bada tutorialui and graphics

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bada Tutorial: UI and Graphics

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Contents (1/2)

• Essential Classes

• Relationships between Classes

• Overview

• Layers

– Coordinate System

– Example: Create a Form

• Controls and Containers

– Control Life-cycle

– Controls

• Example: Create a Bitmap Button

• Example: Create a List

– Containers

• Form-based Application

– Drawing Controls

– Showing Controls

– OverlayPanel

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Contents (2/2)

• Event Handling

– Listeners

– Using IActionEventListener

– Using Other Listeners

– Custom Event

• XML UI Builder

• Sample Application: “BasicApp”


• Review

• Answers

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Essential Classes

Feature Provided by

Provides the main window for an application. There can be only 1 frame. Frame

Provides the top level container with an indicator bar, soft key, and title bar. It is attached to a Frame.


Provides a window that can be displayed on top of a Form or Frame. Popup

Provides containers to hold controls. Panel, ScrollPanel, OverlayPanel

Provides a window with pre-defined responses to prompt a user for input. MessageBox

Provides a generic button. Button

Provides a toggle. CheckButton

Provides input controls for single- or multiline text, date, and time. EditArea, EditField, EditDate,


Provides a way to embed Flash Lite movies and applications. Flash

Provides a control to display text or images. Label

Provides different methods to display lists with text or images. List, IconList, CustomList,

ExpandableList, GroupedList,

SlidableList, SlidableGroupedList

Provides menus that contain menu items. OptionMenu, ContextMenu

Provides a progress bar to track how far along an operation is towards finishing. Progress

Provides a control to select a value inside of a range. Slider

Provides controls to select a date, time, or color. DatePicker, TimePicker, ColorPicker

Provides tools for custom animations. Animation, AnimationFrame

Provides utility function for handling touch events including multiple point touch. Touch

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Relationships between Classes









Frame MessageBox Popup







OverlayPanel ScrollPanel...

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• The Ui and Ui::Controls namespaces contain classes and interfaces

to create graphical user interfaces.

• The Ui namespace contains common base classes for all controls

as well as interfaces for event handlers.

• The Ui::Controls namespace contains control classes, interfaces,

and other tools for display and interaction in the graphical user


• Key features include:

– Creating controls.

– Laying out controls.

– Handling control events.

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There are 3 basic layers in the window and control hierarchy:

– Frame: Contains Forms. An application can have only 1 frame.

– Forms: Contain containers and controls.

– Controls: These are containers and controls.


The top level window of an

application. There can only be

one per application.


Highest level container. Contains

containers and controls. There can be

multiple Forms per application. Each

Form has an indicator bar, soft key, and

title bar area.


Help to provide functionality

for an application. Controls can be added to containers, such as Forms or ScrollPanels.

Indicator barTitle bar

Soft key

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Coordinate System

• You can get the bounds of the client area excluding the indicator, title, and tab using the GetClientAreaBounds() method.

• Frame dimensions are constant (for example: 480 x 800), but the

best practice is for applications to only use the available client area.


You can get the bounds of the

client area using this method.


GetWidth(), GetHeight()

You can get the bounds of the

control using these methods.

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Example: Create a Form

Create a form.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication\src\FormExample.cpp

1. Construct a Form: Form::Construct(formstyle)

2. Set soft key text in the form: Form::SetSoftkeyText(softkey, text)

3. Assign action IDs to the soft keys: Form::SetSoftkeyActionId(softkey, actionId)

4. Implement an IActionEventListener and an instance of the listener.

5. Register the listener with each soft key: Form::AddSoftkeyActionListener(softkey, listener)

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Controls and Containers

• Controls are graphical user interface components that are displayed

inside of an application frame. Controls are divided into two general

classifications: “control” provides generic way to handle GUI

components but cannot contain others, and “container” can contain

other controls.

• Common control properties:

– Position and size

– Drawing logic

– Events:

• Key

• Touch

• Focus

• Common container properties:

– Derived from Control

– Parent–child relationships

class Control : public Object


Point GetPosition(void) const;

Dimension GetSize(void) const;

result Draw(void);

result Show(void);

void AddKeyEventListener(const

IKeyEventListener& listener);

void AddTouchEventListener(const

ITouchEventListener& listener);

void AddFocusEventListener(const

IFocusEventListener& listener);

// ...


class Container : public Control


virtual result AddControl(const Control& control);

virtual result RemoveControl(const Control& control);


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Control Life-cycle (1/2)

You must create all containers and all controls on the heap memory.

– However, once the controls have been added to the container, and the container attached to the Frame, the application framework does all the

deleting when the application terminates.




// all controls must be created on the heap memory

Button *pButton = new Button();

pButton->Construct(Rectangle(10, 100, 460, 60));




AddControl(*pButton );

// do not delete pButton explicitly}

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Control Life-cycle (2/2)

• Creation

– When a control gets initialized, OnInitializing() callback can be

overridden if application needs to do custom resource initialization.

• Deleting

– As a rule, do not explicitly delete controls that get added to a container,

the framework does that for you.

– You can use the RemoveControl() and RemoveAllControls()

methods to explicitly delete controls.

• Example: Create a single Form and add or remove controls such as buttons

at run-time depending on UI context, to preserve memory.

– You must explicitly delete controls which do not get added to the


• MessageBox, Popup, ContextMenu and OptionMenu controls do not get

added to a container, so you have to explicitly delete them.

– When a control is getting deleted, OnTerminating() callback can be

overridden if application needs to do custom clean-up.

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Controls (1/5)

• Available GUI controls range from basic buttons to more advanced

controls, such as the time picker and animation controls.

• All controls are displayed in the graphical user interface. That is,

there are no controls that cannot be displayed, such as database

controls, data binding controls, providers, controllers, or adapters.

• Available GUI controls are shown below. Container controls are

marked with an asterisk (*). Controls that are containers due to

implementation reasons but do not allow the user to add more

controls to them are marked with a double asterisk (**).

GUI controls

Animation EditArea IconList Panel* Tab

Button EditDate Keypad** Popup* TimePicker**

CheckButton EditField Label Progress

ColorPicker EditTime List ScrollPanel*

ContextMenu** ExpandableList MessageBox** SlidableGroupedList

CustomList Flash OptionMenu** SlidableList

DatePicker** GroupedList OverlayPanel* Slider

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Controls (2/5)

• Buttons can vary in size and use text or images.

• The CheckButton displays the user selection, either selected or

cleared and is often used in groups.

• The EditArea is for multiline input, while the EditField is for

single line input.

• List controls display the user selection in the form of a list of items.

• The IconList uses images (bitmaps) as icon files.

Buttons CheckButton EditArea/EditField IconListList

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Controls (3/5)

• The CustomList contains items that consist of multiple elements

and have various item height.

• The ExpandableList presents items with a hierarchy.

• The GroupedList groups similar items together.

• The SlidableList and SlidableGroupedList are similar to

CustomList and GroupedList but load items in memory on

demand to save memory resources.

ExpandableList GroupedListCustomList

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Controls (4/5)

• The OptionMenu presents a list of choices.

• The ContextMenu presents a list of context-sensitive options.

• The Popup and MessageBox display messages to people or prompt

people for input. Where MessageBox is simpler and easier, Popup

offers the versatility to embed other controls.

OptionMenu ContextMenu Popup MessageBox

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Controls (5/5)

• There are many other controls

available in bada for a variety of


• Adobe Flash developers should take special note of the Flash control

that allows you to embed Flash Lite




DatePicker TimePicker



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Example: Create a Bitmap Button

Create a button using an image and a button using text, and add them to a form.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication\src\ButtonExample.cpp

1. Construct two buttons: Button::Construct(rectangle, “”)

2. Set an image on the first Button: Button::SetNormalBitmap(position, bitmap)

3. Set text on the second Button: Button::SetText(“Buy”)

4. Assign unique action IDs for each Button: Button::SetActionId(actionId)

5. Implement an IActionEventListener and create an instance.

6. Register the listener with each Button: Button::AddActionEventListener(listener)

7. Add the Buttons to the form:Form::AddControl(button)

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Example: Create a List

Create and populate a list.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples


1. Construct a List:

List::Construct(rectangle, style, itemFormat,

row1Height, row2Height, column1Width, column2Width)

2. Populate the list: List::AddItem(text1, text2, bitmap1, bitmap2)

3. Implement an IItemEventListener and create an instance.

4. Add the listener to the list: List::AddItemEventListener(listener)

5. Add the list to a form: Form::AddControl(list)

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Containers (1/2)

• Container is the base class for all containers.

• There are two categories of containers:

– General containers like Form and Panel.

– Containers used for special purposes, such as OverlayPanel,

ContextMenu and OptionMenu.

Containers Description

Frame Holds the main window and usually contains multiple Forms.

Form Occupies the full screen and includes an indicator bar, title bar, and soft keys.


Displays a menu panel with menu items. OptionMenu

MessageBox Displays an alert window with a pre-defined set of options.

OverlayPanel Displays a panel container with a canvas in which you can draw a camera preview or display video.


Displays a panel container that other controls can be embedded in. ScrollPanel

Popup Displays a partial-screen window that can contain other controls.

DatePicker Displays a special window for editing date.

TimePicker Displays a special window for editing time.

Keypad Displays a full screen keypad.

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Containers (2/2)




Ui::Controls::Form Ui::Controls::Panel Ui::Window

Ui::Controls::OverlayPanel Ui::Controls::ScrollPanel

Ui::Controls::ContextMenu Ui::Controls::Frame Ui::Controls::MessageBox Ui::Controls::OptionMenu Ui::Controls::Popup Ui::Controls::TimePickerUi::Controls::DatePicker

• Panel is the most general control container. Panel can be used to

provide custom backgrounds for a group of controls.

• Window is inherited from Container and, thus, all its descendants

can contain other controls. However, many of Windows’s

descendants are designed for special purposes and are not general


• Note: When a container is destroyed, it deletes all child controls. Do not explicitly

delete child controls yourself. If you do delete them, the framework tries to delete

them again when the parent container is destroyed, causing unhandled exceptions.

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Form-based Application

• A Form is a typical unit in the flow of a UI application.

• Frame::SetCurrentForm(Form*) is used to make one form the

active form.

• You can utilize control’s name to easily identify forms.

– Use the Control::SetName() method to set a name.

– Get the application pointer using the Application::GetInstance()


– Use the Control::GetControl() method to get the pointer to a

form by name.void



Form *pForm1 = new Form();





Form2::OnActionPerformed(/* …*/ int actionId)


switch(actionId) {

case 0: {

Application *pApp = Application::GetInstance();

Frame *pFrame = pApp->GetAppFrame()->GetFrame();

Form *pForm1 = (Form *)pFrame->GetControl(“Form1”);






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Drawing Controls (1/2)

• Control::Draw() method

– Draws the control to the window canvas.

• Control::Show() method

– Causes the contents of the canvas to be actually copied to displayable

frame buffer.

• Control::RequestRedraw() method

– Request an asynchronous event that invokes the Draw() and Show()


– RequestRedraw() posts an event in the event queue and returns

immediately, so it is recommended to use this method in various

callback methods to trigger screen update.

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Drawing Controls (2/2)

• Container::OnDraw() is called when the system or another

container sends a request to paint the application's container.

• If you want to do custom drawing, you have to do it inside the OnDraw() callback.

• Make sure that the GetCavasN() method is used within the

OnDraw() implementation to retrieve the canvas the container is

using, otherwise the default Draw() function of the container will

overwrite the custom drawing.




result r = E_SUCCESS;

Canvas* pCanvas = GetCanvasN();

if (pCanvas) {

// add your drawing code here


if (pCanvas)

delete pCanvas;

// Do not call Show(). It will be called automatically after OnDraw() callback.

return r;


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Showing Controls

• You can change the show state of a control using the Control::SetShowState(bool state) method.

• Changing the show state does not trigger the control to be displayed. To display the control, you must call the Show() method.

• Some controls automatically change their show state to false due

to their internal logic. For example, tapping an area outside a ContextMenu causes the show state to be changed to false.

(This applies to ContextMenu, OptionMenu, MessageBox, Popup

and Keypad.)// How to create an OptionMenu




// Create a ContextMenu

__pOptionMenu = new OptionMenu();


__pOptionMenu->AddItem("Item1", ID_OPTIONMENU_ITEM1);

__pOptionMenu->AddItem("Item2", ID_OPTIONMENU_ITEM2);

// Display the OptionMenu on the display



// How to show or hide an OptionMenu


SampleForm::ShowOptionMenu(bool show)


// Change to show state


// Call the control’s Show() method

if (show == true)


// Call the container’s Show() method




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OverlayPanel (1/3)

• OverlayPanel is a special type of panel which is used to specify a

region where the developer can playback video or show camera


• It is called an overlay because it is possible to overlay other graphics

and controls on top of the panel, as seen below.

• OverlayPanel consists of two layers of the same size: the

foreground panel and background buffer, which supports H/W

accelerated rendering.Foreground Panel

Input Buffer

Masking color

Background Buffer

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OverlayPanel (2/3)

Input buffer

Source width

Source height

Destination width

Destination is positioned in the center of the background buffer.

Background buffer

Destination height

The following attributes can be adjusted when pixels are copied from

the input buffer to the background buffer:

– Size of the destination rectangle

– Rotation and flip

– Aspect ratio (whether the original aspect ratio of the input buffer is

retained or not)

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Backgroundbuffer size

Rotation Retainingaspect ratio


OverlayPanel (3/3)

50x50 50x50 80x80

50x50 50x50 80x80

50x50 80x50 80x80


Rotate 90°

Rotate 180°




50x50 50x80 80x80 Flip horizontally


The following table shows the different combinations of attributes:

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Event Handling

• You must define listeners for controls in order to handle events.

• All controls can have drag and drop, focus, key, and touch listeners.

• Controls also have other listeners depending on their specific needs.














listener call flow

Select by


Click by


Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop

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• All controls share some common listeners, but each control has

listeners that it specifically needs.

• Some listeners, such as IActionEventListener, are shared by

many controls. Others, such as IFlashEventListener, are

specific to only 1 control.

• Avoid using synchronous blocking calls in the event handler


UI listeners

IActionEventListener IExpandableItemEventListener ISlidableGroupedListEventListener

IAdjustmentEventListener IFlashEventListener ISlidableListEventListener

IAnimationEventListener IFocusEventListener ITextEventListener

IColorChangeEventListener IGroupedItemEventListener ITimeChangeEventListener

ICustomItemEventListener IItemEventListener ITouchEventListener

IDateChangeEventListener IKeyEventListener IWindowEventListener

IDragDropEventListener IOrientationEventListener

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Using IActionEventListener

• The IActionEventListener is an example of a listener that is

shared by many controls. It is used by:

– Button

– CheckButton

– ContextMenu

– OptionMenu

– Tab

• You must set action IDs inside of the above controls to receive them back in the OnActionPerformed() event handler. This allows

you to track actions and uniquely determine which control’s

associated functionality you need to run.

• By using unique action IDs, you only need a single IActionEventListener to handle events inside of an application.



(1) Do X()

(25) Do Y()

(39) Do Z()


(N) Do N()

Button: actionId = 1

CheckButton: actionId = 25

Menu item 4: actionId = 39

Tab item 3: actionId = N


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Using Other Listeners

• While many other listeners are shared between different controls,

not all listeners implement a unique ID to track which control was

responsible for an event.

• You can still track which control was responsible for an event as all

event handlers contain a calling control reference in their signatures:

– const Osp::Ui::Control &source

• The exception to this is IWindowEventListener. Instead of a

calling control reference, it contains a reference to the calling Osp::Ui::Window.


Control &source:

(Button1) Do X()

(CheckButton25) Do Y()

(MenuItem43) Do Z()


(ControlN) Do N()






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Custom Event

You can create custom events using Control::SendUserEvent().

– It is recommended to use this for inter-form communication (preferred over using

global variables to share data).

– It can also be used for inter-thread communication. UI handling should be done

in the main application thread. If the application spawns a thread, calling the SendUserEvent() method in that thread will cause a thread context change,

and the OnUserEventReceived() callback will be called in the main

application context.

RequestId reqIdCreatePopup = 10;


Form1::OnUserEventReceived(RequestId reqId,

IList *pArgs)


if (reqId == reqIdCreatePopup) {

// Do CreatePopup() action here



RequestId reqIdCreatePopup = 10;


Form2::OnActionPerformed(/* … */, int actionId)


switch(actionId) {

case 10: {

Application *pApp = Application::GetInstance();

Frame *pFrame = pApp->GetAppFrame()->GetFrame();

Form* pForm1 = pFrame->GetControl(“Form1”);pControl->SendUserEvent(reqIdCreatePopup, null);




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XML UI Builder

You can utilize UI Builder which is part of the SDK, to design a form and

populate it with various controls.

1. Use UI Builder to design and layout contents of a form. An XML file is


2. Create a form using Form::Construct(L”<filename>”);

3. Use Control::GetControl() to get a pointer to the control you

want to use.

pForm->Construct(L”IDF_FORM”); // XML filename is IDF_FORM.xml

// All the controls are already added to the form at this point.

// There is no need to do pForm->AddControl(…).

// Add listeners

pForm->AddSoftkeyActionListener(SOFTKEY_0, *this);


// To access a control within the form, use its ID defined in the UI Builder

// to get a pointer to it. This information can only be gotten from the Frame.

Button *pButton = (Button *)pForm->GetControl(“IDC_BUTTON”);

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Sample Application: “BasicApp”

• Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Samples\BasicApp\src.

• BasicApp shows:

– How to develop a UI application.

– How to create forms. You can see how to:

• Create a form with code, or with XML

• Create a button for a form.

• Add a listener to a button.

• Handle orientation

• Handle custom drawing

• A reference implementation for managing multiple forms

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• Who is responsible for deleting UI controls?

– You must create all Forms and all controls on the heap. However, once

the controls have been added to the Form (or container), and the Form

attached to the Frame, the application framework does all the deleting

when the application terminates.

• What is the difference between a Form and a Panel?

– Both are containers. That is, they can contain controls, such as Buttons and Lists.

– Only a Form can be added to a Frame window.

– A Form can have a title bar, indicator bar, and soft keys.

– A Panel is a general control container, and must be added to another

container, such as a Form.

• Is the List item format fixed?

– Yes. There are 11 pre-defined formats in Osp::Ui::Controls::ListItemFormat.

– For custom item formats, use a CustomList control.

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1. Which is a superset of which? Container or Control?

2. Name the event types that are common to all controls.

3. Name the 3 basic layers.

4. What control would you use to play a video in?

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1. Neither is a superset. Container inherits from Control and

contains methods that Control does not contain. Trick question.

2. Drag and drop, key, focus, touch.

3. Frame, Form, and Control.

4. OverlayPanel.

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Contents (1/2)

• Essential Classes

• Relationships between Classes

• Overview

• Color

• BufferInfo

• Bitmap

– Example: Create a Bitmap

– Example: Stretch a Bitmap

• Shapes

– Example: Draw a Rectangle

– Example: Draw Text

• Canvas

• EnrichedText

– Example: Draw an EnrichedText

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Contents (2/2)

• OpenGL®


– OpenGL® ES

– Open GL® ES Versions and Download

– Sample Application: “GlesCube”

– Sample Application: “GlesCube11”

– Sample Application: “GlesCube11 – Pixmap”


• Review

• Answers

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Feature Provided by

Provides an ordered pair to represent a coordinate on a 2D Cartesian plane. Point

Provides an ordered pair to represent a height and width measurement. Dimension

Provides a rectangle object for drawing with. Rectangle

Provides methods to store and manipulate a 32-bit color. Color

Provides font information and attributes. Font

Provides a spatially arranged array of pixel data along with attributes. Color bit-depth can vary

up to a maximum of 32 bits.


Provides a surface to draw on or render graphics or video on. Canvas

Provides methods to draw text with various fonts of different font face, style and size. EnrichedText

Provides methods to store the characteristics of text elements. TextElement

Provides additional information about the canvas. BufferInfo

Essential Classes

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Relationships between Classes

Font Canvas Bitmap

Dimension PointRectangle




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• The Graphics namespace contains classes and interfaces that

provide 2D/3D graphics, text, and imaging features.

• Key features include:

– Drawing basics:

• Point, arc, ellipse, rectangle, polygon, text, and bitmap

• Colors, fills, and line styles

– Vector fonts

– Bitmaps with alpha

– OpenGL®


• OpenGL® ES 1.1

• OpenGL® ES 2.0

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• bada uses 32-bit ARGB color by default, and automatically down-

samples for devices with lower color depth. Each channel occupies

8 bits for a range of 0~255 (0x00~0xFF).

• The following color-wheels show 24-bit color (16,777,216 colors)

fading to black and white.


(0, 0, 255)


(255, 0, 0)


(0, 255, 0)


(0, 255, 255)


(255, 255, 0)


(255, 0, 255)


(255, 255, 255)


(0, 0, 0)


(0, 0, 255)


(0, 128, 0)

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BufferInfo holds buffer information for canvases and bitmaps.

Attribute Description

bitsPerPixel Buffer bits per pixel

pixelFormat Buffer color format

pPixels Buffer starting pointer

pitch Length of buffer scan-line in bytes

width Width of buffer's logical dimensions in pixels

height Height of buffer's logical dimensions in pixels


ht o

f pare

nt b







Width of parent buffer Pixel format Description

PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 Pixel format is RGB565

PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888 Pixel format is ARGB8888

PIXEL_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8Pixel format is R8G8B8A8 (byte




8-bit Y-plane followed by 8-bit 2x2

sub-sampled U- and V-planes

PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG JPEG-encoded formats

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Bitmap (1/2)

• Bitmaps represent image data in terms of pixels. Each pixel is

represented with a fixed number of bits.

• Supported bitmap formats:

– RGB565

• Each pixel contains 16 bits of color information.

– ARGB8888

• Each pixel contains 32 bits of color information (24 RGB bits + 8 alpha bits).

• Alpha is supported, so images with transparency attributes can be displayed.

– R8G8B8A8

• Similar format as ARGB8888, except for the color component order.

• Used only for OpenGL® ES texture.

Bitmap format Description

BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 Pixel format is RGB565

BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888 Pixel format is ARGB8888

BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8 Pixel format is R8G8B8A8 (byte ordering)

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• Bitmaps can be constructed from several sources:

• You can manipulate bitmaps:

– You can scale a bitmap to a different height and width.

– You can merge part or all of a bitmap onto a bitmap, and specify where

the bitmap data is placed on the target bitmap.

• You can directly read and write in bitmaps using locks:

– Inside a Bitmap::Lock() and Bitmap::Unlock() code block, you

can use BufferInfo to directly read and write pixel data. Ensure that

you call Bitmap::Unlock()after you are finished so that you release

the lock.

Source Description

Memory From a memory buffer that contains raw data

Canvas From a rectangular area on a canvas

Screen From a rectangular area on the screen

Bitmap From a rectangular area in a bitmap

Bitmap (2/2)

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Example: Create a Bitmap

Draw a simple house and create a bitmap from the canvas. – Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication\src

\GraphicsExample.cpp, CreateBitmapN()

1. Construct and clear a canvas: Canvas::Construct()Canvas::Clear()

2. Create the 4 vertices of the polygon as points: Point(20, 20)Point(80, 20)Point(90, 40)Point(10, 40)

3. Add the points to an IList.

4. Draw a filled polygon with the list of points:Canvas::FillPolygon(COLOR_BLUE, points)

5. Draw a filled rectangle: Canvas::FillRectangle(COLOR_RED, rectangle)

6. Show the canvas to the display: Canvas::Show()

7. Create a bitmap from the portion of the canvas with the image: Bitmap::Construct(canvas, Rectangle(10, 20, 80, 60))

(20, 20) (80, 20)

(90, 40)(10, 40)

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Example: Stretch a Bitmap

Get a bitmap and stretch it onto a rectangle.

(Use the bitmap from the previous example.)

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication

\src\GraphicsExample.cpp, DrawBitmap()

1. Construct and clear a canvas: Canvas::Construct()


2. Create rectangle for the bitmap: Rectangle(10, 10, 300, 300)

3. Get the bitmap from the previous example: CreateBitmapN()

4. Display the bitmap: Canvas::DrawBitmap(rectangle, bitmap)

5. Show the canvas to the display:Canvas::Show()

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Shapes (1/3)

The following data structures are used in drawing shapes:

– Point

– Dimension

– Rectangle






(x, y)height



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Shapes (2/3)

• Rectangle is used on canvases with bitmaps to draw shapes or

simply to define areas.

• The two most important parts of a rectangle are its upper left corner,

and its dimensions. These define its size and location.

• The rectangle’s position can be set either with a set of X and Y coordinates, or with a Point (an X and Y ordered pair).

• Similarly, the rectangle’s size can be set with a height and width, or with a Dimension (an X and Y ordered pair).


Top left corner



Bottom right corner

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Shapes (3/3)

• All common shapes are relegated to being drawn using a Canvas.

• Some of the shapes that you can draw using a canvas include:

• While text is not a shape in the same sense as the other shapes,

drawing text onto a canvas is done the same way.

Arc Polygon Round rectangle

Ellipse Polyline Text

Line Rectangle Triangle

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Example: Draw a Rectangle

Draw a 100x100 rectangle at (50,50) in red with no fill.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication

\src\GraphicsExample.cpp, DrawRectangle()

1. Construct a canvas: Canvas::Construct()

2. Clear the canvas: Canvas::Clear()

3. Set the line color to red: Canvas::SetForegroundColor()

4. Draw a rectangle onto the canvas: Canvas::DrawRectangle()

5. Show the canvas to the display: Canvas::Show()

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Example: Draw Text

Print “Hello World” in italic, 32 pt.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication

\src\GraphicsExample.cpp, DrawText()

1. Construct a canvas.

2. Construct a font with style and size: Font::Construct(FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, 32)

3. Clear the canvas: Canvas::Clear()

4. Set the font to the canvas: Canvas::SetFont(font)

5. Draw “Hello World” onto the canvas: Canvas::DrawText(L”Hello World”)

6. Show the canvas to the display: Canvas::Show()

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Canvas (1/3)

The following image illustrates the hierarchy and rectangular canvas area

where all graphics are rendered.


Device screen


Used to draw

primitives on

a canvas.

Frame buffer



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Canvas (2/3)

• A canvas contains settings that are used in drawing operations:

• Canvas:– Explicitly created using Canvas::Construct().

– Unknown to the window manager, so it can both overwrite other windows or be overwritten.

– Not recommended for general use, but is provided as a simple way to get a canvas.

• Window Canvas:– Retrieved from UI controls, for example,


– Managed by the system's window manager, so changes to the window are properly reflected in window canvases.

Setting attribute Description

Foreground color Drawing color for primitives

Background color Background color for clearing

Line style Line style (only Solid)

Line width Line width for primitives with a line style

Font Font used for text drawing

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Canvas (3/3)

If a device supports less than 24-bit color, the color is automatically

down-sampled, and the alpha channel is unavailable.

PrimitiveLine style Fill style

CommentWidth Join end Solid Solid

Pixel ­ ­ ­ ­

Line O Round O ­

Polyline O Round O ­

Triangle O Round O O

Rectangle O ­ O O Normal or Rounded styles

Ellipse O ­ O O

Arc O Round O O Arc, Chord, and Pie styles

Polygon O Round O O

Text ­ ­ ­ OForeground color used for text drawing

Direction, Underline, and Strikeout

Bitmap ­ ­ ­ ­

16-bit bitmap (with masking color)

32-bit bitmap (with alpha channel)

Normal, Scale, Partial, and Scale


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EnrichedText (1/2)

• EnrichedText supports text with various styles, that is, font, color, and


• An EnrichedText consists of several TextElements, each of which

encapsulates the text attributes, such as the actual string and font style.

• You can manipulate the attributes of EnrichedText and TextElement.

Attributes of EnrichedText Description

Horizontal alignment Left, center, or right

Vertical alignment Top, middle, or bottom

Text wrapping style None, character wrap, or word wrap

Abbreviation Whether the drawn text is abbreviated in case the text size exceeds the

dimension of EnrichedText

Attributes of TextElement Description

Font size and style The font size and style: plain, bold or italic

Text color The foreground color of the text element

Background color The background color of the text element

Outline color The outline color of the text element

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EnrichedText (2/2)

EnrichedText can be drawn using a canvas:

pEnrichedText->Construct(Dimension(width, height));

pCanvas->DrawText(Point(left, top), *pEnrichedText);

Point(left, top)





Size of EnrichedText• Left horizontal alignment• Abbreviation on

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Example: Draw an EnrichedText

Draw an EnrichedText.

– Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\UIApplication

\src\GraphicsExample.cpp, DrawEnrichedText()

1. Create an EnrichedText:


2. Set the attributes of the EnrichedText:


3. Create and add TextElements to the EnrichedText:



4. Set the attributes of the TextElement, that is, the color

and font:



5. Construct and clear a canvas.

6. Display the EnrichedText:

Canvas::DrawText(Point(10, 10), *pEnrichedText)

7. Show the canvas on the display.

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EGL (1/2)

• EGL:

– Manages contexts and drawing surfaces for OpenGL® ES.

– Connects OpenGL® ES to the underlying window system and rendering APIs.

– Allows writing mostly-portable OpenGL® ES-based applications.

– Does not provide indirect (remote) rendering.

– Only binds one context to a rendering surface at a time.

– Supports single buffered rendering for pixmaps or back buffered rendering for windows and pbuffers.

– Has limited ability to mix native and OpenGL® ES rendering in the same window.

• Similarities:

– Conceptually the same as GLX (X windows) and WGL (MS windows).

– API is based on a simplified and restricted form of GLX.

– Similar data types:

• Displays

• Contexts

• Surfaces (drawables)

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EGL (2/2)

• Mixing rendering:

– A pbuffer surface is an EGL Surface that is not associated with any

corresponding native object.

– Pbuffer surfaces do not support native rendering.

– Window surfaces support native rendering only after GL drawing is

finished and the result posted to the visible native window.

– Pixmap surfaces support native rendering if eglWaitGL() and

eglWaitNative() are used appropriately.

• The EGL version depends on the underlying mobile platform. You can use eglInitialize() and eglQueryString() at run-time

to determine which version of EGL is available.

• Details are available from the KhronosGroup website:

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OpenGL® ES

OpenGL® ES:

– Is the industry standard API for embedded graphics.

– Is the “official” OpenGL® subset, created with the blessing and

cooperation of the OpenGL® ARB.

– Eliminates redundancy and unneeded features to offer a significant size


– Provides full functionality for 3D games.

– Is the most widely available cross-platform graphics API.

– Is royalty-free for the embedded industry.

Eliminate Redundancy

Eliminate Workstation Functionality


Feedback and Ratification



Small Footprint

OpenGL ®Khronosgroup

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OpenGL® ES Versions and Download

• OpenGL® ES 1.1 is for fixed function hardware and offers

acceleration, image quality and performance.

– Details are available from the KhronosGroup website:

• OpenGL® ES 2.0 enables fully programmable 3D graphics.

– Details are available from the KhronosGroup website:

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Sample Application: “GlesCube” (1/2)

• Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Samples\GlesCube\src.

– GlesCube.cpp

– Required headers and libraries:

• FGraphicsOpegngl2.h

• FGraphicsEgl

• FGraphicsOpengl

• GlesCube shows:

– Basic OpenGL® ES 2.0 usage.

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Sample Application: “GlesCube” (2/2)

The GlesCube application follows these basic steps using the specified


1. Initialize EGL.

• eglCreateWindowSurface()

2. Initialize GL.

• glCompileShader()

• glCreateProgram()

• glAttachShader()

• glLinkProgram()

• glUseProgram()

3. Start the timer to update the GL scene.

4. Draw.

• glDrawElements()

5. Update the screen.

• eglSwapBuffers()

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Sample Application: “GlesCube11” (1/2)

• Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Samples\GlesCube11\src.

– Related headers and libraries:

• FGraphicsOpegngl.h

• FGraphicsEgl

• FGraphicsOpengl

• GlesCube11shows:

– Basic OpenGL® ES 1.1 usage.

– Pbuffer usage.

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Sample Application: “GlesCube11” (2/2)

The GlesCube application follows these basic steps using the specified


1. Initialize EGL.

• eglCreateWindowSurface()

2. Initialize GL.

• eglCreatePbufferSurface()

• glGenTextures()

• glBindTexture()

• glTexImage2D()

• glFrustum()

3. Start the timer to update the GL scene.

4. Draw.

• glDrawElements()

5. Update the screen.

• eglSwapBuffers()

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Sample Application: “GlesCube11 - Pixmap” (1/2)• Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Samples\GlesCube11\src.

– Related headers and libraries:

• FGraphicsOpegngl.h

• FGraphicsEgl

• FGraphicsOpengl

• GlesCube11 shows:

– Basic OpenGL® ES 1.1 usage.

– Pixmap usage.

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Sample Application: “GlesCube11 - Pixmap” (2/2)The GlesCube application follows these basic steps using the specified


1. Initialize EGL.

• eglCreateWindowSurface()

2. Initialize GL.

• eglCreatePixmapSurface()

• glFrustum()

3. Start the timer to update the GL scene.

4. Draw.

• glDrawElements()

5. Update the screen.

• eglUpdateBufferOSP()

• Canvas::DrawBitmap()

• Canvas::Show()

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• How can I draw a JPG or PNG image?

– Use Media::Image to decode image files to Bitmap objects.

• Why are my drawings not being displayed?

– Make sure that you call Canvas::Show() to display the canvas.

• Why is a pixel color different from what I set?

– Colors are automatically down-sampled for devices with a lower color bit-depth. This can cause some loss of fidelity. For example, down-sampling 24-bit color to 16-bit color causes a loss of 8 bits in fidelity.

• Why am I getting an “Emulator failure. Could not initialize OGL entry point: glBindBuffer,” error and having other problems using OpenGL® ES 2.0?

– Your graphics hardware must support OpenGL® 2.1 to use OpenGL®ES 2.0, and support OpenGL® 1.5 to use OpenGL® ES 1.1.

• Can I use compressed textures for OpenGL® 1.1 or 2.0?

– Yes. The supported compressed texture formats are PVRTC and ETC. The bada SDK includes a command line tool to compress your texture files into PVRTC or ETC textures.

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1. How big is the default bada color space?

2. What happens if a device only supports a lower color space than

the default bada color space?

3. Which type can be added to itself? Color, Dimension, Point,


4. How do you display a PNG image?

5. What are the different kinds of canvases?

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1. 32 bits (ARGB).

2. All colors are down-sampled.

3. Only Points can be added to other Points. Adding dimensions

cannot be done as an addition since that is ambiguous. Adding

rectangles is either nonsensical or ambiguous. Colors can be

added, but it requires mixing. There is no support in bada for

adding colors.

4. Decode it using the Media::Image class then draw it onto a


5. Window and normal.

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