b00k of school

BOOK OF SCHOOL H. Van Doren 1973 INTRODUCTION The present volume collection of school books that circulated in early 1973 between the working groups. Those were intended to present the issues that were developed in each case by competent speakers. In edited all the books in a book, maintains the original diversity while giving the official version so upset today by successive copies and endorsements were added when passing from hand to hand. Anyone who read this book without having participated in related developments, would encounter serious difficulties in understanding and presenting him repugnant elements that seem to accept large numbers of cases without analysis. Happen, if so, what happens if we are faced with something out of a larger context. It is clear therefore that this work is an instrument designed solely to move between groups.'s Notebook No. 1: “Pure Form”has not changed. Complements the book “Transcendental Meditation.” notebook No. 2: “The Method” has been elirninado Annex “The Movement” and the No. 3 “The Transmutation” ;has not been modified. Both are complement the book “Poetic Minor” ;Booklet No. 4: “ General” has been revised in some points, adapting to audiovisual put into circulation under the title: “School Ternas” ;Booklet No. 5 has not been modified. The book is No. 6 has added a new annex is excerpt from the book I Gin Ta Hua Chinese Dsung Dschi. complement the book “The Inner Look. For últirno, notebook No. 7 “Art, Science, Trades and Schools” , has undergone formal variations, but not substance. H.van Doren Santiago, May 1973 Notebook # 1: The Pure Form

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This translated e-book, from spanish to engish can be used as a reference material for those who are involved in DISCIPLINE WORK IN 'SCHOOL OF DISCIPLINES'.


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H. Van Doren



The present volume collection of school books that circulated in early 1973 between the working groups. Those were intended to present the issues that were developed in each case by competent speakers. In edited all the books in a book, maintains the original diversity while giving the official version so upset today by successive copies and endorsements were added when passing from hand to hand.

Anyone who read this book without having participated in related developments, would encounter serious difficulties in understanding and presenting him repugnant elements that seem to accept large numbers of cases without analysis. Happen, if so, what happens if we are faced with something out of a larger context. It is clear therefore that this work is an instrument designed solely to move between groups.'s

Notebook No. 1: “Pure Form”has not changed. Complements the book “Transcendental Meditation.”

notebook No. 2: “The Method” has been elirninado Annex “The Movement” and the No. 3 “The Transmutation” ;has not been modified. Both are complement the book “Poetic Minor” ;Booklet No. 4: “ General” has been revised in some points, adapting to audiovisual put into circulation under the title: “School Ternas” ;Booklet No. 5 has not been modified.

The book is No. 6 has added a new annex is excerpt from the book I Gin Ta Hua Chinese Dsung Dschi. complement the book “The Inner Look. For últirno, notebook No. 7 “Art, Science, Trades and Schools” , has undergone formal variations, but not substance.

H.van Doren Santiago, May 1973

Notebook # 1: The Pure Form

There were no existent nor non-existent. There was no realm of air, no sky beyond it. What was in it and where? And what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? There was no death then, nor was there anything immortal, there were not any signs, which divide the day and night. That something, breathless, breathed by its own nature. Apart from that, there was nothing.

(From “The Canticle of Creation”; - Veda X, 129)

1.Usually relates to how the mode of visual perception. We know that perceptions are not oniy received through sight and feeling (structured by consciousness), but are received by the other senses. According

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to this, the shapes of objects can affect both color and length as the overall sound, taste, etc. Also can speak of the representation of forms, through acts of memory or imaginative acts. There are cases that arise in ways that are representations of inner feelings, as in many dreams and daydreams. With the things, ways are the structures of perception (or representation) and not, of course, the structures of the objects .

2. Of the same object can be taken different forms depending on the channels of feeling used, depending on the perspective on the object and the type of structure which makes the conscience. Altered consciousness, for example, alter the ways that normal consciousness delivery on their perceptions and usual representations. Therefore can not be neglected structure of the consciousness by studying the forms. The various levels of consciousness put, each its own formal setting. Each level (overly simplified), proceeds as typical field structure that is linked to forms also features.

3. Exemplifying: At the level of deep sleep, acts of reasoning and in general, long logical sequences are absent. Rather, there are acts of memory and associations criticized. In general, partnerships are multiplying rapidly, and merge images or differ in unpredictable sequences. Awareness of own ego and self is absent horn appears as seen from "outside" or sometimes seen in "other" or "other." Mechanics observed by some psychological currents is in sleep or verifiable. It lists the displacement, dramatization, secondary elaborations, etc..

4. The emotional tone that is associated with representations do not necessarily match the same way as in the waking state. Thus, images that provoke fear in waking, in sleep are stimulants and liberating or reverse Ia: words or deeds insignificant charge have symbolic value and emotional burden disproportionate to everyday mentation. The hypnotic power of the dream is exaggerated forms and this is possible by blocking and self-critical events, of acts of reasoning, which are those that let you set parameters, and to draw comparisons in the ordinary mentation.

5. In the structure of this level of consciousness corresponding forms are linked to memories and feelings, both external and the body itself. Internal sensations are amplified considerably and are associated with characteristic representations and emotional tones. The forms of the complex "world" are emerging in the vitality diffused, non-exempt, at times, colorful, beauty and meaning.

6. Sleep forms have real psychological existence, moving many of them more conscious level, but losing its power of suggestion and its central location. In that sense, we can not say that dreams and their forms are unreal, "its not really happening is less than the content of other levels of consciousness. Indeed, the" reality "of waking perception is greater than the dream .

7. In any case, the emerging forms of consciousness (whatever their level of work), they are real structures in the incentive compensation ... We are not saying simply: "answers" to the encouragement, saying: "compensation structure!" The stimulus can be either a sensation, as a representation or an act of reasoning. As long as there are no clear that any form (regardless of the working level of consciousness), is a compensation structuring to stimuli, not discover the relationship

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that may exist between a geometric figure made rationally irrational and symbolic or dreamlike. The form is the object of the act of structuring compensation.

8. The stimulus becomes conscience formed when the structure from its working level. Thus, the same stimulus results in different ways depending on structuring responses to different levels of consciousness. Following this line of thought, podernos say that the different levels of consciousness, fulfill the function of compensating structurally to the world, understood in this case " world "as the sum de.sensaciones, representations, etc., who come (or have come), from the outside through the senses. There are acts of consciousness that are not (originally), supplemented by forms. That kind of pure acts in search of the complete object (which might indicate the corresponding forrna), is the basis of memory.

9. Thus, it is easy to evoke the characteristic work until consciousness "is" the object invoked and stops in the "search", to be completed by the corresponding shape. More can be illustrated this another case of evocation: a person leaves a place with the feeling of having forgotten something. Evocantes Acts target different mental areas to work with "discarded" the representations that emerge and are recognized as inappropriate. The act in search of its object, reject any form which does not correspond to their own field. In this case, the subject recognizes the feeling of "loss" or "forgetting" about the lack of implesión the act with an object and does not stop the widespread "fear" until the true form emerges as the object of the act of structuring compensation.

10. To make a short digression, be advised that the core of ensuefio is not a form or image portrayed, but just the whole mindset working on structuring compensation against the mass of stimuli, with its characteristic tone in every human being. When full consciousness Search the act gives to the core and it appears as form, as image, being eliminated the anxiety that causes this formidable incentive ensueflo kernel. But when the core is formalized, where the act is completed, a new quest begins to develop. The "archetypes" that mention some psychological currents are only those nuclei dream and completed as a form and thus overcome by the awareness up.

11. A strange paradox!, Archetypes fail to act when they are formalized as such, whereas before giving them are not archetypes but images or forms that do not meet at all; diffuse forms not fully completed. Projecting these ideas to a larger scope , you will understand how the mechanics of consciousness seeks total completed in a final order ... there arise the various forms of immortality, never met, because consciousness can not be completed entirely in passing. Immortality is timeless, is the shape of structuring compensation total.

12. It is not enough then, naively infer that the pursuit of immortality is an escape from everyday reality. The search for immortality is in the dynamic structure of consciousness that in its process and its history, is completing his gods interim steps, with distressing archetypes that are crumbling from age to age. In many legends are looking for the "gift" AI happiness, it goes through deserts, caves, mountains and seas, are consulted wise men and magicians, and monsters fighting forces, to give to that imponderable that has the flavor of memory, the same memory of a paradise lost, the same flavor of

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estrangement and pain, which slips into the heart of the great men of his country fallen demigods darkly remembered.

13. Here is the structure projection of the event in search of their subject, specific to the mechanism of evocation, but launched into the future. It is not unusual to find so many otherworldly future theories, the idea of memory, the reunion with the past or the line originating at a point, returns to him, moving forward, describing a circle. Returning to our channel and and a new level of consciousness, we see emergence of new fomas. In the semi-sleep, many ways typical of the previous state can be streamlined and lose their suggestive power, except for some fleeting delusions and hallucinations.

14. At the level of ordinary waking, dream forms do not disappear completely, but no longer had consciousness and emerge fully buffered, without occupying the central position of the supply. Daydreams own side at this level are manifested with typical forms as a result of structuring compensation to stimuli daily.

15. On waking, new forms denote the change in level of work. The forms themselves, relate to more logical. Symbols can be streamlined and synthesize long chains of ideas. Abstract forms emerge of a mathematical and these expressions have meaning more or less fixed. This allows the sciences have their order in expression and meaning, that language is a system of signs for the orderly transmission of ideas and the broad gestures of men, are factors of communication between them.

16. At the level of awareness of Yes, the dreams tend to disappear, cycling intensity, emerging or evanesce according to the intensity of the state achieved. The characteristic forms of this level do not differ significantly from the previous state, except in regard to the release of the suggestive power of dreams and secondary environmental stimuli in general. Self-consciousness, is emerging a general tone of self-observation that characterized by the discovery of the thought-forms, the forms of acts of conscience and the ability to understand the internal mechanisms that are more or less abstract and experienced even if they do not appear as images or representations.

17. Working levels of objective consciousness spring when reflective steps (as in Transcendental Meditation) or suddenly experienced that consciousness and the world are not simply related, but form a real and true structure, which in reality is objective because Ia Consciousness is real and coincides with the world without distorting it. The forms of this level are not representable, hence the language is inadequate for the transmission of such experiences. Some of these forms, embodied in symbols, are attempts to transfer the system of relations, structures and compositions, own level of consciousness objective.

18. When these forms (translated into geometric or visual sense by hearing the music or the poem) are explained, they simply must be seen to approach unrepresentable forms and transcend all fetishism, operating so that the relationships represented (at the beginning gross as exercises for children) is independent of any figure and any notion of "utility" in the investigation of phenomena. Working with "machines" and the application of these forms-devices to the world of phenomena, may be more or less effective if things are coinciding and in that sense, the effort to

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structurally compare the phenomena with these forms, giving skills and expanding the system of relations.

19. If (is good to repeat it), is the feeling fetish evanezca experienced in the manipulation of symbols and figures and understanding of these masses of relationships, structures and compositions, as forms crashes, cartoons horn objective forms. The pure form is not representable, however, is experienced as the object of the act of compensation structure of consciousness in the world is experienced as transcendent reality itself run. This form has the attributes of the level of "Immortality", corresponding concienciatrascendida-the-rest-in full.

20. From the beginning we have referred to emerging forms at varying levels of awareness and development has been made from the psychological standpoint. You should not assume, however, that the phenomena of consciousness and the forms that correspond to them are locked up in that area. It requires, for a good understanding of all this, a structured explanation of physiological phenomena that underlie the activity of consciousness. The most interesting explanation will, no doubt, the bioenergy. And when a level playing pure or transcendental experiences, bioenergetics is not sufficient, will provide support to enter the realm of pure energy Ia.

21. To conclude, we say that based on the experiences of pure form, structure or system morphology and Poetics Mayor sets out general principles and laws of the whole system of thought that allows us to approach the true Reality.

Booklet N ° 2: The Method

The four basic forms of the method used in the letters "T"

N.0 . The point (structure or area. This is a-dimensional)

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N. 1 The circle (or cycle process. Horoscope)

N. 2 mandorla (concomitancia. Tree)

N. 3 The triangle (the transformation. The Enneagram).


(1. The 56 minor cards that follow the first 22 Major Arcana cards.Arcanum is singular, Arcana is plural and the term means "secret." Where the Major Arcana cards are thought of as the "power" cards, the Minor Arcana serve in supportive roles.

Viewed more eclectically, if the Major Arcana could be described as the primary colors brightly painted on the canvas of our lives, then the Minor Arcana are the various hues and shades that offer enhancement and diversity of our life?s design.

The Minor Arcana brings us clarity and definition. These cards are the supportive role-players to the prime archetypes of the Major Arcana. The stage, setting, and supportive actors in our readings; these cards flesh out the big story of what?s going on in our interpretive experiences.

2. The Enneagram


The Enneagram is a popular New Age tool which has found its way into Catholic practices, including parish classes and in retreat programs.

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a circular diagram on which personality types numbered one through nine are symbolically represented at nine equidistant points on the circumference. The numbers are then connected by arrows in significant patterns which point the way to health ("integration") or to neurosis ("disintegration"). Each human personality is said to fall into one of these nine types. This number is said to reveal the hidden motivation for everything a person does. Intelligence is

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given three centers: thought, emotion, and instinct, which are always imbalanced. The result of this imbalance is that a person's "true self" is always hidden beneath a "false self". The Enneagram is supposed to enable a person to gain knowledge of his true self, exposing the true motivations for actions and illusions developed regarding himself and regarding how to deal with the world. Msgr. Smith says:

"Each of the nine personality types (numbered 1 through 9) is described negatively by some compulsion, fixation, or basic driving force to avoid something unpleasant. This compulsion is seen as one's basic psychological orientation. To discover your number, you have to realize what you seek to avoid, what your compulsion is."

The personality types and the animals symbolizing them are:


Personality Type

Related Animal

1. Perfectionist terrier

2. Care Giver cat

3. Achiever peacock

4. Artist basset hound

5. Observer fox

6. Team Player rabbit

7. Optimist monkey

8. Competitor rhinoceros

9. Peacemaker elephant

Essentially the Enneagram is an occult and Gnostic pagan self-centered system.

More and more frequently the Enneagram is sold as a " modern psychological method" to make one "more effective in dealing with others." The "spiritual" connection is downplayed and the secular "business value" is emphasized. With modern "scientific" principles espoused, who could argue with wanting "self-improvement?"

Origin of the Enneagram

First, the Enneagram is derived from a groups called the Sufis, who are a mystical offshoot of Muslims that follow various pagan spiritualities, as will be described. Two non-Catholic men, George Gurdjieff and Oscar Ichazo, were primarily responsible for bringing this system into Western culture in modern times.

"The Enneagram, from the Greek ennea (nine) and gram (line  drawing), is a system of classifying personality types based on the figure of a circle with nine points on it, [each] connected by lines.  Each point stands for an ego-type that has its own distinctive vice and  virtue. Each can get worse by moving against the arrow."

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"I was taught the Enneagram in 1972 while a student in the Jesuit theologate. We used it in our spiritual and social life. But we noticed we were typing people incorrectly, and interest faded. "In the '80s, I saw an Enneagram industry develop, but the  versions being taught were contradictory. So I did research. The  Enneagram is supposed to be ancient Sufi wisdom, thousands of years old. But the Sufis, who are Muslim mystics, aren't that old of a movement. The diagram itself can't be older than the 14th or 15th century. It was discovered in the 1890s in Central Asia by a Greek-Armenian occultist named George Gurdjieff. He got it from a secret brotherhood of Sufis called the Naqshbandi, who were using it for numerological fortune-telling. Gurdjieff, a charlatan and a swindler who was into gnosticism, taught it to his disciples as a symbol of the cosmos. Gurdjieff died in 1949 but left followers. Oscar Ichazo, a Chilean who claimed to have had out-of-body experiences since childhood and studied all sorts of psychic practices, learned the Enneagram from such a group."

"In the 1960s, Ichazo devised a personality system of nine types -- each with its animal totem -- matched to the Enneagram. Esalen Institute psychologist Claudio Naranjo, another admirer of Gurdjieff, collaborated with him. Naranjo spread the Enneagram through Esalen classes."

"There is much in the zeal, devotion and asceticism of Sufis that is admirable. Yet, in contrast to the contemplation and the yearning for holiness of the Muslim mystics of former ages, contemporary Sufism, which claims over 40 million adherents, has become a mix of pantheism, magic and rationalism with a belief in telepathy [ calling it projecting "baraka"], teleportation, foreknowledge, transmigration of souls and a denial of a personal God."

Gurdjieff was the man primarily responsible for transmitting the Enneagram into the West. He was also into occult practices in a major way, which influenced the present day New Age movement:

"[Gurdjieff's writings are] filled with descriptions of planetary influences, astral bodies, clairvoyant and telepathic experiments, and with explanations of the true significance of occult interests such as 'kundalini' and the Tarot."

For Gurdjieff, the Enneagram had secret powers not particularly allied to personality typology. "The Enneagram is a universal symbol," Gurdjieff believed. "All knowledge can be included in the Enneagram and with the help of the Enneagram it can be interpreted."

"The occult also influenced Oscar Ichazo's life and writings. At age six he began having out-of-body experiences, which led to his disillusionment with the Church. He could not accept Catholic teachings on Heaven or hell since he had been there and knew more about it than Christ and the Church. Later he learned that living in one's ego was the real hell. To gain control of his own consciousness, he studied Oriental martial arts, Zen, Andes Indian thought, psychedelic drugs, shamanism, yoga, hypnotism and psychology. He joined esoteric groups in Bolivia and Argentina and traveled to Hong Kong, India and Tibet to study mysticism." [5]

Deceptive Vocabulary

Enneagram terminology sounds Christian, but really is not. This is the same tactic that dissenters have used today, whereby a word's meaning was twisted to sound proper to deceive the reader. Ranaghan observes:

"Redemption, for example, does not mean, among Sufis, the saving action of God in our lives, but 'return from ignorance.' The very worst thing, according to Sufi doctrine, is 'not sin, but ignorance.' All Gnosticism flows from this premise."

Kephart offers a more detailed analysis exposing the pagan mimicking of the Catholic Faith:

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Catholics using the Enneagram talk about things like saints and sin and faith and "fruits of the spirit". Using these words makes it sound legitimate. But they are only adapting these terms to the Enneagram, by giving them different definitions.

The word "saint" is used in the Sufi religion, but can have an entirely different meaning. It has nothing whatever to do with holiness. A Sufi "saint" ("wali") is a person who is illuminated to Reality. This is the word used in the Enneagram (even by Catholics): a "saint" is a person who overcomes his false self and knows and acts according to his true self.

The word "sin" is used a lot, but with a new definition. Sin is not a deliberate transgression of God's law. The word is redefined into personality traits that separate people from God or their real selves. Sin is the sinister motivation everybody has for everything they do, a part of human personality. It must be accepted and brought under control. The number assigned to a person by the Enneagram indicates what their one "root sin" is and will always be. "Sin" is also called "addiction".

"Original Sin" has nothing to do with Adam and Eve. Their "Original Sin" is a psychological condition, meaning that a person is never at any time in his life undamaged or free, but is always exposed to harmful forces. It describes the conditions in the environment which cause the imbalance among the three intelligence centers.

Another term used in the Enneagram is "fruits of the spirit". These have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. In the Enneagram, the fruits of the spirit are good inclinations a person gets according to his number in the Enneagram. The "Holy Spirit" according to the Enneagram is not a Person at all: He is a synonym for "power" or "energy" in Enneagram spirituality (unlike the Father and Son, who are recognized as real persons).

"Prayer" is talked about as part of the Enneagram, but their definition of prayer has nothing to do with God: prayer is absorbing elements from the environment into oneself, or projecting oneself into the environment, or delving into Nothingness. "Redemption" in the Enneagram has nothing whatever to do with Christ. It is the same as maturity, which is what they call freedom from one's "false self" to one's "true self". This true self is also called the "soul", another redefined word. Even "Heaven" is given a new definition: it is only a symbol for the perfection of freedom from one's false self to one's true self.

Two other terms which are given new definitions according to the Enneagram are "faith" and "obedience". According to their definitions, a person cannot have true faith unless he has doubts. A person cannot be truly obedient unless he refuses if he disagrees; in fact, in the very act of defiance, a person is being truly obedient according to the Enneagram's definition of obedience.



22 Arcana Seniors

10 individuals (1-10 letters)

Process 12 times (Letters 11-22)


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56 Minor Arcana

4 sets of 14 cards each

9 enneagram (Letters 1-9: Composition)

5 figures (letters 10 14: level of vibration) (Psychic Complement: the medium)



1 .Question (static)

A) Set the interest and formulate correctly B) Set the field more C) Fix the relationship with the environment D ) Fix the lower area of the field

2 . The process (dynamic)

a.Cycles and rhythms of the larger scope

. periods

. dodecanarios cycles, quaternary, etc.

. rhythms oo, o-, '

b.Relations between the individual and the environment

c.transformations in the individual elements

3. the Triads

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Triads down when it becomes Psychic Alchemy and rise when it becomes Cosmic Psychic. In each triad question in static and dynamic.


The triads go down when the Psychic one turns into Alchemy and they rise when the Psychic one it turns in Cosmic. In every triad he wonders in statics and in dynamics.


The 10 letters from individuals present analogies of different levels.

The 12 letters of the process are prepared also to indicate 3 possible and independent forms of processing:

The lower parts show the whole process of “Alchemical Arts”

The means, the discipline process called “Our Yoga”

The highs, the process of “Transcendental Meditation”

(See: Booklet N ° 3 “transmutation”). But that does not matter here for the management of the Method. For the purpose of various studies and research are taken into account only the morphological designations.

Generation 1 Regression 2 Selection 3 Displacement 4 Instability 5

Trend 6 Plan 7 Polarity 8 Energy 9 Vitality 10

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Condition Fusion Division Dissolution

Activation Circulation Precipitation FORMATION

Mutual understanding/Rapport Des-con-fusión conversion Projection

State material of choice:

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Minimal vibration Adjustment Half Vibration Adjustment Maximum vibration


Individual Membership alchemy one Enneagram sufficient for

Relationship between components first triad. It takes 9 enneagrams Elementary transformation for studies of the second triad.


Organized for

1. any study of the 1st and 2nd triad2. steps A. Transcendental MeditationB. Our YogaC. Alchemical Arts3. analogies to present different levels

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Condition Fusion Division Dissolution

Activation Circulation Precipitation FORMATION

Mutual understanding/Rapport Des-con-fusión conversion Projection

Horoscope: ASTROLOGY traditional symbol (COSMIC)

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. Quad cycles on accommodation

· Cycles: various legal vertical, diagonal, etc.

Example on the ground (tree - the plan )

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1. Birth 2. Youth 3. Maturity

subject relates himself at different times of processing.


12 times (each time one) .

3 (complete systems cosmic process, psychological and alchemical).

Relations of links: As dodecanario processing time (up zig-zag).

Internally in a quadruple: There is a system that goes down from C. to A. and thence to M. as a step that involves and includes the other three (this applies when using only one quad.)

Moments of the process considered as individuals: They are related to other moments in other

planes ( eg.).

Position Relations:

CONJUNCTION (or repetition). After the conjunction (0 °) of the 2nd process with respect to 1, there is a trend in the 2nd to produce the same q ue in the first (determinism of the previous processes).

Trigona (120 ° similarity of individuals “process) affi nity between moments of different levels,

SQUARE (90 ° relationship to a distinguished individual for each plane) = counters;

Opposition (180 ° relationship with an individual of distinction to a different level) = counters or compensates;

Sextile (60 ° relationships with two individuals: one of his flat and one from another plane, although both are individuals similar and different with respect to center).

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The central with respect to the individual in the same plane affinity of the process and saves time difference . The central with respect to individual to another level difference of process and saves time. The sides each time and saved affinity difference process.

Effects of positional relationships:

In CONJUNCTION there is repetition. It has morphological inertia.

TRIGONO can be corrected or strengthening process.

SQUARE there is no freedom of action.

SEXTILE there is no freedom of action, even less with the individual different from another plane.


transmuted: the individual is released from its origin.

Evolutive: the individual is transformed without losing its identity.

Regressive: the individual regresses.

Crystallisation: the subject is fixed.


A) The angle of the triangle circle at C. designates the position of the quad (left A., above S., and C. right).

The circle even in the square denotes the position of the letter in the quad (left-down M.; left-up C.; right S.-up, and right-down A). should be read in first and then the TRIANGLE SQUARE.

B) Each letter planes divide and connect with one another. Thus the central level to connect to the C. eg. cosmic letter designates the midplane to connect with the other two, designated a letter psychic. Always means that designates the level where he is located.

C) The reading goes from Aries to Pisces rising (provided that such evolutionary processes and transmuted).


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THE TREE: KABALAH traditional symbol (Psychic)


1. Polarity 2. Plan 3. Selection 4. Instability 5. Energy 6. Generation 7. Trend

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8. Moving or turning 9. Regression 10. Vitality

Caminos (Example of mental states) 11. Autonomy 12. Unit 13. Supplementation 14. Chance 15. Evolution 16. Purpose 17. Address

Purification / O \ Confusion

18. Premeditation 19. Volubility 20. Try 21. Doom 22. Improvisation 23. 24 Dispersion. Degradation 25. Fall 26. Resolution 27. Frustration 28. Remorse 29. Conservation 30. Resentment 31. Mutation 32. Death


Example: glands

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RHS- GONADS & OVARY, Liver, THYROID, Pituitary- Pineal

Example of mental levels

Sleep, semisleep , ordinary waking/vigil, self-consciousness, objective consciousness

Ray descending Ray ascending

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Both beams have the same horizontal direction and at the end of fork.


Severity / understanding



Example plant (tree)

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LHS- Water, Light and temperature, Fertilizers(Or to comply with this role)

RHS-Regression - Other elements of life (-),Soil, Atmosphere and pressure, Disinfectants (or to fulfill that role), Vitality - Other elements of life (+)




The eighth and development of the half from altered (and alter) with those coming from other means.

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(Sequence: DO1/RE/MI-CHOQUE-FA/SOL/LA / SI ...............................................^ DO2 / RE / MI-SHOCK-FA / SOL / LA / SI

.................................... DO3/RE/MI/FA/SOL / LA / SI)


The Enneagram: Traditional symbolic alchemy (Alchemy)

composition of the individual machine. Interconnected constituents, listed in microsystem. Elements that modify components and allow the internal transformation of the individual.


order of the internal process

inputs and / or outputs of elements, only for 3, 6 and 9. Sometimes an item to go through the components, modified and reaches a level of another input undergoes further processing by the action of entering new element, this phenomenon is called “shock”

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Micro-relationship between the components in sequence 142 857


Example plant (tree)

1. Estate (absorption)

2 green stem (conduction and photosynthesis - respiration)

3 Light and air

4. leaves (photosynthesis - respiration and perspiration - glucose production)

5 Apical Meristem (production of auxins and hormonal regulation - growth in height)

6 Temperature (chemosynthesis)

7 Cambium (flower and fruit - growth in width)

8 Marrow - roots - and support storage (starch)

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Drive systems:

....... Xylem:SAP raw inorganic

------ phloem : sap produced and organic

Cuaderno N ° 3: Transmutation


THE TRANSMUTATIONFew SCHOOL NOTEBOOK pages related to mental, energy and

material disciplines






Alkaest Azoth Solids Gases Liquids

S.I. S.E. I E M



Plumb saltNitro







Inertia Movement Influene Radiation Life

Sex Selectors Adhesors Elevators Somatic

Copper Antimony CrucibleMagnet



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Condition Fusion Division Dissolution

To learn how to see

To see in everithing the


To see in the senses the conscience

To see in the consncience the


Magician and his ambit

Accumulation Disconnection Ascent

Preparation Mortification Separation 3 R - Rebis

Activation Circulation Precipitation Formation

To see in the memory the


See in tendency the enchainment

See in enchainment the


See the permanent in one and everything

Evanescence Recuperation Fixation Concentration

FermentationDistillation & rectification

Dryness and cleansing

Coagulation and sublimaction

Compenetration De-confusion Conversion Projection

See the permanent form in action

See what is not Form-


See what is and what is not as the


See in one and in everything, the


2nd. Accumulation Separation Transformation Projection

2nd. Conjunction Resurrection Transmutation Multiplication


They are independent of each other but take the same form. They represent three different possibilities of transformation.

Description of the process of the three transmutative lines.

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A)Trascendental Meditation (to learn how to see)Attention to perception, eliminating representations, associations, etc. Only attention plus perception.

B) Our Yoga(preparation of the Magician and his ambit [mars - venus])Feelings and sentiments are free of implications alien to the Work. Se crea un ámbito físico y espacial adecuado y depurado (abluciones, apoyo de sahumerios, etc.). A sort of psychic 'admixture' between

and , and a total agreement of intentions for the entire process is required. 'Psychic admixture' means to obtain the same physical and mental tone before the [conjunction].

C) Alchemy (preparation and ablution - the mirror).

Preparation of the ambit, cleansing of and , and mixture in the right proportion: 1:3.


A) T.M. (see in everything the senses). In every perceived thing lies sensation (the sensory data) + the object or thing. F.i.: the perception of a tree, what the tree is in itself (?). Tactile, auditory, visual, sensations, etc., give different results from the same object since we have only partial perceptions of it. This fact enchains all knowledge to the senses.

B) O.Y. (accumulation)First [conjunction] or first physical [conjunction]. The intent is to elevate temperature in the energy production centre, slowly and moderately. When the process stabilises, our [fire] is increased and so forth, until symptoms of lack of control appear. Sensation-colour is used as support.

C) A.(mortification and calcination - the key).The androgynous in the bath with the key. Solution 1:2. Wheel-fire. Rainbow. The Flag.


A) T.M. (see in the senses the conscience).In every perception there is a structure that is not in the senses but in the conscience, i.e. a tree, for the different sensations are organised as perception and this perception is organised as a structure or major ambit (consciousness). Now, one must distinguish the structure that organises consciousness from the sensory perceptions. Besides, one must (and this is all-important), effect the division and not only to

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understand it. B) O.Y. (disconnection).

On the one hand from the physical source of stimulus and on the other, from stimulating images and sensations, keeping only the former focalised in the pivot point. The stimulus-image has disappeared and what remains is the support-image or colour, reinforcing the sensation.

C) A. (Separation of the Red Salt - the dagger).Previous separation of the galls with the key (1:3). Evaporation below 100ºC. Successive triturations and washings until obtention of fixed salt.


A) T.M. (to see in consciousness, memory).It is observed that in every perception are the senses, that consciousness organises the data of the senses, and finally these data are organised in the conscience have structure to representation or to memories of previous perceptions, Thus, conscience organises and recognises thanks to memory, to previous recordings. Now, this steps demands the effort of remaining only with conscience and its representations or, in other words, with conscience and its representation-images + the attention on them.

B) O.Y. (ascent)Sensations are elevated, overcoming the obstacles which must be dissolved until reaching the cuspide and obtaining the 'light' in the head.

C) A. (the pomegranate). Our [ ] or [ ] in vulgar [ ] (perfect mixture 1:3). Division in three groups (1R the mirror; 2R the mirror in its blood; 3R the third mirror in its blood or in its third group). In the mirror the fire is regulated with the witnesses around the egg's collar. Test: with the three acids and vulgar .


A) T.M. (to see in memory the tendency).Observation of the 'mental form' not as representation but as an act that tends to link to a representation object. Therefore, the tendency is observed in representations. The tendency effort shows the memory tendency (representations) to emerge completing acts.

B) O.Y. (evanescence).The colour-sensations shine or lose naturally their strength until they dissapear.

C) A. (fermentation - the lion)

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Trituration of [ ] in [ ] and perfect mixture. Introduction in the H2S04 bath, fermentation and then vulgar [ ] until violent reaction. Let it cool shaking until precipitation of grey powder. Wash and dry with vulgar water (through evaporation), wheel-fire until calcination grey-white powder.


A) T.M.(To see in tendency the enchainment). It is observed that even disregarding representation, the effort to eliminate them appears as expectation, as an instance where one gets or not such a state, as guided but determined attention. In brief: the experiences, the mental resistances, and the efforts are observed as 'force' or 'tendency' to which consciousness is enchained and without which it seems not to have an organised structure. This step seems to indicate that without 'tendency' in general, consciousness cannot act. But it is of little consequence to reach these conclusions or to describe that mental situation but rather to realise the 'mechanicity' of thinking, or in other words, to attend to the enchainment of consciousness or to the opposition of 'tendency'.

B) O.Y. (recovering). When tension falls one goes back to the production centre, recovering all kinds of sensations (without new stimuli in that centre).

C) A. (distillation and rectification - the swan and the ray). Mixture, sulpho-nitric solution 1:2, the swan, outcome the salt (simple saturation of sulpho-nitric vapor in the substance. Mortify the substance with fire and in case of not being attacked: salt in solution and fire.


A) T.M. (to see in the enchainment that which is permanent). It is observed that notwithstanding the variations of expectations, of 'resistance' of the consciousness instances, what is permanent is the enchainment.

B) O.Y. (fixation) A new fall in the image-sensation is produced and the effort is directed to keep in the cuspide a 'tone' of tension, independently of images.

C) A. (drying and washing - rain of stars). Washing in H2O and precipitation, drying and vapour washing. Grey powder. Reiterations.


A) T.M. (to see what is permanent in one and everything). It is observed that the diversity of phenomena is in itself, enchainment. This is valid for the consciousness in itself as well as for things in

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themselves; however, consciousness and things identify by themselves and not as phenomena. Thus, identity is permanent and diversity is variable. One and all are identical and permanent. There is no distinction between one and all.

B) O.Y. (concentration). All bodily sensations are are recovered from the production centre (experiencing the 'world' through the Venus and up.

C) A. (coagulation and sublimation - the mountain). Mixture of metals

in their right proportion: , and and mixture with Salt in its due proportion. At 1.500 centigrade they fuse and sublimate. Homogeneous composition (not to be confused with slag (dross). Sulpho-nitric solution bath [ ] crystalisation. Colours: green-blue-yellow-red-grey with [ ].


A) T.M. (to see the permanent form in action). It is observed that the permanent form appears even in the diversity of phenomena, be they subjective or objective. The permanent form acts by its own need.

B) O.Y. (second accumulation). In attentional division, attending to the sensations in the cuspide which are exactly the ones obtained in the previous step.

C) A. (second [ ] entrance of the king to the to the palace of the queen). The [ ] after drying is mixed with [ ] and then is submerged in the nitric bath, until total death (formation of chrystals).


A) T.M. (to see what is not form-movement). It is sensed that a different ambit to that of the form and form-movement may exist, which does not come out of 'nothing' but as 'that-which-is-not-form-movement'; that is to say, as that which is aprehended as existent in relation to movement although its characteristics are different to those of the object used as reference. This 'no-form-movement', of course, does not depend on enchainment.

B) O.Y. (separation of pure sensations). Separation and disconnection from the production centre. Elimination of all sensation or image on the cuspide that impedes the energy accumulation. New flashes and light.

C) A. (resurrection - the unicorn). Repeated washings in H2O, weighted, purified and filtered. Application of the electron or of the metals to produce in their surface coats that must be extracted and purified. The fragrance witness appears when washing with H2O; after electron, [ ]. To separate, K aureocynide and inquartation can

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also be used: 4 [ ] x [ ] 1.


A) T.M. (to see what is and what is not, as the same). Form-movement and non-form-movement are observed as what IS.

B) O.Y. (energy transformation) A change in the general body energy is registered and also a change in the mental 'tone'. Phenomena typical of the Force. Concomitances in all centres. Control and circulation of the light.

C) A. (transmutation - the phoenix). Small quantities of [ ] are used to purify the [ ] by means of vulgar [ ]. Flashes and qualitative changes of the [ ] and of [ ].


A) T.M. (to see in one and in everything the Same). It is observed that the 'world' and consequently oneself and everything is in its root and independently of perceived phenomena, the Same.

B) O.Y. (energy projection) Projection of the double and other phenomena. Possibilities of projection or introjection.

C) A. (multiplication - the tree). Inquartation in silicates (projection powder). Augmentative system. Alchemical preparations.

Booklet No. 4: General

1. Definition: The school is the workplace from which radiates a totalizing doctrine, a system of self-knowledge and improvement practices, and a range of occupations and disciplines necessary to man for development.

2. Objective: The objective is therefore the development and liberation, based on those doctrines, practices and disciplines.

3. Individual utility: The utility provided by the school to its participants is given by the doctrine that gives them as a business tool and the field it creates, facilitating the task (taken alone) would be seriously disrupted. The School stresses that individual release any task is fulfilled in this life, but leaves open the possibility for a future life. The development of this possibility is the Religious Affairs.

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4. School Organization: a) The organization is casual and depends on the historical moment, and also from the development of its members. Moreover, appropriate to the circumstances in the best way to achieve your goal. The school is the workplace and the point of irradiation of this job. Use or create agencies directly or indirectly linked to it to become broadcasters. In that sense, no human activity is foreign to him and they are all ways that serve its purpose. By saying “no human activity is foreign to him,” is not claiming that the activities against the development of man can be used in the favor.

b) Social movements tend to liberation from slavery material can not be ignored by her and to put the economic, cultural and technical provision of the human race becoming progressive factors that facilitate the action of the School. But it can not these be considered as liberators of humanity, unless they open without delays expectations of mental processing. This point is clear. No base material, there is no possibility of mental processing, but not enough with the base material.

5. Origin of the School: a) The school originates from any location at any time in history when these arise raised and produced, was “discovered”, or reinterprets a doctrine according to them, the pair system is structured practices and disciplines that are transmitted person.

The school can hold a traditional line over time. You, on the contrary, disappearing later. But it is evident that in all ages and cultures with minimal material development, one can find traces of it.

b) Moreover, there is no school that has lost the purpose of their existence or where the doctrine is not tailored to that goal. There is no question of “lines” and School. The school is only if there is objective and on the doctrine, practices and disciplines are best. May be called “school” various trends diverted from the purpose and proper doctrine, but they are far from what we have been defined.

c) The School is potentially in every human being who discovers the possibility of release and that senses the existence of a doctrine and a system to effectuate. Thus, in the religious and even magical feeling (apart from its socio-cultural implications of the situation of “leakage” reflecting), the trend can be traced to the manifestation of the school.

d) Indeed, the School will an apparatus of scholarship and knowledge as large or small development and the development of its members, but that is not giving you its substantive character. At various times and places, have told with great splendor and humility, but in all cases should have exercised its function.

6. Language: a) The school specializes is expressed as one might call “esoteric” and in a manner adapted to the understanding of larger sets of people, who can designate “esoteric” Although the intention of the School is to all humanity (and therefore not deliberately seeks to confuse the masses, not away from them, nor close in on itself, quite the contrary), the historical reality of language imposes gradations reaching times simplistic, but allows all ways contribute to the development of man however low cultural level.

b) At certain stages, some very simple coding moral, pious precepts, some formulas of goodness, of human solidarity, love of neighbor and self-improvement, have sufficed to move people off the line of

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development. This language may make you smile today who are not historically located, but it is not wise to stop and ponder its educational value that influenced the economy, science, art, law and even in the hygiene of many civilizations.

c) When language, ritual and hierarchy traveling purpose and doctrine, is no longer in the presence of school. Gone is his spirit, to leave the empty shell. Then comes the sect, religion or oligarchy investing ending values degenerating and becoming regressive factors. There is this fanaticism, persecution, cruelty and sacrifice for the man alleged to his superiors. Where the language does not sound sincere, humble and kind, do not listen to the school.

d) It is necessary to address the process of the school. It may happen on limited occasions, which in its original steps (and conditioned by various circumstances), observe a language and general attitude and somewhat primitive in its process will sewage plants, purifying. If this happens, it is clear that its objectives and doctrine are valid in that it is resulting in the improvement of the previous stages. There is no evolution.

7. Doctrine: The doctrine gives totalizing answers about the world, man, history and the meaning of life. Based on her work develops tools that enable self-awareness, improvement and expansion of consciousness. The conceptual framework used in this occasion is:

a) Universal Laws: Law of structure: “Nothing is isolated, but dynamic relationship with other living areas within constraints.” concomitance Act: “Any process is determined by relations of simultaneous processes in the same area.”Act cycle: “Everything in the universe is evolving and going from simple to complex according to circadian rhythms.”Act of overcoming the old with the new: "The synthesis process is assuming the previous differences, but qualitatively deleting items not acceptable for more complex steps .”

b) Method: The method allows for an orderly and simple, raise the right issues. proceeds in three stages: a study of the compositional elements of the subject, subject's relation to others of the same scope and process of the subject (where came from, where is, how it manifests).

c) Origin of the Universe: The light is the essence of all that exists. When light is “denser” energy gives rise to demonstrations and materials. In a light convergence point of the explosion which resulted in the birth and expansion of the universe. This expansion is accelerated curve and the bodies begin to become light for convection in a section (or several points) which will produce a new burst of creativity. The light is eternal, is the origin and purpose of the universe.

d) Origin of Life: The densification of light energy produced vibrational manifestations of different levels and increasingly strong field. Radiation from the gases, liquids and solids eventually. From the electromagnetic bursts until the nebulae, suns, planets and moons, with its various elements. The action of electrical discharges between gas clouds and in the liquid medium was rudimentary synthesizing amino acids and then the first proteins. The overall average temperature and constituted the “medium” for the production of virus and cell. Throughout the evolution, from the creative center to be alive, he repeated the same pattern: a “center of gravity” that radiates around which to organize the systems.

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e) The origin of man: the nucleus or cell center was ordering all the cell around him, and after repeated divisions was “shooting” a code of adaptation or genetic memory capable of directing and then specialize functions of nutrition, reproduction and locomotion. From amoeboid forms continued evolution and improvement of the old with the new until towards the Quaternary period anthropomorphic beings emerged. In primates, separation of the fingers and thumb opposition allowed the specialization of brain functions that complicated relations of neural circuitry, leading to new breakthroughs in the animal mind.

From a common trunk, several branches anthropomorphic developed independently, dying and perfecting each other, as in the case of homo sapiens, a relative of the monkey but not descended from him. Homo sapiens in various races demonstrated that converge toward a “center of gravity” of the species gradually producing a synthetic human again. In such a being, progressive genetic characters of different races make your contribution, simply by eliminating the regressive evolution. No doubt there will be a new evolutionary leap in the biological, while first living being able to control its own evolution.

The fact that man come to be an animal especially historical (as opposed to other species), places him in a position not only to accumulate past experiences over their reflexes and instincts, but above all puts you in position to change biological and mental structure.

f) The historical process: the history of mankind is the history of overcoming the old with the new, but the accumulation of social experience. The generational dialectic (law of overcoming the old with the new level in human history) explained that in every historical moment in the struggle for generations coexist: that is in power, which struggle to access it, which is learning and displaced from the elderly and children (the latter comes later in training, while he was in power moves into old age and is replaced by the fighting with her). Every generation revolutionary struggle for the seizure of power when the ratio of assets and members of that class are significantly unbalanced. The general historical process starts with isolated groups of hunter gatherers and complemented with other groups and which may be summarized into a “center of gravity”in which begins to emerge a culture or civilization. This follows the Law of cycle until it disintegrates. Factors progressive move to the next civilization, observed throughout the process, all converging towards a civilization civilizations synthetic planet.

As the evolution of man is expressed to a civilization and a synthetic race individually, as the structure of the human being develops the drive from the instincts and reflexes, later expressed emotion and finally the intellect. No doubt a new qualitative leap must produce the emergence of a superior function synthesizer.

g) The structure of man: Individually seen in man "center" of control (vegetativosexual, motor, emotional, intellectual and higher). Each center can be studied in its arts and subparts. The level of awareness is the general condition of the structure of a human being at any given time, where a center (and a specific part) absorbs more energy at the expense consumption of others. We distinguish the following levels: sleep, semi-sleep, waking self-consciousness and objective consciousness.

Moreover, every human being has from birth a further development of a center on the other, from this situation are different “types” as follows: vegetative-sexual motive, emotional and intellectual. It is

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distinguished by the different speed of reaction to stimuli and the direction of energy. The innate human type, but the experiences and habits recorded throughout life, producing the personality of each individual. In everyday life, the human being lives in a waking state in which the wandering and dreams inhabit his consciousness. In general, one can say that dreams are non-rational responses to external stimuli. It also could be seen as compensation for different layers of the personality, which are mobilized by the action of the different centers and in response to external stimuli.

The key, however, is the presence of the core of the dream that is general and widespread response to particular stimuli that are structurally organized in consciousness. The personality change when the heart wears out and is replaced by another. Because of this, the kernel is considered "center of gravity" of personality. At every stage of life is for a change and transformation concomitant biological core, so: childhood-adolescence-youth-madurezdeclinación and old, these changes correspond to sets. Mechanical changes in individuals of the same age, are those that explain the emergence of temporal or generational classes. Seen this way, each generation moves according to the core of its own dream.

The work tends to move the mechanical core to one that polarized the entire human structure to the development and individual development and all the species. As noted, the School tends to change the core of dreams to individual development and of mankind, with the ultimate goal set in the foreground.

8. Practice: In fact, no practice can be achieved mechanically liberation of man. We consider some useful techniques to locate and access the problem to future work.

a) Self-awareness: Composed of a set of techniques autobiography, biorhythm, circles of personality and prestige, study of dreams and tracking the core side of dreams.

b) correction and improvement practices: To check the operation of the centers and their parts: vegetative-motor-emotional, intellectual and Superior.

c) Expansion of consciousness (work ADMI): This work is accessible sustained awareness of itself and strengthen it. Its steps are: I attend - divided - and incorporate management.

d) Any practice described in this paragraph can be placed perfectly in the job and get some permanence with self-consciousness. From there we work to another level.

9. Development of the School: It is concomitant to the qualitative development of its members. And its members, is the result of their work and personal liberation of all humanity.

School and as an agency develops its science and art. The main scientific interests are intended for physical benefit of man: their health and youth. Other works are related to studies on the human mind and its possibilities, others with problems of time, space, energy and light. Finally, several studies are addressed in a more less systematic in teams that specialize in their respective areas but do not stop to exchange information and results among themselves.

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In all cases, scientific and artistic production confronts School budgets based on doctrinal and using the method of its own. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to assemble the results of specialization in a harmonic system. The artistic production aims to transmit, a synthetic and beautiful truths intuited at any time and latitude, for those who are in school work and want to take experiences of those who came before.

Booklet No. 5: Religion Interior

A. – “ So, that are exemplary, those figures may be visible in the place.”

“A man without knowledge will be given to confuse these objects with ritual artifacts. It is however, clavicles internal path.

“While these dangers are true, given the advanced opportunity to have their rooms set up as was taught. Neither compound keys, or circle the tree and its fruit in central place, can stop by abstention or restraint placed. Neither the five colors that serve as lights, or the stone table

“This table is not the Philistines sacrificial outer circle, is chair of the Lord Mayor knowledge and base for operations whatever the chosen way ...

“From there, maintains and embodies the inner temple that is not in any place, but supermental plane. The temple caretakers have a place described as a union using the hidden temple ... In various religions arranged caregivers to join the supermental prayers with the plane and likewise their objects of worship were treated to collect the energy of the devotees and realize the Form.

“The important work, the table shows all traces our altars. It is thanks to the altar that the energy of the purified form was always returned to the believers, sometimes through sacraments ..

“The same effect has remained in the precincts of Egyptians, Chinese, and mountain villages in the Ark of the Covenant, the Christian and pagan altars and in the stone of the Khaba. Among the people warm the same forest, and if islanders the sacred island, as have used it for them.

“Caregivers have been concerned to unite all the altars with super-mental level and even the core areas around which crowds crowd any reason ... Since this union must be in place to complete the salvation of humanity and real decline of the city of God.

“This city is pure crystal in the world when installed on every man and be joining the Form from the center of every man, from the altar inside. To this end, caregivers are concerned to explain

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in the understanding of each other, how must be the union with Form and how to get it full force for the improvement of all.

“Broadening the circle to the outermost of humanity and uniting all points of God's children and caretakers, can materialize supermental Form . Because of this, they have to understand the compassion that is to save all mankind and every living creature. Any human being or not is sacramental and release aid in realizing the plan, to deify the Creation.

“... The demonstrations of super-mental plane, are those of the light”

B. - This is a form of explanation and it is also true. The inner temple has nothing to do with places of worship. Nor is the exhibition of low awareness evening. Light is the site of a crystal conscience undisturbed by dreams. There are identified the one with the All. To enter the enclosure is necessary the state of inner purity. Saying “inner purity” ie noensueño, non-shock, peace with himself. Without purity is useless to attempt to penetrate. Achieving the purity and state of awareness and consistent with itself, can begin to see a transparent sphere inside the chest. This is a representation and not a transcendental form, but that connected with it, thanks to those who devote their effort to unite all crystalline spheres with the transcendental plane.

The area imaged in the chest is “loaded”; in times of joy and well-being, so that in times of misfortune are the re-imagined for it to “return”; their positive energy. It is a kind of internal battery back as much as was given.

However, this does not happen the simple psychological level of representation if the spheres were not also really connected with a higher level through other ways and other acts of greater purity made some for the benefit of themselves and others. It is not enough, therefore, that anyone wanting to represent the field inside and then work as described to obtain real results. Will undoubtedly psychological outcomes but not goals. For the latter is possible, it is necessary that at some point you pass the "strength" or the context is transferred to the transcendental plane. This operation will force the pass must register the person with a real internal disorder not due to simple psychic phenomena but an actual contact with a major energy source. So that the contact can be passed from one to another, but that will require pass that whoever has in turn received the same from the other on occasion (remember the "laying on of hands", the "sacraments", etc., in almost all religions that refer to this issue.)

However, the energy transfer obtained by personal yet transcendental plane returns to the “load”; each of which have been returned, referring to his personal sphere in a positive way. That “;accumulator” super-mental , transcendental, not located in any place and mentally representable not even be registered as an act pure transcendental as energy vortex. The

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greater the positive charge of the personal sphere, greater results when the energy is required. By participating mass of humanity ( who have received or contact the Force), Form supra-mental power is enormous. In some periods, foreign religions to secularize collapse and lose contact with higher planes. The sentence has then only ritual and faith vanishes.

This situation creates a gap in human consciousness, which in turn allows the contact is restored again, but through new ways that go beyond the worn earlier stages. In this way the human race is improving and gaining self-awareness, gaining release. The very positive and mindful meditation can be done using the transparent sphere to collect and receive power when necessary. Those concerned with working in complex ways transcendental transcendental level communication with the psychological level as a “bridge”; from one to another level (in the “;popes”; and the messiah of external religions is the principle laid so deformed) .

C. - The truth of the Interior Religion is experienced as personal reality and not by the influence of religion and the priests of foreign religions and idolaters. Religious Affairs is happy and deep. Love the body, nature, humanity and spirit. Renounces the sacrifices, feelings of guilt and threats from beyond the grave. Religion earthly affairs is not opposed to the eternal, but as a process that includes a very existence of God. The Interior Religion is Religion, Science and Art. Religion, because it connects with the Universe-God. Science, because it gives us understanding. Art, because it allows us and do.

Here is his teaching:

1 go against the evolution of things is going to work yourself.

2 ° When you force something to an end, produce the contrary.

3rd Do not oppose a great force, back to that it has sta weakens, then advance with resolution.

4 ° Things are well when they move to joint, not in isolation.

5 ° Things are well when they move at the same time, not when some are ahead and others fall behind.

6 If for you are the day and night, and V were the winter, has surpassed the contradictions.

7 ° If you pursue pleasure, you chained to suffering.

8th Pending harm your health, enjoy without bitions in when the opportunity arises; that way you free.

9 ° If you pursue an end, you chained.

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10 ° If all you do is realized as though it were an end in itself, you liberate yourself.

11 ° conflicts disappear when understood in its last root, not when it wants to solve.

12 ° When you harm others, do you remain enchained, but if not hurting anything, you can do whatever you want freedom.

13 ° When you treat others like you want them to treat you, you liberate yourself.

14 ° No matter which side you ac ontecimientos have placed, what matters is to understand that you have not chosen any faction.

15 ° Whichever your position, your opinion or your ba ndo, there is the whole truth or the release, there is the dream. The full truth and freedom arise when you realize that your position, your opinion and your side are for you, dreams.

16 ° When you find great strength and joy in your heart b ondad or when you feel free and contradictions, just thank your guide within. When you find yourself otherwise ask with faith and gratitude that you have accumulated in your inner guide, again converted and expanded the benefit. But you can not ask your guide if you have not made contact with him, happily handing your goodness. The higher your appreciation, will most benefit when necessary. This simple way you experience your immortality and evolution depend on the growth of your inner guide.

17 ° Never ask your guidewithin opo nga something to this teaching, because it will give according to your order and then begin to encadenarte yourself.

Booklet No. 6: The Force Telediol

Let’s talk about internal work in a sense a bit different from what has been used so far. The various works that have been made, have been self works, works of difficulties in tracking Centres; work traces of dreams, of nucleus; work of autobiography, of biorhythms. These are work that are supposed, you know. It is also assumed, that have tried to exercise what we call “consciousness of self”; This exercise has taken several forms. Fitness through the division of attention, with different points of reference. We talked the other day that there were at least three distinct forms of attentional division, which produced different quality, different levels of consciousness Yes If we used as a support body (such as internal perception of the body), the quality that was obtained from self-consciousness was significantly lower than that in which it was used as a fulcrum hand, or if it was used as the fulcrum body position. In the first of the three cases, said that apart from slight consciousness experimentation Yes there was a feeling

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of drowsiness, softening. In the second case, the feeling that accompanied it was tension, and the third the feeling that accompanied it was monitoring the situation, intellectual management of what was happening, and there was no lethargy or stress. We were qualifying then the third If attentional division as “;optimal”; And we said that the first sensations produced sometimes limits the twilight rate. Therefore, we were rejecting that way. Distinguish between the different techniques of attentional division on one side and the other self-observation techniques. In general, the techniques used attentional division a foothold beyond the perception that you are taking this time. While self-observation techniques tend to take in support non-physical points (visceral meaning, the meaning of the fist, the sense of body position), not to take that kind of support, but to take to support the mechanisms of consciousness accompanying perceptions given. So then we distinguished the self-observation of the three cases of division of attention and we saw as very complicated, very complicated.

I guess you know all these problems. I guess you will understand that self-consciousness is achieved thanks to the repetition of work (either attentional or self-observation division) and you do not get a single stroke. I guess you will understand that self-consciousness is consolidating as less effort needs to be done to maintain it. When you make no effort to maintain the state of mind of me, I say that I have established. But in the meantime, to the extent that I forget why I say that I have no ownership, management awareness in me.

But then, how do I know I have achieved that state of consciousness of me I have two or three resources to realize it. One is to consider situations of great change. For example, in cholera cases violent, violent rage, I must observe if such a state of mind does my consciousness and made dependent, or if, notwithstanding the internal state, I understand what is happening in me. If I have consolidated my awareness of me, even in the states of abrupt expressions of strong feelings, even in those states, consciousness may be lost on me. So the highest and lowest reference I have, is to appeal to extreme cases emotional and not the everyday cases where I be aware of me.

The reason that we have from the work that has been done to these different forms of attentional division, as the differences between self-observation and the maintenance and preservation of consciousness Yes, they have to do with our topic. If you are going to start working and no single test level, not at the level of simple knowledge, whether to start working with psychic energy, the condition seems indispensable for such work is to highlight the mechanisms of consciousness Yes, because otherwise you will see that with that power management will give exactly the opposite field, the realm of the twilight. So we are saying this is right. Above all, this to take into account the progressive strengthening of the consciousness of Yes as more established is that self-consciousness, the less chance there to go to the twilight-type phenomena. Does that mean then that those who do not even The mechanisms of self-

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consciousness, who have not experienced those jobs, who have maintained normal level of alertness (a mechanical level, daily), when faced with phenomena of this type of management of psychic forces are going to give inevitably into the realm of twilight. It is inevitable. Therefore: in any case is not recommended that any citizen who has good intentions are put to work in such manipulations. Because such manipulations could do but it will happen.

It is good to review some very well-known scheme of the centers and their correlation with the levels of consciousness (drawing). To review this matter in the centers and their correlation worth the "tree" as the ultimate psychic medium machine we will demonstrates we are saying. The descriptions that we make with regard to the scheme of the centers and their corresponding levels are not descriptions physiological or psychophysiological or physiological-energetic. They are psycho-energetic descriptions outline the process and the transfer of psychic energy. This does not mean they do not have physical correspondences. But such correspondences, they become responsible for physiologists and not us.

Anyway, in general, say this: when we speak of general vegetative function, we refer to the entire body structure. When we talk about driving downtown, we are referring on the one hand to the physiological location of the drive that you can lie in the core, but has forms, has expressions in a nerve plexus which is the driving plexus or solar plexus. But it should not be confused one thing with another. Similarly, if we talk about the emotional center, see expression (the expression of motion) in the cardiac plexus, but its location must be a point in the brain known as the limbic area. And if we talk about the intellectual center, we say that puts it in general head, when we know that at the level of cortex lie the higher-level intellectual functions.

If we talk about sex, the external location is about sex itself, also with expressions of nervous, nerve plexus, which are attached just the sex. But the center is also located in the brain. When it comes to university (and now we can start talking in those terms), we say that the location is too cerebral, that its expression is related to a gland, that gland is the pineal. In other places we do not talk until we can get specific data about them. That is personal experiences of their existence. Come to the scheme. Here we place the growing season is not a center, the sex here; driving, emotional, intellectual and university.

The scheme that we always have, the device from the psycho-physiological energy, all the energy that moves in the man, what can only be the body itself? Everything is removed from the body and no other currents that come from outside the body ... in principle. So all misticonas interpretations out there about alien forces, the left parenthesis. And we say, all the energy the "suck" the body. The energy of the body suck uses a small accumulator or collector who is sex. The concept remains symmetrical and is always from the drivers that act

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as elevators of the energy from a center to the intellects of the center, which are the switches that distribute the drivers of the top centers.

The scheme is very simple, always carry the same sequence, so that by lifting comes in, goes by selectors. If we establish correlations we put down to growing here, here we will place the sex, the drive, the emotion, intellect , the moving higher (drawing of the tree). At this level we say that the ordinary waking works, so that when we explain the workings of a person working at ordinary waking, but we do not care for the study of three centers with its parts and subparts: motor, emotional and intellect. When we speak of semi-sleep, we refer mainly to the center when it comes to sex and we mean the dream of growing exclusive work, even when there are harmonics that are moving around the device.

When we talk about self-consciousness, we mean the higher emotional center. The lines are going to be helpful (drawing of the tree). If ordinary waking state, in a normal state, we would connect with the emotional superior, would more or less, these possibilities: from the moving motor skills, intellect and hence shocker. Will you recognize any such work? Answer: “Great beat”; (driving effort, labored breathing to achieve emotional concomitants, and cuenteo regressive).

Good. In the simple sentence, a monk devotional work, but it starts the motor center as in the case of macumba for example, so you have harmonic drive, as it downloads the motor and load, still leaves the body, sucks energy. The level of connection runs from sex (always going to move from below) directly to emotion and emotion had shocked here (moving higher - schema). The intellect works only in its mechanism, at its motive.

Although sometimes more intellectualized exercises, motion is sex to E, E to I and R shock, but the currents is the one. In the case of Macumba, preferably working powerhouse and harmonious working emotional (phenomena of faith). This mean that sex sucks to M of M to E, and supersedes intellect, E becomes higher and emotional shock. The drug works primarily vegetative, so energy is not sucking at the elevator, but is sucked at chemistry, so it works: vegetative sex (sometimes, if we would have similarities vegetative-motor driven), but sometimes it happens that the drug is not acting on motor concomitants, then avoids this line. The normal line of LSD-type drugs seem to act rather since: vegetative-sex, sex emotion and excitement, shock. You see the direct line, but sometimes there are also harmonic intellectuals. There are drugs that surround the intellect, but there are others that make the passage through the intellect. But observe all this work (central-scheme), you see the virulence of this pathway ?

Question: "The example of the great beat, is part of the drive?" is part of the growing season because there fast, and if the fasts have been made in a state of quiet body, all these phenomena will act a bit like drugs. What I usually do certain holy men with their fasting

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is to turn into the bloodstream an enormous amount of toxins and eliminate them. So, are also produced phenomena of intoxication, and not the story they tell that something in your body is purified. Also, in the case of the flogging of the Middle Ages (which proliferated infections, fevers and the like) , poisonings occurred in the body that came to shocker in this way, then act on the growing season. Let's look at other forms of more control. Where meditation work? Meditation work particularly intellectually. Then unlock this point (intelectoesquema). Okay, where energy sucked? It seems the route: gender-emotion-intellect-shock. Is that clear?

Suppose there is a work of yoga to act directly from the body. There would be two yoga-sex cases. A type of yoga where the motor would not operate and a type of yoga where the motor-sex act. This would be a kind of yoga-sex and it would still moving. Consider the first case, sex-emotion. Could or could not? (Scheme). If you are controlling mentally intellect shock. In the other, motor-emotional-shock. Do you see the difference? In other words: you can ignore or not the powerhouse. Let us work as alchemists mentioned, where they produce also had shocked at the level of higher emotional center. Do you work the drive? Yes, it works! It is imperative. Then we can not ignore this movement: sex-and shock-intellect motor with harmonic drive. That is not the same as saying: intellect, emotion shock. As in the case of the other sex that could have emotional harmony. But here: motor-intellect-shock. The outline is uploaded directly by the line on the left, in the case of alchemy. Do you see the different cases? Cases of ecstasy, or lower cases to mobilize the higher emotional center, always block the intellect. We distinguish a higher emotional level three characteristic phenomena. Let’s say you are gradual phenomena. (Scheme). Here we locate the phenomena of ecstasy that would correspond to a sort of "motor" of moving higher. Here, the phenomena of rapture which would correspond to a kind of “emotion”; of moving higher.

And recognition phenomena we are going to locate here, as if they corresponded to the “intellect”; of higher emotional. We say that emotional phenomena that move higher in the area, in the region of ecstasy, usually work by blocking the intellect. This is the case of the Macumba and other dances. The route will be via any route, less intellectual by way had shocked. But since there is likely to rise around here (schedule), and has no chance of promotion on this other part of the mind, then the only remaining free is: the motor and the moving up unfailingly. These ecstatic states when lock had shocked intellectual, have the disadvantage that it is precisely because of the embargo that has occurred, it is very difficult to continue to promote the phenomenon intellectual control. So which had shocked and usually follows this line immediately fall (schedule). In this line we will call the “confusion”; Just as this line we will call the “purification” ... To match patterns that you know the tree. The problem is for us just at the bifurcation of the “way”;. This problem is presented as extremely important. Not so much because of the way this center had shocked (more emotional), but by the fork in the road, after having been that shocked. We said that, in principle, no matter how they had

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shocked and now we must correct, because there are various forms such as we have seen recently. Then we see that had shocked the type of care. Because if we blocked the intellect, and one had shocked provoke, there is no possibility of intellectual control of the phenomenon. Intellectual control is reduced to zero. Then, the phenomenon "takes" (the case of the spiritualistic). In the case of mediumship, so it works. Even if the drive does not act supremely, serving the emotional shock and here above. A bit like in the case of prayer, too, but with almost total intellectual blockade. So in principle, saying it would not matter how. Then we realize that it matters had shocked mode. In the case had shocked vegetative phenomena also tend to be quite uncontrolled. Such is the case of the great beat, especially when the action of the body is very strong. When the fast has been about when the body condition is imposed on the subject, then we are blocking almost the intellect. And in the case of the drug, also the action of the body, the action of substances is so intense that allows management by the intellect of the body's chemistry. That is why the type of work or jobs with great beat drugs are not controllable by the type of energy released. It seems then that the control could come from here or down ( drawing) lifting it, or the reverse, sucking energy from some other point.

There are two possibilities that energy up, from bottom to top or covered up such working conditions, that all machinery is compelled, is obliged to provide the energy that you are being demanded by a surplus-a point above . So, or starts accumulating energy from below, or work is so intense at some point that energy has no choice but to be delivered and produced the "big ticket '. This is the case each time meditations most abstract and intellectual overexertion. In the case of a huge intellectual work spend many things: either the subject overload the intellectual center, and then blocks it can no longer think, or there is a large increase in energy, for passage from the switch to the more emotional ..

It is a way to raise from above. Very different from the way you work with a particular yoga from below. We said that our problem was at the level of bifurcation of the line. All higher emotional center had shocked by the great mobilization of energy it produces, violence has similarities in all other centers by displacement. It is a first idea we have to change later. Upon one here had shocked (schedule), the emotional center to move higher when starting the "provider" must deliver all the power available. And to provide all available energy overloads as they occur in all other schools are showing similarities and intense drive, emotional and intellectual. Sometimes, you can disconnect a center. Motor may not have similarities, but I should have overload or some other level of motor activity (reflexes that are released on their own) and to the level of the emotional motor system (the whole mechanism is released passionate solo); or motor level of intellect (all motor mechanism intellectual image is released alone). That happens when there is excess suction up, always on the side of the motor. The phenomena ending shocked at the level of ecstasy, when locked the intellectual center,

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inevitably tend to fall in their effects, can not progress further. But you can enter at the level of ecstasy and build on these internal levels provided the intellectual center is not locked. The problem with all this is a problem of "recognition."

We said, as we begin our conversation, that the subject does not have sufficient data because it has not done work for self-knowledge has no experience. Should it start suddenly to shock, by any of the above procedures, to up there in the moving higher, which will ensure against confusion had shocked a harmonic drive, emotional, intellectual images that arise. With that confusion is not going to be how to recognize that pulling on a line or strip into another. So only if the subject has worked sufficiently in the setting of self-consciousness, have insufficient data at this level, intellectual data to navigate and analyze what is happening.

Then there are two possibilities for an individual who wants to continue to move in that line: or outside you explain what is happening, and it aims to be taking the correct line because it has no data, or is a subject that has data because has worked previously recorded and this allows you to recognize them. The first case is going to teach us ... This book serves Thodol Bardo officiating that will guide the mental process of "second body" that separates when the subject dies. Explains how to guiding you through the various twists and turns to continue to evolve in line with the "purification", say. And the other case, the fact is that we know to be recording data in everyday life to produce one had shocked and continue to rise without external control.

Anyway, as people can know some things briefly, may have made some intentito than another, but not enough capacity for discernment, you can use some external widgets that given the state of this center had shocked and not knowing the subject how to navigate, has a sort of resonator that allows you to go out on a line. They can be external objects or drawings or diagrams or objects, a piano ... As you like more!, But to guide them in this situation. So there are external resources. But (and it's good stress this again), all violent mobilization of higher emotional center is also violent similarities at other schools. So our problem is not to avoid the emotional violence had shocked the top with its concomitants, the problem is once started, how to conduct the sense of energy. At the time of the fork handle is when we are concerned that follows. But it's not going to worry that had shocked occur. Do you understand that, because if you put a barrier to a determined had shocked, then how they will be mobilized? Nothing will be run as far and if not mobilize strongly shocked will occur then similarities. The problem is not to avoid the coincidence. The problem is correctly oriented. So it is not the characteristic of the concomitance twilight phenomenon. The characteristic of the Twilight phenomenon is the fall. As is characteristic of the phenomenon of physical concomitance higher consciousness. In general, physical concomitance is produced and then drift lines.

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Study the case of Bardo Thodol which means that the officials, the death of the subject, are oriented so that the soul comes to fruition. Before starting this, we should remember the outline of the Tibetans in that makes the work of the Psychic centers. The Tibetans, following a traditional line before Buddhism, believe that energy is mobilized by a large channel and side channels for psychic nerves, and where does the interaction of the side channels with the Grand Canal, there arises a powerhouse. So the classical figure of the Caduceus of Hermes, for they shall be interpreted as the passage of a nerve psychic energy, the passage of other nerve psychic energy and high energy channels. Where crosslinks of the three, Sushumna, Ida and Pingala as they call it, I get a "chakra." These chakras have to do: the bottom one with the seat of vitality, have an intermediate poorly defined for them, then come the seat of sex, then come the seat of emotion, then would come the intellect. On top of the intellect they pitch the subconscious (where we are located above the emotional). Above the subconscious they pitch the great field of the transcendental, the clear eyes, without intermediaries, the opening of consciousness to reality, but above the subconscious . I remind you that it has not been found unconscious two days ago by the Europeans. That's the rough outline of these gentlemen Tibetans.

It seems that there are fourteen main nerves from which they derive a few thousand. It seems that these settlement centers of energy have their complexities, Enneagram our divisions do not appear, but they go their own way characterize how each one of them. Bergua will use the translation, third edition of the Editorial Senén Martin-1967 , the Bard Thodol or Tibetan Book of the Spirits of the Hereafter, or simply Tibetan Book of the Dead. Book One - Part I - The Bard's Time of Death: The Primordial Clear Light seen at the time of death.

"At the time of the first confrontation face to face with the Clear Light during the intermediate state of the moment of death, can occur many religious teachings have not heard yet to recognize, while others have acknowledged that are not However unfamiliar with them but all those who have received the practical teaching of the Leaders will, if they deserve to be applied, placed face to face with the fundamental luminosity, without any other intermediate state will receive the Dharma-Kaya without birth for Gran Via Ascending. "

Continue: "Once the expiration has ceased, the vital force will have fallen into the nerve center of Knowledge and" The Connoisseur "will experience the luminosity of the natural condition. Then the vital force as being projected downstream along Psychic nerves of right and left, the dawn of the intermediate stage is momentarily lifted. "

The problem with these gentlemen, in this situation, it will be the main power block. That according to this scheme should return to the vital points lower. That is why they will place special emphasis in practice then we will see to lock the main power and to be mobilized towards this (schedule), to the emotional superior.

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No such block, the subject falls into deep sleep. And if he falls into deep sleep and then dies, is housed just at the level of vitality, "vitality" in the growing of the tree.So it is that at the time of death does not fall into deep sleep and to the vitality, but of that state it is, go to the twilight.Later we read:"Read this, it must be repeated several times next to the ear of the deceased, to that before cessation of breathing, is firmly etched in her mind. From the breath be about to cease, we mustthe dying back to the right, in the position called the lion lying down. The beat of the arteries (aright and left of the neck) should be compressed. The dying have a tendency to sleep, or sleep comes, must be avoided, and this requires pressure, gently, on the arteries, sweet but firmly. This vital force can not return to the median nerve and probably will start the opening Brahmin. That's when the real must be made confrontation. It is at this point that the first perception in the Bardo of Clear Light of Reality, perfect spirit of the Dharma-Kaya, is felt by all to be encouraged. The time interval from the cessation of respiration and inspiration is that in which the life force remains in the median nerve. It is commonly said that knowledge is then vanishes. "Very good. Look at the mechanics of these gentlemen to block the intellectual center, to avoid natural sleep and enter the intermediate state, for us, the twilight state.What is that mechanism? (Experience) ...So, with this type of procedure will be losing touch with reality ...You may have noticed that he was going through a "corridor" which lost all awareness of yourself. And he could pass it with little suggestion to the twilight state and a quick hypnosis. Very good.What have we done? Lock the intellectual center. Blocking the intellectual center spent a shock to the higher emotional, and we had a shock in the event that we would have deepened the state. And the similarities in all other schools would be in a very virulent and very clear. A little more and our subject begins to kick ...Surely you have noticed driving uncontrolled, that members were released on their own. Answer: "Sure" ...The emotion starts to break out as well, and motor functions of the intellect as well. With a little more time, you begin to drop all kinds of images, as in the time of death, where the intellect is the motor that moves at high speed and with great force the entire contents of the raw material subject memory and remembers his life in a row.Read on:"Your intelligence, whose true nature is emptiness that should not be regarded as void of anything but intelligence itself as a smooth, shiny, happy is universal consciousness itself: the Buddhauniversally good. Your own conscience is not formed at all, in fact, empty and bright and joyful intelligence are inseparable. Their union is the Dharma-Kaya: the state of perfect enlightenment. Your own conscience bright, clear and inseparable from the Great Body of Splendor, has no birth or death and is the immutable Light Amitabha Buddha. This knowledge is enough. Recognizing the void in your ownintelligence as a Buddha and consider it as your own conscience, is to continue in the spiritdivine Buddha. "This is explained in connection with Transcendental Meditation. Continue:

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"Instructions concerning the Second Transitory State Chikai Bardo: The Secondary Clear LightVista immediately after death."... Karma is as good or bad, the life force descends in the nerve right or left and go through one of the openings in the body. "In these cases, distinctions are made, because then people working with energy, will be felt. Read on:"What is called the second state of the Bard rises to illuminate the body-mind." TheKnower "remains at the site where their activities have been limited. If, at that time, the entire special education has been implemented effectively, then the purpose is to get it. Well karmic illusions have yet to drag here and there the dead and from his purpose of carrying out the lighting. "Perfectly. If the subject is aware in that state, if more or less is to discriminate what happens, then the karmic illusions, ie all those phenomena caused by the acts which the subject did and thought during his life (or translated into our language, the acceleration of the motor of the mind), then do not come to "cover up" the handling of the intellect of intellect.Later:"The Bard of Experience of Reality:0h ..."¡ noble son! Listen carefully and without distraction. There are six states of Bardo transients that are the natural state of Bardo in the design, the Bard of the state of dreams, the Bard of static equilibrium in meditation deep, the Bardo of the moment of death, the Bard of experience, and the Bardo of the inverse process of the existence samsariana. These are the six states. "Do you notice you that state of consciousness during conception, they realize how it can be?That is not an ordinary waking state is a vegetative state, subject to a number of conditions where the sight and smell and hearing are not acting poorly.Let:0h ..."¡ son of noble family at the time that your body and mind are separated, you hear the brillianceof the Pure Truth, subtle, sparkling, bright, shining, glorious, and radiantly awesome, in the guise of a mirage across a landscape and a continuous drip spring vibrations. There is captivated, terrified or fearful. This radiation is just your own true nature. Learn to know. The center of this radiation will the natural sound of Reality simultaneously be passed on which a thousand thunders. This is the natural sound of your own true self. There is captivated, terrified or fearful. The body you have now is called the body-mind of the inclinations. Since you do not have a material body of flesh and blood, whatever it might happen: sounds, lights or radiation, none of this can hurt. Since you can not die. And sufficient enough for you is for you to know that these apparitions are your own thought-forms. Learn to know that this is the Bard. "When you start to seeing lights, do not panic. So, even if the subject see it as external phenomena, is nothing but delusion, irradiation of nature itself.Let:"The dawn of the peaceful deities the first to the Seventh Day - Second day:Do not be attracted to the smoky gray light tarnished Hell. It is bad karma accumulated by the violent anger he opens this way. If you follow this attraction fall into hell-worlds where you have to endure great misery without you is given a fixed time to get out. This would be a break for a stop on the path of liberation. Do not look around for you, avoid anger. Do not be attracted by all this. Do not be weak. He

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believes in dazzling and brilliant white light, and putting your heart in Bhagavan Vajrasattva say, "Oh! At the time that err by Samsara by the power of violent anger, in the light path of wisdom like the mirror, I wish to be led by Bhagavan Vajrasattva! May the Divine Mother Mamaki follow and protect!Can be safely driven through the traps of Bardo and reach the perfect state ofBuddha! "."Saying this with humility and deep faith will dissolve into a rainbow halo in the heart of Bhagavan Vajrasattva and get the status of Buddha in the Sambhoga-Kaya of the realm of the East, called the realm of supreme happiness."It seems that the subject of the first primordial light, not seen. Then shifts to the second light. This goes as"Downhill in the shot."For this one, are taking into account all read, the subject that makes a loss in the higher states, we must catch him anyway. To retrieve and upload it again. But it starts to fall ... going to go seeing how different days finally comes down to the vitality. And coming to the vitality, which is the level that corresponds to that subject, by karma and so on, tends to be reincarnated, it tends to get into a body.Read:"... The addition of touch in its original form will be represented by the yellow glow of the Wisdom of Equality. The dazzling brilliance of a glorified yellow circles and circles with satellites of radiation, so bright, so bright that the eye just may look, will spring up to you. Next to this light, touching, a blue-yellow glow dimmed reflection of the human world will strike the heart at the sameAs the light of Wisdom. Then, because of the strength of selfishness be afraid of the lightbright yellow and you want to flee. Instead you will be attracted by the misty blue-yellow glow of the human world. At such time, do not fear the yellow glare, transparent, and acknowledge it as being of Wisdom, resigning your mind firmly, firmly believe in it and humility.''They start the distinctions between colors. In general, when there is a lot of colors or different colors, the "Knower" tends to go to the brightest colors, and focus your attention on them.While the ignorant tend to mess with darker colors.Thus, if a pure white light tends to her the Knower, but the rubble tends towards a smoky gray is the color of hell. If there is a red-hot, who knows, going there, but the other will go to a dull red and so on, with different colors. These colors correspond to perceptual categories. I mean, you imply that the perception of sight to operate on a frequency, in the other ear, the touch of another. Then, there will be colors that correspond to a frequency of perception and colors that correspond to each other.So we're in the presence of a yellow and say that for the world of sensations, to which the mind tends to fall hook, the subject of much "karma" sensory, the subject of touch, it will not evolve on the side bright yellow, but on the side of dull yellow.Here:"... And do not be attracted by the misty blue-yellow glow of the human world. Is a collection of your inclinations and your violent selfishness that has created this way. If you are attracted to him, be reborn in the human world and will to undergo birth, old age, sickness and death. You do not have the luck to get out of the muddy rut of the existence of the World. It is designed to stop a break in the path of

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liberation.Look, it seems like a kind of "karma" or recordings, that the subject has done in his big head over his life. As the feeling of deep anger, which is producing some kind of internal crystallization, which then manifests, is expressed in visual representation, as the dark gray of hell.That is the "karma" accumulated by one type of violent passions. Each has its rouge. Here's another aspect of the case.From the point of view of these gentlemen, the problem is not going to give hell and stay there, fixed, no.The problem is that all these issues are stumbling, are interruptions in the evolution.So if the subject falls to eighth indecent, has an entire work to do to regain the right level.Even in the worst case, in which the subject transmigrate, they say, an ant, it is more edifying than the Christian doctrine in which there is a Hell no evolution. But we left the topic.Read on the fourth day:"... However, despite these repeated warnings, many are the men who have created a lot of bad karma, or who have failed in their vows, or even not have deserved a higher development and are then unable to recognize all this. Your ignorance, your bad karma caused by immoderate desires and greed, make sounds and are frightened by radiation and flee. "Do you understand the recordings, the story of "karma"? The recordings produced in the subject experiences tend to do that (the subject) is assimilated more to the plane of what is recorded, given the experiences, which otherwise do not know.Of course, no one knows how this "body" separate record. No matter, because we care about this life, relating the descriptions of these gentlemen, with states of consciousness "this side" and not beyond death ... not yet.I recommend reading the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day. Now we need to abbreviate.Conclusion of Book One."... Give publicity. He who has heard him once, even if it has not understood, it will remember the intermediate state, not to mention a single word since then intelligence is nine times more lucid."So intelligence is nine times more lucid. Interesting observation on the intelligence (as I recall) in regard to speed. Indeed, the acceleration of the motor of the intellect in Subpart driving is a speed difference Enneagram regarding intellectual Subpart intellect.Such cases in the dream and the time of death.Let us now consider the Second Book:The Sidpa Bardo - Bardo The Body, His birth and supernormal faculties."... Oh son of noble family, listen to yet," Equipped with all the powers of the senses and can move around freely "means that despite what you've been when you were alive - blind, deaf, or disabled - in this plan after the death, your eyes will see the way your ear will hear the sounds and all other senses will be here intact bodies endowed with a full sharpness. This is why it has been said that the body in the Bardo, would be "equipped with all the powers of the senses". This condition of existence in which you are currently indicates that you are dead and wandering in the Bardo. Work so that you know this. Remember the lessons, remember it, the teachings ."0h son of noble family, the" free movement "means that your current body is a body of desires - your intellect having been separated from his natural seat - and not a body of gross matter, so you now have

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the power passing through the masses of rocks, hills, rocks, land, houses and even the Mount Meru, with nothing to stop you. Except Buddha Gaya and the breast of a mother, all real mountain to Mount Meru can be traversed for you, forward or backward, without anyone stopping you. This is also proof that you err on the Sidpa Bardo. "Here comes all the hidden history of the supernormal powers. Things have read about these guys, what is now characterized as phenomena "psi" ever produced by the moving had shocked the top. Good. In this intermediate state of moving had shocked the top is when you can attend the paranormal. So emotional shock the top in order to produce the paranormal states, is certainly down, is to choose an inappropriate online. It is a fall line. Twilight mediumistic line.So in the presence of moving had shocked the top, the choice can be done in that state, the election by the paranormal phenomenon, inevitably falls into the field of mediumship.When Mr. Buddha recommended his people (speaking of different levels of consciousness) is not fixed and do not address the phenomena "paranormal", is because you are considering as a brake on development. But it is a metaphysical question, that of "locking in development", but simply that there is confusion, a lack of evidence to the level of pure forms. And a trend towards the plane of the gross.This is what happens in the case of any spiritualist medium. From the beginning, part shocker that point with the downward trend, easily recognizable.There is no possibility of evolution, in other words.If the paranormal similarities occur in addition, there are similarities as well as physical, emotional, or the great acceleration in the motor of the mind, then no problem.But if the trend of work is the search that had shocked paranormal experiences are making a mistake the road.Wisely is the same as recommended below:"... You are able to cross in an instant the four continents surrounding Mount Meru or beinstantly wherever you fancy, you have the power to go anywhere in time a man spent on bending or extending his hand. These various powers of illusion and change of form, not want, do not want not. None of the powers you could wish for you is impossible now. The ability to exercise without hindrance is in you. Get to know and pray to the guru. "I recommend reading "Characteristics of Existence in the Intermediate State" and "The Judgement." In "The influence of thought," we read:"...¡ O son of noble family, to summarize: your intellect present in the present state depends not at all sure, having little weight and being on the move, every thought that comes to mind now, pious or impious, will acquire great power . Therefore, do not think remembering ungodly things, on the contrary, any kind of exercise of devotion should not be used to such exercises, samplesincere affection and humble faith. "Look at that. In such a situation, any form of mind, any thought, directed at all the sort of ethereal body of the subject.So important is the type of mentation is carried out, because if this mentation the subject identifies with being rude, lack of tie that is assimilated to do it.It drives a lot, so, where goes the thinking.It is important to mental shape or image is assumed to be working there. Read: The Dawn of

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Enlightenment of the Six Lokas:"...¡ Oh noble son, listen: if you want to know what these six Lights, here he is: a dullwhite glare of the world-Deva, a tarnished green glow of the world, Asura, a dim glow of world-Human, a dull blue glow of world-Gross, a little bright red glow of world-Preta, and a dull glow, gray smoked in the world, Hell. In that time by the force of karma, your body will take the color of light in the world you should be reborn."0h son of noble family in this particular art education is especially important at this time. Whatever the glare that shines on you then meditates on him and the Compassionate. Wherever he comes this glow considers that such a place as being or exist where the Compassionate. This is a profound and subtle art and can prevent the revival. Whatever may be your Guardian Deity, meditates on her way for a long time - as being devoid of life look real - that is, as a way created by a magician, called the pure form of illusion. Leave the view then that the tutelary deity melts and disappears, based on the extreme edges toward the center until it is no longer visible, and you then please state Clarity and Emptiness - which of course is impossible to conceive you in any way, and stays a little time. Think again about the tutelary deity, again also on the luminosity, making this turn.At once, let your own intellect is based gradually starting at the edges. "In every place where there reigns ether consciousness. In every place where there reigns consciousness Dharma-Kaya. Remain calm in the uncreated state of the Dharma-Kaya. In this state the source and can not be perfect Enlightenment is achieved .So the subject has fallen in the world that is, always has a chance to engage with the upline and get to the perfect lighting.Where there has fallen down, while not reincarnate. Because that happened, must dieagain. That for us, start again from Vegetative but with the added difficulty of poor previous recordings, more and more difficult to erase.I recommend reading the entire second half, and the General Conclusion, this: ... "By virtue of these readings done correctly, the devotees (or yogis) advanced understanding can make the best use of the transfer at the time of death. They have to go through the intermediate state, but will by the "Great Way Ascending law." some less trained in spiritual things, recognizing the luminosity in the Bardo Chony at the time of death, the path will increase. Those who are at the bottom of these will be released - under his individual capacity and karmic connections, "when one or other of the Peaceful and wrathful deities shine upon them during the two weeks of Chony Bardo. There are many points where you can get the release, to get recognition of a or other of them. But those whose good karma is weak, those whose mass is large blackout because of their evil deeds, they have increasingly wandering down to the Bardo Sidpa. However, there still, where different steps of a ladder, there are several kinds of confrontations or calls, the release shall be obtained by recognizing one or another of the degrees. But those whose karmic relationship is weaker, being unable to recognize, fall under the influence of horror and terror. To these there are various levels of education aimed at closing the door of the matrices and to choose the door of one of them. For either of these teachings, because there will choose the method called by the vision and the unlimited virtues higher order to exalt his own condition. Even the lowest of them from the command of the brute, he is able - by virtue of the implementation of the shelter, "depart (free) into disgrace. Getting the great benefit of a body free

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human and fully equipped, in the next birth may find a guru who is his friend and get the votes virtuous saviors. "Perfectly well. So you see how these men described the issue of separation of body and of all these principles. How are helping by "remote control" that the subject does not have enough experience, enough recorded data, can make its evolutionary passage.We are interested not so much guided by "remote control", but the incorporation of data, given the superior emotional power had shocked the online guide. The Bard Thodol is a good example. Come back to the subject. We appeal to different forms of had shocked.Of these, we appeal to the better.But the better way, anyway could be more violent, just to cover the consciousness of the experimenter, preventing to take proper line. It seems that we should go driving that force, so that the experimenter was familiar with it and not be overwhelmed by it.When we are in the Force management, let us consider, for now, nothing but a psychological level. And though we go to higher emotional shock to always going to continue to operate on a psychological level.And we will not consider the action of any external force such transcendental or whatever you want to call it.We will consider everything in the bio-psyche of the subject. He, working with their own internal energy, is going to end up there shocked.But this, as I say, should go job of controlling, with an appropriate volume so it does not break and exceeds the subject. Are we clear?We will use the most appropriate method to all this. And the most appropriate method will include: Working with mental areas that we know.In three or four meetings in total, we will end up producing the break level. And if somethe level before the break own before long, we will continue to prevent this process because they will not be able to handle it.Gradually we will be increasing the volume.This has to be clear. The work is with the mental areas, in very simple steps.The first step consists of: a normal body position, without action of any external stimulus. Not talking about smoke, or lights, or strange things ... With relative silence.1 We take the mental sphere. What is this? We remember a transparent crystalline sphere and put it out of us mentally and at the top. No matter how high.2 ° In another step, we'll go down to co locarla to eye level. Now is better displayed than in the first step.3 ° In this area, we will try to "stick" in the head. The viewing and we will continue withclearly inside his head.4 ° At this area the "descend" from the head inside the neck to the center of the chest, through the lungs, heart level if you like.In the fourth step, we find that the image has lost its power of visual representation and now we have an inner feeling. The feeling that one is working there area. But we already see the field.Represent the field at the lungs is as difficult as you represent it at the top.So, both as high as in the lungs, the field is diluted. But it looks good to the eye level, inside the head, and when it falls.

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In the fourth step, the ball tends (if it is observed quietly, without forcing anything, if it feels quietly) to increase the "volume" as inner sense.The field is growing "volume" from the lungs out. So that there is a rather mechanical concomitance between representation and breathing.This area to be increased "volume", as if compressed within the lungs. Breathing becomes deeper and then we do not care to stop this phenomenon, but we let the breath deepen.All handling mental, then, is set exclusively in the sense of the domestic sphere that expands.And so we may end up shocked. Is not it incredibly simple mechanics had shocked?You do not worry about the problem that if that mechanism can produce such phenomena, or whether that mechanical resonance puts you in a job that can come from elsewhere.The fact is that working in this way, we can produce emotional had shocked the top in about twenty minutes.And here we stopped until it can be controlled. And that's all.Later we will see how in the break (when there are images and the physical and emotional similarities) can be channeled in a proper direction, the psychic energy.If we stopped the pose in that point, we would achieve simply had shocked the more emotional. Achieve control of a certain line that makes us drive the mind to another level.It turns out that we are interested in producing another kind of phenomenon, to have that mental strength.Not only that psychic force is released and can be addressed, but have an energy chargeconsiderable. The energy charge is recorded as a total electrification of the body, begins with the hands, still by the arms, extends for all members and energizing the body ends up limits of what is tolerable.This quasi-electric power, does not come strictly from the field of personal psyche, but comes from elsewhere are not going to study here.But for now, we will say that this work is internal, each individual who is making her had shocked and had shocked it is personal.At the time of rupture, however, we feel the energizing force entry are not personal.In any case of twilight phenomena, or in any case of mediumistic phenomena, or whatever you call them, energizing occurs there at this time.But this will have to experience it, as there is to experience states of consciousnessconsistent.Interest, then, to have that energy, then to work with. But the mechanics are quite simple in the four steps we said.Usually, people get back to not being disturbed by the possible look of those in front. It circles.If you work by blocking in that state, then it will be able shocker. Just that you do not want, just do not make any step so as not to produce the phenomenon.If you are also forcing the idea of such a thing, not shocked.So the simple mechanics that I said had shocked as input in twilight, is a"Letting-go." That only by acting together.Is that clear? It is no harder than that.The experience of the filling of the arteries that was previously made was just to have references to the

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problem, but should not be repeated. In any case, it is dangerous practice.Let's start now Work Force with mental areas.

(FIRST PRACTICE. By the half hour, "out" of the state to several people who start with the motor concomitants. Almost everybody re-energizing, even without concomitant).As you finish the work is done the reverse with the field: from chest to head, "outside" (in the eyes), and "up." And this is concluded. You see that the muscle rigidity and motor concomitants disappear if they "extract" the sphere. Failure to do so, lack control of the phenomenon. If so, the subject is walking and do some basic gymnastics.You can not afford to lose consciousness in the evening as mediums, mystics and seers macumberos.Now that you have made contact, pay attention to this.For something we have discussed (and practiced for a long time at work) of consciousness YesOnce achieved had shocked (and not before), the mental attitude should be that of self-consciousness, with reference to the body position (in support), and secondly, the focus on internal phenomena that are developed. If this division (self-observation) is lost, fall into line with the "confusion" or intellectual obscuration, with lack of mental and mediumship. That should not happen in the future because such bad recording tends to identify and prevent development.Understand that this operation causes an internal acceleration and allows the development as it could be done in the job for a long time. Conversely, it can cause the terrible Labour own recordings made in bad shape for years ... and you know individuals who never overcame their difficulties and find it impossible to evolve today, on the contrary, vegetate on the level of semi-mechanical dream of humanity, with the added problem that their line continues to decline beyond recovery.For all this, watch out. It is preferable to a tedious job but over the years advance, and not allowing an uncontrolled acceleration to take them down the line ... and in short time.If someone does not feel safe inside, can understand and study all that, but without trying to implement it. Remember the legend of "Sorcerer's Apprentice," the legends of the "elementary", the "black magicians", etc. These legends allude to psychic realities that go beyond the operator.For the foregoing will be clearer, I will add this.Imagine that the whole body is busy and surrounded by mind psychic energy. If so and we could see it, we would find that this energy flows, which is concentrated in some places and in others absent. When you work an umbrella center there and lack considerably in places where schools do not work.Remember the ideas of Yin and Yang that acupuncture works and recognize that the management of small needles is to restore the energy flow arrested psycho-biological, overloaded or absent in the place where there are complaints.Consider that by producing a huge emotional had shocked the top, able also to circulate the energy through the center (hence the similarities) and throughout the body, establishingvery fast dynamic and powerful energy.Restudy phenomena "miraculous" (especially in cures psychosomatic diseases) where no lack of "faith" (as a line of moving to emotional overload and shocked the top, as in the case of devotional exercises) and include better regarding the posting of this energy in question.When had shocked by the violence (or the conscious and tried to work over a long time), energy moves

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upward in the line is "fixed" a sort of "field" in an evolutionary sense. If, conversely, had shocked the Work or performs poorly, fix the "field" at the lower levels. In that case, would connect (I say laughingly) a sort of "mortal sin" and from there go to "Hell."I tell you something else (and I am aware of my overreaching): the energy can be outsourced, as in the concomitants psi. You can reach outsourced virtually all of the "psychic field" (screening of "double"), but such "psychic field" or "ghost" has no conscience or autonomy and relies on the idea or feeling, force that projects it. It is an unconscious automaton, typical of some mediums.In death, twice is separated and diluted as there is no consciousness in it, no center of gravity.If this double had adequate "karma", suitable recordings, be directed toward the planes momentous match your level of being.... I do not want the latter disturbs our previous study. I just want to add that the mobilization of higher emotional causes displacement of all the energy and thus to operate real Internal transmutations, sudden changes sometimes true, sometimes little longer, but the change is operated. Many notice in this action a kind of delay mechanism that acts fatally.The daily energy training takes time. This is done from the center of the chest. Do not add more.Some considerations about future work now with the Force.Those who go to work with her do it in company. Meet at affinity groups once a month.Must come a time when handling the large passage (revitalizing, energizing, bottom) without concomitants violent. Since that time, it builds up a permanent center of gravity should be reflected in the everyday state of consciousness Yes more "spiritual", this means the formation of an essence, a "double" in progress. Work in this way not only for today but for tomorrow. About this does not add anything else.The state of non-contradiction, humility and affection inner self and those whoThey work with one, it is necessary climate to make evolutionary sense things.Moreover, if the management of the Force is made monthly, is normally in theWork we know.What has changed is that now you have more direct access to another level, butWork should continue as usual .. better than now, of course.Let's talk for the last of the projection of the Force.If other people would benefit from it (no matter what physical or mental plane are wearing their interests), the door open for him to be clarified internally ruéguenle what they want to achieve. This each internal clarification is made, it should not interest you because, again, is personal and internal. Then explain that the Force will move strengthening, energizing clearly what they want, so they should pay close attention to your interest and have it abundantly clear. There will also be those who wish to benefit others missing. Everything is equally, if the intention is clear.They must understand the Force as an elevator of psychic energy and even physical, which is also true for that level.When they manifest the great passage, help from the outside clearly reading the GuideInner Path, with different meanings for each level but is equally useful to everyone.Read now the Inner Path Guide, that someone should express clearly manifest in the great passage. Its symbolism should resonate, of course, beyond words.

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"On the internal path you walk dark or light. He cares for the two paths open before you." If you let your being cast into dark regions, your body wins the battle and it dominates. Thensprout sensations and appearances of spirits, forces, memories. There are more and more drops.There are Hatred, Vengeance, Strangeness, Possession, Jealousy, desire to stay. If you descend further, we will invade the frustration, resentment and all those dreams and desires that have led to ruin and death to mankind."Do not choose that path which is arranged with temptation and a trap."If, instead, promote your being in the direction of light, you will find strength and fatigue at every step. This promotion is guilty fatigue. Your life weighs, weigh your memories, your past actions impede the ascent."This escalation is difficult due to action of your body that tends to dominate."Your body must be respected and your mind flying to the bright spaces."The steps of the ascent are strange regions of pure colors and sounds are not known." Do not run from the Purification serving as fire and horrified by their ghosts."Reject the surprise and discouragement.Rejects the desire to flee to regions lower and safer. "Rejects attachment to memories."It is in inner freedom indifferent toward the dream of the landscape, with resolution on the rise." The pure light dawns in the peaks of the Great Dividing Range and the waters of the colors flow-mil-between melodies unrecognizable to crystalline plateaus and prairies."Do not fear the pressure-de-la-light that takes you away from your center ever more forcefully, Absorb it like a liquid or a wind. It certainly is life."When the great mountain chain, find the hidden city, you know the entrance. But this will know when your life is transformed. Its massive walls are written in figures, are written in color, are felt. In this city keep that fact and by-doing. But your inner eye is opaque as transparent."Yes, you are impenetrable walls." Take the force of the hidden city."Return to the world of life dense with your forehead and your hands light."

Several cases of "Great Passage" of energy in the mobilization of higher emotional center

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E. Top


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Motor emotional Sex





Self-awareness first case, the division of attention and self-observation nergy achieve moderate movements toward the top without emotional concomitants warn.

Second case: similarities psy strong shock energy, more emotional: ecstasy.

Intellectuals (motor of the intellect).Emotive ("Passions"). Motor (reflexes and automatisms).

Happen, the intensely moving energy through the motor of the three centers.


Text No. 1

Short biographical note: "Our Holy Father Nicephorus lived a life of intense spiritual work in the holy Mount Athos, dying soon after 1340. He was a teacher and guide of Gregory of Thessaloniki (balam), the

study of the training method for the obtaining the highest wisdom according to her own disciple."In silent meditation undisturbed by mundane problems and keeping your attention focused exclusively on himself, reached the indescribable inner union with the Eternal God, in your heart to receive the holy light of God's Grace. Exalted by this divine gift is like a father guiding us through his writings through the

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same path. selection of books and lives of the Fathers, passages relating to sobriety, care and prayer, finally adding advice from their own experience and inviting us all to rise to the most perfect

communion with the Lord through the prayer of the mind and heart. "Thus begins the translation of the first topic or chapter of "Philokalia" - direct translation of the Russian

text.Nicephorus's own.

Question (a Nicephorus): We have learned from the above evidence that the work performed by the pope was pleasing to God and that there is some work that quickly releases the soul of passion and love that unites it to God. Practice that is indispensable to anyone that will move these things. All our doubts

are now cleared and we firmly believe this. But you please teach us what is the attention of the mind and the capacity to acquire, because such work is absolutely unknown to us.

Answer (by Nicephorus): In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "without me ye can do nothing" (John, XV, 5). When they had relied on to help me, I will try as far as I can, to show what care and how, if

God allows it, you can succeed in acquiring it.Some of the saints have called attention to the preservation of the mind, others to protect your heart

and still others have called and raise so many similar names.But all these names mean the same thing. Just as a loaf of bread you can say, a slice, a slice, or piece, so

you must understand all these expressions. On the same care and their characteristic features, as discussed below.

Attention is a sign of sincere repentance. Attention is the image or appearance that the soul can take of itself, rejecting the world and ascending to God. Attention is the renunciation of sin and the acquisition

of virtue. Attention is the undoubted certainty of forgiveness of sins. Attention is the beginning of contemplation or, rather, a necessary condition: for by it, God is coming and is revealed to the mind.

Attention is serenity of mind or, put another way, is kept undisturbed, without digressions in the gift of divine mercy. Attention means stop thoughts, is the home of remembrance of God and the treasure house lies the power to resist anything that might come. Accordingly, attention is also the source of

faith, hope and love, for one who lacks faith can not withstand all the afflictions from the world and one who voluntarily suffers not, neither can say: "He is my refuge and my fortress "(Psalm, X, VI, 2), and one

who does not have the Almighty as their refuge, can not be truly sincere in their love for HimThis work, the largest of all the great work, can be done by many and yet all, if they are properly trained.

Few men receive this gift directly from God, without education and work for inner compulsion and warmth of their faith. But what is the exception not the law. So it is necessary to find a teacher who is

not himself in error, follow instructions and learn to distinguish, in terms of assistance, defects and excesses of the right and left, which emerge through diabolical suggestions. From his own experience of temptations, he will explain what needs to be done correctly and will show us the path that we then go

mental with fewer impediments.If this teacher is not in your reach, seek, regardless of efforts. But if, despite such searches is not found, then, with a contrite spirit, invoking God and praying regularly and with humility, work as I shall explain.You know that our breathing is the inhaling and exhaling air. The body used to this are the lungs around the heart, so that the air circulating around them involves passing the heart. This breathing is, therefore,

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the natural way to the heart. So, having collected your mind within you (which is also attention), lead them to the channel

breathing through which air reaches the heart and, along with inhaled air, forcing the mind to descend

into the heart and feed him there.Acostumbraos to it, brothers, do not go out of the heart too soon, although at first very lonely

experience it in such isolation and confinement. But when you get used to it, you will begin the contrary, to the dismay of nonsense exterior turn, so it will not stay in unpleasant or tedious.

Just like a man who has been away from home is invaded returning with joy to see his children and wife, and the hugs and all that they say will be little, the same way, joining his own heart, is tested

inexpressible joy and delight. Then one sees that the kingdom of heaven is truly within us, and now seeing himself, a struggle and struggle with pure prayer to maintain and strengthen there, realizing that

everything external is not important and completely unattractive.When you enter you and the place of the heart, as I indicated, give thanks to God and seeking their

mercy, always keep this job and teach you things any other way you could ever learn. Moreover, you should know that as the mind is firmly established in the heart, there should not be left in silence and

idleness, but to constantly repeat the prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me" and do not cease. For this practice, away the dreams of the mind, becomes elusive and impenetrable to the

enemy and leads suggestions every day more and more to love and desire earnestly to God.If, however, and despite all your efforts you succeed not enter the kingdom of the heart as I have

described, do what I say now and, with God's help, you will find what you seek.You know that in every human being inner speech depends on the chest. Thus, despite our lips be silent chest is where we talk and we talk to ourselves, pray, sing psalms, and do many other things of greater

inconvenience. Then, having banished all thoughts of this inner conversation (what can be done if desired), give the chest the following short prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have miscricordia of

me" - and forzadla, despite any other thought, to have only the sound inside. If you work you stay in this manner with full attention, then over time this will pave the way to the heart that I have described. No

doubt this is possible because we have shown in us by experience.If you like this you work with a strong desire and with great attention, full of sweetness, a full range of

virtues come: love, joy, peace, and others, by means of which any request you to do will be answered in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be given honor and glory,

power and worship now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Text No. 2

"He told me he sent me write, how are you these monasteries nuns of Our Lady of Mount Caramel are in need of prayer who doubts the declaration, and that he thought best understood the language about women in other, and with the love I have to make them more if what I say, is understood by this case

will be of some importance, if it manages to say something, and for this I will talk with them as I write, it seems folly to think you can do the case to others: make me sick through the Lord if any of them take

the opportunity to praise a little more. His Majesty well knows that I do not pretend otherwise, and it is

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very clear that when something is atinare to say, they will understand is not mine, as there is no cause for it, unless it be to have so little ability to understand as I like, if the Lord in His mercy, not given. "

Thus ends the introduction to the "Interior Castle or The Mansions" by Teresa of Jesus, a nun of NotreLady of Carmen to her sisters and daughters Carmelite nuns. (July 2, 1577).

"... Consider our soul as a castle all of a diamond or crystal clear, where there are many rooms, as well as in heaven there are many mansions."

"Then consider that this castle is, as I said, many mansions, some on high, others low, others to the sides, and in the center and half of all these has the most major, which is where things go very secret

between God and the soul. ""Before I go on, I want to tell you to consider what will see the castle as bright and beautiful, the oriental

pearl, this tree of life that is planted in the same living waters of lifeGod is, when it falls into a mortal sin. "

"It is considered here that the source and that sun is shining in the center of the soul, does not lose its brilliance and beauty, which is always something in it and can not take away her beauty."

"Writing this, I'm considering what happens in my head the great noise of it, I said at the beginning, so I made it almost impossible to do what they told me to write. It would seem that there are many rivers , and moreover, that these waters tumble, many birds and whistles, not the ears, but in the top of the

head where you say it is superior

soul. And I was tired at this time, seem that the big move of the spirit rose up to speed. I hope to God that I remember the houses of later say the cause of this, that here there is good and there is not much

the Lord loved me this wrong-headed to understand it better, because with all this hubbub of it, I hinders the prayer or what I'm saying, but the soul is very complete in its stillness, and love, and desires

and clear knowledge."For if in top of the head is the higher of the soul, Why did not the mob? I do not know me, but I know

it's true what they say.""... Seems to me that is the spiritual consolations, as sometimes are wrapped with our passions, bring a riot of sobs, and even people I've heard that it pinches the chest, and still come to outer movements,

which can not go to hand and so is the force that makes them get nosebleeds, and so painful. "

Text No. 3

TA HUA GIN I DSUNG DSCHI (Wilhelm). China's first impression, S. XVIII. Fragment on the "circular course of the light."

"... All mutations of spiritual consciousness depend on the heart ..."Lu Dsu The teacher said, "must be met with all my heart not to seek resolution of the result and the

result comes by itself. In the first period of release there are two main faults: laziness and distraction. However, that is can remedy: one must put the heart too much on the breath. The breath comes from the heart. What comes out of the heart is breathing. So they excite the heart, respiratory strength born respiratoria.La force is originally metamorphosed activity of the heart. When our ideas will very quickly

become unexpectedly in fantasies that always accompany an aspiration, as this internal and external

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respiration is cohesion, and sound and echo. Every day we make innumerable aspirations and, similarly, countless fantasies. And so Drain the clarity of mind, as the wood dries out and dies ash.

"Therefore, should not one have any idea? One can not be without ideas. Have not breathing? You can not get out of breath. The better way is to make the disease a drug. Because now, heart and respiration depend on each other, they must join the ongoing movement of light with rhythmic breathing to do ...",

etc.Errors in the circular course of the light.

Lu Dsu The teacher said: "Your work will be done gradually concentrated and ripe, but before the state where you feel like a dead tree to the rock is still ample room for error, on which I wish to draw

attention. The discerning these states only when the experience personally. So I will list here. My address is different from the direction of Buddhist yoga (Dschan Dsung) as it has step by step the signs

confirmed. First I would like to think about errors and then come to talk about the signs confirmed."When one is preparing to carry out its decision, it must first take care that everything can be

place in a comfortable position, calm. Must not claim too much of the heart. Care should be taken that the strength and heart to match one another so entirely automatic. Only then will reach the resting

state. During the resting state one should take care of the right circumstances and the right space. One should not sit in the middle of trivial matters, it is said, one should have no emptiness in the mind. It has to put aside all entanglements, wholly sovereign and independent. Nor thoughts should be directed to the proper execution. When you take too much work, we present this danger. I'm not saying one has not taken any job, but the correct behavior is in the middle between being and non-being: when you

reach the premeditation premeditation, then one has grasped. Let one go, sovereign and without embarrassment, independently.

"Also, do not fall into the fascinating world. The fascinating world is where the five kinds of dark demons make their own, this is, for example, the case when, after fixation, has one main thought of dry wood

and dead ashes, and soon to think spring light on the great earth. In this way one sinks into the world of the dark. The force is cold there, breathing hard and show many images of the cold and the to be

extinguished. When it takes a long time, it enters the domain of plants and stones."Neither should be left astray by the ten thousand entanglements. This occurs when, after it has begun

to sleep, suddenly occur without interruption all kinds of constraints. One wants to drill and can not follow them, and one feels and relieved by it. This means: the servant becomes master. When it takes a

long time, it enters the world of wishful thinking."In the best case you get to Heaven, at worst, the spirits-foxes. Such a spirit-fox by the way is also

capable of demonstrating famous mountain ranges, to enjoy the wind and the moon, flowers and fruits to have their joy in trees and herbs coral jewelry. But after that there has been this way for three

hundred to five hundred years or more of the cases, after a few thousand years, his reward is over and born again in the world of unrest.

"It's all wrong paths. When you know the wrong path then we can investigate the confirmatory signs."

Confirmatory experiences during the course of the light circular.Lti Dsu The teacher said: "There are many kinds of confirmatory experiences. One must not be content with small claims, but rise to the thought that all life must be redeemed. Do not be light-hearted and

careless, but because the effort word is demonstrated by facts.

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"When at rest the spirit is in continuous length, the feeling of great joy, as if intoxicated or freshly bathed, this is a sign that the principle is harmonic light in the whole body, there begins to emerge

Flower Golden When then, later, all openings are quiet and the Silver Moon is in the midst of heaven and have a feeling that this great earth is a world of light and brilliance, this is a sign that the body heart

opens to clarity. This is a sign that the Golden Flower opens."In addition, the whole body feels firm and strong, so that no storm or frost fears. Things

that other men think nothing can disturb me not exhilarating lucidity of spirit-seed when they stumble. Yellow gold fills the house, so the white jade steps. The corrupt and stinking things on earth, who have contact with a breath of true strength, immediately become alive again. Red blood becomes milk. The

fragile body of flesh is gold and precious stone vain. This is a sign that the Golden Flower is crystallized ..."The great world is like ice, a vitreous world of jewelry. The brightness of the light gradually crystallized. Thus was born a high terrace above it appears, over time, the Buddha. When the gold be appears, who

could be apart of Buddha? As the Buddha is the golden saint of great enlightenment. This is a great experience confirmed.

"There are now three experiments confirm that one can try. The first is that when one has entered the state of meditation, the gods are in the valley. You hear about men as a

distance of some hundreds of steps, each of them clearly and individually. But the voices all sound like an echo in a valley. They are always heard, one never hears himself. This is called the presence of the

gods in the valley."At times you can experience the following: so it is at rest, begins to rise up in flames

Light eyes, so before everything becomes an entirely lucid, as if he were in a cloud. If you open your eyes and a body search, no one finds it more. This is called "In the vacuum chamber is lucidity." Everything

inside and out, is equally lucid. This is a very positive sign."Or when you sit in meditation, the fleshly body becomes completely bright, like silk or jade. The seat is

difficult, it feels pulled up. This means:" The spirit returns and press against the Sky. "With time can actually experiencing one floats upwards.

"Now you can do those three experiences. But you can not express all that. In correspondence with the talents of men, things appear different to everyone. When experienced, now, things just mentioned, this is a sign of good provision. With these things is like when you drink water. One also notes if the water is

warm or cold. And just as one must be convinced of such experiences, only then are real. "


Booklet No. 7: Science, Arts and Crafts School

Science, Arts and Crafts conventional

A) Since ancient times have tried various schemes of classification of sciences. Some of these have been

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presented as "trees." Others have appeared in tabular form.The Greeks and Oriental nations met these forms and used them to understand how a science devenía

while another, how they were all interconnected.The Western Middle Ages and restricted classifications met tended to dismiss science that had emerged

in the past.The work done by the Encyclopedists intended to give a consistent picture of the relationship between

science (which for its time it had widened considerably), the pair was collated and synthesizedknow.

Currently, the epistemologists strive to build relationships and differences among the sciences. We will present the current state of science not limited to, disregarding

classification problems.First, we want to understand what we call "scientific substrate. The substrate can not be regarded as a

science, of course. Nor has it ever had in mind to be the basis on which are mounted in an age of science.

The substrate is the budget unit or cultural epoch, the substrate is never noticed yet, is the background on which is mounted all "world view" scientific.

After considering the substrate, let us state the sciences which we believe currently have greater importance.

First, the mathematical sciences.Subsequently, Physics ... no distinction between pure theoretical physics or applied physics and its

various branches.Later, we place the Biology, without making distinctions between human, animal and vegetal. We

believe then Control Sciences. Example: Cybernetics, Ecology, Genetics, etc.Subsequently, the Interscience. Example: Astrophysics, Biological Chemistry, Computer Science,

Archaeology, Meteorology, etc.Later, a Science of Man. Eg, Psychology, Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Ethics and Aesthetics (the latter

two, in turn, branches as a sort of general philosophy, rather battered today and report to its limits).Following the Space Sciences. Example: Astronomy, General Geography, etc.

Finally, the Science of Time. Example: General History, historiology, Foresight, etc..It is interesting to study the relationships established between the sciences that we have presented if placed in the "Tree" (the tree of knowledge, with its branches). Such work, despite its importance, will

not be developed here.So much for science to arts and crafts, there are forms of representation as the "Tree." B) The current

state of the arts, from our point of view and schematically, is as follows:A substrate that corresponds to the aesthetic arts, such as scientific substrate corresponds to the

sciences. First, put to music.Then in the paint. Later, at the Dance.

Later, at the Arts of Control. We understand the arts as such in terms of ideological objectives (economic, political, religious). Any art, seen well, for making us the name of

"Art of control." There are, on this, numerous examples. His best channels are the mass media.Following, we place the Inter-Arts: Architecture, Arts Team, etc. Then, to the representation.

We continue with the sculpture. We conclude with Poetry.

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C) The stipulation of jobs is vast, but to complete our overview, we would add that there is also a technical or trade substrate, a control system Crafts and numerous devices International Trades.

Relationship between the Sciences, Arts and Crafts and the School.

Science fulfill the function of collecting, clarifying and developing knowledge. The arts, with the function of interpreting and transmitting socially emotional intuitions of reality. Finally, the trades,

fulfill the function sort, refine and perfect techniques, sometimes related to science and sometimes with

the arts.The scientific offices, are activities, called "technical."

Artistic professions, are usually considered as "occupations."An electrician working in a profession and as a scientific worker is often called "technical", while a

goldsmith is regarded as a man of profession itself, possibly tacitly accepted a line of traditional classification.

There are, however, large numbers of jobs that meet both scientific and artistic functions.However, in the field of school there are three major distinctions between the sciences, arts and crafts,

but differences between what is called "Disciplines" and what is called "Trades."The disciplines differ from conventional science that are not intended to build or develop the

knowledge, but to make changes directly to the operator who works with them. Also be said that science is transforming the operator and so, in effect. But the changes that science works in the world

and man show mercy to the technique. These are therefore indirect changes.An important distinction further processing on the work of the disciplines, is that they relate to the

change essential to man, while science and technology become peripherally to humans.The classification of the disciplines of school, is as follows:

Morphological Discipline, which produces the transformation by the action of the forms. Transcendental Discipline, which transformed through the action of the mind. Discipline of Yoga, which makes it through

his own body.Alchemical discipline, which uses external objects essential to bring about change.

There are these four and only four possible disciplines. It operates from the forms, or from the mind, or from the body, or from objects.

The work is also incorporating disciplines, knowledge and science in the operator. But that science develops as a result of Labour. For now, at Work discipline the goal is not scientific, but processing the

operator. The intention is not set either in the production of a transformation that can be determined in view before starting the job ... this would be inappropriate and contradictory.

Nor disciplines produce temporary emotional transformation operator, as do, for example, the conventional arts.

Finally, disciplines are not fixed exchange techniques, but conditional processing lines at each step, through the above steps for the development of the operator. Consider a discipline from the technical

point of view, is to mistake the most important idea: the idea of process.As for the trades, from the standpoint School, whose function is to create conditions of permanence, accuracy and neatness in the operator. The nature of the trades and technical education school is not

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merely technical, though.The trades are learned and their techniques are developed, while the operator creates a correct

attitude, one should "tone" to the Work.The disciplines are not learned, is re-created in its exercise, is especially important the correct treatment

of the problems in each step.The level of the operator in a trade, measured by the way we work and solve problems. While the

operator in a discipline, is confirmed by the range of postures that it crops up everywhere.The teaching of trades and disciplines is personal, but while in the early education is directed technical

operations, in the latter processes are explained and limited, those who teach, to correctdeviations that occur in the sequences of work.

Finally to compare these two activities, insist that the profession educates, prepares and condition of the discipline. The discipline, in turn, transformed and re-establishing itself in the operator's job.

Trades are considered by the School, not only conventional trades, but almost all the conventional arts, provided that work with them to respond to the plans outlined above. So excellent gardeners, recording or perfumers, by that virtue alone, have no school education or the "tone" of the job, but only external

operating techniques.To speak of "schools" of offices, is a common mistake that comes from viewing schools as separate entities, not realizing that it's branches in the same school; branches are differentiated more by the

preferences of the instructors for their job particular. In that sense, it is observed at different times and places, the manifestation of "schools" symbolic, mentalist, devotionals, etc., Specializing in trades in a

single characteristic of the disciplines known.Now grouped in the numerous offices in four major branches of them and say that: The Symbolism and

Iconography, moving towards morphological discipline.

The Representative Offices (which serve to "represent" and work on the mechanisms of consciousness) move towards the transcendental discipline.

Rituals Uffizi, to the discipline of Yoga.The Spagyric and Natural Medicine, to the discipline of alchemy.

However, to the same object it can be treated with symbolic meaning, or representative, or ritual, or spagyrical. So the offices are not defined by the objects of Labour, but the role is to enforce those

objects. Similarly, other offices may be more related to activities with physical objects, such cases of so-called "martial arts" or "dance", p. eg., where the activities may take the character of any of the offices of the four major branches. For example, in the case of dance, it just may mean the gym and respond well to trade practices, known eats "natural medicine." But it can also dance with ritual meaning or meaningful representative, where the concern of the operator, while dancing, is to address certain

mental tasks that trigger unusual mechanisms of consciousness. Finally, you can dance with a strictly symbolic and refer to phenomena whose understanding is only morphological type.

But everything explained, we must simplify, saying that we consider key to the symbols offices and Iconography, the Office Leisure, the Perfumes and Decoration Ritual, the Spagyric and Natural Medicine.

Many other trades are taken into account, but suffice it to any of the above, working alongside a good instructor, to be gaining the "tone" of the subsequent preparatory discipline.

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Booklet No. 8: Crafts

In the second set are provided "skeletons" or guides of internal work for the exhibition orderly persons responsible must develop to the field.This book is complemented with the number 7.


I) Full of the profession as within the general categories of every trade:

a) NeatnessAmbient, instrumental and producer in availability for work. Each instrument and material classified and ordered.

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The instrument should be in the same place it was before starting work and ready to be used again (ie, sharp, clean, etc.).The same for the material, except as already completed or in production, which must have its place for its accumulation.

b) consistentBefore each work out a plan of action that must be fulfilled.Plan should not be altered with new evidence that suggests the practice of the day. In any case, notes the new possibilities for developing a future work plan. You can work simultaneously on different operations, but should be anticipated in the plan of work for that day. You can not switch to other production without concluding that it has commenced.

c) ToneThere tone when working as measure and proportion. Improvisation is out of tune. The research and information are possible only under the measure and proportion.

II) domain of the trade:

It dominates the office when any icon may be necessary, depending on formula, gender and material specified. III) Frame of the iconography on other trades:

Meaning of trades in respect of the Disciplines.Action of various work in the operator and the Iconography as a profession to change the structure of the image (Enneagram of ways.)General characteristics of the icons in relation to man (Enneagram of characters).

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angulargeometric crystalrounded mixedorganic geometriccircular curvesorthogonal lines

Grace Mharmony and grace Shardness Ehieratic E.Ssensitivity Vforce I

IV) Nature of the Icon, shape and material relating to:The two Enneagram.a) Primary, secondary and tertiary iconographic forms.

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The images of the sensual, as iconographic, 875 correspond to the formula of the forms, which are then weighted by the Enneagram of the characters. The same goes for pictures of the hieratic and the expressive. Formulas which correspond to 124 and 457 or 572, as expressive is inclined to the sensual or the hieratic.These images can be analyzed in ways, which is a character with the Enneagram pondering ways.For the purposes of membership, the reverse is appropriate based on the characters and then weighting the Enneagram of forms.The order of combination between the two Enneagram is variable according to the interests of each case.

V) Spagyric of iconography:

a) Measure and proportion:

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The golden ratio. 3-5-8 The proportion and symmetry. The division of three zones and the two qualities. The equivalences. Supplements. The oppositions. Landslides. The primary, secondary and tertiary. Icon Production of compounds. The concealment factor and the "killing" of character. The neutral place. Agreement and disagreement of iconographic characters. The course and degree of purity of form or material in scale or character value and measure. Difference between the whole and its parts (the whole organizational laws on the parties). Enhancement factor. Additions and favor altering the configuration. The factor "reading" (continuity, integration and good configuration). The factor of closed or open shapes.

b) Materials:

Natural and artificial (synthetic) Solid - liquid - plastics.The two-dimensional or three-dimensional vehicles. (Preparation and types). The human as a reference. c) Instrumental:The furnace and melting furnace. The conventional instrumental workshop. Each material requires its instrumental and this should cover the minimum requirement.

d) Methods of preparation:

It makes the packaging and preparation of materials. The problem of each material. Its scope. e) Treatments:Sculpted, modeling, casting, carving, engraving, painted or glazed. f) Presentation:Material and character of the icon and its pedestal (the latter must be taken into account in the plan). Note on the scale that can be worn.The project must be presented in grid or graph paper. Indication of the area or place for the greatest effect.

g) Production practice:

The termination or "zeroing.""The master touch" and the secrets of the trade.

h) Relationship between morphological Iconography and activities. Booklet No. 9: Discipline

"Mechanical work in any discipline is a delirious and dangerous activity. Only the continued study and domestic work put the operator in the proper plane. "----------------------------------

The disciplines are the perfect school work. As such, they deal with fundamental human transformation.The disciplines are indicators or symptoms of internal development. All of them are experiencing in the process, the taste of something permanent that will grow with the operator. This taste, this inner voice, this feeling that something extraordinary and permanent unfolds is the first and most important manifestation of internal growth.The four disciplines work with the four manifestations of the same principle. Morphology operates with forms; Meditation makes the mind with the power yoga and alchemy to the subject.But matter, form, energy and mind are the four aspects of the same principle itself is not grasped.

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The universal principle unfolds the same way in the four ways to expressing their identity. This explains that different procedures at different times and places, designating the ultimate reality similarly with mention higher states of consciousness with an identical background.Remember, to frame the issue, said in another letter to compare activities:"The disciplines are not learned, is re-created in its exercise, especially important to the proper treatment that presents each step.""The level of the operator in a trade, measured by the way we work and solve problems while the operator in a discipline, is confirmed by the range of postures that it crops up everywhere.""The teaching of trades and disciplines is personal, but while in the former operator oriented technical education, in the second explains the process and is limited, those who teach, to correctdeviations that occur in the sequences of work. ""To finish compare these two activities the office insist that educates, prepares and condition of the discipline. The discipline, in turn, transformed and re-establishing itself in the operator's job. "The disciplines can be explained in a short time, but there is no fixed time for your domain. You should not believe that discipline is understood to follow without any practical explanations. It isprecisely practice. Moreover, as the postures in each discipline are deliberately distorted, overcoming such difficulties is what allows the domain of the chosen line. That would be good things to be easier. But there seems no other solution. This maze I pose merely follow the experience of tradition.Always arranged things so that can get into the hands of as many people (so that everyone had equal opportunities), this could be developed not by handouts orpreference of certain teachers, but on its own need for transformation and stay in the job. The "secret initiation", allegories and structure of the Mysteries at different times were based on the same idea. From there went also the esoteric language that came to the absurd and, from there, the various "lines" were multiplied with the passage of time, increasing the confusion.Today it has come to put order back in all this chaos. This order puts the Doctrine and itstop disciplines, but must be respected in all cases, the principle of the need for transformation and permanence in the job. This traditional view is of the few that have not been lost over time.Now extend the idea of the proposed "deliberately distorted." Falsehood, lies not only in allegories with which it works. We will give a few main ideas on this point and do not add more.When developing the morphological process, anyone could believe that this focus on an object with a particular form (of this belief have emerged yantras lines, which in turn were diverted to the superstitions of talismans and symbols magic).When developing the process of meditation, the analogy is more dangerous intellectual understanding of the steps. Thus, a person can understand fairly well exercised that addresses each step. The speculative-minded individuals tend to get caught in that net, unable to move forward. Here come the various strands of mysticism that everything ends up more or less in theology.When developing the process of yoga, you might think that the exercises (asanas, mudras and Badha) indicated are accurate and reliable. In fact, these exercises produce the desired effects only analogically. Blindly believe in the power of the exercises, yoga have emerged all of the people, forgetting that its root is energetic, tartaric. At the height of diversion has been reached in the rituals and acts of enchantment and magical invocations. When developing the alchemical process, the problem of matter and the hermetic vessel, is also off the analogy. Furthermore, procedures, indicators, etc., Are correct. What has not resulted in traditional alchemy? Everything has been on the road: from the most heinous filters to more sophisticated potions the service of Youth, of Panacea or Philosopher's Stone.It is useful to understand the process of the four disciplines and practice, run the steps in each one of them, but not much more than this, after all, the whole doctrine has been cleaned of the four

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disciplines, but it all served in their various aspects of human liberation.Exemplifying what we say: "machines", the laws and method are explained by the morphology, similarly, the morphological aspect of working with the Force. The whole scheme of the human machine from the original theory of "centers" to the vortices and finally the concept of double-worldly transcendence and energy work with the Force, clearly understood in the light of our Yoga. Numerous studies of self-knowledge, different types of attentional and practices division expansion of consciousness, can understand the answer most of the teachings of Transcendental meditation. Finally, the ideas of progress from undifferentiated and chaotic points, the very idea of Labour, crystallization, quality change, release and transmutation mechanical constraints, it is understood if they are derived from the wisdom of Alchemy.There are many streams that are managed by individual parts of this wonderful "puzzle." The language itself and full explanations are decanted from one line to another without difficulty, increasing the disorder.From the pinnacle of disciplines, everything is harmoniously ordered. But should recognize that everything is explained and carried out in the Doctrine is good for every human being without management disciplines.It may be more useful for a self-knowledge that the labyrinth of the disciplines, therefore, we recommend going through these swiftly and return to perfect what is still not handled.It remains to solve a problem: what discipline you choose one when it comes to perfect? The answer is that one must know and visit briefly at four.Then be able to know what belongs and all this, if it is real important to undertake such tasks. It may be, conversely, that I raise should be more humble and according to the needs and desires not of novelty nonsense really essential.This pinnacle is attractive and misleading. We know that you can lose everything you earned, to undertaketasks prematurely.We have kept the note, even at the expense of dramatizing a little. The rest is beyond our responsibility.----------------------------------

For some references on the manifestations of the disciplines available: referring toMorphology, see "piomandres" Hermes Trismegistus - Aguilar - Buenos Aires. - 1966.About Transcendental Meditation, the explanations of the Lord Buddha in the "Surangama Sutra" - Hindu wisdom - Lin Yutang - Buenos Aires-New Library -1959.Around Our Yoga, "Les fondements of tibétaine mystique" - Lama Anagarika Covinda - Michel - Paris - 1960.About Alchemy, in short works: "seven alchemical texts" - Anonymous - Kier - Bs -1947.


There are plans where the action is more apparent than in others. At the molecular level by varying the positions, the shapes of the components, the compound varies.

In static electricity is not indifferent to the form of drivers. It is widely known the so-called "power tips" when it comes to expelling energy out of a field loaded, or load capacity of the spherical shape.

Architecture is not strange in the idea of form referred to housing areas (keeping the same color, light and capacity but varying the form of a carrier, is varied the system of relations among the inhabitants, in

addition to altering the layout of individual psychism of subjects). In religious architecture is certainly the most serious form.

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Organic bodies receive the same action to be included in a geometrical structure similar continents, although they were armed with different materials.

A plane gets hard action forms the psychic plane. It happens that in the disciplinemorphological forms are the acting performances. It is paradoxical to think that the operator

representing psychism in a certain way and then this way act upon its psychism.In general, we say that is characteristic of psychic energy flowing, and the remaining image. The

geometric shapes have the advantage of not being distorted by conscience or risk losing identity. They are a-temporal forms and exactly identical for a Pythagorean to a contemporary. Agreed on the

mathematical structure of an equilateral triangle, the representation will always get the same image given by the precise mathematical relationships of its components. Color variations and extension, will not make the triangle itself. You can vary the color and length without changing the geometry of the

figure ... in all cases be made by any color and, indeed, the. On the other hand, it could represent nothing extensive, without color, or vice versa. These standards are to each other, totally dependent on

each other in categories but not in individual cases. The extension can stay and change the color and vice versa, but one can not exist without the other.

By evoking a particular geometric figure I am always with the flow of energy of consciousness, but this flow is "materialized", stops at the figure still remains mobile when consciousness and the

representation is distorted or accurate, it becomes clear or generally fluctuates. But the exact shape does not depend on variations of consciousness is timeless, self-identical and configured the same way

for any consciousness that has amplitude of geometric representation.The representation of a figure is made with the raw material of thought, which paradoxically is energy.

This unique area, paralyzing her being to articulate a geometric shape. Should be distinguished from the mental existence of the figure (which is the mode, color and extent to which it appears) and the essence

of the figure (which is its geometric invariant, which moves away or to which access consciousness).Major disagreements arise here. It may represent a figure considering my point of view facing the

picture (it appears "in front"). I can also represent, positioning (or placing) "side", without changing its geometry. In both cases, my view is external to the figure and is held in the same plane. However, if the

figure endow embodiment (for example, to turn it into a circle area) I can see the entire structure simultaneously if the color is made transparent and

limits take a less translucent color (or perhaps even brighter for example). anyway, mypoint of view is still external, being now in the same plane as the "body."

I notice that there is some "screen", a "bottom" of highlighting the "figure" and therefore, my view is not included in it, but he faced. But what happens if I try to represent the geometric body simultaneously,

ie, from all points of view at the same time? ... this is possible, but difficult. I notice immediately that the screen is "curve" around the body and that my view is no longer on the same level of representation, but that surrounds it. My view is broadcast on simultaneity. The representation may be registered as

"internal" and not as projected on a screen outside. "Now, if my view is placed inside the area and spread to completely and simultaneously observe the

limits of representation coincide with the limits of the screen and point of view is included.So the "space" of mind can be worked differently depending on the terms used in connection with the performance. If the point of view (and therefore mental space) is included in an action figure will suffer

this way. Thus, the mental space to adjust the cap imposes a form, it becomes the larger scope that includes the content and flow of consciousness. By the way, energy flowing back toward the center in

the area and instead, escapes through the "points" in the pyramid for example.The ideas and contents, serve to make clear where the figure included, or if

I'm included in it. In the second case, as content, so the action experiment of my continent.Now I can understand the paradox of the beginning. Indeed a mental representation can act on one's


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Let us now present a practical aspect of work.

If I draw a circle to the beat on white paper, I can focus my attention on it, representing a sphere. If trace another circle that crosses at first but with a central point is external to the figure emerges

carefully attended almond which becomes the body (like a spindle). If stroke two new circles (being four equidistant cross) comes a new almond. Between the two mandorlas, appears third with truncated

corners. In this figure I can turn, mentally, in a rectangle stretching the sides and rectifying the vertices truncated. After giving corporeality (as with the sphere and the spindle), I get the cylinder.

Finally, if I take the four curved cones outside the cylinder, triangulated, and finally I can join them to obtain a three-sided pyramid and triangular base.

So using the picture of the four circles I have a working interest to support the four basic forms of morphological discipline.

Before starting the steps should exercise all of the above in order to educate properly the capacity of representation.

So: is facing discipline after working and master drawing the four circles.


1 - Status: The first step, the operator's location in relation to the figure, is fixed. It is included in it. The view is widespread, resulting in simultaneous vision throughout the interior of the figure.

By working with the area, is experiencing centripetal action of energy (energy charge of the operator)

2 - Fusion: Recorded action of the form of the sphere, it is entering a second half, but without losing the spread throughout the interior of the first. Subsequently, the operator can be disseminated only in the space formed by the intersection of the two "bodies", being the limits of the almond. The registration form action occurs when the new "body" is still, the view is widespread and tensions are shifted to the

two angles. It records the discharge, or energy drain.

3 - Division: From the stage of diffusion in the almond, it causes a sudden flattening of the tips, the couple that stand out the walls, the cylinder being configured. Proper dissemination to the quieting of

the internal space. "Wall", "ceiling" and "floor" of the cylinder are not infinite in representation, but the whole "body" has the limit imposed by the space of representation. The form action is experienced now divided between the circular wall that "charging" and the energy that is directed toward the "roof" and


4 - Dissolution: The action of form, has divided the power of the operator. This triangular passes the "floor", repeating the figure with the "stuff" from the wall of the cylinder. In short, there is formed a pyramid with three sides and a triangular base. Stabilizing the body and spread the point of view, it

records the action of form and energy drain to all corners of the "body."

5 - Activation: Change in the mechanism of representation. Now it is you do not see the field, but to experience the action form.

The view is not centrifugal but centripetal and the reference to a "center" is given byequidistance of all points that converge outside the operator. In short: you are experiencing, when the

representation of the area is quiet, central vacuum and a "bounce" from the center outward motion that expands off limits (since it has eliminated the representation of the sphere). So that the final action

of this non-form, is recorded as a sort of decompression.

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6 - Circulation: Working with the action of almond shape, continue the separation to the "fringes" more easily than into the bulk of the body. Decompression, tend to identify with the action of the form of the


7 - Precipitation: Proceeding with the action of a cylindrical shape, decompression operates unevenly, operates primarily in the "wall" and then "floor" and "ceiling" until everything is balanced and in the


8 - Education: Working with pyramidal action. Decompression continues toward the corners and then made up and balanced as in the area.

9 - rapport: Changes in the mechanism of representation. Now it is working simultaneously with step 1

and 5. This will be first to build the spherical spreading the view inside the figure. Obtained fixed so that figure is recorded by the action of a "bounce" centripetal. It is then that while viewing the inside-edge of

the area, working to create a central vacuum, operating the "bounce" centrifugal reaching the inner boundary of the sphere. In this limit occurs when the increased tension and stabilize the job is operated

the neutralization of forces.

10 - Des-con-fusion: The work is the neutralization (not stock images but no-forms and shapes, even when the representation of the internal boundaries of the area and remain central vacuum for support) until the forces both sleep time in perfect simultaneity. In that situation suddenly extending the limit of "space" so that internal representation of the internal boundary of the sphere disappears simultaneous removal of all points to infinity, in turn expanding the central void. Immediately, there is a distinct genus

decompression to that experienced by "bounce" in step 5.

11 - Conversion: At the time of decompression (per share of empty form) arises compensation as a non-representable action that is experienced but coming from all directions in concurrency. This act of empty

experience (of the action of the non-form), which is offset by a representable object (for a pure form) but expresses action form, the operator causes the change in shape mentally and its concomitance more

evident than in the case of the expansion of consciousness.

12 - Projection: Here you are able to work with the action of the pure form about oneself or planning. If this is the second case, it is necessary to take into account the laws of action of forms on different levels.

II - Transcendental Meditation

All explanations are clearly outlined in the book of the same title.


1 - Learning to see: In the first step, the focus is on any external object. Any object is perceived, addressed as if it were to draw or paint, but the associations of the artist or painter. There he

experienced the difficulty of maintaining attention on the object and the emergence of dreams.

2 - See things all the senses: By observing the object, which is a reference warns of care. The torque

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reference, notes that in the act of observing the object, there is a difference between him and the perception of it. It happens that usually tends to melt the two components identified. Here we study the

variation of the object by engaging multiple senses, to get the full distinction between object and meaning and understand the mechanics of "identification."

3 - View consciousness sense: Given the feelings about the objects they tend to be structured "setting" the objects. This organization is produced through the activity structure of consciousness. Therefore, it appears that the structured object set is divided feelings of the organizing activity of consciousness. By making the division one understands the mechanics illusory perception of the world. You can vary the

structure of consciousness and allow another perceptual organization in which new hopes to the previous move.

4 - View memory awareness: There is the object of perception (that was previously understood as structured by consciousness) organized by the action of recognition memory based on previous

perceptions. Experientially apprehended the above, it overrides the object of perception and as an object transcending representation, to understand the object-structure by making the conscious act of

memory. This structure in which various data are connected and recognized, can "understand" the object. Import experience such "understanding" related to acts of memory.

5 - View the trend in memory: Having found his conscience the memory upgrade recognized this, in turn, form of manifestation structured and structuring. This form of the memory upgrade is seen in mental acts like act-object structural relationship. In the case of recollection, acts of conscience are

released to the pursuit of its objects through a particular mechanism of "ruled out" until there is printing and object recognition arises evoked. This step examines how in any act which reveals the action of

memory, there is a tendency of "mental fitness" as the basic background of intentionality which tends to complete mental structures.

6 - View the trend in the chain: In every internal experience can be recorded and this is the intention to do even when the acts are not objects to complete.

Proceeding to separate acts of objects as in the case of "empty consciousness," observed the resistance of the whole structure of consciousness. This "resistance" is the one that reveals the chain structure of

consciousness. Although the separation is achieved, emerging expectations, withholding orupdates and thus sustained the act-object structure is replaced in its

components, but not itself. The deterministic mechanism of consciousness is clear.

7 - See the permanent chaining: Seen in all cases where the chain of consciousness. That is their permanent status. Musing about particular cases and in general, the power of chaining is incorporated

as a permanent reality. The mechanism for determining the permanent condition of existence of consciousness.

8 - View the permanent one and all: All phenomena lose particularity and are standardized in the chain. This applies to the inner world to the so-called external world ... both are identified in the universal

structure.The persistence mechanism is needed to resolve all possible awareness. The consciousness-world

counterpart is itself a permanent structure and therefore need it (the structure) asintersubjectivity are possible thanks to the permanence of the mechanism of determination.

9 - View permanently in action in this step is designated "form" consciousness-world structure. Be

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advised that it is the form which gives the possibility of the existence of particular phenomena, organizing them according to their structure. This form (structuring function) is dynamic because the

phenomena appear as a change in the structure.

10 - See what is not moving - is: There are areas not covered by the motion-form (for the organizing function of the form.) These areas are not thinkable but are found to complement the shape and

movement-which in no way be identified with "nothing." The idea of "snap" here refers to that area which is not covered by the scope of the movement form but its existence is necessary for motion-form

can exist. In fact, the motion-form structure can be extended, broadened its horizon thanks to the existence of what is not included in it.

11 - See what is and what is not like the same thing: The areas not determined by the motion-form, appear as its complement. Both, therefore, may be covered by a total structure. It includes the form and scope is not necessarily dependent on it as structured. That meditation is working to record the sudden

change in mental mechanics.

12 - View all one and the same thing: The form and its complement are covered by the overall structure. It is understood that the final organizational structure is present in everything and everything in

particular, relates both to be like the entities.All and everything can be reduced finally to the substantiality. In the minimum and maximum, in

particular and in general, internally and externally, there is the same in substance, that istotal structure. In a larger scope is the entire structure, in particular smaller or entity, is the

total structure.


The various yogas appear as sets of practices for spiritual fulfillment of individuals. This in diverse peoples and not only in the eastern ends. There yogas Monophysite, Nestorian Christianity and

Orthodox within, and also yoga Sufis within Islam and not a few remains of American yoga can be followed in pre-Columbian cultures.

The yogas are distributed universally and is such variety and wealth that many have been confused with dance and gymnastic forms both ancient and contemporary peoples.

Clearly, the most widespread forms of yoga today, are those of Indian origin. Even the word"Yoga" was coined by the people.

This is the Hatha Yoga (the body); Karma Yoga (unattached action) Bhakti Yoga (devotional) or Raja Yoga (mental), apart from minor yodas or lateral in all cases there is a common root related to the

mobilization and management of energy. This result is formalized in the tantras (derived from the Vedas), but certainly the knowledge that yoga was prior to the Vedas as well same to any other yoga.Tantra Yoga (Kundalini Yoga for others) no longer result in time and became one of many branches all

deviations, excesses and, finally, with total degeneration that ensued. Already in the era of "codification" of Patanjali, Tantra root was lost.

Tibetan Tantrism developed based on the teachings of the missionaries and ex-Hindus is by no means separation and refinement of the following yoga. It is not, as the Tibetans claim of different yogas as the "right hand" or "left hand" (in fact there are differences of intention and techniques). This is the Tibetan yoga is now so far from the root of yoga yoga energy like any other Hindu. In this sense, the concept of

the chakras (centers)

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Tibetan is very revealing because under the order that established them andconnections made between the "spiritual nerves" can be seen clearly a regressive energy work type

described by Mr. Gurdjieff in the West (the energy scheme is similar, although the yogic techniques in this case are related to Persian Sufism).

Anyway, this discussion would lead us too far, but not others have made some considerations since there is still an irrational attraction to all that comes from the East.

The steps of the discipline of our yoga, use the action on the energy center (chakra maladhara) from the beginning. This should not be overlooked. Operation of this facility is only important mechanical and

operates exclusively as a "trigger" of the process.If our yoga practice has some "gymnastics", they are limited to steps 1, 2 and 9.

A - Step 1: Emphasis on the creation of the field. Later rushes up and relaxation begins the first exercise is circular rotation of the hips while the hands grasp the sides of the lumbar vertebrae, leaving your

thumbs pointed forward. In turning attention is paid in the sharp arc to be formed forward and backward. Meanwhile, the mind is concentrated at the point of application until it begins to register its

business. So ends the exercise.The second practice is to bend back while his hands are based on semi-flexed legs. "Stretching" the neck forward (head rather low), it eliminates the air from the lungs while contracting the abdominal muscles (the intention is to bring the navel to the spine as much as possible). At that time, widens the lung cavity while they lift their shoulders and regurgitation simulation exercises, stretching his neck. Then relax all the muscles and allow the smooth entry of air, while the operator is fully incorporated. Inspirations are

made soft reset timeouts until normal breathing rhythm and it starts again. Throughout practice, the mind is concentrated at the point of application as in the previous year. Everything must be explained

without forcing, until you register the mobilization of the application site.Finally, making the third year. The operator kneels and stretching the left leg to the side, sits on the right

foot.Take the left foot and then expelling the air verticalizes trunk. Repeat on the left leg bending, etc.. Then he sits on the left foot and stretching the right leg flexions remaking until it experiences the mobilization

of the application site.The attention, of course, is concentrated throughout the practice, at the point mentioned.

B - In Step 2: The operator is comfortably seated. Strongly contracted muscles to the point of application that records clearly the mobilization that moves from the base of the spine to the top. This mobilization is accompanied by a "thrill" up. So from the point of application begins to move mental sensation, taking

it to the new production center and from there begins the real energy mobilization. In any yoga, breathing is a secondary factor and serves only as an indicator of time of the exercises.

C - Finally, as in Step 9: reactive again the point of application through the practice explained in step 2.


1 - The field: The first step, the interest is in the tone of the work. Is to eliminate all types of stress (even leading to the expectation of further work). Therefore adequate care provision and mental attitude to start body is to stand comfortably, relaxing all muscles except the legs (half open), until you have the

sensation of unstable equilibrium.The first exercise is the rotation, the second the abdomen and then sitting on the feet.

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The first and the second act in the lumbar and the third in the sacro-coccygeal, ie at the point of application.

2 - Accumulation: Sitting comfortably, focused attention on the point of application of the same muscles contract, until you can move the feel of the production center. While the feeling rises, it gradually

changes color (this picture to accompany the feeling will support your best work). State not entirely distinct from the color-sensation and muscles of the application site.

3 - Disconnection: Disconnection physical and mental stimulation to relax the muscles of the application site. Keeping only the feeling in the color-producing center.

4 - Promotion: Raising the color-center feel from the producer to the top. In this step (disconnecting attentional difficulties) there are two factors that influence its development: the basic tension and brake

disclución drive. Cause brakes carefully, regression or unloading track. In such cases. The color-sense voltage is reduced until it disappears. You can not make progress without tension again.

5 - Evanecencia: color achieved promotion to the top-feeling and action manifested energy, bloat is the phenomenon of a gradually until complete exhaustion.

6 - Recovery: Produced evanescence, is returned to the sensation-producing center recovering all types of images without the participation of new psychic or physical stimuli.

7 - Fixation: According to the previous step, images, feelings have been recovered and ultimately futile in the top. In this step, it is important to keep the tone at the top independent voltage-images of


8 - Concentration: Looking at the production center, there are collected all the sensations spread in the body until they can be increased to the top.

9 - Second build: The reactive site of application and simultaneously it is charged with working the top division of attention.

The sensations can be collected the same type as those of step 2, but the procedurethe peak load now includes concurrency.

10 - Disengage: Disconnects the production center and the point of application, keeping the top just the feeling of energy accumulation. Phenomena are verified internal flash and shine. These phenomena may

be concomitant but not working with images, nor with feelings (except for energy accumulation).

11 - Transformation: the internal tension is accentuated until you see the record of the phenomena of force and its concomitants. Change occurs overall body tone and circulation of light.

12 - Screening: The light can be directed to different points, can manifest as double and concomitant phenomena, may ultimately changing the very structure introject.


In all the alchemical process, the interest is in the essential qualitative change of the substance. The

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system consists of the creation of material imbalance.From the point of view of alchemy, everything in the universe is matter, but it is manifested at different levels. The planes act on each other. All material portion can be modified by the action on your plan of

composition.The essential qualitative transformation occurs when the material portion converted into "raw material" can be molded or worked in any direction. This is possible by altering its stability. Alchemical procedures

tend to break the inertia material.The action of the opera alchemist subtle organizing principles so that volatile matter has to adapt to the

new organization.A substance can be purchased very stable material, such is the case of fixed salt, but the substance in

that state is set outside their original composition, outside the conditions of their origin sowhich is become transmuted matter.

The matter is transmuted when its fixity in full accordance with its principles trainers can change only those changes occur.

It is the subtle materiality of the operator, which leads the new organization subtle volatile matter, and in that sense, the alchemist is true Father of his Work.

The material operates on the alchemist transmuted because she is organized with the same subtle matter of its creator and all action on the substance, is action on the operator.

This has been taken symbolically, or in a strictly psychological, according to the vision that has been taken from material reality and its configuration.

If, however, another conception of material reality tells us that "matter does not end where it shows the perception and, moreover, separate entities at the more dense but

come together in the most subtle, not surprising, (as this) to assume that the material and object subtle operator can interact directly and act one upon the other and vice versa.

Alchemy raises the possibility of the release of the determinations of time, space and level of existence and gives procedures for achieving such potential.

Alchemy has a set of conventions, procedures and techniques emerging from the discipline itself has invaded the fields of myth, religion, art and even of science.

Conventions relating to processing elements (the crucible, sealed glass, the Athanor, and external influences) and language (multiplicative, allusive and according to laws of similarity. It is also symbolic constraints, working with synthesis. This case is used whenever you set the context and timing of the


The schemes are the modes of operation following an order that is imposed by the means chosen (dry, wet or composite). The colors and shapes are associated with the sequence of the chosen scheme. The

phases are the regimes of each work. Repetitions refer to the repetition of the same transaction or repetition of procedures in each step of a regime.

The techniques are the ways to achieve the work.


1 - Preparation - The mirror: Preparation of the hermetic vessel: spherical, colorless, covered with ceramic capable of withstanding high temperatures and light work in isolation. The glass must have precise closure inputs and outputs modified. In the first step, work is refined and purified sulfur and

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mercury by solutions and filtered. Mixtión proceeds to perfect in proportion 1 / 3.

2 - Mortification - The key: Introduction of the egg mixtión prepared with the key solution of hydrochloric acid in half. System inputs and outputs: Traps and darkening.

Wheel Fire slow and progressive until the rainbow flag and alchemy.

3 - Separation - The Dagger: Gradual decline of fire wheel to lower the boiling point. Breakdown of the gills and getting red salt solutions and washed using the key to low boiling point.

4 - Rebis - Pomegranate: Fire Wheel maintained the previous level. Our salt in perfect mixtión third vulgar mercury. Mixtión Division into three groups: 1R mirroring, mirroring 2R and 3R in your blood the

second mirror in your blood or your third group. In the mirror is controlled fire with the witnesses

tin and lead on the collar of the egg. Samples are taken and tested with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric and nitric ... Finally vulgar intense fire and determining the degree of fixity of salt.

5 - Fermentation - The Lion: Maintaining constant temperature, lead is added mixtiona finely scraped and salt. Temperature is lowered gently until the egg reaches the warmth of the skin, then sulfuric acid is added and fermentation heat is slowly increased until it produces a backlash. Temperature decreases

slowly while stirring the whole. Then washed with water and dried vulgar and heat resulting gray powder to be calcined. At the time you get the gray-white powder.

6 - Distillation - The Swan: Solution nitrating half and heated salt vaporization while recovering the steam cycle. The process ends when the salt has been completely attacked.

Then, keeping the heat until boiling.

7 - Drying and washing - Starfall: Washed with water and precipitation common to less than boiling temperature. The rest of the liquid at the end of the purification is evaporated until it gets the gray dust.

It begins with water sprays vulgar. Are repeated washings steamed and dried by fire to get a very fine gray powder.

8 - Coagulation and sublimation - the mountain Mixtión salt with iron, copper and tin. Elevation of the fire at 1,500 degrees C., until a homogeneous composition to be separated from the slag. Lowering the

temperature to boiling point is made nitrating bath preheated. Temperature rise to violent reaction which shows all the colors and fixed salt is obtained as crystals.

9 - Entry of the king's palace the queen lays salt remains subject to the same temperature of the previous step until completely dry. Lower the temperature to boiling point and the mixtiona with pure silver. Nitric acid is added cautiously, lifted mixtión temperature. The temperature is maintained until

the reaction stops and we get the salt.

10 - Resurrection - The unicorn: Produced salt washing begin successive heavy water purified and filtered, boiling temperature. Possible procedures arise: silver and gold electrodes for electrolytic

operation; introduction of plates of different metals to achieve on these layers of material are then separated and purified and finally incuartación aurocianuro or a variant of potassium. Material obtained

is washed with heavy water and fire rises to dry, the indicator of emerging soft fragrance.

11 - transmutation - the phoenix: the rise of the indicator starts the addition of small amounts of

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antimony, bringing the heat to melting temperature. Flashing occurs and significant change of quality of salt.

12 - Multiplication - The Tree: Increasing the temperature to melting point of the egg, dyed it produces. Otherwise, you can add finely ground glass in order to obtain the powder of projection. The powder

should possess qualities augmentative and contaminate other crystals the contact occurs in the presence of fire, dust preparations based spagyrics projection based on the diffusion of one part in

10,000 of another substance.

SCHOOL NOTEBOOKS H van DorenPrinting was completed on October 28, 1973, in the workshops of print. Camilo Henríquez Ltd.

General Earn 1415 Santiago - Chile.