 01' ... ..cua1 ttat.e of NW.. fta i.s ----..woe ..... -· ...... -... ability ----·- .. -.--..u. __ ----.._ ___ '" .. __ .,_ .... _

,...._.,._....,.__ .. _..,._., __ .,_.,. _ _,.. ~ -l

--------~--· .............. ~AJIC&.


I .. T AUIO&ftUCK ..W.. INC. ---·---- <Jell--

....... c:.,.t ........ c..--- CLASSIFIED .. -............ , ---a.­...-..,--'--"""" ... ---- .. ,_, .......,.,

ll&JfiJ'niAN DJ"aaT-­- -1 llr7-a. --.., ..-..,-----1 -'IMW __.. ... .....,...~ ..::- ---- ......... --~ Cliliir ,_...._ .... ,--­--- ··~ .. -----~--·· -- A:1h--WMI iii AND Pll§h. ~ ..... __..­-. ~It nleN!M'M. ..._ lliL •-n.-ut~.

IN G&ATITIJDE "'SL J .. ,., ,...,..-n.~ar

Trust Tutoring ... ,...._ Allr...- .....

---~---91...,..,..-pol) ...,

.... Oil ...... ~.

GJIOtTP 1.-s oa


QaaliAM- -­. _ ........ __ GREDIULTiiUD&liCI8 Ilonatioa will • ~ 1e G 8 Vool Plno..e--

~-----(301) 441-1170


RATES ~-­,DT ......... 16c..c ........... al -. No dlalp '"' lio&ioc i .................. .. __ .......... .. __ .., .. _~ ....... __ ..,_ ---eo....~ --7 .... --, .. -··A--.-_,__ -------llii--1-IJoM. -.............. ____ ....... .._ wit~~ _. COIIJ'. Ads Mt. con­s~ _,... -til p!lbliahecl.

GUn" .AS L • • • o a • - 8lalelt - ~ • .-... hll

___ ., __

HOUSE--APr. Cl-. ._ rata. deope-Ddeble. 8 7e&rs ot aer­nte. 301-49Q...8:1d.6, De-ruM, leaTe .._.

•• fllrW .. ----' ..... -~ ......... 70 ... . ... -I,_ DEUVUT

~-- ...... , Greenbelt Travel Services t c-. Ffmg


7Nighls from $S29

••• 0 --~ow.. ........... ..,ut~e-.-s-.

474-UII 5510Qa I MI.& ...-- s....,......,

c-iq Chore• (Udod c...dt ~ Oriot) Ia .......

~-,-· , __ ..- ...u ---........................ DUS ILICliiC

c..o- Qaauty •­noM wt hider •

No .... -­Serrire won aad M"W a-e.. ALL '"'rlt doDO "" ·--I

I- L> #1142 Pr. Goo. ·1---.._.. •t·M7·1-

IIOVING SALE' Desk. Ea..,, caiuMa.t. Cnur, Gas Grill La~wer, La • n Spnade-r. A.orted Baby h~ms. KiteUD­ware. 8424 Cannia&' Ttrncl', Wisdsor GrHn. St.-pt. 18. 10-1!. Raiada .. Sept. 19 TELEJL\R.KETERS EARN 16.00 to SlO.OO ~our takiDC Jut .>rden for loa.l bleb tcllools. CaU ow- G.reen.MitrColll'll' Park otrw:e Ul-M6t

DiNERS tAR N JtO.iO to $18.00 hoct.r dtolinrinl' Pd:U .lnU for k.C"al hich wt.oola. Call OU1'

Gl'ft'nbtlt!Collqe Park oflice­«1-.


~~--~-­AJ.o a.....l.iQk J'e8111ts

Top Qaalily w­Frw~

Call K--'Y ......... .....,1

,.._ .......... _ ........ ..,....3J705 Pll1l.IIHIII -fbin-8fca-sat ~&n c:Dad...._

1111 OllfMMZID .... .ooutOIII

~ I

Thu....tay, September 18, 199S

IIDIWANTID Nort-dri•inc Comat.uter livinc 1n Green.I:JMt fGreenbliar) needs ride to/fi'OIII wotk ia Roelrville- (Shady Gron Metro Stat1oo) 111-F. Will JUlY $6-t day for depndable punctual driver~ Ptea.e rail


HlJSTING RIDGE CONOO. Up­ITaded 2'BR. ZBA.. a.U applianees.,. baleoftJ". Pool/tennis. No peta. $900/BlOIIth irtehades utilities. Credit eMck. 301-41'4-m'S.f.. cLOTBi!SDOCTOa.::.wm ... .., alter a.a.d repair clotJWac. Qaiet. quali:t," work. 101-474-8141. FOR SALE. QUHty sot.....::nG;: eored _print. Slfi5. Will del!wr. 474-10'11.

PA.RTTII(E DAY CARE Avail­abl~i,.~ for 1 to i ,.ear old. Expruie.aced, Iovine aitter. Gr~>a~ uferftii:H. 0 l d Green­ho>lt. Call 34$-6310 after 5.

3w.-T-:t•-' ,_ Sale .., a.-

New~. AIC,aR..,..U... _... Q.n.t, .......... -loire. land- ,.nla

188.000! us.u.:

HOl'SE CU:AIQN{;, Reliolole. e:r:perienced.. ~ Weeklr. biweekly or IROiltlliJ'. NIIJMrOIU refe-reneu a...U.ble. J a c k i e 345-.w17 or Dolllla J45..0III. ADoRABLE JtiUeu FREE toe ccood familieL Call !TJ-7877 af­ter 4·00 p.a


WJSLa CONSraUCnON l>rywaJJ . Palntiac • Car-......... . - o.ou...

• 1'\ae. De. ~ ....... 1....-.d IIHIC #tOC75 1*-I.IA

l'orzx..-..-on~-.,;. -......w --CAlL C'Oiri'IL\CT APPI:LUICB

SBil't'ICB 'Pioes...iceo.-


OP!llif: -hi --I,_. So&.-~

.----'-~ -~

FOR SALE BY OwNa 2~...._

CINIJa ILOCIC ,_._. Clooo ID-c-r fl9.ill0- _ ..... ----Call Sue ar-1:,

474-4161, 9:5

@ =

TWO AJI"PBC"'10NATE m'!le eats. Med aew ho.e. De­dawed A Mt~tered. Indoor or outdoor. One black 7 .Yrt. old. Otte tabbJ' 8 :rn old. C•ll 343-2992. COLOR TV ,... Zenith. E.zeel­len~ pil:tu.rf!. Gtat ~ition 1.175 0110. ,'H-... CLEAN APT POR R£NT. PvL home 1 BR-LR-DR kitchenette­bath AJC W I'll carpet. fumiak­ed. Matare fnaale oniJ'. Walk. to U of Md. 1600 aonth inehldes utilities. ......-oker. seearit)" depoeit aDd ft!fereeca. 4'14--lllt.

NEW & IEAunFUL J Q- sa.- Set

r.c~...,. - Medium Wood loclacla:ooimlredhu­•ictat ataed. --~ • ..,nne, -~d-.*nsertritll

BIIE POll SALE: ..... , 10. ...... lib -- fliOiobo. 4T.._..._

!IOfA fOil SALi: LiCiit -WI tJUa W8e ~t acripl& 1110/otfer. -...... FOR SAD:: Hc.tnl IGO;i Ia .,...t--. ..... -.aT. POll L&iii: Pleume ...... -- • loeal far& Prtwalc Ieaoa a......_ IC.I-4ta. COkPiri'EiiiJLI •taad. _, lockiroc - ..,, - _., .... a.1t1e w/ I doaln .....

ea..., DC 5 -ier -· OBO 30l-61s.G1'1J. . .,_, ..... Nw-, ..... fall "a 1 1:' Dllw __ .......,,

Wana. cariac -.u-t

-·~·--c-iatwaYiall or all .f'74-tllf; or .....,.

House Cleaning ·-- .... -,.... --~· Let• ...., .. ___ _ __ ..._ ..... ---------··~.-.,.~ IT·- a ...._ t;r.- ..-.., :Uoe--­~--,.......,

J[1' llUJD ia ............ ,_.. __ c:.ll ..... • y_,fer ,... .......... .


!llature, Reliable Woman Law Fee

Weekly. Bi-weeii:IJ, Monthly or one tiate

Greenbelt Refs. PENBA ( .. 11 t74-llH

FOUND: Ankle bracelet at Greenbelt Lake on s.aday. 9-12-91. Call :W.l'il. BEAUTIFUL tldkieMJ Ameri­can walaut desk .ar' x 1M" $400-474-<1'110. OPEN HOust: Lt.. Sun-Sept 18 and 11. 1-t p.-. J'or Sale a,.

?~~ ~ •• B~!lki~:! applianea. cabi.a. remodeled ba..........._ Jl~


Modena opea ~ wab. dln­iDC bar. ~ oeabinets.. ....._ aed di"J''II'. W/W ear­pel'S. --I'll ........., with wood ..aiQ, I ..._. elos­eta. 2 e/c. P'Ne1Q' painted. ,..q to ... ......

Bale b7 owaer. Ill:~

~·· .• ,. ... ......, Stuclio ........

FORRSNT Updated 1 11ft apts. fans. AC a carpet, Storage a WID in each bldg, Max 2 person ()((, Ideal location in ~belt,

$S15 Realty 1

982-0044 £litiC WSINSR

.....- ..... . ---- r..- .... -,__...... eo-...

........ .... = Ht•e&Yanl ~ .... - ~" ,.__ ....... __ --BVICB --.-.. -~.... JUI,J,C. #lAil ........ ---.... Wilhide 341 1361

1'!f!ll t Foru111 at Ubrary

OPEN HOUSE 9 Oliwwoool 0,

Sunday 19 - 1 :4 LARGE R.·"tRLER On Cydlng to Metro

The Greenbelt Bicyele Coali­tiOn will host a public foru.m on llondaJ, September 27. at 7:30 p.m. to di~usa dow much gove~nt should do to promote btcyelinc to lletro rail and other tran•it stations. The meetin~t will be in the Grftnbelt Library meeting room. All ~leome.

Voter registration forms will be available at this m~tinJ'. Greenbelt city eouneil eli!Ctions


11.:'1 BEDGEWOOD Bo,....ood, Household 7ardsaJe. Sat. morn. 9-12 noon.

YARD S.\LE: 7 Ct Creseent Rd Sat, Sept 18: 10-3. RainciAto Sept 25. No eariJ' birdl pleue. YARD SALE: li'ulti- fa•ui,.. Furniture. t o J' a. lcida ' adults elothu. stereo equip.. buketa, antiques. ~llertJOles. 3 Coan Reaearcb Road. 10-2. Sep~ II. Raiadate Oct. 2. GARAGE SALE' Sa~. Sept. 18, 9 Lm-4 p.m. BOOT Cnddock Rd., Grenspriac. Greenbelt E a 1 l Fum .. HR items. etc:. ehap .


~~: r:~wal~t~~ r«. l"'OffL, Pel:& windowa, more. W alktng distante to shopping. I.Me- pool, ret"'"­tion. Metro IILS#3%157.

GLENN DALE' •BR, 2.6BA Nmbler, dect:, huce ~. room, worbhop, 2 e. drWe-dmJ, Larce lanchcapt>d yard. much ....... OniT J15t,i00

L 6 F Reelton

(0) 441:9511


ON LAKF. H ... dwood F1oor. C ul df' Su. F .. ily R•· W/ Fir-pl. Yt"alk o.t S.. to lenl tr~ yara aad to Lake. O,en Fl. Ptan IKicllt ancl S..ny in \\"H.tott 4 Br.-! 1-: B.A. 1%29.... - H<,83fS


Flea Market SATUIDAY

SIPI'!MIEI II 10:4pm

~T NUitSING CIN'IB .,. .. __

N'en to N"atioDal Guard Ana· Or'J'· For· .. re Wonu.tioa

CALL_._ T.aWe s,_. A..U.W. -

$11.00 per ....

Allp- .. -Alsbeiaer'a-


577-4012 ..... Lovely 2 ~ ftld ...a boutina decora~r to.cM. th .......... -.....-...t __ __

~~ fa., -.d ataall ... ,



1-C ..

For ~ tntore.aon Call P.<M NEWELL


Flea Market . Saturday, Sept. 18 .

(raia elate. 8apt. 5)

UM11D caau&. PALSY~ - 8t~ -. N,E, D.C.

Catloollo UalY. I Brooldaaol lletzo .,_

._AIIfll GAJ:Oal c.ll - (Ill) -----------------

Lii\11 ,\ rii\H·i ~!;";

Bowie Office proadly ...__ the uenciation at

uother IIDe ..-ent with America'• larJrat iladepeDdent

ral '-te I'OIIIPUY

Pftsident'o Club

Diatinruisbed Salea Club 1990, '91, '9Z

J(Qjti,llillion Do0ar Saleoi 1990, '91. '9Z


Davis and Aoerbaeh (C ____ )

ncton ol- ~ ..,.._,_ ... _ .. ... -.-....... --.....-.-,.­______ - ... ~eMir- .. --!-.--..-.-c. ................ .... -- .. na. lall& __ __

...... ~ ...... -(AI'!I) ___ _

e»uoiAI'II.,tllo--MnWW'I ___ .. U8<.----­- ol - ol JIUia6,

illdDdiJIC - -- -(1988--). - io ..-..

..,.., .. ----· .. -~ol ... -......... ~ ...... -....... a.. ... ~ ... .~a~· • .---Da---- .. tllo Cit!Mu~~fw Ill• ,._ -Pia ,.. P"lbl~e ......_ ..... Priace G<o'PS C.., c-_,, ... GrHnbelt 416 ,_,_ .. -50th ...._ c:-11-. tlMI-1..,.--­ory ~ lor tloo LaowJe

Puk-C... ---1fJ:'l-tn .... (1.,.....,.,~ ... tht- Ci~ ......._27' c-iJ • lhCMt - c __ ._ -. <OtlOnal ........ 1-..-rl­

-~- .. _. ~­A n«iaUon Mid ita e-'-tinl inW..,_D.C...-­•.,.......,__ol_

- ~~· ..... ·- ol -~twollon(lltllto~-............ ta -rr.. all IJftr

.. u.s. ~ .............. ._....,

~ fer c;.-., ... _ .... __ _ oltllo __ ...

a...-lre ••• -__ a.._ ... _

---~a. .,.. ... -ol ... _ --_,~ ....3.--­-~--ol ... -·--·--__ ol_ ........ ------·-----------~--.... --ftoot.-_.,... __

-·d'l'ic--· - -· .u. diiW. ... - - .. cla'lkfPia -... ., ... _,_,be. -- lfar7 C....) .... -.- ................... ... _ol ____ _

_......, .... .,.... 1I<Cartlo7 ....

·--. ..-..a~ ... __ ............. - D.C.. - - c.a..a ;, ll.- T.n-.-a-ton- Ia a..- u...... "'"· !!loo abo - ... -,..... ..... u-~ •Iberw m tU.. ••• c:.r..u,. Sw .....-1 t.W11'..._ D.C. tOQJ'-.... !l tift!~!~;~ ....... uea ln 11arra ot ~ ... ia..,. r-""<d by .... ...._- -.. t !OG:I' .......... ....

~n.•lllen>Mr~ia. ronduttHtl' toan ill o.r-..

Bo"' II&> -- ...... -­a ~rur for U. .,...... c.-a-..._. s1ae• 19110 aad fft tM

,.,._ c-.- - ..... llel. ~WIItnq: tlM ..

,.. .... ---- ...... -,_.,__ WWJ. tllffiftn .... ~ ...u..----­

fd ... - .. - ..-It tllat --·· .... ~ Lalla~ ..... ---~--ol

--...-D7~ ... ............. t.~. - o6....._ al~,.....W .... -.. -...- ....... .... -~-­___ ,.... ll'ltl!lw--·~­... .--.---­.....,.._M~.-.,.-. ... .--.-.. _.. ........ -Coat . ... wu ____ ....,.&rial ----7:» ..... - • .. dla

arts. .... ft'Yle9.J, :lied pro­tin. rd --...nchac rn.idnq, Gf rn.. Gee..,.• c-.,..

Rop1 .... ~ •M torWd her t.t'Uh ~io eicbt .;af:f~~n!K caucona. af I"K7-­*es.. bdon t.k eoa.ll.lJ' p.I'O-­

..ted ~a>de ..... u.. ~­up terTlCe. \" eptariu .me. 1....._ ~- IS a .... of l!M ~ ,-._.tanaa Sctrieey. Slae llu bHn .rtiw u1 ~ Gf"'ldbelt G1"H"U • ._.. 1b ...,.._. fMII' Jeaft teo.. C1ll' ~ u t.HMar'ft', ...0 ia alto a -btr at Cu.u .. .., t.r G,..Mit. SM ·- -~ ................ lD~ aU .... 8n.adl U.nariu t:n~lilll ChDda. •.lrlftto * ·--~-labor .... -8 ... -..,u. De ............. .uta C....J'. _ ................ -""""' ______ , --....,._ ... _

~· September 1\ 1993 .,.. of tile ~ ,.,..,..,. Lab CROSSBOW

"""""'IOp.JL .. s...-. !,a!T-,.....W-.-. ......................... --of a- (a n.IQ """"' BB pio141) iD tile -of ... !.-. DaJ" Peodoal. & __ to ... _....,

·-....-.&rial ~.,. ....... ~

..... s. • .-a- ... ........ __ , ...... ot ...

-To.t!IC..,..,_. _,...._,.... .. ___ ol_,......

lliaia ... _TW_ P.r-.~ ..... ...,... u _.._ WacL IT', 18 k. -tocalolacll. ut.allla4T --Ncu-,;.-............... s..-r ...... ~ .. ~­--few_.,.. of pllacJelldiaa IPCP) ill tM -of-c...-. a •• _. od ...,_ a Dlotriet e-n c-. -----1'110 ............ uW.

A ~ ud oatorillc -._.... •• CP! Plloto J'IJolM

.. ~-· 4. Cull - •""­... " - 1118'7 - LaSalln ... ........t m tee 1100 Woek

of - Drm. oa s.p. teab« s. 0.. of itl; ........

llad- _....-A blad.. fOGJ'~. 1111 a~

olaA=mi.VA ........... -Z!II8118, .... ........... olein tro. ... - blocll. ol llo...­DriooODS..-11-Allot... 1- H- A«ord ..... _...-,,... - lllodl of a........ !'tw7. oa ~ S. It ,... la&er ........... Ia ... - ..... ol Brittu7- .

........ --··'- ...... -. .., - :l:l'C6I1. - ... _... ...... ,_,.._Wwk of ~ ._ - Sopoeabor ..

A ....__ ~r .... Oat.-

~~---> ----hMT. . ._..,. .. __ ... _ .. ..,... tlloU. -..-..-... -- ..._..-.. ~-.B·-- .... to ___ ... ...._ .... -........ -........ ..- ... -·-Ill -rr...old_ .. _ ...... ---..-Ill tlonatoa.-IL Ia ... _¥ --··--·--· .... - ....... -to---· nee- p.,~~eo ~

_ ..... IJ-

OfiXor c.,.. .-.. -.-.Quina .. - .. -Georces Coaa ....... - -....... i .. - ......... --bla for the auadl t11ot-11oft.

......... reportod • ~ ... ~ m the a..- .af caHa .... .._.... •• ,lias ...-m I'C8t weeks :rro. reUMau No. cw--tiq tnme pNQOdoa _._ •n and inlormatiaa · oa Mw to N't ap a cn.e watldt paaJ. OUoan haYe _.... ........ ~t perfon. a--.._. Cllrit," aarreyaDIIJIII"ft'iile,..._ ..... tionsfOF~tl.

lUI Supreme wu reptrted ~ .. ,..,. the '1'$00 block ol en.. bolt bad on s......- •.

Vaada.liam• to,. 1Mfta tn.. ..d attempted tMfta of au. -.n r.ported m 1M foDcnriar ..... , the 6100 bloek ol -- Dri ... tho t!OO - ol -. ..... Read. the - -ol CNODbelt Road, .... 1100 bloek of a.- !'tw7- .... -lolockof~t. ....... -- of ll....ta. Road, '11 e-n lli4p Road, 1 aad 20 c-u _u...,. aM tile--

ol lltlrioPil1 -

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ... and we're in your neighborhood!

Our fam•ly has been 58'"'"0 your

c:amnuw~y b 54 ~ and- JUSt ~eeo growmg 80 -·re ptOud 10 ~announce the 01>8<'"'9 or the

lEW ADOIT10N ~our- buoldtng

0.. ..... aliiC8m OS ID gove you sale and ~ quaily an wtliCII • why _..., taken ...,._. of hours of aninutnO adolcatoon We u1i1z8 ~.,._., ~ at'<d stf>"~zahOn

...,._In~~- hea""y teeth lor a ......... IMJIICI1QIIS Mil AWARDS· DB. CLAJTDN 1i MCCARL SB ,....In •• ,_.,. Caol8p of Oenlts1s

,....In~ c-. ol 08nesls. DB. CLmJ1t ~ep;ABLJR .,.._In~ Geowal ~ IIL.MY'PSW .,.....ln~irf~~ DR, D&\IID .&. •• , ~~-~onCincal ....... ~. ,. ....... -........,_a.-·-~ tar , ...... ~~.,.....,....., o...-.

DRS. MCCARL -474-4144

--­__ _,,

Call us today for • 'Satisfymg Smile!


For OUr New Patients:,.!:: Polishing & Cleaning •

$20 after ,

Complimentary Initial i Dental Exam l,

Only $20.00 lor a c:cmplel8

polishing and cleanino- i Includes -..y x-rays on : day of.,..,._, : Goocl only - c:cupon. : Value up to $84.00. l

' ' L ............ - .......................................... - ............ ..1

Our ollice hours _,

Monday T....., Wlidoteedlty TlluNday Frilllly Salut-*y

9·6 ....... ....... Sam-1 8am·l 8am·3:30pm

hrlbdt ,___ 0 ,___

<..;o u:l>N


Jttws lltvitw ....., .. , ........ S.IO p.m .

TIIHC!a• • I to 18 -


"4-aal :> ~...:Jc::: :I:W:>: Ua; "':::> ' <:<(...:J

P.O. Box 68. Greenbelt. llaryland 20768-0068 Thursday, September 23, 1993

Communit, . Increased J


0 "' f-.N::;, u~..: 0">...:J

ter Cost Estimate Council Shocked

A volatile September 7

City Couocil WOI'k aeasion

dedicated to receive an up­date on the community cent-

u provided more questiono tban anewers.

AH COWltil members were extremely concerned about the 1935,563 increue in cost estimates from the $4.8 mil­Hon estimated in August. 1992 .

.er tban decreues in the updated eost atimates when th~ theater bad been d!'Opped from the eom•unity center plans. •• recrvnted at tile JuDe 1. 1993 ~ o u no i r mePtiq. Antoinette Bram clearlr waatecl to bow it the t-it7 was Miac takftl actru­ta.,e of ai.atply because it bad recentJ7 beeo~~~e '"more affluent" with the aceeptaMe of C'e't"tain .,-ant moaies. ... We mast con­stantly be responsible co the taz.. p8)'t'T, .. Me said with authoritJ.

The revinr of cost estimate• took most of the eve-nine. PerTJ outlined the changes fJ"Gm the '92 estimates to the '9-1. The five main areas where tbe in­

. Particularly heated, Edward. ~reases otrcurnd we~ eO!Its for

Puten$ rklllaQded atcevntability ~:,e;~~~s~ ::~~0:: fnu111 tht· Floranc~ EJchbetam bon of t>hillfor ~anit.s. and Davi• E~o« Km~ ....rch1t~t.s tFEEK). 8al"On •a«P rates. the- ~ultin« flrwl lUred by .be P..ledritaJ s,.~ C":ty to evaluate Ce-nter ~hool ne most dramatit: chance. and fur a futu~ CU1111aani&7 cente:r. the oae Per17 attributed tiM lar-

llooaooll- .... illeroaM ... -. ... _ ·-··- ol ..... _., ... - ..-. llrl.-_.,.. .. _.,. __ _....,._,.._.,...,._ _....._ ...... _ea.. __ l&_ .......... lo

dl-~--- --·1.8-­.. to bow wby tJaere wen ill- foot. Patent dated tltis wu ..

Candidates Respond To Provide voten with iJitorma.tion coneemil!l' the

eil'ht c:aDdidateot for city ...W..Sl. the ~ N..,. a.. view herewith presents their responoes to die ftnt at a series ol q...ti.- that we will publioh in ~ve ;.ues preceding the eleetioa. The order at the eaDdidatee' aDI!'WeJ'tO

waa detorntined by lot. Q..Mtions 2 through 6 are lmed in a ..,....te bos. (See- 9.) ~- I: Wily do 1011 8Nit eleetiv'" ollce? Why

....... ,.,. he eledel?

......... v........ Judith "J" Davl• -Oll'e*-totlleCI ...

C<ouadl ;, Ul81. I .._ - llotll .......... .una.-- .... - I llaft rep--.~ G,.....,. iD ita •tifttJ' with l.,.allJ'aad~.l­•l:libUUed a neoN of ptrforw-­-.

... - -"' briaa 12 ..... ol c-o --to ................... __ __ ...... _,_to

briP- .... opirita ol - ......

..._. __ _

..._ .. doDd ...._ I - t. ____ ,.._ ---~ _.._..,, ...... to_ _______ _..... _.,_ .. __ ..,. --· ·----.. ,.... __ dlr.nio..,._. -.. ._.. _.... --.-.-... W.ol_,...... __ ---------::: .=o' .. '"c::.C: -·-ol­.....................

To enjoy the treedcm of a demoaat:J. a citi&en must alao be wiWDc to M!'ft her eom•un­iQ ia onler to iruare that those riPt.a aad adwaatacn are main­caiaed aad a:panded. Sblee mov­

ille "' c-•• 18 ,.... aco . I -.. terftCl iD lllaftJ' eapuitin ill eiYic orpai&aticma. ----foTtlle _....--of undent'IIMHoc ..... ,.,.._. ......... ..... ~of .... ·- .... . .... d.... ,.,_. loadanlrip rela._.aawltlltllo.&.lriao..,. Plu8ltc a.N, doe ...... Dav Patin!-- o.-Dit'o Plttiotll ~

- ... - :O......tie an, ... _. • .._, a.N,I ____ __

... -......o~- ... a..-ea-a -. - ... ..,. .__.._ ____ .. o1 c_ .... ,__....._ .. .......-.-.-... lloa.- ........ for~

---~ ...... fled for <:--. 09 c.-dl.


acceptable aad d~"mande4 10 lmow the reason why. Perry aa:id w-hen the firm ec •!rr>nted the JBeehanical and eJ ... c:rieal •l'll'i· neen with th•• ,. .. ry questioa they oni.J' .. shruge-: t M1 r shoul­ders.,. Perry did provtde one po11ibie reason fvr the iaae­curaeies. Oftentim··J. he said. eJeetrical and mec-an:eal draW• inl'l an Ins ftt.&. il'i than ar­eh.iteetaral dtawinl<" . :::us &How­inc for baildinc E · to be IDOre areurate- tha:-. !or t:l«trieal 171tema.

Wt.dow Repla~meat

Aa mo-re mvE<Jgation was done on the build~·ll. lt was de­termined that a:: :hE windows nHded replacemer · rather than only some as part o! ~ile oric­tnalestimate. Perry ·a.1d ·Jne-third C1f the windows w0uid need to be nplaced immed.ately d~~e to damaged liDtelL

.w.dt 0.} Care

The adak clay care has been ezpallded ~ ib oriaiul plu --.-...~ .......... ! ol ... boolldlac. ,.... ............ ._iNcl _..,.ntioo ol lila ..-ee.. iaet.dinc demolition.., new wail .-rtWees. a MW doer aad P-l>ioc.

CMWUalc. ·DDe to a - air probi<vo.

th• air ~ chiller ~r.~ih

- C08T ......

A......_PIIwl Couoril llodd, • - CJl

GTetDbelt - - for C.U... dl on the IMt llioc cloy, ~ tember 20. Hill biocnphy wiD .._.. .... -.

New• •-'-Piadc The pimic aad annual meet­

ing of the Gftnbelt News Re­view will be held oa Sunday, Oc­tober 3 from nooa to 4 p.m. at Schrom HiU. Part. All 1taft' memben ud their familia are invited.

~ ~.~ l!i!!!!J 011 ....

Labwaod Water

Management Proiect -.........,, S.,.l L& 'D ., ....

in Lbe ••rud,.l ....... A.,enda: Court ·iJ will ...._

thor Lakewood ~ -··

....._~~4 .. llljllll)n _ _._

...... ,_the ......... ,..,... e# ~) ...... Gl'ftllhelt AN c.Hr'• ...-e lll'8ll1ldJea .t Sllaw'• duak play. HA ........... u. .. Lioll".

-tlhoto by Hopi Auertlech

Shaw's Clusic Androcl~ And the Lion in Reheanal

by Hopi AtieriNich Starting October 1, Greenbelt'• own rommunity theatre

will perlonn George Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and · the Lion·· for three ronsecutive weekends. Thio marlco Green· belt Arts Center'• ftr<t production under a roof it eat eall its mo·n. since it wao lo<ated in the Utopia Theatre. n- the P<I:G Old Greenbelt Theatre.

In •ADifrorte. aad Ue Lion". Shaw ci•et his talc:.e on the fa­ailiar fable. A bumble Chri~o­tiaD removes a tltom from. tiM pew of a sufferinc lion. and later is .,.red bJ' tiM •~ry same lion ir. a Roman Colliteam.

Slaaw"s nnion eiBphuiaes the ........ and irolQt of the tale. For exa.ple. Caesar (to be pla,.r ..... ~ ... DmDiataltabiJ , ....... ll...,. N...,..o of Betllaoda) ilo pcrtra7ed .. 1enitied t1f the lion. aad tHo later houU of ha .....

Ia acldidoa to lila­iDcAndrueleo(tobepla;red Ill tile <ac ~ ~ L107dlawlo7 ef~).tllo--­_... to-._..,.

ol - Cltriollau lo tllo -Tloonla_(]IIIJ __

- of Julloa), ... .-u. _____ ...... -....- .. ---· ---- .. --- ... ·---Tioonla ~(-c-.01!

Greenbelt), the btaatll•l aM inteiJipnt patri~ian who ad:aitl to ba"f'iac doobts and fun. bat who eoDdaets herself bru.Z,.

The &toi'J' is of'iciaaDT ..... posed to baYe taba plaN D about 150 A-D. Shaw'a Yll'licna

wu -- ;, Berlla, Iraa­don Olld Now Yon Ill ltll, 1m .... 11111 ·~oJ •• """ .... bontam.~m ..... ,.,_ poraJT aadleDUI ba eftf7 ..._ ade sJeee.

..... HOlallot .... ...-.

.... a..... 8mlanl -- .... hi- ......... _., .- ..... a._._.. intllilo---..IIIJt-tM)' eoold not raiol -w'• .... ..._ ... aao1 .... Lioe." n. p~q u. DOt oaiJ oaporiJQr -... ... abo-- tllo nlao..tllfa.--tloa _..,...._ __ _ ~- J& wiD be ......... ____ .,_,_ ~ ,...aetloot.- ... ol ~will- .. ..-
