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Rancho Sordo Mudo Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico Free Home & School for Mexican Deaf Children BEREA BAPTIST MISSIONS, INC. RANCHO SORDO MUDO . October 2013 Inside This Issue Everett Updates 2 Going Electronic 2 Juanita 2 Featured Staff - Evan 3 New Staff 3 Work Program 3 Well Update 3 Youth Camp! 3 Dear Friends, The school year is off and running and we have another bountiful crop of children all learning a language, getting an educa- tion and best of all learning about Jesus and His great love for them. It is amazing that as we enter our 45 th year of reaching and teaching the deaf of Mexico that the ministry continues to excite us (and oth- ers) as we seek ways to grow and improve our ministry here, but also have part in new deaf ministries in other parts of Mexi- co. We serve a great and generous God and it is His will that all should know Him, hearing and deaf. In our last news- letter I talked about the 3 siblings from Queretaro (way down south in Mexico, Google it), and thanks to the generosity of many friends they were able to return this year along with another small boy from the same village. Orlando is a lanky 13 year old eager to learn, quickly picking up sign lan- guage and very hap- py to be here. We are also excited and ask you to pray for two other deaf ministries being started in Queretaro and Chihuahua. Last school year we had a young lady from Queretaro here for the year, Marisela. She went back and started interpreting for the deaf in her church and teaching sign language classes. God also put on her heart to start a free home and school for the deaf in her area. Someone already donated a nice piece of property and some of Eddie’s World Rally Championship friends are willing to help her get it built. Pray that Marisela will have wisdom and patience and that God will continue to provide not only the resources but people too. Also Seraf- ina who was on staff here for 2 1/2 years is now in Chihuahua helping the Mennonite community there working with the deaf. So, as we continue to fulfill Gods will to reach everyone for the Gospel, and the vision Ed & Margaret had over 45 years ago to reach the deaf all over Mexico and beyond, we move forward in obedience to Gods call upon Ran- cho Sordo Mudo. We covet your prayers and financial partnership to make this vision a reality. Thank you for being a part of this spe- cial ministry. Prayer Requests: The electricity hook up will go smoothly for the new well. Our food supply is low and that God would continue to supply all our needs. Marisela and Serafina as they serve the Lord in other parts of Mexico. We are thankful for Evan and his tireless service, but he is 90 years old. He needs an assistant. Maybe you? Safety as Luke and Josefina travel to Missouri. Orlando—New this year! Serafina with two of her students in Chihuahua, Mexico.

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Rancho Sordo Mudo Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico

Free Home & School for Mexican Deaf Children

B E R E A B A P T I S T M I S S I O N S , I N C . R A N C H O S O R D O M U D O .



Inside This Issue

Everett Updates 2

Going Electronic 2

Juanita 2

Featured Staff - Evan 3

New Staff 3

Work Program 3

Well Update 3

Youth Camp! 3

Dear Friends,

The school year is off and running and we

have another bountiful crop of children

all learning a language, getting an educa-

tion and best of all learning about Jesus

and His great love for them. It is amazing

that as we enter our 45th year of reaching

and teaching the deaf of Mexico that the

ministry continues to excite us (and oth-

ers) as we seek ways to grow and improve

our ministry here, but also have part in

new deaf ministries in other parts of Mexi-

co. We serve a great and generous God

and it is His will that all should know

Him, hearing and deaf. In our last news-

letter I talked about the 3 siblings from

Queretaro (way down south in Mexico,

Google it), and thanks to the generosity of

many friends they were able to return this

year along with another small boy from

the same village. Orlando is a lanky 13

year old eager to learn, quickly picking up

sign lan-

guage and

very hap-

py to be


We are also excited and ask you to pray

for two other deaf ministries being started

in Queretaro and Chihuahua. Last school

year we had a young lady from Queretaro

here for the year, Marisela. She went back

and started interpreting for the deaf in her

church and teaching sign language classes.

God also put on her heart to start a free home

and school for the deaf in her area. Someone

already donated a nice piece of property and

some of Eddie’s World Rally Championship

friends are willing to help her get it built. Pray

that Marisela will have wisdom and patience

and that God will continue to provide not

only the resources but people too. Also Seraf-

ina who was on staff here for 2 1/2 years is

now in Chihuahua helping the Mennonite

community there working with the deaf. So,

as we continue to fulfill Gods will to reach

everyone for the Gospel, and the vision Ed &

Margaret had over 45 years ago to reach the

deaf all over Mexico and beyond, we move

forward in obedience to Gods call upon Ran-

cho Sordo Mudo. We covet your prayers and

financial partnership to make this vision a

reality. Thank you for being a part of this spe-

cial ministry.

Prayer Requests:

The electricity hook up will go smoothly for the new well.

Our food supply is low and that God would continue to supply all our needs.

Marisela and Serafina as they serve the Lord in other parts of Mexico.

We are thankful for Evan and his tireless service, but he is 90 years old. He needs an assistant. Maybe you?

Safety as Luke and Josefina travel to Missouri.

Orlando—New this year!

Serafina with two of her students in Chihuahua, Mexico.

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Luke Everett Family

We are very excited that Lucas is back home after 4

years at Eternity Bible College. He graduated with a

Bachelor of Biblical Studies and is now the Director of

Spiritual life here at RSM. He leads the staff in morning

worship and prayer times and teaches the staff and

groups on Sunday morning. Pray for wisdom and that

God will provide for all his needs while serving here.

Joshua continues to help keep things running here with

the help of Oswaldo, a former student. Both my older

sons are a huge blessing to us and they are a tremen-

dous help to Josefina when I am traveling. Sammy graduated from elementary school and is

now attending a technical middle school where besides learning all the usual subjects, every

day they have two hours of agriculture! Sammy loves it! They form teams and learn about

plants and plant gardens - he comes home dirty every day. Josefina continues to stay busy as a

mom and loves to teach the children here about Jesus during chapel each morning. For me,

for the first time in about 10 years my back doesn’t hurt. PTL! I found a pain doctor in Ense-

nada who treats by promoting healing, not masking the pain. The tough part was weaning off

pain meds that I was using for way too many years. I’m still struggling with the effects of

withdrawals, but I know that it soon will be over. In a couple of weeks I will be traveling to

Missouri for a week of speaking and I am happy that Josefina gets to go with me. We covet

and value your prayer for our family. Missions is rewarding, but not easy. The devil doesn’t

like what we are doing, and tries to make it hard for us. We remind ourselves that it is a con-

stant battle so we need to put on the amour of God each day and trust Him to get us through

the trying times. Thank you for your prayers, giving and love.

Everett Family Updates

Thank you


We are so blessed to

have Juanita back for her

6th year at the Ranch.

Juanita is a wonderfully

creative cook - she comes

up with healthy meals

from all the donations

the ranch receives. She

has learned sign language

so she also teaches the

children to cook. She

loves the Lord and is a

great role model for

our students.

Eddie Everett Family

I had a wonderful opportunity to take a vacation this summer - I traveled with Eddie B. and

Stephanie to Mazatlan, where we were met by Cristina and my lovely granddaughter. As par-

ents, you can imagine how thrilled I was to have this opportunity to spend time with them all.

Stephanie returned with Cristina on the plane while Eddie B. and I travelled another 3000

miles before we returned home. It has become our manly-man tradition to travel like this and

it is always a great experience.

Eddie B. started college in Ensenada this year and he is

studying Business Administration. It is his freshman year

so anything can change, but he is smart and ambitious so

he will do good at whatever he pursues. Speaking of col-

lege, Stephanie is graduating in November with her degree

in marketing. The kids are growing up!

I have been working hard on getting the well up and run-

ning. We’ve had successes and setbacks, but persistence

and faith paid off. We know that God has his hand on this ministry, and water is needed to

continue. I am thankful that I was able to provide the work necessary to get this project done.

Our newsletter is going electronic!! if you haven’t already done so, please send us your email ad-dress so you can start receiving this newsletter by email. Send info to:

Peggy @bajabumbers.com

Help us


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The well is basically fin-

ished - the hole has been

dug, the pump is in and

there is water in the

ground. We ran a few

test runs of water, and we

are now waiting for the

electric company to hook

up the electricity . This

has been an exercise in

patience and faith. Much

of our life here focuses

on the constant need for

this important resource -

water! Then we are re-

minded of the Living Wa-

ter that we strive to pro-

vide for our students eve-

ry day. We are so thank-

ful for this reminder…

of our daily need for

water, both physical and


Evan has been serving at the ranch for 28 years!

He is our Groundskeeper Extraordinaire, which

is why everything is so green and beautiful here.

He also teaches geography to the students and

Bible to the staff, what an example he has been

to everyone!

Evan said his favorite meal was steak and pota-

toes, so we did our best to make it happen.

Juanita did her magic and we

had a delicious meal to cele-

brate Evan’s 90th birthday.

New Staff Members

This year God has blessed us with five new staff members. Noemy Bonilla, from San

Clemente, will be assisting Katie in the girl’s dorm. Micaela De Le Rosa, from Hume Lake,

will be an assistant teacher in the school. Doug and Peggy are from Arizona - Doug will be

the maintenance man and auto mechanic and Peggy will be assisting the directors in the of-

fice and assisting twice a week in the classrooms. The final new staff member is Lucas Ever-

ett! Everyone is so grateful to have Lucas back on staff because of his tireless work ethic and

his likeable disposition. For more information on RSM staff, please see the website for their

pictures and bios.

New to the ranch this year is our Auto Shop class where

the boys will learn automotive theory through hands on

training while working on actual engines. As skills and

understanding improve we will be working on brakes and

other auto repairs. The class is so popular that two staff

members have joined!

Boys’ Training Center Program

Water, Wells,

and Faith

Rancho Sordo Mudo and Strong Tower Ministries have

teamed up to provide a great Summer Youth Camp in Baja.

Most of the year the Ranch is filled with students and visiting

church groups, but during the summer season the 500 acre

facility sits vacant....THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!

What better way to do this than fill it up with a bunch of camp-

ers that want a week of fun AND ministry. The camp is for one week and includes great

speakers, worship bands, recreational activities, and three days of focused service projects

with various ministries located throughout the region. This will be a summer camp oppor-

tunity with a "mission focused" objective.

Please spread the word to the youth leaders at your church about this unique opportunity.

or more info email [email protected] or Luke at [email protected].

Youth Camp Opportunity...Spread the Word!

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall

give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water

springing up into everlasting life.

John 4:14

Evan’s 90th Birthday!

Evan teaching Geography. Spanish on the board and

Mexican Sign Language on the hands...at 90 years old!!

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Phone: 011-52-646-155-2201

Phone: 011-52-646-155-2223



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